Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea
flowchart I[Hanyang University, Ansan, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (60)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late Cretaceous-Tertiary Chemical Remagnetization Event Recorded in the Paleozoic Rocks in the Bagjisan Syncline, Korea
- Magnetic Fabrics of the Multi-Metamorphosed Rocks in the Southwestern Ogcheon Folded Belt, Korea
- Magnetic Fabric and Deformation of the Metasediments in the Southwestern Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Korea
- Preliminary Results of Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of Metasedimentary Rocks in the Central Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt, Korea
- A Synthesis of Cretaceous Paleomagnetic Data From South Korea and its Tectonic Significance in East Asia
- A Preliminary Paleomagnetic Result of the Lower Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Danyang Area, Korea: its Tectonic Implications
- A Paleomagnetic Investigation of Upper Carboniferous-Lower Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Pyeongchang Area, Korea: Remagnetization and its Tectonic Implications
- Aerosol hygroscopicity measurements at Gosan, Jeju Islands, and Seoul, Korea
- Optimization of Water Supply System with Satellite Communities
- Stochastic Multi-site Generation of Daily Rainfall Occurrence Using Direct Graphical Method
- Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary remagnetization recorded on sedimentary rocks in the Jinan Basin, Korea
- Changes in C37 alkenones flux on the eastern continental shelf of the Bering Sea: the record of Emiliania huxleyi bloom over the past 100 years
- The Effect Of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration And Temperature On A Natural Phytoplankton Assemblage In A Controlled Mesocosm Experiment
- Was Korean Peninsula shown a same tectonic motion with Eurasian Plate since Mesozoic?
- The effect of ENSO on East Asian Summer Monsoon under the global warming
- A possible Blake event from coastal terrace sediment in Korea
- An environmental magnetic study and SEM observations of core sediments from the Ulleung basin in East Sea and adjacent coastal area
- Changes in the relationship between the oceanic vertical structure variability in the warm-pool and El Niño over 1958-2004
- Distribution and origin of organic matter in surface sediment of western coastal region of Korean Peninsula (Gyeonggi Bay, Taean Bay and Gun- San): stable isotope and n-alkane compositions
- Intra-specific diet shift in manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) as revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes and fatty acid biomarker
- Non-stationarity, Extreme Rainfall, and Frequency Analysis in South Korea
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- The unique 2009-2010 El Niño event: A fast phase transition of warm pool El Niño to La Niña
- Uncertainty Analysis of Bivariate Drought Frequency Curve Using Copula-Based Random Generation
- Changes in ENSO-related PDO due to global warming
- Identification of key functional groups of microbes in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the NE equatorial Pacific
- Long-term component effect in the 19-year long sea level rising of the East/Japan Sea
- Seasonal footprinting mechanism and its implication of Central Pacific El Nino
- Sensitivity of the summer precipitation to tropical sea surface temperature over East Asia
- The Redfield Ratio over the Past 70 Million Years
- ENSO informed Drought Forecasting Using Nonhomogeneous Hidden Markov Chain Model
- Interpretation of lipids biomarkers in the sediment of western Arctic Ocean: last 100years records of organic sources, storage and surface seawater temperature
- North Pacific atmospheric circulation to lead a different structure of El Niño
- Variations in archaeal and bacterial diversity associated with the anaerobic oxidation of methane in the active mud volcanoes of the Canadian Beaufort Sea
- Analysis of regional natural flow for evaluation of flood risk according to RCP climate change scenarios
- Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers in the Northwest Pacific region: insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
- Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in the Chukchi Sea
- Evidence of methanogenesis related to the past fish farming in Lake Soyang
- Biodegradation effects on the source discrimination capability of selected chemical biomarkers: implications from controlled end-member mixing experiments
- Change in Relationship between Winter Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Spring Sea Ice Extent Variability in the Pacific Arctic Sector across Mid-1990s.
- Connections of atmospheric circulation and two oceanic fronts in the North Pacific and its linkages to extreme weather occurrence
- Feasibility Study of GNSS-Reflectometry for Tsunami Analysis
- Inter-model diversity of regional climate in 15℃ and 17℃ worlds
- Mercury methylation and associated microbial communities in vegetated and unvegetated mudflat of the Ganghwa intertidal wetland, Yellow Sea
- Prediction Skill of East Asian Precipitation and Temperature Associated with El Niño in GloSea5 Hindcast Data
- Uncertainty in the future projections of Pacific-Indian Ocean air-sea coupled modes: the role of internal variability
- Projected future changes in the spatiotemporal evolutions of El Niño
- Recent Arctic warming linkages to the amplification of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves
- The impact of the tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature forcing on an upward trend of Arctic Oscillation
- Understanding the inter-basin interactions of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Emergent constraints on the future Indo-Pacific warm pool expansion in CMIP6 climate models
- Non-stationary ENSO-IOD Relationship Modulated by the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation
- Study on the dynamical processes on the upward trend of the Arctic Oscillation
- Distinct Impacts of Two Types of El Niño Events on Northern Winter High-latitude Temperatures Simulated by CMIP6 Models
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Hadley-cell Changes under CO2 Removal Scenario
- Investigating a Warming Rate of the Surface Temperature Trend in East Asia
- Role of ENSO teleconnection for skillful subseasonal to seasonal prediction of western North America surface air temperature
- Strengthening of Arctic Sea Ice Influence on the Occurrence of Extreme Hot Days in East Asia Since the Late 1990s.
- Understanding an Upward Trend of Localized CO2 Concentration in East Asia During Boreal Spring
- Understanding the global hydrological cycle response in a carbon dioxide removal scenario based on Earth's Energy Budget