Universite de Nantes, Laboratoire de Planetologie et de Geodynamique
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Convective Pattern and Type of Volcanism on Mars
- First Results of the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Field Fluctuations Experiment (STAFF) of Cluster
- Galilean Satellite Surface Composition: New Cassini VIMS Observations and Comparison With Galileo NIMS Measurements
- Modeling of the Martian Ionosphere Using the Total Electron Content Measurement by the NEIGE/NETLANDER Experiment
- Thermal Boundary Layer Instabilities for a Fluid Heated From Below and From Within
- Effect of Tidal Heating on Thermal Evolution Models of Europa and Titan
- Melting of Subducting Oceanic Lithosphere at Plate Edges in Case of Slab Breakoff: Numerical Modeling.
- Thermal Convection in a Fluid Layer Heated From Below and From Within - Implication for Planetary Evolution
- 3-D numerical simulations of mantle flow beneath mid-ocean ridges
- A Joint Inversion Method of Electromagnetic,ÿGeodetic and Seismological Data for the Study of Planetary Interiors
- Determination of Variations in Ellipsoidal Shape of Mars From Paleo-shorelines
- Mars conformant planetary interior models
- Scaling the heat flux through a thermal boundary layer
- Spectral Imaging of Saturn by Cassini/VIMS: Early Science Results
- The Surface Composition of Saturn's Moon Phoebe As seen by the Cassini Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- The fate of methane clathrate hydrate within Titan
- Titan's Surface Seen by VIMS/Cassini
- VIMS Evidence for Palimpsests on Titan as a Constraint on Widespread Precipitation.
- Compositional Mapping of Surfaces in the Saturn System with Cassini VIMS: the Role of Water, Cyanide Compounds and Carbon Dioxide
- Gravimetry And Internal Structure Of Terrestrial Planets
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Magnetic Field Measurements As A Tool For Planetary Exploration
- Mars interior structure models from tidal measurements
- Modeling Terrestrial And Martian Regional Magnetic Anomalies
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- Grain size evolution in convective ice shells: Application to Europa and the other icy satellites.
- Investigation of the Sinlap Crater on Titan Using VIMS and RADAR Data
- Spectral affinities in the icy moons of Saturn investigated through the G-mode multivariate classification method
- Studies of Titan's 5-Micron-Bright Regions Using Combined VIMS and ISS Observations
- Thermal evolution of Enceladus' interior: role of tidal dissipation and internal melting.
- Timing of the dynamo through impact demagnetization on Mars: what can be done?
- VIMS Observations of Titan's Surface
- 3-D Flow pattern detection in magmas by image analysis
- A Mid-latitude Cloud Eruption on Titan Observed by the Cassini Visual Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in July 2007
- A strategy for interpretation of magnetic susceptibility in lava flows: Application to the Tiretaine lava flow (Chaîne des Puys, France)
- Cusp particle precipitation before and after an abrupt change of direction of the IMF
- Dissociation of Methane Clathrate Hydrates and Cryovolcanism on Titan: Experimental Constraints.
- Global Mapping of the Surface of Titan Using VIMS Infrared Images - Geodynamical Implications
- Mass- radius relationships for Super-Earths and Water-rich planets: an estimate of the uncertainties.
- Morphology and Structure of the Algiers Deep-Sea Fan and Possible Sedimentary Record of the 2003 Boumerdès Earthquake (Maradja Project)
- New evidence for active deformation off the Annaba region (easternmost Algerian margin): Estimates of Quaternary shortening and slip rates from folding analyses
- Photoclinometry, Morphometry, and Spectroscopy of Titan's Sand Dunes from Cassini/VIMS
- Sublinear Displacement-Length Scaling of Igneous Dikes in Basalt
- The Algerian Margin: an Example of a Reactivation in Compression of a Complex Cenozoic Passive Margin
- The Conditions at Europa's Silicate-Water Interface
- The Global Expansion and Resurfacing of Ganymede
- Composition of recent lava flows in the Tharsis region of Mars and comparison to terrestrial flows
- Continental fragmentation and the strontium isotopic evolution of seawater.
