Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Finite Element Geodynamo Model: Preliminary Results
- First-principles Study of Perovskite, Post-perovskte and Molten MgSiO3
- Pressure Correction In First-Principles Calculations: MgO As An Example
- Investigation of high-pressure post-magnesite phases of MgCO3
- Long-term Variability and Dynamic Mechanism of the Kuroshio-induced Atmospheric Convergence Zone
- Photochemical Transformation and Bacterial Utilization of Dissolved Organic Matter and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors from Foliar Litter
- Spectropolarimetric Measurements of Scattered Sunlight in the Huggins Bands: Retrieval of Tropospheric Ozone Profiles
- Correlations of Interannual Variability of Winds, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Surface Height in Tropical Ocean from Satellite Multi-sensor Observations
- Raindrop Size Distribution and Z-R Relation during the Black Rainstorm Warning in Hong Kong
- Bacterial Cellular Materials as Precursors of Chloroform
- A Study of Ocean Responses to Typhoon over the South China Sea by Using Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Data and Numerical Modeling
- Sensitivity of the summer precipitation to tropical sea surface temperature over East Asia
- Dynamics of the Pearl River Plume Revealed in a Numerical Modeling
- Natural Variabilities and Trends in CO<SUB>2</SUB> from the Los Angeles Megacity Measured Over 15 Years
- Observed changes in precipitation extremes and structure of maximum consecutive wet days in China
- Photo Bleaching of Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Abiotic Greenhouse Gas Emissions but Inhibits Biotic Emissions
- Rapid rise of water level for Tibetan lakes: an analysis of the relation with climate
- The Role of Vascular Plant Communities in Governing Methane Flux Variability in a Temperate Ombrotrophic Peatland
- Air Pollution Impacts on Global Crop Productivity and Nitrogen Depositio
- An Analysis of Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data: Imprints of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Comparison to Models
- Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Two Structure Isomers of Dimethylsuccinic Acid Aerosol: Reactivity and Oxidation Products
- Imaging and Understanding Foreshock and Aftershock Behavior Around the 2014 Iquique, Northern Chile, Earthquake
- Measuring Thermokarst Subsidence Using InSAR: Potential and Pitfalls
- Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) from InSAR data near Toolik Lake in Northern Alaska
- Seperating Long-term Hydrological Loading and Tectonic Deformation Observed with Multi-temporal SAR Interferometry and GPS in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Subtropical Mangrove in Hong Kong
- The Influence of the Polar Jet and Bermuda High on the Variability of Surface Ozone over the Eastern United States
- Vegetation-mediated Climate Impacts on Historical and Future Ozone Air Quality
- Annual Variations in GPS-measured Loading Deformation near Upernavik Isstrøms, Greenland
- Are climate and land cover changes in East Asia important factors for dust emission variability in the past 30 years?
- Assessment of thermal comfort level at pedestrian level in high-density urban area of Hong Kong
- CMIP5 Projections of Two Types of El Niño and Their Related Tropical Precipitation
- Competition between functionalization and fragmentation pathways in the OH-initiated oxidation of aqueous tartaric acid droplets: Reaction products and model simulations
- Constraining Aerosol Properties Using H2O Retrievals from the California Laboratory for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (CLARS)
- Effects of Along-strike Fault Heterogeneity on Rupture Propagation
- Effects of a Barrier on Earthquake Ruptures: Stop or Supershear?
