University of Zurich, Switzerland
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 14C Marine Reservoir Age 14.2 to 12.8 kyr cal BP
- Comparison of TM Derived Glacier Areas With Higher Resolution Data Sets
- Glacier Monitoring From ASTER Imagery: Accuracy and Applications
- High-Resolution Landslide Monitoring From Digital Imagery
- The design of the GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) glacier database.
- European Mountain Permafrost: Geothermal Change and Associated Geomorphological Impacts
- Glacier Instability, Rapid Glacier Lake Growth and Related Hazards at Belvedere Glacier, Macugnaga, Italy
- Modeling Effects of Snow Burial on Cosmogenic Exposure Age Dating, Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland, and Wind River Range, WY
- The Thermal Regime of Steep Alpine Rock Faces
- European Mountain Permafrost: Recent Near Surface Thermal Responses
- A comparison of the influence of topographic and mass balance uncertainties on modeled ice sheet extents and volumes
- Black (Pyrogenic) Carbon as a Component of Carbon Cycling and Ecosystem Function in Boreal Regions
- Comparison of the Iron Mineralogy of Tumor and Hippocampal Tissue From the Human Brain
- Impacts of Climate Change on Permafrost in Mid-Latitude Mountain Regions
- Parameterization of snow-redistribution by avalanches for regional-scale models of mass and energy balance
- Depth Scales of Transient Effects and Their Influence on Current Permafrost Temperatures in Alpine Topography
- Deglacial terrigenous organic matter input to sediments from Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico - a combined optical and biomarker approach
- Ground Truth Observations of the Interior of a Rockglacier as Validation for Geophysical Monitoring Data Sets
- Influcence of Initial Conditions on Permafrost Localization
- An Improvement of Snow Parameterization in Order to Better Represent Soil Temperatures
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Fusion of Multi-Angle Imaging Spectrometer and LIDAR Data for Forest Structural Parameter Retrieval Using 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Glaciers along the Copper River, Alaska, Controlled by Landslides, Vegetation, Lakes, Rivers (and Climate)
- Permafrost and Active Layer Monitoring in the Maritime Antarctic: A Contribution to TSP and ANTPAS projects
- Quantification of Permafrost Creep by Remote Sensing
- Rapid Ice Loss on Kerguelen Islands (Indian Ocean, 49S)
- Soil Carbon Vulnerability and Black Carbon Stability
- The Role of Sulfur Oxidation in Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Within Sulfidic Hot Springs
- A Model for Seamount Formation Based on Observations of a California Ophiolite
- A view on global permafrost distribution
- Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics simulations of Grain Boundaries for crystalline Silica
- Medial moraines of glaciers of the Copper River Basin, Alaska: Discrete landslides dominate over other sources
- Modeling short wave radiation and ground surface temperature: a validation experiment in the Western Alps
- Multi Spectral LiDAR modeling of forest structure and physiology (Invited)
- Optimization of Apparent Polar Wander Paths: An Example from the South China Plate
- Plant ecophysiological status and soil micro-organisms control the time-lagged response of ecosystem respiration to environmental changes
- Subalpine Conifer Seedling Demographics Across an Elevational Gradient at Niwot ridge, Colorado: Comparison of Site, Species, and Provenance
- The Aiguille du Midi (Mont Blanc massif, European Alps): a unique high-Alpine site to study bedrock permafrost
- The Contributions of Local Knowledge to Cryospheric Climate Data Records
- Analysis of carbon and nitrogen turnover in riparian soils undergoing restoration
- Calibration of hydrologic models using flow-duration curves
- Erosion and filling of a glacially overdeepened trough in the northern Alpine Foreland of Switzerland during the last 300'000 years
- Experiments for testing the success of simulating snow and soil processes with GEOtop in the Swiss Alps
- Factors controlling the spatial variability in end of winter snowcover and spring melt at an arctic tundra site
- Hydrological landscape analysis - quantifying topographic controls on riparian zone hydrology (Invited)
- Ice Shelf Modeling: A Cross-Polar Bayesian Statistical Approach
