Hanyang University, Korea
flowchart I[Hanyang University, Korea] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (89)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (12)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Study of Ascent Changes for Magma Body Batch Before aand After Eruptions in Mt. Usu and Tokachi-dake, Hokkaido, Japan Using a Small Scale Tomography
- A Triple Junction of Plates and Tectonics in Hokkaido, Japan Using Local Seismic Tomography
- Effects of Siberian forest fires on regional climate in spring 2003
- Inter-comparison Study of Global Emission Inventories in Support of Global Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
- Observation of wave celerity evolution in the nearshore using digital video imagery
- Multi-Scale Drought Analysis using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Georgia’s Altamaha River Watershed
- 3D prestack generalized-screen migration for VSP data
- Estimating the soil erosion on hill slopes in Korea using radionuclide 137Cs
- Hydrological response to the drought estimation using Thermal Remote Sensing: A case study of the Little River Experimental Watershed in Georgia region, U.S
- Characteristics of the height distribution of the tsunami of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake on Sanriku and Kanto coasts
- Non-stationarity, Extreme Rainfall, and Frequency Analysis in South Korea
- Uncertainty Analysis of Bivariate Drought Frequency Curve Using Copula-Based Random Generation
- Analysis on the abrupt western North Pacific Climate regime transition of winters of 1997/98
- Imaging natural fractures with the microseismic data by using seismic interferometry
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Snow Water Equivalent in Northeast Asia
- AMSR2 soil moisture validation in South Korea
- An introduction of remotely sensed drought estimation in the Korea
- Changes in the air-sea interactions in the warm pool during summer around the mid-1990s
- Comparison of Noah simulations with tower-based measurements at complex terrain
- North Pacific climate variability and Central Pacific El Nino
- On the characteristics of the wake meandering of a marine hydrokinetic turbine
- Simulation of Hydro-meteorological Variables by RCPs scenarios
- Soil moisture estimation through Active and Passive sensors : An intercomparison and validation study in Northeast Asia
- Spatial Downscaling of TRMM Precipitation using MODIS product in the Korean Peninsula
- Two Different Applications of Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) Based on Point and Regional Scale Datasets
- Changes in the relationship in the SST variability between the tropical Pacific and the North Pacific across 1998/99 regime shift
- Contributions of upper ocean stratification over the western North Pacific to ENSO spatial structure
- Numerical Modeling of Fluid Structure Interactions of a Floating Wave Energy Extraction Device
- Relationship of regional PM2.5 variations in east Asia and climate variability in the North Pacific
- Spatial Downscaling of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Using Support Vector Machine in Northeast Asia
- Study on the precursor of frequent occurrence of central Pacific El Nino
- 3D joint inversion using seismic data and marine controlled-source electromagnetic data for evaluating gas hydrate concentrations
- Airborne Atmospheric Aerosol Measurement System
- Analysis of the Relationship between ENSO Amplitude and the Internal Variability
- Controlled Source Magnetics: A Method for Imaging High-resolution Near-surface Magnetic Heterogeneity
- Converted-waves Imaging Condition for Elastic Reverse-Time Migration with Decomposed Wavefields
- Decadal Variation's Offset of Global Warming in Recent Tropical Pacific Climate
- Effective CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration monitoring using joint inversion result of seismic and electromagnetic data
- Finite Element Based Anisotropic 3D Inversion of Marine CSEM Data
- Intercomparison of AMSR2 and AMSR-E Soil Moisture Retrievals with MERRA-L data set over Australia
- Teleconnections between Tropical Pacific Precipitation and Extratropical Northern Hemisphere Climate in a Warmer Climate
- The Impact of High-/Low SST Resolution in the WRF Model on the Atmospheric Response and Variability in East Asia during the Boreal Winter
- The investigation of moving dunes over Mars using very high resolution topography and sub pixel co-registration method.
