Finnish Meteorological Institute
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Comparison of Radiative Transfer Models for Limb-Viewing Scattered Sunlight Measurements
- Cosmic Radio Noise Absorption in the Vicinity of Auroral Arcs
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- High-Latitude Geoelectric Fields Given by MHD Simulations
- Mercury-Solar Wind Interaction in Quasineutral Hybrid Model
- Multipoint Plasma Density Measurements from Cluster Wave and Particle Instruments
- Retrieval of Trace gas and Aerosol Densities From Limb Scatter Measurements by OSIRIS on Odin Using a Modified Onion Peeling Method
- The NetLander Atmospheric Instrument System (ATMIS): Technology and Performance assessment
- The Odin Atmospheric Mission
- A Comparison of Cluster Observations of the Tail Current during Substorms and Quiet Times
- Altitude dependence (5000-30000 km) of inverted-V associated parameters using Polar
- April 2000 Geomagnetic Storm: Ionospheric Drivers of Large Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- April 2000 storm: Energy transfer and dissipation in MHD
- Comparison of Two Different Techniques to Derive the Electric Current Density in the Ionosphere
- Correlation Between Ground-Based Observations of Substorm Signatures and Magnetotail Dynamics.
- GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation and data comparison: results for a magnetic storm and a magnetospheric substorm
- Hermean Ion Environment
- Humidity Transmitter for Martian Environment, Construction and Performance Assessment
- Solar Wind Temporal and Latitudinal Variations from Soho-Swan
- Sources and Mobility of Nitrates in European High Arctic Snow
- Space Physics Beyond Space Weather
- Statistical results on the occurrence frequency of auroral potential structures, upgoing ion beams and plasma density depletions as a function of altitude (5000-30000 km)
- Storm-substorm coupling during 16 hours of Dst steadily at -150 nT
- Stormtime and Non-stormtime Drivers of Dst Variability
- The Relation of Polar Arcs to Magnetotail Twisting and IMF Direction
- Automated Classification of Auroral Images
- Mercury-Solar Wind Interaction and Mercury's Current System
- Mesoscale Structures Within the Auroral Bulge
- Mesoscale and semiglobal scale view of the ionospheric electrodynamics of auroral torches
- One-Dimensional Upward Continuation of the Ground Magnetic Field Using Spherical Elementary Current Systems
- Science Goals of EOS-Aura's Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
- Solar Wind Interaction With Martian Exosphere and Atmosphere: Charge Exchange, ENAs and the Loss of Planetary Ions
- Substorms in the ionosphere: LFM and GUMICS-4 global MHD simulations compared
- The OMI Atmospheric Science Data Products
- The role of solar wind dynamic pressure in driving geoeffectiveness: Global MHD simulation results
- Velocities of Morning Sector Patchy Auroral Forms
- A Global Hybrid Model of Titan's Ion Escape
- Absorption, Electrojet and Energy Flux Changes Related to Auroral Arcs
- Auroras Now! - Auroral nowcasting service for Hotels in Finnish Lapland and its performance during winter 2003-2004
- Impact of Multiply Charged Heavy Solar Wind Ions on the Surface of Mercury
- Latest Results From ASPERA and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Magnetospheric response to the interplanetary shocks and pressure increases: Cluster observations of sudden impulses in the tail lobes
- October 29-31, 2003 geomagnetic storm: geomagnetically induced currents and their relation to problems in the Swedish high-voltage power transmission system
- Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): First results
- Particle Transport From the Plasma Sheet to the Ring Current Region and Ring Current Development Under the Influence of Substorm-Associated Electric Fields
- Quiet-time mass and energy transport in GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation, 1: Locations and solar wind control of magnetopause entry sites
- Quiet-time mass and energy transport in GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation, 2: Tracing mass and energy within the magnetosphere
- Sawtooth Events During Steadily Depressed Dst
- Transition from Substorm Growth to Substorm Expansion Phase as Observed with a Radial Configuration of ISTP and Cluster Spacecraft
- Arctic Stratospheric Water Vapor Observations by Frostpoint Hygrometers During the Winters of 2002/2003-2004/2005
- Atmospheric Trace Gases, Aerosols, and Cloud Data from the EOS Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura Satellite
- Cluster Observations of TCRs: Substorm Association
- Coordinated Rocket and Ground-based Observations of Neutral Temperature during the Dynamics and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere in Aurora (DELTA) Campaign
- Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENA) at Mars: Properties of the Hydrogen Atoms Produced Upstream of the Martian Bow Shock and Implications for an ENA Sounding Technique
- GAIA - A Virtual Auroral Observatory
- In Situ Observations of Neutral Temperature and Density in the Polar Lower Thermosphere during the DELTA Campaign
- Magnetic Flux Closure Directly Induced by Interplanetary Shocks: Observations Using IMAGE-FUV and SuperDARN, and Modelling With GUMICS-4.
- Multilayer structure of thin current sheets in the Earth's magnetotail: The role of ionospheric ions
- New Method for Solving Inductive Electric Fields in the Ionosphere
- Overview of Several First Year's Results of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Polar Night Observations of O3, NO2, and NO3 by GOMOS on Envisat
- Reversal Asymmetry in the Paleomagnetic Data at 1.1 GA -- New Results From SW Arizona Sills
- Solar Wind Charge Exchange X-rays at Mars
- Storm-Time Substorms and Sawtooth Events: Test for Substorm Models
- Study of structures observed in the CODIF-Cluster ion spectrograms during Cluster perigee passes
- Substorm onset location and the Harang discontinuity
- The Effects of the January 2005 Solar Events on the Middle Atmosphere
- The importance of atmospheric precipitation in storm-time relativistic electron flux drop outs: Observations of the January 21, 2005 Event
- Validation of the OMI Surface UV data
- Venus-Solar Wind Interaction: The Role of Upstream Parameters and the Escape of Oxygen Ions
- ASPERA-3 Observations at Mars and Their Interpretation by a Global QNH model
- Advanced Hybrid Simulation on the Magnetic Interaction at Titan
- Comparison of MODIS and AERONET derived aerosol optical properties during an episode of long-range transported aerosols of biomass burning
- Heliosphere Impact on Geospace - Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research During the IPY Years
- Hybrid Modelling Study of the Plasma Interaction Between Venus and the Solar Wind
- Interactive Momentum Flux Forcing over Sea Ice in a Global Ocean GCM
- Larger IMF drives relatively lower magnetospheric activity: Observational and LFM simulation results
- Magnetospheric currents during a sawtooth event on April 18, 2002
- Mesospheric Production of Odd Hydrogen During the January 2005 Solar Proton Event
- OSIRIS & GOMOS: Combining Observations of Stratospheric O3 and NO2
- Polar Winter NO2 Enhancements 2002-2006 from GOMOS/Envisat
- Position of the Ring Current Peak During ICME- and CIR-Driven Storms
- Ring current models: How well do they constrain the inner magnetosphere configuration?
- Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment SAMUM 2006: Airborne observations of dust particle properties and vertical dust profiles
- Solar wind - magnetosphere coupling efficiency: Role of solar wind dynamic pressure
- Solar wind control of magnetospheric reconnection processes in the Gumics-4 global MHD simulation
- Stratosphere-troposphere exchange associated with a cut-off anticyclone: a case study
- Substorm onset location and the Harang discontinuity
- Sudden stratospheric vertical electric field fluctuations over Antarctica during a hard solar energetic particle event.
