University of Potsdam, Germany
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- University of Potsdam, Institute for Geosciences
- University of Potsdam, Institute of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Simple Stochastic Model for the Stability of Open Ocean Deep Convection in a Changing Climate
- A Tear in the subducting Nazca Slab: Evidence from Local Earthquake Tomography and High Precision Hypocenters
- Combined Absolute/Relative Hypocenter Determination and Moment Tensor Inversion of a VT-B Event Cluster Before the 1998 Eruption of the Mt. Merapi Volcano (Java)
- Determination of Local Shear Velocity Profiles From Joint Inversion of Dispersion Curves and H/V Spectral Ratios of Ambient Vibrations
- Estimation of the Wavelet Correlation Dimension of Surfaces in Acoustic Back-Scattering Experiments
- Evidence for a low Velocity Channel on top of the Subducted Nazca Plate From Guided Waves
- Seismic Tomography in the Aftershock Region of the Cariaco Earthquake 1997
- Swarm Earthquake Generation Process: Indications From Data Analysis and Model Simulations
- Testing for premonitory patterns based on critical point dynamics
- The Southern Andes Between 36<SUP>o</SUP> and 40<SUP>o</SUP> S Latitude: Seismicity and Average Velocities
- Premonitory long-range earthquake correlations
- Quasi-static and quasi-dynamic modeling of earthquake failure at intermediate scales
- The Southern Andes Between 36 and 40 deg S Latitude: A Tomographic Image of the Lithospheric Structure Inferred From Local Earthquake Data
- Ambiguous Source Radiation in Anisotropic Media and Consequences for the Interpretation of Earthquakes Mechanisms
- Characterization of Dispersive Rayleigh Waves Using Wavelet Transform.
- Geosphere-Biosphere Feedbacks as a Trigger for the Cambrian explosion
- Modelling the Earth's Magnetic Field Using Wavelets' Frame.
- Overland Flow Generation and Soil Hydraulic Properties in Two Catchments in Central Panama
- Overland Flow in Tropical Rainforests: Causes and Consequences
- Signals of fluid and stress triggering in local earthquake clusters
- The role of heterogeneities as a tuning parameter of earthquake dynamics in relation to criticality
- Comparison of Seismicity Models for Hazard Assessment in Low Seismicity Regions
- Dynamics of Stress-Field Proxies Associated With Large Earthquake Cycles in a Quasidynamic Fault Model
- Instantaneous Polarization Attributes in the Time-frequency Domain: Application to Wave Field Separation
- Mapping b-values in France using two different magnitude ranges: possible non power-law behavior
- Quaternary Tectonic Tilting Governed by Rupture Segments Controls Surface Morphology and Drainage Evolution along the South-Central Coast of Chile
- Wavelet Frames: an Alternative to Spherical Harmonic Representation of Potential Fields?
- Biogeochemical Linkages at Landscape Scales
- Combined Inversion of Moment Tensors and Site Response - Application to the Northern Chile Subduction Zone
- Modeling of Wave Dispersion Using Continuous Wavelet Transforms: Incorporating Causality Constraint with Non Linearly Frequency-Dependent Attenuation
- Modelling and Analyzing Potential Fields Using Poisson Multipole Wavelets
- Modelling of geophysical fields with wavelet frames
- Properties of seismic and surface deformation generated by earthquakes on a heterogeneous strike slip fault in elastic half space
- Rain-Triggered Earthquake Activity at Mt. Hochstaufen, SE-Germany.
- Retrieval of Earthquake Source Parameters in Anisotropic Media - Application to Swarm Events in W-Bohemia, Central Europe
- Sedimentary Architecture, Provenance, and Drainage Reorganization Associated With the Establishment of the Southern Margin of the Central Andean Puna Plateau, NW Argentina
- Surface Waves Properties in Cosserat Continuum: Construction of Solution and Analysis Using Wavelet Transform
- The numerical Green`s function method (NGF): Synthesis of ground motion for finite-source scenarios in 3D media
- Wavelet Modelling and Analysis of new Space Gravity Data in Combination With Surface Data: Application to the South Central Pacific Volcanism
- Assessment of Model Parameters Interdependency of a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model
- Bayesian estimation of faults geometry based on seismic catalog data
- Characterization of Coseismic Strain Patterns Inferred From ~180,000 Focal Mechanisms in Southern California
- Estimating recurrence times and seismic hazard of large earthquakes on an individual fault
- Gravity Signature Of The Sumatra 2004 And 2005 Earthquakes: What We Learn From A Wavelet Analysis Of GRACE Data
- High- and low-latitude forcing of Plio-Pleistocene East African climate and human evolution
- Hydrological Flowpaths and Their Controls at LBA Biogeochemistry Study Sites - Communalities, Contrasts and Representativeness
- Microseismic Signatures of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- Modeling of the Propagation of Seismic Waves in Non-Classical Media: Reduced Cosserat Continuum
- Moment-based data reduction in the potential fields modeling
- Polarization Analysis of Pi2 Pulsations Using Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Quantifying Catchment Similarities Based on Wavelet Spectral Analysis
- Recurrence Time Distribution of Characteristic Earthquakes Derived From Rate-State Friction
- Rupture propagation of the July 17, 2006, Mw=7.7 TsE off-coast Java
- Segmentation of an Active Forearc Setting Chile (37°S)
- Temporal properties of the aftershock decay rate along seismic and aseismic faults
- Tensile Source Components for Swarm Events in West Bohemia in 2000 Considering Anisotropy
- The Geothermal Structure of the Methane Hydrate Stability Zone on the Hikurangi Margin off New Zealand
- The Soil Hydraulic Response to Disturbance and Recovery
- Climatic controls on drainage basin topography - a synopsis of the western Andean flanks between 15.5 S and 41.5 S lat
- Deposition and Deformation in the El Cajon Basin, NW Argentina: a record of climate change, plateau growth and foreland fragmentation
- Disequilibrium Experiments and Micro-XANES Analysis: Novel Tools to Unravel the Speciation of Sulfur in Silicate Melts.
- Geophysical Wavelet Library: Applications of the Continuous Wavelet Transform to the Polarization and Dispersion Analysis of Signals
- Life in Subseafloor Sediments of the South Pacific Gyre
- Overland Flow Generation Under Contrasting Land use in Amazonia (Rondônia, Brazil)
- Overland Flow in Forests: Not Seeing the Soil for the Trees
- Recurrence time distributions of large earthquakes in conceptual model studies
- Sedimentary DNA from East African Rift Lakes
- The Agua Salud Project, Central Panama
- The Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Variability Recorded in a Stalagmite From NE India.
