University of Milan, Department of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A newly found fragment of Cretaceous oceanic Lip derived from Pacific superplume; an example from the Sanbagawa eclogite-peridotite mass in Shikoku, Japan
- Analytical Modeling and Space-Geodetic Observation of Post-Seismic Deformation After the 1997 Umbria-Marche (Central Italy) Earthquake
- Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel 1 is the Result of Increased Primary Production
- High-Harmonic Degree Geoid Anomalies due to Low-Viscosity Crustal Zones in GIA Models and Their Detectability by GOCE
- Hot LIPs and Cracked Plates in the Pacific Trigger mid-Cretaceous Geological Events
- Recent Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in El Salvador, Central Mexico, Cascadia and South-West Japan
- New Evidence for Abrupt Climate Change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene: Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198 to Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific
- A Prominent Rise in Tropical SST during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum as inferred from Mg/Ca, Isotope, and other data
- Preliminary Results on the Structure of Ocean Crust from new Holes Drilled in Fast-Spread Crust During ODP Leg 206
- Rheological Behaviour and Microstructures of Natural Gypsum Experimentally Deformed in Simple Shear
- A revised inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Origin, Evolution and Age Considerations on a Hypogean Ice Deposit from a Cave in the Central Italian Alps
- The Case for Pangea B: Paleomagnetic Contributions from Adria
- Evolution, Abundance and Biocalcification of Calcareous Nannoplankton During the Aptian (Early Cretaceous): Causes and Consequences for C Isotopic Anomalies, Climate Changes and the Carbon Cycle.
- High pressure behaviour of hydrates and carbonates and the generation of C-O-H fluids in subduction zones: experimental constraints in mafic systems up to 5 GPa
- Paleomagnetism of Late Paleozoic Dyke Swarms from Sardinia
- Paleomagnetism of Permian sediments and volcanic rocks from Sardinia
- Cretaceous Anoxic Event 1a Linked with Submarine Plateau Volcanism: Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- Mineralogical and Crystal Chemical Characterization of Dust Particles From Antarctica Ice Cores
- Structure of Hole 1256D: The role of mechanical deformation in superfast-spread crust
- Transport of carbon and hydrogen in subducted oceanic crust: an experimental study to 5 GPa
- Why Oceanic Anoxic Events Terminated? Data and Speculations About the end of OAE1a.
- Carbonate Solid Solution Models to 6 GPa
- Is the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) recorded in the central-western Tethys?
- Orbital Tuning as an Inverse Problem: Dating the Aptian Selli OAE in the Cismon borehole (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Phase stability and shear softening in CaSiO3 perovskite at high pressure
- Polarity Zones and Apparent Polar Wander at the Jurassic /Cretaceous Boundary in the Southern Alps, Italy
- Response To The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Of Calcareous Nannofossils: Observations On Composition, Preservation And Calcification In Sediments From ODP Reference Cores
- Shackleton ice Shelf (Antarctica): Preliminary Results
- The Cretaceous OAE1a-Submarine Plateau Link: Additional Geochemical Evidence from Marine Sedimentary Sections
- The Italian Radio Echo Sounding System : Improvement Solutions.
- Upwelling in the Jurassic-Cretaceous Pacific Ocean: Biota Changes and Sedimentary Evidence for Paleoequatorial Crossings of the Pacific Plate
- Widespread formation of cherts during the early Eocene climate optimum
- Core-Log Integration Approach for Characterizing a Shallow Basement Section of the East Pacific Rise
- Deformation Pattern in a Massive Ponded Lava Flow at ODP-IODP Site 1256: a Core and Log Approach
- Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Magneto-Biostratigraphy of the Cicogna section (Belluno Basin, NE Italy)
- Neotethys Opening and the Pangea Transformation During the Permian
- Organic Carbon Burial Following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) a Mechanism for Global Cooling?
- Quantitative differential geomorphology of the Monterey Canyon from time-separated multibeam surveys
- Seismic slip at the base of the seismogenic layer along the exhumed extensional Oligocene Trois Villes Fault (Western Italian Alps)
- Spectral and Morphological Analysis of Daedalia Planum Lava Field
- The OAE1a Negative Carbon Isotope Spike: a Stepwise Transition Revealed by a High- Resolution Biomarker Carbon Isotope Record
- The conditions of the formation of the sheeted dike complex at superfast spread East Pacific Rise revealed by deep ocean crust drilling at ODP Hole 1256D
- Constraining the garnet-talc join for metasedimentary material attaining eclogite-facies conditions
- High-pressure Cr solubility in chlorites and its implications for clinochlore stability
- New paleomagnetic data from Jurassic Sediments from Sardinia
- The SISMA prototype system: integrating Geophysical Modeling and Earth Observation for time dependent seismic hazard assessment
- An experimentally-based thermodynamic model for the system CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3 at pressures to 6 GPa and implications for carbon mobility in subduction zones
- Oceanic ecosystem dynamics during gigantic volcanic episodes: the Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus recorded by calcareous nannoplankton. (Invited)
- Pacific and Tethyan Os-isotope data for OAE 1a: The link between volcanism and marine anoxia
- Experimentally-derived Ca-Na partitioning between plagioclase and clinopyroxene: a new geobarometer for mantle rocks
- Integrated AMS and textural analyses as objective tools to define paleocurrent directions in turbidite beds
- Modulation of Cenozoic climate by weathering of large igneous provinces on continents drifting through equatorial humid belt
- Structural and metamorphic evolution of an ocean-continent transition (OCT) zone mélange deformed under HP conditions during Alpine subduction (Western Italian Alps)
- Sudbuction-related tectonic mixing between serpentinized mantle and continental crust in the internal Western Alps: exhumed portion of a marble cake?
- The Role Of Oceanic Plateau Volcanism On Climate Change: Warming And Cooling Episodes Across Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a
- An Investigation of Armenite, BaCa<SUB>2</SUB>Al<SUB>6</SUB>Si<SUB>9</SUB>O<SUB>30</SUB>2H<SUB>2</SUB>O.H<SUB>2</SUB>O Molecules and H Bonding in Microporous Silicates
- Chasing the Late Jurassic APW Monster Shift in Ontario Kimberlites
- Dike intrusion controls on permeability and hydrothermal circulation of oceanic crust at IODP Hole 1256D
- Early-middle Eocene chronology of the Southern Ocean: magnetostratigraphic data from the South Island of New Zealand
- Extreme seawater compositions during Oceanic Anoxic Events
- Oxidation state, Fe3+ distribution and C-O-H metasomatism in the mantle at subuction zones
- Paleocene-Eocene magnetostratigraphy and climate-driven rock-magnetism from the Belluno Basin (Italy)
- Spin state of iron and elastic properties of (MgFe)(SiAl)O3 under conditions of the lower mantle
- Carbonatitic liquids and COH fluids from epidote-dolomite eclogites at 3.7 - 4.6 GPa: new perspectives on carbon transfer at subduction zones
- Crystal structures of carbonates up to Mbar pressures determined by single crystal synchrotron radiation diffraction
- Fluid-Mediated Redox Processes at Subduction Zones (Invited)
- Climate Variability and Relationship with Ocean Fertility during the Aptian
- Current Status of the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic APTS from Continental Sediments and Correlation with Standard Marine Stages
- Early to middle Eocene magneto-biochronology of the southwest Pacific Ocean and climate influence on sedimentation: new data from the Mead Stream section (Marlborough, New Zealand)
- Interdisciplinary Study of Urbanization and Impacts - the Poplex 2014 Field Campaign
- Remelting of Nanogranites in Peritectic Garnet from Granulites of Jubrique, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain
- Speciation of High-Pressure Carbon-Saturated COH Fluids at Buffered fO2 Conditions: An Experimental Approach
- Aquifer recharge from infiltration basins in a highly urbanized area: the river Po Plain (Italy)
- How concentration of porosity, crack shape, and crack wall asperity control the seismic structure of the upper oceanic crust
- Interdisciplinary approach to exploit the tectonic memory in the continental crust of collisional belts.
- Magnetostratigraphy Of The Pleistocene Arda River Section (Northern Italy)
- New Insights Into the Dynamics of Wedge Areas from a 2d Numerical Study of the Effects of Shear Heating and Mantle Hydration on AN Ocean-Continent Subduction System
- Numerical model of the transition from continental rifting to oceanization: the case study of the Ligure-Piemontese ocean.
- Structural, igneous and metamorphic footprints of Pangea break-up preserved in the subducted Austroalpine continental lithosphere of the European Alps.
- The Jaramillo Bottleneck for Migration of Hominins with Megaherbivores Into Europe via the Danube-Po Gateway
- Unraveling P-T-t-D Evolution of Zermatt-Saas Ophiolites from Valtournanche: from Ocean Opening to Mountain Building
- Residual polar motion caused by coseismic and interseismic deformations from 1900 to present
- Dust input in the formation of rock varnish from the Dry Valleys (Antarctica)
- Eocene tectonic compression in Northern Zealandia: Magneto-biostratigraphic constraints from the sedimentary records of New Caledonia (Southwest Pacific Ocean)
- Forsterite-Anorthite-CaTschermak-Enstatite (FACE): A geobarometer for plagioclase-bearing peridotites
- Insights on the first peopling of Europe from magnetostratigraphy of the Pleistocene lithic tool-bearing Kozarnika cave sediments, Bulgaria
- Interactions between peridotite and pyroxenite-derived melts at mantle conditions: an experimental study at 2 GPa
- Meter-scale Hf isotopic changes in the MORB mantle by interaction with pyroxenite-derived melts: insight from the Ligurian Ophiolites (Italy)
- Multi-Sourced Satellite Observations of Land Cover and Land Use Change in South and Southeast Asia with Challenging Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts
- Rock magnetic record of the Karoo-Ferrar effect on sediments: Timing and duration of the environmental change (Monte Serrone section, Northern Apennines, Italy)
- Role of pressure and melt composition on the origin of olivine-rich troctolite through reactive crystallization: an experimental study at 0.5-0.7 GPa
- Chromites as Proxy for Redox Processes in the Archean Mantle?
- Crystal Structure of Walstromite-II, Elastic Behavior and Its Relevance in Understanding Ring Carbonates at Deep Mantle Conditions
- Elastic behaviour of the mineral gageite, Mn<SUP>2+</SUP><SUB>21</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>[Si<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB>]<SUB>2</SUB>(OH)<SUB>20</SUB>, the Mn variety of balangeroite, a dense hydrous high-pressure phase recently discovered to be stable at deep subduction environment
- New Ladinian Magnetostratigraphy from Dolomites (Italy): An Improvement of the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale of the Triassic
- Skewness analysis of Pacific Plate Magnetic Anomalies 22r-22n-21r and possible implications for the formation of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, True Polar Wander, and Cenozoic Global Climate change
- Structure and thermal equation of state of Ca<SUB>3</SUB>KNa(CO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>4</SUB> carbonate
- An Updated Late Cretaceous-Eocene Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale That Steadies Spreading Rates on Multiple Mid-Ocean Ridge Flanks
- Chaotic Late Triassic Carbon And The Overlooked Extinction At The Norian-Rhaetian Boundary
- Cretaceous climate controversy: How much deviation from a warm greenhouse state?
- Decoupling between the carbon isotopic signature of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-bearing aqueous fluids and of their graphite+carbonate source at subarc depth
- High pressure melting of eclogites and metasomatism of garnet peridotites from Monte Duria Area (Central Alps, N Italy): a proxy of focussed flow of adakite-like melts into the mantle at subduction zones
- Linking True Polar Wander, the Origin of the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend, the Paleolatitude of Ellesmere Island, and Cenozoic Climate Change
- Melts from continental crust at mantle depths: a metasomatic agent still preserved as melt inclusions in eclogite/pyroxenite garnets
- Reduction of equatorial land area and silicate weathering consumption of CO<SUB>2</SUB> with transformation from Pangea B to Pangea A in the Permian and the ultimate demise of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- The Solubility of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Granitic Melts at Pressures Relevant for Subduction Zones
- Transition from the Hothouse to Coldhouse Climate during the Late Cretaceous at Southern High Latitudes: Foraminiferal Population Dynamics and Paleotemperature Records from the Mentelle Basin (IODP Exp. 369, Offshore SW Australia)
- Volcanically Initiated Shoaling of the Marine Calcite Compensation Depth during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 ( 94 Ma)
- Aqueous CO<SUB>2</SUB> in carbon-saturated fluids as a highly sensitive oxybarometer: application to the case of the Ni-NiO oxygen buffer.