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- Deformation methods in modelling of the inner magnetospheric electromagnetic fields
- Development of Magnetospheric Current Systems During Storms: MHD and Event-Oriented Magnetic Field Modeling Approaches
- Global Hydrid Modelling of the Venus Express MAG Observations
- Height Resolved Ozone Climatologies in the Arctic Winter Based on Ozone Sounding and GOMOS/Envisat Profiles
- Interaction of Interplanetary Shocks with the Earth's Magnetosphere: Observations and Global MHD Simulations Compared During the Nov 9, 2002 Event
- Methane Dynamics in a Boreal Peatland: Combining Flux Measurements, Concentration Profiles in the Peat and Microbial Ecology at Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
- NOx Enhancements in the Middle Atmosphere: The Relative Significance of Solar Proton Events and the Aurora as a Source
- On the difference between active and steady magnetospheric response to moderate solar wind IMF driving
- Outer Boundary Conditions for the Inner Magnetosphere: Global Simulation Perspective
- Parameterization of a cross polar cap potential decrease during a hard solar energetic particle event using the Hill saturation model
- Radiation belt electron precipitation into the atmosphere: recovery from a geomagnetic storm
- Reanalysis and Forecasts of Global Reactive Gases in the GEMS Project
- Relation of Substorm Onset to Local AL index
- Relationship between tail-current sheet activation and dayside magnetosphere
- Shock Structure of a Flare/CME Event in the low Corona
- Solar Wind Speed as a Driver of Magnetospheric Activity
- Statistical coupling between solar wind conditions and extreme geomagnetically induced current events
- The cloud forming potential of secondary organic aerosol under near atmospheric conditions
- The determination of the aerosol optical thickness over land using different satellite instruments and algorithms
- A Comparative Study of Magnetotail, Solar Wind and Ground Observations associated with Substorms and SMCs
- A hybrid modelling case study of the Venus Express particle and magnetic observations
- Arctic Snow and Diurnal Changes in Albedo
- Beauty of Stellar Occultation: GOMOS Inverse Problem and Data Characterization
- Benefits of three frequency ionospheric corrections in Radio Occultation soundings
- Cassini's CAPS and MAG measurements during Titan flyby T15 compared to HYB model results
- Comparison of Surface and Satellite Derived Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Measurements in Finland, Estonia, Zambia and Brazil
- Electrodynamics of an Omega-Band and Comparison of Ground- and Space-Based Conductance Estimates
- Equivalent ionospheric currents from the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, and THEMIS ground magnetometer arrays
- First-principles-based modeling of geomagnetically induced currents at mid- and low- latitudes
- GOME-2 - Achievements and Future Perspectives
- Highlights of six-year GOMOS observations
- Ionospheric response to solar wind discontinuities
- MHD simulation of a fast forward shock event
- Mesoscale ionospheric tomography at the Auroral region
- Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008 Conference at the Top of the World
- QPF Verification in Hydrological Catchments with the Object-oriented SAL Measure
- Quantifying gravity waves and turbulence in the stratosphere using satellite stellar scintillation measurements
- Solar wind plasma controlling magnetospheric coupling efficiency
- Temperature and Pressure at the Phoenix Landing Site
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- The use of Troposphere Slant Delays in Regional Double Difference GPS Computation
- Time Series Analysis of GOMOS O3, NO2 and NO3 Profiles: Solar, QBO, Annual, and Semi-annual Cycles
- Validation and Further Development of HUT Snow Emission Model for Satellite Microwave Radiometer Data Inversion and Assimilation
- A Preliminary Comparison Between SuperDARN Flow Vectors and Equivalent Ionospheric Currents From the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, THEMIS, CARISMA, and CANMOS Ground Magnetometer Arrays
- Aerosol remote sensing over land using AATSR
- Application of radio phase modes to modification and remote sensing of the atmosphere and space
- Atmospheric Data over a Solar Cycle: No Connection between Galactic Cosmic Rays and Particle Formation in Boreal Forest
- Auroral Small-and Meso-Scale Structures, Origin and Function
- Auroral electrojets during deep solar minimum at the end of solar cycle 23
- CoReH2O - A Satellite Mission Dedicated to the Monitoring of Snow and Ice Properties
- Diurnal albedo of seasonally melting Arctic snow at wavelenghts of UV and visible
- Energetics of the Oxygen Ion Escape From Venus in a Hybrid Simulation
- Estimating Fractional Snow Cover from MODIS Imagery Across Northern Canada
- GEM-AQ Simulation of Transport of Biomass Burning Emissions into the Arctic in April 2008
- Go With the Flow: The Reductionist View of Geospace at the System Level (Invited)
- High-throughput analysis of substorms during solar cycles 22 and 23
- MHD simulation study of the interplanetary shocks under different conditions
- Meteorological factors controlling year-to-year variations in the spring onset of snow melt in the Arctic Ocean
- Modeling of Ring Current Energy Content and Magnetic Field During Storms: How Much Do the Results Depend on Model Choice?
- Non-Stomatal Ozone Deposition to Vegetation: New Insights and Models
- Reconnection Hall current system observed in the magnetotail and in the ionosphere
- Scots pine chemotypic characterization in a boreal forest stand
- Synthetic study of heliospheric Ly-alpha data
- THEMIS ground-space observations during the development of auroral spirals
- Titan Mare Explorer (TiME): A Discovery Mission to Titan’s Hydrocarbon Lakes
- Using the NARMAX OLS-ERR algorithm to obtain the most influential parameters that affect the evolution of the magnetosphere
- Water Vapor in the Arctic Winter Stratosphere, Modeling and Soundings
- Advanced uncertainty evaluation of climate models and their future climate projections
- Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Boreal Forests using AATSR - Case Studies
- Asymmetries of the Venus plasma interaction in a global hybrid simulation (Invited)
- Auroral Electrojets and Substorm Occurrence during Solar Minimum 2007-2009
- Dependence of Empirical Models of Solar Wind Coupling on Solar Cycle, Season, and Dynamic Pressure
- Development of ice thickness retrieval algorithms for large northern lakes from AMSR-E brightness temperature measurements
- ESA's Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O): Overview and Progress (Invited)
- EUMETSAT Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Lightning Imager: From mission requirements to product development
- Effect of In-Plume Aerosol Processing on the Efficacy of Marine Cloud Albedo Enhancement from Controlled Sea-Spray Injections
- Effect of phytoplankton-released organic matter on the production and properties of the primary marine aerosol (Invited)
- Flux closure during magnetotail reconnection
- Impact of small-scale microstructure variations on passive microwave brightness temperature
- In-situ Measurements Within and Above the Ion-Neutral Coupling Region: Sounding Rocket versus Satellite Measurements (Invited)
- Inferring absorbing organic carbon content from AERONET data
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Magnetospheric ion deposition on Titan's ionosphere in hybrid model
- Magnetotail Flow Patterns During Steady Magnetospheric Convection
- Magnetotail Radial Characteristics during Steady Convection Events
- Mesospheric Hydroxyl Response to Electron Precipitation From the Radiation Belts
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Model development for estimations of northern forest GPP from MODIS time series data
- Modeling the heterogeneous hydrolysis of N2O5: Nitrate effect versus organic coatings (Invited)
- Organic condensation: A vital link connecting aerosol formation to climate forcing (Invited)
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Production Flux of Sea-Spray Aerosol
- SNOWCARBO: CO2 Balance of Northern Terrestrial Ecosystem
- Sensitivity of passive microwave brightness temperatures to snow cover properties through a seasonal cycle: observations and simulations
- A prototype of Virtual Observatory access for planetary data in the framework of Europlanet-RI/IDIS
- Air Quality Observations from Space: Results from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and Expected Results from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)
- Asymmetric Venusian Plasma Environment: Role of the IMF Bx Component
- Biological and environmental variables tracking seasonality of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in boreal forests and links to modeling
- Birth and Life of Auroral Arcs Embedded in the Evening Auroral Oval
- CCN activation kinetics: quantifying compositional impacts in polluted and pristine environments
- Development, Comparisons and Evaluation of Aerosol Retrieval Algorithms
- ESA Globsnow - Hemispherical Snow Extent and Snow Water Equivalent Records for Climate Research Purposes
- Effect of chemical degradation on BVOC fluxes