- The Southern Chilean Subduction Zone: Local Earthquake Tomography and State of Stress
- The vertical structure of Saturn's E ring as a consequence of the Enceladus plumes
- Using the Foreland Basin Record to Constrain Orogenic Evolution: Examples from the Alps, Andes and North America Cordillera
- Analysis of the Temporal Dynamics of Model Performance for Hydrological Models
- Basin Compartmentalization within a Foreland: Structural and Temporal Analysis of the El Cajon Basin, NW Argentina
- Coseismic and early postseismic deformation of the 14 Mw=7.7 Tocopilla earthquake: Results from space-geodetic and seismological data
- Error Distribution in Regional Inversion of Potential Fields From Satellite Data
- Mid- To Late Holocene Environmental Change On Kamchatka, Eastern Russia - First Findings From Lake-Sediment Records
- Preferential flow, connectivity and the principle of "minimum time to equilibrium": a new perspective on environmental water flow
- Quantifying geometrical complexity of different fault zones in California based on observed populations of earthquake focal mechanisms
- Rainfall Redistribution in a Tropical Forest: Spatial Patterns and Temporal Persistence.
- Recurrent large earthquakes in a fault region: What can be inferred from small and intermediate events?
- Relations between 3-D particle size distributions and corresponding distributions in 2-D cross sections
- Sampling Strategies for Throughfall Monitoring: a Simulation Study to Capture Space- Time Heterogeneity
- Saturn's E ring as seen by the Cassini dust detector
- Seasonal Precipitation and its Impact on Discharge and Hillslopes in the Sutlej Valley, NW Himalaya
- Solute Dynamics in a Near-Surface Flowpath-Dominated Forest Catchment
- Stochastic Earthquake Simulator Based on Realistic Stress Interactions and Earthquake Nucleation: Implications for Aftershock Forecasting
- The Experimental Hydrology Wiki
- The Seasonal Evolution of Hillslope-Channel Connectivity in a Flashy Forest Catchment
- Variability of oxygen isotopes in water vapor, soil and leaf water and leaf cellulose along a steep environmental gradient in Hawaii
- Wavelet Modeling of the Gravity Field Using Domain Decomposition Methods: an Example Over Japan
- Combined electromagnetic and topographic core-mantle coupling and its equivalent excitation function for the time interval 1961 - 2000
- Genesis of Pseudotachylytes: Role of Water and Grain-size Reduction
- Impact of the fault distribution on forecasted aftershock activity
- Incorporation of island-arc rocks into a Caribbean subduction channel: Geochemical constraints from eclogite boulders and greenschist rocks, Guajira region, Colombia
- Long-term evolution of Saturn's E ring particles (Invited)
- Multiscale Feature Extraction of Potential Fields Using Poisson Wavelets
- Quasi-dynamic earthquake fault systems with rheological heterogeneity
- Seasonal precipitation gradients and their impact on erosion in the Northwest Himalaya
- Steady-state solutions of rupture propagation in an earthquake simulator governed by rate and state dependent friction
- Syntectonic Extension and Domes Development during NE-chinese Pamir - Formation, decreasing during the Plio-Pleistocene?
- The Hominin Sites And Paleolakes Drilling Project: Using High Resolution Paleoclimate Records From African Lake Deposits To Interpret Human Evolution
- The environmental signals that CAN and CANNOT be inferred from δ18O signals in plant cellulose
- Trans-Alborz Passive Seismic Experiment; Probing of the Lithosphere in Northern Iran
- 2.5D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling with 3D non-symmetric source geometries
- Aftershock modeling based on Coulomb stress-triggering and ground shaking (Invited)
- Bayesian analysis of afterchock decay rates
- Combining fluorescence imaging and neutron radiography to simultaneously record dynamics of oxygen and water content in the root zone
- Compositional profile of the Enceladian ice plume from in situ measurements
- Constraining the depth of earthquakes in Iran and Central Asia using a combination of Array techniques and waveform modeling at regional and teleseismic distances with special attention to the latest 27 August 2010 deadly Semnan-Damghan earthquake in Iran
- Constraints on amount and Composition of Subduction Zone Fluids from Partially Overprinted High-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks and Minerals
- Diamond and coesite discovered in Saxony-type granulite: solution to the Variscan garnet peridotite enigma?
- Do cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 14C , 21Ne, 26Al) track late Quaternary climate changes on the Altiplano?
- Enceladus Dust Production - New Insights from Cassini
- Estimation of the maximum magnitude in the framework of a doubly-truncated Gutenberg-Richter model: Limits of statistical inference from earthquake catalogs
- Giant Landslides in the Earth System: Noise or Benchmarks? (Invited)
- Gravity field modelling over France from GOCE and surface data
- Himalayan glacier retreat delayed by debris cover
- Leaf wax lipid D/H ratios of a single species along an environmental gradient on the Big Island of Hawai'i - lessons for the paleorecord (Invited)
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere convection and the upper thermosphere wind: Comparison of CHAMP observations with UAM modelling
- Natural Dams as Tipping Points in Himalayan Erosion (Invited)
- Non-Invasive Detection of Soil Water Content at Intermediate Field Scale Using Cosmic-Ray Neutrons
- On the similarity between pre-seismic locking and coseismic slip during the 2010 Maule earthquake (Invited)
- Quasi-dynamic modeling of earthquake failure, a comparison between two earthquake simulators, and application to the Lower Rhine Embayment
- Root Patterns in Heterogeneous Soils
- Seismotectonic segmentation along the Chilean megathrust (Invited)
- Short-term earthquake forecasting using early aftershock statistics
- Splay fault surface rupture triggered by the 2010 Chile earthquake
- The Maule, 2010, earthquake - geophysical and kinematic observations of the South American margin prior to the earthquake (Invited)
- The role of hyporheic reactivity hotspots for natural attenuation at the aquifer-river interface - a groundwater perspective of transient storage in streambeds
- Aftershock Seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Maule Earthquake and its Relation to Postseismic Displacements from GPS
- An Improved Method for High-throughput Discrimination and Enumeration of Sedimentary Cells Using Flow Cytometry
- Bayesian algorithm to quantify scale-dependencies in climatic time series
- Bayesian estimation of the maximum earthquake magnitude in a time horizon
- Control of faults on the 3D coupled fluid and heat transport in a geothermal site (Gross Schönebeck, NE-German Basin)
- Deciphering trend changes in climate proxies using Bayesian inference
- Discrimination between induced, triggered and natural earthquakes close to hydrocarbon reservoirs: A probabilistic approach based on the modeling of depletion-induced stress changes and seismological source parameters
- Enhancing interoperability in the GFZ ISDC ontology by embedding SKOS transformed NASA's GCMD keywords for describing and connecting entities and VIAF authority data for referencing personal and corporate names
- Estimating phreatic evaporation in irrigated areas using a stable isotope approach
- Exploring the link between soil permeability, overland flow generation and land use and its effect on water flow paths in the humid tropics
- First-order similarities and differences between the Alps, Dinarides, Hellenides and the Anatolides-Taurides
- Geophysics and Geochemistry of Enceladus and the Galilean Moons from Analysis of Ejected Ice Particles
- Growing the Anatolian plateau: Coupled tectonic deformation and lithospheric slab dynamics
- Holocene Slip Rate Along The Northern Kongur Extensional System, Chinese Pamir
- Hot moments and hot spots in hyporheic nutrient transformation - To what degree does small-scale variability control stream-reach attenuation potential?
