Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An application of the crustal deformation simulator to seafloor
- Characterization of the Initial Stage of Object-Initiated and Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Crustal Structure of geothermal area in northeast Japan arc - Aftershock area of Onikobe earthquake, August 11, 1996-
- Ground Surface Deformation in Unconsolidated Sediments Caused by Bedrock Fault Movements: Dip-Slip and Strike-Slip Fault Model Test and Field Survey
- Proposal of the new method to evaluate of the tectonic stability for the last 100 ky in Japan
- The Most Recent Co-Seismic Faulting at the Central to Southern Parts of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line Active Fault System, Central Japan
- 3-D Velocity Structure Beneath Hakone Volcano Using Explosions and Micro Earthquakes Hybrid Inversion
- An FEM modeling for the tsunami source area of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki Earthquake, Japan
- Distribution and fate of iron during Southern Ocean iron release experiment
- Geochemistry of hydrothermal plume in the Suiyo Seamount Caldera.
- Investigations of submarine groundwater discharge in the Suruga Bay, Japan
- Positive Lightning Discharge Initiated by an Upward-moving Negatively Charged Leader from a 200m-high Chimney
- Dissolved Organic Metals in the Hydrothermal Plume
- Evolution of Fault Systems and its Associated Geomorphic Structures: Strike-Slip and Dip-Slip Fault Model Test and Field Survey
- Lightning Current Parameters of Upward Lightning Flashes Observed at the 200-m Fukui Chimney in Winter
- AE analysis in developing the Hot Fractured Rock geothermal power in Australia
- Behavior of trace metals in the hydrothermal plume at two sites on the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Evolution of Fault Systems and its Associated Geomorphic Structures: Strike-Slip and Dip-Slip Fault Model Test and Field Survey
- Interannual Variability of Chlorofluorocarbons, pCFC Ages and Ideal Ages in the North Pacific from 1958-2000 as Simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Logic-tree Approach for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis and its Applications to the Japanese Coasts
- Three-dimensional crustal image in the focal region of the 2000 western tottori earthquake using local earthquake and active source data
- Upward Lightning Flashes Observed at the 200-m Fukui Chimney in Winter
- Application of Integrated Airborne Geophysical Survey System Using Helicopter: Results of Aso and Bandai Volcanoes
- Daylight Imaging by Aftershocks of Tottori-Seibu Earthquake in Japan
- Deformational Mechanism of Upper Cenozoic System in the Epicentral Area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake, Central Japan: Insights from Physical Modeling
- Development electrochemical in-situ pH-pCO2-ORP sensor
- Fate of liquid CO2 discharged from the hydrothermal area in the Okinawa Trough
- Possible Effect of Black Carbon Wildfire Soot on Arctic Sea Ice and Alaska Glaciers
- Thermal and Geometric Effects on the Changing Rate of Surface Air Temperature in a Middle-Scale City
- Deformation of Rock Mass Caused by Strike-Slip Faulting: Insights from Analogue Experiments
- Natural analogue of CO2 dispersion at deep-sea hydrothermal system
- Deformation of Rock Mass Caused by Strike-Slip Faulting: 3D Analysis of Analogue Models by Helical X-ray Computed Tomography
- Emission of CO2 from seafioor hydrothermal systems at Mariana Trough
- Exploitation of methane hydrate using exothermic heat of CO2 hydrate formation - Verification for performance of CO2 as warming material for marine sediments -
- Fault model in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea based on the asymmetric topography profile of the oceanic ridges
- Hydrothermal fountains imaged by high resolution side-scan sonar equipped on a cruising AUV, URASHIMA
- Removal of trace elements in hydrothermal plume at submarine volcanic arc hydrothermal systems
- Development of monitoring strategy for the assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Permeabilities and pore characteristics of vesicular volcanic products: the relationship among permeability, porosity, and pore radius
- Speciation of Suspended Particles By Individual Particle Analysis In The Japan Sea And The Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Verification and Monitoring of CO2 Storage by Using Self-potential Method
- A compilation of magma viscosity at preruptive chamber conditions
- Development of Hydrologic Characterization Methodology of Faults: (2) Field investigations in Berkeley, California
- Did the past underground nuclear explosions mitigate earthquakes that otherwise could be stronger?
- Permeability and pore-connectivity variation of pumices from a single pyroclastic flow eruption: Implications for partial fragmentation
- Relationship between water content and permeability of a rock: an example of Fontainebleau sandstone
- The bi-directional leader observation in positive cloud-to-ground lightning flashes during summer thunderstorm season
- Two-Stage Magma Mixing and Initial Phase of the 1667 Plinian Eruption of Tarumai Volcano
- Active Fault Topography and Fault Outcrops in the Central Part of the Nukumi fault, the 1891 Nobi Earthquake Fault System, Central Japan
- Development of a Methodology for Hydrogeological Characterization of Faults: Progress of the Project in Berkeley, California
- Drastic change in the rheology of serpentine-bearing faults induced by dehydration
- Evolution of microstructure of bubbles and gas permeability in sheared rhyolite (Invited)
- Fault zone structure of the Wildcat fault in Berkeley, California - Field survey and fault model test -
- Geologic character of fault geometry and deformation of the Wildcat Fault, Berkeley, California
- Micro-earthquake observation around the 1891 Nobi earthquake fault system to evaluate simultaneous rupture
- Microbial impacts on the geochemistry evolution in a nuclear waste repository -Laboratory experiment of microbially mediated redox changes-
- The annual cycle of surface iron and the source of iron supporting the spring diatom bloom in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific
- a Study of Fault Zone Hydrology
- An unified numerical simulation of seismic ground motion, ocean acoustics, coseismic deformations and tsunamis of 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Can bending vibrations of a H2O molecule control fault strength at seismic slip rates?
- Contact State Monitoring of Simulated Faults at Various Slip Rates by Electrical Conductivity Experiments
- Deformation in the Berkeley hills - the influence of geological and fault structure on hydrology within the Wildcat Fault Zone, Berkeley, California
- Development of a methodology for hydrologic characterization of faults for geological repository siting
- Estimation of the frequency-dependent site amplification factors of Japan based on the coda normalization method
- Geological investigations on the Wildcat Fault, Berkeley, California, with reference to hydrology
- Hydrologic Characterization Study at Wildcat Fault Zone
- Integration of groundwater flow simulation using groundwater chemistry and groundwater age
- Spatial distribution of microfractures in damage zone along active faults
- Variable Balance among Radiative Forcing, Ocean Heat Uptake, and Feedbacks for Climate Sensitivity
- Anisotropic Permeability of a Strike Slip Fault
- Assessing benefits and costs of climate geoengineering in an integrated assessment model
- Coastal dispersal of radionuclides released from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
- In situ chemical sensing for hydrothermal plume mapping and modeling
- Influences of wear material, fault roughness and loading rate on stick-slip behavior revealed by large-scale biaxial friction experiments
- Large-Scale Biaxial Friction Experiments with an Assistance of the NIED Shaking Table
- Uncertainties in models for hydrologic characterization of faults - implications from a study on the Wildcat Fault, Berkeley, California -
- Climate Restoration via Zero Emissions Stabilization: Examination using Earth System Models
- How is a stick slip rupture initiated?
- Monitoring of leaked CO2 through sediment, water column and atmosphere in sub-seabed CCS experiment
- Quaternary crustal movement in the source region of the 1964 Niigata earthquake (M = 7.5), in the fold-and-thrust belt along the eastern margin of Japan Sea
- Reversibility of ENSO in Response to CO2 Concentration Changes
- Rupture propagation speed during earthquake faulting reproduced by large-scale biaxial friction experiments
- Velocity weakening of friction strength on meter-sized rock samples
- A possible factor controlling fault behavior of reverse fault zone along the island arc - Heterogeneity of crustal structure in the Ou backbone range, NE Japan
- A regional sediment transport modeling for assessing dispersal and recirculation of land-derived radionuclides in the Fukushima coast
- Cohesive Zone Length of Gabbro at Supershear Rupture Velocity
- Evolution of Rupture Style with Accumulation of Fault Displacement during Large-scale Biaxial Friction Experiments
- Foreshocks and Premonitory Slip during Large Scale Friction Experiments
- Roughness of fault surfaces over a length-scale range from nano- to milimeters
- Spatial Heterogeneity Induces Scale Dependent Rock Friction
- The Effects of Preeruptive Magma Viscosity on Eruption Styles and Magma Eruption Rates
- The physical and chemical characteristics of long-lasting trans-boundary mixed pollutants over East Asia
- Unpredictable Main Rupture Initiation after Premonitory Slow Slip
- Wave-current interaction in evolution of rip channel system
- Wintertime simultaneous measurement and model analysis of fine- and coarse-mode sulfateand nitrate over East Asia
- Behaviour of oceanic <SUP>137</SUP>Cs following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident for four years simulated numerically by a regional ocean model
- Dependencies of pore pressure on elastic wave velocities and Vp/Vs ratio for thermally cracked gabbro
- Effect of fault surface evolution on slip behaviors in large-scale biaxial experiments
- Experimental reproduction of tsunami deposit
- Hindcast and Forecast of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs Activities in the North Pacific Ocean Waters from 1945 to 2020 by Eddy-resolving ROMS
- Source of Organic Matter in 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami Deposits Determined by C/N Ratios and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- Trend analysis of satellite-observed tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> vertical column densities over East Asia for 2005-2014
- Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Column Density Trends Seen from the 10-year Record of OMI Measurements over East Asia
- Combined analysis of vitirinite reflectance and U-Pb dating of detrital zircon on cuttings from the Nankai accretionary prism
- Development and improvement of historical emission inventory in Asia
- Influence of Fault Surface Heterogeneity on Apparent Frictional Strength, Slip Mode and Rupture Mode: Insights from Meter-Scale Rock Friction Experiments
- Lateral seismic velocity heterogeneity along the fault system controlling the endpoints of earthquake rupture inferred from a 3D seismic tomography in the Ou Backbone Range, Northeast Japan
- Magnetic Surveys for Mapping of Ultramafic Bodies on the Site of the Ohi Nuclear Power Station, Central Japan
- Modeling nearshore dispersal of river-derived multi-class suspended sediments and radionuclides during a flood event around the mouth of Niida River, Fukushima, Japan
- Quaternary subsurface cumulative lateral deformations detected by seismic reflection profiling and microgravity survey in the Tanna basin struck by the M<SUB>j</SUB>=7.3 1930 Kita-Izu earthquake, central Japan
- Spatio-temporal foreshock activity during stick-slip experiments of large rock samples
- Standard geological samples of tsunami deposits made in a large wave flume
- The Characterization of the Crush Zones in the Dike of Ultramafic Rock and Associated Gabbro with a Help of Magnetic Survey
- Estimation of time-series properties of gourd observed solar irradiance data using cloud properties derived from satellite observations
- Structural evolution of the Nankai inner accretionary prism constrained by thermal structure and sedimentary age of deep borehole samples
- Transient water adsorption on newly formed fault gouge and its relation to frictional heating
- Tsunami inundation, sediment transport, and subsequent deposits on topography with a dune
- A benchmark experimental dataset of tsunami deposit (TSTLE dataset)
- Distribution of mantle <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Indian Ocean simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Estimation of Parameter and Boundary Condition for Regional Ocean Model Systems Using the M2 Tidal Currents by Ocean Radar in the Ise Bay, JAPAN
- Geomorphological and geological characteristics of triggered surface faults associated with 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake sequence around the northwest of the outer rim of the Aso caldera, southwestern Japan
- Hydraulic-jump deposits observed in a field outcrop and an experimental deposit
- Surface rupture of normal-faulting earthquake occurred in a short 5-year recurrence interval at southern Abukuma region, northeast Japan
- Uncertainty of Identifying Tsunami Deposit based on Various Analyses at the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami
- Verification and statistical calibration of the near surface wind derived from the numerical weather forecast model over Japan
- Applying a probabilistic streamflow model to steep mountain basins focusing on baseflow contribution
- Brittle-ductile transition in porous tuff breccia from the Miocene Anamizu Formation, Noto Peninsula: constrains from tri-axial deformation experiments
- Characteristics of upward connecting leaders from Tokyo Skytree associated with negative downward flashes
- Effects of Secondary Ice Production by Ice-Ice Collisions on the Structure of Winter Hokuriku Clouds in Japan
- Parallel Shallow Water Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in Solute and Suspended Sediments in Chernobyl and Fukushima Waters
- Study of groundwater mobility using <SUP>129</SUP>I/<SUP>127</SUP>I and <SUP>81</SUP>Kr/Kr tracers for the assessment of deep geological repository in Japan
- The relationship between mechanical behaviors and surface roughness of submeter-sized granite sample in bi-axial friction experiments
- "N"-shaped Y/X coda amplitude spectral ratio observed for in-line type OBS networks: interpretation based on the natural vibration of the pressure vessel
- Changes in Trans-Boundary Air Pollution over Japan during COVID-19 Lockdown in China
- The Effect of Strong Volcanic Eruptions on ENSO
- Toward short-period (< 10 s) full waveform tomography in and around the 2011 Tohoku-Oki source area using land-ocean unified 3D initial model
- Utilizing Continuous Multi-Component MAX-DOAS Observations for the Near-Surface Ozone Sensitivity Diagnosis at Chiba and Tsukuba, Japan for 2013-2019
- Effects of Secondary Ice Production by Ice-Ice Collisions on the Microphysical and Electrical Structures of Snow Clouds in Japan
- Genesis and loss of the coldness of polar cold airmasses in the Northern Hemisphere winter
- Preliminary results of 3D trench survey on the Naruto Minami fault, the Median Tectonic Line active fault system, southwest Japan
- Shallow subsurface structure of the Naruto fault, the Median Tectonic Line active fault system, southwest Japan, revealed by S-wave seismic reflection profiling
- Development of newly designed lightning location system named LENTRA
- Swarms of microearthquakes associated with tectonic tremor bursts in the northern Japan Trench