- Dynamically-consistent images of 3-D heterogeneity in Earth's present-day mantle
- Erosion processes : increasing or decreasing the mobility of granular avalanches ?
- Evolution of the Saint Paul Amsterdam Plateau in the Last 10 m.y.
- Fluids and Deformation at a Divergent Plate Setting (Iceland, Reykjanes Peninsula)
- Geological Relationships Between Hydrated Minerals And Fluvial Landforms In Tyrrhena Terra, Mars.
- Global Distribution of Dunes on Titan With VIMS
- Global Mapping of Minerals on Mars With OMEGA Hyperspectral Data Using a Linear Unmixing Algorithm
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- Implications of the landslide scarp geometry on the flow spreading: Application on Terrestrial and Martian landslides
- Ion Energy Steps Observed by Cluster Multi-point Mission in the Polar Cusp: Similarity and Differences
- Liquid Water and Thermal Activity of Enceladus' South Polar Terrain
- Local Sulfate-rich Layered Deposits in Noctis Labyrinthus, Mars, and Their Chronological Consequences
- Magnetic Field Anomalies Above Large Martian Impact Structures
- Mineral Mapping of High Priority Landing Sites for MSL and Beyond Using Mars Express OMEGA and HRSC Data
- New Insights on Cenozoic Plate Evolution and Mantle Dynamics in the Indo-Atlantic Hotspot Reference Frame
- Plio-Quaternary Shortening on the Algerian Margin: Evidence From Multibeam Bathymetry and Seismic Reflection Survey off Boumerdes
- Sulfates, Ferric Oxides and Al-OH Bearing Minerals in Aram Chaos
- The Key is in the Bend: How Sinuous Gullies can Improve the Understanding of Their Flow Properties
- Thermal Convection Heated both Volumetrically and from Below: Implications for Predictions of Planetary Evolution
- Cassini Imaging of Titan’s North Polar Cloud With the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer
- Characterization Of Fluvial Activity In Parana Valles Using Different Age-Dating Techniques
- Detachment tectonics and hangingwall sedimentation: the Late Pliocene-Holocene Los Barriles Basin, Baja California Sur (Mexico)
- Erosion effects on the size and mobility of granular avalanches and landslides
- Fast forward modeling of Titan’s infrared spectra to invert VIMS/CASSINI hyperspectral images
- Fluvial valleys on Alba Patera, Mars, viewed by HRSC/MEx camera
- Formation of Titan's Lakes by Episodic Dissolution and Precipitation of a Surface Layer Under Semi-Arid Conditions: Comparison with the Pans and Calcretes of Etosha (Namibia)
- Hesperian fluvial landforms on Mars : Regional or global activity? (Invited)
- Magmatism During Rifting Controls the Polarity of Tilted Blocks
- Mapping CO2 degassing and fluxes along the Mid-Ocean Ridge system
- Mapping and Deciphering Mantle Source Heterogeneity and Subduction Input in the Lau Basin
- Martian circumpolar sulfate-rich deposits: sublimation tills derived from the North Polar Cap
- Mercury's inner core: A strategy for estimating its size from MESSENGER and future BepiColombo geodesy data
- Quantitative analyses of hydroxyls ions environment in pyroxenes from Kilbourne Hole peridotites (New Mexico): An FTIR and NMR study
- Rock magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations using a Giant Magneto Resistance-based scanning magnetometer
- Stability domains of water ices in the NH3 - H2O system: experimental results and thermodynamic modelling
- Stationary, oscillating or drifting mantle-driven geomagnetic flux patches? (Invited)
- The Earth’s mantle before convection: Effects of magma oceans and the Moon (Invited)
- The North Namibian Margin during the Meso-Cenozoic: deformation and topography
- Thermal evolution of Mercury: implication for despinning and contraction
- Tyrrhena Terra: tens of phyllosilicate-bearing crater ejecta on Mars
- A Lunar Broad Band Seismometer on SELENE-2 / LUNETTE missions: Focus on VBB technical improvements
- Cassini/VIMS Discovery of Organic Evaporite Deposits in Titan's Dry Lakebeds