- Large Spatial and Temporal Variations in Himalayan Denudation
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values reflect the evaporative deuterium enrichment of leaf water
- Maximum Likelihood based Kalman Filter parameter estimation of GRACE data using Poisson Wavelets
- Multi-geochronology analyses of Pamirs river detritus: Insights into Pamir-Tibet connections
- On the Relationship Between Fourier and Response Spectra: Consequences for the Adjustment of Empirical Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for Regional Differences
- Paleoseismic evidence for dynamic surface rupturing in an intraplate setting (Lower Rhine Embayment, central Europe)
- Precipitation and erosion gradients within and across the southern central Andes
- Problems with the equation for viscous damping of density waves
- Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the Intermontane Humahuaca Basin in the Eastern Cordillera of NW Argentina (~23.5°S): Possible Feedbacks between Sedimentary and Tectonic Processes
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Sumatra Subduction Zone
- Slab Rollback and Subduction Erosion Model for the North Pamir - Alai Intracontinental Subduction Zone
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of erosion processes along a steep climatic gradient in the NW Himalaya: Insights from satellite-rainfall data, mass-transport measurements, and surface-exposure dating
- Streamflow Response to the 2010 M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Surface expression of Eastern Mediterranean slab dynamics: Uplift at the SW margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau
- Syntectonic Extension and Dome Development during Formation of the NE-Chinese Pamir
- Variscan UHP felsic "granulites": hot subduction and an archetypal example of relamination?
- What can blueschists tell about the Deep? High Pressure in the Anatolide - Taurid Belt
- A 200-year delay in the response of the hydrological cycle in Western Europe to Northern hemispheric cooling during the Younger Dryas
- Active shortening and intermontane basin formation in the central Puna Plateau: Salar de Pocitos, NW Argentina (24° 37S, 67° 03W)
- Bayesian analysis of the modified Omori law for foreshock and aftershock sequences
- Biomarker evidence for increasing aridity in south-central India over the Holocene
- Changes of the seasonal distribution of hydro-climatic variables in northern Tyrol, Austria
- Decadal to Millennial scale erosion rates in the Nepal Himalayas
- Deformation and incision of the western margin of the Central Andean Plateau, S. Peru and N. Chile
- Glacial chronologies and past climate change in the tropical-subtropical Central Andes during the last glacial and deglacial periods
- Global Distribution of Microbial Abundance and Biomass in Subseafloor Sediment
- Ground Albedo Neutron Sensing (GANS) for Measurement of Integral Soil Water Content at the Small Catchment Scale
- Highly resolved imaging at the soil - plant root interface: A combination of fluorescence imaging and neutron radiography
- Hydrological processes in a coastal area under the influence of climatic change
- Hypocenter determination of aftershocks of the 2010 Maule earthquake (Mw=8.8) with automatically picked P waves from an amphibious seismic network
- Intensified Plant Activity Following the 2010 M8.8 Maule Earthquake
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values as ecohydrological proxies that reflect the δD values of precipitation and leaf water evaporative deuterium enrichment
- Linked uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian plateaus through slab break-off and upper mantle flow
- Local Earthquake Tomography of the Northern Part of the 27 February 2010 Maule Earthquake with the Extensional Aftershock Cluster of Pichilemu
- Maximum magnitude estimation for catalogs with varying magnitude of completeness: The Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Modeling fluid- and trace element-fluxes in subducted slabs utilising two-dimensional thermodynamic and trace element models
- New procedure for recovering extra- and intracellular DNA from marine sediment samples
- Oceanic-style Subduction Controls Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Northern Pamir and Alai
- On the need of multi-variables measurements for a proper assessment of hydrological models
- On the relation between postseismic afterslip and aftershock seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake, central Chile
- On the statistical analysis of maximal magnitude from catalogue data
- Paleoglaciology of the Ala-Archa and Ak-Shyrak areas, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Paleoseismological investigations along a newly developing fault in the northern Tien Shan foreland near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- Reassessment of some Holocene Sedimentary Paleomagnetic Records with Implications for Geomagnetic Field Models
- River Incision, Sediment Storage, and Sediment Residence Times at the Western Tibetan Plateau Margin
- Runoff generation and soil erosion processes after clear-cuttings
- SPASE "allowed values" ontology - Semantic Web based glue for the connection of EU-ESPAS and Japanese IUGONET projects
- Seismic Array Analysis and Accurate Determination of Earthquakes Depths in Tien-Shan; Implications for Strength of Crust and Lithosphere
- Shallow seismic investigations of fracture densities and distributions within the deep critical zone
- Snowline variations over Central Asia from MODIS imagery
- Soils and the 'sponge effect' - what to expect from reforestation
- Spatial patterns of D/H ratios in meteoric water, leaf waxes from plants, POM and sediments within a large fluvial Himalayan catchment
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of climatic forcing of erosion - examples from the southern Central Andes and the Himalaya
- Stress coupling in the seismic cycle indicated from geodetic measurements
- The April 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquake: constraints from depth distribution of aftershocks, waveform modelling and Coulomb failure stress modelling
- The Testability of Maximum Magnitude
- Tracing the Trans-European Suture Zone into the Mantle Transition Zone
- A Bayesian Ground-Motion Model for Estimating Correlations between Ground-Motion Intensity Parameters
- A quantitative reconstruction of changes in relative humidity during the Younger Dryas in Western Europe
- Adaptative gravity modelling from GOCE gradient data over the Himalaya
- Challenges and potential solutions for the connection of ESPAS, IUGONET and ISDC
- Coulomb-Rate-and-State models with time dependent stresses: the role of afterslip and secondary triggering
- Crustal structure characteristic in North and Central Europe inferred by P-wave polarization analysis
- Distribution and activity of hydrogenase enzymes in subsurface sediments
- Garnet growth interruptions during high- and ultra high-pressure metamorphism constrained by thermodynamic forward models
- High-frequency seismic radiation during Maule earthquake (Chile, 27/02/2010, Mw 8.8) inferred by backprojection of P waves: evidence of activation of two distinct zones at the downdip part of the plate interface
- Hydrometric and tracer-based assessment of time-variable groundwater contributions to stormflow in a small tropical catchment
- Investigation of - and Post-Seismic Signals in GRACE Satellite Gravity Data Using Mcmc Approach
- Island-Arc Collision Dominates Japan's Sediment Flux to the Pacific Ocean
- Microbial turnover and incorporation of organic compounds in oil sand mining reclamation sites
- Sea-level and climate forcing of the Sr isotope composition of marginal basins in the late Miocene Mediterranean Basin
- Seasonal logging, process response, and geomorphic work
- Source processes of strong earthquakes in the North Tien-Shan region
- Stress coupling tested in fault slip inversion
- The dominating impact of small-scale streambed structural heterogeneity on hyporheic exchange and biogeochemical hotspots in lowland rivers
- The impact of Enceladus' plasma environment on the dust plume
- Which data provide the most useful information about maximum earthquake magnitudes?
