Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Cosmic Physics
flowchart I[Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Cosmic Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (49)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- RAPIDS 3: Imaging Beneath the Southern Rockall Trough Using Wide-Angle Seismics
- RAPIDS 3: Seismic Stratigraphy of the Southern Rockall Basin from Wide-Angle Seismic Modelling and Normal Incidence Reflection Data
- Structure classification from the joint interpretation of seismic and magnetotelluric models
- Deep Source Anisotropy Revealed From Back-Azimuthal Variation of Shear-Wave Splitting in Southwest Ireland
- Probability of Radial Anisotropy in the Deep Mantle
- The DIAS Outreach Seismology in Schools (Seismeolaíocht sa Scoil) Pilot Programme
- Constraints From Deep-Imaging Magnetotellurics on the Lithospheric Structure and Evolution of the Enigmatic Okwa Terrane, Botswana
- Crustal Anisotropy of Hudson Bay from Ambient-Noise Tomography
- Deep-source anisotropy revealed by shear-wave splitting results from Ireland
- Prediction of DC current flow between the Otjiwarongo and Katima Mulilo regions, using 3D DC resistivity forward modelling and magnetotelluric and audio-magnetotelluric data recorded during SAMTEX
- Shear-Velocity Profiles Across the Tibetan Plateau, From Broadband Interstation Dispersion of Surface Waves
- A comparison of geophysical proxies for the LAB in southern Africa
- Lithospheric structures and Precambrian terrane boundaries in northeastern Botswana revealed through magnetotelluric profiling
- Seismology in Schools an integrated approach to funding developing and implementing a coordinated programme for teachers and high school students
- Lithospheric Anisotropy and Deformation in Anatolia, Eastern Mediterranean: A Seismic Surface-Wave Study
- Robust Shear-Velocity Profiles Within Oceanic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere: Implications for Thermal and Compositional Structure
- SimLAB: Evaluating Geophysical Proxies for the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- The shear velocity structure of the lithospheric mantle beneath Tibet
- A revised estimate of glacial-isostatic adjustment based on GPS uplift rates and its impact on Antarctic ice-mass trends from GRACE
- Adjoint sensitivity method for the downward continuation of the Earth's geomagnetic field through an electrically conducting mantle
- Strike-Slip Tectonics in Northwestern Ireland? Evidence From the 2012 January Seismic Sequence in Co. Donegal, Ireland
- Towards multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
- A numerical study of the influence of interconnected conductive paths in electrically resistive rocks
- Conductivity models for the North Perth Basin, Western Australia
- Crustal and upper mantle response to lithospheric tear faulting: the Livorno-Sillaro Lineament in the northern Apennines
- IRETHERM: Magnetotelluric studies of Irish radiothermal granites and their geothermal energy potential
- Surface wave tomography of central and northern Europe from automated inter-station dispersion measurements
- The IRETHERM Project: Assessment Of The Rathlin Basin As A Possible Geothermal Aquifer
- Excitation of nutation by the global radiational S<SUB>1</SUB> tide
- Modelling of Ocean Induced Magnetic Signals in Swarm Satellite Data
- Global thermochemical inversion of seismic waveforms, gravity satellite data, and topography
- Bridging the gap between the deep Earth and lithospheric gravity field
- Data assimilation and uncertainty quantification of geothermal potential: application to Ireland
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Landscape Evolution Modelling
- Uncertainty quantification of crustal scale thermo-chemical properties in Southeast Australia
- Effects of laterally heterogeneous elastic structures on surface loading -a preliminary result for a rotationally symmetric spherical earth model
- Improved Early-warning of Subglacial Floods Using Seismic Arrays in Iceland
- The 26th June 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos archipelago: early results on seismic tremor and low frequency seismicity from a temporary network
- Thermodynamically constrained joint inversion of seismic refraction, surface elevation and gravity data: Crustal structure and composition in the Porcupine Basin (North-East Atlantic)
- WINTERC: a new Global thermochemical model constrained by seismic waveforms, heat flow, surface elevation and gravity satellite data.
- Estimating the effects of laterally heterogeneous elasticity and density structures on surface loading -a rotationally symmetric case
- Full waveform inversion on long streamer data from the Rockall Trough (West of Ireland)
- High Resolution Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Volcano Seismicity Prior to the Sierra Negra (Galapagos Islands) Eruption of 2018
- Magma pathway opening before the 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos, revealed by tremor location and local earthquake tomography
- Resolving the crustal structure with ambient noise and P wave coda: a study on the feasibility of single-station autocorrelations.
- Seismic Imaging Using Cross- and Auto-correlation of High-frequency (2-20 Hz) Ambient Noise and Event-coda Data
- Improving the Accuracy of Volcanic Earthquake Locations in Montserrat, West Indies
- Relaxation behavior of a laterally varying earth model in response to glacial loading
- Thermochemical heterogeneity of the upper mantle from a coupled, geophysical-petrological inversion of surface-wave, heat-flow, surface-elevation and satellite gravity data