University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Earth Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Review of Bio-Optical Chlorophyll Algorithms and Future Challenges
- An Alkenone Perspective on Glacial-Interglacial Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- An Ocean Color Assessment of Sediment Plumes and Phytoplankton Blooms in the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Bio-Optical Modeling of Primary Production on Regional Scales: The Bermuda BioOptics Project (BBOP)
- Dominance of Colored Dissolved Organic Material in Determining Light Availability in the Sea.
- Engaging AGU Scientists in the Development of Multimedia Education Products
- Inundation, Wetland Vegetation and Biogeochemical Processes in the Amazon Basin
- Local to Landscape-Level Effects of Bioturbation by Pocket Gophers
- Long-term Changes in Lake Nutrient and Trophic Status in the Sierra Nevada: Results From Synoptic Surveys and Intensive Monitoring of Emerald Lake, California
- Mapping Seasonal Inundation of Amazonian Wetlands with Active Microwave Sensors: Current Status and Future Prospects
- Reprocessing of the OCTS Global Dataset, a Collaborative Effort Between NASDA and the NASA SIMBIOS Project
- Simultaneous Determination of Oceanic and Atmospheric Parameters for Ocean Color Imagery by Spectral Optimization: A Validation
- The Effect of Anisotropic Bi-directional Reflectance on Imaging Spectroscopy Models for Retrieving Snow Physical Properties
- The Media as an Invaluable Tool for Informal Earth System Science Education
- The Spatial Coherency of Spectrally Resolved Radiative Fluxes
- A Comparison of Aerosol Properties Derived by Remote Sensing and in-situ Observations
- A Highly Resolved Time-Series of Cloud and Surface Properties Using 3-D Radiative Transfer at the Antarctic Coastline
- A Light Driven Upper-ocean Dimethylsulfide (DMS) Biogeochemical Cycling Model for the Sargasso Sea
- Annual and Interannual Streamflow Variability for Mountainous Coastal Catchments in a Mediterranean Climate in Relation to Land Use Change and Climate Variability
- Internal Waves over Continental Slopes: Implications for the Suspension and Transport of Sediment
- New Techniques for the Remote Sensing of Trichodesmium
- Regionalization of Methane Emissions in the Amazon Basin with Multi-temporal Microwave Remote Sensing
- Sediment Trajectories Through a Semiarid Valley
- A laboratory study of anaerobic oxidation of methane in the presence of methane hydrate
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment for HYDROS Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Correlation Length Scales of Isotopic Variations Along Mid-Ocean Ridges and Upper Mantle Dynamics
- Facilitating Communication of Geoscientists' Conceptual Mental Imagery at the U.C.S.B. Educational Multimedia Visualization Center
- Infrared Mineral Dust Property Retrievals Using AIRS on Aqua
- Late Quaternary intermediate water oxygenation history in Santa Barbara Basin from benthic foraminiferal assemblages
- Long-term Rates of Mafic Magma Emplacement and Implications for Heat Advection
- Magmatic Evolution of the Skye Igneous Center, Western Scotland
- Open-System Magma Chamber Evolution: an Energy-Constrained Geochemical Model Incorporating the Effects of Concurrent Eruption, Recharge, Imperfect Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-E'RAχFC)
- Teaching General Education Students How to Write Scientific Arguments Using Real Earth Data
- The Extent of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emission and Oxidation in Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Hydrate Environments
- A Simulation Model of Carbon Cycling and Methane Emissions in Amazon Wetlands
- Calibration of the Cenozoic Polarity Time Scale Based on Intervals of Constant Sea Floor Spreading Rates
- Distribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the North Atlantic: Implications for biogeochemistry and tracer studies
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Quartz by Muscovite Mica Surfaces: Implications for Pressure Solution
- High-Resolution Records of Deglaciation on the California Margin: Rapid Warming as Recorded in Surface and Intermediate Waters
- Meteorite Impact at the Bedout High, NW Australian Margin, and Seismic Velocities: is There a Connection?
- Nitrate Storm Flux from Coastal Catchments in Southern California
- Observational evidence of African desert dust intensification of easterly waves
- Radiated Seismic Energy Determined from a Spontaneous Rupture Model of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
- Stochastic Larval Settlement in Nearshore Marine Ecosystems
- Stocks and Distribution of Carbohydrates and the Bioreactivity of DOC Along Meridional Transects in the North Atlantic Basin
- Thoughts on the Significance of the East Pacific Rise "Undershoot" Seismic Results
- An Apparatus for Bed Material Sediment Extraction From Coarse River Beds in Large Alluvial Rivers
- Bedrock Channel Width Along an Orographic Precipitation Gradient in the Upper Marsyandi River in Central Nepal
- C14 Reservoir Ages Trace Basic Changes in Ocean Circulation Over Glcial Termination 1A
- Can Interlocked Grains Reduce the Mobility of Gravel Bed Rivers?
- Can coarse surface layers in gravel-bedded rivers be mobilized by finer gravel bedload?
- Climate and Glaciation in the Nepalese Himalaya
- Colored Dissolved Organic Matter and its Influence on the Satellite-Based Characterization of the Ocean Biosphere
- Constraining Slip Histories of Recent Great Earthquakes Using Broadband Waveforms of Global Seismic Network
- Evidence of Stable Middle to Late Holocene Sea Surface Temperatures Along the Baja California Margin
- Evolution of the Campanian Ignimbrite Magmatic System I: Constraints on Compositional Zonation and Eruption Probability Imposed By Phase Equilibria
- Evolution of the Campanian Ignimbrite Magmatic System II: Trace Element and Th Isotopic Evidence for Open-System Processes
- Final closure of the Panamaian Isthmus and the onset of northern hemisphere glaciation
- Hydrogen-Isotopic Ratios of Lipids From Hydrogen-Consuming Bacteria
- Isolation and Characterization of Ethane, Propane, and Butane Consuming Bacteria from Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps
- Lessons in microbial geochemistry from the Coal Oil Point seep field: progress as prospects.
- Mg/Ca in extra-tropical planktonic foraminifera: trap, tow and culture results from Santa Barbara Basin
- Microbial oxidation of methane, ethane, propane, and butane in marine gas seeps
- New Age-Constraints on Syn-Tectonic Stratigraphy and Basin Evolution in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan Foreland
- New Mineral and Microbial Evidence for High Temperature Hydrothermal Habitats Beneath an Abyssal Hill on the East Pacific Rise Flank at 9°27'N
- Nutrient fluxes from coastal California catchments with suburban development
- Ocean Color Based Estimates of Global Photochemical Rate Processes
- Propagation of sediment pulses in flume experiments simulating gravel augmentation in armored channels downstream of dams
- Snow Water Equivalence Retrieval Using Dual-frequency and Polarization Radar
- Soil hydrophobicity and permeability after the Old Fire in the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- Spontaneous Rupture Modeling of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake With Estimates of the Fracture and Radiated Energy
- Structural and Geomorphic Constraints on the Evolution of Active Thrusting in the Mackenzie Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Tectonic Windows Reveal Off-axis Volcanic and Hydrothermal Activity and Along-strike Variations in Eruption Effusion Rates
- The Mid-Pleistocene Transition In The Tropical Pacific
- The Role of Fullerenes in the Nature of Planetary Atmospheres
- Tradeoffs in Chemical and Thermal Variations in the Post-perovskite Phase Transition: Mixed Phase Regions in the Deep Lower Mantle?