- A 2.5 Myr-Old Canyon Beneath the Yarlung Tsangpo Valley, Southern Tibet
- A Treasure Chest of Nanogranites: the Bohemian Massif (Central Europe)
- A modern analog of past climatic impacts on denudation rates and sediment transport: The Del Medio fan, NW Argentina
- An Automated System of Knickpoint Definition and Extraction from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM): Implications for Efficient Large-Scale Mapping and Statistical Analyses of Knickpoint Distributions in Fluvial Networks
- Analysis of seismicity and stress before and after the Mw 8.1 Pisagua, Chile, 2014 earthquake
- Applying a Hidden Markov Model-Based Event Detection and Classification Algorithm to Apollo Lunar Seismic Data
- Asian Winter Monsoons in the Eocene: Evidence from the Aeolian Dust Series of the Xining Basin
- Assessing the utility of passive microwave data for Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) estimation in the Sutlej River Basin of the northwestern Himalaya
- Bayesian Estimation and Deterministic Optimization of Earthquake and Interseismic Model Parameters from InSAR and GPS Data
- Challenges in Assessing Seismic Hazard in Intraplate Europe
- Climatic vs. Seismic Controlled Rockglacier Advances in Northern Tien Shan - Insights from Lichenometry
- Constraints on the Amount of deeply subducted Water from numerical Models in comparison with natural Samples
- Cooling History for the Sierra Laguna Blanca (NW Argentina) on the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes
- Crustal and Lithospheric Structure across the Boundary of the East European Craton from Receiver Functions
- Design Principles for resilient cyber-physical Early Warning Systems - Challenges, Experiences, Design Patterns, and Best Practices
- Development of Response Spectral Ground Motion Prediction Equations from Empirical Models for Fourier Spectra and Duration of Ground Motion
- Erosion and Sediment Transport Across Pronounced Topographic and Climatic Gradients in the Himalayan Orogen
- Estimates for uncharged nanograins in Enceladus' plume
- Evaluating Coupled Human-Hydrologic Systems in High Altitude Regions: A Case Study of the Arun Watershed, Eastern Nepal
- Evaluating the Potential of Radar-based Rainfall Estimates for Stream Flow Simulation in the Philippines
- Evolution and erosional dynamics of intermontane basins on the Puna Plateau, NW Argentina
- Full Microtremor H/V(z,f) Inversion for Shallow Subsurface Characterization
- Holocene Abrupt Climate Change Over NW Iran: The Hand That Rocked The Cradle Of Civilization?
- Impact of Phase Change Kinetics on the Mariana Slab Within the Framework of 2-D Mantle Convection
- Induced Seismicity: What is the Size of the Largest Expected Earthquake?
- Internal P-T-t Structure of Subduction Complexes — Insights from Lu-Hf Geochronology on Garnet and Lawsonite (Halilbağı, Central Anatolia)
- Investigation of the Oceanic Crust and Mantle in the Eastern Mid Atlantic Next to a Major Transform Fault (Gloria Fault) By Receiver Function Analysis
- Late Quaternary deformation rates in the Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone, NW China
- Macroscopic Fault Structure of the 1911 Mw8.1 Chon Kemin Earthquake (Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) from Combined Seismic Imaging, Palaeo-Seismological Investigations and Historial Seismicity
- Mapping Urban Forest Leaf Area Index Using Lidar: A Comparison of Gap Fraction Inversion and Allometric Methods
- Mashup of Geo and Space Science Data Provided via Relational Databases in the Semantic Web
- Measuring the Timing, Magnitude, and Rate of Rock uplift of Sierra Madre Mountains with CRN Analysis of Relict Landscapes and Strath Terraces
- Multi-proxy reconstruction of the paleo-hydrological cycle during Andean Plateau uplift, NW-Argentina
- Neogene Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Adana Basin (Southern Turkey): a Record of the Central Anatolian Plateau SE Margin Uplift
- Onset of uplift and environmental change in East Africa: paleoaltimetry constraints from a 17 Ma beaked whale fossil from northern Kenya
- Orographic barrier development along the eastern flanks of the southern central Andes, Argentina: new insights from stable hydrogen isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass
- Pallene dust torus
- Potential Feedbacks Between Tectonics, Climate, and Sediment Accumulation in a Neogene-Quaternary Intermontane Basin on the Margin of the Puna Plateau, Quebrada de Humahuaca, NW Argentina
- Predictability of Stemflow in a Species-Rich Tropical Forest
- Quantifying the influence of sediment source area sampling on detrital thermochronometer data
- Topology and Seasonal Evolution of the Network of Extreme Precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka
- Vegetation Change in East Africa Under the Influence of Tectonic Uplift
- Web-based Tsunami Early Warning System with instant Tsunami Propagation Calculations in the GPU Cloud
- Xingu Project - Integrating Land Use Planning and Water Governance in Amazonia: Towards Improved Freshwater Security in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso.
