National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- ACE-Asia: Ground Stations Overview
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Downward Motions in the Antarctic Polar Vortex as Seen in the ILAS N<SUB>2</SUB>O Data
- Heat Flux above a Larch Forest in East Asia
- Inferring the Observed PSC Composition Using the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) Data Along With Trajectory Analysis
- Methyl Chloride Emission from Tropical Plants
- Mixing of Minor Species Across the Polar Vortex Boundary at the Time of Polar Vortex Breakup Observed by Satellite Sensor ILAS
- Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Over Contrastive Deciduous Forest Ecosystems in Japan: Responses to Temperature Variability
- Network Observation of Asian Dust by Dual-polarization Lidars During ACE-Asia IOP
- Physical Properties of Marine Aerosols Measured on the R/V Mirai During ACE-Asia
- Polar Mesospheric Clouds Observed with the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer in the Southern Hemisphere
- Present Status of AsiaFLux Network and a View Toward the Future
- A High-resolution Dust Aerosol Model For Numerical Study of Asian Dust Storms in April 2001
- An Estimation of the Future Development of the Ozone Layer by a Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model
- Asian aerosol transport simulated with regional scale chemical transport model CFORS during ACE-Asia period
- Characteristic of Atmospheric Fine Structure of Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, and Humidity During PEACE in Winter and Spring 2002
- Development of a High-Resolution Climate Model for Future Climate Change Projection on the Earth Simulator
- HNO<SUB>3</SUB> Condensation on Ice in the Upper Troposphere: Comparing Laboratory, Atmospheric and Theoretical Data
- Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Observed During the PEACE Missions
- Impact of Asian Outflow on O3 and its Precursors Over Japan in January 2002
- Magnetic record of Lake Baikal sediments (Baikal Drilling Project 1998)
- Network Design for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observation With High Resolution Inversions
- Seasonal Amplitude of the Sea-Surface pCO<SUB>2</SUB>: Early Results from a new VOS-Line in the North Atlantic
- Spatial Distributions of Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide Over the Western North Pacific During Winter and Spring.
- Behavior of Stratospheric Chlorine Nitrate During a Recovery Phase of Polar Ozone Destruction in both Hemispheres
- Biological and hydrological controls of streamwater nitrate concentration in a forested catchment with a natural disturbance
- Climate Response in the Global Warming: Increasing Rate of the Surface Temperature
- Climate Transition on Mars: CO2 Exchange Process Between Atmosphere and Ice Caps Under Paleoenvironment
- Diurnal Variation in CO2 Profile in the Lower Troposphere above a West Siberian Forest
- ILAS-II measurements of O<SUB>3</SUB>: comparison with ozonesondes
- ILAS-II measurements of trace gases, temperature and pressure: Comparison with solar occultation sensors
- Impact of Increased Stratospheric Water Vapor on Denitrification in the Polar Ozone Layer
- Inversion of Column-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations from Space Using a High Resolution Inverse Model
- Measurement of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Tower in Berezorechka, West Siberian Forest Region
- Measurements of CO2 Mixing Ratio in and above PBL over the Forest Area in Western Siberia
- Measurements of ClONO<SUB>2</SUB> by Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) in the high latitude stratosphere
- Observation And Simulation Of Monsoon Rainfall Over A Tropical Mountainous Region In Southeast Asia
- Polar Stratospheric Clouds Observed With ILAS-II Over Antarctica in 2003
- Preparation of Gravimetric Standards for Measurements of Atmospheric O2/N2 Ratio and Reevaluation of Atmospheric O2 Concentration
- The validation of profiles of minor species derived from the Kiruna FTIR spectra using SFIT2 by comparison with satellite measurements (ILAS)
- CO2 Exchanges Between The Atmosphere And An Alpine Meadow Ecosystem On The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Climatic Seesaws Across The North Pacific As Revealed By High-Mountain Ice Cores Drilled At Kamchatka And Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains
- Continuous VOC Monitoring at the CENICA Supersite during April 2000-2004: A Comparison with the MCMA-2003 Campaign
- Latitudinal and Seasonal Variations in the Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>2</SUB>: Results From Shipboard Sampling in the West and North Pacific Ocean
- Long-Term Observation of Atmospheric Molecular Hydrogen Using Aircrafts
- Measurements of methyl chloride in air trapped in an Antarctic ice core
- Modeling and observations of atmospheric CO2 in PBL over Siberia
- Modeling study of aerosol effects on climate system under comparisons with satellite retrievals
- On the Determination of CCN from Satellite: Challenges and Possibilities
- Revisit of WHP P17N in 2001
- Seasonal Changes in Remote Vegetation Indices and Net Photosynthesis of Japanese Larch Needles
- Simulation of Spring Snowmelt Runoff by Considering Effect of Local Topography on Snow Cover and Freezing/Thawing Soil Layer in Kushiro Mire
- VOC Measurements in Mega-city Tokyo: Behaviors, Sources, and Photochemical Transformations
- Variation of Biological Activity on a Himalayan Glacier Recovered from a Shallow Ice Core
- Analysis of Antarctic Denitrification in 2003 Winter Observed by ILAS-II Onboard the ADEOS-II Satellite
- Annual and Interannual Variations of Cirrus Clouds Using MODIS/Terra Data
- Apparent Trends in Productivity of Monsoon Asia from 1982 to 2002
- Application of Improved Tin-dioxide Detector for In-situ Airborne Measurements of Atmospheric Methane Concentration as the Validation Experiment of GOSAT
- Application of the variance method for CO2 flux to aircraft measurement
- Comparison of ILAS-II Data With Ground-based FTIR Measurements of O3, HNO3, N2O, and CH4 Over Kiruna, Sweden
- Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis (CSRA) Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Fine Organic Aerosols From Residential Area Of Suburb Tokyo
- Development of the Method to Estimate Plant Area Density by Helicopter Mounted Side-looking LIDAR
- Distributions Of Halogenated Succinic Acids In Aerosols Over The Sea Of Japan And The Northern North Pacific
- Dynamic and Thermodynamic Effects on the Asian Summer Monsoon Under the Global Warming
- Error Estimation of CO2 and CH4 Column Amount Retrieval Using Synthetic Data of the GOSAT SWIR FTS: A Method to Overcome the Wavelength Dependency of Ground Surface Albedos
- Estimating NEP by micrometeorological and biometric methods in a larch forest in Hokkaido, Japan
- Estimation of Cirrus Parameters to use for a Priori Setting of CO2 Retrieval Algorithm
- Estimation of Light Use Efficiency of Japanese Larch Forest Using Remote Sensed Vegetation Indices
- Foreign-Gas Pressure Broadening Measurement of the Carbon Dioxide (3 00 1)III← (0 0 0) Band using Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
- MAX-DOAS Measurement of Halogen Monoxides in a Volcanic Plume and Observation of Surface Ozone Depletion in the Vicinity of the Sakurajima Volcano in Japan
- Northern and Southern hemispheric monthly averages of nitrous oxide and ozone: A ``one-year climatology'' derived from ILAS/ILAS-II observations
- Observation of Asian Mineral Dust Particles in Japan by a Single-Particle Mass Spectrometer
- Oxidation of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone Production in Tokyo
- PIE 2005: An intercomparison of measurement techniques for peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
- Satellite Lidar for Global Warming Gas Measurement
- Satellite Observation of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Composition -Simultaneous Gas and Aerosol Retrieval
- Seasonal Cycles, Interannual Variations, and Recent Trends of Surface Ozone over East Asia: 7-years Observations and Regional Chemical Transport Model Analysis
- Seasonal Streamflow Forecast for the Yangtze River at the Three Gorges Dam, China
- Seasonal variation of the source contribution of atmospheric C2-C7 NMHCs (non-methanehydrocarbons) in central Tokyo
- Short-term Variations of Stratospheric Ozone Measured by Using a Ground-based Millimeter-wave Radiometer at Rikubetsu, Japan
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Soil CO2 Effluxes of Different Ecosystems
- Utilization of the Water Vapor Saturated Absorption Band to Retrieve CO2 Column Density From Space by GOSAT Under the Cirrus-Existing Condition
- Variability in Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio of Heterotrophic Soil Respiration in a Deciduous Needle-leaf Forest
- Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 Measurement Network on Towers in Siberia
- Cirrus cloud characteristics from the ICESat/GLAS observations
- Comparison of the aerosol type classification from satellite remote sensing and SPRINTARS during the ABC EAREX campaign
- Detection of the oxygen emission due to the spring bloom in the western North Pacific using in-situ measurement of atmospheric oxygen/nitrogen ratio
- Development of Radiative Transfer Model Including Polarization Effect in Near Infrared Region for Retrieving CO2 Amounts From Space
- Error Analysis of CO2 Column Amount Retrievals using SWIR Synthetic Data of the GOSAT FTS: Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols
- Estimating global specific leaf area from MODIS leaf area index and model-simulated foliage mass
- Estimation of the CO2 Concentration From the Measurements of Solar Absorption Spectra at an Altitude of 800 Meters by Using the FTS (GOSAT-BBM) in SWIR Region
- Factors controlling the CCN number concentrations at north of East China Sea in spring 2005
- Foreign-Gas Pressure Broadening Measurement of the Nitrous Oxide (0 0^{0} 3) ← (0 0^{0} 0) Band using Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
- Ground-based Millimeter-wave Measurements Of Vertical H218O Distribution At Atacama, Chile
- Interannual variations and recent trends of surface ozone in East Asia: Integrated observations and chemical transport model analysis
- Long-term changes in dissolved silicate flux in the Yangtze River Basin
- Numerical study for the vertical distributions and optical properties of Asian dust and anthropogenic aerosols over Japan
- Organic Aerosols in Rural and Remote Atmospheric Environments: Insights from Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Parameterization of Aerosol and Cirrus Cloud Effect on Reflected Sunlight Spectra Measured From Space: Application of the Equivalence Theorem
- Recent Carbon Cycle Anomalies as Seen From Atmospheric Top-down Information
- Regional CO2 Inversion Study for Europe and West Siberia
- Retrieval Analysis of the CO2 1.6 μm Band in Solar Absorption Spectra Measured by a Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer at Tsukuba
- Role of climate feedback processes and ocean heat uptake in transient climate responses to CO2 increase on the atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
- Scattering Greenhouse Effect of Radiatively Controlled CO2 Ice Cloud Layer in a Martian Paleoatmosphere
- Simulation of irrigation effect on water cycle in Yellow River catchment, China
