Universite de Nantes, France
flowchart I[Universite de Nantes, France] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (130)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (111)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Numerical Simulations of Mantle Flow Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens
- The Cassini VIMS Titan Photometric Control Network: Relevance to Understanding Titan's Surface and Atmosphere
- Analysis of Gravity Potential Along Paleo-shorelines on Mars: Implications for Ocean on Very Early Mars
- OEDIPUS: a new tool to study the dynamics of planetary interiors
- Saturn's Titan: Evidence for Surface Reflectance Change: Implications for Atmospheric and Volcanic Activity
- The Upper Mantle Flow Field around South-Africa as Reflected by Isotopic Provinciality
- Candidate Mud Volcanoes in the Northern Plains of Mars
- Mars early geological and climatic evolution, derived from its surface mineralogy
- Solid tidal friction above a liquid water reservoir as the origin of the South Pole Hotspot on Enceladus
- Hydrogeophysical characterization and 3D modeling of heterogeneous unsaturated zone of a sandstone quarry
- Is recent volcanism at Central Elysium Planitia similar to large terrestrial igneous provinces?
- Onset of convection in a basally heated spherical shell application to planets
- Experimental study of IR-signature of water ices between 1 and 2.5 µm : a thermal probe for icy moons
- Numerical modeling of subduction parameters' influence on partial melting
- A new and improved description of the Martian magnetic crustal field using both MGS-MAG and MGS-ER measurements
- Global mapping of Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary from surface wave tomography
- Magnetic fields and dynamos in terrestrial planets (Invited)
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- The Europa Jupiter System Mission: Synergistic Science Enabled by JEO and JGO
- Mantle-driven geodynamo features - accounting for non-thermal lower mantle features
- One dimensional models of temperature and composition in the transition zone from a bayesian inversion of surface waves
- Proxies of Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary from global surface wave tomography
- Taking into account topography rapid variations in forward modelling and inverse problems in seismology
- Temperature, grain size, and CO2-clathrate hydrates maps of Enceladus and Dione
- The Hemispheric Dichotomy of Convection and Heat Flux on Enceladus
- The Surface Composition of Titan
- ADApT: A rapid integrated assessment and decision support tool to respond to global change in coastal regions
- Intrinsic versus extrinsic Anisotropy- The case of the PREM model
- Structure and elasticity of glaucophane
- Towards a better understanding of Mantle melting in presence of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Compositions of Sub-Millimeter-Size Clasts seen by ChemCam in Martian Soils at Gale : A Window Into the Production processes of Soils
- Diversity of Rock Compositions at Gale Crater Observed by ChemCam and APXS on Curiosity, and Comparison to Meteorite and Orbital Observations
- Evolution of Titan's Lakes and Seas: Insights from Recent Infrared Observations
- Experimental Weathering of Olivine: Effects of CO2 and H2O2 on Secondary Phases
- Multiproxy reconstructions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: progress and challenges (Invited)
- Noise cross correlation functions in a noisy region
- Oceanic Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary from surface wave dispersion data
- One million cubic kilometers of fossil ice in Valles Marineris: relicts of a 3.5 Gy old glacial landsystem along the Martian equator
- Radiative Transfer on Titan: Towards a Massive Inversion of Atmospheric and Surface Properties From VIMS/Cassini Observations of Titan
- Secondary overprinting of S-Se-Te signatures in the Earth's mantle: Implications for the Late Veneer
- The Shallow Plumbing System of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion island, Indian Ocean) Revealed by the Major 2007 Caldera Forming Eruption (Invited)
- Curiosity in Situ Observations at Kylie, a Preview of the Kimberley Drill Site Geology
- Evolution of Titan's Seas and Lakes during Northern Spring
- Exploring the Dynamics of the August 2010 Mount Meager Rock Slide-Debris Flow Jointly with Seismic Source Inversion and Numerical Landslide Modeling
- Insights into the internal structure and formation of striated fault surfaces of oceanic detachments from in situ observations (13°20'N and 13°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Probing the Interior of Enceladus from Eruption Activity
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake (Mw 6.3) Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- The Ocean-Continent Boundary Effect on Seismic Noise Recorded on Land
- A lithospheric magnetic field model derived from the Swarm satellite magnetic field measurements