- Impacts of Ozone-vegetation Interactions and Biogeochemical Feedbacks on Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Under Climate Change
- Impacts of historical climate and land cover changes on tropospheric ozone and particulate matter in East Asia
- Interannual Variabilities in High Cloud Cover from AIRS Data and Comparison to Climate Models
- Investigating the Controlling Factors of Transient Speed Variations in Upernavik Isstrøm Outlet Glaciers Through the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Kinematic and dynamic rupture process of the 2015 Nepal Mw 7.8 earthquake
- Ozone-vegetation interaction in the Earth system: implications for air quality, ecosystems and agriculture
- Post-fire Thermokarst Development Along a Planned Road Corridor in Arctic Alaska
- Realizing the full potential of Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Risk Assessment of Drought Hazards based on Water Resource Vulnerability under Climate Change - A case study in Guangdong province, South China
- Seismicity and Fault Zone Structure Near the Xinfengjiang Water Reservoir, Guangdong, China
- Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution in the Songhua River Basin Using GBNP Model
- Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Stocks in a Subtropical Mangrove in Hong Kong
- Spatio-temporal Variations of Nitrogen Dioxide over Western China from Satellite Observations during 2005-2013
- Sustainable, alternative farming practices as a means to simultaneously secure food production and reduce air pollution in East Asia
- The Bayesian Data Fusion Approach to Spatial and Temporal Fusion of Remotely Sensed Images
- Trans-boundary Air Quality and Health Impacts of Emissions in Various Regions in China
- Uncertainties in Isoprene Photochemistry and Emissions: Implications for the Oxidative Capacity of Past and Present Atmospheres and for Climate Forcing Agents
- Using Psinsar to Detect Thermokarst-Induced Surface Subsidence in Eboling Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China
- Using a new algorithm to track mixed-Rossby gravity waves (MRG) waves in reanalysis data
- 4D source analysis of the 2015 Illapel, Chile Mw8.3 Earthquake
- A Synthesis of Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates in Northern Permafrost Regions
- A practical algorithm to estimate soil thawing onset with the soil moisture active passive (SMAP) data
- Active-Layer Thickness estimation in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, via inversion of InSAR data and field measurements
- Contribution of Surface Thermal Forcing to Mixing in the Ocean
- Effectiveness of intercropping with soybean as a sustainable farming practice to maintain food production and reduce air pollution in China
- Effects of Bounded Fault on Seismic Radiation and Rupture Propagation
- Effects of Land Cover Change on Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Subtropical Hong Kong
- Effects of Relative Humidity on the Molecular Transformation of Aqueous Organic Droplets Oxidized by Gas-Phase Hydroxyl (OH) Radicals
- Effects of land use and land cover change on global ozone air quality in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Estimate carbon emissions from degraded permafrost with InSAR and a soil thermal model
- Frictional properties and fracture energy constrained from frequency-dependent coseismic radiations of great earthquakes
- Investigating Wavelength-Dependent Aerosol Optical Properties Using Water Vapor Slant Column Retrievals from CLARS over the Los Angeles Basin
- Laboratory Simulation of the Geothermal Heating Effects on Ocean Overturning Circulation
- Microearthquake detection at 2012 M4.9 Qiaojia earthquake source area , the north of the Xiaojiang Fault in Yunnan, China
- Monitoring Surface Vertical Displacements Over Permafrost Area in Barrow, Alaska Using Reflected GPS Signals
- Numerical simulation of earthquake rupture sequences on the central Chile subduction zone: Effects of the subducting Juan Fernandez ridge
- Parameterizing the impacts of ozone-vegetation coupling and feedbacks on ozone air quality in a chemical transport model
- Quantifying Crop Specific Blue and Green Water Footprints and the Spatial Allocation of Virtual Water in China
- Radiative forcing and rapid adjustment of absorbing aerosols in the Pearl River Delta Region of China
- Reanalysis of Water, Land Use, and Production Data for Assessing China's Agricultural Resources
- Rupture Process of the 2012 Nicoya Earthquake Inferred from Interseismic Locking Distributions.