- Top-down approach to West Siberian regional carbon budget: combination of the CO2 observations and inverse modeling
- Tropical cirrus cloud variation associated with the stratospheric warming in the southern hemisphere
- Accuracy and Precision of CO2 Vertical Profiles Retrieved from Thermal Infrared Spectra of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS sensor
- Aerosol Effects on the Estimation of the Carbon Dioxide Concentration From the Measurements of Solar Absorption Spectra at an Altitude of 800 Meters by Using the FTS (GOSAT-BBM) in SWIR Region
- Airborne SWIR FTS for GOSAT validation
- An Automated Chamber Network for Evaluation the Long-term Response and Feedback of Soil Carbon Dynamics to Global Change
- An Improved Methodology to Estimate Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity by Integrating MODIS-LAI to Ecosystem Model SimCYCLE
- Anti-phase variability of North Pacific ventilation and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation
- Be-10 Variations in Dome Fuji Ice Core During the Last Deglaciation
- Bridging Scales: Developing a Framework to Build a City-Scale Environmental Scenario for Japanese Municipalities
- Characteristics of aerosols in east Asian outflow at Cheju in spring
- Chemical Characteristics of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon in the Asian Outflow
- Cirrus Observations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over the Western Pacific
- Continuous measurements of perfluorocarbons at remote monitoring stations in Japan
- Cropland Area Extraction in China with Multi-Temporal MODIS Data
- DOAS-based methodology to account for cirrus cloud in observations of carbon dioxide from space
- Determination of formaldehyde mixing ratios in polluted air with PTR-MS: Laboratory experiments and field measurements
- High Resolution Simulation of the Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases Variability with a Largangian Particle Dispersion Model
- Interannual Variability and Trends of Atmospheric Radiocarbon (14CO2) Over the Tropical Western Pacific
- Investigation of Clear-sky and Small Albedo Region From CALIOP and MODIS Observations - Optimal Region for Retrieving Carbon Dioxide From GOSAT TANSO-FTS Observation -
- Nested Global Inversion for the Carbon Flux Distribution in Canada and USA from 1994 to 2003
- On the utility of GOSAT column average CO2 observations in reducing uncertainties of CO2 flux estimates
- Optimization of GOSAT Atmospheric Retrieval of CO2 in Presence of Atmospheric Particles Using Empirical Orthogonal Function Representation
- Radiocarbon Analysis of Single-Year Tree Rings at the Last Glacial-Deglacial Transition
- Radiocarbon-based Turnover Time Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest in Asian Monsoon Region
- Relationship Between Satellite-derived Phenology and Climatic Factors Over Northeastern Asia
- Simulation of cooling effect of newly-innovated urban pavements on water and heat budgets
- Simultaneous Flux Measurements of CO2, its Stable Isotope Ratios and Trace Gases Based on Eddy Accumulation Technique for Flux Partitioning
- Study of the Regional Carbon Fluxes Through Inverse Modeling of the Siberian Atmospheric CO2 Observations
- The Rainfall Phenomena during the Pre-Monsoon Period over the Northeastern Part of Indian Subcontinent in 2007
- Tidal Waves in the Upper Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere as Inferred From Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model Simulations
- Transport and Chemical Production of Ozone in the East Asian Pacific Rim Region: -Modeling Study Based on Observation-
- Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Variation Over Asian Monsoon During Northern Summer 2007
- Validation of OMI Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Column Data Using MAX-DOAS Measurements Deep Inside the North China Plain in June 2006
- Variaitions in Δ14C values of POM in the Tokachi River waters
- A Comparison of Climate Feedback Strength between CO2 Doubling and LGM Experiments
- A comparative study of vertical flow and free-water surface constructed wetlands for low C/N ratio domestic wastewater treatment and its greenhouse gases emission
- Analyses of the concentration variation of total odd nitrogen species, nitric acid and particulate nitrate at Okinawa Island, Japan during the long-range transport from the Asian Continent
- Analysing Atmospheric CO2/CH4 Variability to Derive a Prior Covariance Matrices for CO2 Retrieval From Spectroscopic Data
- Anthropogenically-induced changes in temperatures and implications for water resources in the western United States.
- Asian Dust Processes Experiment for Development of the Next-generation Dust Model.
- Atmospheric aerosol variation in Okinawa Island in Japan by MAX-DOAS using a new cloud screening method
- Building Low Carbon Cities: Framework to Design and Evaluate Alternative Technologies and Policies for Land Use Planning
- Cirrus Cloud Variation in the Tropics During the Southern Stratospheric Sudden Warmings in 2006 and 2007
- Current Status of the GOSAT Data Handling Facility, Data Retrieval and Inverse Model Algorithms, Validation Plan, and GOSAT Research Announcement
- Dependence of bedrock river meandering on typhoon rainfall, flood magnitude and rock strength
- Development of an in situ measurement system of particulate nitrate using the scrubber difference and the NO-ozone chemiluminescence method
- Estimates of carbon sources and sinks using new NIES transport model
- Estimation of terrestrial carbon fluxes with 1km by 1km spatial-resolution using satellite- driven model
- Exploring CO Pollution Episodes Observed at Rishiri Island by Chemical Weather Simulations and AIRS Satellite Measurements: Long-range Transport of Burning Plumes and Implications for Emissions Inventory
- Growth characteristics of 28 strains of white tide forming coccolithophorids and elementary analysis under different temperatures
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for IPCC 5th Assessment
- Impact of the Inter-annual Variability in CO2 Growth Rate from Atmospheric Transport and Contribution from Latitudinal Partition
- Layered structure of Asian dust and pollutants outbreak in spring
- Measuring Ambient Carbon Dioxide Isotope Ratios in Nagoya University Campus, Japan, With a mid-IR QC Laser Instrument
- Multi-model analysis of terrestrial water and carbon cycles in Japan: Japan-MIP
- Multi-scale analysis of hydrologic change in the Japanese megalopolis by using integrated approach
- North Pacific Deep Water Formation and Carbon Dioxide Rise During the Last Deglaciation
- Ozone production over the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Physical and chemical processes simulated by Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ)
- Radiocarbon Analysis of Elemental Carbon and Total Organic Carbon in Atmospheric Aerosols Collected at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, Japan
- Radiocarbon Chronology Using Sedimentary Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in the Western Arctic Ocean
- Retrieval Algorithm of CO2 Profile from Thermal Infrared Spectra of GOSAT/TANSO- FTS
- Role of the Bering Sea on the glacial strength of North Pacific Intermediate Water in the North Pacific
- Soil Organic Carbon Residence Time in Japanese Temperate Forest: Insight From Radiocarbon Analysis of Density Fractionated Soil
- Soil Organic Matter Storage and Dynamics Along Altitudinal Gradient in Bornean Tropical Forests: Preliminary Radiocarbon Results of Bulk Soils and Density Fractions
- Source Identification Of Airborne Antimony On The Basis Of The Field Monitoring And The Source Profiling
- Sr-Nd isotopic study of surface snow near Dome Fuji, Antarctica
- Surface CO2 Flux in Weekly Time Resolution Over the Globe Inferred From CONTRAIL Data set
- The Impact of the Dachaoshan Dam on Seasonal Hydrological Dynamics in the Main Stream of the Mekong River
- The Role of Atmospheric Transport on CO2 Flux and Concentration on Different Spatiotemporal Scales and the Implication on Flux Estimation
- Three-dimensional Structure of Elevated Dust Veil Originated from the Taklimakan Desert
- Trends and seasonal cycle of the tropospheric methane observed and modeled over Siberia
- Trends and seasonal cycle of the tropospheric methane observed and modeled over Siberia
- Validation And Application Of Global Atmospheric Tracer Model (NIES-08) For Studies Of The Regional And Global Budgets Of Carbon Dioxide
- Validation Plan of GOSAT Standard Products by Ground-Based High-Resolution FTSs and Aircrafts
- Variations in Δ14C values of POM in the Ishikari River
- A Simple Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration Based Solely on Remote Sensing: Algorithm and Application
- A high accuracy integrated six category global land-cover map
- Assessment of climate model performance from three generations IPCC assessment reports, on the sub-regional scale
- Characteristic distribution and structure of pranktonic archaea in the Arctic Ocean
- Comparison between LAI estimation based vegetation index and MODIS LAI for gross primary productivity estimation, deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Comparison of Modeling Approaches for Carbon Partitioning: Impact on Estimates of Global Net Primary Production and Equilibrium Biomass of Woody Vegetation from MODIS GPP
- Constraints on CO2 flux emissions: reconstructions of in-situ measurements from Lagrangian stochastic inversion
- Development of the multi-scale model for urban climate analysis and evaluation of urban greening effects on energy consumption
- Effects of aerosol and greenhouse gasses on the summertime Asian monsoon rainfall trend in the 20th century
- Evaluation of cloud microphysics simulated by a meso-scale model coupled with a bin-based scheme using observation data by W-band radar
- First results of CO2 and CH4 retrievals from GOSAT SWIR observations with PPDF-based algorithm
- Global simulation of the carbon isotope exchange of terrestrial ecosystems
- Greenhouse-gas exchange of croplands worldwide: a process-based model simulation
- Ground-based Total Column and in situ measurements of CO2 and CH4 in the Southern Hemisphere, and an update to GOSAT/ground-based FTS comparisons
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Impact of Watershed Development on Sediment Transport and Seasonal Flooding in the Main Stream of the Mekong River
- Interannual variability and trends of atmospheric methane over the western Pacific
- Intercomparison of tropospheric NO2 concentration by GOME and the air-quality monitoring network in the Tokyo region, Japan
- Inverse Modeling System for Operational Processing of the GOSAT Level 4A Regional CO2 Flux Data Product
- Is NO3/N2O5 chemistry a source of aerosol HNO3 in the San Joaquin Valley?
- Land Cover Changes between 1974 and 2008 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Long term implications of 21st century choices: Millenial extensions of RCP scenarios
- Multi model and data analysis of terrestrial carbon cycle in Asia: From 2001 to 2006
- Observation-based estimate of the error in atmospheric methane column retrieved from GOSAT SWIR spectra (Invited)
- On the formation process of Vallis Schröteri
- Possible increase in reservoir age of the surface water in the northwestern Bering Sea during the deglacial period: Evidence of ascending aged North Pacific deepwater?
