Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessment of Earthquake Hazard in Turkey and Neighboring Regions.
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Structure in Eastern Anatolia: Results From The Eastern Turkey PASSCAL Seismic Experiment
- Large-Amplitude Critical Moho Reflections (SmS) in the Sea of Marmara
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Northern Portion of the Arabia-Eurasia Collisional Belt
- Pn Tomographic imaging of Mantle Lid Velocity and Anisotropy at the Junction of Arabia, Eurasia and Africa Plates
- Regional Wave Propagation in Eastern Turkey and the Northern Arabian Plate
- Seismogenic Zones in Eastern Turkey: Results from the Eastern Turkey Seismic Experiment
- Shallow seismic velocity structure of the Eastern Turkey from inversion of surface waves
- The Crustal Structure of Eastern Turkey from Receiver Function Inversion
- A Study on Investigation of Crustal Deformation and Block Kinematics Along the Eastern Sector of the NAF by GPS Measurements
- Artificial Neural Networks for Earthquake Early-Warning
- Broadband Ground Motion Synthesis of the 1999 Turkey Earthquakes Based On: 3-D Velocity Inversion, Finite Difference Calculations and Emprical Greens Functions
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Anatolian Plateau and Surrounding Regions
- Crustal Attenuation Within The Anatolian Plateau And Surrounding Regions
- Effect of Fault Zone on Strong Ground Motion
- GIS-Based Earthquake Monitoring On The Internet
- Post-Seismic Crustal Deformation Following The 1999 Izmit Earthquake, Western Part Of North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
- Primary Results Related To Crustal Deformation Study Of The Eastern Part Of NAFZ, Turkey (By GPS Measurements)
- Real-Time Prediction of Ground Motion from P-Wave Records
- A Tomographic Image of the Fault Zone on the North Anatolian Fault
- An Investigation of Crustal Deformation on the Eastern Sector of the North Anatolian Fault by GPS measurements
- Analysis of December 15, 2000 and February 3, 2002 Sultandagi-AfyonEarthquakes
- Building Loss Estimation for Earthquake Insurance Pricing
- Crustal Attenuation within the Turkish Plateau and Surrounding Regions
- Crustal Structure and P and S Wave Velocities in Central Turkey
- Crustal Thickness Variations in the Aegean Region and its Implications for the Extension of Continental Crust
- Electrical Resistivity Structure of the Arabia-Eurasia Collision Zone in Eastern Anatolia
- The Crustal And Upper Mantle Shear Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Turkey Using Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion
- The Crustal Structure of the Central Anatolia (Turkey) Using Receiver Functions
- Three Dimensional P-Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Turkey by Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) Method
- 3-D Modelling of Wave Propagation in The Marmara Sea Region Resulting From M7+ Events
- Deformation Kinematics of Eastern North Anatolian Fault by Geodetic Data
- Impact of Large Height Difference on GPS Vertical Positioning Solutions
- Improved Seismic Velocity Structure in Armutlu Block at Eastern Marmara Region, Turkey
- Polarization Anisotropy Along the Anatolian African Plate Boundary
- Spatiotemporal variations of microseismic activity and stress-field orientation at the North Anatolian Fault after the Izmit 1999 earthquake: The role of fault asperities
- Adapting ShakeMap to Europe: Ground-motion relations and soil response
- Investigation of Total Crustal Movements Using Terrestrial and GPS Measurements along the Western Part of North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Region
- PreSEIS: Earthquake Early Warning for Finite Faults
- The North Anatolian Fault Zone in the broader Istanbul/Marmara region: Monitoring a 'seismic gap'
- Crustal Structure of the Isparta Angle, Southwestern Turkey, Using P - Wave Receiver Function Analysis
- Crustal tomography of western Anatolia using ambient noise correlations