- Soil-atmosphere N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>exchanges was suppressed by litter layer in a subtropical secondary forest
- Temporal changes of crustal structure inferred from large volume air-gun data in Binchuan, Yunnan, southwest China
- The impacts of rapid land use changes on regional climate, air quality and atmospheric sensitivities to emissions
- Transverse ridges at the Eltanin system of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge and geodynamic implications
- Upper Crust Structure and Earthquake Mechanism Near the Xinfengjiang Reservoir, Guangdong, China
- Advancing InSAR technology for monitoring the active layer terrestrial water storage and freeze-thaw cycle at Toolik, Alaska
- Biosphere-atmosphere Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Subtropical Mangrove Wetland in Hong Kong
- Combining geophysical techniques to measure soil moisture in permafrost regions
- Comparing the urbanization and global warming impacts on extreme rainfall characteristics in Southern China Pearl River Delta megacity based on dynamical downscaling
- Debris-covered Glacier Dynamics in the Eastern Kunlun Mountain from CORONA and Landsat Imagery
- Detection of Thermal Erosion Gullies from High-Resolution Images Using Deep Learning
- Dynamic Parameters of the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Mw7.8 Earthquake Constrained by Multi-observations
- Effective stress law for the permeability and deformation of four porous limestones
- Effects of future land use and ecosystem changes on boundary-layer meteorology and air quality
- Effects of seismogenic width on earthquake ruptures
- Fault zone property near Xinfengjiang Reservoir using dense, across-fault seismic array
- Freezing-season ground uplift over permafrost area estimated using GPS Interferometric Reflectometry
- Greenland GPS network: Measurements and Models of 3D Elastic deformation
- Impacts of 2000-2050 Climate Change on Fine Particulate Matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) Air Quality in China Based on Statistical Projections Using an Ensemble of Global Climate Models
- Impacts of Particulate Pollution from Fossil Fuel and Biomass Burnings on the Air Quality and Human Health in Southeast Asia
- Integrating multiple remote sensing and surface measurements with models, to quantify and constrain the past decade's total 4D aerosol source profile and impacts
- Investigation of intraplate seismicity near the sites of the 2012 major strike-slip earthquakes in the eastern Indian Ocean through a passive-source OBS experiment
- Investigation of the shallow megathrust in the southern Mariana subduction zone through ocean bottom seismic experiments
- Ionospheric Correction in Using ALOS PALSAR InSAR Data for Monitoring Permafrost Subsidence associated with an Arctic Tundra Fire
- Leveraging Subsidence in Permafrost with Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Linking interseismic deformation with coseismic slip using dynamic rupture simulations
- Measuring the Impact of Wildfire on Active Layer Thickness in a Discontinuous Permafrost region using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
- Modeling large-scale adoption of intercropping as a sustainable agricultural practice for food security and air pollution mitigation around the globe
- Multi-type Tectonic Responses to Plate Motion Changes of Mega-Offset Transform Faults at the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
- Permafrost stores a globally significant amount of mercury
- Responses of Surface Ozone Air Quality to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition
- Seasonal and Daily Variations of Subsurface Velocity Revealed by the Air-gun Source in Binchuan, Yunnan, China
- Seismicity around the Hutubi underground gas storage, Xinjiang, China
- Significance of Future Biogenic and Fire Emissions on Regional Aerosol Burden
- Teleconnection between summer NAO and East China rainfall variations: a bridge effect of the Tibetan Plateau
- The effect of stress on limestone permeability and its effective stress behavior
- Three-dimensional Upper Crustal Velocity and Attenuation Structures of the Central Tibetan Plateau from Local Earthquake Tomography
- Transient ice mass variations over Greenland detected by the combination of GPS and GRACE data
- Upper Crustal Structure and Earthquake Mechanism in the Xinfengjiang Water Reservoir, Guangdong, China
- Active Rock Glaciers and Protalus Lobes in the Western Kunlun Shan of China: A First Assessment
- Automatically delineating terminus of Jakobshavn Isbræ from multi-sensor remote sensing imagery based on deep learning
- Combining active and passive microwave remote sensing measurements to detect soil thawing events
- Comparison and Evaluation of Different Ozone Dry Deposition Schemes in a Terrestrial Biospheric Model
- Determination of coseismic frictional properties on the megathrust during the 2012 M7.6 Nicoya earthquake
- Development of a biomass burning smoke prediction system including near-real time constraints on emissions over the Western U.S.