- Empirical Approaches To Reduce The Atmospheric Component In VIMS Surface Images Of Titan
- Following cloud activity in Titan's atmosphere around the equinox with VIMS/Cassini
- Geological mapping and temporal survey of Ontario Lacus on Titan from 2005 to 2009, using VIMS, ISS and Radar data
- Granular Flow Dynamics on Earth, Moon, and Mars from analytical, numerical and field analysis
- Impact of deep mantle structural heterogeneities on core-diffracted traveltimes: constraints on full-wave Born sensitivity kernel tomography
- Impact seismology on terrestrial planets and Small bodies (Invited)
- Lunar BroadBand Seismometer System in the Japanese lunar landing mission SELENE-2: its science goals and instrument details
- Modelling Fluvial Flow with Ansys Fluent and Comparison with Martian Analogue Lab-Scale Experiments and Martian Gullies
- Nonuniform cratering of the Moon, porous lunar megaregolith and a revised crater chronology
- Petrological Constraints on Melt Generation Beneath the Asal Rift (Djibouti)
- Polar gypsum on Mars : wind-driven exhumation from the North Polar Cap and redistribution in the Circumpolar Dune Field
- Seismology on a small body: expected results for the BASiX Discovery Mission proposal
- The GEMS-2 Seis Experiment
- The Ratio Between Magma Supply and Lithospheric Stretching Rates Controls the Architecture of Continental and Oceanic Rifts
- Thermal stability of internal liquid water reservoir at Enceladus' South pole
- Tidally heated compressible mantle convection in planets and moons
- Tidally-induced thermal runaway on extrasolar Earth: Impact on habitability
- Titan's internal ocean: evolution, exchange processes and geophysical signatures. (Invited)
- Vertical ground motion from tide gauges and satellite altimetry
- Water contents and OH speciation in pyroxenes
- optimization of seismic network design: application to a geophysical international lunar network
- A Revised Martian Magnetic Time Line
- Coccolith-Carbonate Sedimentation in the Northern North Atlantic : an Holocene Perspective
- Colorimetric Fe2+ measurements and the Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of glassy lavas from the Lau and East Scotia back-arc basins
- Constraints on the 3D shape of the ultra low shear velocity zone at the base of the mantle beneath the central Pacific
- Detection and characterization of debris avalanche and pyroclastic flow dynamics from the simulation of the seismic signal they generate: application to Montserrat, Lesser Antilles
- Geological Study of Gale Crater on Mars
- Implementation of the homogenization technique for wave propagation in 3D elastic media
- Landslide mobility on Earth and other planets deduced from their deposits
- Magnetic fields of the solar system: A comparative planetology toolkit
- Natural impacts on the Moon and Mars: seismic constrains on the impact shock wave and perspectives in term of crustal and upper mantle imaging.
- Numerical modeling of the Mount Steller rock-ice avalanche and of the associated landquake
- Numerical simulation of debris flows using a two phase model: application to debris flows in Iceland
- On the survival of an internal liquid water reservoir at Enceladus' south pole
- Petrology and geochemistry of Crozet hotspot alkali basalts : evaluation of the source mineralogy
- Seismic Anisotropy in the Transition Zone
- Temperature, grain size, and CO2-clathrate hydrates maps of Enceladus and Dione
- The GEMS-2 SEIS Experiment
- The role of subduction fluids and mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Eastern Lau Spreading Center magmas
- A Window into the History of Valles Marineris From Magnetic Field Measurement Analysis
- A new model for the geomagnetic power spectrum, with application to planetary core size
- Can Large Icy Moons Accrete Undifferentiated?
- Can a Sinking Metallic Diapir Generate a Dynamo?
