Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Massachusetts
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 14C Marine Reservoir Age 14.2 to 12.8 kyr cal BP
- <SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>230</SUP>Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
- A 1600-Year History of the Labrador Current off Nova Scotia
- A 400-kyr Long Planktic d18O Record From the Sulu Sea: Constraints on Ice Volume and the Tropical Hydrologic Cycle
- A Comparison of Remote Sensing and in Situ Measurements of Nearshore Flows
- A Fluorescein Tracer Release Experiment in the Hydrothermally Active Crater of Vailulu'u Volcano, Samoa
- A Li Isotope Profile in a Dunite to Lherzolite Transect Within the Trinity Ophiolite: Evidence for Isotope Fractionation by Diffusion
- A New Deep Seismic Reflection Profile From the SCREECH Project, Newfoundland Basin, NW Atlantic Margin
- A Plan for Global Ocean Time Series
- A Quantitative Analysis of Flexural Faulting in the Cocos Plate at the Middle America Trench from Nicaragua to Costa Rica
- A continuum approach to normal faulting using a strain-rate softening rheology: Implications for thermal and rheological controls on continental and oceanic rifting
- A permanent presence in the global ocean: A new approach to oceanography
- Accelerated Buildup of Stresses on the Southern San Andreas Fault and Surrounding Regions due to Post-Landers Viscous Flow
- An Inverse Method to Infer the Global Ocean Paleoventilation from the Atmospheric <SUP>14</SUP>C Record
- Annual Variation in the Chemical Composition of Sclerosponges
- Aqueous Volatiles in Hydrothermal fluids from the Main Endeavour Vent Field: Temporal Variability Following Earthquake Activity
- Are Melt Migration Rates Through the Mantle Universally Rapid?
- Are Oceans Required for Earth-Like Plate Tectonics?
- Axial Valley Morphology of the Gakkel Ridge [8\deg W-88\deg E]: Seabeam and Hydrosweep Bathymetry from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE 2001).
- Axial seismic crustal structure of the Galápagos Spreading Center at 92° W and 94.25° W
- Bermuda's Hydrostation S timeseries and its relation to local and remote climate change in the N. Atlantic Ocean
- Brittle Strain Localization and Thrust Fault Geometry Within Thrust-Cored Folds: Causative Principal Stresses and Insights From Coulomb Stress Change
- Calibration Studies of Benthic Foraminiferal Isotopic Composition: Results from the Southeast Pacific.
- Calibration of Sr/Ca With Temperature in Sclerosponges
- Can Convective Instability of a Thickened Passive Margin Help Initiate Subduction?
- Chlorine Stable Isotope Measurements by SIMS: a Calibration with IRMS Technique.
- Coastal Physical Oceanography and Nutrient Delivery Mechanisms
- Combined field and experimental constraints on quartzite flow laws, and application to the rheology of the continental crust
- Comparison of the Organic Composition of Vent Fluids from the Main Endeavour Field and Middle Valley
- Constraining Deep Water Circulation in the Atlantic Using 230Th and 231Pa Seawater Profiles.
- Constraints on Holocene Variations in North Atlantic SST Based on Oxygen Isotopic Records in the Subtropical Gyre Thermocline
- Continuous Monitoring of Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry: A Window to Subseafloor Processes
- Controls of Stress and Strain Over the Anisotropic Development of Permeability
- Convection in the Wedge: Constraints From the Aleutian Arc
- Correlated Geophysical, Geochemical and Volcanological Manifestations of Plume-Ridge Interaction Along the Galápagos Spreading Center, 90.5-98° W
- Crustal Resistivity Structure at 9<SUP></SUP> o 50' N on the East Pacific Rise: Preliminary Results of an MMR Survey
- Crustal Structure and Composition of the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Rifted Margin on the Future ODP Leg 210 Drilling Transect
- Crustal Structure and Evolution in the last 5 Ma of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near the Fifteen-Twenty Fracture Zone
- Crustal Thickness Variations and Internal Structure of the Galápagos Archipelago
- Determining the Mineralogy of the MORB Source Through Nd-Isotope Analyses of Abyssal Peridotites
- Developing a C14-Dating Method for Opalline Sediments
- Diurnal Changes in Microstructure and Microscale Chemistry of Reef Coral Skeleton
- Dive and Discover: Bringing Oceanographic Research into the Classroom and to the General Public
- Do Plumes Suck?
- Drilling the Newfoundland Margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia Rift
- Effect of Zooplankton Community Structure on Particle Flux and Nutrient Cycling at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) Site
- Estimating predictability using nonlinear time series analysis
- Evaluation of the Split-Ridge Hypothesis and Generation of Oceanic Crust along the Cleft Segment of the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR)
- Event Response by Observatory-based Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Scientific Need and Technological Capabilities
- Evidence for Off-Axis Volcanic Relicts of the Bouvet Hotspot and its Interaction With the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Evidence for Quasi-Annual Rossby Waves in the deep Brazil Basin
- Evolution of Jasper Seamount: Plume-Lithosphere Interaction?
- Evolution of Olivine Lattice Preferred Orientation With Increasing Strain: A Natural Experiment.
- Experimental constraints on the scales of deformation induced melt migration
- Far-offset Airgun Imaging of the Mantle: Lithospheric Anisotropy of the North Atlantic
- Far-offset Airgun Imaging of the Mantle: Lithospheric velocity structure of the North Atlantic
- Fate of Precipitation-borne N in a Maine Spruce-Hemlock Forest: Results of First-year Ammonium Nitrate Canopy Fertilization
- Fine-Scale Volcano-Tectonic Patterns Along the Hotspot and Non-Hotspot Influenced Fastest Spreading Parts of the East Pacific Rise, and Their Relation to Hydrothermal Activity
- Fluid-Dacite Interaction in the PACMANUS Subseafloor Hydrothermal System - Preliminary Results From Secondary Mineral Chemistry and Geochemical Modeling
- Fluvial Channels on the Continental Shelf: Using EM Understand Their Role in Hydrology.
- Forest Fragmentation Effects on Simulated Biomass Accumulation Using Remotely-sensed Data with Varying Spatial Resolution
- Future autonomous float and glider studies
- Geophysical constraints on the compensation mechanism of the Galápagos swell
- Glacial and Deglacial Rates of Thermohaline Circulation
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- Helium Isotope Systematics of the Western Southwest Indian Ridge: Effects of Plume Influence, Spreading Rate, and Source Heterogeneity
- Helium Isotopic Signatures of Icelandic Alkaline Lavas
- High-resolution geophysical mapping of the hydrothermal vent systems at Endeavour Ridge, Juan de Fuca
- Holocene Long-Term Cooling of UK'37 Sea Surface Temperatures in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
- Hydrothermal Activity at Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoa
- Hydrothermal Vents in an Unusual Geotectonic Setting: the Kairei and Edmond Vent Fields, Central Indian Ridge
- Hysteresis of the Kuroshio penetrations into the South China Sea
- Impact of Canopy Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Carbon Storage: Initial Results from a manipulative Experiment at the Howland AmeriFlux Site
- Impacts of high-wavenumber wind stress variability on planktonic ecosystems of the North Atlantic
- Initial Observations From the Talkeetna Arc Continental Dynamics Project
- Internal Facies Organization of a Deep-Marine Dacite Volcano Hosting an Active Hydrothermal System (ODP Leg 193, Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea)
- Laboratory Quantification of Permeability and Pore Structure in Seafloor Hydrothermal Vent Deposit Samples
- Large Pb Isotopic Variations in Pre-shield Stage Kilauea Magmas
- Late Holocene Centennial-Scale SST Variability in the Florida Straits
- Linkage between transient upper ocean physical and biological forcing and deep ocean flux at the Bermuda time-series site
- Lithospheric Architecture And Anisotropy Below The Southern Appalachians Compressional Orogen From Electrical Conductivity Structure
- Magnetic anomalies over the Shikoku Basin through Nankai Trough
- Mantle Partial Melting Beneath Gakkel Ridge Reflected in the Petrography of Spinel Lherzolites
- Measurements and Models of Heat Flux Magnitude and Variance from the Main Endeavour Hydrothermal Vent Field
- Melt segregation from partially molten peridotites
- Metal - Silicate Separation in a Deformation Regime: Implications for Early Differentiation Processes
- Methane-Derived Hydrogen in Lipids Produced by Aerobic Methanotrophs
- Mg/Ca-Based Temperature Record from Cariaco Basin Reveals SST Changes in Phase with Greenland Ice Core Records
- Microorganisms Implicated in Degradation of Organic Matter During Black Shale Weathering
- Millennial- to Milankovitch-Scale Climate Change in the Tropics Over the Past 0.5 Million Years as Recorded in Cariaco Basin Sediments
- Model of N<SUB>2</SUB>O production, consumption and diffusion in tropical rain forest soil depth profiles, Paragominas, Para State, Brazil.
- Modeling Mesoscale Biogeochemical Processes in a Topex/Poseidon Diamond Surrounding the U.S. JGOFS Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study
- Multiple equilibrium laboratory devices
- New D-H and <SUP>18</SUP>O-<SUP>16</SUP>O Fractionation Factors for Serpentine and Talc From 250 to 450° C
- New Perspectives on the Structure and Morphology of the Submarine Flanks of Galápagos Volcanoes- Fernandina and Isabela
- Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere Forcing of Climate Change in the Western Equatorial Pacific
- Numerical Evidence for Abrupt Thermohaline Circulation Change at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Caused by Gradual Strengthening of the Hydrologic Cycle
- Observations of the Flow Field at the Nose of a Buoyant Coastal Current.
- Olivine/Melt Equilibrium and the Major Element Evolution of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Orbital Theory, Marine Isotope Stage 11, and the Holocene Problem
- Osmium Transport From the Continents to the Ocean
- Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Temperature, Chemistry and Flow Rate at Areas of Diffuse Venting, Main Endeavour Field
- Pilot Study of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore Northern Iceland, using High--Resolution Multichannel Seismic Reflection Profiling and CHIRP Sonar
- Projecting the Future of the U.S. Carbon Sink
- Quantitative Reconstruction of Glacial/Interglacial Carbonate Ion Concentrations in the Deep Pacific Using Zn and Cd in Benthic Foraminifera
- REE and Sr Isotope Geochemistry of Anhydrite From the PACMANUS Subseafloor Hydrothermal System
- Rayleigh Wave Constraints on Shear Wave Velocities Beneath Iceland
- Reappraisal of the Apparent Vertical Redistribution of Carbonate Ion Content During the Last Glacial Maximum in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic
- Reconstructing Sea Level, Deep Water Temperature and Oxygen Isotopic Ratio Over the Last Four Climatic Cycles
- Review of Surfzone Observations of Alongshore Currents
- Satellite Measurements of Time Variable Gravity: What Can They Tell Us About the Earth?
- Seasonal to Inter-annual Morphologic Change Along a US Pacific Northwest Coast
- Sediment Thickness and Regional Variations of Basement Depth in the North Atlantic
- Sediment Trap Time-Series Study of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, {δ }<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ <SUP>13</SUP>C in Planktonic Foraminifera From Sargasso Sea
- Shear Localization in Solnhofen Limestone at Elevated Temperature
- Simulating the Climatic Controls on Oxygen-18 in Tropical Andean ice Cores
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Seismicity Along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 15-35N, from an Autonomous Hydrophone Array
- Sr Diffusion in Biotite and Phlogopite Micas
- Sr and Stable Isotope (S,O) Chemistry of Anhydrite and Sulfide Phases From the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System, Site 1188, ODP Leg 193.
- Strength of the Glacial Overturning Circulation from Ocean Margin Density Reconstructions
- Structure of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Megamullions From Seismic Refraction Experiments and Multichannel Seismic Reflection Profiling.
- Subseafloor Boiling Within the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System Indicated by Anhydrite-Hosted Fluid Inclusions from ODP Leg 193 Cores
- Summary of Geothermal Data Around the Iceland Hot Spot
- Surfzone Bubbles: Implications for Turbulence and Circulation
- Swashzone Fluid Velocities
- Synchronous Tropical-High Latitude Paleoclimate Changes During the Last Deglaciation
- The ABYSS Mission: Satellite Altimetry Optimized for Seafloor Geophysics
- The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition -AMORE 2001- Seafloor Spreading at the Top of the World
- The Biological Nature of Geochemical Proxies: algal symbionts affect coral skeletal chemistry
- The Cobb/Juan de Fuca Hotspot-Ridge Interaction; Weak Plumes and Return Flow
- The Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) Experiments at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- The FISH-SIMS Approach: Isotopic Imprints of Methane in Diverse Microbial Assemblages
- The Global Significance of Organic-Rich Sediments for the Crustal TOC, Re, and Os Cycles
- The Influence of Sediment Flux from Nanga Parbat in Interpreting Regional Erosion Patterns from the Indus Fan
- The June 1999 Endeavour Earthquake Sequence: Evidence for a Non-Tectonic Origin
- The Leading Edge of the Galapagos Hotspot: Geochemistry and Geochronology of Submarine Glasses Coupled to New Sidescan Sonar Imagery
- The Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory: Architechture, Installation, and Operation
- The Relationship of DI<SUP>14</SUP>C to DI<SUP>13</SUP>C in the Oceans
- The Role of Boundary Layers During Entrapment of Melt Inclusions: Evidence From Melt Inclusions in Plagioclase, Allanite and Zircon From the Toba Tuffs, Sumatra, Indonesia
- The Systematics of Boron Isotopes in Izu Arc Front Volcanic Rocks
- The Uplift of Oceanic Core Complexes by Transform Parallel Extensional Faulting: Atlantis Bank SW Indian Ridge.
- The Virtual Jason Control Van: A GeoBrowser Application for Automatic Data Cataloging and Access
- Thermocline Depth and Exchange Fluxes Across Circumpolar Fronts
- Tidal Variability in Diffuse Flow Vents in the Main Endeavour Field
- Time Series Measurements and Algorithm Development at the FRONT Site on the New England Continental Shelf
- Time Series Studies of Faunal Colonization and Temperature Variations at Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Vent Sites Near 9° 50'N, EPR
- Topographic Westward Intensification and upstream Influence in Channel Flows
- Transient Behavior of a Shear Zone Deforming by Combined Dislocation and Diffusion Creep
- U-series Disequilibria in MORB From Transforms and Implications for Mantle Melting
- Upper Mantle Deformation Beneath Intraoceanic Island Arcs: the Talkeetna arc, South Central Alaska
- Vapor in the Deep Ocean? Insights From Collapse Features on the Northern East Pacific Rise
- Variations in Axial Magma Chamber Depth and Layer 2A Thickness Along the Hotspot-Influenced Galápagos Spreading Center, 91.3° -95.2° W
- Variety is the spice of life: Extreme trace element variability as a consequence of channelized magma transport
- Video-based Observations of Surface Currents in the Surf Zone
- Volcanic and Tectonic Processes along the Gakkel Ridge; Morphologic Interpretation of Axial Valley Features and Samples from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE 2001).
- Zooplankton and Micronekton Studies at Bermuda: An Historical Perspective.
- A Coupled Epipelagic-Meso/Bathypelagic Particle Flux Model for the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Station (BATS)/Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) Site
- A Detailed Geochemical Study of Island Arc Crust: The Talkeetna Arc Section, South-central Alaska
- A Lagrangian View of the Estuarine Neap/Spring Transition.
- A Light Driven Upper-ocean Dimethylsulfide (DMS) Biogeochemical Cycling Model for the Sargasso Sea
- A Million Year Record of Sub-decadal Climate Variability: Southern Ocean Cores and Sediment Traps
- A Multi-Channel Seismic Investigation of Ridge Crest and Ridge Flank Structure Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A New Perspective on Wind-Driven Coastal Upwelling, the Importance of Non-Linear Momentum Flux.
- A New Species of Demospongiae from the Calyfield Vent Site on the Gal pagos Rift
- A New Towed Digital DeepSea Camera and Multi-Rock Coring System: The WHOI TowCam
- A Preliminary Comparison of Global Air-Sea Gas Transfer Velocity Fields Derived From the Jason-1 and TOPEX Altimeters
- A new Perspective of the Tectonics of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, Offshore Northern Iceland, from EM300 Multibeam Bathymetry, High Resolution MCS and CHIRP Sonar Profiles
- A role for psychrophilic, rock altering, chemolithoautotrophic Fe-oxidizing bacteria in ocean crust weathering
- Aerosol Size Distributions Measured in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Formation, Coagulation, Transport and Sedimentation of the Background Non-Volcanic Aerosols
- Alternative Chronologies for Paleoclimatic Events Based on Excess 230Th and Grain Size Measurements in Marine Sediments.
- An Erosional Record of Tibetan Plateau Uplift and the Asian Monsoon in the East Asian Marginal Seas
- An Intermediate Water Mass Geometry for the Glacial South Atlantic From Benthic Foraminiferal Cd/Ca and δ13C
- Arc-Parallel Mantle Flow Beneath the Accreted Talkeetna arc, Alaska: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy and Subduction Zone Processes
- Are T-Phases Blocked by Bathymetry? A Study of Seismic Events Located at the Kane and Atlantis Transform Faults
- Assimilation is Essential
- Atmospheric Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C during the Younger Dryas: An estimate of the equatorial Pacific contribution
- Bragg Reflection of Ocean Waves from Sandbars
- Calibration of Caribbean Sclerospognes to Their Ambient Environment: Indirect and Direct Methods
- Carbon Sequestration at the Howland Forest in Maine: Where Does the Carbon go?
- Chalk-Ex: An Ocean Optics Manipulation Experiment on the Fate of Calcite Particles
- Comparison of CO2 and O2 concentrations in soil air: A lesson learned about CO2 diffusivity in soils
- Conductivity Structure of the Upper Mantle Beneath the Southern East Pacific Rise Obtained by Topographic Correction and Anisotropic Inversion of the MELT EM Data
- Connecting genomics and biogeochemistry via the carbon-isotopic composition of ribosomal RNA
- Correlation of Physical Properties, Logging and Lithology Obtained by Drilling at the 45Ma Pacific Plate: ODP-Leg 200 H2Osite
- Coupled Iron-Phosphorus Cycling in Surface Seawater Mediated by Photoreduction of Fe-rich Dust
- Crustal Structure of the Lau Back-Arc Basin from Multichannel Seismic Observations
- Crustal Variations in the Axial Low Velocity Zone Between the Siqueiros and Clipperton Transform Faults, East Pacific Rise
- Dead or Alive? Probing Microbial Ecosystems With Intact Polar Lipids.
- Decadal-Scale Tropical North Atlantic Climate Variability Recorded in Slow Growing Cape Verde Corals
- Detecting a liquid and solid H2O layer by geophysical methods
- Detection of Mantle and Core P- Arrivals, and Analysis of T-waves, Recorded on Ocean Sound-Channel Hydrophones Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (10°-35°N)
- Directional Properties of Infragravity Waves
- Does Iron Fertilization Enhance Carbon Sequestration? Particle flux results from the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment
- Effect of the Galapagos Hotspot on Seamount Formation along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Effects of Experimental Drought on Soil Respiration and Radiocarbon Efflux from a Temperate Forest Soil
- Effects of Experimental Drought on Trace Gas Emissions from a Tropical Forest Soil
- Effects of Land use Change and Tree Coverage Decrease in key Aspects of the Carbon Budget of the Brazilian Cerrado savanna.
- Effects of Melt and Pyroxene Content on the Rheology of Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Effects of magma supply on crustal accretion along the intermediate-spreading Galapagos Spreading Center
- Electrical Conductivity Model of the Mantle Lithosphere of the Slave Craton (NW Canada) and its tectonic interpretation in the context of Geochemical Results
- Enhanced Monitoring for the Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes (EPIC) Experiment
- Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Using Conically Scanning SeaWinds Scatterometer Normalized Backscatter
- Evaluation of Boussinesq Model Predictions of Nearshore Hydrodynamics.
- Evidence of Volcanism and Extensive Low-Temperature Off-Axis Hydrothermal Venting along the Cleft Segment of the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR)
- Evolution of stratification and shear during ChalkEx-2001
- Examining Structural Controls on Earthquake Rupture Dynamics Along the San Andreas Fault
- Examining the Evidence for the Influence of Carbonate Saturation State on Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Experimental Constraints on Thermal Cracking of Peridotite at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Field Observations of Shear Waves
- Geometry and Sedimentary Characteristics of a Submerged Proglacial Spring-Sapping Valley, Offshore Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
- Global Bedrock Geology and River Chemistry
- Graphite as a Biomarker in Rocks of the 3.8 Ga Isua Supracrustal Belt
- Gravitational potential energy sinks/sources in the oceans
- Hafnium-neodymium isotope systematics of ocean island basalts
- Heat flow through old seafloor: field evidence and numerical constraints on continuing hydrothermal circulation
- High Resolution Mapping and Near-Bottom Investigations of the Galapagos Rift Between 86W and 89.5W Using ABE, Alvin and a new Towed Digital Camera
- High-Resolution Magnetic Field Mapping Over Explorer Ridge - NOAA Ocean Exploration Program
- High-resolution Accumulation Rate Variations on the Bermuda Rise During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Hydrothermal Vent Plume Discovery and Survey with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Imaging Laser Altimetry in the Amazon: Mapping Large Areas of Topography, Vegetation Height and Structure, and Biomass
- In-situ observation of the lower crust and upper mantle lithology in Atlantis Bank, SWIR - results from ABCDE Cruise
- Indications of Hydrocarbons in the Tjörnes Basin, North Iceland
- Influence of Multiple Islands and Their 3-D Geometry on the Bifurcation of Eddies
- Interaction of dissolution channels with a crystallization front in the shallow mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Interglacial Climate and Duration in the Past and Future
- Is There Ultra-slow Spreading Oceanic Crust off the Newfoundland Rifted Margin?
- Laboratory model of tilted convection in Labrador Sea
- Langmuir cells, mixed layer evolution, and the search for the Ekman layer
- Large-area lidar remote sensing of Amazonia in 2003; LVIS flight plans and data products
- Lava Transport and Accumulation Processes on EPR 9 27'N to 10N: Interpretations Based on Recent Near-Bottom Sonar Imaging and Seafloor Observations Using ABE, Alvin and a new Digital Deep Sea Camera
- Let's get physical: fluid-mechanically consistent models for melt and chemical transport (that seem to work)
- Linkage between transient physical forcing and export flux of bioreactive materials to the deep oligotrophic ocean
- Magmatic Systems in 3-D
- Major and Trace Element Geochemistry: Ultra-Slow Spreading SWIR (9°-25° E)
- Mantle Dynamics of Oceanic Triple Junctions: the Southwest Indian Ridge Near the Rodrigues Triple Junction
- Mantle Melting Controls on Liquid Lines of Descent in Magmatic Systems
- Mechanisms Controlling the Salt Flux in a Stratified Estuary
- Melt generation, Magma composition, and Source Variability in the Hawaiian Plume.
- Metal:Calcite Distribution Coefficients of Laboratory-Grown Bathyl Benthic Foraminifera
- Microbial Activity in the Subseafloor Sediments of ODP Leg 201
- Microearthquakes, Magma Movement, and Hydrothermal Circulation Following the 1998 Eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Microstructural Constraints on the Rheology of the Lower Crust
- Microstructural Evidence for Grain Size Sensitive Deformation Mechanisms in Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Model Studies of Fresh Water Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean
- Moored Observations of Air-Sea Interaction in the Stratus Deck Region of the Eastern Pacific
- Multibeam Sonar Mapping of the Explorer Ridge with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Multichannel Seismic Imaging of Oceanic Core Complexes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Multichannel seismic imaging along the Vance and Cleft segments of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Galápagos Rift, 86°W to 89.5°W: 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Hydrothermal Venting
- Mush Zone Xenolith Reveals Complex Magmatic Processes in the Crust Beneath the East Pacific Rise Axis
- NENIMF: Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility - A Multi-User Facility for SIMS Microanalysis
- National Instrument Facility for Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents (EMSOC)
- Near-Inertial Current Variability During the Coastal Mixing and Optics Experiment, August 1996 through June 1997.
- New Evidence for Ultra Depleted Archaean Mantle Peridotite Beneath Tertiary West Greenland
- New Multichannel Seismic Constraints on the Crustal Structure of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Evidence for a Crustal Magma Chamber
- North Brazil Current Ring Collisions With the Lesser Antilles
- Observations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flow Across the North Side of the Cold Tongue in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Observations of Bedforms and Mine Burial Processes at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Observations of Near-Surface Thermal Structure and Turbulence Parameters
- One View of the Genesis of Cratonic Mantle and Crust
- Open Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiments From IronEx-I Through SOFEX: What We Know and What We Still Need to Understand
- Opx-Cpx Trace Element Partitioning in Mid-Ocean-Ridge Melting Residues
- Osmium Isotopes as a Sediment Paleo-redox Proxy?
- Overview of the EPIC 2001 Stratocumulus Cruise
- Past Variations of Methanotrophy and Ecosystem Response Recorded by Molecular Biomarkers
- Possible Recent Volcanic Activity on the East Pacific Rise at 9° 32'N
- Predicting Mine Burial at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Predictions of Cross-Shore Sediment Transport in the Inner Surf and Swash Zones
- Preliminary Estimates of Abyssal Mixing from WOCE Lowered ADCP/CTD Sections
- Rapid Analysis of Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Sedimentary Algal Sterols
- Reconstructing Open Ocean Calcite Fluxes for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific [EEP]: LGM to Present
- SOFeX: Southern Ocean Iron Experiments. Overview and Experimental Design
- Secular Sea Level Change in the Russian Sector of the Arctic Ocean
- Seismic Activity at Vailulu'u, Samoa's Youngest Volcano
- Seismic Evidence for Compositional Asymmetry on the Newfoundland-Iberia Nonvolcanic Rifted Margin Pair: New Results From SCREECH Transect 2
- Seismic Velocity Structure of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Core Complexes
- Separation of an Advectively Trapped Buoyancy Current at a Bathymetric Bend
- Shallow Crustal Structure Along the Western Galapagos Spreading Center 91.3° to 95.2° W: Correlations Between Axial Magma Lens, Layer 2A and Topographic Characteristics
- Site Survey of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory: Backscatter, Grain Size and Temporal Evolution of Rippled Scour Depressions
- Soil Warming and Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks to the Climate System
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Dissolved Phosphorus Distribution in Coastal Waters of Central Oregon
- Storm Surge Climatology of the Arctic Marginal Seas
- Structural Development of an Oceanic Detachment Fault System, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Structural Evolution From a Strike-Slip Transform Fault to a Non-transform Discontinuity: Examples From 57°-58°30'E on the SW Indian Ridge and Geodynamic Implications
- Structure of the circulation induced by intensified mixing in the Southern Oceans
- Surface water versus coretop temperature calibrations of alkenone unsaturation (UK'37): Why the discrepancy?
- Temperature-Salinity Oscillations, Sudden Transitions, and Hysteresis in Laboratory Experiments and Layered Models
- Temporal Evolution of Boron Flux in the Izu and Honshu Arcs Measured by Ion Microprobe from the Forearc Tephra Record
- The Baroclinic Instability of Time Dependent Zonal Flow.
- The Behaviour of Uranium in a Ridge Flank Setting
- The Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Composition of Cultured Benthic Foraminifera (Bulimina aculeata).
- The Distribution of Hydrothermal Venting on Ultraslow Spreading Ridges
- The MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Applied Ocean Science and Engineering: An Ongoing Experiment in Graduate Education and the Sverdrup, Johnson and Fleming Influence.
- The Mantle Conductivity Structure below the Marianas Island Arc
- The Nearshore Canyon Experiment
- The Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Porewater Nitrate from Bering Sea Sediments
- The Os isotope record of the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- The Pb Isotope Pedigree of Western Samoan Volcanics: New Insights From High-Precision Analysis by NEPTUNE ICP/MS
- The Reliability of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: Making Ultracalcic Liquids With a CaO Pump.
- The Role of Ecosystem Dynamics on the Global Ocean Carbon Cycle: Exploratory 3-D Simulations in the CCSM-Ocean Model
- The Timing and Magnitude of SST Changes Since the Last Glacial Maximum Near the Bahamas
- The Tropical Respeonse to a North Atlantic Freshwater Forcing Experiment
- The nature of the ocean-continent transition on the Newfoundland rifted margin: Results from detailed tomographic imaging of the crust
- Time Variation of the Hawaii-Emperor Hotspot Volumetric and Buoyancy Fluxes: Constraints from Residual Bathymetric and Gravity Anomalies
- Time-Clustering Behavior of Spreading-Center Seismicity Between 15-35 N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Observations from Hydroacoustic Monitoring
- Time-Series Exploration and Biological, Geological, and Geochemical Characterization of the Rosebud and Calyfield Hydrothermal Vent Fields at 86°W and 89.5°W on the Galapagos Rift
- Transient subduction slip episodes in Japan observed by the nationwide GPS array
- Ultra-slow-spreading - A New Class of Ocean Ridge
- Uranium, Barium, Lead and Lead Isotopes in Sclerosponges: New Proxies in Sclerosponges
- Variability of Ocean Radiant Heating in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Variation in Surface Turbulence and the Gas Transfer Velocity in a Macro-Tidal Estuary
- Vedde Ash Time Slice Maps for the Northern North Atlantic: Preliminary Results
- Volatiles in the Icelandic Mantle: Constraints from Primitive Melt Inclusions
- Wave Acceleration Induced Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone
- What Oceanographers are Learning From Transient Tracers
- What seismic measurements really tell us about the composition of the lower crust
- a Marine Record of Holocene Climate Events in Tropical South America
- δ<SUP>37</SUP>Cl of Mid-Ocean Ridge Vent Fluids Determined by a new SIMS Method for Stable Chlorine Isotope Ratio Measurements
- 3.5kHz Profiling with Vertically Separated Source and Receiver
- <SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>230</SUP>Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts: Implications for Melt Generation and Transport Beneath a Slow Spreading Ridge
- A 4-D Variational Data Assimilation Approach for Estimating Time-Varying Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A New Tool for Probing Thermohaline Fine Structure in the Ocean: Seismic Reflection Profiling of the Labrador Current/North Atlantic Current Front
- A New View of 3-D Magma Chamber Structure Beneath Axial Seamount and Coaxial Segment: Preliminary Results from the 2002 Multichannel Seismic Survey of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A high-resolution 25 ka sea-surface temperature record from the NW Atlantic Ocean: foraminiferal Mg/Ca compared to δ <SUP>18</SUP>O and sediment parameters.
- A review of palaeoproductivity records from the N Pacific: The end of the iron hypothesis?
- A review of the role of carbon cycle science in supporting carbon management policy
- Advantages of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) for Stable Isotope Microanalysis of Trace Light Elements
- Along-Axis Crustal Structure of the Lau Back-Arc Basin From Multichannel Seismic Observations
- Along-Axis Geochemical Variations in Basaltic Glasses From the Incipient Rift Adjacent to the East Pacific Rise at 2<SUP>o</SUP>40'N
- An Ice-Tethered Instrument for Sustained Observation of Arctic Upper-Ocean Freshwater and Heat Content Variability
- An Investigation of Small Scale Ridge Axis Offsets Using Near Bottom Magnetic Data from the East Pacific Rise, 9° 25'N to 9° 58'N
- Analogue or Anomaly? Ocean Drilling Evidence From Marine Isotope Stage 11
- Application of Garnet-Accessory Phase Thermometry: a Combined EMP and SIMS Study
- Assessing, understanding, and conveying the state of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Asymmetric Zoning in Peridotitic Spinels - Disequilibrium Melt/Rock Reaction in the Oceanic Mantle
- Axial High Topography and Thermal Structure Along the Plume-Influenced Western Galapagos Spreading Center
- Beringian Sea Level and Marine Climate History: Investigations into Regional & Global Impacts
- Broadband Seismic Observations at the Hawaii-2 Observatory During ODP Leg 200
- Can we detect interannual variability of summertime terrestrial photosynthesis from climatic and hydrological markers?
- Carbon-Isotopic Analysis of Individual Pigments by HPLC-Moving Wire-IRMS
- Changes in Carbon Storage and Net Carbon Exchange After a Shelterwood Harvest at Howland Forest, Maine
- Comparison of Sidescan and Swath Bathymetry and Imagery Merging Various Types of Swath-Mapping Sonar Data Sets Using a Variety of Post-Processing Display Techniques
- Comparisons of Radiocarbon Ages of Alkenones With Planktonic Foraminifera and Total Organic Carbon in Oceanic Surface Sediments
- Complementary Fine-Scale Multibeam Acoustic Bathymetry and Photomosaicking from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Constraints on Subsurface gas and gas Hydrate Distribution in a Gulf of Mexico Mound
- Core-top Evaluation of Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Leaf wax n-alkanoic Acids as Proxies for the Indian Monsoon
- Crustal Seismic Structure along the East Pacific Rise 8° 20'N to 10° 10'N: Crustal melt accumulation and its relation to Mantle Melt Delivery, Tectonic Segmentation, Seafloor Geology and Hydrothermal Activity
- Crustal Structure and Evolution Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks
- Crustal Structure of the Cleft Segment (Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge) From Multichannel Seismic Profiling
- Decoupling of δ Lu/Hf and <SUP>230</SUP>Th/<SUP>238</SUP>U in the Galapagos Lavas: The Who is Who in the Garnet Signature
- Deeptow magnetic survey of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone: Implications for the marine magnetic anomaly timescale
- Depths and Ages of Deep-Sea Corals From the Medusa Expedition
- Detailed sub-surface structure of Atlantis Bank as derived from in-situ observation and seafloor gravimetry
- Development of Ocean Noise "Budgets"
- Development of a Rapid, Standardized Data Inventory for R2K Field Programs
- Diffuse Rift Zones: Subaerial and Submarine Satellite Vents at Wolf Volcano, Galapagos
- Discovering New Mantle-Hosted Submarine Ecosytems: The Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Dissolution kinetics of oceanic lower-crustal cumulate-minerals and the potential effect of the melts on ascending magmas
- Drought-Induced Decrease in Soil Respiration: A Transient Soil Carbon Sink?
- Dynamics of the Neoproterozoic Carbon Cycle
- Edge of the Arctic Shelf: an Online Education Expedition
- Evidence for Highly Focused Magmatic Accretion Along the Ultra-Slow Southwest Indian Ridge
- Evidence for asymmetric rifting at the Newfoundland margin from SCREECH Transect 2 wide-angle data and numerical modeling
- Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Factors Influencing Changes in Soil Carbon Following Afforestation of Pastures With Pinus radiata in New Zealand
- Field Studies of Mantle Melting at Ultra-slow Spreading Ridges
- Fine-scale thermohaline structure revealed by seismic reflection profiling in the Gulf of California.
- Flux and size fractionation of IDP-borne <SUP>3</SUP>He from Antarctic ice core samples
- Geolipids produced by methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Glacial Features on the Northern Insular Margin of Iceland
- Glacial-Interglacial Modulation of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle by Oxygen Supply to Intermediate Waters
- Global similarity in oxygen-isotope composition of MORB
- Heat Flow and Hydrothermal Circulation of the Lucky Strike Segment, Mid Atlantic Ridge
- Helium Isotope Signatures of Peridotites and Basalts from Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- High Resolution Mapping of the Impermeable Surfaces of Barnstable County, Cape Cod and their Relationship to Water Quality
- High Resolution Multibeam Sonar Mapping of the Lost City Hydrothermal Site with the Autonomous Benthic Explorer
- High-Frequency Seismic Tomography of the EPR 9-50N Hydrothermal System
- High-Resolution Photo-Mosaicing of the Rosebud Hydrothermal Vent Site and Surrounding Lava Flows, Galapagos Rift 86W: Techniques and Interpretations
- Holocene Loess Deposition in Iceland: Evidence Against Long-term AO/NAO Modulated Climate Change
- Holocene North Atlantic Deepwater Carbon Isotope Variability
- How Variable Slow-Spread Ocean Crust?
- Hybrid ROV For 11,000 Meter Operations
- Hydrophillic Thiols in the Porewaters of Coastal Marine Sediments
- Hydrothermal deposits in the Southern Trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Observations and Preliminary Results from the 2003 MBARI Dive Program
- Identification of a Possible Second, Large Propagator North of the Hess Deep Rift
- Igneous Crystallization Beginning at 20 km Beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14 to 16 N
- Influence of Multiple Sources and Processes on Continental Slope Sedimentation: New Climate Records off Martha's Vineyard (0-12 ka)
- Influence of rheology and tectonic loading on postseismic creep
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Inverse Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide From Ocean Interior Carbon Measurements and Ocean General Circulation Models
- Jason 2: A Review of Capabilities
- Land Use Land Cover Change in the Albertine Region of Uganda
- Late Holocene variability in Florida Current surface density: Patterns and possible causes
- Late Quaternary Records of Magnetic Field Excursions From the Southern Hemisphere (ODP Leg 202 - Chilean Margin)
- Lattice Preferred Orientations in Naturally Deformed Peridotites: A Link from the Lab to Mantle Dynamics
- Lava-seawater vapor interaction at the mid-ocean ridge crest: an important volcanic process to explain lava transport and flow morphology on the deep sea floor
- Localized Deformation Beginning more than 15 km Beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14 to 16 N
- Lost in Iceland? Fracture Zone Complications Along the Mid-Atlantic Plate Boundary
- MORB Petrogenesis and Crustal Development of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) at the R2K ISS (9° -10° N)
- Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge (9° - 25° E)
- Mantle Structure Beneath the East Pacific Rise and its Relation to Tectonic Segmentation, Axial Morphology and Hydrothermal Activity
- Mapping and Collection of Deep-Sea Corals from Seamounts in the NW Atlantic
- Marine Geophysical Investigations of Vestmannaeyjar and the Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland
- Measuring pH(in-situ) of hydrothermal fluids at Mid-ocean ridges: Main Endeavour Field(JDF); EPR 21 deg N, 9-10 deg N; Galapagos Rift
- Mega-14C Plateau Provides Global Age Tie Point for Pre-Boelling DO Event 1
- Melt Generation and Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Southern East Pacific Rise: Insights From the Mantle ELectromagnetic and Tomography (MELT) Experiment EM Data
- Microbial Diversity at the Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Vents of the Galapagos Rift
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Processes Constrained by the FAIM Seismic Refraction Experiment
- Model Simulations of Orbitally Forced Terrestrial and Surface Ocean Variability in the Paleogene Greenhouse Climate
- Modeling Land Use Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Morphologic Comparison of Submarine Lava Channels on the East Pacific Rise and Simulated Channel Flows
- Navigation Upgrades to the National Deep Submergence Facility Vehicles D.S.V. Alvin, Jason 2, and the DSL-120A
- Normalization for Sediment Redistribution Yields Entirely Different Biogenic Fluxes for the LGM to Present in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific.
- Numerous Submarine Radial Vents Revealed on Mauna Loa Volcano
- ODP Leg 210 Drills the Newfoundland Margin in the Newfoundland-Iberia Non-Volcanic Rift
- Ocean Evidence for a Shifting Atlantic Fresh Water Balance Over the Past Four Decades
- Oceanic Crustal Structure North Of The Kane Fracture Zone From 87-147 Ma
- Off-axis seismicity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 12\deg -14\deg N and the North America - South America -Africa triple junction
- Olivine Friction at the Base of the Seismogenic Zone
- On the potential sedimentological origin of downcore variations of bulk sedimentary δ <SUP>15</SUP>N
- On the significance of composition gradients across dunite-harzburgite interfaces in ophiolites.
- Organic Matter Isotopic Analyses from Chukchi Sea Sediments: New Constraints on the Late Quaternary Sea Level History of Beringia
- Origin of Tropical Obliquity-Dominated Sequences and Secular Trends in Deep Ocean Chemistry
- Ozone Over the Coastal Ocean of Chesapeake Bay and New England
- Permafrost: An International Approach to 21th Century Challenges
- Permeability Constraints From Microstructural and Geochemical Correlations in Dunites
- Permeability-Porosity Relationships in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Deposits
- Platinum Group Element Fractionations in Sediments in the Gulf of Papua, New Guinea
- Plume-Transform Interactions at Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges: Implications for the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Possible Melts of Delaminating Lower arc Crust Beneath Arcs
- Provenance and Age of Sedimentary Particles Accumulating on the Bermuda Rise
- Radiocarbon ages of marine biomarkers and co-occurring foraminifera: evidence for differential particle transport on continental margins
- Recent Changes in Large Scale Ocean Salinity Distributions in the Context of Climate Variability
- Recently Discovered Near-Shore Gascharged Sediments and Pockmarks, Northern Iceland
- Reconciling Geophysical and Hydrothermal Data Concerning the Transfer of Heat from the Lithosphere to the Oceans at Fast and Slow Spreading-Centres
- Reef Coral Biomineralization: A Geochemical Perspective
- Remote Sensing and Modeling of Boreal Forest Regrowth Dynamics
- Remote sensing for forest resource assessment: applications to carbon management
- Seismic Characterization Of Crust On The Newfoundland Non-Volcanic Rifted Margin: Prestack Depth Migrations Of The SCREECH Survey Around ODP Leg 210 Sites 1276 And 1277
- Seismic Structure of the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Correlations of Crustal Magma Chamber Properties With Seismicity, Faulting, and Hydrothermal Activity
- Shallow (Layer 2A) Crustal Shear Velocity Structure Near the 9-50'N Vent Fields, East Pacific Rise
- Shallow mantle and crustal structure beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (35° N): melt supply and crustal construction
- Slab Dynamics and Non-Newtonian Rheology in the Upper Mantle
- Some Comments on Tectonic Erosion and Sediment Subduction in Convergent Margins
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Seismicity of the East Pacific Rise: Constraints from Hydroacoustic Monitoring and Evidence for Triggering of Transform Earthquakes
- Spatio-temporal Evolution of On-going Tokai Slow Thrust Slip Event, Central Japan
- Stable Chlorine Isotopes in Ocean Crust Processes
- Stress interaction between subduction earthquakes and forearc strike-slip faults: Modeling and observations
- Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath Iceland from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Sub-Moho Melt Accumulations Beneath the East Pacific Rise Between the Siqueiros Fracture Zone and the 9° 03'N Overlapping Spreading Center
- Submarine Tuff Cones at the Depth of 75 m South of Iceland: Evidence for Lower Sea Level During the Pleistocene
- Submersible Research in Extreme Environments Using a Novel Light-Tethered Hybrid ROV
- Tectonic and Geologic Characterization of the Incipient Rift, east of the East Pacific Rise at 2o40'N
- The Autonomous Benthic Explorer and Sentry: Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Near-Bottom Geophysical Survey
- The Deglaciation in the Bering Sea: New Results From High Accumulation Rate Cores
- The Evolution of Silicic Magmatism in the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska: Implications for the Growth of Continents
- The Hawaii-2 Observatory: New Capabilities and Instrumentation
- The Hydrologic Cycle, Ocean Mixing and Abrupt Climate Change: What do we Need to Measure?
- The Last Interglacial in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- The New Alvin and the Scheduling/Planning Processes for the National Deep Submergence Facility Jon C. Alberts, Barrie B. Walden, Richard F. Pittinger
- The Origin and Propagation of Microseisms: ODP Leg 200 at the Hawaii-2 Observatory
- The Potential Importance of Metal-Sulfide Complexes in the Ancient Ocean on Cyanobacterial Metal Requirements
- The Production and Destruction of Chemical and Lithological Heterogeneities in the Mantle
- The Relationship Between Partial Melt Composition and Trace Element Partitioning Along the Peridotite Solidus
- The Role of Stress Interaction in Thrust and Subduction Earthquakes
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore Northern Iceland - Ridge Jumps and Rift Propagation
- Third Party Borehole Seismic Experiments During the Ocean Drilling Program
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Circulation Induced by a Shoaling Topographic Wave
- Time-Lapse Seismic-Reflection Images Of Thermohaline Intrusions in an Oceanographic Front
- Tools Developed and Implemented by the U.S. JGOFS Data Management Office
- Trace Element Composition of the Depleted Upper Mantle
- Tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> Retrievals from the Baltimore Bomem Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (BBAERI) during AIRS Validation
- Upgrades to NDSF Vehicle Camera Systems and Development of a Prototype System for Migrating and Archiving Video Data in the National Deep Submergence Facility Archives at WHOI
- Use of Thermocouple Arrays to Investigate the Environment Within Actively Forming Chimney Deposits, Guaymas Basin
- Using Breccia-Hosted Spinels of Abyssal Peridotites to Obtain a Representative Local Mantle Composition
- Using IKONOS and Aerial Videography to Validate Landsat Land Cover Maps of Central African Tropical Rain Forests
- Variability in Summer Arctic Temperature and Arctic Oscillation Over the Past 600 Years
- Variability in the Mean Latitude of the Atlantic ITCZ as Recorded in Cariaco Basin Sediments
- Variable Seawater-Peridotite Interactions - First Insights From ODP Leg 209, MAR 15° N
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- What is the impact of the observed freshening of the Labrador Sea on its convective cycle?
- A <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th record of Atlantic Ocean circulation rate during MIS3
- A Combined He and Os Isotopic Study of the HSDP-2 Core from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- A Detailed Near-bottom Survey of Large Gas Blowout Structures Along the US Atlantic Shelf Break Using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) SeaBED
- A Framework for Assessing Ecosystem Responses to Land Use Change
- A Lot of Melt Beneath the Large Axial High Along the Hotspot-Influenced Western Galapagos Spreading Center
- A Model Perspective on Factors Influencing the Stability Characteristics of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During the Last Glacial Cycle
- A New Methodology to Probe the Failure and Compactive Yield Behavior of Porous Rocks Under Undrained Conditions
- A New Replacement for the Deep Diving Submersible ALVIN: Initial Project Update and Concept
- A New Submersible Imaging-in-flow Instrument to Monitor Nano- and Microplankton: Imaging FlowCytobot
- A Potential Link between Fluid Expulsion and Slope Stability: Geochemical Anomalies Measured in the Gas Blowouts along the U.S. Atlantic Margin Provide New Constraints on their Formation
- A Small Ocean Rift Leads to a New View of the Galapagos Microplate: the Incipient Rift at 2 Degrees North, East of the East Pacific Rise
- A Three-Dimensional Subseafloor Observatory Network for Cross-Hole, Hydrogeologic Experiments Established in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- A Universal Docking Mechanism for Multiple AUVs With Differing Geometries
- A new InterRidge Working Group : Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-sea Vents
- Adjoint Data Assimilative Model Study of the Gulf of Maine Coastal Circulation
- An Array of Ice-Based Observatories for Arctic Studies
- An Earthquake Swarm on the Galapagos Transform Fault: Implications for Earthquake Triggering
- An Ice-Tethered Profiler: Initial results and role in a future Arctic network of Ice-Based Observatories
- An estimate of the Germanium isotopic composition of the Ocean.
- Annual Freshwater and Heat Content From 2003-2004: First Results from the Beaufort Gyre Observing System
- Application of helium isotopes to studies of ocean circulation
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Are Increasing Freshwater Inputs To The Arctic Ocean Linked To Climate Change?
- Arsenic Mobility Under Sulfate Reducing Conditions
- Assessing the Hydraulic Criticality of Deep Ocean Overflows
- Atlantis Bank as a Key to Understanding the Nature of the Moho and Crust-Mantle Boundary
- Biomarkers Reveal Late Neogene Changes in East African Vegetation
- Boundary Intensification of Vertical Velocity in a Beta-Plane Basin
- Burying Tectonic Strain Under Lava Flows at the East Pacific Rise (9\deg N 26'-58'N)
- Calc-alkalic vs. tholeiitic series revisited: new insight from isotopic micro-analyses of plagioclase phenocrysts
- Carbon-Climate Feedbacks in the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- Caribbean Current and Eddies as Observed by Surface Drifters
- Catastrophic Drainage of Glacial Lake Iroquois Down the Hudson River Valley: A Potential Trigger for the Intra-Allerod Cold Period
- Centennial-Scale Changes in Tropical North Atlantic Salinity Inferred from Scleractinian Corals
- Challenges in Estimating Global Tropical Deforestation in the 1980s and 1990s
- Characteristics and Possible Triggering Relationship of Earthquakes at the Pacific Transform Faults
- Characterizing Submesoscale Ocean Color Variability in the Sargasso Sea in the Vicinity of the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Site (BATS): A Geostatistical Approach
- Circulation and Property Variability at 66<SUP>o</SUP>W in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Climate and Hydrologic Conditions Over Northernmost South America as Recorded in Cariaco Basin Sediments
- Coccolithophorid Productivity Response to Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Compactness vs. Smoothness: Methods for regularizing fault slip inversions with application to subduction zone earthquakes.
- Continental and Marine Climate Records from Chile and the Southeast Pacific: Joint Pollen, Oxygen Isotope, and Radiolaria Records from ODP Sites 1233 and 1234
- Counter-Rotating Microplates at the Galapagos Triple Junction, Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Cross-Correlation of High-Resolution Sonar Imagery and Fine-Scale Seafloor Volcanic and Tectonic Terrains: Applications to Ridge2000 Integrated Study Sites
- Cyberinfrastructure (CI) for Interactive Ocean Observatories: LOOKING Ahead
- Data Management for the Ridge 2000 Program
- Decreasing trends in the dissolved oxygen content of North Atlantic thermocline waters: Possible causes and implications for the ocean carbon cycle
- Deep-tow Study of Magnetic Anomalies in the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone
- Deformation and Melt-Rock Interaction in Peridotites From the Atlantis II Transform, SWIR: Evidence for Diffuse Melt Percolation in Deep Lithospheric Mantle
- Deglaciation to Holocene Sea-ice History Over Navarin and Pervenets Canyons of the Northern Bering Sea Using Diatoms and Alkenones
- Deployment of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored Buoy Observatory on the Nootka Fault, off Vancouver Island
- Design and Planning for an Arctic Ocean Observatory on the Beaufort Shelf
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Diagenesis and Paleotemperature Reconstruction: A New Look at Old Coral
- Diagenesis, redistribution, and dilution of biomarkers in surface sediments of the Ross Sea
- Diagenetic Controls on the Age Distribution of Marine Sedimentary Components
- Diethers enriched in <SUP>13</SUP>C suggest carbon-limitation at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Diffusion of Ca in San Carlos Olivine at 800 to 1200 ° C
- Distribution of Post-Rift Sills on the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Margin Around the ODP Leg 210 Transect From Waveform Inversions and Synthetic Seismograms
- Do unradiogenic noble gases in oceanic basalts indicate undegassed deep mantle?
- Downwelling dynamics of the western Adriatic Coastal Current
- Dust Deposition, Ecosystem Response, and Oceanic Uptake of Atmospheric CO2
- Eddies in the western tropical Pacific observed using a synthetic moored array of autonomous gliders
- Effects of Surface Freshwater Fluxes on the Ocean General Circulation: A Theoretical Perspective
- Energy Flux Balance of Surfzone Infragravity Waves
- Evidence From Diatom-Bound d15N for Bering Sea Stratification During the Last Ice Age and a Causal Link to North Pacific Denitrification Changes
- Exploring Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Relationships Among Nitrification Products
- Extending the record of photosynthetic activity over the eastern United States into the pre-satellite period using surface diurnal temperature range
- Extensional Faulting at 15\deg North on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, ODP Leg 209
- Extreme Cooling of Slopewaters East of the USA and Canada During the Holocene
- Fine Sediment Distribution in the Western Adriatic Coastal Current
- First Discovery and Investigation of a High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Field on the Ultra- Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Florida Current Temperature and Salinity Variability during the Last Millennium
- Foreshock Sequences and Short-Term Earthquake Predictability on East Pacific Rise Transform Faults
- Geochemical and Chronometric Data of Carbonate Veins Provide Insights Into Seawater-Ultramafic Rock Interactions
- Glacial Nd Isotope Composition of Equatorial Atlantic Bottom Water
- Glacial Ventilation of the North Pacific
- Glacial Water Mass Geometry and the Distribution of δ <SUP>13</SUP>C of Σ CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Western Atlantic Ocean
- Glacial-Interglacial Nd, Hf and Pb Isotope Compositions of North Atlantic Deep Water Extracted From the Authigenic Fraction in Pelagic Sediments
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- High-resolution imaging of the deep structure of the Bear Valley section of the San Andreas Fault with joint analysis of fault-zone head waves and direct P arrivals
- Hybrid Robotic Vehicle of Operations at 11,000 meters: Project Progress to Date
- Hydrographic variations of the Pacific Waters in the Canadian Basin
- Hydrothermal Prospecting and Petrological Sampling in the Lau Basin: Background Data for the Integrated Study Site
- Ice Core Evidence of Recent Changes in Summer Melt Intensity of the Southern Greenland Ice Sheet
- In-situ Chemical Exploration and Mapping using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- InSAR Measurements of Ground Deformation Related to the 2003, May 21 Mw = 6.8 Zemmouri, Algeria Earthquake
- Influence of magma injection on faulting and topography at mid-ocean ridges
- Interannual Variability of Chlorofluorocarbons, pCFC Ages and Ideal Ages in the North Pacific from 1958-2000 as Simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Investigating Microbial Habitats in Hydrothermal Chimneys using Ti-Thermocouple Arrays: Microbial Diversity
- Iron Isotope Constraints on the Archean and Paleoproterozoic Ocean Redox State
- Is Global Warming Melting the Greenland Ice Sheet?
- Is the Faroe Bank Channel a hydraulically-controlled overflow?
- Limited Hydration of the Juan de Fuca, Gorda and Explorer Plates and its effect on the Intraslab Seismicity
- Lithium and strontium isotope compositions of serpentinite-hosted carbonate veins from the MAR (ODP Leg 209): Records of different stages of seafloor metamorphism
- Lithospheric Accretion and the Nature of Anomalously Thick Oceanic Moho Transition Zone
- Magmatic Differentiation in the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska
- Magmatism in the Siqueiros Transform: Major and Trace Element Evidence for Mixing and Multiple Sources.