- Energy Conversion At The Earth's Magnetopause Using Single And Multi-Spacecraft Methods
- Event Study of the Peak Auroral Emission Altitude from All-sky Images
- Integrated Medium for Planetary Exploration (IMPEx): a new EU FP7-SPACE project
- Ion acceleration by fast magnetosonic waves and their role in ring current radiation belt coupling
- Magnetic Shadowing of High Energy Ions at Mars, Comparisons Between SLED/Phobos-2 Observations and Simulations
- Modeling GPP in the Nordic Forest Landscape Using MODIS Time Series Data
- Modelling of the Solar Wind - Venus Interaction Using a Spherical Hybrid Model: Results from the First Realistic Tests
- Molecular changes of DOM cycling in forest ecosystem
- Multiscale Observation System for Sea Ice Drift and Deformation
- Numerical weather prediction model tuning via ensemble prediction system
- Ozone Time Series From GOMOS and SAGE II Measurements
- Particle Acceleration in Shock-Shock Collision: Model to Data Comparison
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Record total ozone depletion in the Arctic vortex in 2011
- Seasonal field experiments in support of the Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O) remote sensing mission: state of the art field measurements, what we have learned and what next
- Semi-external mixing: Effect on polluted dust optics
- Spatial variability of freeboard, snow and sea ice thickness in the Svalbard CryoVEx 2011 CAL/VAL region
- The Impact of Transported Pollution on Arctic Climate
- The Retrieval of Ground Reflectance With the AATSR Dual View Algorithm for Determining Aerosol Radiative Effect
- Validation of atmospheric model analyses and forecasts against tethersonde data from the central Arctic Ocean in 2007
- 3-D modeling of water balance and soil erosion in a clayey subsurface drained agricultural field in boreal climate
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- A global experiment to improve observations of snow: The World Meteorological Organization Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment (WMO-SPICE)
- Acceleration of Particles Near Earth's Bow Shock
- Aerosol Black Carbon In The Indo-Gangetic Plains And In The Foothills Of Himalayas, Measurements vs. Global Modeling
- Assessment of UTLS water vapour measurements from limb-sounders within the SPARC Data Initiative
- Changes in Arctic sea ice albedo from satellite observations between 1982-2009
- Comparative Study of Solar Wind Control on Ion and Electron Fluxes at Geo from Low to Relativistic Energies
- Comparison between triangulated auroral altitude and precipitating electron energy flux
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Current wedge dynamics and associated transient electron precipitation during oscillatory flow braking
- Detection of Soil Freeze/thaw Processes with Smos
- Dual Frequency Radar Observations of Snow and Ice Properties: Esa's COREH2O Candidate Satellite Mission
- Effect of In-Plume Aerosol Processing on the Efficacy of Marine Cloud Albedo Enhancement from Controlled Sea-Spray Injections
- Energy transfer at the magnetopause: Cluster observations combined with GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation results
- Envisaged in-situ dust observations in the early comet orbit phase of ROSETTA
- Extending the humidity measurements of the RS92 radiosonde to the tropopause region
- GUMICS4 Synthetic and Dynamic Simulations of the ECLAT Project
- Global Hybrid Simulations of Planetary Oxygen Ion Energization in the Venusian Induced Magnetosphere
- IMPEx Simulation Data Model : an extension to SPASE for the description of simulation runs
- Improving Estimates of Future Antarctic Ozone Change by Process Oriented Multiple Diagnostic Ensemble Regression
- In situ observations of aerosol physical and optical properties in northern India
- Injection of Water into the Stratosphere by Moderate Volcanic Eruptions
- Kinetic Plasma Processes at Airless Bodies
- Kinetic effects on Lunar plasma environment on global scale, mesoscale and microscale
- Methane emission from a boreal wetland: Annual balances, interannual variability, and effect on radiative forcing
- Observed Enhancements in Aerosol Optical Depth in the Vicinity of Cumulus Clouds during DISCOVER-AQ
- On Developing a European First Principles Geomagnetically Induced Current Forecasting System
- Particle transport in the plasma sheet under the influence of substorm-associated electromagnetic fields
- Preliminary testing of global hybrid-Vlasov simulation: Magnetosheath and cusps under northward interplanetary magnetic field
- Pressure and Humidity Measurements at the MSL Landing Site Supported by Modeling of the Atmospheric Conditions
- Sea Ice Detection Using EnviSAT Radar Altimeter 2
- Seasonality of the new particle formation in the foothills of Himalaya
- Snow stratigraphic heterogeneity within ground-based passive microwave radiometer footprints: implications for emission modelling
- Source quantification of size and season resolved aerosols in a semi-urban area of Indo-Gangetic plain, India
- Spatial variation of energy conversion at the Earth's magnetopause: Statistics observed by Cluster spacecraft
- Stratospheric Influence on Wintertime Tropospheric Climate Change in the Northern Hemisphere
- Transport of the plasma sheet electrons to the geostationary distances
- Vertical profiling of geometrical, optical and microphysical particle properties over Nothern India using a multi-wavelength lidar system
- Vlasiator: High-Performance Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- Water Vapor at the Tropical Tropopause and Arctic Ozone Loss
- A New Wet Deposition Module in SILAM Chemical Transport Model
- A prediction model with the slowest growth of forecast error energy norm
- Acceleration of Ions and Electrons by Coronal Shocks
- Addressing pan-Arctic Black Carbon through the collective measurements of the IASOA observatories
- Airborne observations of greenhouse gas emissions from the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM field project
- Asymmetry of the Mars Ionosphere Boundary Altitude during a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Characterising Arctic Wetland Methane Emissions - Isotope studies from the ground to tropopause
- Characteristics of the flank Magnetopause - Contributions from the Cluster mission
- Chemical Composition and Sources of Aerosols in Finnish Arctic: 1964 - 2008
- Comparison between triangulated auroral altitude and precipitating electron energy flux
- Continuous measurements of Arctic boundary layer aerosol physical and optical properties
- Derivation of Tropospheric Methane from TCCON CH4 and HF Total Column Observations
- Differences between the MEMLS and the multiple-layer HUT model and their comparisons with in-situ snowpack observations
- Dynamics of Escaping Planetary Ions from Mars and Venus in a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Ecosystem scale methane emission from a boreal wetland: Annual balances and interannual variability
- Effects of BC, Icelandic volcanic sand and glaciogenic silt on the spectral reflectance and melt of seasonal Arctic snow (SoS-2013 experiment)
- Estimate of the radiative effect of brown carbon using AERONET products
- Estimates of surface methane emissions over Europe using observed surface concentrations and the FLEXPART trajectory model
- Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles (Invited)
- First Vlasiator results on foreshock ULF wave activity
- GUMICS-4 Year Run: Ground Magnetic Field Predictions
- Holocene carbon dynamics and climate forcing of two subarctic minerotrophic fens
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Ion Distributions Up- and Downstream of the Earth's Collisionless Bowshock Obtained Using Vlasiator
- Laboratory and numerical simulations of the PP-SESAME instrument onboard Philae/ROSETTA for measuring cometary surface permittivity
- Measurements of Physical and Gas Exchanges between the Atmosphere and Surface at the Tiksi Hydrometeorological Observatory
- Mercury depletion events over Antarctic and Arctic oceans
- Model/observational data cross analysis in planetary plasma sciences with IMPEx
- Modeling proton precipitation in the upper atmosphere of Mars
- Modeling the Impact of Arctic Shipping Pollution on Air Quality off the Coast of Northern Norway
- Moisture flux changes and trends for the entire Arctic in 2003-2011 derived from EOS Aqua data
- Nowcast model for low energy electrons in the inner magnetosphere
- Observations of atmospheric methane concentrations and sources at two supersites Tiksi, northern Siberia and Pallas-Sodankylä, northern Finland (Invited)
- Obtaining Seasonal Snow Surface Roughness from Sub-Millimeter to Kilometer Scale Using Plate Photography and Mobile Laser Scanning
- On formation of Global Cowling channel in the ionosphere and the generalized Ohm's Law
- Overview of the Biogenic Aerosols -Effects on Clouds and Climate (BAECC) experiment
- Polarisation of the auroral red line in the Earth's upper atmosphere: a review (Invited)
- Preliminary analysis of one year long space climate simulation
- Radiation Belts Storage Ring : What the Cluster-CIS data can tell us
- Recent Controlled Meteorological Balloon experiments in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica
- Recent Increase in Elemental Carbon Concentration and Deposition in a Svalbard Ice Core
