University of Bologna, Italy
flowchart I[University of Bologna, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (273)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (99)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry
- University of Bologna, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Can dynamic stress changes trigger aftershocks?
- Gravity and Height Variations by Continuous Gravity and GPS Measurements at Medicina, Italy
- Presenting Numerical Modelling of Explosive Volcanic Eruption to a General Public
- Quantifying Exhumation History Across the Northern Apennines
- Sequence Stratigraphy of N-Apennines Pliocene Foredeep (Italy). Inferences for the Pliocene Eustasy and Climate
- A stochastic approach for estimating the uncertainty associated to rainfall-runoff model predictions
- Assessing the Reliability of Regional Depth-Duration-Frequency Equations for Gauged and Ungauged Sites
- The Central Apennine Geodetic Network (CA\-GeoNet): Description and Preliminary Results
- The GIS of the Central Apennines Geodetic Network (CA-GeoNet): Database Description and Application for Crustal Deformation Analysis
- Application of a Model for Coupled Multiphase Fluid Flow, Heat Transport, and Mechanical Deformation to Surface Deformations Associated with Volcanic Activities
- Field Survey of the 30 December 2002 Stromboli Tsunami
- Rationalizing Hybrid Earthquake Probabilities
- Transient Stages of Suppression for Total Strike-Slip Partitioning Induced by Pre-existing Variable Topography and Overload.
- An attempt to quantify uncertainty in observed river flows: effect on parameterisation and performance evaluation of rainfall-runoff models
- Distribution Patterns of Glaucony From Lower Cenomanian Deposits of Northern France
- Dynamical Simulation of Subaerial and Submarine Landslides Detaching From the Volcanic Island of Stromboli, Italy: a Sensitivity Analysis
- Seismic Signals Associated with Landslides and with Tsunami at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Tsunamis of Tectonic Origin: a new Method Applied to South-West Italy
- A quantitative multitemporal analysis of the Sciara del Fuoco Slope (Stromboli Island)
- Coastal Subsidence and Sea-level Rise in the Northern Adriatic
- Comparing Different Models of Aftershock Rate Decay: The Role of Catalog Incompleteness in the First Times After the Main Shock
- Constraints on the Source of the 2004 Sumatra Tsunami Posed by Altimeter and Coastal Tsunami Data
- Movements in Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) Estimated by GPS Multi-year Campaigns.
- On the use of the Whittle likelihood for calibrating hydrological models in scarcely gauged catchments
- Real-time joint plot of deformation and cumulative seismicity as a tool for the monitoring of dike stability
- Regional multi-thermochronometer long-term erosional flux estimates - a key to understanding development, maturity, and syn-convergent extension of the northern Apennine orogenic wedge.
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in 5 Different Sapropel S5 Layers From the Eastern Mediterranean: Common Features and Peculiarities
- The attenuation of seismic intensity in Italy
- A Process Based Numerical Model for the Evolution of a Barrier Island in a Wave Dominated Shelf
- A non linear multiple regression approach for inferring the probability distribution of hydrological model errors
- Assessing the Tsunami Hazard for the Southern Italy Coasts: Results From Scenario and Statistical Approaches
- Coupling a topographic index analysis with a hydrological physically based model for landslides prediction
- Effects of the Basal Boundary on Debris-flow Dynamics
- Evolution of Transform Ridges and Basins With Special Reference to the North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Region
- Generation, Propagation and Impact of Giant Tsunamis of Tectonic Origin in the Mediterranean Sea: Some Hints From Preliminary Scenario Studies
- Metasomatic Reaction Zones as Monitors of Trace Element Transfer at the Slab-Mantle Interface: the Case of the Hochwart Peridotite (Ulten Zone, Italy)
- Post-orogenic Extension in NW Anatolia as Indicated by Neogene Exhumation of the Kazdag Massif
- Probabilistic Envelopes of Extreme Floods for Design-Flood Estimation at Ungaged Sites
- Sediment Dispersal and Clinoform Geometry as a key for Discerning Composite Milankovitch Cyclicity (ca. 100 and 20 kyr) in Pleistocene Progradational Sequences (Adriatic Margin, Central Mediterranean)
- Slip Distributions on the Fault System Responsible for the December 26, 2004 Earthquake Obtained by Inversion of Different Types of Tsunami Data.