- Application of Genetic Algorithm to Runoff Curve Numbers of NRCS Model for Calculating Effective Rainfalls
- Changes in the air-sea interaction in the western tropical Pacific during boreal spring across 1999 and its impact on Asia climate
- Contributions of Asian pollution and SST forcings on precipitation change in the North Pacific
- Elastic and acoustic migration comparison on elastic Marmousi-II model using generalized-screen method
- Inter-El Niño variability in CMIP5 models: Model deficiencies and future changes
- Study of relationship between Korean summer temperature and the Eurasian snow cover during boreal spring.
- Water, Energy, and Food Nexus: Modeling of Inter-Basin Resources Trading
- Analysis of regional natural flow for evaluation of flood risk according to RCP climate change scenarios
- Application of Dynamic naïve Bayesian classifier to comprehensive drought assessment
- Distribution of pelagic phytoplankton-derived lipid biomarkers in the Northwest Pacific region: insights into their suitability as open-water indicators
- Future projection of design storms using a GCM-informed weather generator
- Preliminary Image of Lithosphere Beneath the Korean Peninsula by the Seismic Interferometry
- Change in the physical properties associated with Intraseasonal Oscillation in East Asia during summer
- Evidence of methanogenesis related to the past fish farming in Lake Soyang
- Impact of the Arctic Oscillation on aerosol concentrations in East Asia
- La Nina-like mean state drives winter extremes in North America
- Metagenomic analysis of anaerobic methantrophic archaea ANME-1 and sulfate-reducing bacteria in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the Chukchi Sea
- Pore-scale Characterization of Biogenic Gas Formation in Porous Media: The Effect of Gas Production Rate
- Seismic trace regularization of multidimensional sparse data using Delaunay triangulation
- Steeply dipping linear noise in passive seismic interferometry sections
- Study on the Modulation of Climate Variability due to Aerosol Forcings in East Asia Using GRIMs with and without Climate-Chemistry Interactions
- The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) modulation due to Arctic sea ice loss
- Understanding the Atmospheric Responses in Different Phases of PDO, AMO, and IOBM in East Asia
- Biodegradation effects on the source discrimination capability of selected chemical biomarkers: implications from controlled end-member mixing experiments
- Change in Relationship between Winter Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Spring Sea Ice Extent Variability in the Pacific Arctic Sector across Mid-1990s.
- Connections of atmospheric circulation and two oceanic fronts in the North Pacific and its linkages to extreme weather occurrence
- Estimation of seismic and elastic properties of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Korean Peninsula
- Machine-learning-based interpretation of upper mantle structures beneath the Korean Peninsula
- Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Co-injection on the Performance of a Coupled Carbon Storage and Enhanced Oil Recovery Process
- Groundwater Quality Concerns for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Recent Arctic warming linkages to the amplification of Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwaves
- The impact of the tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature forcing on an upward trend of Arctic Oscillation
- Three-dimensional imaging of near-surface structure using P-wave extracted from traffic and urban noise sources at Xiadian fault: A case study
- Understanding the inter-basin interactions of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Emergent constraints on the future Indo-Pacific warm pool expansion in CMIP6 climate models
- Enhancing seismic interferometry images of the upper mantle structures beneath the Korean Peninsula using SVD-based denoising method
- Flow patterns around a vegetation patch in a laboratory flume
- Large-eddy simulation of flow in meandering channels of different shapes
- Modeling of CO2-CH4 Water Alternating Gas with Asphaltene Deposition for Estimating Coupled Performance of Enhanced Oil Recovery and Geological Carbon Storage
- Study on the dynamical processes on the upward trend of the Arctic Oscillation
- Automatic Horizon Tracking Based on Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning
- Distinct Impacts of Two Types of El Niño Events on Northern Winter High-latitude Temperatures Simulated by CMIP6 Models
- Investigating a Warming Rate of the Surface Temperature Trend in East Asia
- Merging remote sensing and models to improve performance and accessibility of snow information
- Strengthening of Arctic Sea Ice Influence on the Occurrence of Extreme Hot Days in East Asia Since the Late 1990s.
- Understanding an Upward Trend of Localized CO2 Concentration in East Asia During Boreal Spring