- Reconnection and Energy Conversion at the Magnetopause as Influenced by Earth's Dipole Tilt Angle and Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Retrieval of Martian dust properties by surface observations and radiative transfer models
- Rotation of the ionospheric electric potential caused by spatial gradients of ionospheric conductivity
- Sea ice and snow evolution in Rijpfjorden, Svalbard, and the importance of superimposed ice formation
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using MSL Pressure Data
- Simulation of global nucleation in the free troposphere and boundary layer based on direct measurements in the CERN CLOUD chamber
- Solar Wind-Lunar Magnetic Anomaly Interaction: Hybrid Model Simulations
- The Big, the Bad, and the Ugly: Citizen scientist sunspot classification with Sunspot Zoo
- The Effect of Cloudiness on New Particle Formation: Investigation of Radiation Levels
- The Planeterrella experiment: from individual initiative to networking
- The current systems responsible for SYM and ASY indices variation during geomagnetic storm
- Transport and Acceleration of 5-50 KEv Electrons From the Plasma Sheet to Geostationary Orbit
- Use of In-Situ Cloud Probe Data to Derive Bulk Cloud Parameters and Their Uncertainties: Impacts for Models and Remote Sensing Retrievals
- A COSPAR/ILWS roadmap towards advanced space weather science to protect society's technological infrastructure
- A Global Process-Based Study of Marine CCN Trends and Variability
- Altitude variations of the peak auroral emissions within auroral structures
- An Analysis of Drought Indicators for Detecting Dry Spells over Boreal Forest
- An OSSE to Quantify the Impact of S5 Spaceborne Carbon Monoxide Total Column Measurements on Air Pollution Analysis and Forecast over Europe
- Analysis of Dose Rate Variations Observed By MSL/RAD
- Analysis of Solar Wind Plasma Properties of Co-Rotating Interaction Regions at Mars with MSL/RAD
- Atmospheric Black Carbon Concentrations in the Finnish Arctic over Five Decades: Comparisons between measurements and model
- Challenges in simulation of snow microstructure and implications for remote sensing of snow mass
- Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe
- Comparing ECMWF UV Processor and Aerosol Scheme with Ground-Based Measurements
- Contributions from Different Current Systems to Sym and Asy Mid-Latitude Indices
- Coordinated Coverage of the Ring Current, Cusp and Adjacent FACs with Cluster and Swarm
- Cosima - Cometary Dust Analysis Next to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Deep vertical propagation of mountain waves above Scandinavia
- Early Observations with the Rosetta Langmuir Probe Instrument at the Target Comet
- Eastward Propagating Auroral Vortices Observed in the Post-Midnight Sector
- Emulation of Cloud-Aerosol Indirect Radiative Effects (ECLAIRE)
- Exploiting and developing interoperability between multidisciplinary environmental research infrastructures in Europe - step toward international collaboration
- First Results at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Ion Composition Analyzer of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium
- First Rosetta Observations of the Cometary Plasma at Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Mutual Impedance Probe (RPC-MIP)
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Formation and Evolution of Mirror Mode Type Fluctuations in the Earth's Magnetosheath in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Formation of Oxidized Organic Aerosol (OOA) through Fog Processing in the Po Valley
- Impact of Cosmic Rays on Global Aerosol, Clouds and Climate
- Impact of satellite-based lake surface observations on the initial state of HIRLAM weather forecasting system
- Intercomparison of TCCON and MUSICA Water Vapour Products
- Issues with Moisture Flux Estimation in the Arctic and Changes in the Flux Between 2003-2014
- Linking surface in-situ measurements to columnar aerosol optical properties at Hyytiälä, Finland
- Local and Regional Scale Impacts of Arctic Shipping Emissions Off the Coast of Northern Norway
- Long-Term Trends of Pan Evaporation and an Analysis of Its Causes in Finland
- Measuring Organic Matter with COSIMA on Board Rosetta
- Measuring the permittivity of the surface of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko nucleus: the PP-SESAME experiment on board the Philae/ROSETTA lander
- Meteor Smoke Particles in the D-Region Ionosphere - Implications from the Sic Model on Ions and Other Neutrals
- Multi-Model Comparison of Southern Ocean and Sea Ice Trends in CORE-II and CMIP5 Model
- New Particle Formation Events During 2013 in Hada Al Sham, Saudi-Arabia
- Observations of mesospheric nitric oxide and ozone variability above Halley station, Antarctica
- On the Inorganic Composition of Cometary Dust from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as Seen by COSIMA on Board ROSETTA.
- Optical Detection and Characterization of Cometary Grains Collected for Analysis by the COSIMA Mass Spectrometer on-board ROSETTA.
- Pressure oscillations on the surface of Gale Crater and coincident observations of global circulation patterns.
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update Using One Mars Year of MSL Pressure Data
- Short-Period Gravity Variations Induced by the Local Hydrology: Observations with Three Superconducting Gravity Sensors at Metsähovi, Finland
- Solar Wind and IMF Control of Large-Scale Ionospheric Currents and Their Time Variations
- Spatial variability of light-absorbing impurities in the seasonal snowpack of the Nordic Arctic
- Study of Potential Sub-Micrometer-Thick Frost Events and Soil Water Content at Gale Crater
- Ten Years of OMI Observations: A Unique Contribution to Air Quality, Ozone Layer and Climate Research from Space.
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Relative Roles of Dynamics and Energetic Particle Precipitation in Driving Variability of High-Latitude Mesospheric NOx
- The precipitation of keV energetic oxygen ions at Mars and their effects during the comet Siding Spring approach
- The water up-take of semisolid SOA particles
- Understanding the absorption Angstrom exponent provided in the AERONET database
- Volcanic Ash and SO2 Monitoring Using Suomi NPP Direct Broadcast OMPS Data
- A Climatological Analysis of Geoelectric Field Variations
- A Novel Tool for Simulating Aerosol-cloud Interactions with a Sectional Model Implemented to a Large-Eddy Simulator
- AeroCom INSITU Project: Comparison of Aerosol Optical Properties from In-situ Surface Measurements and Model Simulations
- Aerosol Climate Time Series Evaluation In ESA Aerosol_cci
- Air Quality Applications Based on Space Observations: The Role of the 11 Years OMI Data Record and the Potentials for TROPOMI
- An OSSE to Study the Impact of Sentinel S4, S5P and S5 Spaceborne Observations on Air Quality Data Assimilation Systems
- Analysis of likely Frost Events and day-to-night Variability in near-surface Water Vapor at Gale
- Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data
- Assessment of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation policy integration in Zambia
- COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
- Characteristics of Extreme Geoelectric Fields and Their Possible Causes: Localized Peak Enhancements
- Characterization of Global and Regional AOD Variations Retrieved using ATSR data
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Climatology and Characteristics of In-situ Aerosol Optical Properties in the Arctic
- Cloud and Aerosol Characterization During CAEsAR 2014
- Comparison of Solar Active Region Complexity Andgeomagnetic Activity from 1996 TO 2014
- Contribution of Field-Aligned Currents to the Variations of Mid-Latitude Magnetic Field on the Ground: Dayside and Nightside are Compared.
- Direct radiative feedback due to biogenic secondary organic aerosol estimated from boreal forest site observations
- Energization of Oxygen Ions at Mars: Comparison of a Global Hybrid Model to In Situ Observations
- Environmental controls of energy and trace gas exchanges at the water-air interface: Global synthesis of eddy fluxes over inland waters
- Estimation of Global Methane Emissions for 2000-2012 using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Data Assimilation System
- Estimation of methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Evolution of the Plasma Environment of Comet 67P
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Forecasting keV-electrons in the inner Earth's magnetosphere responsible for surface charging
- Global aerosol formation and revised radiative forcing based on CERN CLOUD data
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Hydrological response to Black Carbon deposition in seasonally snow covered catchments in Norway using two different atmospheric transport models
- Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season
- Influence of the Magnetosheath Waves on the Dayside Reconnection
- Investigating the Biases in the Antarctic Sea Ice - Ocean System of Climate Models using Process-oriented Diagnostics
- Magnetopause-Foreshock Interactions Induced by Dayside Reconnection
- Mapping of the cometary plasma density around comet CG/67P at perihelion.