- Ice-age effects on radioactive waste disposal in Switzerland
- Modeling rating curves using remotely-sensed LiDAR data
- Online Data Streams: A Challenge and Paradigm Shift for the Observation of Environmental Phenomena
- Shrub growth response to climate change and feedbacks of vegetation change to permafrost thaw in the Siberian arctic tundra (Invited)
- Spatiotemporal variability in specific discharge within a boreal landscape
- 2011 the first complete glacier inventory for Eastern Greenland
- A Lower Bound for Sea Level Rise from Glaciers and Ice Caps
- Automatic Fault Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Effects of Bathymetry Resolution and Extraction Method
- Climatic forcing of recent lake-level rise of Nam Co, Tibet
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Damage dynamics inferred from acoustic emissions in a partially frozen rock-wall
- Effects of shrub expansion on the hydrology of the western Canadian Arctic
- Environmental and climatic changes during Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) perturbations of the carbon cycle
- Evaluation of Bias-Correction Procedures for Adjusting RCM Simulations for Hydrological Impact Studies at the Catchment Scale
- Extending Glacier Monitoring into the Little Ice Age and Beyond
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- Glacier Retreat and the Formation of New Lakes in Western Canada
- Glacier length, area and volume changes in the Himalaya: an overview and specific examples
- Numerical modeling of the Mount Steller rock-ice avalanche and of the associated landquake
- Past and future glacier changes the western Nyainqentanglha Range on the Tibetan Plateau
- Stable isotopic analysis of pyrogenic organic matter in soils by liquid-chromatography isotope-ratio mass spectrometry of benzene polycarboxylic acids
- The GEOtop model as a tool to describe the strongly coupled energy and water balance in permafrost or seasonally-frozen soils
- Water storage concepts in hydrological catchment models
- Worldwide glacier monitoring as part of policy-related climate observation: development and strategy of the Global Terrestrial Network for Glaciers (GTN-G)
- Challenges in the global-scale quantification of permafrost changes
- Climate change impacts on glaciers and runoff in Tien Shan (Central Asia)
- Global near real-time disturbance monitoring using MODIS satellite image time series
- Influence of topographic and environmental variability on model uncertainty: a case study on snow and ground temperatures in mountain regions
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Interacting Effects of Soil Depth and Temperature on Decomposition of Char, Wood, and Bulk Soil Organic Carbon in a Temperate and a Tropical Soil
- Linking snow distribution measurements in forests with canopy structure data
- Modeling the Future - the Value of Differential Split Sample Tests
- New lakes in de-glaciating high-mountain regions - a challenge for integrative research about hazard protection and sustainable use
- Novel reference site approach to prototyping, calibrating, and validating Earth observation data and products
- Organic chemical and biomarker analyses of terrestrial archives - is all what we measure of sedimentary origin?
- Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property: implications for experiments, feedbacks, and modeling
- Remote sensing of sun-induced fluorescence using long-term monitoring to estimate photosynthetic light-use efficiency and gross primary production
- Sensor-based actuation of water samplers in wireless sensor networks
- Shortwave radiation interaction with highly patterned tundra vegetation and feedbacks to permafrost soil and atmosphere
- Simulating the evolution of Himalayan glaciers with the regional climate model REMO
- Simulating transient subsurface thermal fields in support of geomorphic process research
- Snow surface roughness as a function of terrain parameters and snow depth distribution
- Teaching about sharing water resources using the web-based game Irrigania
- The Role of Actinobacteria in Biochar Decomposition in a Mediterranean Grassland Soil
- Using geochemical and isotopic chemistry to evaluate source water contributions to the hydrology of two high-elevation basins in the Himalayas of Nepal
- Where does all the fire-derived organic matter go? Do we know what we don't know (yet)?