- Ages and potential drivers of fluvial fill terrace formation in the southern-central Andes, NW Argentina
- Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance
- Automated Detection and Classification of Rockfall Induced Seismic Signals with Hidden-Markov-Models
- Automatic Earthquake Detection and Location by Waveform coherency in Alentejo (South Portugal) Using CatchPy
- Can earthquake source inversion benefit from rotational ground motion observations?
- Chew Bahir: A Key Site within the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, towards a Half Million-Year Climate Record from Southern Ethiopia
- Climatic Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Trends in Suspended Sediment Flux in the Upper Euphrates River Basin, Eastern Anatolia
- Constraining timing of Alpine Fault gouge formation at Gaunt Creek and Waikukupa River, South Island, New Zealand.
- Correlation Based Geomagnetic Field Modeling
- Correlation Based Modelling of Ionospheric Magnetic Field
- High resolution WRF simulation of the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation over the Himalaya
- Hydrogen stable isotopes from hydrated volcanic glass record orogenic growth and climate change at the eastern Puna Plateau margin, NW Argentina
- Impact of Drainage Basin Geology and Geomorphology on Detrital Thermochronometric Data from Modern River Sands: A Case Study in the Bhutan Himalaya
- Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change along the Puna Plateau margin: Sediment flux and cosmogenic landslide signatures modulated by basin geometry
- Landslide occurrences and recurrence intervals of heavy rainfalls in Japan
- Late Pleistocene valley fills source sediment flux of Tibetan Plateau margin rivers, Zanskar, India
- Linking Slab Break-Off, Hellenic Trench Retreat, and Uplift of the Central and Eastern Anatolian Plateaus
- Linking hydrologic and bedload transport models to simulate fluvial response to changing precipitation
- Looking Beyond the Old Water Paradox: Does New Water Dominate Quick Hydrographs where Surface Flowpaths Prevail? - A Meta-Analysis of Field Evidence from Small, Forested Catchments
- Marked spatial gradient in the topographic evolution of the Andes spanning the Chilean flat-slab transition: evidence from stable isotope paleoaltimetry and zircon double dating
- Microbial abundance in lacustrine sediments: a case study from Lake Van, Turkey
- Miocene to present-day shortening and intermontane basin formation in the Andean Puna Plateau, NW Argentina (24°30'S)
- OSL and Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China
- Open Data and Open Science for better Research in the Geo and Space Domain
- Reconciling Invariant Topography with Significant Along-Strike Gradients in Climate and Tectonics in the Greater Caucasus
- Seasonal and spatial variability of modeled leaf water δD values in the Himalaya
- Soil n-alkane δD and Branched GDGTs Distributions Track Elevation-induced Precipitation and Temperature Changes along the South Central Andes (Argentina)
- Source complexity inference by trans-dimensional inversion and application to the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake .
- Source-to-Sink Sediment-Budget Variability in Southern California
- Sr isotope stratigraphy and lithogenic grain-size distributions of the Pleistocene Turkana Basin, Kenya
- Streamflow responses to Chilean Megathrust earthquakes during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> and 21<SUP>st</SUP> centuries
- Strontium isotopes provide clues for a process shift in base cation dynamics in young volcanic soils
- Structure, Stability and Evolution of a Magnetic Flux Rope
- Sudden subduction channel and mantle wedge weakening leads to the vertical deformation pattern changes before and after great subduction zone earthquakes
- Tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India
- Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution of the southern-central Andes revealed by leaf wax stable isotopes
- The earthquake history in a fault zone tells us almost nothing about m<SUB>max</SUB>
- Tracking Snowmelt Events in Remote High Asia Using Passive Microwave Data
- Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir
- What do we gain with Probabilistic Flood Loss Models?
- A Hydro-geomorphological Disaster: Braunsbach Flood 2016
- A mass-balance coupling between river terrace and long profile evolution
- Active Surface Deformation and Mass Movements in the Southern Kyrgyz Tien Shan Revealed by InSAR, Structural and Geomorphic analysis
- Cenozoic Spatio-temporal Variations of Tian Shan Deformation
- Challenges in understanding strain localization and deformation at different spatiotemporal scales - examples from the north-central Tien Shan and northern Pamir, Central Asia
- Change-point detection of induced and natural seismicity
- Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia: an archive of environmental history during the evolution and dispersal of anatomically modern humans
- Climate-driven Erosional and Depositional Cycles over the Last 100 Ka and Possible Feedbacks with Tectonic Activity: Sub-Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt, NW India
- Derivation of phase velocity from joint analysis between translation and rotation/strain
- Effects of Topographic Smoothing on the Simulation of Winter Precipitation in High Asia
- Flexure in the Corinth rift: reconciling marine terraces, rivers, offshore data and fault modeling
- How Dry was too Dry? Evaluating the Impact of Climatic Stress on Prehistoric Human Populations in southern Ethiopia.
- How wet is wet? Strontium isotopes as paleo-lake level indicators in the Chew Bahir basin (S-Ethiopia)
- Identifying Changes of Complex Flood Dynamics with Recurrence Analysis
- Interpreting records of tectonic and erosional processes using detrital thermochronology: An example from the Bhutan Himalaya
- Lake level history of Paleolake Siriata and hydrological sub-basin connectivity in the Southern Kenya Rift during the African Humid Period (AHP)
- Late Messinian to recent uplift along the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (CAP), southern Turkey
- Multiscale event synchronization measure for unraveling climate process: A wavelet-based approach
- New ground magnetometer data for the equatorial electrojet from the South American sector: long term effects and comparison with satellite data
- Noble Gases Trace Earth's Subducted Water Flux
- Observed ground-motion variabilities and implication for source properties
- Orographic Barriers, Rainshadows, and Earth Surface Processes in the Central Andes
- Paleo Data Assimilation of Pseudo-Tree-Ring-Width Chronologies in a Climate Model
- Past Glaciation in the Sierra Aconquija, NW Argentina
- Quasi- Resonant Amplification of Planetary Waves - in Observations, Models and Projections
- Regional changes in streamflow after a megathrust earthquake
- Rethinking of the regolith transport on airless bodies in the Solar system
- Semantic Web-based Vocabulary Broker for Open Science
- Shallow structure of the InSight 2018 landing site in Elysium Planitia, Mars, from ambient vibration Rayleigh wave ellipticity: A modeling study
- Show me the data: advances in multi-model benchmarking, assimilation, and forecasting
- Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Five Different Arctic Permafrost Environments
- The Role of Vegetation Cover in Interactions between Climate and Erosion
- The inverse Numerical Computer Program FLUX-BOT for estimating Vertical Water Fluxes from Temperature Time-Series.
