Indian Institute of Science, Division of Physical Sciences
flowchart I[Indian Institute of Science, Division of Physical Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (48)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Tsunami Geology of the Bay of Bengal Shores and the Predecessors of the 2004 Indian Ocean Event
- Indian Monsoon controlling the effect of anthropogenic emission on the seasonal variation of air-CO<SUB>2</SUB> over Bangalore, India
- Role of Wind and Sea Surface Temperature Over Moisture Source Region in Determining the Stable Isotopic Ratios in Rainwater
- Subsidence of continental air in marine atmosphere and uptake of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Bay of Bengal water recorded during Southwest monsoon of 2009
- Determination of fractionation of oxygen isotopes between rice grain and environmental water
- Investigating H/V Spectrum of Ambient Noise at Liquefaction Sites Using Shallow Vs Profiles from MASW
- The lithospheric stress field from joint modeling of lithosphere and mantle circulation using constraints from the latest global tomography models
- Inter-seismic deformation and plate coupling along the Andaman micro-plate margin: geodetic constraints using 1996-2004 GPS data.
- Refinements on the inferred causative faults of the great 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes
- Seismicity in Eastern North America: What Is the Source of Intraplate Strain and Stress?
- The Driving Forces of the Large-Scale Deformation in the India-Eurasia Collision Region: Joint Modeling of Lithosphere and Mantle Dynamics
- Carbon and oxygen isotopic disequilibrium during calcification of Globigerina bulloides in the Southern ocean
- Changes in Ecosystem Carbon Following Afforestation of Post-Mining Sites- A Case Study from Raniganj Coalfield, India
- Fingerprint of Seasonal Relative humidity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.): Potential for Paleoclimate Archive
- Hot N Sour Mantle Soup on Indian Plate During Cretaceous- Evidence from Clumped Isotope and Geochemical Studies of Sung Valley Carbonatite, India
- Silicate or Carbonate Weathering: Fingerprinting Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in a Tropical River, Southern India
- Spatio-temporal variability in the freshwater input to the surface water of Southern Ocean
- Climatic variability during the last deglaciation: A stalagmite-based multi-proxy record from Mawmluh cave, India
- Investigating the Indian Ocean Geoid Low
- Life Underneath the Deccan Trap: New Insights from Stable C, O and Clumped Isotopes from the Cretaceous Stromatolites Underneath the Amba Dongar Carbonatite Body, Gujarat, Western India
- Stalagmite-derived Last Glacial Maximum - Mid Holocene Indian Monsoon Record from Krem Mawmluh, Meghalaya, NE India
- The Importance of Lower Mantle Structure to Plate Stresses and Plate Motions
- Importance of dynamic topography in Himalaya-Tibetan plateau region
- Post Cretaceous cooling trend documented in the gastropods (Turritella Sp.) from the Cenozoic startigraphic successions of India
- Potential Seismic Signatures of Megathrust Preparatory Zones
- Empirical Mode Decomposition of Strong Motion Records Proves Useful for the Source and Site Characteristics of Energy Distribution of Earthquake
- Mid-Holocene Seasonality as revealed from Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis along the growth bands of Telescopium telescopium from Bengal Basin, Eastern India
- On Performance of the Craig-Gordon Evaporation Models in Diverse Ocean Conditions
- On the Source Characteristics of Inter and Intraplate Earthquakes in the Japanese Trench: A Joint Study of Teleseismic Waveform Models and Strong Motion Spectrograms
- Optimising Analytical Methods for Determining <SUP>17</SUP>O excess of Carbonates
- Relationship of Deuterium Excess in Water Vapor with Relative Humidity and Sea-Surface Temperatures at Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Polar Regions of Antarctica.
- Stability of cratons since early Phanerozoic
- Supporting the Tibetan Plateau: Coupling of Surface Topography and Upper Mantle Dynamic Processes
- The Relation Between Tractions and Strain Rate at the Base of the Lithosphere: Key to Understanding Cratonic Stability
- A Detailed Study of b and D Value Distribution and Variation in Indo-Burma Subduction Zone (IBSZ)
- An Alternate Method for Earthquake Source Characterization through Empirical Mode Decomposition and Spectral Analysis of Strong-Motion Records
- Effect of Weak Mid-lithospheric Discontinuities on the Survival of Cratons
- Evolution of cratons in time-dependent mantle convection models
- Insights on the source characteristics of Japanese earthquakes from source models developed from teleseismic and strong-motion records
- Modeling the deformation in the Indian plate and the India-Eurasia collision zone
- Modelling Interactions among Irrigation Canal Reaches for Downstream Water Level Control using Integrator Delay Zero Model
- Reconstruction of Freshwater Flux and Productivity over the Bay of Bengal for the past 33kyr
- Role of South-West Monsoon Strength and Monthly Rainfall amount Driving Seasonal Total Arsenic Variation in Groundwater
- Energy Rate Functions: An Overview of HHT-based Earthquake Source Characterization using Strong Motion Data
- Fractionation of Stable Oxygen and Clumped Isotope During Acid Digestion of Calcite in the Presence of an External DC Electric Field
- Lateral viscosity variations within the lithosphere and their role in affecting the dynamics and seismicity of central and eastern North America
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Similar magnitude of seasonal freshwater flux to the Bengal basin during late Holocene solar minima events revealed from the carbonate clumped isotope compositions of growth bands of fossil molluscs