Wilhelms University of Munster, Germany
flowchart I[Wilhelms University of Munster, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (309)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (53)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Munster, Institute for Astronomy
- University of Munster, Institute for Geophysics
- University of Munster, Institute for Nuclear Physics
- University of Munster, Institute for Physics
- University of Munster, Institute for Planetology
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Early Differentiation of the Crust-Mantle System: a Hf Isotope Perspective
- Fractionation of Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf in the Mantle-Crust Sytem
- Low Ekman Number Dynamo Simulations in Cartesian Geometry
- Melt Percolation Monitored by Os-Isotopes and PGE Abundances: A Case Study From the Mantle Section of the Troodos Ophiolite
- Sesquiterpene Emissions from Vegetation - Chemical Analysis Technique for Ambient Measurements of the Contribution to the Formation of Ozone and Aerosols
- Towards a Finite Volume Solution of Spherical Dynamo Problems
- Widespread Evaporation/Condensation Related Cadmium Isotope Fractionation in Chondritic Meteorites
- Modelling Constraints From Boundary Layeer Estimates on the Sharpness of Superplumes in the Lower Mantle
- Neodymium and Hafnium Isotope Systematics of ~2.7 Ga Adakites and Magnesian Andesites, Superior Province, Canada: Implications for Archean Subduction Zone Petrogenetic Processes
- Petrogenesis and Source Characteristics of Intraplate Volcanism in Syria
- Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf and Nb-Zr Constraints on the Early Differentiation of the Moon
- The <SUP>176</SUP>Lu Decay Constant Controversy
- The Mass-Dependence of Cadmium Isotope Fractionation During Evaporation
- Timescales of Planetary Accretion and Differentiation from <SUP>182</SUP>Hf-<SUP>182</SUP>W Systematics
- Observing the Interaction Between Magnetic and Chemical Microstructures at the Nanometer Scale Using Electron Holography
- Turbulent Exchange of Particulate Matter During BEWA2000
- Crustal Recycling in Accretionary Orogens: LA-ICP-MS Geochronology and Hf Isotope Evidence of Detrital Zircons in Late Paleozoic Turbidite Units of the Southern Central Andes
- Fluid-Metasedimentary Rock Interactions Within Subduction Zone Mélange: The Secret to Trace Element Enrichments in Arc Magmas?
- Hf-Nd Isotope Characterization of the Tonga-Kermadec Sub-Arc Mantle
- Re, Os, and Pt Fractionation by Melt Segregation
- The Timing of Crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean Constrained by <SUP>182</SUP>W Systematics of Lunar Metals
- 400°C hot Boiling Fluids From a Hydrothermal Field at 5°S on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Results of Meteor Cruise M64/1
- Dating the Giant Moon--Forming Impact and the End of Earth's Accretion
- Mass Independent Fractionation of Sulphur Isotopes in Precambrian Sedimentary Rocks: Indicator for Changes in Atmospheric Composition and the Operation of the Global Sulphur Cycle
- Slip Rate Determination of Thrusts Along the Edge of NE Tibet From in situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Slip Rate Variations on Normal Faults During Glacial-Interglacial Changes in Surface Loads
- Sulphur Cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Isotopic Evidence From the Logatchev and Turtle Pits Hydrothermal Fields
- A numerical study of rapidly rotating magneto-convection
- Determination of the Rubidium Decay Constant by Age Comparison Against the U-Pb System
- Development of a New Model for Accurate Prediction of Cloud Water Deposition on Vegetation
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes of Atmospheric Aerosols From a Moving Ship From the Sea of Okhotsk to the Arctic Ocean
- Metallic Rainfall Mechanism and Time Scale of Metal-Silicate Separation in a Magma Ocean
- Potential and Limitations of an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor in Disjunct Eddy Covariance Aerosol Flux Measurements
- Sediments from the Boxing Day tsunami on the coasts of southeastern India and Kenya
- The Earth's core formation: Constraints imposed by partitioning behaviour of Germanium and Copper.