- Preliminary Evaluation of GOSAT Level 2 (CO2 and CH4 column abundances) Data Product
- Preliminary XCO2 and XCH4 retrievals in the GOSAT routine processing (Invited)
- Reconstruction of last-deglacial palaeoclimate in Northeast Japan using 14C and δ13C records of marsh deposits
- Retrieval of the column abundances of global carbon dioxide and methane from Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) observation
- Seasonal cycles of atmospheric methane and its carbon and hydrogen isotopic ratios in the lower and upper troposphere of the western Pacific region
- Seasonal variation of spherical aerosols distribution in East Asia based on ground and space Lidar observation and a Chemical transport model
- Simulation of atmospheric methane and its carbon and hydrogen isotopes to constrain its global budget
- Spatially explicit scenario of terrestrial emissions from biomass burning and net land-use change for the use of climate projection
- The Effect of Tibetan Plateau Uplift on the Early Monsoon onset over the Indochina Peninsula
- Tropical circulation and clouds changes during the northern stratospheric sudden warming in January 2009
- Tropospheric methane and carbon dioxide over West Siberia: observation data analysis, surface flux inventories and transport modeling (Invited)
- Two Novel Applications of an Integrated Model for the Assessment of Global Water Resources
- A Year-round Observation of Size Distribution of Aerosol Particles at the Cape Ochiishi, Japan
- A feasibility study for the monitoring of diurnal variations of the tropospheric NO2 over Tokyo from a geostationary satellite
- Analyses of the long-range transport of nitrogeneous species through the atmosphere from the Asian continent using observational data at Cape Hedo, Okinawa, and CMAQ postanalyses
- Anorthosite distribution and its implication in the Lunar South Pole-Aitken basin based on data derived from SELENE Multiband Imager
- Anthropogenic greenhouse gas contribution to UK autumn flood risk: a pilot application of a Probabilistic Event Attribution framework for weather extremes
- Area estimation of crop damage due to tropical cyclones using crop fragility curves for paddy rice in Japan
- Assessing the Influence of Human Activities on Global Water Resources Using an Advanced Land Surface Model
- Automatic chamber observations of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes at West Siberian wetland
- CO2 and DMS Flux measurement by the profiling buoy system
- Carbon budget of tropical forests in Southeast Asia and the effects of deforestation: approach from a process model and field measurements
- Changes of land use and land cover and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia in response to climate change and the global economy
- Composition of the lunar upper crust estimated from Kaguya spectral data
- Development of the Vegetation Integrative SImulator for Trace Gases (VISIT): a Model for Simulating Atmosphere-ecosystem Biogeochemical Interactions
- Dust Aerosol Analysis and Prediction with Lidar Observations and Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Effects of natural and anthropogenic CH4 sources on variations of atmospheric CH4 over western Siberia identified by its carbon and hydrogen stable isotopes
- Elemental concentrations and Sr-Nd isotopic tratio of surface snow near Dome Fuji, Antarctica
- Estimating Regional Sources and Sinks of CO2 Inversely from GOSAT Level 2 Column Concentration Data - the Preparation of GOSAT Level 4 Data Products -
- Estimation of biomass burning aerosols derived from combination of GOSAT/CAI and PARASOL/POLDER
- Estimation of the black carbon (BC) emissions from East Asia based on accurate BC measurements in the Asian outflow
- Evidence of heterotrophic microbial decomposition of preaged carbon in Arctic soil; Insights from molecular level natural radiocarbon analysis
- Evolution of anthropogenic emissions at the global and regional scale during the past three decades
- Future surface temperature change estimation constrained by using the future-present correlated modes in variability of CMIP3 multi-model simulations
- GOSAT specific observation targeting urban CO2 emissions
- Geographically explicit urban land use change scenarios for Mega cities: a case study in Tokyo
- Global high resolution atmospheric CO2 simulation with 1x1 km surface fluxes and coupled (Eulerian/Lagrangian) model
- Global remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence using high-resolution spectra recorded by the Japanese GOSAT satellite
- Global water resources assessment at a sub-annual timescale: Application to climate change impact assessment
- High-resolution measurement of DMS and volatile organic compounds dissolved in seawater using equilibrator inlet-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (EI-PTR-MS)
- Impact of XBT Depth Bias Corrected Observations on Decadal Climate Prediction with a Coupled Climate Model
- Impact of anthropogenic forcing on long-term precipitation trend in Africa in the 20th Century
- Improved carbon dioxide characterization and estimates from the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES)
- Improvement of a retrieval method of the column-averaged dry air mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane from Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) observation
- Lessons of space-based CO2 measurements based on recent results from GOSAT project (Invited)
- Leveling-off of atmospheric methane caused by coupling of climate change and tropospheric chemistry
- Mapping of the CO2 and anthropogenic heat emission under spatially explicit urban land use scenarios
- Measurements of isoprene in surface seawater of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans
- Methane emissions from the West Siberian wetlands
- Model based quantification of global virtual water trade and the sources of water withdrawal for major crops and livestock products (Invited)
- NW Pacific mid-depth ventilation changes during the Holocene
- Numerical analysis of long-range trans-boundary pollution during the 2008 W-PASS field campaign at Cape Hedo, Okinawa
- Observation of different core water cluster ions Y-(H2O)n (Y = O2, HCN, HOx, NOx, COx) and magic number in atmospheric pressure negative corona discharge mass spectrometry
- On the mechanism of the formation of the Brewer-Dobson circulation and the change in the age of air
- Optimizing Monthly Grid-based CO2 Fluxes with 4D-Var Data Assimilation Technique
- PPDF-based GOSAT data processing
- Radiocarbon dating for paleoenviromental peat archive: the case study using cellulose from peat core reached to 15ka in northern Japan
- Radiocarbon-based estimates of residence times for soil organic carbon of Tundra and Boreal forests in Alaska
- Retention time of rays around small lunar craters
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Seasonal variations of CO2 and CH4 column abundances retrieved from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS
- Summertime Trans-Pacific Transport of Asian Dust
- Temporal variations of nitrogen wet deposition over Japan during 1989-2008
- The GOSAT level 2 and other upper-level data products
- The diurnal variation of total odd nitrogen oxides species, gaseous nitric acid and particulate nitrate in the southern remote island, Japan, facing the Asian Continent
- The estimate of the denitrification using nitrogen gas excess in the Sea of Okhotsk
- Tracing the fate of atmospheric nitrate deposited onto an oligotrophic lake in eastern Asia
- Two pools of old carbon in a volcanic-ash soil revealed by sequential density fractionation
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- VOC Emissions from the Potential Biofuel Crop, Switchgrass
- Validation of zonal averaged XCO2 and XCH4 derived from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS using ground-based high-resolution FTS and aircraft measurement data
- Variations of the three-dimensional atmospheric CO2; implications for carbon budget from model simulations and aircraft measurements
- Volcanic signals into the ocean under global warming
- A possible formation mechanism of rampart-like ejecta pattern in a laboratory
- Active optical CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensing for Ground-based, Airborne, and from Space platform
- Annual variation in carbon budget using remote-sensing data and a process model in Borneo Island, Southeast Asia
- Anti-Phase Oscillation of Asian Monsoons during the Younger Dryas
- Application of a terrestrial ecosystem model to assess ecosystem services in Asia
- Assessing climate change impacts on global crop yield considering climate projections uncertainty
- Atmospheric behavior, deposition, and budget of radioactive materials from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011
- Carbon balance of South Asia constrained by passenger aircraft CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Characterization factors for water footprint considering the scarcity of green and blue water sources
- Climate Change Media Forum - for Enhanced Communication between Journalists and Climate Scientists in Japan
- Dependence of aerosol scattering coefficients on relative humidity observed at two coastal sites on the East China Sea: Comparison to remote observations and influence of chemical composition
- Development of a multidimensional GC/MS/μECD system for the in situ measurement of volatile organic compounds
- Development of radar and lidar simulator and its application to the evaluation of the cloud and aerosol microphysics in the AGCM
- Distribution and structure of pranktonic Archaea in the Arctic Ocean using 2008 - 2010 R/V Mirai cruise samples
- Dynamics of the global virtual water trade network
- Effect of change in stomatal conductance on precipitation response to CO2 instantaneous forcing
- Evaluating CALIOP Nighttime Level 2 Aerosol Profile Retrievals Using a Global Transport Model Equipped with Two-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation and Ground-Based Lidar Measurements
- Evaluation for sustainable agriculture water use from River, Reservoirs and Groundwater in the 20th century
- Evaluation of ecosystem services for good balance between climate change prevention and biodiversity conservation
- Evaluation of the GOSAT observations of the atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal cycle in the northern high latitudes
- Global N2O emissions - with a focus on natural soil
- Identifying the hotspots of non-renewable water use using HiGW-MAT: A new land surface model coupled with human interventions and ground water reservoir
- Importance of structural diversity of climate model ensembles
- Imposing strong constraints on tropical terrestrial CO2 fluxes using passenger aircraft based measurements
- Improvements in space-based terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence retrievals
- Influence of aerosols and thin cirrus clouds on the GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR XCO2 and a strategy for retrieval improvement
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosols properties in the forest fire events over high latitude region
- Inverse modeling of NOx emissions over South Korea using CAPSS emission data and the satellite observations of NO2 vertical column densities
- Inverse modeling of the regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in 2009-2010 with GOSAT observations
- Investigation of carbon turnover and CO2 evolution in soil organic carbon from Japanese forest soils: Insight from radiocarbon analysis of soil density fractions and soil respired CO2
- Local heterogeneity and scaled dependence of eco-hydrology in mire
- Long term change in relative contribution of various source regions on the surface ozone over Japan
- Methane emissions from West Siberian mud volcanoes: observations near Khanty-Mansiysk
- Modeling Irrigation Pumping and Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Nature of organo-mineral particles across density fractions in a volcanic-ash soil: air-drying and sonication effect
- New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of vegetation fluorescence with gross primary productivity
- On the progress of NIES GOSAT Project and data product distribution
- On-line measurements of nitro organic compounds emitted from automobiles by proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry: Laboratory experiments and a field measurement
- Paleoclimate reconstruction in the western North Pacific region for past 1 ka using peat cellulose δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from Hokkaido, Japan
- Perspectives of Aerosols Products' Validation for Future Satellites and Uncertainties on the Climate
- Potential radiocarbon chronology tool using archaeal tetraether lipids for the western Arctic Ocean sediment
- Predictability of a stepwise shift in Pacific climate during the late 1990s in hindcast experiments using MIROC
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- Reconstruction of Alaskan Arctic environmental changes for past 1 ka using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of peat cellulose and their <SUP>14</SUP>C wiggle-match dating
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Satellite estimation of leaf area index across the east Siberia and the northern Japan from 1998 to 2010
- Spatial and temporal variations of dust concentrations in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia
- Spectral analysis of lunar swirls using the data from Spectral Profiler onboard SELENE/Kaguya
- Sr/Ca ratios of modern and fossil Favia corals from the Korea Strait; implications for application of coral Sr/Ca thermometry in a middle latitude region
- Study on the retrieval biases appeared in the GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR L2 V01.xx Product
- Subspace method for multispectral, hyperspectral, and SAR image classification
- Transport and deposition of PAHs in East Asia using Regional Emission Inventory in ASia and Regional Air Quality Model for POP version
- Transport of black carbon and CO from the Asian continent to the western Pacific and estimate of CO emissions in China
- Understanding and validation of cloud response to CO2 increase using state-of-the-art climate model ensembles
- Validation of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> derived from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS with aircraft measurement data
- Vertical profile and components of marine planktonic archaea in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Oceean
- Water for food: The global virtual water trade network
- A Global Water Resources Assessment under RCP, SSP, and CMIP5 Scenarios
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- A model-based assessment of the scaling-up of terrestrial CO2 flux to regional scale with focus on site density and disturbance effects: a case study in Japan
- ALOS-PALSAR multi-temporal observation for describing land use and forest cover changes in Malaysia
- Air-sea fluxes of dimethyl sulfide and carbon dioxide measured by the gradient technique in the subtropical and equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Algorithm improvement toward better retrieval of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> profiles from GOSAT/TANSO-FTS thermal infrared spectra
- Analysis of present day and future OH and methane lifetime in the ACCMIP simulations
- Analysis of the spatial variation in the net ecosystem production of rice paddy fields using the diagnostic biosphere model BEAMS
- Biogeochemical linkage between atmosphere and ocean in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean: Results from the EqPOS research cruise
- CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 indicating the sudden weakening of the thermohaline circulation in the Japan Sea
- CO2, CH4 fluxes and bacterial diversities at terrestrial ecosystem along the trans-Alaska pipeline in tundra and boreal forest, Alaska
- Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Consistent validation of CO2 satellite measurements and the CarbonTracker model using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Contribution of SELENE-2 geodetic measurements to constrain the lunar internal structure
- Development of a terrestrial integrated model for the sustainable utilization strategy of land-water-ecosystems
- Development of balloon-borne CO<SUB>2</SUB> sonde: CO<SUB>2</SUB> vertical profile (0-10km) observations and comparison with the air craft measurements
- Different behavior of an Earth system model toward four CO2 concentration scenarios
- Dynamical downscaling and socio-economic land use scenarios for regional scale adaptation to climate change in Tokyo metropolitan area
- Earlier Seasonal Maximum in Lower Tropospheric Ozone at Northern Mid-Latitudes
- Effect of data coverage on the estimation of mean and variability of precipitation at global and regional scales
- Estimating global groundwater withdrawal and depletion using an integrated hydrological model, GRACE, and in situ observations
- Estimation of Carbon loss by fire in a burned black spruce forest in interior Alaska using radiocarbon
- Evaluating Future Land-use Change Scenarios: Trade-offs between Bio-energy Demand, Food Production, and Carbon Emission
- Evaluation of preindustrial to present-day black carbon and its albedo forcing from ACCMIP
- Evaluation of the warm cloud microphysical processes in global models using the CloudSat/A-Train multi-sensor satellite observations
- Extended validation of the GOSAT-observed CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> at TCCON sites with co-located aerosol profiling
- Field measurement of new polarization optical particle counter capable of measuring particle shape information
- Future Wave Height Situation estimated by the Latest Climate Scenario around Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu
- GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR L 2 Version 02 Product and its Validation
- Global CO2 flux estimation using GOSAT: An inter-comparison of inversion results
- Grid cells analysis of urban growth using remote sensing and population census data
- Ground-based assessment of retrieved aerosol properties from GOSAT observations in multiple carbon dioxide retrieval algorithms
- Hg Isotopic Compositions of Chimneys and Pelagic Sediments at Active Submarine Hydrothermal Field in the Okinawa Trough, Japan
- Holocene sedimentary deposits in the Chukchi Shelf north of the Bering Strait and signatures of Bering Sea-derived sediment deposition
- How sensitive are hydrological simulations to the selection of bias correction methods?
