National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba
flowchart I[National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (581)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (50)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Three-Dimensional Reflection Seismic Investigation of Seismogenic Zone, in the eastern Nankai accretionary prism
- Altitude-Slope Relationships For Each Geology in Accretionary Complex Based on GIS Analysis
- Characteristics of the Earthquake Related ELF/VLF Band Electromagnetic Field Changes
- Coccolithophore export production in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Complex fault patterns in Western Nagano, Japan revealed by the double-difference method
- ENSO Related Variations in the Flux and Labile Composition of Settling Particles in the Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Effects of Water and Strain-Rate on the Strength of the Brittle Regime: Experimental Study on Rock Strength
- Experimental study on the hierarchical rupture process of faults having heterogeneous asperities
- Fluctuation in Sedimentation of Biogenic Components and Inorganic Elements on the Shatsky Rise in the Western North Pacific During the Late Quaternary
- Heat Flux above a Larch Forest in East Asia
- High-resolution SST and SSS Records of IMAGES Core (MD982195) in the Northern Part of the East China Sea
- Impact of ENSO (El Nino/ Southern Oscillation) on export fluxes in the western and central equatorial Pacific
- Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Over Contrastive Deciduous Forest Ecosystems in Japan: Responses to Temperature Variability
- Neural Network Processing of Noisy Magnetotelluric Data
- Present Status of AsiaFLux Network and a View Toward the Future
- Processing of the French-Japanese SFJ Survey on the Eastern Nankai Trough
- Re-examination of faulting process and tsunami generation of the 1952 Tokachi-Oki earthquake (M 8.2) along the Kurile trench
- Salinity Effect on Benthic Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotopic Composition: Evaluation through Culture Experiments in the Laboratory
- Seafloor Spreading in the Southern Mariana Trough Inferred From 3-component Magnetometer Data
- Active and Restricted Phylotypes of Bacteria in Suiyo Seamount Hydrothermal Plume
- Amino acid and hexosamine in the equatorial western Pacific: vertical fluxes and individual preservation through water column to surface sediments
- Analysis of microbial community structures within the core recovered at hydrothermal site of Suiyo seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, Western Pacific
- Archaeal Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu-Ogasawara Arc
- Characterization of a Novel Thermococcus sp. from a Hydrothermal Vent of the Suiyo Seamount
- Coral skeletal Tin and Copper Concentration at Pohnpei, Micronesia, as a potential proxy for marine pollution
- Coseismic Slip Beneath Forearc Basins in Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes: Implications for the Size and Mode of Rupture on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Euryhaline Halophilic Microorganisms From the Suiyo Seamount Hydrothermal Vents.
- Evaluation of microbial community in hydrothermal field by direct DNA sequencing
- Fluctuation in Sedimentation of Organic Carbon and Inorganic Elements in the Eastern Indian Ocean During the Late Quaternary
- Geophysical structure of a hydrothermal system in the Suiyo Seamount, the Izu-Bonin Island Arc, Western Pacific
- Global-scale, seasonal carbon sources and sinks from the TransCom atmospheric inversion experiment
- Influence of Magmatic Volatiles to Hydrothermal Activity at Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Ogasawara Arc, Western Pacific
- Jog Structures at Both Ends of the Tepetarla Segment Ruptured as the First Subevent of the 1999 Izmit Earthquakes, Turkey, Revealed by Acoustic Surveys in the Izmit Bay and the Sapanca Lake
- Magma Reservoir Processes at Unzen Volcano: A Result of Unzen Scientific Drilling Project
- Microbial Diversity in Hydrothermal Surface to Sub-surface Environment of Suiyo Seamount
- Physical and Rheological Properties of Fault Zone Rocks, Mylonite, Under High Pressure and High Temperature
- Re-evaluation of Fault Geometry and Slip Distribution of the 1944 Bolu-Gerede Earthquake Rupture, North Anatolian Fault System, Turkey
- Scientific Cruise Report from KR02-10: Hydrogeological and Geothermotic study around the Naikai Trough.
- Source depth dependence of micro-tsunamis recorded with ocean-bottom pressure gauges and its use for earthquake source parameter studies
- Tectonic features of out-of-sequence-thrusts in central Nankai accretionary prism
- Tidal bottom current modulation of chemical environment in the Suiyo hydrothermal site in the Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin) Arc.
- Using Hydrothermal Plumes and Their Chemical Composition to Identify and Understand Hydrothermal Activity at Explorer Ridge
- Variable forearc stress behind the eastern Nankai subduction zone in the last two million years
- 3-D Attenuation structure beneath the Kanto District
- A Fresh Look at the Triggering of Earthquake Pairs, Such as the Landers-Big Bear, Landers-Hector Mine, Izmit-Duzce, and Nenana-Denali, and March-May 1997 Kagoshima Events
- An attempt to directly monitor stress buildup and triggered earthquakes within one fault distance in South African deep gold mines
- Characteristics of logging data for fracture zones in Hirabayashi NIED borehole drilling through Nojima fault
- Discovery of Active Hydrothermal Sites Along the Mariana Volcanic Arc, Western Pacific Ocean
- Experimental Study on Growth Kinetics of Gas Hydrates in Marine Sediments
- Fault Development In The Imbricate Thrust Pile Under Variable Basal Friction And Slope Geometry From The Sand Box Analog Modeling
- Frictional Properties of Mylonite Under High Pressure and High Temperature
- Geochemical Characterization of Hydrothermal Plumes Above Hydrothermally Active Volcanos on the Mariana Arc
- Hydrothermal deposits in the Southern Trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Observations and Preliminary Results from the 2003 MBARI Dive Program
- Inter-annual variations of GPP and NEP above a cool-temperate deciduous forest at Takayama (AsiaFlux) in the last decade
- Magnetic Tests For Magnetosome Chains In Martian Meteorite ALH84001
- Modeling of receiver functions for laterally heterogeneous structures using a 2.5D FDM
- Observed dispersion curves of long period atmospheric acoustic waves
- Permeability Changes Of Fault Gouge While Frictional Sliding Under High-Temperature And High-Pressure Conditions
- Properties of Porous Media Flow in Sand Column with Gas Hydrates
- Receiver Function Analysis of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath Kyushu, Japan
- Vent Plume Characteristics at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Volcano emissions of trace metals, atmospheric deposition, and supply to biogeochemical cycles
- A Systematic Reconnaissance of Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Along the South Tonga (Tofua) Intra-oceanic arc
- Active Volcanic and Hydrothermal Processes at NW Rota-1 Submarine Volcano: Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Annual Variations in Aspartic Acid Content of Coral Skeleton: A new Proxy for Changes in Biological Activity of Coral
- Bacterial Discrimination by FISH using Molecular Chaperon GroE
- Bacterial Temperature Adaptation by Molecular Chaperon GroE
- Characteristics of Hydrothermal Activity in the Lau Back Arc Basin
- Characterization of Physical and Hydro-Geological Properties of Kanamaru Research Site in Japan
- Conduit drilling at Unzen volcano, Japan: core description and interpretation
- Discovery and drilling of on- and off-axis hydrothermal sites in backarc spreading center of southern Mariana Trough, Western Pacific
- Diversity and distribution of microbes in deep-sea sub-vent systems, using newly designed in situ growth chambers
- Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids in South Mariana Backarc Spreading Center
- Hydrological Changes Induced by the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake at Wells in Hokkaido, Japan
- Improved Method for Direct Detection of Environmental Microorganisms Using an Amplification of 16S rDNA Region
- Lessons from Suiyo Seamount studies, for understanding extreme (ancient?) microbial ecosystems in the deep-sea hydrothermal fields
- Long-Period Ground Motion: 3-D Finite Difference Simulation of the 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan, Earthquake (Mw 8.0)
- Methane Distribution In Plumes Of The South Mariana Back-arc Spreading Center
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Southern Mariana Trough
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu-Bonin Arc
- Molecular ecological analysis of the distribution and diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and microbes in deep-sea hydrothermal sites of the Suiyo Seamount, Izu-Bonin Arc, and the Mariana Arc-Backarc, Western Pacific
- Pinpoint core sampling at active faults in the Nankai subduction zone by new ROV "NSS"
- Quantitative Population Analysis of Some Groups of Epsilon-Proteobacteria, Using in situ Growth Chamber Samples From Hydrothermal Vents in the South Mariana
- Scaling Relation of Seismic Nucleation Estimated from Slow Initial Phase
- Seismic reflection profiling between the Tone canal and eastern Saitama city in the Kanto plain, central Japan
- Simultaneous Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity and Specific Storage of A Test Specimen From Laboratory Permeability Tests
- Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Mariana Arc Hydrothermal Systems
- Synthesis of Scalar-Wave Envelopes in Anisotropic Random Media Using the Markov Approximation
- Tsunami Events of the Nankai Earthquakes During the Last 4000 Years
- Unzen Volcano Scientific Drilling: Well Logging Data of the USDP-4
- AMT and MT Survey at the Mid-mountain Area of Jeju Island, Korea
- Analogue Modeling of the Neogene North Fossa Magna Basin, Central Japan
- Application of the variance method for CO2 flux to aircraft measurement
- Apportioning carbon sources of authigenic carbonate of extremely 13C-depleted foraminifera from the western North Pacific sediments: Implication from the coupled 13C and 14C isotopic mass balance approach
- BSR pull-up phenomena in the Kumano Basin
- Carbon Fluxes from Submarine Arc Volcanoes - examples from the Mariana and Kermadec Arcs
- Depth Dependence of the Fault Strength in the Creeping Section of the Atotsugawa Fault, Japan
- Detailed Seismic Image of Mud Volcones in Kumano Basin
- Development of a New Analog Test System Capable of Modeling Tectonic Deformation Incorporating the Effects of Pore Fluid Pressure
- Ecosystem carbon isotopic discrimination in a cool-temperate deciduous forest at Asian Monsoon region: Implication from aerosol-leaf wax biomarkers
- Estimating NEP by micrometeorological and biometric methods in a larch forest in Hokkaido, Japan
- Estimation of Light Use Efficiency of Japanese Larch Forest Using Remote Sensed Vegetation Indices
- Evolution of Mixing State and Size Distribution of Black Carbon in the Urban Plumes Observed over the Ocean
- Experimental investigation of pore fluid assisted detachment in the fold and thrust zone using a new analog modeling system
- Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Tectonically- and Volcanically-Hosted High Temperature Venting at 2-7 Degrees S
- Immersion Experiment of Commercial Concrete in Groundwater (Kanamaru, Japan)
- Impact of Cloud Occurrence on CO2 Sources/Sinks Inversions Based on Satellite Data
- Near-field Physical And Biological Impacts Of Direct Injection Of CO2 Into The Ocean
- Numerical Examination of the Effective Investigation Areas by Single-Well Hydraulic Tests in Low-Permeability Environments
- Numerical simulation of MH growth/dissociation by hot water injection on the Lab. experiment
- Porosity Increase Behavior in Persistent Compaction Regime of Stressed Sandstone
- Pressurization effect on bulk properties and pore connection of sedimentary rock specimens from TCDP cores
- Process and Mechanism of Notch Growth-Induced Rock Fall on Vertical Coastal Slopes in Boso Peninsula: Evidence From Field and Numerical Studies
- Slip Distributions Of The 2004 Off Kii-peninsula Earthquakes (Mw 7.3, 7.5) Estimated By Joint Inversion Using Tsunami Waveforms And Crustal Deformation Data
- The Rovibronic Line f-Values of N2 in the 91.6 nm Region: High-Resolution, High-Temperature
- Water resources in the Japanese Islands
- Water-saturated physical modeling of accretionary wedges
- Where does fluid go in the seawater from the Lost City Hydrothermal Field?
- A Portal Service of Earth Observation Data via Google Earth
- A Set of Analytical Solutions to Radial Diffusion Tests (in the Laboratory)
- A Synthesis of Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter, and Sidescan Sonar of the Mariana Submarine Magmatic Arc, Western Pacific
- A study of the change in uranium load of streamwater during downstream -mainly about the biofilm on the riverbed-
- Aerobic Reduction of Arsenate by a Bacterium Isolated From Activated Sludge
- Aseptic and Deoxidized Drilling Program and Undisturbed Rock/Water Sample Retrieval in Sedimentary Rocks
- CO2 Retrieval Simulation From Thermal Infrared Spectra of GOSAT Satellite
- Development of a New Apparatus for Investigating Acoustic Effects on Hydraulic Properties of Low-Permeability Geo-Materials
- Effects Of Clay On The Frictional Strength And Fluid Flow Property Of Faults
- Effects of Cyclic Desiccation on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Neogene Sandstones and Siltstones From Boso Peninsula, Japan
- Fundamental Theories and Concepts for Developing a Versatile Laboratory Permeability Test System
- Geochemical baseline survey based on water chemistry of low-order streams: an example on the Kanamaru area, northeastern Japan
- Hydrothermal Exploration by AUV: ABE in the Lau Basin and South Atlantic
- Hydrothermal Plume Mapping Along the Hotspot-affected Galapagos Spreading Center Finds High-Temperature Vent Sites are Anomalously Scarce
- Late Holocene marine terraces along the northeastern Japan Sea: Evidence of coseismic uplift associated with large earthquakes beneath an active fold and thrust belt
- Liquid CO2 venting on the seafloor: Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal system, Okinawa Trough
- Liquid and Emulsified Sulfur in Submarine Solfatara Fields of two Northern Mariana Arc Volcanoes.
- Matsushiro Earthquake Swarm (1965-1967) as a Natural Analogue of CO2 Storage and Leakage
- Microbial Community in a Sediment-Hosted CO2 Lake of the Southern Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal Field
- Mid Holocene SST record from Northern South China Sea using fossil coral and Atmosphere-Ocean GCM model
- Molecular Analysis of the Two Morphotypes of Planktonic Foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber
- Multi-electrode Resistivity Monitoring of Moisture Movement in the Unsaturated Zone by Air Injection
- New Model For@Volumetric Strain Of Rocks Under High Differential Stress And Large Shear Displacement
- Petrological feature of crust and mantle xenoliths in petit spot volcano: Implications for the structure of the old oceanic plate
- Polygonally cracked Kikkou-boulder and rock weathering in Yakushima, Japan
- Thermal properties of marine sediments recovered from eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Transport and frictional properties of core samples from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and its association with the heat generation due to frictional heating
- Up-Close Fluid Sampling at a Deep Submarine Lava Eruption
- 2007 Mw=6.6 Niigata Chuetsu-Oki earthquake ruptured on a fault strongly unclamped by the 2004 Mw=6.6 Niigata Chuetsu shock
- A New Tool for Detecting Hydrothermal Plumes: an ORP Sensor for the PMEL MAPR
- Arctic Gakkel Ridge hydrothermal plume study by in-situ redox and particle size measurements.