- Vegetation Differentiation of Arctic Patterned-ground Ecosystems
- Benchmark Experiments for Higher-Order and Full Stokes Ice Sheet Models
- Crustal Recycling in Accretionary Orogens: LA-ICP-MS Geochronology and Hf Isotope Evidence of Detrital Zircons in Late Paleozoic Turbidite Units of the Southern Central Andes
- DOLCE ROCKS: Integrating Foundational and Geoscience Ontologies--Preliminary Results for the Integration of Concepts from DOLCE, GeoSciML, and SWEET
- Denudation of Actively Growing Mountain Ranges in the Foreland of NE Tibet Inferred From in- Situ Produced Cosmogenic Be-10
- Drilling of Submarine Shallow-water Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Arcs of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy
- Geochemical Evidence for 1.9-1.8 Ga Continental Arc Magmatism in the Arequipa Massif, Southwestern Peru
- Long-term and short-term erosion rates in river catchments of the Rhenish Massif and the Black Forest, Germany
- Postglacial slip rate increase on the Teton normal fault, northern Basin and Range Province, caused by melting of the Yellowstone ice cap and deglaciation of the Teton Range?
- Sedimentological characteristics of the July 17, 2006 tsunami in South Java
- Slip rates of active thrusts and rates of river incision in the Qilian Shan (NE-Tibet)
- The Role of Porosity in the Formation of Coastal Boulder Deposits - Hurricane Versus Tsunami
- HFSE Processing During Subduction and the Consequences for Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in the Mantle
- Inversion of Flow Depth and Speed from Tsunami Deposits using TsuSedMod
- Metamorphic Rates in Northern Part of the Central Alps
- U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Zircons From the Mesoproterozoic Lower Crust of Central-Southern Mexico
- A Late Quaternary shortening rate for the frontal thrust of the Andean Precordillera north of Mendoza
- Ba Isotopes in Allende CAIs and Eucrites Bermingham, K. R.1 and Mezger, K.1 1Zentrallabor für Geochronologie, Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster, Germany
- Channeled fluid flow through slabs: reactive porosity waves
- In-situ U/Pb rutile dating by LA-ICP-MS: 208Pb correction and prospects for thermochronological applications
- LROC - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
- Monazite and allanite U-Th-Pb vs mica 39Ar-40Ar ages in equilibrated metasediments: closure behavior and closure temperatures
- New Insights from Sediment Ages and Carbon Isotopes at a Paleo-Seep/Chemosynthetic Biological Community in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, Offshore India
- Snowmelt Runoff Regime Shifts Across Western North America
- A note of caution on the use of boulders for exposure dating of depositional surfaces
- Boulder transport by the 2010 Chile tsunami (Bucalemu, Central Chile): A quasi-experimental setting in a natural environment
- Direct Measurement of Turbulent Particle and Gas Fluxes by Eddy Covariance Technique
- Effects of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake on the Min River, Sichuan, China
- Energy and Carbon Flow: Comparing ultramafic- and basalt-hosted vents
- FAR-DEEP: organic carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of early Paleoproterozoic sediments from Fennoscandia
- High-pressure synthesis and structural, physical properties of CaIr1-xPtxO3 and CaIr1-xRhxO3
- Late Quaternary slip rates of two active thrust faults at the front of the Andean Precordillera, Mendoza, Argentina
- Long-term landscape stability in southern Tibet inferred from the preservation of a large-scale bedrock peneplain
- Managing Uncertainty in Data and Models: UncertWeb
- Neoproterozoic palaeogeography of the West Africa Craton constrained by detrital zircon provenance
- Pulse-like channelled long-distance fluid flow in subducting slabs (Invited)
- Reconstructing Earth's Surface Oxidation Across The Archean- Proterozoic Transition
- Salt-Induced Physical Weathering of Stone
- Spatiotemporal variability in specific discharge within a boreal landscape
- Subduction-zone cycling of nitrogen in serpentinized mantle rocks
- The Acasta Gneisses revisited: Evidence for an early depleted mantle
- The February 27, 2010 Chile Tsunami - Sedimentology of runup and backflow deposits at Isla Mocha
- The Role of Crustal Recycling in Accretionary Orogens: the U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope Evidence of Detrital Zircons from the the proto-Andes
- U-Pb geochronology on detrital zircons from FAR-DEEP cores, Fennoscandian Shield - age constraints for events of the Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic transition and provenance
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- Application of Terrestrial Wavefield Tomography in Helioseismology
- Fluid induced metamorphism and strength of the middle to lower continental crust - field and textural examples from Bergen Arcs, Western Norway
- Fluid-induced Deformation of Garnet in Eclogite