- Demonstrating Single Seismic Station Approaches to Modeling Martian Interior Using Earth Data
- Differences between tangential geostrophy and columnar flow
- Dynamic uplift and subsidence in the Central Andes associated with flat-slab subduction
- Effect of complex rheology on the dynamics of Enceladus' south pole
- Equinoctial Activity Over Titan Dune Fields Revealed by Cassini/vims
- Iapetus' despinning and ridge formation triggered by a giant impact
- Imaging of a Newly Forming Polar Hood Over The South Pole of Titan By VIMS/Cassini
- Influence of the viscosity contrast on the metal diapir breakup in primitive magma oceans
- Magnetic energy transfer at the top of the Earth's core
- Melting of ice and liquid water transport in the ice shell of Europa
- Model space exploration for determining landslide source history from long period seismic data
- Modeling seismic noise by normal mode summation
- Numerical models of thermal convection in Venus interior: implications for its atmospheric composition
- On the flow magnitude and field-flow alignment at Earth's core surface
- SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for compositional surface mapping for the JUICE mission to the Galilean moons
- Sensitivity of the long period seismic waves generated by a landslide on its characteristics and flow history
- The INSIGHT SEIS VBB Experiment
- The Inverse Homogeneization: Incorporating Discontinuities in Smooth Full Waveform Inversion Models
- The Role of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Silica Undersaturated Melt Structure: Implication for Melt Physical Properties
- The tidal response of super-Earths and large icy worlds
- Time Dependent Equivalent Source Dipole - a new method to model the internal magnetic field of Mercury
- Titan's outer ice shell structure and dynamics constrained from Cassini data
- A Bayesian approach to infer the radial distribution of temperature and anisotropy in the transition zone from seismic data
- Acoustic approximations of elastic media with fast variations
- Approximate vs. Purely Numerical Approaches for Full Waveform Modeling of Global Earth Structure
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Despinning and shape evolution of Iapetus triggered by a giant impact
- Do tidal peaks help to discriminate the oceanic microseismic noise sources?
- Empirical correction of Titan surface photometry and atmospheric scattering from Cassini/VIMS data
- Evolution of Titan's outer icy shell: Role of ocean crystallization and surface weathering
- Experimental Weathering of Olivine: Effects of CO2 and H2O2 on Secondary Phases
- Experimental investigation of methane hydrates dissociation up to 5 GPa: Implications for Titan's interior
- Experimental investigation of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> system between 250-330 K and 0-1.7 GPa and modeling of the sI clathrate hydrate of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> at high pressures
- Experiments on the stability of metal diapirs
- Global characterization of Titan's dune fields by RADAR and VIMS observations
- Homogenized Tomographic Models: a Tool for Efficient Numerical Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation
- Interpreting geomagnetic reversal frequency using numerical dynamos (Invited)
- Intrinsic versus extrinsic anisotropy - the 1D and 3D cases
- Laboratory study of CH4-N2 clathrate hydrates applied to Titan's surface conditions
- Modelling seismic noise surface and body waves
- Mount Meager landslide flow history
- One million cubic kilometers of fossil ice in Valles Marineris: relicts of a 3.5 Gy old glacial landsystem along the Martian equator
- Possible subglacial tunnel valleys at mid- to low latitudes on Mars
- Relating plate tectonics, mantle convection and variations in paleomagnetic reversal frequency
- Sedimentary Petrography and Facies Analysis at the Shaler Outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars
- Sedimentary architecture of the Shaler outcrop, Gale Crater, Mars: paleoenvironmental and sediment transport implications
- Testing the ability of the INSIGHT-SEIS experiment to model Mars deep interior
- The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager on MSL: Observations From the First Year on Mars
- The Inverse Homogenization or "Downscaling" of Smooth Tomographic Models: Separating Intrinsic and Apparent Anisotropy
- The deep structure of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Invited)
- Thermal Consequences of Giant Impacts and Core Merging in Early Mars
- Tidal stress in Enceladus' ice shell: dependence on the internal ocean width
- Widespread Surface Weathering on Early Mars
- 10 Years of Cloud Cover Monitoring on Titan with Vims on Board Cassini
- Describing Temporal Variations of the Geomagnetic Field through a Modified Virtual Observatory Scheme: Application to SWARM Measurements
- First Iron Meteorites Observed By the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover Curiosity
- Fluids and Sulfate Vein Formation in Gale Crater, Mars.