- Biological and Geological Characteristics of the Gakkel Ridge
- Constitutive Equation of Variable Compliance Type for Artificial Sediment Containing Methane Hydrate
- Cross-Evaluation of Laboratory Permeability Tests by Dimensionless Analysis
- Effect of a nitrogen-carbon interaction on terrestrial carbon fluxes estimated by biosphere model
- Environmental Magnetic Record of the past 220 kyr from Timor Sea
- Experimental Study in Laboratory on consolidation and gas production behavior during Dissociation of Methane Hydrate by Depressurization
- Experimental study on steam and inhibitor injection into methane hydrate bearing sediments
- Fault strength drop due to phase transitions in the pore fluid
- Geochemical Characterization of Hydrothermal Plume Fluids From Peridotite- and Basalt- Dominated Regions of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge
- Geochemical baseline survey based on streamwater chemistry of small mountainous watersheds in the Kanamaru area, Japan
- Heat Flow Distribution At A Mud Volcano In Kumano Basin, East Of Kii Peninsula, Central Japan
- Laboratory measurement of orthogonally anisotropic and low permeability of a crystalline rock
- Mapping of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Gakkel Ridge During AGAVE 2007
- Microbial Communities at Non-Volcanic and Volcanic Sites of the Gakkel Ridge
- Millennial-Scale Variation of Intermediate Water Intensity in the Bering Sea During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Cycle
- Mini 3D seismic surveys of mud volcanoes in the Kumano Basin
- Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Rock Specimens from Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland
- Physical and bio-chemical mass-balance model around seafloor cold seepages
- Physical properties and constraints of hydrothermal plumes on the Gakkel Ridge during AGAVE 2007
- Possible Earthquake Generated Turbidites along the Sumatra Margin
- Potential methane production in sediments from the Cascadia Margin, IODP Expedition 311
- Radiocarbon-based Turnover Time Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest in Asian Monsoon Region
- Relation between methane hydrate-bearing formations and geological phenomena on the seafloor in the eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- Repeated Resistivity and GPR Surveys for the Monitoring of Water Content and Temperature in the Unsaturated Zone
- Scientific Scope and Summary of the Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition
- Slow earthquakes with duration of about 100 s suggested by the scaling law
- Source Process of the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake Derived from Near-fault Strong Motion Data
- Spontaneous rupture processes with thermal pressurization: Spatial variation of rupture and effect of shear zone thickness and fault shap
- Sulfur Lakes and Sulfur-rich Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems on the Mariana Arc
- The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, Earthquake Brought Thrust and Strike-Slip Faults Near Algiers Closer to Coulomb Failure
- The Microboudin Method: a New Paleostress Analysis
- The Microstructure of Nankai Trough Methane hydrate sediments by Scanning Electron Microscope
- The roughness of uni-axial tensile fracture and rock anisotropy in Inada granite
- Towed and AUV Technologies for Arctic Operations
- Tropospheric ozone-enhanced layers observed over the equatorial Pacific Ocean and the contribution of transport of midlatitude UT/LS air
- Tsunami Field Survey for the Solomon Islands Earthquake of April 1, 2007
- Venting of a Separate CO2-Rich Gas Phase from Submarine Arc Volcanoes
- Are slow slip events more than the cumulative sum of slip in Tremor?
- Chemical Characterization and Single Scattering Albedo of Atmospheric Aerosols Measured at Amami-Oshima, Southwest Japan, During Spring Seasons
- Decadal Trend of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Subarctic Western North Pacific Ocean
- Environmental Assessment for Potential Impacts of Ocean CO2 Storage on Marine Biogeochemical Cycles
- Estimation of underground fracture density of granitic rocks body using P-wave velocity tomography and crack tensor theory
- First Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields Discovered at the Equatorial Southern East Pacific Rise
- Geoelectric Monitoring Studies for the Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage
- Heat flow distribution and thermal structure of the Nankai subduction zone off the Ki-i Peninsula
- High-Resolution Distribution of Temperature, Particle and Oxidation/Reduction Potential Anomalies From a Submarine Hydrothermal System: Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
- Hydrothermal Cooling Within the Lau Integrated Study Site: No Evidence for Off-axis Discharge
- Integrated Applications of Geophysical and Direct-push Techniques to Characterized a Contaminated Ground
- Long-Term Resistivity Monitoring with Soil Water Content and Temperature Measurements in the Unsaturated Zone
- Long-term temperature monitoring at the biological community site on the Nankai accretionary prism off Kii Peninsula
- Modeling of laboratory experiments determining the chemico-osmotic, hydraulic and diffusion properties of sedimentary rocks
- Primary hydrothermal input above nonbuoyant plume level in the water column.
- Prokaryotic diversity, distribution, and insights into their role in biogeochemical cycling in marine basalts and gabbros
- Reconstruction of the East China Sea paleoenvironment at 16 ka by comparison of fossil and modern Faviidae corals from the Ryukyus, southwestern Japan
- Regional Venting in the Manus Basin, New Britain Back Arc
- Role of the Bering Sea on the glacial strength of North Pacific Intermediate Water in the North Pacific
- Sea-ice distribution and pressure pattern in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Seismic Interpretation Based of the Gas Hydrate Bearing Filed off Joetsu, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Sensitivity Analysis of Key Parameters on the Behavior of CO2 Injected Into a Deep Saline Aquifer
- Surface CO2 Flux in Weekly Time Resolution Over the Globe Inferred From CONTRAIL Data set
- The fifth model for the huge tsunami generation off northwest Sumatra during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- The method to estimate a slip distribution of a large earthquake based on the spatial distribution of its aftershocks and rate- and state friction law: Further development
- A 3D visualization of spatial relationship between geological structure and groundwater chemical profile around Iwate volcano, Japan: based on the ARCGIS 3D Analyst
- Application of a multiply coupled Rayleigh oscillator model to seismicity simulations
- Correlation of submarine deposits and witness accounts of the 1952 Myojinsho submarine eruption, Izu-Bonin arc, by bathymetric survey
- Difference in the CO2/H2O Ratio of Magmatic Component Included in Fumarolic Gases Sampled at Two Neighboring Akan and Kussharo Volcanic Calderas on Hokkaido Island, Japan
- Discovery of New Hydrothermal Venting Sites in the Lau Basin, Tonga Back Arc
- Distributions and contents of the organic carbon and major heavy metals in aquatic environment surrounding the active submarine hydrothermal vent in the Northwestern Pacific
- Effect of the Different DEM and Geological Parameters on the Accuracy of Landslide Susceptibility Map
- Effect of thermal pressurization on dynamic rupture propagation under depth-dependent stress
- Field test to the use of vegetation indices for phenology detection
- Field-based evaluation of geological storage capacity of carbon dioxide: an example of Cretaceous Korean nonmarine basin
- Geomorphic response to active strike-slip faulting in Japanese mountains: quantitative analyses of channel offsets using LiDAR DEMs
- Holocene Tsunami deposits associated with earthquakes along Pacific coast, northeast Japan
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center: Isolated Evolution on Earth’s Deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge?