- The maximum possible and the maximum expected earthquake magnitude for production-induced earthquakes at the gas field in Groningen, Netherlands
- The propagation of varied timescale perturbations in landscapes
- Topographic, Pedologic and Land Cover Controls on the Generation of Hillslope Runoff and the Water Balance in Amazonian Lowlands
- A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission
- Bayesian Travel Time Inversion adopting Gaussian Process Regression
- Benefits of rotational ground motions for planetary seismology
- Central Pamir crustal thickening to thinning switch: timing of an orogen wide event?
- Changes in denudation rates and erosion processes in the transition from a low-relief, arid orogen interior to a high-relief, humid mountain-front setting, Toro Basin, southern Central Andes
- Dust Observation by the Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Effect of river excavation on a bank filtration site - assessing transient surface water - groundwater interaction by 3D heat and solute transport modelling
- Extreme Rainfall from Hurricane Harvey (2017): Intercomparisons of WRF Simulations and Polarimetric Radar Fields
- Improved source inversion from joint measurements of translational and rotational ground motions
- Incision and Landsliding Lead to Coupled Increase in Sediment Flux and Grain Size Export
- Influence of inherited structures on the growth of basement-cored ranges, basin inversion and foreland basin development in the Central Andes, from apatite fission-track and apatite Helium thermochronology.
- Landform evolution modeling of fine-grained sedimentation on alluvial fans on Mars and Earth
- Leaf-wax lipid biomarker paleoaltimetry and hydrologic evolution of the south-central Andean Plateau (Puna)
- MOBI: a marine and earth science interpretation and qualification program for out-of-school environment and natural heritage interpreters and other science communicators in Germany
- Miocene alkaline magmatism in the region close to the trench of Southwest Japan
- Multiple change-point detection in spatio-temporal seismicity data
- Providing the climatic component in human-climate interaction studies: 550,000 years of climate history in the Chew Bahir basin, a key HSPDP site in southern Ethiopia.
- REE enrichment due to fenitization of Devonian granites, Rodeo de Los Molles, Central Argentina
- Response to Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Cavity Warming in a Coupled Ocean-Ice Sheet Model
- Rock Glacier Response to Climate Change in the Argentinian Andes
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions: Insights From VoiLA
- Spatial correlation structure of the ionosphere predicted by geomagnetic indices and application to global field modelling
- Spatio-temporal analysis of Modified Omori law in Bayesian framework
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Sources in the Eastern Himalaya: A case study of the Arun watershed, Nepal
- The VoiLA ocean bottom seismic array: First insights into the intermediate depth seismicity distribution in the Lesser Antilles
- The impact of socio-political environment on the perception of science - a comparative study of German and Israeli approaches to science education
- Alluvial Fan Aggradation and Incision in the Southwestern USA is Controlled by a Climatic Threshold
- Characterizing the dominant atmospheric conditions leading to rainfall-extreme events in the south-central Andes
- Cutting out the middleman: Calibrating and validating an ecosystem model using remotely sensed surface reflectance
- Deformation source optimization by using deep neural networks
- Detection of Gutenberg-Richter b-value changes in earthquake time series
- Did a connection ever exist between the Yarlung Tsangpo- Irrawaddy-palaeo-Red Rivers? Implications for the use of palaeodrainage network reconstructions to document Tibetan tectonics.
- Do Fluvial Systems Shred Climate Signals? Theoretical Fluvial Response Timescales and Complications in Natural Systems
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Environmental Controls on Changes between Pre- and Post-Seismic Suspended Sediments, 8.8 Maule Megathrust, South-Central Chile
- Estimation of recurrence-intervals from paleoearthquakes: The effect of missing events
- Fugacities of N<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in gas mixtures at 10-500 bar and 22-200°C determined using Raman spectroscopy
- Hierarchical Bayesian approach for spatio-temporal transferability of flood loss models
- How Does It Rain Hard? The Ellicott City, Maryland Storms of 30-31 July 2016 and 27 May 2018
- Human evolution and climate change: What can we learn from the 0-630 kyrs BP paleoclimate record from the Chew Bahir basin in eastern Africa?
- Lateral translation of the Burma Platelet since the late Cretaceous: An Asian analogue for the Baja-BC hypothesis?
- Magnitude of the 1920 Haiyuan (China) Earthquake Re-estimated Using a Combined Geological and Seismological Approach
- Melt inclusions at extreme crustal conditions
- Melt inclusions from the deep continental crust: recovering the starting composition of crustal melts
- Modeling the effects of land use on stream hydrology in the Little River Watershed, CT
- On the statistical significance of climatic trends estimated from GPS tropospheric data
- Properties of magmas at depth from SiO<SUB>2</SUB> density and local structure measured using X-ray absorption and X-ray Raman spectroscopy
- Rayleigh Wave Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone
- Seismic imaging of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone using S-to-P receiver functions and P-to-S delay times: Insights from VoiLA
- Sensitivity of near-field and far-field datasets to earthquake rupture segmentation
- Stronger peak ground motion, beyond the threshold to initiate a response, does not lead to larger stream discharge responses to earthquakes
- Terrestrial Vegetation Change in the Eastern Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan, Inferred from Lake Karakul Pollen Spectra
- The exhumation of the Indo-Burman Ranges, Myanmar.
- Tracking the spatiotemporal patterns of the high mountain water cycle with isotopic and geochemical data in the Arun watershed, eastern Nepal
- Transdimensional inversion of borehole temperature profiles from the Waiwera geothermal reservoir with discrete fracture network models
- Westward migration of the main Southern Alps drainage divide, New Zealand: new constraints from detrital thermochronology of eastern basins
- A Hierarchical Bayesian approach to flood loss modelling using synthetic functions
- A Kalman-Filter approach to estimate oceanic tidal magnetic fields from satellite magnetometers
- Antarctic Ice Sheet response to topography-guided warm water intrusions into ice-shelf cavities
- Anthropogenic Earthquakes and Forensic Seismology
- Cenozoic tectonic evolution the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern Colombia.
- Comparing hillslope sediment supply with river sediment in a threshold landscape
- Constraints on the Timing of Surface Uplift of the Iranian Plateau (Arabia-Eurasian Collision Zone) from Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Early Miocene to Quaternary Lacustrine and Pedogenic Carbonates
- Detailing Rupture Propagation in Historical Earthquakes by Pairing High Resolution Geomorphic Mapping with Analog Seismology
- Early Onset and Late Acceleration of Rapid Exhumation in the Namche Barwa Syntaxis, Eastern Himalaya
- Eruption interval monitoring at Old Faithful, US and Strokkur geyser, Iceland
- Evolution of the Pamir salient: new sedimentological and paleomagnetic constraints from the southeastern Tajik Basin
- From Neptunism And Orology To A Holistic View Of The Environment: Alexander Von Humboldt's Legacy In Earth System Science (537914)
- High-resolution analysis on seismic source characteristics of earthquakes near Pohang enhanced geothermal system
- How are ambient noise dispersion curves recorded in OBSs affected by the water?