- Fluorine observations by ChemCam: A tracer of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in the martian crust
- Formation and Evolution of the Atmosphere on Early Titan
- Full Waveform Inverted Models Are Homogenized Models.
- Hypotheses on the Source of Potassium Enrichment in Some Gale Crater Rocks
- Large-scale geometry and temporal variability of the Martian external magnetic field
- Lower Mantle Superplume Growth Stimulates Geomagnetic Reversals
- Monitoring the Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan during 10 Years with Cassini/Vims
- Numerical homogenization for seismic wave propagation in 3D geological media
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Probing the Interior of Enceladus from Eruption Activity
- Quantitative topographic analysis as a guide to rover-based research on Mars
- Regional and global crustal context of soil and rock chemistry from ChemCam and APXS at Gale crater
- Sedimentation Waves on the Martian North Polar Cap: Analogy with Megadunes in Antarctica
- Serpentinization As a Possible Mechanism at the Origin of Valley Network Formation on Early Mars
- Simultaneous Mapping of Titan's Atmospheric and Surface Properties Through the Massive Inversion of Cassini/VIMS Data
- Smectite Formation in Gale Crater, Mars and in the Nakhlite Martian Meteorites
- Subsidence and Collapse Activity in Arabia Terra, Mars: Which Link with Magmatic Activity?
- The Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/ΣFe Ratios of East Scotia Back-Arc Basin Lavas: New Insights Into Subduction Inputs
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O-MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> system up to 1 GPa: implications for deep oceans in Ganymede and Titan.
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The nature of Mars's surface hydration: converging views from satellite (MEX), surface (MSL) and meteorite (NWA 7034 / 7533 and co) observations.
- Thermal Convection in High-Pressure Ice Layers Beneath a Buried Ocean within Titan and Ganymede
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>-dominated Atmosphere in Equilibrium with NH<SUB>3</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Ocean: Application to Early Titan and Ocean Planets
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes
- Consequences of Giant Impacts on the Martian dynamo
- Dark Areas on Equatorial Regions of Titan: Implication in Particles Size of Water-Ice and Combination with Tholins.
- Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation
- Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer - New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements
- Effect of Ice-Shell Thickness Variations on the Tidal Deformation of Enceladus
- Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Seismic Anisotropy and Attenuation
- Formation of Authigenic Sulfates in Cold Dry Glaciers: Terrestrial and Planetary Implications of Sublimites
- Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- Late Diagenetic Cements in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Postdepositional Fluid Flow
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Non-linear Inversion of Noise Cross-correlations Using Probability Density Functions of Surface Waves Dispersion
- Numerical dynamos with outer boundary heat flux inferred from probabilistic tomography -- Consequences for latitudinal distribution of magnetic flux
- Onset and Cessation of Thermal Convection within Titan's Ice Shell
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- Paleomagnetism and Mineralogy of Unusual Silicate Glasses and Baked Soils on the Surface of the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile: A Major Airburst Impact ~12ka ago?.
- Spectral detection of complex organics in the hydrocarbon lakes of Titan
- Sub-meter desiccation crack patterns imaged by Curiosity at Gale Crater on Mars shed additional light on former lakes evident from examined outcrops
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- Thermal evolution of the high-pressure ice layers beneath a buried ocean within Titan and Ganymede
- Two-phase convection in the high-pressure ice layer of the large icy moons: geodynamical implications
- A generalized quasi-geostrophic core flow formalism
- ChemCam observations of Fluorine in Murray and Stimson units, Gale crater, Mars
- Chemostratigraphy of Lower Mount Sharp, Gale Crater
- Constraining mantle convection models with paleomagnetic reversals record and numerical dynamos
- Depositional environments and architecture of the ELDs in Arabia Terra (Mars)
- Early Mars serpentinization-derived CH4 reservoirs, H2 induced warming and paleopressure evolution
- Evidence for an Ancient Periglacial Climate in Gale Crater, Mars
- Feedback on the Installation of a Borehole Broadband Seismometer at Station BOUF, French Permanent Broadband Network
- How marine submersions can be recorded in coastal marshes not bounded by a coarse sediment barrier?