- Intermediate products of sulfur disproportional reaction and their physical role in effusive to explosive submarine volcanic activity
- Kanto Asperity Project - A New Concept - (Invited)
- Kanto Asperity Project -Background and Outline-
- Microbiological Profiles of Deep Terrestrial Sedimentary Rocks Revealed by an Aseptic Drilling Procedure
- Novel DNA Extraction Method Unveiled the Ancient Hot Deep Biosphere Concealed in Terrestrial Sedimentary Rocks
- Numerical Examinations of Transient Chemical Osmosis Effects on Groundwater Flow System
- Numerical simulation of dissociation of methane hydrate in response to depressurization by periodic uplift
- Petrogenesis of mafic magma and associated silicic magma for calk-alkaline rocks in the Shirataka volcano, NE Japan
- Possibility of viscoelastic stress transfer triggering of the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki earthquake by the 2004 Chuetsu earthquake, Japan
- Reconstruction of the thermal environment evolution from subsurface temperature distribution in large cities in East Asia
- Rockmagnetism of ferromanganese crust
- Seismic reflection survey across the Kitakami lowland fault zone, northeast Japan: 2008 Hanaizumi and 2009 Nanshozan Profiles
- Slow slip events in the Kii Peninsula and Shikoku, Japan detected by strain changes at the integrated observatories of Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
- Stability of CO2 hydrate under very high pressure and low temperature
- The Missing Oligocene Izu-Bonin Arc Crust: Consumed or Rejuvenated During Collision?
- 16ch high-resolution seismic reflection surveys on the active fault of upper fore-arc slope off Okinawa Island, central Ryukyu Island Arc, Southwest Japan
- A Single-well ("push-pull") test for investigation of mass transfer properties of deep groundwater in a coastal basin
- A study of colloids in deep groundwater using spectroscopic analysis
- Anorthosite distribution and its implication in the Lunar South Pole-Aitken basin based on data derived from SELENE Multiband Imager
- Composition of the lunar upper crust estimated from Kaguya spectral data
- Cycling of Dissolved Organic Phosphorus and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Euphotic Zone of the Western North Pacific
- Deep seawater circulation promotes microbial anaerobic methane oxidation at ∼400 meters below seafloor in the Nankai Trough
- Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Ferric Iron Precipitation in the Nagahama Bay, Satsuma Iwo-Jima Island, Kagoshima
- Geochemical analyses of crustal fluids in forearc regions in central Japan
- Geological evidences of the fifth model for the tsunami generation in ocean floor off northwest Sumatra during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Hydrogen and carbon isotope geochemistry of freshwater aquifers at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory: Implications for ongoing biogeochemical processes in deep granitic rocks
- Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
- Impacts of wildfire on the permafrost soil in tundra area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Laboratory experiments for estimating chemical osmotic parameters of mudstones
- Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidence for ice grounding and crater on the Chukchi and Beaufort borderland, Arctic Ocean
- Occurrence and origin of gas hydrates of the eastern margin of Japan Sea as revealed by deep piston and gravity coring of R/V Marion Dufresne
- Paleomagnetism and rockmagnetism of basement basaltic rocks from Kashinosaki Knoll, Shikoku Basin: IODP NanTroSEIZE drilling Site C0012
- Possible migration front of gas-related fluid inferred from 3D seismic in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Reconstruction of Volcanic History from Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks in Subducting Shikoku Basin: Results from IODP Expedition 322
- Reconstruction of the 500 year ground surface temperature history of northern Awaji Island, southwest Japan
- Rupture propagation patterns of deep low-frequency earthquakes depending on source structure and frictional property: numerical analysis based on dynamic model
- Scaling Relations of Earthquakes on Inland Active Mega-Fault Systems
- Seismic imaging of a cold seep site offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Spatiotemporal variability in surface rupturing behavior of thrust fault: Insights from paleoseismology for the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku, Japan, earthquake
- Subsurface environment database for application of ground heat exchanger system
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- 3 Dimensional pore networks of Kimachi sandstone and its permeability and specific storage change by hydrostatic stress and deviatoric stress
- A Method to Evaluate Groundwater flow system under the Seabed
- Active fault database of Japan: Its construction and search system
- Biogeochemical study on mud-volcano sediments from the Kumano forearc basin, Japan
- Dehydration softening of serpentine as a trigger of intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Development of a 3d Fbg Extensometer for Hydromechanical Well Testing
- Dispersal of hydrothermal plumes in the near field of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> seeps in the Okinawa Trough using primordial helium-3
- Downhole temperature measurements at NanTroSEIZE input Sites and their implications
- Effects of carbonate leaching on foraminifer stable isotopes ratios
- Experimental Study of Metastability of Gas Hydrate in Frozen Sediments
- Hayabusa2, C-type Asteroid Sample Return Mission
- Hybrid gravity survey to search for submarine ore deposit
- Investigation of carbon turnover and CO2 evolution in soil organic carbon from Japanese forest soils: Insight from radiocarbon analysis of soil density fractions and soil respired CO2
- KH-10-5 High-Resolution MCS Survey Off Northwest Sumatra
- Measurements of thermal conductivities under high pressure in NanTroSEIZE sediment core and several terrestrial rock samples
- Microseismic Monitoring During CO2 Injection at the Aneth Oil Field: Constraining Source Depths Using Reflected Phases Detected on a Single Vertical Receiver Array
- Part I: E-W extension at 19 Ma in the Kung Co area, S. Tibet: evidence for contemporaneous E-W and N-S extension in the Himalayan orogen
- Spectral analysis of lunar swirls using the data from Spectral Profiler onboard SELENE/Kaguya
- Spontaneous dynamic rupture propagation with thermal pressurization: Phase transitions of pore fluid
- Stabilities of filled ice II structure of hydrogen and helium hydrates at low temperatures and high pressures
- The Effect of Confining Pressure on the Chemical Osmotic Property of Sedimentary Rock
- Unusual shallow normal-faulting earthquake sequence in compressional northeast Japan, activated after the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake
- Appearance of Iron-based Microbial Ecosystems on and below the Seafloor: a Case Study of the Southern Mariana Trough
- Continuous measurement and analyses of carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of CO<SUB>2</SUB> focused on carbon cycle at a cool temperate deciduous forest in Takayama, Japan
- Development of a submersible gravimeter on underwater vehicles
- Field measurement of new polarization optical particle counter capable of measuring particle shape information
- Gravitational Separation in the Stratosphere - A New Tracer of Atmospheric Circulation
- Long-term migration of iodine in sedimentary rocks based on iodine speciation and <SUP>129</SUP>I/<SUP>127</SUP>I ratio
- Mapping of the VIS-NIR spectral features observed around the lunar swirls and implications for the origin of the albedo structure
- Microbial activities of methanogenesis and methane oxidation in terrestrial subsurface environment of the Kanto Plain in Japan
- Migration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Late Neogene: reconstruction from sediment wave on the Conrad Rise, Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean
- Numerical simulation of the gravitational separation in the stratosphere
- Our trial to develop a risk assessment tool for CO2 geological storage (GERAS-CO2GS)
- Overview of DRAGON-Japan in 2012
- Planned HISUI radiometric calibration using the lunar reflectance model from SELENE Spectral Profiler data
- Pore geometry of Berea sandstone and numerical simulation of fluid flow by LBM under pressurization
- Preceded long period ash eruptions before the subplinian 1813 eruption at Suwanosejima volcano, SW Japan
- Reconstruction of the thermal environment evolution from subsurface temperature distribution in Japan and Thailand
- Sediment records of historical and pre-historical tsunamis in the last 4000 years in the Tonankai area, western Japan
- Subsurface deformation along major thrusts in the outer-arc high off northwest Sumatra
- Superconducting gravimeter observation for identifying slow slip events at Ryukyu Trench
- The Tokai interplate coupling and long-term slow slip events based on a new interpretation
- The results of pressure coring in Nankai gas-production test site, and plan for pressure core analysis of natural gas-hydrate bearing deep-sea sediments
- Tsunami recurrence inferred from soil deposits on Ishigaki island along the Ryukyu subduction zone
- Water quality map in the southern part of Mt. Fuji in Japan
- Characterization of sediment cores containing methane hydrate recovered from the Eastern Nankai Trough
- Chemo-Mechano Coupling Processes Inducing Evolution of Rock Permeability under Hydrothermal and Stressed Conditions (Invited)
- Construction of Urban 3-D Model of Hanoi, Vietnam Using FOSS Tools
- Geochemical and statistical analysis of toxic elements in tsunami deposits occurred at March 11, 2011
- Geotechnical properties of core sample from methane hydrate deposits in Eastern Nankai Trough
- Gravity changes observed during the long-term slow slip events at the Ryukyu Trench in May 2012 and December 2012
- How Leaky Are Seafloor Spreading Center Axes?