- Very broad-band modeling of the Dec.~26th, 2004, Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- A Multi-Method Approach to Improving Monazite Geochronology: TIMS, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS and EPMA
- A Paleomagnetic Investigation of Large-Scale Vertical Axis Rotations in Coastal Sonora: Evidence for Transtensional Proto-Gulf Deformation
- A Preliminary Study of the Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Structure of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in the Central Sierra Nevada, From Carson Pass to Sonora Pass
- A comparison study of 2006 Java earthquake and other Tsunami earthquakes
- A reference record of Equatorial Western Africa paleoclimate
- Analysis of the coseismic and postseismic gravity changes following the great Sumatra- Andaman earthquake using GRACE
- Better U-Pb Zircon Standards for SIMS and LA-ICPMS? Preliminary Results of Detailed Characterization and Pre-treatment using CA-TIMS
- Can mobilization of the coarse surface layer release fine sediment trapped beneath the surface?
- Carbonate Skeletal Mineralogy Reflects Chemistry of the Oceans in Which Skeletons First Evolved
- Changing Rates of Crustal Deformation Across the Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone at Timescales of 10 My to 10 Ky
- Characterizing Post-fire Hydrologic Response Using End Member Mixing Analysis
- Chromophoric DOM: Natural Tracer of Circulation and Diagenesis
- Correlating Volcanism in Coastal California with Slab Windows predicted from Pacific Plate Isochrons
- D/H Ratios of Marine Lipids from Santa Barbara Basin Sediments
- Deformation band formation as coupled mechanical and chemical processes
- Depth Distribution of Archaeal Diversity and Community Composition Across Steep Geochemical Gradients in Anoxic Sediments of a Hypersaline Lake
- Discovery and Distribution of Black Smokers on the Western Galapagos Spreading Center: Implications for Spatial and Temporal Controls on High Temperature Venting at Ridge/Hotspot Intersections
- Does Continental Crust Transform at Ultrahigh Pressure? A Study of the Nordfjord area, Western Norway
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Effects of Magma Supply on Volcanic Morphology along the Hotspot-Influenced Galapagos Spreading Center
- Evolution of the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America Slab Window System: A Trench- Ridge-Fault Example From the Pacific Rim
- Floodplains and Sedimentation Processes in a Changing Basin: Case Study Sacramento Valley
- Geochemical Signatures of Rapid Carbonate Crystallization in Well Scales
- Hydrocarbon Plume Dynamics in the Worldś Most Spectacular Hydrocarbon Seeps, Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Particulate-Bound Fatty Acids From the California Borderland Basins
- Implications for Mid-Pliocene Amplification of the Asian Monsoon from a South China Sea Mg/Ca Sea Surface Temperature Record
- In Situ UV-Laser Ablation 40Ar/39Ar Muscovite Thermochronology Reveals Excess Argon and 405-399 Ma Age for the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone, Hornelen region, Norway
- In situ spectrometric and chemical measurements of methane emissions from a natural marine hydrocarbon seep field, Coal Oil Point, California: Validation of methane remote sensing techniques
- Infiltration of Sand Into Gravel Riverbeds With Alternate Bar Topography
- Kinematics and Kinetics of a Precessional Geodynamo
- Large-Scale, Short-Lived Subduction of the Western Gneiss Region Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane
- Late Pleistocene Variations in Oxygen Minimum Zone: Southern California Margin
- Lithostratigraphic and Isotopic Correlations Between the Xunhua and Linxia Basins, NE Tibet: Implications for Local Climate Variability
- Metadata in the Wild: An Empirical Survey of OPeNDAP-accessible Metadata and its Implications for Discovery
- Microbial Community Structure in Hydrothermal Plumes of the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Microbial Oxidation of Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Butane in Marine Gas Seeps
- Mineralogical and Noble Gas Evidence for an ET Impact at the Younger Dryas
- Molecular Dynamics Studies of MgSiO3 Liquid to 150 GPa: An Equation of State (EOS), Tracer Diffusivities, and a Detailed Analysis of Changes in Atomic Coordination Statistics as a Function of Temperature and Pressure
- Nanogold In Situ Hybridization for Phylogenetic Identification in Geologic Samples Using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Near and Far Scale Gas Exchange Associated with Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps
- Neogene Magnetostratigraphy of the Xunhua and Hualong Basins, NE Tibetan Plateau
- North Pacific Ventilation Changes and Expansion of the Oxygen Minimum Zone During Deglaciation
- On being Archaea: the importance of adaptation to energy stress
- Petroleum Oxidation in Marine Microcosms by Natural Microbial Assemblages
- Phase Equilibria Impetus For Large-Volume Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
- Pool-Riffle Response to Sediment Pulses Under Variable Flow Conditions
- Regional Gradients in Shortening and Rates in a Foreland Basin due to Oblique Collision: Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Northwest Tarim Basin, Western China
- Resolution of GPS data from the 2004 Mw6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismic Stratigraphic Evidence From SE Ross Sea for Late Oligocene Glaciers and ice Streams Issuing From Marie Byrd Land
- Selective glacial erosion and organization of ice flow at the continental fringe: Empirical data from the northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet
- Slip histories of six large subduction earthquakes from 1990 to 2004
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of Fault Zone Architecture Throughout the Seismogenic Crust
- Subduction of H2O to Sub-Arc Depths
- The ALOS Kyoto &Carbon Initiative Wetlands Products: New Datasets for Wetlands Mapping and Monitoring
- The Central Sierra Nevada Volcanic Field: A Geochemical Study of a Transitional Arc
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: A Comprehensive Tool for Modeling the Evolution of Magmatic Systems
- The Role of Fluids in Trace Element Partitioning During Melting and Crystallization
- The role of the tropics in Pleistocene climate change: insights from marine records
- Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of liquid Mg2SiO4 at high temperatures and pressure in the range 0-150 GPa from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- Variability in Arc Construction: Comparing Eastern and Western Talkeetna Island Arc Crustal Sections, South Central Alaska
- Visual Observations and Geologic Settings of the Newly-Discovered Black Smoker Vent Sites Across the Galapagos Ridge-Hotspot Intersection
