Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Coherent Intraseasonal Oscillations of Ocean and Atmosphere During the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Comparison of Aerosol Radiative Forcing Over Arabian Gulf and Tropical Indian Ocean : A Multi-Sensor Study
- Great paleoearthquakes of the central Himalaya and their implications for seismotectonic models and seismic hazard assessment
- Predecessors of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: Inferences Based on Historical, Archeological and Geological Evidence From the Indian Coast and the Andaman-Nicobar Islands
- Continued Post Seismic Deformation of Andaman Islands
- Diurnal Cycle Variability of Rainfall Over the Indian Region: Perspectives From the TRMM Satellite
- The Previous Occurrence of Indian Ocean Tsunami- Geological Evidence from the Southeastern Coast of India
- Towards Estimating the Timing, Size and Spatial Extent of Great Earthquakes Along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust With Paleoseismology
- Climate response to black carbon aerosols: Dependence on altitude
- Diurnal Cycle: The Major Source of Error in ECMWF 1 to 10 Days Forecasts During YOTC 2008
- Global warming increased by the response of land plants to CO2
- Land-Use and Land-Cover Change and Associated Changes in Hydrological Cycle and Energy Exchange Processes in Monsoon Asian Region (Invited)
- Numerical Modelling of the Observed Diurnal Cycle of Indian Monsoon Rainfall
- Sustainable forest management and impacts on forest responses to a changing climate
- Andaman post-seismic deformation observations: An update
- Comparison of SMOS and AMSR-E retrieved soil moisture with the field measured soil moisture data in South India
- Entrainment in Laboratory Simulations of Cumulus Cloud Flows
- Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle of Counteracting Global Warming with Albedo Changes over Oceans or Land
- Stress Transfer Processes during Great Plate Boundary Thrusting Events: A Study from the Andaman and Nicobar Segments
- Understanding the Climate Consequences of Evapotranspiration Changes: A Theoretical Perspective
- Fast adjustment of the climate system to changes in atmospheric CO2 and solar radiation
- Hydrogeochemistry of a Small Tropical River Basin with Special Reference to Ground Water Recharge Estimation Using Conservative Chloride Mass Balance Method: a Case Study from Southwest Coast of India
- Physically-based, Hydrologic Simulations Driven by Three Precipitation Products
- Role of anthropogenic aerosols in UV and shortwave absorption and their consequences over natural aerosol characteristics
- Study of the vertical distribution of the clouds using TRMM PR
- Universality of the Rainfall Duration Characteristics in the Global Tropics
- Validation of Daily Rainfall Simulations from the Canadian Regional Climate Model over Indian Region
- Aerosol Scattering and Absorption Properties Over the Central Himalayan Location Nainital: Results from Gvax
- An Intercomparison of RADARSAT-2, SMOS and Field Measured Soil Moisture in the Berambadi Watershed, South India
- An isotopic investigation of the interplay of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere during the Phanerozoic
- Biogeochemical response of Southern Ocean due to melting of Antarctic glaciers
- Climate response to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and solar irradiance on the time scale of days to weeks
- Early Eocene SST recorded in clumped isotopic ratios of fish otoliths of North Sea Basin, Belgium
- Elevated layers of BC aerosols over Indian region and its implications: Results from Regional Aerosol Warming Experiment (RAWEX)
- Imbalances of Water and Solutes in Experimental Watersheds: Spatial or Temporal Origin?