- Interaction between seawater and magma or very hot rock in the deep fast-spreading oceanic crust: Constraints from experimental petrology
- Light Elements in Abyssal Peridotites: Fingerprinting Sources of Migrating Melts
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-10EW: Identification of Dark (Volcanic?) Features
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-6EE: Identification of Pit Crater Chains
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-12EW: Mapping the Edge of the South Polar Structure
- Mapping Vesta Northern Quadrangle V-2NE: Exploring troughs, craters and linear features
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Processing strategies for noisy land-based controlled-source electromagnetic data
- Redox Conditions and Related Color Change in Eastern Equatorial Pacific Sediments: IODP Site U1334
- Sound velocities of calcium-bearing majorite to high pressure and the seismic gradients in the transition zone
- Structural features on 4Vesta: Observations and analysis
- Theoretical scaling law for heat transfer by quasi-geostrophic convection
- Towards climate reconstruction on Mars using landscape analysis: Insights from terrestrial analogues
- Zirconium Systematics in HT Metamorphic Rutile: Implications for Geothermometry
- A re-survey of the deposits of the February 27, 2010 Chile tsunami and the preservation potential of siliciclastic onshore tsunami deposits
- Application of halogen concentration and chlorine stable isotopes to decipher the fluid evolution during a regional metasomatic event (Bamble Sector, SE Norway)
- Discriminating small-scale deep-mantle heterogeneities by 3D global wavefield modeling
- Does wildfire cause cascading effects on aquatic C cycling? A study of soil, well and lake DOC composition and bio/photolability
- Fluid-Rock Interaction and Carbon Retention in Deeply Subducted Basalts
- Geostable molecules and the Late Archean 'Whiff of Oxygen'
- Global patterns of the shifts of seasons over the last 6 decades and their phenological impacts
- Kinks in subducted slabs: Petrological evidence points to additional hindrance to the exhumation of UHP rocks
- Mantle evolution on Mars: Constraints from Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of SNC meteorites
- Microbial mediated formation of low-temperature hydrothermal barite chimneys
- New age constraints for the geodynamic evolution of the Neotethyan Sistan ocean, eastern Iran
- OSL Dating of Lake Level Changes at Nam Co and Tangra Yum Co in the Southern Tibetan Plateau
- Protracted or multiple subduction of metapelites (Rhodope UHP domain, Greece)?
- Realising the Uncertainty Enabled Model Web
- Retracing diagenetic processes in marine porewaters using Ca isotopes
- Shortening rates at the mountain front of the Andean Precordillera (Argentina) on timescales of millions, thousands and a few years
- Slab fluid release: localized in space and time
- The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- The Open Geospatial Consortium PUCK Standard: Building Sensor Networks with Self-Describing Instruments
- The consequences of mixing for the geochemical systematics of oceanic basalts
- Constraining the Holocene lake-level decline at Tangra Yumco (southern Tibet) with 10Be surface exposure and luminescence dating
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Effects of Simple Leaching of Crushed and Powdered Materials on High-precision Pb Isotope Analyses
- Further Evidence for Medieval Faulting along the Puerto Rico Trench
- Magmatism and Eurekan deformation in the High Arctic Large Igneous Province: Age and geological constraints from North Greenland
- Natural Serpentinite Carbonation at Linnajavri, N-Norway (Invited)
- Neogene marine sedimentary record of the Gulf of Alaska: from the glaciers to the distal submarine fan systems
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Southern Alaska glaciations recorded in deep-sea diamicts: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341 (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of Pleistocene biogenic sediment accumulation in the Gulf of Alaska
- The consequences of melting and melt mixing for mantle end-member identification (Invited)
- The provenance of clasts deposited on the Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska: First results of IODP Expedition 341
- The success and complementarity of Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology
- Thermal and Chemical Structures at the Core-Mantle Boundary: Implications for the Mantle Dynamics
- A long-term rock uplift rate for eastern Crete and geodynamic implications for the Hellenic subduction zone
- Attenuation and Scattering Tomography of the Deep Plumbing System of Mount St. Helens
- CAT-scan analysis in scientific drilling: effective routine data acquisition and processing of whole cores, split cores and u-channels
- Can We Explain the D" Reflector with the Post-Perovskite Phase Transition?