- Supervised and Unsupervised Automatic Classification Methods Applied to Volcanic Tremor Data at Mt Etna, Italy
- The Gravity Fields and Interior Structure of the Saturnian Satellites
- The July 17th, 2006 Java Tsunami: Constraints on the Causative Fault From the Modelling of Tide-Gauge Records and Run-up Data.
- A European effort towards the development of tools for tsunami hazard and risk assessment and mitigation, and tsunami early warning: the EC-funded TRANSFER project
- A UAV System for Observing Volcanoes and Natural Hazards
- Global uncertainty assessment in hydrological forecasting by means of statistical analysis of forecast errors
- Model selection criteria for flood frequency analysis
- New contributions to the debate on the cause of the January 11th, 1693 tsunami in eastern Sicily (Italy): earthquake or offshore landslide source (or may be both)?
- Preliminary Numerical Simulations of the September 12, 2007 Southern Sumatra Tsunami: Forward Modeling and Comparison With Publicly Available Tsunami Data
- The Effects of Disturbance and Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Uptake by Boreal and Temperate Forests
- The Gravity Science Analysis of Cassini Flybys T11 and T22 and Future Work
- Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Modeling: Towards Improved Evaluation and Diagnostics of Hydrological and Environmental Models (2nd International IAHS-PUB Workshop 15th-18th July 2007 in Bertinoro, Italy)
- A look at the links between drainage density and river flow regime
- Active Extension of the Messina Straits and Kinematics of Sicily and Calabria From Elastic Block Modeling of GPS Data
- Collecting a multi-disciplinary field dataset to model the interactions between a flood control reservoir and the underlying porous aquifer
- Debris-flow Dynamics Inferred From Aggregated Results of 28 Large-scale Experiments
- Geodetic Observation-level Modelling for the Measurement of GIA
- Mathematical and Analogue Models of Fluid Filled Fracture Propagation in Layered Elastic Media
- Resolution of the master structures partitioning shortening and extension in the northern Apennines, Italy
- Space and time variability of height and gravity in Northeastern Italy
- Tectonic Influence on Magma Storage and Ascent During the Older Evolutionary Stages (223-105 ka) of the Lipari Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Southern Italy)
- The Gravity Field of Titan From Four Cassini Flybys
- Thermochronological Evidence for a Late Pliocene Climate-Induced Erosion Rate Increase in the Alps
- Calibration of rainfall-runoff models in ungauged basins: a regional approach
- Estimates of equivalent permeability for non-Newtonian fluid flow in heterogeneous porous media
- Floodplain Management Strategies for Flood Attenuation in the River Po
- Galilean Satellites Gravity Investigations and Interior Structure with Future Missions
- Landslides And Climate Changes: Evidence From Past Activity Records In The Dolomites (Italy)
- New evidence of the Monchique - Madeira hot spot volcanism at the Coral Patch seamount, Central Eastern Atlantic Sea
- Predicting Low-Flows in Ungauged Basins: TOPKRIGING vs. Physiographic Space-Based Interpolation
- Probabilistic Envelope Curves for Extreme Rainfall Events
- Reconstruction of the effects of the 2004 Sumatra tsunami on the peculiar morphology of the Seychelles Islands: an application to the island of Praslin
- The 29th September Samoa Islands tsunami: preliminary simulations based on the first focal mechanisms hypotheses and implications of uncertainties in tsunami early warning strategies
- The active deep mountain front of Northern Apennines (Italy): seismicity and geomorphology
- A Different Soil Conceptualization for the Topkapi Model Application Within the Dmip 2
- Combination of Insar and GPS to Measure Ground Motions and Atmospheric Signals
- Is deterministic physically-based hydrological modeling a feasible target? Incorporating physical knowledge in stochastic modeling of uncertain systems
- JET: a Journey to Enceladus and Titan
- Microplate kinematics, strain accumulation and geodetic fault slip rates along the Sicily-Calabria segment (southern Italy) of the Nubia-Eurasia plate boundary from the analysis and modeling of dense GPS networks
- Modeling water table and electrical conductivity at Solfatara volcano (Campi Flegrei caldera, Southern Italy)
- Numerical simulations of the North Gorringe Avalanche, Eastern Atlantic Ocean, and of the consequent tsunami impacting the Iberian coasts
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- The Gravity Field of Enceladus
- Thrust-fold activity at the mountain front of the Northern Apennines (Italy) from quantitative landscape analysis
- Comparison Between Modern and Fossil Examples, a Key to Understand Mass-Transport Deposits and Processes
- High resolution sea-surface magnetic and gravity surveys of Panarea and Stromboli system: preliminary results of PANSTR-2010 cruise
- Interannual Variability of GPS Coordinates, Environmental Parameters and Space Gravity Data
- Landscape Evolution at the Tian-Shan South-West Termination: Stream Capture and Active Tectonics
- Mass-transport deposit and mélange formation in the Ligurian accretionary complex (NW-Italy) via mutual interactions of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric processes
- Modelling coastal processes by means of innovative integration of remote sensing and modelling analysis
- Oligocene dextral strike-slip faulting in Anatolia: an early escape
- Redistribution of material and formation of polygenic mélanges in the External Ligurian accretionary complex (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- The Propagation Path of Dikes Under the Effect of a Topographic Load: a Boundary Element Approach
- The Victoria Land Network for DEFormation control (VLNDEF): 12 years of episodic surveys
- The orthogneiss-derived migmatites of the Variscan Ulten Zone, Northeastern Italy: limited magma movement through the lower crust
- Titan's Eccentricity Tides
- Comparison of Ground Deformation Measurements and Atmospheric Artifacts Using Insar Cosmo-Skymed and GPS Data
- Detecting and quantify non-stationarity: a look to a changing hydrology for a changing society and environment and a perspective on the next IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022
- Equatorial Layered Deposits in Arabia Terra, Mars: Facies and Process Variability
- Evaluation of Geological Risks Associated with Withdrawal and Storage of Gas: Geomechanical Modeling of a Storage Facility in Northern Italy
- Fault development as a porosity creating process in the micrites of the Maiolica and Scaglia Rossa Formations (Monte Conero, Italy)
- Field Analogues of Shallow-water Hydrocarbon Seepages in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the Chimneys Field of Enza River, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Holocene activity of an alpine debris-flow catchment: does climate control erosion rate variability?
- Impact of ambiguity resolution and application of transformation parameters obtained by regional GNSS network in Precise Point Positioning
- Remaining gaps for "safe" CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage: the INGV CO2GAPS vision of "learning by doing" monitoring geogas leakage, reservoirs contamination/mixing and induced/triggered seismicity
- Salinization and freshening of coastal aquifers with land reclamation, in the SE Po plain (Italy), the Netherlands and Belgium
- Space-time evolution of crustal deformation related to the Mw 6.3, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake (central Italy) from principal component analysis inversion of GPS position time-series
- The Tides of Titan
- The gravity field of the Saturnian satellites Enceladus and Dione
- The seismicity of the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its long-offset transforms
- 'Panta Rhei - Everything Flows': Change in hydrology and society - The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022
- Characterization of Ground Deformation above AN Urban Tunnel by Means of Insar Time Series Analysis
- Estimating Exceedance Probabilities of Envelope Curves of Hydrological Extremes: a Collection of R-Tools
- Geomorphic Signatures on Brutsaert Base Flow Recession Analysis: case study of 27 Swiss Catchments
- Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates
- Investigating the activity of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) through remote and in situ sensors (Invited)
- Ionospheric activity and its possible connection with seismicity: contributes from the analysis of long time series of GNSS signals
- Regional Landslide Mapping Aided by Automated Classification of SqueeSAR™ Time Series (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- Role of WEGENER (World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research) in monitoring natural hazards (Invited)
- Sedimentation rate tests tectonic models of oceanic detachment faulting at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 16.5°N
- Spreading Rate versus Magma Supply in the Region of Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 16.5° N
- The Broad-Band Seismic Noise Wavefield at the Larderello-Travale Geothermal Field (Italy)
- The Gravity Field of Enceladus from the three Cassini Flybys
- The usefulness of ERS-2 and ENVISAT altimetry data for hydraulic model calibration
- World-wide satellite night-light data as a proxy of society-hydrology interaction and vulnerability to flood risk
- A Decade of Cassini Radio Science so Far, and Three Spectacular Years Ahead
- Advanced InSAR and GPS measurements for the detection of surface movements along the Alto Tiberina (Italy) normal fault system: data modeling and future perspectives
- Crustal Movements and Gravity Variations in the Southeastern Po Plain, Italy
- Factors Affecting the Kinetics of Salt Crystallization and Related Damage in Sandstone
- Fault zone hydraulic properties provide an independent estimate of fracture energy at 8 km depth (Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian Southern Alps)
- First Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observation of Titan's Northern Seas
- First-time Sliding Failure in Weak Sandstones and Subsequent Evolution in a Fast-moving Flow
- Human impact on the hydrology of the Lake of Monate (Italy): an experimental data base to investigate anthropogenic disturbance
- Influence of the external DEM on PS-InSAR processing and results on Northern Appennine slopes
- Interdisciplinary Study of Urbanization and Impacts - the Poplex 2014 Field Campaign
- Risks from dismissing stationarity
- Sedimentary record of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Central Mediterranean Sea
- Sheared sheet intrusions as a mechanism for lateral flank displacement on basaltic volcanoes: Applications to Réunion Island volcanoes
- The Influence of Land Subsidence, Quarrying, Drainage, Irrigation and Forest Fire on Groundwater Resources and Biodiversity Along the Southern Po Plain Coastal Zone (Italy)
- Uncertainty assessment in the regionalisation of hydrological signatures
- A High-Resolution Upper Pleistocene Palaeomagnetic Record from the Fronte Section at Taranto, Italy
- Combining GNSS and SLR Measurements Using the Space Tie: Effects on Terrestrial Reference Frame Origin and Scale
- Generation of Tsunamite Seismo-Turbidites in the Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Basin)
- Human-Impacted Waters: Temporal Evolution of Human Proximity to Rivers from Global High Resolution Nighttime Lights
- Impact of Alternative Environmental Flow Prescriptions on Hydropower Production and Fish Habitat Suitability
- Is the likelihood of getting a flood increased by higher than usual flows in the previous months?
- Large Historical Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in Italy: The Neglected Tsunami Research Point of View
- PGE and Re-Os Isotope Behaviour in a Subduction-Modified Mantle Wedge: A Fresh Look into the Peridotites from the Ulten Zone, Eastern Alps
- Prediction of regional flow duration curves: geostatistical techniques versus multivariate regression
- Sea Level Variability in the Mediterranean
- Understanding kinematics of intra-arc transcurrent deformation: Paleomagnetic evidence from the Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone (Chile, 38-41°S)
- Worst-Case Scenario Tsunami Hazard Assessment in Two Historically and Economically Important Districts in Eastern Sicily (Italy)
- A role for charcoal's physical properties in its carbon cycle fluxes
- Development And Testing Unmanned Aerial Systems To Study And Monitoring Volcanoes: INGV Experience Since 2004
- Early Results from the Juno Gravity Science Experiment
- Earthquake friction
- Experimental Investigations on Uprooting of Riparian Vegetation
- Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E<SUP>2</SUP>T): Investigating Ocean Worlds' Evolution and Habitability in the Saturn System
- Framework for National Flood Risk Assessment for Canada
- Impacts of river segmentation strategies on reach-averaged product uncertainties for the upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission
- River Networks and Human Activities: Global Fractal Analysis Using Nightlight Data
- Scenario-Based Tsunami Hazard Assessment from Earthquake and Landslide Sources for Eastern Sicily, Italy
- Separating Mass and Height Contributions in Gravity Variations at Medicina, Italy
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Influence of Preferential Flow on Pressure Propagation and Landslide Triggering of the Rocca Pitigliana Landslide
- The dynamics of human-water systems: comparing observations and simulations
- The late Quaternary evolution of the Arno Coastal plain (northern Tuscany, Italy): unravelling the interplay between glacio-eustatic and tectonic signals.
- The seismogenic Gole Larghe Fault Zone (Italian Southern Alps): quantitative 3D characterization of the fault/fracture network, mapping of evidences of fluid-rock interaction, and modelling of the hydraulic structure through the seismic cycle
- Titan's gravity: An update
- Aseismic Deformation Associated with an Earthquake Swarm in the Northern Apennines (Italy)
- Bernese advances towards a global analysis of Lunar geodesy
- Characterizing the Io Plasma Torus with Juno radio science experiment
- Combining multiple isotopes and metagenomic to delineate the role of tree canopy nitrification in European forests along nitrogen deposition and climate gradients
- Discharge estimation in ungauged basins through variational data assimilation : The potential of the SWOT mission.
- Heavy Tail Behavior of Rainfall Extremes across Germany
- Hydropower Production and Fish Habitat Suitability: Impact and Effectiveness of Environmental Flow Prescriptions
- Increasing human pressure on freshwater resources threatens sustainability at the global scale
- Jupiter's gravity field from Ka-band Doppler tracking of Juno
- Marina di Ravenna Tide Gauge (Italy): rescue of the initial 23 years of data (1873-1896)
- The Dark Side of Saturn's Gravity
- The Jupiter gravity field from the first year of Juno science operations
- The hydraulic structure of the Gole Larghe Fault Zone (Italian Southern Alps) through the seismic cycle
- The signature of tropical cyclones on ambient seismic noise: observations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and statistical modelling
- Anticipated improvements to in-river DEMs from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission
- Can Flood Extent be Regionalized?
- Cyclical Variations in Fluid Pressure and Composition During Brittle Faulting in an Exhumed Analogue of Shallow Megathrusts (N-Apennines, Italy) From Field, Microstructural and REE Investigations
- DEM-based Hazard Assessment of Pluvial Flooding in Urban Areas: Potential and Limitations
- Equality of Opportunities: Initiatives Underway in the ERC and the EGU Communities
- Field Survey on the Coastal Impacts of the September 28, 2018 Palu, Indonesia Tsunami
- Flood warning runoff thresholds in ungauged basins: application of rainfall-runoff models and of regression-type approaches over two data sets in the Alps and in the United States
- Gauge-Cams and Optical Flow for Surface Streamflow Observations
- Image Analysis and Optical Algorithms for Streamflow Sensing
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Pattern of deformation and vertical-axis rotation along the Gaoligong strike-slip fault zone (Yunnan, China)
- River discharge estimation in ungauged basins using multi-missions variational data assimilation
- Testing an Instantaneous Breaching Mode as a New Feature of LISFLOOD-FP Model
- The ORBIT14 Solution of Jupiter's Gravity Field from Juno Data
- The gravity field of Jupiter after two years of Juno mission
- Assessment of tsunami hazard in the urbanized area of the Gulf of Naples (Italy) by means of numerical simulations
- Benthic Microbial Community Structure across the Adriatic Sea: Role of Terrigenous Inputs and Human Impacts
- Estimation of soil states and parameters of integrated subsurface-land surface models by data assimilation
- First results from cruise tests of the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) of ESA's BepiColombo mission
- Global-Scale Human Pressure Evolution Imprints on Sustainability of River Systems
- Imaging of the shallow plumbing system of Salina Island from modeling of magnetic data
- Impact of Catchment Grouping using Machine Learning on Estimating Envelope Curves of Extreme Floods in Alpine Catchments
- Innovative flood hazard raster-based and damage Bayesian Network models for mapping fluvial, coastal and pluvial flood risk in urban areas: The SaferPLACES approach for RIMINI case study
- Jupiter's tides with Juno: a mid-mission update
- Monitoring Soil Water Content via Wireless Underground Communication Networks: the Impact of Uncertainty in Soil Textural Parameters
- Noise-based monitoring of the hydrological discharge cycle in the South-Eastern Alps region, Italy
- Paris Observatory Lunar Analysis Center: from LLR predictions to tests of fundamental Physics
- Potential of the new levee-failure LISFLOOD-FP sub-routine for large scale flood hazard mapping
- Radio Occultation Results from MarCO, The First Interplanetary Cubesat Mission
- Recent Progress in Lunar Laser Ranging at Grasse Laser Ranging Station
- Risk Assessment Methodology for Cascading Earthquake and Tsunami Impact Applied to the Town of Augusta (Eastern Sicily, Italy)
- River Discharge Estimation in Ungauged Basins Using Multi-Missions Variational Data Assimilation
- Safer_RAIN: a Fast-Processing DEM-Based Algorithm for Pluvial Flood Hazard Assessment Across Large Urban Areas
- Sea level in the Mediterranean: tide gauges, GNSS and satellite radar altimetry
- Separating signals in the 20-year gravity time series of Medicina (Italy)
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- Unveiling Atmospheric Aerosol Precursors and Their Formation Pathways by High Resolution Microwave Spectroscopy
- What we still don't know about Jupiter's gravity field after Juno
- 'The Characterization and Mapping of Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal'
- A modelling approach to assess Nature Based Solutions efficiency
- A probabilistic methodology for pluvial flood hazard mapping with the Safer_RAIN rapid flood model
- An approach to explore the tsunamigenic potential of flank collapses of Tyrrhenian seamounts, Italy
- Effects of mean state of climate models on the response to prescribed forcing: Sensitivity experiments with the SPEEDY general circulation model.
- Implementation of stable carbon isotopes into JULES model: A novel approach for evaluating the coupled carbon and water cycles as represented in UKESM
- Influence of the density and of the "nestedness" of the gauged donors when regionalising a rainfall-runoff-model
- LICIACube: the Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids
- Performance and Capabilities of Juno's Dual-Frequency Radio Science Telecommunications Links
- SaferPLACES platform: a cloud web climate service for cost-effective mapping of flood hazard and risk in urban areas.
- Space-time evolution of a lagoon seagrass meadow colonized by Pinna nobilis using UAV and satellite data
- Surface densities and boulders size-frequency distribution on binary asteroid (65803) Didymos-Dimorphos
- The Wisdom of the Crowd in Probabilistic Predictive Modelling: Large-Scale Application to Monthly Rainfall-Runoff Problems
- Trend analysis of annual maximum precipitation in Western Europe over the past 70 years
- Updates on Jupiter's gravity from the latest Juno data
- Urban water demand in a mass-tourism destination: analysis of touristic water uses in Rimini (Italy)
- Urbanization influence on surface water loss across USA watersheds
- Vadose-zone response to climate change scenarios represented with a process-based hydrological model
- A Comprehensive Investigation of the Vavilov Seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
- A decadal reflection of case studies encompassing the Panta Rhei paradigm
- Atmospheric Imprint of a Cold Sea Patch in the North-western Tropical Atlantic
- Backflow of non-Newtonian fluids in smooth fractures: theoretical and experimental investigations
- Cold Spots as a Tool to Reveal Short-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities
- Contribution of Anthropogenic and Climatic Drivers on the Variation of Surface Water Extent Across the Contiguous United States
- Drought-induced decoupling between tree growth and carbon uptake impacts forest carbon turnover time
- Exploring the Interplay between Human Distance to Rivers and Drought Events across Africa
- Geomorphic and Hydrologic Controls on Urban Expansion from 1992 to 2013 across North-East China
- Joint Analysis of JUICE and Europa Clipper Tracking Data to Study the Jovian System Ephemerides
- LICIACube the Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroid and its data exploitation
- MSR Science Planning Group 2 (MSPG2): Planning for the curation of MSR samples in a Sample Receiving Facility
- Miocene structural inversion of the Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin (SW Georgia, Caucasus) in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
- Modeling Complex Fluid Flow in Rough-Fractures: a Lubrication-Based Approach
- Observations of Ganymedes Ionosphere from a Dual-Frequency Radio Occultation with Juno
- Spatial Influence of Urban Areas on Surface Water Loss Across the Contiguous United States
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- A Case Study of the 29 May 2013 Isla Vista M4.8 Earthquake: Evaluating Site Response Using Geology- and mHVSR-Based Site Characterizations
- A Machine-Learning Model of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes at the Global Scale
- Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Marsh Vegetation Species and Ecogeomorphodyanmics by Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Anthropogenic and Climatic Factors Contributing to the Change in Surface Water Extent across the Contiguous United States
- Calibration and Performance of BepiColombo Radio Science Data During a Solar Conjunction Experiment
- Cassini RSS Bistatic Observations of Titan's seas: new insights into their composition and roughness
- Cyanobacteria-Dominated Microbialites >120 Myr before the Great Oxygenation Event: a Correlative Micro-Analytical Perspective on Decoding Archaean Ecosystems
- Dust Dynamics of Asteroid Ejecta: Modelling Dust Plume Evolution after the DART Impact in Support of the LICIACube and DART Science
- Ganymede's interior after Juno and before JUICE
- Ionosphere of Europa from an X-band Radio Occultation with the Juno Spacecraft
- LICIACube "THE LIGHT ITALIAN CUBESAT FOR IMAGING OF ASTEROIDS": the field reporter of DART kinetic impactor experiment
- LICIACube "The Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids" in support to DART: Scientific Objectives
- Maps of Future Alpine Grasslands in Southern and Central Europe Based on Climatic Envelopes
- Preliminary calibration and analysis of data from the Alto Tiburina Near Fault Observatory Strainmeter Array (TABOO-STAR)
- Tsunami Scenarios Offshore the Calabria Region Ionian Coast (Italy)
- World's Human Migration Patterns in 2000-2019 Unveiled by High-Resolution Data
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Ermakov
- A. S. Rivkin
- Adam M. Skibbe
- Adriano Gualandi
- Alberto Armigliato
- Alberto Montanari
- Alessandro Lenci
- Alessandro Rossi
- Alice Lucchetti
- Amorée Hodges
- Andrea Di Martino
- Andrea D’Alpaos
- Andreas Behrendt
- Barbara Cavalazzi
- Brandi Carrier
- C. W. Fairall
- Catherine Hanagan
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christoforos Pappas
- Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Cyndi V. Castro
- César B. Rocha
- D. E. Lalich
- D. Mencin
- Daniele Brunelli
- Daniele Durante
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- David J. P. Moore
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Dustin Buccino
- E. Dotto
- E. Mazarico
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emanuele Simioni
- Enrico Bertuzzo
- George P. Malanson
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Glauco Gallotti
- Gopal Penny
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Hervé Giordani
- Irene Palazzoli
- Ivan di Stefano
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. R. Brucato
- J. T. Keane
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jim Thomson
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Johanna Mård
- Johannes Karstensen
- Justin T. Maxwell
- Karen J. Heywood
- L. Chiaraluce
- L. Cocchi
- L. Iess
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Lionel Renault
- Luis Gomez Casajus
- M. Negusini
- M. Pajola
- Maija Taka
- Marco Zannoni
- Masahito Ueyama
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- N. L. Chabot
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- P. Racioppa
- Paquita Zuidema
- Paul Withers
- Peter Landschützer
- Pierre Gentine
- R. Orosei
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Rossella Guerrieri
- Ryan Park
- Ryunosuke Akiba
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. Ieva
- S. J. Bolton
- S. M. Levin
- S. Silvestri
- S. W. Asmar
- Serena Ceola
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Soumaya Belmecheri
- Stefano Bertone
- Thomas Gusmeo
- Thushara Gunda
- Valerio Poggiali
- Vili Virkki
- Vincenzo Della Corte
- Vittorio Di Federico
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Wenli Zhao
- Zhicheng Yang