- Impact of river-lake-groundwater interaction on boundless carbon cycle in continental basin
- Implementation of bin scheme into sulfate aerosol module in aerosol climate model
- Influence of differences in current GOSAT X<SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> products on surface flux estimation
- Infrasound and Seismic Observation of the Hayabusa Reentry: Burst Signals and Air-to-Ground Coupling Process
- Inter-annual variability in atmospheric nitrous oxide from 1996 to 2009
- Late Holocene sea-level change, island evolution, and human settlement in Kiribati
- Lidar observation of the 2011 Puyehue volcanic aerosols at Lauder, New Zealand
- Man-made CO2 emission sigunature seen from GOSAT
- Mapping of the VIS-NIR spectral features observed around the lunar swirls and implications for the origin of the albedo structure
- Measurements of volatile organic compounds in rural area of Yangtze River Delta region: Measurement comparison and source characterization
- Mid to late Holocene sea-surface temperature reconstruction using fossil corals from Kume Island, Ryukyu, Japan
- Model Estimates of Pan-Arctic Lake and Wetland Methane Emissions
- Modeling of the Lunar Global Seismic Wave Propagation
- Modeling past and future structure of the global virtual water trade network
- Non-renewable water use on the globe and its implication to sea level change
- On Estimating Crop Coefficients and Decoupling Factors of Forest Ecosystems in East Asia
- Overview and latest updates on the GOSAT Project
- Overview of DRAGON-Japan in 2012
- Planned HISUI radiometric calibration using the lunar reflectance model from SELENE Spectral Profiler data
- Quantifying Impacts of Food Trade on Water Availability Considering Water Sources
- Recent variation of Siberian CH4 fluxes estimated from atmospheric observations of CH4
- Reconstruction of Holocene climate changes related to peatland carbon dynamics in central Alaska: case study using stable carbon and oxygen isotope and 14C wiggle-match dating
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux estimates based on GOSAT and ground-based observations
- Regional impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on precipitation scaling patterns in representative concentration pathways
- Seasonal variation of surface ozone in global chemical models: similarities among models and differences from observations
- Sedimentary organic matter and carbonate variations in the Chukchi Borderland in association with ice sheet and ocean-atmosphere dynamics over the last 155 kyr
- Sensitivity of Backscatter Intensity of ALOS/PALSAR to Above-ground Biomass and Other Biophysical Parameters of Boreal Forests in Alaska and Japan
- Simulation of atmospheric aerosols around Tokyo in summer using a new-type seamless model from global to regional scales
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators
- Structural diversity, degree of freedom, and reliability in climate model ensembles
- Temporal dynamics of blue and green virtual water trade networks
- Temporal fluctuation of the position of the sea surface temperature boundary in the Japan Sea during the Holocene
- The 1km estimation of Vegetation carbon budgets in South Korea using a terrestrial ecosystem model
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- The concentration variation of NO<SUB>y</SUB> and T.NO<SUB>3</SUB> during the transport in the remote marine boundary layer
- The impact of past and future climate change on global human mortality due to ozone and PM2.5 outdoor air pollution
- The occurrence of thin cirrus clouds with short-period gravity waves over the tropical Indian Ocean during CINDY2011/DYNAMO
- The possibility of improving aerosol prediction with ensemble-based data assimilation method
- The seasonal cycle of terrestrial fluorescence and its relationship to global primary productivity (GPP)
- The strategy of GOSAT-2 Project for carbon cycle research
- Tree manipulation experiment
- Variability of the Seychelles Dome and its possible connection to the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- 3 years of GOSAT target mode observations of volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> from space
- A power plant emission signature seen from GOSAT
- A strategy for studying the air pollution effects on climate and public health in Asia (Invited)
- A terrestrial biosphere model optimized to atmospheric CO2 concentration and above ground woody biomass
- Algorithm improvement and expansion of GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR L2 retrievals
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- An evaluation of the CMAQ reproducibility of satellite tropospheric NO2 column observations at different local times over East Asia
- An update to the Surface Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Atlas (SOCAT)
- Analyzing a relationship between permafrost and carbon cycle over Siberia using the diagnostic-type biosphere model
- Application of bias corrections to NIES GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> for estimating surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes, 2009-2011
- Applying ICESat/GLAS data to estimate forest aboveground biomass on Hokkaido, Japan
- Asia-MIP: Multi Model-data Synthesis of Terrestrial Carbon Cycles in Asia
- BECCS and Sustainable Land-Use in Mitigation Pathways
- Change in the near future surface air quality over East Asia under different assumptions in the future emissions of SLCPs
- Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization rates and controlling factors in forest soils in Japanese archipelago
- Chlorine activation in the Arctic winter of 2009/2010 analyzed by combined use of JEM/SMILES and ACE-FTS
- Comparison of lower tropospheric ozone columns observed by DIAL and GOSAT TANSO-FTS TIR
- Comparisons of aircraft measurements of greenhouse gases with GOSAT data
- Development of a generalized multi-pixel and multi-parameter satellite remote sensing algorithm for aerosol properties
- Development of the GOSAT-2 FTS-2 Simulator and Preliminary Sensitivity Analysis for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval
- Effect of anthropogenic land-use and land cover changes on climate and land carbon storage in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century (Invited)
- Emission factors for organic fertilizer-induced N2O emissions from Japanese agricultural soils
- Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane (CF<SUB>4</SUB>) and Hexafluoroethane (C<SUB>2</SUB>F<SUB>6</SUB>) from East Asian Aluminum and Semiconductor Industries
- Emulation of a couple atmosphere-ocean general circulation model with a simple climate model
- Estimating Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions in China using atmospheric observations and inverse modeling
- Examination about the Impact of Thin Clouds in IFOV of GOSAT TANSO-FTS on Estimates of XCO2 in the Amazon
- First results from the C20C Detection and Attribution Project (Invited)
- GOSAT Project update, ongoing studies, and expected outcomes
- Global and regional emissions estimates for N2O
- Global-scale analysis on future changes in flow regimes using Gini and Lorenz asymmetry coefficients
- Impact of aerosols and cirrus clouds on the GOSAT-observed CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> inferred from ground-based lidar, skyradiometer and FTS data at prioritized observation sites
- Inverse modeling of global atmospheric carbon dioxide by Global Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupled Atmospheric Model (GELCA)
- Mapping fifty global cities growth using time-series Landsat data
- Mapping forest succesion types in Siberia with Landsat data
- Measurement of chemical composition and optical properties of PM2.5 at Rudong, China
- Methane emission estimates in East Asia from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Model Estimate of Pan-Arctic Lakes and Wetlands Methane Emissions and Their Future Climate Response
- Model intra-comparison of transboundary sulfate loadings over springtime east Asia
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- Multi-model projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate change (Invited)
- Multimodel Estimate of Global Water Resources Affected by Human Interventions and Climate Change
- New products of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> profiles: Algorithm and initial validation results
- Oligomer Formation Reactions of Criegee Intermediates in the Ozonolysis of Small Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
- Phenological changes in morphological, physiological and optical properties of single-leaves in canopy trees of a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan
- Preliminary validation of the NIES Level 2 water vapour product from GOSAT SWIR measurements
- Regional and transported aerosols during DRAGON-Japan experiment
- Relationship between PSC types and ozone destruction rate quantified with CALIPSO and MLS measurements
- Seasonal variations of Asian black carbon outflow to the Pacific: Contribution from anthropogenic sources in China and biomass burning sources in Siberia and Southeast Asia
- Spatial and Temporal Biases in ACOS-GOSAT and BESD-SCIAMACHY Carbon Dioxide and Effects on Flux Estimates
- Subseasonal forecast skill of the 1988 U.S. drought is linked to human activities (Invited)
- The Role of Eddies in Tropospheric Circulation Trends Associated with Stratospheric Ozone Reduction in the Boreal Summer
- The assessments of uncertainties in global vegetation and soil carbon projections in ISI-MIP study
- The carbon and oxygen isotope records of reef-dwelling foraminifers subjected to five varied pCO2 seawater
- The effect of future outdoor air pollution on human health and the contribution of climate change
- The impacts of disturbance on the spatial and temporal variations of carbon balance in forest ecosystems on Hokkaido, Japan
- Total OH reactivity measurements within a suburban Tokyo forest in late summer 2012 during the AQUAS-TAMA campaign
- Up-scaling of process-based eco-hydrology model to global scale for identification of hot spots in boundless biogeochemical cycles
- Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> using TCCON data and aircraft measurements: Parameter dependency of GOSAT biases and the bias correction
- Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change
- Water and food security in China: virtual water trade associated with crop trade between Chinese provinces
- A 4D-Var CO<SUB>2</SUB> inversion system with NICAM-TM: development and sensitivity analyses
- Adaptation pathways in agriculture: A case study on global wheat production
- Aircraft Measurements for Calibration of the NIES TCCON FTSs and Comparison of the GOSAT Data Observed over Tsukuba and Rikubetsu in Japan
- Analysis of atmospheric methane from Siberian tower observation using chemistry transport model
- Analytical Jacobian Calculation in RT Model Including Polarization Effect
- Assessment of Provincial and Sectoral Emissions in China
- Attributing the Increase in Northern Hemisphere Hot Summers during the Last Half of the 20th Century and the Recent Climate Hiatus
- BECCS capability of dedicated bioenergy crops under a future land-use scenario targeting net negative carbon emissions
- Bottom-up assessment of the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance of Russian forests in 2010 for comparison to Top-down estimates.