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>-dominated Atmosphere in Equilibrium with NH<SUB>3</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Ocean: Application to Early Titan and Ocean Planets
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Consequences of Giant Impacts on the Martian dynamo
- Discrimination of Secondary Microseism Origins Using Ocean Tide Modulation
- Dissolution on Titan and on Earth: Towards the Age of Titan's Karstic-like Landscapes
- Effect of Ice-Shell Thickness Variations on the Tidal Deformation of Enceladus
- Garden City Vein Complex, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Late Diagenetic Fluid Flow
- Late Diagenetic Cements in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars: Implications for Postdepositional Fluid Flow
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Onset and Cessation of Thermal Convection within Titan's Ice Shell
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- Revealing and analyzing networks of environmental systems
- Role of volatile compounds on the thermal evolution of Pluto and Charon
- Simultaneous Determination of Structure and Event Location Using Body and Surface Wave Measurements at a Single Station: Preparation for Mars Data from the InSight Mission
- The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
- Thermal evolution of the high-pressure ice layers beneath a buried ocean within Titan and Ganymede
- Tidal Currents between Titan's Seas Detected by Solar Glints
- Two-phase convection in the high-pressure ice layer of the large icy moons: geodynamical implications
- World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map version 2 (WDMAM v.2) - released for research and education
- Effect of melt/mantle interactions on MORB chemistry at the eastermost Southwest Indian Ridge (61 to 67°E)
- Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E<SUP>2</SUP>T): Investigating Ocean Worlds' Evolution and Habitability in the Saturn System
- Feedback on the Installation of a Borehole Broadband Seismometer at Station BOUF, French Permanent Broadband Network
- Geophysical interpretation of the Caribbean plate and Gulf of Mexico from reprocessed potential field data
- Global characteristics of geomagnetic excursions as seen in global empirical models and a numerical geodynamo simulation
- Introducing the Statistical Redundancy of Instantaneous Phases of the Seismic Signal to Isolate Persistent Sources
- Joint probabilistic determination of earthquake location and velocity structure: application to local and regional events
- Non-linear Inversion of Probability Density Functions of Surface Wave Dispersion
- Recent insights into intramolecular <SUP>13</SUP>C isotope composition of biomolecules
- The Surface and Interior Evolution of Ceres Revealed by Analysis of Fractures and Secondary Crater Chains Using Dawn Data
- Insights on the Understanding of the Circum-Caribbean Region from Potential Field Data
- Long-lasting Microbial Methane Release at the Aquitaine Shelf Break (Bay of Biscay): Relation with the (Plio)-Pleistocene Sedimentary Progradation of the Continental Margin
- Low-Centred Polygons and Alas-Like Basins as Geological Markers of Warming Trends Late in Mars' History
- The Earth magnetic crustal thickness
- The Martian crustal magnetic field as seen from MGS and MAVEN
- Cross-stratification, not cross-stratification: Deep learning applications to Earth and planetary sedimentology
- Diagenetic Concretions in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars
- Distribution and Analysis of Calcium Sulfate Cemented Sandstones Along the Msl Traverse, Gale Crater, Mars
- Effect of the Ocean-Continent Boundary on the Secondary Microseism Wavefield and Love Wave Generation.
- Electrical conductivity and temperature profiles of the Earth's mantle from 4 years of SWARM measurements
- Erosion of a chemically stratified layer at the top of the Earth's core
- High frequency seismic signal generated by landslides on complex topographies: from numerical simulation to field observation at Dolomieu crater, La Réunion
- Magnetic and gravimetric signals in relation with the core flow
- Mercury's Core Radius Derived from its External and Internal Magnetic Field Variations
- Resolving Small Scale Seismic Heterogeneities By Downscaling Anisotropic Tomographic Models
- Akvo: A surface nuclear magnetic resonance workbench
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Correcting Wavefield Gradients for the Effects of Local Small-Scale Heterogeneities
- Erosion of chemical stratification at the top of the Earth's core
- Landslide Localization on Complex Topography: Simulation of Seismic Signal to Locate Rockfalls at Dolomieu Crater, La Réunion
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Seismicity of Mars
- The Coupled Nature of DOM: Combining Microbial and Molecular Perspectives on Plant Litter Decomposition
- The Mars Structure Service for InSight:Single-Station Marsquake Inversions for Structure
- What record will the Greenheugh pediment and associated landforms in Gale crater reveal about Martian climate history?