- Meteorological soundings during GVAX-RAWEX in the Central Himalayas: Variabilities in trace species and role of dynamics
- Optical Properties of Aerosols from the Central Himalayas during Rawex - Gvax Field Campaign
- Quantification of Regional Aerosol Radiative Forcing due to Asian Aerosols through the Indian Efforts the ARFI and ICARB: A perspective
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Estimation of Potential Recharge in Tropical and Temperate Catchments using a Crop Model and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Record of seasonal body fluid composition in Black Clam (Bivalve) using clumped isotope thermometric approach
- Simulations of aerosols during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods,over Indian region
- Stratospheric Geoengineering: Sensitivity of the Global Hydrological Cycle to the Meridional Distribution of Aerosols
- Subsidence of continental air in marine atmosphere and uptake of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Bay of Bengal water recorded during Southwest monsoon of 2009
- The coupled social-hydrology of Bangalore city, India
- The impact of absorbing aerosols on the Indian monsoon
- A Model-based Estimate of the Relative Importance of Climate warming, CO2-fertilization and Nitrogen Deposition to Global Terrestrial Carbon Uptake (Invited)
- A Model-based estimate of Biogeophysical and Biogeochemical effect of deforestation (Invited)
- Autumn-time post-harvest biomass burning in Punjab causing aerosol perturbation over Central Himalayas
- Effect of diurnal cycle in anthropogenic emissions on the vertical profile of black carbon over the Indian region
- Fast and slow adjustment of the climate system to abrupt changes in CO2 and solar forcing
- Geomorphology, active duplexing, and earthquakes within the Central Himalayan seismic gap
- Grain size dependency in clumped isotope ratios in high temperature calcites
- Hydrologic response of Upper Ganga basin under changing land use and climate scenarios
- Hydrological feedbacks in groundwater dominated systems: approaches, challenges and projections of future change
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Is rate of glacial retreat accelerated in Indian Himalaya? (Invited)
- Linear and Non-Linear Contribution in the Generation of Yanai Waves in the Western Equatorial Indian Ocean (Invited)
- Long term trend in Aerosol Optical Depth over India from ARFINET
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Instantaneous Orbital Data Products of TRMM over Indian Subcontinent
- Statistical Modeling of Effects of ENSO on the Intensity, Duration and Frequency of Hot Spells in India
- The status of glaciers in Sikkim Himalaya
- Understanding Subsurface Flow Mechanisms by Studying Recession Flow Curves
- Using lumped modelling for providing simple metrics and associated uncertainties of catchment response to agricultural-derived nitrates pollutions
- Were the Great April 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquakes Triggered by the 2004 Plate Boundary Event?
- Air-water CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in five hypereutrophic lakes in Bangalore, India
- Can SAPHIR Instrument Onboard MEGHATROPIQUES Retrieve Hydrometeors and Rainfall Characteristics ?
- Estimating the Bedrock Topography of the Gangotri Glacier in India
- Impact of glacio-morphological parameters in the glacier change: A case study of parts of Western Himalaya, India.
- Modeling of Solar Radiation Management: A Comparison of Simulations Using Reduced Solar Constant and Stratospheric Sulphate Aerosols
- Potential of the Reliability-Resilience-Vulnerability (RRV) Based Drought Management Index (DMI)
- Regional Scale Analysis of Extremes in an SRM Geoengineering Simulation
- Relationship between the Averaged Deposition Rate Coefficients for Colloids in a Single Pore and Various Pore-scale Parameters
- Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in South Asia and Surrounding Regions During the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB)
- A Model based Investigation of the Relative Importance of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-fertilization, Climate Warming, Nitrogen deposition and Land Use Change on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in the Historical Period
- A Recursive Multi-Scaling Approach to Regional Flood Frequency Analysis
- An Experimental Model for Magnetoconvection in the Earth Tangent Cylinder
- Anisotropy of Tropical Rain
- Carbon and oxygen isotopic disequilibrium during calcification of Globigerina bulloides in the Southern ocean
- Changes in Ecosystem Carbon Following Afforestation of Post-Mining Sites- A Case Study from Raniganj Coalfield, India
- Characterizing the Transient Climate Change to Solar and CO2 Forcing Using the Framework of Rapid Adjustment and Slow Feedback
- Crop identification for the delineation of irrigated regions under scarce data conditions: a new approach based on chaos theory
- Effects of large scale deforestation on precipitation in the monsoon regions: Remote versus local effects