- Can We Make Use of Abandoned Land for Carbon Management and Ecosystem Restoration?
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Climate Response due to Black Carbon Aerosols and Black-Carbon-induced SST Effects in MIROC5.0
- Comparison of Emissions Inventories of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants in Asia
- Delay of actions involves large risks in estimations of economic damages and reduction ratios of carbon dioxide emission for lower climate targets.
- Detecting robust signals of interannual variability of gross primary productivity in Asia from multiple terrestrial carbon cycle models and long-term satellite-based vegetation data
- Development of ATLID-MSI synergy for retrieving the vertical profiles of aerosol components
- Development of Multi-Field of view-Multiple-Scattering-Polarization Lidar : analysis of angular resolved backscattered signals
- Development of an aerosol-chemistry transport model coupled to non-hydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model (NICAM) through applying a stretched grid system to regional simulations around Japan
- Development of the inverse model for estimation of the surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes at grid scale and high resolution with GOSAT data
- Differences in satellite CO<SUB>2</SUB> data coverage and their influence on regional flux constraints
- Ecophysiological Remote Sensing of Leaf-Canopy Photosynthetic Characteristics in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Forest in Japan
- Effect of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations in Asia on the Optimization of Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux
- Empirical analysis of aerosol and thin cloud optical depth effects on CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from GOSAT
- Evaluation of Boundless Biogeochemical Cycle through Development of Process-Based Eco-Hydrological and Biogeochemical Cycle Model to Incorporate Terrestrial-Aquatic Continuum
- Evaluation of Ice cloud retrievals using CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODIS/AIRS and EarthCARE
- Field Studies for Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Transboundary Air
- Food Trade and Its Water Footprint Under Climate and Policy Scenarios
- GOSAT-2 Related Activities at National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES), Japan
- Global net irrigation water requirements from various water supply sources during past and future periods
- High Resolution CO2 Simulation for Detecting Emission Hotspots Signal in GOSAT XCO2 Data
- Impact of Combustion Efficiency of Open Biomass Burning on the Mixing State of Black Carbon Containing Particles
- Inter-annual variability of air pollutants over East Asia: an integrated analysis using satellite, lidar and numerical model.
- Interannual variabilities in tropospheric constituents during 2000-2013 simulated in a chemistry-aerosol coupled climate model
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Investigation of methane flux in South Asia using atmospheric measurements at Nainital, India and global Eulerian-Lagrangian coupled atmospheric model
- Laboratory measurements of emissions of nonmethane volatile organic compounds from biomass burning in Chinese crop residues
- Millennial-scale Variation in East Asian Summer Monsoon Front Position Deduced from Provenance Changes in Yangtze River Delta Sediments
- Modeling of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> based on the ground measurements
- Multidisciplinary Research on Canopy Photosynthetic Productivity in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Japan
- OSL dating of fine-grained quartz from Holocene Yangtze delta sediments
- Passive and Active Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases in the GOSAT Project
- Peatland classification of West Siberia based on Landsat imagery
- Permafrost degradation after the 2002 wildfire in Kougarok, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Potential of Higher Moments of the Radar Doppler Spectrum for Studying Ice Clouds
- Projections of Virtual Water Trade Under Agricultural Policy Scenarios in China
- Quantitative analysis of differences in the humidity among GCMs and propagation of uncertainty into irrigational water withdrawal
- Recent Topics about the GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR L2 Retrievals
- Relative Uncertanities in Global SOC Projections in Multiple GCM and RCP
- Resilience Thinking as a Framing Mechanism to Facilitate Collective Community Response to Various Implications of Global Environmental Change
- Retrievals of atmospheric columnar carbon dioxide and methane from GOSAT observations with photon path-length probability density function (PPDF) method
- Robust increase of seasonal amplitude in simulated terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in last decades
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urban Expansion in Japan Using Gridded Land Use Data, Population Census Data and DMSP Data
- Temporal variations of aerosol, glyoxal, and formaldehyde at urban sites of Japan as observed by MAX-DOAS based on detailed error analysis
- Ten Years of Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI): Results and Future Plans
- The Contribution of GOSAT to Understanding Global GHG Distribution and Estimating Regional Carbon Fluxes Over Its Five-year Operation Period and Future Prospect for Community-wide Collaboration
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The physical and chemical characteristics of long-lasting trans-boundary mixed pollutants over East Asia
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Validation of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V01.00 CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> products
- Visualization of the chains of risks under global climate change
- What determines the magnitude of CO2 - land carbon feedback in ESMs?
- Aerosol and cloud radiative forcings derived by CALIPSO and CloudSat satellite observations
- Aging and removal of Black Carbon measured using a Single Particle Soot Photometer in East Asia
- Air-Sea Exchange and Budget of Sulfur and Oxygen-Containing Volatile Organic Compounds in the Pacific Ocean
- An effort for developing a seamless transport modeling and remote sensing system for air pollutants
- Analyzing six-year-long GOSAT Observational Data
- Can we bet on negative emissions to achieve the 2°C target even under strong carbon cycle feedbacks?
- Carbon Flux Estimation in Southeast Asia using a Eulerian-Lagrangian Coupled Inversion System and Observational Data from Multiple Platforms
- Carbon account of forest ecosystems as a fuzzy system: a case study for Northern Eurasia
- Changes in ground-level PM mass concentration and column aerosol optical depth over East Asia during 2004-2014
- Changes in terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget in Siberia in the past three decades
- Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Products
- Characterizing Uncertainties in Estimates of the Direct and Indirect Aerosol Radiative Forcings
- Comprehensive Retrieval of Spatio-temporal Variations in Atmospheric Radionuclides just after the Fukushima Accident by Analyzing Filter-tapes of Operational Air Pollution Monitoring Stations in Eastern Japan
- Constraining methane emissions from the Indo-Gangetic Plains and South Asia using combined surface and satellite data
- Continuous in-situ methane measurements at paddy fields in a rural area of India with poor electric infrastructure, using a low-cost instrument based on open-path near-IR laser absorption spectroscopy
- Contributions of Open Burning to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Suburban Tokyo and the Impact of Biomass Smoke on Cellular Redox Activity
- Detection of Surface Rupture and Deformation Associated with the 2014 Kamishiro Fault Earthquake in Central Japan by Differential LiDAR and Tectonic Geomorphological Survey
- Developing a high-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inversion model for global and regional scale studies
- Development of Advanced Eco-hydrologic and Biogeochemical Coupling Model to Re-evaluate Greenhouse Gas Budget of Biosphere
- Development of ground-based lidars for measuring H<SUB>2</SUB>O and O<SUB>3 </SUB>profiles in the troposphere
- Development of match-up tool of satellite and ground-based greenhouse gases data for GOSAT-2 data validation.
- Development of new historical global Nitrogen fertilizer map and the evaluation of their impacts on terrestrial N cycling and the evaluation of their impacts on terrestrial N cycling
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Do convective schemes substantially alter simulated global climate and cloud feedback?
- Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia
- Estimation of Footprints of Observation Sites Using NIES and FLEXPART Atmospheric Transport Models
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part I: Developing Inputs and Modelling
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part II: Evaluations and Applications
- Estimation of Water Availability Considering Climate Change in the Korean Peninsula
- Estimation of methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes from a Bayesian atmospheric inversion
- Estimation of the possible influence of future climate changes on biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystem
- Evaluation of Global Hydrological Model considering Reservoir Operation
- Full Spectral Resolution Data Generation from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder on S-NPP at NOAA and its Use to Investigate Uncertainty in Methane Absorption Band Near 7.66 µm
- GOSAT Air Pollution Watch - Rapid Response System for Local Air Pollution
- Global Evaluation of Vegetation Carbon Residence Times as Simulated by ISI-IMP2 Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) Using a Data Product based on Satellite and Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Global and Regional Variations in Mean Temperature and Warm Extremes in Large-Member Historical AGCM Simulation
- Hygroscopicity of Materials Internally Mixed with Black Carbon Measured in Tokyo
- Impacts of the autoconversion scheme on the clouds as simulated by a global cloud system-resolving model: regional variability of the impacts
- Improved global estimation of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission from nitrification using a process-based model and meta-analysis
- Improvement of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversion Analysis at JMA
- Improvements of the Radiation Code "MstrnX" in AORI/NIES/JAMSTEC Models
- Inverse modeling analysis of regional methane fluxes using GOSAT retrievals in 2010-2012
- Isotopic Composition of Gaseous Elemental Mercury (Hg<SUP>0</SUP>) at Various Sites in Japan
- Long-term Variations of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> Concentration over Siberia Derived from Aircraft Observation.
- Mapping man-made CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using satellite-observed nighttime lights
- Model-based analysis on the relationship between production and tree-ring growth in Japanese conifer-hardwood mixed forests
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative: Facing the Challenges of Global Change in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Oxygen gradients across the Pacific Ocean: Resolving an apparent discrepancy between atmospheric and ocean observations and models
- Performance Verification of GOSAT-2 FTS-2 Simulator and Sensitivity Analysis for Greenhouse Gases Retrieval
- Possible revisions in reservoir operation rules as an adaptation to climate change assessed by a global hydrological model with anthropogenic activities and a state-of-the-art river routing model
- Radiocesium balance and its behavior in dam on Uda river and Ota river in Fukushima Prefecture
- Regional emission and loss budgets of atmospheric methane (2002-2012)
- Regional forest biomass estimation using ICESat/GLAS spaceborne LiDAR
- Scenario Analysis on Global Hydropower Development Paths and Their Contribution to GHG Mitigation Utilizing a Dynamic CGE Model
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Changes in Photosynthetic and Soil Respiratory Processes in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest on a Mountainous Landscape in Japan.
- Sensitivity of terrestrial N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission to atmospheric nitrogen deposition
- Simulation and validation of global aerosol distributions using a nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model with 14 km grid spacing
- The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Top-Down Assessment of the Asian Carbon Budget Since the Mid 1990s
- Towards TCCON Tropics: Assessment and Measurements of Carbon and its Climate Impacts in Southeast Asia (T<SUP>3</SUP>AM C<SUP>2</SUP>lImA)
- Transport of Dust from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer to the Free Troposphere by a Cold Front: Dust Event in the Gobi Desert on 22-23 May 2013
- Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> retrieved by PPDF-S method
- Validation of Retrieved Aerosol Optical Properties over Northeast Asia for Five Years from GOSAT TANSO-Cloud and Aerosol Imager
- Vertical profiles of atmospheric fluorescent aerosols observed by a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system
- Visualizing interconnections among climate risks
- Will a perfect global model agree with perfect observations?