- Current Geoid Studies in Turkey and the need for Local High-Precision Astrogeodetic Geoid Determination Using CCD/Zenith Cameras
- Development of Rapid Earthquake Shaking and Loss Assessment Methodologies
- High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Model of the Caucasus-Caspian Region
- Seismic Tomography Of The Arabian-Eurasian Collision Zone And Tectonic Implications
- Spectral Characteristics of Noise in Broadband Stations of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institue
- The NAF Experiment: Uppermost Mantle Structure Beneath North-Central Turkey Using Pn Tomography
- The SIMBAAD Experiment in W-Turkey and Greece: A Dense Seismic Network to Study the Crustal and Mantle Structures
- The Self-Organising Seismic Early Warning Information Network
- Utilizing Information Technology Infrastructure for Tectonic Studies in Turkey
- Wireless technologies for the monitoring of strategic civil infrastructures: an ambient vibration test of the Faith Bridge, Istanbul, Turkey
- A Natural Laboratory for Earth Scientists: Anatolia and Its Surroundings (Invited)
- An Investigation of Anatolian-African Subduction Zone in Southwestern Aegean:Lithospheric Structure Beneath Isparta Angle(IA)and the Surroundings from Surface Wave Tomography
- EDIM - An Earthquake Disaster Information System for the Marmara Region, Turkey
- Earthquake Hypocenters in the Kura Basin and Greater Caucasus
- Kinematics of Tuzla Fault (Izmir-Turkey) and Vicinity by Geodetic Techniques
- Moment Tensor Catalogue of Important Earthquakes in Turkey and Surrounding Regions
- Recent Seismic Activity in Afsar-Bala (Ankara), Central Turkey Dogan Kalafat (1), M.Feyza Ocal (1), Kivanc Kekovali (1), Levent Gulen (2) (1) Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Cengelkoy, 34684 Istanbul, Turkey (email: (2) Sakarya University, Department of Geophysics, Serdivan, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey (email:
- Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Imaging of Duzce Fault, Turkey by Magnetotellurics
- Velocity Field and Strain Analysis along Western North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey)
- What controls the location where rupture nucleates in large earthquakes? Some insight from the 1999 Turkish earthquakes
- A slab tear between the Hellenic and Cyprus arcs : toward a better understanding of the contribution of mantle flow to regional surface dynamics
- Crustal Velocity Structure of Eastern Marmara Region from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Crustal nature along the African - Anatolian collision Zone
- Determination of the Deformation along the Tuzla Fault, Izmir, Turkey by Geodetic Techniques
- GPS Measurements for Detecting Aseismic Creeping in the Ismetpasa Region of North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
- Investigation of Crustal Deformation Along NAFZ Using GPS and InSAR
- Local and Duration Magnitudes in Western Anatolia
- March 08, 2010 Basyurt-Karakocan (elazig) Earthquake: Eastern Turkey
- Monitoring of the Micro-seismic Activity along the Salt Lake Fault Zone: Central Anatolia
- New Insights on Lithospheric Structure beneath Isparta Angle and the Surroundings from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity Inversions
- Preliminary Results on Seismicity and Fault Zone Structure Along the 1944 Rupture of the North Anatolian Fault East of Ismetpasa
- An analysis of seismic background noise variation and evaluation of detection capability of Keskin Array (BRTR PS-43) in Turkey
- An investigation of correlation between geomagnetic field and seismic activity along the Iznik-Mekece fault, Western Turkey
- Application of Space Geodetic Techniques and GIS for Crustal Deformation Monitoring in Turkey
- Calibration of Local Magnitude by Using Earthquakes in Western Turkey
- Determination of Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath Aegean-Anatolian Region from Travel Time Tomography