- Infrasound Observations at the Lützow-Holm Bay region, East Antarctica
- Long term observation of Tidal Cycle in Nagahama Bay, Satsuma Iwo-Jima: Implications for hydrothermal products sedimentation in littoral environment
- Micro structure of gas-hydrate sediment: in situ sub-sampling from pressured sedimental samples
- Numerical simulation of the diffusion of CO2 purposefully seeping from seabed in a small bay
- Permeability of sediment cores from methane hydrate deposit in the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- Phosphorus behaviour in sediments in controlled sub-seabed CO2 release experiment
- Physical properties and Consolidation behavior of sediments from the N. Japan subduction zone
- Piezophilic Bacteria Isolated from Sediment of the Shimokita Coalbed, Japan
- Pressure-induced alteration in effects of high CO2 on marine bacteria
- Radius of lunar core estimated by GRAIL results
- Record of upwelling based on coral skeletal Ba/Ca in the Bicol Shelf, east Luzon, Philippines
- Risk assessing study for Bio-CCS technology
- Sediment composition and texture of Pleistocene deep-sea turbidites in the eastern Nankai Trough gas hydrate field
- Sedimentological properties of hydrate-bearing sediments and their relation to gas hydrate saturation in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Shallow structure and its formation process of an active flexure in the forearc basin of the central Nankai subduction zone
- Small-scale Geothermal Power Plants Using Hot Spring Water
- Temporal Change of Plate Coupling and Slow Slip Events in southwest Japan
- The carbon and oxygen isotope records of reef-dwelling foraminifers subjected to five varied pCO2 seawater
- Three Dimensional Pore Geometry change under different axial differential stress and Fluid Flow of Berea sandstone by LBM
- Variations of atmospheric CH4, N2O and SF6 over Japan and the East China Sea
- Vertical CO2 gradient as an indicator of stratospheric circulation
- A possible factor controlling fault behavior of reverse fault zone along the island arc - Heterogeneity of crustal structure in the Ou backbone range, NE Japan
- Assessing the accuracy of oxygen isotopes and Sr/Ca as proxies of sea surface temperature at the extreme latitudinal limits of Porites corals
- Assessing the prehistoric shoreline changes of the Mekong delta, Vietnam
- Basic Study on Production Well Integrity for Methane Hydrate Development
- Characterization of Gas-Hydrate Sediment: In Situ Evaluation of Hydrate Saturation in Pores of Pressured Sedimental Samples
- Comparison of the Experimental Fault Permeability in Two Sands using Ring-shear Apparatus
- Estimating the Heat and Mass Flux at the ASHES Hydrothermal Vent Field with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Estimation of the Cumulative Fault Area Under Critical State Based on Microseismic Dataset at Hydraulic Stimulation for Seismic Risk Assessment
- Friction Laws Based on Monotonic and Cyclic Rotary Shear Tests
- Hydro-mechanical behavior of fractured sedimentary rock under stress axis rotation by crack tensor and permeability tensor
- Inland Normal Faulting during the Mw 6.6 Iwaki Earthquake Induced By Temporal Change of Stress State after the Mw 9.0 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan
- Instrumented Pressure Testing Chamber (IPTC) Characterization of Methane Gas Hydrate-Bearing Pressure Cores Collected from the Methane Production Test Site in the Eastern Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan
- Investigation of mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing pressure core sediments recovered from the Eastern Nankai Trough using transparent acrylic cell triaxial testing system (TACTT-system)
- Measurements of Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Iron Under Earth's Core Conditions
- Molecular and isotopic compositions of hydrate-bound gases collected from the Eastern Nankai Trough
- Paleoclimate Reconstruction during the 17<SUP>th</SUP> to 18<SUP>th</SUP> Century Using Fossil Coral Tsunami Boulders from Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, Japan
- Permeability and microstructural changes due to weathering of pyroclastic rocks in Cappadocia, central Turkey
- Re-visiting Bonaparte Gulf: Assessment of Sea-Level Lowstand in the Last Glacial Maximum
- Risk assessment of geo-microbial assosicated CO2 Geological Storage
- Seismo-turbidites in the Japan Trench inner slope
- Silica Transport, Deposition and Porosity Evolution in a Fracture : Insights from Hydrothermal Flow-through Experiments
- Simultaneous measurement for thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and specific heat of methane hydrate bearing sediments recovered from Nankai-Trough wells
- Spatial and seasonal variation of surface water pCO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers in Bangladesh: implications for its impact on the local and global carbon cycle
- Submerged Humid Tropical Karst Landforms Observed By High-Resolution Multibeam Survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Southwestern Japan
- The Radial Growth Rate of Japanese Precious Corals Using Pb-210 Dating Method
- The relationship between gas hydrate saturation and P-wave velocity of pressure cores obtained in the Eastern Nankai Trough
- The structure of iron-oxyhydroxide mounds affected by iron-oxidizing bacteria at shallow submarine hydrothermal vent in Satsuma Iwo-Jima
- Annual variations in sea surface wind speed around Japan observed by ASCAT
- Assessment of rock mechanical behavior considering stress dependent stiffness of the cracked domain within crack tensor-based approach
- Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations
- Constant sediment budget of Mekong delta shorelines: implications from long-term shoreline changes
- Detailed structure and geological background of Foldback Reflectors near Methane-hydrate BSRs inferred from 3D seismic in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Development of Sand Production Evaluation Apparatus for Methane Hydrate Development
- Ecophysiology of iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria in an iron oxyhydroxide mound in a shallow marine environment at Satsuma Iwo-jima, Japan.