- 30-year Dynamics of Terrestrial Vegetation Activity and the Relationship with Climatologies
- A global analysis of the concentration and dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in plants: does it matter under global change? (Invited)
- Assessing aromaticity and the degree of aromatic condensation of pyrogenic carbon
- Assessing impacts of hydropower schemes in upland rivers and sensitivity to hydrological change: new modelling tools for evaluating environmental flows
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Essential Climate Variables in the Terrestrial Domain: An Overview of the CEOS LPV Subgroup (Invited)
- Development and evaluation of a water level proportional water sampler
- Eco-region dependent lengthening of vegetation period over the past 30 years in Europe
- Effect of fjord geometry on Greenland mass loss in a warming climate (Invited)
- Evaluation of a plot-scale methane emission model at the ecosystem-scale using eddy covariance observations and footprint modeling
- GEOtop, a model with coupled water and energy budgets and non linear hydrological interactions. (Invited)
- GEOtop: Simulating the combined energy and water balance at and below the land surface accounting for soil freezing, snow cover and terrain effects (Invited)
- GTN-G, WGI, RGI, DCW, GLIMS, WGMS, GCOS - What's all this about? (Invited)
- Gauging the Ungauged Catchment: the Value of Stream Level Observations
- Hasty retreat of glaciers in the Palena province of Chile
- Historical Glacier Variations in Southern South America since the Little Ice Age: Examples from Lago Viedma (Southern Patagonia) and Mendoza (Central Andes), Argentina
- On the morphological characteristics of overdeepenings in high-mountain glacier beds W. Haeberli1, A. Cochachin2, U.H. Fischer3, A. Linsbauer1, C. Salazar2 1Geography Department, University of Zurich, Switzerland 2Glaciology and Water Resources Unit, Huaraz, Peru 3Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland
- Past fluctuations and current status of the Gangotri Glacier
- Retrieval of seasonal dynamics of forest understory reflectance over a set of boreal, sub-boreal and temperate forests using MODIS BRDF data
- Robustness and uncertainties in future hydrological regimes of Swiss catchments
- Scaling between reanalyses and high-resolution land-surface modelling in mountainous areas - enabling better application and testing of reanalyses in heterogeneous environments
- Shifts in global vegetation activity dynamics?
- Simulating imaging spectrometer data of a mixed old-growth forest: A parameterization of a 3D radiative transfer model based on airborne and terrestrial laser scanning
- Spectral Information System for Australian Spectroscopy Data
- The Evolution of Mountain Permafrost in Switzerland
- The Social Cost of Stochastic and Irreversible Climate Change
- The status of glaciers in Sikkim Himalaya
- Variable results in hydrograph separation using geochemical and isotopic chemistry data from a glacierized mountain watershed in Nepal
- A Longer-Term Perspective of the Karakoram-Pamir Anomaly: Length, Area and Mass Changes since the 1970s
- A Model Based Attribution of Streamflow Trends in Headwater Catchments of the Tarim River, Central Asia
- A hidden state space modeling approach for improving glacier surface velocity estimates using remotely sensed data
- Adding the Long-Term Perspective: Tien Shan's Glacier Mass Change during 1961-2012
- Alpine Groundwater - Pristine Aquifers Under Threat?
- Analysis of Sub-Antarctic Lakes Using a Coupled Hydrology and Ice Flexure Modeling Approach
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Essential Climate Variables in the Terrestrial Domain: An Overview of the Ceos Lpv Subgroup
- Calculations for chlorophyll fluorescence incorporated into the Community Land Model
- Can we attribute changes in risk to anthropogenic emissions?
- Droplet crystallisation in large scale direct molecular dynamics simulations of homogeneous vapor-to-liquid nucleation
- Engaging students in research learning experiences through hydrology field excursions and projects
- Exploring the Links Between Biases in Regional Climate Models and their Representation of Synoptic Circulation Types in the European Alps
- Fostering climate dialogue by introducing students to uncertainty in decision-making
- Geomorphic controls on riparian zone hydrology, carbon pools and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon
- Global patterns in lake surface temperature trends
- Investigating the Geometry and Conditions for Basal Accretion of Englacial Plumes
- Landscape controls on spatiotemporal variability of specific discharge in a boreal region
- Long-term fate of carbon in deeply rooted terrestrial sediment assessed by molecular proxies: sequestration vs. mineralization
- Pan-Arctic Controls on the Rapid Retreat of Marine-Terminating Arctic Outlet Glaciers
- Quantifying the crucial role of snow in supplying human water demand
- Remote Sensing of Sun-induced Fluorescence to Measure the Functional Regulation of Photosynthesis
- The east Pacific ITCZ complex (northern only, southern only, double) in 30 years of geostationary satellite data
- The value of stream level observations to constrain low-parameter hydrologic models
- A new glacier inventory for the Karakoram-Pamir region
- Aromatic structural components but not their degree of condensation are responsible for the persistence of biochars produced above 370 ˚C
- Cloud Effects on Atmospheric Solar Absorption in Light of Most Recent Surface, Satellite, and GCM Datasets
- Exploring controls on ice stream destabilisation during the LGM/Holocene transition in West Greenland
- From points to patterns - Transferring point scale groundwater measurements to catchment scale response patterns using time series modeling
- Influence of an Increasing Surface Melt Over Decadal Timescales on Land Terminating Outlet Glaciers
- Linking Land Surface Phenology and Growth Limiting Factor Shifts over the Past 30 Years
- Linking Remotely Sensed Functional Diversity of Structural Traits to the Radiative Regime of a Temperate Mixed Forest
- Mapping genetic and phylogenetic diversity of a temperate forest using remote sensing based upscaling methods
- Reflectance Spectra of the Juneau Icefield
- Shifting Environmental Ranges and Biome Potential According to the Whittaker Relationship
- Soil Warming and Fertilization Effects on Growth Ring Widths of Arctic Shrubs - Application of a Novel Dendroecological Approach.
- Spatial Differentiation of Arable Land and Permanent Grasslands to Improve a Regional Land Management Model for Nutrient Balancing
- Temporal Change in Discharge Response in Unregulated Swedish Catchments - Quantifying Potential Effects of Anthropogenic Modifications in Stream Network Properties on Flow Time Distributions
- The Electrical Self-Potential Method as a Non-Intrusive Snow-Hydrological Sensor
- The Influence of Double ITCZ Phenomena on Equatorial Ecosystems Based on 32 Years of Remotely Sensed Data
- The relevance of detection and attribution for loss and damage policy
- The spectral database Specchio: Data management, data sharing and initial processing of field spectrometer data within the Dimensions of Biodiversity project
- Typhoon Haiyan's Effects on Interception Loss from a Secondary Tropical Forest near Tacloban, Leyte, the Philippines
- Using Concatenated Profiles from High-Speed Laser Profile Scanners to Estimate Debris-Flow Characteristics: A Novel Approach Based on Particle Image Velocimetry
- A Worldwide Glacier Information System to go
- A fully coupled transient thermomechanical ice-flow/permafrost model of the Rhine Glacier, Switzerland: effects of permafrost on basal conditions
- A new Glacier Inventory of the Antarctic Peninsula as compiled from pre-existing Datasets
- Bridging the Gap from Leaf to Ecosystem Photosynthesis Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence
- Chronology of magmatic and biological events during mass extinctions
- Cross-Comparison of Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Albedo Products for Glacier Surfaces
- Crowd-based stream level observations and their potential value for constraining runoff models
- Detecting Crop Functional Response to a Heat Wave using Airborne Reflectance and Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements
- Digging down to find how water flows through a hillslope
- Effect of 14 weeks of extreme drought on short-term carbon and lipid dynamics in a temperate grassland and heathland ecosystem
- From Points to Patterns - Functional Relations between Groundwater Connectivity and Catchment-scale Streamflow Response
- Global Land Product Validation Protocols: An Initiative of the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation to Evaluate Satellite-derived Essential Climate Variables
- How do roots alter signals of molecular proxies in terrestrial archives?
- How good is good in hydrological modeling?