- Estimation of glacier mass balance: An approach based on satellite-derived transient snowlines and a temperature index driven by meteorological observations
- Evaluating Precipitation from Orbital Data Products of TRMM and GPM over the Indian Subcontinent
- Fingerprint of Seasonal Relative humidity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.): Potential for Paleoclimate Archive
- Fuzzy State Reservoir Operation Model for Irrigation with Gridded Rainfall Forecasts
- Hierarchical Spatial Analysis of Extreme Precipitation in Urban Areas
- Multi-Model Assessment of Trends and Variability in Terrestrial Carbon Uptake in India
- Origin of alternate amphibole and quartz rich bands in amphibole bearing quartzite from North Khetri Copper Belt, Rajasthan, India
- Propagation of Mesoscale Convective Systems over India in the Boreal Summer Monsoon Season
- Sea salt production over Bay of Bengal : Effect of salinity
- Silicate or Carbonate Weathering: Fingerprinting Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in a Tropical River, Southern India
- Spatio-temporal variability in the freshwater input to the surface water of Southern Ocean
- Characterizing Weathering Crust Hydrology in the Southwest Greenland Ablation Zone
- Conditions for bifurcations in a reduced form monsoon model based on the moist static energy budget
- Development of Long Term Evapotranspiration Products Using the Triangle Model over India
- Efficacy of Methane Forcing: the Role of Fast Adjustments on Four-Month Timescale
- Geochemical and isotopic study of impact melts and spherules from the Lonar impact crater, India, indicate melting of the Precambrian basement beneath the 'target' Deccan basalts
- Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS)
- Limitations of chemical weathering indices and dating the peak weathering event using Nd, Sr isotope ratios in a hand-specimen sized spheroidally weathered diabase
- Long Term trends in Meridional ISO Activity as seen in CMIP5 Simulations
- Reconstructing Past Humidity Conditions Using Rice (Oryza sativa L.) archive
- Regional Aerosol Forcing over India: Preliminary Results from the South West Asian Aerosol-Monsoon Interactions (SWAAMI) Aircraft Experiment
- Simulated Climate Response to Long-term Solar Geoengineering
- Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and 2 to improve agro-hydrological modeling. Results of groundwater pumping estimates in south-India and nitrogen excess in south-west of France
- The Genetic Algorithm: A Robust Method for Stress Inversion
- Why is solar forcing less effective than CO<SUB>2</SUB> forcing in causing climate change?
- Boron isotopes at the catchment scale, a new potential tool to infer critical zone processes.
- Four Decades of Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Observations: Product validation and inter-satellite comparisons
- Importance of dynamic topography in Himalaya-Tibetan plateau region
- Investigation on Glacier Thinning in Baspa, Western Himalaya.
- Multi-site Stochastic Simulation of Daily Streamflow with Markov Chain and KNN Algorithm
- Near surface meltwater storage in low-density bare ice of the Greenland ice sheet ablation zone
- Potential Seismic Signatures of Megathrust Preparatory Zones
- Scaling of Precipitation Extremes Modelled by Generalized Pareto Distribution
- Suggested Parameterization Choices in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for Extreme Rainfall Event Simulations over India
- Biodiversity Assessment Along a Moisture Gradient in Tropical Deciduous Forests in India Using AVIRIS-NG Data
- Development of Consistent Land Surface Emissivity Retrievals from a Combination of Microwave Sensors
- Episodic Arc Volcanism Related to the Precambrian Supercontinent Cycle: Insights from Geochemical and Nd Isotopic Compositions of Felsic Tuffs from Proterozoic Sedimentary Basins of India
- Equifinality Adds Structural Uncertainties to Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Estimating the probabilities of serially dependent extreme rainfall events
- Inter-hemispheric Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon across the Penultimate Deglaciation
- Linking parameters across spatial scales using a macroscale hydrologic model
- Mass balance modelling approach to assess long term water availability in Satluj basin, Western Himalaya
- Mid-Holocene Seasonality as revealed from Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis along the growth bands of Telescopium telescopium from Bengal Basin, Eastern India
- Multiscale Persistence in Rainfall and Streamflow: Role of Rainfall and Catchment Characteristics
- On Performance of the Craig-Gordon Evaporation Models in Diverse Ocean Conditions
- On the Source Characteristics of Inter and Intraplate Earthquakes in the Japanese Trench: A Joint Study of Teleseismic Waveform Models and Strong Motion Spectrograms
- Reconstructing Floods in Data-Sparse Himalayan Region
- Relationship of Deuterium Excess in Water Vapor with Relative Humidity and Sea-Surface Temperatures at Tropical, Sub-Tropical and Polar Regions of Antarctica.