- Measuring the Permittivity of the Nucleus of a Comet: the PP-SESAME Experiment on Board the Philae/ROSETTA Lander
- Quantifying the tailward motion of reconnecting flux ropes at magnetopauses of Earth and other planets
- Role of dayside transients in a substorm process: Results from the global kinetic simulation Vlasiator
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Satellite-Derived Aerosol Variability over China
- Seasonal Changes of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Observed During N-ICE2015: An Overview
- Solar Cycle Dynamic of the Martian Induced Magnetosphere. Planetary Ions Acceleration Zones and Escape.
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Bulk Snow Properties in North Boreal and Tundra Environments Based on Extensive Field Measurements
- The Collisionless Shock in Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover
- The adsorption theory of heterogeneous nucleation and its application to ice nucleation
- Total OH Reactivity Measurements in the Boreal Forest
- Uncertaintines in modelling contribution of water to aerosol direct effect
- Understanding COS Fluxes in a Boreal Forest: Towards COS-Based GPP Estimates.
- Variation of Ultra-Low Frequency Waves within Solar Wind and Pc5 Fluctuations on the Ground in High Latitudes during Solar Cycle 23
- Warming Climate and Changing Societies - a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding?
- What atmospheric measurements tell us about methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora
- a Roadmap to Advance Understanding of the Science of Space Weather
- Aerosol Effect on the Phase of Low-Level Clouds in the Arctic
- Artificial bias typically neglected in comparisons of uncertain atmospheric data
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Vertical Distribution Over the South African-Atlantic Region: Perspectives from Multi-Models and CALIOP Observations
- Combining Airborne and Lidar Measurements for Attribution of Aerosol Layers
- Direct and indirect aerosol effects on the climate of the Arabian Peninsula
- Evaluating the Joint Effect of Sea Level and Wind Waves to Predict Extreme Coastal Flooding Risks in the Future Climate
- Evaporation in a rapidly changing Arctic: trends and limitations of knowledge
- Experiments and modeling approaches towards understanding the role of soot and Icelandic volcanic dust in the Arctic cryosphere
- Geospace ionosphere research with a MF/HF radio instrument on a cubesat
- Global-Local Interaction of Structures Formed in Earth Foreshock Waves
- Ground-based Observations and Atmospheric Modelling of Energetic Electron Precipitation Effects on Antarctic Mesospheric Chemistry
- Historical Time Series of Extreme Convective Weather in Finland
- How does the shrinking sea ice influence changing wind speed over the Arctic Ocean?
- Large Eddy Simulation Study on Arctic Marine Clouds: the Effect of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Light-absorbing aerosols in snow—estimates on the contribution of non-EC refractory impurities on the reduction of snow albedo
- Long-term atmospheric effects of medium-energy electron precipitation from chemistry-climate modelling
- Magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling process in the auroral region estimated from auroral tomography
- Measurements of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Turbulence Outside and Within a Wind Farm from a Network of Surface Flux Stations and a Tall Tower Network
- Measurements of sea ice mass redistribution during ice deformation event in Arctic winter
- Methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) emissions from tree stems in boreal upland and drained peatland forest
- Methane Fluxes in the High Northern Latitudes for 2005 - 2013 Estimated Using a Bayesian Atmospheric Inversion
- Modeling the Earth's ULF Foreshock: Self-consistent Monte Carlo Simulations versus Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Modelling simulations of NOx and HOx in the middle and upper atmosphere using a 3D Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with D region ion-neutral chemistry
- Observations of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms by the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) Sounding Rocket
- Occurrence of auroral omega bands
- Predictability of ENSO, the QBO, and European winter 2015/16
- Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products and Predictions for Aviation Alerts
- Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoys (IMBs): First Results from a Data Processing Intercomparison Study
- Small scale deformation of Arctic sea ice with respect to distance to ice edge: the impact of wave propagation in the ice pack
- Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT): A new model framework to simulate snow-microwave interactions for active and passive remote sensing applications
- Solar Wind Driven Variations of Electron Plasma Sheet Parameters Beyond Geostationary Orbit During Storm Times
- Spacecraft measurements of large-scale spatial properties of magnetopause reconnection
- Swarm-Aurora: A web-based tool for quickly identifying multi-instrument auroral events
- TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor: Launched?
- The "Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2)" Sounding Rocket
- The Effect of SST and NAO on Recent Changes in the Location and Intensity of the North Atlantic Storm Track
- The Energetic Particle Experiment EPE for THOR
- The effects of detailed dust particle morphology on light scattering
- Towards decadal time series of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice thickness from radar altimetry
- Validation of Absorption Based Dual-Frequency Radar Retrieval Algorithm of Snow Water Equivalent using SnowScat and SnowSAR Data
- Variability of Dayside Reconnection in a Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- Weather extremes linked to interaction of the Arctic and mid- and lower latitudes
- Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model With Lower Ionospheric Chemistry: Improved Modeling of Nitric Acid and Active Chlorine During Energetic Particle Precipitation
- X-ray Magnetosheath Emission from Solar Wind Charge Exchange During Two CME Events in 2001
- Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice thickness from CryoSat and Envisat radar altimetry
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Characterization of Optical Properties of Desert Dust and Other Aerosols Using Postive Matrix Factorization
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Climatology of Aerosols over the Arabian Peninsula
- Combining Probability Distributions of Wind Waves and Sea Level Variations to Assess Return Periods of Coastal Floods
- Contribution of Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions to Global CH<SUB>4</SUB> Balances by Utilizing δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Observations in CarbonTracker Data Assimilation System (CTDAS)
- Core Certification of Data Repositories: Trustworthiness and Long-Term Stewardship
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Development of a tunable Fabry-Perot interferometer UV camera for monitoring sulfur dioxide emissions
- Direct observations of atmosphere - sea ice - ocean interactions during Arctic winter and spring storms
- Do habitable worlds require magnetic fields?
- Dynamical response of the Arctic winter stratosphere to global warming
- Energetic electron precipitation and auroral morphology at the substorm recovery phase
- Enhanced Research Opportunity to Study the Atmospheric Forcing by High-Energy Particle Precipitation at High Latitudes: Emerging New Satellite Data and the new Ground-Based Observations in Northern Scandinavia, including the EISCAT_3D Incoherent Scatter Facility.
- Enhancement of the Investigations of Global Marine Challenges Through the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-column Observatory (EMSO) Research Infrastructure (RI)
- Envri Cluster - a Community-Driven Platform of European Environmental Researcher Infrastructures for Providing Common E-Solutions for Earth Science
- Evolution of the Foreshock Properties with the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Strength: Vlasiator Simulations
- Forecasting of Radiation Belts: Results From the PROGRESS Project.
- Historical carbonyl sulfide observations support long-term growth in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude
- How well do we succeed in modeling the global soil carbon pools?
- Initial Efforts in Characterizing Radiation and Plasma Effects on Space Assets: Bridging the Space Environment, Engineering and User Community
- Is snow-ice now a major contributor to sea ice mass balance in the western Transpolar Drift region?
- Localized Models of Charged Particle Motion in Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusps
- Mars Environmental Analyzer, an environmental station for Mars 2020
- Mars Methane at Gale Crater Shows Strong Seasonal Cycle: Updated Results from TLS-SAM on Curiosity
- Merged SAGE II, Ozone_cci and OMPS ozone profiles dataset and evaluation of ozone trends in the stratosphere
- Mitigation of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants from Residential Coal Heating and Combined Heating/Cooking Stoves: Impacts on the Cryosphere, Policy Options, and Co-benefits
- Modelling ice microphysics of mixed-phase clouds
- Nascent Marine Aerosol Acting as Ultra-Efficient Cloud Nuclei
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- One-month validation of the Space Weather Modeling Framework geospace model
- Overview of the Long-term Ozone Trends and Uncertainties in the Stratosphere(LOTUS) SPARC Activity
- Ozone Satellite Data Synergy and Combination with Non-satellite Data in the AURORA project
- Physics of Martian Ion Plume from Magnetosphere Simulations
- Principles and Policies for International Coordination of Research Data Networks
- Probing storm-time near-Earth magnetotail dynamics using 30 keV proton isotropic boundaries as tracers of precipitating and trapped populations
- Radar Retrieval Algorithm for Snow Water Equivalent Applied to SnowSAR and Scatterometer Data
- Reconstructing Global-scale Ionospheric Outflow With a Satellite Constellation
- Reliability of temperature signal in various climate indicators from northern Europe
- Representativeness of single lidar stations and SBUV overpasses in zonally averaged ozone layered means, their trends and the role of proxies
- Sea Ice Mass Reconciliation Exercise (SIMRE) for altimetry derived sea ice thickness data sets
- Secular Climate Change on Mars: An Update
- Simulating the Effects of Semivolatile Compounds on Cloud Processing of Aerosol
- Solar Wind - Magnetosheath - Magnetopause Interactions in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Specification of electron radiation environment at GEO and MEO for surface charging estimates
- Surface-atmospheric water cycle at Gale crater through multi-year MSL/REMS observations
- Temporal variation of ecosystem scale methane emission from a boreal fen in relation to common model drivers
- The Influence of Eurasian Snow Extent on the Northern Extratropical Stratosphere in a QBO Resolving Model and in Observations.