- How to Define Future Streamflow Drought in Glacierized Catchments? A Case Study in Alaska and Norway
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Linking Arctic plant biodiversity measurements with landscape heterogeneity
- Long-term Stabilization of Deep Soil Carbon revisited: The Meaning of Deep Roots
- Long-term change of a small ice cap in Greenland: a dynamic perspective from numerical flow modelling
- Looking at flood trends with different eyes: the value of a fuzzy flood classification scheme
- Monitoring Functional Traits of Alpine Vegetation using Remote Sensing
- North Atlantic Oscillation Drives Regional Greenland Glacier Volume During the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century
- Past and present stability of the Weddell Sea sector of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Probabilistic Flood Mapping using Volunteered Geographical Information
- Quantifying changes in the contribution of upstream snow and glacier melt to downstream low flows in the River Rhine
- Recent Advances in the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Scale dependency of forest functional diversity assessed using imaging spectroscopy and airborne laser scanning
- Seasonal stream network expansion and contraction in Swiss headwater catchments
- Soil Organic Matter (De)Stabilization - New Experiments Needed to Inform Soil Biogeochemistry Modules in Earth System Models
- Spectral Reflectance of Sub-Micron Scale Light Absorbing Impurities Using Hyperspectral Microscopy
- Tapping the full potential of geodetic glacier change assessment with air and space borne sensors
- Temporal Changes of Surface Elevation and Velocity of Taku Glacier, Juneau Icefield
- The FLEX satellite mission - Measuring and understanding the local and global dynamics of sun-induced fluorescence, photosynthesis and vegetation stress
- The impact of subglacial lakes on catchment-scale drainage dynamics in East Antarctica.
- APEX Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Uncertainty Budget and Vicarious Validation Method
- Challenges in modelling the hydrological effects of tropical reforestation: A case study from the Philippines
- Comparing Impact of Climate Science Data Visualized Graphically and in Artwork
- Constraining Saturn's interior density profile from precision gravity field measurement obtained during Grand Finale
- CrowdWater - Can people observe what models need?
- Effects of seasonal snow and climatic controls on spring and autumn phenology in Alpine forest regions
- Evolution of rock glaciers in Tien Shan, Central Asia, 1971 - 2016 using high-resolution stereo satellite imagery
- Geodetic glacier mass balances at the push of a button: application of Structure from Motion technology on aerial images in mountain regions
- Glacier mass variations from recent ITSG-Grace solutions: Experiences with the point-mass modeling technique in the framework of project SPICE.
- Ice flow and subglacial hydrology coupled modeling of Russel Glacier, West Greenland
- Ice velocity and SAR backscatter record for the Antarctic Peninsula
- Identifying Hydrogeological Controls of Catchment Low-Flow Dynamics Using Physically Based Modelling
- Improving Regionalization with a Limited Number of Strategic Runoff Measurements: An Evaluation Based on 668 U.S. Catchments
- Large-Scale Mixed Temperate Forest Mapping at the Single Tree Level using Airborne Laser Scanning
- Meltwater-induced changes in the structure and behavior of Greenland's firn
- Models of Jupiter's Interior that match Juno's Gravity Measurements
- Nearly Increased Dry-season Flows after Reforesting Degraded Fire-climax Grassland in the Philippines
- Recent Developments of the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- The depth and structure of the atmospheric flows on Jupiter: results from the Juno gravity measurements
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Using Continuum Damage Mechanics to Simulate Iceberg Calving from Tidewater Outlet Glaciers
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- AVIRIS-NG and APEX Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Campaigns in Support of ESA Satellite CAL/VAL and Simulation
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- An Updated Shape Model for Jupiter from Juno Gravity Science Measurements
- Assessing the Recent and Future Evolution of Glacial Lakes in the Poiqu River Basin, Central Himalaya
- Assessing the global sea level budget and its uncertainties: progress from ESA's CCI Sea Level Budget Closure project.
- Basal Signatures of Subglacial Impact Structures
- Biodiversity Assessment Along a Moisture Gradient in Tropical Deciduous Forests in India Using AVIRIS-NG Data
- Characterization of the Fe-Si-C system at extreme conditions and its application to carbon-rich exoplanets interior
- Crossing boundaries and combining approaches for regional scale hydrologic study in the Pamir Mountain source waters of the Aral Sea
- CrowdWater: Evaluation of the potential value of crowd-based streamflow and stream level classes observations for runoff modelling
- Detailed High-Resolution Observations of Ice Deformation Prior to Glacier Calving
- Does Soil Warming Alter Lipid Composition in Plants and Soils?