- Economic Costs Induced by Air Pollutant Emissions In China
- Evaluate the anthropogenic heat and global warming impacts on extreme rainfall characteristics in Southern China Pearl River Delta megacity based on dynamical downscaling
- Evaluating the impacts of surface ozone under present-day and future emissions on terrestrial ecosystem productivity and feedback effects on ozone air quality using a coupled atmosphere-biosphere modeling framework
- Fine structure of the Chenghai fault zone, Yunnan, China inferred by waveform recordings at dense arrays
- Impacts of transboundary air pollution and sectoral emissions to air quality in china and the implications: air quality, public health, crop production, and economic costs
- Improvement in terrestrial nitrogen cycle modeling for estimating ammonia emission from food production using current practices and sustainable alternatives
- Incorporating stomatal ozone uptake into a biophysical crop model to examine ozone-induced yield loss
- Inland dynamic changes of Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland
- Investigating emission uncertainties at city level over East China
- Investigating seismogenesis of the southern Mariana subduction zone through ocean bottom seismic experiments
- Investigating the Changes in Surface Elevation of Permafrost Terrain in the Canadian Arctic Measured by GPS Interferometric Reflectometry
- Long-Term Trends of Persistent Synoptic Circulation Events in Planetary Boundary Layer and Their Relationships with Haze Pollution in Winter Half-Year over Eastern China
- Long-term Global Multi-physical Modelling of Ozone Dry Deposition Velocity - with Focus on Process Uncertainty and Implication on Air Quality Modelling
- Mapping retrogressive thaw slumps in the Beiluhe region (Tibetan Plateau) using Planet CubeSat
- Mitigating Climate Change in Cities by Bridging Science and Practice - Lessons Learnt from Hong Kong
- Modulation of the Arctic Oscillation on the Impacts of the MJO upon the East Asian Winter Temperature Variations
- Net Ecosystem Methane Exchange at a Subtropical Mangrove Wetland, Hong Kong
- Quantifying seismic hazard from interseismic locking distribution along the subduction megathrust
- Rapid development of thermokarst terrains detected by repeated UAV images in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
- Response of Surface Ozone to Future Agricultural Ammonia Emission and Subsequent Nitrogen Deposition through Vegetation Feedbacks
- Roles of tropical SST patterns during two types of ENSO in modulating wintertime rainfall over southern China
- Seasonal Thaw Settlement and Frost Heave in Permafrost Regions in the Arctic: A Synthesis of InSAR Observations Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images
- Seismic Evidence of Tearing of the Indian Subducting Lithospheric Slab and the Tibetan Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the Yadong-Gulu Rift in Central Tibet
- Seismological investigations of potentially induced earthquakes near the Hutubi underground gas storage
- The Relationship between Polar Vortex and Ozone Depletion in the Antarctic Stratosphere during the Period 1979-2016
- Understanding climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems using R
- 3D flexural bending and brittle failure of the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench
- A New Sink of Secondary Organic Aerosols: Modeling of Heterogeneous Oxidation of IEPOX-SOA
- Aerosol effect on vertical profiles of warm rain over Eastern Asia
- Attribution of human influence on extreme precipitation characteristics in the South China Pearl River Delta region.
- Automatically delineating calving fronts of Greenland glaciers from multi-sensor remote sensing imagery: a general method based on deep learning
- Bioclimatic design of redevelopment at urban waterfront: the case study of Victoria Dockside in Hong Kong
- Co-benefits of sustainable food production and consumption to mitigate air pollution, climate change and food insecurity in China and beyond
- Crust/mantle structure, hydration, and dynamic deformation at the southernmost Mariana Trench
- Development of a New Ecophysiology Module in the GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model to Better Represent Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange and Ozone-Vegetation Interactions
- Earthquake Distribution and Plate Bending at The Southernmost Mariana Subduction Zone
- Earthquake evidence for fore-arc extension at the southernmost Mariana subduction zone
- Effects of Seismogenic Width and Low-velocity Zones on Estimation of Slip-weakening Distance from Near-fault Ground Deformation
- Effects of food consumption and dietary trends over 1980-2010 on air pollution in China: A significant "indirect" diet-related health risk
- Evaluating the Biogeophysical Climate Impacts and Ecosystem Services of Chinese Forests Using the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model in R (TEMIR) Validated with FLUXNET Observations
- Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Aqueous Inorganic-Organic Aerosols
- Heterogeneous OH oxidation of methyltetrol sulfates leads to formation of multifunctional organosulfates previously measured in ambient fine aerosols
- High-resolution Simulations of a Hot-and-polluted Event with Detailed Local Climate Zone Information over the Pearl River Delta in South China
- How do the synoptic weather patterns affect the air quality in Sichuan Basin of China?