- Advancement of regional-scale emission mapping of greenhouse gases using anthropogenic emission inventories and a process-based model
- Aerosol radiative forcing depending on the vertical stratification of aerosols and clouds
- An Integrative Observing and Modeling Approach for the Physiological Understanding of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Japan
- Analysis of uncertainties in GOSAT-inferred regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes
- Biophysical relationship between leaf-level optical properties and phenology of canopy spectral reflectance in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Takayama, central Japan
- Can Lower Tropospheric Mixing Constrain Cloud Feedback and Climate Sensitivity?
- Can We Make Green Bonds An Effective Tool For Urban Carbon Management?
- Carbon emissions caused by land-use change in tropical forests of Borneo island
- Cirrus cloud characteristics derived from GOSAT TANSO-FTS spectra: Comparing with CALIOP and MODIS observations
- Climate-change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and water resources at different global warming levels
- Climate-related Large-scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate - Evaluating Global Vegetation Models Using Remote Sensing Products of Biomass and NPP
- Detecting Vegetation Changes Induced by Government Policy in China Using Multiple Satellite Products
- Detection of upward and downward Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emissions at the forest floor in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Development and improvement of historical emission inventory in Asia
- Development of Advanced Eco-hydrologic and Biogeochemical Coupling Model to Constrain Missing Role of Inland Waters on Boundless Biogeochemical Cycle
- Discussion of vicarious calibration of GOSAT/TANSO-CAI UV-band (380nm) and aerosol retrieval in wildfire region in the OCO-2 and GOSAT observation campaign at Railroad Valley in 2016
- Dynamics of phosphorus in suspended particles in a shallow eutrophic lake: a <SUP>31</SUP>P NMR study
- Early snow melts and biomass burning over Eastern Eurasia and their impacts on the air quality in Northern Japan
- Enhanced methane emissions from Amazonian drought by biomass burning
- Estimation of Particle Mass Concentration from Lidar Measurement
- Estimations of global terrestrial carbon flux using bottom-up and top-down approach
- Evaluating the Potential Usefulness of the C20C+ Detection and Attribution Archive
- Evaluation of bias in lower and middle tropospheric GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO<SUB>2</SUB> data through comparisons with aircraft and NICAM-TM CO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- Evaluation of summertime surface ozone in Kanto area of Japan using a semi-regional model and observation
- GOSAT CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversion Inter-comparison Experiment Phase-II and multi-year global fluxes inferred from the NIES flux inversion system
- GOSAT Observations of Anthropogenic Emission of Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- GOSAT field experiments with a new portable mid-IR FTS in the western US
- Global High Resolution Mineral Maps Of The Moon Using Data From the Kaguya Multiband Imager and LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Global hotspots of water scarcity impacts due to human interventions
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Half a Degree Additional Warming; Prognosis and Projected Impacts (HAPPI): Experimental design and initial results
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inverse modeling using ground-based and GOSAT observations
- Impact of climate change on permafrost degradation in Far North-Eastern Siberia
- Improvements of the Eastward Propagation of the MJO in MIROC6
- Influence of model grid size on the simulation of PM2.5 and the related excess mortality in Japan
- Is the zero emission requirement aligned with 2.0°C and 1.5°C stabilization targets?
- Lidar observations at prioritized sites for GOSAT validation
- Long-term Assessment of Carbon Budget of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Russia
- Measurements of fluorescent aerosols using a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system during DUBI 2016 Campaign
- Measurements of water vapor profiles with compact and mobile lidars for local heavy rainfall prediction
- Methane Fluxes in the High Northern Latitudes for 2005 - 2013 Estimated Using a Bayesian Atmospheric Inversion
- Methane fluxes at upland forests in Japan based on the micrometeorological and chamber methods
- Multi-layer Retrievals of Greenhouse Gases from a Combined Use of GOSAT TANSO-FTS SWIR and TIR
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI): Presentation and Justification of the NEFI Science Plan
- Polar Stratospheric Cloud evolution and chlorine activation measured by CALIPSO and MLS, and modelled by ATLAS
- Preparation of the GOSAT-2 FTS-2 SWIR products and its preliminary sensitivity study
- Projection of global terrestrial nitrous oxide emission using future scenarios of climate and land-use management
- Quantifying the role of land-use and land-cover changes in Northern Eurasia in global greenhouse gas emissions and biomass supply during the 21st century using an earth system modeling approach
- Seasonal Variations of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over Fire Affected Regions Based on GOSAT Observations
- Spatial Distribution of Asian Dust Captured by Lidars in the Gobi Desert in May 2013
- TCCON Philippines: Towards Quantifying Atmospheric Carbon in Southeast Asia
- The current status of GOSAT and GOSAT-2
- The performance of Yonsei CArbon Retrieval (YCAR) algorithm with improved aerosol information using GOSAT measurements over East Asia
- Urban CO2 modeling with open geodata toward global carbon mapping
- Validation of GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> derived by PPDF-S method and consideration of its screening criteria
- Vegetation masking effect on snow albedo feedback trends in a boreal forest region of northern Eurasia in future projection with MIROC-ESM
- Winter crop CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake inferred from CONTRAIL CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements over Delhi, India
- 1km Global Terrestrial Carbon Flux: Estimations and Evaluations
- A Multi-model Study on Warm Precipitation Biases in Global Models Compared to Satellite Observations
- A portable FTS measurements during GOSAT and OCO-2 joint campaign in Western US 2017
- Adaptation of an aerosol retrieval algorithm using multi-wavelength and multi-pixel information of satellites (MWPM) to GOSAT/TANSO-CAI
- Aerosol Number Size Distribution and Type Classification from 4-Year Polarization Optical Particle Counter (POPC) Measurements at Urban-Mountain Site in Seoul
- An efficient method for accelerating the spin-up process of a process-based biogeochemistry model and its applications for quantifying global high spatial and temporal resolution carbon budget
- Assessing and Projecting Greenhouse Gas Release due to Abrupt Permafrost Degradation
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Boundary layer height determination from Lidar for improving air pollution episode modelling: development of new algorithm and evaluation
- Changes in springtime tropospheric ozone at Mt. Happo from 1998 to 2016, linked to Asian emissions and North Pacific climate
- Characteristics of atmospheric aerosols observed by lidar at five TCCON sites extending from 43°N to 45°S
- Combining multiple isotopes and metagenomic to delineate the role of tree canopy nitrification in European forests along nitrogen deposition and climate gradients
- Comparison of CO2 Emissions Data for 30 Cities from Different Sources
- Dating of 30m ice cores drilled by Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition and environmental change study
- Dependence on Solar Phase Angle and Grain Size of the Spectral Reflectance of the Railroad Valley Playa for GOSAT/GOSAT-2 Vicarious Calibration
- Distribution of hydrothermal fluid around the ore body in the subseafloor of the Izena hydrothermal field
- Energy-based and process-based constraints on aerosol-climate interaction
- Enhancing the water management schemes of H08 global hydrological model to attribute human water use to six major water sources
- From the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative to the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative
- GOSAT CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inversion Inter-comparison Experiment Phase-II: the first analysis results
- Geochemical evidences of methane hydrate dissociation in Alaskan Beaufort Margin during Holocene
- Global Distribution of Clay-Size Minerals and Soil Carbon on Land Surface
- High-resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux inverse modeling combining GOSAT, OCO-2 and ground-based observations
- How water is different from energy and food?
- Integrated assessment of the health and economic benefits of long-term renewable energy development in China
- Intercomparison between Tsukuba and Rikubetsu TCCON Data via a Portable FTS
- Land Cover Change Detection using Neural Network and Grid Cells Techniques
- Methane production potential and microbial community structure for different forest soils
- Model analysis of long-range transport of black carbon and carbon monoxide from Asia to the Arctic
- Model evaluation using a geo-stationary satellite and in-situ measurements around Japan in May 2016
- Modeling of gravitational separation using the NIES global atmospheric tracer transport model
- Multi-year MAX-DOAS observations of formaldehyde and glyoxal in Phimai, Thailand
- Nowcast and Short-Term Forecast of Solar Radiation for Photovoltaic power and Solar thermal using 3rd generation geostationary satellite.
- OCO-2 and GOSAT observations of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide.
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- Philippines TCCON Project: Installation, Operation, and Comparisons with GOSAT and OCO-2 Data
- Preliminary analysis toward GOSAT-2 new products, proxy-based XCH<SUB>4</SUB> and SIF, using GOSAT data
- Progress status of the GOSAT and GOSAT-2 SWIR L2 products
- Rapid increase in Chloroform (CHCl<SUB>3</SUB>) emissions in China
- Real-time observational evidence of changing Asian dust morphology with the mixing of heavy anthropogenic pollution
- Recent scientific achievements by GOSAT and the status of GOSAT-2 preparation
- Resolution dependency of stratosphere-to-troposphere transport estimated by the global multi-resolution simulations
- Robustness of hydrological indicators for transient and stabilized climate states
- Ship-based Observations of Atmospheric Black Carbon Particles over the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and North Western Pacific Ocean on 2016: Comparisons with Regional Chemical Transport Model simulations
- Socioeconomic Implications of Achieving 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C Climate Targets under Scientific Uncertainties
- Status and Outreach Activities of NIES GOSAT and GOSAT-2 Projects
- Temporal evolution of chlorine and related species observed with Aura/MLS, Envisat/MIPAS, and ground-based FTIR at Syowa Station, Antarctica during late winter and spring in 2007 and 2011
- The TOAR database on observations of surface ozone (and more)
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- The limit of irrigation adaption due to the inter-crop conflict of water use under changing climate and landuse
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Validation of GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> retrieved by PPDF-S method and evaluation of sensitivity of aerosols to gas concentrations
- Aerosol retrieval from space using GOSAT/TANSO-CAI
- Assessment of future global crop failure for maize and soybeans based on the DSSAT simulation
- Avoided heat-related mortality under targeted Paris Agreement scenarios
- Bottom-up and top-down approach investigations on solar induced fluorescence for estimating the photosynthesis at ecosystem scale by both ground-based measurement and modeling
- Bottom-up assessment of methane budget in East Asia
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Inverse Modeling with OCO-2 Retrievals, Ground-Based Observations and High-Resolution Tracer Transport
- Ceilometer observation of a dust storm in the Gobi Desert on 29-30 April 2015: Trapping of dust into a capping inversion layer
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Constructing the simulation model to estimate the SIF using remote sensing data
- Construction of Black Carbon emission inverse system for east Asia
- Contribution of long-range transported aerosols on PM<SUB>10</SUB> mass concentration in Seoul, Korea: An observation-based estimate
- Development of Active learning and NNN for satellite analysis.