- Mapping and Monitoring Boreal Forest Regrowth Dynamics using Satellite Data Products
- Mapping hydrothermal plumes in their rising and neutrally buoyant regimes with an autonomous underwater vehicle
- Martian Regolith Analog Experiments
- Mechanisms of Ductile Shear Localization From Observations of Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Microbeam Analyses of Rare-Earth Element (REE) and Sr Isotopes of Anhydrite Veins From the PACMANUS Hydrothermal System
- Microbial Colonization of Mineral Substrates on Loihi Seamount
- Mid-Latitude Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling on Decadal Time Scales
- Mid-Ocean Microseisms: Coastal Source Areas and Historical Wave Climate Implications
- Mixing Associated with Sills in a Canyon on the Mid-Ocean Ridge Flank
- Mosaicking Techniques for Deep Submergence Vehicle Video Imagery - Applications to Ridge2000 Science
- N. Atlantic Salinity Change during the Last Century: Surface forcing at the salinity maximum propagated to the central Caribbean by subsurface waters
- Natural abundance 14C analysis of biomarkers: A further tool for understanding microbial metabolism in the environment
- New Techniques for Hydrothermal Exploration: In Situ Chemical Sensors on AUVs - Preliminary Results From the Lau Basin
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- New insights into serpentinization at Atlantis Massif, 30° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge, using wide-angle seismic method
- North Atlantic Intermediate-Depth Circulation During the Holocene: Evidence From Simultaneous Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Cd/Ca Data
- Northwest Australian Shelf Dynamics Experiment: Along-Shelf Flow
- Northwest Australian Shelf Dynamics Experiment: Evaporative Dense Water Formation over the Inner-Shelf
- Northwest Australian Shelf Dynamics Experiment: Shelf-Edge Processes
- Obliquity Pacing of the 40 and 100 kilo-year Modes of Glacial Variability
- Observations of Wave Reflection from a Submarine Canyon
- Observations of shoaling internal tidal waves during NCEX
- Ocean Bioturbation
- Ocean Instruments Web Site for Undergraduate, Secondary and Informal Education
- Off-Axis Lava Transport at the East Pacific Rise 9-10\deg N: Channelized Lava Flows
- On the Robustness of Air-Sea Flux Estimates of Carbon Dioxide from Ocean Inversions
- Optical sensing for characterization of bubble plumes from methane seeps
- Periodic Viscous Shear Heating Instability in Fine-Grained Shear Zones: Possible Mechanism for Intermediate Depth Earthquakes and Slow Earthquakes?
- Permeability Constraints for the Sub-Ridge Mantle Inferred from Field Relations, Microstructures, and Geochemistry of Dunites in Oman
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Phospholipid-Derived Fatty Acids and Their Stable and Radiocarbon Isotope Values as Indicators of Bacterial Methane Oxidation at a Thermogenic Methane Seep
- Photochemical Production of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon from Oceanic Colored Dissolved Organic Matter: a Gentle Approach to Measuring a new "Wild Card" Carbon Cycle Term
- Phylogenetic Diversity of Young Ocean Crust at the East Pacific Rise 9° N
- Phytoplankton Dynamics on the New England Inner Shelf: Time Series Observations at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Pleistocene Glaciation and the Stability of North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation
- Poisson¡_s Ratios in The Crust and Mantle North of The Kane Fracture Zone From 87-147 Ma
- Prediction of Gas Exchange Rate Using Microwave Backscatter From the Ocean Surface
- Predictions of Fault Spacing at the Scale of the Lithosphere From Analytical, Numerical, and Analogue Studies
- RIDGE 2000 Integrated Studies: Patterns of Hydrothermal Ecosystem Variation Within Lau Basin
- Radiocarbon ages and biomarker compositions of organic matter in size-fractionated sediments from the Washington Margin
- Rate Processes in Ocean Climate, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Glaciers: Their role in Multiple equilibria and Oscillations
- Reconstructing Arabian Sea Sea Surface Temperatures from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Present using foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Reconstructing anthropogenic δ <SUP>13</SUP>C changes in the North Pacific Ocean using the MIX approach
- Refraction of Surface Gravity Waves by Shear Waves
- Relationships between Stream Biotic Integrity and Satellite-derived Land Cover Metrics in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA
- Rhenium and Molybdenum in Rivers and Estuaries.
- Rheologic Controls on the Dynamic Evolution of Slabs in the Upper Mantle
- Rheology of Talc: Consequences for Subduction Processes and the Localization of Deformation
- River Delta Morphodynamics: Examples From Danube Delta
- Role of Sea Ice in a Mechanism of Arctic Decadal Variability
- Scales of mantle heterogeneity
- Science Enabled by Ocean Observatory Acoustics
- Scour and Burial of Submerged Mines in Wave Conditions
- Sediment Resuspension and Transport During Bora in the Western Adriatic Coastal Current
- Sediment transport in the inner-surf and swash zones
- Sedimentary archives of extreme flooding events in the Northeastern Caribbean
- Seismic Characterization of Crustal Magma Bodies at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Seismic Reflection Signatures of Internal Waves and Thermohaline Intrusions in the Norwegian Sea
- Seismic Structure of the Axial Magma Chamber Along the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge From Full-Waveform Inversion and Partial S-Wave Stacking
- Shoreline Setup Observations and Predictions
- Skeletal Structure and Chemistry of a Bermudan Gorgonian Plexaurella dichotoma
- Slope Instability and Gas Hydrates in the Hudson Canyon Region, U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin
- Solubility of Helium in Olivine at 1 Atmosphere
- Spatial and Geochemical Variations of Lavas Exposed Along a Crustal Section in the Blanco Transform: Insights into Accretion of the Upper Oceanic Crust at the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Labrador Sea Water Export Pathways
- Stable Isotopic Detection of Ammonium and Nitrate Assimilation by Estuarine Phytoplankton
- Stable isotope analyses provide evidence of drought stress impacting plant function at the Seca Floresta
- Stress Interactions Between the 1976 Magnitude 7.8 Tangshan Earthquake and Adjacent Fault Systems in Northern China
- Subduction Tectonic Erosion, Sediment Accretion and Arc Collisions in maintaining the Continental Crust
- Submarine groundwater discharge to Salt Pond (MA) estimated from continuous 222Rn measurements
- Supercooling in the mixed layer beneath Arctic pack ice from modern and historical measurements
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- T-phase observed at deep seafloor boreholes
- Tectonic Details of the Tjornes Fracture Zone, an Onshore-Offshore Ridge-Transform in N-Iceland.
- Temporal Trends In Apparent Oxygen Utilization In The Upper Pycnocline Of The North Pacific
- Terrestrial Plant Biomarkers Preserved in Cariaco Basin Sediments: Records of Abrupt Tropical Vegetation Response to Rapid Climate Changes
- Th, Nd, Sr and Pb Isotopes in Samoan Lavas: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity.
- The Across Shelf and Hudson River Estuary: a Synoptic Glimpse of Hydrographic, Biogeochemical, and Biological Processes
- The East Pacific Rise 8° -11° N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- The Eastern Lau Basin Integrated Studies Site (ISS): Recent Progress and Future Plans
- The Effect of Melt Pressure on the Rheology of Compacting, Partially Molten Peridotite
- The Effects of Bedrock age on Radiogenic Marine Isotope Records
- The Effects of Potential Vorticity on Flows Through a Gap
- The Geochemical Consequences of Serpentinization and Weathering of Oceanic Peridotites
- The Heat Balance and the Breakdown of Density Stratification on the New England Inner Shelf During Fall 2003
- The Influence of Ridge Geometry at Ultraslow Spreading Rates
- The Influence of Ridge Geometry on Crustal Accretion: Insights From U-series Disequilibria on the SW Indian Ridge
- The Marine Os Isotopic Record in the Eocene-Oligocene Sections From the Equatorial Pacific
- The Network Strain Filter - A new tool for monitoring and detecting transient deformation signals in GPS arrays
- The Role of Intense Storms on Backbarrier Morphodynamics: Examples From the New York/New Jersey Bight
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- The Western North Atlantic Shelfbreak Current System
- The deep waters of the Arctic Ocean: Recent observations and variability
- The dynamics and cross-frontal circulation at a tidal mixing front under well-mixed and stratified conditions
- Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults- Implications for Hydration of the Upper Oceanic Mantle
- Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls on Element Incorporation into Aragonite
- Tidal Modulation of Sr/Ca Ratios in a Pacific Reef Coral
- Tidal and Inertial Variability in Arctic sea ice drift and Deformation
- Tidal and Residual Currents Over Asymmetric Sandbanks
- Time Domain Finite Difference Modeling of Abyssal T-Phases
- Towards an Arctic Profiling Floats Program for IPY and Beyond
- Trace Metal Distribution and Speciation in Pore Water of Hydrothermal Sediments From the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Tree Ring Stable Isotopic Evidence for Climate Change in Coastal Wetlands of the Northeastern United States
- Trifluoromethyl Sulfur Pentafloride (SF5CF3), a Gas With Potential for Tracer Release Experiments
- Unexpected Widespread Detachment Faulting During Formation of Lithosphere at the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Urbanization, Forest Vulnerability and Resource Land Loss in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water Flow into the North Atlantic
- Very High Resolution Bathymetric Mapping at the Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites: Acquisition and Processing Protocols Developed During Recent Alvin Field Programs to the East Pacific Rise and Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Visualizing Core Complex Formation
- Wave Propagation over a Submarine Canyon: Field Observations
- Westerly Wind Bursts: ENSO's tail rather than the dog?
- What is the Strength of the Plastic Lower Crust? Comparing the Evidence From Postseismic Deformation and Laboratory Experiments
- Zonal Currents Over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge North of 50N Observed With RAFOS Floats
- 10Be and 36Cl Surface Exposure age of the Puerto Banderas Moraine, Lago Argentino, Argentina, 50°S
- 250,000 Years of Ice-Volume Change at Millennial Resolution
- A Magnetotelluric Survey of the Kaapvaal Craton and its surroundings: The SAMTEX Experiment
- A Multiple Proxy and Modeling Study of Cretaceous Upper Ocean Temperatures and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentrations From Tropical Atlantic Sediments
- A Natural Example of Olivine LPO Variation With Shear Strain
- A Network Strain Filter for Detecting Transient Deformation Signals
- A Pan-Arctic Evaluation of Changes in River Discharge During the Latter Half of the 20th Century
- A SIMS Calibration of Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- A possible role for North Pacific salinity in stabilizing North Atlantic climate
- Abyssal Peridotites From Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges: Mantle Heterogeneities Versus Melting Processes
- Abyssal Peridotites and Mantle Melting Beneath Ocean Ridges
- Acceleration of the Arctic and Subarctic Freshwater Cycle
- Advances in Optical Characterization of Methane Seeps and Bubble Plumes
- Air-Sea Heat Fluxes and Sea Surface Temperature at two Sites in the Eastern Tropical Pacific during 1997-98
- An Amphibious Magnetotelluric Study at the South Chilean Continental Margin
- An Electromagnetic Survey of the JIP Drill Sites in Atwater Valley
- An Improved Spatial Data Set of Tropical Deforestation Rates for the 1980s and 1990s
- Aqueous Volatiles in Lau Basin Hydrothermal Fluids
- Are the High Latitudes Greening or Browning? Evidence for Nonlinear Responses in Tree Growth and the Satellite Record
- Atlantic Ocean Circulation During the Last Ice Age: A 231Pa/230Th Record of Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Automated Generation of Geo-Referenced Mosaics From Video Data Collected by Deep-Submergence Vehicles: Preliminary Results
- Bacterial Diversity of Young Seafloor Basalts: A Potential Role for Microorganisms in Ocean Crust Weathering
- Behavior of supraglacial lakes and their role in outlet glacier dynamics and mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Branched Alkanes with Quaternary Carbon Centers (BAQCs): Biomarkers for Ancient Microbes or Recent Microbial Activity?
- Calibration of Cosmogenic 36Cl Production Rates from Holocene Lava Flows in Iceland
- Calibration of Multiple Trace Metal Proxies in Benthic Foraminifera
- Carbon Fluxes from Submarine Arc Volcanoes - examples from the Mariana and Kermadec Arcs
- Carslberg Ridge and Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Slow-spreading Apparent Analogs
- Central African Hydrologic Changes During the Past 20,000 Years
- Characterization of Seismicity of Alaska/Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Characterization of Six Vent Fields Within the Lau Basin
- Chemotrophic Ecosystem Beneath the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Coccolith Chemistry as Proxy of Coccolithophorid Productivity Response to Monsoon Cycles
- Comparison of Th, Pb, Nd and Sr Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity and Magma Genesis
- Compositional Controls on Oceanic Mantle: Geophysical Evidence from the MELT Area
- Constraints and Simple Models for Arc and Subduction Geotherms
- Constraints on the Origin of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in the Beaufort Sea from Coupled Molecular 13C and 14C Measurements
- Controls on helium solubility in olivine at low pressures
- Controls on the relationship between salinity and the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater: Implications for past estimates of salinity
- Cooling of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific in Response to a Slow-Down of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Counter-Rotating Magellan and Trinidad Microplates at the Mesozoic Pacific-Phoenix-Farallon Triple Junction
- Crustal Genesis and Dynamics in the Jurassic Talkeetna Arc
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California, the East Pacific Rise to the Jalisco Block
- Crystallization of Arc Lower Crust in the Jurassic Talkeetna Island Arc
- Decadal Scale Variability in the Subtropical North Atlantic Shallow Thermohaline Circulation
- Deconvolving Soil CO2 Efflux at Three Temporal Scales
- Deformation and Seismicity Within the Salton Trough
- Detachment Shear Zone of the Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Detailed Studies of the Axial Summit Trough of the East Pacific Rise 9-10N
- Discovery of Axial Magma Chamber Reflections Beneath the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vents and Volcano and its Relationship with Median Valley Faults
- Discriminating Lava Flows From the EPR ISS (9 25'-9 55' N) Using Lava Morphology, Petrography, and Geochemistry
- Distribution of Water in Earth's Mantle - Implications from Samoan Submarine Lavas
- Electrical Anisotropy Across the Kaapvaal Craton Derived From SAMTEX MT Studies Compared With SASE SKS Seismic Anisotropy Results
- Engaging a community towards marine cyberinfrastructure: Lessons Learned from The Marine Metadata Interoperability initiative
- Eruption rates at Fernandina volcano, Galapagos archipelago, from cosmogenic helium in surficial lava flows
- Evidence of Methane Outgassing During MIS3 in the Bering Sea
- Evolution of Diverse Mantle Sources for the Kilauea Volcano Over 270 Ka
- Examining Structural Control on Earthquake Rupture Directivity in Subduction Zones
- Experimental Investigation of High-Temperature Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Iron-Iron Sulfide System
- Exploration of the Mechanism Explaining the Emergence of Unforced Millennial Scale Variability in the Bern Climate Model under Glacial Boundary Conditions
- FeMO: A microbial observatory for the study of neutraphilic iron-oxidizing bacteria and the microbial iron cycle
- Federated Observatory "Sense and Response" Framework
- Geochemical and sedimentological evidence of varying intense hurricane activity and precipitation patterns from the Caribbean during the late Holocene
- Geochemistry of Site U1309 Gabbros, IODP Expeditions 304/305 at the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N
- Geomagnetic paleointensity results from 9° - 10°N on the East Pacific Rise and models of lava accretion at fast-spreading ridges
- Geophysical and Geochemical Evidence For Methane Venting at Large Gas Blowouts Along the US Mid-Atlantic Shelf Edge
- Grain Growth Pinning and Strain Localization: Implications for Plagioclase Flow Laws and Strength of the Lower Crust
- Growth and Construction of Oceanic Crust at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Growth-Dependent Calibration of Coral Sr/Ca-SST From Multiple Colonies Provides Potential for Long SST Records from Fossil Corals
- Gulf Stream Density Structure and Transport during the Last Millennium
- Gulf of California Rift Structure and Magmatism: Guaymas Basin and Comparison With Southern Basins
- Heat Flux From the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- High Pb/Ce reservoir in depleted, altered mantle peridotites
- High Resolution Active Source Seismic Experiment Across the Costa Rican Segment of the Central American arc
- High Seas High Schoolers: Creating ERESE Content on an Expedition to Samoa
- High-Resolution Imaging of the Deep Structure of the Bear Valley Section of the San Andreas Fault With Joint Analysis of Fault-Zone Head and Direct P Wave Arrivals
- High-Resolution Micro-Bathymetry Mapping in the Lau Basin: Examples From the Tui Malila and Mariner Vent Sites
- High-resolution multi-molecular stratigraphic records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
- History of Ice Sheet Thinning in Iceland Derived From Cosmogenic 3He Exposure Ages of Subglacially Erupted Table Mountains
- Holocene ENSO Variability in the Equatorial Pacific From D/H Ratios in Alkenones
- Holocene record of deglaciation on the Chukchi Shelf, offshore NW Alaska
- Holocene sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Arabian Sea
- Hydromechanical Behavior of Country Rock Samples from the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project
- Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Tectonically- and Volcanically-Hosted High Temperature Venting at 2-7 Degrees S
- Hydrothermal regime of a young oceanic crust segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) constrained by heat flow measurements
- Identification and enumeration of novel uncultivated marine magnetotactic bacteria
- Implications of new High 3He/4He Values from the Samoan Hotspot
- In Situ Analysis of 34S/32S by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
- InSAR-derived constraints on earthquakes: What can we learn and how well can we know it?
- Incorporation of seawater into mid-ocean ridge lava flows during emplacement
- Inter-annual Variability in Large-Scale Flooding of Aquatic Ecosystems and Associated CO2 Evasion in Amazonia: A Modeling Strategy
- Interaction Between Downwelling Flow and the Laterally-Varying Thickness of the North American Lithosphere Inferred from Seismic Anisotropy
- Interoperability between loose-coupled distributed resources and application across autonomous systems
- Investigating the Influences of Climatic Variability and Land Cover Change on the Land Surface Hydrology of Northern Wisconsin, USA
- Investigation of Molecular Marker Lipids in Alpine Ice Cores Via Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction
- Is There a 230Th Deficit in Arctic Sediments?
- Land cover and Urbanization links with stream Biota in the mid-Atlantic USA
- Links between the Annual, Milankovitch, and Continuum of Temperature Variability
- Lithium Isotope Cycling in Subduction Zones: The Tonga Island arc/back-arc System
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From Samoan and Austral Volcanic Chains: Constraints on the Source Components of Mantle Reservoirs
- Lithospheric "corner flow" via extensional faulting and tectonic rotation at non-volcanic, slow-spreading ridges
- Low Molecular Weight Hydrocarbon Production at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Low-Temperature Weathering of Hydrothermal Sulfide Minerals at Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Macrobiotic Communities of Vailulu'u Seamount, Samoan Archipelago
- Mantle Pb Paradoxes: The Sulfide Solution
- Massive Organic Matter Fall Processing and Organic Enrichment in Deep Sea Sediments: the Role of Fall Type
- Mechanisms of Uplift of Deep Gabbro Bodies at Slow-Spreading Ridges
- Megafloods in Marginal Basins: New Data from the Black Sea
- Melt Channel Formation in Paraffin With Applications to Lava Channels
- Melting and Mantle Flow at Oblique Ultraslow-Spreading Ridges
- Meridional Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Metadata Exporter for Scientific Photography Management
- Microearthquake Survey of the TAG Segment, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (26°N): The Early Stages of Deformation on a Detachment Fault Revealed
- Microseismicity of Lucky Strike Segment, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Millennial Scale Variability in Tropical South American Vegetation During the Last Glaciation
- Molecular Studies of Filamentous and Biofilm-Forming Hyperthermophilic Communities in Yellowstone National Park
- New Constraints on the Thermal Power of the TAG Hydrothermal System and the Dynamics of the Water Column Plume
- Noble gases and mantle reservoirs: constraints from isotope ratios, degassing fluxes, and noble gas abundances and ratios
- North Atlantic Deep Water Formation over the past 20 kyr as Recorded by Nd Isotopes in the Authigenic Fraction of Pelagic Sediments Along the Blake Ridge
- Numerical Simulations of Faulting and Magmatism at Ridges Illustrates Conditions for Oceanic Detachment Faults
- Ocean Climate Variability in the Eastern North Atlantic During Interglacial MIS 11: A Partial Analogue to the Holocene?
- Ocean Color Based Estimates of Global Photochemical Rate Processes
- Off-Axis Deformation near the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Region of the North American-South American-African Triple Junction
- On the Geodynamics of Oblique Spreading
- Orbital-Scale Vegetation Variability in Northeast Africa
- Os isotopes and platinum-group elements (PGE) in the mantle section of the Talkeetna arc
- Paleoclimate Implications of Uncertainties in Processes Governing Vertical Mixing in the Ocean
- Paleoenvironmental changes in West Africa since the Last Glacial Maximum from a geochemical and modeling study of Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana
- Periodic Viscous Shear Heating Instability in Fine-Grained Shear Zones: Mechanism for Intermediate Depth Earthquakes
- Permeability Evolution During the Growth and Interaction of Localized Failure
- Petroleum Weathering Associated with Hydrocarbon Migration and Seepage, a Case Study From the Santa Barbara Channel, CA.
- Preliminary Results From the SISMOMAR Seismic Study of the Lucky Strike Segment, 37N Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Processes of Strain Localization Recorded on the Atlantis Bank Detachment Fault System, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Progress in tropical isotope dendroclimatology
- Reconnections of Marginal Basins to the World Ocean: New Data from the Marmara Sea
- Reconstructing Holocene Climate Variability and the Indonesian Throughflow in the Western Equatorial Pacific
- Reconstructing the Jurassic Talkeetna Intra-oceanic Arc of Alaska Using Thermobarometry
- Ridge 2000 Data Management System
- Rifting and Breakup Between Newfoundland and Iberia
- Rutile-Melt Partitioning of High Field Strength Elements: New Constraints on the Nature of the Subduction Component
- Sedimentary nitrate reduction and its effect on the N-isotopic composition of oceanic nitrate
- Seismic velocity structure of the Newfoundland rifted margin: Evidence for thinned continental crust, unroofed mantle and slow-spreading oceanic crust
- Self Consistent Bathymetric Mapping Using Sub-maps: Survey Results From the TAG Hydrothermal Structure
- Sensitivity of MORB Chemistry and Emplacement to Accretionary Tectonics at Ultraslow-Spreading Rates on the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Shallow Subsurface Marine Radiocarbon Records from Bahamas Sclerosponge Skeletons
- Simultaneous Deep-Ocean Operations With Autonomous and Remotely Operated Vehicles
- Siple Dome vs Palmer Deep: Resolving a Dichotomy in Antarctic Holocene Paleoenvironmental Records from Marine Sediments and Ice Cores
- Slow earthquakes on the flank of Kilauea volcano, Hawai'i
- Sniffing for Clues to the Dinosaurs Demise: Measurement of Osmium Isotope Compositions and Platinum Group Element Abundances in Volcanic Emissions
- Spatial Distribution of Carbon Stock in the Amazon Basin
- Stability of arc lower crust: Insights from the Talkeetna Arc section, Alaska, and the seismic structure of modern arcs
- Stochastic Analysis of Exit-Fluid Temperature Time-Series Data from the TAG Hydrothermal Mound: Events, States, and Hidden Markov Models
- Strength and Stability of Olivine Aggregates Under Wet and Dry Conditions
- Structural constraints on the evolution of Atlantis Massif based on results from IODP Expedition 304/305
- Structure of Kane Megamullion
- Surface-Level Ozone Variability in the Gulf of Maine during ICARTT 2004
- Synchronous decadal to centennial scale variability in surface productivity off Peru and Indian Monsoon during the last millennium
- Tectonic and Geochemical Evolution of the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska: Implications for a Type Section of Intra-oceanic Arc Crust
- Tectonic and volcanic interaction along the Lucky Strike rift valley floor: controls on hydrothermal distribution
- Tectonism and Long-Lived Hydrothermal Systems: Seismic Constraints From the TAG Segment, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 26°N
- Temperature and [CO3 ] Effects on Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Benthic Foraminifera Species of Hoeglundina Elegans and Cibicidoides
- Tempest in Vailulu'u Crater
- The Atlantic-Pacific Salinity Contrast and Sea Level During Marine Isotope Stage 11
- The Cause of Recurring OIB Stages: Insights From the Evolution of Jasper Seamount
- The Depleted Component in the Galapagos Lavas and the Role of the Oceanic Lithosphere
- The Electrical Lithosphere of the Archean: Insights from the Kaapvaal craton and elsewhere.
- The Ins and Outs of Water in the Earth's Mantle
- The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset 2000: A High Spatial Resolution Baseline to Reduce Uncertainty in Carbon Accounting and Flux Modeling
- The Nature of Detachment faulting at the Kane Megamullion: Initial Results
- The Nature of a Magnetic Polarity Boundary in the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle at Kane Megamullion
- The Plutonic Foundation of a MAR Ridge Spreading Segment: The Kane Oceanic Core Complex
- The Role of Rheology and Basal Décollement Properties on Accretionary Wedges
- The Use of Scanning XRF Technology in Terrestrial Paleoclimatology and Paleohydrology
- The Waves and Tsunamis Project
- The ocean's circulation derived from altimetry and the geoid
- The pathway and impact of fresh water discharge through Hudson Strait 8200 years ago
- The rheology of altered oceanic lithosphere
- The rheology of the subcontinental mantle
- Three High-Tech High Seniors Join the Alia Expedition to Samoa: Science and Science Education
- Three-Dimensional Slowness Images of the Upper Crust Beneath the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Sites
- Time Series Fluid Compositions from the TAG Hydrothermal Mound, MAR: 1986-2004
- Time scales of assimilation and mixing at Krafla volcano, Icleand
- Tropical dendrochemistry: A novel approach for reconstructing seasonally-resolved growth rates from ringless tropical trees
- Upper Crustal Evolution Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks and its Relation to Sedimentation and Tectonic History
- Uranium Isotopes in Fine-grained Clastic Sediments: A New Perspective on Erosion and Sedimentation
- Use of JERS Satellite Imagery Mosaics for Boreal Wetlands Mapping
- Using Satellite Maps and Related Spatial Data Sets to Identify Remaining Wild Areas of the Eastern US
- Variability in the Influence of Southern Source Waters within the Florida Current Over the Last 20,000 Years
- Vegetation Patterns Coupled to Deep Soil Water in a Brazilian Savanna
- Vent Fluid Chemistry From Six Hydrothermal Fields Along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center From 20°03'S to 22°13'S.
- Ventilation of the Deep Western North Atlantic During the Little Ice Age
- WHOI and SIO (I): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- WHOI and SIO (II): Next Steps toward Multi-Institution Archiving of Shipboard and Deep Submergence Vehicle Data
- Wave-Dominated Delta Evolution: New Insights From One-Line Numerical Simulations
- Where does fluid go in the seawater from the Lost City Hydrothermal Field?
- Why the West Wind Wobbles: Stochastic Potential Vorticity Forcing of Annular Modes
- A Comparison of Electrical and Seismic Anisotropy Across the Southern African Region
- A Geostatistical Approach to Watershed Sources of Aged Riverine Organic Matter to the Hudson-Mohawk River System
- A Simple Model of Fabric Development for use in Large-scale Tectonics
- A Time Dependent Model for Seafloor Ripples
- A Unified Constitutive Model for Subglacial Till, Part I: The Disturbed State Concept
- A Unified Constitutive Model for Subglacial Till, Part II: Laboratory Tests, Disturbed State Modeling, and Validation for Two Subglacial Tills
- A Wetlands Map of Alaska Using L-Band Radar Satellite Imagery
- A census of marine zooplankton in the tropical/subtropical Atlantic from the surface to 5000 m.
- A fluid mud transport model and its application to wave-supported gravity-driven mudflows
- A historical record of particulate organic carbon exported from the Ob River, Siberia
- A re-examination of the changing meridional overturning circulation in the N. Atlantic
- A thorium isotope proxy for reconstructing dissolved detrital inputs to the ocean
- Abrupt ENSO Changes Over the Last 15,000 Years: Inferences From Peru Margin Organic Biomarker Records
- Abyssal Temperature Variability and the Global Ocean Heat Budget
- Air-Sea Interactions in CLIMODE: In-Situ Observations
- Annual Release of Carbon to the Atmosphere from Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Anthropogenic Impacts on the Corner Rise Seamounts, NW Atlantic
- Assessment of Deep Water Archaeological Sites with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Associations between Tree Growth, NDVI, and Climate in Boreal Forests
- Atlantic Ocean Circulation and Climate: The Current View From the Geological Record
- Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Observations from ASIS during CLIMODE
- Atmospheric Forcing, Sea-Ice Interannual Variability, and Ocean Current Impacts on the Availability of Bowhead Whale Prey Near Barrow, AK
- Atmospheric Input of Lithogenic Elements to the Sargasso Sea: the Long and Short of Bermuda Observations
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) and Towed Vehicle Technologies for Under-Ice Hydrothermal Vent Studies at the Gakkel Ridge
- Bathymetry and deep-water exchange at the central Lomonosov ridge
- Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca Presented Under Varying Population Densities on the Southeastern United States Continental Shelf
- Biomineralogy and Morphology of the Marine Iron-oxidizing Bacterium Mariprofundus ferrooxydans
- Biomonitor of Environmental Stress: Coral Trace Metal Analysis
- CLIMODE: Program Scope and Initial Results
- Calcite saturation state effects on cultured benthic foraminiferal trace-element distribution coefficients
- Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes from the Alaskan North Slope to the Arctic Ocean
- Changes in Carbon Storage Efficiency Following a Shelterwood Harvest at Howland Forest, Maine, USA
- Changes in the outflow from Hudson Strait to the Labrador Sea
- Chemical Variation and MORB Generation on the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (9°-25° E)
- Circulation driven by turbulent mixing
- Climate Forcing of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity over the last 6000 years
- Coccolitophore Productivity Response to Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Comparative Radiocarbon Analysis of Sedimentary Alkenones and GDGTs
- Comparison of fine scale growth structures in coral skeletons and abiogenic aragonite
- Constraints From Broadband Magnetotellurics on the Lithospheric Evolution of the Rehoboth and Kaapvaal Cratons, Southern Africa.
- Coordinated Mapping and Characterization of Ocean Floor Methane Sources with Manned Submersibles, AUVs and Modular Observatory Arrays
- Correlation of deep crustal seismic velocity anomalies and intrusive units in the vicinity of the sheeted-dike-gabbro boundary at IODP Site 1256D
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California and subducting Rivera plate
- Decay and Return of Internal Solitary Waves With Rotation
- Deformation mode of talc from subsurface to dehydration conditions: implications for the subducting oceanic lithosphere
- Density Structure in the Florida Straits: Insights Into North Atlantic Circulation Over the Last 20 kyr
- Direct Comparison between Numerical Simulation and Field Observation for Turbulent Flow over Large Wave Orbital Scale Ripples
- Dissipation of midocean mesoscale eddies: Inferences from satellite altimetry data, in-situ data, and idealized models
- Distributed Extension at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Distribution and fractionation of Zn stable isotopes in the oceans
- Dive and Discover: New Arctic Educational Modules and Near Real-Time Coverage of Exploration on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Double Precessional Cycles and Traversodont Cynodont-Dominated Provinces in Equatorial Pangea
- Downcore 231Pa and 231Pa/230Th Records From the Central Arctic Ocean
- Eddies in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, Observed from Ice Tethered Profilers
- Effect of Spreading Rate and Obliquity on Mantle Melting: Insight from Scaling Relations and Numerical Models
- Effects of Local Structure on Seafloor Ambient Noise at the Hawaii-2 Observatory
- Effects of future land use on biogeography of aquatic ecosystems of Amazonia
- Electrons? Paper? Yes: Lessons on Building a Hybrid Publication
- Emergent shoreline behaviors reflected in the depositional history of wave-dominated deltas: Examples from Danube delta
- Engaging in Education and Outreach: Guidance for Scientists
- Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Estimates of Small-Scale Dissipation Rates and Eddy Viscosity From Satellite Altimetry
- Evaluation of Global Surface Heat Fluxes From the WHOI OAFlux, ISCCP, and Atmospheric Reanalyses
- Evolution of active detachment faults and core complexes near 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Evolution of the mouth of the Gulf of California based on rift-related seismic sequences and onshore basins
- Examining Regional Late Holocene Oceanographic Variability in the WPWP From a Gravity Core Record From Kau Bay, Indonesia.
- Experimental methods for extracting seawater thorium isotopes from sediments as a proxy for dissolved dust inputs to the ocean.
- Extent and dynamics of the 2005-06 volcanic eruptions of the East Pacific Rise, 9° 46'-56'N
- Flow and hydrography at a hydrothermally-active axial valley in the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Forecasting and characterizing the recent eruption at 9deg50'N on the East Pacific Rise using Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- Formation of Subtropical Mode Water in a High-Resolution POP Simulation of the Kuroshio Extension Region
- Frictional behavior of serpentine at high sliding velocity: Implications for seismic coupling at oceanic transform faults
- From Crystals to Climate: Using Geochemical Principles to understand Paleoceanographic Proxies
- Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the South China Sea
- Generation of High-Resolution Geo-referenced Photo-Mosaics From Navigation Data
- Geochemical Constraints on Archaeal Diversity in the Vulcano Hydrothermal System
- Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas
- Geochronology and Composition of the 2005-06 Volcanic Eruptions of the East Pacific Rise, 9deg 46'-56'N
- Global Mantle Flow and the Development of Asthenospheric Anisotropy: Differences Between the Oceanic and Continental Upper Mantle
- Growth Rate Dependence of Mg, Sr, and U Incorporation Into Aragonite: Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Vital Effects
- Helium in Abyssal Peridotites: New Results From the Southwest Indian Ridge
- High Resolution Hydrogen Isotope Records of Climate Change During the Early Holocene From Two Adjacent Lakes in Massachusetts, Eastern North America
- High Resolution Imaging of Fault Zone Structures With Seismic Fault Zone Waves
- High latitude influence on millennial-scale climate variability
- High-Resolution Mapping in Manus Basin
- High-resolution Vertical Profiling of Ocean Velocity and Water Properties Under Hurricane Frances in September 2004
- Holocene Hydrologic Changes in the Tropical Pacific
- Hydrodynamic Controls on the Age and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Matter Distributed over the Washington Margin
- Hydrothermal Exploration by AUV: ABE in the Lau Basin and South Atlantic
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 5-10°S, using the AUV ABE and the ROV Quest a brief overview of RV Meteor Cruise M68/1
- Hydrothermal Manganese Mineralization Near the Samoan Hotspot
- Hydrothermal Plume Anomalies Along the Central Indian Ridge Immediately North of the Rodrigues Triple Junction
- Hydrothermal Plume Anomalies Along the East Pacific Rise Near the Equator
- In-situ Optical Characterization of Methane Seeps and Bubble Plumes
- InSAR/Lidar/Optical Data Fusion for Vegetation Height and Biomass Estimation in Support of the North American Carbon Program
- Influence of Grain-size and Water on the Seismic Structure of the Oceanic Upper Mantle
- Inherited Depletion in the Oceanic Mantle: Peridotite Composition and Distribution Along Gakkel Ridge
- Initial Biological, Chemical, and Geological Observations After the 2005-6 Volcanic Eruption on the East Pacific Rise
- Interactions of Cook Inlet tides with wind-driven and tsunami-generated oscillations
- Intermittent Plate Tectonics
- Internal Waves Generated by a Gravity Current Discharging Into a Stratified Ambient
- Inverse Modeling of the Glacial Ocean: A Progress Report
- Investigating Coastal Processes Responsible for Large-Scale Shoreline Responses to Human Shoreline Stabilization
- Investigating the Influence of Magmatic Volatile Input and Seawater Entrainment on Vent Deposit Morphology and Composition in Manus Basin (Back-arc) Hydrothermal Systems
- Investigating the role of magma supply on crustal accretion processes: Seismic structure and axial morphology of the western Galapagos Spreading Center
- Isotope modeling of a mid-Turonian warming event in the South Atlantic
- Laser Remote Sensing of Canopy Habitat Heterogeneity as a Predictor of Bird Species Richness
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Climate Change Inferred from Fossil Fauna in the Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Lateral transport of Particulate Organic Carbon on the Northwest Atlantic Margin
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Plumes and the Distribution of Lithium Isotopes Among Earth's Reservoirs
- Lithological Anomalies in Coastal Dunes: GPR Signal Response And Paleoenvironmental Significance
- Live From the Poles
- Long-term Trends in Model and Satellite-derived Chlorophyll Concentrations in Selected Regions of the Global Ocean.
- Low frequency motions in the Kuroshio Extension region and their relation to simple dynamical models
- Lower 3He/4He isotope signatures of ultramafic rocks from Oblique Supersegment of SWIR, Indian Ocean
- Mapping Africa Biomass with MODIS Imagery
- Marine Erosional Records of Progressive Tibetan Uplift in the South China Sea
- Marine Radiocarbon Calibration and Activity Record for the Past 50,000 Years from the Cariaco Basin
- Measurement of Th Isotopes in Volcanic Rocks by Plasma Ionization Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometry
- Mechanisms of Western Pacific Freshening During the Holocene: A Data-Model Investigation
- Melt-Rock Reaction in Oceanic Gabbros and its Implications for the Genesis of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt
- Mesoscale Eddy - Internal Wave Coupling and Closure of the Thermocline Circulation
- Metacommunity dynamics at Ridge 2000 Integrated Study Sites
- Meteorological Observations During CLIMODE
- Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Extinct Hydrothermal Chimneys at East Pacific Rise: Molecular and Microscopic Approaches
- Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Extinct Hydrothermal Chimneys at East Pacific Rise: Spatially-Resolved Chemical and Mineralogical Approaches
- Microbial Response to a Deep-Sea Volcanic Eruption at 9N on the East Pacific Rise
- Mid-Miocene to Early Pliocene Upper Crustal Extension in the Southern Gulf of California
- Modeling surf zone hydrodynamics and sediment transport - toward an integrated approach
- Modeling the Shape Evolution of Enclosed Water Bodies: Pattern Formation from Emergent Interactions
- Molecular Fossil Evidence of Archaea and a Deep Biosphere during the Late Archean
- Nanogold In Situ Hybridization for Phylogenetic Identification in Geologic Samples Using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
- National Deep Submergence Facility Data Report: Data Systems, Processing and Visualization
- New 40Ar/39Ar Ages for Savai'i Island Reinstate Samoa as a Hotspot Trail with a Linear Age Progression
- New Frontiers in Arctic Exploration: Autonomous Location and Sampling of Hydrothermal Vents Under the Ice at Earth's Slowest Spreading Ridge (IPY Project 173)
- New Insights on Submarine Volcanism in the Western Galapagos Archipelago from High Resolution Sonar and Magnetic Surveys
- New Navigation Post-Processing Tools for Oceanographic Submersibles
- North Atlantic Hydrographic Records of the Last Deglaciation: Exploring Linkages to the Tropics
- Oblique And Orthogonal Amagmatic Accretionary Ridges: Improbable Fault Geometries?
- Observing Arctic Coastal Hydrography Using the REMUS AUV
- Oil Pollution in the Marine Environment: A 35 Year Perspective of Communicating Broadly
- Old Shield Basalts from Savai'i Island, Samoa: Validation of A Plume-Hotspot Model for the Samoan Chain
- Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions From Fernandina Lavas: the Volatile Content of the Galapagos Plume and Evidence for Melt Interaction With Plagioclase-rich Cumulate
- On the control of climate- and human-modulated fluvial sediment delivery on river delta development: The Indus
- Oxygen Isotopes Identify a Slab-Derived Component in Samoan Lavas
- Paleomagnetism of Lonar Crater Impact Glass
- Parameterizing Mixing in the Deep Ocean in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM)
- Parametric Wave Transformation Models on Natural Beaches
- Patterns of volcanism and tectonism at a slow-spreading segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Lucky Strike, 37N): preliminary results from near-bottom geological and geophysical surveys
- Pb Partitioning Between Sulfide Melt and Silicate Melt
- Peridotite Heterogeneity Along the Ultra-Slow Spreading SWIR Oblique Supersegment
- Petroleum Oxidation in Marine Microcosms by Natural Microbial Assemblages
- Population Genetic Structure of the Deep-Sea Precious Coral Corallium secundum from the Hawaiian Archipelago Based on Microsatellites.
- Positive and negative feedbacks among Amazon land uses, drought, and fire: the drought of 2005
- Preliminary Characterization of Evolving Horizontal and Vertical Spatial Structures in Internal Waves Based on High Resolution Broadband Acoustic Profiling Observations
- Properties of eddies in the western Arctic: 1992 - 1998
- Quantifying Mixing and Scales of Heterogeneity in 2-D Numerical Models of Chaotic Mantle Mixing
- Radiocarbon Depletion in the Glacial North Pacific Abyss, and the Deglacial Ventilation Increase
- Radiocarbon Evidence for a Benthic Front Near 3 km in the Glacial Pacific Ocean
- Radium isotopes to investigate the water mass pathways on the Kerguelen plateau (KEOPS project)
- Re-Os systematics of St. Paul's Rocks, equatorial Atlantic.
- Real-time Characterization of Submarine Hydrothermal Vents with an In-situ Mass Spectrometer Operating Aboard a Human Occupied Submersible
- Realistic U-series age models from Bahamas sclerosponges indicate elevated initial Th- 230
- Reconstructing deep-sea radiocarbon in the glacial and deglaciation
- Regionally-Coherent Moisture Variability at Multi-Centennial Time-Scales in the Northeastern United States during the Holocene
- Rhyolites From the September 2005 Da'Ure (Dabbahu) Eruption, Afar, Ethiopia
- Rift topography linked to magmatic processes at the intermediate spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge
- River Exports and Productivity in Arctic Coastal Waters: A Challenge to Conventional Wisdom
- Rutile Saturation in Magmas Revisited: Siliceous, Alkali-Rich Compositions
- SAMURAI: Polar AUV-Based Autonomous Dexterous Sampling
- Sea Surface Temperature Signatures of Oceanic Internal Waves in low Winds
- Seasonal behavior of lakes on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Simulating floods in the Amazon River Basin: Impacts of new river geomorphic and dynamic flow parameterizations
- Small-Scale Bathymetric Changes Associated with 2005-2006 Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise Near 9 50'N
- Spreading rate dependence of the gravity structure of oceanic Spreading Rate Dependence of the Gravity Structure of Oceanic Transform Faults: Contrast Between Ultra-slow/Slow and Intermediate/Fast Slipping Systems
- Stable sea surface temperature during MIS3 in the Bering Sea
- Strontium/Calcium and Magnesium/Calcium Ratios: Geochemical Constraints on Biomineralization in a Deep-Sea Coral
- Studies of the Northern Alaskan Coastal System: Ongoing project work and synthesis activities
- Symmetric Rifting of Cold Lithosphere in the Southern Gulf of California
- Tectonics and Magmatic Accretion of the Southwest Indian Ridge: Ultraslow Spreading Rates and Influence of Hotspots
- Temperature and Carbonate Ion Effects on Elemental Ratios in Benthic Foraminifera
- Temperature dependent Mg isotope fractionation in corals
- Temporal Characteristics of Abyssal Finescale Motions Above Rough Bathymetry
- Temporal Constraints on the Transfer of Particulate Organic Carbon from the Continents to the Oceans
- Temporal change in the CFC distributions along 25 W in the South Atlantic since the WOCE period
- The 2005 and 2006 eruptions of Ol Doinyo Lengai: assessing deep and shallow processes at an active carbonatite volcano using volatile chemistry and fluxes
- The Application of Mean Square Slope Derived Gas Transfer Velocities in a Global General Circulation Model
- The Beaufort Gyre System: Flywheel of the Arctic Climate?
- The Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Composition of Cultured Benthic Foraminifera
- The Century-Scale History of the Arctic Oscillation Based on Detrital Fe Grain Provenance of Russian Sea Ice Origins in the Arctic Off Alaska
- The Composition of the Complete Crust at Ultraslow Ridges
- The Coral Record of Millennial-Scale Sea Level Change: An Orbital Influence
- The Hawaiian PLUME Project Successfully Completes its First Deployment
- The Horoman Peridotite Massif: an Example of Ancient Ultraslow-Spreading Ridge Abyssal Peridotites?
- The Influence of Roads and Buffer Depth on Habitat Core Areas and Connectivity in the NE USA
- The Instability of a Deep Overflow
- The Lability of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska
- The Magnetic Structure of Kane Megamullion: Results from Marine Magnetic Anomalies, Paleomagnetic Data and Thermal Modeling.
- The Nonlinear Dynamics of Time Dependent Subcritical Baroclinic Currents
- The North Atlantic Oscillation Reconstructed at Bermuda for 220 Years Using Sr/Ca Ratios in Diploria labyrinthiformis (brain coral)
- The Ocean Boundary Layer beneath Hurricane Frances
- The Physicochemical Origin of Trace Element Vital Effects in Coral Skeleton
- The Relationship Between Oceanic Mesoscale Motions and Atmospheric Convection on 10N in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
- The Role of Melt Supply in the Formation of Long-Lived Oceanic Detachment Faults
- The Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: Field Trial Results and Future Capabilities
- The Stable and Radio- Carbon Isotopic Content of Labile and Refractory Carbon in Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- The Student-PARTNERS Project: Engaging Students, Teachers, and the Public in the Study of the Arctic and Global Climate Change
- The brittle-ductile transition in fine-grained carbonate rocks: Effect of water
- The flux and 14C age of riverine organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean
- The interpretation of energy and energy fluxes of nonlinear internal waves: an example from Massachusetts Bay
- Tidal Dynamics in the Axial Valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Time Domain Finite Difference Modeling of Seafloor Compliance
- Time-series studies of hydrothermal flux following the EPR 9N 2006 Eruption.
- Timscales of rhyodacite formation in Central America: U-series disequilibrium and implications for petrogenetic processes in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
- Top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets of North America, Europe and Asia
- Torishima And NW Rota-1: A Petrological Contrast Between The Izu-Bonin And Mariana Arcs
- Towards an Understanding of Subarctic Shelf Processes
- Trends in satellite observed circumpolar photosynthetic activity since 1981
- Tropical Atlantic SSTS at the Last Glacial Maximum derived from Sr/Ca ratios of fossil coral
- Tropical North Atlantic Coral-Based Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity Reconstructions From the Little Ice Age and Early Holocene
- Unraveling a graveyard of core complexes at the 13N segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Use of Seafloor Electromagnetic and Acoustic Backscatter Data for Seafloor Classification: An Example From Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
- Using Current Polar Research to Guide Inquiry and Content Education in the Classroom
- Variability in Arc Construction: Comparing Eastern and Western Talkeetna Island Arc Crustal Sections, South Central Alaska
- Variability in Eruptive Vents and Lava Morphology of the 2005-2006 EPR Eruptions near 9 50'N
- Vegetation and Water Level Changes for the Northeast U.S. During the "8.2 ka Event"
- Volatile Sources and Fluxes Through the Central American and Izu-Bonin-Mariana Subduction Factories
- Volcanic and Tectonic Setting of Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 4° - 11°S
- Water-Rock Reaction, Substrate Composition, Magmatic Degassing, and Mixing as Major Factors Controlling Vent Fluid Compositions in Manus Basin Hydrothermal Systems
- Western Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone Variability Over the Last Full Glacial Cycle
- What Controls the Pacing of 100-ky Glacial Cycles?
- Who is my audience, what is my message, and know my reporters deadline: How to be more effective communicating with the media
- Wide-angle Marine Seismic Refraction Imaging of Vertical Faults: Pre-Stack Turning Wave Migrations of Synthetic Data and Implications for Survey Design
- Widespread Reduction in Coral Growth Rates on the Mesoamerican Reef Following the 1998 El Nino and Hurricane Mitch
- Wintertime Cross-Sections of the Gulf Stream in CLIMODE
- (226Ra)/(230Th) Disequilibrium and Amphibole Crystallization in Rhyodacite From Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador
- A Fossil DNA Based High Resolution Record of Holocene Planktonic Taxa and Environmental Change in the Black Sea
- A New Data Management System for Biological and Chemical Oceanography
- A New Method for MCS Refraction Data Analysis of the Uppermost Section at a Mid-Atlantic Ridge Core Complex
- A Pre-NACP Assessment of the North American Terrestrial Carbon Sink
- A new Reconstruction for the Onset of the Younger Dryas: Evidence From Speleothem, Tree Ring, and Marine Varve 14C Archives and Greenland Ice Core Proxies
- A periodic shear-heating mechanism for intermediate depth earthquakes in the mantle
- Abrupt changes in hydrology and vegetation in the West African monsoon region since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Active pCO2-Control of Seawater Culture Systems for Laboratory-Based Biogeochemical Experimentation Investigating Global Ocean Acidification
- Amazon rainforest regrowth with nutrient stress: A biosphere-atmosphere interaction problem
- An Integrated Greenhouse Gas Assessment of an Alternative to Slash-and-Burn Agriculture in Eastern Amazonia
- An Inter-Laboratory Assessment of the Th Isotopic Composition of Synthetic and Rock Standards.
- An Introduction to the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO- DMO)
- Annual shoreline change between 2006 and 2007 of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Antarctic Intermediate Water: Passive Responder or Climate Trigger?
- Anti-phase variability of North Pacific ventilation and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation
- Application of Foraminiferal Stable Isotopy to Quaternary Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography of the Central Arctic Ocean
- Arctic Gakkel Ridge hydrothermal plume study by in-situ redox and particle size measurements.
- Are Patterns in Paleo-Hurricane Landfalls Significant? Statistical Comparisons with Modeled Hurricane Climatology
- Atmospheric Dust Impacts on Marine Phytoplankton
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Isotopes at Loihi Seamount
- Biological and Geological Characteristics of the Gakkel Ridge
- Body-wave tomography at Hawaii from the first PLUME deployment of ocean-bottom seismometers
- Bottom Interaction in Long-Range Ocean Acoustic Propagation
- Broadband Ocean Bottom Instruments Record Earth's Free Oscillations during the Hawaiian PLUME Experiment
- Calibration of the carbonate `clumped isotope' paleotemperature proxy using mollusc shells and benthic foraminiferal tests
- Carbon Fluxes From Land-Use Change and Forestry: A Multi-Model Study
- Cemented Mounds Perched on the Kane Megamullion Detachment Surface: A New Manifestation of Hydrothermal Venting?
- Changes in Trace Metal Cycling Driven by Sediment Redox Conditions
- Characterization of the U reflection on the Newfoundland Margin: Evidence for Wide-Spread Early Postrift Magmatism on 'Magma-Poor' Rifted Margin
- Characterizing Offshore Earthquakes at Hawaii Recorded by the First PLUME Temporary Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network
- Characterizing turbulence in the presence of coherent structures in an estuary
- Climate Variability of Southern South America During the Late Holocene: The Multi-proxy Sedimentary Record of Chilean Fjord Sediments (46°S)
- Climate and Tectonic Signals Preserved in the Indus Submarine Fan, Arabian Sea
- Comparison of Pre- and Post-Eruption Surveys of the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise Volcanic Event: Implications for Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge Eruption Processes.
- Constraining the last glacial maximum and deglaciation of Mauna Kea with cosmogenic surface exposure dating
- Constraining the shallow subtropical overturning circulation with archived radiocarbon records
- Constraints on Melting Beneath the Slow-Spreading Kolbeinsey Ridge from 238U, 230Th, and 231Pa Excesses
- Constraints on melt-water flux through the West Greenland ice-sheet: modeling of hydro- fracture drainage of supraglacial lakes
- Continental Relamination Drives Compositional and Physical-Property Changes in the Lower Crust
- Coral Skeletal Records of Water Quality Change in Mesoamerica
- Culture-based Calibration of the Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Paleothermometer: Initial Results
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- DIVE Into Metadata With MMI
- DOC Transport to the Arctic Ocean: Improving Basin-Wide Annual Flux Estimates
- Deformation and Melt-Rock Interaction in Peridotites From the Atlantis II Transform, SWIR: Evidence for Diffuse Melt Percolation in Deep Lithospheric Mantle
- Deglacial circulation changes from dynamical and watermass tracers
- Deriving Paleotemperatures From Coral Skeleton Using a Rayleigh Fractionation Model for Coral Biomineralization
- Detailed investigation of the overlapping spreading center and 9 degrees north on the East Pacific Rise: overview of the Medusa 2007 cruise activities
- Detecting Aseismic Fault Slip and Magmatic Intrusion From Seismicity Data
- Direct Observations of Melt-Water Lake Drainage and the Establishment of an Efficient Surface to Basal Water Connection on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Discovery and Description of Extinct Asphalt Volcanoes Along the Southern California Margin
- Distribution of 15N Tracers Applied to the Canopy of a Mature Spruce-Hemlock Stand: Implications for Carbon Sequestration
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Earth's deep H cycle: H isotope evidence from the Manus Basin for complementary recycled reservoirs
- Effects of Past Climate Changes on Ecosystem Biogeochemical Cycles in Rocky Mountain Forests and Lakes
- Estimates of Vertical Methane Fluxes in Porangahau Ridge Sediment on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Estimating Seasonal Changes in Volumetric Soil Water Content at Landscape Scales in a Savanna Ecosystem Using Two-Dimensional Resistivity Profiling
- Evidence of Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Temperature Invariance in Live Aragonitic Hoeglundina elegans Tests from the Little Bahama Bank
- Evolution of oceanic core complex domes and corrugations
- Exploring the Source of Sedimentary Archaeal Lipids by Comparative Radiocarbon Analysis of Alkenones and GDGTs.
- First Discovery and Investigation of a High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Field on the Ultra- Slow Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Foraminiferal Ecology and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Methane Seeps in Monterey Bay, California
- Fossil DNA Stratigraphy revealed Multiple Sources of Alkenones in the Holocene Black Sea at the Strain Level: Implications for UK37 Paleothermometry
- Fresh water forcing hypothesis of abrupt climate change: A test of consistency with sea level reconstructions
- Fundamental influence of carbon-nitrogen cycle coupling on climate-carbon cycle feedbacks
- Geochemical Characterization of Hydrothermal Plume Fluids From Peridotite- and Basalt- Dominated Regions of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge
- Geochemical Proxy Records From a Bahamian Sclerosponge: Reconstructing Temperature and Salinity Over the Last 500 Years
- Geochemical Signature of Land-based Activities in Caribbean Coral Surface Samples
- Geochemical studies of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system: highlights, progress and future directions
- Geometry of a Polarity Reversal Boundary in Lower Crust and Upper Mantle at Kane Megamullion
- Global Variations in Abyssal Peridotite Compositions I: Isotopic and Trace Element Characteristics of the MORB-Source Mantle
- Global Variations in Abyssal Peridotite Compositions II: What Determines the Major Element MORB Composition
- Groundtruthing the Neodymium Isotope Proxy in Deep-Sea Corals
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- How Sensitive is the Asian Monsoon System to Remote Forcing?: A Perspective from the late Quaternary Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea Regions
- IPY Storytelling
- Impacts of Land Cover Change and Increasing CO2 Concentrations on Amazon Basin Hydroclimatology: High-resolution Results From the Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model (OLAM)
- In Search of the Continental Mantle End Member
- InSAR and GPS Observations Show Seasonal Speedup of Ice Flow in Greenland Following the Onset of Summer Melting
- Indonesian Throughflow dynamics of the last 25 kyr: New Uranium Series results from the Indonesian Seas
- Iron Isotope Composition of River Water During Estuarine Mixing: Case of North River (Massachusetts, USA)
- Lessons Learned From 104 Years of Mobile Observatories
- Lessons from Oil Pollution Research: Consensus, Controversy, and Education of Policy Makers and the Public.
- Lipid biomarkers of thermal stress in scleractinian corals
- MMI: Increasing Community Collaboration
- Mapping of Hydrothermal Plumes on the Gakkel Ridge During AGAVE 2007
- Measuring 226Ra/228Ra in Oceanic Lavas by MC-ICPMS
- Mechanisms for 3-D Flow in the Mantle Wedge at Subduction Zones
- Mechanisms of Ductile Shear Localization From Observations of Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Microbial Communities at Non-Volcanic and Volcanic Sites of the Gakkel Ridge
- Model studies for the length of a lava tube
- Model-Data Comparisons for Past Warm Climates: How Do We Know When We've Got It Right?
- Modeling Nd Isotope Composition of Continental Inputs to the Ocean
- Modeling the Hydrological Impact of Land-use Change in West Africa
- Modeling the Upper Ocean Response to a Hurricane.
- Molecular Markers in the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru Describe 20th Century Biomass Burning Variability
- Multi-Isotope (13C, 14C, D/H) Insights into Abrupt Climate Shifts in the Tropical Atlantic Basin
- Natural Rhenium Isotope Variations
- Neutrophilic Iron-Oxidizing Microbes In The Marine Environment
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- North Atlantic Abyssal Circulation During Heinrich Event 1
- North Atlantic Overflows and Outflows
- Oceanic volcanic 3He: where is it going?
- On the predictability and dynamics of westerly wind bursts in the equatorial Pacific
- Organic Matter Export from North Slope Rivers of Alaska: Variations in Stable C and N Isotope Ratios over the Annual Hydrograph and Implications for Tracking Land-Derived Organic Matter in Coastal Waters
- Oxygen isotopes in MORB revisited: insights into the nature of the Indian MORB source and implications for crustal recycling
- Particulate Organic Carbon and Iron Speciation within Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
- Photographic analysis of seafloor geologic features at the 9 N Overlapping Spreading Center, East Pacific Rise
- Physical properties and constraints of hydrothermal plumes on the Gakkel Ridge during AGAVE 2007
- Preliminary Results From The CHEETA Cruise Transect: Bulk And Molecular Proxies For Terrigenous Organic Matter Supply
- Preliminary Results from the CHEETA Cruise transect: Intercomparison and calibration of Mg/Ca, δ18O, UK37' and TEX86 SST proxies
- Preliminary Results of a Near-Bottom Integrated Seafloor and Water Column survey of Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, Using the Autonomous Vehicle ABE
- Preservation of Fertile Mantle Components at Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Producing Ni-rich olivine phenocrysts by mixing partial melts of eclogite and peridotite: an alternative to an olivine-free source for Hawaiian shield basalts
- Propagating Rift Explanation for the V-Shaped Ridges South of Iceland
- Quantifying the Effects of Land Cover Change on Carbon Budgets in Romania
- Quantifying the Role of Active Detachment Faulting in Lithospheric Accretion Along Slow-Spreading Ridges (MAR 12-35°N)
- Rapid Optical Swath Mapping of Reef Ecology in the Gulf of Chiriquí, Panamá
- Reanalysis of Geophysical Data With IODP Constraints at Atlantis Massif
- Reconstruction of Coastal-Scale Ocean Fields in an Upwelling Region
- Relaxation Oscillations as a Mechanism of Abrupt Climate Change
- Resolving the Unresolved Complex Mixtures of Hydrothermal Petroleum Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography - Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Response of the Arctic Freshwater Budget to Extreme NAO Forcing
- Results From the TICO-CAVA Land Seismic Refraction Survey
- Riverine Re and Mo Inputs to Seawater
- Sand Ripples and Surficial Grain Size on the Florida Continental Shelf Following 2004 Hurricane Ivan
- Scale Length of Mantle Heterogeneities: Helium Diffusion Constraints
- Scientific Scope and Summary of the Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition
- Seasonal Evolution of Aleutian Low-Pressure Systems: Implications for the North Pacific Sub- Polar Circulation
- Seasonal Rectifier Effects in Atmospheric Potential Oxygen (APO) and CO2
- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Measuring Mg/Ca in Small, Rare and Altered Foraminifera
- Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th records of 231 Pa export and sedimentation from the East and West Central Arctic
- Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint on Global Mantle Flow and Plate Motions
- Shallow seismic structure of the Kane core complex, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23°30'N
- Solubility of Hydrogen in Olivine as a Function of Pressure and Oxygen Fugacity
- Southern African lithospheric structures and geometries imaged by SAMTEX: Clues to Archean tectonic processes
- Spreading Rate Dependence of Hydrothermal Plume Buoyancy Flux at Mid-ocean Ridges
- Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Depositional History of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments Along the Eastern Continental Margin of India and in the Andaman Accretionary Wedge: Results from NGHP Expedition 01
- Styles of Detachment Faulting at the Kane Oceanic Core Complex, 23°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Subduction Tectonic Erosion, Sediment Accretion and Arc Collisions in maintaining the Continental Crust
- Subtropical Atlantic salinity variability and Atlantic meridional circulation during the last deglaciation
- Surface Wave Data Collected During the First Hawaiian PLUME OBS Deployment
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- Tecto-Magmatic Cycles, Faulting, and Morphology of Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Temperature Versus Buoyant Mantle Heterogeneities, Evaluating the Origin of OIB Using the Galapagos Archipelago
- Temporal Dynamics of Terrestrial Organic Matter Transfer to the Ocean
- The 1 Ma Lake Bosumtwi (West Africa) Paleoclimate Record: Comparisons to Marine and Polar Records
- The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, Earthquake Brought Thrust and Strike-Slip Faults Near Algiers Closer to Coulomb Failure
- The Abrupt Climatic Changes During the Last Deglaciation: Direct Land-sea Correlation From a Marine Pollen Record off Southeastern United States
- The Allegresque History of Chemical Geodynamics: the Tenth Anniversary Revision
- The Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition: Technology Development and the Search for Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Fields Under the Arctic Ice Cap
- The Constraint on Surface CO2 Fluxes Provided by OCO Column CO2 Measurements: a Realistic Assessment
- The Crustal Section Exhumed by Oceanic Detachment Faults
- The Holocene Record of the Arctic Oscillation and a Possible Link to Solar Variability
- The Impact of Seawater Saturation State on Early Skeletal Development in Larval Corals: Insights into Scleractinian Biomineralization
- The Mg/Ca of Mixed Layer and Thermocline Dwelling Foraminifera From the Eastern Indian Ocean and Western Pacific
- The Role of Magmatic Volatile Input, Near-surface Seawater Entrainment and Sulfide Deposition in Regulating Metal Concentrations Within Manus Basin Hydrothermal Systems
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- The Sub-Seafloor Structure of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Core Complexes
- The effect of fault segmentation on the dynamics of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults
- The impact of hydrothermally-sourced Fe on ocean biogeochemistry: new investigations from the East Pacific Rise, 9-10°N.
- The penetration of tritium and generation of 3He in the North Atlantic
- The use of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts to Infer Subsurface Processes Along Slow and Ultraslow Spreading Ridges: a Cautionary Tale
- Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults- Implications for Hydration of the Upper Oceanic Mantle
- Timing is everything: ecological vs. evolutionary pacing of Triassic-Jurassic carbon cycle disruptions
- Towed and AUV Technologies for Arctic Operations
- Two-stage Extensional Opening of the Mona Passage as Revealed by New Multibeam Bathymetry and Seismic Reflection Data
- U-Th Disequilibria in Island Arc Lavas from the Western Aleutians
- Unexpected Widespread Detachment Faulting During Formation of Lithosphere at the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Upper Crustal Evolution Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge Flanks from Travel Time Tomography of Seismic Layer 2
- Using 232Th to monitor dissolved and total detrital inputs to the ocean
- Using noble gases to constrain gas exchange and biological productivity
- Variable Basement Compostion and Magma Degassing Affecting Hydrothermal Systems in the Eastern Manus Basin
- Variable crustal structure along the Juan de Fuca Ridge; influence of on-axis hotspots and absolute plate motions
- Visualizing Core Complex Formation
- Volatile Chemistry at Lau Basin Hydrothermal Sites: Basin-Wide Trends of Slab Carbonate Influence and Suggestions of Abiotic Methane Oxidation at the Mariner Vent Site
- Volatile-rich komatiitic and picritic melt inclusions in Cr-spinel beach sand from Gorgona Island, Colombia
- Volcanic Structure of the Gakkel Ridge at 85°E
- Volcanic, tectonic, and hydrothermal features identified in the Lau Basin with near-bottom multibeam sonar data
- West African monsoon variability along the Guinea coast during the Holocene
- Widespread Iron Oxidizing Bacterial Communities in a late Paleoproterozoic Marine Environment
- Working at the margins with sessile proxy archives: Different considerations for anthropogenic-scale reconstructions
- 12 May 2008 M=7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake Calculated to Increase Failure Stress and Seismicity Rate on Three Major Fault Systems
- 3D Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Formation Processes on the East Pacific Rise, 9°57-42'N
- 4 Gy of Mantle Recycling: Evolution of Species in the Mantle Zoo
- A Comparison of Particle and Organic Carbon Fluxes to the Deep Canada Basin Between 2004-2005 and 2007-2008
- A Comparison of in situ Bottom Pressure Array Measurements with GRACE Estimates in the Kuroshio Extension
- A Dual Arrhenius and Michaelis-Menten (DAMM) Kinetics Model of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
- A Model for Large-Amplitude Internal Solitary Waves with Trapped Cores
- A Rapid Radiocarbon Method for Age Surveys of Southern Ocean Deep-sea Corals
- A Synthesis Of In Situ Measured Export Production in the Southern Ocean
- A high-resolution marine osmium isotopic record for the late Maastrichtian: the chemical fingerprints of Deccan volcanism
- A tale of two species: Temporal behavior of diurnal and semidiurnal internal tides
- Abiotic Organic Chemistry of the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface: Isotopic Constraints on Hydrocarbon Formation
- Abrupt climate changes in south-central Chile during the last deglaciation (18-10 kyr) revealed by the bulk organic geochemical record of Puyehue Lake sediments (40° S)
- Abrupt temperature and hydrologic changes during D-O and Heinrich Events at paleolake Les Echets, southeastern France
- Additional Constraints on the Shallow Seismic Velocity Structure of the Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Aerosol Chemistry from the Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans: Results from the CLIVAR/Repeat Hydrography Program
- Air-Sea Surface Conditions in the Gulf Stream From In-Situ Observations
- An Improved Network Strain Filter for Detecting Transient Deformation Signals
- An Initial Look at a No. 6 Fuel Oil Spill: M/V Cosco Busan
- An Oceanic Perspective on the African Humid Period
- An emerging view of the crust and mantle of tectonic North America from EMScope: a mid- term progress review of Earthscope's magnetotelluric program
- An overview of the role of disturbance in the terrestrial carbon budget
- Analysis of seafloor seismograms of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake sequence for earthquake early warning
- Anatomy of T Phases Recorded by An OBS at 5 km Water Depth: Effects of Local Bathymetry and SOFAR Channel Heterogeneity
- Antarctic Intermediate Water ventilation during the last deglaciation off Chile
- Application of Microfossils to Reconstruct a Paleoeseismic Record of the Sunda Subduction Megathrust, Northern Sumatra
- Application of compound-specific radiocarbon dating for Antarctic margin sediments
- Applying the spatial mapping approach to 231Pa/230Th as an overturning proxy
- Arctic Ocean, Spring 2008: What's left after the minimum ice extent of 2007?
- Astronomical pacing of ecosystem function in the Green River Formation of Utah and Colorado
- Atlantic and Southern Ocean radiocarbon from deep-sea corals during the last 25ka.
- Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552
- Bacterial Diets of Primary Consumers at Hydrothermal Vents
- Baseline for estimates of mantle serpentinization in the subducting Cocos plate offshore Costa Rica and Nicaragua from OBS wide-angle seismic data
- Bathymetric Signatures of Oceanic Detachment Faulting and Potential Ultramafic Lithologies at Outcrop or in the Shallow Subseafloor
- Biogeochemical characteristics of Siberia's Kolyma River watershed in relation to climate warming and permafrost degradation
- Biological and Physical Forcing of Picophytoplankton on the New England Shelf: New Insights From Submersible Flow Cytometry at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Building an Interoperable Relational Database for the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF)
- C4 Plants Decline in the Himalayan Basin Since the LGM: Implications for the Evolution of the Monsoon
- Calculating Reynolds stresses from ADCP measurements in the presence of surface gravity waves using the cospectra fit method.
- Central role of detachment faults in accretion of slow-spreading oceanic lithosphere
- Characteristics of Asthenospheric Flow Constrained from Models of Mantle Circulation and Observations of Seismic Anisotropy
- Characteristics of the crustal magma body in the 2005-06 eruption area at 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise from a 3D multi-channel seismic investigation
- Characterizing Estuarine Turbulence and Testing Turbulence Closure
- Chlorine and Fluorine Partition Coefficients Between Basalt and Dry Harzburgite at Mantle Wedge Conditions.
- Chromite-Hosted Hydrous Melt Inclusions in Oceanic Dunites
- Circulation in the EPR ISS Observed During the LADDER Project
- Co-variation of Boron Concentrations and Isotope Ratios in Glasses From the Laki- Grimsvotn Fissure Eruption of 1783-1784
- Cobalt Biogeochemistry in the South Atlantic: A Full-Depth Zonal Ocean Section of Total Dissolved Cobalt, and Development of a High Throughput Cobalt ICP-MS Method
- Coherence and Phase Relationships of Broadband Ambient Seismic Noise in the Pacific Ocean
- Comparison of Radiocarbon Ages for Multiproxy Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Consistent Observational and Numerical Modeling Support for Ice Sheet Forcing of DOI event 8
- Continent Elevation, Mountains, Erosion and Freeboard
- Contributions From Compound-specific Radiocarbon and Size Fraction-specific Th-230 Excess Data Towards Understanding of Sediment Redistribution Processes in the Panama Basin
- Cutting Through the Plate: Rift Interaction North of the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Cyberinfrastructure for the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
- Decay time scale of mixed layer inertial motion in the world ocean: Observations from Satellite Tracked Drifters
- Deconstructing Soil Respiration Response to Environmental Variables at Varying Temporal Scales
- Decreased Variability in Shallow Water Ventilation in the North Atlantic during the End of the Little Ice Age
- Deep Ocean Circulation and Transport Where the East Pacific Rise (9-10 N) Meets the Lamont Seamount Chain
- Deep pyroclastic deposits and evidence for explosive volcanism on the ultraslow spreading Gakkel Ridge at 85E
- Deep reflection structure imaged by the 2008 3D seismic reflection Survey at the RIDGE- 2000 East Pacific Rise Integrated Studies Site
- Deglacial Diatom Assemblages And Surface Ocean Properties Overlying The Bermuda Rise
- Detailed Carbon Isotopic Characterization of Aerosol-Derived Organic Carbon Deposited to two Temperate Watersheds
- Detailed distribution and rapid degradation of small seamounts on the MAR axial volcanic ridge, 45°30'N
- Diatom Community Response to Global Change
- Did Meltwater Drive the Ocean's AMOC?
- Digital Photography: a Tool for Outreach and Science
- Direct Observations of Eighteen Degree Water Formation and Dispersal in the North Atlantic using Acoustically-Tracked Bobbing Floats and Subsurface Profiling Moorings
- Discovery of Off-Axis Melt Lenses at the RIDGE-2000 East Pacific Rise Integrated Studies Site
- Dissolved Organic Matter Discharge from the Six Largest Arctic Rivers: Chemical Composition and Seasonal Variability
- Distillation of continental crust from above and below
- Do 226Ra-230Th isochrons provide realistic crystallization ages?
- Does Warming of the North Atlantic over the Last Decade Explain the Acceleration of Outlet Glaciers in Southeast Greenland?
- Does the Depth to Slab Control Volatile Contents? New Insights from Glasses Erupted at the Fonualei Spreading Center (NE Lau Basin), a Very Arc-like Back-arc
- Dynamics and Speciation of Dissolved Iron in the Sargasso Sea (BATS Region)
- Earthquake Swarms on Transform Faults - A Response to Aseismic Triggering Mechanisms
- Economic Vulnerability Assessment of U.S. Fishery Revenues to Ocean Acidification
- Eddy Generation by a Steady Poleward Outflow
- Effects of Climatic Shifts in River Discharge Magnitude and Intensity on Estuarine Sediment Transport
- Enabling Long-Term Oceanographic Research: Changing Data Practices, Information Management Strategies and Informatics
- Estimates of noble gas contents of pre-degassed oceanic basalts: implications for undegassed mantle sources
- Evaluation of Transport Characteristics of GEOS-5 Using Chemistry Transport Model Simulations of Atmospheric CO2
- Experimental demonstration of lithium-boron depletion during magma degassing
- Exploring the Relationship Between Large-Scale Shoreline Change and Wave Climate
- Extratropical Rossby Waves in the Presence of Vertical Buoyancy Mixing
- First Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields Discovered at the Equatorial Southern East Pacific Rise
- Fractionation of High Field Strength Elements During Water-Saturated Partial Melting of Eclogite: Can Subduction Produce a Mantle Reservoir With Superchondritic Nb/Ta ?
- Gakkel Ridge: A window to ancient asthenosphere
- Geochemical Characterization of Axial and Off-axis Lavas From the 2005-06 Eruption Along the East Pacific Rise (9°46-56' N): Implications for AMC Composition Over Decadal Time Scales and Mantle Heterogeneity Along Fast Spreading Centers
- Geochemistry of the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise Eruption: Chemical Changes and Possible Petrogenetic Relationships to the 1991-1992 Eruption
- Geyser-like Ground Motions at the TAG hydrothermal Field
- Greenhouse-gas Consequences of US Corn-based Ethanol in a Flat World
- Greenland Flow Distortion and its Impact on Weather and Climate
- High efficiency of tide-induced mixing in estuaries
- High-Precision TIMS Dating of Oceanic Crustal Accretion: Vema Lithospheric Section, Mid- Atlantic Ridge
- High-Resolution Distribution of Temperature, Particle and Oxidation/Reduction Potential Anomalies From a Submarine Hydrothermal System: Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
- High-Resolution Physical-Biological Surveys in the Red Sea
- Holocene Atlantic Freshwater Redistribution and the Intensification of the South American Monsoon
- How do Changes in River Input and Sea Ice Cover Affect the Hudson Strait Outflow?
- Hydrocarbon Specificity During Aerobic oil Biodegradation Revealed in Marine Microcosms With the use of Comprehensive, Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography.
- Hydrodynamic Controls on Archaeal Tetraether Lipid Compositions in Washington Margin Sediments: Insights From Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Measurements
- Hydrothermal Plume Geochemistry along the East Lau Spreading Center
- Hydrothermal plume particles deconstructed: evidence of biotic and abiotic interactions in particle formation at 9N East Pacific Rise
- Ice-Tethered Profiler Contributions to the Arctic Observing Network
- Ice-Tethered Profiler Observations of Dissolved Oxygen in the Arctic Ocean Under Permanent Ice Cover
- Implications of grain-size evolution on the seismic structure of the oceanic upper mantle
- Improved Statistical Processing for Common Conversion Point Stacked Receiver Functions
- In-situ Seafloor Sediment Characterization From Background Noise and Earthquakes Recorded in the Gulf of California
- Inferred Tectonic Segmentation in the Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean and the African Margin From Mantle Bouguer Anomalies
- Initial Measurements of Radiocarbon In Atmospheric Formaldehyde at Narragansett, RI
- Initial Results From the new Long Coring System of RV Knorr
- Insights into fluid flow and environmental conditions present in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits from measurements of permeability and porosity
- Integrated Temporal and Spatial Studies of Biological Community Structure, Fluid Geochemistry, and Geological Perturbations on the East Pacific Rise
- Integrating Data Distribution and Data Assimilation Between the OOI CI and the NOAA DIF
- Integrating Radiometric, Geophysical and Thermal Signals of Volcanic Unrest and Eruption in 2005-06 at 9 deg 50'N EPR
- Interannual Variability of the Ekman Layer Processes in the Arctic Ocean
- Intrusion of Warm Bering/Chukchi Waters Onto the Shelf in the Western Beaufort Sea
- Investigating B/Ca of coccoliths using SIMS ion probe analysis
- Investigation of F, S, and Cl Standards by ion Probe and Electron Microprobe
- Investigation of the Gulf of Maine Circulation and Alexandrium fundyense Bloom in summer 2006: In Situ Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in Artic Weathering Environments
- Iron Isotope Systematics in Hydrothermal Plume Fall-out at EPR 9°50' N
- Iron Speciation Influences Solubility in Dust Sources of HNLC Waters
- Is Thawing Permafrost as a Result of Global Warming a Possible Significant Source of Degradable Carbon for Microbiota Residing In Situ and in Arctic Rivers?
- Large Freshwater Anomalies in the Arctic Ocean: Results from the 2008 IPY/NPEO Hydrographic Survey
- Late Cretaceous Subtropical Paleotemperatures from 'Glassy' Foraminifera in East Africa and implications for sensitivity in Greenhouse Climates Models
- Late Cretaceous Subtropical Paleotemperatures from 'Glassy' Foraminifera in East Africa and implications for sensitivity in Greenhouse Climates Models
- Lateral circulation driven by axial winds in an idealized, partially mixed estuary
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Retreat and Meltwater Discharge during the Early Holocene
- Lithium isotope variations in lavas and olivine phenocrysts from the Cook-Austral Islands: Constraints on sample alteration and the true Li-isotope signature of HIMU mantle
- Lithospheric Discontinuity in the Central Slave Craton: A New Perspective From Seismological, Electrical and Petrological Constraints
- Low-frequency interaction between the horizontal and overturning gyres
- Magmatic Processes in Monogenetic Eruptions, Procida Island, Campi Flegrei, Italy: Geochemical Evidence From Melt Inclusions
- Making Data Available via the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office - Implementation Details
- Making Data Available via the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office - Overview
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Hawaiian Islands from Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting: Results from the PLUME Ocean-Bottom and Land Seismograph Deployments
- Mean State and Variability of a Buoyancy Driven Ocean
- Mechanisms of wave dissipation on the Louisiana shelf: observations of short wavelength lutocline internal mode waves
- Mercury Sources and Species in Waquoit Bay and Other Cape Cod Massachusetts Water Bodies
- Mesoscale and Submesoscale Influence on Variability and Anisotropy Observed in Ocean Color Data Near Bermuda
- Methanethiol abundance in high-temperature hydrothermal fluids from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Microbial Diversity of Hydrothermal Vent Neutrally-Buoyant Plume Particles From 9 North, East Pacific Rise, After a Major Tectonic Event in 2005-2006
- Milankovitch Modulation of the Ecosystem Dynamics of Fossil Great Lakes
- Mixing and Entrainment in Mantle Plumes: A 3D Experimental Investigation
- Modeling Gabbro Emplacement During the Development of Oceanic Core Complexes
- Modeling the Response of Runoff in the Delaware River to Changes in Residential Development
- Modern Deep-sea Sponges as Recorders of Bottom Water Silicon Isotopes
- Monitoring Submarine Groundwater Fluxes Using a Novel Pressure Transducer-Based Instrument
- Multiple zonal jets in the North Atlantic: Dynamics and kinematics
- Near-Axis Magmatism and Hydrothermalism off the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge: Constraints From Seismic Reflection, Petrology, and Seafloor Observations
- Near-bottom magnetic observation of the first active hydrothermal vent field at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Nearshore Circulation Over a Muddy Seafloor
- Neoproterozoic Oxygenation of Earth Surface Environments Reflected in the Late Evolution of the O2-Dependent Vitamin B12 Biosynthesis Pathway
- New Constraints on the Timing, Magnitude and Style of Deformation in the Southern Gulf of California: Oblique Rifting Since ~14-12 Ma
- New Science for Global Problems: The Role of Cyberinfrastructure
- New observations of the magmatic segmentation of the East Pacific Rise from Siquieros to Clipperton from a multi-streamer seismic reflection imaging study
- North Pacific Deep Water Formation and Carbon Dioxide Rise During the Last Deglaciation
- Numerical models of fresh and saline groundwater flow at the beach calibrated with geophysical, hydrologic and salinity data.
- Observational and Model Estimates of Decadal-scale Changes in Anthropogenic Carbon in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- Observations of CO2 Exsolution in Submarine Lava Flows: The 2005-6 Eruption on the East Pacific Rise, 9°50"N
- Observations of Near-inertial Motions During CLIMODE
- Oceanographic Informatics in a Collaborative Environment.
- On formation of multiple zonal jets in the oceans
- On the Abyssal Circulation in the Atlantic Basin at the Last Glacial Maximum
- On the Nature of Upwelling Storms in the Western Arctic
- Opportunities And Challenges For Reducing Carbon Emissions From Deforestation And Degradation In The Democratic Republic of Congo
- Physical and chemical evidence for past variations in bottom waters along the Reykjanes Ridge south of Iceland
- Pleistocene Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Atlantic Continental Shelf, New England: The Role of Ice Sheets
- Preliminary Results on Fractionation of H, C, S and Cl Isotopes by Thermal Diffusion in Silicate Melts
- Profiles of radiocarbon from the Bolling-Allerod and Last Glacial Maximum from the subarctic Pacific
- Proteomic Analysis of the Marine Cyanobacterium Synechococcus WH8102 and Implications for Estimates of the Cellular Iron Content
- Puna Dacite: Likely Temperature, Viscosity, Origin, Size, and Parent Body Nature
- Rapid crystal recycling at Krafla Volcano, Iceland, inferred from oxygen-isotope and trace- element compositions and U-Th-Ra disequilibria in plagioclase
- Recent Decadal Warming and Freshening of Antarctic-Derived Abyssal Waters
- Regionally heterogeneous paleoenvironmental responses in the West African and South American monsoon systems on glacial to millennial timescales
- Response of plankton ecology and the carbon cycle to climate change over the 21st century
- Ridge 2000 Data Integration and Synthesis
- Rolling Deck to Repository I: Designing a Database Infrastructure
- Rolling Deck to Repository II: Getting Control of Provenance and Quality
- Rolling Deck to Repository III: Shipboard Event Logging
- S-wave tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the Hawaiian Islands from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Satellite Based Analysis of Northern ET Trends and Associated Changes in Regional Water Balance from 1983 to 2005
- Satellite Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Transfer During GasEx-3 Using QuikSCAT and Jason- 1 Microwave Radars
- Sea Surface Temperature Changes along the US East Coast over the Last 100-plus Years
- Searching for Changes in AMC Characteristics on the EPR Using Comparisons of Reflection Images Obtained in 1985 and 2008
- Seismic activity associated with temperature perturbations at Bio 9 hydrothermal vent on the East Pacific Rise at 9deg50'N
- Seismicity and Faulting in the Southern Gulf of California from the Sea of Cortez Ocean- Bottom Array (SCOOBA) Experiment
- Seismotectonic analysis of active detachment faulting at the TAG segment of the Mid- Atlantic Ridge, 26°N
- Selective Recycling of Graphite During Continental Erosion: a Long-Term Stabilization of C in the Crust
- Shoreline change and beach dynamics between June 2006 and June 2007 of the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Size Distribution of Submarine Landslides along the U.S. Atlantic Margin and its Implications for Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- Soil Warming Alters the Nitrogen Cycle: Ecosystem Implications and Feedbacks to the Climate System
- Solubility of Water in Basaltic Melt at Upper Mantle Conditions: a new Experimental Approach
- Southern Ocean Evidence for Reduced Export of North Atlantic Water During Heinrich Event 1
- Stable Isotopes of Planktonic Foraminifera From Tropical Atlantic/Caribbean Core-Tops: Implications for Reconstructing Upper Ocean Stratification
- Sub-seafloor Microbial Colonization of Igneous Minerals and Glasses
- Submarine Explosive Eruptions at Lo'ihi Seamount Hawai'i- the Result of Perfectly-Closed System Degassing
- Sulfur Isotope Variation in Basaltic Melt Inclusions from Krakatau Revealed by a Newly Developed Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Technique for Silicate Glasses
- Surface Wave Tomography for the Hawaiian PLUME Project and the Seismic Structure of the Hawaiian Swell
- Surface and Subsurface Changes in the Indonesian Throughflow Region From the LGM to Present Inferred From G. ruber and P. obliquiloculata Mg/Ca and del 18O
- Synergistic Use of Space-borne LiDAR and Optical Imagery for Assessing Fire Disturbance across Alaska
- Taking Broader Impacts to Another Level: Researcher Benefits from Teacher Researcher Experience Collaborations
- Tale of two currents: The collision of the Gulf Stream and Deep Western Boundary Current at the Tail of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
- Testing Carbon-Climate Models Using Space Observations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- The 2005-2006 Eruption at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N: Detailed Flow Morphology Mapping and Insight Into Emplacement Processes
- The Beaufort Gyre Fresh Water Reservoir: State and Variability From Observations
- The Effect of Pressure on the In Situ Variation of Velocity with Depth in IODP Hole U1309D
- The Geomorphologic and Hydrologic Response of a Large Pristine Alluvial River to Tremendous Deforestation in the South American Tropics: the Case of the Araguaia River, Brazil
- The Impacts of Increasing Soluble Iron and Nitrogen Deposition on Ocean Biogeochemistry
- The Influence of Historical and Potential Future Deforestation on the Stream Flow of the Amazon River -- Land Surface Processes and Atmospheric Feedbacks
- The Marine Os Isotope Record of the Jemeni-Ethiopean Flood Basalt Eruption
- The Market as an Institution for Zoning the Ocean
- The Neodymium 142 Puzzle Solved: Hadean Isotopic Evolution in the Protosolar Nebula and Early Earth
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- The base of the seismogenic zone in the oceanic lithosphere
- The mineralogical responses of marine calcifiers to CO2-induced ocean acidification
- The role of ocean biology in setting atmospheric pCO2: the preformed nutrient theory
- Thin Phytoplankton Layer Variability in Monterey Bay
- Three-Dimensional Melt Distribution in Partially Molten Rocks
- Time-Series Chemical and Temperature Habitat Characterization of Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Sites at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise Using an Autonomous Analyzer
- Time-Series Study of Post-Eruption Vent-Fluxes: EPR 9 50N
- Timescales for Reequilibration of Major Elements in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Titanium, tantalum, and niobium (TITAN) enrichment in high 3He/4He ocean island basalts.
- Toward a Cyberinfrastructure for the Ocean Observatories Initiative: Enabling Interactive Observation Within the Oceans
- Toward the reanalysis of the of the circulation in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas
- Toxicity of Atmospheric Aerosols on Marine Phytoplankton
- Trans-Atlantic tsunamis: Simulations of the 1755 Lisbon and of hypothetical Puerto Rico trench earthquake tsunamis
- Transport in an idealized three-gyre system with application to the surface flow in the Adriatic Sea.
- Two Contrasting Volatile Element Compositions in Primary Melt Inclusions From Mount Shasta
- Typhoon-induced Microseisms Recorded Offshore and Onland Western Pacific Regions
- U Decay-Series Evidence for the Eruption of Two Magma Batches Between 2004 and 2008 at Mount St. Helens
- Upper Water Column Dimethylated Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycling in the Sargasso Sea - Assessing the Oceanic DMS Source
- Upwelling-driven buoyant plume dynamics in northern Monterey Bay
- Variations in Seismic Anisotropy and Olivine LPO in Peridotites From Four Mid-Ocean Ridges: the Effect of Melt?
- Variations of the Crustal Structure Along the Juan de Fuca Ridge From Analysis of Gravity and Seismic Data
- Velocity Structure of Upper Ocean Crust at ODP Site 1256
- Volatile Chemistry of the 2007 to Present Explosive Eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, East African Rift
- Volatile Evolution of Magma Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Italy)
- Volcanic Eruptions of the EPR and Ridge Axis Segmentation: An Interdisciplinary View
- Wave effects on subsurface turbulence: a comparison between observations and large eddy simulations
- Web Service Access and Display of USGS Oceanographic Time-Series Data Using the NOAA Earth Research Division's Data Access Program (ERDDAP)
- What can seismic velocity structure tell us about the composition of island arc lower crust? An example from the central Aleutians
- Widespread influence of resuspended sediments on oceanic particulate organic carbon
- Wintertime observations of SubTropical Mode Water formation within the Gulf Stream
- non-Bruun shoreline response to sea-level rise: simple models of the dynamic behavior of overwashing barriers and soft rock shores
- A coral-based reconstruction of Atlantic sea surface temperature trends and variability since 1552 (Invited)
- Amagmatic Accretionary Segments, Ultraslow Spreading and Non-Volcanic Rifted Margins (Invited)
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Are Deltaic Subaqueous Clinothems One-Highstand Affairs?
- Are expansive North American marshes a relict of historical land use change?
- Assessing biogeochemical cycling and transient storage of surface water in Eastern Siberian streams using short-term solute additions
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Behavior and Calibration of the Sr/Ca Temperature Proxy in Vesicomyid Clams
- Bioavailability of organic matter in aquatic environments throughout Siberia’s Kolyma River watershed during summer baseflow
- Boron isotope variation in matrix glasses and inclusions from the Skaftar Fires eruption reflects incorporation of altered material in the Icelandic crust
- CO2 variability in MORB: degassing during emplacement of the 2005-06 EPR lava flows
- Causes and Consequences of Mantle Heterogeneity From Observations of Abyssal Peridotites (Invited)
- Changes in Arctic Vegetation Amplify High-Latitude Warming Through Greenhouse Effect
- Changes in the net carbon balance following a shelterwood harvest at Howland Forest in central Maine seven years after harvest
- Character of submarine groundwater discharge around islands
- Characterizing Lava Flows With LiDAR
- Chlorine and Fluorine partitioning between peridotite and basalt at mantle wedge conditions: Implications for arc magma source
- Community Sediment-Transport Modeling System (CSTMS) (Invited)
- Comparisons of in situ observations of bulk near-surface meteorological variables, turbulent and radiative fluxes, and cloud properties with operational NWP models in the VOCALS region
- Constraining denitrification in permeable wave-influenced marine sediment using linked hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modeling
- Constraints From Deep-Imaging Magnetotellurics on the Lithospheric Structure and Evolution of the Enigmatic Okwa Terrane, Botswana
- Constraints on early Gulf of California rifting from seismic images across the eastern margin of Guaymas Basin
- Controls on the Flux, Age, and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Exported by Rivers to the Ocean
- Correlations Between Helium Isotopes and Major Elements Along the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Correlations between Pb isotopes and volatile elements in melt inclusions from Sao Miguel, Azores
- Decadal to Millennial Scale Climate Variability in the Gulf of Maine
- Deep Earth Structure, plate acceleration, and conservation of angular momentum
- Deep seafloor arrivals - A new set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation
- Deep sulfur cycle
- Degassing from a Mafic Alkaline Shield Volcano: Nyamulagira, D.R. Congo
- Deriving the Marine Strontium Budget from Paired (87Sr/86Sr*-δ88/86Sr) Values of Marine Carbonates, Hydrothermal Fluids and River Waters
- Detecting Seismicity Rate Transients in the Hokkaido Corner
- Detecting Strain Transients in the Salton Trough (Invited)
- Determination of 87Sr/86Sr*-δ88/86Sr Values of the Oceans Sr Sources and Sinks to Balance the Global Sr Cycle
- Developing an Ontology for Ocean Biogeochemical Data
- Development of the Wintertime Sr/Ca-SST Record from Red Sea Corals as a Proxy for the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Discovery and Characterization of Cold Seep Vents Using a Mass Spectrometer Operating aboard an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Dispersal of volcaniclastic material by buoyant water plumes in deep-ocean explosive basaltic eruptions
- Distribution of Mg and Li in Deep-Sea Scleractinian Corals: Implications for "Vital Effects" and Deep-Sea Thermometry
- Do Coccolith B/Ca Ratios Elucidate the Response of the Smallest Calcifiers to Ocean Acidification?
- Does Polar Research Matter? (Invited)
- Earthquake Swarms and Aseismic Slip on Transform Faults (Invited)
- Effects of Fault Gouge Dilatancy on Subduction Zone Earthquakes (Invited)
- Electrical resistivity structure in the mantle across the Mariana subduction system
- Elevated water concentrations and evidence of small scale heterogeneity in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Insight into the source of high melt volumes in the Iceland hotspot
- Emiliani Lecture: Holocene Changes in the Indonesian Throughflow Region (Invited)
- Estimating Parameters of a Forest Ecosystem C Model Using Multiple Stock and Flux Measurements as Joint Constraints
- Evidence for deep pooling of low degree melts from volatile, major, and trace element chemistry of olivine-hosted melt inclusions and glasses from the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge
- Exceptionally high Water, Other Volatile and LILE Concentrations in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Yellowstone Hotspot and Columbia River Flood Basalts
- Expanded Coverage of Shallow and Deep Seismic Velocity Structure at Atlantis Massif Oceanic Core Complex
- Further Enhancements of the Geospatial Interface to the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management System
- Geochemical characterization of lavas from the 2005-06 eruption along the East Pacific Rise (9° 46-56’ N): Implications for decadal-scale magmagenesis along fast spreading centers
- Geochronology, geochemistry and geophysics of Mahukona Volcano, Hawai`i
- Geodynamical and petrological modeling constraints of mantle potential temperature at mid-ocean ridges (Invited)
- Geophysical Profiling of the New England Continental Shelf: Insights to Depositional History, Glaciations, and Subseafloor Freshwater
- Geophysical and petrological detection of subduction-related metasomatism in the Slave cratonic lithosphere
- Glacial to Holocene detrital flux and sediment provenance variations in the South Atlantic Southern Ocean
- Global Analysis of Carbon Sources and Sinks with a Comprehensive Model Optimized with GOSAT/Tanso Observations
- Ground-Surface Displacements Associated With Geyser Eruptions: Implications for Volcano Deformation
- Have Indirect Emissions from Biofuels Been Exaggerated?
- High CO2 in MORB - a link to explosive submarine eruptions?
- High northern latitude temperature extremes, 1400-1999
- High-resolution B concentration analyses by SIMS in M. californianus as a potential record of ocean acidification
- Historical mining of soil nitrogen was a likely source of atmospheric nitrous oxide
- Holocene Evolution of the Indus River Basin: the effect of climate and drainage reorganization on the Harappan
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center: Isolated Evolution on Earth’s Deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge?
- Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions and Disturbances on Mid-Ocean Ridge Biological Communities
- Implications of Sediment Diapirs on the H2O Flux into the Mantle at Arcs (Invited)
- In-situ Pb isotopic analysis of sulfides in abyssal peridotites from ultraslow spreading ridges: new insights into heterogeneity and evolution of the oceanic upper mantle
- Integrated biogeochemistry of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal plumes (Invited)
- Interpreting Nd isotope and 231Pa/230Th records in the deep Western North Atlantic
- Intra-flow morphology variations within a single submarine flow: the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise eruption
- Inverting Ion Microprobe Analyses of Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts to Determine Pre-eruptive Magmatic Water Content - A New Model for Partitioning of Water between Clinopyroxene and Melt
- Joint magnetotelluric and seismic investigation of the Cascadia subduction zone structure: Preliminary results and outlook
- Lack of Dependence of Dynamic Triggering on the Timing within the Seismic Cycle
- Lacustrine records of historical hydrology: Mackenzie River Delta, N.W.T., Canada
- Lava Flow Morphologies and Structural Features Along the Axis of the South Rift Zone of Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- Legacy2Drupal - Conversion of an existing oceanographic relational database to a semantically enabled Drupal content management system
- Li isotope fractionation in aragonite precipitated from seawater at different rates
- Long-term Variability of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea: Results from NGHP Expedition 1
- Magnetomineralogical approach to distal IRD layers detection and characterization. The case study of the Galician Iberian Continental Margin
- Major and Trace Elements and Volatiles in Glasses from the 2009 Rapid Response Expedition to West Mata Volcano and Northeast Lau Spreading Center (NELSC)
- Mantle Heterogeneity: Length Scales and Correlations
- Mantle shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Mechanisms and Timescales for Reequilibration of Water in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Melt anomalies in the Indian Ocean basin: Constraints on dynamic interaction between the Marion/Crozet hotspots and the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Melt anomalies of the northern Atlantic Ocean basin
- Mixing and entrainment in mantle plumes: A 3D experimental investigation
- Modeling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 100 Years of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change on the Amazon Agricultural Frontier
- Modeling mantle circulation and density distributions in subduction zones: Implications for seismic studies
- Near-axis melt anomalies and segmentation of axial melt: a common framework for the EPR and Endeavour ISS? (Invited)
- New Insights from Sediment Ages and Carbon Isotopes at a Paleo-Seep/Chemosynthetic Biological Community in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- New hydrothermal fields found along the SWIR during the Legs 5-7 of the Chinese DY115-20 Expedition
- Nutrient and Organic Matter Export from Rivers to the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Contemporary Estimates, Implications for Coastal Productivity, and Potential Changes in the Future
- Oldoinyo Lengai gas chemistry from 2005 to 2009: Insights to carbonatite-nephelinite volcanism
- Overwash controls coastal barrier response to sea-level rise
- Partially Melted Leucocratic Xenoliths from Tindfjöll, SW Iceland: Constraints From Major and Trace Elements and Oxygen Isotopes on Melt-Rock Reaction
- Patgon-Masala Seamount, Southern Mariana Arc: Recent Observations with the WHOI Nereus HROV
- Pb isotope variations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from South Tyrrhenian volcanoes
- Perspective on the genesis of E-MORB from chemical and isotopic heterogeneity at 9○-10○N East Pacific Rise
- Platinum Group Element and Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Cryogenian Glacial Terminations
- Pleistocene Megafaunal Collapse in North America Preceded the Younger Dryas: Evidence from the Midwest
- Preservation of Holocene Paleo-Earthquakes, Sungai Pinang, Western Sumatra
- Preservation of Paleoseismic and Paleogeodetic Records of mid to late Holocene Subduction Zone Earthquakes in Different Coastal Settings
- Productivity response to the PETM in the North Atlantic and South Indian Ocean
- Products of Submarine Fountains and Bubble-burst Eruptive Activity at 1200 m on West Mata Volcano, Lau Basin
- Quantifying Complexity and Data Needs for Coupled Models of Hydrological and Carbon Flux Processes
- Quantitative characterization of 3-dimensional melt distribution in partially molten olivine-basalt aggregates using X-ray synchrotron microtomography
- Radiocarbon Age Variability of Deep Sea Corals from the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean
- Rayleigh Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy Observed during the Hawaiian PLUME Project
- Rayleigh-wave Group Velocity Tomography in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Relationships between noble gases and magmatic volatiles: new data from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- Rift pattern and dynamics of an ultra-slow spreading ridge: Southwest Indian Ridge at 9°-25°E
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): A Research Cruise Prototype Event Logging System
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Building the Data Pipeline - Initial Results
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Technical Design - Experiences and Lessons (Invited)
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Transforming the Academic Fleet Into an Integrated Global Observing System
- Satellite Driven Predictions of Tundra NEE Based on a Plot Scale Model
- Scaling short-term effects of soil wetness on soil respiration to long-term soil carbon storage (Invited)
- Science at Sea: Meeting Future Oceanographic Goals with a Robust Academic Research Fleet
- Seafloor change and lava emplacement processes associated with the 2005-2006 East Pacific Rise eruptions
- Seasonal and Annual Fluxes of Nutrients and Major Ions from Large Rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- Sediment Buffering and Transport in the Holocene Indus River System
- Seismic Interpretation and Quantification of Abyssal-Hill-Scale Pelagic Sedimentation Regimes in the 0-53 Ma Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Seismic Velocity Structure Across the Quebrada and Gofar Oceanic Transform Faults from 2D Refraction Tomography - A Comparison of Faults with High and Low Seismic Slip Deficits
- Seismic waveform modeling of the reflection response from a mid-ocean ridge axial melt sill: understanding the message behind the polarity of waves reflected off the melt lens
- Seismicity and Faulting in the Southern Gulf of California
- Seismicity of the Quebrada, Discovery, and Gofar Transform Faults
- Sharp Thermal Transition in the Forearc Mantle Wedge as a Consequence of Nonlinear Mantle Wedge Flow
- Similarities between Oceanic Core Complexes formed at Very Different Spreading Rates
- Stability of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions based on the mechanics of rift interaction: Examples of the Galápagos and Rodriguez triple junctions
- Stress triggering in en echelon thrust ruptures and related tear faults: The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake and fault interactions
- Sulfur Isotope Variation in Melt Inclusions From Arc Basalts Revealed By Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Sulfur in submarine eruptions: Observations and preliminary data from West Mata, NE Lau Basin
- Synthesis of multiple observations of the disturbance impacts on the carbon cycle
- Testing Molecular Organic and Foraminiferal-Based Sedimentary Geochemical Records of Gulf of Mexico SST
- The Effects of Soybean Cultivation on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in the Southeast of Brazilian Amazon
- The Galapagos Microplate Revealed
- The Great Diversion: Danube Delta under Human Control (Invited)
- The Indonesian Throughflow: Oceanographic responses to Holocene changes in the mean Pacific state
- The Inputs of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Land to the Arctic Ocean and their Potential Impact on Ocean Processes
- The Mobility of Fluoride in Back-Arc Hydrothermal Systems
- The Role of Backbarrier Filling in the Evolution of a Barrier Island System
- The Solid Earth Pb Cycle (Invited)
- The influence, implications and feedbacks of an intensifying fire regime in Alaska’s boreal forest
- The lithospheric architecture of a Neoproterozoic collision zone in Southern Africa inferred from deep probing magnetotelluric data
- The penetration of the bomb tritium and radiocarbon transients into the Pacific Ocean
- The role of eddies in setting the upper ocean heat budget under the Chilean stratus (Invited)
- The role of magmatism in rift initiation (Invited)
- Three-dimensional laboratory modeling of the Tonga trench and Samoan plume interaction
- Three-dimensional seismic structure of a Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment characterized by active detachment faulting (TAG, 25°55’N-26°20’N)
- Trace Element Zoning in Garnets - Retrospective and Prospective
- Trace metal incorporation and diagenesis in deep-sea scleractinian corals: implications for dating and climate reconstructions (Invited)
- Trans-Pacific climate variability over the past millennium (Invited)
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Transient Modeling of Reactive Solute Transport in a Submarine Groundwater Discharge Zone
- Transient cracks and triple junctions induced by Cocos-Nazca propagating rift
- Travel time tomography along the EPR axis using arrivals picked from downward continued MCS shot gathers
- Trench-parallel Anisotropy in Subduction Zones: Evaluating the Contributions of Olivine Fabric Transitions and Flow Around Slab Edge in Numerical Flow Models
- Tropical Atlantic climate response to low-latitude and extratropical sea-surface temperature: A Little Ice Age perspective
- Two-component Mixing in MORB: Evidence from the Quebrada-Discovery-GoFar Fracture Zone (EPR 3°-5°S)
- U-series radionuclide evidence for deglacial sediment transport and circulation changes south of Iceland
- US Southern Ocean CTD/Hydrographic/Carbon/Tracer Meridional Transects Contributing to the IPY
- Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in waters throughout the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia
- Under-Ice Acoustic Communications and Navigation for Gliders and AUVs
- Unique Science Needs: CAWSES-II and Virtual Observatories (Invited)
- Upper Crustal Structure above Off-axis Magma Lenses at RIDGE-2000 East Pacific Rise Integrated Study Site from 2008 3D Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data
- Upper Crustal Structure of the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge using 2D Streamer travel time tomography
- Very small microearthquakes detected by a 200 m-aperture ocean bottom seismometer network on the active TAG hydrothermal mound, (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°08’N): Evidence for hydraulic fracturing in the recharge zone (Invited)
- Volatile Evolution of Magma Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Italy)
- Volcanic eruption and emplacement during the 2005-06 magmatic event at the East Pacific Rise R2K Integrated Study Site (Invited)
- Vulnerability and Resiliency of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Landscapes (VuRSAL) - A NASA Sponsored Scoping Study on Feedbacks in High Latitude Systems
- Why Corals Care about Ocean Acidification: Insights from Ion Microprobe Analyses of Coral Crystals (Invited)
- “Poseidic” explosive eruptions at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- 14C Dating of Carbonate Alteration of Peridotite in the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
- 3D multi-channel seismic imaging of melt-rich lenses beneath and off the East Pacific Rise Integrated Study Site
- A Coupled Wave-Current-Sediment model for Skagit Bay
- A Framework for Integrating Oceanographic Data Repositories
- A Global Radiocarbon Mixing Line For Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
- A M-sequence geomagnetic polarity time scale that steadies spreading rates globally and incorporates cyclostratigraphy constraints
- A Major Upgrade for the U.S. Deep Submergence Vehicle Alvin
- A Microfossil-Based Approach to Estimate Hurricane Intensity
- A Shark's Eye View of the Ocean Floor: Integration of Oceanographic Research with Educational Outreach
- A Simple Model of the Nordic Sea Circulation and Outflows
- A comparison of geophysical proxies for the LAB in southern Africa
- A numerical investigation of fine sediment transport at intertidal flat
- A numerical investigation of the dynamics of hyperpycnal river plume on a sloping continental shelf
- A numerical study of the Nordic Sea circulation and outflows
- Acid fluids from Copahue Volcano, Argentina, and their environmental effects
- Advances in the use of vegetation structure metrics to predict biodiversity patterns and associated habitat use (Invited)
- An Update on the RV Knorr Long Coring System after Seven Cruises
- An integrated optical/acoustic communication system for seafloor observatories: A field test of high data rate communications at CORK 857D
- Analysis of Truncation, Stratification, and Nonlinear Tidal Processes as Sources of Velocity Asymmetry on Mesotidal Tidal Flats
- Analysis of fundamental and higher mode surface waves from noise correlation near Eastern Pacific Rise
- Are Human influences responsible for the existence and possible drowning of (parts of) the Ebro Delta, Spain?
- Are expansive North American marshes a relict of historical land use change? (Invited)
- Asymmetric Earthquake Aftershock Distributions Resulting from Timing Within the Seismic Cycle
- Automated sensor networks to advance ocean science
- Automating Data Submission to a National Archive
- Axial magma chamber segmentation along the East Pacific Rise from Clipperton to Siqieros Fracture Zone
- Basin-scale upper ocean climate variability beneath the Arctic ice pack from an international array of ITPs
- Bay of Bengal: Recording the Weathering Evolution of the Ganga and Brahmaputra Basin during Deglaciation
- Bayesian Synthesis of Multiple Data Sources to Test Specific Structural Hypotheses Within an Integrated Model of Water and Carbon Flow
- Big-Ass Holes in the Surfzone: Waves, Currents, and Sediment Transport in a Seafloor Perturbation Experiment
- Bio- and Photodegradation of DOM from Lakes, Streams, and Rivers within the Kolyma River Watershed, Northeast Siberia
- Biodiversity of the Deep-Sea Benthic Fauna in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Indonesia: Observations from the INDEX-SATAL 2010 Expedition
- Building capacity for national level carbon Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems for a ``Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation'' (REDD)
- Calculus of P-Acquisition versus P-Sparing by Plankton in the Oligotrophic Ocean (Invited)
- Can Atmospheric Boundary Layer Similarity Scaling Represent Turbulent Spectra and Cospectra in Estuarine Flows?
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Flux During Spring Thaw in the Yukon River System (Invited)
- Carbon processing in the Kolyma River Watershed and the role it plays in CO2 outgassing
- Cellular Convection with a raft
- Challenges and opportunities for organic GEOTRACES (Invited)
- Changes in Vegetation Cover over the Indian Peninsula and Implications for the Indian Monsoon System during the Holocene
- Characterization of the in situ magnetic and lithologic architecture of Hess Deep using near-bottom vector magnetic data
- Climate and Provenance Evolution Recorded in the Sub-aqueous Indus Delta since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Communications and Control for Enhanced Autonomy in Underwater Vehicles for Deep Oceanographic Research
- Comparison of seismic and electrical parameters of the Southern African lithosphere: Evidence for predominantly thermally-driven lateral variation
- Constraining hurricane-induced flooding over the last 2000 years using preserved overwash deposits from a Florida sinkhole
- Continuous monitoring of dissolved organic matter fluxes in contrasting glacial and non-glacial watersheds in coastal Southeast Alaska
- Controls on DOM biogeochemistry across a gradient of streams within the Congo River Basin
- Controls on and variability in particle export and flux attenuation in the ocean's twilight zone (Invited)
- Crustal structure across the Central American Volcanic Arc in Costa Rica from TICO-CAVA seismic refraction data
- Crustal structure along the active Costa Rican volcanic arc
- Currents in a Small Channel on a Sandy Tidal Flat
- DI14C, DO14C, and PO14C in the Canada Basin: Carbon Transfer Processes in the Changing Arctic
- DOM composition and lability during the Arctic spring freshet on the River Kolyma, Northeast Siberia
- Data Publication: Addressing the Issues of Provenance, Attribution, Citation, and Accessibility
- Data System Upgrades within the National Deep Submergence Facility
- Decadal variability of Arctic climate: cyclonic and anticyclonic circulation regimes
- Decoupling of H2O, Oxygen Fugacity and Incompatible Elements in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions By Diffusive Re-Equilibration (Invited)
- Desert dust and anthropogenic aerosol interactions in the Community Climate System Model coupled-carbon-climate model
- Detailed Axial Morphology of the Chile Rise as it Approaches the Chile Triple Junction
- Detecting Mantle Anisotropy with Marine CSEM Sounding
- Detecting the Lit Fuse of the Arctic's Carbon Bomb
- Determination of bedform resolution necessary to accurately resolve the flow field by comparing numerical simulations with field data
- Determining the impact of temporal and spatial conditions on dissolved organic carbon decomposition in the Kolyma River Watershed
- Developing Improved Water Velocity and Flux Estimation from AUVs - Results From Recent ASTEP Field Programs
- Developing an Ontology for Ocean Biogeochemistry Data
- Development and characterization of a Ti-doped haploandesite glass standard for Ti-in-zircon geothermometry (Invited)
- Diffuse versus discrete venting at the Tour Eiffel vent site, Lucky Strike hydrothermal field
- Discovery Of An Extensive Hydrothermal Sulfide/Sulfate Mounds Field In East Diamante Caldera, Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Does Reactivation of Louisiana's Chenier Plain Lead to the Development of Interior Coastal Wetlands? Assessing the Relative Roles of Storm Impacts and Riverine Deposits
- Don't Upscale the Coastline: Scales of Cumulative Change Emerge
- Early results from a terrestrial-marine BGC coupling study in Southeast Alaska
- Eastern and Western Boundary Currents in the Labrador Sea, 1995-2008
- Eddies in the Southeast Pacific and their influence on the upper ocean (Invited)
- Effect of Fluorine on Near-Liquidus Phase Equilibria of Basalts
- Estimating the Age Distribution of Oceanic Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Evaluation of Backscatter in the northeastern Red Sea using a Lowered Acoustic Doppler Profiler, Simrad EK60 Echosounder and in situ Observations
- Evidence From Three-Dimensional Seismic Reflection Images for Crustal Magma Bodies off the East Pacific Rise
- Evidence for deep sea hydrothermal fluid-mineral equilibrium from multiple S isotopes
- Evidence of recent, off-axis volcanism on Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Experimental Constraints on Hot Spring Fluid Chemistry in Back Arc Basins
- Exploring the provenance of vegetation and environmental signatures encoded in vascular plant biomarkers carried by the Ganges-Brahmaputra rivers
- Export Production in the Southern Ocean Estimated from Satellite Ocean Color Data and Seasonal Variations in Atmospheric Potential Oxygen
- Extraterrestrial Matter Chronometry of Sediments
- First Results from SERPENT Marine MT Study
- Fluctuating sea levels during the Last Interglacial: termination, oscillation, and glacial inception
- Fluorine and Chlorine behavior in mantle wedge, new implications for slab component
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- Frictional Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults and Influence on Earthquake Characteristics
- Geological and geochemical controls on the distribution of Alviniconcha vent snail symbioses: Have we finally linked mantle to microbe? (Invited)
- Glacier melting in a stratified ocean: Observations from outlet glaciers in Greenland (Invited)
- Global Biogeochemical Fluxes Program for the Ocean Observatories Initiative: A Proposal. (Invited)
- Growth of sediment diapirs in subduction zones
- Has the Alaskan climate crossed a threshold? Satellite and tree-ring data indicate biome shift
- High mid-summer pCO2 concentrations and evasion from headwater streams of the Kolyma River Basin, Siberia
- High-resolution AUV mapping and sampling of a deep hydrocarbon plume in the Gulf of Mexico
- Hindcasting of the Gulf of Mexico Circulation and Age and Distribution of the Oil Plume Arising from the Deepwater Horizon Spill
- Holocene Climate Variability in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean from Benthic Foraminifers, Stable Isotopes and Pollen
- Hydraulic transitions, shear instability and mixing (Invited)
- Hydrogen isotope exchange between n-alkanes and water under hydrothermal conditions: implications for abiotic and thermogenic hydrocarbons in vent fluids
- Hydrographic changes in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Hydrothermal Exploration at the Chile Triple Junction - ABE's last adventure?
- Hydrothermal Plume Particulate Organic Material as a Transport Vector for a Diversity of Trace Minerals
- Hydrothermal Vents and Organic Falls in the Heart of the Coral Triangle: Chemosynthetic Communities Discovered via Telepresence in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
- INDEX - A New United States and Republic of Indonesia Partnership For Exploration of Indonesia's Seas: 2010 Initial Results Overview
- INDEX SATAL Expedition 2010, a discovery of deep sea potentials
- Integrating the Chemical Fluxes of Transported Sediments in Large Rivers: AN Attempt on the Ganga
- Integrating turbulent flow, biogeochemical, and poromechanical processes in rippled coastal sediment (Invited)
- Introduction to the Application of Remote Sensing in Terrestrial Carbon Monitoring, Modeling and Management
- Investigating Coastal Processes and Hazards Along the Coastline of Ghana, West Africa (Invited)
- Investigating microbial colonization in actively forming hydrothermal deposits using thermocouple arrays
- Investigation of E-W Trending Parallel Ridges North of the Galápagos Archipelago
- Isolation of dissolved organic matter from permafrost soil and freshwater environments of the Kolyma River basin, east Siberia, for high resolution structural analysis
- Kuroshio Pathways in a Climatologically-Forced Model
- LGM Snow-Line Elevations In The Western Tropical Pacific- Exposure Ages On Moraines From Mt. Giluwe, Papua New Guinea
- Laboratory quantification of permeability-porosity relationships for seafloor vent deposits: anisotropy in flange, slab, and crust samples
- Landscape Variation in N and P Uptake in Streams in the Kolyma River Basin
- Larval abundance and dispersal at deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the southern Mariana Trough
- Late summer variability of dissolved organic matter in the Kolyma River observed using satellite imagery
- Length Scales of Volcanic Deposition: A Comparison of the Fast-spreading East Pacific Rise and Slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Invited)
- Lidar observations of run-up (Invited)
- Linking Glaciation and Groundwater on Greenland: Implications for Subsurface Porefluid Chemistry and Sea-Level Rise
- Links between climate and the transmission times of biomarker signals to aquatic sediments: Implications for interpretation of the sedimentary record (Invited)
- Lithospheric structures and Precambrian terrane boundaries in northeastern Botswana revealed through magnetotelluric profiling
- Magnesium isotope variability in aragonitic corals: a new paleothermometer?
- Magnetotelluric Measurements in the Alboran Sea
- Major element and volatile variations of volcanic glasses from Shatsky Rise, sampled from IODP Expedition 324
- Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Marine Ecosystem Response to Rapid Climate Warming on the West Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Mass Spectral Analysis of Water Column Samples from a Single Depth Profile Near the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Mechanisms and geologic distribution of mass independent 238U/235U fractionation
- Melt anomalies and propagating ridge offsets: Insights from the East Pacific Rise and Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Mercury speciation, fluxes, and fate in the volcanically acidified fluids of Copahue volcano, Argentina
- Mg isotope fractionation between aragonite and seawater
- Microbial respiration and DOC composition in leachates from Holocene and Pleistocene soils from the Kolyma River basin in Eastern Siberia
- Microbial respiration and root respiration follow divergent seasonal and diel temporal patterns in a temperate forest
- Microearthquakes at the active Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal mound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 26°08'N
- Mid-Holocene ENSO Variability Revisited
- Milankovitch forcing and meridional moisture flux in the atmosphere: Insight from a zonally averaged ocean-atmosphere model
- Mobility of the North Atlantic Oscillation Since the 1820s
- Modeling Coupled Climate and Urban Land Use Change in the Eastern United States
- Modes of Accretion at Slower Spreading Ocean Ridges
- Morphology of a Newly Mapped Submarine Bank in the Northern Galapagos and Effects on Local Primary Productivity
- Morphology, Size, and Spatial Distribution of Seamounts in the Northern Galápagos
- Multi-century Records of SST and NAO Variability from Sr/Ca in Red Sea Corals
- Multimedia storytelling
- NOAA Education Program: Review and Critique, and Relevance to Education Programs of Other Federal Agencies
- NSF-Sponsored Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
- Near-bottom Multibeam Survey Capabilities in the US National Deep Submergence Facility (Invited)
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2010 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- New insights into deglacial climate variability in tropical South America from molecular fossil and isotopic indicators in Lake Titicaca
- Noble gas behavior during deformation and serpentinization of abyssal peridotites: St. Peter-St. Paul massif
- Noble gas tracers of mantle processes beneath the Galápagos archipelago (Invited)
- Nutrient limitation of a thermokarst lake and large river ecosystem in the Kolyma River basin (Russia)
- Observation of 2009 Typhoon Morakot induced excess freshwater pulse in Taiwan surrounding seas
- Observations and Predictions of Winds on the Skagit River Tidal Flats
- Observations of subtidal circulation variability in Sermilik Fjord, Greenland, and its impact on ice-ocean interactions
- Observed 20th Century Desert Dust Variability: Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- Ocean winds, the global water cycle, and salinity
- Oceanic Core Complex Structure Controlled by the Depth Distribution of Magma Emplacement (Invited)
- On Serpentinization and Mineral Carbonation of Serpentinite (Invited)
- Organic carbon export to the deep Canada Basin: Importance of lateral supply
- Pan-Arctic albedo variability among tundra vegetation types: implications for ecosystem carbon cycling (Invited)
- Pan-Tropical Forest Cover from Alos-Palsar Data
- Passive monitoring of temporal, coseismic, velocity variations at the ocean floor
- Perspectives on Plume-Ridge Interaction in The Northern Galápagos Province
- Phase equilibrium constraints on the depth of crystallization beneath the rift zones of Iceland: An experimental study of the Borgarhraun lava
- Plume indications from hydrothermal activity on Kawio Barat Submarine Volcano, Sangihe Talaud Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Postseismic viscoelastic stress changes following the 1960 M9.5 Chile earthquake: Implications for its relationship with the 2010 M8.8 Chile earthquake
- Potential-field inversion from uneven tracks with application to the Brothers volcano AUV magnetic data (Kermadec Arc, New Zealand)
- Precipitation-dependent vegetation distribution in northern South America during MIS 5e and MIS 1
- Preliminary Results From the Serpentinite, Extension and Regional Porosity Experiment Across the Nicaraguan Trench (SERPENT)
- Preservation of Holocene Prehistoric Earthquakes, Sungai Pinang, Western Sumatra
- Processes affecting the stratification-induced potential energy anomaly on the Skagit Bay tidal flats
- Quantification of Carbon Flux (2000-2007) in Northeastern U.S. Forests using the NBCD 2000 biomass map and ALOS PALSAR data
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Quantifying overwash flux in barrier systems: An example from Martha's Vineyard, MA
- Quantifying the flow rate of the Deepwater Horizon Macondo Well oil spill
- Rates of Melt Migration Following Deglaciation-Induced Mantle Melting Revealed by Studies of Icelandic Table Mountains
- Reconstructing paleo-precipitation amounts using a terrestrial hydrologic model: Lake Titicaca and the Salar de Uyuni, Peru and Bolivia
- Recovering CO2 Fluxes with Different Observation Schemes
- Rehydration of the Deep Earth Indicated by Sediment Recycling (Invited)
- Relationship between ridge segmentation and Moho transition zone structure from 3D multichannel seismic data collected over the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise at 9°50'N
- Resolving Volcanic Eruptions: New Fine-scale Mapping by AUV Sentry of Galápagos Spreading Center 92°W and 95°W
- Riverine export of dissolved organic matter from an old, infertile landscape (Invited)
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Next Steps in Ocean Exploration for Data Dissemination and Discovery
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Research Cruise Event Logging System Update
- Satellite and Field Derived Aboveground Carbon Stock in Tropical Regions
- Satellite derived estimates of NEE for North American tundra ecosystems from 2003 - 2005 (Invited)
- Sea ice as a tracer for circulation features associated with the Barrow area Bowhead whale feeding hotspot
- Seafloor Volcanic and Structural Features Adjacent to the 90deg 50'N Transform - Galapagos Spreading Center: Clues for Understanding Plate Boundary Kinematics and Lithospheric Melting Processes (Invited)
- Seamount Lineaments of the Northern Galápagos and Plume-ridge Interaction
- Searching for earthquake swarms and aseismic deformation in the Western U.S
- Seasonal and Interannual Variations in the Hydrodynamics of the Skagit River Tidal Flats
- Seasonal evolution of water source contributions to the subglacial outflow from a land-terminating Greenland ice sheet outlet glacier: Insight from a new isotope mixing model (Invited)
- Seasonal hydrological cycle control on age, abundance and lability of carbon exported from the Greenland ice sheet
- Seasonal variability of river geochemistry in the Fraser River, British Columbia
- Sections of Intact Polar Diacylglycerolipids in the South Atlantic Reflect Dissolved Phosphorus and Nitrogen Distributions
- Seismic imaging of the Middle American Trench offshore Costa Rica: Impact of bending-related faulting on upper mantle serpentinization
- Shared Semantics for Oceanographic Research: Development of Standard ``Cruise-Level'' Metadata
- Sharp Arc-ward Grain Size Increase in the Forearc Mantle Wedge and Its Implications for Subduction Zone Dynamics
- Shelfbreak Frontal Structure and Gulf Stream Interaction north of Cape Hatteras: High resolution observations and regional modeling
- Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Isotopes in Coastal Environments (Invited)
- Sources of volatiles in basalts from the Galapagos Archipelago: deep and shallow evidence
- Spatial Variation in Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Microbial Activity in the Kolyma River Basin in Eastern Siberia
- Spatial and Temporal Geochemical Variation in Basalt from the northern Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- Spatial variability in the abundance and composition of organic matter in surficial sediments of the East China Sea
- Spatially and temporally distributed re-evaluation of global CO2 outgassing from inland waters: The tropics dominate global fluxes
- Speciation and export of particulate iron from the Northwest African continental margin into the water column
- Stress interaction of strike-slip and thrust faults associated with the 2010 M=7.0 Haiti earthquake
- Strong static stress interaction of the 1960 M=9.5 and 2010 M=8.8 Chile earthquakes and their aftershocks
- Structure, provenance and residence time of terrestrial organic carbon: insights from Programmed temperature Pyrolysis-Combustion of river sediments
- Studies of Arc Volcanism in the Southern Mariana Arc from Pagan to Tracey: Preliminary results from ROV Hyper-Dolphin Dives
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge of Trace Elements and Isotopes from Karst Systems (Invited)
- Temporal Insights on Biomarker-Based Climate Records (Invited)
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in Composition of Polar Components of Oil and Dispersants During and After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- The Biological Pump in the Cryopelagic Arctic Ocean (Invited)
- The Carbon Sink of the World's Forests: Trends and Causes of Change in Boreal, Temperate, and Tropical Regions from Forest Inventories
- The Crucial Role of Particulate Matter in Fluvial Degradation of Thaw-Released Arctic Carbon
- The Geochemistry of Pinta, Marchena, and Genovesa Islands and the Surrounding Seafloor in the Galápagos Archipelago
- The Hawaiian PLUME Project: A Seismic Imaging Dataset Provides Glimpses into Ocean and Atmosphere Processes
- The MMI Device Ontology: Enabling Sensor Integration
- The Mechanisms of Earthquakes and Faulting within the Southern Gulf of California
- The MoHole: a Crustal Journey and Mantle Quest
- The NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure and the open availability of related climate data
- The Obsidian Creep Project: Seismic Imaging in the Brawley Seismic Zone and Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Imperial County, California
- The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program
- The Relationship Between Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Organic Matter Optical Properties in Freshwaters
- The Sea Level Rise Challenge
- The circulation of a baroclinic ocean around planetary scale islands with topography
- The global carbon budget and its operationalization
- The influence of the large scale circulation on an eastern boundary current
- The leading edge of basement logging science: The detailed in situ volcanic architecture, crustal construction processes, vacancy for water, minerals, and microbes, and beyond
- The magnitude, source, and implication of DIC flux from major pan-arctic rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- The seismic velocity structure of a foreshock zone on an oceanic transform fault: Imaging a rupture barrier to the 2008 Mw 6.0 earthquake on the Gofar fault, EPR
- Thermo-Petrologic Structure of Subduction Zones and Its Implications for Fluid Availability at Depth (Invited)
- Three-dimensional seismic reflection images of axial melt lens and seismic layer 2A between 9°42'N and 9°57'N on the East Pacific Rise
- Transfer and partitioning of energy and mass through seafloor hydrothermal systems: comparative studies at the Ridge2000 Integrated Study Sites (ISS) (Invited)
- Tropical Pacific Ocean Mean Circulation: A Model-Data Intercomparison and Implications for Climate Change Projections (Invited)
- Tropical Vegetation Height and Aboveground Biomass Derived from Field and Multi-Sensor Satellite Data (Invited)
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Understanding the Biogeochemical Significance of Hopanoids in the Marine Geologic Record Through a Study of Their Distribution in the Modern Oceans
- Upper Crustal Structure above Off-axis Magma Lenses at RIDGE-2000 East Pacific Rise Integrated Study Site from 3D Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data
- Upper-ocean turbulence beneath the stratus cloud deck of the Southeast Pacific
- Uptake of CO2 in the Pelagic Ocean by the Biological Pump; the Global Flux and the Regional Variability
- Uses of the Drupal CMS Collaborative Framework in the Woods Hole Scientific Community (Invited)
- Varying Northern Forest Response to Arctic Environmental Change at the Firth River, Alaska
- Vegetation Dynamics in the Watershed of Salt Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts in the Aftermath of a Large Paleostorm and Subsequent Wildfire Inferred from Lignin Oxidation Products
- Video Observations by Telepresence Reveal Two Types of Hydrothermal Venting on Kawio Barat Seamount
- Viewpoints on Education and Outreach: COSEE Scientists Share Their Work (Invited)
- Wave damping across the Louisiana shelf
- What Is a Plume: An Experimental Perspective on Heads, Tails and Entrainment
- What is driving productivity changes at high northern latitudes? (Invited)
- Widespread, Off-axis Magmatism at a Young Oceanic Rift, the Sedimented Guaymas Basin Spreading Center
- 3D Focused inversion of magnetic data with application to submarine hydrothermal venting in the Kermadec Arc (New Zealand)
- 3D Geodynamic Models of the Stress Field at Oblique-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- 3D Seismic Reflection Images of An Off-Axis Melt Lens And Its Associated Upper Crust Around 9°39'N, East Pacific Rise
- A Multi-Method Experiment to Investigate Geyser Dynamics: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- A Multi-scale Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical FVCOM System for Massachusetts Bay: Application for Mechanism Studies of Seasonal Variability of Dissolved Oxygen
- A New High-Resolution Record of Benthic and Planktonic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes from the Bermuda Rise
- A New NRC Report on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges
- A Simple Biomineralization Model to Explain Li, Mg, and Sr Incorporation into Aragonitic Foraminifera and Corals
- A biophysical analysis of latitudinal tree line
- A century of Amazon burning driven by Atlantic climate
- A comparison of lakes in the Kolyma River region that receive inputs of Holocene and Pleistocene origin
- A first application of marine-controlled source method on gas-hydrate study off SW Taiwan
- A joint geophysical investigation of the Cascadia subduction system in central Washington using dense arrays of passive seismic and magnetotelluric station data
- A quantitative history of precipitation and hydrologic variability for the last 45 ka: Lake Titicaca, Salar de Coipasa and Salar de Uyuni, Peru and Bolivia
- A sulfur isotope perspective of fluid transport across subduction zones
- Abrupt changes in the supply of Southern Ocean nutrients to the Atlantic across the last deglaciation
- Absolute Locations of Repeating Mw 5.5 - 6.0 Earthquakes on Discovery Transform Fault, EPR
- Accumulation rates across Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Active Faulting within the Atlantis Massif at 30°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge Located by an Ocean Bottom Seismograph Array
- African N Assessment
- African agricultural subsidy impacts food security, poverty, drought tolerance, and environmental quality
- Age Constraints on the Eruptive History of the Northern Galapagos Volcanic Province
- Age, Episodicity and Migration of Hydrothermal Activity within the Axial Valley, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Aliphatic side chains of proteins as potential geomarkers of NOM liberated from the melting permafrost and discharged to the Arctic Ocean by the Kolyma River run off
- An Instrument for Autonomous Measurement of the CO2 System in Seawater via Moored Deployments
- Antarctic surface and subsurface melting dynamics: Enhanced perspectives from radar scatterometer data
- Arctic greening under future climate change predicted using machine learning
- Assessing the performance of salt marsh and mangrove foraminifera as sea-level indicators
- Automatic Fault Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges: Effects of Bathymetry Resolution and Extraction Method
- B/Si ratios in cultured and sediment diatoms: proxy of their palaeoenvironment and/or their physiology
- Ba/Ca coral-based proxy of tropical hydrology: Yucatan Peninsula case study
- Basin-scale Controls on the Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Across Diverse Circumpolar Watersheds
- Biomass Mapping of US forests using synergy of Synthetic Aperture Radar and optical Remote Sensing
- Boron isotopes in deep-sea bamboo corals: pH, vital effects and environmental factors
- Boron/Calcium and Boron Isotopes in planktonic foraminifera: A core-top perspective
- Calcification of a common Caribbean coral under extreme conditions of natural acidification
- Carbon, Climate and Cameras: Showcasing Arctic research through multimedia storytelling
- Carbonation of an active serpentinization system
- Cascadia tidal marshes archive repeated episodes of coseimic subsidence from late Holocene great megathrust earthquakes
- Changes in land cover and carbon emissions to 2050 from African tropical forests using policy scenarios
- Changes in mid-late Holocene hurricane activity influence coastal dynamics in northeastern Gulf of Mexico - A case study in the Choctawhatchee Bay, Destin FL
- Characteristic Timescales of Shoreface Response to Sea-Level Rise
- Chasing storms in an agricultural catchment: the stream DOM story
- Climate Change Impacts of US Reactive Nitrogen Emissions
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of the Rising Portion of a Seafloor Hydrothermal Plume
- Constraining Anisotropy under the South Island of New Zealand
- Constraining cooling rates of UHP metamorphic rocks with closure temperature geospeedometry: a case study from the Dabie orogen
- Constraining flooding conditions for early historic and prehistoric hurricanes from resultant deposits preserved in Florida sinkholes
- Constraint on a melting regime in upper mantle beneath the central Mariana back-arc spreading center through the geophysical electromagnetic forward modeling
- Controls of Plume Dispersal at the Slow Spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Controls on Uranium Series Isotope Variability within Chilean Surface Waters
- Coral Calcification Across a Natural Gradient in Ocean Acidification
- Coral growth rate and subsidence controls on the variability of coral reef profile forms
- Coulman High Project Site Survey Interdisciplinary Outcomes: What Lies Beneath The Ross Ice Shelf
- Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in 2030
- Crustal thickness from 3D MCS data collected over the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise at 9°50'N
- Current results from the Serpentinite, Extension, and Regional Porosity Experiment across the Nicaraguan Trench
- Decomposition is always temperature dependent, except when its not
- Deglacial Variations in Antarctic Intermediate Water: A View from the Tropical Western North Atlantic
- Development of a calibration for the B isotope paleo-pH proxy in the deep sea coral Desmophyllum dianthus
- Diffusive Re-equilibration of Volatiles and Oxygen Fugacity in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions: Experiments and Numerical Models
- Direct Measurement of the Volume of Liquid Water Emitted During Eruptions of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Discovery of Nascent Vents and Recent Colonization Associated with(Re)activated Hydrothermal Vent Fields by the GALREX 2011 Expedition on the Galápagos Rift
- Distribution of radiocarbon ages of soil organic matter by thermal fractionation
- Does the "sleeping Dragon" Really Sleep?: the Case for Continuous Long-Term Monitoring at a Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Site
- Does the feedstock origin of pyrolyzed materials influence the leaching quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon from soils?
- Duration and flow rates of the 2005-06 East Pacific Rise eruption: constraints from syn-emplacement degassing and vesiculation
- Dynamical Systems Analysis of Fully 3D Ocean Features
- Effect of static stress shadow on seismicity associated with the 2011 M=9.0 great Tohoku, Japan, earthquake
- Effects of subducted seamount on interplate coupling and earthquakes
- Electromagnetic Constraints on the Structure of the Oceanic Upper-Mantle: Consistencies and Inconsistencies with Other Observations
- Enzymatic Regulation of Organic Matter Metabolism in Siberia's Kolyma River Watershed
- Estimating air-sea gas exchange in the seasonal sea ice zone
- Evaluating clumped isotope and Rayleigh-based, multi-element paleothermometers in corals
- Evaluating the Utility of Multiple Proxies (Mg/Ca, Li/Ca, Cd/Ca, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Nd isotopes) in Foraminiferal Shells: New calibrations from the Demerara Rise, western tropical Atlantic
- Evidence for accretion in the lower crust at fast- and intermediate-spreading ridges based on olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Evidence for melt focusing at the Southwest Indian Ridge based on olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Evolution of Melt Generation During Spreading Extinction at Godzilla Mullion
- Exploring river - wave dominated delta evolution applying a model-coupling approach
- Exploring the Limits of Lateral Resolution and Anomaly Precision of Marine Gravimeter Data
- Facilitating Next Generation Science Collaboration: Respecting and Mediating Vocabularies with Semantics in Ecosystems Assessments.
- Feeding enhances skeletal growth and energetic stores of an Atlantic coral under significantly elevated CO2
- Flow-induced microearthquakes at the TAG hydrothermal mound on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Fluxes and Stable Isotopic Composition of Particulate Organic Matter in the Six Largest Rivers Draining the Pan-Arctic Watershed: Insights from Seasonally-Explicit Sampling Efforts
- GALREX 2011: Initial Results of the 2011 NOAA Ocean Exploration Cruise to the Galápagos Rift Using Interactive Telepresence Technology
- Gas flux measurements from a year-long hydroacoustic record at an erupting submarine volcano
- Geochemical Arrays at Woolsey Mound Seafloor Observatory
- Geochemistry and Flux of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter to the Arctic Ocean
- Geologic Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage via Low-Temperature Carbonation of Peridotite
- Geology of a dying backarc spreading segment: results of high-density samplings of Godzilla Megamullion
- Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis of the Northwestern Aceh Coast, Sumatra
- Gulf Coast hurricane activity and climate variability during the last half of the Holocene
- Gulf of California Sea-floor Marine Sediments Characterization
- Hafnium isotope compositions of abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Heterogeneous Rupture in the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700 Inferred from Coastal Subsidence Estimates
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Brawley Seismic Fault Zone
- High-Frequency, Automated Measurements of CO2, N2O and CH4 from Forested Soils
- High-Resolution Geologic Mapping in the Eastern Manus Basin
- High-Resolution Studies of Oceanic Spreading Center Volcanic and Hydrothermal Features and Processes - New Insights from Ridge 2000 Program Experiments
- Hydrologic and temperature variability at Lake Titicaca over the past 50,000 years
- Hydrothermal Venting at Lake Rotomahana, New Zealand, 125 Years After the Tarawera Eruption of 1886
- Hydrothermal impacts on ocean biogeochemistry: lessons from EPR 9N and visions for the future.
- Impacts of the Changing Seasonality of Wind-driven Mixing on the Arctic System
- Intercolony Sr/Ca variability in Palmyra Island corals: Implications for paleo-SST reconstructions
- Intermediate Water Radiocarbon Anomalies During the Last Deglaciation
- Interpretation of seismic signals at Lone Star Geyser in the context of surface activity using visible and infrared video
- Investigating Earthquake Stress Drops on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults (Invited)
- Isolation of Diverse Structural Compartments of Natural Organic Matter from the Kolyma River Watershed in East Siberian Arctic Using DEAE-Cellulose, XAD-8 Resin, C18 and PPL Cartridges
- Jet dynamics at Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Joint-modeling of the Viscosity and the Electrical Conductivity of Silicate and Carbonatitic Melts and Implications for Geophysical Data Interpretation
- Land-Use in Climate Models: Lessons, Limitations, and Challenges for the Future
- Large-area Mapping of Forest Cover and Biomass using ALOS PALSAR
- Legacy2Drupal: Conversion of an existing relational oceanographic database to a Drupal 7 CMS
- Lithospheric Controls on Volcanic Processes in the Northern Galápagos Volcanic Province
- Lithospheric geometries revealed through electromagnetic imaging: SAMTEX (Southern Africa MagnetoTelluric Experiment) observations and results
- Magnetic properties and paleointensity determinations on basalts from Shatsky Rise (145 Ma)
- Major and trace-element speciation in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes of Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Major hydrologic shifts in northwest Florida during the Holocene from a lacustrine sediment record
- Mapping Antarctic sea ice thickness distribution from above and below
- Measuring and Modeling the Effects of Alternate Post-Fire Successional Trajectories on Boreal Forest Carbon Dynamics
- Mercury fluxes out of glacial and non-glacial streams, as determined by continuous measurements of turbidity and CDOM
- Microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling in first-order Russian Arctic streams
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Millennial variability and orbital influence on the last glacial inception
- Millennial-scale records of sea-level change along the Atlantic coast of the United States
- Mineral Formation and Trace Element Uptake in Rising Hydrothermal Plumes of the Lau Basin
- Mobilization and Processing of Ancient Organic Matter from Thawing Permafrost in the Siberian Arctic
- Modeling Coupled Climate And Urban Land Use Change In The United States
- Modeling Soil Organic Carbon Turnover in Four Temperate Forests Based on Radiocarbon Measurements of Heterotrophic Respiration and Soil Organic Carbon
- Modeling seasonality of ice and ocean carbon production in the Arctic
- Modes of supraglacial lake drainage and dynamic ice sheet response
- Molecular and radiocarbon composition of plant wax lipids and lignin phenols in Alaskan Arctic river sediments
- Multi-century records of NAO variability using spatial SST gradients from Red Sea corals
- Multiple expressions of plume-ridge interaction at the Galapagos: Volcanic lineaments and ridge jumps
- Nd and Si isotope evidence for increased Antarctic Intermediate Water ventilation in western tropical Atlantic: evidence for silica leakage
- Near-Surface Transport Pathways in the North Atlantic Ocean: Looking for Throughput from the Subtropical to the Subpolar Gyre
- New observations of Yanai waves and equatorial inertia-gravity waves in the Pacific Ocean
- Noble gases in the Oceanic Crust: Preliminary results from ODP Hole 1256D
- North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity over the last 2000 years: Patterns, Consequences and Potential Climatic Forcing
- Numerical modeling of shallow fault creep triggered by nearby earthquakes
- Observations of eddies and the upper-ocean heat budget in the VOCALS region
- Observations of upper-ocean turbulence during the VOCALS experiment
- Off-axis exploration of the Mid Cayman Rise - the view from the beach and from the RV Okeanos Explorer
- On the Genesis of the Lower Kolyma Yedoma Based on Multidisciplinary Approach
- On the Significance of Vanishing Group Velocity for Resonant Equatorial Inertia-gravity Waves
- On the relationship between Very-Long-Period events, bubble collapse, and eruption processes at the Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Open Standards and Technologies in the S2S Framework
- Optical Telemetry Improves Persistence and Data Access at Woolsey Mound Observatory, Mississippi Canyon block 118, Gulf of Mexico
- Outgassing from the Congo River Basin: a Major Source of Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Paleo-iron supply to the Western Subarctic Pacific since the last glaciation
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Paleoproxies as Indicators of Water Mass Changes in the Caribbean
- Pathways, characteristics and variability of the warm Atlantic Water flowing under the 79 North Glacier of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Patterns of climate variability in the western Equatorial Pacific during the Common Era
- Peatland records of dust deposition from Middleton Island, Gulf of Alaska
- Periodic flow instabilities during Lone Star Geyser (YNP) eruptions, as deduced from acoustic measurements
- Persistent Multidecadal SST Variability Since 1775 AD Recorded in Multiple Corals from the Yucatan Peninsula
- Pioneering Research on Accretionary Processes - Jean Francheteau's Contributions to Understanding Mid-Ocean Ridges and Seafloor Volcanic Processes
- Pleistocene-Recent Drainage Evolution in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin
- Post-seismic deformation following the 1960 M9.5 Chile earthquake: Interpretations by viscoelastic processes
- Precise Timing and Elevation of the Mid-Holocene Highstand at Belitung Island, Indonesia, on the Sunda Shelf, from Coral Microatolls
- Probing organic matter transfer dynamics in river systems using lignin phenol 14C ages
- Progressive Extensional Exhumation of the Ultrahigh-Pressure Tso Morari Terrain, NW Indian Himalaya
- Projections of atmospheric nitrous oxide under scenarios of improved agriculture and industrial efficiencies, diet modification, and representative concentration pathways (RCPs)
- Protracted Storage of Biospheric Carbon In The Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin
- Quality assessment of marine geoscience data collected with the U.S. academic oceanographic research fleet
- Quantifying Post-Fire Forest Biomass Recovery in Northeastern Siberia using Hierarchical Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery and Field Measurements
- Rate my data: a hierarchical approach to quantifying the relative value of ecological data for the development of process-based models of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Rayleigh-Based Multi-Element (RBME) Coral Paleothermometry: New Developments and Applications
- Reactivity of Pleistocene aged organic matter in the Siberian Arctic
- Reconstructing the variability in the Indian monsoon over the last 20,000 years
- Rediscovery of the 8<SUP>th</SUP> Natural Wonder of the World: The Pink and White Terraces' survival of the 1886 Tarawera Rift eruption
- Requirements to Sustain Global Ocean Color Observations
- Results from an Integrated Optical/Acoustic Communication System Installed at CORK 857D: Implications for Future Seafloor Observatories
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): A "Linked Data" Approach for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Research Cruise Event Logger
- Rupture process of oceanic transform faults linked to material variability: local observations and models of the Gofar Fault, EPR
- S and P-wave velocity structure beneath the Hawaiian hotspot from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- SCIMPI: A versatile seafloor observatory for changing environments
- Say What? The Role of Audio in Multimedia Video
- Scaling Properties of Shoreline Change: Process Implications
- Sea ice variability in the North Pacific since the LGM: new insights from molecular geochemistry
- Sea-Level Variability in New Jersey for the Past 2500 Years
- Sea-ice behavior and biological productivity in the Amundsen Sea: New insight from West Antarctic Ice Sheet records
- Searching for Strain Transients in PBO data
- Seasonal Aerosol Distributions at Summit, Greenland: EC, OC, 14C and Individual Particle Analysis
- Seasonal Changes in the Marine Production Cycles in Response to Changes in Arctic Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Circulation
- Seasonal Trends in the Molecular Signatures of Yukon River Dissolved Organic Matter
- Seasonally-evolving hydrological controls on dissolved iron exported in Greenland glacial meltwater streams
- Segment-Scale Melt Extraction at Mid-Ocean Ridges: A Play in Three Acts
- Seismic structure of the Costa Rican volcanic arc and Caribbean large igneous province from active-source onshore-offshore seismic data
- Self-potential, Ground-tilt and Infra-Red Emission Associated with Geyser Eruptions: Implications for Volcanic Monitoring
- Simulation and Observation of Global Atmospheric CO2 from 2009-2010
- Slab-derived fluid flux in subduction zones: Effects of localized hydration in the incoming plate and rehydration during subduction
- Soil Carbon Response to Soil Warming and Nitrogen Deposition in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Solubility, Partitioning, and Speciation of Carbon in Shallow Magma Oceans of Terrestrial Planets Constrained by High P-T Experiments
- South China Sea hydrological changes and Pacific Walker Circulation variations over the last millennium
- Spatial and temporal distribution of scleractinian coral ecosystems from the Drake Passage over the last 35,000 years
- Stable Vanadium Isotope Fractionation at High Temperatures
- Status of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative
- Swashzone Fellowships: a 6-month research experience
- Synchronous <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th Holocene variability from the Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges at mid-depths
- The Age, Source and Composition of Arctic Riverine Organic Matter Exported during the Fall Onset of Freezing
- The Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
- The Cabó section, Sierra de Prada, south central Pyrénnées, NE Spain: relation to Early Aptian oceanic oxygen conditions
- The Deglaciation and the Holocene over the Laurentian fan: a diatom report
- The Depth Dependence of Earthquake T-phases at an Ocean Acoustic Observatory
- The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO)-A Change Detection Array in the Pacific Arctic Sector
- The Effect of Lithospheric Discontinuities on the Composition of Lavas From the Northern Galápagos Platform Extension
- The Marine Inorganic Carbon System along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast of the United States: Shelf-ocean exchange and Ocean Acidification Status
- The Microbial Community on Marine Plastic Debris: Life in the "Plastisphere"
- The Ocean Observatories Initiative: Sustained ocean data for decades
- The Prospects for a New Sea Level Record from the Great Barrier Reef: Early Findings of IODP Expedition 325 "Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes"
- The Role of Atmospheric Deposition on the Input of Trace Elements to the Surface Ocean: the Bermuda Wet and Dry Record
- The deglacial hydrologic variability of the IndoPacific Warm Pool inferred from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of seawater reconstructions
- The effect of an East Pacific Rise offset on the formation of secondary cracks ahead of the Cocos-Nazca Rift at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- The effect of nucleation and crystal growth on isotope fractionation
- The electrical Lithosphere of the Alboran Domain
- The formation and linking of mid-segment detachment faults at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- The geodynamic province of transitional crust adjacent to magma-poor continental margins
- The hazard posed by large damaging aftershocks of megathrust megaquakes: Insights from Sumatra, Maule, and Tohoku
- The influence of burn severity on post-fire vegetation recovery and albedo change during early succession in North American boreal forests
- The potential for regime shifts in high latitude terrestrial ecosystems
- The role of the Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic climate system changes
- The ups and downs of magma in the crust beneath the East Pacific Rise axis 8°20-10°10'N
- Thermal history of the interior ocean during the past 21,000 years
- Thin Crust over the Marion Rise - Remelting the Residue of the African Super Plume
- Two stage melt-rock interaction in the lower oceanic crust of the Parece Vela basin (Philippine sea), evidence from the primitive troctolites from the Godzilla Megamullion
- Ultra Depleted Mantle at the Gakkel Ridge Based on Hafnium and Neodymium Isotopes
- Uncertainty Analysis in Large Area Aboveground Biomass Mapping
- Understanding and assessing the feasibility of ocean iron fertilization to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- Uranium-series isotopes from rivers to ocean
- Using <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He to Map the flow of the Samoan-Plume into the Lau Basin
- Using OBS Aftershock Data to Analyze the Stress Distribution of 2010 Maule Chile Mega Earthquake
- Using Short-Term Postseismic Displacements to Infer the Ambient Deformation Conditions of the Upper Mantle
- Using measurements at various scales to explore uncertainty in model predictions of carbon budgets and cycling through time and space
- Variability in the nutrient content of intermediate waters in the Bay of Bengal over the past 20,000 years
- Variations in CDOM concentration and quality during the spring freshet on the Mackenzie River
- Visualizing DOM super-spectrum covariance in vanKrevelen space
- Volcanic Eruptions at Mid-ocean Ridges and the Influence of Magma Supply on Eruption Dynamics
- Volcanic construction of submarine Kermadec arc volcanoes from near-bottom sidescan sonar data collected by the Sentry AUV
- Widespread seismicity excitation following the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard
- 'invisible' DOM in hourly-resolved headwater river records from Northern Amazonia
- A Joint Monte Carlo Inversion of Seafloor Compliance, Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion at OBS Stations off New Zealand
- A Large-scale Observational View of Internal Tide Intermittency on Continental Margins
- A Multi-sensor Approach to Identify Crop Sensitivity Related to Climate Variability in Central India
- A heat budget for the Stratus mooring in the southeast Pacific
- A statistical context for TEX<SUB>86</SUB>
- ADApT: A rapid integrated assessment and decision support tool to respond to global change in coastal regions
- Abundance of volatile and organic species in intermediate temperature fluids from the Von Damm and Piccard deep sea hydrothermal fields, Mid-Cayman Rise
- Active fungi amidst a marine subsurface RNA paleome
- Active-Source Wide-Angle Seismic Observations of a Shallow Mantle Discontinuity Within the 8-9-Ma Juan de Fuca Oceanic Plate Off Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Advancing Access to New Technology for Sustained High Resolution Observations of Plankton: From Bloom Dynamics to Climate Change
- Age spectra of riverine POC - does variability within or between river basins have a larger impact on POC age distributions?
- Along-trench Structural Variations of Downgoing Juan de Fuca Plate in relation to Regional Scale Segmentation of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: insights from Multichannel Seismic Imaging
- An Abyssal Current in the Central Labrador Sea
- An Interdisciplinary Network Making Progress on Climate Change Communication
- An Ocean-Based Potential Intensity Index for Tropical Cyclones
- An extensive melt layer beneath the oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary discovered by magnetotelluric data
- An old question revisited: the mechanics of shallow creep events on strike-slip faults and their triggering by nearby earthquakes
- An overview of observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America
- Analysis of inflated submarine and sub-lacustrine Pahoehoe lava flows using high-resolution bathymetric and lidar data
- Analyzing & Estimating Fluid Flow Properties via the Ergodicity Defect
- Ancient Yedoma carbon loss: primed by ice wedge thaw?
- Antarctic QuikSCAT-RACMO surface melt comparisons: Evaluating the microwave response to snowpack liquid water
- Anthropogenic Disturbance of Element Cycles at the Earth's Surface
- Anthropogenic Osmium in Airborne Particles from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
- Applications of proxy system modeling in high resolution paleoclimatology
- Atlantic water variability on the SE Greenland continental shelf and its relationship to SST
- Avulsion History of the Yukon River Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- BCO-DMO: Improving Access to Ocean Research Data throughout the Data Life Cycle
- Bathymetry of the Galápagos Spreading Center from a synthesis of 25 years of ship-based multibeam sonar data
- Being There & Getting Back Again: Half a Century of Deep Ocean Research & Discovery with the Human Occupied Vehicle "Alvin"
- Biological Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in Prochlorococcus-Dominated Oligotrophic Waters
- Black carbon concentrations and fluxes since the Last Glacial Maximum in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores
- Can human activities alter the drowning fate of barrier islands?
- Carbon Flux Signal Detection for the ASCENDS mission
- Carbon Solution in Core-Forming Magma Ocean Conditions: Implications for the Origin and Distribution of Terrestrial Carbon
- Cerrado: The Brazilian Savanna as a Hot Spot of Agricultural Development
- Changes in hurricane activity in northeastern Gulf of Mexico during last 8500 yrs. - A hurricane record from Choctawhatchee Bay, Destin FL
- Changes in the Equatorial Undercurrent from 1861 to present
- Changing glacial coverage influences stream dissolved organic matter signatures in coastal watersheds of southeast Alaska
- Characterising DOC, DON and DOP flux in two contrasting lowland UK catchments: impacts of contrasting source character and connectivity on reach scale DOM signature
- Characterization of Active Hydrothermal Fluid Discharge and Recharge Zones in the Endeavour Axial Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Export from U.S. Rivers
- Circulation on the Ebb Shoal at New River Inlet, NC
- Climate Change and Cajander Larch Growth Response at Local and Regional Scales in Northeastern Siberia
- Climatic Forcing of Organic-Carbon-Export Dynamics from the Ganges-Brahmaputra River System
- Climatological changes in weather states over the tropical and mid-latitude oceans
- Closing the Knowledge Gap: Effects of Land Use Conversion on Belowground Carbon near the 100<SUP>th</SUP> Meridian
- Closing the Seasonal Ocean Surface Temperature Balance in the Eastern Tropical Oceans from Remote Sensing and Model Reanalyses
- Collaborative Design of an Image Annotation Tool for Oceanographic Imaging Systems
- Composition and Biolability of Dissolved Organic Matter Leached from the Dominant Endmembers of the Siberian Arctic
- Constrain the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the equatorial Eastern Pacific Rise from ambient noise and earthquake surface waves
- Constraints on the pattern of melt migration beneath mid-ocean ridges based on the major and trace element chemistry of erupted lavas and melt inclusions
- Controlled Vocabularies and Ontologies for Oceanographic Data: The R2R Eventlogger Project
- Cooling and warming of SST in the wake of typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Coral barium incorporation: implications for proxy applications
- DARLA: Data Assimilation and Remote Sensing for Littoral Applications
- Data Citation: An International Oceanographic Collaboration
- Detachment Fault Initiation and Control by Partially Molten Zones in the Lower Ocean Crust
- Development of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Development of a distributed memory parallel multiphase model for the direct numerical simulation of bottom boundary layer turbulence under combined wave-current flows
- Differential Nb-Ta diffusion in rutile: disequilibrium formation of the continental crust
- Diffusive smoothing of surfzone bathymetry by gravity-driven sediment transport
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Export from U.S. Rivers
- Dissolved organic carbon source integration in an agricultural watershed
- Distal transport of hydrothermal iron in the deep Eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Distribution of melt along the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N from amplitude variation with angle (AVA) of incidence technique
- Diverse Sedimentological Signatures of the Mid-Holocene Highstand in Brazil
- Diversifying a Famous Science Community One Cohort at a Time: The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP)
- Downstream evolution of the Deep Western Boundary Current from Denmark Strait to Cape Farewell
- Dynamics of Organic Carbon Flux on the Northwest Atlantic Margin: Results from a Three-year Time-Series Sediment Trap Study
- Dynamics of the anoxygenic phototrophic community in meromictic Fayetteville Green Lake (NY) and the associated sedimentary pigment record
- Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System
- Early Stages Of Biome Shift in Boreal Alaska: Climate Sensitivity of Tree Growth and Accelerated Tree Mortality
- Effect of baroclinicity below the mixed layer on buoyancy and tracer fluxes
- Effects of a Subducting Seamount on the Overriding Plate Deformation and Faulting
- Effects of atmospheric dry deposition on native phytoplankton in Barbados
- Effects of heterogeneous hydration in the incoming plate, slab rehydration, and mantle wedge hydration on slab-derived H<SUB>2</SUB>O flux in subduction zones
- Emiliania huxleyi Goes Viral: Dynamic Variation of Intact Polar Lipids and Alkenones
- Enabling the Integrated Assessment of Large Marine Ecosystems: Informatics to the Forefront of Science-Based Decision Support
- End of Life Issues in a Back Arc
- Eolian deposition of glacial flour dust to the Gulf of Alaska during the Holocene
- Estimating terrestrial aboveground biomass estimation using lidar remote sensing: a meta-analysis
- Estimating the effects of sill intrusion on sediments in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California based on seismic velocity
- Evaluating carbon dioxide variability in the Community Earth System Model against atmospheric observations
- Evaluation of the Accuracy of Research Vessels as in situ Sources of Surface Flux Observations from Recent PSD Cruises
- Evidence for Interaction Between Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Water and the Large-scale Ocean Circulation
- Evidence of Extensive Gas Venting at the Blake Ridge and Cape Fear Diapirs
- Evolution and hydration of the Juan de Fuca crust and uppermost mantle: a plate-scale seismic investigation from ridge to trench
- Exploration and Discovery of Hydrocarbon Seeps, Coral Ecosystems, and Shipwrecks in the Deep Gulf of Mexico
- Exploration of the Black, Aegean, and Mediterranean Seas Aboard E/V Nautilus
- Exploration of the California Current System with seismic oceanography
- Exploring eco-hydrological consequences of the Amazonian ecosystems under climate and land-use changes in the 21st century
- Feedbacks between melts and deformation in the upper mantle: Constraints from natural systems
- Fire Effects on Microbial Enzyme Activities in Larch Forests of the Siberian Arctic
- First results from TN273 studies of the SE Mariana Forearc rift
- Fluid-mediated mass transfer from a paleosubduction channel to its mantle wedge: Evidence from jadeitite in the Guatemala Suture Zone
- Fluxes of Dissolved Trace Metals Evaluated Using Paired Thorium Isotopes
- Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids from the Ultra-Slow Spreading Mid-Cayman Rise
- Geochemistry of gabbros and basaltic dykes from the upper/lower oceanic crust boundary: New data from IODP Expedition 335 (ODP Site 1256, Cocos Plate)
- Geochemistry of lavas from the Australian-Antarctic Ridge, easternmost Southeast Indian Ridge
- Glacial and Deglacial Radiocarbon in the Drake Passage
- Glacial-Holocene Deep Atlantic Variability
- Glacially Generated Overpressure Offshore Massachusetts, USA: Integration of Full Seismic Waveform Inversion and Overpressure Modeling
- Global transfer of terrestrial organic carbon to the Ocean: an erosional control
- Global variations in gravity-derived oceanic crustal thickness: Implications on oceanic crustal accretion and hotspot-lithosphere interactions
- Grain Size Dependent Viscosity in the Continental Asthenosphere: Implications for Craton Stability
- Greenland ice sheet hydrology: insights from an isotope mixing model during the 2011 and 2012 melt seasons
- Helium Isotope Variations in Peridotite, Gabbro and Basalt from the Kane Oceanic Core Complex
- High latitude vegetation impacts on snow albedo feedback to climate
- High severity experimental burns in Siberian larch forests lead to rapid permafrost thaw
- High-Resolution Radiocarbon Chronology Of Ooids By Gas Ion Source Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
- Hindcasting coastal flooding in Scituate (MA) during the Dec. 27, 2010 Nor'easter
- Holocene sedimentary deposits in the Chukchi Shelf north of the Bering Strait and signatures of Bering Sea-derived sediment deposition
- Hong Kong Corals: A Cautionary Tale
- How Many Water Masses Fill the Ocean?: A Spectral Unmixing Approach
- How Not to Write for Peer-Reviewed Publications: Talking to Everyone Else
- Hydration of mantle olivine under variable water and oxygen fugacity conditions: a combined SIMS and FTIR study
- Hydrocarbon biodegradation following Deepwater Horizon: A compound specific point of view
- Hydrodynamics in New River Inlet, NC - a Numerical Investigation using NearCoM-TVD
- Hydrogenetic Manganese Crust Covered Carbonate Veins in Peridotite in Southwest Indian Ridge: Direct Geologic Evidence of Cold Tectonic Spreading
- Hydrological and Vegetation Variability from Mediterranean Leaf Wax Biomarkers Before and After the Rise of East African C4 Grasslands
- Hydrological consequences of deforestation and forest degradation in the Amazon agricultural frontier
- Hydrothermal Activity on the Mid-Cayman Rise: ROV Jason sampling and site characterization at the Von Damm and Piccard hydrothermal fields
- Ice-core Records of Atmospheric Halogen Concentrations over Western Antarctica - Past and Present
- Impact of Current-Wave Interaction on Storm Surge Simulation: A Case Study for Hurricane Bob
- Impact of Parameterized Lee Wave Drag on the Energy Budget of an Eddying Global Ocean Model
- Impact of katabatic wind events on the sea-ice and icebergs in a large glacial fjord in southeast Greenland
- Implications of Nitrate and Nitrite Isotopic Measurements for the Mechanisms of Fixed Nitrogen Cycling and Loss from the Peru Oxygen Deficient Zone.
- Implications of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Flood Hazards
- Importance of anisotropic flow components for oceanic eddy-induced transport
- Inertial Motions and Mixing in the Wake of Typhoon Fanapi
- Inferences on melting and mantle heterogeneity through analyses of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from the Eastern Volcanic Zone, Gakkel Ridge
- Influence of the AMOC on Tropical Hydrology during the Deglaciation: Insight from the Demerara Rise
- Insights into physical and biological controls on the export of organic matter and nutrients from glacier ecosystems
- Integrating telepresence technologies with AUV operations for exploration of cold seep communities in the vicinity of Blake Ridge and Cape Fear Diapirs in the Western Atlantic
- Interactions of Climate Change and Nitrogen Management for Optimizing Crop Productivity and Food Security while Minimizing Nitrogen Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Interpolating Sparse Scattered Oceanographic Data Using Flow Information
- Investigating dust input to the Red Sea using barium in corals
- LADCP Observations of the 3-Dimensional Velocity Field Associated with Internal Waves and Boundary-Layer Flows
- Land and OBS recordings of tectonic tremor on New Zealand's Alpine Fault
- Late Holocene Hurricane Activity in the Gulf of Mexico from a Bayou Sediment Archive
- Li isotopes in large river suspended and bedload sediments
- Linkages of Biodiversity and Canopy Lidar Metrics in Central Africa
- Linking hydrothermal plume geochemistry with deep-sea microbial community structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Linking research at sea to student audiences on shore
- MS PHD'S: Effective Strategies for the Retention and Advancement of URM Students in ESS
- Magnesium isotopic composition of global loess
- Magnetic mapping of (carbonated) oceanic crust-mantle boundary: New insights from Linnajavri, northern Norway
- Maintaining Scientific Community Vocabularies in Drupal through Consumption of Linked Open Data and Web Services
- Mantle Anisotropy at a Continental Convergence Zone: South Island, New Zealand
- Mantle hydration at the Middle America Trench: Constraints from seismic anisotropy
- Manual and Automated Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agricultural Soils
- Mapping the Piccard Hydrothermal Field - The World's Deepest Known Vent Area
- Measurements of Tidally Forced Bedforms, Sediment Transport, Flow and Turbulence at New River Inlet, NC
- Mechanisms driving ocean carbon cycle response to rising atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: results from the Community Earth System Model, version 1
- Melt Anomalies in the South China Sea
- Microbial geochemistry in rising plumes of two hydrothermal vents at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Mid-depth ventilation of western North Atlantic during Younger Dryas and Early Holocene
- Millennial, centennial and decadal sea- level change in Florida, USA
- Minorities Striving and Pursuing Higher Degrees of Success in Earth System Science (MS PHD'S) Beyond the PhD Professional Development Program: A Pilot Project
- Modeled alongshore circulation and morphologic evolution onshore of a large submarine canyon
- Modeling rupture segmentations on the Cascadia megathrust
- Modeling the Economics of Beach Nourishment Decisions in Response to Coastal Erosion
- Modeling the distribution of Radium-228 to derive mixing rates in the North Atlantic
- Modeling the effects of variable coastal upwelling on the concentration and triple isotopic composition of oxygen in the surface mixed layer of the Southern California Bight
- Multi-Scale Response of the Shelf-Estuarine-Wetland to Severe Weather: A Fully Wave-Current Coupled FVCOM System
- Multi-proxy Reconstructions of Deglacial Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation in the Western Tropical Atlantic
- Multiproxy reconstruction of tropical Pacific Holocene temperature gradients and water column structure
- Mélange Formation, Mantle-Wedge Diapirs And Subduction Zone Magmatism
- Near-Inertial Pathways from Balanced Flow to Turbulent Dissipation in the Kuroshio Front
- Near-inertial wave generation and dissipation in unforced Kuroshio Front simulations
- New Age Constraints on the Eruptive History of the Northern Galápagos Volcanic Province
- New seamounts and broad seafloor depressions revealed in shipboard geophysical data from the Early Cretaceous - Middle Jurassic seafloor, Central-Western Pacific
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- OOI's Cyberinfrastructure: An Opening
- Observations of the forcing and response of oceanic equatorial waves
- Ocean Community-based Approach to Increase Applications and Enrollment of Underrepresented Minorities in Ocean Science Graduate Programs
- Ocean Salinity Variance and the Global Water Cycle.
- On a Neck, On a Spit
- On a path towards long-term sampling following the Deepwater Horizon: Initial insights
- On the global distribution of hydrothermal vent fields: One decade later
- Oxygen Isotope in Phosphate an Indicator of Phosphorous Cycling in the Ocean - Controls, and Applications
- Oxygenation of petroleum hydrocarbons after the Deepwater Horizon disaster
- Pacific Circulation and the Resilience of its Equatorial Reefs
- Pacific Ocean Contribution to the Asymmetry in Eastern Indian Ocean Variability
- Parameterization of transition layer mixing based on microstructure observations of turbulent dissipation
- Partnerships Drive Informatics Solutions for Biological Imaging at Ocean Observatories
- Permeability and three-dimensional melt distribution of partially molten mantle rocks
- Petrological constraints on the crustal structure under rift zones
- Potential-field modeling of flank collapse and gravitational stability at Rumble III seamount, southern Pacific ocean, New Zealand
- Prediction, Coupling, and Causation
- Preliminary Results of the Permafrost Carbon Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Progress on Assessing the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Planktonic Calcification using Satellite Analysis, Field Data and Earth System Modeling
- Quantifying and correcting the impacts of freezing samples on dissolved organic matter absorbance
- Quantifying the transition from fluvial- to wave-dominance for river deltas with multiple active channels
- Quantitative comparison of airborne remote-sensed and in situ Rhodamine WT dye and temperature during RIVET & IB09
- R2R Eventlogger: Community-wide Recording of Oceanographic Cruise Science Events
- Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopic evidence for microbial control of carbon supply to Orca Basin brine pool, Gulf of Mexico
- Rapid Photomineralization of Dissolved Organic Carbon Flowing from Large Arctic Rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- Rayleigh wave ambient noise tomography from an amphibious array of seismic stations, South Island, New Zealand
- Recent and past dust concentrations and fluxes from a developing array of Antarctic ice cores
- Reconstruction of Tropical Ocean SST Trends during the Last Millennium: Results from the PAGES/Ocean2K Project
- Relationships between Noble Gases and Indicators of Geochemical Enrichment in Carbonatite Metasomatized Xenoliths from Samoa
- Representing northern high latitude vegetation and albedo in earth system models
- Response of the Indo-Australian Monsoon System to Heinrich Events: Evidence from Marine and Terrestrial Sediments
- Rethinking Recycling in Arcs
- Revisting the Relation Between Export and Production in the Southern Ocean
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Building a Reference Cruise Catalog for the Research Fleet
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Linking and Integrating Data for Oceanographic Research
- SPURS Overview: Salinity Processes Upper Ocean Regional Study First Results
- Satellite-driven predictions of animal migrations in response to short and long-term environmental change
- Scavenging and fractionation of <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES transect
- Sea Education Association's sailing research vessels as innovative platforms for long-term research and education
- Sea ice thickness and volume from CryoSat-2
- Sea level anomalies influence coastal groundwater dynamics and discharge
- Sea-level change along the Atlantic coast of the United States
- Seasonal Variability of Submarine Melting and Circulation in AN East Greenland Fjord
- Seasonal variation in biological oxygen demand levels in the main stem of the Fraser River, British Columbia and an agriculturally impacted tributary
- Seeing the forest for the streams: a multiscale analysis of land use change and the integrity of freshwater ecosystems in the southeastern Amazon
- Seismic Response of the Greenland Ice-sheet over Several Melt Seasons near Draining Supraglacial Lakes
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Mantle beneath the Hawaiian Hotspot and Geodynamic Perspectives
- Seismic structure of the Central American subduction system through Costa Rica: Results from active-source seismic data
- Short Length Scale Mantle Heterogeneity Beneath Iceland Probed by Glacial Modulation of Melting
- Short-term Dispersal of Fukushima-derived Radionuclides off Japan: Modeling Efforts and Model-data Inter-comparison
- So You Want the Public to Care About Your Favourite Submarine Vent-Site? An Art-School Approach to Making Deep-Ocean Science More Accessible
- Sonobuoy-based velocity functions for sediment thickness calculation in the deep Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean
- Source and composition of sediments and organic carbon delivered to the Mackenzie River delta
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Vorticity Generated by Individual Breaking Waves in the Surfzone
- Statistical analysis of submarine fault populations associated with oceanic transform boundaries
- Stochastic Closures for Finite Amplitude Internal Waves
- Stratigraphic and structural framework of the western edge of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Structure of Pacific-plate upper mantle from active-source seismic measurements of the NoMelt experiment
- Structure of the Updip Region of the Cascadia Megathrust from the SeaJade Experiment
- Subcrustal earthquakes in the plate boundary zone of New Zealand's South Island
- Subduction of Serpentinized and Weathered Ultramafic Rocks in the Puerto Rico Trench: Preliminary Results
- Submarine inflated flows at the East Pacific Rise, 16°N
- Submesoscale process studies using a new variant of second order closure
- Subseafloor Microbial Life in Venting Fluids from the Mid Cayman Rise Hydrothermal System
- Sulfur isotopic variations during subduction of hydrated lithosphere: the Erro Tobbio case
- Superoxide production and decay in the subtropical North Pacific
- Taking a step back: Himalayan erosion as seen from Bangladesh
- Telepresence field research experience for undergraduate and graduate students: An R/V Okeanos Explorer/AUV Sentry success story
- Temperature and Salinity Variance Production in the Ocean: Implications for Mixing
- Temperature variation records at diffuse and focused outflow in Lucky Strike hydrothermal field: toward a characterization of the outflow dynamic
- Textural and chemical variation in phenocrysts from the early eruptions of Lutao volcanic island, the northern Luzon arc
- The "Arctic autumn freshet": assessing fluxes of fluvial organic matter exported during the period of maximum permafrost thaw
- The American Midsummer Drought in CMIP5: Multi-Model Evaluation and Projections
- The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Field Campaign
- The CAFÉ seismic and magnetotelluric experiments: An investigation of fluid processes in the Cascadia subduction system using a sequential inversion of passive seismic and magnetotelluric data
- The Death Throes of Ocean Core Complexes: Examples from the Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre
- The Distributed Biological Observatory (DBO): A Change Detection Array in the Pacific Arctic Region
- The National COSEE Network's decade of assisting scientists to achieve high-quality Broader Impacts
- The Open Geospatial Consortium PUCK Standard: Building Sensor Networks with Self-Describing Instruments
- The Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition: An Alternative View on "Permanent El Niño"
- The Timing and Properties of Deep Water Exchange Between the Nordic Seas and Open North Atlantic During the Last 20,000 Years
- The U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect: Big Science at sea on large ships with every berth filled
- The Use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Deep-Reef Discovery and Benthic Characterization To Aid Conservation and Management
- The effect of rheology on the flow regimes of fine sediment in oscillatory bottom boundary layer - a numerical investigation
- The groundwater nitrate isotope quandary: Is the dual isotopic composition of groundwater nitrate a recorder of interactions between N and Fe in the subsurface?
- The impact of varying depositional processes on the preservation of lignin from the Mississippi and Amazon Rivers: A dual application of compound-specific and ramped pyrolysis radiocarbon dating
- The influence of hotspots on crustal accretion of the South Atlantic Ocean
- The influence of the Fukushima event on the 129-Iodine content of western Pacific waters
- The influences of CO2 fertilization and land use change on the total aboveground biomass in Amazonian tropical forest
- The last frontier? High-resolution, near-bottom measurements of the Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomaly sequence
- The origin of Stannern trend eucrites by melt-rock interaction
- The petrology and source composition of alkaline basalts from the northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica inferred from Re-Os isotope systematics
- The role of elasticity in normal faulting and the development of axial topography in the oceanic lithosphere
- The role of fire in the pan-tropical carbon budget
- The seismicity of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its long-offset transforms
- The spatial distribution and speciation of iron in buoyant hydrothermal plumes of the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Theory of the Forcing and Response of Oceanic Equatorial Waves
- Thermal Constraints on the Rheology of Segmented Oceanic Transform Fault Systems
- Thermal evolution of the North Atlantic lithosphere constrained by Curie depths from magnetic anomaly inversion
- Tidal Wave Characteristics and Water Quality Response at New River Inlet, NC
- Total Dissolved Cobalt and Labile Cobalt in the North Atlantic
- Towards Automated Processing and Integration of InSAR and GPS Data
- Tracking deforestation, tree plantation expansion, and forest regrowth in a Costa Rican biological corridor using a Landsat time series
- Transient Tracer Evidence for an Internal Flow Path of Denmark Strait Overflow Water from the Subpolar to the Subtropical Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Transport Barriers in 3D Ekman-driven Circulations
- Transport of heat and salt driven by remote shelf winds in a glacial fjord of East Greenland
- Turbulent and Mean Velocity Near Rigid and Flexible Plants, and Implications for Deposition
- Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate observations in the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi
- U.S. 2013 National Climate Assessment of Oceans and Marine Resources
- Under-Ice Science in the Polar Regions with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Understanding Mechanisms of Rind Formation in Mélange Zones using Highly Siderophile Elements
- Understanding the state of the muddy seabed - a numerical study utilizing multiphase flow approach
- Using EarthScope Data to Engage Teachers in Research
- Using glacier proximal sediment records from Sermilik Fjord, SE Greenland, to reconstruct Helheim Glacier melt water plume dynamics for the past 100 years
- Validation of the DNDC model in order to simulate future greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon changes from the Prairie-Pothole region of North Dakota following prairie conversion to agriculture
- Visualization Beyond the Map: The Challenges of Managing Data for Re-Use
- Volatile content and distribution in the Azorean mantle plume
- Wave-driven fluxes through New River Inlet, NC
- Weaker Walker Circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum due to reduced sea level
- a Multivariate Approach to Optimize Subseafloor Observatory Designs
- A 100-year long record of alkenone-derived SST changes by Southeast Greenland
- A 10Be Based Deglacial Chronology of the McMurdo Sound Region, West Antarctica
- A 2-D Tomographic Model of the Juan de Fuca Plate from Accretion at Axial Seamount to Subduction at the Cascadia Margin from an Active Source OBS survey
- A 3D Velocity Model of the Central Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath the Oregon Continental Shelf and Coast Range
- A Millennial Scale Tree-Ring Based Summer Temperature Reconstruction for Northern Mongolia (931-2005 C.E.)
- A Time-Series of Surface Oil Distribution Detected by Satellite SAR During the Deepwater Horizon Blowout
- A glimpse into Augustine volcano's pre-glacial past: Insight from a massive rhyolite deposit
- A new Holocene eruptive history of Erebus volcano, Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He and 36Cl
- A refined look at the sulfur and iron cycles during the Toarcian OAE (Invited)
- Abrupt shifts in Horn of Africa hydroclimate and the influence of the Indian Ocean (Invited)
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (Invited)
- Aerosol deposition favors red tide phytoplankton in the East China Sea
- Air-Sea Coupling and South Pacific and Southern Ocean Surface Moorings: Results from 10 Years of Observations and Future Plans
- Alteration of Mantle Sulfides: the Effects of Oxidation and Melt Infiltration in a Kilbourne Hole Harzburgite Xenolith
- An Open-Source Approach for Catchment's Physiographic Characterization
- An open source approach to enable the reproducibility of scientific workflows in the ocean sciences
- Analysis of inflated submarine and sub-lacustrine Pahoehoe lava flows using high-resolution bathymetric and lidar data (Invited)
- Analysis of surface drag over Antarctic sea ice from combined analyses of High-Resolution measurements from Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Large Eddy Simulations
- Anatomy of Some Non-Heinrich Events During The Last Glacial Maximum on Laurentian Fan
- Architecture of Off-Axis Magma Bodies at EPR 9<SUP>o</SUP>37-40'N and Implications for Oceanic Crustal Accretion (Invited)
- Arctic Vegetation Change and Feedbacks under Future Climate (Invited)
- Array-based hydroacoustic characterization of P, S, and T-phases in the Philippine Sea
- BCO-DMO: Enabling Access to Federally Funded Research Data
- Biomarkers in Transit Reveal the Nature of Fluvial Integration
- C:N:P Stoichiometry as an indicator of nutrient limitation on an Alaskan hillslope
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Changes in Soil Nitrogen Availability Associated with Permafrost Thaw
- Characterizing uncertainties of the national-scale forest gross aboveground biomass (AGB) loss estimate: a case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Circulation regimes in Greenland's outlet glacial fjords (Invited)
- Circum-arctic biodegradability of fluvial dissolved organic carbon: A meta-analysis
- Climate Expressions in Cellulose Isotopologues Over the Southeast Asian Monsoon Domain
- Climate field reconstructions of eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate
- Climate of the Eocene Greenhouse Intervals from TEX<SUB>86</SUB> and Other Proxies: Evidence for a More Energetic Hydrologic Cycle? (Invited)
- Climatic Forcing of Intense North Atlantic Hurricane Activity over the Last Two Millennia (Invited)
- Combining seismic and geochemical constraints on magmatic processes in the Aleutian arc (Invited)
- Comparing the relationship between precipitation and river geochemistry
- Comparison of Volatile Contents In Melt Inclusions and Glasses at Mid-Ocean Ridges with Variable Spreading Rates
- Comparison of combustion-derived PAH records from North America/Europe and China
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Constraints on hydrocarbon and organic acid abundances in hydrothermal fluids at the Von Damm vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Continuous, Autonomous Measurement of the CO2 System in Waquoit Bay, MA
- Contrasting ice sheet response to early and late summer rapid supraglacial lake drainage events on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Could the eucrite Graves Nunataks 98098 be Vesta's equivalent to Lunar KREEP?
- Crust and Mantle Structure Beneath the Samoan Islands
- Crustal Heterogeneity and Stratigraphy on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16°-17°N
- Crustal evolution reflected in seawater Sr and Nd isotope records
- D Precipitation Response of Trees in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Deploying Methane Bubble Traps at Varying Lake Depths to Validate Bubble Dissolution Models
- Design and Fabrication of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Determinants of overwinter variation in CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission from natural landscapes
- Deterministic chaos in geomagnetic reversals
- Developing a Network of Tree Ring Chronologies from the Russian Fareast
- Development of a Tunable Laser Spectroscopic Method for Determining Multiple Sulfur Isotope Composition of Nanomoles of SO2
- Development of different modes of detachment faulting at 16.5N, MAR
- Diffusion of HFSE in rutile: implications for thermometry, speedometry and trace-element signatures in crustal melts (Invited)
- Distributions and Controls of Carbonate Chemistry on the Northeastern U.S. Shelf
- Early Anthropogenic Transformation of the Danube-Black Sea System: From Records to Causes (Invited)
- Epidosites and related metabasaltic rocks from detachment faults on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 16.5°N
- Estimating tropical forest structure using LIDAR AND X-BAND INSAR
- Evaluation of hydrological balance in the eastern Amazon using a terrestrial ecosystem model, and satellite-based evapotranspiration (MODIS) and terrestrial water storage (GRACE)
- Evidence for melt partitioning between olivine and orthopyroxene in partially molten harzburgite
- Exploring a morphodynamic modeling framework for reef island evolution under sea-level rise
- Feedbacks Between Microenvironment and Plant Functional Type and Implications for CO2 Flux in Arctic Ecosystems
- Fire Effects on Microbial Dynamics and C, N, and P Cycling in Larch Forests of the Siberian Arctic
- First high-resolution near-seafloor survey of magnetic anomalies of the South China Sea
- Flexural bending of the oceanic plates near the Mariana, Japan, and Philippines trenches
- Flow-Based Ocean Reconstructions from Sparse Observations
- Fluids escape in subduction zones: new constraints from 3-D microtomography data
- Groundwater/Seawater Exchange over Multiple Time Scales: Two Years of High-Frequency Data from the Coastal Seabed
- He isotope ratios in the Nankai Trough and Costa Rica subduction zones - implications for volatile cycling
- Holocene climate changes in the Cape Hatteras region
- How to better link regional monsoon circulation to local hydroclimate for interpreting tree-ring chronologies in Southeast Asia
- Hydrological impacts of land-use change and agricultural policy in the Brazilian Cerrado
- Hyperactive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Illuminating the hydration and dehydration of a subducting oceanic plate with marine controlled-source EM and magnetotelluric data (Invited)
- Imaging of the along-strike variations in mechanical properties along the Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise (Invited)
- Imaging sediments in the deep, rough terrain at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge using AUV Sentry's CHIRP sub-bottom profiler
- Impact of Surface Forcing on Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Blocking in the Australia-New Zealand Sector
- Impact of land use on dissolved nutrient levels in four tributaries of the Fraser River, BC: Silverdale Creek, Willband Creek, Clayburn Creek and Nathan Creek
- Impacts of climate change on plant productivity in the Cajander larch woodlands of northeastern Eurasia
- Improved Access to Scientific Data Through Technology, Standards, and Best Practices
- Improved Discovery and Re-Use of Oceanographic Data through a Data Management Center
- Improved calibration of organic SST proxies via community-driven Bayesian, spatially-varying regression
- Improving the User Experience of Finding and Visualizing Oceanographic Data
- Inferring atmospheric variability from the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean region using tree rings and historical archives from the Iberian Peninsula
- Insights into Spatial Sulfur Variation within the Modified Gill-Chamber of the Epibiont-Colonized Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp, Rimicaris exoculata
- Integrated Belowground Greenhouse Gas Flux Modeling (Invited)
- Intercolony Sr/Ca variability in Palmyra Island corals: Implications for paleo-SST reconstructions
- Investigating Earthquake Stress Drops on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults (Invited)
- Investigating hydrologic controls on glacier velocity using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn as a proxy for variable subglacial pressure
- Investigating variability in carbon and water dynamics along a hill slope in a tundra ecosystem underlain by permafrost
- Investigation of decadal-scale divergence in tree-ring density chronologies
- Isotopic signatures associated with growth and metabolic activities of chemosynthetic nitrate-reducing microbes from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Juan de Fuca Plate Ridge-to-Trench Experiment: initial results from active source seismic imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate and Cascadia fore-arc (Invited)
- LES modeling of wind over Antarctic snow-ice formations using a dynamic surface roughness approach
- Lake acidification and oxygen depletion may synergistically enhance nitrous oxide (N<SUB>2</SUB>O) production by nitrifier denitrification in a subalpine lake
- Last Glacial to Holocene history of the Indian Monsoon recorded in Andaman Sea sediments
- Late Cenozoic history of North African climate and vegetation: Orbital and secular changes revealed by leaf-wax biomarkers at multiple ODP sites
- Left Behind: Effects of marine reworking and sea-level rise on deltas of the 21st century (Invited)
- Leveraging Crowdsourcing and Linked Open Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery
- Linking Composition of Extractable Carbon from Active Layer Soils with Thaw Depth
- Linking methane formation and mineral carbonation during peridotite-seawater-CO<SUB>2</SUB> interactions
- Lithospheric mantle heterogeneity across the continental-oceanic transition, northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: new evidence from oxygen isotopes
- Lithospheric structure of the central Pacific: early returns from the NoMelt experiment
- Long-term geochemical connections between the Samoan hotspot and the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
- Magnetotelluric Data, Stable Distributions and Stable Regression
- Maintenance of large deltas through channelization
- Making student connections with the carbon cycle: Integrating science, public outreach, and education
- Mapping High Biomass Corridors for Climate and Biodiversity Co-Benefits
- Marine electromagnetics: A new tool for mapping fluids at subduction zones
- Mechanism of spontaneous and triggered shallow creep events - Implications for shallow fault zone properties
- Melt detected at the oceanic LAB with magnetotelluric data: Where else could it exist? (Invited)
- Microbial anaerobic methane cycling in the subseafloor at the Von Damm hydrothermal vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise
- Microseism Noise in the Philippine Sea
- Mid-Crustal Magma Chambers at Intermediate Magma Supply along the Galápagos Spreading Center
- Millennial-scale climate variability through the Mid to Late Pleistocene
- Mineral carbonation of serpentinite in the San Andreas Fault: Implications for aseismic creep
- Mineralogic reservoirs for high-field strength elements in deeply subducted continental sediments
- Multichannel Seismic Images of Cascadia Forearc Structure at the Oregon Margin
- Mylonitic deformation at the Kane oceanic core complex: Implications for the rheological behavior of oceanic detachment faults (Invited)
- Natural Serpentinite Carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway (Invited)
- Neoarchean metamorphism recorded in high-precision Sm-Nd isotope systematics of garnets from the Jack Hills (Western Australia)
- Neon Diffusion in Titanite and Zircon and the Utility of These Minerals for (U-Th)/Ne Thermochronometry
- Non-linear increases in Amazonian tree mortality due to drought-fire interactions
- Northern Cascadia Seismicity From Ocean Floor Observations -- Campaign and Permanent Seismic Experiments
- Observations of a subglacial discharge plume at the edge of a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Observing the sea surface temperature from space: what we have learned about the ocean's impact on the climate system from looking at the surface (Invited)
- Oceanic emissions of ammonia
- Oceanic plate weakened by flexural bending-induced faulting in the outer rise region of the Mariana subduction zone
- Oceanic transform fault earthquake nucleation process and source scaling relations - A numerical modeling study with rate-state friction (Invited)
- Oil sheen weathering post Deepwater Horizon
- On the distribution of permafrost carbon, plant functional type, and wildfire occurrence in northern high latitudes
- On- and off-axis magma transport in dikes at axial discontinuities: 9N OSC EPR
- Overview of the Ocean Bottom Seismology Component of the Cascadia Initiative (Invited)
- Oxygen Isotopes in Intra-Back Arc Basalts from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- Pacific Ocean Heat Content during the past 10,000 years (Invited)
- Partnering and teamwork to create content for spherical display systems to enhance public literacy in earth system and ocean sciences
- Past Asian Monsoon circulation from multiple tree-ring proxies and models (Invited)
- Patterns in foliar nutrient resorption stoichiometry at multiple scales: controlling factors and ecosystem consequences (Invited)
- Permafrost Organic Matter Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- Permeability Evolution and the Mechanisms of Porosity Change (Invited)
- Petrologic-geodynamic models of the geochemical evolution of the segmented Siqueiros transform fault (Invited)
- Pluvials, Droughts, the Mongol Empire, and Modern Mongolia
- Preserving Climate-Tectonic Interactions in the Marine Stratigraphic Records of South Asia (Invited)
- Processes Driving Natural Acidification of Western Pacific Coral Reef Waters
- Propagation of the MIS4 Eurasian Meltwater Event in the Arctic Ocean
- Provenance for actionable data products and indicators in marine ecosystem assessments
- Providing Undergraduate Research Opportunities Through the World Rivers Observatory Collaborative Network
- Punctuated events and long-term barrier evolution in a rising-sea-level world (Invited)
- Putting Hurricane Sandy in Historical and Geological Context (Invited)
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on C release from permafrost soils
- Quantifying the variability in tectonic vs. magmatic extension at the Chile Rise
- Reaction-driven cracking in the TAG deep-sea hydrothermal field: Implications for serpentinization and carbonation of peridotite
- Reduced Aftershock Productivity in Regions with Known Slow Slip Events
- Rescue of Long-Tail Data from the Ocean Bottom to the Moon
- Resolving Sea Level Changes during Previous Interglacials: best Practices from First Principles (Invited)
- Ridge Tectonics, Magma Supply, and Ridge-Hotpot Interaction at the Eastern End of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Supporting Global Data Access Through the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)
- S-Isotope Fractionation between Fluid and Silicate Melts
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change--A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Sea level record obtained from submerged the Great Barrier Reef coral reefs
- Seafloor acoustic imagery surrounding the Rainbow massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36°N
- Seafloor structure and uppermost sedimentation in the Pigafetta Basin, Magellan Seamount Chain, and East Mariana Basin of the Central-Western Pacific
- Seasonal Variation of the Geochemistry and the Effects on the Composition in Microbial Communities Attached to Fraser River Suspended Sediments
- Seasonality and long term trends in dissolved carbon export from large rivers to the Arctic Ocean, and potential effects on coastal ocean acidification (Invited)
- Seawater bicarbonate removal during hydrothermal circulation
- Sediment and Crustal Shear Velocity Structure offshore New Zealand from Seafloor Compliance, Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion
- Sedimentation rate tests tectonic models of oceanic detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5°N
- Seismic constraints on mantle hydration during subduction: Mariana versus Middle America Trench
- Seismic images of multiple magma sills beneath the East Pacific Rise
- Shear-wave Velocity Structure and Inter-Seismic Strain Accumulation in the Up-Dip Region of the Cascadia Subduction Zone: Similarities to Tohoku?
- Simulations of Tsunami Triggered by the 1883 Krakatau Volcanic Eruption: Implications for Tsunami Hazard in the South China Sea
- Spreading Rate versus Magma Supply in the Region of Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16.5° N
- Structure of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Washington Forearc from 2D Travel Time Tomography of OBS and Land Seismometer Data along and East-West Transect
- Sustainable Software Decisions for Long-term Projects (Invited)
- Syn-eruptive CO2 Degassing of Submarine Lavas Flows: Constraints on Eruption Dynamics
- Technology for Real-Time Acoustic Communications and Navigation Under Arctic Sea Ice
- Tectonics of the Nafir-Skjálfandadjúp volcanic system, Tjörnes Fracture Zone, offshore North Iceland: A case of transtensional rifting along a divergent plate boundary
- Temperature sensitivity (Q10), and dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in permafrost soils with different carbon quality and under experimental warming. R. Bracho1, E.A.G Schuur1, E. Pegoraro1, K.G. Crummer1, S. Natali2, J. Zhou, Y Luo3, J. L. Wu3, M. Tiedje4, K. Konstantinidis5 1Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. 3Institute for Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 4Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 5Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics and School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Terminology as a key uncertainty in net land use flux estimates (Invited)
- Terrestrial ecosystem regulation of interannual variability in atmospheric CO2
- The Chukchi Borderland: a Sediment-starved Rifted Continental Margin
- The Electrical Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath 70Ma Pacific Seafloor Constrained by Seafloor Magnetotelluric Data
- The MARINER Integrated Seismic and Geophysical Mapping Experiment (Invited)
- The Origin of the Jurassic Quiet Zone -new insights from Hawaiian Jurassic magnetic anomalies (Invited)
- The Relationship Between Seismicity and Fault Structure on the Discovery Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- The Successful Deployment of a New Sub-Seafloor Observatory
- The Tokar gap jet: analysis and impacts of a coastal gap wind
- The earliest mantle fabrics formed during subduction zone infancy
- The effect of porosity on fault slip mechanisms at East Pacific Rise transform faults: insight from observations and models at the Gofar Fault (Invited)
- The fate of Greenland meltwater: Progress and challenges in understanding the influence of surface melt on ice sheet dynamics and runoff in a highly transient hydrologic system (Invited)
- The fate of permafrost soil carbon under saturated conditions (Invited)
- The geomicrobiology of iron in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes (Invited)
- The hydrological response of the Indian Ocean during the LGM and deglaciation (Invited)
- The influence of magma degassing on entrapment pressures recorded in olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Top-down model estimates, bottom-up inventories, and future projections of global natural and anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide
- Towards a Trawling-Affected Sediment Budget on the NW Iberian Shelf
- Towards quantitative flux and provenance assessments of riverine suspended sediments: a geochemical investigation of the Fraser River, Canada
- Tree-Ring Network and Climate in the Mediterranean Region
- Two Techniques for Estimating Deglacial Mean-Ocean δ<SUP>13 </SUP>C Change from the Same Set of 493 Benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Records
- Unraveling the role of animal heme peroxidases in superoxide mediated Mn oxide formation
- Using Controlled Vocabularies and Semantics to Improve Ocean Data Discovery (Invited)
- Variations in Seismic Structure of the Incoming Juan de Fuca Plate Along the Cascadia Deformation Front
- Vegetation productivity patterns at high northern latitudes: do different satellite data sets agree? (Invited)
- Volcanic and Hydrothermal Activity of the North Su Volcano: New Insights from Repeated Bathymetric Surveys and ROV Observations
- Volcanic forcing during the Common Era reevaluated based on new ice core evidence
- Vulnerability of arctic and tropical carbon to changing climate (Invited)
- What Not To Do: Anti-patterns for Developing Scientific Workflow Software Components
- Who are the active players of the Iberian Margin deep biosphere? Microbial diversity of borehole U1385 through analysis of 16S rDNA and rRNA
- Wintertime ecosystem respiration shifts tundra from carbon sink to carbon source at tundra warming experiment
- Yearlong, Daily Assessments of Bio-Optical Distributions under Perennial Ice Cover in the Arctic Ocean
- Zircon from Mesoproterozoic sediments sheds light on the subduction-collision history at the eastern active continental margin of the Archaean Kalahari-Grunehogna Craton
- 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
- A 4300km-Long Particulate Hydrothermal Plume West of the Southern East Pacific Rise (15°S): Particulate Minor and Trace Elements from the U.S. GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
- A Comparison of Methods for Ocean Reconstruction from Sparse Observations
- A Comparison of Oceanic Crustal Permeability at the Outcrop, Hand Sample and Thin Section Scales
- A Geochemical Transect Across the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume Components
- A Global Compilation of MORB CO2 and H2O: Implications for Magma Ascent and Eruption Dynamics
- A High-Speed Optical Modem Communication System for CORK Seafloor Observatories
- A Microscale View of Mixing and Overturning Across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- A Numerical Modeling Study of Turbulence and Sediment Resuspension in the Near Field of River Plumes
- A Parsimonious Modular Approach to Building a Mechanistic Belowground C and N Model
- A Spatiotemporal View of the African Humid Period from Leaf Wax Isotopes
- A global perspective on riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon to the ocean
- A megaregion-scale approach for assessing the impacts of climate change and strategic management decisions in the Northeast United States
- Above and below ground carbon stocks in northeast Siberia tundra ecosystems: a comparison between disturbed and undisturbed areas
- Aerosol Phosphorus Composition: New Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy
- Age of Terrestrial Biomarkers in Fluvial Transit Across the Andes-Amazon Reveal Timescales of Carbon Storage and Turnover
- Air-Sea Exchange and Atmospheric Cycling of Mercury in South China Sea
- Alkalic Basalt in Ridge Axis of 53˚E Amagmatic Segment Center, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Analysis of Faulting and Sediment Velocity Characteristics Outboard of the Cascadia Deformation Front from Multi-Channel Seismic Data.
- Analysis of foreshock sequences in California - implications of foreshock triggering process
- Anisotropic Shear-Velocity Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere System in the Central Pacific from the NoMelt Experiment
- Application of AUVs in the Exploration for and Characterization of Arc Volcano Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Application of RNA Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) to Link Community Activity with Microorganisms Responsible for Autotrophy in the Subseafloor at Axial Seamount
- Arctic Ocean Communications: Performance Of High-Data Transmission Over The Iridium System
- Assessing air-sea interaction in the evolving NASA GEOS model
- Assessing the influence of sea ice conditions on outlet glacier retreat in Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland
- Assessment of Mixed Layer Mesoscale Parameterization in Eddy Resolving Simulations.
- Assessment of a Fully Coupled Circulation-Wave Model for the Mouth of the Columbia River
- Atmospheric Controls on Upwelling in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic Ocean
- Authentic Research Experience for University of the Fraser Valley Undergraduate Students through the Global Rivers Observatory.
- Axial Magma System Geometry beneath a Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge: Insight from Three-Dimensional Seismic Reflection Imaging on the East Pacific Rise 9º42' to 9º57'N
- Basin-Scale Exports vs. Coastal Delivery of Carbon, Nutrients and Particulates Above and Below Arctic River Deltas
- Basin-Scale Transport of Hydrothermal Iron, Manganese and Aluminum Across the Eastern South Pacific
- Benthic Primary Production in a Saltmarsh Pond: Insights from Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Oxygen
- Biogeochemical interpretations of colored dissolved organic matter optical signatures
- Body-wave Attenuation in the South-Central Region of the Gulf of California, México
- Building capacity for national carbon measurements for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>- and Ca-rich Fluids Drive Dolomite Formation During Hydrothermal Alteration of Peridotite
- Causes and Consequences of the Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Storage Variability
- Cenozoic Circulation History of the North Atlantic Ocean From Seismic Stratigraphy of the Newfoundland Ridge Drift Complex
- Changes in Dissolved Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations Along a Hill Slope Flow Path in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Changes in the Canada Basin: Results From Beaufort Gyre Observing Program/Joint Ocean Ice Studies Expeditions, 2003-2014.
- Changing Boreal Fire Regimes: Impacts on Permafrost Soils and Forest Succession in Siberian Larch Forests
- Changing Export of Dissolved Black Carbon from Arctic Rivers
- Character of High Temperature Mylonitic Shear Zones Associated with Oceanic Detachment Faults at the Ultra-Slow Mid-Cayman Rise
- Characteristics of Hydrothermal Mineralization in Ultraslow Spreading Ridges
- Characteristics of Seamounts in the South China Sea: Implications on Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatism during Cessation of Seafloor Spreading
- Characteristics of the Sinking Branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Global Ocean Model - the Impacts of Model Resolution
- Circum-Antarctic Nd isotope variability during the last 30 kyrs
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Climate forcing of the terrestrial organic carbon cycle during the last deglaciation: the Himalaya-Bengal fan example
- Clio: An Autonomous Vertical Sampling Vehicle for Global Ocean Biogeochemical Mapping
- Clumped Isotope Composition of Cold-Water Corals: A Role for Vital Effects?
- Clumped isotope disequilibrium during rapid CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake and carbonate precipitation in subaerial alkaline springs associated with ongoing serpentinization
- Comparing Terrestrial Organic Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Interglacial and Glacial Climates in the South American Tropics
- Comparison of Two Techniques to Calculate Methane Oxidation rates in Samples Obtained From the Hudson Canyon Seep Field in the North Atlantic
- Comparison of Volatile and Major Element Concentrations in Melt Inclusions from Juan de Fuca Ridge Seamounts and the Adjacent Ridge Axis
- Comparison of entrainment in constant volume and constant flux dense currents over sloping bottoms
- Composition, Temperature, and Focused Melting Beneath Ocean Ridges
- Connection of sea level height between Western Pacific and South Indian Ocean in recent decades
- Consequences of artic ground squirrels on soil carbon loss from Siberian tundra
- Constraints on the last deglaciation of the Ross Sea Sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) from <SUP>10</SUP>Be dating
- Controls on Helheim Glacier calving rates from 2001-2014
- CoopEUS EMSO-OOI Case Study: Tsunami Modelling and Early Warning Systems for Near Source Areas (Mediterranean, Juan de Fuca).
- Coupled Dynamics of Interfacial Waves and Bedforms in Fluid Muds over Erodible Seabeds in Oscillatory Flows
- Crustal Thickness and Moho Character of the Fast-Spreading East Pacific Rise Between 9º37.5'N and 9º57'N From Poststack and Prestack Time Migrated 3D MCS data
- Crustal Viscosity Structure Estimated from Multi-Phase Mixing Theory
- Crustal structure and evolution of the southern Juan de Fuca plate from wide-angle seismic data: Insights into the hydration state of the incoming plate off Cascadia subduction zone
- Current Measurements and Overwash Monitoring Using Tilt Current Meters in Three Coastal Environments
- Dating Wood-Benthic Foram-Planktic Foram Trios from the Panama Basin to Better Constrain Antarctic Intermediate Water Ventilation Age during the Last Deglaciation
- Daycent Model Development and Testing Using High Frequency N<SUB>2</SUB>o Sampling Data
- Deciphering Deep Crustal Structure Based on Gravity and Seismic Modeling of the Western Hawaiian Jurassic-Cretaceous Crust
- Deep Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico
- Deep Ocean Circulation at the Bermuda Rise during the Last 150ka: A New Centennial-Resolution Nd Isotope Record
- Defining and Measuring Coastal Vulnerability and Resilience to Natural Hazards
- Degassing of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts during Magma Ascent and Lava Emplacement
- Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Mid-Depth and Intermediate-Depth Water Variability
- Deglacial floods in the Beaufort Sea
- Deposition and Biodegradation of Submerged Oil from the Deepwater Horizon
- Deterioration of perennial sea ice in the Beaufort Gyre from 2003 to 2012 and its impact on the oceanic freshwater cycle
- Differential Effects of Ocean Acidification on Coral Calcification: Insights from Geochemistry.
- Dilatancy Strengthening As a Mechanism for Earthquake Rupture Barriers and Aseismic Creep Transients on Oceanic Transform Faults
- Discovery and Biogeochemical Investigation of Chlorinated Industrial Waste in the Deep Ocean
- Disentangling the complexity of nitrous oxide cycling in coastal sediments: Results from a novel multi-isotope approach
- Distinct temperature sensitivity among taiga and tundra shrubs in Alaska
- Distribution of mercury species across a zonal section of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (2013 U.S. GEOTRACES)
- Divergent Responses of Coastal and Oceanic Synechococcus to Iron Limitation
- Divergent trajectories of Antarctic ice shelf surface melt under 21<SUP>st</SUP> century climate scenarios
- Dramatic Weakening of the Pacific Water Boundary Current in the Beaufort Sea during the First Decade of the 2000s.
- Drifter-based estimate of the 5-year dispersal of Fukushima-derived radionuclides
- Dynamics of Superoxide Production and Decay in Natural Trichodesmium Colonies from the Sargasso Sea: Implications for Cell Signaling
- ENAM: A community seismic experiment targeting rifting processes and post-rift evolution of the Mid Atlantic US margin
- Earth's Largest Meteorite Impact Craters discovered in South America?
- Earthquake Stress Drop in Rupture Patches and Rupture Barriers on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Ebullition of CO2 and CH4 from an Upland Stream Network in Northeastern Siberia
- Ecological Controls on Biogeochemical Fluxes in the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Long-Term Observations and Inverse Food Web Model Results
- Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics in Response to Five Winters of Experimental Soil Warming and Permafrost Degradation
- Ecosystem Resiliency Study under Extreme Droughts using Multi-Land Surface Models
- Effects of Conversion from Boreal Forest to Arctic Steppe on Soil Communities and Ecosystem Carbon Pools
- Effects of Disturbances on Vegetation Composition and Permafrost Thaw in Boreal Forests and Tundra Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic
- Effects of Experimental Warming on Net Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from a New England Salt Marsh
- Effects of Fire on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in Siberian Larch Forest
- Effects of deforestation and climate variability on the hydrological balance of the Xingu River Basin, Brazil
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Effects of nitrogen loading on greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes
- Elucidating the Composition and Distribution of Trace Metals in Corals
- Elucidating the Springtime North Atlantic Phytoplankton Bloom and the Biological Pump from a Ship of Opportunity and Satellite Data
- Emerging deforestation trends in tropical dry forests ecoregions of Mexico and Central America
- Emissions of Black Carbon Aerosols from Alaskan Boreal Forest Wildfires
- Enzymatic Production of Extracellular Reactive Oxygen Species by Marine Microorganisms
- Estimating the Heat and Mass Flux at the ASHES Hydrothermal Vent Field with the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Evidence for shallow dehydration of the subducting plate beneath the Mariana forearc: New insights into the water cycle at subduction zones
- Evolution of Mineral-Organic Matter Associations in Sediments: From (Bio)mineralization to Burial
- Evolution of the Upper-Ocean Thermal Structure beneath Hurricanes Iselle and Julio (2014)
- Experimental Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions during Incipient Serpentinization of Harzburgite
- Experimental Study on Hydrothermal Plume Dynamics in a Stratified Salt Water Tank
- Experimental determination of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O-undersaturated peridotite solidus
- Exploring Genomic Diversity Using Metagenomics of Deep-Sea Subsurface Microbes from the Louisville Seamount and the South Pacific Gyre
- Exploring Patterns of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition with Students and the Public Through the Global Decomposition Project (GDP)
- Exploring the Habitability of Ice-covered Waterworlds: The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal System of the Aurora Mount at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean (82°54' N, 6°15W, 3900 m)
- Extensive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Facilitating Semantic Interoperability Among Ocean Data Systems: ODIP-R2R Student Outcomes
- First scientific dives of the Nereid Under Ice hybrid ROV in the Arctic Ocean.
- Fluid migration pathways, sediment subduction, and the source of fluids escaping along the forearc seafloor revealed offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data
- From Mantle to Microbe to Mollusc: How Animal-Microbial Symbioses Influence Carbon and Sulfur Cycling in Hydrothermal Vent Flows.
- Geochemistry of Basalts from the Asymmetric Spreading Ridge Segment at 16.5̊N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Model of Deeptow Magnetic Survey in the Southwest Subbasin of South China Sea Ridge
- Geophysical Characteristics of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Global synthesis and analysis of deep-sea hydrothermal time-series data: Toward a characterization of the outflow dynamics
- Grain-Size Dynamics Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for Permeability and Melt Extraction
- Greenland Freshwater Input to the North Atlantic
- Heat and Ice in Sermilik Fjord: Novel Observational Techniques Using PIES
- Helium Isotopic Compositions of Antarctic High-Mg Rocks Related to the Karoo Continental Flood Basalts: Evidence for a Depleted Upper Mantle Source?
- Highlights from a decade of Ice-Tethered Profiler measurements of the Arctic Ocean
- How and when can submarine melting be inferred from estimates of ocean heat transport?
- How can Historical Responses of Amazonian Forests to Drought and Fire Inform Future Prediction?
- How the Second Law of Thermodynamics Has Informed Ecosystem Ecology through Its History
- Hydrological Consequences of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Amazon Agricultural Frontier
- Hydrologically Induced Basal Slip Triggers Greenland Supraglacial Lake Drainages
- Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Waters: Identification and Source Apportionment
- Impact of warming and drying on microbial activity in subarctic tundra soils: inferences from patterns in extracellular enzyme activity
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Cover on Water and Carbon Dynamics in Northern Eurasia
- Implication of eolian delivery and accumulation of highly reactive iron to the Atlantic Ocean
- Improving an Inlet for Underwater Volatile Analyses
- In-Situ Observations of a Subglacial Outflow Plume in a Greenland Fjord
- Inferring Surface Water Equilibrium Calcite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O during the Last Deglacial Period from Benthic Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Records: Implications for Ocean Circulation
- Infiltration of Refractory Melts into the Sub-Oceanic Mantle: Evidence from Major and Minor Element Compositions of Minerals from the 53° E Amagmatic Segment Abyssal Peridotites at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Influence of Geologic Setting on the Morphology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Vent Deposits Along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge
- Initial constraints on crustal structure across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
- Inner Shelf Current Structure Under Different Forcing Mechanisms— Combining ADCP and HF Radar Measurements
- Insights into the internal structure and formation of striated fault surfaces of oceanic detachments from in situ observations (13°20'N and 13°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
- Integrative Analysis of Mantle Lithosphere Rheology
- Intensification of Climate-Carbon Feedbacks after 2100 and Implications for Disturbance Regimes
- Inter-Annual and Shorter-Term Variability in Physical and Biological Characteristics Across Barrow Canyon in August - September 2005-2014
- Interannual to decadal temperature variability in the north-west Atlantic: Observations from the MV Oleander XBT line
- International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349 and Multidisciplinary Research in the South China Sea
- Isotopic Content of Ground Ice in the Lower Kolyma River Valley (Eastern Siberia)
- Laboratory experiments on subduction-induced circulation in the wedge and the evolution of mantle diapirs
- Lagrangian modeling of Aquarius surface salinity in the Bay of Bengal
- Large-Scale Mapping and Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems with the NISAR Mission
- Late Quaternary Productivity Records from Coccolith Sr/Ca
- Lead concentration and isotope chronology in two coastal environments in Western and South East Asia
- Leads, Lags, and Correlations among Geochemical Records Through the Cenomanian/turonian Boundary Interval in Demerara Rise Black Shales
- Length Scales of Magmatic Segments at Intermediate and Fast Spreading Ridges
- Lithospheric Structure, Stress, and Magmatism at the Rainbow Non-Transform Offset on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Long-Range Radiation of Barotropic Rossby Waves from the Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Managing Nitrogen in the anthropocene: integrating social and ecological science
- Mantle domain and segmentation at the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Mantle-crust differentiation of chalcophile elements in the oceanic lithosphere
- Matching scale to processes in stream DOM biogeochemistry
- Mechanism for Normal Faulting in the Subducting Plate at the Mariana Trench
- Mechanisms of Surface Wave Energy Dissipation over a Fluid Mud Sediment Suspension
- Mercury Cycling in Salt Marsh Pond Ecosystems: Cape Cod, MA
- Mercury Speciation, Retention and Genomics in Fertilized Salt Marsh Sediments
- Methods for analysis of internal-tide propagation variability
- Microbial Turnover of Fixed Nitrogen Compounds in Oceanic Crustal Fluids
- Millennial Scale Variability of the AMOC and its Link to Climate During the Holocene
- Millennial-Scale Variability in the Indian Monsoon and Links to Ocean Circulation
- Miocene to Present Sea Level and the Origin of Modern Rimmed Atoll Morphology
- Modeled and Observed Transitions Between Rip Currents and Alongshore Flows
- Modeling Channelization in Coastal Wetlands with Ecological Feedbacks
- Modeling Motu Profile Response to Varying Wave and Storm Climate
- Modeling Post-Entrapment Modification of Volatile Contents in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Modeling Seafloor Deformation at the TAG Hydrothermal Field: Feedbacks between Permeability and Poroelastic Fluid Flow?
- Modeling the hydrological patterns on Pantanal wetlands, Brazil
- Modes of Extensional Faulting Controlled By Surface Processes
- Molecular Signature of Organic Nitrogen in Septic-Impacted Groundwater
- Morphological Inheritance in Sandy Coastline Morphologies Subject to Long-Term Changes in Wave Climate: Surprising Insights from a Coastline Evolution Model
- Multiproxy Reconstruction of Tropical Pacific Holocene Mean State Variability
- My River My Home: Both Art and Science
- Mycogenic Mn(II) oxidation promotes remediation of acid mine drainage and other anthropogenically impacted environments
- N2O Emissions in Southeastern Amazonia: The Effect of Agricultural Intensification
- NASA's NI-SAR Observing Strategy and Data Availability for Agricultural Monitoring and Assessment
- Navigating a Sea of Big Data
- Near-Seafloor Magnetic Exploration of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems in the Kermadec Arc
- New Direct Estimates of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water Transport Through the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone
- Nitrite isotope dynamics in coastal sediments: An intricate link between nitrogen and oxygen cycling
- Nitrous Oxide Production and Fluxes from Coastal Sediments under Varying Environmental Conditions
- North African dust deposition and hydroclimate over the last 60 ka: A combined view from the east and west of the continent
- North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Abrupt Climate Change through the Last Glaciation
- Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS): A Multi-scale Global-Regional-Estuarine FVCOM Model
- Observed and Modeled Sediment Transport Around Katama Inlet, Martha's Vineyard
- Occurrence, pathways and implications of biological production of reactive oxygen species in natural waters
- Oceanic Plate Bending Along the Manila Trench
- Oceanic forcing of Helheim Glacier, Greenland: a 5 years synthesis
- One Year of Data of Scimpi Borehole Measurements
- Open-System Magma Reservoir Affects Gas Segregation, Vesiculation, Fragmentation and Lava/Pyroclast Dispersal During the 1.2 km-deep 2007-2010 Submarine Eruption at West Mata Volcano
- Opportunities for Hydrologic Research in the Congo Basin
- Overview of Hydrographic Data From the GEOTRACES EPZT Cruise
- Pacific Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy from the Active-Source Seismic Component of the NoMelt Experiment
- Paleotempestological chronology developed from gas ion source AMS analysis of carbonates determined through real-time Bayesian statistical approach
- Partitioning Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration at Howland Forest
- Partitioning soil respiration: examining the artifacts of the trenching method.
- Partnerships: One Strategy for Meeting Big Data Challenges
- Past and Future Rainfall in the Horn of Africa
- Patterns in DOC Concentration and Composition in Tundra Watersheds in the Kolyma River Basin
- Physical Processes and Nitrous Oxide Emissions Pre and Post-Freezing
- Pinning fault zone strength using small earthquakes in the Mendocino triple junction region recorded by a dense OBS array
- Pleistocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall Variability
- Polaris Undergraduates Connecting With K-12 Students Though Story Telling-Learning About Climate Change Using Web-Mapping Based Investigations
- Potential Influence of Climate-Induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes in Northern Eurasia
- Preliminary Polar Sea Trials of Nereid-UI: A Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle for Oceanographic Access Under Ice
- Provenance Usage in the OceanLink Project
- Provenance through Time
- Proxy Applications of Pa/Th Investigated with Scavenging Chemistry in the North Atlantic
- Pyrolysis-AMS Study of Age Structure of SOC in Volcanic Soils on Kohala Volcano, Hawaii
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake (Mw 6.3) Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- Quantifying Methane Oxidation Rates and Flux During the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill with Measurements of Methane Stable Isotopic Ratios and Concentrations
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Radium as a tracer of benthic trace element inputs from the Peruvian continental margin (2013 U.S. Pacific GEOTRACES cruise)
- Rapid Assessment of Wave Height Transformation through a Tidal Inlet via Radar Remote Sensing
- Reactive transport model of growth and methane production by high-temperature methanogens in hydrothermal regions of the subseafloor
- Reconstructing Fjord Circulation Near a Greenland Tidewater Glacier with Physical Modeling and in Situ Mooring Data
- Relamination and the Differentiation of Continental Crust
- Relation Between the Large-Scale Atmospheric Variability and Ocean Circulation in the Nordic Seas
- Relationship of the South Asian Monsoon and Regional Drought with Distinct Equatorial Pacific SST Patterns on Interannual and Decadal Timescales
- Remote and In Situ Observations of Surfzone and Inner-Shelf Tracer Dispersion
- Response of carbon sequestration in salt marshes to changes in nitrogen loading and sea level rise
- Response of the Length and Stratification of the North River Estuary to Changes in Forcing
- Results from the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit
- Revisiting South China Sea Oceanic Spreading in Light of IODP Expedition 349 Results
- Role of Reactive Intermediates in Manganese Oxide Formation By Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Big Data and Standard Services for the Fleet Community
- Seafloor Geodetic Monitoring of the Central Andean Subduction Zone: The Geosea Array
- Seasonal dynamics of organic carbon cycling in the Fraser River, Canada
- Seasonal pattern of solar-induced fluorescence as a proxy for canopy photosynthesis in a temperate deciduous forest
- Sediment Bypassing of River Mouths: Mechanisms and Effects on Delta Evolution
- Sediment bypassing and re-entry in an estuarine salt wedge regime
- Sedimentological and Stratagraphic Evidence for a Catastrophic Flood Along the Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of Subduction Bending-Related Faults at Cascadia
- Seismicity and Attenuation of the Continental Margin Off New York and Southern/ New England from OBS Data
- Seismicity of the Incoming Plate at the Mariana Trench Located Using an Ocean Bottom Seismograph Array
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle across the Mariana Trench from Ambient Seismic Noise
- Shear-wave velocity of slope sediments near Hudson Canyon from analysis of ambient noise
- Simulating the effect of glacial sea level changes on Indo-Pacific climate
- Simulations of low-mode internal tides in realistic mean flows
- Snow distribution on Antarctic sea ice: precipitation, accumulation, and connections to sea ice thickness from in situ and NASA IceBridge observations.
- Soil nitrogen and carbon impacts of raising chickens on pasture
- South China Sea Tectonics and Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349 and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys
- Spatial Distribution of Diapycnal Diffusion of Heat and Buoyancy in the Indian Ocean
- Spatial and Temporal Changes to Water Chemistry and Heat Flux of the Lake Rotomahana Hydrothermal System
- Spatial and temporal diversity of microbial mats in the shallow-water hydrothermal system of Milos Island (Greece)
- Spatially-Explicit Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fire and Land-Use Change in the Brazilian Cerrado
- Spatially-resolved mean flow and turbulence help explain observed erosion and deposition patterns of snow over Antarctic sea ice
- Stable Isotope Systematics of Abiotic Nitrite Reduction Coupled with Anaerobic Iron Oxidation: The Role of Reduced Clays and Fe-bearing Minerals
- State of Hydration of the Juan de Fuca Plate Along the Cascadia Deformation Front from Controlled-Source Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Strontium isotope variation in the dissolved load and suspended sediments of Northern Hemisphere land terminating glaciers
- Structure and Surface Properties of Eddies in the Southeast Pacific Ocean
- Subglacial hydrological controls on meltwater <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and the strontium flux from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Submarine Melting of Icebergs from Repeat High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
- Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin
- Subseafloor nitrogen redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawai
- Surface and basal sea ice melt from autonomous buoy arrays during the 2014 sea ice retreat in the Beaufort/Chukchi Seas
- Surfzone alongshore advective accelerations: observations and modeling
- Surfzone vorticity in the presence of extreme bathymetric variability
- Surge Driven Return Flow Results in Deposition of Coarse Grain Horizons Archiving a 4000 Year Record of Extreme Storm Events, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Tectonic Subsidence of the East Subbasin of the South China Sea
- Tectonic, Magmatic and Geochemical Segmentation of the Global Ocean Ridge System: A Synthesis of Observations
- Temperature and Light Effects on Extracellular Superoxide Production by Algal and Bacterial Symbionts in Corals: Implications for Coral Bleaching
- Testing two potential fates for coastal marshes: Greenhouse gas emissions from native, Phragmites australis-invaded, and permanently inundated zones
- Thallium isotope a new tool for tracking the global marine ferromanganese burial
- The Alaskan Fire Emissions Database (AKFED): analysis of environmental controls on daily fire emissions and comparison with atmospheric trace gas measurements
- The Continental Drift Convection Cell
- The Dynamics of Mercury Speciation and Transport at a Central California Coastal Lagoon
- The Effect of Changes in the Hadley Circulation on Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones
- The Effects of Permafrost Thaw on Organic Matter Quality and Availability Along a Hill Slope in Northeastern Siberia
- The Effects on Bay Circulation of Changing Geometry and Location of Katama Inlet, Martha's Vineyard, MA
- The Electrical Structure of the Central Pacific Upper Mantle Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
- The Impact of Climate Change on the Fraser River may Result in Increased Algal Blooms in the Strait of Georgia
- The Importance of Submesoscale Versus Basin-scale Processes in Driving the Subpolar Spring Phytoplankton Bloom.