- Effects of reforesting a degraded Imperata grassland on dominant flow pathways and streamflow responses in Leyte, the Philippines
- Estimating melt onset over Arctic sea ice from hybrid Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT-2 backscatter
- Evaluating the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance towers across the Arctic Alaska
- Fish versus tomatoes and other tales of using remote sensing to meet California's co-equal goals of providing water supplies and protecting ecosystems.
- How do concentration-streamflow relations depend on rainfall-runoff event characteristics? An analysis for a small pre-Alpine forested catchment
- Learning About Ice-Sheet Dynamics and Rheology From Plume-Like Internal Radar Layer Structures
- Modelling the diffuse component of solar radiation using artificial intelligence techniques
- Remote sensing of plant functional traits as a basis for mapping biodiversity patterns and predicting ecosystem functioning
- Science to Action: Building a foundation to improve the utility of climate information in water management
- Stress-test scenarios for the quantification of streamflow drought sensitivity
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Towards a Global Monitoring of Land-Surface Phenology Processes using Dense Time-Series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Images
- Warming Deep Soils: Depth dependent Microbial Community responses
- A synopsis of particulate black carbon cycling in the global carbon cycle
- Arctic biodiversity and its functions
- Characteristics and changes of glaciers, rock glaciers and glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia since the 1960s
- Computing the 1-minute diffuse component of solar radiation using deep learning
- Depth-specific response of soil microbial communities, below ground biomass and soil organic carbon stocks in a warming world
- Dos and Don'ts for Supporting Better Water Management in a Changing Climate
- Examining the temporal variability of the mass balance of Everest's glaciers over the last six decades.
- Exploring continuous time series of vegetation hyperspectral reflectance and solar-induced fluorescence through radiative transfer model inversion
- First experiments with a synthetic aperture radar system on a small commercial drone
- Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Risk in a Transboundary Environment: From large-scale assessment to local scenario modelling
- Glacial Lakes in the Himalaya: Threat to glaciers and downstream communities
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- Historical Reconstruction and Numerical Modelling of Zmuttgletscher, Swiss Alps, Since the Little Ice Age
- How Much Do Lowlands Depend on Mountain Water Resources? Global Development from Mid-20<SUP>th</SUP> to Mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> Century.
- How many wells do we need to sample to characterize shallow groundwater chemistry in a small catchment?
- Hydrological research in the wet and steep pre-alpine Alptal catchments of central Switzerland
- Impact of coastal upwelling intensity on biogeochemical processes associated with primary dolomite precipitation in hypersaline coastal lagoons, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity
- Limited gains in tropical forest soil carbon despite long-term enhanced litter inputs
- Linking the Evolution of Terrestrial Interiors and an Early Outgassed Atmosphere to Astrophysical Observations
- Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools
- Partitioning Functional Diversity in spatial and temporal components: Fully exploit Biodiversity Monitoring from Space
- Remote sensing of plant functional diversity from space - the potential of GEDI and SBG over California
- Resolving the influence of climatic forcing on rock glacier dynamics: a numerical modelling approach
- Saturn's Probable Interior: An Exploration of Saturn's Potential Interior Density Structures and What They Imply About the Planet's Composition
- Status and Drivers of the Arctic Tundra Surface Energy Budget
- Stream level observations everywhere - the virtual staff gauge approach
- The CrowdWater Game: A Playful Method for Data Quality Control and Training
- Tundra energy fluxes under changing summer precipitation
- Woody plant diversity assessment and its relationships to functional traits in Mundumalai National Park in India using AVIRIS-NG data
- Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- Bifurcation in the history of Uranus and Neptune: the role of giant impacts
- Bridge over troubled water - teaching in times of the Covid19 pandemic
- Constraining the Depth of the Winds on Uranus and Neptune via Ohmic Dissipation
- Could Uranus and Neptune form by collisions of planetary embryos?
- Decoupling deltas: global deltas face rapid disconnection from their ecosystem services as human modification increases
- Decreasing density and ice content in shallow firn cores at DYE-2, Southwest Greenland from 2013-2019
- Dos and Don'ts for navigating model selection in climate change work for water planning and management
- Downscaling of far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from canopy to leaf scale using data from the airborne imaging spectrometer HyPlant
- Earliest Compositional Bifurcation of Planetary Building Blocks
- Evapotranspiration trends in Spain: potential land surface-atmosphere feedbacks
- Explaining the Low Luminosity of Uranus: A Self-Consistent Thermal and Structural Evolution Model
- Formation of icy moons inside circumplanetary disks around Uranus and Neptune
- From bulk compositions to interior structure models: Why does it matter where the iron ends up?