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part I: Developing Inputs and Modelling
- Estimation of Global 1km-grid Terrestrial Carbon Exchange Part II: Evaluations and Applications
- Evolution of fault activity reflecting the crustal deformation: Insights from crustal stress and fault orientations in the northeast-southwest Japan
- Hot Spot Detection System Using Landsat 8/OLI Data
- Impact of salinity on threshold pressure of mudstone in sealing integrity processes of CO<SUB>2</SUB>.
- Investigation of the Methane Hydrate Formation by Cavitation Jet
- Millennial-scale Changes of Surface and Bottom Water Conditions in the Northwest Pacific during the Last Deglacial Period
- Observations at Kuchinoerabu-jima volcano, southern Kyushu, Japan, by using unmanned helicopter
- Observations on Rupture Behaviour of Fluid Induced Events at the Basel EGS Based on Empirical Green's Function Analysis
- Performance evaluation of ground-source heat pump system and development of suitability map for its installation
- Pore-size distribution and mechanical properties of sandy sediments based on the eastern Nankai Trough sediments
- Radiocesium balance and its behavior in dam on Uda river and Ota river in Fukushima Prefecture
- Shallow thermal structure constrained by seafloor temperature and heat flow estimated from BSRs in the Nankai subduction zone
- Spatial heterogeneity of stress and driving fluid pressure ratio inferred from mineral vein orientation along seismogenic megasplay fault (Nobeoka Thrust, Japan)
- The marine-geological fingerprint of the 2011 Magnitude 9 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015
- Tide and river influences on distributary channels of the Mekong River delta
- Age of air and gravitational separation in the stratosphere over Indonesia
- Attempt to the detection of small wildfire by the uncooled micro bolometer camera onboard 50 kg class satellite
- Cage Occupation of Light Hydrocarbons in Gas Hydrate Crystals
- Coupling and tremor rate in the transition zone around the Shikoku region, southwestern Japan
- Detection of upward and downward Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emissions at the forest floor in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Estimation of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs load with consideration of uncertainty at Kuchibuto River basin
- Estimations of global terrestrial carbon flux using bottom-up and top-down approach
- Evaluation method of the performance of kinetic inhibitor for clathrate hydrate
- Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios in high-magnesium calcite precipitated by reef-dwelling large benthic foraminifera as a proxy for water temperature
- Experimental determination of the electrical and thermal conductivity of iron at Earth's core conditions
- Failure Mechanism of Cemented Hydrate-bearing Sand at Microscales
- Fracturing Behavior of Methane-Hydrate-Bearing Sediment
- In-situ polarimetric analysis of organic materials in Allende and Murchison meteorites
- Inter-Comparison of MODIS and VIIRS Vegetation Indices Using One-Year Global Data
- Interaction of Residual Trench Peridotite with Boninitic Liquid at Northern Mariana Forearc
- Lateral seismic velocity heterogeneity along the fault system controlling the endpoints of earthquake rupture inferred from a 3D seismic tomography in the Ou Backbone Range, Northeast Japan
- Lattice thermal conductivity of bridgmanite at the lower mantle pressures
- Methane hydrate morphology of natural hydrate-bearing sediment from Nankai trough, Japan
- Microstructure Effects on Anisotropy in Permeability and Diffusivity of Berea Sandstone
- Pre-Cenozoic basement rocks of the Proto-Philippine Sea Plate: Constraints for the birthplace of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Propagation speed of pore pressure throughout permeable fracture during hydraulic stimulation
- Results of Physical Property Measurements Obtained during the CHIKYU Cruise CK16-01 to Hydrothermal Fields of the Middle Okinawa Trough
- Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in relation with the thermal structure around Aso volcano
- Salinity effect on NMR-T2 measurements of MH sediments
- Significance of the model considering mixed grain-size for inverse analysis of turbidites
- Tectonics of the Philippine Sea plate before and after 52 Ma subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc
- Temporal Variations of the Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Its Carbon Isotope Ratio at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard and Estimation of Global Carbon Budget
- Thermal Restoration for the last 10Ma in the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone: Challenge toward describing thermal history of subducted sediments
- Thermal conductivity of iron at high pressures
- Thermoluminescence study of quartz from the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Central Shikoku, Japan
- Tridacna Derived ENSO Records From The Philippines During The Last Interglacial Show Similar ENSO Activity To The Present Day
- 1km Global Terrestrial Carbon Flux: Estimations and Evaluations
- Application of H-matrices method to the calculation of the stress field in a viscoelastic medium
- Dependency of the injection induced seismicity b-value on the stress state of existing fractures
- Enhancement of the surface methane hydrate-bearing layer based on the specific microorganisms form deep seabed sediment in Japan Sea.
- Estimation of internal friction angle of subduction zone in northeast of Japan by using seismic focal mechanisms
- Estimation of principal deviatoric stresses imposed on an individual metachert: detailed application of the microboudin palaeopiezometer
- Estimation of thermal conductivity change of basalt with subducting in Nankai Trough by laboratory measurements under separate high-pressure and high-temperature conditions
- Experimental Investigation on Poro-Elasto-Plastic Behavior of the Inner Accretionary Wedge Sediments at the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Extreme beach retreat history inferred from cut-and-fill beach deposits at Moruya, SE Australia
- Geologic Evidence of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes from the Southern Part of the Japan Trench
- Geological perspectives of shallow slow earthquakes deduced from deformation in subduction mélanges
- Geometrical characteristics of sandstone with different sample sizes
- Heterogeneous distribution of pelagic sediments incoming the Japan Trench possibly controlling slip propagation on shallow plate boundary fault
- Historical sediment budget and present-day catchment-shoreline coupling at Twofold Bay, southeastern Australia
- Hydro-mechanical properties of pressure core sediments recovered from the Krishna-Godavari Basin during India's National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition NGHP-02
- Improvement of geological subsurface structure models for Kanto area, Japan, based on records of microtremor array and earthquake observations
- In-Situ Sampling Analysis of a Jupiter Trojan Asteroid by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry in the Solar Power Sail Mission
- Intermitted Occurrence of Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon before 1.45 Ma based on the High-resolution Br Record of the Japan Sea Sediments
- Laboratory experiments for understanding mechanical properties of fractured granite under supercritical conditions
- Measuring the accelerating effect of the planetary-scale waves on Venus observed with UVI/AKATSUKI and ground-based telescopes
- Methane production from coal by a single methanogen
- Modeling of gravitational separation using the NIES global atmospheric tracer transport model
- Search for Earthquake-Induced Prompt Gravity Signals in Gravimetric Data: Data Analysis and a New Observation Model