- Development of a GCM emulator used in the integrated assessment of climate change policy
- Direct measurement of turbulent flows near a hydrothermal venting area for environmental impact assessment of deep sea mining
- Effects of Suspended Sediment Matter's Input by High Riverine Discharge on Surface River Plume and Vertical Water Exchange: a Simulation Study for the Tango Bay, Japan
- Error analysis on Regional and Global atmospheric transport model
- Estimation of gross domestic production loss due to flood impacts: case study for Thailand flood in 2011
- Evaluating XCO2 bias and quality control methods for OCO-2 soundings in the Boreal Forests
- Forced Summer Stationary Waves: The Opposing Effects of Direct Radiative Forcing and Sea Surface Warming
- Future Emissions Distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and air pollutants in Chinese Iron and Steel Industry by Developing Large-Point-Source(LPS) Downscale Model
- GOSAT-2 FTS-2 SWIR Level 2 and Level 4 Standard Products Generation and Early Validation Plans
- Geographical analysis helps characterising human exposure to harmful environment during and after disasters
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global observation of atmospheric ammonia from TANSO-FTS/GOSAT thermal infrared sounder
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Health effect of Heatwaves and Hot Nights: Evidence from Japanese Archipelago
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- Impact of irrigation on crop yield gain under future change in water resources
- Impact on river water quality by the wildfire in non-decontamination forest in Fukushima, Japan
- Improving Regional and Urban Emission Inventories of Greenhouse Gases for Carbon Cycle Study
- Incorporating a Glacier Model into a Macro-Scale Hydrological Model: Seasnoal River Discharge in Bhutan
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Large-scale dust event in East Asia in May 2017, as revealed by the Himawari-8 DUST RGB and lidar network observations
- Localized Mountain Green Cover Index: Case study of Sripada Mountain in Sri Lanka
- Long-term observations of CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, HCFC-142b, HFC-23, and HFC-134a from ground-based FTIR at Syowa Station, Antarctica, Rikubetsu, and Tsukuba, Japan since 1995
- Long-term portable FTS measurements with GOSAT and OCO-2 preparatory for GOSAT-2
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Modeling the Impact of Regional Climate on Electricity Demand in Japan.
- Oxidation and metal dissolution mechanisms of polymetallic sulfide complex in seawater; implications for impact assessment of SMS-mining
- Paris Agreement zero emissions goal is not always consistent with 2°C and 1.5°C temperature targets
- Phenological changes in SIF and carbon flux in a warm-temperate evergreen forest in Japan
- Preliminary Survey for Evaluation of N Cycling in Oil Palm Plantation on Peat Soil in Malaysia: Spatial Distribution of Dissolved Nitrous Oxide and Nitrate Concentrations in Drainage Water on a Plantation Scale
- Process-oriented constraint on cloud microphysics and its implication for aerosol-cloud interactions
- Progress status of the GOSAT and GOSAT-2 SWIR L2 products
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Selection of Herptile Habitat Management Area Considering Soil Loss
- Simulation of transition metals toward the prediction of oxidative potential and health hazard of aerosols in East Asia
- Smog Chamber Experiments on Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) and Nitrate Aerosol Generation from Dark Condition Aging of Toluene and Limonene SOA
- Spatial Variation in Thermokarst Subsidence after the Anaktuvuk River Fire on the North Slope, Alaska
- Strategies for Setting Conservation Target in Human Dominated Landcover Areas for Systematic Conservation Planning at the Regional Scale
- Study on Carbonized Temperature Estimation of Charcoal Remained in Burnt Area in Namie Town, Fukushima, Japan
- The seasonal and inter-annual variations of regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes estimated from GOSAT data
- The transport pathway of black carbon emitted from the Siberian forest fire in September 2016 with the NICAM-SPRINTARS and R/V Mirai
- The use of gridded fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions inventory for climate mitigation applications: Errors, uncertainties, and current and future challenges
- Three-dimensional simulation of stratospheric gravitational separation using the NIES global atmospheric tracer transport model
- Towards a low carbon and sustainable society in Japan: Impacts of willingness to pay on renewable energy policy planning
- Tracking fast-evolving Nitrogen budgets in crop production on a national scale
- Using atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from site level and retrievals from a space-born sensor in soil carbon model evaluation at global scale
- Validation of Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fractions of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>at the Burgos TCCON Site in the Philippines
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- An investigation of the thresholds for two conventional water scarcity indicators using a global hydrological model with human activities
- Analysis of atmospheric Radon-222 variations observed at JMA stations using model simulations of tagged Radon-222 tracers and Radon-222 age
- Analyzing the globally spatial-temporal variation of anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission
- Asserting the climate benefits of the coal-to-gas shift across temporal and spatial scales: reinforcing the support for coal phase-out
- Assessing Public Health Risk to Heatwaves and Projections of Future Impacts under Climate Change in South Korea
- Assessing the Photosynthetic Dynamics in Climate-changing Mongolia Using Satellite-derived Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) and Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI)
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Climate change-resilient land use model: integration of adaptation and mitigation
- Co-design of a Water Cycle Diagram to Discover Similarities and Differences among Global Water Impact Models
- Comparison analysis of greenhouse gas observation data at Minamitorishima GAW Global station
- Developing Global Riverine N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission scheme used for a global ecosystem model
- Development of multi-model ensemble method for radionuclides released from Fukushima nuclear accident
- Early Results of GOSAT-2 Level 2 Products
- Early retirement of power plants in climate mitigation scenarios
- Earth - Socioeconomic System interaction: towards loosely coupling of an Earth system and integrated assessment models
- Enhancement of a state-of-the-art global hydrological model in simulating the second-generation herbaceous bioenergy crop yield
- Estimating the cost of coastal protection using mangrove forests against sea level rise in the Philippines and Vietnam
- Estimation of Solar radiation and Photovoltaic power using Geostationary satellites.
- Evaluation of Integrated Land Simulator using site observations
- Evaluation of galvanic effects of sulfide mineras on metal dissolution from hydrotehrmal sulfides in seawater; implications for impact assessment of SMS-mining on marine environment.
- Fire-induced CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in Equatorial Asia during the 2015 drought estimated by aircraft and ship observations
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- Future climate change decreases benefits from irrigation for global food production
- Global flood inundation dynamics with explicit representation of major dams
- Ground-based and Automobile GHG Measurements in the GOSAT and OCO Western US Campaign
- Initial check of the cloud discrimination products by CAI-2 onboard GOSAT-2
- Inter-annual variability of subtropical South American wetland emissions estimated from satellite methane observations
- Inversion estimates of regional methane emissions and its trends in 2010-2017 by a global high-resolution model
- Investigation of Transport Processes in Association with the Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Using Balloons, Lidars, and Aircrafts − Japanese Collaboration with the ACCLIP
- Isotopic Compositions of Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM) at the Cape Hedo Atmosphere and Aerosol Monitoring Station (CHAAMS), Japan
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Long-term observations of CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, HCFC-142b, and HFC-23 from ground-based FTIR at Rikubetsu and Tsukuba in Japan, and Syowa Station, Antarctica since 1995
- Mapping paddy field in eastern part of Asia using Sentinel-1 time series assisted by Sentinel-2
- Model updates and early results of a decadal high-resolution climate simulations using the Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, NICAM, for CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Modeling analysis on climatic impact of subgrid cloud inhomogeneity through precipitation and radiation processes
- Observed trends of lidar-based cloud base height and southern oscillation index (SOI) over eastern Japan and South China Sea
- Observing solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from GOSAT and GOSAT-2
- Optimal Spatial Planning Model for Solving Urban Environmental Problems based on urban green of Seoul, South Korea
- Organic phosphorus plays a key role for sediment phosphorus release in a shallow eutrophic lake
- Phenological Observation of Japanese Larch on a Mountainous Landscape in Central Japan, and Application to Carbon Budget Simulation by Using a Process-based Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Process-based insight into precipitation susceptibility to aerosols from global models and satellite observations
- Progress on GOSAT and GOSAT-2 FTS SWIR L2 validation
- Recent progress of SWIR L2 products of GOSAT and GOSAT-2
- Regional budgets of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide using JAMSTEC's MIROC4-ACTM inverse modelling
- Regionalized parameters in global-scale hydrological models: Preliminary assessment of climate controls on parameter transferability
- Satellite-based estimates of column-averaged CO<SUB>2</SUB>/CO ratios in urban areas
- Siberian and temperate ecosystems shape Northern Hemisphere atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplification
- Simulated anthropogenic methane and carbon dioxide enhancements for planning target mode satellite observations
- Simulating the impacts of climate change and farm-level adaptation strategies on rice yields in India and Vietnam
- Simultaneous atmospheric observation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux, <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations and aerosol components in Tokyo for partitioning of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux into emission sources
- Top-down Estimates of Methane Emissions in Russia Using Regional Tower Network Observations
- Validation of simulated SIF and GPP by the 3D radiative transfer model FLiES-SIF: A case study in a cool temperate deciduous forest
- A modelling study on climate changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Amazon Basin as the Key Uncertainty for Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake Enhancement
- Biomass burning spatiotemporal variations over South and Southeast Asia
- Broad Scale Paddy Field Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 on Google Earth Engine
- Carbon cycle feedbacks of CMIP6 models under overshoot scenarios
- Challenges of high-resolution large-ensemble data assimilation on supercomputer Fugaku
- Comparing GOSAT and OCO-2 Observations with High-resolution CO2 Simulation Driven by Fluxes Optimized with Surface Data Inversion
- Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics
- Development of an Optimization Scheme of a Crop Growth Model for Better Estimation of Country-scale Rice Yield
- Development of an algorithm to retrieve maritime aerosol optical properties using an artificial neural network radiative transfer scheme for GOSAT-2/CAI-2
- Future projection of land use change and its impacts on water resources and ecosystems investigated with MIROC-INTEG-LAND: a global bio-geophysical land surface model with human components
- GOSAT-2/TANSO-CAI-2 Aerosol properties and sensitivity test of aerosol models in aerosol retrieval algorithm
- Geochemical characteristics of frozen active layer and near-surface permafrost in the Anaktuvuk River Fire scar, Alaska
- Global 5-arcmin Resolution Water Resource Assessment Using the H08 Global Hydrological Model with the Inter-grid Water Transfer Function
- Global assessment of flood-induced displacement
- Global surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux estimates using GOSAT-2 observations
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- Historical and future warming effects on droughts, fires and fire emissions in equatorial Asia when 2015-like El Niño events occur
- Historical radiative feedbacks accurately quantified using RFMIP simulations: coupled CMIP6 models show higher effective climate sensitivity than AMIP
- Hydrological modelling with reservoir operation - An assessment in the context of climate change adaptation
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Methane Seeps in West Siberian Middle Taiga River Floodplains: Origin and Fluxes
- Multisector analysis on water, economy, and climate change
- Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (nefi), Update
- Phenology of leaf optical properties and their effects on canopy reflectance in cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest
- Quantification of the Impacts of Sustainable Irrigation on Global BECCS Potential
- Quantifying impact of anthropogenic disturbances on carbon cycle changes in inland waters by using advanced earth system model in terrestrial-aquatic continuum
- Quantifying the effect of dams in reducing global flood exposure under climate change
- Rapid reduction in black carbon emissions from China: evidence from 2009-2020 observations on Fukue Island, Japan
- Recent Global Distributions of Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Monoxide, and Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence as Seen from GOSAT-2
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The long-term observation of PRI and LUE and phenological changes in a temperate Japanese cypress forest at Kiryu Japan.