- Ground surface temperature and seasonal snow cover interactions in a Himalayan glacierized catchment (upper Langtang Valley, Nepal)
- How well can citizens observe water levels using a smartphone app, and when do they choose to do so?
- Insights into the eco-hydrology of (tropical) high-Andean wetland ecosystems (bofedales) and its importance in the context of "water sowing & harvesting" interventions for adaptation to the adverse effects of global (climate) change: A systematic review, combined with a long-term in-situ eco-hydrological monitoring in Apurimac (Peru)
- Interannual Variability in Arctic Surface Energy Fluxes and their Drivers
- Internal water storage capacity of core-dominated planets and the effect of hydration on the M-R relation
- Invasive and Native Plant Trait Space Dynamics across an Aquatic-Terrestrial Continuum
- Is there a relation between basal freeze-on and large-scale englacial folds at the ice-stream onset?
- Measuring social-ecological systems outputs and outcomes with remote sensing
- Observing Longitudinal Stretching at a Calving Front Before Break-off
- Predicting the Effect of Decadal Soil Warming on Temporal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Losses from a Temperate Forests Soil
- Rapid Incorporation of Plant-derived Lipids into Soil Organic Matter in Response to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Warming in a Spruce-dominated Ombrotrophic Bog
- Recent trends in the use of tracers in catchment hydrology
- Reviewing the evidence: How do nature-based solutions affect water flows in agriculture and rangelands
- Status and Drivers of the Arctic Surface Energy Fluxes at Pan-Arctic Scale - a Synthesis
- Sudden Large-Volume Detachments of Low-Angle Mountain Glaciers - More Frequent Than Thought
- The Bayesian Ice Thickness Estimation Model (BITE)
- The origin of Jupiter's fuzzy core
- Towards a new Antarctica-wide basal melt rate product
- Towards an Operational Copernicus Service: a Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product (G3P)
- Validating a reflectance model based on photon recollision probability in single tree crowns
- Variability in surface water extent in northeastern Arctic Siberia in response to climatic extremes
- Warming promotes loss of subsoil carbon through accelerated degradation of plant-derived organic matter
- Whole soil warming decreases abundance and modifies community structure of subsoil microorganisms
- A Long-term Perspective on Streamflow Trends and Peak Water in the Glacierized Headwaters of the River Rhine
- Adaptation to Climate Change Induced Water Stress in Major Glacierized Mountain Regions
- Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems
- Could Uranus and Neptune Form by Collisions of Planetary Embryos?
- Coupling biodiversity measures from the ground and the sky
- Drivers of Arctic vegetation shifts across levels of biological organization
- Experiments with Bacterial DNA, Lipids and Lysates for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Enceladus and Europa
- Hidden water in molten exoplanets
- How deep is Jupiters Great Red Spot? Results from the Juno gravity experiment
- Hydrological connectivity effects of forest management interventions measured with isotope hydrograph separation after clear cuts and wetland restoration
- Ice Giant Missions as Gravitational Wave Detectors
- Impacts of ENSO and Indian Ocean warming on eastern African vegetation
- Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability in Arctic Surface Energy Fluxes and their Drivers
- Its hard to be like Inge: Female authorship in seismology.