- Sedimentary Signatures of Submarine Earthquakes: Deciphering the Extent of Sediment Remobilization from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Simulation of landslide and tsunami of the 1741 Oshima-Oshima eruption in Hokkaido, Japan
- Stable carbon and oxygen isotope signatures in molluscan shells under ocean acidification
- Structural characteristics of a post-middle Miocene forearc basin on land in the Boso Peninsula, central Japan based on geothermal analysis and consolidation experiments
- Study on the thermal structure of the Venusian polar atmosphere
- Surface sediment remobilization triggered by earthquakes in the Nankai forearc region
- The Characteristics of Turbidite Beds of Southwest Ryukyu Trench Floor: A new Approach From the X-ray Fluorescence Core Scanning Analysis
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- The mineralogical and chronological evidences of subducted continent material in deep mantle: diamond, zircon and rutile separated from the Horoman peridotite of Japan
- Timing of Neogene Manganese Deposit Formation in the Paleo-Japan Sea, northeast Japan
- Viscoelastic Earthquake Cycle Simulation with Memory Variable Method
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- Age of the N7/N8 (M4/M5) Planktonic Foraminiferal Zonal Boundary Determined from Magnetobiostratigraphy and Zircon Geochronology
- Application of DNA barcoding to deep-sea amphipods around cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts and a selection of candidate species for connectivity analysis
- Bottom-up and top-down approach investigations on solar induced fluorescence for estimating the photosynthesis at ecosystem scale by both ground-based measurement and modeling
- Brightness and Color Variations on the Surface of 162173 Ryugu: Space Weathering, Thermal Fatigue and Mass Movement
- Characteristics of spatial distribution of boulders on Ryugu
- Clustering analysis of visible spectra of asteroid Ryugu
- Comparison of Color Maps of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu from the Approach Phase of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- Constraint of focal mechanisms of induced seismicity by analyzing consistency of slip vector using in-situ stress
- Constructing the simulation model to estimate the SIF using remote sensing data
- Depiction of the sub-seafloor hydrothermal system in the Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough based on the whole rock chemical analyses and mineralogical observations of core samples
- Detection of seafloor crustal deformation from ocean bottom pressure data using amplitude correction of non-tidal components
- Distribution and morphology of craters on asteroid Ryugu
- Does a focal region of shallow slow earthquake become a source area of tsunami? -Approach of geophysical and geological survey for a large historical earthquake-
- Drone Magnetic Surveys over Eruption Areas of Usu Volcano, Hokkaido Japan
- Dynamic rupture transfer from reverse to strike-slip faults:FDP-BIEM simulation of the 2018, Mw5.5, northern Osaka, Japan, earthquake
- Forward and inverse modeling of body and ocean load tides in a 3D Earth
- Geology on asteroid Ryugu revealed by Hayabusa2 visible multi-band imaging observations
- Global distribution of lineaments on Ryugu
- High-resolution seafloor DEM generation by combining multibeam bathymetry and SfM photogrammetry: an example from a World War II wreck USS Emmons
- Introducing Satellite Data Based Biosphere Model BEAMS to Improve Regional Transport Model for Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission from Mega-city Tokyo
- Local Thermal Properties of Asteroid Ryugu observed with Thermal Infrared Imager onboard Hayabusa2
- Low-angle brittle thrusting, localized viscous shear, and metasomatic reactions recorded in subduction mélanges: Implications for slow earthquakes in subduction zones
- Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal clay minerals beneath active hydrothermal fields at the Iheya North Knoll, Middle Okinawa Trough
- Modeling of permeability in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments
- Non-double-couple components of fluid-related earthquakes
- Numerical simulation for water transportation along subducting slabs
- On-site pressure core processing for hydrate-bearing sediments at the Eastern Nankai Trough in 2018
- Photometric Correction of Ryugu Multiband Visible Image Data
- Preliminary geomorphological map of asteroid Ryugu
- Quantitative assessment of the "A-0-A" method based on the laboratory experiments: toward the accurate long-term OBP sensor drift estimation
- Sedimentation process analyses based on sediment trap data in a seamount with cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the north Pacific
- Simulation of transition metals toward the prediction of oxidative potential and health hazard of aerosols in East Asia
- Subseafloor mineralization beneath hemipelagic sediments at the Izena Hole, middle Okinawa Trough, observed through the CK16-05 Cruise (Exp. 909)
- Surface grain sizes of the touch down sites revealed by proximity imaging by Hayabusa2
- The distribution of crater morphologies across Ryugu: Implications for seismic shaking
- Thermal conductivity measurement at high pressure and high temperature corresponding to deep Earth's condition
- Thermo-physical properties of asteroid 162173 Ryugu by TIR on Hayabusa2
- Three-dimensional simulation of stratospheric gravitational separation using the NIES global atmospheric tracer transport model
- Visible Spectrophotometry of 162173 Ryugu
- We performed crater size-frequency measurement on Ryugu using high-resolution images obtained by Hayabusa2. Using Ryugu cratering chronology model, the surface age of Ryugu was estimated to be 0.1 to 1 billion years from the density of craters larger than 100 m in diameter.
- Aseismic to seismic transition at the brittle to ductile transition: insights from hydrothermal ring shear experiments and a microphysical model
- Activities of Education and Outreach by the Seismological Society of Japan
- An unconsidered source of Tokyo earthquakes and Pacific Ocean tsunamis
- Application of SeaXerocks on habitat mapping for the deep-sea megabenthos around cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in Arnold Guyot of the northwestern Pacific - from the perspective of "whale's eye view"
- Artificial impact crater formed by Hayabusa2 small carry-on impactor on the surface of asteroid Ryugu
- Comparison analysis of greenhouse gas observation data at Minamitorishima GAW Global station
- Development of the prototype system for the long-term OBP drift elimination using the "A-0-A" approach
- Dynamics of phosphate species in soil and groundwater in coastal limestone area, Okinawa, Japan
- Effect of polyamine transporter inhibitor on the pH increase in calcifying fluids of juvenile coral polyps possibly involved in calcification processes
- Effects of gas hydrate crystal size and distribution on permeability of hydrate-bearing sediments
- Effects of water temperature and pH on shell clumped isotope in the experimentally cultured clam Scapharca broughtonii
- Evaluation of Paleotemperature Proxy Using Coral Genome Biology
- Experiment of NMR and model analysis for the relation between pore-size distribution and permeability of methane-hydrate bearing sediment.
- Experimental Constrains on Mechanical Behaviors in the Nankai Inner Accretionary Prism
- Experimental results of b-value for AE events of thermally cracked granite during triaxial compression test
- Extraction of features of strata using borehole data of geothermal area by multivariate analysis
- Fall-off rate of amplitude spectra of deep low-frequency tremors around Kii Peninsula, Japan, estimated from array observation
- Growth process of ETS events revealed by array data in Kii, Southwest Japan.
- Habitat mapping for the deep-sea megafauna around cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Xufu Guyot of the northwestern Pacific
- High P-T thermal conductivity measurements using externally- and laser-heated DAC on MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> bridgmanite and Fe-bearing post-perovskite
- Improvement in detection of seafloor crustal deformation due to shallow SSE using ocean bottom pressure by removing broad-band tide components
- Improvements in Access to ASTER Data: Increasing the User Community
- Petrological and geochemical features of ultramafic cumulates from the Nikoro Group of the Tokoro Belt, Hokkaido, Japan: deeper facies of seamount on the Izanagi Plate
- Petrophysical and geomechanical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments recovered by a side-wall pressure corer
- Phosphorus enrichment hampers the development of juvenile coral by directly inhibiting biomineral skeleton elongation
- Quantification of the positive feedback impacts of anthropogenic heat on urban air temperature and air conditioning energy demand in an Asian megacity
- Seismic energy estimation for shallow tremors
- Simultaneous atmospheric observation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux, <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>, O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations and aerosol components in Tokyo for partitioning of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux into emission sources
- Simultaneous measurement for thermal conductivity, diffusivity, and specific heat of methane hydrate bearing sediments recovered from Krishna-Godavari Basin
- Sound velocity measurements on hcp-FeHx (x<1) under high pressures by femtosecond pulse laser pump-probe technique
- Stress heterogeneity on shallow decollement controls Very Low Frequency Earthquakes in Nankai Trough off Kii Peninsula
- Subsurface warming revealed from repeated measurements of temperature-depth profiles in the world
- The occurrence and magnitude of floods recorded in Lake Suigestu sediment and its relationship with flood activity records in East Asia region during the last 8000 years
- Thermal conductivity of MgO periclase up to 140 GPa and 2000 K
- Validation of simulated SIF and GPP by the 3D radiative transfer model FLiES-SIF: A case study in a cool temperate deciduous forest
- Aerobic microbial life in oxic sediment of South Pacific Gyre persists up to 101.5 million years
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> distribution around Mega-city Tokyo observed by GOSAT target mode operation
- Competing thermal pressurization and dilatancy hardening realizes coexistence of fast and slow slip on the shallow plate boundary fault
- Depth dependent spatial variation of pore size and permeability for sediments at the Nankai accretionary prism
- Development of novel ground-based microwave radiometer for earth science -field experiments of the wide-band receiver-
- Fluid migration before and during slow earthquakes in the shallow Nankai subduction zones
- Frequency characteristics of acoustic emission in thermally cracked granite
- Hydrothermal and magmatic plumbing system of Miyakejima volcano (Japan) inferred from magnetotellurics, seismicity, self-potential and thermal image
- Long-term Perspectives on Coastal Changes of the Mekong Delta
- Observations of elemental and isotopic ratios of atmospheric major components and its application to detect atmospheric circulation and ocean heat uptake changes
- Rupture and tsunami generation process of the 2015 Mw 5.9 Bonin earthquake revealed by in-situ pressure gauge array observations and an integrated simulation of seismic and tsunami waves
- The origin of large zoned ignimbrites: the case of Aso caldera, Japan
- Trench sediments of the Nikoro Group (Eastern Hokkaido, Japan): Implication for the origin of the Sea of Okhotsk.
- Water depth dependence of nontidal variations from seafloor pressure in New Zealand
- A Roof Albedo Estimation Method Using Deep Learning
- Bayesian Inference of the Spatial Distribution of Effective Porosity and Salinity at Great Depths of a Geothermal Field
- Characterizing the Crustal Structure of the Kinki Area, Southwestern Japan Using Ambient Noise Surface Waves Tomography
- Detecting short-term slow slip events using six-years of ocean bottom pressure at the Hikurangi subduction zone offshore New Zealand
- Effects of calcite dissolution-reprecipitation on caprock's sealing performance under geological CO2 storage
- Energy-Based Method to Generate Rupture Scenarios for Megathrust Earthquakes in the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone, Southwest Japan: A Necessary Condition for Earthquake Generation
- Estimation of spatial distribution and fluid fraction of a potential supercritical geothermal reservoir by magnetotelluric data: a case study from Yuzawa geothermal field, NE Japan
- Field Measurement using Portable Spectrometer with Polarization Filter at Lake Kasumigaura to Estimate Water Contaminant Concentration
- Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
- Local Diffusivity of CH4 in Clay Nano-Pore; Molecular Dynamics Study on the Effect of Interfacial Water
- Observation of self-potential changes around a metal casing induced by the contact of acidified water in laboratory experiments
- Precursory processes and the final eruption trigger: the case of historical Plinian eruptions at Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
- Radiocarbon Variability Recorded in Coral from Kikai Island to Understand Oceanography in the North Western Pacific Region
- Retrieving solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from multilayers in a deciduous forest with low resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade
- Revealing regional flow field around deep-sea seamounts by reanalysis data and verifying its reproducibility
- Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence from canopy-top, middle and bottom layers as a potential proxy of gross primary productivity in a canopy of a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
- Shallow subsurface structure of the Naruto fault, the Median Tectonic Line active fault system, southwest Japan, revealed by S-wave seismic reflection profiling
- Understanding Rooftop Albedo at a City-Wide Scale to Further Cool Roof Strategies and Address Extreme Urban Heat Events: A Comparison of Multispectral Remotely-Sensed Satellite Imagery and On-site Rooftop Measurements in Denver, Colorado
- An improved light-use efficiency model for estimating diurnal variation in gross primary production
- Assessing Holocene Fault Movement along the Hinagu Fault Zone using Paleo-Sea Level Extents at Kawata Machinishi, Kumamoto, Japan
- Comparison in the calcification rate between in vivo skeletal formation in juvenile corals and in vitro aragonite formation in biogenic polyamine solution at various CO2 levels
- Construction of Stress Map in Indonesia Region Using Earthquake Focal Mechanisms.
- Determination of the threshold of total phosphate daily loads as revealed by integrated hydrological modelling for protect coral reefs ecosystem in Okinawa, Japan
- Determining Shell Carbonate and Soft Tissue End-Member Contributions of the Japanese Surf Clam Pseudocardium sachalinense using Reverse Radioisotope Labelling Techniques
- Evaluation of the Aerosol Effect on the Surface Reflectance Retrieval Using HIMAWARI-8 Ahi Images Over Land
- Land-originated phosphates adsorbed to coastal calcareous sediments on coral reef ecosystem in Sekisei Lagoon, Japan
- Microbial communities and functional genes involved in the nitrogen cycling of groundwater in the Ryukyu Limestone area as revealed by shotgun metagenomics
- Morphology of THF Hydrate in Micromodel and its Influence on Permeability
- New Optical System Combining Picosecond Acoustics and Internal Resistive Heating Diamond Anvil Cell
- Objective SSE detection using tilt and strain data in the southwest Japan
- Observation of electric potential changes around an iron casing during flow-through experiments of carbonated water in a sandbox
- Parameter Optimization of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model Using Tower-observed Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in a Cool-temperate Forest in Japan
- Rotation of a polymetallic nodule in the Penrhyn Basin, South Pacific, tracked by the Earth's magnetic field
- Thermal Conductivity of Hydrous Stishovite and DHMS Minerals; Implications for Seismicity along Japanese Trench Subduction Zone
- Understanding first-order reversal curve diagrams for hematite
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Ahmad Shaqeer Mohamed Thaheer
- Akemi Noda
- Akihiko Ito
- Andrew P. Roberts
- Colin Pennington
- David Heslop
- E. S. Cochran
- Eiichi Fukuyama
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hilary Chang
- Hirokuni Oda
- Hitoshi Irie
- Justin L. Rubinstein
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kazutoshi Imanishi
- Keiichi Ishizu
- Kenji Ohta
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Pajola
- Masashige Shiga
- Masuo Nakano
- Naohisa Nakashima
- Nori Nakata
- Pengxiang Hu
- R. J. Harrison
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Ryodo Hemmi
- Ryota Hino
- S. Kita
- Shin-ichiro Okumura
- Spahr C. Webb
- Steeve Gréaux
- Suguru Yabe
- Takahiko Uchide
- Takanori Matsuzawa
- Takeshi Tsuji
- Takuya Nishimura
- Tatsuhiko Saito
- Tatsuya Morozumi
- Tomohiro Inoue
- Weiren Lin
- Xiang Zhao
- Yasuo Ogawa
- Yoshihiro Ito
- Youngryel Ryu
- Yuhji Yamamoto
- Yukio Yoshida
- Yusuke Yamaya
- Yūsuke Yokoyama