- Field Survey on The Coastal Impacts of March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami
- Focal Mechanism Solutions and Stress Tensors in the North Western Region of Turkey
- Geodetically Derived Crustal Movements and Strain Field of Tuzla Fault and Surroundings, Western Turkey
- Link between Coulomb stress changes and seismic activation in the Marmara sea after the Izmit (Turkey) earthquake
- Rupture Process of Two Moderate Size Earthquakes in the Southern Marmara Region
- Seismotectonic Investigation of Karliova Triple Junction (KTJ) and the Surrounding Area : Eastern Turkey
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure beneath the African-Anatolian Subduction Zone in Southwestern Turkey from Inversions of Rayleigh Waves
- Study of attenuation structure for central Anatolia region, Turkey based on Keskin seismic array data
- The Lithospheric Structure of the Western Turkey and Aegean Region
- Three Dimensional Velocity Structure and Tectonic Features of Armutlu Peninsula
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of Wave Propagation in Sedimentary Basins around Marmara Region
- Update NEMC Database using Arcgis Software and Example of Simav-Kutahya earthquake sequences
- Uppermost Mantle S-wave Velocity Structure of the East Anatolian-Caucasus Region
- A recent example of continent-continent collision : October 23, 2011 Van Earthquake (Mw=7.2) : Southeastern Turkey
- Analysis of Micro-Earthquakes with Correlation Method at Salavatli Geothermal Area, Aydin, Turkey
- Analysis of Strain Accumulation by Geodetic Techniques Along Tuzla Fault - Western Anatolia
- Determination of creep rate and extent at Ismetpasa section of the North Anatolian Fault using Persistent Scatterer InSAR and GPS
- Does Broad-Band Seismometer Clip?
- Preliminary results from a local earthquake tomography study in the Marmara Region,TURKEY
- Shear wave splitting in the East Anatolian-Caucasus region
- The Long Nucleation of Most Large Interplate Earthquakes
- The Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the Marmara Region by Using Receiver Function Analysis
- Assessing Natural Hazard Vulnerability Through Marmara Region Using GIS
- Characteristics of North Anatolian Fault (NAF) inferred from seismological observations of Earthquake Sequence of 1999 (Izmit, Mw=7.4 and Duzce Mw=7.2)
- Crustal Extension and Rotation in the Isparta Angle Region of South-West Anatolia from a new GPS Velocity Solution
- Detailed Northern Anatolian Fault Zone crustal structure from receiver functions
- Establishment of borehole observation system and high resolution seismic studies in the western part of the main Marmara Fault in the frame of MARSite Project
- Geodetic Constraints on Deformation and Earthquake Hazards in the E Mediterranean and Adjacent Regions (Invited)
- Imaging the North Anatolian Fault using the scattered teleseismic wavefield
- Kinematic Modeling of the 2011, Mw7.1 Van, Eastern Turkey Earthquake Using Teleseismic, Regional and GPS Data
- MARSite: Marmara as a Supersite
- Moment tensor inversion of recent local moderate sized Van Earthquakes: seismicity and active tectonics of the Van region : Eastern Turkey
- Re-Assessment of the Seismic Parameters from Historical Seismograms of 1912- Murefte-Sarkoy 1935-ERDEK-MARMARA Island and 1963-CINARCIK Earthquakes
- Seismic Potential of the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey
- Seismicity and Crustal Anisotropy Beneath the Western Segment of the North Anatolian Fault: Results from a Dense Seismic Array
- Slip rates and seismic potential over East Anatolian Fault System through GPS Velocities
- The Analysis of North Korea's Nuclear Tests by Turkish National Data Center
- The Present Day Stress States in the Western Marmara Sea
- A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction
- Abrupt variations in brittle-ductile transition depth and lower crustal properties beneath two branches of the north Anatolian fault zone, Turkey.