- A High Resolution Climate Record of the Western Tropical Atlantic During Marine Isotope Stage 5
- A Year of Microseisms in Southern California
- A framework of field observations and spatial data for understanding dust emissions in the Mojave Desert
- An Improved Method for TIMS High Precision Nd Isotopic Analysis of Very Small Aliquots (1- 10ng) With Example Application in Garnet Sm/Nd Geochronology
- Anti-phase variability of North Pacific ventilation and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation
- Changes in Attitude on Equatorial Latitudes: Tropical Climate Evolution During the Ice Ages
- Channel Morphological Changes in the Yuba River, California, in the Post-Hydraulic Mining Period
- Continental Relamination Drives Compositional and Physical-Property Changes in the Lower Crust
- Controls on the Alluviation of Oxbow Lakes by Bed Load as Observed Along the Sacramento River of California
- Decadal to Million-Year Sedimentation Rates and the Ultra-High-Resolution Marine Record From Santa Barbara Basin
- Detrital dating of Asian orogenesis: insights and caveats
- Discovery and Description of Extinct Asphalt Volcanoes Along the Southern California Margin
- Downstream Patterns of Bed-material Grain Size in a Large, Lowland Alluvial River Subject to low Sediment Supply
- Ecological Impact of Climate Change on Leaf Economic Strategies Across the Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Quartz by Muscovite Mica Surfaces: Implications for Pressure Solution
- GRACE gravity observations associated with two great earthquakes in 2004
- Geologic Evidence for Eruption of Voluminous High-K Magmas at the Onset of Walker Lane Transtensional Faulting, Central Sierra Nevada: Birth of a Plate Margin, Not Root Delamination
- Glacial Chronologies Spanning the Past >100 Ky Along the Eastern Sierra Nevada From 10Be Surface Exposure Dating
- High K volcanism in the Sierra Nevada: A signal for the initiation of Walker Lane Faulting, and range uplift, not lithosphere delamination
- High Spectral Resolution Aerosol Properties: New Information for Calculating Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- High-Resolution Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability During Interstadial-12 From the Cariaco Basin
- Implications for Magma Supply to Overlapping Spreading Centers at 9N East Pacific Rise from Widespread Low Effusion Rate Eruptions for the Past 2 M.Y.
- Inside CA-TIMS Zircon Analysis: the Interplay Among Natural Radiation Damage, Annealing, Solubility, and U-Pb Isotopic Systematics
- Intercalibration of 3He and Other Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates In Multiple Mineral Phases
- Into the Future: Continuing Evolution of the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America Plate System
- Large-Scale, Long-Lived Subduction of Ultrahigh-Pressure Terranes: Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Legacy Sediments and Channel Morphology in the Feather and Yuba Rivers, California
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- Methane Consumption in Marine Waters Impacted by Gas Seepage
- Miocene-Pliocene range growth and basin evolution in NE Tibet, Laji-Jishi Shan and surrounding basins.
- Muscovite, Illite and Organic Material Drive Quartz Pressure Solution and Stylolite Development in Plio-Pleistocene, Jurassic and Ordovician Sandstones
- Natural Gas - Microbe Interactions in Southern California Bight Seep Environments
- Numerical Study of Growth and Degradation of Fluvial Hanging Valleys due to Climate Variability
- Paleomagnetism of the Stanislaus Group, CA reveals revised stratigraphy, Walker Lane kinematics, and radio-isotopic constraints on C5 magnetic subchrons
- Periodic changes in shallow lunat crust caused by Sun's heating and thermal diffusivity near the surface
- Predicting Bed Mobility in a Simple River Channel
- Quantifying the spatial scaling relationship for dominant hydraulic routing parameters in the Amazon Basin
- Reanalysis of Data from River Discharge and Gauge Height from the Amazon Basin
- Rupture kinematics of Mw8.4 South Pagai Earthquake, Sumatra, from joint inversion of seismic and geodetic data
- Sm--Nd Garnet Geochronology Demonstrates Wholesale Transformation of Continental Crust During UHP Subduction---Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Southern California Hydrographic Shifts During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age.
- Spatial variation of bed material grain size over a large dune in the Jade Bay tidal channel, German Wadden Sea (preliminary results)
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of the Mechanics of Shear Zone Localization
- The Aeolian Volcanic Arc: New Insights From Subduction Zone Thermal Models and Mineral Solubility Scaling Relationships
- The FORCLIM Eco-Physiological Growth Model for Planktic Foraminifera: a new Tool to Reconstruct Ecological Niches, Abundance and Potential Depth and Season of Growth for Fossil Foraminifera Species in Ocean Sediment Records
- The History and Dynamics of Anoxia in Cariaco Basin
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: An Interactive Computer Program for Modeling the Chemical and Physical Evolution of Complex Magmatic Systems
- The Manihiki Plateau, Hikurangi Plateau, Wishbone Scarp, and Osbourn Trough: A Review and Analysis
- The Role of Transverse Faults in Accommodating Lateral Propagation of Faults and Folds: Evidence From Geomorphic and Structural Analysis of Active Folding in the Camarillo Fold Belt, Ventura County, California
- The Silicon Isotope Composition of Silicic Acid in the Equatorial Pacific
- The Source of Volcanic Ash in Late Classic Maya Pottery at El Pilar, Belize
- The ZH Ratio Analysis of Rayleigh Waves Using Broadband Seismograms in Southern California
- The ZH ratio Analysis of Global Seismic Data
- The role of basement relief in the structural evolution of the Naryn intramontane basin, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- The rupture velocity of the 2001 Kunlunshan earthquake: A revisit
- Thoughts on the Significance of the East Pacific Rise "Undershoot" Seismic Results
- Tropical Climate Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Results from the Cariaco Basin
- Vorticity Studies in Mabja Dome, southern Tibet: Late Eocene-Middle Miocene Ductile Flow in the Middle Crust
- 1,340 year long Late Holocene stalagmite stable isotope records from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- A New Method for Producing Nanodiamonds Based on Research Into the Younger Dryas Extraterrestrial Impact
- A Thermodynamic Theory for Dense Silicate Liquids That Includes Explicit Provision for Variation in Composition and Fluid Structure, Derived From the Rosenfeld-Tarazona Potential Energy-Temperature Scaling Law
- A three-dimensional study of fault zone architecture: Results from the SEMP fault system, Austria.