- Introducing the Statistical Redundancy of Instantaneous Phases of the Seismic Signal to Isolate Persistent Sources
- Meandering and material accumulation in the alcove on present day gully evolution
- Non-linear Inversion of Probability Density Functions of Surface Wave Dispersion
- Regional sub-cratonic mantle heterogeneities under the Kaapvaal craton recorded by sulfide inclusions in diamond.
- The Martian crustal magnetic field: a global view from MGS and MAVEN measurements
- Thermal Inertia Variations from Recent Gully and Mass Wasting Activity in Gasa Crater, Mars
- Archaeomagnetic evidence for a continuous decrease of the geomagnetic axial dipole for the last millennium
- Are the different gully morphologies due to different formation processes on the Kaiser dune field on Mars?
- Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge Show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front
- Evidence for a Significant Level of Extrinsic Anisotropy Due to Heterogeneities in the Mantle.
- Formation and dynamics of a chemically stratified layer below the Earth's CMB
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- Heavy Metal Enrichments in the Kimberley Bedrocks: Evidence of AN Ore Deposit at the Source?
- High frequency seismic signal generated by landslides on complex topographies: from point source to spatially distributed sources
- Monitoring of Gully Activity in the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canada, as an Analogue for Mars
- Occurrence of high-Al N-MORB along the Easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge
- Probing Small Lakes on Titan Using the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Seasonal Evolution of the North and South Polar Vortex on Titan From 2004 to 2017 as Seen by Cassini/VIMS
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- Surface and subsurface continuous gravimetric monitoring of groundwater recharge processes through the karst vadose zone at Rochefort Cave (Belgium)
- Synoptic channel morphodynamics with topo-bathymetric airborne lidar: promises, pitfalls and research needs
- The Earth magnetic crustal thickness
- The Martian crustal magnetic field as seen from MGS and MAVEN
- Tidal constraints on the interior of Venus
- Unusual Sediment Transportation Processes Under Low Pressure Environments and Implications For Gullies and Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL)
- Upper-Mantle Deformation Beneath the Pyrenean Domain Inferred from SKS Splitting in Northern Spain and Southern France
- Using robustness and preferred locations of archeomagnetic flux patches to constrain the physics of the core
- Compaction of a mushy inner core : the fate of liquid trapped by fast growth.
- Electrical conductivity and temperature profiles of the Earth's mantle from 4 years of SWARM measurements
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Evolution of the Polar Clouds and Global Mapping of the Surface Derived From the VIMS Archive of Titan
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O behavior in an iron-rich melt: application to the martian basaltic melts
- Impact of High-Pressure Chemistry on Planetary Habitable Zones
- Interior Structures of Enceladus and Titan with Respect to Oceanic Equations of State
- Iron Mobility During Diagenesis as Observed by ChemCam at Gale Crater, Mars
- Mercury's Core Radius Derived from its External and Internal Magnetic Field Variations
- Mid-Holocene paleoclimate records derived from fossil giant clam shells (Tridacna squamoza) from the Java Sea
- Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione: contrasting geological paths for Saturn's inner icy moons
- Reef Carbonate Productivity During Quaternary Sea Level Oscillations
- Scaling of heat transfer in stagnant lid convection for the outer shell of icy moons: Influence of rheology
- South Atlantic Anomaly recurrence revealed by 1500 yrs speleothem geomagnetic records
- Subsiding Sundaland
- Time-correlation based regression of the geomagnetic field from archeological and sediment data: COV-ARCH and COV-LAKE, two models for the past three millennia.
