Bogazici University, Turkey
flowchart I[Bogazici University, Turkey] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (87)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Probabilistic Benefit Cost Analysis of Seismic Retrofitting of Apartment Houses in Turkey
- Istanbul Earthquake Early Warning and Rapid Response System
- Seismic Refraction Experiments In The Eastern Marmara Region, Western Part Of The North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Coupled Geochemical and Reactive Transport Modeling of Organic Contaminants in a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
- Crustal Structure Study In Turkey With Controlled Seismic Sources
- Equivalent Transmissivity of Heterogeneous Leaky Aquifers for Steady-State Radial Flow
- Pn and Sn Velocity Distribution under the Caucasus and Surrounding Areas
- Development of Shakemap Methodologies
- Istanbul Earthquake Early Warning System
- Modeling Long-Period Ground Motions for Marmara Region
- Modeling and Characterization of Long Period Ground Motion and Associated Spectral Response
- Near Real Time Earthquake Loss Assessment Methodology for Europe
- A Novel Pumping Test Analysis Method for the Geostatistical Characterization of Heterogeneous Transmissivity Fields
- Fate and Transport of Superparamagentic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Porous Media
- Modeling the Effect of High Concentration Gradients on Hydrodynamic Dispersion
- Determination of Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath Aegean-Anatolian Region from Travel Time Tomography
- High-resolution Attenuation Tomography of Pg, Lg, and Sn in the Northern Middle East
- Determining Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Irrigation in Turkey
- Wave Propagation in Downtown Istanbul Deduced from Earthquake Recordings
- Empirical relationships between Tau-P-max and Mw, Tau-C and Mw for the Marmara Region
- Evaluation of Turkish National Strong Ground Motion Network Database
- Generalized model for the hydrodynamic dispersion in the presence of sharp density interfaces
- Imaging of the Deep Structure and Extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone by Magnetotelluric Method Beneath the Marmara Sea
- Laboratory Scale Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Cosolvent flushing of NAPL Mixtures in Saturated Porous Media
- Modeling Characteristic Earthquake Behavior Along North and East Anatolian Fault Zones in Turkey
- Modeling the Transport and Retention of Poly(acrylic Acid) Supported Magnetite Nanoparticles in the Subsurface
- Contemporary Horizontal Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Akyazi Region of the North Anatolian Fault
- Coseismic and postseismic surface deformations of the Mw 7.2, October 23, 2011 Van Earthquake (Turkey) from GPS measurements
- Geodetic and Seismological Investigations of Crustal Deformation around Izmir (Western Turkey) Using GPS Observations and Earthquake Seismicity Parameters
- Modeling of the Inter-phase Mass Transfer during Cosolvent-Enhanced NAPL Remediation
- Practical Local Magnitude Calculation for Local Networks
- Prompt response on the strong earthquakes in The Caucasus (CauSER in action)
- Seismic Risk Assessment for Southern Caucasus-Eastern Turkey Energy Corridor
- Bayesian Approach for the Estimation of the Transmissivity Spatial Structure from Hydraulic Tomography Data
- Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile
- PS-InSAR velocity field along the North Anatolian Fault: implications for loading and release of interseismic strain and continental deformation along strike-slip faults
- Preliminary results of digital zenith camera system in Istanbul for astro-geodetic observations in Turkey
- Role of WEGENER (World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research) in monitoring natural hazards (Invited)
- Shallow afterslip following the Mw 7.2 October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (Turkey) deduced from GPS observations
- Velocity and Strain Rate Fields in Eastern Marmara Region Inferred from a Combination of Survey Mode and CORS GPS Data
- 20 years of SAR measurements along the NAFS: interseismic deformation
- 3-D P Wave Velocity Structure of Marmara Region Using Local Earthquake Tomography
- A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction
- Abrupt variations in brittle-ductile transition depth and lower crustal properties beneath two branches of the north Anatolian fault zone, Turkey.