- An ancient slab visible from the transition zone to the deep mantle beneath the southern Indian Ocean
- Continuous creep measurements on the North Anatolian fault
- Crustal Anisotropy Beneath the Western Segment of North Anatolian Fault Zone from Local Shear-Wave Splitting
- Earthquake Detection Near the Central Anatolian Fault Zone Using Continuous Data from the CD-CAT Experiment
- Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in The Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey. (SATREPS Project: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development by JICA-JST)
- Geodetic constraints on postseismic deformation following the Mw 7.2 October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (E.Turkey)
- High resolution images of the mid- to lower-crust beneath the North Anatolian Fault obtained using the scattered seismic wavefield
- Integration of strong motion networks and accelerometric data in Europe
- Kinematic Modeling of the October 23, 2011 Van, Eastern Turkey, Mw 7.1 Earthquake Obtained from Regional and Teleseismic P Empirical Green Function Analysis
- Near-fault Strain Rates Along Western North Anatolian Fault by GPS
- New Insights on Seismicity and the Velocity Structure beneath the Western Segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough
- Offshore Seismic Observation in the Western Marmara Sea, Turkey
- PSHA for Strong Ground-Motion Hazards in Marmara Region, Turkey with Physically-based Ground Motion Prediction Methodology
- Preliminary Obtained Data from Borehole Geodetic Measurements in Marmara Region, Turkey
- Re-assesment of the Seismic Parameters from Historical Seismograms of 1912- Murefte-Sarkoy, 1935-Erdek-Marmara Island and 1963-Cinarcik Earthquakes
- Seismic Background Noise Analysis of Brtr (PS-43) Array
- Spectral Determination of Source Parameters in The Marmara Region
- The 10 June 2012 Fethiye M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0 Aftershock Sequence and Its Relation to the 24-25 April 1957 M<SUB>s</SUB> 6.9-7.1 Earthquakes in SW Anatolia, Turkey
- The 8 January 2013 (Mw=5.7) and 24 May 2014 (Mw 6.7) Northern Aegean Earthquakes and Their Aftershocks Distribution
- The Earthquake Loading Cycle and the Deep Structure of the North Anatolian Fault
- The Kinematic Model of the 2011 Mw7.1 Van Earthquake Using cGPS, Strong-Motion, Teleseismic and GPS Data
- Crustal Structure of the Western Anatolian Extensional Province: Evidence for a ductile lower crust through the joint inversion of Receiver Functions and Dispersion Data
- <em>A Catalogue of Source Parameters of Moderate and Strong Earthquakes for Turkey and its Surrounding Area (1938-2015)</em>
- Combined wave propagation analysis of earthquake recordings from borehole and building sensors
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure beneath Isparta Angle in SW Turkey from P and S Receiver Functions
- Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in The Marmara Region and Disaster Education in Turkey Part2 Yoshiyuki KANEDA Nagoya University Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Haluk OZENER Boğaziçi University, Earthquake Researches Institute (KOERI) and Members of SATREPS Japan-Turkey project
- Geodynamic models for the post-orogenic exhumation of the lower crust
- Installation of EarthScope Borehole Strainmeters in Turkey to complement GONAF.
- Integrated multidisciplinary fault observation in Marmara Through MARSite - Project Achievements
- Investigation of lithospheric deformation and mantle anisotropy beneath Central Anatolia from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Performance of Network Based EEW Systems in Marmara Region; VS, ElarmS-2 and PRESTo
- San Andreas fault zone monitoring near Parkfield: 9 cross-correlation components and lapse-time dependent seismic wave speed changes
- Slip Rates of Main Active Fault Zones Through Turkey Inferred From GPS Observations
- Surface Creep Along the 1999 Izmit Earthquake's Rupture (Turkey) from InSAR, GPS and Terrestrial LIDAR
- Surface Creep Along the East Anatolian Fault (Turkey) Revealed by InSAR Time Series: Implications for Seismic Hazard and Mechanism of Creep
- Accurate Location of Hypocenters Using Double Difference and Active Fault Structures in GÖKOVA Bay
- An Updated Homogeneous GPS Velocity Field for Studies of Earthquake Hazard Prediction and Assessment in Turkey
- Borehole Strainmeters and the monitoring of the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea.