- Effects of topography on upper mantle discontinuities for array detections of PP precursors
- Imaging pockets and conduits of low velocity material beneath the lithosphere of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco: links to volcanism and orogenesis
- Imaging the D" reflector with noise correlations and array processing
- Internal P-T-t Structure of Subduction Complexes — Insights from Lu-Hf Geochronology on Garnet and Lawsonite (Halilbağı, Central Anatolia)
- Late Pleistocene biogenic sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska: A biogeochemical perspective from IODP Expedition 341
- Meaningfully Integrating Big Earth Science Data
- Microtectonic analysis of an incipient thrust fault in Opalinus Clay.
- Modelling Changes of the Paleogene Ca Budget Using Benthic Foraminifera
- Near-Melting Condition of the Inner Core Boundary Revealed from Antipodal Seismic Waves
- New efforts using helicopter-borne and ground based electromagnetics for mineral exploration
- Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet Dynamics in Coastal Alaska from MIS 3 to the Present: Initial Results
- Observations of D" anisotropy from P and S-wave reflectivity
- Peat carbon stocks and potential microbial lability of boreal peatlands with varying permafrost histories
- Post-thaw carbon stock variation in a permafrost peatland of the boreal zone.
- Spatio-temporal interpolation of soil moisture in 3D+T using automated sensor network data
- TIR Spectroscopy: Looking for Igneous Rocks on the Surface of Mercury.
- The Dynamics and Evolution of the African and Pacific LLSVPs
- The Feedback Between Surface Mobility and Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity: Implications for the Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The Mystery of Chevrons Revealed
- The Role of Subduction and Mantle Plumes in the Supercontinent Cycle
- The Selfconsistent Evolution of Thermochemical Boundary Layers in the Earth's Mantle
- The emergence and evolution of Santa Maria Island (Azores) - the conundrum of uplifting islands revisited
- Topography of Upper Mantle Seismic Discontinuities Beneath the North Atlantic: The Azores, Canary and Cape Verde Plumes
- Trace element systematics in the plutonic section of fast-spread oceanic crust - evidence from the Wadi Gideah reference profile (Wadi Tayin Massif, Oman ophiolite)
- A Partial Late Veneer for the Source of 3.8 Ga Isua Rocks: Evidence from Highly Siderophile Elements and <SUP>182</SUP>W
- A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
- Anelastic Versus Fully Compressible Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
- Comparison of the Cratering Records of Ceres and Rhea
- Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle
- Controls on the Mobilization and Transport of Hfse in Ore-Forming Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
- Deep Structures and Initiation of Plate Tectonics in Thermochemical Mantle Convection Models
- Exploring Formation Models for Ceres Tholi and Montes
- Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
- Geomorphological Evidence for Pervasive Ground Ice on Ceres from Dawn Observations of Craters and Flows.
- Hurricane Sandy deposits on Fire Island, NY: Using washover deposit stratigraphy to understand sediment transport during large storms.
- Modeling closure of the Pd-Ag system in iron meteorites
- Multi-proxy analysis of tsunami deposits - the Tirúa, Chile, example
- Peatland carbon cycling and the implications of permafrost thaw; a chronosequence study.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-1 Asari Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data.
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-2 Coniraya Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-3 Dantu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-5 Fejokoo Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
- Seismic resolution of lowermost mantle structure
- Test of the microtextural analysis of quartz grains of tsunami and non-tsunami deposits in Tirúa (Chile) - an unsuitable method for a valid tsunami identification
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The collisional history of dwarf planet Ceres revealed by Dawn
- Tungsten isotope evidence for post-giant impact equilibration of the Earth and Moon
- Amorphous and liquid samples structure and density measurements at high pressure - high temperature using diffraction and imaging techniques
- Constraining Mantle Differentiation Processes with La-Ce and Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics
- Contrasting approaches to determine the impact of permafrost thaw on C cycling in northern peatlands
- Core Mantle Boundary Imaging underneath the North Atlantic ocean using teleseismic noise correlations
- Crater-related flow features on Ceres - Implications for cryovolcanism
- Fine-scale crustal structure of the Azores Islands from teleseismic receiver functions
- Imprint of Serpentinization Processes on Calcium Isotope Signatures
- Investigating the thermal and dynamic state of Mars using seismic data from the upcoming InSight Mission
- Investigation of upper mantle seismic discontinuities beneath the Indian Ocean using array seismology methods
- Irregular Mare Patches (IMPs): 100 Ma or 3 Ga?