- Active Crustal Shortening Interpreted Through its Fluvial Signature: Santa Barbara, California
- An Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record: Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics
- Antarctic Paleotopography Estimates at the Eocene-Oligocene Climate Transition: Implications for Climate-Ice Models
- Application of fallout radionuclides as indicators of eco-geomorphic adjustments to dams
- Chromophoric DOM as a Tracer of North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Formation
- Circulation, Water Temperature, and Larval Settlement Over the Inner Continental Shelves of the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Co-seismic ruptures of the 12 May, 2008, Mw 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan: EW crustal shortening on oblique, parallel thrusts along the eastern edge of Tibet
- Contrasting Glaciomarine, Sub-ice Shelf and Subglacial Facies at the Ross Ice Shelf Edge
- Decoupling between the carbon cycle and climate during Pleistocene glaciations
- Effects of drought stress on microbial dynamics in seasonally dry California ecosystems
- Evidence for Changes in ENSO in the mid-late Holocene From Fossil Corals in Galápagos.
- Evidence for a Mid-Crustal Continental Suture and Implications for Multistage (U)HP exhumation, Liverpool Land, East Greenland
- Exhumation of the Ultrahigh-Pressure Western Gneiss Region: Structural Geology, Petrology and Geochronology
- Exploring channel initiation thresholds across varying resolutions of topography and DEM creation techniques
- Extrustion vs. convergence? Two-phase late Tertiary growth of the Laji-Jishi Shan, NE Tibet
- Finite Fault Modeling for Moderate-sized Earthquakes (M~5) in Southern California
- Foundering and Exhumation of UHP Terranes: Race Car or School Bus?
- Geodynamo, Core Energy, Precession, and Spheroids
- Global Earthquake Characterization on irregular fault surfaces
- Hexagonal Diamonds (Lonsdaleite) Discovered in the K/T Impact Layer in Spain and New Zealand
- High resolution climate variability during MIS 5e; SST and oxygen isotope records from the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
- Hydrocarbon Specificity During Aerobic oil Biodegradation Revealed in Marine Microcosms With the use of Comprehensive, Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography.
- Identification of Methane, Ethane, and Propane Oxidizing Bacteria at Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps by Stable Isotope Probing
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- Internal Waves and Turbulence Production in Arctic Lakes
- Landslide Width-Area-Volume Scaling Relationships and Resultant Estimates of Erosion in Fiordland, New Zealand
- Late Miocene - Pliocene exhumation of the Qinghai Nan Shan (Northeastern Tibetan Plateau) constrained by adjacent Chaka basin magnetostratigraphic architecture
- Late Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction Consistent With YDB Impact Hypothesis at Younger Dryas Onset
- Methane budget of the down-current plume from Coal Oil Point seep field, Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Multi-Step CA-TIMS U-Pb Zircon Analysis of the Relative Decay Constants of 235U and 238U
- Nanodiamonds in a Stratigraphic Datum Layer Correlated with the Continent-Wide Younger Dryas Impact Stratum (YDB) at 12.9 ka
- Occurrence of Vaterite in CO2 Well Bore Gas-rich Environments: a new Process of Carbonate Formation
- Oceanographic and Microbial Control on Methane Oxidation along the California Margin
- Paleo- Stress and Strain Rates in an Intra-Arc Strike-Slip Fault, Sierra Nevada, California
- Phase transformations in subducting and exhuming continental crust: Insight from geochemical modeling
- Presence of all Three Allotropes of Impact-Diamonds in the Younger Dryas Onset Layer (YDB) Across N America and NW Europe
- Preserving the Context of Science Data
- Quantifying the co-evolution of morphology, hydraulics and spawning habitat in a recently restored gravel-bed river
- Rates and timing of vertical-axis block rotations across the Sierra Nevada-Walker Lane transition in the Bodie Hills
- Remotely-Sensed Glacial Velocities: Mt. Shasta Advance vs. Sierra Nevada Retreat
- Santa Barbara Water Column Temperature Changes Over the Past 2500 Years as Recorded by Planktonic Foraminiferal Proxies
- Satellite gravity fields for studying the earthquake cycle
- Soot as Evidence for Widespread Fires at the Younger Dryas Onset (YDB; 12.9 ka)
- Stream Incision Patterns into Growing Folds: Numerical Predictions and Field Examples
- Structural Relationships Between the Nordfjord-Sogn Detachment Zone and Ultrahigh- Pressure Rocks in the Nordfjord Region, Western Norway
- Tall Volcanic Edifices on MOR Spreading Boundaries-Characteristics and Causes
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- Tracing the Influence of Mediterranean Outflow Waters on the Mid-depth Portuguese Margin Between Marine Isotope Stages 9 and 13
- Using Detrital Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology From the Sutlej River Valley in the NW Indian Himalaya to Examine Erosion Distribution During the Early Holocene Monsoon
- Volatiles and melting: Advanced models of fluid flow in subduction systems
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics recorded in Plio-Pleistocene strata of the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Are Nanodiamonds Evidence for a Younger Dryas Impact Event?
- Channel dynamics and habitat complexity in a meandering, gravel-bed river
- Constraining the rupture processes of the intermediate and large earthquakes using geophysical data
- Constraints on the Physiochemical Evolution of Crustal Magma Bodies (Invited)
- Dating the depths of the India-Asia collision: U-(Th)-Pb chronology of amphibolite and granulite-grade rocks in NW Bhutan
- Dependency of Supershear Transition and Ground Motion on the Autocorrelation of Initial Stress
- Direct observation of strain localization along the differentially exhumed SEMP fault system, Austria
- Earthquake Ground Motion for the Salt Lake City Segment of the Wasatch Fault
- Effects of Apparent Supersonic Ruptures for Strike-slip Rupture: Should We Consider it in the Seismic Hazard Analysis?
- Evidence for Widespread Biomass-Burning at the Younger Dryas Boundary at 12.9 ka
- Evidence for a Southern Pattern of Deglacial Surface Warming in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Exhumation Depths of the Lower Crustal Domes of the Pamir
- Exploring the Limits of CA-TIMS: Intensity of Radiation Damage, Annealing, and Partial Dissolution Step(s)
- Finite Fault Kinematic Rupture Model of the 2009 Mw6.3 L’Aquila Earthquake from Inversion of Strong Motion, GPS and InSAR Data
- Fluid pathways in subduction zones
- Human Population Decline in North America during the Younger Dryas
- Hydrologic Modeling in Snow-Melt Dominated Mountainous Watersheds
- Ice Volume at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition Predicted from Restoration of West Antarctic Topography
- Implications of Sediment Diapirs on the H2O Flux into the Mantle at Arcs (Invited)
- Investigating a transect of anoxic waters in the Santa Barbara Basin during the past 15 ka
- Last glacial climate instability documented by coarse-grained sediments within the loess sequence, at Fanjiaping, Lanzhou, China
- Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - a satellite validation tool over the oceans
- Middle Miocene kinematic shift in northeastern Tibet from collision-related northward growth to eastward contraction
- Millennial-Scale Oscillations in Climate and Water Character Recorded in Marine Sediment Geochemistry of Santa Barbara Basin, California at ~300ka and ~ 700ka
- Miocene through Holocene Arc and Post-arc Volcanism in the Northern Sierra Nevada and Western Nevada
- Molecular Dynamics Studies of CaAl2Si2O8 Liquid to 800 GPa: An Equation of State (EOS), Hugoniot Analysis, and Thermodynamic Model Over the Temperature-Range 2500-5000 K (Invited)
- Molecular dynamics determination of the shear viscosity, self-diffusivity of Ca, Mg, Si, Al and O, and EOS of 1-bar eutectic composition (An42Di58) liquid at 1500-4000 K and 0-80 GPa: Comparison with laboratory data
- Nanodiamonds and Carbon Spherules from Tunguska, the K/T Boundary, and the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer
- Permeability of the South Ellwood Fault, Offshore Santa Barbara, California
- Reconstructing erosion distribution during the early Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon in the NW Himalaya
- Reconstructing the Mid-Tertiary Southwestern North America Cordilleran Crust: Crustal Anisotropy
- Rupture process of 2009 Mw 8.1 Samoa earthquake constrained by joint inverting teleseismic body, surface waves and local strong motion
- Satellite Ocean Color Data Merging Using a Bio-optical model: A Path for Earth Science Data Records ?
