Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland
flowchart I[Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (215)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (46)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Geophysics
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Cosmic Physics
- Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Theoretical Physics
- Dunsink Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Controls on Submarine Canyon Development Along the Eastern Margin of the Rockall Trough
- EAGLE - Design of 2003 Controlled Source Seismic Profile Across the Ethiopian Rift
- Gravity Variations in the Rockall and Porcupine Basins West of Ireland: Evidence for a Linked Structural Development
- 3-D Tomography Study of Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Data Across the Variscides, SW Ireland
- A Detailed Receiver Fuction Study of the Hawaiian Plume Conduit
- Cold-Water Coral Ecosystem Development in the NE Atlantic: Evidence for Strong Coupling with Pleistocene and Holocene Climate Change
- A Teleseismic Study Across the Iapetus Suture Zone in Ireland: ISLE - the Irish Seismic Lithospheric Experiment
- Cold Water Coral Mounds and Early Holocene Climate Change
- Diffuse Extension and the Formation of Non-Volcanic Mesozoic Rift Basins in the Northeast Atlantic
- Contrasting Styles Between the Structure and the Magmatism of the West and South Hatton/Rockall Margins (North Atlantic Igneous Province)
- Passive Margin Uplift in Antarctica Possibly Controlling the Global Climate Change
- A Magnetotelluric Survey of the Kaapvaal Craton and its surroundings: The SAMTEX Experiment
- Electrical Anisotropy Across the Kaapvaal Craton Derived From SAMTEX MT Studies Compared With SASE SKS Seismic Anisotropy Results
- The Electrical Lithosphere of the Archean: Insights from the Kaapvaal craton and elsewhere.
- A Comparison of Electrical and Seismic Anisotropy Across the Southern African Region
- Are seismic velocities and electrical conductivities reconcilable?
- Constraints From Broadband Magnetotellurics on the Lithospheric Evolution of the Rehoboth and Kaapvaal Cratons, Southern Africa.
- Magmatic underplating as a possible origin of deformation localization during lithospheric extension
- Structure of the Hatton Basin (North Atlantic) from wide-angle and reflection seismic data.
- Using a genetic algorithm to assess data compatibility in joint inversion
- Southern African lithospheric structures and geometries imaged by SAMTEX: Clues to Archean tectonic processes
- Three-Dimensional Forward Modeling of Magnetotelluric Data Over Cratonic Lithosphere and Attendent Geological Structures: Case Study of the Zimbabwe Craton
- Evidence for a slab remnant beneath the Gulf of Califonia from surface wave tomography
- Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric and Surface Wave Data in Anisotropic Media
- MCMT3DID - a finite-element, 3D MT inversion code using local coordinates for each site and solving for distortion parameters
- Surface-Wave Anisotropy and Deformation of Continents
- Across-strike and along-strike crustal architecture of the Banggong-Nujiang suture from INDEPTH magnetotelluric profiles
- Evolution of the crust and upper mantle structure beneath the Kunlun Shan in Northern Tibet from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric and Surface Wave Data in an Anisotropic Earth
- Structure and Anisotropy of Southern Africa's Lithosphere: Constraints From Broad-band Surface-Wave Dispersion
- The lithospheric architecture of a Neoproterozoic collision zone in Southern Africa inferred from deep probing magnetotelluric data
- Comparison of seismic and electrical parameters of the Southern African lithosphere: Evidence for predominantly thermally-driven lateral variation
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Northern Tibet crustal and lithospheric mantle structures inferred from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- Realizing 2D magnetotelluric inversion in the case of divergent geoelectric strike directions in the crust and mantle - Case study using synthetic models and real data from the Tajo Basin (Spain)
- A Boundary Zone in the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Norway and Sweden
- Featuring Lithosphere Rheology in Studies of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Lithospheric Structure Across the Altyn-tagh Fault on the North Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Magnetotelluric Data
- Lithospheric geometries revealed through electromagnetic imaging: SAMTEX (Southern Africa MagnetoTelluric Experiment) observations and results
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Three-dimensional structures and geometries of central Tibetan Plateau from INDEPTH magnetotelluric data
- IRETHERM: Research and Exploration Challenges in Assessing Ireland's Deep Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Energy Potential
- What happens to the Juan de Fuca plate boundary beneath northern Cascadia? Insight into the methamorphism of the oceanic crust
- Ambient Noise Tomography of the East African Rift System in Mozambique
- Anomalously High Geothermal Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Changes in the crustal resistivity structure of the Tibetan Plateau beneath the Kunlun fault
- Comparing multiple 3D magnetotelluric inversions of the same dataset
- Cratonic lithosphere: an electrifying view (Invited)
- Estimation of Water Within the Lithospheric Mantle of Central Tibet from Petrological-Geophysical Investigations
- Magnetotelluric Evidence of Regional Lithospheric Modification in Ordos Block, North China
- Modeling the physical properties and composition of the mantle lithosphere using magnetotellurics combined with other information (Invited)
- Multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Western/Central US
- The role of different magnetotelluric tensor relationships in detecting partial melt in continental collision zones: Results from synthetic models and real data
- Velocity contrasts in the mantle: changing the paradigm of the Apennines
- A Multi-Disciplinary Investigation of Irish Warm Springs and Their Potential for the Provision of Geothermal Energy
- A study of the influence of conductive paths and their directions in randomly generated conductor network.
- An approach for monitoring resistivity variations using surface magnetotelluric data and its application to CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage site
- Anisotropic Love and Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps for central to northern Europe
- Bayesian Inversion of Broadband Surface Waves Dispersion Curves for Shear Velocity Structure and Anisotropy of the Crust and Upper Mantle
- Geophysical Studies of Irish Granites Using Magnetotelluric and Gravity Data
- High-resolution S-velocity structure of the shallow crust via Trans-dimensional Multi-Frequency Receiver Function inversion
- IRECCSEM: Evaluating Clare Basin potential for onshore carbon sequestration using magnetotelluric data (Preliminary results). New approaches applied for processing, modeling and interpretation
- IRETHERM: Geophysical modeling of the southern margin of the Dublin Basin
- Imaging the Mantle Transition Zone Using Multimode Waveform Tomography
- Increasing diversity in the geosciences through the AfricaArray geophysics field course
- Lithospheric Structure of the North American Craton Imaged Using Waveform Inversion of Global and Usarray Data
- Multi-Observable Probabilistic Tomography Reveals the Thermochemical Structure of Central-Western US
- Origin of Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy in Oceanic Plates and Mantle
- Partitioned Waveform Inversion, From Tens to Millions of Seismograms: A Journey of Discovery
- Proton Conduction and Hydrogen Diffusion in Olivine: Reconciling Laboratory and Field Observations and Implications for Average Grain Size in the Lithospheric Mantle
- Simulating Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Irish Power Network
- The IRETHERM Project: How Can We Characterize Geothermal Reservoirs in Ireland using Magnetotelluric Surveying?
- The Lithospheric Structure of Southern Africa from Magnetotelluric Sounding
- Tomography of the East African Rift System in Mozambique
- Use of passive seismic data to characterize sedimentary basins, an example from the Vienna Basin, Austria.
- A Bayesian Approach to Infer Radial and Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Crust and Upper Mantle from Surface-Wave Dispersion Curves
- A layer stripping approach for monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage sites using surface magnetotelluric responses
- Breaking the Seal: Tracking Eruptive and Flood Tremor in Iceland with Seismic Arrays
- Broadband source inversion of Long-Period (LP) events on Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica
- Deep structure of Porcupine Basin and nature of the Porcupine Median Ridge from seismic refraction tomography
- Exploring Sedimentary Basins with High Frequency Receiver Function: the Dublin Basin Case Study
- Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned plate motion reference frame in light of seismic anisotropy and global trench migration
- Joint Inversion Modelling of Geophysical Data From Lough Neagh Basin
- Joint inversion of MT data with GTF and HMT data: Main advantages from a synthetic case study and real data
- Nature of the uppermost mantle below the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland: new insights from seismic refraction and gravity data modeling
- New Insights into the Structure of the Northern Margin of the India-Asia Collision from Magnetotelluric Data across the Central Altyn Tagh Fault
- Resolving the tectonic transition between ancestral North America and the northern Cordillera
- Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves
- Seismic and Thermal Structure of the Arctic Lithosphere, From Waveform Tomography and Thermodynamic Modelling
- The Crustal Structure of the Eastern Tennessee Seismic Zone Imaged by means of Seismic Noise Tomography and Potential Fields Inversion Methods
- The depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenophere boundary beneath the world oldest ocean: the Ionian plate case-study
- Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region
- Tracking velocity changes from ambient noise and repeating airgun shots in Tenerife
- A Baseline for Temporal Monitoring of Azimuthal Anisotropy of the Hikurangi Megathrust in a Region of Shallow Slow Slip
- Abrupt Change in the Crustal Structure of the South Porcupine Basin from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Alteration of the Lithosphere beneath Northeast China Inferred from Seismic Structure
- An Investigation Into the Range of Sea State Conditions Necessary for the Generation of Seafloor Pressures and Secondary Microseisms in the Northeast Atlantic, West of Ireland
- Architecture of the North American lithospheric mantle and its relationship to ultramafic magmatism
- Basin Characterisation by Means of Joint Inversion of Electromagnetic Geophysical Data, Borehole Data and Multivariate Statistical Methods: The Loop Head Peninsula, Western Ireland, Case Study
- Eruption Forecast Using Volcanic Tremor: A Case Study in Iceland (Bárðarbunga)
- Global thermochemical inversion of seismic waveforms, gravity satellite data, and topography
- Joint tomographic inversion of surface wave and body wave data: shear wavespeed and Vp/Vs ratios in the mantle beneath the Continental US
- Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Rivera Plate Subduction at the Seismogenic Jalisco Block Area (Western Mexican Margin)
- Radially and Azimuthally Anisotropic Global Waveform Inversion
- Strain-dependent serpentinization: new insights from the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland
- Waveform Tomography of the South Atlantic Region
- A generalized formulation for noise-based seismic velocity change measurements
- Asthenospheric Temperature and Lithospheric Thickness Beneath the Tristan da Cunha Hotspot From Probabilistic Inversion of Surface-Wave Dispersion Data and Petrological Modeling
- Chemical composition of the continental crust: Insights from a quantitative interpretation of the Vp/Vs ratio
- Data assimilation and uncertainty quantification of geothermal potential: application to Ireland
- Empirical Study of Horizontal and Vertical Resolution of Teleseismic Receiver Function Data for Shallow Crustal Imagery.
- Empirical investigation into depth-resolution of Magnetotelluric data
- Global thermal models of the lithosphere
- Hazard Monitoring of Growing Lava Flow Fields Using Seismic Tremor
- High resolution seismic tomography imaging of Ireland with quarry blast data
- Imaging an off-axis volcanic field in the Main Ethiopian Rift using 3-D magnetotellurics
- Imaging the lithosphere and underlying mantle of the South Atlantic, South America and Africa using waveform tomography with massive datasets
- Insights into lithospheric structure beneath the Central and Eastern United States from a joint inversion for Vp and Vs anomalies
- Investigating the ocean generated acoustic/seismic wavefields in NE Atlantic
- Lithospheric Structure of Central Europe: Puzzle Pieces from Pannonian Basin to Trans-European Suture Zone Resolved by Geophysical-Petrological Modeling
- Modeling Earth's surface topography: decomposition of the static and dynamic components
- Modelling the possible interaction between edge-driven convection and the Canary Islands mantle plume
- Near Field Observations of Seismicity in Volcanic Environments: A Read-Made Field Laboratory
- Seismic and thermodynamics constraints on temperature and composition of the Italian crust.
- Seismic tomography of the Arctic region: inferences for the thermal structure and evolution of the lithosphere and its influence on intraplate volcanism
- Seismic velocity structure of the shallow Porcupine Basin, southwest of Ireland: new insights from travel-time tomography of long-streamer data
- Shear-Velocity Structure and Azimuthal and Radial Anisotropy Beneath the Kaapvaal Craton From Bayesian Inversion of Surface-Wave Data: Inferences for the Architecture and Early Evolution of Cratons
- Surface Wave Tomography across the Alpine-Mediterranean Mobile Belt
- The Sedimentary Architecture of the Hatton Basin from New 2D Seismic Reflection and Gravity Data
- The lithospheric structure beneath Ireland and surrounding areas from integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of magnetic and other geophysical data
- The structure of the Calabrian subduction system from the fore-arc to the back-arc: new insights from wide-angle seismic data
- Thermodynamic, geophysical and rheological modeling of the lithosphere underneath the North Atlantic Porcupine Basin (Ireland).
- Velocity Gradient Across the San Andreas Fault and Changes in Slip Behavior as Outlined by Full non Linear Tomography
- African cratonic lithosphere carved by mantle convection
- Combined integrated modeling of the lithospheric structures of the Western Carpathian arc
- Electrical conductivity distribution of the lithosphere in Ireland revealed by magnetotelluric imaging
- High resolution 3-D isotropic Rayleigh wave velocity model across the Alpine-Mediterranean mobile belt
- Integrating gravity and surface elevation with magnetic data: mapping the Curie temperature beneath the British Isles and surrounding areas
- Low-Velocity Anomaly in the Upper Mantle Beneath Cape Verde Inferred From Shear-Wave Tomography
- Seismic constraints on the thermal structure of the Italian crust
- Seismic structure of Triassic oceanic and stretched continental lithosphere in the eastern Mediterranean from surface wave tomography
- Systematic detection and correction of instrumental time shifts using crosscorrelations of ambient seismic noise
- The Crust and Upper Mantle of the Eurasia Basin Revealed by Geophysical data and Mantle Tomography Models
- Thermodynamically constrained joint inversion of seismic refraction, surface elevation and gravity data: Crustal structure and composition in the Porcupine Basin (North-East Atlantic)
- Transdimensional Bayesian inversion of multiple datasets for the thermal structure and chemical composition of the crust and upper mantle
- WINTERC: a new Global thermochemical model constrained by seismic waveforms, heat flow, surface elevation and gravity satellite data.
- Waveform tomography of the South Atlantic Ocean and the African and South American Continents
- What can we Learn from the Periodicity of a Geyser about Volcanic Eruptions?
- 3-D magnetotelluric, seismic and potential field joint inversion via joint sparsity regularization
- Ambient Noise Tomography across the Oman Ophiolite
- Application of Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation and H/V Spectral Ratio in the Dublin City (Ireland).
- Deformation of a Basaltic Shield Volcano: Uplift, Trapdoor Faulting, Eruption Triggering and Subsidence associated with the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos
- Dynamics of the Gibraltar Arc System: A Complex Interaction Between Plate Convergence, Slab Pull and Mantle Flow
- Full waveform inversion on long streamer data from the Rockall Trough (West of Ireland)
- Global Mantle Structure from Multi-frequency Tomography using P, PP and P-diffracted Waves
- High Resolution Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Volcano Seismicity Prior to the Sierra Negra (Galapagos Islands) Eruption of 2018
- High-frequency global seismic wave modelling with realistic ocean layers and bathymetry
- Magma pathway opening before the 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos, revealed by tremor location and local earthquake tomography
- One-dimensional Reference Models of the Upper Mantle Constrained by Surface Waves
- Optimal resolution tomography with error tracking: Lithospheric thinning beneath the British Tertiary Igneous Province and other new observations
- Pre-Eruptive Time-Lapse Velocity Changes Prior to the 2018 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galapagos Island Observed with Seismic Coda Wave Interferometry on Seismic Multiplets.
- Resolving the crustal structure with ambient noise and P wave coda: a study on the feasibility of single-station autocorrelations.
- Seismic Imaging Using Cross- and Auto-correlation of High-frequency (2-20 Hz) Ambient Noise and Event-coda Data
- The Iceland Plume rising from beneath Greenland imaged by waveform tomography
- The influence of continental margins on ocean induced Rayleigh and Love wave secondary microseisms recorded on land
- Three-dimensional magnetotelluric imaging of Furnas and Fogo Volcanoes, São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago, Portugal)
- Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of South America
- Waveform Tomography of Australia and Surroundings Using Regional and Global Data
- An Updated Map of Tectonic Regionalization for Africa with Application to Gravity Inversion
- Average Ultraviolet and X-ray Auroras at Jupiter from Juno-UVS and Chandra-HRCI Data
- Characterization and location of surface and subterranean hydraulic-induced seismic tremor based on Frequency-Dependent Polarization Analysis
- Finding space places that are different from other space places using computers that sense numbers and make good guesses
- Gravity and Magnetic Studies to Constrain Deep-Crustal Structure and Sedimentary Architecture in the Hatton Basin, Western Offshore Ireland
- Gravity based studies within the "north Porcupine Basin" image deep-crustal structures
- Humming trains as an opportunistic source for imaging the shallow crust
- Investigating the effect of source distribution on the retrieval of body waves and of the Earth's reflection response by seismic interferometry
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) - Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europe's Largest Radio Telescope: Preparing for the Critical Design Review (CDR)
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Orbit Region Classification: A Case-Study from Cassini
- Machine Learning Applications to Planetary Magnetospheric Reconnection Signatures
- Magnetotelluric studies of the transition from normal subduction to flat slab subduction in Southern Peru
- Modelling of Greenland's Lithospheric Structure with Gravity Gradients
- Numerical Modelling of Train-Induced Seismic Noise: Implications for Passive Seismic Imaging and Monitoring
- Seismic Arrays Provide Early-warning of Fast-rising Subglacial Floods in Iceland
- Short Term Precursory Signal Detected for 2018 Sierra Negra, Galapagos Volcanic Eruption Using Seismic Ambient Noise
- Survey of Saturn's magnetopause and bow shock positions over the entire Cassini mission: boundary statistical properties, and exploration of associated upstream conditions
- The Slab Puzzle of the Alpine-Mediterranean Region: Insights from a new, High-Resolution, Shear-Wave Velocity Model of the Upper Mantle
- Thermochemical heterogeneity of the upper mantle from a coupled, geophysical-petrological inversion of surface-wave, heat-flow, surface-elevation and satellite gravity data
- Using Radial Anisotropy to Image Melt Migration and Storage in the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of the northern East African Rift
- Crustal growth in continental rifts and flood volcanic provinces
- Emerging Consensus on the Structure of the Lithosphere in Eastern North America
- Estimating the Effects of Laterally Heterogeneous Density Structures on Coseismic Deformation -a Rotationally Symmetric Case-
- Evaluating the Importance of High Temperatures and Fluids Within the Eastern Rift, Using Ambient Noise Tomography and Seismicity
- Imaging Temperature and Heat Flow Beneath Ireland and Britain Using Joint Geophysical and Petrological Inversion
- Imaging the South American Cratons with Waveform Tomography
- Inference of the 3D Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Greenland and Eastern Canada Using a Joint Inversion of Regional Datasets
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europes Largest Radio Telescope: Completing the Critical Design Review (CDR)
- Observation and Origin of the Most Energetic X-rays from Jupiter
- Solar wind compression of planetary magnetospheres revealed by radio and plasma wave observations
- Spatial Correlation between Intraplate Volcanism and Thin Lithosphere in the Circum-Mediterranean: New Evidences from Surface Wave Tomography and Thermomechanical Modelling
- The tilted Iceland Plume and its effect on the Northeast Atlantic region
- An estimate of the effects of laterally heterogeneous density distributions on coseismic gravity change
- Full wavefield modelling of DAS cable and ground coupling response using Discrete Particle Schemes
- Generation of a Seismo-Acoustic Model for the North Atlantic Region
- Imaging-spectroscopy of a band-split type II solar radio burst withthe Murchison Widefield Array
- Incremental Development of LOFAR Space-weather (IDOLS)
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) – Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europe's Largest Radio Telescope: Summary and Beyond the First Major Project
- Now- and Forecasting of Space Weather Impacts on Ground-Based Infrastructure in the UK using New Magnetotelluric Data
- Pushing Boundaries with Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) with a Pool-Ready System: Güralp Aquarius
- Seismic imaging of shallow magma bodies in complex volcanic settings: example from Krafla, Iceland.
- Testing the Relationship Between North Atlantic Igneous Province Initiation and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- The impact of surface charging on the first particle and electric field measurements by the JUICE Langmuir probes
- Tracking a beam of electrons from the low solar corona into interplanetary space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe and 1 au spacecraft
- Why do some solar wind pressure pulses trigger geomagnetic storms?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandra Ruth Fogg
- Amr El‐Sharkawy
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Bayane Michotte de Welle
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. M. Jackman
- Carmen Gaina
- Chiara Civiero
- Ciarán Beggan
- D. Lario
- D. Oberoi
- Derek Keir
- Emma L. Chambers
- Finnigan Illsley‐Kemp
- Gabriel Bridges
- Gemma Richardson
- J. D. Menietti
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. W. Verbiest
- J. T. Clarke
- Juliane Hübert
- Ka Lok Li
- Kamen Kozarev
- L. C. Ray
- L. K. Jian
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Nedimović
- Marcelo Assumpção
- Mika Holmberg
- Miriam Reiss
- Nicholas Harmon
- Nicole Vilmer
- Pascal Audet
- Peijin Zhang
- S. D. Bale
- S. J. C. Oliva
- S. M. Jones
- S. T. Badman
- Sergei Lebedev
- Shengyi Ye
- U. Taubenschuss
- Vadim Levin
- Volker Klemann
- W. S. Kurth
- Yiran Li
- Zhonghua Yao