- Joint NASA and ESA Imaging Spectrometer Airborne Campaign to Support SBG and CHIME
- Juno's Insights on the Origin and Evolution of Jupiter
- Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope
- Light as a Resource, Stressor and Cue in Mediating Diversity-Productivity Relationships in Forests
- Local Constraints on the Dark Sector by Future Missions to Uranus and Neptune
- Manganese Availability Controls Microbial-Mediated Organic Matter Degradation Across Redox Interfaces
- Modeling the calving dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers using damage mechanics
- Progress in the detection and attribution of regional climate change
- Seismic array processing methods for snow avalanche characterization
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Couplings in Observations and Models
- Soil carbon: problems and solutions
- Subglacial channels, climate warming, and increasing frequency of Alpine glacier snout collapse
- The Interplay between Zonal Winds and Magnetic Fields in Uranus and Neptune
- Using Environmental DNA as a Tracer to Advance Hydrological Research
- What makes this catchment so dynamic? Lessons learned in the Alptal, central Switzerland, during summer floods of 2021
- Avalanche and landslide exposure in Hindu-Kush Karakoram Himalaya
- Bare ice darkening impacts on northwestern Greenland ice sheet runoff
- Biogeochemical Cycling Driven by Dryland Mechanisms of Ecosystem Functioning in a Warmer and Drier Climate
- Fire-vegetation interactions in Arctic tundra and their spatial variability
- Forest structure analysis and above-ground biomass prediction in a European temperate forest via UAV-LiDAR, DL methods and spatial statistics.
- High Interannual Variability of Thaw Pond Area in the Indigirka River Lowlands, a Siberian Arctic Tundra Landscape
- How Extended is Jupiter's Dilute Core ?
- IGM, a data assimilation and Glacier Evolution Model Accelerated by Deep-learning and GPU
- New Data and Increased Automation Lead to Better Quality for GLIMS and RGI Glacier Data Sets
- Observed impacts of anthropogenic climate change in natural and human systems in the Andes: detection and attribution study
- One is Enough: Identifying Cell Material in a Single µm-sized Ice Grain Emitted by Enceladus or Europa
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- RAGMAC & GLAMBIE - Initiatives for inter-comparisons exercise of regional and global glacier mass changes
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- Response to Root Substrate Addition is Depth Dependent
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- The APECS Polar Earth Observation Database
- The influence of stably stratified layers on Jupiter's dynamo magnetic field
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrien Wehrlé
- Alex Gardner
- Ana Ochoa‐Sánchez
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andreas Hueni
- André Izidoro
- Andy Aschwanden
- Ankit Barik
- Avni Malhotra
- Bert Wouters
- C. K. McCalley
- Camila Álvarez-Garretón
- Caroline Dorn
- Clarice R. Perryman
- Colleen M. Iversen
- D. J. Stevenson
- Daniel J. D’Orazio
- Daniele Durante
- David Helman
- Deniz Soyuer
- Dustin Buccino
- Dáithí A. Stone
- Elaine Pegoraro
- Eli Galanti
- Ethan E. Butler
- Fabian Klenner
- Fabien Maussion
- Fabián Drenkhan
- Gabriela Schaepman‐Strub
- Gary N. Geller
- Geir Moholdt
- Ilja van Meerveld
- Jaime Caballer Revenga
- James Irving
- James W. Kirchner
- Jan Seibert
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jesús N. Pinto‐Ledezma
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jin‐Soo Kim
- Joachim Stadel
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- K. Moore
- Katerina Georgiou
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kerstin Stahl
- Kevin Bishop
- L. Iess
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- M. S. Torn
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Mana Gharun
- Marco Keiluweit
- Maria J. Santos
- Maria Koroni
- Martin P. Lüthi
- Meredith C. Schuman
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael L. Eastwood
- Michael W. I. Schmidt
- Michio Niwano
- Nadine Nettelmann
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Noël Gourmelen
- Pascal Edme
- Pascal Egli
- Paul J. Hanson
- Paul James Haverkamp
- Petra Šímová
- Prasenjit Saha
- R. K. Varner
- Randi R. Jandt
- Regine Hock
- Robert Green
- S. J. Bolton
- S. M. Levin
- Sabine Stanley
- Saket Dubey
- Shersingh Joseph Tumber‐Dávila
- Siddharth Shankar
- Stefan Oehmcke
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Stuart N. Lane
- T. Guillot
- Tim Lichtenberg
- Tobias Bolch
- U. K. Haritashya
- V. G. Salmon
- V. I. Rich
- Wei Ji Leong
- William D. Harcourt
- William R. Wieder
- Wouter Buytaert
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Yamila Miguel
- Yohai Kaspi