- Sedimentation in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt, Santa Barbara Basin, CA: Spatial and Temporal Evolution from 1.0 Ma to Present
- Simulating the Tragedy of the Commons with the Fishing Game
- Slab dehydration versus melting: primary arc magma genesis for arc crust formation
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Erosion Rates along the Goriganga River, Northern India
- Statistical Analysis of the Surface Slip Profiles and Slip Models for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Stream-channel response to tectonic forcing, Wheeler Ridge, CA
- Summary of impact markers and potential impact mechanisms for the YDB impact event at 12.9 ka
- Testing Younger Dryas ET Impact (YDB) Evidence at Hall’s Cave, Texas
- The Sandane Shear Zone: A Thrust Below the Nordfjord Ultrahigh-Pressure Province, Western Norway
- The influence of AMSRE-derived soil moisture on RAMS-simulated Tibetan Plateau climate
- The platinum group metals in Younger Dryas Horizons are terrestrial
- Theory of Seismic Noise Excitation by Ocean Waves
- Thermochemistry and Dynamics of Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization
- Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Concurrent Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (AFC) in Crustal Magma Bodies
- Time-Scales of Melt Generation in the Ama Drime and Leo Pargil Domes: Quantifying Links Between Mid-Crustal Anatexis and Exhumation in the Core of the Himalayan Orogen
- Timing of melting associated with the exhumation of HP-UHP rocks, D’Entrecasteaux Islands, SE Papua New Guinea
- Upwelling Record of the Last 3500 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Velocities of Subducted Sediments and Continents
- Was the transition from gravity driven channel flow to brittle exhumation contemporaneous along the Himalaya?
- West African Holocene climate variability: trends and centennial scale features
- Wildfires, Soot and Fullerenes in the 12,900 ka Younger Dryas boundary layer in North America
- ab initio MD simulations of geomaterials with ~1000 atoms
- A Horizon of Natural Gas in the Deep Gulf of Mexico Dominates the Microbial Landscape (Invited)
- A kinematic model for the formation of the Siletz terrane by capture of coherent fragments of the Farallon and Resurrection plates (Invited)
- A new, simplified procedure, for separating Lu, Hf, Sm, and Nd, in preparation for coupled geochronology by ICP-MS
- Ab initio MD simulations of Mg2SiO4 liquid at high pressures and temperatures relevant to the Earth's mantle
- Arc Basalt Simulator version 3: Spreadsheet mass balance for exploring on element behavior between subducted slab, mantle wedge, and magma
- Constraining the vertical movement of OMZ waters in Santa Barbara Basin for the past 15 ky
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Cross-Product Comparison of Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing Data Sets Supporting Global Mapping of Inundated Wetlands
- Crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of antigorite from the Motagua fault zone, Guatemala: Implications for subduction zone seismic anisotropy
- Deposition and Deformation of an Intermontane Basin in NW China
- Development of the B/Ca and U/Ca surface water carbonate system proxies in the Pacific ocean
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Distribution, Export and Subsequent Remineralization in the Mesopelagic and Bathypelagic Realms of the North Atlantic Basin
- Does Casing Material Influence Downhole Accelerometer Recordings? a Controlled Study of Earthquake and Experimental Data Recorded at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Liquefaction Array
- Evaluating 238U/235U in U-bearing accessory minerals
- Exhumation of the High-Grade Crustal Domes of the Pamir
- Exploring the relationship between Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization of Basalts with the Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS)
- H2O and CO2 devolatilization in subduction zones: implications for the global water and carbon cycles (Invited)
- High-resolution Atlantic and Pacific stacks of benthic δ18O for the last glacial cycle
- Ice Cover Enhances Methane Consumption in Alaskan Thermokarst Lakes
- Ice-Age Termination I from the northern Indian Ocean
- Investigation of Long-period Characteristics of Great Earthquakes through Multiple Point Source Analysis
- Investigation on the Rupture dynamics of non-planner seismic fault
- Mapping the Origins of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- Melt Impregnation, Strain Localization, and Deformation Mechanisms in a Fossil Oceanic Fracture Zone (Ingalls Ophiolite)
- Microbial Community Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Modeling Food Delivery Dynamics For Juvenile Salmonids Under Variable Flow Regimes
- Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be? (Invited)
- Modeling the Gas Transfer Coefficient and Gas Fluxes in Stratified Lakes
- Molecular Dynamics study of transport properties (self-diffusion, shear viscosity, thermal conductivity) in CMAS liquids at elevated temperature and pressure: Relations between coordination statistics, activation energy and activation volume. (Invited)
- Neogene-Quaternary Basin Filling and Deformation in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, NW Argentina
- New Reconstructed Antarctic Palaeotopography for the Eocene-Oligocene Climate Transition
- Nucleation by Dynamic Triggering on a Multi-Segment Fault
- Observations of Surface Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy in Southern California by Direct Application of the Beamforming Method
- Predictable variability in the neutral sugar composition of DOM in the North Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean
- Quantifying Bedrock Fracture Densities and their Influence on Hillslope Stability
- Quaternary deformation of the Mushi thrust-related fold, northeastern margin of the Pamir
- Rapid seawater circulation through animal burrows in mangrove forests - A significant source of saline groundwater to the tropical coastal ocean
- Reconstructing Late Quaternary Sea Levels in the Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Regional Hydroclimatology of the Peruvian Atacama Desert and Its Relation to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Resolving the cause of large differences between deglacial benthic foraminifera radiocarbon measurements in Santa Barbara Basin
- Running On-Demand Strong Ground Motion Simulations with the Second-Generation Broadband Platform
- Rupture initiation of the large subduction earthquakes: are the durations and moments of nucleation phases correlated with the final seismic moments? (Invited)
- Searching for slow afterslips of large earthquakes by normal-mode analysis
- Single or Multiphase Metamorphic History of the Nordfjord Ultrahigh-Pressure Province, Western Norway?
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Jointly Inverting Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Spatial and Temporal Relationships Between Anatexis and Deformation in the Himalayan Mid-Crust (Invited)
- Spatial distribution of methane seepage on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Fault Slip Rates Across the Central Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone
- Stability properties of an algorithm for estimating porosity from body wave measurements
- Structural Geology and Microstructures of Wrangel Island, Arctic Russia
- Subduction and Exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway: Application of Zircon U-Pb Geochronology
- Teaching about Subduction Zone Magmagenesis using MARGINS Subduction Factory Focus Site Geochemical Compilations and ABS3 (Invited)
- Temporal constraints on partial melting and deformation in the Himalayan mid-crust, Leo Pargil Dome, NW India
- Temporal patterns of slip rate on the Little Lake fault, eastern California shear zone, from terrestrial lidar, cosmogenic radionuclides, and InSAR analysis (Invited)
- The Elastic Energy Balance within Periodic, Chaotic and Localized Slip Pulse Solutions with Dieterich-Ruina Friction
- The Meaning of High K2O Volcanism In the U.S. Cordillera
- The case for nearly continuous extension of the West Antarctic Rift System, 105-25 Ma (Invited)
- Thermal and trace-element evolution of subducted sediments: insight from Pamir eclogitic and granulitic xenoliths (Invited)
- Thermochronologic Records of Intraplate Deformation in the Northern East Gobi Fault Zone, Mongolia
- Three-dimensional thermal structure and seismogenesis in the Tohoku and Hokkaido subduction system
- Timing of metamorphism in the Niggli Spids thrust sheet, Gaaseland, East Greenland Caledonides
- U-Pb* and 207Pb*/206Pb* Fractionations During Leaching of Un-annealed Zircon Revisited
- Using LiDAR to as a Potential Method for Detection Plastics in Water
- Using the Deepwater Horizon Disaster to Investigate Natural Biogeochemical Cycling Associated with Rapid Methane Emissions (Invited)
- What Exercise of the Source Inversion Validation BlindTest I didn't Tell You?
- Changes in soil carbon cycling accompanying conversion of row-crop fields to grazing dairy pastures
- Chemical modifications of subducted crust and sediments beneath convergent plate margins and the fate of extracted liquids and residual solids: examinations using ABS ver.4 numerical model
- Climate-controlled landscape evolution in the Western Transverse Ranges, California: Insights from Quaternary geochronology of aggradational deposits and bedrock erosion surfaces
- Complex rupture process of the 2000 Mw 8.1 New Ireland earthquake, A revisit
- Concentrated and uniform shortening along the Pamir Front Thrust, northern margin of the Chinese Pamir, since ~0.35Myr
- Correlation of pore pressure and strain observations from earthquakes recorded at EarthScope PBO borehole strainmeter sites
- Coupling between exhumation and precipitation across the Central Nepalese Himalaya: evidence from apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He analyses
- Coupling of Pore Pressure and Ground Motion Data Recorded During the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah (Baja California) Earthquake at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Station
- Curved Fault Dynamic Rupture Study: Wasatch Fault Salt Lake City Segment
- Detailed geologic field mapping and radiometric dating of the Abanico Formation in the Principal Cordillera, central Chile: Evidence of protracted volcanism and implications for Cenozoic tectonics
- Effect of Temporally and Spatially Variable Meteorological Forcing on the Stratification Dynamics of Lake Victoria, East Africa
- Evidence for magma recharge and cumulate assimilation within the Fossa delle Felci (Salina Island, Italy) volcanic sequence
- Feedback Between Rifting and Diapirism can Exhume Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks
- Fluid-induced Deformation of Garnet in Eclogite
- Focal Mechanisms, Volume Changes and Moment Release at Yellowstone Caldera
- High-resolution channel widths and erosion along the entire Indus River
- Indian Summer Monsoon Variability During the Last Glacial
- Kinematic inversion of the Mw 6.0 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake using elliptical sub-fault approximation
- Late Miocene northward propagation of the NE Pamir thrust system, NW China
- Lengthy Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism demonstrated by laser ablation split-stream ICP-MS
- Limiting Global Warming to 2 deg C and Beyond
- Lithospheric Control on Spatial Patterns of Active Faulting in the Southeastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Modeling the Migration of Fluids in Subduction Zones
- Models for the volume of earliest Oligocene Antarctic ice on reconstructed Antarctic topography
- Multiple high-pressure events in an orogenic hangingwall, Liverpool Land, East Greenland
- Novel Method of High-Frequency Back-Propagation Applied to the Rupture Process of the 2011 Tohoku Mw 9.1 Earthquake
- Pressure solution - the importance of electrochemical surface potentials
- Probabilistic stratigraphic alignment of Pleistocene d18O records
- Recovering the slip history of a scenario earthquake in the Mexican subduction zone
- Rupture characterizations of the 2011 Mw 9.1 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake and its March 9<SUP>th</SUP> Mw 7.4 foreshock constrained by an unprecedented dataset for subduction earthquakes
- Rupture process and stress drop of the 2011 Mw 5.8 Virginia earthquake based on seismic waveforms
- SCEC Broadband Platform Strong Ground Motion Simulations
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Global Data Record Assembly and Planned Uncertainty Analysis
- Searching for signs of river capture in Himalayan topography
- Seasonal field experiments in support of the Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O) remote sensing mission: state of the art field measurements, what we have learned and what next
- Shallow S-wave Velocity Structure Based on the ZH Ratio Method Around Los Angeles Basin
- Ship-borne measurements of aerosol optical depth over remote oceans and its dependence on wind speed
- Siting of Large Volcanic Centers at Releasing Fault Stepovers, Walker Lane Rift
- Slab vs. Slivers: U-Pb Geochronologic Constraints on the Exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Subduction zone seismic anisotropy from antigorite crystal preferred orientations (CPOs)
- Surface ruptures on the Xiaoyudong fault: A significant segment boundary breached during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China
- Tectonometamorphic Evolution of Continental Crust During Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Exhumation: Implications For Flow In Mature Collisional Orogens
- Temporal fault slip rate and rupture patterns on the Genoa fault, central eastern Sierra Nevada, integrating ground-based LiDAR, Be-10 surface exposure dating, and paleoseismology
- The Impact of Chemical Abrasion on Trace Element Analysis of Zircon by In Situ Micro-Analytical Techniques
- The Relationship of Intermediate- and Deep-Focus Seismicity to the Hydration and Dehydration of Subducting Slabs
- Thickening and propagation of the Pamir plateau: insights from monazite and titanite geochronology and trace-element geochemistry, eastern Tajikistan
- Timescales of Partial Melting and Deformation Related to Exhumation in the Youngest Known Uhp Terrane: Ca-Tims Zircon Results from the D'entrecasteaux Islands: Papua New Guinea
- Timing of Benthic Foraminiferal δ18O Change in Deep and Intermediate Waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific for 0-45 ka
- Tragedy of the Commons Fisheries Management Simulation Game
- Understanding Low-frequency Characteristics of Recent Giant Earthquakes
- Using remote sensing and hydrodynamic modeling to characterize the effect of flow pulses on river channel and floodplain habitats
- Vertical Changes in Formation Water Composition in Arkosic California Basins: Implications for Types of Water-Rock interaction and Fluid transfer
- Widespread, Miocene, Large-Magnitude Exhumation of the Pamir Deep Crust Driven by the India-Asia Collision
- Zirconium Systematics in HT Metamorphic Rutile: Implications for Geothermometry
- A Hydrologic and Geomorphic Model of Estuary Breaching and Closure
- A Large Hydrologic Shift Associated with the Last Deglaciation in the Tropics
- A Large Scale Index to Characterize the Indian Summer Monsoon
- A Revised Chronostratigraphy for Ross Sea Sediments and Predicted Age of the ANDRILL Coulman High Sequences
- A Vibroseis Seismic Source for Climate, Ice Sheet and Tectonic Studies in Antarctica
- Accelerating burial of the Pamir deep crust recorded by garnet Lu-Hf and major-element compositions
- Applications of 26Al /10Be burial dating and magnetostratigraphy to active deformation within sedimentary basins: field examples from the western Tarim Basin, NW China
- Areas of slip of recent earthquakes in the Mexican subduction zone
- Array analysis of Love-wave data in the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN) to Detect Azimuthal Anisotropy
- CMIP5 Simulations of Low-Level Tropospheric Temperature and Moisture over Tropical Americas
- Can we estimate precipitation rate during snowfall using a scanning terrestrial LiDAR?
- Capturing the exhumation of a UHP terrane: CA-TIMS results from leucosomes and dikes exposed in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Challenges and Opportunities in Geomorphic-Stratigraphic Linkages
- Climate change in the South American Monsoon System: present climate and CMIP5 projections
- Coupling of Pore Pressure and Ground Motion: Further Studies using Data Recorded at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Station
- Crustal evolution at mantle depths constrained from Pamir xenoliths
- Decadal deformation rates from SAR interferometry in the eastern Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone and implication for the growth and erosion of detachment folds
- Deglacial change in terrestrial carbon storage estimated by benthic δ13C
- Distinguishing eclogite from peridotite: EBSD-based calculations of seismic velocities
- Does erosion of Himalayan gorges drive focused uplift along transverse rivers?
- Early Miocene Tectonic Activity in the western Ross Sea (Antarctica)
- Early Miocene extension within the Pamir plateau: constructing Temperature- time -Deformation paths with U-Pb titanite geochronology
- Evidence for Open-Ocean Atmospheric Deposition of Lignin as a Significant Source of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
- Foreshock sequence of the April 11, 2012, Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean earthquake
- High Latitude North Atlantic Reservoir Age History: Implications for Age Models, Carbon Cycling, and the Timing of Ocean Circulation Changes
- Hydraulic interactions between a meandering river channel and its floodplain during an overbank flood
- Hydrocarbon biodegradation following Deepwater Horizon: A compound specific point of view
- Influence of Chemical Composition on Microbial Communities in Deep Water Plumes After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Integration and Analysis of Seismic, Pore Pressure, and Strain signals at the PBO Borehole Stations
- Investigating relationships between the seismic "nucleation" phases and breakaway phases of recent Mw 8 earthquakes using global broadband seismic observations
- Last Glacial Maximum Development of Parna Dunes in Panhandle Oklahoma, USA
- Method to Determine the Global Thermogenic Methane Seepage Rate from the Helium Flux of the Continents
- Modeling the Dynamic Rupture Process of the 1987 Superstition Hills Earthquake
- Neogene-Quaternary Tectonics, Sedimentation, and Erosion of the Quebrada de Humahuaca and Casa Grande Basin, Intermontane Basins on the Margin of the Puna Plateau (23-24°S), NW Argentina
- Nitrogen dynamics in chaparral ecosystems: Limitations to the use of traditional N saturation indicators
- Normal-mode frequency band view of the Off-the-West-Coast of Northern Sumatra Earthquake of April 11, 2012
- Observing Poleward Relaxation Flows Along the Central California Coast Using Gliders as Virtual Moorings
- Omphacite and quartz lattice-preferred orientations in the UHP-bearing migmatitic gneisses of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
- On the Prediction of Ground Motion
- Orbital Responses of North Atlantic Deep Water Formation and Ice Rafting since 1.5 Ma
- Oxygenation of petroleum hydrocarbons after the Deepwater Horizon disaster
- Paleomagnetism, Geochronology, and Geochemistry of the Type Section of the Stanislaus Group: Reference Parameters from the Stable Sierra Nevada Microplate, CA
- Paradigms, New and Old, for the Formation and Exhumation of UHP Terranes
- Predicted velocity and density structure of the exhuming Papua New Guinea (PNG) ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane
- Progress integrating ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology with accessory mineral geochemistry: towards better accuracy and higher precision time
- Record of AN Extraterrestrial Impact in Lacustrine Basins of North, South and Central Mexico in the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer (ydb)
- Reducing Variability in Stress Drop with Root-Mean Acceleration
- Research Highlights and Recent Enhancements at the NEES@UCSB Permanently Instrumented Field Sites
- Seismic Noise Generation by Ocean Waves: Views from Normal-mode Theory
- South Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature and its Relationship with Precipitation in Brazil During Neutral ENSO Periods
- Spatiotemporal evolution of the 2012 Mw 8.6 Sumatra earthquake constrained by teleseismic body and surface waves
- Termination I in the tropical Indian Ocean: Interplay between the regional monsoon and global teleconnections
- Testing seismic hazard models with Be-10 exposure ages for precariously balanced rocks
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: Modeling Compositional, Temperature and Mass Variations in a Composite Magma-Wallrock System
- The Magma Chamber Simulator: Modeling the Impact of Wall Rock Composition on Mafic Magmas during Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization
- The role of filamentation and vortex merger in coastal planktonic accumulation and transport
- Thickening the outer margins of the Tibetan Plateau: The role of crustal shortening
- Time-series geochemical and tracer injection recovery data from the deep (basaltic) crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1301A/1362B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Waveform inversion for Earth structure: Progress and Prospects
- A 3,000-year quantitative drought record derived from XRF element data from a south Texas playa
- A Gradual Compositional Change from Samoan Shield to Rejuvenated Lavas?