- Machine Learning Applied to Dawn/VIR data of Vesta in view of MERTIS/BepiColombo.
- Magmatic origin and fluid alteration versus inheritance: Complex history of accessory minerals from I-type granites from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica)
- Mars Internal Structure: Seismic Predictions for Core Phase Arrivals in Anticipation of the InSight Mission
- New provenance data from Surveyor Fan sediments, Gulf of Alaska: a history of climate-tectonic interactions in the St. Elias orogen
- Observations and models of seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle: Towards an understanding of flow patterns
- Open System Models of Isotopic Evolution in Earth's Silicate Reservoirs
- Preparing for InSight - using the continuous seismic data flow to investigate the deep interior of Mars
- Reconstruction of the extent and variability of late Quaternary ice sheets and Arctic sea ice: Insights from new mineralogical and geochemical proxy records
- Reflectance and Emissivity Spectra of Graphite as Potential Darkening Agent for Mercury from the UV to the TIR and its Comparison to Remote Sensing Measurements from MESSENGER and MERTIS on BepiColombo
- The <SUP>176</SUP>Lu-<SUP>176</SUP>Hf System as a Tool to Date Meteorites and Trace Early Silicate Differentiation - Requirements and Pitfalls
- The Acasta Gneiss - a Hadean cratonic nucleus
- The September 16, 2015 Illapel Tsunami - Sedimentology of tsunami deposits at the beaches of La Serena and Coquimbo
- Washing, Leaching, and Other Ways to Disturb Geochronological Samples
- A Reference Section through the Lower Fast-spreading Oceanic Crust in the Wadi Gideah (Sumail ophiolite, Sultanate Oman): Drill Sites GT1A and GT2A within the ICDP Oman Drilling Project
- Ca Isotope Geochemistry in Marine Deep Sea Sediments of the Eastern Pacific
- Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts as recorder of Late Cretaceous paleo-temperature using Sr/Ca thermometry and δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca<SUB>seawater</SUB>
- Constraining the Mechanism of D" Anisotropy: Diversity of Observation Types Required
- Deconvolution of Thermal Emissivity Spectra of Mercury to their Endmember Counterparts measured in Simulated Mercury Surface Conditions
- Density of alkali carbonate melts in the upper mantle and implications for the mobility of carbon at depth
- Evidence for intense hydrothermal alteration associated with flood basalt volcanism during the birth of the Azores Plateau
- Exploring Chondrule and CAI Rims Using Micro- and Nano-Scale Petrological and Compositional Analysis
- Inferences on the Physical Nature of Earth's Inner Core Boundary Region from Observations of Antipodal PKIKP and PKIIKP Waves
- Looking for carbonates in the deep Earth: an experimental approach at extreme conditions
- Methane emissions from western Canadian peatland lakes: assessing interactive effects of groundwater connectivity and permafrost thaw
- Ranking of European Capitals According to the Impact of Future Heat Waves
- Self-Organized Mantle Layering After the Magma-Ocean Period
- Shear anisotropy in textured carbonates and the detection of carbonated regions in subducting slabs
- Stratigraphy and Surface Ages of Dwarf Planet (1) Ceres: Results from Geologic and Topographic Mapping in Survey, HAMO and LAMO Data of the Dawn Framing Camera Images
- The Effect of Long-term Nutrient Addition on Peat Properties in an Ombrotrophic Bog
- The Presence of Dense Material in the Deep Mantle: Implications for Plate Motion
- Tracing iron-carbon redox from surface to core
- A Model for the Density of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaCl Fluids Based on High-Pressure Experimental Data to 800 K and 1500 bars
- A plate tectonic origin of kimberlites on a cooling Earth
- CSFD Tools - A new application to account for crater obliteration effects in crater size-frequency distribution measurements
- Causes of variable hydrothermal vent fluid compositions at Brothers Volcano - Kermadec Arc
- Cr isotope fractionation during the degassing of silicate melts
- Disequilibrium Crystallization of Rumuruti Chondrite Impact Melts
- Double Diffusive Convection - Creating Boundary Layers within the Earth's Mantle
- Experimental evidence for ruthenium isotope fractionation between liquid metal and liquid silicate
- First-time in situ Belowground Labeling for CH<SUB>4</SUB>-turnover Studies: a Case Experiment at a Swedish Boreal Peatland
- Geology and Crater Size-Frequency Distributions of the Apollo 17 Landing Site
- How many CI-like parent bodies existed in the Early Solar System?
- In Situ Sulfur Isotope Study of Sulfides in Carbonaceous Chondrites and Volatile-rich Clasts.
- Investigating the Mandel'shtam Lobate Thrust Fault Scarp Complex on the Moon
- Lack of Late-accreted Material in Source of Pilbara Volcanics
- Late-stage accretion of outer solar system material to the Earth
- Long-Term Net Effect of Permafrost Thaw on the Carbon Balance of Boreal Peatlands: Evidence from Several Complementary Approaches
- Machine Learning Approach to Deconvolution of Mid-Infrared Telescope Spectra of Mercury: Supporting MERTIS onboard ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission
- Modeling and Observations of Seismic Anisotropy in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath Siberia
- Neukum crater and surrounding eastern Noachis Terra: Integrated local and regional photogeologic mapping of Mars' ancient highlands
- New Experimental Insights Into the Geochemical Cycle of Halogens: Halogen Partitioning Between Amphibole, Phlogopite and Silicate Melts
- One Rock - Two Dates: The Curious Case of Feldspathic Granulitic Breccia 77017.
- Re-examination of the population, stratigraphy, and sequence of Mercurian basins: Implications for Mercurýs early impact history and comparison with the Moon
- Ready for Their Close-up: Insights about Occator's Bright Faculae Derived from New, Highest Resolution Observations of Ceres
- Recycling Bromine in subduction zones: New insights from X-ray absorption measurements on fluids, melts and glasses
- Remelting of the fossil Ontong Java Plateau plume head, with clues to Archean continent formation
- Retrieving early indicators of high impact of an invasive ecosystem engineer from remote sensing data
- Scattering shades across Southern Morocco: what coda and body waves constrains can tell about Multiscale Heterogeneous structures.
- Sedimentary and Microfossil Differences Between Sediments Deposited by Hurricane Irma and the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami
- Tellurium Stable Isotope Variations Among Chondrites and Terrestrial Samples
- The Influence of a Compositionally Distinct Layer in the Deep Mantle on the Evolution of Plate-like Surface Motion
- The Kimberlite - MARID Metasome Link: New Conflicting Evidence
- Unraveling the formation of economic tungsten deposits in the Earth's crust in hydrous fluids: Solubility of scheelite (CaWO<SUB>4</SUB>) in supercritical fluids in the system H-O-Cl-F
- A constant slip rate for the western Qilian Shan frontal thrust during the last 200 ka consistent with GPS-derived and geological shortening rates
- Caminite: An underestimated metastable Mg reservoir in hydrothermal recharge zones?
- Discerning the Mineralogy of Metasomatized Mantle Sources by Halogen Partitioning Experiments: A Novel Approach
- Magnetic Sub-fabrics in Deformed Salt Rocks of the German Zechstein Basin
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Natural Occurrence of Aluminous Bridgmanite and its Formation in a Katol Meteorite
- Physical and chemical alteration of onshore tsunami deposits - implications for inverse modelling of onshore tsunami deposits
- Probing mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- Response of the solid Earth to ice mass changes: numerical modeling techniques, implementation of faults, and implications for future seismic potential in regions undergoing ice loss
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- Self-Consistent Formation of Piles by a Diffusive Influx From the Core
- 500+ Million Years of Volcanism in Australe
- A new look at polarity information in D" reflections
- Brines on Ceres: Origins and Transport Processes
- Estimating the Magnitude of Long-Term Net C Loss due to Permafrost Thaw in Boreal Peatlands
- In Situ Geochronology for the Next Decade
- Measurements of evapotranspiration processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan
- Olivine to Wadlseyite Transformation in (Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and the 410 km Depth Discontinuity : Experiments and Models
- Phase Change of Pyrolitic Material: In-situ Transformation and InducedMicrostructures at 660 km Depth
- Plant Structure and Carbon Storage Assessment Utilizing Drone-Borne Lidar and Deep Learning Technologies in a Danish Agricultural Expanse.
- Spatial Upscale and Temporal Downscale of GEDIs Leaf Area Index with Sentinel-1 and 2
- Vegetation response to a climate gradient in the eastern Canadian Arctic - mapping based on ground plots and remote sensing
- Young Mare Basalts in the Chang'e-5 Landing Region, Northern Oceanus Procellarum
- A 3-D, Technicolor Zombie: Joint Analysis of Multidisciplinary Geophysical and Geochemical Data at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia Reveals Active Hydrothermal System and Possible Sulfide Deposition
- A Comparison of Structure and Function of Northern Boreal and Southern Restiad Bogs
- A new seismic phase to detect mid-mantle heterogeneities
- Constraining Mercury's Interior Structure by Density and P-Wave Velocity Measurements of Liquid Fe-Si-C Alloys
- Deciphering Isotopic Mantle Heterogeneity beneath Tristan da Cunha using Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions
- Dislocation Slip In Wadsleyite And Its Implications For The Seismic Anisotropy In The Mantle Transition Zone
- Experimental Investigation of Microstructures at the 660 km Discontinuity
- Insights into Earths Accretion from Iron Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
- Long-lasting layers in subsurface oceans from double-diffusive convection
- Melt Fraction and Volatile Content Estimates Using MELTS-constrained Bayesian Magnetotelluric Inversions: Case Study from Uturuncu, Bolivia
- On the detectability of mantle plumes using seismic arrays
- The Fate of Impactor Material upon Impacts into Magma Oceans Insights from Numerical Simulations
- Constraints on the Parent Bodies of Fe-rich Meteorites and Asteroids from Siderophile Element Partitioning
- Delayed Tectonic Evolution due to LLSVPs?
- Effect of Methanol on the Crystallization of Primordial Oceans and the Thermal Evolution of Large Icy Moons
- Global Analysis of Ginkgo biloba Stomatal Frequencies and other Key Traits shows no Influence by Climate, indicating that the Stomatal Paleo-pCO2 Proxy is Robust.
- Influence of Groundwater Connectivity and Sulfate on Boreal Lake Methane Dynamics in the Sporadic Permafrost Zone
- Light and Heavy: Fe-Isotopes in Shield And Rejuvenated Hawaiian Lavas Point to Mineralogically Distinct Sources
- Microstructures and Shear Wave Anisotropy in Stishovite: Implications for Mid-Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities
- Microstructures and anisotropy in pyrolite at lower mantle pressures and temperatures
- Multigrain X-ray Diffraction for the Study of Deformation and Phase Transformation Microstructures at Deep Mantle Pressures and Temperatures
- Multigrain X-ray Diffraction, Data Processing Techniques, and Microstructures in Pyrolite at Lower Mantle Conditions
- Photosymbiosis on a Mid-Devonian Reef: Evidence from Coral-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Rapid Deposition and Intense Mineralization of Organic Matter Drive Marine Silicate Weathering in the Japan Trench: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 386
- Ridge basalts with decoupled Hf-Nd isotopes: Evidence for ancient residual lithosphere
- Self-Consistent Formation of Thermochemical Piles by Core-Mantle Interaction
- The elements of the 'mantle zoo' inferred from multi-variate statistical data analysis (t-SNE)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Longobardo
- A. Raponi
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alfredo Martínez‐García
- Andreas Stracke
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Christian Huber
- Christian Maas
- Christine Thomas
- Cristian Carli
- Cristian Estop‐Aragonés
- Daniel R. Neuville
- Daoyuan Sun
- Darcy Cordell
- Elizabeth Eiden
- Elyn Humphreys
- F. G. Carrozzo
- Frédéric Deschamps
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- Greg Michael
- H. J. Dick
- J. G. Konter
- Joachim Gottsmann
- Jonathan Jung
- K. Wünnemann
- L. Allibert
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Ciarniello
- M. E. Pritchard
- Margret Steinthorsdottir
- Mario D'Amore
- Marta E Torres
- Martin van Driel
- Martyn Unsworth
- Maëlis Arnould
- Michael Afanasiev
- Michael Bizimis
- Michael Strasser
- Min Luo
- Olivier Castelnau
- Philipp Kreielkamp
- S. Marchi
- S. Naif
- S. T. Henderson
- Susanne M. Straub
- Sébastien Merkel
- Teresa Wong
- Thomas Hudson
- Tim R. Moore
- Tim Van Hoolst
- Tobias P. Fischer
- Vincent J. M. Salters