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): towards a 14 Year Data Record and Applications in the Air Quality and Climate Domain
- The Soho/swan Survey of Water Production in 61 Comets
- The behavior of the microwave emission of a conifer canopy during the fall-winter in Sodankylä, Finland
- The contribution of atmospheric proxies to the vertical distribution of ozone over Summit Station, Greenland
- The sensitivities of in cloud and cloud top phase distributions to primary ice formation in ICON-LEM
- Transient Atmospheric Circulation Changes in a Grand ensemble of Idealized CO2 Increase Experiments
- Aerosol sources, processes and effects on the urban boundary layer: highlights from the Air Pollution and Human health programme
- Anthropogenic Enhancements to Production of Highly Oxygenated Molecules from Autoxidation
- Assessment of Arctic sea ice and ocean observing systems based on INTAROS survey
- Assessment on the aerosol emissions impact on the 1.5◦C pathways
- Assimilating soil organic carbon measurements to improve model projections
- Bridging the Trenches - Ice Sheet Monitoring for the Atmosphere and Oceans in PROMICE and INTAROS
- Changing Arctic Sea-ice Thickness observed by Radar Altimetry
- Classifying ocean profiles with machine learning algorithms
- Concentrations of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) over the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
- Constraints on elemental composition of fine and coarse aerosols
- Current State of the global operational aerosol multi-model ensemble: an update from the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP)
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Effects of the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the Gale Crater Environment as Measured by REMS
- Evaluating XCO2 bias and quality control methods for OCO-2 soundings in the Boreal Forests
- Evaluation of Techniques for the Estimation of Pixel-Level AOD Uncertainties in Satellite Aerosol Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of critical spatial gaps in the Arctic atmospheric observations from the point of view of numerical weather prediction
- Evaporation at 2 Poles: Moisture Flux in the Arctic & Antarctic/Southern Oceans
- Exploitation, assessment, and gap analysis of the existing Arctic observing systems under the INTAROS project: method and first results
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Forecasting forest responses in real-time: How close are we and how do we get there?
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Causes, Consequences, and Management
- Global Composition of Dust at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Measured by the COSIMA/Rosetta Mass Spectrometer
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global methane budget by inversion modelling utilising δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in CarbonTracker Europe - CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Including microbial dynamics is essential for modelling Arctic methane emissions
- Interannual, seasonal and diurnal variability of water vapor at Gale Crater, Mars as observed from contemporaneous MSL and MEx measurements
- Investigating Connection between Decadal Mean Sea Level Variations and Extreme Sea Levels on the Norwegian West Coast
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Lessons-learned from the Environmental research infrastructure (ENVRI) community building and engagement
- Linking the Uncertainty of Simulated Arctic Ozone Losses to Modelling Uncertainties in the Tropical Stratospheric Water Vapour
- Long-term characterization of the boundary-layer for studying land-surface atmosphere interactions
- Mars Science Laboratory Observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 Global Dust Storm
- Monitoring the Arctic water cycle using continuous in-situ water vapor isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) measurements in Arctic Finland
- Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Ozone and the Polar Vortex: SPEs and SSWs
- Observation and modeling of the size distribution of aerosols over the Arabian Peninsula
- Observations of Turbulence and Large Parallel Electric Fields Associated with Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Physical simulations of melting snowflakes with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
- Present observational capacities in the Arctic with the focus on European observational networks. Maturity assessment from INTAROS H2020 project.
- Probabilistic Scenarios of Mean Sea Level Change in Finland
- Real time monitoring of snow depth and ice thickness by SIMBA ice mass balance buoys deployed in the Arctic Ocean during 2018 field expeditions
- Relationships between sea ice concentration and wind speed in the Arctic during 1979-2015
- Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent from active and passive ground-based and airborne observations during the NoSREx campaign
- Shock erosion caused by cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global simulation
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of O<SUB>3</SUB> in the Remote Troposphere from the NASA ATom Mission: Current State and Climatology.
- Specification and initial forecast of keV electrons at GEO and MEO related to surface charging
- Svalbard integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) as a node of Sustained Arctic Observing Networks (SAON)
- The 7-8 September 2017 Storm: Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Response Over Fennoscandia and their Link to GIC.
- The Climatic Significance of Biogenic Aerosols in the Boreal Region Now and in the Future
- The Future of the OMI Project after 15 Years of Operation: Overlap with TROPOMI and Exploring an Orbit Change of Aura Optimizing the Integrating Global Observing System for Air Quality
- The Impact of Meteorological Conditions and Aerosol Concentrations on Shallow Marine Clouds
- The critical gaps in surface atmospheric composition measurements in the Arctic
- Toward Continuous Cover Forestry on Boreal Lowlands - Hydrological Responses to Partial Harvesting
- Towards More Accurate Snow Water Equivalent Products Based on Passive Microwave Retrievals
- Towards structured coordination of sustained observations of Arctic change: An update from the Arctic Observing Summit 2018
- Using atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from site level and retrievals from a space-born sensor in soil carbon model evaluation at global scale
- A Data Driven Approach to Identify Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration in Sanitary Sewer Sub-catchments
- Airborne Pollen Observation Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Platforms and a Ground-based Lidar.
- Analysis of Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry Waveform Retracking Algorithms for Deriving Temporally Consistent Water Levels over Inland Lakes
- Assessing how soil temperature and moisture presentation affects soil organic carbon model parameterization
- Assessment of Sub-daily Flow Alterations by Utilizing the Globally Mapped Free Flowing Rivers and Wavelet Analysis.
- At What Point Managed Retreat?
- Beijing haze: A combination of aerosols, meteorology and their interactions
- Characterization of surfactants in PM1 aerosols from different regions of Europe and correlations with cloud occurrence
- Downward Coupling of Energetic Particle Precipitation Driven Polar Mesospheric Ozone Loss
- Effects of Drought and High Temperature on Carbon and Energy Exchange in Nordic Forest Ecosystems
- Evaluating Modelled Arctic Meteorology using Cloudnet
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Three Climate Models Using MODIS Observations and its Corresponding COSP Simulator.