- Significant variability in the δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca of global carbonatites: implications for carbonate recycling, magma differentiation and source-mantle mineralogy
- Simulated climate and terrestrial biosphere response to three radiation geoengineering schemes
- Supporting the Tibetan Plateau: Coupling of Surface Topography and Upper Mantle Dynamic Processes
- Vertical Structure of Aerosol Characteristics Across the Indo Gangetic Plain Prior to the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Water Use Efficiency in Groundwater Irrigated Agricultural Plots in Semi-Arid Region: New Methodology Combining Models and In-situ Measurements.
- A Machine Learning Approach to Retrieve Soil Textural Information Using Soil Moisture Dynamics
- A stable Calcium Isotopic study on Abyssal Peridotite from the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge
- Assessing Glacier Mass Loss in the Alaknanda Basin of Garhwal Himalaya, during 2000-2017
- Assessment of Climatic Controls on Hydrologic Variables of two Trans-boundary River Basins of the Indian Subcontinent
- Climate Response to Volcano-like Pulse Versus Sustained Stratospheric Aerosol Forcing
- CoSMoS: A Platform for Complete Stochastic Modelling Solution
- Developing a Probabilistic Score to Assess the Degree of Equity in an Intermittent Water Supply System in South Bangalore, India
- Diurnal Cycle of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature at Global Scale for Higher Temporal Freeze and Thaw Detections
- Downscaling Satellites Land Surface Temperature over Urban Environments
- Effect of Surface Characteristics on Sentinel-1 SAR Observations for Detecting Freeze and Thaw States in Boreal Regions
- Estimation of crop residue fraction from spectral unmixing of AVIRIS-NG data for agricultural fields in Chilika, India
- Fate of Amino Acids and Nucleobases under Impact Induced Shock - Discovery of Complex Macroscale Structures and Implications to the Origins of life
- Global Maps of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo Using Joint CERES-MODIS Retrievals
- Greening of global lands from twenty-year satellite observation
- Hydrograph separation and quantification of baseflow contribution using hydrogeochemical and stable water isotope tracers: Kabini watershed, Southern India
- Intensification of Early Miocene Monsoon Detected Using Cap 47 Record From the Seasonal Growth Bands in the Well Preserved Gastropod shells from the Kachchh Basin, Western India
- Interaction of Convective Organisation with Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea: the 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India
- Modelling Interactions among Irrigation Canal Reaches for Downstream Water Level Control using Integrator Delay Zero Model
- Mutual Information based Spectrally Segmented Stacked Autoencoder Approach for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Land Use Land Cover Using Hyperspectral Data
- On the relationship between rainfall and changing temperatures between last and first says of a dry-wet spell sequence
- Oxygen Transfer Predictions for Diffused Aeration System in Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Numerical Approach
- Precipitation response to precession: role of insolation vs feedbacks
- Rainfall Extremes: Not Only Getting More Intense But Bigger in Size As Well
- Reconstruction of Freshwater Flux and Productivity over the Bay of Bengal for the past 33kyr
- Role of South-West Monsoon Strength and Monthly Rainfall amount Driving Seasonal Total Arsenic Variation in Groundwater
- Sensitivity of Climate Response to the Altitude of Sulfate Aerosol Layer in the Stratosphere
- Short-Term Forecasting of Urban Water Consumption for South-West Bangalore, India, using a Coupled Hilbert-Huang Transform and Random Forest-Based Model
- Stable Ca isotopic compositions of global carbonatites and implications for the evolution of the Earth's upper mantle
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Temperature dependence of δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca fractionation in calcite tests of foraminifera from a sediment trap
- The Potential of Integrated Machine Learning Algorithms for Tropical Cyclone Detection in Advanced Climate Modeling
- Two Distinct Types of Indian Summer Monsoon Droughts
- Understanding aerosol pollution over India using airborne observations and remote sensing
- Woody plant diversity assessment and its relationships to functional traits in Mundumalai National Park in India using AVIRIS-NG data
- A Global Survey of Middle Tropospheric Cyclones
- A transformation-based method for automatic threshold selection in Peaks Over Threshold (POT) approach
- Annual cycle and spatial structure of zonal momentum fluxes in the deep tropics
- Assessment of Spatial Variations and the Interaction of Climate-Soil-Human Drivers of India's Terrestrial Carbon Use Efficiency
- Association of Indian Summer Monsoon Variability with Mid-latitude Teleconnection in CFSv2