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- Connecting Satellites to Genes; a new machine learning approach to observe phytoplankton diversity in the global ocean
- InSight seismic data from Mars: Effect and treatment of transient data disturbances
- NanoMagSat, a 16U Nanosatellite Constellation High-Precision Magnetic Project to Monitor the Earth's Magnetic Field and Ionospheric Environment
- New evidence for climate and erosion history in Gale crater, Mars, from Curiosity's ascent onto the Greenheugh pediment
- The Internal Structure of Mercury's Core Inferred from Magnetic Observations
- Translating analog field studies for mission science and operations on Mars2020: Approaches from Iceland and Padre Island, TX
- A Novel Hybrid Wave Numerical Simulation by Combining the Multiple Point Sources Method and the Direct Discrete Differentiation Method
- Chemical composition of the first rocks sampled by the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Mars
- Interpretation of the focal spot obtained with time reversal
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- Time-lapse rock deformation monitoring using waveform inversion
- 100 Giant Alaska Landslides
- A High Pressure Microbial Culturing Chamber for Titan and Ocean World Experimentation
- Accounting for Sub-wavelength Heterogeneities in Full Waveform Inversion Based on Wavefield Gradient Measurements
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Jezero Crater Floor and Delta Chemistry and Mineralogy Observed by SuperCam in the First 1.5 Years of the Perseverance Rover Mission
- Jupiter's Internal Structure and Dynamics inferred from a High Resolution Magnetic Field and Secular Variation Model
- Looking for Quaternary Fault Activity in the Armorican Massif (R8 FACT region): Preliminary Results of a Geophysical Analysis Along the Southern Armorican Shear Zone.
- Perseverance's Delta-Front Campaign in Jezero Crater, Mars
- Strongly scattering medium along the slow earthquake fault zones, inferred by new observations of short-duration tremors
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Brown
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Mittelholz
- Akiko Toh
- Amy J. Williams
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Anna Horleston
- Arya Udry
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- B. Horgan
- B. Langlais
- B. P. Weiss
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benoît Seignovert
- Benoît Tauzin
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. Perrin
- C. Pilorget
- Carey Legett
- Caroline Beghein
- Carène Larmat
- Cecilia Durán
- Chao Lyu
- Chloé Michaut
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Doyeon Kim
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Dehouck
- Elise Clavé
- Erwan Thébault
- F. Nimmo
- Fabien Kenig
- Foivos Karakostas
- G. Bellucci
- G. Filacchione
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- Henri Samuel
- I. J. Daubar
- Ikuo Katayama
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. D. Tarnas
- J. R. Johnson
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jiaqi Li
- Jorge Núñez
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Justin I. Simon
- K. L. Siebach
- Liang Zhao
- Luis Fabián Bonilla
- Léo Martire
- M. C. Malin
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. Golombek
- M. Nachon
- M. P. Panning
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin van Driel
- Matthieu Plasman
- Michael J. Malaska
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. Lanza
- N. Mangold
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nobuaki Fuji
- O. Forni
- P. J. Gasda
- P. Lognonné
- P. Y. Meslin
- Paul Cupillard
- Philippe Lognonné
- Pierre Beck
- Quancheng Huang
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. Lopes-Gautier
- R. Orosei
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Roger C. Wiens
- Ross Maguire
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- S. Carpy
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Tharimena
- Sabrina Ménina
- Satoshi Ide
- Scott D. King
- Scott M. McLennan
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Shiv K. Sharma
- Simon C. Stähler
- Sonia A. Nagorski
- Ssu-Ting Lai
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Susan J. Conway
- T. S. J. Gabriel
- Tilman Spohn
- Tom Pike
- V. Mennella
- V. Z. Sun
- W. Dietrich
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann