University of Milan, Italy
flowchart I[University of Milan, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (53)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (12)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Ulysses fast latitude scan at solar maximum: COSPIN/KET observations
- Deep MT Sounding Across the Yellowstone-Snake River Hotspot Track
- Conductivity Structure Associated with the Yellowstone-Snake River Hotspot Track
- Magnetite in Black Sea Turtles (Chelonia agassizi)
- Did a proto-Indus fan drain to the west?
- Early Pliocene diatom record from the ANDRILL Mc Murdo Ice Shelf Core AND-1 with correlation to other sites within the Mc Murdo Sound and Ross Sea region
- Grain growth in peridotites: a high pressure study of Zener pinning
- Parameter Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity in the study of subsurface flow for a very steep hillslope: a study case in Valsassina valley (Italy)
- Retention of CO2 in Subduction Zones: a Solid Solution Model for Ca-Mg-Fe Carbonates at Upper Mantle Conditions
- Magnetic characterization of the late Paleocene-early Eocene Cicogna section (NE Italy): climate forcing on sedimentation
- Model insights into paleodust proxies (Invited)
- Quantifying the Structure of an Exhumed Seismogenic Fault Zone Using Terrestrial Laser-Scanning and Differential GPS
- Spreading of Cholera through Surface Water
- Subsolidus and melting phase relations in the system CaCO3-MgCO3-FeCO3 at 35 kbar: from experiments to predictions based on a thermodynamic model
- The age and degree of diachroneity of India-Asia collision determined from the sedimentary record: a comparison of new evidence from the east (Tibet) and west (Ladakh) of the orogen
- The basal fallout and surge deposits of the mafic ignimbrite-forming Villa Senni Eruption Unit, (Colli Albani volcano, Italy)
- The water balance in a maize cropped field in Northern Italy: monitoring and simulations
- Single crystal diffraction studies of phase transition of minerals across Fe high-low spin transition at high pressure
- Coupling pre-season famers planning and optimal water supply management to mitigate climate change impacts
- Holocene activity of an alpine debris-flow catchment: does climate control erosion rate variability?
- Synchronous Basin-Wide Formation and Redox-Controled Preservation of Mediterranean s1 Sapropel
- Co-Adapting Water Demand and Supply to Changing Climate in Agricultural Water Systems, A Case Study in Northern Italy
- Mapping sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator for photosynthetic rate
- Partial melting of basement metasedimentary rocks from the central Xolapa Complex, southern Mexico
- Monitoring of High Mountain Glaciers in the Vicinity of Everest (Himalaya) using Remote Sensing Capability
- Paleoenvironmental responses to Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 on the Kerguelen Plateau
- The Excitation of True Polar Wandering by Extreme Earthquakes over Time
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O Content of Granite Embryos
- High-pressure compressibility and thermal expansion of aragonite
- Iron carbonates in the Earth's lower mantle: reality or imagination?
- Early hominins in Europe: The Galerian migration hypothesis
- Forsterite-Anorthite-CaTschermak-Enstatite (FACE): A geobarometer for plagioclase-bearing peridotites
- Geoid anomalies at subduction zones due to the seismic cycle
- MOBIDIC-U: a watershed-scale model for stormwater attenuation through green infrastructures design
- Stress and Strain Rates from Faults Reconstructed by Earthquakes Relocalization
- Environmental controls on coccolithophore sizes: a record of climate change?
- Melt inclusions from the deep continental crust: recovering the starting composition of crustal melts
- Site Adaptation Prevails Over Species Determinism at Mediterranean Rear-edge Forests
- The Impact of Tasman Gateway Opening on Early Paleogene Climate and Oceans: New Results from IODP Expedition 369, Site U1514
- Supporting Irrigation Planning at the Basin Scale through Distributed Agro-Hydrological Modeling
- Stability and equity in transboundary river basins facing changes in climate and society
- The socio-economic benefits of Earth Observation: measurement methods and challenges ahead
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- An experimental study on the solubility of diamond in aqueous fluids at 5 GPa and 950C.
- Rock Magnetism as a Tool to Understand the Paleoclimate at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary: The Example of the Pignola-Abriola Section (Italy)
- A Shifty Toba Magma Reservoir: Zircon Geochemistry Constraints on the Build-up to Four Caldera-forming Eruptions
- Adria in Mediterranean Paleogeography, the Origin of the Ionian Sea, and Permo-Triassic Configurations of Pangea
- Application of Herbaceous and Woody Forage Estimates in Index-Based Livestock Insurance as an Alternative to NDVI for Determining Forage Index
- Combining Farmers and Irrigation Consortia's Perspectives on Climate Change to Reduce Risk Aversion and Reinforce Policy Making at the Regional Scale
- Ex-Foods Can Make the Livestock Sector Less Resource-Intensive and Ensure Sustainability: the Case of Pig Production
- Multiple Episodes of Rapid Global Ocean Deoxygenation Linked to Early Cretaceous Climate Dynamics
- Vegetation Response to Water Dynamics in Eastern African Rangelands