- The Influence of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Climate Variability on Amazon Tropical Forest
- The Influences of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter in the Gulf of Maine
- The Lithospheric Structure of Southern Africa from Magnetotelluric Sounding
- The Marion and Bouvet Rises: Remelting Gondwana's Mantle
- The Melt Segregation During Ascent of Buoyant Diapirs in Subduction Zones
- The OceanLink Project
- The Quest to Find the Ring (Data)
- The Role of Time Scales in Estimating the Relative Importance of Isopycnal and Diapycnal Oceanic Mixing
- The Sensitivity of Aragonite U/Ca Ratio to Seawater Carbonate Ion Concentration: Insight From Abiogenic Precipitation Experiments and Application to Coral Biomineralization
- The Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study (SOCRATES): An Observational Campaign for Determining Role of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation in Climate System
- The Speciation of Particulate Iron and Carbon in the East Pacific Rise 15<SUP>o</SUP>S Near-field Hydrothermal Plume and Underlying Sediments
- The Unusal Presence of Diatoms in Western North Atlantic Sediments during the Deglaciation
- The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function
- The effect of bed forms on the dynamics of the fluid mud transport: preliminary insights from field observations and numerical simulations
- The effects of Fire Disturbance on Soil Water Cycling of a Southeast Amazonian Forest
- The first geothermal heat flux measurement below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Thermodynamics in the Suppressed Phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Using a Multiplatform Strategy
- Toward a New Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of the Younger Toba Super Eruption
- Toward the Inference of Deglacial Ocean Dynamics from the Spatial Pattern of LGM-to-Modern d13C and d18O Change
- Towards a common provenance model for research publications
- Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346.
- Tracking Stress and Hydrothermal Activity Along Oceanic Spreading Centers Using Tomographic Images of Seismic Anisotropy
- Transforming Research in Oceanography through Education, Ethnography and Rapidly Evolving Technologies: An NSF-INSPIRE project.
- Tree-ring temperature reconstructions for the northeastern United States from Chamaecyparis thyoides
- Trend and Inter-Annual Variability in Southeast Greenland Sea Ice: Impacts on Coastal Greenland Climate Variability
- Typhoon-Mediated Organic Carbon Export in the Western Pacific: The Role of Steep Mountainous Rivers
- Uranium isotope dynamics across salinity and redox gradients in a coastal aquifer: implications for the oceanic uranium budget
- Use of a finite difference hydrologic model to assess the potential effectiveness of changes in cropping practices to reduce nitrate loading to a shallow aquifer.
- Using Coastal Ice Cap Records to Investigate Maritime Climate and Ice Sheet Processes in West Greenland
- Using Digital Globes to Explore the Deep Sea and Advance Public Literacy in Earth System Science
- Using Icebergs to Constrain Fjord Circulation and Link to Glacier Dynamics
- Using Linked Open Data and Semantic Integration to Search Across Geoscience Repositories
- Using Mid-IR Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry to Simultaneously Measure N<SUB>2</SUB>o, CO<SUB>2</SUB>, and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes: Responses to Ammonium Nitrate Additions in Salt Marshes
- Using a New Deep-Sea Camera System to Measure Temporal Variations of the Volume and Heat Flux of Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids at the ASHES Vent Field
- Using the VentCam and Optical Plume Velocimetry to Measure High-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluid Flow Rates in the ASHES Vent Field on Axial Volcano
- Variability of the central-North Atlantic subtropical gyre induced by Rossby waves
- Variation of Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Tributary Streams Water Chemistry, 2010 to 2014.
- Variations in Crustal Structure, Lithospheric Flexural Strength, and Isostatic Compensation Mechanisms of Mars
- Vertical Structure and Dynamics of the Beaufort Gyre Subsurface Layer from ADCP Obervations
- Visualization of the Dynamic Rhizosphere Environment: Microbial and Biogeochemical Perspectives
- Water weakening during semibrittle flow and faulting of experimentally deformed quartz sandstone
- Wave and Wind Effects on Inlet Circulation
- Were Semi-Arid Areas Wetter or Drier during the Pliocene?
- Wind- and Tide-Driven Cross-Inlet Circulation at New River Inlet, NC
- Xingu Project - Integrating Land Use Planning and Water Governance in Amazonia: Towards Improved Freshwater Security in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso.
- <p>Spatial Heterogeneity of Greenhouse Gases at Howland Forest, Maine
- 2000 Years of Drought Variability in Inner Asia from Tree Rings
- 250 years of SW Indian Monsoon Variability from Red Sea Corals
- 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes
- A Climate Data Record of Near-Surface Over-Ocean Parameters and Air-Sea Fluxes
- A Decade of Graduate Climate Conferences for Training the Next Generation of Earth Scientists
- A Pan-arctic Survey about the Meaning of Winter Respiration in Northern High Latitudes
- A Rare Window Into Magmatic Conduit Processes: Time Series Observations From Active Lava Lakes
- A Strategic Vision for NSF Investments in Antarctic and Southern Ocean Research: Recommendations of a New Study from the National Academes of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
- A long-term context (931-2005 C.E.) for rapid warming over central Asia
- A new pan-tropical estimate of carbon loss in natural and managed forests in 2000-2012
- A non-invasive method for estimating heat flux out of a hydrothermal crack derived from fluid dynamics analog modeling
- A probabilistic approach for assessing the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure to flooding from sea level rise and storm surge.
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Accurate Sound Velocity Measurement in Ocean Near-Surface Layer
- Agricultural Intensification in the Amazon: Tracking Nitrogen Fertilizer from Soy-Maize Double Cropping to Streams
- Air-sea Interactions from Weather to Interannual Variability from Satellites and Models
- Alkanes, Alcohols, and Fatty Acids Record Complementary Signals in Fluvial Sediments: Insights From a Three Year Congo River Time Series
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Analysis of microearthquakes at the non-transform offset of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hosting the Rainbow hydrothermal system (36°14'N)
- Applications of Advanced Technology for Monitoring Forest Carbon to Support Climate Change Mitigation
- Arc Magma Genesis from Melting of Mélange Diapirs
- Arctic Council Nations Could Encourage Development of Climate Indicator: Flux to the Atmosphere from Arctic Permafrost Carbon
- Asymmetric crustal structure of the slow-spreading Mohns Ridge
- BCO-DMO: Supporting the Management and Sharing of Marine Trace Metal Data
- Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic - Recent Developments and Future Directions
- Can Diploastrea heliopora be an Alternate Coral Climate Archive in the Indo-Pacific?
- Carbon, nitrogen cycling and land cover changes during regrowth in African dry tropical forests: integrating perspectives from field and satellite data across a chronosequence in the Miombo Woodlands of western Tanzania
- Chemical and isotopic characteristics of hot springs along the along the Neogene Malawi rift.
- Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
- Co-seismic and post-seismic viscoelastic Coulomb stress transfer after the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Effects on the 2012 M8.6 Sumatran strike-slip earthquake
- Comparison of Equatorial Pacific Sea Surface Variability and Trends with Sr/Ca Records from Multiple Corals
- Compositional controls on subducted slab dynamics in the early Earth
- Constraining Earthquake Source Parameters in Rupture Patches and Rupture Barriers on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise from Ocean Bottom Seismic Data
- Constraining The Radiocarbon Distribution Within Major Components of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Constraining porosity of the shallow forearc and plate interface offshore Nicaragua with marine electromagnetic data
- Constraints on Flow Dynamics within the Oceanic Asthenosphere from a High-Resolution Estimate of Seismic Anisotropy
- Continental Lower Crust: Wavespeeds, Composition, and Relamination
- Correlating organic carbon concentration and composition with mineralogy in deep-sea pelagic sediments
- Correlations between the Heterogeneity of Permafrost Thaw Depth and Vegetation in Boreal Forests and Arctic Tundra in Alaska.
- Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Variability in the Suppressed Phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Crustal Structure Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana: Initial Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Active-Source Seismic Profile
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Luangwa Rift, Zambia: Constraints from Potential Field Data
- Crustal accretion along the global mid-ocean ridge system based on basaltic glass and olivine-hosted melt inclusion compositions
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Shear Velocity Structure across the Mariana Trench
- Culturing Fundamentals Used To Design And Execute A Long-Term Multi-stressor Experiment To Assess Impact Of Deoxygenation, Ocean Acidification, And Warming On Benthic Foraminiferal Community Composition, Growth, And Carbonate Yield: Design And Results
- Deciphering the thermal and mixing history of the Pleistocene rhyolite magma chamber at Augustine Volcano
- Deep-Sea Observatory EMSO-Azores (Lucky Strike, 37º17'N MAR): Impact of Fluid Circulation Pathway on Chemical Hydrothermal Fluxes
- Deformation associated with the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 Eruption of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Degassing of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Quantifying Bubble Nucleation and Growth in the 2005-06 East Pacific Rise Lava
- Density Sorting During the Evolution of Continental Crust
- Depth-dependent permeability of hydrothermal discharge zones: measurements through tidal modulation and implications for mid-ocean ridge heat budgets
- Detailed Analysis of Marine Gravity Survey Data from Panama Canal Transits: Improving Error Models and Signal Processing for BGM-3 Marine Gravimeter Survey Systems
- Development and Applications of Thallium isotopes: a new proxy tracking the extent of manganese oxide burial
- Development of analytical techniques of vanadium isotope in seawater
- Does a Superswell Exist Between Antarctica and Australia?
- Drifter-based Predictions of the Spread of Surface Contamination Using Iterative Statistics: A Local Example with Global Applications
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast
- ENSO-Related Variability in Wave Climate Drives Greater Erosion Potential on Central Pacific Atolls
- EarthCube GeoLink: Semantics and Linked Data for the Geosciences
- Effects of Volcanic Eruptions on Climate in Inner Asia from 600 BCE to 2015 CE
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Elucidating Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Composition of Organic Carbon in Deep Pelagic Sediments
- Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
- Erosion of Organic Carbon from Permafrost Zones in the Arctic as a Geological Carbon Dioxide Sink
- Essential Partnerships in the Data Management Life Cycle
- Evolution of the Southern East Pacific Rise Helium Plume over the Past 3 Decades
- Experimental Determination of the H<SUB>2</SUB>O-undersaturated Peridotite Solidus
- Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
- Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
- Extent and impact of Cretaceous magmatism on the formation and evolution of Jurassic oceanic crust in the western Pacific
- Fine-scale alongshore variability over the inner continental shelf revealed by fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing
- Fire effects on methane emissions from a larch forest in Northeastern Siberia
- Floodplain Modulation of Solute Fluxes from Mountainous Regions: the Amazonian Madre de Dios River Case Study
- Galapagos Penguins in a Warming World: An Exemplar of Biological Loopholes in the Anthropocene
- Geophysical Investigation of Australian-Antarctic Ridge Using High-Resolution Gravity and Bathymetry
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global variations in gravity-derived oceanic crustal thickness and implications on oceanic crustal accretion processes
- Grain Size as a Control for Melt Focusing Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Forested Wetland and Upland Soils
- Greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes and their response to nitrogen loading
- Greenland Meltwater and Arctic Circulation Regimes
- Heat, salt, and freshwater budgets for a glacial fjord in Greenland
- Historic seasonality in Iberian trees: 400 yrs of winter North Atlantic Oscillation and summer hydroclimate
- Historical and potential future impacts of extreme hydrological events on the Amazonian floodplain hydrology and inundation dynamics
- How Depleted is the MORB mantle?
- How Plates Pull Transforms Apart: 3-D Numerical Models of Oceanic Transform Fault Response to Changes in Plate Motion Direction
- Hydroacoustic seismicity along oceanic transform faults: Contrasts between the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Hydrothermal Activity in the Northern Guaymas Basin
- Hydrothermal Exploration of Mid-Ocean Ridges: Where Might the Largest Sulfide Deposits Occur?
- Hydrothermal activity along the slow-spreading Lucky Strike ridge segment (Mid-Atlantic Ridge): Distribution, heatflux, and geological controls
- Hydrothermal venting on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 600,000 years
- IODP Expedition 354: A Bengal fan record of Himalayan erosion, weathering and organic carbon burial during the Neogene.
- Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Identifying Glacial Meltwater Sources in Greenland using Noble Gases as Tracers
- Identifying potential seasonal and historical drivers of marine-terminating glacier retreat in Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland
- Impact of land use and land cover change on climate and air quality in the CESM
- Implications of North Atlantic Sea Surface Salinity for Summer Precipitation over the US Midwest: Mechanisms and Predictive Value
- Importance of Nitrogen Availability on Land Carbon Sequestration in Northern Eurasia during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Improved Access to NSF Funded Ocean Research Data
- Increasing the realism of projected tree species ranges by incorporating migration potential: an eastern US case study
- Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Inverse modeling of storm intensity based on grain-size analysis of hurricane-induced event beds
- Investigating a newly discovered firn aquifer on Disko Ice Cap, west Greenland: Insights from ground observations, remote sensing, and modeling
- Investigating marine microbe/metal interactions with LC-ICPMS-ESIMS
- Investigation into seasonal water chemistry variations in the Clayburn Creek watershed, British Columbia: An opportunity for authentic research experience for University of the Fraser Valley undergraduate students.
- Investigation of turbulent flows and near-bottom hydrothermal plumes at mid-ocean ridges
- Iron Cycling in Sediment of the North Atlantic: Preliminary Results from R/V Knorr Expedition 223
- Jupiter's Migration and the Hydration of the Early Inner Solar System
- Late Holocene stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic variation of bulk organic matter deposited in Blackwood Sinkhole, Abaco, The Bahamas
- Leaf Wax δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Varies with Elevation in the Peruvian Andes and Western Amazonia
- Life strategies of a ubiquitous and abundant subsurface archaeal group Bathyarchaeota
- Lightweight Data Systems in the Cloud: Costs, Benefits and Best Practices
- Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer
- Lithologic melt partitioning and transport properties of partially molten harzburgite
- Lithospheric Shear Velocity Structure of South Island, New Zealand from Rayleigh Wave Tomography of Amphibious Array Data
- Live and Dead Root Biomass in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Long-term Impacts of Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C loss in Siberian Larch Forests
- Long-term Nutrient Fertilization Increases CO<SUB>2</SUB> Loss in Arctic Tundra
- Looking for Larvae Above an Erupting Submarine Volcano, NW Rota-1, Mariana Arc
- Magma Supply at the Arctic Gakkel Ridge: Constraints from Peridotites and Basalts
- Melting Systematics in Mid-ocean Ridge Basalts and Implications for Global CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply and Glacial Cycles: Long Time Series Studies of Crustal Thickness and Seafloor Topography
- Nanoparticulate, sub-micron and micron sized particles emanating from hydrothermal vents
- Needles in the blue Sea: Sub-species specificity by targeted metaproteomics of the vast oceanic microbial metaproteome
- New sedimentological evidence supporting a catastrophic meltwater discharge event along the Beaufort margin, Arctic Ocean
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Nitrogen deposition fuels harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea
- Observations of Brine Pool Surface Characteristics and Internal Structure Through Remote Acoustic and Structured Light Imaging
- Observed Eastward Progression of the Fukushima <SUP>134</SUP>Cs Signal Across the North Pacific
- Oceanic and Climate phasing analysis across Marine Isotope Stage 3
- On the relationship between boreal forest browning and tree mortality: insights from Alaska
- Optically-Thin Cirrus Cloud Radiance Bias in Satellite Radiometric Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval
- Os-isotopic Compositions of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Oceanic Mantle: Implications for the Age of Isotopic Domains in the Oceanic Mantle.
- Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Biogenic Manganese(III/IV) Oxides
- Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt
- Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to improve simulations of terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks
- Past, Present, and Future Threat of Tropical Cyclones and Coastal Flooding in New York City
- Permafrost Thaw, Soil Moisture and Plant Community Change Alter Organic Matter Decomposition in Alaskan Tundra
- Photooxidation and Microbial Processing of Ancient and Modern Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Kolyma River, Siberia.
- Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology near Palmer Station Antarctica
- Pleistocene Indian Monsoon rainfall variability dominated by obliquity
- Population-Level Transcriptomic Responses of the Southern Ocean Salp Salpa thompsoni to Environment Variability of the Western Antarctic Peninsula Region
- Post-depositional migration and preservation of methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in polar ice cores
- Post-fire stand structure impacts carbon storage within Siberian larch forests
- Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Prograde Metamorphism recorded in Antarctic Granulite
- Pronounced Weakening of Deep Components of the AMOC During the Late Holocene Caused by Export of Arctic Sea-Ice and Freshwater
- Quaternary sea level high-stand deposits of the southeast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Age, distribution, and implications.
- Rare Earth Element Compositions of Chlorite-rich Hydrothermal Sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea
- Recirculation of the Canary Current in Fall
- Reconnaissance <SUP>14</SUP>C Dating and the Evaluation of Mg/Li as a Temperature Proxy in Bamboo Corals from the California Margin
- Reconstructing magma storage depths from olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Do vapor bubbles matter?
- Remote Sensing of Arctic-Boreal Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems - Recent Progress and Current and Future Challenges
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Scaling Relations for the Thermal Structure of Segmented Oceanic Transform Faults
- Scytonemin and Photosynthetic Pigment Proxies for Late Pleistocene/Holocene Environmental Change in the Eastern Great Basin
- Sea Surface Temperature Records Using Sr/Ca Ratios in a Siderastrea siderea Coral from SE Cuba
- Seafloor bathymetry is not a paleoclimate proxy
- Seasonal Evolution of Snow Cover on Antarctic Sea Ice
- Seasonal Variation in Basal Shear Stress Beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Seasonal cycle of the Canary Current.
- Seasonal variation of ecosystem respiration delta <SUP>13</SUP>C in response to experimental permafrost thaw and vegetation removal in moist acidic tundra
- Seaward- Versus Landward-Verging Thrusts in Accretionary Wedges: A Numerical Modeling Study of the Effects of Heterogeneity in Pore Fluid Pressure and Frictional Strength
- Sedimentary Records of the Paleohurricane Activity in the Bahamas
- Seismic Excitation of the Ross Ice Shelf by Whillans Ice Stream Stick-Slip Events
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Heat Source of an Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal System (Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36° 10-17'N)
- Seismic velocity structure of the sediment seaward of Cascadia Subduction Zone deformation front
- Seismicity of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large Offset Transforms recorded during a multi-year hydrophone array deployment
- Several firn core records suggest relatively stable accumulation rates during the past two centuries over the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica
- Significant Methane Emissions from Siberian Arctic Rivers: The Importance of Ebullition, a Regional Estimate and the Challenges of Broader Arctic Scaling
- Solubility and Partitioning of Carbon and Sulfur in Fe-rich Alloy and Silicate Melt Systems at High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Earth's Heterogeneous Accretion
- Some Remarks on the Interpretation of the REE-in-two-Mineral Thermobarometers
- Source Mechanism, Stress Triggering, and Hazard Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Oil/Gas Fields in Oman and Kuwait
- Sources and Residence Times of Exported Organic Carbon From High-standing Tropical Island
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Abiotic Ammonium Production in the Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
- Stratigraphic relationships and timing of the 2012 Havre submarine silicic volcanic eruption revealed by high resolution bathymetric mapping and observations by underwater vehicles.
- Study of Snow-Atmosphere Interactions over an Antarctic Surface Using Large Eddy Simulations Coupled with a Lagrangian Stochastic Model
- Subseafloor fluid mixing and fossilized microbial life in a Cretaceous 'Lost City'-type hydrothermal system at the Iberian Margin
- Subtropical Productivity from Profiling Floats and Gliders
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- Taking the Firn into Account: Elevation Change of the Greenland Ice Sheet due to Surface Mass Balance and Firn Processes, 1960-2014
- Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
- Temporal and Water Column Variability in Particulate Organic Carbon Composition on the Amazon River Main-stem
- Temporal and spatial variations in seismicity of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults at the East Pacific Rise
- Temporal evolution of magmatic-hydrothermal systems in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Insights from vent fluid chemistry and bathymetric observations
- Thallium Isotopes Tracking Mn-Oxide Burial - A Proxy for Deoxygenation During Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: Observing, Understanding, and Predicting Social-Ecological Change in the Far North
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Dynamic State of the Ocean and Atmosphere during Megadroughts in the American West
- The Electrical Structure of the 70Ma Pacific LAB Constrained by the NoMelt Experiment
- The End of Monterey Submarine Canyon Incision and Potential River Source Areas-Os, Nd, and Pb Isotope Constraints from Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts
- The Expansion of Agriculture and Its Effects of Evapotranspiration in Brazil's Newest Agricultural Frontier
- The First Guess: Testing predictions of coastal change from shoreline orientation and wave climate along Cape Cod and the U.S. Eastern Coast
- The Impact of Fe(II) on NO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> Isotopic Composition During Denitrification by Natural Sediment
- The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source
- The Path Forward for U.S. CLIVAR
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Their Distribution and Seismic Estimates of Their Thickness and Alteration of Intruded Sediments
- The Soil Sink for Nitrous Oxide: Trivial Amount but Challenging Question
- The State of the Carbon Cycle: Ten Years On
- The Surface Storm Tracks in the Three CMIP5 Global Climate Models
- The Thinning of the lithosphere before Magmatic Spreading is Established at the Western End of the Cocos-Nazca Rift
- The Tundra is a Net Source of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measured by Autochambers and Eddy Covariance Techniques During Five Years in a Site With Permafrost Thawing.
- The conceptual and scientific motivation for the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
- The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O flux and losses to groundwater
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The nitrogen isotopes of fossil Tahiti corals from the last deglaciation
- The role of meltwater variability in modulating diurnal to inter-annual ice-sheet flow: New insights from a ~decade of high-temporal resolution GPS observations on the western Greenland margin
- Theoretical estimation of equilibrium sulfur isotope fractionations among aqueous sulfite species: Implications for isotope models of microbial sulfate reduction
- Thermo-chemical fluxes, reactions and mixing in hydrothermal plumes at Oceanic Core complexes (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 13°30'N and 13°20'N)
- Thermochemical <SUP>14</SUP>C Spectra and Carbon Turnover Time in Soils - a (Changing?) Latitudinal Gradient?
- Three-dimensional numerical modeling of bottom-diffracted surface-reflected arrivals in the North Pacific
- Time-space Variability of Weekly to Monthly Period Equatorial Waves in the Pacific Ocean
- Timing of melt migration and pyroxenite formation in the mantle
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts
- Tracking along-arc sediment inputs to the Aleutian arc using thallium isotopes
- Trajectories of Future Land Use for Earth System Modeling of the Northeast United States
- Transport and Deposition During The 2012 Submarine Explosive Eruption of Havre Volcano
- Ultra-high Resolution Mapping of the Inner Crater of the Active Kick'em Jenny Volcano
- Using Electrical Conductivity to Map Melt and Fluids at Subduction Zones
- Using a Numerical Model to Quantitatively Assess Dynamic Recrystallization as a Mechanism for He Enrichment in Mantle Shear Zones
- Variability in Albedo Associated with Fire-Mediated Controls on Stand Density in Siberian Larch Forests
- Variation in water chemistry parameters in the Clayburn Creek watershed, British Columbia during fall 2015.
- Variations in magmatic and tectonic extension at the Chile Ridge
- Variations in normal faulting and plate deformation along the Mariana trench
- Ventilation History of the Intermediate Western North Atlantic During the Last Deglaciation
- Wave-driven tidal inlet migration: mechanics and effects on barrier morphology
- What role does the N. Atlantic subtropical cell play in warming the shallow underwater of the Caribbean Sea on decadal to centennial time scales? Constraints from radiocarbon records across the tropical Atlantic
- Wind-Driven Freshwater Buildup in the Beaufort Gyre is Inevitably Constrained by Mesoscale Eddies.
- Wind-driven Snow Distribution Patterns Over an Antarctic Ice Floe
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen on a South China Sea Coral Reef
- 3-D seismic imaging of lithospheric fault-block structures, core complexes, alteration fronts, and hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Rainbow area
- 52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping Global Marine Ecosystems
- <SUP>182</SUP>W in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
- <SUP>230</SUP>Thand <SUP>231</SUP>Pa in Seawater Sinking Particles from the North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect
- A Coupled Model of Langmuir Circulations and Ramp-like Structures in the Upper Ocean Turbulent Boundary Layer
- A Near-Annual Record of Hurricane Activity From the Little Bahama Bank Over the Last 700 Years
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A Sedimentary and Stratigraphic Record of the Deglaciation of the Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean
- A reference model for crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica
- A sedimentary record of middle Holocene precipitation and terrestrial vertebrates from Great Cistern Blue Hole (Abaco Island), The Bahamas
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Advances in Automated Plankton Imaging: Enhanced Throughput, Automated Staining, and Extended Deployment Modes for Imaging FlowCytobot
- Air-sea interactions in the Southeast Pacific: Mooring, ship, and float observations
- An Assessment of Differences in Tree Cover Measurements between Landsat and Lidar-derived Products
- An Overview of the 2017 Airborne Campaign for NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- An Update on NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
- Anomalous differentiation pattern of chalcophile metals in the Kane Megamullion MORBs
- Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation
- Applications of UAS-SfM for coastal vulnerability assessment: Geomorphic feature extraction and land cover classification from fine-scale elevation and imagery data
- Assessing a 1500-year record of Atlantic hurricane activity from South Andros Island, the Bahamas, using modeled hurricane climatology
- Assessing the Resilience of a Blue Carbon Store: Characterizing the Lateral Flux of DIC from an East Coast U.S. Saltmarsh using Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- Beyond the NAO: Dynamics and Precipitation Implications of the Azores High Since AD 800
- Biogenic barite preciptiation at micromolar ambient sulfate
- Carbon and Nitrogen Pools of Soil and Fine Roots across Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Carbon burial in salt marshes following tidal restriction: A case study from Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Chacterization of Teleseismic Earthquakes Observed on an Ice Shelf
- Chaotic Advection in the Alboran Sea: Lagrangian Analysis of Transport Processes in and out of the Western Alboran Gyre
- Characterizing Groundwater Sources of Organic Matter to Arctic Coastal Waters
- Chilean Tsunami Rocks the Ross Ice Shelf
- Circulation, Hydrography, and Transport over the Summit of Axial-the Destination Node of OOI's Cabled Array
- Climate Response Functions for the Arctic Ocean
- Climate oscillations reflected in the microbiome of Arabian Sea sediments
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Comparison of in-situ and optical current-meter estimates of rip-current circulation
- Complexity of Tropical Pacific Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry: Diurnal to Decadal, Plankters to Penguins
- Confronting Future Risks of Global Water Stress and Sustainability: Avoided Changes Versus Adaptive Actions
- Connecting climate change to coastal evolution: Impact of sub-millenial- scale precipitation variability on fluvial sediment discharge
- Constraining the velocity structure of the Juan de Fuca plate from ridge to trench with a 2D tomographic study of wide angle OBS data
- Constraints on Flow Dynamics within the Oceanic Asthenosphere from a High-Resolution Analysis of Seismic Anisotropy in the Central Pacific
- Constraints on Mantle Serpentinization near the Mariana Trench from Earthquake and Ambient Noise Rayleigh Waves
- Constraints on crustal structure in the Southeastern United States from the SUGAR 2 refraction seismic refraction experiment
- Continuous Signal Propagation in the Indus Submarine Canyon since the Last Deglacial
- Contrasting Modes of Detachment Faulting at Slower-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Control of Volume and Porosity on Pumice Floatation Time: A Case Study with Pumice from the Havre Submarine Caldera Volcano
- Controls on the time-scales of mantle mixing
- Coordinated Mapping of Sea Ice Deformation Features with Autonomous Vehicles
- Coral Sr-U Thermometry
- Crustal Evolution of the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 16°-28°E in the Last 7 Ma
- Detachment Fault Behavior Revealed by Micro-Seismicity at 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Determination of Magma Ascent Rates From D/H Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Development of Proxies for Vent Fluid Trace Metal Concentrations and pH through Study of Sulfide Chimney Linings
- Developments in the Taxonomy of Structures in Rotating Turbulent Boundary Layers
- Differential Millennial-scale Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Cycling Dynamics to Warming from two Contrasting Lake Catchments in Arctic Alaska
- Disentangling Seasonality and Mean Annual Precipitation in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: Insights from Coupled Plant Wax C and H Isotope Measurements
- Disequilibrium Vapor Bubble Formation in Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions: How Much CO<SUB>2</SUB> is Really in There?
- Drivers and implications of recent large fire years in boreal North America
- Drought on the Altiplano of Bolivia and Peru: Climate, Paleoclimate, and Society
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and ROV Dives Reveal Hundreds of Vents along the West Coast of the United States
- Earthquake Cycles on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults and the Inferred Role of Fluid-Filled Fractures
- Eddy-Memory mode of decadal ocean variability
- Effects of Cross-axis Wind Jet Events on the Northern Red Sea Circulation
- Electromagnetic signals due to ocean tides: Multiscale Forward Modelling in Spherical Coordinates
- Enhanced tropical storm activity during the African Humid Period induced by Sahara greening and reduced dust emissions
- Enhancing the Value of Sensor-based Observations by Capturing the Knowledge of How An Observation Came to Be
- Evidence for Lithospheric Loss Beneath the Appalachians Along the MAGIC Line
- Evidence for large-scale submarine mass wasting associated with growth of oceanic core complexes, 16°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- Exceptional Shift to a Weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at the end of the Little Ice Age
- Exploring Estimates of Net Community Production and Export Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), 1993-2014.
- Exploring tectonomagmatic controls on mid-ocean ridge faulting and morphology with 3-D numerical models
- Exploring the chemical composition of pelagic tar collected in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Extreme Mississippi River Floods in the Late Holocene: Reconstructions and Simulations
- Feedbacks between land cover and climate changes in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes
- Fingerprinting Bacterial and Fungal Manganese Oxidation via Stable Oxygen Isotopes of Manganese Oxides
- Finite Source Modeling of the January 2015 Mendocino Transform Earthquake using the Cascadia Initiative dataset
- Fire Effects on Vegetation Community, Carbon Pools, and Permafrost Vulnerability in Subarctic Tundra
- Fire Severity Influences the Response of Soil Microbes to a Boreal Forest Fire
- Fire Severity and Soil Carbon Combustion in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Fire, Carbon, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aquatic Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta
- Flexural-gravity Wave Attenuation in a Thick Ice Shelf
- Flow dynamics and variability in the Delaware Estuary
- Focal mechanism and stress inversion in the Mendocino Triple Junction from OBS data
- Foraminiferal Evidence for Paleocoastal Environmental Changes Influenced by Holocene Transgression and Varying Storminess in Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida USA.
- Formation Mechanisms for Spur and Groove Features on Fringing Reefs
- Freshwater and Oxygen Transport Across the Labrador Shelf-Break: Insights from Gliders
- Generation of alkaline magmas in subduction zones by melting of mélange diapirs
- Geodynamics of seafloor spreading extinction: Constraints from the South China Sea
- Geological carbon budget of the Mackenzie River Basin: New insight from the oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Global Impact of Land Use on Soil Carbon Storage
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Global salinity predictors of western United States precipitation
- Helium isotopes in hot spring gases as magmatic tracers during incipient rifting in Malawi and Zambia
- High Frequency Equatorial Waves in the Pacific
- High resolution mapping of hydrothermal plumes in the Mariana back-arc relate seafloor sources to above-bottom plumes
- High-resolution AUV mapping of the 2015 flows at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- High-resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- How does forest productivity influence river export of plant wax?
- Hydrodynamic Restoration to Vulnerable Marsh Ecosystems to Improve Response to Sea Level Rise
- Hydrologic controls on Congo River particulate organic carbon source and reservoir age
- Hydrothermal Plume Activity at Teahitia Seamount: Re-Awakening of the Society Islands Hot-Spot?
- IODP Exp 362T: Additional Coring and Remediation in Hole U1473A - Continuing the Journey to the Moho
- Identification of Phase Relationships and Incorporation Mechanisms of Barium in Calcite Internodes of Deep-Sea Bamboo Corals
- Identifying temporal and spatial synoptic-scale variability of total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Igneous stratigraphy and rock-types from a deep transect of the gabbroic lower crust of the Atlantis Bank core complex (SW Indian Ridge): preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360
- Impact of Hurricanes and Nor'easters on a Migrating Inlet System
- Impact of freshwater plumes on intraseasonal upper ocean variability from moored observations in the Bay of Bengal
- Impacts of Climate and Insect Defoliators on Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Mortality and Productivity in Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Impacts of fire on greenhouse gas emissions in larch forest stands in northeast Siberia
- Impacts of storm events on salt marsh sediment dynamics
- Implications of Grain Size Evolution for the Effective Stress Exponent in Ice
- Incoming Plate Seismicity of the Northern Mariana Trench Recorded by Ocean Bottom Seismographs and Implications for Slab Hydration
- Incorporating the effects of age uncertainty derived from benthic d18O alignment into paleoceanographic data compilations
- Inferring Crustal Viscosity Structure from Seismic Velocity Data
- Influence of magmatic volatiles on boron isotope compositions in vent fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Integrated modeling of land-use change: the role of coupling, interactions and feedbacks between the human and Earth systems
- Integrating Measurements and Models of Water Limitation on Soil and Ecosystem Respiration in Two New England Forests from Hourly to Decadal Timescales.
- Intraseasonal to interannual Sea Surface Salinity Variations in the Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Investigating the Eddy Diffusivity Concept in the Coastal Ocean
- Investigating the Sources of Decadal-Scale Property Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southeast Indian Ocean (80-90°E)
- Investigation of Partial Melting in Planetary Interiors using Electrical Measurements
- Isotopic overprinting of nitrification on denitrification as a ubiquitous and unifying feature of environmental nitrogen cycling
- Large-scale degradation of Amazonian freshwater ecosystems
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- Lateral Variability of the Lower Ocean Crust at Atlantis Bank, SW Indian Ridge, Results of IODP Expedition 360
- Leaf wax records of late Holocene hydrologic changes on Abaco Island, Northern Bahamas
- Magnesium isotopic behavior during the formation of chlorite-rich hydrothermal sediment in the middle Okinawa Trough
- Magnetotelluric Studies of Fault Zones Surrounding the 2016 Pawnee, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Mechanisms of sediment transport to shoreline salients onshore of fringing coral reefs
- Mechanisms of vegetation protective effect on thermal state of permafrost in Alaska.
- Meltwater influence and pathways in coastal Greenland
- Microbial Response to UV Exposure and Nitrogen Limitation in Desert Soil Crusts
- Microbiology of the lower ocean crust - Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360, Atlantis Bank
- Mid-ocean ridge serpentinite in the Puerto Rico Trench: Accretion, alteration, and subduction of Cretaceous seafloor in the Atlantic Ocean
- Mobility of Late-stage Magmatic Liquids and the Development of Detachment Faults at a Slowly-spreading Ridge
- Modeling Clumped Isotope Composition of Speleothems: Controls on Disequilibrium Effects and Implications for Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Modeling Major and Trace Element Magma Compositions at Slow and Ultra-Slow Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for Melting in the Garnet Field
- Modeling Reef Island Morphodynamics in Profile and Plan View
- Modest Little Ice Age cooling of the Western Tropical Atlantic inferred from Sr-U Coral Paleothermometry
- Morphology of GALÁPAGOS Platform Seamounts: a History of Emergence and Submergmence
- Multi-Land Surface Models Sensitivity Study on Ecosystem Responses to Enhanced and Extended Drought Conditions
- Multi-decadal Shifts in Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter from Across the Pan-Arctic, Derived from Satellite Remote Sensing
- Multi-iteration approach to studying tracer spreading using drifter data
- National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
- Nearshore Bathymetric Change Resolved by Depth Inversions, Sonic Altimeters, and In-Situ Surveys
- New Bathymetry Reveals Detailed History of Transform Fault Segmentation at the Clarion Fracture Zone
- New Web Services for Broader Access to National Deep Submergence Facility Data Resources Through the Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance
- North Atlantic Blocking Variability and Role of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- North Pacific barium isotope distributions illustrate importance of ocean mixing in controlling barium distributions despite weak regional circulation
- Observing Crustal Magnetic Anomalies in Remote Ocean Regions: Filling in the Gaps
- On the nonlinear forced response of the North Atlantic atmosphere to meridional shifts of the Gulf Stream path
- Origin of deep lava flows at the base of the Galápagos Platform
- Paleo-perspectives on dynamic coastal change, James Lagoon, Kenai Fjords National Park.
- Paleoclimate Signals and Temperature Reconstructions for the Northeastern United States using Atlantic White Cedar Tree-Rings
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Evolution of Atlantis Bank: Results from IODP Expedition 360 "SW Indian Ridge Lower Crust and Moho"
- Persistent Identifiers for Field Deployments: A Missing Link in the Provenance Chain
- Persistent Identifiers for Improved Accessibility for Linked Data Querying
- Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13.77° N
- Popping rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Insights into mantle volatile concentrations and degassing dynamics
- Post-Glacial Climate Forcing of Surface Processes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle
- Primitive helium isotopic compositions associated with Miocene lavas from Northwest Iceland
- Productivity Pulses and Rapid Climate Change in the North Atlantic
- Quantifying Coseismic Normal Fault Rupture at the Seafloor: The 2004 Les Saintes Earthquake Along the Roseau Fault (French Antilles)
- Quantifying Fire's Impacts on Total and Pyrogenic Carbon Stocks in Mixed-Conifer Forests: Results from Pre- and Post-Fire Measurements in Active Wildfire Incidents
- Quantifying ocean and ice sheet contributions to nutrient fluxes in Sermilik Fjord, Southeast Greenland
- Quantifying the role of land-use and land-cover changes in Northern Eurasia in global greenhouse gas emissions and biomass supply during the 21st century using an earth system modeling approach
- Quantity of dates trumps quality of dates for dense Bayesian radiocarbon sediment chronologies - Gas ion source <SUP>14</SUP>C dating instructed by simultaneous Bayesian accumulation rate modeling
- Rainfall Predictions From Global Salinity Anomalies
- Reactive Hydrothermal Flow Model for Mid-Oceanic Ridges
- Reconstruction of Monsoon Driven South China Sea Surface Ocean Circulation using Coral Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C
- Reduction in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Over Heinrich Events 2 and 3
- Refining the Jurassic Magnetic Quiet Zone
- Regional Upper Ocean Variability and Ocean Heat Losses during the 2015 Autumn Ice-Edge Advance in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas as Observed during the Sea State Field Campaign
- Rejuvenescent Volcanism on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos: A Late "Plumer"
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Malawi's Agricultural Inputs Subsidy and Climate Variability Impacts on Productivity
- Remotely-sensed horizontal structure and evolution of the leading and trailing edges of the salt wedge at the Columbia River mouth
- Reorganization and Rotation of Oceanic Crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16 30N
- Resolving the Mantle Plume Heat Transfer Discrepancy
- Response of the North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Climatology to Global Warming: Application of Dynamical Downscaling to CMIP5 Models
- Rise in central west Greenland surface melt unprecedented over the last three centuries
- SOCCR2: North America within the context of the global carbon cycle
- Salt Marsh sediment <SUP>15</SUP>N/<SUP>13</SUP>C "Push-Pull" assays reveal coupled sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon cycling
- Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoys (IMBs): First Results from a Data Processing Intercomparison Study
- Sea Ice Retreat and its Impact on the Intensity of Open-Ocean Convection in the Greenland and Iceland Seas
- Sea ice and ice mélange constraints on marine-terminating glacier retreat in Disko and Uummannaq Bay, West Greenland
- SeaView: bringing EarthCube to the Oceanographer
- Seeing the forest beyond the carbon
- Segment-scale variations in seafloor volcanic and tectonic processes in the Rainbow region, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (36° N)
- Seismic coupling at divergent plate boundaries from rate-and-state friction models
- Seismic reflection imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate from ridge to trench: new constraints on the distribution of faulting and evolution of the crust prior to subduction
- Self-organization of hydrothermal outflow and recharge in young oceanic crust: Constraints from open-top porous convection analog experiments
- Semantic markup of sensor capabilities: how simple it too simple?
- Serpentinization rates measured in olivine micro-reactors
- Short-term Impacts from the 2015 Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta Tundra Fire on Permafrost Vulnerability and C Loss
- Signs of Recent Volcanism and Hydrothermal Activity Along the Eastern Segment of the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Similarities and Differences in the Distributions of Hydrothermal Venting and the Formation of Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits at the Tui Malila and Mariner Vent Fields, Valu Fa Ridge
- Snow Content of Refrozen Melt Ponds from Ice Core Oxygen Isotope Analysis
- Spatiotemporal drought variability in the Mediterranean over the last 900 years
- Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles (SCPs) as Chronological Markers in Marine Sediments
- Stability of Hydrothermal Vent Communities on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Stable isotopes and weathering dynamics in the Fraser River
- Storm Track and Extratropical Cyclone Metrics: Applications for the CMIP5 Archive
- Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of soil organic matter in permafrost
- Stratigraphic Evidence for Environmental Change in a Bermudian Coastal Underwater Cave (Palm Cave System) in Response to Holocene Sea-level Rise
- Stratigraphic and microfossil evidence for hydroclimate changes over the middle to late Holocene in the northern Bahamas from an inland saline lake
- Structure and Evolution of Hawaii's Loihi Seamount from High-resolution Mapping
- Subglacial Ice-Sheet Weathering: Insights from Uranium and Radium Isotopes
- Synthesis of Fluvial Dissolved Organic Matter and Inorganic Nitrogen Data Across Space and Scale in the Arctic: Circumpolar Truths and Regional Distinctions
- Tectonic Control of the Acid and Alkalinity Budgets of Chemical Weathering
- Temperature Sensitivity of Northern Soils Using Flux-concentration Measurements and Inversion Analysis
- Ten Simple Rules for Effective Online Outreach: What a decade at Deep Sea News has taught us.
- The Atmospheric Constraint: What we Know About the State of the Carbon Cycle by Observing Carbon Dioxide and Methane
- The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thicknes
- The Nature of the Intrusive Crust and Moho at Slower Spreading Ridges: SloMo Leg 1 (IODP Expedition 360)
- The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Geoporphyrins: New Results from the Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic
- The Potential of Spaceborne Remote Sensing for Deriving Canopy Structure Metrics and Informing Biodiversity and Habitat Mapping
- The Relationship between Climate and Iceland Scotland Overflow Water During Mid-Late Pleistocene Interglacials
- The Role of the Subtropical North Atlantic Water Cycle in the 2015 Extreme Precipitation Events in the US
- The Tectonic-Magmatic Evolution of Galápagos Lineaments from Radiometric Dating and Bathymetry Along the Pinta-Marchena Ridge
- The effect of a shallow flood shoal on circulation in a multiple inlet system
- The evolution of Augustine: linking Pleistocene rhyolite and the overlying dacite
- The solid Earth's involvement in oxygen cycling: Observations and theory
- Thermal Segmentation of Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults
- Thermal reactivity of SOC linked to iron oxide content: Pyrolysis-AMS study of mineral-associated SOC on Kohala Volcano, Hawaii
- Thick and thin: Crust and lithospheric structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- Tidal asymmetries in waves, advection, and currents over an ebb shoal
- Time-Series Radiocarbon Measurements Indicate Carbon Turnover Across Soil Fractions is Correlated With Productivity in a Long-Term Agricultural Experiment
- Titanium Isotopes Link the High 3He/4He Reservoir to Continent Formation
- Toward a Virtual Laboratory to Assess Biodiversity from Data Produced by an Underwater Microscope
- Trace element diffusion in minerals: the role of multiple diffusion mechanisms operating simultaneously
- Transforming Research Data into Resource Data
- Travel Time Tomographic Imaging of Shallow Fore-arc Basin Structure at the Cascadia Subduction Zone Offshore Washington and Oregon
- Trustworthy Digital Repositories: Building Trust the Old Fashion Way, EARNING IT.
- Upper Ocean Circulation in the Glacial Northeast Atlantic during Heinrich Stadials Ice-Sheet Retreat
- Upper Ocean Evolution Across the Beaufort Sea Marginal Ice Zone
- Using a Morphodynamic Model to Explore the Key Controls on the Geometry and Spacing of Relict Barrier Deposits on the Continental Shelf
- Variability in understory evapotranspiration with overstory density in Siberian larch forests
- Variations in Earthquake Source Complexity and Stress Drop in Rupture Patches and Rupture Barriers on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Vertical deformation of the Axial Seamount summit from repeated 1-m scale bathymetry surveys using AUVs
- Western Tropical Atlantic Hydrologic change during the last 130,000 years
- Wind-Wave Effects on Vertical Mixing in Chesapeake Bay, USA: comparing observations to second-moment closure predictions.
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef
- A Long-Term Geothermal Observatory Spanning Subseafloor Gas Hydrates in IODP Hole U1364A, Cascadia Accretionary Prism
- A Real-time, Borehole, Geophysical Observatory Above The Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A dynamic microbial community with high functional redundancy inhabits the cold, oxic subseafloor aquifer
- A pilot electromagnetic survey of groundwater beneath the US Atlantic continental shelf
- A simple biomineralization model to explain Li, Mg, and Sr incorporation into aragonitic corals and foraminifera
- An Eulerian two-phase flow model for sediment transport under realistic surface waves
- An IODP proposal to drill the Godzilla Megamullion as a step to Mohole
- An Object-Based Machine Learning Classification Procedure for Mapping Impoundments in Brazil's Amazon-Cerrado Agricultural Frontier
- Annual measurements of gain and loss in aboveground carbon density
- Applying a Systems Approach to Monitoring and Assessing Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Mexico's Forest Sector
- Assessing the Global Climate Response to Freshwater Forcing from the Antarctic Ice Sheet Under Future Climate Scenarios
- Asynchronous warming and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O evolution of deep Atlantic water masses during the last deglaciation
- Beach-ridge sedimentology as an archive of terrestrial climate change: Insights from a geochemical and stratigraphic study of the Tijucas Strandplain, southern Brazil
- Biomass and the Climatic Space from historical to future scenarios of a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest - Caatinga
- CO2 emissions from permafrost regions in Alaska during the nongrowing seasons
- Centennial-scale human alterations, unintended natural-system responses, and event-driven mitigation within a coupled fluvial-coastal system: Lessons for collective management and long-term coastal change planning
- Characterising the range of seismogenic behaviour on detachment faults - the case of 13<SUP>o</SUP>20'N, Mid Atlantic Ridge.
- Characterizing the metatranscriptomic profile of archaeal metabolic genes at deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Climate risks to agriculture in Amazon arc-of-deforestation create incentives to conserve local forests
- Climatic and anthropogenic controls on Mississippi River floods: a multi-proxy palaeoflood approach
- Coherent response of Antarctic Intermediate Water and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the last deglaciation: reconciling contrasting neodymium isotope reconstructions in tropical Atlantic
- Comment on "Localized water reverberation phases and its impact on back-projection images" by Yue et al. [2017]
- Comparing Multiple Scales of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Boreal Transition Forest - from Soil-Chambers to Eddy Covariance
- Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating Reveals the Age Distribution of Plant-Wax Biomarkers Exported to the Bengal Fan
- Constraining pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing histories in submarine lavas
- Contrasting bio- and photo-lability of permafrost-derived DOM
- Controls on the Seafloor Exposure of Detachment Fault Surfaces
- Crustal structure across the Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly in Southern Georgia
- Deglacial climate modulated by the storage and release of Arctic sea ice
- Dendroclimate evidence for extreme hydrologic events over the late Holocene in the Northeastern United States
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Detecting early warning signals of tree mortality using multi-scale satellite data: a case study in boreal North Americ
- Direct evidence of hydration into mantle during shearing below a trasform fault: Prince Edward transform fault, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Does Your Terrestrial Model Capture Key Arctic-Boreal Relationships?: Functional Benchmarks in the ABoVE Model Benchmarking System
- Driving Factors of Understory Evapotranspiration within a Siberian Larch Forest
- Dry Juan de Fuca slab revealed by quantification of water entering Cascadia subduction zone
- Early Winter Sea Ice Dynamics in the Ross Sea from In Situ and Satellite Observations
- EarthCube Data Discovery Hub: Enhancing, Curating and Finding Data across Multiple Geoscience Data Sources.
- Effect of Tundra Fires on Stream Chemistry in Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Effect of Vertical Shear on the Evolution of Tracer Filaments in the Ocean
- Effect of bend faulting on the hydration state of oceanic crust: Electromagnetic constraints from the Middle America Trench
- Effect of soil moisture on the temperature sensitivity of Northern soils
- Effects of Fire on Understory Vegetation Communities in Siberian Boreal Forests and Alaskan Tundra
- Effects of Segmentation on Mid-Ocean Ridge Transform Faults
- Elasto-plastic deformation and plate weakening due to normal faulting in the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Estimating ocean surface meteorology from passive microwave observations for the development of satellite-derived turbulent fluxes
- Estimating the Total Heat Flux from the ASHES Hydrothermal Vent Field Using the Sentry Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Evaluating sourcing and fluvial integration of plant wax biomarkers from the Peruvian Andes to Amazonian lowlands
- Evidence for Terrane Accretion, Localized Rifting and Magmatism from the Crustal Velocity Structure of the Southeastern United States
- Evolution of Continental Environments and Chemical Weathering in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin since 11 Ma
- Fault Reactivation by Fluid Injection: Evidence from Magnetotelluric and Potential Field Imaging of Injected Wastewater in Seismogenic Faults in Pawnee, Oklahoma
- Final Act of an Oceanic Detachment Fault Revealed by Submersible Dives at 13°48'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Fire Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wetlands in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Fire increases carbon fluxes from inland waters of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska.
- Fjord circulation promotes significant glacier-wide submarine melting at a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Forest amount affects soybean productivity in Brazilian agricultural frontier
- Formation and evolution of the near axis 8˚20'N seamount chain: Evidences from the geophysical data analysis
- Future Freshwater Stress on Small Islands: Population, Aridity and Global Warming Targets
- Geometric and thermal controls on normal fault seismicity from rate-and-state friction models
- Geophysical Investigation of Upper Mantle Anomalies of the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Geophysical and Geochemical Analysis of the 8°20' N Seamount Chain: Studies of Off-Axis Volcanism
- Getting beyond hand-waving about microsites with numerical representations of trace gas production and consumption
- Global change modeling for Northern Eurasia: a review and strategies to move forward
- Grain-size analysis and sediment dynamics of hurricane-induced event beds in a coastal New England pond
- High-Resolution Body Wave Tomography of the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica
- High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment Across The Tri-state Area (MD, PA, DE), USA
- Historical Fluxes of Toxic Trace Elements and Associated Implications in the Salton Sea Basin
- How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Ice velocity and SAR backscatter record for the Antarctic Peninsula
- Impacts of Vegetation on CO2 exchange, permafrost thaw depth, and NDVI in Alaskan tundra.
- Impacts of fire on nitrogen cycling in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta, AK
- Impacts of vegetation cover on soil respiration in a North Eastern Siberian tundra landscape
- Increasing efficiency of CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake by combined land-ocean sink
- Increasing the Presence of Underrepresented Minorities in the Geosciences: The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program Model and Outcomes
- Inferring Crustal Viscosity from Seismic Wavespeeds: Applications to the Rheologic Structure of the Himalayas
- Inflation of a magma chamber surrounded by poroelastic mush shell
- Insights into recent and ancient trends in the co-evolution of Earth and life as revealed by microbial genomics
- Interactions between iron and organic matter may influence the fate of permafrost carbon in the Arctic
- Investigation of intraplate seismicity near the sites of the 2012 major strike-slip earthquakes in the eastern Indian Ocean through a passive-source OBS experiment
- Investigation of small earthquake source processes with IRIS community wavefield experiment in Oklahoma
- Isotopic evidence for a large-scale plume-derived mantle domain between the Indian and Pacific mantles beneath the Southern Ocean.
- Linking tree demography to climate change feedbacks: fire, larch forests, and carbon pools of the Siberian Arctic
- Local near-instantaneously dynamically triggered aftershocks of large earthquakes at transform plate boundaries
- Long-term evolution of a propagating non-transform offset on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over the last 26 m.y.
- Magmatic Plumbing Systems in the Eastern Galápagos: Monogenetic Seamounts Surrounding Santiago Island
- Magmatism, Hydrothermalism, and Carbon Cycling in the sedimented Guaymas Basin
- Magnetic Susceptibility and Grain Size Variability of the Subsurface Sediments of Great Rann of Kachchh Basin, Wetsern India: Implications for Palaeoenvironments
- Major and trace element modeling of mid-ocean ridge mantle melting from the garnet to the plagioclase stability fields: Generating local and global compositional variability
- Mantle Serpentinization near the Central Mariana Trench Constrained by Ocean Bottom Surface Wave Observations
- Mapping Soil Carbon in the Yukon Kuskokwim River Delta Alaska
- Marine Research Infrastructure collaboration in the COOPLUS project framework - Promoting synergies for marine ecosystems studies
- Mechanisms of microbial destabilization of soil C shifts over decades of warming
- Mechanisms of seasonal and spatial variation in suspended sediment in the Bohai and Yellow Seas
- Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age Signatures in the Distribution of Modern Ocean Temperatures
- Melt Origin Across a Rifted Continental Margin: A Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Metabolic Activity and Biosignatures of Microbes in the Lower Ocean Crust of Atlantis Bank, IODP Expedition 360
- Microbial Biomarkers for Native and Agricultural Soil Inputs to Atmospheric Particulate Matter
- Microevolutionary dynamics in Methanothermococcus populations from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Microseismicity along major Ross Ice Shelf rift resulting from thermal contraction of the near-surface firn layer
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Melt Supply and Glacial Cycles: A 3D EPR Study of Crustal Thickness, Layer 2A, and Bathymetry
- Modern and ancient geochemical constraints on Proterozoic atmosphere-ocean redox evolution
- Molecular Speciation of Trace Metal Organic Complexes in the Pacific Ocean
- Multi-type Tectonic Responses to Plate Motion Changes of Mega-Offset Transform Faults at the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
- Multiple geophysical observations indicate possible splay fault activation during the 2006 Java Tsunami earthquake
- N<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes From Amazon Cropland Are a Significant Component of Watershed N Budgets.
- Natural gas sources from methane seeps on the Northern U.S. Atlantic Margin
- Near-surface elastic changes in the Ross Ice Shelf arising from transient storm and melt forcing observed with high-frequency ambient seismic noise
- New Noble Gas Studies on Popping Rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 14°N
- NoMelt Experiment: High-resolution constraints on Pacific upper mantle fabric inferred from radial and azimuthal anisotropy
- Nonlinear Influence of Background Rotation on Iceberg Melting
- Nonlinear Response of Iceberg Melting to Ocean Currents
- Observation and modeling of hydrothermal response to the 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount, Northeast Pacific: An OOI Cabled Observatory case study
- Observational Inferences of Lateral Eddy Diffusivity in the Halocline of the Beaufort Gyre
- Observations of volatile organic compounds over the North Atlantic Ocean: relationships to dominant cyanobacterial populations.
- Observed Characteristics and Origins of Meltwaters Exported from Jakobshavn and Ilulissat Icefjord, Greenland
- Ocean Wave-to-Ice Energy Transfer Determined from Seafloor Pressure and Ice Shelf Seismic Observations
- Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes Affecting Predictability in the Climate System
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- P-wave Velocity Structure Across the Mariana Trench and Implications for Hydration
- Petrologic Evolution of Lavas Erupted between 13N and 14N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Pito Seamount revisited: the discovery and mapping of new black smoker vents
- Popping Rocks Revealed: Investigations from 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Predicting Global Rates and Distribution of Carbonate Melting Beneath the Ocean Basins: Implications for the Origin of the Gutenberg Discontinuity
- Predicting critical thresholds in outlet glacier terminus behavior, Disko and Uummannaq Bays, West Greenland
- Presence of Microplastics in the Fraser River, British Columbia
- Providing an Authentic Research Experience for University of the Fraser Valley Undergraduate Students by Investigating and Documenting Seasonal and Longterm Changes in Fraser Valley Stream Water Chemistry.
- Quantifying carbon budget and nitrous oxide emissions of terrestrial ecosystems in the Eurasian Arctic and the Dry Latitudinal Belt of Northern Eurasia
- Quantifying the effect of plant growth on litter decomposition using a novel, triple-isotope label approach
- Quantifying the imprint of mesoscale and synoptic-scale atmospheric transport on total column carbon dioxide measurements
- Rapid changes in the permafrost soil carbon pool in response to warming
- Rapid forest recovery of carbon and water fluxes after a tropical firestorm
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests and grasslands of North America
- Reconstruction of fire history of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Resolving the Intricacies of Lateral Exports of Inorganic Carbon and Alkalinity from Coastal Salt Marshes
- Response of Carbon Fluxes to Soil Moisture Variability across an Alaskan Tundra Landscape
- Role of Fire and Landscape Position on Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition and Reactivity in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- SPURS-2: Multi-month and multi-scale observations of upper ocean salinity in a rain-dominated salinity minimum region.
- SSTs from Fossil Corals using Sr-U Thermometry
- Sea surface salinity and temperature-based predictive modeling of southwestern US winter precipitation: improvements, errors, and potential mechanisms
- Seasonal Variation in Water Chemistry Parameters in the Clayburn - Willband Watershed, Abbotsford, British Columbia.
- Secretome-based Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Sediment transport time scales and trapping efficiency in a tidal river
- Sedimentary Geochemical and Palynological Evidence of Late-Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change from Baradères Bay, Haiti
- Sedimentary Reconstructions of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Past 1500 Years from Blue Holes in the Caribbean
- Seismic Characterization of Silica Diagenesis in the Northwestern Pacific
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the Pacific Upper Mantle in the NoMelt Region from Finite-Frequency Traveltime Tomography
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Seismic anisotropy of 70 Ma Pacific-plate upper mantle
- Seismic experiments investigating plate dyanmics of the Challenger Deep region in Southern Mariana Trench
- Seismic imaging of the Kane oceanic core complex using early-arrival full waveform inversion and pre-stack depth migration of multichannel seismic streamer data
- Seven [Data] Habits of Highly Successful Researchers
- Shifting the Arctic Carbon Balance: Effects of a Long-Term Fertilization Experiment and Anomalously Warm Temperatures on Net Ecosystem Exchange in the Alaskan Tundra
- Signal or noise? Separating grain size-dependent Nd isotope variability from provenance shifts in Indus delta sediments, Pakistan
- Small Moves, NUI. Small Moves: Beginning to Investigate Biogeochemical Exchange From the Seafloor to the Exterior of an Ice-Covered Ocean
- Snow driven Radiative Forcing in High Latitude Areas of Disturbance Using Higher Resolution Albedo Products from Landsat and Sentinel-2
- Soil Carbon Residence Time in the Arctic - Potential Drivers of Past and Future Change
- Source of the Organic Matter and Land-Marine Interaction Phases in Great Rann of Kachch Basin, India
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise: Implications for Fault Strength
- Stress Rotation Across the Cascadia Megathrust Requires a Weak Subduction Plate Boundary at Seismogenic Depths
- Strong Ground Motion Analysis and Afterslip Modeling of Earthquakes near Mendocino Triple Junction
- Structure and Evolution of the Central Appalachians from the Mantle to the Surface: Results from the MAGIC Project
- Structure, Geochemistry, and Kinematics at the Slow-Spreading 16°30'N Region of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Tectonics and Non-isostatic Topography of the Mariana Trench and Adjacent Plates
- Temporal deconvolution of vascular plant signatures delivered to coastal sediments
- Temporal variations in the relationship between surface speed and modeled effective pressure on the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Thallium isotopes track fluctuations in global manganese oxide burial during the Ediacaran Period
- The Atlantis Bank Gabbro Massif, SW Indian Ridge: the Largest Know Exposure of the Lower Crust in the Oceans
- The Debate on the Prospective Interaction between SWIR 46°-52°E and Crozet hotspot: Constrain from the Geochemical Characteristics and Helium isotopes of MORBs from Southwest Indian Ridge
- The Frictionless Data Package: Data Containerization for Automated Scientific Workflows
- The Impact of Climate Change on New York City's Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE
- The Land-Sea Breeze of the Red Sea: Observed and Simulated Relationships to to Complex Terrain and Regional Moisture Transport
- The Polaris Project: Undergraduate Research Catalyzing Advances in Arctic Science
- The Pulse of the Amazon
- The Role of Ocean and Atmospheric Heat Transport in the Arctic Amplification
- The SeaView EarthCube project: Lessons Learned from Integrating Across Repositories
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: A Scientific Basis for Policy and Management Decisions
- The effects of fire on greenhouse gas fluxes from mosses and lichen patches in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, AK.
- The impact of fire on nitrogen availability in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The ins and outs of mélange diapirs: a multidisciplinary approach to formation, ascent, and observation
- The role of DOM in nitrogen processing in streams across arctic regions affected by fire
- There and back again: An oceanographer's approach to delving into -and returning from- the unknown.
- Time Series of Tropical-Forest Structure from TanDEM-X, Transformed to Time Series of Biomass by MODIS
- Timing of pyroxenite formation in supra-subduction Josephine Ophiolite, Oregon.
- Tree density and permafrost thaw depth influence water limitations on stomatal conductance in Siberian Arctic boreal forests
- Turbidite carbon distribution by Ramped PyrOx, Astoria Canyon
- Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile
- U-Series Disequilibria across the New Southern Ocean Mantle Province, Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Undergraduate Collaborative Research: Distribution of Plant Wax Biomarkers in Miocene-age Sediments from the Bengal Fan (IODP Exp 354)
- Understanding the drivers of post-fire albedo and radiative forcing across Alaska and Canada: implications for management.
- Unlocking the coral calcification process: Insights from boron isotope measurements and a skeletal growth model
- Use of Time-Series L-band Data for Estimating Forest Biomass and Landcover Change
- Using Laboratory Experiments to Improve Ice-Ocean Parameterizations
- Using thallium isotopes in the 2.63 Ga Jeerinah Formation from Hamersley Basin, Western Australia, to constrain ancient seafloor oxygenation
- Utilizing Local Stream Ecology to Produce a Long Term Data Set as AN Authentic Research Tool
- V isotope composition in modern marine hydrothermal sediments
- Vanadium isotope heterogeneity of the early solar system
- Varying Influence of Different Forcings on the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Climate
- Vp/Vs Ratio of Juan de Fuca Plate Sediments Along the Cascadia Deformation Front From Analysis of Controlled-Source Multi-Component OBS Records
- Why is a High-Resolution Gulf Stream Required to Properly Model its Influence on Mid-latitude Weather and Climate?
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- "Climate Buddies" - Supporting Student Engagement in Authentic Environmental Research While Building Connections Between Middle School Classrooms and Post-Secondary Research Teams Through Science Fair Projects
- 200,000 KB Under The Sea: Combining High-speed Underwater Communications and Biogeochemical Sensors/Samplers for Deep-Sea Autonomous Exploration
- 3-D Thermohaline Structure of Mesoscale Eddies in the Mid-latitude Frontal Zone Revealed by Satellite and In Situ Observations
- A Comparison of Viral Populations Inhabiting Atlantic and Pacific Oceanic Crustal Fluids
- A Framework for Modeling the Radiative Forcing of Gaseous Emissions from Wildfires: Applications for Boreal North America
- A Global Analysis of Woody Aboveground Carbon Storage in Crop and Pasture lands
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstructing Surface Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Dynamics in the Last 250 Years
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- A Preliminary Drought History From 4000 Years Ago To Present As Indicated By Lake Lowstands in Lake Jackson, Florida/Alabama
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A Synthesis across the Major Components of the North American Carbon Budget
- A carbon cycle partnership and program: reaching out towards international engagement and collaborations
- A comprehensive portrait of the central Pacific lithosphere-asthenosphere system from NoMelt seafloor geophysical observations
- A framework for forecasting tree mortality in boreal North America using long-term multi-scale satellite data
- A global gridded biogeophysical, biogeochemical and hydrological land system model for multi-sectoral dynamics and energy-water-land interactions research
- A global picture on correlating primordial mantle signatures in Ocean Island basalts
- A lithospheric-mantle phase boundary at 30 km depth beneath the northeast Pacific NoMelt site
- A new temperature calibration for brGDGTs in alpine settings of mid-latitude United States and its application during the last 14000 years
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Abiotic Experimental Constraints on the Aragonite Li/Mg Thermometer
- Above and Belowground Carbon Emissions from Historical Fires Across Alaska and Canada
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Addressing Arctic-Boreal Plant Functional Type biases in carbon cycling in the Community Land Model
- Addressing the conundrum of sedimentary terrigenous organic matter burial via isotope mass balance calculations
- Aging and Persistence of Natural Organic Matter
- Air-Sea Interaction During Dry-Air Outbreaks In The Northern Red Sea
- Alongshore Variability in Dune Erosion on a Nourished Barrier Spit
- An Efficient Approach to Eliminate Steryl Ethers and Wax Esters for Comprehensive Analysis of Alkenones and Alkenoates
- Analysis of brGDGTs in globally distributed lake sediments
- Application of Stable Isotope Probing Coupled with -Omics to Examine Thermophilic Autotrophy in Newly Discovered Hydrothermal Vents Along the Mariana Back-arc
- Application of novel isotopic tools and thermodynamics to elucidate the origins of organic-rich hydrothermal vent fluids
- Arc-like Magmas Generated by Mélange-peridotite Interaction in the Mantle-wedge
- Arctic Tundra Fire Promotes Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwaters and Changes Methane Hotspot Locations across the Landscape in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Options in Northeast U. S. Fishing Communities
- Assessing Magma Storage Depths and Ascent Rates for Alkaline Lavas from the Erebus Volcanic Province (Antarctica)
- Assessing salt marsh resilience with sediment fluxes: the critical role of marine sediment inputs
- Assessing the Impacts of Management Styles on the Trends of Aboveground Carbon Fluxes in Eastern US Forestland 1986 - 2015
- Assessment of wildfire severity and vegetation recovery in tundra ecosystems using time series of satellite-derived vegetation indices from the Yukon-Kuskokwim-Delta, Alaska
- Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales
- Atmospheric responses to Arctic sea ice loss in a high-top atmospheric general circulation model
- Attributing ocean acidification to major carbon producers
- Beach-ridge sedimentology and geochemistry as archives of coastal response to Holocene climate change
- Bringing citizen science efforts into coastal acidification monitoring
- Broadband seismic response of the Ross Ice Shelf to tidal forcing observed by stations near grounded ice margins
- Building Essential Biodiversity Variable Data Sets from Plankton Imaging Systems to Support Satellite Ocean Color Algorithm Development and Validation
- Carbon-dioxide removals through land management - challenges and constraints to multi-Gt scale-up
- Causes of variable hydrothermal vent fluid compositions at Brothers Volcano - Kermadec Arc
- Changes in Deep South Atlantic MOC Properties at 30°S
- Chaos at ultraslow and slow spreading ridges: effect of accretion style on basalt compositional variability
- Characterizing the geologic setting of popping rocks: Preliminary results from the 2018 Popping Rocks cruise to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Climate-Tectonic Feedbacks in the Cenozoic Western Himalaya
- Coalescing Community Vision for Arctic Observing
- Communicating with Students and the Public - Research Efforts from the Changing Arctic and the Effects on Global Climate from the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Comparative Genomic Analysis of Iron-Oxidizing Thiomonas Isolates from Acid Mine Drainage
- Comparison of Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes between CMIP5 Analyses and Satellite Estimations
- Comparison of central Atlantic rifted margin structures from analysis of conjugate wide-angle seismic profiles offshore Nova Scotia and Morocco
- Comparison of variability in air-sea heat fluxes and Subantarctic Mode Water formation from concurrent mooring observations in the Southeast Indian and Southeast Pacific
- Comprehensive in situ constraints on LPO fabric of fast-spreading oceanic lithosphere from seismic anisotropy
- Connecting community data repositories for discovery and sharing by leveraging schema.org and JSON-LD
- Connections between changing axial magma flux and oceanic core complex formation along the Marathon Fracture Zone, Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 12°N
- Constraint on North Atlantic Circulation Change During the 8.2 ka Event Using High Resolution Sediment Cores, and its Comparison to Industrial Era Circulation Changes.
- Coupled stability and change in hydrothermal fluid chemistry during a quarter century at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Crustal Seismic Imaging of the Nova Scotian Margin Using Full Waveform Inversion of a Wide-Angle OBS dataset
- Data Constraints on Glacial Atlantic Water Mass Geometry and Properties
- Dating the opening of the St. Lawrence Valley as a conduit for glacial meltwater and potential trigger of the Younger Dryas
- Density Foundering of Pamir Lithosphere: Geo- and Thermodynamic Constraints
- Dependence of soil respiration on temperature and moisture: Results from a site-based multivariate model in Alaska
- Detecting Recent Changes in Vegetation, Landscape Water Availability and Freeze/Thaw Characteristics in Interior Alaska Using VIS-NIR-TIR and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Developing Long-Term Predictions of Precipitation in the US using Sea Surface Salinity and Sea Surface Temperature and Understanding Their Relative Contributions to Skill
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Development of a Land Cover Database Suitable for Estimating Current and Future Methane Emissions from Northern Boreal and Tundra Regions.
- Diel Cycling of Methane in Arctic Ponds
- Direct Turbulence Flux Estimates from Standard Moorings using the Modular Acoustic Velocity Sensor (MAVS)
- Direct evidence of water infiltration from a transform fault: Marion transform fault, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST
- Diurnal Temperature Variability: an Observations-Climate Model Intercomparison
- Drivers of Prolonged Expansion and Contraction Periods of the Indo-Pacific Tropical Rain Belt in the CESM Last Millennium Ensemble
- Drivers of carbon stocks and combustion in response to wildfire events in the southern boreal forest
- Earthcasting: Geomorphic Prediction for Society
- Ecotypes impact GPP in Eriophorum vaginatum L. with implications for the Arctic C cycle.
- Effect of Tributary Creeks on Estuarine Dispersion
- Effects of permafrost thaw and changes in soil moisture on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Alaskan upland tundra
- Emergence of a cryptic nitrogen cycle in the co-evolution of Prochlorococcus and sympatric heterotrophs
- End-To-End Metadata Curation Workflows for Improved Data Discovery: Experience of the Earthcube Data Discovery Hub Project
- Erosion regime and climate of the Himalayan basin during Neogen as recorded in the Bengal fan
- Estimates of Upwelling in the Vicinity of the Galápagos Archipelago from Glider Observations
- Estimating the Economic Value of Scientific Research on the Biological Carbon Pump
- Evaluating Impacts of Dam Removals on Downstream Tidal Wetlands
- Evaluation of Alternative Detection Methods for Oceanographic HF Radars
- Evidence for the Global Distribution and Uniform Temperature Response of Distinct Alkenones from Group I Haptophytes
- Evidence of Fluvially-derived Sediment During the Kamikaze Typhoons near Nagasaki, Japan
- Evolution of Black Sea surface salinity in the past 16 thousand years inferred from novel phylogenetically-informed alkenone indices
- Evolution of equatorial flows in the western Indian Ocean during onset of the summer monsoon
- Evolution of small-scale horizontal variability over the continental shelf
- Exceptional Changes in the AMOC During the Industrial Era
- Exceptional Industrial-Era Occurrence of Oligotrophic Conditions in the North Atlantic Current Linked to AMOC Weakening
- Exploration of the Mata Submarine Volcano Group Reveals Volcano-Tectonic-Hydrothermal Links
- Exploring Optimal Community Coordination along Developed Sandy Coasts: Long-term Management within a Groin Field
- Exploring Oxidation Chemistry and Energy Availability in Enceladus' Ocean
- Exploring alongshore-coupled barrier island evolution: How does overwash affect developed and undeveloped barrier evolution and stability?
- Exploring public access to NOAA data through Partnerships with Industry
- Exploring the Effects of Artificial Dune Construction on Beachfront Property Values along New Jersey's Coastline: Insights from a "Geo-Economic" Model
- Exploring the interaction of autogenic and allogenic forcing on the deposition of remnant barrier sands in transgressive systems
- Extending schema.org for Science Data Discovery
- Fate of terrestrially-derived carbon in freshwaters across the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Field observations of surface boundary layer turbulence underneath windrows
- Fine-sediment dynamics in the estuary of a small mountainous river
- From Research to Impacts on Lives: Carbon Cycle Science in U.S. Foreign Assistance Development Programs
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Geochemical Diversity of Lavas from the 8°20'N Seamount Chain Provides Insights into Seamount Evolution from a Heterogeneous Mantle
- Geodynamic Modeling of Mantle Evolution of the South China Sea and Surrounding Subduction Systems
- Geodynamics of subducting plate faulting, fluid penetration and mantle serpentinization at the Western Pacific and global trenches
- Geometry and Migration of Sand Ripple under Oscillatory Flow using SedFoam
- Geophysical characteristics of the Southern Ocean mantle domain
- Glacial-to-Holocene evolution of Indian monsoon rainfall
- Grain-size distribution and patterns in storm-induced event beds in a coastal pond
- Habitability and Distribution of Subseafloor Life in Oceanic Basement
- Heat-flow and near-seafloor magnetic anomalies highlight hydrothermal circulation at Brothers volcano (southern Kermadec Arc)
- High-frequency Forcing of Near-terminus Water Properties at LeConte Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- High-resolution magnetic exploration of Longqi hydrothermal field (49.6°E) on SWIR
- Holocene limnologic evolution and river flood history from a multi-basin sinkhole lake in Washington County, Florida
- Hot pyroclast saturation in water is controlled by cooling
- How did the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Affect the Volcano's Submarine South Flank? Preliminary Results From an Ocean Bottom Seismometer Deployment Offshore Kilauea.
- Hydraulics and mixing in the deep branch of the Indonesian Throughflow
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Crust-Mantle Transition and Upper Mantle in the Samail Ophiolite: Insights from Holes CM1A and CM2B of the Oman Drilling Project
- Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc
- Ice core evidence of enhanced multi-decadal to centennial-scale climate variability in west Greenland during the last millennium
- Identifying and Using Erosional Terraces on Seamounts to Constrain Paleogeography and Subsidence in the Galápagos Archipelago
- Illuminating Earth's Past, Present and Future: A Historical Perspective of Scientific Ocean Drilling
- Imaging the subducted Gorda plate: Implications for the stress state and brittle-ductile transition of the Cascadia subduction zone
- Impacts of Fire on Nitrogen Cycling in Aquatic Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK
- Importance of Short Scales in Anisotropic Eddy-Induced Material Transport in the North Atlantic
- Improvements in gender parity but not representation among Asian American geoscience PhD graduates
- Indian Ocean Dipole variability during the last millennium
- Influence of Ocean Acidification and Climate Change on the Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Alaska: A regional modeling study
- Inherent Century-Scale Variability in Tropical Pacific SSTs and their Influence on Western US Hydroclimate
- Initial deposition and offshore migration of the Hurricane Harvey Flood Layer across the Brazos River subaqueous delta and shelf-Gulf of Mexico-the largest recorded discharge event for the Brazos River
- Initial rifting to seafloor spreading: geochemical and petrologic variations in basalts from the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
- Insights on Rock Hybridization Processes at the Slab-Mantle Interface from an Exhumed high-pressure Serpentinite-Eclogite Contact in the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy)
- Insights on carbon cycle dynamics using spatially resolved Northern Hemisphere CO2 variations from seasonal to multi-decadal timescales
- Integrating Semantically-Enhanced Cross-Disciplinary Geoscience Resource Catalog with a JupyterHub-based Analytical Workbench: the EarthCube Data Discovery Hub Project.
- Integration of Ground-based and Airborne Measurements Shows Substantial Methane Emissions from Freshwater Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Interpreting plant wax records of precipitation on a changing Bahamian landscape.
- Intraplate volcanism, melt ponding at the LAB, and the Galápagos plume: a confluence of conspicuous constraints characterizing the Cocos crust
- Investigating Geochemical Diversity Along a Slow-Spreading Axis: Insights into the Popping Rocks Region
- Investigating Physical Changes in Tundra Lakes and Ponds in Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Using Remote Sensing and Stable Isotopes
- Investigating the Transport Pathway of Mysterious Deep Cesium from Fukushima
- Isotopic investigations of microbial interactions in laboratory analogs of ocean worlds
- Landscape legacies and the biogeochemistry of surface waters in permafrost affected terrains
- Large spatial variations in the frontal mass budget of a Greenland tidewater glacier.
- Last Interglacial Sea Surface Temperatures and Variability in the Atlantic Warm Pool
- Long-Term Evolution of Non-Transform Discontinuities at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24°N - 27°30'N and 0 - 25 Ma
- Lower Land Use Emissions Increased Net Land Carbon Sink During the Slow Warming Period
- Mapping Belowground Carbon Pools and Potential Vulnerability in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Mapping Tectonic Features Along and Across Axis at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14N
- Mapping the electromagnetic (E-M) field in the vicinity of HF radar antenna arrays
- Marine Permaculture to Regenerate Ocean Productivity
- Marine Striations in Marginal Seas and the Mediterranean Sea
- Massive Sulfide Stockwork Zones of Brothers Submarine Arc Volcano: Evidence for Large-scale Transport of Metals
- Megadrought Risk in Low-Warming Scenarios
- Megadroughts: a series of unfortunate La Nina Events?
- Melting processes in the South China Sea: Constrains from seismically determined crustal thickness and lava major element compositions
- Mercury in freshwaters of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska
- Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis of S(0) rich microbial community reveals genetic diversity and ecological success of the genus Sulfurovum
- Microbial and Viral Roles in Hydrothermal Vent Fe Mat Elemental Cycling and Ecology at the Loihi Seamount
- Microbial carbon efficiency but not soil physical protection creates a negative climate feedback over long-term warming
- Microbial community composition and functional potential of soil and water microorganisms in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Microplastics in the Fraser River, B.C., Canada
- Microseismicity along Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift Resulting from Tidal Stresses and Thermal Contraction of the Near-Surface Firn Layer
- Mid- Pleistocene Indian Summer Monsoon variability and oceanic environmental changes in the eastern Indian margin: Insights from the northern Bay of Bengal offshore the Mahanadi Basin
- Mio-Pliocene Variations of the Indian Monsoon Recorded in the Bengal Fan (IODP Exp354)
- Mixing and entrainment at the interface of lock-release gravity currents
- Modeling submarine pyroclast dispersal using the distribution of giant pumice at Havre Volcano
- Molybdenum, phosphorus, and pH do not constrain free-living nitrogen fixation in a tropical forest in the southeastern Amazon
- Multivariate climate field reconstructions for the Northeastern United States
- NES-LTER: A New Long Term Ecological Research Site on the Northeast U.S. Shelf
- Natural forcing of the North Atlantic nitrogen cycle in the Anthropocene
- Near Term Proximity of Temperature Tipping Points for the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Neoglacial Climate Anomalies and the Indus Civilization's Metamorphosis
- New Noble Gas and Volatile Measurements in Basalt Glasses from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near 14° North
- New seismic observations of multi-level magma sills beneath the axis of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Non-Chondritic Sulfur Isotopic Composition in High <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Lavas of Fernandina, Galapagos Archipelago
- North Atlantic natural variability modulates emergence of widespread Greenland melt in a warming climate
- North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water Variability Controlled by the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
- Numerical Modeling of Historical and Projected Permafrost Soil Temperatures with Carbon Flux Implications
- Observed and Modeled Air-Sea Flux in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic
- Ocean acidification in the Pacific Arctic Region: Attribution and impacts.
- Off-Axis Seamount Chain Lavas at 8°20' N Reveal a Spatially Complex, Heterogeneous Mantle Near the East Pacific Rise
- Offshore Surveys of the Active Ocean Entry of the 2018 Lower Puna Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Tracking Lava Delta Development
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Organic carbon sorting by turbidity currents: a Bouma Sequence for geochemists
- Origin of spatial variation in United States East Coast sea level trends during 1900-2017
- Paleoenvironmental contexts of Hominin Evolution: Reconciling African wet-dry cycles and secular vegetation trends over the Neogene
- Penguins as paleo-climate proxies: Radiocarbon dating indicates a late Holocene, north-to-south, penguin colonization in the northern Antarctic Peninsula.
- Petrogenesis of non-popping rock lavas at 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Pilot Study Recommendations from the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor Seismographs
- Plant productivity varies with experimental soil drying and active layer deepening across ecotypes of a dominant Arctic sedge
- Pliocene and Pleistocene wind variability over the Indian Ocean (IODP Exp. 359, site U1467, Maldives)
- Plug and chug: The effects of volatile exsolution, and disequilibrium transport on cyclically erupting silicic volcanoes
- Predicting deltaic morphological change on a global scale
- Probing the Panglossian Paradigm: Local Adaptation in Eriophorum vaginatum and its Relation to Functional Traits
- Project 418: A Funded Project of the EarthCube Science Support Office
- Qualifying C sequestration in the tidal wetlands of conterminous United States
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying Isopycnal Heave Using Dynamic Depth Warping
- Quantifying Water and Solute Fluxes Through Deep Tropical Vadose Zone Soils
- Quantifying the Nonstationarity, Nonlinearity and Non-Gaussianity of Geomagnetic Field Variations Over 400-4000 microHz
- Quantifying the imprint of atmospheric transport on total column-averaged CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from OCO-2
- Ramped thermal analysis for isolating biologically meaningful soil organic matter fractions with distinct residence times
- Rare Earth Element (REE) Scavenging in the Southeast Pacific Hydrothermal Plume: Implications for Interpretation of Paleo-REE Patterns in Metalliferous Sediments
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Reconstructing the East Asian Monsoon from Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin
- Reconstruction of Water Column Oxygenation Level from the Depth Distributions of Organic Carbon Flux and Sediment Color in the Japan Sea in Relation to the East Asian Monsoon
- Red Sea Moisture and the Congo River Basin: Observed and Simulated Dynamics
- Reexamining Linkages Between United States East Coast Sea-level and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Refraction seismic constraints on less extensive CAMP magmatism localized by prior extension in the Southeastern United States
- Regional Shifts in Paleohurricane Activity over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Blue Holes in the Tropical Atlantic
- Resolving physical, chemical and biological drivers of C loss due to soil warming
- Response of Coastal Waves and Surge to Interaction between Hurricane Matthew and the Gulf Stream
- Revisiting the Reactivity of Terrestrial Organic Matter Along the Land-Sea Continuum
- River-discharge effects on United States Atlantic and Gulf coast sea-level changes
- Robust Analysis of Stress Drop Variation along San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Using Multiple Local Networks
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program Data Services for the Oceanographic Research Community
- S-to-P receiver functions for the central Pacific from NoMelt
- Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise
- Searching for New Types of Slow Slip Events in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Seasonal, Decadal, and Change Point Behavior in Outlet Glacier Termini Positions, Disko and Uummannaq Bay, West Greenland
- Seismic experiments investigating plate dynamics and fluid interaction of the Challenger Deep region in Southern Mariana Trench
- Seismic imaging of the Gorda slab subduction interface near the Mendocino triple junction
- Seismicity of the Incoming Plate and Forearc at the Mariana Trench Recorded by Ocean Bottom Seismographs
- Sensitivity of the Australian Monsoon Response to Different Volcanic Eruptions in the Last Millennium
- Short Circuits in the Carbon Cycle: Weathering and Burial of Fossil Organic Carbon
- Size gradation effects on wave-induced sand transport in the nearshore
- Soil Carbon Response to Climate Warming - Using Functional Benchmarks to Evaluate Model Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Changing World
- Soil spectroscopy for geographic attribution in forensic science
- Spatially-Explicit Climate Forcings from Wildfire in Boreal North America
- Spatially-varying Non-Stationarity in Estuarine Extreme Sea Levels
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- Storm Impacts on Estuarine Marshes
- Stormquakes: New sources light up North America
- Structure and Formation of Anticyclonic Eddies in the Iceland Basin
- Submesoscale eddy formation in the Kuroshio front interacting with a cape south of Taiwan
- Surface Current Mapping Using a Hybrid Direction Finding Approach for Flexible Antenna Arrays
- Synthesis of Tree-Ring Records and Coupled Climate Model Simulations to Understand North Atlantic Hydroclimate Responses to Volcanic Eruptions in the Last Millennium
- Systematic Mapping of An Ocean-Continent Transform Plate Boundary: The Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia
- TPOS 2020: Evolving the Tropical Pacific Observing System
- Teaching Oceanographers to Fish: One Repository's Approach to Developing Data Management Capacity-building Resources for Its Community
- Temporal variability of seafloor spreading processes documented along an 80-Myr geophysical transect across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Testing ENSO's Role in Driving Southwestern US Megadroughts
- Testing Thermal Oxidation and <SUP>14</SUP>C Concentration as an Analogue for Traditional Soil Fractionation Methods
- The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO)
- The Ayeyawady Delta: Links between Monsoon, Floods and Sediment Fluxes
- The Chukchi Sea in a changing environment: A synthesis of modeling and observations
- The Deep Intraseasonal Variability in Caroline Basin
- The Effect of Microbial Diversity on Organic Matter Transformations in Soils
- The Electrical Conductivity of Dehydrating Lawsonite and Implications for Cascadia Subduction Zone Structure
- The Hurricane-Driven Export of Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelf Waters Near Cape Hatteras in September 2017
- The Icelandic Mantle Plume: A 62 Million Year Record of the Deep Mantle
- The Impact of Fire, Landscape Position, and Nitrogen Availability on Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The Impacts of Fire on Plant Stoichiometry and Nitrogen Cycling in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK
- The Metabolic Rate/Yield Balancing Act Driving N and C fluxes in Chemosynthetic NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> Reducers.
- The RRXtend spray app - inversion risk and wind speed forecasts for agricultural spraying
- The Recovery of Above Ground Biomass after Fire Occurrence in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The Resolution Capabilities of Surface Current Vorticity and Divergence Estimates from a Future Doppler Scatterometer Satellite Mission
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: New Insights from Aeromagnetic, Seismic Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data Analyses
- The Vertical Structure of Relative Dispersion
- The Western Alboran Gyre: an Eulerian Analysis of its Properties and their Budgets
- The canary in Wilkes Land: Observations of unexpected marine-terminating glacier change in East Antarctica in response to the changing ocean
- The effect of crystal mush on a shallow magma chamber during a dynamic magma injection event
- The evolution of the hydration state of the Juan de Fuca plate from Ridge to Trench offshore Washington State
- The impact of anomalous low sea-extent in 2018 upon oceanographic and sea-ice conditions in the Bering-Chukchi region
- The impact of fire on energy balance in tundra soils in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK: Implications for Permafrost Thaw under Climate Change
- The importance of topographic steady-state for the stability of half-graben structures
- The in-situ halogen content of MORB-like eclogites, Raspas Complex, Ecuador
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- The ocean as a three-dimensional borehole: Inverting subsurface temperature observations for the Common Era surface history
- The role of microbial diversity on soil carbon use efficiency
- The water cycle in the subtropical North Atlantic, sea surface salinity, and its implication for extreme precipitation events in the US Midwest
- Time Series Study of Hydrothermal Venting at Lō´ihi Seamount Following The 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Time-series Transects of Deglacial Circulation Changes in the Deep North Atlantic Ocean
- Timing of Subtropical Iceberg Transport and Meltwater Flows in the Deglacial North Atlantic
- Topographic Beta Spiral and OnshoreIntrusion of the Kuroshio Current
- Towards Capturing Provenance of the Data Curation Process at Domain-specific Repositories
- Trace Element Cycling in the Sea Surface Microlayer from a Controlled Atmospheric Deposition Event
- Trans-dimensional Inversion and Uncertainty Quantification in Seabed Geoacoustics
- Transition from rifting to seafloor spreading behind the tip of the westward propagating Cocos-Nazca spreading center
- Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in the DIC-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> system: A Numerical Framework and Its Implications
- Tropical Forests and Climate: Are We Chasing a Virtuous or Vicious Cycle?
- Tropical-Forest Biomass Dynamics from Comparison and Combination ofInterferomeric SAR and MODIS Observations
- Unraveling shorelines to fingerprint active processes shaping the coastal worlds of Titan and Earth
- Upscaling of Granular Processes in Sediment Transport: from Discrete to Continuous Modeling
- Using Essential Biodiversity Variables and Essential Ocean Variables, FAIR Guiding Principles, and the Principles of Action Ecology to Inform Our Understanding of Changing Marine Ecosystems
- Using Geochemical and Textural Evidence to Assess Crystal-Liquid Separation in a Fossil Large, Silicic Magma Chamber
- Variability of freshwater fluxes in the Arctic Ocean and Subpolar North Atlantic from numerical experiments
- Volatile Element Systematics of Effusive and Explosive Basaltic Magmatic Activity at Masaya Volcano
- Volatiles in the Chile Ridge Basalts and the Role of Adjacent Andean Subduction Zone
- Vulnerability of boreal forest legacy carbon to combustion increases with shortened fire return intervals
- What role should a domain-specific repository play in treating code as a first class research product?
- When Can Climate Variability Mitigate Future Megadrought Risk?
- Who has benefitted from outreach in the geosciences?
- "Cratonic" mantle peridotites exposed at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> century expansion of high-latitude deciduous forests driven by interactions between warming, fire, and nutrient dynamics
- 3D flexural bending and brittle failure of the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench
- 3D mantle upwelling beneath the South China Sea and Southeast Asia: Insights from geodynamic modeling
- <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th Fractionation From Sediment Resuspension in Benthic Nepheloid Layers
- A 1800-Year Sedimentary Record from a Bahamian Blue Hole Archives Significant Variations in Intense Hurricane Landfall Frequency
- A 50,000-year stratigraphic record from a Bahamian sinkhole and direct evidence for Saharan dust export to the tropical North Atlantic
- A Dual Proxy Gaussian Process Stack: Integrating Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Radiocarbon Proxies for Inferring Ages on Ocean Sediment Cores
- A Late Holocene Drought History Inferred from Evidence of Lake-Level Lowstands in the Southeastern U.S.
- A New Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale Model for Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous
- A Three-Stage Model for Trace Element and Isotope Fractionation During Solidification in Magmatic Veins
- A Towed Streamer Controlled Source Electromagnetic System for Groundwater Surveying on the Continental Shelf
- A convergence among estimates of a large North American carbon sink: linkages across bottom-up, top-down and sideways data sets
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- Accelerated turnover of tropical soil carbon in response to post-glacial monsoon strengthening.
- Accelerating our knowledge of carbon cycling in the ocean: Accelerator mass spectrometry and the WOCE/CLIVAR/GO-SHIP Programs
- Adaptive Science Planning for the Location of Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Advancing autonomy in underwater manipulation with a deep learning visual dataset collected in cold seep environments of the Costa Rica Active Margin
- Air-sea Interaction Processes and Biases in the Tropical Pacific in relation to El Nino generation in CESM2
- Antarctic Ice Sheet - Climate Feedbacks Under High Future Carbon Emissions
- Applications of the Radium Quartet to Quantify Water Exchange in Salt Marshes
- Aquatic macroinvertebrate response to fire and substrate type in lakes of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Assessing Along-Axis Continuity of Oceanic Detachment Faults using microearthquakes near 13°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Assessing Groundwater Flow Dynamics in the Headwaters of the Southern Amazon Basin
- Assessing Magma Storage and Ascent Records from Volatiles in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Assessing the Thermal Regime of the Stevenson Island Vent Field, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Authigenic Mn as a Proxy for Southern Ocean Bottom Water Ventilation During Last Deglaciation
- Automated Experiment Selection and Scheduling in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Autonomous Detection and Mapping of Methane Cold Seeps: Ground-Truth Observations from the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Basaltic Volcanism and Amagmatic Spreading on the Marion Rise, SWIR
- Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O evidence for the transfer of Common Era surface temperature anomalies via North Atlantic Deep Water
- Beyond Search: Metadata Enhancement and In-Depth Data Exploration in EarthCube Data Discovery Studio.
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Borehole Observatories on the Mariana Forearc: A Window Into Dynamic Processes Within a Subduction Channel
- Bottom-up control of carbon combustion from boreal wildfires
- Building Resilience by Sharing Infrastructure Among Data Facilities: An Initiative of the EarthCube Council of Data Facilities
- Can authigenic uranium quantitatively reconstruct bottom water oxygen in the west tropical Atlantic?
- Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records during the Early Pleistocene
- Carbon Density Dynamics from MODIS, Landsat, and TanDEM-X
- Carbon burial rates and linkages to wetland hydrology and elevation in a tidally restricted wetland
- Carbon loss and radiative forcings of gaseous emissions from tundra wildfires during the Yukon-Kuskokwim River Delta 2015 fire season
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Iceland Hotspot Reveals a Temporal Shift in the Composition of the Primordial Component
- Changes in Berry and Leaf Production Following a Tundra Wildfire
- Characterization of organic carbon transported by the Yellow River and implications for its burial in marine sediments
- Characterization of seafloor magnetization along the 14<SUP>o</SUP>N segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Characterizing Small-Scale Brittle Deformation of the Crust along a Slow Spreading Ridge Segment using the Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Characterizing offshore aquifer systems on the U.S. Atlantic margin with electromagnetic methods
- Climate Process Team: Improvement of ocean component of NOAA Climate Forecast System relevant to MJO simulations
- Climate change mitigation through restoration of diked wetlands
- Combined Δ<SUB>48</SUB> and Δ<SUB>47</SUB> Measurements Reveal the Importance of Kinetics in Carbonate (Bio)Mineralization
- Comparison of the Tectonic Fabric and Crustal Scale Signatures of Non-transform Ridge-axis Discontinuities in Oceanic Crust.
- Constraining the provenance of event deposits in the hadal zone using organic carbon isotopic signatures
- Contrasting Sediment Transport Modes in the Holocene Levee of the Middle Bengal Fan, IODP Site U1454
- Contrasting slip rates on the Hilton Creek normal fault in- and outside the Long Valley Caldera (California)
- Contribution of wind to Polar sea ice retreat
- Correction of OBS time errors using multiple component and period-band noise cross-correlation
- Critical role of caldera collapse in the formation of seafloor mineralization: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
- Cross-Network Coordination and the Ocean Observatories Initiative (ooi)
- Crust/mantle structure, hydration, and dynamic deformation at the southernmost Mariana Trench
- Crystal alignment constrains the conduit flow regime at Kilauea, Hawai'i
- Daily Changes in Atmospheric Microbiology Demonstrated in the Variability of Lipids in Particulate Matter
- Deep Challenges in the Southern Marianas
- Deep Learning of Finescale Parameterizations of Internal Wave Dissipation.
- Denitrification Patterns Across a Dryland Agroecosystem in the Northern Great Plains
- Deposition and Detectability of Deltas on Titan
- Determining the Ecological Importance of Heterotrophic Nutrition in Reef-building Corals: Novel Insights from ∂<SUP>13</SUP>C Analysis of Essential Amino Acids
- Determining the Effects of Thermokarst Events on the Availability and Emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O in the YK Delta, Alaska
- Differences in functional potential provide an advantage to specific microbial lineages in distinct hydrothermal vent habitats
- Disturbance-driven Dynamics of Aboveground Biomass in North American Boreal Forests from Multidecadal Time Series of Remote Sensing
- Drawing connections between slab-derived sulfur, mantle melting, and arc magma oxidation state: A case study in the southern Cascades
- Drivers and consequences of an intensifying fire regime in northern high latitudes
- Drought indices overestimate many drought impacts of global warming, even when CO2 effects on vegetation are eliminated
- EarthCube Council Of Data Facilities Semantic Network A network composed of NSF funded geoscience data facilities
- Effects of Tundra Wildfire on Infiltration Rates and Nitrogen Species in Pore Water
- El Niño pattern diversity and interactions with mean state trends
- Enhanced North Atlantic jet-stream variability coeval with Arctic warming during the last millennium
- Enigmatic Seamounts: Investigating Pacific Intraplate Volcanism with Lead Isotopes
- Estimating pressure and temperature conditions of hydrothermal vent fluid formation: Historic and recent observations at the East Pacific Rise 9°50'N
- Evidence for abundant rainfall in the northern Bahamas from 4100 to 3300 years ago
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Expansion and de-intensification of Brazil's agricultural frontier into areas with a less stable climate
- Exploring Ice-Covered Oceans, Top to Bottom: Experiences in the Arctic with NUI(5k)
- Exploring the competition between runaway overwash and alongshore smoothing: barrier island stability and characteristic segmentation length scales
- Explosive Basaltic Magmatism on the Marion Rise, SWIR
- Field constraints from the Amazon basin reveal a rapid rate constant for oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Fine-scale shallow velocity structure of the Rainbow massif constrained by downward continued multichannel seismic data
- Finite source parameters of moderate earthquakes of the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- Fire Increases Plant-Mediated Methane Flux in Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Wetlands
- First Downhole and Core-Based Petrophysical and Hydrological Measurements in a Submarine Volcano: Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
- First Steps to geoschemas.org: Geoscience Additions to schema.org Based on an Assessment of Neon for Dataset Discovery.
- Formation of the Galapagos Microplate and its Effect on Rifting at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Future nitrogen availability and its effect on carbon sequestration in Northern Eurasia
- Geochemical Diversity Along a Segment of the MAR 14°N: Insights into Magma Transport at Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Geochemical variations in mid-ocean ridge basalts from the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
- Geophysical Investigation of the Marion Rise, Southwest Indian Ridge from the Discovery to Indomed Fracture Zones reveals vast exposures of mantle at the sea floor.
- Gleaner: An Open Source Tool for collecting, processing and indexing structured data on the web
- Global Measurements of Annual Gain and Loss (2003-2016) in Aboveground Carbon Density
- Guaymas Basin IODP Expedition 385: First Overview & Roundup
- Gulf of Maine Sea-Surface Temperature During the Past 6,000 Years
- Helium and carbon isotopes in southern Costa Rica and western Panama
- Hiatus and Heatwaves: What's Putting the Brakes on Arctic Sea-Ice Loss During Recent Summers and How Is It Connected to a Sizzling Asia?
- How (not) to lose communication with your submersible on Europa: An experimental study for characterizing the shear performance of tethers under confinement in ice
- How Close Are We to the Temperature Tipping Point of the Terrestrial Biosphere?
- How much does hydrothermal scavenging influence thorium-derived sediment fluxes?
- How the changing passive microwave observing system challenges the development of water cycle climate data records
- Hydroacoustic Recordings of Lava-Water Interactions and Landslides During the 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano
- Hydroclimatic Effects on Post-Glacial Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in the Indonesian Archipelago: Two Mechanisms for Efficient Carbon Storage
- Hydrothermal <SUP>15</SUP>N<SUP>15</SUP>N abundances constrain the origins of mantle nitrogen
- Hydrothermal Heat Extraction along the Axis of Fast and Intermediate-Spreading Ridges : Constraints from Numerical Models with Realistic, Vp-Derived, Permeability Fields
- Hydrothermal activities along the East Pacific Rise between 1.9°N and 6.3°S
- Icequakes Triggered by Tidal and Thermal Stresses along a Major Ross Ice Shelf Rift
- Imaging the Plate Boundary of the Subducted Gorda Slab with Converted Phases and Guided Waves
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Impact of seasonal river runoff on regional sea level in an ocean state estimate
- Improving the Simulation of Carbon Cycle Fluxes in Arctic-Boreal Vegetation in the Community Land Model
- In situ Chemical Analysis of Rising Bubbles Along the Cascadia Margin
- Increasing Persistence of Weather Regimes over Asia Is Associated with a Rapidly Warming Arctic
- Indian Ocean Warming Trend Reduces Pacific Warming Response to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases: An Interbasin Thermostat Mechanism
- Influence of Land Slumping from Permafrost Thaw on Lake Methane Emissions in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Influence of the Kuroshio Interannual Variability on the Summertime Precipitation over the East China Sea and Adjacent Area
- Inorganic carbon export from intertidal salt marshes revealed from <SUP>224</SUP>Ra:<SUP>228</SUP>Th disequilibria
- Insights into Changing Regional-scale Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from Arctic Tundra Ecosystems
- Interaction of the Kerguelen and Amsterdam-St. Paul hotspots with the Southeast Indian Ridge: Effects on crustal accretion of the Eastern Indian Ocean
- Investigating the role of fluids at three subduction zones along the Ring of Fire with electromagnetic data
- Investigating the significance of centennial timescale paleohurricane activity using modeled hurricane climatology over the past millennium
- Investigation of the Hydrothermal System of Northern Yellowstone Lake Using Multi-Scale Magnetic Surveys
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Joint full waveform inversion of MCS and OBS data for crustal-scale structures: application to the Canadian rifted margin
- Key role of western boundary currents in wintertime Euro-Atlantic blocking
- Laboratory Constraints on the Volume Increase of Serpentinization
- Ladder of Seeps: Tool to Explore for and Define Cold Seeps with Application to the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Large Swell Events Impacting the Ross Ice Shelf and the Harmonic Excitation of Ice Shelf Seismic Waves
- Less remineralized carbon in the intermediate depth South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Magma chamber and dike mechanics at mid-ocean ridges
- Magmatic versus seawater-dominated hydrothermal alteration: evidence from deep-sea drilling at Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand
- Mapping ecosystem integrity in Siberian forests using MODIS time series
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Mapping the Migration Pattern of the Hurricane Harvey Flood Deposit on the Brazos Subaqueous Delta
- Mechanisms of Indo-Pacific Oceanic Exchange through the Indonesian Throughflow - A Synthesis of Coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Microbial life in oceanic crust
- Mid Holocene Paleoceanographic Conditions at the Palk Strait - Evidence from Onshore Fossil Corals from Analaitivu Island Sri Lanka
- Middle to Late Holocene (8000 to 3000 years ago) Ostracode Assemblages in a Bahamian Sinkhole: Implications for Regional Hydroclimate
- Multi-scale along-margin variations in breakup volcanism at the Eastern North American Margin identified by magnetic anomaly modeling
- Multi-stage detachment faulting controls hydrothermal activity in the Dragon Horn area (49.7°E, SWIR): Insight from magnetic studies
- Multi-year Pressure Temperature Records from the Floor of Yellowstone Lake as indicators of Crustal Loading and Deformation
- Multicomponent Satellite Assessment of Global Drought Severity from 2002 to 2019 Using AMSR-E and AMSR2
- Multiple episodes of intraplate volcanism on the Cocos Plate fed by a long-lived melt channel at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
- Multiscale and Multisensor Mapping of the 2018 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galápagos, Ecuador
- NES-LTER: Linking Pelagic Community Structure with Ecosystem Dynamics and Production Regimes on the Changing Northeast U.S. Shelf
- Natural evidence of a hybrid olivine crystal-fabric (H<SUB>BE</SUB> type) within amphibole bearing hydrous peridotites developed below a transform fault: Marion Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Near-Linear Relationship of Double-Spike Corrected Pb Isotope Ratios of Galápagos Lavas Indicate Formation from a Single Genetically Linked Recycled Source
- New Insights into Geomorphic Processes along the Continental Shelf and Slope of Western Costa Rica
- New Product! Historic AVHRR-derived Burned Area product and validation for Siberia (1979 - 2000): Invited Paper 491463
- New evidence on intraplate aftershocks of the 2012 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake off-Sumatra based on OBS data
- Novel Insights from High-frequency, In-situ Primary Productivity and Physical Exchange Rates in a Seagrass-dominated Coastal Ecosystem
- Observations of Subaerial Ash and SO<SUB>2</SUB> during the Havre 2012 eruption with satellite imagery
- Ocean Acidification, Climate Warming and Seagrass Meadows in the Anthropocene
- Ocean Insight: Bringing 'Inner Space' Science to Blind and Visually Impaired Students
- Oceanographic data from Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R), 10 years of platform data management and how it relates to airborne data archiving
- Overwash Rate Controls on Barrier Spit Autodecollation
- Paleoclimate reconstructions in Cuba inferred from coral aragonite δ18O, δ13C and Sr/Ca
- Paleomagnetic properties of hydrothermally altered rocks from IODP Expedition 376 at Brothers Volcano, New Zealand
- Pan-Arctic Molecular Fingerprints: Multi-Year FT-ICR MS Data from the Major Arctic Rivers Reveal Unique Seasonal- and River-Specific Molecular Formulae
- Petrologic Insights into Basaltic Magma Genesis beneath East Antarctica
- Physical processes observed on the deep atoll rims of the Nansha Islands, South China Sea: implication for the formation and maintenance of "broken-wall-bucket" atolls
- Physical protection enhances acclimation of microbial efficiency to chronic soil warming
- Plant wax biomarkers informing mid-late Holocene hydroclimate variability from an inland sinkhole in the Northern Caribbean
- Predicting biomass change at boreal North American forest inventory sites using long-term satellite vegetation indices and environmental drivers.
- Quantifying Differences in the Timing of Deglacial δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Change to Improve Ocean Circulation Reconstructions
- Quantifying the 2006 submarine eruption and along-axis features near 9°50'N on the East Pacific Rise
- Ramped PyrOx and Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry Insights into the Age and Composition of Arctic River Dissolved Organic Matter
- Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over Shallow Water
- Rapid Tidal Marsh Development in Response to Anthropogenic Shoreline - Hudson River Estuary
- Rapid cooling of submarine lava domes and caldera hydrothermal systems, 2012 Havre eruption
- Reactivity of riverine organic carbon from chemical fractionation and ramped pyrolysis oxidation
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Reconciling Off-Axis Mantle Melting Systematics and Heterogeneity: Geochemistry of Lavas From the 8˚20' N Seamount Chain
- Regional Attribution of Tropical Expansion
- Regional CH4 column gradients over Tanana Flats wetlands in interior Alaska
- Regional mapping of biologically significant carbon fractions aided by mid infrared spectroscopy
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Reliable coral Sr/Ca estimates from an altered fossil coral using SIMS
- Remarkable and Persistent Seiches in Lake Yellowstone
- Residual Soil Phosphorus in Tropical Oxisols: An Opportunity to Enhance Fertilizer Use Efficiency?
- Response of a poroviscoelastic mushy magma chamber during magma injection, and implications for interpreting geodetic and petrologic observations
- Response of soil carbon to historical land use changes in the US Great Plains: effects of matching soil carbon fractions with ecosystem model of active, slow and passive pools
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Review of Standard Underway Instrument Formats Across the US Academic Research Fleet
- Scaling greenhouse gas emissions from freshwaters and identifying methane hotspots in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Searching for Waves on Titan's Seas with Coastline Measurements and Modeling
- Sedimentary Vanadium Isotope Signatures from An Oxygen Transect across the California Mexico Margin
- Seismic Images of a Deep Melt-Mush Feeder Conduit Beneath Axial Volcano
- Seismic Imaging of the Mariana Subduction Zone: An Overview
- Siberian and temperate ecosystems shape Northern Hemisphere atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplification
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of Seafloor Cold Seeps with Autonomous Underwater Gliders
- Single-Cell Microbial Metabolism and Growth Rates from a Subseafloor Basaltic Aquifer
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Stormquakes
- Sunlight and iron control the oxidation of DOC leached from permafrost soils
- The "invisible" ash component of marine sediment and the effects on ocean chemistry and climate
- The Cattle Connection: Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from small reservoirs in Brazil's agricultural heartland
- The Contribution of Water Radiolysis to Marine Sedimentary Life
- The Death of an Oceanic Core Complex: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb ages at 16°30'N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- The Depth, Sharpness, and Strength of the G Discontinuity from S-to-p Receiver Functions at the NoMelt Site in the Central Pacific
- The HD-YLAKE project: or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Smell of Hydrogen Sulfide
- The Magnetic Signature of Oceanic Core Complexes
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The Ridgecrest sequence as an example of variable warning times from Earthquake Early Warning
- The Role of Amazon Indigenous Territories and Protected Natural Areas in Region-Wide Gains and Losses of Aboveground Carbon (2003-2016)
- The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Marine Isotope Budgets
- The Water Cycle in Subduction Zones as Constrained by Seismology
- The effects of fire in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK on vegetation composition, nutrient cycling, and carbon dioxide exchange
- The effects of fire on phytoplankton of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The exceptional 2019 melting season over the Greenland ice sheet: drivers, implications and new records
- The influence of scale on modeled carbon combustion from historical wildfires across Alaska and Canada
- The influence of wave climate on bedrock coastal erosion in the Hawaiian Islands
- The interaction between plant substrate identity and soil microbial density on the formation of mineral-associated soil organic matter
- The reliability of pre-eruptive H<SUB>2</SUB>O estimates from quartz-hosted melt inclusions
- The role of magmatism in thinning and breakup of the South China Sea continental margin
- Thermodynamic Constraints on the Extent of Serpentinization in Subduction Zones
- Tidal mixing effects on sea surface temperatures, diurnal rainfall and the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Maritime Continent
- Tidally Induced Icequake Swarms at the Grounded Margins of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Toward a bedrock abrasion rate law for oscillatory flow
- Towards a better understanding of shallow water microseism generation in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park
- Tracing the Fate of Injected CO<SUB>2</SUB> using Noble Gas Isotopes.
- Tracing the evolution of a submarine arc-hosted hydrothermal system through phosphate mineralization: Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
- Tracking the accumulation of O<SUB>2</SUB> in Archean oceans using thallium and molybdenum isotopes
- Using noble gases to trace the migration of hydrocarbons into shallow aquifers: separating signal from noise with inverse modelling techniques
- Variations in REE and Sr isotope compositions of altered rocks from magmatic- and seawater-influenced hydrothermal systems at Brothers volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand (IODP Expedition 376)
- Variations in crustal structure in the region of the Galapagos triple junction
- Vegetation Composition and Nutrients in a Shifting Tundra Fire Regime
- Volcanic ash production and dispersal at the 14°N segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- WISTContin & WISTFUL: New Toolboxes for Interpreting Seismic Wave Speed into Whole Rock Compositions
- WISTFUL thinking: seismic evidence for mantle iron enrichment beneath the Midcontinent Rift
- Warming-induced spring net carbon uptake contributes to enhanced carbon sink activity in the northern high latitudes
- Water, on Ice! : Diurnal-scale Observational Analysis of the Hydrology of Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers from Planet Satellite Imagery
- Westerly Jet-Asian Monsoon Coupling Reconstructed Using Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes in Eolian Dust from Japan Sea Sediments
- Wildfire impacts carbon storage and loss mechanisms in dryland ecosystems in the Western US
- A Decapitated Inside-Corner High of the Discovery Fracture Zone Ridge-Transform Intersection, SW Indian Ridge
- A Small Satellite Constellation of Compact, Multi-angle, Multi-Spectral Imagers for Global Observation of the Planetary Boundary Layer
- A mixed-methods approach to assessing sub-seasonal retreat rates of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Eureka Area, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- A review of ENSO atmospheric teleconnections in the present and future climate
- A review of salinity perspective on the intensification of the ocean water cycle
- Accessing the Building Blocks of Life: Deepening Hole U1309D, Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: IODP Proposal 937.
- Accounting for Subsidence Reveals 50% Deeper Permafrost Thaw and Double the Rate of Carbon Thaw in a Permafrost Warming Experiment
- Active Restoration Promotes Wetland Establishment and Plant Species Richness on Former Riparian Cranberry Farms More Effectively than Passive Retirement
- Adjacent glacierized watersheds with contrasting bedrock geology exhibit strong differences in annual export of mercury
- Advances in the Aquatic Eddy Covariance Technique and the Unique Challenges of Aquatic Boundary Layers: Waves, Ebullition, and Biogeochemical Mass-Balance Closure
- An assessment of major global agricultural breadbaskets reveals significant exposure to future climatic crop yield failures within water scarce regions
- Analysis of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and Calcium Carbonate Saturation State Distributions in the Global Oceans
- Are the Impacts of the Observed Arctic Sea-ice Variability on the Cold Season Atmospheric Circulation Underestimated in AGCM Experiments?
- Arrhythmia in the Amazon: La Niña influence on riverine organic molecular signatures
- Assessing the decomposition potential of peat from the tropics to the Arctic
- Assessing the impacts of hydrological alterations due to anthropogenic ditching on salt marsh ecosystem services and sustainability
- Assessing the potential capability of reconstructing glacial Atlantic water masses and AMOC using multiple proxies in CESM
- Atlantic-Pacific interactions and implications for Central American hydroclimate variability
- Automated Mapping of Ice-wedge Polygon Troughs in the Continuous Permafrost Zone using Commercial Satellite Imagery
- BCO-DMO: Supporting Open Oceanographic Data
- Basement Structure, Fluid Migration Pathways, and Mechanisms of Induced Fault Reactivation in U.S. Mid-Continent
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Building a data science curriculum and community for ocean scientists, engineers, and students using The Carpentries model
- Calcium Carbonate Fluxes in the Atlantic Ocean through Sediment Trap Particulate Inorganic and Organic Carbon Data
- Coastal Community Couplets: How Alongshore Wealth Disparities Can Lead to Suboptimal Beach Nourishment Programs and Increased Erosion Risks in the Long Term
- Combined technologies for high-pressure sampling, transfer, enrichment, and filtration from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Comparison of two extreme SST cooling events in the Banda Sea associated with the 2015 and 2007 boreal winter Madden-Julian Oscillations
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Constraining Modal Error in Ultramafic Thermodynamic Solution Models: Validating Interpretations of Seismic Wave Speed
- Contribution of small agricultural reservoirs to changing carbon cycles in the Amazon-Cerrado region.
- Corals are what they eat: Insights on the robustness of the coral skeleton-bound organic matter δ<SUP>15</SUP>N proxy from a feeding and light experiment
- Could the North Pacific Oscillation Be Modified by the Initiation of the East Asian Winter Monsoon?
- Dating Off-axis Volcanism Along the 8°20'N Seamount Chain Using Sediment Thickness Proxy from Near-bottom Chirp Images
- Deep North Atlantic Last Glacial Maximum Salinity Reconstruction
- Detecting and Mapping Abrupt Landscape Change in Permafrost Regions of Siberia
- Detecting and quantifying magmatic tracers in cold springs on Mount Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
- Detecting ecosystem changes by merging multiple satellite remote sensing platforms across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Developing a New Geospatial Approach for Rangeland Carbon Monitoring
- Diagenetic degradation of paleoenvironmental signals in magnetic susceptibility in sediments from the northern Bay of Bengal (IODP Expedition 353)
- Different Fates for Dissolved Organic Carbon in Mid-Cayman Rise Hydrothermal Systems Revealed through Novel Characterizations
- Direct Covariance Turbulent and Radiative Flux Measurements for the TPOS Array
- Distance from Tidal Creek is an Important Factor Affecting the Ecology and Biogeochemistry in Ditched and Natural Salt Marshes
- Dynamics of giant pumice dispersal in deep sea eruptions
- Décollement initiation at the Cascadia Subduction Zone from Full-Waveform Inversion
- Effects of Tidal Mixing on the MJO-SST Coupling in the Maritime Continent
- Eruption forensics: Deciphering the imprint left by the conduit-flow regime on individual crystals through multi-scale, multi-physics models
- Establishing a database for volcanic eruptions and landslides using ArcticDEM
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluating ecosystem integrity across major forest biomes using ecological theory and MODIS time series
- Evaluation, Accreditation, Certification... Oh, My!
- Examining the Relationships Between Chemical Properties and VNIR Reflectance Properties of Kentucky Soils using In-situ Data
- Exploring interannual variability in potential spawning habitat for Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Slope Sea
- Exploring signatures of coastal erosion processes in the shoreline morphology of Titan's seas
- Exploring the Spatial Patterns of Delta Morphodynamics on Mars and Titan
- Filling the soil data gap
- Flow Laws for Ice Sheet Modelling: what do Experiments tell us?
- From hot to cold: Assessing the mineralogical diversity of hydrothermal vent plume particles on Earth with an eye towards hydrothermally active icy ocean worlds
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- Geodynamic modeling of subduction initiation and back-arc basin spreading at the IBM subduction zone
- Grain-size-sensitive creep of ice in the 'dislocation creep' regime
- Harnessing Commercial Satellite Imagery, Artificial Intelligence, and High Performance Computing to Characterize Ice-wedge Polygonal Tundra
- High Drag and Flow Separation in Curved Estuarine Channels
- High Helium Reservoirs in the Four Corners Area of the Colorado Plateau, USA
- High-precision, heavy noble gas isotope ratios in groundwater identify past water-table depth
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How Well Does SMOS Depicts Decadal Trends of Sea Surface Salinity in the Global Ocean?
- Hydraulic control and wave adjustment in a channel+plateau system: Deep Western Boundary Current passing through the Samoan Passage
- Hydrodynamic impacts of winter storms and hurricanes on a two-inlet system
- Impact of Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting on the Abyssal Southern Ocean
- Impact of ocean observation systems on ocean analyses and subseasonal forecasts in the Indo-Pacific region
- Impacts of Changing Environmental Conditions on Larval Fish Dispersal and Population Connectivity: A Case Study of the Northeast US Shelf Ecosystem
- Importance of nitrogen controls on carbon sequestration in regrowing forests of the Mid-west and Northeast United States
- Importance of orography for Greenland cloud and melt response to atmospheric blocking
- Inferring ice rheology in Antarctic ice shelves using remotely-sensed surface velocity and ice thickness observations
- Inferring oceanic vertical velocities from sea surface data with machine learning
- Initial Validation Results for the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model
- Insights into Earth's Accretion from Deep Mantle Kr Isotopes
- Integration of in situ and satellite observations of the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf: From microscopic plankton to ecosystem assessment
- Interaction of a Glacial Meltwater Outflow with a Shelf Break Jet
- Intra-Allerød Cold Period (IACP) likely not triggered by deglacial outburst floods from the Hudson River, New York City, USA
- Intraseasonal Variability in the Persian Gulf Revealed by GRACE and Altimetry
- Introducing the revised IODP proposal to reveal the nature of back-arc basin lower crust and upper mantle at the Godzilla Megamullion
- Investigating Carbon Fluxes Through Sediment Traps in the Pacific Ocean
- Investigating Holocene Hydroclimate using Sediment Cores from Florida Panhandle Sinkhole Lakes
- Investigating feedbacks between magmatic emplacement, relief development, and surface processes at continental rifts
- Investigating the role of extracellular superoxide in coral health through sensor development and comparative genomics
- Investigating variability in ocean heat content on the Antarctic continental shelf and its relationship to coastal ice dynamics
- Iron nanoparticle oxidation and aggregation behavior informs the fate of hydrothermal iron exported to oceans on Earth and beyond
- Landscape connectivity and dissolved organic matter in a degrading permafrost polygonal landscape
- Linking pelagic community structure and production regimes: Exploring interannual variability at the Northeast U.S. Shelf Long-Term Ecological Research (NES-LTER) site
- Lithium Budget and Isotopic Fractionation of Pre- and Post-Eruptive Rhyolites at Clayton Valley, Nevada: Melt Inclusion, Pumice Glass, and Mineral Insights on Economic Lithium Enrichment
- Long-term Change in the Mixed Layer Depth on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf
- Magma Transport Along a Single Slow-Spreading Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14°N
- Makassar Transport Variability Over the Past Century - A Synthesis of Observations, Coral d<SUP>18</SUP>O and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Mathematical Modeling of Phytoplankton Community Structures As Affected by Biological and Physical Processes
- Measuring Total Heat Flux at 9^o50'N, East Pacific Rise, using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sentry
- Mechanism for plate-edge rifting of the South China Sea continental margin: Initial hydrous mantle induces rapid continental-oceanic transition
- Mercury stocks and vulnerability in permafrost soils and lake sediments
- Methane Emissions in the North Slope: Identifying the Source of Model and Observation Disagreement
- Microbial biosignatures in the lower oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- Microbial community structure of dark and light layers in the Quaternary hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea
- Microbial diversity-informed modeling of the polar marine ecosystem functions
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Heterogeneity: Insights from the 8°20' N Near-Axis Seamount Chain
- Modeling of Ocean Mesoscale Variability and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Ocean.
- Modeling the effects of fresh water rain flux on convective coupling in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Muddying the river-ocean carbon budget: synthesis of previous work on Guianas Mudbanks organic carbon in preparation for a new expedition
- Multi-Decadal Carbon Cycle Measurements at the Howland Forest AmeriFlux Site
- Natural Abundance Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Steady-State Box Model of the Nitrogen Cycle
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- Nearshore Submarine Groundwater Discharge to an Arctic Lagoon
- Network analysis of integrated mass spectrometry and genetic data provides new insights on microbial carbohydrate and lignin transformations resulting from long-term experimental warming.
- New Fe isotope insights into the oxidation history of a Neoarchean Earth
- Numerical representation of soil hot spots and hot moments of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes using microsite probability density functions
- Observing rain layers, diurnal warm layers, and their impacts in tropical oceans
- On the modulation and alongcoast coherence of United States East Coast decadal sea level variability
- Orientation of Horizontal Components of Short Period Ocean Bottom Seismometers (SPOBSs) using P-wave Polarization.
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Permafrost Carbon Emissions from a Warming Arctic: What are the Implications for International Climate Goals?
- Physical-biogeochemical response to climate change and sea level rise in the Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Porewater exchange driven inorganic carbon export from intertidal salt marshes
- Post-fire recovery of ecosystem productivity in Arctic and boreal forests of Alaska
- Potential for Soil Carbon Sequestration in the US Great Plain Agricultural Region: Quantifying Management and Climate Driven Changes
- Preliminary Results from a Towed Streamer Controlled Source Electromagnetic Survey for Groundwater over the New England Continental Shelf
- Preliminary rock magnetic and geochemical data from cold seepage sites of IODP Expedition 385, Guaymas Basin
- Primary Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Atlantic
- Quantifying the Biogeochemical Role of Marine Microbes at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) Site
- Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon reveal mixing and dissolution of thermogenic methane from bubbles seeping into an Arctic lake under ice through winter
- Rapid methanogenesis as a significant control on carbon capture and storage
- Reef island response to sea-level rise explored through a simple morphodynamic model
- Reevaluating Flood Risk Methodologies in Houston, Texas Using a 2D Hydraulic Flood Model
- Regional shifts in paleohurricane activity over the past 1500 years reconstructed from blue hole sediment records in the Bahama Archipelago
- Results from Lithosphere Imaging of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen Using Magnetotellurics
- Revealing the fine-scale heterogeneity of Arctic terrestrial greenhouse gas fluxes
- Salty seas and sharks from space: Combining satellite remote sensing and in situ data sets to understand elasmobranch movement ecology in relation to ocean salinity and other sea changes
- Seasonal-to-interannual Prediction of Bottom Temperature on the Northeast US Continental Shelf
- Seasonally evolving hydraulic transmissivity beneath Greenland supraglacial lakes
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Self-Sustained Oscillations In 2D Thermohaline Convection
- Siberia: An altered landscape that will act to transform the region and Earth
- Simulation of Boreal Treeline Migration in A Warming World
- Soil Characteristics and Plant Functional Groups across Successional Stages of Ice-wedge Degradation and Re-stabilization in the Tundra of Northern Alaska
- Source-to-sink micronutrient cycling between seawater, sediment, and nodules in the South Pacific.
- Stress coupling between neighboring supraglacial lakes during rapid drainage
- Supercool Southern Ocean Waters from Sinking Plumes and Ice-Shelf Melting
- Synthesis of Arctic-Boreal region biogenic methane fluxes, model-data mismatch and knowledge gaps
- Tara Pacific Expedition: global sampling of marine aerosols and surface ocean
- Targeted in-situ observations improve hurricane intensity predictions, but not track predictions?
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The FAMOS school day: Fostering confidence in a diverse body of early-career polar marine scientists
- The Impact of Climate Change on Mixed Layer Depth and its Role in Shaping Past and Future Marine Heatwaves
- The Impact of Climate Change on Submesoscale Instabilities in the Surface Ocean
- The Means of Production: Carbon fixation and assimilation in an ultrabasic, serpentinization-influenced aquifer
- The Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent in Three Generations of Global Climate Models and Glider Observations
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The Under-actuated Under-ice Oceanographic (U<SUB>2</SUB>O) mission concept
- The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
- The control of crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development and grain size reduction on ice mechanical weakening (enhancement)
- The effect of accelerating sea levels on the evolution of natural and developed barriers
- The effects of aboveground diversity, litter chemistry, and successional stage on decomposition in subtropical dry forests, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- The flux and optical properties of dissolved carbon in the tidal marshes surrounding the Yangtze Estuary.
- The global climate mitigation potential of increased land-carbon storage.
- The predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- The resilience and vulnerability of the regional carbon sink in Alaska and Canada
- Three-dimensional fine-scale seismic structure of the Rainbow massif constrained by downward continued multichannel seismic data
- Tidal Exports of Dissolved Organic Carbon from a Coastal Salt Marsh Complex
- Tidally forced icequakes near the grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Time to Go Deeper: Drilling the Lower Crust at a Magmatically Robust Ultraslow Spreading Segment
- Towards an Antarctic Rift Catalog (ARC)
- Towards improved understanding and predictability of Tropical Pacific variability through a redesigned Tropical Pacific Ocean System: the role of new observational platforms
- Understanding Physical Drivers of the 2016 Marine Heatwave in the Northwest Atlantic
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Upper mantle hydration indicated by decreased shear velocity near the Southern Mariana Trench from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Upper ocean stratification: regional differences between high and low resolution climate models
- Using Coastal Arrays to Improve Earthquake Early Warning and Offshore Detection in Subduction Zones
- Using Individual-Based Modeling to Understand Future Climate Impacts on Canadian Aspen Parklands
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Variational Analysis to reconstruct the 3D dynamics of an anticyclonic eddy, possible use of SWOT observations.
- Wave and current controls on the formation and steady-state maintenance of deep reef flats on atoll rims
- West African hydroclimate trends and variability during the Cenozoic
- Western boundary current instability gives rise to extraordinary subsurface diatom blooms in the Middle Atlantic Bight slope sea
- What can deep sea hydrothermal vent mineral alteration tell us about chemolithotrophic microbes?
- Wildfire Effects on Aquatic Biogeochemistry in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Wildfire, permafrost, and vegetation interactions in a discontinuous permafrost region revealed by dual-frequency airborne radar observations
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) 2020 Summer Student Fellowship Remote Program: Challenges and Successes
- 300-year hurricane frequency reconstruction using grain size and 18O analysis of Elphidium excavatum coeval with tempestites in the Pelican Cays, Belize
- 36 months of autonomous profiling float observations in the Loop Current
- 4CAST Gofar: New Observations of Structure, Tectonics, Magmatism, and Hydrothermal Activity within the Gofar Transform Fault
- A Comparison Between a BGM-3 and a New AT1M Marine Gravity Meter During a Survey in the North Atlantic in December 2020.
- A New Generation Shipboard Marine Gravimeter by Dynamic Gravity Systems for the UNOLS Academic Research Fleet
- A Perspective from Earths Deep Mantle Krypton and Xenon on Evolution of Planetary Interiors
- A single-cell view of planetary habitability
- A unified theory of progressive broad deformation of oceanic transform faults: From transform valley to off-transform faulting and rifting
- A zonal dipole across the tropical Indian Ocean governed precipitation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Air-Sea Coupling Shapes North American Hydroclimate Response to Ice Sheets During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Air-sea heat and momentum fluxes measured by Uncrewed Surface Vehicles during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Amplified seasonal cycle in hydroclimate over the Amazon river basin and its plume region
- An Active-source Seismic Velocity Cross-section of the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Island Arc
- An URGEnt Vision
- Anti-Racism in Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering
- Arctic salinity processes and NASAs upcoming SASSIE experiment
- Are the water fluxes balanced at subduction zones?
- Aseismic Movement of Gofar Transform Fault may be Aided by Formation of Clay-Bearing Basaltic Breccias
- Assessing the influence of changing vegetation distributions on increasing seasonal CO2 exchange in high latitudes
- Barium in seawater: An isotopic perspective
- Barrier island stability and segmentation in micro-tidal environments
- Beyond anoxia: exploring sedimentary Thallium isotopic compositions in paleo-redox reconstructions from a new core top collection
- Carbonate Formation Induced by Evaporation: Controls on Isotopic Composition and Implications for Quantitative Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Cascading weather events amplify the coastal thermal conditions prior to the shelf transit of Hurricane Sally (2020)
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Iron Cycle across the South Pacific and Southern Ocean
- Central Anomaly Magnetization High and Crustal Accretion at the East Pacific Rise, 950N
- Changes in hydrothermal fluid origin conditions approaching the next eruption at 9 50N East Pacific Rise
- Chemical Stratigraphy of an Off-axis Melt Complex in the Young Guaymas Basin Spreading Center, Gulf of California
- Climate-ready and resilient fisheries: Using satellite data to conserve and manage life in the ocean and support sustainable fisheries
- Clumped methane isotopologue based temperatures reveal sources of methane in marine gas hydrates and associated vent gases
- Combining shell-based isotope records with numerical model simulations to investigate the time of emergence of widespread warming of the western North Atlantic shelf
- Comparing paleo-oxygenation proxies (benthic foraminiferal surface porosity, I/Ca, authigenic uranium) on modern sediments and glacial Arabian Sea
- Connecting Magma Chamber Mush Dynamics to Post Eruptive Reinflation at Cordon Caulle
- Constraining the Effects of Nepheloid Layers on 230Th-Normalization and 231Pa/230Th
- Controls on Clumped Isotope Composition of Cold Seep Carbonates: Implications for Reconstructing the Rate of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
- Crustal Velocity Structure Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone (ORZ): Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Experiment Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana
- Crustal structure along-strike in the Andreanof segment of the Aleutian Arc from wide-angle seismic refraction data
- Data-model integration to better understand the formation and dynamics of tidal inlets and barrier islands
- Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate in an isotopeenabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions
- Designing and Developing the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Curriculum
- Discovery and Geochemistry of Off-Axis Volcanic Cones at East Pacific Rise 950N
- Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests
- Diurnal Variations of Cloudiness and Surface Fluxes in the Northwestern Tropical Atlantic
- Diversity of phytoplankton physiology maximizes primary productivity in an eddying ocean
- Drivers of heat and freshwater transport from the Pacific to Indian Ocean using proxy-model synthesis
- Dynamics of wind, wave and water level during the storm season in the Maryland Coastal Bays
- Efficient Degassing of Planetesimals During Melting and Differentiation: Water Delivery to Earth via Unmelted Material
- Estuaries on the Edge: Sediment Dynamics and Resiliency of U.S. Pacific Coast Wetlands
- Evaluating Reservoir Response to Dam Removal Using Drone-based Remote Sensing Methods
- Evaluating Southern Portuguese Hydroclimate from Highly Resolved Speleothem Records
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Evolution of the temperature conditions during the rapid intensification of Hurricane Sally (2020) over the Alabama shelf
- Evolving Air-Sea Interaction due to Sea-Ice Retreat Points to a Re-organisation of Water Mass Transformation in the Nordic and Barents Seas
- Examining shoreface disequilibrium morphodynamics and their influence on shoreline change
- Experimental Constraints on the Density Sorting and Melange Melting in Subduction Zones
- From sea level to summit: Evidence of altitude dependence for the production rate of cosmogenic nuclides 3He and 36Cl in lava flows on Mount Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Geochemical and Geophysical Investigations of the Galapagos Triple Junction Region
- Geomicrobiology of Basalts from an Age Transect at East Pacific Rise 950'N
- Global earthquake monitoring and tsunami early warning: ocean observing capabilities, sustainable development requirements, and case examples from Japan, Canada, and the Caribbean
- Grain size sensitive flow of ice in the putative dislocation creep regime
- Groundswell Anti-Racism Action in the Geosciences
- Groundwater Flow and Transport in a Coastal Aquifer in the Arctic
- Helium isotope characteristics of Andean Convergent Margin geothermal fluids
- High-Tide Flooding and Storm Surge During Atmospheric Rivers on the US West Coast
- High-resolution Seismic Imaging of the Rainbow Massif from Full-waveform Inversion of Multichannel Seismic Data
- Highly siderophile element-depleted mantle beneath the Southwest Indian Ridge at the Marion Rise
- Hot2Cold Vents: Insights into hydrothermal deposit microbial succession, 950N East Pacific Rise
- How Does Iceberg Shape Affect Melting?
- How Stressed Out is it Really? Mapping Stress Heterogeneity at the Thin Section Scale
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Implications for Cenozoic environmental trends and variability from leaf wax n-alkane distributions in Western Africa
- Inactive Seafloor Sulfides Support Productive Chemoautotrophic Microbial Communities
- Incoming sediment properties at the Cascadia subduction zone constrained by active source seismic data
- Incorporating Permafrost into Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Policy and Action
- Initial Results from the Compact Midwave Imaging System (CMIS) Airborne Test Campaign
- Interaction between the marine ice cliff instability and ice shelf rift propagation observed using ICESat-2
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- Investigating Antarctic Ice Sheet Feedbacks with Coupled Ice Sheet and Climate Models
- Investigating the Role of Subsurface Autotrophic Bacteria in Modifying Fluxes of Nutrients and Carbon from Aquifers to Coasts
- Iron Weathering and Organic Speciation in Ice-Free Antarctic Meltwater Streams and Implications for Bioavailable Iron Flux to the Southern Ocean
- Mantle Sources and Melting Processes Facilitated by the Delamination of Lithosphere Beneath East Antarctica: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence from the Southernmost Volcanoes on Earth
- Microscale observations of old, stable organic carbon in pelagic sediment
- Modeling Iceberg Tracks and IRD Extents During Heinrich Events
- Multiple Equilibrium States of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico
- Near-Ridge Magmatism Explored Using 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Enriched MORB from the 820' N Seamount Chain
- Neotectonics of the Rift-Bounding Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Graben (Uganda), Western Branch of the East African Rift System
- New seismic reflection imaging of the Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian subduction zone
- Noble Gases Record Widespread Six Degrees Celsius Low-Latitude Land Cooling During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Northeast African climate cycles from leaf wax isotopes in Plio-Pleistocene Mediterranean sapropels
- Ocean circulation and climate effects on US East Coast sea-level trends since 1900
- On the brink of change: Observations reveal coastal oceanographic impacts and inland glacier response associated with the ongoing collapse of West Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Overflow Water Pathways in the North Atlantic: New Observations from the OSNAP Program
- Overturning in the Eastern North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre
- Overwintering zombie fires in boreal forests
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Plate Bending and Hydration Constrained from Ocean Bottom Seismographs in Southern Mariana Subduction Zone
- Postglacial Fluctuations of Western Southern Patagonian Icefield Glaciers Reconstructed from Fjord Sediments (Chile, 50S)
- Precipitation, Erosion, and Biogeochemical Nutrient Cycling in Biological Soil Crust in the Great Salt Lake Desert
- Preliminary results from the Electromagnetic Alaskan GeoPRISMS Experiment (E-MAGE)
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Putting productivity proxies to the test with GEOTRACES data
- Pyrite Nanoparticles as Biogeochemical Tracers: Constraining the Effects of Ocean Chemistry on Particle Chemical and Morphological Evolution
- Quantifying XRF Core Scanning Counts Within Different Sediment Matrices: Transitioning From a Nearshore to Farshore Environment at IODP Site U1553
- Radiogenic 40Ar signals in groundwater at the sub-permil level: a new age and/or flow tracer?
- Reconstructing river flows on Mars and Titan with dimensionless hydraulic geometry
- Redox Dynamics and Reduced Benthic Faunal Abundance Across the Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction
- Redox conditions of magmas from the 2018 eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii: combined Fe- and S-XANES measurements of glasses and the importance of redox re-equilibration in olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Remote Imaging Spectroscopy for the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Perspectives from a Decade of Ocean Data Management
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Salt Marsh Response to Rapid Sea Level Rise after Barrier Breach
- Sizing up the 2005-2006 volcanic eruption near 950N, East Pacific Rise, using repeat near-bottom surveys
- Skillful Long-lead Prediction of Heavy Rainfall in the US Midwest from Ocean Salinity
- Southeastern U.S. Centennial-Scale Drought and Pluvials Controlled by Ocean Heat Transport and Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Spatial Trends in Mantle Helium Fluxes to Groundwater along the San Andreas and its Companion Faults
- Stability of the North American Craton from Petrologic Interpretations of Seismic Tomography
- Strain Localization in Polymineralic Rocks: The Role of Phase Mixing
- Structuring Institution-wide Participation in URGE and Institutional Follow-through
- Submarine Volcanism in the Galapagos Archipelago: Tectonic Controls
- Subsurface Landscape of a Chemolithoautotrophy-based Ecosystem
- Summer Meltwater Dynamics at Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Surviving in Ocean Worlds: An Experimental Characterization of Mechanical and Optical Transmission Performance of Fiber Optic Tethers Across Ice Faults
- Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Okavango Delta and Rift Zone, Botswana
- Temporal Dynamics and Impact of Seafloor Volcanic Eruptions on Seafloor Features, Hydrothermal Fluid Geochemistry, and Biological Community Structure over 32 years on the East Pacific Rise
- The Crustal Ocean Biosphere Research Accelerator (COBRA) Will Inform Decision Making for Deep-Sea Mining and Subseafloor Carbon Sequestration
- The DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Evolution and Morphology of the McMurdo Rift, West Antarctica
- The Role of Hydrogen in Isotopic Fractionation and Atmospheric Composition During Photochemical Aerosol Formation in a Titan-Like Atmosphere
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The limits of the predictability of near-term changes in forest biomass: a case study in boreal North America
- The mechanical effect of heat and gas in a mushy magma chamber
- The role of P-rich precursors in barite formation in the ocean
- The role of large-scale circulation in modulating moisture sources for (and transport to) the U.S. Midwest, and implications for precipitation
- The soil carbon debt: can we close it?
- There and Back Again: Transformation Plasticity Across the Quartz-Coesite and Fayalite-Ringwoodite Phase Transitions Revealed in Synchrotron D-DIA Experiments
- Three-dimensional Vp/Vs structure of the Rainbow massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, from local micro-earthquake tomography
- Tides in Enceladus' Porous Core
- Time-series Monitoring of Hydrothermal Processes During the Run-up to the Next Volcanic Eruption at the East Pacific Rise 9 50N
- Towards Teleoperation Of Oceanographic Research Vehicles
- Trace metal controls in high temperature hydrothermal fluids leading up to the next eruption at 950N East Pacific Rise
- Trace metal nutrient distributions and transport in a Greenland ice-marginal lake
- Tracking Changes in Hydrothermal Vent Temperatures and Crustal Permeability During Seafloor Eruptions at the East Pacific Rise, 9 50'N
- Tracking Life and Abiotic Organic Synthesis with Amino Acids at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Trends in the representation of women among US geoscience faculty from 1999-2020: the long road towards gender parity
- Two Distinct Modes of Climate Responses to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing Changes
- Ultra-high precision analysis of mantle-derived noble gases by dynamic mass spectrometry: analytical developments.
- Understanding the drivers of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using a stochastic model
- Understanding the drivers, dynamics, and regional patterns of terrestrial ecosystem CO2 fluxes across the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- Unlearning Racism in Geoscience-URGE-ing with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Participants
- Using microearthquakes to investigate the earthquake preparation process at the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Using the Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Warming to Constrain the Climate Sensitivity
- Vanadium isotope constraints on the cosmolocation of the CAI factory
- Variations in Earthquake Stress Drop on Gofar Transform Fault at the End of the 2008 and 2020 Seismic Cycles
- Ventilation of tropical Atlantic intermediate waters during the Last Glacial Maximum
- What Drives Atlantic Hurricane Activity in the Last Millennium?
- Why Does Continental Summertime Monthly Temperature Variance Increase With Warming in Some Models but Not Others?
- Widespread Alkaline Explosive Volcanism and Mantle Outcrops on the SW Indian Ridge
- Working with Leaders and Stakeholders to Implement Anti-racist Policies within Geoscience Workplaces
- XRF Core Scanning Analysis of On- and Off-axis Sills in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- 3D Reconstructions of the Solar Atmosphere using Neural Radiance Fields
- A Deeper View of the North-Pacific: Transport and Spreading Pathways at 1000 metres According to Argo
- A Magnetotelluric Study of Crustal Thinning and Mantle Upwelling Beneath New England
- A Non-negligible Role of Arctic Pathways for Wintertime Pacific Blocking
- A Path to Big Blue Carbon- ocean carbon dioxide removal at the gigaton scale
- A Process-based Approach to Carbonate Diagenesis: Back to Basics
- A Synthesis of Tidal Fronts via Radar Remote Sensing at Three Estuary Mouths
- A Synthesis: Heat Sources and Flux Distributions in the Western Ross Sea Seafloor, Antarctica - Links between Rifting, Volcanism and Ice Sheets
- A precisely-dated, composite stalagmite record of Indian summer monsoon variability from Siddha Baba cave, central Nepal
- A rheologic model for the seismogenic behavior of oceanic transform faults
- A stochastic approach to modeling marine microplastic distributions
- Abundance and Distribution of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Surface Sediments of the Northern Bering Sea
- Accessible Oceans: Exploring Ocean Data Through Sound
- Advances and Opportunities for Predicting and Understanding Gulf Stream Impacts on Weather and Climate: 2022 CLIVAR Workshop Report
- Advances of the DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- Advancing Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Robotics for Full-Ocean Depth Exploration and Research
- An Investigation of the Properties of A Surprisingly Coherent Submesoscale Mediterranean Eddy
- An Upgraded Hov Alvin for Abyssal and Hadal Science
- Analysis of Shear Instabilities Along Flood Intrusion Fronts at Two Estuaries Using Field Data and Model Comparisons
- Are we already at a 1.5C warming threshold: homogenized sea surface and land temperatures indicate between 1.2 to 1.5C warming from 1880 to 2022
- Biogeochemistry of ice-marginal Lake Tininnilik following rapid drainage
- Broad Fault Zones Enable Deep Fluid Transport and Limit Earthquake Magnitude: Evidence from the Chain Transform
- Butterfly: A Satellite Mission to Transform Our Understanding of the Contribution of Air-Sea Fluxes to Weather and Climate
- CASIE21-OBS: Acquisition of a Controlled-Source Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Refraction/Reflection Dataset Across the Cascadia Margin
- Case studies of double and northern hemisphere east Pacific ITCZs: Impacts of boundary layer depth and free troposphere momentum mixing
- Changing Southern Ocean Oxygenation at Intermediate Water Depths during the Transition Eocene-Oligocene Ice Sheet Development: Bulk Sediment Elemental data from IODP Site U1553, New Zealand.
- Characterizing Fire Regimes of Northwest African Savannas From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Late Holocene
- Climate change will affect water availability and agriculture production in Southern Madagascar
- Cloud-radiative Coupling from Two Decades of Observations from Three Ocean Reference Site (ORS) Buoys in Trade-wind Regions
- Comparing Modes of Climate Variability Associated with North Atlantic SST Fingerprints During the 20thCentury and on Millennial Timescales
- Confirmation of Microbial Degradation of Naphthenic Acids during Oil Sands Reclamation
- Connecting the Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Height, Surface Freshwater Flux and OceanBottom Pressure in the Mediterranean Sea
- Constraining Surface Reservoir Ages in the Southern Ocean Over the Past 30,000 Years Using Foram and Coral-Based Records
- Constraints on the Nature of Primary Precipitates in Archean Iron Formations from Spectroscopic and Theoretical Determinations of the Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Behavior of Greenalite and Ferrihydrite
- Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments
- Continuous Beach Morphology Observations under Active Storm Forcing using Compact 3D LiDAR Scanners
- Cosmogenic 3He exposure and 40Ar/39Ar dating of fault scarps and lavas on Isla Santa Cruz, Galápagos Archipelago: Linking low-volume magmatism to flank deformation
- Creating an Antarctic Rift Catalog using ICESat-2: Measurement Algorithm Design and Validation on Brunt Ice Shelf, and Recent Variability in the Opening Rate of the Halloween Crack
- Cross-shore Roller Transformation over Barred Bathymetries
- Detecting Coastal Landforms on Titan
- Determining the Economic Viability of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal with Seaweed Farms
- Determining the Strength of the Oceanic Lower Crust: a Geochemical, Microstructural, and Rheological Investigation of ODP Hole 735B, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Disentangling the spatial drivers of late-Holocene tropical cyclone frequency variability across the North Atlantic using high-resolution sedimentary archives
- Dispersal of Glacial Meltwater in the Western North Atlantic - Role of Dynamical Instabilities
- Dissolved Organic Matter in an Arctic Subterranean Estuary
- Downstream Impacts of Melting Icebergs on Circulation and Mercury Cycling in a Glacial Fjord
- Dramatic Changes in the Deepwater Circulation of the Southern Ocean since late Miocene
- Drivers of Decadal Rainfall Variability in Mainland Southeast Asia: Insights from Tree-Ring Reconstructions and the Last Millennium Ensemble
- Drivers of Variability in the Position of the Subtropical Jet Over Nepal in the Last Millennium Ensemble
- Drivers of mid-depth Pacific cooling trends in an ocean reanalysis
- Early EUV irradiance forecast using virtual spacecraft outside the Sun-Earth viewpoint
- Emiliania huxleyi response to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement in Laboratory Culture
- Enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of air-sea flux estimates from space to address fine mesoscale variability: Challenges and progress
- Examination of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Ability to Improve Marine Reconstructions Using Spatially Diverse Coral Records
- Examining Fundy-mental coastal-aquifer exchange process in mega-tidal settings
- Examining Variability Along a Single Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 14°N Using Geochemistry, Petrologic Modeling & Cluster Analysis
- Exploring Mesoscale Eddy Vertical Structure Regimes in the Global Ocean
- Findings from a second decade to the time series at the Stratus Ocean Reference Station
- Fingerprinting coastal erosion processes from shoreline morphology on Earth and Titan
- Freshening of the Iceland Basin: Clues from the Grand Banks?
- Future Climate Projections Using Fully Coupled Ice Sheet and Global Climate Models
- Global oceanic oxygenation controlled by the Southern Ocean processes through the last deglaciation
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- Grounding-Zone Retreat and Marine Sediment Transport from Holocene to Present along Thwaites Glacier in the Eastern Amundsen Sea
- Helium and carbon isotope systematics in arc-related fumarolic gases and geothermal fluids
- History-dependent volcano deformation, frequency-dependent reservoir geometry, and other implications of broad-spectrum viscoelastic rheology around magma chambers
- Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermometry of the Hot Springs Along the Magma-poor Western branch of the East African Rift System
- Impacts of Anomalous Integrated Water Vapor Transport Events on the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Impacts of Waves and Sea States on Air-Sea Momentum Flux in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Parameterization and Wave Coupled Climate Modeling
- Improvements to the COARE Bulk Flux Algorithm using OOI Surface Flux Data
- Inactive Seafloor Sulfides Support Productive Chemoautotrophic Microbial Communities
- Increased Momentum Loss by Secondary Circulation and Flow Separation in Estuarine Meanders
- Interpreting excess air in groundwater with new hydroclimate tracers
- Into the Arctic Ice: Vent Fluid Chemistry, Heat and Mass Fluxes from the Aurora Hydrothermal Ecosystem, Gakkel Ridge
- Inverting benthic foraminiferal records for Little Ice Age surface climate evolution
- Investigating long-term changes of equatorial ocean dynamics with 20 years of current velocity observations from a moored observatory at 0°N, 23°W
- Investigating the Utility of Coral Ba/Ca from Tobago as a Proxy for River Discharge and Regional Hydroclimate Variability in the Tropical Atlantic
- Is There Hope for Accurate Carbon Flux Estimates Based on UVP Images?
- Lagrangian Analysis of the Physical Process Involved in the Evolution of the Smoke Plume from the 2019/2020 Australian Wildfire Event
- Last Glacial Maximum Deep Ocean Salinity and Preformed Nitrate Reconstruction: Implications for Glacial Carbon Storage
- Last Millennium Reconstruction of Thermocline Variability in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia - Implications for Large Scale Winds
- Lateral exports of inorganic carbon and air-water CO2 fluxes from intertidal saltmarshes in the lens of Blue Carbon capacity
- Long-Period Magnetotelluric (MT) Investigation of the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen; New Insights Into Past Episodes of Rifting
- Mantle Convection in the presence of a Growing Crust
- Mapping Alaskan and Canadian Wildfires using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Mapping the Sun and its Irradiance in Extreme Ultraviolet from any Viewpoint with an End-to-End ML Pipeline
- Mesoscale Dynamic and Thermodynamic Coupling between the Atmosphere and the Ocean near the Kuroshio Current
- Microbial Ecosystem Responses to Alkalinity Enhancement in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- Microbial succession after simulated inactivation of seafloor massive sulfides from 9°50'N East Pacific Rise
- Mid-Holocene Drought Inferred from Four Lake Level Reconstructions in Northern Florida
- Modeling the Production of Heinrich Layers with an IRD Enabled Iceberg Model in MITgcm
- Multi-decadal variability in past millennium North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency inferred from sediment cores
- Multi-scale, finite-frequency body wave tomography of Southern Patagonia
- Nanoparticulate iron oxyhydroxides dominate iron speciation in hydrothermal plumes over the 1-100 km distance from vent source
- New Constraints on the Factors that Control the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and the Driving Forces of Plate Motions from the PI-LAB Experiment
- New Generation of Altimetry-derived Ocean Thermal Structure for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting and Research
- New Insights on the Yakutat slab tear, south central Alaska (USA): Sr-Nd-Pb isotope constraints on the Pleistocene Maclaren River Volcanic Field
- Nitrogen Isotope Heterogeneity in the Oceanic Mantle
- Nonlinear Viscoelasticity and Transient creep of the Upper Mantle in Response to Large Stress Changes
- Observations of Breaking-Wave Dissipation and Their Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean Energy Transfer
- Observations of extensive mineral replacement at Von Damm vent field
- Optimizing the Integration of Submersible Data into the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS)
- Organic Compounds as Tracers of Subsurface Geochemistry to Assess Habitability at Icy Ocean Worlds
- Organic carbon burial in the Bengal Fan and late Cenozoic cooling: chicken or egg?
- Particle Cycling Rates Across Biogeochemical Regimes in the Ocean
- Past Variability of Red Sea Hydrology and Overturning Circulation Through Reconstructions of Temperature and Salinity Using Coral Proxies
- Physical Insights from the Prediction of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using Explainable Deep Neural Networks
- Propagation of Mechanical and Thermal Signals Across Crystal Mush
- Quantifying carbon export and remineralization during a spring bloom using 238U-234Th disequilibrium in the EXPORTS Program
- Quantifying terminus ablation for 58 tidewater glaciers in Greenland over the last century
- Quantifying the Impact of Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves on the East Pacific ITCZ during Boreal Spring
- Rapid transmission of surface ocean signals to deep sea by Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last 1,000 years
- Reconstructing Temperature Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Over the Last 150 Years Using Clam Shell Oxygen Isotopes and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Relationships Between Surface Fluxes, Convection, Ocean Heat Uptake, and the ITCZ
- Relocation of the OOI Pioneer Array
- Remotely Sensed Estimates of Surfzone Vorticity: Impacts of Inhomogeneous Bathymetry on Nearshore Circulation
- Response of the Mobile Bay outflow plume to forcing based on remote sensing, in-situ observations, and modeling
- Revealing prevalent upwellings by global imaging of mantle transition zone using SS precursors
- Revisiting 228Th as a tool for determining sedimentation and mass accumulation rates
- Revisiting the Pathways of Red Sea Overflow Water to the South Atlantic using Lagrangian Particle Tracking Simulations
- River effects on sea-level rise in the Río de la Plata during the past century
- Ross Ice Shelf Acceleration and Lamb Wave Propagation Induced by Whillans Ice Stream Slip Events
- Seasonal Dynamics of Groundwater Flow and Transport in the Nearshore Arctic
- Seasonal to interannual variability of salinity on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf
- Seasonal, Interannual and Decadal Variability and Trends in the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Gyre
- Sediment Entrainment by Waves and Tides on Titan
- Sedimentary signatures of Hurricane Harvey and riverine flooding in southeast Texas
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Dynamics Associated with Slab Windows
- Seismic reflection imaging of along-strike changes in forearc structure in the Andreanof segment of the Aleutian subduction zone
- Seismological Evidence for Girdled Olivine Fabric in Oceanic Lithosphere and Implications for Mantle Deformation Processes During Seafloor Spreading
- Seismotectonics of the Easternmost Segment of Gofar Transform Fault
- Selective Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in the Guianas Mudbanks Offshore the Amazon River
- Shifting Sands: Storm-Driven Sediment Dynamics and the Contrast with Long-Term Averages
- Similar oxygen minimum zones in the modern and glacial Arabian Sea
- Simple Experiments can Shape our Understanding of Complex Processes
- Slab to back-arc to arc: fluid and melt pathways through the mantle wedge beneath the Lesser Antilles from seismic attenuation tomography
- Soil Carbon Losses Reduce Soil Moisture in Global Climate Model Simulations
- Sources of dehydration fluids underneath the Kamchatka arc
- Spatial Relationships between Microbes and Minerals in Incipient Carbonate Dendrolitic Microbialites, Little Hot Creek, CA
- Spatial patterns of long-term forearc uplift inferred from river profiles, and their comparison with short-term deformation
- Spreading Pathways of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Wastewater in and around Cape Cod Bay: Estimates from Ocean Drifter Observations
- Sr-U thermometry captures ocean temperatures and corrects for Sr/Ca vital effects in a slow-growing Atlantic coral
- Structure and Dynamics of Estuarine Surface Fronts: a Comparative Study
- Subsurface Ocean Temperature Responses to the Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in the North Pacific
- Supporting Climate-Ready and Resilient Fisheries: Using Satellite Data to Conserve and Manage Life in the Ocean and Support Sustainable Fisheries
- Surface Wave Field Observations During the Passage of Hurricanes Teddy (2020) and Ida (2021)
- Surfzone Peaks and Closeouts: Breaking-Wave Crest-Lengths and the Associated Rotational (Eddy) Forcing.
- Sustained long-term collapse of Conger-Glenzer ice shelf, East Antarctica
- Terrigenous Provenance Evidence for Sediment Transport by the Agulhas Current Through the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- The Application and Quantification of Systems Engineering Techniques as Applied to the Ocean Observatories Initiative
- The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory: Long Term Trends in River Chemistry Diagnose Multi-Faceted Northern Change
- The Atmospheric Response to Internal Ocean Variability in the CESM1 Large Ensemble
- The Contribution of Iceland-Scotland Overflow to the 20th Century Weakening of the Atlantic Overturning Circulation
- The Evolution of Dissolved Oxygen in the Beaufort Gyre Pacific Summer Water as it relates to Warming and Biological Signals
- The Formation and Stability of Methanol in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- The Influence of Magma Bodies on CO2 Degassing Throughout the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andean Convergent Margin
- The Internal wave activity in the Gulf of Mexico as infered from a fleet of Lagrangian floats.
- The Ocean may Help us Address Our Climate Crisis-But how we Proceed is as Important as the Results we Achieve
- The Potential for Meltwater Pulses from Greenland Ice Saddle Collapse under Future and Past Climate Change
- The Power of Noble Gases: Deep Pacific Evidence for an Intensifying Antarctic Circumpolar Trough Over the Common Era.
- The Role of Vertical Advection and Mixing in Estuarine Frontogenesis
- The Transparent Ocean: Imaging the Ocean with Sound
- The decreasing transport of the Deep Western Boundary Current
- The shoreline is not the storyline: Apparent disparities between onshore and offshore sediment transport along a moderate energy coast
- The surface expression of the Gofar oceanic transform fault, East Pacific Rise using newly acquired, 1m-resolution multibeam bathymetry from AUV Sentry
- Timing Phanerozoic Deep Ocean Oxygenation Using Thallium Isotopes
- Towards a better understanding of thallium isotope cycling in modern redox-stratified settings
- Transient Weakening and Microstructures Associated with the Quartz-Coesite Phase Transition
- Two millennia of tropical rain belt expansion and contraction driven by Pacific decadal variability
- Understanding Near-Surface Dynamics and Air-Sea Interactions in Subseasonal ITCZ Variability Over the East Pacific Using ERA5 Reanalysis
- Updates from the FLuorescence for Ocean Research and Observations (FLORO) experiment to investigate multi-functional lidar measurements to identify and characterize marine debris
- Variability of Iceland Scotland Overflow Water through the Bight Fracture Zone: Two-years of Moored Observations
- Variations in Groundwater Recharge during the mid-Holocene Revealed in the Tucson Basin (Arizona, USA) using Radioisotopes and Noble Gases
- Vertical profiling of atmospheric hydrocarbons using uncrewed aerial systems to quantify emissions from natural oil seeps.
- What Determines the Pathways of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water in the Eastern North Atlantic?
- Where is the G Discontinuity, what does it represent, and how can we tell? A case study from the NoMelt Experiment
- Why do some rivers build deltas and others don't?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Jost
- A. F. Arnulf
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- A. J. Rigden
- A. Nyblade
- A. R. Rhoden
- A. S. McEwen
- A. T. Fisher
- A. Vourlidas
- A.J.F. Hoitink
- Adam V. Subhas
- Adina Paytan
- Aidan Starr
- Ajin Cho
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Alastair G C Graham
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alex Gardner
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Alexander Robel
- Alexandra Evans
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra Simpson
- Allan Lerner
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amanda Hendrix
- Ambarish V. Karmalkar
- Amy E. Hofmann
- Amy Gartman
- Amy Leventer
- Amy S. Bower
- Andone C. Lavery
- Andrea Burke
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andrew Cross
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew Gase
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Ann G. Dunlea
- Anna C. Talucci
- Anna Wargula
- Anne L. Cohen
- Antonio Lanzirotti
- Ariel D. Anbar
- Arne Biastoch
- Ashley B. Morris
- Ayako Yamamoto
- B. Boston
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. E. Schmidt
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. Pirenne
- Bar Oryan
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Bas van de Schootbrugge
- Benjamin H. Tiger
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin Z. Klein
- Beth N. Orcutt
- Betsy Farris
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Boris Gailleton
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Dzwonkowski
- Brian Yellen
- Britt Raubenheimer
- C. C. Walker
- C. G. Piecuch
- C. G. Wheat
- C. R. Sherwood
- C. Rychert
- C. W. Fairall
- Cansu Demir
- Carol Anne Clayson
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Caroline Seyler
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Charlotte L O'Brien
- Chelle Gentemann
- Chongchong Qi
- Chris Polashenski
- Christian France‐Lanord
- Christine McCarthy
- Christophe Prigent
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
- Claire Pettersen
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudia Cenedese
- Claus W. Böning
- Colleen M. Hansel
- César B. Rocha
- D. F. Sumy
- D. J. Grimes
- D. J. Shillington
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. Lizarralde
- D. S. Stamps
- Daniel D. Mongovin
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Darren M. Gravley
- David A. Siegel
- David A. Sutherland
- David J. Prior
- David K. Ralston
- David McGee
- David P. Gillikin
- David Pollard
- David R. Thompson
- David Thornalley
- David V. Bekaert
- David Wallis
- Deborah S. Kelley
- Deborah Smith
- Delia W Oppo
- Dillon J. Amaya
- Dominik Fahrner
- Donald K. Perovich
- Donald Slater
- Donato Giovannelli
- Dong L. Wu
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. A. Johnson
- E. J. Wallace
- E. M. Golos
- E. M. Klein
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elena Ceballos-Romero
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elizabeth Trembath‐Reichert
- Elizabeth Yankovsky
- Elliott L. Hazen
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Emily Eidam
- Emily H. G. Cooperdock
- Emily R. Estes
- Emmanuel A. Njinju
- Ensheng Weng
- Eoghan P. Reeves
- Eric Kirby
- Eric P. Achterberg
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Esteban Gazel
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Evan B. Goldstein
- Everett L. Shock
- F. Nimmo
- F. O. Nitsche
- F. W. Landerer
- Fei Chai
- Fiammetta Straneo
- Florence Schubotz
- Florentina Moatar
- Folarin Kolawole
- Fouzia Fahrin
- Francisca Martínez Ruiz
- Franz Philip Tuchen
- Fred M. Phillips
- Frederick M. Bingham
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- G. W. K. Moore
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gabriella Alodia
- Geoffrey Gebbie
- Georg Rümpker
- Gerben Ruessink
- Gerhard Wörner
- Grant Ferguson
- Greg Koman
- Gregory B. Noe
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- H. F. Mark
- H. J. Dick
- H. L. Nguyen
- Hajoon Song
- Hanchao Jian
- Hannah Baranes
- Harriet Zoe Yin
- Heather H. Furey
- Henry M. Johnson
- Hervé Giordani
- Hongfeng Yang
- Hyodae Seo
- I. I. Lin
- I. L. Hendy
- Iam-Fei Pun
- Ian Fenty
- Ian Raphael
- Ian Robert Hall
- Igor Aleinov
- Ingo Grevemeyer
- J. A. Collins
- J. A. Resing
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. C. Rowland
- J. C. Stern
- J. Gong
- J. H. Waite
- J. Helbert
- J. J. McGuire
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. M. Warren
- J. N. Bassis
- J. P. Canales
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. T. Reager
- J. Taylor Perron
- J. Thomas Farrar
- J. W. McClelland
- J. Zhang
- J.‐M. Kendall
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- Jacob S. Jordan
- Jae Deok Kim
- James D. Kirkham
- James F. Booth
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Morris
- James T. Potemra
- James T. Randerson
- James W. B. Rae
- James W. Hurrell
- Janet Sprintall
- Jason B. Sylvan
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean Pierre Paul de Vera
- Jean‐Arthur Olive
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- Jens Gruetzner
- Jesse Farmer
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica N. Fitzsimmons
- Jezabel Curbelo
- Jian Lin
- Jian Lu
- Jim Thomson
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Johannes Karstensen
- John C. Aragon
- John Jamieson
- Jonathan I. Lunine
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- Juan M. Lora
- Julia S. Wellner
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- Julien Emile‐Geay
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- K. Shafer Smith
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- Karen Stocks
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- Kassandra M Costa
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- Kathryn M. Kumamoto
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- Kerry Key
- Kevin D. Kroeger
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- Kevin T. Uno
- Konstantinos Leptokaropoulos
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- Kyla Drushka
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- L. T. Berner
- L. W. O’Neill
- Lantao Sun
- Laure Zanna
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- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
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- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Lisan Yu
- Louis S. Hansen
- Louis-Alexandre Couston
- Loïc Houpert
- Lucas R. Vargas Zeppetello
- M De Moor
- M. A. Friedl
- M. Bayani Cardenas
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- M. E. Gonneea
- M. Femke de Jong
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- Malcolm Roberts
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- Maria Rosabelle Ong
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- Masami Nonaka
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- Min Xu
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- Noah John Phillips
- Onjalé Scott Price
- P. A. Raymond
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- Pak Wah Chan
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- Phoebe J. Lam
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- Ramin Familkhalili
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- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
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- Renellys C. Perez
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- Robert D Larter
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- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert M. DeConto
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- Romain Jolivet
- Ross Parnell‐Turner
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- Rémi Laxenaire
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- S.K.V. Hines
- Sabrina Speich
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- Seth Zippel
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- Shuichi Kodaira
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- Suhua Fan
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- Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
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- Svenja Ryan
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- Sönke Dangendorf
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- Tong Bo
- Tong Lee
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- Zhaohui Aleck Wang
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