- Trade-offs of large-scale bioenergy plantations with future water availability
- Update on Validation of GOSAT and GOSAT-2 FTS SWIR L2 Products
- Validation of isotope-incorporated The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model
- A comparison of precipitation isotopes between cloud processes using a global non-hydrostatic model
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- Aerosol properties from GOSAT-2/TANSO-CAI-2 and comparison with ground-based and other satellite aerosol products.
- Aligning the harvesting year in global gridded crop model simulations with that in census reports is pivotal to national-level model performance evaluations for rice
- Analysis of the on-orbit instrumental characteristics of TANSO-FTS-2 onboard GOSAT-2 to improve the SWIR L2 Product
- Associations between PM10, Smoke Haze, and Under-5 Mortality in Klang Valley, Malaysia (2014-2016)
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Comparison of aerosol optical properties estimated from GOSAT-2/CAI-2 and ground-based observations (AERONET, SKYNET)
- Development of scientifically based water risk tool
- Economy-Wide and Food System Nitrogen Budgets in Japan from 2000 to 2015
- Evaluating radiometric responsivity degradations of TANSO-FTS/GOSAT using principal component analysis
- Facilitation of soil nitrate production by mangrove roots in hypoxic soil condition
- Fine-scale ground truth of ground displacement in the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) for satellite and airborne L-band SAR
- Gridded Fossil fuel CO2 emissions in support of the UNFCCC inventory reporting framework
- Health impacts of long-term PM2.5 exposure in China from 1990 to 2019 and the implication to current and future emission controls
- Impact of bioenergy crops expansion on climate-carbon cycle feedbacks in overshoot scenarios
- Impact of transition of rain-fed to irrigation-fed agriculture on water use and availability in the CONUS
- Implementation and Evaluation of Flood Water Diversion System as an Adaptation Strategy in the Context of Climate Change in the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand
- Implications of Climate and Socioeconomic Change for Future Drought Risk
- Implications of Global Agricultural Trade Uncertainty for Latin Americas Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems
- Improvement of NICAM toward the achievement of global cloud-resolving climate simulations
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Investigating the Association between Ambient Temperature and Aggression
- Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
- Joint Retrieval of Aerosols and Surface Properties from GCOM-C/SGLI Multispectral Observations
- Mapping the global seawater desalination plants distribution using species distribution models
- Megacity and wildfire XCO, XCO2, and XCH4 observed by GOSAT-2
- Modelling the concentration of pollutants over Hateruma Island
- Multiple Time-series Vegetation Index Based on Satellite Data for Detecting the Phenology of Rice Paddy Field
- Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) studies on the supercomputer Fugaku: Challenges and next directions
- Observing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants with the GOSAT-GW satellite: Scientific targets and policy contributions
- Process-Oriented Analysis of Droplet Growth in Warm Water Clouds with a Combined Use of Imager-Derived Cloud Properties and Radar-Derived Vertical Cloud Profiles
- Process-based model for estimation of wheat production MATCRO-Wheat
- Process-oriented evaluation of warm rain in multiple global models: Early results from GEWEX PROES-WR
- Quantifying Impact of Anthropogenic Disturbances on Water Availability and Water Stress in Mongolian Urban and Mining Hubs by Using Process-Based Eco-Hydrology Model
- Recent updates and future plan of GOSAT Series (GOSAT, GOSAT-2, and GOSAT-GW) products generated by NIES SOC
- Retrieving solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from multilayers in a deciduous forest with low resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade
- Seasonal patterns in GOSAT and GOSAT-2 SIF in temperate deciduous and evergreen forests in Japan
- Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence from canopy-top, middle and bottom layers as a potential proxy of gross primary productivity in a canopy of a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
- Sharp longitudinal variation in the Venusian cloud optical thickness simulated by a Venus GCM
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Temporal Changes of Top-of-Canopy Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Evergreen Coniferous Forest in Japan
- The Greenhouse Gas Budgets in Central and Western Asia from 1960 to 2019
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change
- Top-down estimate of the terrestrial carbon balance for northern boreal regions suggests larger carbon sink in Siberia
- Toward developing a multi-scale estimation system of greenhouse gas budgets in Asia for supporting the Global Stocktake
- Towards hyper resolution global hydrological modeling with human activities an application of the H08 model to the Kyushu Island in Japan
- Zoonotic disease and climate change: waterfowl migration changes and its impact on avian influenza outbreaks in wild birds
- long term observation of vegetation indices and eddy covariance fluxes during winter leaf reddening in a temperate Japanese cypress forest
- A modeling study for forest structure effect on Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence in a relatively sparse canopy of the temperate larch forest in Mt. Fuji, Japan
- Assessment of East Asian Air Pollution through measurement and modelling of VOCs
- Changes in the Neutralizing Distance of Thermal Pollution Caused by Thermal Power Plants in Warmer Climate Scenarios
- Continuation of long-term geostationary aerosol monitoring over East Asia: Retrieval of aerosol optical depths from GOCI-II measurements
- Design of the retrieval algorithm and level 2 product for greenhouse gases from GOSAT-GW
- Development of a Multi-scale Monitoring System of Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Budgets in Asia-Pacific Region
- Development of a Multiphase Equation of State for Iron and its Alloys
- Estimating Crop Yield in A Global Hydrological Model
- Evaluating the Impact of Irrigated Paddy Fields on Water Cycle by Coupling Land Surface and Rice Growth Models
- Evaluation of Extreme Heat Events under Climate Change and its Resulting Impact on Heatstroke Cases in Japan using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
- Evaluation of Fossil CO2 Emissions at Regional Scale Using a Global Inverse Modeling System
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global Water Cycle Shifts Substantially Beyond Stable Pre-industrial Conditions - Planetary Boundary for Freshwater Change Transgressed
- Global carbon dioxide flux estimates based on GOSAT-2 observations
- Global estimation of methane emissions from termites
- Global sub-5km mesh Model Intercomparison (DYAMOND2) and Highlighted Experiments on Supercomputer Fugaku
- Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Observation by TANSO-3 onboard GOSAT-GW: One year before Launch
- Health Impact Assessments of Vegetation Fires - A Systematic Review
- Hydrological Ensemble Approach for Flash Flood Early Warning System Development
- Hydrometeorological Real-Time Forecasting Framework for Flash Flood Early Warning System Development
- Impact of Arctic-Siberian warming on East Asian heatwaves
- Improved XCO₂ retrieval of the OCO-2 using the A-train satellite aerosol measurements
- Irrigated Cropland Expansion Exacerbates the Urban Moist Heat Stress in Northern India
- Issues to be solved for deliver climate change projection information to users
- Latest Progress of SWIR L2 Products of GOSAT and GOSAT-2
- Mapping CO2 Point Source Emissions with Hyperspectral Imager Suite
- Mapping Rice and Soybean Calendars Based on Different Algorithms
- Methane emissions in the Tibetan Plateau of China inferred from atmospheric observations
- NH3 fuel in Japan: decoupling CO2 and Energy but coupling reactive N and Energy?
- Near-real-time estimation of fossil fuel CO2 emissions from China based on atmospheric observations at remote islands in Japan
- Observations of Localized CH4 Enhancements by the GOSAT-2 Satellite
- Parameter Optimization of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model Using Tower-observed Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in a Cool-temperate Forest in Japan
- Photoprotection mechanism of temperate Japanese cypress canopy in response to excessive light stress in winter
- Prioritization of Fruit Crops for Crop Switching as an Adaptation Option Under Climate Change Uncertainties
- Quasi-Periodic Cloud Opacity Variation Associated with Vertical Winds Simulated by a Venus GCM
- Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Transition of Cropped Agriculture may Enhance Urban-Rural Water Conflict
- Research on Climate Change Impact Detection Method Using River Level Data Less Affected by Dams and Urbanization
- Significance of socioeconomic data distribution in global water scarcity assessment
- Spatial heterogeneity and the area-specific predictors in the association between particulate matter air pollution and mortality in Japan
- Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Riverine Plastic Transport in Continental and Global Scales by Developing an Advanced Process-based Model
- The HTAPv3 emission mosaic: a global effort to tackle air quality issues
- The estimation of climate change impacts on wheat production by process-based model MATCRO-Wheat
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Karion
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail Birnbaum
- Ahmed Elkouk
- Akihiko Ito
- Alejandro Bodas‐Salcedo
- Ana Bastos
- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
- B. D. Belan
- B. H. Samset
- Benjamin Poulter
- C. Zhang
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Changhui Peng
- Chihiro Kodama
- Chinchu Mohan
- Chris Fook Sheng Ng
- Christoph Müller
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daisuke Goto
- Daisuke Takasuka
- Daisuke Tokuda
- David Crisp
- Debra Wunch
- Dylan B. Millet
- Edward Byers
- Eric A. Davidson
- F. Chevallier
- Fei Luo
- Fenjuan Wang
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Fortunat Joos
- George Pouliot
- Geping Luo
- Go Iwahana
- H. Takahashi
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Hanqin Tian
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Hiroshi Tanimoto
- Hyungjun Kim
- Irina Melnikova
- Isamu Morino
- Ivan Mammarella
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeong-Hun Kim
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Joeri Rogelj
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Joo-Hong Kim
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Junjie Liu
- K. W. Bowman
- Kai Kornhuber
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kazuya Nishina
- Kazuyuki Saitô
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kentaro Hayashi
- Kentaroh Suzuki
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly Strong
- Lina Koyama
- Linjie Jiao
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- M Sekiguchi
- M. J. Evans
- Maisa Rojas
- Masahiro Tanoue
- Masaki Satoh
- Masaru Yamamoto
- Masayoshi Ishii
- Masuo Nakano
- Mesfin Mekonnen
- Miina Porkka
- Minghuai Wang
- Motoki Sasakawa
- Mukesh Kumar
- Myungje Choi
- Naohisa Nakashima
- Naoki Terada
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nicolas Delbart
- Niko Wanders
- Ning Zeng
- Norihiko Sugimoto
- Peter Burek
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Petra Döll
- Prabir K. Patra
- Prakat Modi
- Pushpendra Raghav
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qinglian Guo
- Qinxue Wang
- Qiuan Zhu
- Robert B. Jackson
- Roland Séférian
- Rona L. Thompson
- Satbyul Estella Kim
- Scot M. Miller
- Sean Crowell
- Seong‐Joong Kim
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shufen Pan
- Simon N. Gosling
- Simon Zwieback
- Siyu Chen
- Sofie te Wierik
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sourish Basu
- Sridhara Nayak
- Steve Smith
- T. Oda
- Tadanobu Nakayama
- Takashi Sekiya
- Takemasa Miyoshi
- Takuro Michibata
- Tamaki Suematsu
- Tatsuya Morozumi
- Tatsuya Seiki
- Tazu Saeki
- Teruyuki Nakajima
- Tetsuya Takemi
- Tokuta Yokohata
- Tomoe Nasuno
- Tomohiro Sato
- Tomoki Kiyono
- Tomoki Miyakawa
- Toshichika Iizumi
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- Vili Virkki
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wilfried Winiwarter
- William J. Riley
- Wim Thiery
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xianwen Jing
- Yadu Pokhrel
- Yasumasa Kasaba
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yukio Yoshida
- Zhipin Ai