- A Cassini VIMS data portal for Titan and Saturn's icy satellites
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- Comparison of InSight Homestead hollow to Spirit Laguna hollow
- Comparisons between InSight IFG Surface Magnetic Field Measurements and MAVEN Observations
- Correcting Wavefield Gradients for the Effects of Local Small-Scale Heterogeneities
- Crater Retention Ages at the InSight and Spirit Landing Sites
- Dust devils' signature around the InSight landing site (Mars): analysis of HiRISE satellite images and SEIS seismic data
- ENSO as documented by paleoclimate observations: a long-term context for anthropogenic changes.
- Fluvial Regimes, Age and Duration of Jezero Crater Paleolake and its Significance for the 2020 Rover Mission Landing Site
- Geochemical Composition and Alteration History of the Clay-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks of Glen Torridon (Gale Crater, Mars) Analyzed by the ChemCam Instrument
- Geology of the InSight Landing Site, Mars
- New constraints on the dynamo timing and crustal magnetization on Mars from MAVEN observations
- On the generation and erosion of sequences of the coral reef terraces: cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl analysis and new <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U dating at Cape Laundi (Sumba, Indonesia)
- Paleoclimatic significance of Permian loess and dust in Variscan basins of eastern equatorial Pangaea
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- The Relationship of Martian Crustal Remnant Magnetism and Mineralogy
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
- Coastal sand dunes monitoring using synchronized hyperspectral and full-waveform LiDAR remote sensing
- Earth-like Habitable Environments in the Subsurface of Mars
- Evidence for Mobile Element Recharge in the Murray Formation near the Siccar Point Unconformity (Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars)
- Faults network on Enceladus North Pole
- Geomorphological map of the South Belet Region of Titan
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- Inefficient compaction effect in small planetary cores
- Mineralogical enhancement of crustal magnetization on Mars
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- Reconstructing Martian environmental change across a major unconformity at Gale crater: sedimentology of the Stimson formation at the Greenheugh pediment
- Sublimation and condensation waves on icy planetary surfaces
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- The EnVision Gravity Experiment
- The Internal Structure of Mercury's Core Inferred from Magnetic Observations
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- Tidal dissipation in Europa's silicate mantle undergoing partial melting
- Tidally-induced magmatic pulses on the oceanic floor of Jupiter's moon Europa
- Towards magnetic sounding of Mars using diurnal variations
- A 6000 years speleothem paleomagnetic record of the South Atlantic Anomaly in central South America
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Exploring the pre-Noachian Crust in the Terra Cimmeria-Sirenum Region
- Long distance observations of Jezero craters geological units by the SuperCam instrument onboard Perseverance/Mars2020
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Marsquakes location and 1-D seismic models of Mars from InSight data
- Observations of the Jezero Crater Delta Front by Perseverance Cameras
- Orbital Context and In Situ Observations of Nili Fossae Olivine-Carbonate
- Outcrop-to-outcrop Hydrothermal Circulation under Ocean World Gravity Conditions
- Properties of the top Forty Centimeters of the Martian soil From HP3 Mole Penetration and Thermal Conductivity Measurements
- Regional mapping of aerosol population and surface albedo of Titan by the massive inversion of the Cassini/VIMS dataset
- Spectral diversity of rocks and regolith at Jezero crater, Mars, as seen by the SuperCam VISIR spectrometer onboard Perseverance
- Stability of Clathrate Hydrates in the Presence of Ammonia: Experimental and Modelling Perspectives
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The ubiquity and significance of extensional grabens on Mercurys lobate scarps
- Topography and Tectonic Stresses Induced by Heat Flux from Titan's Ocean.
