University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy
flowchart I[University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (36)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Combination of Permanent and Non-Permanent GPS Networks for the Analysis of the Strain-Rate Field in the Mediterranean Area
- Geodetic Deformation in the Central-Southern Apennines (Italy) From Repeated GPS Surveys
- A Primer on Seismicity Rate Change Models
- Modelling Long Term Ground Deformation by a Submerged Archaeological Site: the Case of Basiluzzo Island (Aeolian Island, Italy)
- Moment Tensor Summation in the Mediterranean Area Revisited: Comparison Between CMT and non-CMT Mechanisms Catalogs
- a Forward Look at the Interaction Between Remote Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, and its Implication on the Volcanic Hazard: the Case of Sumatra (jun. 2000) and Denali (nov. 2002) Earthquakes.
- Comparing And Combining Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Techniques To Monitor Crustal Deformation
- Mount Etna 1993-1997 Inflation: Source Inference Based on Geodetic Data Modelling
- A Combination of Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Techniques to Monitor Land Subsidence: Case Study, the Southeastern Po Plain, Italy
- Earthquake Mechanisms of the Mediterranean Area (EMMA) Database 3.0: First-Motion Focal Mechanisms and Their Ability to Characterize the Tectonic Deformation Style
- Estimate and Modeling of Vertical Ground Displacements by Space and Terrestrial Techniques in the Northern Adriatic, Italy
- Strain Accumulation Across the Messina Straits and Kinematics of Sicily and Calabria From GPS Data and Dislocation Modeling
- Geodetic slip-rates from block-modeling of a dense GPS velocity field in Italy: new clues on seismic potential from comparison with seismic moment release
- Fast geodetic strain-rates in eastern Sicily (southern Italy): new insights into block tectonics and seismic potential in the area of the great 1693 earthquake
- Postseismic slip of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from GPS observations: implications for depth-dependent properties of subduction megathrusts
- Study of GPS and InSAR time series for detecting and understanding crustal deformation and atmospheric signals
- Detection and Characterization of Ground Displacement Sources from Variational Bayesian Independent Component Analysis of GPS Time Series
- Enhanced detection of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes by AGILE
- Synoptic Flow Interactions with an Isolated Mountain in Complex
- Assessment of the High-Energy Spectral Component of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Effective values of R<SUB>12</SUB> and IG<SUB>12</SUB> to real-time update the IRI model
- Estimation and comparison of the derived Dmass and Nw parameters between NASA's S-band Polarimetric Radar (NPOL) and disdrometers.
- On the Use of Johnson SB in Modelling Drop Size Distribution
- Rainfall Induced Horizontal Deformation in the European Eastern Alps Measured by GPS
- Reconstruction of F-Region Electric Current Densities from more than 2 Years of Swarm Satellite Magnetic data
- Reduced-Order Biogeochemical Flux Model for High-Resolution Multi-Scale Biophysical Simulations
- Separating Mass and Height Contributions in Gravity Variations at Medicina, Italy
- Aseismic Deformation Associated with an Earthquake Swarm in the Northern Apennines (Italy)
- Hydrological deformation signals in karst systems: new evidence from the European Alps
- Lower Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals from Infrared Satellite Observations Using a Self-Adapting Regularization Method
- MIPAS ESA v7 carbon tetrachloride data: distribution, trend and atmospheric lifetime estimation
- Sea level in the Mediterranean: tide gauges, GNSS and satellite radar altimetry
- Effects of mean state of climate models on the response to prescribed forcing: Sensitivity experiments with the SPEEDY general circulation model.
- GPM-DPR observations on TGFs producing storms
- Groundwater changes affect crustal deformation, elastic properties and seismicity rates in the Southern Alps (Italy)
- The potential contribution of FORUM mission to the evaluation and improvement of OLR fluxes estimation in EC-Earth climate model