- Impacts of Extreme Melt Events on the Future Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Inferring the Timing of Abandonment of Aggraded Alluvial Surfaces
- Linking Micro to Macro: Dynamics of tipping cascades on complex networks
- Linking tectonics and topography along the San Andreas Fault
- Long-term stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Melts from continental crust at mantle depths: a metasomatic agent still preserved as melt inclusions in eclogite/pyroxenite garnets
- Mind the gap: on the importance of making operational runoff forecasting systems publicly available in Russia
- Modeling Permafrost Sensitivity in Arctic Forest
- Quantifying long-term landslide frequency and sediment fluxes in New Zealand with in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>14</SUP>C
- Seafloor Sediment Thickness Beneath the VoiLA Broadband Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Deployment in the Lesser Antilles from P-to-S Delay Times
- Seismic Imaging of the Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone Using S-to-P Receiver Functions
- Sensitivity of Greenland ice loss to albedo change
- Structural Analysis of northern Oman using Receiver functions
- The 2018-2019 seismo-volcanic crisis offshore Mayotte: depletion of a deep offshore magmatic reservoir
- Thermochronological Constraints on the Spatial and Temporal Growth and Segmentation along 300 km of the Actively Deforming NW Himalayan Foreland
- Which Assembly Rules drive Biodiversity Patterns in Diatoms? A Study on Recent and Ancient Sedimentary DNA from Arctic Lakes
- Why Are They So Darn Big? The Role of Crustal Melting in the Formation of the Gore Mountain Mega Garnets (Adirondacks, US)
- A Huddle Test with Multiple 6C Rotational and Translational Instruments in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
- Analyses of Seismicity at Etna Volcano, Italy, using Rotational Sensor Data
- Balancing the Fluvial Organic Carbon Budget: Integrating Sediment Transit Time and Channel Mobility into the Equation
- Bayesian Multilevel Models for Learning Seasonal Landslide Activity from Inventories with Observation Bias
- Ensemble data assimilation techniques for electron phase space density in the radiation belts
- Exploring the Near-Earth Space Environment by Swarm and Mission Data of Different Scales
- Improving the Resolution of the Isotropic Moment Tensor Component using Rotational Ground Motions
- Ionospheric scale lengths derived from the Swarm and GRACE-FO constellation missions
- Modeling the global archeomagnetic field based on space-time correlations
- Non-Stationarity of Wintertime Atmospheric Circulation Regimes in the Euro-Atlantic Sector
- Orbital controls on the Walker Circulation
- Paleotopographic Reconstructions in the Central Andes Based on Links Between Orographic Precipitation and Erosion
- Performance Testing of Rotation Sensors in Seismology With an Active Source Experiment
- Prediction and Hypothesis Testing in Raised Peatland Morphology
- Quantification of Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data Fidelity
- Quantifying landslide recurrence intervals and tracing landslide-derived sediment with in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>14</SUP>C
- Rates and Controls of Erosion on the Western Southern Alps of New Zealand over 10<SUP>2</SUP> yr timescales
- Recurrence based correlation measurement between event-like data and continuous data
- Seismic Waveform Separation using Signal Processing Strategies from the field of Music Information Retrieval
- Self-consistently matching sediment supply, water discharge, and channel slope: Lane's balance at the catchment scale
- Sequential Modelling of the Earth's Core Magnetic Field and Surface Flow
- Stable isotopes of authigenic clay minerals: Water balance signals in the Late Pleistocene Chew Bahir Basin, Ethiopia
- The Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data Driven Discovery in the Geosciences
- The Paleoclimate of Chew Bahir, Ethiopia, during the last 200 kyr: Human Responses to Hydroclimate Fluctuations
- The ultraslow spreading Knipovich Ridge: Mechanisms of melt focusing and segmentation
- Thermal Inertia of MASCOT landing site revisited with Digital Terrain Model
- Tides Signature Detection in Global Sporadic E Occurrence Rate, Using FORMASAT-3/COSMIC Data
- Towards Multi-Component Observations of Seismic Rotation, Strain and Translation
- Trends in Flood Magnitudes, Flood Extents and Their Drivers
- A global model of the Holocene geomagnetic field based on space-time correlations
- Accuracy of Terrain and Canopy Heights from Spaceborne Laser Altimetry in Brunei's Tropical Peatlands
- Asymmetric exhumation and topographic development of the Santa Marta range, southern Caribbean Plate: Inferences from modeling of bedrock and detrital thermochronometry
- Characterizing VLP, LP, VT events and tremor on Etna volcano, Italy using a rotational sensor
- Controls on plate tectonic evolution: from Early Earth to present day
- Eurasian paleogeographic reconstructions for Cenozoic climatic and biotic evolution
- Examining the Topographic Evolution of Volcanic Landscapes along an Island Chronosequence
- Exploring Ring Current Electron Precipitation
- Flood Vulnerability Mapping using Geospatial Techniques and Multi-Criteria Analysis- A Case Study of Shangla District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
- Flux rope reformation as a model for homologous solar flares and coronal mass ejections
- How Student Teachers of Geography Think About the Geosciences
- Improving High-resolution Maps of Large-Scale Interseismic Strain from Sentinel-1
- Landslide-initiating storms and hydrologic response in Southeast Alaska: Lessons for landslide warning
- Large Scale Evaluation of Relationships Between Hydrological Signatures and Processes
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Magnetic field amplification by Weibel instability at planetary high Mach-number shocks
- Mapping the bubble reservoir and recharge process of Strokkur geyser, Iceland
- Modelling biomass and plant diversity in grasslands across sites and time with deep learning and Sentinel-2 satellite images
- On the Jujuy intermediate-deep seismic Nest, Chile-Argentina border
- Post-orogenic Drainage Integration Drives River Incision in SE Tibet
- Progress in boulder-mantled landscapes: A Sisyphean challenge
- Seperating Intrinsic and Scattering Attenuation using Rotational Sensor Recordings of Vibroseis Sweeps