- Impacts of MJO Convection over the Maritime Continent on Eastern China Cold Temperatures
- Indirect Health Impacts of 1980-2010 Dietary Change in China via Worsening of Particulate Matter Air Quality
- Influence of elastic crack closure and bedding anisotropy on effective stress behavior of clayey sandstones for permeability and deformation
- Investigating the seismic migration and hazard at the Hutubi (China) UGS site based on a hydrogeologic framework
- Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps on the Tibetan Plateau using Sentinel-2 images and Deep Learning
- Modeling ammonia-aerosol-climate feedback mechanisms using an earth system model: Implications for future food security and air quality
- Modelled and observed changes of the northeast Greenland Ice stream (NEGIS) Greenland
- New evidence on intraplate aftershocks of the 2012 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake off-Sumatra based on OBS data
- Performance of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Evolution in MPAS-A and WRF Simulations
- Retrieval of the P wave reflections across the Cheng-Hai Fault Zone from the autocorrelation and cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise
- Rupture Scenarios and Ground Motion Prediction from Interseismic Locking Models in Nicoya Peninsula, Central America
- Seasonal dynamics of permafrost landscapes: InSAR ground displacements and controlling factors documented by in situ and Sentinel-1/-2 remote sensing data
- Source parameters of the deadly February 2019 Rongxian-Weiyuan earthquakes rattling the shale gas field in Sichuan, China
- Three-in-one: measuring snow depth, surface soil moisture, and frozen ground elevation changes by GPS Interferometric Reflectometry at a site in Northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- 10+ Years of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Noise: Fresh Insights and Persistent Questions
- Attribution of Wintertime Extreme Rainfall in South China Pearl River Delta Region to Anthropogenic Influences.
- Automated Mapping of Glacial Lakes in the Poiqu River Basin and Bhutan Region from SAR and Optical Images Using Deep Learning
- Drying active layer in Utqiagvik, Alaska revealed from the GPS-IR-measured seasonal subsidence during 2004-2019
- Effects of subducted seamounts on shallow slow slip events within seismogenic zone
- Estimating ice content of rock glaciers in Khumbu Valley, Nepal, using a surface-velocity-constrained model
- Foreshock Cascades to Failure
- Illuminating the complex fault zone structure of the 2016-2017 Amatrice, Central Italy, earthquake sequence with a high-resolution, high-density earthquake catalog
- Lateral Change of In-plate Stress and Outer-rise Seismicity along the Southern Mariana Trench
- Plate bending and in-plate stress variation caused by seamount subduction
- Synchrotron X-ray imaging in 4D: Spatiotemporal evolution of damage and compaction localization in triaxially compressed porous limestone
- The 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquake Sequence: How the Largest Events Initiated
- The dynamic fine-scale urban flood risk map based on insurance data, machine learning, and GPU-WRF
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Upper mantle hydration indicated by decreased shear velocity near the Southern Mariana Trench from Rayleigh wave tomography
- A systematic review of construction and application of the heat risk/vulnerability indices/models
- A unified theory of progressive broad deformation of oceanic transform faults: From transform valley to off-transform faulting and rifting
- Annual and long-term seismic velocity variations at Axial Seamount observed with seismic ambient noise
- Automated Mapping of Supraglacial Lakes in the Central Himalayas from Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
- Cosmic-ray Induced Solar Atmospheric Gamma Rays: A New Tool To Study The Sun?
- Effects of Food Production, Consumption and Trade on Agricultural Ammonia Emission and PM2.5 Pollution in China and Worldwide
- Effects of Future Land Use and Land Cover Change on Surface Ozone Air Quality Over the Mid-21st Century
- Effects of dryland irrigation on regional climate and air quality in semiarid Northwest China: A comparison between different irrigation systems through observations and modeling
- Effects of urbanization on hourly rainfall in relation to tropical cyclones- Inference from observations and convection-permitting model experiments over the South China Great Bay Area
- Estimation of Rupture Scenarios along the Cascadia Megathrust from Interseismic Locking Models
- Evaluating and correcting short-term clock drift in data from temporary seismic deployments
- Global Compound Flood Hazards from Precipitation and Storm Surge: The Role of Cyclones
- How Satellite Data Have Improved Land Surface Modeling?
- Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Earthquake in the Weiyuan Shale Gas Field, Sichuan: A Case Study of Event Cluster in Shuangshi Town
- Increase in local rainfall total associated with the slowdown of tropical cyclones over the coast of China
- Indirect health effects of food consumption and trade via worsening of particulate matter air quality in China and worldwide
- Inventorying rock glaciers in the arid West Kunlun of China using SAR interferometry and deep learning
- Landslide Mapping from Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning: A Case Study in Lantau Island, Hong Kong
- Mirpur earthquake (Mw 5.85; Sep 24, 2019): Insights from integrated geodetic and seismic observations
- New Land Emerging beneath a retreating Greenland Ice Sheet
- Observing the Very-High-Energy Sun in TeV Gamma rays with HAWC
- Plate Bending and Hydration Constrained from Ocean Bottom Seismographs in Southern Mariana Subduction Zone
- Relationships between Deep Long-period Earthquake Activities and Inflation Episodes at Akutan Volcano in Alaska from 2008 to 2018
- The Mangrove MicrobiomeBacterial underpinning of blue carbon storage on the south coast of China
- The Relationship between Temperature and Extreme Precipitation at Basin Scale under Global Warming
- A Deep-learning-based Framework for Locating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps over the Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- A case study of the causal mechanism of hydraulic fracturing induced earthquakes through the September 2019 Mw5.0 earthquake in Weiyuan, China
- Characteristics of dynamic earthquake triggering at Axial Seamount
- Developing a Catalog of Automated Focal Mechanisms for Microearthquakes at Axial Seamount Based on Waveform Correlation
- Distribution and Evolution of Supraglacial Ponds in the Central Himalayas Mapped from PlanetScope Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Effects of different irrigation methods on regional climate in North China Plain: A modeling study
- Effects of historical food production and consumption on agricultural ammonia emissions and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution in Asia over 1962-2018 and interactions with the world via food trade
- Evaluating CMIP model simulations of the Indian Ocean Dipole - the role of monsoon air-sea feedback on its skewness
- Geomorphologic Characteristics and Thermal State of Jingxian Rock Glacier on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Earthquake Sequences on the Blanco Oceanic Transform Fault
- Impacts of Changes in Land Use, Climate, and Emissions on Global Air Quality by 2050 following the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Impacts of Tropospheric Ozone and Climate Change on Global Agricultural Production
- Impacts of land use change and interannual climate variability on fire activities, biomass burning emissions and air quality in the Amazon
- Investigating global warming and future urbanization impacts on heat stress in megacities- a multi-scale modeling approach
- Mapping Rock Glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau from Planet Basemaps Using Deep Learning
- Mining a large earthquake catalog at Axial Seamount with unsupervised spectral feature extraction method
- Multidecadal ozone trends in China and implications for human health and crop yields: A hybrid approach combining chemical transport model and machine learning
- Photosynthetic Performance of Newly Planted Trees in Urban Roadside Habitats in Hong Kong
- Postseismic deformation due to the 2021 M7.4 Maduo (China) earthquake from InSAR and GNSS observations
- Seismic Velocity Variations along the Blanco Transform Fault: Implications for Earthquake Rupture Properties
- The 2020 Summertime Extreme Marine Heatwave Events in the North Arabian Sea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adnan Barkat
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Amos P. K. Tai
- Anders A. Bjørk
- Aqeel Abbas
- Benoît Thibodeau
- Chi‐Yung Tam
- Christoph Müller
- Cuicui Mu
- Derrick Y.F. Lai
- Douglas A. Wiens
- F. Waldhauser
- Hemraj Bhattarai
- Hongfeng Yang
- J. F. Beacom
- Jian Lin
- Jianfeng Li
- Jinping Zi
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jose Rafael Guarin
- Joshua Russell
- Kaiwen Wang
- Kang Xu
- Kenny C. Y. Ng
- Kwun Yip Fung
- Lin Zhao
- Lingcao Huang
- Lingli Liu
- Lisa Emberson
- Maria Val Martin
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew Collins
- Michelle K. Lee
- Min Xu
- Renguang Wu
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Theresa Sawi
- Thian Yew Gan
- Tim Linden
- Tonghua Wu
- Wen‐Ying Wu
- William S. D. Wilcock
- Yan Hu
- Yen Joe Tan
- Yuri Fialko
- Zeyu Jin
- Zhuoxuan Xia
- Ziqian Wang
- Zong‐Liang Yang
- Éric Beaucé