- From Neptunism And Orology To A Holistic View Of The Environment: Alexander Von Humboldt's Legacy In Earth System Science (537914)
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- Inversion estimates of regional methane emissions and its trends in 2010-2017 by a global high-resolution model
- Investigating the Impact on Geomagnetically Induced Currents from the Regional Variability of dB/dt and Ground Conductivity
- Investigating the contribution of different CH<SUB>4</SUB> sources to global CH<SUB>4</SUB> budget utilising CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in atmospheric inverse modelling
- Investigating turbulent properties within the atmospheric boundary layer during the afternoon-evening transition with high resolution scanning Doppler lidar
- Ionosphere research with Suomi100 cubesatellite's radio wave spectrometer
- Limitations of global MHD models of the Earth's magnetosphere
- Long-term trends in dissolved organic matter from fluvial systems across biomes
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- PECASUS, European Space Weather Service Network for Aviation
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Quantifying the Shape Distributions of Atmospheric Dust
- Radiation Belt Electron Impact on Polar Atmospheric Ozone: a Simulation Study on Importance of Magnetic Local Time Dependency
- Reasons Why the AAE Approach is Inappropriate for Inferring Component Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth
- Recent results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- Regional temperature response and its variance for different climate forcers in PDRMID data
- Retrieval of soil relative permittivity using passive microwave brightness temperatures
- Role of climate model dynamics in estimated climate responses to anthropogenic aerosols
- Seasonal dependence of stratospheric ozone trends in 2000-2018 derived from several merged datasets
- SnowAPP Campaign - Simultaneous Measurements of Micro/Macro-physical Properties of Snow and Electromagnetic Signal from Visible Down to Microwave Wavelengths
- Spatial distribution of the polar thermospheric wind acceleration and importance of the 2D measurement with SDIs
- Spatio-temporal modelling of birch and grass airborne pollen levels in Belgium for health impact assessment
- Statistical Analysis of the Outer Radiation Belt and Inner Magnetospheric Response to Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Stormflow against streamflow - Effect of storage capacity in maintaining the pre-development flow regime
- Stratospheric ozone recovery: Summary of the SPARC/WMO/IO3C LOTUS analyses
- Studying the Extrapolation Techniques and Uncertainty Related to the Coastal Flood Risk Estimates in Finland
- Temperature observations in the upper stratosphere and in the mesosphere using Rayleigh scattering at limb: GOMOS/ENVISAT climatology and MARTIC Cubesat constellation
- The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure - ACTRIS - Exploring the Atmosphere
- The Arctic Observing Summit:Continued Progress towards an Integrated, Multipurpose, International Arctic Observing System
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): Reaping the benefits of a long, stable mission
- Top-down Estimates of Methane Emissions in Russia Using Regional Tower Network Observations
- Vlasiator: Global, Full 6D Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations of Earth's Magnetosphere
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- Worst-Case Severe Environments for Surface Charging as Dependent on Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Conditions
- A Transition to an Ammonia Dominated World? Simulations of Future Agricultural Ammonia Emissions in an Earth System Model
- Accuracy of Northern Hemisphere Snow Water Equivalent Products
- An analysis of temperature trends conducive to chemical loss of ozone in the Arctic stratosphere: are the coldest Arctic winters getting colder?
- An event study of the M-I-T coupling at a pseudo breakup during geomagnetically quiet conditions
- Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions for Atmospheric Chemistry Global and Regional Modelling
- Assimilation of observed active and passive microwave signatures with a physical model for estimation of snow water equivalent
- Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Sea Level Extremes
- Biogeochemical risks and impacts of Arctic permafrost degradation
- Characterizing methane flux hotspots over boreal wetlands using surface renewal theory
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Daedalus, a Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: Mission Performance Demonstration of Multi-point Sampling Capability
- Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- Examining Three Approaches to the Construction of an Inducing Source for the Ground Electric Field Modeling during Space Weather Events
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- Global hybrid simulations of ultra-low frequency foreshock waves at Venus and Mercury
- Impact of Solar Wind High Speed Streams and the Effect of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Ionospheric Current System and Field-Aligned Currents
- Improved Global Distributions of SF6 and Mean Age of Stratospheric Air by Use of New Spectroscopic Data
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Instabilities Associated with Electron-Scale X-line Evolution
- Integro-Difference Equation Model for Ensemble Precipitation Nowcasting
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Molecular Simulations Supporting Adsorptive Theory of Heterogeneous Droplet Nucleation
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observing the Carbon Cycle with the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Regional geomagnetic disturbances in Fennoscandia: statistical observations, modelling, and driving mechanisms
- Role of snow in sea ice mass balance in a thinner Arctic ice pack - lessons learned from the N-ICE2015 campaign
- Sea Ice Deformation at MOSAiC
- Seasonal Forecasts of the Exceptional Northern Hemisphere Winter of 2020
- Structure of Arctic Cyclones During MOSAiC and Their Surface Impacts
- Temporal variations of CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 sea ice freeboard around SIMBA buoys of MOSAiC campaign
- Tensor Product Meshes and Elements for Discretizing Models Across the Geophysical Sciences using the Finite Element Modeling Package Firedrake
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) Perspective on the Massive June 2020 Saharan Dust Event
- The MOSAiC floe: From its origin to Fram Strait - Ice conditions at the beginning and end of the expedition
- The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer: Pressure and Humidity Sensors and Science
- The Role of OMI in a Global Observing System for Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition
- The Venus Atmospheric Dynamics and Infrasound Seismology (VADIS) Instrument
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- Towards an Operational Copernicus Service: a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Variable Physical Drivers of Near-Surface Turbulence in a Regulated River
- Vertical distribution of Arctic methane in 2009-2018 using ground-based remote sensing
- Whistler Mode Waves Observed During Reconnection in the Earth's Turbulent Magnetosheath
- 2.5D local hybrid simulations of ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- Assessing the Effects of Non-photochemical Quenching and Structural Effects on the Seasonal Cycle of Solar-induced Fluorescence in a Coniferous Forest with a Land Surface Model
- Atmospheric Structure and Processes Associated with Significant, Multi-disciplinary, Environmental Transitions in the Central Arctic
- Biomass Burning Aerosols in Most Climate Models Are Too Absorbing
- Convective vortices and dust devils on Jezero observed by Mars 2020
- Delay of the thermospheric wind response to a sudden westward turning of the ionospheric velocity at a pseudo breakup and irresistible force of the thermosphere in the energy dissipation process
- Deriving Top-Down Biogenic VOC Emissions over Europe based on TROPOMI HCHO Columns
- Downy birches are strong emitters of sesquiterpenes and oxygenated sesquiterpenes
- Drizzle-Turbulence Interactions Below Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Dust lifting detection and characterization at Jezero using MEDA radiance observations
- EO4D_ash: a Pilot for Integration of Earth Observation Data for Detection, Discrimination & Distribution (4D) of Volcanic Ash
- Early but not late growing season warming enhances peatland net ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake
- Emissions from a boreal wetland: a perspective from total ozone reactivity measurements
- Evaluating the BVOC-feedback in Earth System Models Against Observations
- Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Equivalent Currents from AMPERE and SuperMAG During ICME Driven Geomagnetic Storms
- First 6D Hybrid-Vlasov Modeling of the Entire Magnetosphere: Substorm Onset and Current Sheet Flapping
- First Results of the Surface Energy Budget, Thermal Inertia and Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, as obtained from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument
- First results of the Perseverance environmental stations (MEDAs) Relative Humidity Sensor
- Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks
- Greenhouse Gases and Atmospheric Pollutants: a Global Emissions Dataset for the 2000-2021 Period
- HEPPA III intercomparison experiment on electron precipitation impacts: Estimated ionization rates during a geomagnetic active period in April 2010
- Improvements to Snow CCI+ Northern Hemisphere Snow Water Equivalent, Version 2
- Ionospheric and auroral research research with the Suomi 100 nanosatellite, EISCAT HF facility and all-sky cameras
- Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions
- Magnetosheath Jet Evolution as a Function of Lifetime:Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations Compared to MMS Observations
- Mixing ratios of biogenic volatile organic compounds in highland and lowland ecosystems in Kenya
- New insights for tracking global and local trends in exposure to air pollutants
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Perseverance/Mars2020 measurements of the daily pressure cycle at Jezero
- Plume spreading test case for ocean models
- Quantifying Arctic methane emissions from Alaskas North Slope and Northeast Siberia from 2010-2020 using high-frequency atmospheric measurements
- Reconstruction of the three-dimensional structure and precipitating electrons of pulsating auroras by Aurora Computed Tomography
- Remote sensing of snow on sea ice from satellite and on-ice microwave radiometers
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Simulation of auroral electron precipitating fluxes with eVlasiator: Method and preliminary results
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- Temperature Control of Spring CO2 Fluxes at a Coniferous Forest and a Peat Bog in Central Siberia
- Timescales of Changes in Outer Radiation Belt Electrons During Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Global Positioning System Constellation
- Towards Multi-Decadal Daily Airborne Birch Pollen Levels Based on NDVI Data and a Pollen Transport Model
- Using 15N Tracer Experiments with Land Surface Model to Assess Nitrogen Cycle Modelling
- Aerosol Optical Properties from High-Resolution Size Distribution Measurements in the Lower Midlatitude Stratosphere
- An Atlas of Air Pollution Based on a Reanalysis and Emissions for the Past Two Decades
- Attributing the Trends of Airborne Birch and Grass Pollen Levels
- Below-ground Geochemistry Underlying Within-Site Variation of Methane Emissions in a Northern Boreal Fen
- Can state data assimilation improve farmland soil carbon model projections: A synthetic study
- Coarse-mode organic-sulfate aerosols from evaporating precipitation and novel chemistry
- Enhancing Direct Readout Capabilities for Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Environmental and Health Co-benefits of Sustainable Food System Strategies
- Evaluating Recent Changes in Surface Elevation Models and Their Implications for the OCO-2 Bias Correction Over Northern High Latitude Regions
- From Science to Application: The AQ-WATCH Project and the AQ-WATCH Toolkit to Address Air Pollution Issues
- Global change effects on calcium promotes shifts in zooplankton community compositions in northern lakes
- High variations in the isoprene, monoterpene and sesquiterpene emission potentials of Norway spruce
- Interplay between Magnetic Reconnection and Flapping Instabilities in the Magnetotail: Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- LOTUS Highlights on Ozone Trend Analyses and Phase 3 Direction
- Living on Frozen Ground as concept for a Shared Arctic Variable
- Logistic Regression as an Alternative to Neural Networks or ARMAX for Predicting GOES-13 40-150 keV Electron Flux
- M2020/Perseverance Study of Atmospheric Tides and Waves at Jezero, Mars
- Methane emissions in the Tibetan Plateau of China inferred from atmospheric observations
- Modeling the Influence of Intrinsic Dipole Field Strength and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation on Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Modeling the effect of a regional dust storm in Jezero crater using MarsWRF mesoscale and large eddy simulations.