- Crustal Anisotropy Beneath the Western Segment of North Anatolian Fault Zone from Local Shear-Wave Splitting
- Determining the Role of Fluids near a Slab Window in Central Anatolia, Turkey by Magnetotellurics Method
- Geodetic constraints on postseismic deformation following the Mw 7.2 October 23, 2011 Van earthquake (E.Turkey)
- High resolution images of the mid- to lower-crust beneath the North Anatolian Fault obtained using the scattered seismic wavefield
- Investigation of the Seismic Performance of Reinforced Highway Embankments
- Moho Depth and Crustal Vp/Vs Variation in Marmara Region Obtained by Receiver Functions
- New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough
- Onset and Mechanisms of Surface Creep on Strike Slip Faults: Clues from the North Anatolian Fault and Comparisons with the San Andreas Fault
- Simulations of Future Drought Conditions in Central Asia CORDEX Region 8 by Using RegCM4.3.5
- The 8 January 2013 (Mw=5.7) and 24 May 2014 (Mw 6.7) Northern Aegean Earthquakes and Their Aftershocks Distribution
- The Effects of Climate Change on Crop Yield in Turkey
- The Kinematic Model of the 2011 Mw7.1 Van Earthquake Using cGPS, Strong-Motion, Teleseismic and GPS Data
- The Usage of Correlation Method for Micro-Earthquake Analysis at Salavatlı Geothermal Area, Aydın, Turkey.
- An Earthquake Shake Map Routine with Low Cost Accelerometers: Preliminary Results
- Bodrum Strong Motion Network, Mugla, Turkey
- Crustal Structure at the vicinity of Nigde Massif and Central Anatolian Fault Zone from Magnetotelluric Data
- Impact of Porous Media and NAPL Spatial Variability at the Pore Scale on Interphase Mass Transfer
- Integrated multidisciplinary fault observation in Marmara Through MARSite - Project Achievements
- Long term seismic observation using ocean bottom seismographs in Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Performance of Network Based EEW Systems in Marmara Region; VS, ElarmS-2 and PRESTo
- A Study on Empirical Site Response at Bodrum Peninsula, Turkey
- A three-dimensional hyporheic model of River Bure: The role of streambed and morphological heterogeneity and estimation of reactive nitrogen transport.
- Analysis of micro-seismicity and gas emissions along the North-Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara
- Estimating slip deficit of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, using on- and off-shore geodetic data
- Integrated Real Time Multi-Parameter Borehole Sensor System
- OSL Dating of Fluvial Strath and Delta Terrace Levels of the Kızılırmak River: Implications for the Uplift of the Central Pontides
- Quantification of Fluvial Response to Tectonic Deformation and Climate in the Central Pontides, Turkey; Inferences from OSL Dating of Fluvial Terraces
- Seismic Analysis of Three Bomb Explosions in Turkey
- The Seismotectonic Implications of the December 2nd, 2015 Bingöl, Eastern Anatolia, Earthquake (Mw=5.5)
- The Stress Transfer and Seismic Interaction Revealed by the Aftershocks of the 2011 Van Earthquake
- Three dimensional magnetotelluric modeling of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano and its implications for recent volcanic unrest
- Aseismic slip and surface creep on the Hazar-Palu Section of the East Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Effect of Using Extreme Years in Hydrologic Model Calibration Performance
- Laboratory Experiments and Modeling of Pooled NAPL Dissolution in Porous Media
- Lithospheric thickness variations across the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Mantle to Surface Dynamics Across Subduction-Collision Transitions in Space and Time: Results from the CD-CAT Project in Anatolia
- Surface creep along the East Anatolian Fault
- An Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Map for Iraq and Surrounding Region and Uncertainty Analysis
- Near Real-Time Earthquake Damage Assessment in Critical Infrastructure: Istanbul's Water, Natural Gas and Electric Power Networks
- Preliminary analysis of micro-seismic activity and velocity structure beneath a geothermal field located on the northern side of Gulf of Edremit, Çanakkale-Turkey
- Active Volcanic Edifice at the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, imaged by Magnetotellurics: Hydrothermal Implications for Volcanic Unrests
- Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Decade Long Postseismic Deformation Following the October 23rd, 2011 Mw 7.1 Van (eastern Turkey) Earthquake
- Thermodynamics of HCN-derived Polymers: A Quantum Chemical Study