- Boron Isotope Based pH Record of Last Three Decades Using the Porites Coral From the Arabian Sea
- Comparison of Three Evapotranspiration Datasets Over The Indian Region
- Core convection influenced by large lower mantle heterogeneity: Implications for the geomagnetic field
- Development of Nonstationary Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Drought Index (nSPEI) using Climate Indices as Covariates
- Downscaling Methodology for Satellite Land Surface Temperatures over Urban Environments
- Evolution of Asian Monsoon and Stable Water Isotope Ratios During the Holocene
- Exploring model representation of aerosol pollution over India using airborne observations, surface measurements and remote sensing
- Fractionation of Stable Oxygen and Clumped Isotope During Acid Digestion of Calcite in the Presence of an External DC Electric Field
- Impact of COVID-19 lock-down on aerosol characteristics over urban and rural environments in peninsular India
- Impacts of Climate Change on Ganga River Water Quality in the Kanpur Region
- Investigating the relationship between fault damage zones and earthquakes through earthquake cycle simulations
- Monsoon Low Pressure Systems over Indian subcontinent in CESM1.2.2
- Multi-site Multi-variable Hydrologic Model Development for Spatially Heterogeneous River Basins to Achieve Realistic Basin Modeling
- Multiscale Convection During Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
- Non- Stationary Hershfield Method for Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics and Bio-Chemical Membrane Fouling in Porous Media
- On the interaction of multiple monsoon lows that produce large-scale heavy rainfall
- Optimal Design of Precipitation Gauge Network Using Bayesian Framework
- Similar magnitude of seasonal freshwater flux to the Bengal basin during late Holocene solar minima events revealed from the carbonate clumped isotope compositions of growth bands of fossil molluscs
- Simulated vs. reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface conditions: impact on oxygen isotopes in ice cores, speleothems and precipitation
- Spontaneous flow reversal at the equator in two-dimensional moist turbulence
- Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering: Sensitivity of global monsoon precipitation to the latitude of injections
- Study of Isotope Exchange in Molecular Gases in Equilibrium
- The Mechanisms Governing the Evolution of Precipitation Over Tropical Land and Ocean During the Past 22,000 Years
- The role of water vapor in driving the centennial-scale oscillation in monsoon
- Upscale energy cascades towards equatorial waves
- Urban Flood Model for Bangalore City
- Urban Water Security through Integrated Problem Diagnosis and Solution Design
- A Comparison of Climate Feedback Parameters for CO2 and Solar Radiative Forcing
- A Moisture Budget Theory For Tropical Teleconnection To The Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- A Multi-scalar Global Assessment of Drought and Wetness Variability
- A model-based assessment of the relative contribution of different regions to water isotopes in precipitation over India
- Addressing Parameter and Model Structure Uncertainty Using a Flexible Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- Aerodynamic Drag Coefficient Reduction during the Transition from Neutral to Stable or Unstable Atmospheric Conditions
- Aerosol microphysical properties in the South Asian outflow to the northern Indian Ocean: Results from ICARB-2018
- Analysis of lake growth and future evolution of Gepang Gath Glacier lake in Chandra basin, Western Himalaya
- Assessing the impact of joint assimilation of surface soil moisture and land surface temperature on the estimation of soil hydraulic parameters
- Assessment of the Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change and Uncertainty Quantification of the Global Gross Primary Productivity: A Performance Weightage Ensemble Approach
- Bay of Bengal Sea Surface Salinity reconstruction using coupled clumped isotope and Mg/Ca thermometry on Globigerinoides ruber during Glacial and Inter-glacial timescale covering last 25 kiloyears
- Bifurcations In Convective QE Based Lower Order Models Of South Asian Monsoon
- Carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the organic matters from sedimentray records of Antarctic Ocean revealed coupling of salinity stratification and primary productivity during Glacial and Interglacial period for the past 156 kyr BP
- Changes in Seasonal Upper Tropical Momentum Fluxes with Global Warming
- Chapter 4: Future global climate: Scenario-based projections and near-term information
- Dependence of Climate Response to Latitude, Altitude, and Size Distributions of Sulfate Aerosols in the Stratosphere
- Development of Forest Fire Risk Map for Budhabalanga River basin in India using Analytical Hierarchical Process
- Do Wind-based Proxies from the Arabian Sea Represent Long-term Variations in Indian Monsoon Rainfall?
- Dynamics of Diurnal Variability of Chlorophyll in the Southern Bay of Bengal
- ENSO modulates the frequency of low-latitudinal tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal
- Eddy Induced Trapping and Homogenization of Freshwater in the Bay of Bengal
- Effect of Orography on Winds over the Gulf of Mannar Region in India
- Explainable Deep Neural Networks for Seismic Reflectivity Inversion
- Extra Tropical Influence on Early Season Deficit of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- Fossil-fuel versus Deforestation CO2 emissions: Are the climate and carbon cycle consequences different?
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Influence of Himalayan and Tibetan Orography on the Statistics of Monsoon Low Pressure Systems over the Indian Subcontinent
- Integrating RUSLE and Sediment Transport Potential Approaches for Mapping Hotspots of Erosion Risk in Tawi Basin, India
- Low-Frequency Modes of Vorticity and Divergence in Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Machine Learning Solutions for Reservoir Modelling
- Modelling for real-time control in irrigation canals
- Multi-sensor Retrieval of Global Aerosol Absorption Using CERES and MODIS
- Multiple reference carbonate materials for high precision analysis of clumped isotope thermometry
- Negative Ce Anomaly in the Banded Iron Formation and Associated Clastic Rocks of the Sirsi Shelf Region, Southern India: Inferences on the Fluid-Rock Alteration Event during the Pan-African Orogeny
- Nexus of Equatorial Waves and MISO Events in Bay of Bengal
- Observed Hydrological Alterations Caused by Anthropogenic and Natural Factors in the Upper Ganga Basin (UGB), India.
- Occurrences of Surfactants in Lake Sediments
- Ocean Beneath a Hole in the Monsoon
- On the Spatial Extent of Heavy Rainfall Events over India during the Summer Monsoon
- Projections of Water Quality along an Industrialized Stretch of Ganga River for the Mid-21st Century
- Quantification of parametric uncertainty and sensitivity in multi-site multi-variate multi-temporal hydrological model development
- Role of Land Surface Vegetation on Rainfall Bias in the CFSv2 Model During Early and Late Phases of the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Role of ocean mixed layer depth on Eastward propagation of Madden Julian Oscillation
- STEREO/ACE Observations of Suprathermal and Energetic Ion Spikes in Interplanetary Shocks
- Secular Rb/Sr Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust as Constrained Through Radiogenic Sr Isotopes in Glacial Diamictites.
- Soil Erosion Estimation Using RUSLE Model and GIS - A Case Study of Himalayan Sub-watershed
- Southwestward Propagating Quasi-biweekly Oscillation(QBWO) over South-West Indian Ocean during Boreal Winter: Characteristics, Propagation Dynamics and Influence on Tropical Cyclogenesis
- Stable Calcium Isotopic Variability in Groundwater from Coastal Aquifers from the Sundarbans Delta, India
- Statistical Modelling of Synchronous Floods in India
- Strategic siting of new renewable plants to help in avoiding wind-solar extreme drought in deeply decarbonised grids A case study of India
- Sulfuric Acid Mediated Continental Weathering and Global Carbon Cycle
- Temperature Extremes Under Global Warming Using the SC-Earth Dataset
- The Impact of Local and Remote Black Carbon Aerosols on Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation
- The role of Convective Coupled Equatorial Waves in Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations (MISO)
- The role of short-term disturbances in paleovegetation dynamics in a montane forest-grassland vegetation mosaic, Western Ghats, India
- Thinning of the Indian craton due to the Reunion plume eruption
- Triple oxygen isotopes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) phytoliths as proxy of relative humidity
- Two Distinct Types of Indian Monsoon Floods and their Subseasonal Evolution
- Understanding Hydrogeomorphic and Climatic Controls on Soil Erosion and Sediment Dynamics in Large Himalayan Basins
- Urban Floods in India: An Emerging Hydrologic Challenge
- Using Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes to Understand Paleoenvironments and Historical Land-Use Around a Culturally Modified Hill-Top Reservoir at Kadebakele, Tungabhadra River Valley, Peninsular India
- A Geochemical, Nd-Sr, Stable Ca Isotopic Investigation of Modern Non-Skeletal Carbonates from Lacustrine and Marine Depositional Setting and Proterozoic Carbonates from the Sedimentary Basins of India
- A framework for nonstationary multivariate analysis of compound extremes
- Amplified Future Risk of Flash Droughts based on CMIP6 Climate projections
- An Approach to Derive Equivalent Horton-Strahler ratio-based E-GIUH in a Fuzzy Framework
- Application of Isotope Dilution Techniques to Measure Clumped Isotope of a Small Amount of Foraminifera
- Application of Marine Pore-water studies in constraining Lithium Mass Budget of Seawater.
- Assessing Various Sources of Uncertainty in Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation
- Assessment of the Role of Interannual Variability and Trends on the Seasonal Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes of India
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Afforestation and Reduced Fossil Fuel Use for Climate Mitigation
- Coupled Meteorology and Hydrology Modelling to Forecast Flood Extreme Events: Case Study of Pune, India
- Dependence of Climate Feedbacks on the Latitudinal Distribution of Radiative Forcing .
- Did the Megathrust Slip during the 2020 M7.6 Sand Point, Alaska, Strike-Slip Earthquake?
- Early Onset of the Summer Monsoon Over Indian Land with Increased Solar Activity
- Eddy freshwater interaction in the Bay of Bengal
- Efficient Uptake of Atmospheric Lead (Pb) by Ferns Quantified through Pb Concentrations and Isotope Ratios
- Estimation of Paleo-Extent and Volume of Glaciers in the Baspa Basin, India
- Estimation of root zone SHPs by plant and soil surface variables using SWAP and HYDRUS-1D
- Foam in Urban Lake -Sources of Surfactant and Threshold Foaming Criteria
- Geoneutrinos: Transformative Insights into Global Geochemistry
- Impact of Estuarine Transport on the Geochemical Mass Budget of Seawater: Case Study from the Ganga-Brahmaputra Estuary (Hooghly Estuary)
- Impact of Subjective Modelling Decisions on Simulation of Flood Events: A Case Study on the Indian Catchment
- Influence of Rainfall Intensity Distribution and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on High Episodic Recharge Events in tropical Hard-rock Aquifers of South India
- Lab Spectroscopy for Soil Texture Classification
- Leaf wax n-alkane composition of modern plants from Western Ghats, Southern India, and their chemotaxonomic significance
- Light-absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon in the Indo-Gangetic Plain Outflow due to Coatings from the Aged-Biomass Burning Emissions
- Low Impact Development (LID) as Flood Control Alternatives for Rapidly Changing Urban Landscape
- Mixing in the upper-layer of the Arabian Sea along the West Coast of India.
- Multi-Variate Hydrological Model Calibration Strategy Selection Based on Diverse Sources of Uncertainty
- Neoproterozoic sea water temperature using clumped isotope thermometry on micritic calcite of Badami sediments of Kaladgi supergroup, Karnataka, Southern India
- Potential of satellite based solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence to monitor crop productivity
- Predicting the origin of the Indian Ocean Geoid Low from global mantle convection models since the Cretaceous.
- Quantification of Tropical Monsoon Precipitation Changes in terms of Interhemispheric Differences in Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth
- Reconstructing Environmental History Using Macrocharcoal, PAHs And Plant Waxes In A Tropical Dry Forest, Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Southern India
- Risk assessment for rainfall induced slope failure considering spatial variability of soil
- Seasonal Dynamics of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Sri Lankan Paddy Soils Under Controlled Water Management
- Self-induced craton compression: Potential implications for craton stability
- Signature of Eddy-Wind interactions in the formation of thermocline bulge in the Bay of Bengal during Winter
- Significant Variability in 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr in Saprolites: Implications for Timing of Weathering and Secondary Mineral formation
- Some Unique Features of Northern Indo-Gangetic Plain Droughts.
- Source apportionment of air CO2 using stable isotopes (δ13C and δ18O): Insights from Bengaluru city, India during an annual festival
- Southern Ocean Atmosphere-Ocean CO2 Exchange During the Last Deglaciation
- Spatiotemporal analysis of the extreme storm surge and wave events for forecasting coastal floods along the coastline of India
- Spontaneous transitions to super-rotation in moist shallow water turbulence
- Stable Strontium Isotopic Variability in River Water and Groundwater Samples from the Mahanadi River Basin, India - Implications for Carbonate Precipitation and Clay Formation
- Surface sampling of wetlands in a tropical dry forest after a large fire: Wind direction dominates the transport and deposition of proxies.
- Surface-Groundwater Interaction in a Tropical Catchment: Estimating Endmember δ2H & δ18O Isotopes Using Deep Learning Models
- The effect of soil fraction thresholding on clay content mapping using airborne hyperspectral AVIRIS-NG data
- Towards developing a generic method for predicting Flow Resistance in Alluvial Rivers using Machine Learning
- Transition of Subduction-related Magmatism from Slab melting to Dehydration at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary: Evidence from Orthopyroxene-bearing Granite (Charnockite)
- Tropical-extratropical interactions during large-scale extreme rainfall events over central India
- Understanding Water Distribution Network using Complex Network Theory based Weighted Edge Centrality Measure
- Understanding kinetic clumped isotope fractionation of cave carbonates in North East India
- Understanding the weakening of Northward propagation of Intraseasonal Oscillations during Positive Indian Ocean dipole events.
- Urban Collaboratory for data-driven environmental decision making in Indian Smart Cities
- WRF- SWMM Coupled Model Performance Assessment With LCZ Classifications
- Why do all ENSO Events not lead to Seasonal Extremes in the Indian Summer Monsoon?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Chakraborty
- A. Ghosh
- Abhinav Wadhwa
- Adrian J. Matthews
- Akshaya C Nikumbh
- Amin Shakya
- Anasuya Gangopadhyay
- Angshuman Modak
- Arindam Chakraborty
- Arunava Sen
- Bijit Kumar Kalita
- Bishakhdatta Gayen
- Boris Faybishenko
- Brent D. Newman
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. Sarat Chandra
- Chetankumar Jalihal
- Chonggang Xu
- Clinton P. Conrad
- Debanjan Pal
- Debasis Sengupta
- Dev Niyogi
- Diljit Dutta
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Erich M. Fischer
- Govindasamy Bala
- Guoqiang Tang
- H. N. Chanakya
- H. W. Wijesekera
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Harrie‐Jan Hendricks Franssen
- Hugh Coe
- Ilya N. Bindeman
- J. D. Allan
- J. T. Freymueller
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- John Dunne
- June‐Yi Lee
- Jyotirmoy Paul
- K. S. Krishnamohan
- Ken Caldeira
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- L. K. Jian
- Lakshminarayana Rao
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lei Duan
- Long Cao
- M. Sekhar
- Martyn P. Clark
- Mengying Zhao
- N. Anand
- Nihar Paul
- P. N. Vinayachandran
- P. P. Mujumdar
- Partha Sarathi Jena
- Prabhakaran Ramya Bala
- R. S. Ajayamohan
- Rachana Subba
- Revathy M. Parameswaran
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Rutambhara Joshi
- S. K. Satheesh
- S. Papalexiou
- S. S. Wei
- S. Suresh Babu
- Sebastian Milinski
- Shinto Roose
- Shivam Tripathi
- Siva Naga Venkat Nara
- Sobhan Kumar Kompalli
- Susanna Corti
- Swapnil Mache
- T. W. Becker
- Thejna Tharammal
- Tianjun Zhou
- Tresa Mary Thomas
- Veungopal Vuruputur
- William F. McDonough
- Yadav Ankit
- Zhuohui Xiao