- Modification of Pacific water in the western Canadian Arctic
- Multi-point and Multi-source Observations of the Electrojets by the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission
- Non-Stationary Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Sea Level Extremes on the Finnish Coast
- Observations and Simulations of Transpolar Arcs during Northward IMF Conditions
- Observations of particle number size distributions and new particle formation in six Indian locations
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Observed and Modelled Attenuation of Radar Signal in a Boreal Forest Canopy in Winter
- On the need for an International Geospace Systems Program (IGSP)
- Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World
- Quantifying Pan-Arctic Snow Depth and Density Trends Caused by Snow-ice Formation
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar
- Size Distributions of Biomass Burning Aerosol as a Function of Age and Comparisons to Models
- Snow Water Equivalent retrieval using ALOS2 imagery over Northern Finland.
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
- Study of the Local Bow Shock Environment during Magnetosheath Jet Formation: Vlasiator Results
- The Impact of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation on Clouds: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument: Overview and Future Perspective Supporting Continued Exploitation
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- Urban areas characterisation using a synergistic perspective - reanalysis datasets + EO data + models - the HARMONIA vision.
- Water vapor at Jezero Crater, Mars
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Milillo
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Steele
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abiyot Workayehu
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Akihiko Ito
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Alexander Knohl
- Alexandr Afanasiev
- Alfredo Falconieri
- Allison Jaynes
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas Johlander
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Anita L. Ganesan
- Anna Irrgang
- Arnaud P. Praplan
- Asier Munguira
- Astrid Maute
- Atsuki Shinbori
- B. Lavraud
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Baptiste Chide
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Jackson
- Byron Blomquist
- C. Briois
- C. M. De Nardin
- Can Li
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carolina Martin-Rubio
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Charles D. Koven
- Chi Wang
- Chris Derksen
- Chris Polashenski
- Christian Tate
- Christine L. Goodale
- Christopher Cox
- Christy Swann
- Claire Granier
- Colin Wilson
- Colleen Mortimer
- Colm Sweeney
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Murphy
- Da Pan
- Daniel Tong
- David Burgess
- David G. Babb
- David Mimoun
- Debra Wunch
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Donald K. Perovich
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- E. A. Ray
- E. J. Hyer
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward H. Bair
- Elias Odelstad
- Elyn Humphreys
- Eric James
- Esa Kallio
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. Tsuchiya
- Fenjuan Wang
- Franck Montmessin
- Frans‐Jan W. Parmentier
- G. Facskó
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. P. Schill
- Gabriele Pfister
- Gary N. Geller
- Giulia Cozzani
- Graham Feingold
- Gunnar Spreen
- Guy Brasseur
- Hans Burchard
- Harriet George
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Hilary Egan
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- I. J. Rae
- I. Shinohara
- Ian Raphael
- Igor Dmitrenko
- Ilya Usoskin
- Imogen Gingell
- Ioanna Merkouriadi
- Irena F. Creed
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- Isamu Morino
- Ivan Kuznetsov
- Ivan Mammarella
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. B. Miller
- J. Berthier
- J. C. Coxon
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. P. Veefkind
- J. Souček
- J. Tamminen
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jeff Dozier
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jennifer K. Hutchings
- John D. Haiducek
- Jonas Suni
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Juha Lemmetyinen
- Junga Hwang
- K. D. Froyd
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Keika
- Kareem Sorathia
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kimberly Strong
- Kyle A. Arndt
- L. K. Tamppari
- L. Kepko
- L. Olifer
- Laura E. Simms
- Laura Fryer
- Lawrence B. Flanagan
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lei Cai
- Leonie Kohl
- Lin Zhang
- Lucia Mona
- Lucile Turc
- Luis Preisser
- M. A. Mischna
- M. D. Smith
- M. G. Henderson
- M. Giuranna
- M. Kitahara
- M. S. Torn
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. Talat Odman
- Manuel Helbig
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Marcos Heil Costa
- Marcus Pedersen
- Maria J. Santos
- Mariah Baker
- Marie Boichu
- Mark Weber
- Marko Laine
- Markus Battarbee
- Martijn Pallandt
- Martin Heimann
- Martin Rubin
- Martin Schneebeli
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masahito Ueyama
- Masayoshi Ishii
- Mathias Goeckede
- Matthew D. Shupe
- Matthew Parno
- Maxime Grandin
- Mian Chin
- Michael Gallagher
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Michael Wolff
- Miguel Ramos
- Milla Kalliokoski
- Minna Palmroth
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- Mojtaba Akhavan‐Tafti
- Monika E. Szeląg
- Natalia Ganushkina
- Nicholas Wright
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Noora Partamies
- O. P. Verkhoglyadova
- P. Elósegui
- P. G. van Zyl
- P. J. Espy
- P. Ola G. Persson
- Patrick Alken
- Pedro Lacerda
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Peng Xian
- Peter Hess
- Peter R. Colarco
- Petra Šímová
- Philip Stier
- Prabir K. Patra
- Primož Kajdič
- R. C. Fear
- R. Hueso
- R. Järvinen
- R. S. Gao
- Rajesh Kumar
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Robert Damadeo
- Robert Sullivan
- Rudra Pokhrel
- Ruzica Dadić
- S. A. Carn
- S. Diniega
- S. Erard
- S. Morley
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sachchidanand Singh
- Salla Tenhovirta
- Samuel L. Jaccard
- Sanni Hoilijoki
- Sara Navarro
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Savvas Raptis
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shea N. Thorne
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Sobhan Kumar Kompalli
- Sophie Godin‐Beekmann
- Stefan Bender
- Stephanie A. Henson
- Susan M. Natali
- Susan O’Neill
- Sékou Keita
- T. H. Painter
- T. Sergienko
- Taichu Y. Tanaka
- Takuo T. Tsuda
- Tao Che
- Tea Thum
- Tero Mielonen
- Thomas Nägler
- Timbo Stillinger
- Timo Asikainen
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Tomoaki Hori
- Toni Viskari
- Torben R. Christensen
- Tristan Quaife
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- Tuija Pulkkinen
- Tuomas Kärnä
- Urs Ganse
- V. Apéstigue
- V. G. Merkin
- Vassilis Amiridis
- Vijay P. Kanawade
- Viktoria Sofieva
- Virendra P. Ghate
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- W. R. Simpson
- Wenbin Wang
- Willem Verstraeten
- Xiaohong Liu
- Y. Dong
- Y. Ogawa
- Yixin Guo
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yukio Yoshida
- Yvonne Boose
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo