University of Munster, Institute for Planetology
flowchart I[University of Munster, Institute for Planetology] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (58)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (14)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Widespread Evaporation/Condensation Related Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Chondritic Meteorites
- Comet ISSI as seen by MUPUS
- Coupled Thermal-Orbital Evolution of Europa
- EXTASE - An Experimental Thermal Probe for Applications in Snow Research and Earth Sciences
- Early Plate Tectonics Versus Single-Plate Tectonics on Mars: Constraints From Magnetic Field Observations and Crust Evolution
- Fe-diapirs Sinking in a Temperature Dependent Viscosity Mantle: A Model for Planetary Core Formation
- Oceans in the Icy Galilean Satellites of Jupiter?
- Timescales of Planetary Accretion and Differentiation from <SUP>182</SUP>Hf-<SUP>182</SUP>W Systematics
- Geochemistry of K/T-boundary Chicxulub ejecta of NE-Mexico
- Generation of Ions and Energetic Neutral Atoms from Near Solar Dust
- Secondary Electron Emission from Aggregate Dust Particles
- Small Interstellar Dust Grains Near the Heliosphere and Their Transport Into the Solar System
- Solar-Wind Drag on Fluffy Dust Particles
- The Position of Baltica During 700-450 Ma Ago: New Data from the Janisjarvi Impact Structure
- An Alternative Explanation for Recent Volcanism on Mars
- Reversal Asymmetry in the Paleomagnetic Data at 1.1 GA -- New Results From SW Arizona Sills
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- The Magnetic Dichotomy of the Galilean Satellites Europa and Ganymede
- Thermal Evolution of the mid-size Saturnian Satellites
- Kalahari 009: One of the Oldest Lunar Mare Basalts - Chronology, Chemical and Petrological Composition, and Source Region
- Thermal Evolution of Charon and the Major Satellites of Uranus: Constraints on Early Differentiation
- Shock recovery experiments in the range of 10 to 45 GPa - comparison of results of synthetic magnetite and terrestrial diabase
- The VIRTIS observations of 2867 Steins during the Rosetta fly-by
- Copernican craters: Early results from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Mapping the Moon with LROC: Global ultraviolet through visible color observations
- Identifying the erosion regime present during formation of lunar sinuous rilles
- The geochemical constraints on Earth's accretion and core formation (Invited)
- Analysis of geological samples by atomic emission spectroscopy of plasmas induced by laser ablation at low pressures
- Compositional study of the putative chloride-bearing materials with OMEGA/MEx data and implications on their relationship with phyllosilicates
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-14SW: Identification of Dark and Bright Features
- Ponded Impact Melt Dynamics and its Effects on Pond Surface Morphology - Insights from King Crater
- Preliminary geologic map of the V-3NFE quadrangle of asteroid 4Vesta
- The Libya Montes Region on Mars: Geology, Mineralogy, and Possible Habitable Environments
- The surface composition and photometric properties of 21 Lutetia as observed by VIRTIS onboard ROSETTA
- Grain size analysis of the Bright Materials on 4 Vesta
- Identification of frozen salt solutions combining LIBS and multivariate analysis methods
- Lunar cryptomare: Analysis of mineralogy and distribution of ancient volcanic deposits
- The 2.5-5.1 μm reflectance spectra of HED meteorites: Implications for Dawn
- The Geological Context of Vesta's Dark Material
- Calcium pyroxenes at Mercurian surface temperatures: investigation of in-situ emissivity spectra and thermal expansion
- Comparison of Large and Mid-Size Lunar Crater Distributions
- Simulated MERTIS observation of the Rudaki-Kuiper craters area on Mercury
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- Cosima - Cometary Dust Analysis Next to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
- Terrestrial in situ sampling of dust devils (relative particle loads and vertical grain size distributions) as an equivalent for martian dust devils.
- A long-lived lunar magma ocean
- A plate tectonic origin of kimberlites on a cooling Earth
- Are the Moon's Nearside-Farside Dichotomies the Result of a Giant Impact?
- Core Processes: Mechanism and Timing of Volatile Loss on the IVB Parent Body
- Experimental Investigation of the Alteration of the Surface of Mercury by Sulfur-Rich High Temperature Gases
- Experimental evidence for ruthenium isotope fractionation between liquid metal and liquid silicate
- Genetic tracing of impactors on the HED parent body using Mo and Ru isotopes
- Geology and Crater Size-Frequency Distributions of the Apollo 17 Landing Site
- Lack of Late-accreted Material in Source of Pilbara Volcanics
- Late-stage accretion of outer solar system material to the Earth
- Tellurium Stable Isotope Variations Among Chondrites and Terrestrial Samples
- Using Δ<SUP>95</SUP>Mo to Trace Late Carbonaceous and Non-Carbonaceous Contributions to the Earth and Mars