- Calculation of Tsunami Damage and preparation of Inundation Maps by 2D and 3D numerical modeling in Göcek, Turkey
- Estimating slip deficit of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, using on- and off-shore geodetic data
- Izmit Foreshocks Revisited
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Central Anatolia from Shear Wave splitting Analysis
- Mantle Lithosphere Rheology and Vertical Tectonics: Driving the Burial and Exhumation of Crustal Rocks
- Maximum earthquake magnitudes along different sections of the North Anatolian fault zone
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Nature of Central Anatolian Crust and Uppermost Mantle from Teleseismic Receiver Functions: The Role of Slab Dynamics on Rapid Uplift
- The Stress Transfer and Seismic Interaction Revealed by the Aftershocks of the 2011 Van Earthquake
- Understanding the Earthquake Cycle along the North Anatolian Fault integrating seismological and geodetic observations
- New Finite-Frequency Teleseismic P-wave Tomography of the Anatolian Sub-continent and the Fate of the Subducted Cyprean Slab
- 23 October 2011 (Mw=7.2) Van Earthquake (Turkey): Revised Coseismic and Postseismic Models from New GPS Observations
- Aseismic slip and surface creep on the Hazar-Palu Section of the East Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Dense Velocity Field of Turkey
- Fault creep and persistent asperities on the western section of the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- From Open Data to Science-Based Services for Disaster Risk Management: the Experience of the GEO Geohazards Supersite Network
- Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete
- Lithospheric thickness variations across the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Modernizing and Upgrading the Astrogeodetic Camera System for Determining Vertical Deflections
- Postseismic deformation of the 1999 Izmit Earthquake (Turkey) - the longest recorded afterslip on a major continental fault
- Seismicity and Seismotectonic Properties of The Sultandağı Fault Zone (Afyonkarahisar-Konya): Western Anatolia,Turkey
- The 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.9 Gokceada and 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.3 Lesvos Earthquakes in the Northern Aegean Sea: The Transition from Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting on the North Anatolian Fault to Extension in the Central Aegean
- The Contribution for Improving GNSS Data and Derived Products for Solid Earth Sciences Promoted by EPOS-IP
- What can We Learn from Higher Order Moments of the Moment Tensor?
- Anatomy of the 2017 Ayvacık Earthquake Sequence (NW Turkey) identified by seismicity and InSAR: Seismo-geodetic evolution of a listric fault
- Monitoring of the Micro-seismic Activity along the Sultandağı Fault Zone: Western Anatolia, Turkey
- Seismicity of the 2017 north Aegean Sea earthquake sequence
- Slip Deficit on the North Anatolian Fault: Implications for Pending Earthquakes Offshore Istanbul
- Surface creep along the East Anatolian Fault
- An Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map for Iraq and Surrounding Region and Uncertainty Analysis
- Investigating the characteristic properties of creeping along the Hazar-Palu Segment of the East Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Investigation of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Noise Sources in KRDAE Seismic Network
- Lithospheric Structure of the Western Turkey and Aegean Region
- Monitoring Pre-seismic Stage of Future Large Earthquakes Offshore Istanbul
- Near Real-Time Earthquake Damage Assessment in Critical Infrastructure: Istanbul's Water, Natural Gas and Electric Power Networks
- Ongoing Postseismic Deformation of the Mw 7.1, October 23, 2011 Van (Turkey) Earthquake from GPS and InSAR Time Series
- Preliminary analysis of micro-seismic activity and velocity structure beneath a geothermal field located on the northern side of Gulf of Edremit, Çanakkale-Turkey
- Source Mechanisms and stress field of the 2017 northern Aegean Sea earthquake sequences
- The enigmatic Fethiye-Burdur trend, SW Turkey: a half century of seismicity but still no strike-slip faulting
- A Numerical Approach to the Interseismic Deformation in Nubia-Anatolia Convergence with New GPS Data in Cyprus and Southern Turkey
- A geodetic exploration of the behavior of aseismic slip along the central section of the North Anatolian fault
- High-resolution P-wave Velocity Images of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Turkey
- Rupture behavior of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazig (Turkey) earthquake and its tectonic implications
- Dynamic Multi-risk Scenarios in Urban areas: Experiences from Nairobi, Istanbul and Kathmandu
- Seismotectonics of Denizli-Western Türkiye from Earthquake Relocations and Moment tensor Determinations