- Suction-induced subduction initiation in passive margins: insights from 3d numerical models
- Tectonic reshaping of the biosphere
- Testing Physics and Statics Based Hybrid ETAS Models
- The Himalaya vs. the World
- The IUGS Deep-Time Digital Earth Program: Understanding the Past to Illuminate our Future
- The Role of Composition and Temperature in the Densification Mechanisms of Aluminosilicate melts at Lower Mantle Conditions
- Thermochronologic Constraints for Synchronous Accretion of the NW Sub-Himalayan Foreland by 4 Ma Followed by Distributed Wedge-Internal Deformation: An Argument for Tectonics as the Primary Driver of Himalayan Tectonics in the Late Cenozoic
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- Unraveling multiscale relationship between Germany streamflow and global SST using climate networks
- Using a Layer-based Model Parameterization to Globally Invert 2D Electrical Resistivity Data from Submarine Permafrost Environments
- Velocity Field and Strain Rate Distribution in the Main Ethiopian Rift from InSAR and GNSS
- 15 Seconds Early-Warning Before Eruptions of Strokkur Geyser Using Permutation Entropy
- A data-agnostic method to investigate dominant controls across Earth system observations and models
- Age2exhume: A Matlab Script to Calculate Steady-State Vertical Exhumation Rates from Thermochronologic Ages in Regional Datasets
- Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion using Different Data Domains in Bayesian Framework
- Changes in Magma Compartment Affect the Lava Fountaining Frequency during the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland 2021
- Comparative Analysis of Hydrological Models SPHY and SRM+G Over Mountainous Watershed: A Case study of Astore, Pakistan
- Complex Networks in Hydrologic Sciences
- Deep Clustering of Tremor Episodes Can Reveal Different Eruptive Periods during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
- Early Rifting Exposed: Rapid Sedimentation, Faulting, And Thermal Evolution Of The Northern Gulf Of California Rift Recorded In The Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin
- Earthquake denoising using the concentration of frequency and time via a multitapered synchrosqueezed transform and a multi-segmentation technique: Application to OBSs data
- Exploring drivers of exhumation and erosion in the Pyrenees Mountains with 3D inverse modeling of a multi-thermochronometer data set
- Geomorphology, lake level evolution and permafrost degradation - the impact of climate change on high altitude, endorheic Chatyr-Kol lake (Tien Shan, Kyrgyz Republic)
- Global Distribution of Urban Landslide Rainfall Thresholds
- Global coastal groundwater fluxes across spatial and temporal scales in the context of global change
- Improving Point-Scale Soil Moisture Prediction Using Data Assimilation Approach in mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM)
- Improving the Efficiency of Proton Irradiations for 4He/3He Thermochronology
- Lake Dynamics and Hydroclimate Evolution in the East Africa Rift Valley between 150 and 100 thousand years ago
- Locating Explosions in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany, using 8 rotational sensors.
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Miocene Cave Sediments Record Topographic, Erosional and Drainage Development in the Western European Alps
- Multivariant Analysis of Continental Shelf Morphology at Passive Margins
- Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in the East Africa Rift Valley between 150 and 100 thousand years ago
- Receiver Function analysis of noise reduced and sediment corrected OBS data recorded at the ultra-slow spreading Knipovich ridge
- Reconstructing Thick-skin Deformation Patterns in the Southern Colombian Andes by Using Combined Thermobarometry and Thermochronology
- Regional-scale assessment of Holocene lake drainage ages in Arctic permafrost - first results
- Spatio-temporal variability and interaction between soil moisture and temperature in the Critical Zone Observatory in the Central Ganga Basin, North India
- The Urgent Need to Protect the World's Poor from Landslides
- Tracking the Pre-Erosive Extent and Volume of the Deccan Large Igneous Province with Thermochronology
- Trends in size, timing, and location of ice-dammed lake outbursts
- Warmer and muddier rivers in High Mountain Asia
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. H. Sulaiman
- A. K. Liljedahl
- Abinesh Ganapathy
- Albert J. Kettner
- Ale×ander R. Cobb
- Ana M. G. Ferreira
- Andrew Hooper
- Angelika Dorothea Rosa
- Ankit Agarwal
- Anne Glerum
- Annett Bartsch
- Annette I. Patton
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Blessing Adeoti
- Bodo Bookhagen
- Bruno Merz
- Carla Valenzuela-Malebrán
- Chris Rollins
- Cécile A. Porchier
- D. L. Roth
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- David W. Eaton
- Dedong Wang
- Dongfeng Li
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Douwe J.J. van Hinsbergen
- Edward R. Sobel
- Eva P. S. Eibl
- Felix Bernauer
- Francesca Pianosi
- Francis J. Sousa
- Georg Veh
- Gilda Currenti
- Gizem Izgi
- Guido Grosse
- Hannes Vasyura‐Bathke
- Heiner Igel
- Helena Bergstedt
- Hilary McMillan
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
- Holly A. Michael
- I. Overeem
- Ian L. Millar
- J. Taylor Perron
- James G. Ogg
- Jan Dettmer
- Javier Muro
- Jeffrey Kwang
- Jens M. Turowski
- Joachim Wassermann
- John R. Elliott
- Jonathan Weiss
- Joshua J. Roering
- Juliet Biggs
- K. M. Hill
- Ken L. Ferrier
- Kerry Gallagher
- Kohen W. Bauer
- L. S. Sklar
- Laurent Husson
- Lisa Luna
- Louise M. Farquharson
- Luis Samaniego
- M. E. Oskin
- Magdalena Ellis Curry
- Maria R.P. Sudibyo
- Martin Schrön
- Marzieh Baes
- Matthias Fuchs
- Mauricio Arboleda‐Zapata
- Maurício Parra
- Maximilian Arthus Schanner
- Melanie J. Leng
- Milan Lázecký
- Monika Korte
- N. M. Gasparini
- N. Pérez-Consuegra
- Nikita Aseev
- Nils Moosdorf
- Paul Overduin
- Peter van der Beek
- Pierre Sepulchre
- R. P. Callahan
- Rachel C. Glade
- Ravi Kumar Guntu
- Rebecca M. Flowers
- Robert D. Reinecke
- Robert Mahon
- Rohini Kumar
- Romain Hugonnet
- Ryoko Araki
- S. V. Sobolev
- Sascha Brune
- Sebastian Hainzl
- Sergio Andò
- Shubham Sharma
- Simon Riedl
- Simon Schneider
- Takanobu Amano
- Tarique Adnan Siddiqui
- Taylor F. Schildgen
- Thorsten Wagener
- Tim Wright
- Ting Zhang
- Uğur Öztürk
- Vera Schlindwein
- Xin Sun