- Updated Radiative Transfer Model for Titan: Validation on VIMS/Cassini Observations of the Huygens Landing Site and Application to the Analysis of the Dragonfly Landing Area
- A Global Study of Dust Devils on Mars using Neural Networks and Zooniverse
- A Reliable Approach to Detect and Discriminate Low Magnitude Seismic Events: Application to a Stable Continental Region
- Aeolian Activity Over Two Martian Years at the InSight Landing Site
- Analysis of Seismic, Hydroacoustic and Acoustic Waves Recorded on the Shoreline in the Vicinity of Shallow Underwater Explosions
- Discrimination of Anthropogenic and Natural Events Based on Deep Learning
- Discussion on seismically triggered avalanches on Mars
- EnVision: a Nominal Science Phase Spanning Six Venus Sidereal Days (Four Earth Years)
- Experimental Study on the Phase Behavior of the H2O-THF-NH3 System at Cryogenic Temperatures: Implications for the Destabilization of Methane Clathrate Hydrates on Titan
- Fault Structural Maturity and its Influence on the Rupture Process
- Improving Venus' static and time-variable gravity field with the EnVision Radio Science Experiment
- Jupiter's Internal Structure and Dynamics inferred from a High Resolution Magnetic Field and Secular Variation Model
- Lateral Variations of the Martian Crustal Thickness from Seismological, Gravity, and Topography Data
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Looking for Quaternary Fault Activity in the Armorican Massif (R8 FACT region): Preliminary Results of a Geophysical Analysis Along the Southern Armorican Shear Zone.
- Quantifying the Non-Gaussian Perturbations in the Continuous Seismic Signal
- Seismo-Tectonic Context of Cerberus Fossae, Mars.
- Statistical Analysis of the Perturbations in the Martian Seismic Signal from the InSight Mission
- Tidally driven hydraulic model of Enceladus's plume activity
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. G. Davies
- A. J. Brown
- A. Mittelholz
- A. N. Price
- A. T. Fisher
- Allan H. Treiman
- Amy J. Williams
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Anna Horleston
- Anna Maria Gargiulo
- Antoine Lucas
- Arya Udry
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- B. E. Strauss
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. Langlais
- B. P. Weiss
- Baptiste Chide
- Batiste Rousseau
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benoît Seignovert
- Benoît Tauzin
- Brian Jackson
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. Briois
- C. Perrin
- C. Sotin
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Chloé Michaut
- Constantinos Charalambous
- D. Baratoux
- D. Turrini
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David A. Rothery
- Donna K. Blackman
- Doyeon Kim
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Dehouck
- E. Marteau
- Elise Clavé
- Erwan Thébault
- F. Altieri
- Flavio Petricca
- Foivos Karakostas
- Franck Montmessin
- G. Bellucci
- G. Choblet
- G. Cremonese
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- G. Martínez
- G. Tobie
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Hai Cheng
- Henri Samuel
- I. J. Daubar
- J. B. Garvin
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. Helbert
- J. R. Johnson
- James Holmes
- Jorge Núñez
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Justin I. Simon
- K. H. Williford
- Kenneth Hurst
- Klára Kalousová
- Lu Pan
- Léo Martire
- M. Běhounková
- M. C. Malin
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. Froment
- M. Grott
- M. Nachon
- M. P. Panning
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mariah Baker
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin Lanzendörfer
- Martin van Driel
- María Paz Zorzano
- Mathieu Choukroun
- Mathilde Kervazo
- Matthieu Plasman
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. Mangold
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Nathalie Favretto‐Cristini
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nils Müller
- Nobuaki Fuji
- O. Forni
- Ondřej Souček
- P. Lognonné
- P. Rosenblatt
- P. Y. Meslin
- Philippe Lognonné
- Pierre Beck
- Plinio Jaqueto
- Quancheng Huang
- R. A. Yingst
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. I. Trindade
- Roger C. Wiens
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- S. A. Fagents
- S. Carpy
- S. F. Sholes
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Rodríguez
- S. Tharimena
- S. Vance
- Sabrina Ménina
- Scott M. McLennan
- Simon C. Stähler
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Susan J. Conway
- Sébastien Lebonnois
- T. Cornet
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Thomas Widemann
- Tilman Spohn
- Tom Pike
- Tuan Vu
- V. Mennella
- V. Z. Sun
- Valdir F. Novello
- Valentin Tertius Bickel
- Valerio Poggiali
- Zongbo Xu
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann