Peking University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Deformation of (Mg,Ni)<SUB>2</SUB>GeO<SUB>4</SUB> to High Strain in Torsion
- Effects of Stress and Saturating Fluids on Wave Propagation in Porous-fractured Rocks
- Influence of the Galapagos hotspot on the crustal accretion along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Sediment transport in a glacier fed mountain stream during the peak flow season : the Urumqi river (Chinese Tien Shan).
- Testing two Mountain Building Models Using Coseismic GPS Data
- Three-dimensional Magnetotail Field Topology in a Global Particle Simulation of Solar Wind-Magentosphere interactions with varing IMF
- Effects of magma supply on crustal accretion along the intermediate-spreading Galapagos Spreading Center
- Energetic Particles Observed in the Cusp Region during a Strom Recovery Phase
- Extensional collapse of a Mesozoic intraplate fold-and-thrust belt, Daqing Shan, Inner Mongolia, China
- Mechanism for Generating Differential Motion of Minor Ions in the Solar Wind
- Seismicity Changes During Earthquake Preparation
- The Carbon Cycles of Chinese Terrestrial Ecosystems
- The Effect of Fe Content on the Rheological Behavior of Olivine
- Timing of Basalt Flows in the Shanwang Basin, Shandong Peninsula, Eastern China
- Experimental Study of the Failure Procedure of Echelon Fault Structure Using Digital Speckle Correlation Method (DSCM)
- Aerosol number size distribution measurements in Beijing, China
- Cluster Observations of Earthward Flowing Plasmoid in the Tail
- Contemporary Crustal Deformation Around Southeast Borderland of Tibetan Plateau
- Controlled Analogue Experiments of the Propagation of Seismic Electromagnetic Signals
- Effect of Water and Iron Content on the Rheological Behavior of Olivine
- Evidence for a significant urbanization effect on climate in China
- First results of the HIA instrument on the Tan Ce 1 Double Star near Equatorial Spacecraft
- Multiple-spacecraft Detection of the Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection by Cluster Mission
- Quasi-Spherical Approach: A Fast Method for Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation in a 2D Slice of a Global Earth Model With Lateral Heterogeneity
- A Seismological and Geodynamic Study of the Seismic Zones Surrounding the Ordos Plateau, China
- Earthward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Auroral Signature
- Electron Pitch Angle Variations Recorded at the High Magnetic Latitude Boundary Layer by the NUADU Instrument on the TC-2 Spacecraft
- Energetic Particle Modulation by ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Equatorial Anomaly TEC Observation in China
- Measurement comparison of gas phase pollutants during field campaign in Pearl River Delta, China
- Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds in Beijing, China, in August 2005
- Size Distribution Characteristics of Elemental Carbon Emitted From Chinese Vehicles: Results and Atmospheric Implications
- Sr-Nd Isotopic Mapping for Intrusions From the Chinese Altai: Implications for Accretionary Orogeny and Continental Growth
- BBF Plasmoid Observed by Cluster and Double Star Constellation
- Carbon Stocks of Forest Ecosystems on Mt. Changbai, Northeast China
- Deformation of Olivine-Spinel Aggregates in the System (Mg,Ni)2GeO4 Deformed to High- Strain in Torsion: Implications for Upper Mantle Anisotropy
- Quasi-spherical Approach (III): Treatment of the Earth's Center
- Spatial Variability of Glyoxal and Formaldehyde during PRD-2006: Comparison of mobile Mini-MAX-DOAS and OMI satellite data in the Pearl River Delta, China
- Aerosol Chemistry and Humidity Effect on Visibility Impairment in Guangzhou During the 2006 PRD Campaign
- An investigation for unexpected high yield of peroxides from isoprene through aqueous phase ozonolysis
- Anti-phase oscillation of energetic electron and proton fluxes: Cluster observations
- Climate-Relevant Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols Over Megacity Regions in China
- Influence of Fe content on the creep properties of olivine under anhydrous and hydrous conditions
- Lithospheric Structure, Crustal Kinematics, and Earthquakes in North China: An Integrated Study
- Magnetic Structures with Rich Ionospheric Oxygen Ions Observed in the near Earth Plasmasheet
- Overview on the Air Pollution Issues of the City Clusters in China and its Control Strategies
- Spin Transition and Equation of State of Ferropericlase at High Temperature: Implications for Density Model of the Lower Mantle
- Temporal Variations of Elemental Carbon in Beijing
- Uncertainty Assessment in Watershed-Scale Water Quality Modeling and Management
- Formation of High-yield Hydrogen Peroxide and Unexpected Carbonyl Compound in Aqueous Phase Ozonolysis of Alpha-Pinene and Beta-Pinene
- HOx Radical Chemistry in the Pearl River Delta in China 2006
- How to Study Earthquake Triggering and Stress Field Evolution by new FEM
- Influence of Inhomogeneous Stress Field on the Displacements and Stresses Induced by Normal Fault With Thickness
- Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Structure of the Northern Tibetan Plateau: The ASCENT Seismic Experiment
- Near-bottom magnetic observation of the first active hydrothermal vent field at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- On-line size-resolved chemical speciation of PM1 with a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Preliminary Evidence For The Presence Of The Hainan Plume From Shear Wave Splitting Analyses Of A Temporary Seismic Array
- Quantifying the Indirect Effect of Sulfate Aerosol on Climate Change Through the Carbon Cycle
- Seismic Evidence for the Moho in southern Tibet as a Phase Change Boundary
- Seismic moment tensor for anisotropic media: implication for Non-double-couple earthquakes
- Spectra Analysis of the Wenchuan (8.0) Great Earthquake and its aftershocks
- Stabilization of Mass Absorption Cross Section of Elemental Carbon for Filter-Based Absorption Photometer by Heated Inlet
- Tracking colloid transport in porous media using discrete flow field derived from lattice- Boltzmann simulation
- Variability and trends in the C balance of African ecosystems
- A Spectral Evaluation of Models Performances in Mediterranean Oak Woodlands
- Ambient Noise and Surface Wave Tomography in North China
- Atmospheric behavior of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionly nitrate (PPN) observed in urban and suburban sites in Beijing, China
- Auroral Small-and Meso-Scale Structures, Origin and Function
- Black carbon measurements in the Pearl River Delta region of China
- Characterization of ozone precursors in a regional background site of the Pearl River Delta by time series observation of non-methane hydrocarbons
- Dynamic modeling of stress evolution and crustal deformation associated with the seismogenic process of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake
- Effect of Coastal Angles on Tsunami Run-up Induced by Reverse Fault Earthquake Considering the Interaction between Sea Water and Seafloor
- Energetic electrons response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt
- Fast Soot Aging and Pronounced Diurnal Evolution of Size-dependent Soot Mixing State in the Megacity Beijing
- Identifying major sources of uncertainty in watershed water quality modeling: an application of the Deterministic Equivalent Modeling Method (DEMM)
- Late Paleozoic geodynamic evolution of the Junggar Basin (Northwestern China) : insights from new paleomagnetic results
- Melt anomalies of the northern Atlantic Ocean basin
- Mixture of two oxygen ion populations in the magnetosheath under northward IMF
- New hydrothermal fields found along the SWIR during the Legs 5-7 of the Chinese DY115-20 Expedition
- Peroxyacetic Acid in Urban and Rural Atmosphere: Feedback on PAN-NO-NO2 Cycle and Implication on Radical Chemistry
- Postseismic deformation modeling of the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, western China earthquake constrained using InSAR time-series data
- Postseismic deformation monitoring and modeling of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan, China earthquake, constrained using GPS and InSAR measurements
- Properties of the Magnetopause Deduced by Multi-Scale, Observations: Cluster, Themis, Double Star
- Rapid aerosol particle growth and increase of cloud condensation nucleus activity by secondary aerosol formation and condensation: A case study for regional air pollution in northeastern China
- S-Wave Velocity Structure and Seismic Anisotropy beneath Tibetan Plateau
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: A Review of The ASCENT Seismic Experiment (Invited)
- Shear velocity structure beneath south-eastern Tibet from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Spatial Distribution of the Earthquakes beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush Region: Implications for the Collision between two Oppositely Subducted Slabs
- Spatial and Temporal aspects of magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment
- Teleseismic P-wave Tomography Image for Northeastern Tibet
- The Hypocenter Relocation of the Wenchuan Earthquake and Its Aftershocks with Waveform Cross-Correlation: New Results and Their Application in Determination of Fault Plane Solutions
- Tropical response to extratropical forcing in a coupled climate model: A comparison between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- 3D Shear Wave Velocity Structure and Seismic Anisotropy beneath Northern Tibet
- A 1000-km E-W Receiver Function Profile across the Ordos and the Taihang Orogeny of the Northern China
- A Backscattering Enhanced Microwave Canopy Scattering Model Based On MIMICS
- A Holistic Assessment of the Sustainability of Groundwater Resources in the North China Plain
- Application of Stacking Technique in ANA: Method and Practice with PKU Seismological Array
- Applying the Back Projection Method to Image the Rupture Process of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Great Chile's Earthquake
- Aqueous-phase oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein: Contribution to transformation of oxidants and formation of SOA
- Assessing the Uncertainty in Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution Simulations with Probabilistic Collocation Method (pcm)
- Attributing the increase of atmospheric CO2 to emitters and absorbers
- Cluster Observations of the earth's mid-altitude magnetospheric cusp
- Co-seismic slip distribution of the Mw7.0 Haiti Earthquake based on InSAR observations
- Cross-correlations in the meteorological variables and different regions over China
- Crust and upper mantle characteristic of Northern and Eastern Tibet from Ambient Noise Tomography results
- Crust and upper mantle characteristic of northeast Tibet: receiver function results of Indepth-IV passive array
- Development of Optical Dating Techniques for Chinese Loess within the Loess Plateau and Beyond
- Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Subsurface Using Shear Thinning Fluid and Aqueous Foam for Metal, Radionuclide, and NAPL Remediation
- Foam, a promising vehicle to deliver nanoparticles for vadose zone remediation
- From mountain building in the Tibetan Plateau to crustal extension in North China: The role of sublithospheric mantle flow
- Heterogeneity of Carbon Age and Carbon Quality in Soil Organic Matter: Identification of Carbon Stabilization using Radiocarbon and Stable Isotopes
- High Resolution of Crustal Seismic Wave Attenuation Tomography in Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Horizontal strain rate estimation using discrete geodetic data and its application to Southern California (Invited)
- Increase of SO2 emissions detected from space due to the severe 2006 summer-drought in the southwest of China
- Ionospheric Spread-F and couplings between thermosphere and lower atmosphere (Invited)
- Kelvin Helmholtz driven vortices on the dayside magnetopause- single spacecraft detection using Double star 1
- Large-Scale, Virtual Seismic Profiles: New Technique and Results from Tibet and Northern China (Invited)
- Lateral asthenospheric flow beneath South China craton: constraints from Cenozoic basalts and metamorphic rocks distribution in South China
- Light absorption-related optical properties of aerosol observed during episodic periods at Conghua, Guangdong Province, China during the 2008 PRD Campaign
- Magnetic Field Disturbances Associated with Fast Flows in the Earth Plasmasheet
- Mechanisms for Poleward Expansion of the Hadley Circulation: Observations and Simulations
- NOx emission from surface snow and ice over Tibetan Plateau, China
- Ozone recovery may enhance global warming in the 21st century
- Photochemically consumed hydrocarbons and their relationship with ozone formation in two megacities of China
- Pn tomography of eastern Tibet
- Pollutant Flushing Characterizations from Urban Storm Runoff at Rapid Urbanizing Area
- Preliminary result of Taiwan 3-D stress field estimated using P wave polarity data
- Resonant interactions of ULF standing waves with ring current O+ ions during geomagnetic storms
- Seismic Velocity and Anistropy Structure of the Northeastern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Ten-year climatology of surface winds over the coastal China seas using QuikSCAT data and comparison with NCEP reanalysis
- The Carbon Sink of the World's Forests: Trends and Causes of Change in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Regions from Forest Inventories
- The Open-Cellular Cloud System as a Coupled Oscillator (Invited)
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of Groundwater Ages and Implications for Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China
- Trends and Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence Caused by Groundwater Exploitation in the North China Plain
- Two hydrothermal active vents were found at 13.2°S and 14°S of South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- 3D anisotropic surface wave and shear wave velocity structure beneath Eastern Tibet
- A survey of KHI activity at the magnetopause
- Adiabatic acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons during the storm recovery phase
- Aerosol-CCN closure in the North China Plain using the kinetic condensational growth model
- Ambient PANs(peroxyacetyl nitrates)variation in Beijing from 2005 to 2010
- An Overview of Groundwater Governance and Management in China
- An overview of a 5-year research program on acid deposition in China
- CO2 levels to maintain Gliese 581g to be habitable
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation studies of the Wenchuan earthquake and seismo-tectonics of the Longmen Shan fault system (Invited)
- Coulomb Stress Change Induced by Reservoir and Its Triggering Role in Seismicity
- Crustal Structure around Ordos Terrain Derived from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Crustal structure of Northeast China from Ambient noise tomography using the NECESSArray
- Determination of the Poorly Constrained Focal Mechanism Solutions of the Wenchuan Aftershock Sequence by Using Both P-wave Polarities and S/P Amplitude Ratios
- Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Electromagnetic, Hydrological, Geotechnical, and Geological Approaches
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Evaluating aerosol secondary formation by the measurements of a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at a remote island in the Bohai Sea
- Exploring the atmospheric budget of nitrous acid at a rural site in southern China
- Global In-cloud Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Based on Parameterized and Detailed Aqueous-Phase Chemistry
- Heterogeneous Reactions of Gaseous Hydrogen Peroxide on Clean and Coated Mineral Particles: Dependence on Relative Humidity and Surface Coverage
- Historical estimation of carbonaceous aerosol emissions in Beijing for the period 1985-2007
- Identifying Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Using a Distributed Temperature Sensor
- Identifying the magnetotail source region leading to poleward boundary intensifications
- Images of Tibetan Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Seismic Structure from Project INDEPTH
- Investigation on a dayside poloidal ULF wave event on 29 May 2007
- Large Scale Research and Demonstration Projects for Geological Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in China
- Lithospheric structure at the southern margin of the Qaidam Basin from INDEPTH IV receiver functions
- Local and Regional Interactions Between Air Quality and Climate in New Delhi -- a Sector Based Analysis
- Measurements of VOCs in Beijing and its surrounding region: spatial and temporal distribution, emission estimation and source apportionment
- New Particle Formation and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Beijing
- Observation and modelling of OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations in Beijing and Pearl River Delta summer 2006: missing OH source in VOC rich atmosphere
- Overview of submicron aerosol characterization in China using an Aerodyne high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer
- P- and S-wave tomographic structure of NE Tibet
- Pacific large-low-shear-velocity province bounded by an extensive high-velocity anomaly observed with NECESSArray
- Pattern of impact on regional seismicity due to Three Gorges Reservoir impoundment and water-level change inferred from numerical simulation
- Physical mechanisms of coupled seismic and electromagnetic phenomena
- Post-collisional magma systematism after exhumation of UHPM terrane in the North Qaidam UHPM belt, NW China
- Postseismic Deformation of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake and its Tectonic Implications
- Precipitation Characteristics in Warm Convective Clouds
- Preliminary results of 3D seismic structure in the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge (37°50'S)
- Radiative effects of the ozone layer on Snowball Earth
- Regional variations of crustal thickness along the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau and their tectonic implications
- Response of the Hadley circulation to ENSO
- Scaling behavior of sunshine hour records over China
- Size-resolved measurements of the mixing state of soot in the megacity Beijing, China: diurnal cycle, evolution mechanism and parameterization
- Surface wave and shear wave velocity structure beneath Kekexili area in northern Tibet
- The February 21, 2011 Mw 6.3 Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake - a Shallow Deadly Rupture Triggered by a High Stress Drop Blind Fault, Inferred from InSAR and Static Stress Modeling
- The Petrogenesis of the Late Cretaceous Mamba Pluton from the Eastern Gangdese: Constraints from Mineralogy
- The effect of condensed water on the poorly-soluble volatile organic compounds oxidation: kinetics and mechanism of an aqueous phase isoprene reaction with hydroxyl radical and ozone
- The rupture pattern of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and its relationship to the properties of the plate interface of the Northeastern Japan Arc
- Three-dimensional variations in the Tibetan mantle lid velocity from Pn tomography
- Trace Gas Exchange of Biofuel Crops
- ULF Waves Distribution near Plasmasphere Boundary Layer Using THEMIS and Geomagnetic Observation
- ULF waves excited by negative/positive solar wind dynamic pressure impulses and interplanetary shocks at geosynchronous orbit
- Upper-mantle Tomography with Array Analysis of Triplicated P-arrivals Observed by NECESSArray
- Vertical Transport of Pollutants by Shallow Cumuli from Large Eddy Simulations
- Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured at an urban site of Beijing: intercomparisons, emission ratios and factor analysis
- Water Quality and Environmental Flow Management in Rapidly Urbanizing Shenzhen Estuary Area, China
- 3-D lithospheric structure beneath western North China Craton from Rayleigh-wave tomography
- A New Global Geodetic Strain Rate Model
- A New Multi-dimensional Stress Release Statistical Model Based on Co-seismic Stress Transfer
- A three-step Maximum-A-Posterior probability method for InSAR data inversion of coseismic rupture with application to four recent large earthquakes in Asia
- Advances in Three-temperature Model, a New Approach to Estimate Evapotranspiration
- Application of a terrestrial ecosystem model (ORCHIDEE-STICS) in simulating energy and CO2 fluxes in Asian rice croplands
- Cases and statistical study on Hot Flow Anomalies with Cluster spacecraft data
- Characteristics of Evapotranspiration over Nitraria tangutorun Nebkhas in a Desert-oasis Ecotone of Northwest China
- Characterizing Groundwater Flowpaths with Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Stable Isotopes
- Chronology and extent of glacial advances during the Last Glaciation in the central Tianshan Range, China
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Contemporary crustal vertical velocity field in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau inferred from precise leveling data
- Data assimilation and uncertainty assessment for watershed water quality models: Probabilistic Collocation Method (PCM) based approaches
- Determining Electron Temperature from Type III Langmuir Wave Decay
- Dynamic rupture of the 2012 Mw 8.6 Offshore Sumatra Earthquake from compress sensoring
- Effects of East Asian Short-lived Anthropogenic Air Pollutants on the Northern Hemispheric Air Quality and Climate
- Effects of out-of-plane shear flows on fast reconnection: 3D Hall MHD simulations and in situ measurements by Cluster and Themis Spacecraft
- Enrichment behavior and transport mechanism of soil-bound PAHs during rainfall-runoff events
- Environmental and anthropogenic determinants of tropical forest - savanna distribution: a global statistical analysis
- Evaluation of Factors Controlling Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Cloud Processes
- Fast Acceleration of Inner Magnetospheric Hydrogen and Oxygen Ions by Shock Induced ULF Waves
- Flow Diversion in the Near-Earth Region and Auroral Arc Extension
- Glaciation in a tectonically active environment: Preliminary observations from the Inylchek and Sary-Dzaz Valleys, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Global Modeling of the Oxygen Content of Organic Aerosol
- Global evapotranspiration over the past three decades: estimation based on the water balance equation combined with empirical models
- Heterogeneous reaction of gaseous hydrogen peroxide and its role in the oxidation of organic compounds on mineral dust particles
- High-Resolution Prediction of Tidal Energy Distribution along New Jersey Coastlines
- In-situ XRD study of the olivine - ringwoodite transformation kinetics: application for effects of water on its growth kinetics
- Injection of plasma into nascent solar wind outflow as driven by supergranular advection
- Method for inferring the axis-orientation of cylindrical flux rope or plasmoid based on single-point measurement
- Modeling dynamic rupture process of thrust fault by FEM
- Modeling watershed non-point source pollution: complexity, uncertainty and future directions
- Moho, Seismogenesis, and Rheoloy of the Lithosphere
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Multiple fault rupture and successive triggering of the April 2012 Mw 8.6 northern Sumatra earthquake
- Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic Geological Evolution of Mongolia: Constraints on Modes of "Crustal Growth" in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
- Newly observed several peroxides from the gas phase ozonolysis of isoprene using a flow tube reactor and the water vapor effect on their formation and decomposition
- Numerical Simulation of the Variation of Schumann Resonance Associated with Seismogenic Processe in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere system
- Observational evidence for the mechanism of the poleward propagation of zonal wind anomalies over the North Atlantic
- On the retreat of Near-Earth neutral line during substorm expansion phase: a THEMIS case study during the 2008 January 9 substorm
- Paleoglaciation of Shaluli Shan, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation in CMIP5
- Poloidal ULF wave observed in the plasmasphere boundary layer
- Precipitation-dependent responses of soil respiration to experimental warming in the Tibetan alpine grassland
- Receiver function images of the mantle transition zone beneath NE China: new constraints on intraplate volcanism, deep subduction and their potential link
- Recent trends in Inner Asian forest dynamics to temperature and precipitation indicate high sensitivity to climate change
- Reconstructing spatial and temporal patterns of paleoglaciation along the Tian Shan
- Seismic evidence for possible lithospheric drips beneath the Greater Xiang'an Range by NECESSArray
- Sensitivity of summertime surface ozone to surface temperature over Southeastern U.S.: interannual variability during 1989-2010 as a diagnostic for model chemical mechanism
- Sensitivity of tropospheric oxidants to wildfires: implications for radiative forcing
- Shear-wave anisotropy beneath Northeast China observed by the NECESSArray
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging of Solar Energetic Particles
- Stress Interactions within the Strong Earthquake Sequence from 2001 to 2010 in the Bayankala Block of Eastern Tibet
- Structure and composition of the crust near the Kunlun-Qaidam boundary of Tibet from receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- The High-Pressure Cataclasites from SW Tianshan, China: An Implication for the Mechanisms of Intermediate-Depth earthquakes
- The angle distribution of the small scale pressure-balanced structures in the solar wind
- The role of forest age in earth system models
- The synthetics of receiver functions and data processing of stations in Ordos
- Three-dimensional seismic structure in the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge (37°50‧S) : Implication for active hydrothermal circulation
- Uncertainty analysis for complex watershed water quality models: the parameter identifiability problem
- Velocity structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: P and S body wave tomographic model of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its margins with additional constraints from surface wave tomography
- A Multi-model Data Assimilation Framework Via Ensemble Kalman Filter
- A New age Constraint on Sturtian Glaciation: SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic Altungol Formation in Tarim Basin, NW China
- Air Pollution in Megacity Beijing and North China Plain
- An Introduction to the Major NSFC Program 'Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea'
- An improved speciated NMVOC emission inventory for Asia
- Analysis of Transpacific Transport of Black Carbon during HIPPO-3 and Implications for Black Carbon Aging
- Analysis of streamflow variations in the Heihe River Basin: Trends, abrupt change, driving factors and ecological influences
- Anisotropic Rayleigh-Wave Phase-Velocity Maps beneath Northeastern China
- Anomalous behaviors of geomagnetic diurnal variations prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0)
- Bridging the gap between uncertainty analysis for complex watershed models and decision-making for watershed-scale water management
- Committed changes in tropical tree cover under the projected 21st century climate change
- Comparison between DMSP-OLS and S-NPP Day-Night Band in Correlating with Regional Socio-economic Variables
- Comparison of P-, SV- and SH-wave velocity models below Japan and northeast China
- Comparison of solar energetic electron events between solar cycle 23 and 24
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation studies of the Wenchuan earthquake and seismo-tectonics of the Longmen Shan fault system (Invited)
- Crustal model of central North China Craton from 3D joint inversion of surface wave phase dispersions and Bouguer gravity anomalies
- Defining the Moho: the Necessity of Combining Different Geophysical Observations
- Depth variation of upper mantle seismic discontinuities in the region of the Tonga subduction zone
- Do aerosols influence the diurnal variation of H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> in the atmosphere?
- Ecosystem responses to a recent drought episode in Southwest China
- Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Overcome Subsurface Physical Remediation Barriers
- Estimating agricultural yield gap in Africa using MODIS NDVI dataset
- Evaluate the urban effect on summer convective precipitation by coupling a urban canopy model with a Regional Climate Model
- Evaluation of multi-model aerosol distributions over East Asia using in-situ and satellite observations during summer 2008
- Experimental evidence for a non-OH oxidant produced from the reaction of isoprene with OH radical
- Fast acceleration of inner magnetospheric hydrogen and oxygen ions by shock induced ULF waves
- Formation of dipolarization fronts inside reconnection diffusion region
- Generation of Superhalo Electrons by Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind Source Region
- Groundwater depletion in North China from GRACE satellites, ground-based monitoring network and groundwater modeling (Invited)
- High Pressure Study on Natural Chromite
- How are properties of superhalo electrons and SEPs differentiated by their solar source regions?
- Identification of plasma structures with local enhancement in temperature and implication for intermittent heating of the solar wind
- Imaging shallow velocity structure using ambient noise in urban area
- Imaging the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath northeast Tibetan plateau with body waves emerged from cross-correlated ambient seismic noise
- Impact of Foliage Surface Properties on Vegetation Reflection and Absorption
- Impacts of natural and human-induced changes on regional flood frequency over the contiguous United States
- Integrated Hydrological Modeling of the North China Plain and Implications for Sustainable Water Management (Invited)
- Intensified tectonic deformation since the Latest Pleistocene derived from geomorphologic evidences of the Bostan River in the southern Tian Shan foreland, NW China
- Inter-Annual Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth over East Asia during 2000-2011 summers
- Interactions between magnetosonic (MS) waves and radiation belt electrons: Comparisons of quasi-linear theory with test particle simulations
- Inverse estimation of ammonia emissions over China using satellite observations and the adjoint method
- Inversion method of seismic forces at fault using finite element
- Inversion of CO emissions over Beijing and its surrounding areas with ensemble Kalman filter
- Ion composition changes in the plasma sheet during the BBFs interval observed by Cluster
- Is the radiative forcing due to black carbon aerosols as large as some recent studies suggest?
- Lg Attenuation in Northeast China Using the NECESSArray
- Megacity-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in East Asia
- Modeling of a heavy haze-pollution in eastern China in winter, 2013
- Modeling the Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Impacted by Agricultural Activities
- Multi-Array Imaging and Multi-Subevent inversion of the Rupture Process of the May 24, 2013 Mw 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Deep-Focus Earthquake
- Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Field Variation in the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Associated with Seismogenic Process in a Curvature Coordinate System
- Numerical Simulations of Spatial Distributions and Diurnal Variations of Low-level Jets in China during Early Summer
- Objective Analysis of Circulation Extremes During the 21 July 2012 heavy rainfall event in Beijing
- Plumes and Drips Beneath Northeast China and the Western United States (Invited)
- Predicting the Affects of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration and Agricultural Productivity of Semi-arid Basins
- Preliminary assessment of chemical characteristics of DOC in surface waters of the Hulugou watershed, China
- Radial Evolution of the Wavevector Anisotropy of Solar Wind Turbulence Between 0.3 and 1 AU
- Recent Development in Hot Flow Anomaly Studies
- Rock magnetic properties of an 8-Ma terrigenous succession from the northern Tian Shan foreland basin, northwestern China and aridification of the Asian inland
- Small Scale Pressure-Balanced Structures Driven by Slow-mode Waves in the Solar Wind
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Past Mountain Glaciation in the Tian Shan, Central Asia
- Spatial surveys of CH4 emissions with a mobile multi-gas sensing platform during DISCOVER-AQ and CAREBEIJING-NCP field campaigns
- Temperature as a tracer to identify surface water-groundwater exchanges in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China
- The Double-belt Outer Radiation Belt During CME- and CIR-driven Geomagnetic Storms
- The Impact of Biomass Burning and North American Monsoon On the Surface Ozone in the Western U.S. mountain ranges
- The metamorphic P-T evolution of Glenelg-Attadale inlier eclogites, NW Scotland: Evidences from garnet compositions and microstructures
- The role of ocean heat transport in the habitaility of tidal-locking exoplanets around M dwarfs
- Two-way coupled simulation of global chemical transport model GEOS-Chem and its multiple nested models
- Water versus Energy in China
- azimuthal anisotropy underneath western North China Craton from surface wave tomography
- A Comparison of Parameterizations of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production: Global Budget and Spatiotemporal Variability
- A New High-Resolution N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Inventory for China in 2008
- A Reliable Way to Track Rupture Process of Earthquakes
- A Worldwide Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in Water Balance-based Evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009
- Abrupt Intensification of ENSO Forced By Deglacial Ice-Sheet Retreat
- Acute Health Impact of Air Pollution in China
- Analysis of Characteristics of Dust Aerosols in Northwest China based on Satellite Remote-sensing Data
- Applications of dendrochronology for informing terrestrial carbon cycle modeling
- Asymmetric Ionospheric Outflow Observed at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Automatic Imaging the Rupture Process of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake by Iterative Deconvolution and Stacking the Strong-motion Data
- Behavior of K in Eclogite from Subducted Slab at Pressures from 4 to 10 GPa
- Can Water Be Frozen on the Nightside of Tidal-locking Exoplanets?
- Characterization of Groundwater Storage in the Heihe Headwater Watershed, Qinghai Province, China
- Chemical Remagnetization of Jurassic Carbonates and a Primary Paleolatitude of Lower Cretaceous Volcaniclastic Rocks of the Tibetan Himalaya
- Climate Patterns of Habitable Exoplanets in Eccentric Orbits around M Dwarfs
- Climate Response due to Black Carbon Aerosols and Black-Carbon-induced SST Effects in MIROC5.0
- Climate Warming Threatens Semi-arid Forests in Inner Asia
- Coherent Changes of Northern and Eastern Equatorial Africa Rainfall during the Last Deglaciation
- Comparison of composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> between haze and non-haze periods from 2012.3 to 2013.2 in Beijing
- Cosmogenic Be-10 Constraints of the "Little Ice Age" Glacial Advances in the Eastern Tian Shan, China
- Crust and Upper-mantle Structure in the Western North China Craton from Receiver Functions
- Crustal and Uppermantle Structure of Northeast China from Ambient Noise and Teleseismic Earthquake Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Dependence of poleward auroral and equatorward motion on substorm current wedge
- Depth Variation of Upper Mantle Seismic Discontinuities in the Region of the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Direct Radiative Effects Caused By Crop Burning Over the North China Plain During the Harvest Season
- Dynamics of global vegetation biomass simulated by the integrated Earth System Model
- Effect of Substorm Proton Injection On the Excitation of EMIC Waves observed by Van Allen Probes
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Phase D across the Spin Transitions of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Electron Beams near the Dipolarization Front Observed by THEMIS Satellites
- Electron Distribution Functions in the Separatrix Layer inside the Diffusion Region
- Evaluation of Intercontinental Transport of Ozone Using Full-tagged, Tagged-N and Sensitivity Methods
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Exploration of the Body Wave Phases Generated by Ambient Noise Cross-correlation
- Fast in-situ measurements of glyoxal (CHOCHO) and nitrous acid (HONO) in northern Chinese plane during CAREBEIJING - NCP2014
- Flash Floods and Storm-Triggered Debris Avalanches in the Appalachians and Possible Trends in a Future Warming Climate
- Frequency dependent Lg attenuation in Northeast China and Korean Peninsula
- Global High-Resolution Emission Inventories from Combustion Sources
- Heterogeneous Reaction of SO<SUB>2</SUB> on Authentic Mineral Dusts: Effects of Relative Humidity and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>
- High-Resolution Upscaling of Closed Chamber Fluxes for N<SUB>2</SUB>o Emissions from China's Agricultural Soils
- Hydrological and land-use controls of watershed exports of DOM and nutrients in a large arid river basin of Western China
- Imaging Upper Mantle Discontinuities Using Stacking and Finite-Frequency Methods
- Impact of Forests on Local Temperature Based on Satellite Observations
- Impact of the 2011 Southern US Drought on Ground-Level Particulate Matters (PM) in Summertime and Implication for Drought-Driven PM Response in Future Climate
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Intercontinental difference in extreme weather events for the Northern Hemisphere over the past half century
- Investigating the Vertical Distribution and Source Attribution of Black Carbon over the Pacific Ocean
- Isoprene Epoxydiols Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol (IEPOX-SOA): Insights from Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Field Measurements
- Linking watershed terrain and hydrology to soil chemical properties, microbial communities and impacts on soil organic C in a humid mid-latitude forested watershed
- Low-weight Molecular Organic Peroxides, Acids and Carbonyls Production in the Gas-phase OH radical-initiated Reaction of Alpha-pinene at Different Relative Humidity
- Magnetic Field-line Length and Twist Distributions within Interplanetary Flux Fopes from Wind Spacecraft Measurements
- Modeling Elemental Composition of Organic Aerosol: Exploiting Laboratory and Ambient Measurement and the Implications of the Gap Between Them
- Modeling the Hydrological Response to Climate Change in an Arid Inland River Basin
- Numerical Study of Urbanization Effect on 2012 Heavy Storm Precipitation in Beijing
- Observation of Counter Propagating Alfven Waves with Perpendicular Polarizations and the Associated Proton Kinetics
- Observations and MHD Simulations for a Shocked Magnetotail
- On the Current System and Electric Field Associated with the Boundary of Plasma Bubble
- On transpolar arc formation correlated with solar wind entry at high latitude magnetosphere
- Pomino: An Improved Satellite NO2 Product for the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Pore Effect on the Occurrence and Formation of Gas Hydrate in Permafrost of Qilian Mountain, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- Probing Cumulus Convection Using Lagrangian Particles
- Process Analysis of Typhoon Related Ozone Pollution over the Pearl River Delta during the PRIDE-PRD2006
- Progressive Seismic Failure, Seismic Gap, and Great Seismic Risk across the Densely Populated North China Basin
- Reconnection Efficiency Determined from Statistical Properties of Magnetosheath Flux
- Relationship between SST Patterns and the Hadley circulation in CMIP5
- Seismic Anisotropy and Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Beltand Surrounding Regions
- Selecting Appropriate Surveillance Operation for Geologic CO2 Sequestration by Efficient Data-Worth Analysis
- Sensitivity of Organic Aerosols to Meteorological Variables over North America: Interannual Variability as a Diagnostic for Climate-Air Quality Interactions
- Solar Wind Entry into the magnetosphere lobes and its Related Auroral activities
- Solar Wind ~20-300 keV Superhalo Electrons
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse - driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Source Attribution of Surface Ozone in the Western United States Using an Adjoint Method
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Their Relationships with Climate in Southeast Asia Based on Three Satellite NDVI Products
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Altitudinal Lapse Rate of Temperature in Mainland China
- Substorm Onset and the Possible Role of O+ IONS Flowing out during Pseudo-Breakup Auroras
- The Angular Distribution of Quiet-time ~20-300 keV Superhalo Electrons in the Solar Wind
- The Estimation and Validation of Isoprene Emission Inventory in China, based on the Most Detailed Vegetation Investigation and Observation
- The Interaction Between Dipolarization Front and the Ambient Plasma
- The Lithospheric Structure of Ordos, China: Evidence from Refined Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
- The Reaction of Acetyl Peroxy Radical with Aldehyde: Impact on the OH Radical Model Simulation
- The anisotropic nature of the intermittent turbulence spectra in the solar wind
- The isotropic nature of the background turbulence spectra in the solar wind
- Towards a Uniform 3-D Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath Eastern China
- Turbulence and Heating in the Side and Wake Regions of Coronal Mass Ejection in the Low Corona
- Understanding the Basin-Wide Impact of Agricultural Irrigation on the Water Cycle in Dry Inland Areas: An Integrated Modeling Approach
- Upper Mantle Tomography in the Northwestern Pacific Region Using Triplicated P Waveforms
- What Causes the Atmospheric H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Difference between Urban Beijing and Rural Hebei Province?
- A Large Contribution of Combustion-related Emissions to the Atmospheric Budget of Phosphorus
- A Microphysics-Based Black Carbon Aging Scheme in a Global Chemical Transport Model: Constraints from HIPPO Observations
- Aerosol-stratocumulus Interactions over the Southeast Pacific: A Process Study Using WRF-Chem
- Alfvénic fluctuations with power-law spectra propagating sunward within the region from L1 to the Earth's bow shock
- An Efficient Data-worth Analysis Framework via Probabilistic Collocation Method Based Ensemble Kalman Filter
- An improved space-time ETAS model for inverting the rupture geometry from seismicity triggering
- Analysis of Seismicity Risk Increase Triggered by Longtan Reservoir, China, Using a Fully Coupled Poroelastic Model
- Analysis of forest leaf area index variations over China during 1982-2010 based on EEMD method
- Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing as Indicated by the Reversion of Warming-elevation Relationship
- Biomass Burning Contributions to Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the Harvest Season in Beijing, China
- Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
- Charged Particle Behavior in the Growth and Damping Stages of Ultralow Frequency Waves: Theory and Van Allen Probes Observations
- Chemical Characterization and Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species by PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> during Summer in North China Plain of China
- China's international trade and air pollution: 2000 - 2009
- Combined Effect of EMIC Waves and Magnetosonic Waves on Rapid Loss of MeV Electrons in Outer Radiation Belt
- Constraining Methane Emissions from Beijing and the North China Plain Using Open-path, Mobile Measurements and FLEXPART-WRF
- Controls of Earth's dipole tilt angle and background magnetosheath flow to the locations of reconnection sites on the magnetopasue
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Crust Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath Eastern Asia: Progress towards a Uniform, Tightly Constrained, High Resolution 3-D Model
- Crustal and uppermost mantle conductivity distribution beneath the northern portion of Trans North China Orogen and its implication in the scale of destruction of the North China Craton
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Distinctive timing of U.S. historical ozone change determined by climate and anthropogenic emissions
- Distribution of Gaseous and Particulate Organic Peroxides Formed in the Ozonolysis of α-Pinene
- Distribution, fraction, and ecological risk assesment of heavy metals in sediment-plant system in mangrove forest, South China Sea
- Effective use of integrated hydrological models in basin-scale water resources management: surrogate modeling approaches
- Effects of Urban Land Forcing on Local and Downwind Air Quality, a Case Study for East Asia
- Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of anthropogenic pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over China
- Electric Field, Field-aligned Current and Electromagnetic Waves in the Dip Region in front of the Dipolarization Front
- Emission Inventory of Halogenated greenhouse gases in China during 1980-2050
- Energy for Water Utilization in China and Policy Implications for Integrated Planning
- Estimation of Canopy Sunlit Fraction of Leaf Area from Ground-Based Measurements
- Evaluating Biases in Simulated Land Surface Albedo from CMIP5 Earth System Models
- Evolution and Forcing Mechanisms of El Niño over the Last 21,000 Years
- Factors controlling global tropospheric ozone: roles of isoprene chemistry, tropospheric halogen chemistry, convection, and lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> sources
- Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
- Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Fracture Energies at the Rupture Nucleation Points of Large Strike-slip Earthquakes
- Ground and aircraft-based methane measurements in Siberia: source attribution using tracers and models
- Growing season drives the temperature sensitivity of extracellular enzymes in Tibetan forest soils
- Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Signatures of Vegetation from AirMSPI and AVIRIS Measurements
- Indirect evidence for elevated SO<SUB>2</SUB> layers in the North China Plain
- Inference of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Black Carbon Aerosols over Northern Pacific from Satellite Observations (2005-2012)
- Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations
- Interaction between Carbon Nanotubes and Aromatic Hydrocarbon-degrading Microbes and its Effect on Carbon Nanotubes Transformation
- Inversion of tsunami waveforms for the seismic moment tensor
- Investigation of Potential Interferences in the Detection of OH Radicals by Laser-Induced Fluorescence under Dark Conditions
- Low-Amplitude Solar Wind Turbulence: Spectral Features
- MESSENGER Observations of Substorm Activity at Mercury
- Methane Emissions from an Alpine Wetland on the Tibetan Plateau: Magnitude, Pattern and Their Responses to Water Table Lowering
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- No evidence that solar wind turbulence can be described by the critical balance theory
- Non-destructive testing for combined stresses using high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and ''three-temperature model'': A case study on mangrove plant Kandelia obovata
- Nutrient Allocation Strategies of Woody Plants: An Approach From the Scaling of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Between Twigs and Leaves
- Observation and Modeling of Atmospheric Peroxyformic Acid
- Observations of Dinitrogen Pentoxide and Nitryl Chloride at two inland sites in North China: Abundances, Origins, and Impact on Photochemistry
- Observed impacts of wind farms on land surface temperature in Inner Mongolia
- On the Nature of the Arctic Oscillation and Its Diverse Influence on Surface Temperature
- Optical Extinction and Aerosol Hygroscopicity in the Southeastern United States
- Optimized sampling strategy of Wireless sensor network for validation of remote sensing products over heterogeneous coarse-resolution pixel
- Origin of the High-speed Jets Fom Magnetic Flux Emergence in the Solar Transition Region as well as Their Mass and Energy Contribuctions to the Solar Wind
- Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
- P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity Structure of Submarine Landslide Associated With Gas Hydrate Layer on Frontal Ridge of Northern Cascadia Margin
- POMINO: An improved satellite NO<SUB>2</SUB> product and impacts on emission inversio
- Paleomagnetic Results of Permo-Carboniferous Volcanic-sedimentary Strata in Mid-eastern Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern CAOB
- Plasma Waves Around Separatrix in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection with Weak Guide Field
- Pre-stack Reverse-Time Migration Method for Imaging Subsurface Structures of the Himalaya-Tibet Collision Zone
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons
- Rapid Loss of Lakes on the Mongolian Plateau
- Rapid kinematic finite-fault inversion for an Mw 7+ scenario earthquake in the Marmara Sea: An uncertainty study
- Re-quantifying China's N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from croplands
- Reconstruction of the Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Region at the Magnetopause
- Regional teleseismic body-wave tomography with component-differential finite-frequency sensitivity kernels
- Revealing the Hidden Health Costs Embodied in Chinese Exports
- Revisiting the potential of melt pond fraction as a predictor for the seasonal Arctic sea ice extent minimum
- Satellite Albedo products Validation by Upscaling Multi-nodes in situ Data into a Satellite Pixel Scale over Heterogeneous Land Surface
- Seismic Attenuation of Sn phase beneath the Ordos Plateau
- Slip rate and paleoseismicity of the Minle-Damaying Fault, middle of the Hexi Corridor, Northwest China
- Soil Warming and Rhizosphere Effects on Root Litter Decomposition at Two Depths in a Mediterranean Grassland Ecosystem
- Solar Wind ~0.1-1.5 keV Electrons at Quiet Times
- Sources and Processes Affecting Particulate Matter Pollution over North China
- Spatial Variation in the Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Large Arid River Basin, Northwestern China
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Global NDVI Trends: Correlations with Climate and Human Factors
- Spatial distribution of forest aboveground biomass in China: estimation through combination of spaceborne lidar, optical imagery, and forest inventory data
- Spatial variability and source apportionment of PM2.5 across multiple sampling locations in southwest China
- Spatio-temporal Variations of Nitrogen Dioxide over Western China from Satellite Observations during 2005-2013
- Spatiotemporal pattern of vegetation remote sensing phenology and its response to climatic factors on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Statistics on the plasma properties in the magnetosheath and the efficiency of magnetopause reconnection
- Stochastic collocation using Kronrod-Patterson-Hermite quadrature with moderate delay for subsurface flow and transport
- Stratospheric Ozone-induced Indirect Radiative Effects on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Substituting HCFC-22 for HFC-410A: an environmental impact trade-off between the ozone depletion and climate change regimes
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Sustainable development level evaluation based on ecosystem services welfare index
- The 2015 Illapel Earthquake, Central Chile, a Case of a Characteristic Earthquake?
- The EM fields in the Solid Generated by a Fault in a Porous Region
- The Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electrons
- The Spectrum of Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons
- The Temperature Response of Spring Phenology Benefit More in Habitats with Higher Predictable Temperature
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The crustal thickness and lithospheric structure of active and inactive volcanic arc terrains in Fiji and Tonga
- The role of spatial scale and background climate in the latitudinal temperature response to deforestation
- Three-dimensional imaging of the subducting Indian continental lithosphere beneath the southern and central Tibetan Plateau using body-wave finite frequency tomography
- Tropospheric ozone simulated by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system
- Volcanic Debris Flows of the Latest Paleozoic Arbasay Formation: Geomorphological Characters and Paleoenvironment Reconstruction of Northern Tian Shan, NW China
- A Form of Nascent Solar Wind Outflow: Beam flow Generated by Slow-Mode Waves Through Landau Resonance in the Weakly Collisional Solar Atmosphere
- A Large-scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance during 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm
- A Numerical Simulation of Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposures in Urban Street Canyons
- Air Quality Improvement in a Megacity: Implications from 2015 Beijing Parade Blue Pollution-Control Actions
- Air Quality, Human Health and Climate Implications of China's Synthetic Natural Gas Development
- Ammonia Emissions from Agriculture in China
- An Improvement of Back-Projection Method Based on a 3-D Earth Model
- An Integrated Modeling Study of the Miho Catchment in Korea
- An assessment of the radiative effect of ice supersaturation based on in-situ observations
- Analysis of the tradeoff between agriculture and ecosystem preservation using a new ecohydrological model
- Analysis on the vegetation phenology of tropical seasonal rain forest in South America
- Applying Telecoupling Framework for Urban Water Sustainability Research and Management
- Assessing Plant Senescence Reflectance Index retrieved vegetation phenology and its spatiotemporal response to climate change in the Inner Mongolian Grassland
- Assimilating Eddy-covariance Flux into an Ecosystem Model: A Case Study in China's Forest Ecosystem
- Atmospheric Ammonia Over China: Emission Estimates And Impact On Air Quality
- Atmospheric mercury concentration and chemical speciation at Nam Co (4730 m a.s.l), a highland background site in the inland Tibetan Plateau: implications of mercury emission sources
- Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to China: a model analysis on nitrogen budget and critical load exceedance
- Bacterial uptake of antibiotics in model unsaturated systems
- Budget of the OH reactivity in the North China Plain in summer- and wintertime: Results from recent field campaigns
- Characterization of atmospheric oxidants during, and after 2014 APEC summit: a case study of peroxides and ozone
- Chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter in an alpine stream from thawing and collapsing permafrost to Qinghai Lake
- Clarify the role of evapotranspiration in improving the predictability of summer droughts over US Great Plains
- Climate and Habitability of Kepler 452b
- Climate and Ocean Circulation During "The Boring Billion" Simulated by CCSM3
- Climatic Drivers of Leaf Coloring in northern China
- Comparison of Different Approach of Back Projection Method in Retrieving the Rupture Process of Large Earthquakes
- Compressional ULF Wave Modulation of Energetic Particles in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Consistency and Applicability of Parameterization Schemes for Aerosol Size-resolved Activation Ratio based on Field Measurements in the North China Plain.
- Correlation and Anti-Correlation of East Asian Summer and Winter Monsoons during the Last 21,000 Years
- Crustal radial anisotropy in Northeast China and its implication for the regional tectonic extension
- Deliquescent phenomena of ambient aerosols on the North China Plain
- Dip anomaly caused by slab tearing limits the scale of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha earthquake
- Direct Measurement of the Wettability of Minerals Using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Enhanced seismicity at a geothermal spot in southern Tibet following 2004 M<SUB>w</SUB> 9.1 Sumatra earthquake
- Environmental Changes over the Last 5520 Years from an Alpine Lake (3410 m a.s.l.) on Taibai Mountain, Central China
- Estimated tetrachloroethylene (C<SUB>2</SUB>Cl<SUB>4</SUB>) emissions for 1992 2014 in China and a high resolution gridded emission in 2010
- Estimation of Leaf Area Index and its Sunlit Portion from DSCOVR EPIC data
- Estimation of biogeochemical climate regulation services in Chinese forest ecosystems
- Evaluating the capacity of GF-4 satellite data for estimating fractional vegetation cover
- Exchange of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) at the Atmosphere-Soil Interface under Ambient Conditions: a Coated-Wall Flow Tube Study
- Experimental Studies on the Effects of Green Space and Evapotranspiration on Urban Heat Island in a Subtropical Megacity in China
- Experimental investigations about the effect of trace amount of propane on the formation of mixed hydrates of methane and propane
- Export Mechanisms of Persistent Toxic Substances (PTSs) in Urban Land Uses during Rainfall-Runoff Events: Experimental and Modeling Studies
- Factors Affecting Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Fine flow structures in the transition region small-scale loops
- First In Situ Evidence of Electron Pitch Angle Scattering Due to Magnetic Field Line Curvature in the Ion Diffusion Region
- Foreign and Domestic Contributions to Springtime Ozone Pollution over China
- Freshwater Ecosystem Service Flow Model To Evaluate Regional Water Security: A Case Study In Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China
- Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Heilongjiang Complex and Its Implications in the Late Paleozoic Tectonics of Eastern NE China
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- High resolution crustal and upper mantle velocity model of northern Ordos block from surface wave tomography: evidence for the on-going craton reactivation
- Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface
- Impact of Dust Reduction on the Mid-Holocene Climate
- Improved simulation of tropospheric ozone by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system
- Influence of Aerosols And Surface Reflectance On NO2 Retrieval Over China From 2005 to 2015
- Inverse Energy Dispersion of Energetic Ions Observed in the Magnetosheath
- Inverse Modeling Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Aided by Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Method with Transformation
- Leaf carbon contents vary with the plant life forms and biomes
- Length of vegetation's water memory and its implication for resilience
- Long-lived Species Facilitate Substantial Summertime Transpacific Transport of Ozone
- MMS Observation of Inverse Energy Dispersion in Shock Drift Acceleration Ions
- Mapping global forest aboveground biomass with spaceborne LiDAR, optical imagery, and forest inventory data
- Microearthquake detection at 2012 M4.9 Qiaojia earthquake source area , the north of the Xiaojiang Fault in Yunnan, China
- Modeling Pluto's Ice-Rich Surface and Its Interaction with Atmosphere
- Multi-scale Pressure-balanced Structures and Influence of Intermittency on the Perpendicular Spectrum in Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Observation and modelling of the OH, HO2 and RO2 radicals at a rural site (Wangdu) in the North China Plain in summer 2014
- Observationally Based Analysis of Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Organosulfate Formation through the Heterogeneous Reaction of Sulfur Dioxide with Unsaturated Compounds
- Potential Impacts of Urban Land Expansion on Asian Outflows of Air Pollutants
- Prompt GPS TEC Response to Magnetospheric Compression by Interplanetary Shock
- Quiet-Time Suprathermal ( 0.1-1.5 keV) Electrons in the Solar Wind
- Radiocarbon-based Source Apportionment of Organic, Elemental and Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols and the Light Absorption of Water-soluble Organic Carbon Aerosols in the East Asia High-intensity Winter Campaigns in 2014
- Rapid biodegradation of plastics by mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) brings hope to solve wasteplastic pollution
- Rapid increase of lakes in Tibetan Plateau
- Reconciling temporal trends in water-use efficiency from tree rings to continents
- Responses of Tree Growths to Tree Size, Competition, and Topographic Conditions in Sierra Nevada Forests Using Bi-temporal Airborne LiDAR Data
- Revisit the Lunar Overturn Model with the Ilmenite Rheology Experiment Results
- Roles of production, consumption and trade in global and regional aerosol radiative forcing
- Rupture model of the 2015 M7.2 Sarez, Central Pamir, earthquake and the importance of strike-slip faulting in the Pamir interior
- Seasonal Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency to Climate Change
- Seasonal Variation of Shallow-to-Deep Convection Transition, Its Link to Environmental Conditions and Influence on Diurnaly Cycle of Rainfall as Determined by GoAmazon Data
- Signatures of Reconnection Observed in a Candle-Flame Solar Flare at the Limb
- Simulation of Quiet-Sun Hard X-rays Related to Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons
- Slowdown of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from China's croplands
- Soil Carbon Inputs and Ecosystem Respiration: a Field Priming Experiment in Arctic Coastal Tundra
- Solar electrons observed in the magnetosphere
- Sources and Depositions of Atmospheric Trace Metals in PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>over East China Seas and Northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Space-based constraints on global and Chinese non-methane volatile organic compound emissions: exploring the sources of uncertainties
- Spectral Anisotropy of Magnetic Field Fluctuations around Ion Scales in the Fast Solar Wind
- Storm Time Current Distribution in the Innerequatorial Magnetosphere:THEMIS Observations
- Sunward-Propagating Alfvénic Fluctuations Observed in the Heliosphere
- Superthermal (0.5- 100 keV) Electrons near the ICME-driven shocks
- Surrogate model based iterative ensemble smoother for subsurface flow data assimilation
- Temporal and spatial variations of atmospheric reactive nitrogen deposition and impacts in China
- The Contribution of Geomagnetic Activities to Polar Ozone Changes in Upper Atmosphere
- The Effect of Afforestation on Soil Moisture Content in Northeastern China
- The Impact of Heterogeneous Uptake of Dinitrogen Pentoxide on Nitrate Formation at a Polluted Northern China Region
- The Influence of Aerosol Hygroscopicity on Retrieving the Aerosol Extincting Coefficient from MPL Data
- The Kinetic Wave Modes generating the Ion-Scale Pressure-Balanced Structures Identified in the Solar Wind
- The Solar injection of ten electron/<SUP>3</SUP>He-rich SEP events
- The anisotropy of sunward-propagating Alfvénic fluctuations with power-law spectra observed by Wind spacecraft
- ULF Waves in Magnetosphere Generated by HFAs
- Uncertainty in evapotranspiration estimation caused by resistance: a case study using Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- Variations of fine particle physiochemical properties during a heavy haze episode
- Vertical Distribution of Black and Brown Carbon over Shanghai during Winter
- Which fraction of soil organic matter is more vulnerable to rhizosphere priming effect?
- Widespread occurrence of magnetic nanoparticle inclusions in marine sediments and their importance in paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic studies
- A LAI inversion algorithm based on the unified model of canopy bidirectional reflectance distribution function for the Heihe River Basin
- A Method for Quantitative Assessing the Migration-Distance of Active Faults on Both Sides of Mid-Ocean Ridges——Based on Multi-Beam Bathymetry Data
- A New Finite Difference Q-compensated RTM Algorithm in Tilted Transverse Isotropic (TTI) Media
- A Parameterization Scheme of the Light Scattering Enhancement Factor Derived from Aerosol Chemical Compositions
- A Study on Sunward-propagating Alfvénic Fluctuations with a Power-law Spectrum (SAFP) Observed by the WIND Spacecraft
- A Synthetic Study on the Resolution of 2D Elastic Full Waveform Inversion
- A new software to calculate evaporation, transpiration, and evapotranspiration based on the three-temperature model and infrared remote sensing
- A novel method to estimate supersaturation ratio in the environmental activation process using aerosol and droplet measurement data
- Abrupt Climate Transition of Icy Worlds from Snowball to Moist or Runaway Greenhouse
- Aerosol Liquid Water Driven by Anthropogenic inorganic salts: Playing a key role in the winter haze formation over North China Plain
- Aging of black carbon particles under polluted urban environments: timescale, hygroscopicity and enhanced absorption and direct radiative forcing
- Altered Plant Litter and Microbial Composition Lead to Topsoil Organic Carbon Loss Over a Shrub-encroachment Gradient in an Inner Mongolia Grassland
- Ambient gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric carbonyl at an urban site in Beijing
- An Efficient Bundle Adjustment Model Based on Parallax Parametrization for Environmental Monitoring
- An Iterative Travel Time Inversion and Waveform Modeling Method to Determine the Crust Structure and Focal Mechanism: Case Study of 2015 Alxa Left Banner Ms5.8 Earthquake
- Assessing Provincial PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Trends in China from 2001 to 2015 Using High-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Biogeochemical stability and reactions of iron-organic carbon complexes
- Break point on the auto-correlation function of Elsässer variable z<SUP>-</SUP> in the super-Alfvénic solar wind fluctuations
- Cenozoic exhumation and tectonic evolution of the Qimen Tagh Range, northern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from the heavy mineral compositions, detrital zircon U-Pb ages and seismic interpretations
- Characteristics of Biogenic VOCs Emission and its High-Resolution Emission Inventory in China
- Chemical characteristics of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> observed at a rural site in Beijing winter 2016: from clean to polluted air mass
- Climate and Ocean Circulation During "The Boring Billion" Simulated by CCSM3
- Climate response to the meltwater runoff from Greenland Ice Sheet: evolving sensitivity to discharging locations
- Co-Mitigation of Ozone and PM2.5 Pollution over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
- Comparison of OH Reactivity Instruments in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR.
- Comparison of methods for extracting annual cycle with changing amplitude in climate science
- Contrasting responses of grassland water and carbon exchanges to climate change between Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolia
- Crustal anisotropy from Moho converted Ps wave splitting and geodynamic implications in Northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Decadal soil carbon accumulation across Tibetan permafrost regions
- Deciphering factors controlling groundwater arsenic spatial variability in Bangladesh
- Different Roles of Endo- and Exo-cyclic Double Bonds in Limonene Ozonolysis System: Effect of Water and OH Radical Scavengers
- Different nonlinear properties of diurnal temperature range over China
- Directional Canopy Emissivity Estimation Based on Spectral Invariants
- Disentangling the mechanisms behind winter snow impact on vegetation activity in northern ecosystems
- Earthquake Distribution and Crustal Velocity in Shanxi Rift Zone, China
- Effects of Northern Hemisphere Sea Surface Temperature Changes on the Global Air Quality
- Effects of conversion of mangroves into gei wai ponds on sediment heavy metals accumulation in tidal flat estuary, South China
- Electron Alfvén waves in collisionless magnetic reconnection with a guide field
- Energetic Particle Sounding of the Magnetopause Deformed by Hot Flow Anomaly
- Enhanced growths after extreme wetness compensate post-drought carbon loss in dry forest ecosystems
- Estimating Vegetation Rainfall Interception Using Remote Sensing Observations at Very High Resolution
- Evaluation of VIIRS Aerosol Products over China.
- Evidence for the Importance of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Eutrophic Lake Dianchi, China
- Evolution of the Mongol-Okhotsk suture as constrained by new Early Cretaceous palaeomagnetic data from the North China and southern Mongolia
- Explicit and Observation-based Aerosol Treatment in Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval over China from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Factors Affecting Aerosol Radiative Forcing from Both Production-based and Consumption-based View
- Finite-Frequency Seismic Imaging of Upper-Mantle Velocity Structures Beneath the South China Continent
- Foreign and Domestic Contributions to Springtime Ozone Pollution over China
- Formation Of Nitrous Acid In Various Environments And Its Contribution To Hydroxyl Radical Budget
- Formation and Properties of Tangential Discontinuities in Three-dimensional Compressive MHD Turbulence
- Geocode of River Networks in Global Plateaus
- Global View of Plateau River Networks and Their Characteristics
- Global high-resolution nitrous oxide emission inventory for energy combustion sector
- Global patterns of plant carbon use efficiency and their climate drivers deduced from MODIS satellite data and process-based models
- Global soil-climate-biome diagram: linking soil properties to climate and biota
- Heavy haze in winter Beijing driven by fast gas phase oxidation
- Heterogeneous Production of Sulfate Aerosol over China.
- High time-resolved chemical compositions, sources and evolution for atmospheric submicron aerosols in the winter of Beijing
- Higher Temperature Variability Reduces Temperature Sensitivity of Vegetation Growth in Northern Hemisphere
- Historical and Future Trends in Global Source-receptor Relationships of Mercury
- How plasmas dissipate: cascade and the production of internal energy and entropy in weakly collisional plasma turbulence
- How to allocate water resources under climate change in the arid endorheic river basin, Northwest China
- Hygroscopicity and volatility of semi-volatile organic components in optical levitated single organic/inorganic aqueous aerosol droplet
- Identify sources and multi-generation oxidation products formation of naphthalene during haze events in China
- In-situ Measurement of Dissipation Spectra in Turbulent Plasmas
- Increasing Tropospheric Ozone in the Southern Hemisphere Driven by Poleward Expansion of The Hadley Circulation: Ozone as a Climate Feedback Agent
- Integrated assessment of the health and economic benefits of long-term renewable energy development in China
- Investigating the influence of photocatalytic cool wall adoption on meteorology and air quality in the Los Angeles basin
- Investigation of OH Radical Regeneration from Isoprene Oxidation Across Different NO<SUB>x</SUB> Regimes in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR
- Joint Measurements Of Acoustic And Mechanical Properties For Methane Hydrate-Bearing Unconsolidated Sediments Synthesized In Laboratory
- Large-scale Patterns of <SUP>14</SUP>C Age of Bulk Organic Carbon and Various Molecular Components in Grassland Soils
- Long-term viability of carbon sequestration in deep-sea sediments
- Magma Supply of Southwest Indian Ocean: Implication from Crustal Thickness Anomalies
- Multi-array Back-projection with a 3-D Global Tomography Model: Case Study of the 2017 Mw7.7 Russia Earthquake
- Nearly constant ratio between the proton inertial scale and the spectrum break length scale in the plasma beta range from 0.2 to 1.4 in the solar wind turbulence
- New Insights into the Provenance of the Southern Junggar Basin in the Jurassic from Heavy Mineral Analysis and Sedimentary Characteristics
- Northwestcape-induced Electron Precipitation and Theoretica Simulation
- ORCHIDEE-CNP: Site-Scale Evaluation against Observations from a Soil Formation Chronosequence in Hawaii
- Observation and Modelling of the OH, HO<SUB>2</SUB> and RO<SUB>2</SUB> Radicals at a Regional Site of Beijing in Winter 2016.
- Observation and modeling of ambient nitrous acid (HONO) at a rural site (Wangdu) in the North China Plain in summer 2014
- Observations of electron vortex magnetic holes and related wave-particle interactions in the turbulent magnetosheath
- Observations of kinetic scale magnetic holes in terrestrial space
- Organic carbon storage change in China's urban landfills from 1978 to 2014
- Ozone trends over the United States at different times of day
- Periodic Variations in Low-Latitudinal Ionosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warming Event in 2016/2017 Winter
- Plasma Heating inside ICMEs by Alfvenic Fluctuations Dissipation
- Potential predictability and forecast skill in ensemble climate forecast: the skill-persistence rule
- Quantifying the Global Marine Biogenic Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Reduction of uncertainty in global black carbon direct radiative forcing constrained by observations
- Regional Patterns of Future Runoff Changes from Earth System Models Constrained by Observation
- Relationship between the Hadley Circulation and Mid-latitude SST in CMIP5 Simulations
- Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutions
- Resolving Ozone Vertical Gradients in Air Quality Models
- Responses of Surface Ozone Air Quality to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition
- Revised methane emissions from livestock in China
- SAPS simulation with GITM/UCLA-RCM coupled model
- Seasonality of Hadley circulation widening
- Seismic Velocity and Its Temporal Variations of Hutubi Basin Revealed by Near Surface Trapped Waves
- Sensitivity of land-use change emission estimates to historical land-use and land-cover mapping
- Sensitivity of landscape metrics to changing scale of remote sensing data in spatial pattern analysis: effect, criticality and scaling.
- Significant Lateral Dip Changes May Have Limited the Scale of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha Earthquake
- Size-resolved Measurements of Ambient Black Carbon Mass Concentrations in the North China Plain
- Solar Energetic Electrons detected in the Earth's cusp region by the BD-IES instrument
- Solar Wind 0.1-1 keV Electrons in the Corotating Interaction Regions
- Spatiotemporal distribution and variation of GPP in the Greater Khingan Mountains from 1982 to 2015
- Spring snow-albedo feedback analysis over the Third Pole: results from satellite observation and CMIP5 model simulations
- Statistical study of cold-dense plasma sheet: spatial distribution and semi-annual variation
- Surface discharge of raw wastewater among unsewered homes in central Alabama
- Temporal patterns of vegetation phenology and their responses to climate change in mid-latitude grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere
- The 3D Electrical Structure of Gaoligong Shear Zone in Western Yunnan, China
- The Contribution of Directional Clumping Index to Leaf Area Index Estimation
- The Effect of Cloud Condensation Nuclei on Convective Clouds under Different Atmospheric Stabilities
- The Effect of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) on Ionosphere and Thermosphere during 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm: Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) Simulations
- The Important Role of Ice Nuclei Properties in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds
- The Relationship Between Emissions and Economic Growth for SO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and BC
- The Statistical Studies of 0.5-100 keV Electrons Near The ICME-drivens At 1 AU
- The Strongest 40 keV Electron Acceleration By ICME-driven Shocks At 1 AU
- The area of Chinese grasslands is estimated as 293×10<SUP>4</SUP> km<SUP>2</SUP>
- The characteristic response of whistler mode waves to interplanetary shocks
- The formation of nitrogen-containing organic oxidation products in a heavily polluted urban environment
- The spatiotemporal variation in evapotranspiration of terrestrial ecosystems in China between 1982-2015
- Tide, Ocean and Climate on Exoplanets
- Triple Oxygen Isotope Constraints on Seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Temperature
- Tropical rainforests dominate multi-decadal variability of the global carbon cycle
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Urban Evapotranspiration and Its Estimation by the `Three Temperature Model + Infrared Remote Sensing' Method
- Urban air pollution in Beijing, China, had no effect on ice nucleating particle concentrations
- Variation of Radiation Belt Content Indices and total electron energy During Magnetic Storms Based On Van Allen Probe Observations
- Water-ecosystem-economy nexus under human intervention and climate change: a study in the Heihe River Basin (China)
- Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands
- Why variation of ground-level O<SUB>3</SUB> differed during air quality control for APEC and Parade
- Wind-driven Ocean Circulations on Exoplanets
- Young surface of Pluto's Sputnik Planitia caused by viscous relaxation
- 300-kyr Foraminiferal Assemblage Based Records of Indian Monsoon Evolution from Two IODP 353 Sites
- A Global Meta-analysis of Soil Respiration and Its Components in Response to Phosphorus Addition
- A Significant Finding of New Morphological Type of Transpolar Arc: Nightside Distorted Transpolar Arc
- A digital lake bathymetry model based on Remote Sensing DEM
- A laboratory study of the ice nucleating ability of pollen in Beijing
- A novel multi-fractal quantifying method with wider scaling range: Extended self-similarity based multi-fractal detrended fluctuation analysis
- A sharp increase of seawater sulfate inventory immediately after the Marinoan snowball Earth
- A simplified model for operational observations on CH<SUB>4</SUB> wetland emissions
- AMOC Response to Dust Reduction and Green Sahara during the Mid-Holocene
- Adsorption and degradation of four neonicotinoid insecticides in soil
- Advanced machine learning techniques, extensive features and simplified field investigations facilitated vegetation mapping- a case study in Dzungarian basin
- Aerosol sources, processes and effects on the urban boundary layer: highlights from the Air Pollution and Human health programme
- Afforestation Neutralizes Soil pH
- Air quality, health and carbon implications of various power sector strategies for India
- Ammonia agricultural emissions and their impacts on surface PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>air quality in China
- An Integrated Model for Carbon-Energy-Water Management in a Rapidly Urbanizing Catchment
- Angular Independence of Break Position for Magnetic Power Spectra Density in Solar Wind Turbulence and Its Relation with the Breakdown of the Frozen-in Condition in the Wavenumber Space
- Application of Fully Convolutional Neural Network on Fault Detection
- Assessing air quality co-benefits and penalties of urban heat mitigation strategies in the Los Angeles Basin
- Assessing the Regional Influence and Altitude Effect on Volatile Organic Compounds in Petrochemical Zone of Eastern China
- Assessment of Water Storage Change in China's Lakes and Reservoirs over the Last Three Decades Based on Google Earth Engine and Geo-Statistic Approach
- Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Orchards from High Resolution Satellite Images Using Fully Convolutional Network
- Automatic and routine inversion of earthquake source rupture process
- Broken Pacific-North American Teleconnection at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Building a crystal ball for predicting crop production: empirical vs. process-based modeling, and short-term vs. long-term prediction
- Carbon isotope based source apportionment to atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols
- Characteristics, Source Apportionment and Contribution of VOCs to Ozone Formation in Wuhan, Central China
- Characterizing the Spatio-temporal Distribution and Sources of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in a Rapidly Urbanized River Catchment in Southern China
- China and globalizing air pollution: Impacts of atmospheric transport and international trade on China's air quality
- Climate and Ocean Circulation During "the Boring Billion"
- Co-benefits of nationally determined contributions to water saving in China: a provincial analysis
- Comparison of Respiratory Health of Children from Four Chinese Cities between Two Cross-sectional Studies Over Two Decades
- Constraining marine Si cycle and bedded chert formation in the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (550-521 Ma)
- Contribution and Parameterization of Convective Turbulent Dust Emission (CTDE) over the Horqin Sandy Land Area in China
- Contributions of climate change, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, land-use change and human activities to changes in river flow across ten Chinese basins
- Crustal anisotropy beneath Northeastern margin of Tibet Plateau from Receiver Functions
- Data Driven Identification of Solute Transport Processes
- Dayside magnetodisc reconnection on Saturn
- Decelerating autumn CO<SUB>2</SUB> release with warming induced by attenuated temperature dependence of respiration in northern ecosystems
- Decoupled Mg and Li isotopic trends in the wake of Marinoan glaciation
- Decreases in Global Beer Supply due to Extreme Drought and Heat
- Deducing Crustal-scale Reverse-Fault Slip Distribution from Folded River Terraces, Qilian Shan, China
- Detecting Low-frequency Earthquakes in Western Japan Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Diagnosing the Magnetic Field Structure of a Coronal Cavity Observed during the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Discrete Diking Events Reconcile Faulting Mode and Axial Relief at Plate Spreading Centers
- Divergent Hydrological Response to Large-scale Afforestation and Vegetation Greening in China
- Do We Underestimate the Uptake Coefficient and Gas-Particle Partitioning Coefficient for Peroxides and Carbonyl Compounds in the Ambient Atmosphere?
- Dominance of Dissolved Arsenic in Reducing Groundwater of Yinchuan Plain Aquifer
- Drift-bounce resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Dynamic rupture simulation of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake with the stress parameters estimated from empirical relations
- Dynamics of Explosive PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Growth Events in Beijing
- ENSO 11 Million Years Ago
- Ecological Risk Assessment of Coastal Zones in Southern China: Spatial Variation and Content of Various Heavy Metals in Surface Sediments of China Mangroves
- Effects of geometry and stress field on dynamic ruptures by 3D numerical simulation of BIEM with unstructured meshes
- Effects of pressure and other thermodynamic conditions for the production of metallic Fe from (Mg, Fe)O
- Electrical Anisotropy of Quaternary continental volcanic fields revealed by 3D MT survey: examples form Datong and Tengchong volcanic fields
- Electron distribution and wave activities in the tail near a tailward fast flow
- Estimating root zone soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau with remotely sensed data using an artificial neural network
- Estimation of the Transpiration Rate of Urban Individual Trees by the "3D 3T-Model" and IR Remote Sensing
- Evidence of Hydrodynamic Cascade Process in the Solar Wind Turbulence
- Examining the Role of Lower Surface Air Pressure in the Climate of Early Earth
- Exploration of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>sources on the regional scale in the Pearl River Delta based on ME-2 modeling
- Finding of non-adiabatic electron acceleration in magnetic depression structures.
- First long-term precipitation estimates generated by a new downscaling-calibration framework based on PERSIANN-CDR from 1983 to 2015 over the Tibetan plateau
- Forest mortality and regeneration under drought stress in Inner Asia
- Formation of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Organosulfates in Regional Area of Beijing, China: Combination of Online and Offline Measurements
- Fugitive road dust emission in different urban function regions
- Full Waveform Tomography: A Comparison Between Adjoint-Wavefield and Scattering-Integral Approaches
- Future Biomass Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Chinese Forests
- General Seasonal Phase-Locking and Persistence Barrier: Application to Tropical Pacific, North Pacific and Global Ocean.
- Geophysical and mechanical properties of methane hydrate-bearing unconsolidated sediments: laboratory measurements with new designed experimental apparatus
- Globalizing air pollution: Linking production, consumption and climate impacts
- Heterogeneous uptake of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5 </SUB>in China: uptake coefficient and influencing factors
- High resolution 3-D crustal structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt from joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions
- High-time Resolution Source Apportionment of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>during Winter in Beijing, China
- How Will Groundwater Pollution Risk under Climate Change Scenarios Affect Future Urban Expansion?
- Identifying Precipitation Regimes in China Using Model-based Clustering of Spatial Functional Data
- Impact of Hydrate Formation on Sediment Permeability: A Simulation Based on Improved Pore Network Model
- Impact of Tibetan Glacier Change on the Asian Monsoon during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Impact of Water Taxes on China's Water Demand and Carbon Emissions: A Provincial General Equilibrium Analysis
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Springtime Mesoscale Convective Systems over Southern China
- Impacts of Fault Geometry on Earthquake Slip Model
- Impacts of Inter-annual Climate Variability on Wintertime PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> over the North China Plain
- In-situ Characterization of the Role of Humic Substance in Emerging Contaminants Transport Using UV-Visible Absorbance Spectroscopy
- Inconsistent estimates of forest cover change in China between 2000 and 2013 from multiple datasets: differences in parameters, spatial resolution, and definitions
- Increased global land carbon sink due to aerosol-caused cooling
- Integrated assessment of social economic energy efficiency co-benefits in Jing-Jin-Ji region: a case study of cement industry
- Integrating satellite observations and modelling of air pollutants in the context of globalizing air pollution
- Interannual variations of atmospheric ammonia concentrations over China during 2005-2015
- Internal exposure to airborne pollutants and the health effects in migration panels between Los Angeles and Beijing
- Investigation of Crustal Structure of the Ordos Block and Its Adjacent Regions along an N-S Profile at 107.6°E
- Isotope geochemistry of bulk carbonates from the Sea of Marmara: Implications for paleo-oceanographic event in Late-Pleistocene to Holocene
- Late Cenozoic exhumation history of the Gaoligong and Chongshan shear zones (SE Tibet)
- Lithosphere Nature in South China: Implication from High Resolution 3-D Shear Wave Velocity Structures
- Localizing putative methane sources on Mars from spacecraft observations and back-trajectory modeling techniques
- Low Field <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR Study of Water in Calcium Carbonate and Silica Particles at Various Saturation Levels
- Low Frequency Extension of Finite-difference Q-compensated Reverse Time Migration
- Lower Land Use Emissions Increased Net Land Carbon Sink During the Slow Warming Period
- MESSENGER observations of fast plasma flows in Mercury's magnetotail
- Mantle Dynamics of North China: Constraints from Three-dimensional Electrical Conductivity Structure of the Mantle Transition Zone
- Methods to measure the size-resolved real part of the refractive index and its radiative effects
- Microlens Mono-channel Lightfield 3D Direct Imaging Method Based On Bionic Vision and 3-3 Dimensional Information Transforming Foundation
- Micromagnetic simulation of magnetofossils with realistic size and shape distributions: Linking rock magnetism with microscopic observations and implications for magnetofossil identification
- Mid-Miocene Transition from Rigid to Soft Plate Tectonics in the Northern Tibetan Plateau: A Lookback after 20 Years of Tests
- Mixing state of black carbon particles and its effect on light absorption in Shenzhen, China
- Model Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Salt Balance Calculations in the North China Plain and Tulare Basin, California
- Model Stimulated Sea-ice Melting Rates of the Snowball Earth Deglaciation
- Network analysis on long-term memory of temperature time series
- Neural Network Prediction of Pollutant Emissions from Open Burning of Crop Residues and Application to Air Quality Forecasts in Southern China
- Nighttime oxidation in Yangtze River Delta, China
- No Polar Warming Amplification in a Dry GCM
- Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Normal Physics Model of Aerial Remote Sensing Platform and Systemic Accuracy Assessment Variable Baseline-Height Ratio
- Numerical Simulation of Gas Production in an Artificially Fractured Class III Hydrate Reservoir
- Numerical Simulation of Proppant Transport in Propagating Hydraulic Fractures with Coupled MP-PIC and DDM Method
- Numerical simulation of seismoelectric wave-fields with close or same depths of the sources and receivers
- Obtaining A Spatial and Temporal Continuum Soil Moisture Dataset Based on Remote Sensing Products over the Tibet Plateau From 2002 to 2015
- Ocean redox conditions during the Cryogenian interglacial period controlled by continental weathering
- On the Ion and Electron Diffusion Ranges in the Frequency and Wavenumber Domain of Space Plasma Turbulence
- On the variations of protons during the magnetospheric substorm at Earth and Mercury in the near-tail: A comparative study
- Origin of massive dolostone: new insights from magnesium isotope and cyclostratigraphy
- Ozone pollution in China and India from a global perspective: present-day status and interannual variability drivers
- Parameter Optimization for Real World ENSO Forecastin an Intermediate Coupled Model
- Particle phase state in the various atmospheric environments in China
- Partitioning Global Land Evapotranspiration Using CMIP5 Models Constrained by Field Observations
- Partitioning of evapotranspiration in the highest alpine meadow zones through in-situ laser-based chamber and dual water stable isotopes approaches
- Pattern of deformation and vertical-axis rotation along the Gaoligong strike-slip fault zone (Yunnan, China)
- Patterns of Large Scale Meteorological Control on Wintertime PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Pollution over China
- Phase Relationship between ULF Waves and Drift-bounce Resonant Ions: Spacecraft Observations and Test Particle Simulations
- Preliminary Study on Aerosol Type Classification and Radiative Forcing Characteristics in China
- Proxima b, TRAPPIST 1e, and LHS 1140b: Increased Ice Coverages by Sea Ice Dynamics
- Q<SUB>Lg</SUB> Vs. Focal Depth as a Criterion to Determine the Depth of Intrinsic Attenuation in the Crust
- Quantitative Studies on the Water and Energy Nexus in the Urban Water System
- Radial Evolution of the turbulent magnetic fluctuation power in the upstream and downstream of ICME-driven Shocks
- Recognizing global reservoirs from Landsat 8 imageries: A Deep Learning Approach
- Relating the physical characteristics of magnetofossils to their magnetic properties through micromagnetic modelling
- Research of Crustal Stress Simulation Using Finite Element Analysis Based on Corner Point Grid
- Research on Transport and Microbial Degradation of Sulfonamide Antibiotics in Porous Media
- Response of North Pacific and North Atlantic decadal variability to weak global warming
- Responses of hail and storm days to climate changes in the Tibetan Plateau
- Rupture Process Joint Inversion of the 2017 Ms6.6 Jinghe Earthquake, Based on 3-D Grid Search Processes for the Hypocentral Depth and Fault Plane Parameters
- S-wave Relative Travel Time Tomography for Mantle Structure Beneath East Asia.
- SAPS in 2013 St. Patrick storm and influence on the ionosphere/thermosphere: GITM simulations
- Satellite retrieved interannual variability and trends of NO<SUB>2 </SUB>over China from 2005 to 2017: effect of aerosol interannual variability on NO<SUB>2 </SUB>retrieval
- Scale dependence of energy transfer in turbulent plasma
- Screening of Cytotoxic Semi-volatile Organic Components (SVOCs) of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB> with an Omics Approach
- Seasonality of widening trends of the Hadley circulation
- Seismc Inversion of the June 2017 Maoxian Landslide
- Seismic Event Detection of AsA Array using Recurrent Neural Network
- Seismic evidence for craton reworking at Ordos block
- Seismic structure and evolution of upper oceanic crust in the Equatorial Atlantic from 0-75 Ma on the African plate
- Sensitivity of VIIRS/MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent Retrieval Algorithm to the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols
- Signatures of Alfven-mode and Slow-mode Waves and Structures in 3D Compressive MHD Turbulence
- Simulating the onset of spring vegetation growth across the Northern Hemisphere
- Simulations of Sulfate Production on Surfaces of Acidic Aerosol Particles during the Severe Haze Episode in December 2015 over Northern China
- Solar Energetic Electrons detected in the Earth's cusp by the BD-IES instrument
- Solar wind Suprathermal Electrons around the Corotating Interaction Regions at 1 AU
- Sound velocity of OH-chondrodite: implications for the hydrous subduction zone
- Source Apportionment and Secondary Transformation of Atmospheric Non-methane Hydrocarbons in Chengdu, Southwest China
- Source Characterization of Highly Oxidized Organic Compounds in Yangtze River Delta: insights for HOMs formation
- Spatial Pattern and Temporal Trend of Land Degradation in the Heihe River Basin of China Using Local Net Primary Production Scaling
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Respiration and Its Temperature Sensitivity in Two Temperate Forest Ecosystems of Northeast China
- Spatial and temporal variability of Chinese surface PM2.5: diagnoses of a regional air quality model
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Antarctic Sea-Ice Thickness and Volume Obtained from ICESat Data Using an Innovative Algorithm
- Spatiotemporal patterns of global wheat phenology and their relations with temperature and precipitation during 1981-2014
- State, Trends and the Future of the Carbon Cycle
- Strong influence of eddy length on extreme precipitation intensity projections
- Study Of The Energy Budget During Isolated Auroral Substorms
- Sulfur biogeochemical cycle as a major driver of Marinoan snowball Earth climate
- Suprathermal Electrons Near Earth Bow Shock
- Survey of Equatorial Fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by RBSP
- Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO<SUB>3 at high pressure</SUB>: Implication for recycled CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> in the transition zone
- Test Particle Simulations of Resonant Wave-Particle Interactions Following Interplanetary Shocks: Van Allen Probes and MMS Observations
- The 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake: Complex rupture process of a moderate event
- The Critical Role of the Boundary Layer Thickness for the Initiation of Aeolian Sediment Transport on Earth and other Planetary Bodies
- The Electron Acceleration by ICME-driven Shocks at 1 AU During 1995-2014
- The Fluid-like Behavior of Kinetic Alfvén Waves in Space Plasma
- The Impact of 2009/2010 Drought Event on Vegetation Growth and Terrestrial Carbon Balance in Southwestern China
- The Variation of Global Soil PH of Forest and Grassland Due to Long-term acid deposition and Its Effects on Carbon Fluxes
- The Water-Energy Nexus of Megacities Beyond Geographic Boundaries: A Case of Beijing, China
- The difference of low-latitudinal ionosphere response to the stratospheric sudden warming events between East Asian and American Sectors
- The exact closed-form Green's function in an elastic half-space
- The excitation and the source location of the long-duration EMIC waves in the dayside outer magnetosphere: MMS observations
- The ice nucleating properties of particles in various atmospheric environments in China
- The impact of aerosol-radiation interactions on the effectiveness of emission control measures
- The long-term relationship between sectoral emissions and economic growth for SO<SUB>2</SUB>,CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and BC
- The near-surface structure beneath the trifurcation area of the San Jacinto fault zone determined by full-waveform inversion
- The timeline of events aftermath of Marinoan glacial meltdown
- Three-billion-year Secular Evolution of Oxygen Isotopes in Seawater Inferred from Chert δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure in the seismogenic zones of the Yingjiang and Longling earthquakes
- Towards Phase-Out Overcapacity Policy Solutions for Air Quality and Public Health Improvement in the Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China
- Towards a Model of Radial Anisotropy in the East Asian Lithosphere
- Transgenic plants and the global carbon cycle
- Uncertainty caused by resistance terms in evapotranspiration estimation: a comparison of the Penman-Monteith equation and the three-temperature model
- Uncertainty of Black Carbon Distribution and Related Radiative Forcing Involved in Cloud Processes
- Understanding the Energy Dependent Double-belt Structure in the Storm-time Outer Radiation Belt
- Understanding the Process from New Particle Formation to Haze in North China
- Validation of the Lightning Mapping Imager on FY-4A with the Lightning Imaging Sensor on ISS
- Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- Vegetation Earth System Data Record from DSCOVR EPIC Observation: Product Description and Analyses
- Water Quality Modeling-Based Approach for Efficient and Direct Source Apportionment at the Watershed Scale
- Water-ecosystem-food Nexus in Arid Agricultural Areas: A Multi-objective Optimization Study
- Water-ecosystem-food nexus in arid areas: a system modeling study in northwestern China
- "Observing Dissipation Scale Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere with Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Measurements"
- 3-D Feature of Self-correlation Level Contours and Their Dependence on Scales in the Solar Wind Turbulence
- A Bayesian approach to estimating the strain rate from GPS Velocity observations and application to data from Mainland China
- A Comprehensive Comparison of Nine Fossil-fuel CO2 Emission Estimates for China - Reconciling Diverse Chinese CO2 Emission Estimates
- A Statistical Study of the Longitudinal Difference of the Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly (EIA) between the eastern Asian and American sectors in a Solar Cycle Timescale: 2000-2011.
- A Stochastic Approach for Representing Uncertainty and Variability in Cloud Microphysical Parameters for use in Process-Oriented Studies
- A Theory for Seasonal Predictability Barrier:Threshold, Timing and Intensity
- A convective model for precipitation extremes: interpretation, intercomparison, and improvement
- A magnetotelluric study of the deep electric structure beneath eastern North China
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- A new spectrum fitting model: asymptotic double power law
- A newly established precipitation vegetation drought index (PVDI) captures the role of soil in the sufficiency of local precipitation to vegetation growth
- A preliminary study on seismic interferometry of high-speed-train seismic data
- A study of large-scale geographical variations and climatic controls on crown architecture traits using terrestrial LiDAR
- Abnormal Deep Plasma Depletions at Geomagnetic Equator Observed by CHAMP in the Pre-midnight Sector
- Aerosol Ammonium in the Urban Boundary Layer in Beijing: Insights from Nitrogen Isotope Ratios and Simulations in Summer 2015
- An alternate source of lunar surface hydration: Earth wind
- An optimal projection of the changes in global leaf area index in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Analysis on Spatial and temporal characteristics of Land use Spatial conflict in China from 2001 to 2017
- Application of 3-D Finite Difference Method in High-Speed Rail Wave Field Simulation
- Application of NMR Cryoporometry Method in Reservoir Pore Characterization——Pore Characterization of Hydrate-bearing Reservoir in India
- Are cities resilient enough to cope with short-term heavy rainfall? A multi-city comparison in China
- Atmospheric Chemical Processes of Secondary Particle Formation in the Winter of North China
- Attribution of lake warming in four shallow lakes in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River basin
- Bow Shock Acceleration of Solar Wind Suprathermal electrons
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Changes in global surface ozone and health implications over the past decades
- Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer during Haze Episodes in Northern China in Winter Season
- Characteristics of black carbon through atmospheric aging at north China plain:morphology, density, refractive index, mixing state and light absorption
- China's Environmental Protection Tax and its Reforms impacts on Sectoral and Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution Emissions
- Climate change effects and economic damage of gaseous reactive nitrogen from China's cropland at city-level
- Co-benefits of sustainable food production and consumption to mitigate air pollution, climate change and food insecurity in China and beyond
- Comparative study of GEOS-Chem and WRF-GC in the United States
- Comparison of the Turbulence Structure during Light and Heavy Haze Pollution Episodes
- Comparisons of Geophysical Measurements During Methane Hydrate Formation and Dissociation in Unconsolidated Sediments
- Coordinating air pollution and clean power strategies in India for health and climate objectives
- Correcting Forest Clumping Effect Using Airborne Lidar and Path Length Distribution Model
- Cross-Correlation of the High-Speed-Rail Signal
- Curvature of Magnetic Field in Plasma Turbulence
- Decreased Duration and Spatial Extent of Summer Precipitation Events in China in 1979-2018
- Deep Learning of Subsurface Flow via Theory-guided Neural Network
- Dependences of Climate on Background Pressure: a Convection-Circulation Coupled Thermostat
- Deposition of organic and black carbon: direct measurements at three remote stations in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau
- Development of the Beijing Climate Center general circulation-atmospheric chemistry model BCC-GEOS-Chem
- Diagnosing Mercury's Magnetotail Asymmetries: Detecting Seasonal Effects of Mercury's Orbit Using MESSENGER Observations
- Diffusion, Dispersion, and Dissipation of Kinetic Compressible Turbulence: Comparison Between Kinetic Theory and Measurements from MMS
- Direct biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance
- Distribution, composition, and ecological risks of microplastics in mangrove wetlands, China
- Distributions of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Cloud Properties over the Southern Ocean: First Results from MARCUS/MICRE
- Divergent Changes in the Elevational Gradient of Vegetation Activities over the Last 30 Years
- Do Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities exist?
- Drone-based VOC monitoring in subtropical broad-leaved evergreen forests
- Dynamic Amplification of Extreme Precipitation Sensitivity
- Dynamic Effect of Ice Sheet Topography on East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last Deglaciation
- Earth greening and terrestrial water cycle change
- Ecological indicators of near-surface permafrost habitat at the southern margin of the boreal forest in China
- Effect of Space Weather on Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- Effect of changing NO<SUB>x</SUB> lifetime on the seasonality and long-term trends of satellite-observed tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over China
- Effective merging of satellite and ground aerosol measurements using an ensemble Kalman Filter based approach
- Effects of Warming on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Alpine Grassland Ecosystems on the Tibetan-Plateau: A Meta-analysis
- Effects of feedbacks on meteorological and chemistry - Take the heavily polluted China region during the period of APEC supernormal emission reduction as an example
- Effects of food consumption and dietary trends over 1980-2010 on air pollution in China: A significant "indirect" diet-related health risk
- Electron Pulsations Generated by Rotating Magnetospheric Dynamics at Saturn
- Emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban air: important contributions from oxygenated compounds
- Enhanced aerosol-radiation interaction effects due to altered entrainment rates in the boundary layer
- Enhanced water-depleted westerly wind strongly degrades alpine vegetation in monsoon-dominated East Asia
- Environmental Implications of Trade Restrictions
- Environmental implications of dissolved black carbon released from biochar
- Experimental budgets of OH, HO<SUB>2</SUB>, and RO<SUB>2</SUB> radicals and implications for ozone formation in the Pearl River Delta in China 2014
- Experimental results of pressure and oxygen fugacity effects on metallic Fe formation from (Mg, Fe)O
- Exploring the velocity structure of the topmost outer core using globally distributed SmKS phases
- Extension solutions for classic Lamb's problem and the related applications.
- Fast Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Normal Component: Macroscopic Fluid Prediction and Microscopic Physics Through Kinetic Simulations with Pictor.
- First radiative transfer analysis of the OI 130.4-nm emission observed by NASA's TIMED mission
- Forest Restoration Potential Could Be Offset by Drought-induced Tree Mortalities
- Formation of iron plaque on root surface of Kandelia obovata and its role in uptake and translocation of lead, zinc and copper
- Formation of particulate organosulfates under different atmospheric conditions in polluted Beijing, China
- Future TFA impacts in China from degradation of HFO-1234yf
- Global High-resolution Emissions for Soil NOx, Biogenic VOCs, and Sea Salt
- Global Patterns and Climate Controls of Terrestrial Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield
- Globalizing air pollution
- Greening of global lands from twenty-year satellite observation
- Gridded emission inventory and atmospheric fate of lead from anthropogenic sources in China
- High resolution 3-D crustal and upper mantle structure beneath the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt from joint inversion of ambient noise and receiver functions
- Highly oxygenated organic molecules and their chemistry in polluted urban environment
- Image-based understanding of pore-scale hydrate dissociation kinetics in unconsolidated sediments
- Impact of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on Satellite Retrieved Aerosol Products
- Impacts of Adopting Solar Reflective Cool Surfaces on Climate and Air Pollution from Urban to Global Scales
- Increased nitrous oxide emissions in East Asia as estimated by bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Indirect Health Impacts of 1980-2010 Dietary Change in China via Worsening of Particulate Matter Air Quality
- Inequality of household consumption and air pollution-related deaths in China
- Integrating system modelling and machine learning for (eco-)hydrological research
- Interaction of Climate and True Polar Wander on a Tidally-locked Exoplanet
- Interactions between Cold Plasmaspheric Electrons and ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: A statistical Study
- Investigation of gaseous and particulate formaldehyde in heavy polluted areas in China
- Juxtaposition of HP Rocks Exhumed from Different Maximum Pressures After Subduction: P-T Evolution of Lawsonite-bearing Schists from the Chinese SW Tianshan
- Lab experiments on HO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake interpreted by a new developed chemical kinetic model
- Large-scale observational and modelling-based constraints of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect
- Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity
- Low-energy Solar Energetic Electrons
- Low-level Summertime Isoprene Observed at a Forested Mountaintop Site in Southern China: Implications for Strong Regional Atmospheric Oxidative Capacity
- Lunar Terminator Enhancement (LTE) of Magnetic Field and Its Asymmetry
- MESSENGER Observations of Flow Braking and Flux Pile-up in Mercury's Magnetotail: Evidence for Current Wedge Formation
- Magnetic Properties and Paleomagnetic Recording of Bent Magnetosome Chains: a Finite-element Micromagnetic Approach
- Mantle Upwelling Beneath Intraplate Volcanoes in East Asia from S-wave Travel Time Tomography
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Microbial risk detection in drinking water distribution system using a machine learning method
- Microcosmic Remaining Oil Research Based on FE-SEM & NMR
- Mineralogical and Isotopic Characterization of Authigenic Fe-S Mineral from the Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments of the Sea of Marmara
- Mitigating Groundwater Arsenic Exposure through in situ and ex situ Treatment
- Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damage: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China
- Modeling the Inception of Supercontinent Break-up: Stress State and the Importance of Orogenies
- Modeling the Influence of Effusion Rates and Ground Slopes on Martian Long Lava Flows
- Modelling atmospheric organic aerosol in China
- Monitoring the Shock-Induced Pulse via Total Electron Content Measurements
- Monoterpene oxidation in China
- Monthly lake area retrieval with full Landsat archives from 1970s to 2019——a specific analysis on small lakes from the Tibetan Plateau as an indicator for the climate change
- Multi-Scale Quantitative Characterization of Pore Distribution Networks in Tight Sandstone Using the Integration of FE-SEM, HPMI, Micro-CT and NMR with the Constrained Least Squares Algorithm
- Multiscale Characterization of Pore Structure and Mechanical Property of Organic-Rich Shale
- Nature of Elsässer Variables z<SUP>±</SUP> in the Slow Solar Wind Turbulence
- Nested cross-scale magnetic holes: Manifestation of theta-pinches in space plasmas
- Nighttime Enhancements in the Midlatitude Ionosphere during Local Winter: Effects of Neutral Wind and Downward Flux
- Non-adiabatic Electron Acceleration in Kinetic-Size Magnetic Holes.
- Non-steady Slow Rotation of the Inner Core from Repeating Earthquakes
- Northern Hemisphere wintertime continental warming following large, low-latitude volcanic eruptions? No evidence from Pinatubo (1991) and Krakatau (1883)
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- Observation of a Large Amplitude Slow Magnetosonic Wave in the Magnetosheath.
- Observational Carbonyl Compounds in Gaseous and Particulate Phase over Urban Beijing
- Optimizing wind and solar combination at the grid cell scale to address their variability challenges in China
- Oxidative Aging and Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation of Fleet Vehicle Emissions in China
- Oxidative Potential of Fine Particulate Matter in China
- Ozone pollution and its formation mechanism in Xi'an, China
- P and S wave velocity structure of the uppermost mantle beneath Sichuan-Yunnan
- Physics-constrained machine learning of evapotranspiration
- Precipitation Merging Based on the Triple Collocation method across Mainland China
- Proton-Alpha Temperature Relaxation and Preferential Heating in the Corona: a Ulysses Case Study.
- Quality control of crowdsourced rainfall data with multiple noises: a machine learning approach
- Quantification of cold-ion beams in an earthward bursty bulk flow behind a dipolarization front
- Quantifying landscape-water quality nexus and predicting water quality under alternative planning scenarios using machine learning approaches
- Quantifying the feedback of BC aerosols on air pollution through direct and semi-direct effect
- Quantifying the transpiration cooling effect of urban vegetation in a subtropical megacity
- Quantitative analysis of the particulate nitrate formation potentials from OH and NO<SUB>3</SUB> oxidations in Beijing
- Rapid Bedrock Canyon Incision During A Mid-Holocene Pluvial Period, Qilian Shan, China
- Rapid changes in lake surface temperature across China and their responses to climate change
- Real-time inversion of earthquake source rupture process with strong motion and high-rate GPS data
- Receiver function imaging of upper mantle discontinuities beneath South China
- Recovery of Vegetation Productivity from the Severe Decadal Drought in Mongolian Plateau.
- Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimation from Sentinel-2/MSI Imagery
- Relations between Potential Gas Migration Pathways and Gas Hydrate Distribution in the Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea
- Research on Urban Vegetation Structure Feature Extraction Based on UAV RGB Image
- Response of Soil Extracellular Enzyme Activities to Shrub Encroachment and Altered Precipitation in a Temperate Grassland
- Responses of Mean and Extreme Precipitation to Different Climate Forcings
- Responses of soil greenhouse gases emission to forest degradation: A global synthesis
- Retrospective analysis of 2015-2017 wintertime PM2.5 changes in China: The innegligible role of aerosol-radiation feedback in differentiating the driving factors of emission and meteorology
- Rock physics modeling of velocity and attenuation of sediments with the coexistence of gas hydrate and free gas
- Role of Sponge City development in China's battle against water pollution: a predictive study in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area
- Rupture Process and possible mechanism of the 2019 Northern Peru Mw8.0 Earthquake
- Seasonal and diurnal variability of black carbon concentration in Beijing and its relationship with meteorological factors
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from On-road Gasoline Vehicles in China
- Seismic and aseismic slips contributed to the foreshock-to-mainshock triggering during the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Significant Contributions of Higher Alkanes to Secondary Organic Aerosols in China
- Simulating the effects of large-scale reduction in the use of nitrogen fertilizers over Europe on biodiversity and the ecosystem production and carbon
- Slight responses of vegetation productivity to warming in the Northeast China over the last 30 years
- Spatial pattern of pika holes and their effects on vegetation coverage on the Tibetan Plateau: An analysis using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
- Spectral Clustering Analysis of High-speed Train Seismic Events
- Spectral energy transfer and structure functions in geophysical turbulence
- Statistical Study of Energetic Electron Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions during Magnetic Dip Events
- Stomatal characters of kidney-shaped stomata and dumb-bell-shaped stomata and their relationships with environmental factors in the typical plants of the Tibetan and Inner Mongolian Plateau.
- Study on inversion method of source time function of high-speed railway
- The Chinese IPS Project for Space Weather Study and Forecast
- The Compensation Effect of Winter Snow on Larch Growth over Northeast China
- The Coronal Source Regions of Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons at 0.1-200 keV
- The Detectability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Seasonality as An Exoplanet Biosignature
- The Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electron Events at 1-200 keV
- The Growth of Vegetation and Its Impact on Water Availability in Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China
- The Influence of Water Availability on Evapotranspiration Partitioning
- The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break During PSP Encounter 2
- The geochemical characteristics of olivine-hosted melt inclusions in Quaternary potassic basalts around Wudalianchi area, North-East China
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- The influence of different charged poly (amido amine) dendrimer on the transport and deposition of bacteria in porous media
- The late Quaternary formation and evolution of river terraces along the Yulin River: Implication for the northwest outward of the Altyn Tagh fault, on the northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The pitch-angle distributions of superthermal H+, He2+ and He+ at 20-80 keV/q near a CIR reverse shock: STEREO A/PLASTIC observations
- The seasonal dynamics of gross primary production and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in U.S. semi-arid grasslands
- The seesaw effects between fine particles and ground-level ozone
- The spatial and temporal patterns of impervious surface and their socioeconomic impacts in a Chinese rapid urbanized area—A hybrid of remote sensing and machine learning approaches.
- Theoretical analysis of the characteristics of seismic wave field induce by high-speed train
- Topography of the 410-Discontinuity in Subduction Zone from Nonlinear Inversion of Triplicated Waveforms
- Treatment of Ammonia-Embodied Wastewater by Photochemical Method with Transition Metal Oxides as catalysts
- Understanding Load Reduction Induced Nutrient Mass and Flux Responses in a Eutrophic Lake: A Numerical Tracking Approach
- Unexpected field-aligned PADs of energetic ions in the dayside ring current region
- Using facemask intervention to study the effects of atmospheric fine particle exposure on cardiopulmonary health in young adults
- Water Flow Monitoring by Fusion Probability Tomography of Self-potential Data
- Water source tracing and evapotranspiration component partitioning researches based hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes ——A case study on urban landscape in subtropical city
- Water-soluble ions in hailstones in northern and southwestern China
- What can we infer about the ion diffusion region from oxygen ion observations?
- Winter Haze in Northern China Driven by Secondary Inorganic and Organic Formation in Liquid Aerosols
- Zebra stripes at Earth and Saturn and the influence of energetic electron convection
- kinematics and crustal shortening rate along the northern Qilianshan, China, inferred from deformed Dongda River terraces
- A New Perspective for Charactering the Spatio-temporal Patterns of Error in GPM IMERG over China Mainland in 2018
- A climatology and extreme value analysis of large hail in China
- A component-specific exposure-mortality model for ambient PM2.5 in China: findings from a nationwide epidemiology based on outputs from a chemical transport model
- A comprehensive study of EMIC (ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves observed by the Van Allen Probes and Arase satellites: Spatial distributions depending on geomagnetic conditions and wave properties
- A historical assessment of global health impacts by regionally produced PM2.5 pollution
- A machine learning approach to retrieve aerosol single scattering albedo using joint satellite and surface visibility measurements
- A method to obtain the lidar ratio and aerosol size distribution from CALIPSO
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- AMOC Response to Dust Reduction and Greening of Sahara during the Mid-Holocene
- Adaptive strategies of leaf shedding and consequences for photosynthesis in humid tropical forests
- Aerosol Hygroscopic Properties Extended to 600 nm in the Urban Environment
- Aerosol direct radiative forcing spread in CMIP6 models
- Aimerg: a New Asian Precipitation Dataset (0.1◦/HALFHOURLY, 2000-2015) by Calibrating the Gpm-Era at a Daily Scale Using Aphrodite
- Air Quality Model Simulations for the Canadian Oil Sands
- Air Quality, Health, Climate, and Cost Implications of Clean Heating Options in Northern China
- Ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and acute incidence of myocardial infarction in China: a case-crossover study and health impact assessment
- An Improved Aerosol Retrieval for Himawari-8/AHI Using GRASP Algorithm.
- An improved irrigation scheme utilizing realistic irrigation signals detected from SMAP soil moisture data
- An integrated analysis of contemporary methane emissions and trends over China using in-situ, satellite observations, and model results
- Anthropogenic Contribution to Iron in Marine Aerosol in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality
- Anthropogenic dust: sources, characteristics, and impacts
- Array of Vortices in Space Plasma Turbulence and Their Dissipative Energization Effects
- Assessing Extratropical Impact on Observed Tropical Climate Variability
- Asymmetry in the sensitivity of gross primary productivity to soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit
- Biophysical Climate Effects of Afforestation and Vegetation Greening in China from 1982 to 2011
- Characteristics and Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Tibet Plateau Based on One-year Continuous Measurements
- Characterization of organic aerosol at a rural site in North China Plain: sources, volatility and organonitrates
- Chemical Variation of Submicron aerosols during the COVID-19 lockdown in multi-sites in Zhejiang, China
- Climate, air quality and human health co-benefits of alternative energy vehicle deployment in China in 2050
- Comparison between Day/Night Time Aerosol Properties at a Site in Beijing
- Comparison of trends in the Hadley circulation between CMIP6 and CMIP5
- Comparisons of Changes and Long-term Trends of Tropospheric NO2 Vertical Column Densities from Different Products over China from 2005 to 2019
- Controls of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Southern Ocean: Results from MARCUS
- Correlating crustal and lithospheric signatures with geological features in the central midcontinent from a high-resolution joint inversion of H-κ-c receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- Crust and upper mantle anisotropy beneath the Japan Sea and NE China from inversion of surface wave dispersion using rj-MCMC method
- Developing a Dynamic Stress Inversion Method to Study Coseismic Stress Evolution of Earthquakes
- Difference in ambient-personal exposure to PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and its inflammatory effect in local residents in urban and peri-urban Beijing, China: Results of the AIRLESS project
- Direct Measurement of Excitation and Growth of Large Amplitude Cyclotron Waves in Front of Shock by Reflected Ion Beams
- Double dispersions observed near the separatrix
- Dry and moist dynamics shape regional patterns of extreme precipitation sensitivity
- Dynamic Global Hunter-gatherer Model Reveals Key Role of Seasonality in Population Density via Diet Composition
- Electron acceleration by Earth's bow shock: Wind observations
- Environmental Taxation and Regional Inequality in China
- Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in Beijing
- Evaluation and Correction of Micro-aethalometer MA200
- Fine Particulate Matter and Global Health: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Quantify Sector and Fuel-Specific Sources of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Mass and Mortality Across Global, National, and City Scales
- Fluctuation Amplitudes and Spectral Indices of Magnetic Field Directional Turnings and Magnetic-Velocity Alignment Structures in the Slow Solar Wind Turbulence
- Forced Imbibition in Rough Fractures
- Global budget and atmospheric degradation of levoglucosan and implications for its use as a biomass burning tracer
- Global high-resolution emissions of soil NOx, sea salt aerosols, and biogenic VOCs
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Heating Energy Supply Mechanisms in the Slow Solar Wind inside 0.3 au
- How Far Poleward Can the Monsoonal Precipitation Maxima over Land Extend under High Obliquity?
- How does Background Air Pressure Influence the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zonefor Tidally Locked Planets in a 3D View?
- Hydrogen Peroxide in Gas, Liquid and Aerosol Phases over Beijing
- Impact of Aerosol-Cloud Interaction on Boundary Layer Structure and Surface Pollution: A Case Study in Eastern China
- Impact of Greenhouse Gases and Anthropogenic Aerosols on Regional Precipitation within the CMIP6 Ensemble
- Impact of HO<SUB>2</SUB> Heterogeneous Aerosol Uptake on Ozone Formation During Haze Events in Central Beijing
- Impact of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Ozone Pollution over Eastern China
- In situ observation of three-dimensional anisotropy and scalings of space plasmas turbulence at kinetic scales
- Influences of landscape composition and configuration on land surface temperature in Wuhan, a "furnace" city in China
- Informing Receptor-based PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Source-apportionment Using a Chemical Transport Model
- Inner Core Rotation Captured by Earthquake Doublets and Twin Stations
- Investigation of α-Pinene atmospheric oxidation using ambient perturbation experiments
- Long-term Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Beijing and Changes during the COVID-19 Period in Urban and Plateau Region in China
- MESSENGER observations of flux transfer event showers and their influences on sodium ions in Mercury's dayside magnetosphere
- MHD Wave Propagation & Composition & Polarization in inner heliosphere observed by PSP
- Mantle Q Structure from S-wave Amplitude Measurements
- Mapping Changes in Global Irrigated Areas
- Mapping yearly fine resolution global surface ozone through Regionalized Air Quality Model Performance corrections and Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion of observations and model output for 1990-2017
- Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Craton Triggered by Dehydration of the Pacifc Slab
- Microbial community evolution influenced by photoelectrons in the photic zone of estuary and offshore area of the Yellow Sea, China
- Mixing Characteristics of Refractory Black Carbon Aerosol during Winter in Beijing
- Multi-center study of mortality risk of cold spell in China
- Nature of mid-crustal low velocity zones in central and southern Tibetan Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersion, receiver function, and Pn station delay
- Nighttime Enhancements in the Midlatitude Ionosphere during Local Winter: Effects of Downward Diffusion and Neutral Wind
- Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Model of Urban Wind Field with Dynamic Boundary Conditions
- Numerical modelling of seismoelectric wave fields stimulated by a ground surface source in layered porous media
- On the formation of wedge-like ion spectral structures in the nightside inner magnetosphere
- On the origin of donut-shaped electron distributions within magnetic cavities
- Optimizing urban water supply from water-energy nexus perspective: A case study of Beijing
- Origin of Electron Boomerang Stripes: Localized ULF Wave-particle Interactions
- Origin of Temporal Changes of Inner-core Seismic Waves
- Phase Shift of Rossby and Kelvin Waves and Wave-Jet Resonance on Tidally Locked Planets
- Physicochemical properties of secondary organic aerosol from biogenic and anthropogenic mixtures
- Plasmapause Surface Wave Oscillates the Magnetosphere and Diffuse Aurora
- Postsunset equatorial ionosphere under the control of transequatorial neutral wind
- Preliminary Analysis of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio of InSight Seismic Data on Mars
- Production of Nitrous Acid from Nitrogen Dioxide Uptake on Illuminated Aerosol Surfaces
- Progressive nitrogen limitation across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region
- Quantifying Residential Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds and Their Influence on Urban Air Pollution
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons of Different Solar Origins
- Radial Dependence of the Magnetic Turbulence at Transition and Kinetic Range in the Inner Heliosphere
- Rainforest-like Atmospheric Chemistry in a Polluted Megacity
- Re-evaluating the climate impacts of sulfur emissions by developed and developing countries from the perspective of consumption
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Resolving Clouds on Tidally Locked Rocky Planets Part I: 2D Idealized Experiments
- Ripening Kinetics and Equilibrium States of Bubble Populations in Porous Media
- Seasonal Variation of Congo Rainforests from DSCOVR/EPIC and MISR Observations
- Shock Acceleration of 1-100 Kev Electrons at Earth`s Bow Shock I
- Shock Acceleration of 1-100 Kev Electrons at Earth`s Bow Shock II
- Simulation of Nitrogen Isotopes from Numerical Output of Earth System Models
- Simultaneously-formed Wedge-like Structures of Different Ion Species Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Small Sensitivity of the Simulated Climate of Tidally Locked Aquaplanets to Model Resolution
- Soil carbon persistence governed by plant input and mineral protection: evidence from soil radiocarbon
- Solar Energetic Electron Events Associated with Hard X-ray Flares
- Solar Energetic Electrons in two solar cycle
- Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Residential Environment Using Portable Multi-wavelength Aethalometers at Peri-urban and Urban Beijing
- Sources of Chloride in Marine Aerosol over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
- Space Weather from the Young Sun and the Origin of Life: Setting Up the Earliest Metabolisms
- Spatial-temporal dynamics and associated driving forces of thermal comfort in 32 major cities of China
- Spatiotemporal variation in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Species over China: Analysis of meteorological and anthropogenic drivers
- Spectral Energy Transfer in Geophysical Turbulence Based on Structure Functions
- Static Capillary Pressure of Ganglion in Porous Media
- Statistical Research of the Intermittency and Cascade of Solar Wind Turbulence Based on Analysis of PSP Measurements
- Structural Disorder of ZnFe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4 </SUB>Spinel controlling Oxygen Vacancy and Photocatalytic Activity
- Sunlight-triggered Synergy of Hematite and Shewanella oneidenesis MR-1 in Cr(VI) ReductionThis study investigated molecular mechanisms of Cr(VI) removal by hematite particles and Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 (MR-1) in dark versus under sunlight irradiation using both batch experiments and photoelectrochemical analysis.
- Sustained decrease of emissions embodied in China's international export
- TROPOMI based emission estimate for East Asia
- Tall Forests Are More Sensitive and Vulnerable to Drought Than Short Forests in The Tropic
- The Effect of Continental Location on Climate of Synchronously Rotating Exoplanets
- The changing extreme values of summer relative humidity in Tarim basin
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- The modulation of plasma and waves by background electron density irregularities in the inner magnetosphere
- The physical processes responsible for adiabatic electron heating in Saturn's radiation belts
- Tighten the Bolts and Nuts on GPP Estimations from Sites to the Globe: An Assessment of LUE Models and Supporting Data Fields
- Transport and Direct Forcing of Anthropogenic Aerosols in the Arctic
- Trends of Surface and Tropospheric Ozone over Southeast Asia and their drivers during 2005 to 2014
- Two distinct electron populations in the 2001 April 25 event
- US and Chinese climate experts share judgements on solar geoengineering
- Uncertainty of aerosol direct radiative forcing associated with aerosol vertical distribution
- Understanding the Oxidized Nitrogen Budget via Airborne Measurements Downwind of Oil Sands Operations in Alberta, Canada
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds over a Subtropical Forest in China and Implications for Emission Heterogeneity
- Uptake of Water-Soluble Gas-Phase Oxidation Products Drives Organic Particulate Pollution in Beijing
- Using a physics-constrained machine learning model to predict canopy interception
- WRF-GC v2.0: online two-way coupling of WRF and GEOS-Chem for regional modeling of air quality-meteorology interactions
- Whistler mode waves in the compressional boundary of foreshock transients
- Why the Indo-Gangetic Plain is the Region with the Largest NH<SUB>3</SUB> Column in the Globe During Pre-monsoon and Monsoon Seasons?
- Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation on Water-Rich Exoplanets
- A Grid-Stretching Capability for the GEOS-Chem Atmospheric Chemistry Model
- A New Perspective on Non-field-aligned Proton Beams and Their Roles in Cyclotron Wave Growth: Solar Orbiter Observations
- A distributed shear zone near the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau accommodates plateau expansion and growth
- A high-precision InSAR-based earthquake catalog for western China
- A statistical study of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere using Arase observations
- A zonal dipole across the tropical Indian Ocean governed precipitation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Accessing Extratropical Influence on the Equatorial Atlantic Zonal Bias with Regional Data Assimilation
- Advancing Global River Network Characterization for High-Resolution Global River Discharge Modeling
- Air Quality, Health, Carbon, and Cost Implications of Alternative Clean Heating Options in Northern China
- Alternative Energy Vehicle Deployment Delivers Climate, Air Quality and Health Co-benefits when Coupled with Decarbonizing Power Generation in China
- Ambient Noise Tomography in Urban Area with Heavy traffic
- An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Retrieve Aerosol Parameters from Ground-based Sunphotometer Measurements
- An Improved Aerosol Retrieval for Himawari-8/AHI using GRASP algorithm.
- Anisotropy of Solar-Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere at Kinetic Scales: PSP Observations
- Anthropogenic Aerosols Induced Precipitation Decrease over Southern China
- Applying Earth Observation Data to Forest Restoration Decision Making Through Time-Series Analysis in Nepal
- Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems
- Assessment of 20102017 methane emissions from China with satellite observations
- Asymmetric magnetic reconnection between two coalescing flux ropes as squeezed by convergent flows
- Asymmetry and Variability in the Transmission Spectra of Tidally Locked Habitable Planets
- Bubble Population Ripening in Porous Media: Kinetics towards Equilibrium
- Campfires observed by EUI: What have we learned so far?
- Cassini Observation of Relativistic Electron Butterfly Distributions in Saturns Inner Radiation Belts: Evidence for Acceleration by Local Processes
- Characteristics and source analysis of tropospheric ozone in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene epoxides in Southern China
- Characterizing aqueous-phase oxidation of dimethyl sulfide using chemical ionization mass spectrometry
- Comparable sulfate climate impacts by consumption of developed and developing countries despite large emission differences
- Constraining the 410-km Discontinuity and Slab Structure in the Kuril Subduction Zone with Triplication Waveforms
- Contrasting Changes in the Difference between Urban and Non-urban Ozone in China to North America and Europe
- Convection and Clouds under Different Planetary Gravities: Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Experiments
- Cumulate Overturn Dynamics of the Lunar Mantle Constrained by Mg-suite Petrogenesis
- Cyclostratigraphy of early-middle Miocene lacustrine successions in Jiuxi Basin, northeastern Tibet
- Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate in an isotopeenabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions
- Deglacial variability of South China hydroclimate heavily contributed by autumn rainfall
- Dependence of Ice Microphysical Properties on Environmental Parameters: Results from HAIC/HIWC Cayenne Field Campaign
- Determining the fault planes in the North China Plain with a combination of the earthquake location data and the focal mechanism solutions
- Diagnosis of GEOS-Chem surface ozone simulations using machine learning: Possible underestimation of ozone dry deposition and cloud optical depth
- Doppler Effect in High-Speed Rail Seismic Wavefield
- Drift Resonance between Radiation Belt Electrons and ULF Waves: Importance of Azimuthal Wave Structure
- Drift resonance between ULF waves and energetic particles: Lesson from Earth's radiation belt
- Earth as a Proxy Exoplanet: Simulating DSCOVR EPIC Observations Using the Earth Spectrum Simulator (ESS)
- Effusion Rate of Basalts from the Oceanus Procellarum: Constraints from Lava Flow Numerical Modelling
- Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electron Events Over 25 Years
- Energy Transfer of Alfvenic Turbulence in the Heliosphere
- Energy Transfer of Gyrophase-bunching-ions associated Oblique Electron Cyclotron Waves in the Foreshock: MMS Observations
- Enhancement of planetary ions at Mercurys cusp during flux transfer event showers: MESSENGER observations
- Equilibration of Trapped Bubbles Through Ostwald Ripening: A Pore-Network Approach
- Estimation of the elemental composition of organic aerosols in the mid-latitude lower stratosphere over the continental US
- Evaluation of CMIP6 model simulations of PM2.5 compositions in China
- Excitation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves from Anisotropic Proton Distributions Filtered by Magnetic Dips
- Explicit Atmospheric Convection and the Climate and Habitability of Tidally Locked Planets
- Extreme Indian palemonsoon states and productivity collapses since the last Ice Age
- Fault geometries of two moderate earthquakes in the interior of Asia Continent revealed by InSAR
- Flexural modeling reveals along-strike variable rigidity of the Junggar terrane, Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB)
- Formation of the Accelerated Electron Spectra at Shocks
- Forward Modeling of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements Based on a Magnetic-field-induced Transition in Fe X
- Fracture-matrix interactions shape the fluid-fluid displacement pattern in near-fracture zone
- Full-wave upper-mantle anisotropy tomography for the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau using SKS splitting intensity data
- Getting ready for L-band wide-swath InSAR era: Practices and experiences from JAXA ALOS-2 satellite
- GlitchNet: A fast SEIS VBB glitch detection and removal algorithm based on deep learning
- Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks
- Global Phosphorus Losses from Croplands under Future Precipitation Scenarios
- Helical Magnetic Cavities: Kinetic Model and Comparison with MMS Observations
- Hotspot Signatures from Synergy of DSCOVR EPIC and Terra MISR sensors to Monitor Changes and Biophysical Processes of Equatorial Forests
- Imaging upper mantle and transition zone conductivity with diurnal variation magnetic fields
- Impact of Aerosol Vertical Distribution on the Clear Sky Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing Uncertainty in CMIP6 Models
- Impact of Dust on Climate During the Glacial and Interglacial Periods
- Impact of East and Central Pacific El Ninos on Tropospheric Ozone in China
- Impact of western Pacific subtropical high on ozone pollution over eastern China
- Impacts of Atmospheric Transport and Biomass Burning on the Inter-annual Variation in Black Carbon Aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau
- Improved Ozone Simulation in Asia via Assimilating Observations from the First Geostationary Air-quality Monitoring Satellite: Insights from an Observing System Simulation Experiment
- Influence of Dust on Climate during the Mesozoic
- Investigation on the biophysical and biogeochemical responses of ecosystem conductance to water stress using eddy-covariance data
- Investigations of water level response to seismic waves using a decade pore-pressure record near Parkfield
- Ionosphere TEC fluctuation in ULF periods triggered byinterplanetary shock
- Is LHS 3844b 1:1 tidally locked? Constraints from thermal phase curve modeling.
- Jet Formation Impacted by Inertial Waves
- Large Influence of Dust on the Precambrian Climate and Snowball Earth Events
- Large-scale Episodic Enhancements of Relativistic Electron Intensities in Jupiter's Radiation Belt
- MLT-dependence of sustained spectral gaps of proton and oxygen in the inner magnetosphere
- Magnetoseismology for the solar corona: from 10 Gauss to coronal magnetograms
- Mapping Global Surface Ozone Concentration Annually Through Data Fusion at Fine Resolution for 1990 to 2017 to Support Health Assessment
- Mapping changes in global area equipped for irrigation
- Massive Crop Expansion Threatens Agriculture and Water Sustainability in Northwest China, as Revealed by GRACE/GRACE FO Data
- Massive and rapid CO2 emissions from Siberian Traps volcanism triggered the end-Permian mass extinction
- Meteorological Controls of Boundary Layer CCN-active Aerosol Sources Over the Southern Ocean: Result from ship-based observation
- Modeling the Atmospheres of Tidally Locked Exoplanets in N columns
- Nonlinear drift-resonant interaction between particles and compressional toroidal ULF waves in a pure dipole magnetic field: Theory and Observations
- Off-equatorial Minima Effects on ULF Wave-ion Interaction in the Dayside Outer Magnetosphere
- Orbitally tuned terrestrial timescale and astronomical forcing of regional lake hydrology change in East Asia during middle-late Eocene
- Origin of Interplanetary Compressive Alfvenic Spikes in the Solar Corona as Driven by Interchange Reconnection
- Origin of frequency-doubling and shoulder-like pulsations in ULF waves
- Outward Propagation of Unstable Alfven-cylotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- POMINO-GEMS: a research product for tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities based on the GEMS satellite instrument
- Phase Velocity Dispersion Curves of High-speed Railway Seismic Surface Waves
- Predicting Solar Wind Speed at L1-point based on Convolutional Neural Network and PFSS Magnetogram
- Quantifying the Contributions of Local Emission Sources and Regional Transport to the Ammonia Concentration in Beijing, China
- Quantifying the effect of hydraulic fracturing on the seismicity near Weiyuan, Sichuan Basin, China using a poro-elastic modeling
- Quiet-time Energy Spectra of 50-600keV Electrons in the Terrestrial Radiation Belt
- Radial Spectral Variations of Elsasser Variable z- in the Slow Solar wind from 0.1 au to 0.5 au
- Reclaimed water utilization and the impact on energy consumption a case study of Beijing, China
- Regressions do not reliably attribute causes of land carbon sink variability
- Removal of Continuous Topographic Scattering in Dense Array Receiver Functions Imaging
- Response of surface ozone concentration in China under different anthropogenic emission scenarios in future climate
- Retrieval of aerosol single scattering albedo using joint satellite andsurface visibility measurements
- Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel Earthquake. From Kinematic Rupture Inversion to Rupture Dynamics.
- Ring-cleavage Mechanisms of Toluene in Aqueous Photooxidation
- Rising Planetary Boundary Layer Height over the Sahara Desert and Arabian Peninsula in a Warming Climate
- S-wave Velocity and Radial Anisotropic Structures and Their Implication for the Interaction between Intraplate Volcanism and Subducting Slab Beneath East Asia
- Satellite Deformation Imaging of Mountain Excavation for Urbanization in China
- Seasonal Dependency of the Atmospheric Oxidizing Capacity of the Marin Boundary Layer of Bermuda
- Seasonal Loops between Local Outgoing Longwave Radiation and Surface Temperature
- Shock Acceleration of 1-100 keV Electrons at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Short-period Teleseismic Full-waveform Tomography for the Lithospheric Structure in Southern Taiwan
- Simultaneous Cross-energy Ion Response and Wave Generation after An Interplanetary Shock: A Case Study
- Solar Energetic Electron Events Associated with Hard X-ray Flares
- Solar Energetic Electron Spectra with a Bump-like Break
- Spatial patterns of temperature and hydroclimate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Fingerprints of a warmer world
- Special seismic phase in wave field induced by high-speed train and its applications
- Statistical plasma properties distributions in the inner magnetosphere
- Stellar Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements Based on the Magnetic-field-induced Transition Theory
- Studying Interseismic Deformation Using InSAR Phase-gradient Stacking: Application to the North Anatolian Fault
- Sub-Ion Scale Alfvenic Turbulence in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: New Insights from Parker Solar Probe
- Subnational Variations in the Emission and Health Impacts of Electric Vehicles in China and India
- Synergic observations of magnetic reconnection in the solar corona and switchback in the inner heliosphere from SDO and Parker Solar Probe
- The Early Earth Climate under A Low Surface Pressure
- The Ozone Layer on TRAPPIST-1e and Its Detection
- The Uptake Coefficients of H2O2 on PM2.5 in the Troposphere
- The greenhouse gas budgets of terrestrial ecosystems in East Asia during 2000s and 2010s
- The role of northern peatlands in the global carbon cycle
- The rupture process of the 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape, New Zealand earthquake revealed by back-projection, multiple point source inversion and tsunami recordings
- The signatures of fluids involved in marble formation at 63 Ma in Gangdese arc, southern Tibet
- Theoretical Analysis of High-Speed Rail Seismic Imaging
- Thermal pressurization induced the frequency-dependent rupture during the 2019 Mw8.0 Peru intermediate-depth earthquake
- Top-down Estimates of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Oil Sands Operations from Aircraft Measurements Combined with High-Resolution Satellite Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Retrievals
- Towards a deeper understanding of long-term changes in global vegetation growth
- Understanding Individual Tree Mortality in Sierra Nevada During California Drought
- Using machine learning to select frequency windows on the normal-mode spectra
- Using micro-Raman spectroscopy to investigate the chemical composition, mixing states, and heterogeneous reactions of individual atmospheric particles
- Variation in impacts of stratospheric aerosol on climate variability and change due to composition uncertainty
- Vegetation responses to elevated CO2 are responsible for the large divergence in tropical hydrological projections
- Virtual Seismic Gather Generation for High-Speed Rail with Viaduct
- Viscosity and phase state of aerosol particles consisting of sucrose mixed with inorganic salts
- What Drive the Atmospheric Circulations on Rocky Planets?
- Widespread decrease in temperature control of northern plant productivity
- A DEM-based river tracing algorithm for levee identification
- A Depth-transect of Ocean Deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Magnetofossils in Sediment Cores from the Southeast Atlantic
- A New Ambient Noise Tomography Scheme: Theory and Application
- A New Method to Identify Propagation and Evolution of Electromagnetic Plasma Waves Based on Parker Solar Probe Measurements
- A New Version of the GIMMS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Product Derived from Massive Global High-quality Landsat NDVI Training Samples
- A Novel Emergent Constraint Reveals Systemic Underestimation of Drought Impacts by Earth System Models
- A Peculiar Double-peak Structure of Oxygen Ions in the Radial Profile during Strong Geomagnetic Storms
- A Portable, Ground-Based FTS for Reflected Sunlight: Performance Evaluation for Mapping CO2 and CH4 above Los Angeles
- A Statistical Study of Large-Amplitude EMIC Waves Using Van Allen Probe B Data
- A Synthesis of Global Streamflow characteristics, Hydrometeorology, and catchment Attributes (GSHA) for Large Sample River-Centric Studies
- A case study of the causal mechanism of hydraulic fracturing induced earthquakes through the September 2019 Mw5.0 earthquake in Weiyuan, China
- A case study on the interaction between the solar wind and the Martian nightside crustal magnetic field cusp regions
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A statistical study of the behaviors of energetic ions (H+, He+, and O+) in the inner magnetosphere using the Arase satellite observations
- A top-down constraint on the biome-scale temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration reveals misrepresentation in terrestrial biosphere models
- ALOS-2 Observations Across Spatial Scales in Central and Northern California
- Accumulation of Mercury in Sediments and Fauna in the Deepest Oceans
- Aerosol Composition Change Drives Recent Monsoon Rainfall Trend over the Gangetic Plain
- Agricultural emissions of ammonia and methane and their mitigation potentials in China
- Along-Strike Variation in the Initiation Timing of theNorth-Trending Rifts in Southern Tibet as Revealed From theYadong-Gulu Rift
- An Eastward Current Encircling Mercury
- An adaptive auto-reduction solver for speeding up integration of chemical kinetics in atmospheric chemistry models: implementation and evaluation within the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) version 3.0.0
- Analytical Model explains State-Dependence and Regional Variation of Earth's Clear-Sky Longwave Feedback
- Anthropogenic Heat Helps Rreduce PM2.5 Pollution and Related Health Burden in China
- Are Size-Resolved Mass and Optics of Black Carbon Significant for Global Simulations of Aerosol Absorption and Radiative Effect?
- Assessing the nonlinearity of PM2.5 formation in response to precursor emission changes with the adjoint method
- Astrochronology of the Induan of the Lower Triassic: evidence from the Germanic Basin
- Astronomical forcing of Miocene red and green mudstone rhythms reveals a negative hydrologic budget linked to orbital eccentricity maxima in northeastern Tibet
- Astronomical recalibration of the Upper Triassic in St. Audrie's Bay and its implication for chaotic behavior in the solar system
- Automatic detection of water-level responses to seismic waves and application to a decade's worth of pore pressure record near Parkfield
- Benchmarking of machine learning ocean subgrid parameterizations in an idealized model
- Beyond linear correlation: strong nonlinear structures in diurnal temperature range variability over southern China
- Bubble Coarsening and Equilibrium in Porous Media
- CO2-Dependence of the Longwave Clear-Sky Feedback is sensitive to Temperature
- Characterization of an Electrochemical Approach to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Ciclostratigraphy of Sedimentary Records from Albacora Oilfield (campos Basin, Southern Brazil)
- Cloud Feedback on Earth's Long-term Climate Simulated by a Near-global Cloud-permitting Model
- Compensating Errors in Cloud Radiative and Physical Properties over the Southern Ocean in the CMIP6 Climate Models
- Conjunction of Pc5 ULF Waves Observed by sapceborne and Groundbased Observations
- Connecting Indoor-Outdoor Atmospheric Chemistry and Exposure
- Constraining the warming effect of high-altitude water ice clouds on early Mars in a 3D moist general circulation model with a simplified cloud microphysical scheme
- Continued Increases of Gross Primary Production in Urban Areas During 2000 - 2016
- Continuous weekly monitoring of methane emissions from the Permian Basin by inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations
- Convective updrafts near sea-breeze fronts
- Correction for Near Surface Amplitudes Based on Static Green's Functions in Time-reversal Location of Shallow Earthquakes
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Atlantic Coastal Plain: A Data-model Comparison
- Data-model Synthesis of Tropical Hydroclimate Change During the Last Deglaciation
- Deep-learning Characterization of Geohazards in Qinghai Tibet Engineering Corridor
- Detection of Fault Zone Head Waves and the Fault Interface Imaging in the Xianshuihe-Anninghe Fault Zone (Eastern Tibetan Plateau)
- Diffusive Evolution of Partially Miscible Ganglia in Porous Media: A Pore-Network Approach
- Direct Observational Evidence of an Oceanic Dual Kinetic Energy Cascade and Its Seasonality
- Divergent Floodplain Urbanization Patterns and Risks with Levee Effect
- Early Warning Signals of the Amazon Forest Declining Resilience
- East Asian Methane Emissions Inferred from High-resolution Inversions of GOSAT and TROPOMI Observations: a Comparative and Evaluative Analysis
- Electron Acceleration at the CIR Shocks Observed by Wind and MMS
- Elevated Urban Energy Risks due to Climate-driven Biophysical Feedbacks
- Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Human Occupants Observed in a Student Office: Dependence on Ozone Concentration
- Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electron Events Over 25 Years
- Enhanced dust emission due to vegetation disturbance from major wildfires
- Environmental and Health Co-benefits of Sustainable Food System Strategies
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Evolution of Early Aftershocks on a Discontinuous Fault System: Implications from the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan Earthquake, NE Tibet
- Extreme drought-induced reductions in ecosystem productivity and solar-induced fluorescence are tightly coupled to changes in ecosystem structure in a semiarid grassland
- Flapping of Multifold Heliospheric Current Sheet Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Foreign anthropogenic emissions exacerbate PM2.5 pollutions in the eastern China through nitrate chemistry
- Fugitive Emissions of Organic Acids from a Tailings Pond and Major Facilities in the Canadian Oil Sands Region
- GANSim-surrogate: A combined framework for conditional geomodelling of subsurface reservoirs
- Geodetic implications for the 2021 lethal building collapse in Surfside, Florida
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global-Scale, Episodic Enhancements of Relativistic Electrons in the Kronian and Jovian Magnetosphere: A Comparative Perspective
- HYBMAP: Hybrid Land Cover Maps Designed to Exploit Product Synergies to Reveal Earth Surface Change
- Historical Changes to Snowmelt for Irrigation 1985-2020
- ICA-Based Spatiotemporal Characterization of Vertical and Horizontal Deformations from InSAR Time Series
- Identifying the Relative Importance of Soil Moisture, Relative Humidity, and Temperature for Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Crops Using Machine Learning Models
- Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Variability at Different Ocean Basins on Dust Activities in the Gobi Desert and North China
- Impact of trench bathymetry and water reverberation phases on back-projection images: from the 3D teleseismic synthetic perspective
- Impacts of dust on the cloud formation time over the Badain Jaran desert region
- Improved Aerosol Retrieval for Himawari-8/AHI using GRASP algorithm
- Improving the Urban Subgrid Building Energy Parameterization in the Community Terrestrial System Model
- Influence of Precipitation and Temperature Variations on Enhanced Rock Weathering for Negative Carbon Emissions: A Modeling Perspective
- Influence of environmental factors on indoor SVOC dynamics: Insights from online observations in an office
- Initial Active-Source Vp Tomography Results for CASIE21 Experiment Line PD12 Offshore Northwestern Oregon, and a Comparison with Nearby Land-Based Receiver Functions
- Initial Observations with the Upgraded Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (UCoMP)
- Interannual variation and trend in springtime carbon monoxide over the North Atlantic European region from the 2000s to 2010s
- Investigation of the Radical Budget during the Photooxidation of Limonene at Different NO Concentrations in the Atmosphere Simulation Chamber SAPHIR
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Large spatial variation and stagnation of cropland gross primary production increases the challenges of sustainable grain production and food security in China
- Localized Excitation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves From Anisotropic Protons Filtered by Magnetic Dips
- Lorenz Energy Cycle: Another Way to Understand the Atmospheric Circulation on Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets
- Machine learning-based observation-constrained global wildfire projections
- MagNet: Automated Magnetic Mineral Grain Morphometry Using Convolutional Neural Network
- Managing California's central Sierra Nevada forests for resilience in a warming world
- Matrix Auto-regressive Model for Forecasting Total Electron Content Maps with Applications to the VISTA TEC Database
- Methane Emissions During COVID-19 Lockdown in Los Angeles Observed by CLARS-FTS
- Morphological and geochemical changes of evolving fractured rock: effects of heterogeneity in pore structure and mineralogy
- Multi-scale remote sensing of extreme drought impacts on vegetation productivity across drylands of the southwestern US
- Multi-source remote sensing characterization of the lethal 2021 Zhengzhou floods in China
- New paleointensity data from West China
- Nonlinear analysis of chorus wave generation modulated by FLR and mirror-mode ULF waves
- Observations of sunward micro-jets from Parker Solar Probe
- Opportunities of Remote Sensing in Landslide Research
- Ozone pollution mitigation over the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area under the 'Dual-Carbon' scenario
- Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Chinese West Tianshan Orogen Revealed by Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Data
- Particulate Organic Nitrogen Observed in Wintertime Beijing Haze by FIGAERO-I-CIMS
- Permeability shapes CO2 convective dissolution pattern in presence of precipitation reaction
- Propagation and Evolution of MHD Waves in Fast and Slow Solar Wind in Inner Heliosphere
- Quiet-time Energy Spectra of 50-600 keV Electrons in the Terrestrial Radiation Belt
- Reactive transport modeling of enhanced rock weathering in soils for carbon removal
- Reducing solar constant causes abnormal local warming under special paleo-geography configuration
- Regulation of Proton-α Drift Velocity by Large-scale Compressive Fluctuations and Ion-scale Instabilities in the Solar WInd
- Revisit Landslide Inventory in California Using Remote Sensing Big Data and Machine Learning
- Shock Induced Strong Substorms and Super Substorms: Preconditions and Associated Oxygen Ion Dynamics
- Sluggish Rise of the Western Gangdese Mountains after India-Eurasia Collision
- Soil carbon persistence governed by plant input and mineral protection at regional and global scales
- Solar Energetic Electron Events with a Spectral Bump
- Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Urban Vegetation in the Los Angeles Basin Observed by CLARS-FTS
- Southern Africa's Future Low-carbon Electricity System under a Changing Climate
- Spatial Heterogeneity of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Camphora in Urban Environments
- Spatial distributions of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) waves and characteristics of rising tone EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere using Arase observations
- Spatiotemporal Variations in Precipitation Isotopes and Hydroclimate Across Africa Since the Last Glacial Maximum: A Data-Model Synthesis
- Spectral Cancellation of Climate Feedbacks
- Spontaneous Generation of Alfvén Waves during three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona
- Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches
- Sub-Alfvénic solar wind streams near the earth: state, turbulent characteristics and their origin
- Substorm influences on plasma pressure and ring current densities inside the geosynchronous orbit
- Taenite in Fast-Cooled Meteorites Thermally Stable Over Billion-years Timescale
- Testing age models for sedimentary sequences based on growth strata and the exhumation history of adjacent mountain ranges
- The 2Stream-Exact Single Scattering (2S-ESS) Radiative Transfer Model
- The Dominant Role of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Aerosol-Boundary Layer Feedback
- The Effect of Energetic Ion Dispersionless Injections on the Ring Current Dynamics
- The Inner Edge of Habitable Zone Around White Dwarfs
- The Springtime Ice Nuclei Properties in Beijing
- The Super-Earth LHS 3844b is likely tidally locked
- The bimodal distribution of Pluto's haze explained by the season cycles
- The non-monotonic response of cumulus congestus to the concentration of cloud condensation nuclei
- The profiles of background cold ion density based on the Van Allen probe observations
- The varying crustal thickness underneath the cratonic basins in the Midcontinent of USA and its implications: new insights using the H-κ-c Method
- Tibetan Plateau's Far-Reaching Impacts on Arctic and Antarctic Climate: Seasonality and Pathways
- Topography Effect on Seismic Waveform Tomography: A Quantitative Study
- Transients Released in Slow Solar Wind: Synthetic In-situ and Remote Observations by PSP
- Turbulent Mechanisms for the Deep Convective Boundary Layer in the Taklimakan Desert
- Unaccounted high emissions of nitrogen oxides from anthropogenic and natural sources revealed from space
- Unexpected variations of the hydrogen in the upper thermosphere revealed by TIMED/GUVI: An important challenge in the ITM science
- Urban Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases Eddy Covariance Fluxes Measurement on a Meteorology Tower by QC-TILDAS
- Using Modelled Relationships And Satellite Observations To Attribute Modelled Aerosol Biases Over Biomass Burning Regions
- Versatile effects of spatial resolution on modeling of nitrogen oxides
- Very Long-term Periodicity of Episodic Zircon Production and Earth System Evolution
- Water Vapor Enhances the Yields for C4 Carbonyls and Organic Acids via the Cross-Reactions of Isoprene-Derived RO2 and HO2
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Michalak
- A. M. Tian
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. V. Di Vittorio
- A. W. Degeling
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Akihiko Ito
- Alain Protat
- Alexei Korolev
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Andreas Zuend
- Andrew V. Zuza
- Andy Ridgwell
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Astrid Kiendler‐Scharr
- Augusto Getirana
- B. Boston
- Baoning Wu
- Benedikt Hemmer
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bhavna Arora
- Bingliang Zhuang
- Bor‐Shouh Huang
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brendan R. Carter
- Brian E. J. Rose
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. Owen
- C. J. Pollock
- C. Jackson
- C. T. Russell
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Changan Wan
- Changhui Peng
- Changkun Li
- Chao Yue
- Charles D. Koven
- Charles E. Miller
- Chenfeng Yuan
- Chengfei He
- Christian Möstl
- Chuanfei Dong
- Chuanfeng Zhao
- Chuanpeng Hou
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Crystal Wespestad
- Cédric H. David
- Cédric Twardzik
- D. W. Tarasick
- Da Pan
- Dai Yamazaki
- Dan Zhu
- Danica Adams
- Daniel Galvão Carnier Fragoso
- Daniel J. Varon
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Crisp
- Debora Griffin
- Delia W Oppo
- Dhruv Balwada
- Diogo Franco
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Klein
- E. Roussos
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Ellen Thomas
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eri Saikawa
- Eric M. Pierce
- Estelle Chaussard
- Esther C. Brady
- F. Auchère
- F. Chevallier
- F. Tsuchiya
- Fabio Feraco
- Feng Cheng
- Feng Ding
- Fengxue Zhang
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Fortunat Joos
- Francien Peterse
- Frank N. Keutsch
- G. D. Egbert
- G. Facskó
- G. M. Mason
- Gabriela Schaepman‐Strub
- Gan Luo
- George H. Allen
- Grace C. Wu
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Guanyu Liu
- Guoqing Zhao
- Haipeng Lin
- Han Han
- Han Huang
- Han Yue
- Hanchao Jian
- Hang Deng
- Hanlin Chen
- Hannah Nesser
- Hanqin Tian
- Haozhe Yang
- Hardi Peter
- Hendrik Fuchs
- Hideo Aochi
- Hongfeng Yang
- Hongjie Wu
- Hongxun Liu
- Hongyu Zeng
- Huiqian Zhang
- I. Shinohara
- Ian Baker
- J. A. Slavin
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. Jason West
- J. M. Raines
- J. P. Canales
- Jacob Bortnik
- James C Zachos
- James G. Ogg
- James Rising
- Jamie M. Jasinski
- Jamiu Adetayo Adeniran
- Jane Liu
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jeremy J. B. Wentzell
- Jesse H. Kroll
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Ji Nie
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jiaen Ren
- Jiafu Mao
- Jiang Zhu
- Jiangong Liu
- Jianjun Liu
- Jianli Chen
- Jianqi Qin
- Jiashun Hu
- Jie Ren
- Jimei Han
- Jin Xie
- Jing Han
- Jing Li
- Jing‐Huan Li
- Jinping Zi
- Jintai Lin
- Jinwei Dong
- Jinxing Li
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jin‐Soo Kim
- Joel A. Biederman
- John T. Abatzoglou
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Joshua B. Fisher
- José A. P. M. Devienne
- Julia K. Green
- Julia Pongratz
- Jun Meng
- Jun Qin
- Jun Yang
- Junjie Liu
- Junle Jiang
- K. Keika
- K. W. Bowman
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Kateryna Zhalnina
- Kathryn Materna
- Kaustubh Thirumalai
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
- Ke Xu
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kyle Frankel Davis
- L. D. Woodham
- L. J. Paxton
- L. M. Kistler
- L. P. Chitta
- L. R. Lyons
- L. T. Berner
- Landon Marston
- Laure Zanna
- Lee R. Kump
- Lee T. Murray
- Lei Shu
- Lei Zhu
- Leiyi Chen
- Li Li
- Li Zhao
- Liam Bindle
- Liao Chang
- Liming Zhou
- Lin Chen
- Lin Gu
- Lin Zhang
- Linda A. Hinnov
- Linghua Wang
- Lingsen Meng
- Lixin Wang
- Lu Shen
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- M. A. Mischna
- M. J. Cooper
- M. Kitahara
- M. Li
- M. Mierla
- M. S. Long
- M. Simons
- Maodian Liu
- Marci M. Robinson
- Marcos Heil Costa
- Marcos Longo
- Mariane Candido
- Markus Kleber
- Masayoshi Ishii
- Matthew B. Goss
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Meng Jin
- Mengyu Wei
- Michael Durand
- Michael Everett Mann
- Michael Manga
- Michael R. Alves
- Min Chen
- Ming Pan
- Ming Tang
- Mingyu Yan
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- Mohammad Safeeq
- Mostafa Javadian
- N. Krupp
- Nadir Jeevanjee
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nathaniel D. Mueller
- Natália B. dos Santos
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas J. Lutsko
- Nick Schutgens
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Nima Madani
- P. A. Raymond
- P. Louarn
- Pak Wah Chan
- Paul Bates
- Paul Ginoux
- Pawel K. Misztal
- Peirong Lin
- Peter Gao
- Peter Hess
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Pierre Gentine
- Prabir K. Patra
- Q. Zong
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qinghua Huang
- Qirui Zhong
- Qiuan Zhu
- Qiuhong Tang
- R. Bučík
- R. C. Cohen
- R. J. Harrison
- R. M. Dewey
- R. Rankin
- R. Wordsworth
- Raja Ram Aryal
- Randall V. Martin
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Renyu Hu
- Ricardo J. Eloy Alves
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Robert Kopp
- Robert W. Dudley
- Roger Bales
- Roger Marchand
- Roland Bürgmann
- Rong Lin
- Ross Maguire
- Ruhi S. Humphries
- Ruosi Liang
- Russell Doughty
- Russell L. Scott
- S. A. Margulis
- S. B. Malevich
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. Fatemi
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. Garelick
- S. Han
- S. Livi
- S. P. Coss
- S. Tomczyk
- S. Y. Fu
- Safat Sikder
- Samuel L. Jaccard
- Sandeep Kumar
- Sarah A. Strode
- Sascha Nehr
- Sasha C. Reed
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Sayyed Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh
- Scott J. Goetz
- Scott Sewell
- Sebastian D. Eastham
- Sha Zhou
- Shang Gao
- Shao-Meng Li
- Shaojie Song
- Shasha Zou
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- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
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- А. V. Artemyev
- Оleg Dubovik