- A Kinematic Model for Formation of the Yakutat, Siletz, and Crescent Forearc Terranes: Implications for Seismogenic Behavior of the Cascadia Subduction System
- A Sled-Mounted Vibroseis Seismic Source for Geological Studies in Antarctica
- A genetic approach to mantle taxonomy reveals the geochemical geometry of a plume (Invited)
- A record of multiple stages of melt migration from ocean-continent transition to supra-subduction setting in the Dinarides
- Antarctic Peninsula mass balance at present-day and over the past 150 years employing constraints from GRACE, GPS and other data
- B-10 enriched boric acid, bromide, and heat as tracers of recycled groundwater flow near managed aquifer recharge operations
- Bioavailability of Mercury to Riverine Food Webs as a Function of Flood-Event Inundation of Channel Boundary Sediments
- Cement paragenesis in septarian concretions: Evidence from clumped isotopes and microscopic examination
- Chemical Differentiation of Earth Before and After Earth Formation (Invited)
- Comparison of He isotopes in Tertiary basins of Southern California: evidence of fault related mantle helium
- Comparison of combustion-derived PAH records from North America/Europe and China
- Constraining the broadband slip histories of giant earthquakes using a two-step finite fault approach
- Controls on Sediment Accumulation in Pliocene-Quaternary Intermontane Basins on the Margin of the Puna Plateau (23-24°S), NW Argentina
- Controls on the Migration of Fluids in Subduction Zones
- Cross-CZO Contrasts: Aspect Controls and Critical Zone Architecture
- Crust and Mantle Structure Beneath the Samoan Islands
- Crustal and uppermost mantle anisotropy in the western and central US
- Decadal to millennial deformation in the Pamir - Tian Shan collision zone, NW China and surface expression of active tectonics
- Deformation Characteristics, Geometry and Kinematics of Active Fold Scarp: A Case Study from the Mingyaole Anticline, Southern Foreland of Chinese Tian Shan
- Early Acadian exhumation history of garnet-kyanite schists from western Massachusetts determined by LASS analysis of metamorphic monazite (Invited)
- Earthquakes, fluid pressures and rapid subduction zone metamorphism
- Excitation Emission Matrix Spectra (EEMS) of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Produced during Microbial Incubation
- Geochemical and temporal relationships between plutonic and volcanic rocks from the Aleutian arc: a pilot study
- Geomorphic field experiment to quantify grain size and biotic influence on riverbed sedimentation dynamics in a dry-season reservoir, Russian River, CA
- How Leaky Are Seafloor Spreading Center Axes?
- IODP 327 tracer experiment: recovery of microspheres in basaltic crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1362B, 1362A, 1301A, 1301B, and 1026B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Insights Into the Origin of the Longest-lived Hotspot in the Pacific: Clues from the Tuvalus
- Landscape drivers, signatures, and erosion rates from the western Himalaya using detrital Beryllium-10
- Long-term geochemical connections between the Samoan hotspot and the northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
- Monazite petrochronology from the UHP Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Novel S-35 Intrinsic Tracer Method for Determining Groundwater Travel Time near Managed Aquifer Recharge Facilities
- Oil sheen weathering post Deepwater Horizon
- On the Interpretation of Late Pleistocene 100-kyr Phases
- Petrology and Wavespeeds in Central Tibet Indicate a Partially Melted Mica-Bearing Crust
- Physical Controls on Carbon Flux from a Temperate Lake During Autumn Cooling
- Plio-Pleistocene cosmogenic erosion rates of the Northwestern Argentine Andes
- Preliminary Results from a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Probabilistic sequence alignment of Late Pleistocene benthic δ18O data
- Quaternary hyperpycnal fans on the shelf of an active margin basin, Northern Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Reverse transcriptase directs viral evolution in a deep ocean methane seep
- Rupture characteristics of the 24 May 2013 Mw 8.3 deep Okhostk earthquake
- Rupture history of the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake constrained with local strong motion and teleseismic body and surface waves
- Rupture process of the 29 May 2013 Mw 4.8 Isla Vista, California earthquake and its tectonic implication
- Sedimentological Evidence of the 1812 Santa Barbara Tsunami in Carpinteria Marsh, CA
- Seismic anisotropy and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) in the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand schist in the Mojave region of southern California
- Seismic signatures of a hydrated mantle wedge from antigorite crystal-preferred orientation (CPO) (Invited)
- Silicon and Zinc Isotopes in Ocean Island Basalts
- Step-Wise Coastal Retreat of Bayhead Deltas Related to Flooded River Valley Tributary Junctions
- Stochastic Cascade Dynamical Downscaling of Precipitation over Complex Terrain
- Stress Drop and Its Uncertainty for Central California Earthquakes M 3.8-5.5
- Syn- and post-orogenic alkaline magmatism in a continental arc: Along-strike variations in the composition, source, and timing of igneous activity in the Ross Orogen, Antarctica
- Taxonomy Of Magma Mixing I: Magma Mixing Metrics And The Thermochemistry Of Magma Hybridization Illuminated With A Toy Model
- Taxonomy of Magma Mixing II: Thermochemistry of Mixed Crystal-Bearing Magmas Using the Magma Chamber Simulator
- Temporal changes in the isotope composition of Sierra spring water: Implications for recent climatic changes and carbon cycling (Invited)
- Testing the channel flow model in the eastern Himalaya, eastern Bhutan: insights from preliminary thermobarometric data
- The hydrological response of the Indian Ocean during the LGM and deglaciation (Invited)
- Two Techniques for Estimating Deglacial Mean-Ocean δ<SUP>13 </SUP>C Change from the Same Set of 493 Benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Records
- What have we Learned after a Decade of Experiments and Monitoring at the NEES@UCSB Permanently Instrumented Field Sites?
- <SUP>10</SUP>Be constrains the sediment sources and sediment yields to the Great Barrier Reef from the tropical Barron River catchment, Queensland, Australia
- Age-progressive volcanism in the Tasman and Coral seas
- Avalanche induced Tsunamie June 21st 2014, in the Askja caldera lake Iceland.
- Comparing Background and Recent Erosion Rates in Degraded Areas of Southeastern Brazil
- Cosmogenic Isotopic Tracing of Sediment Generated By the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Evolution of the paleolandscape(s) of Yunnan, China: implications from Be-10 erosion rates and river channel morphology
- Field Calibration Studies of Continuous Thermal Histories Derived From Multiple Diffusion Domain (MDD) Modeling of <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar K-feldspar Analyses at the Grayback and Gold Butte Normal Fault Blocks, U.S. Basin and Range
- Geofluid Dynamics of Faulted Sedimentary Basins
- Late Cretaceous Localized Crustal Thickening as a Primary Control on the 3-D Architecture and Exhumation Histories of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes
- Magmatic Trigger for Extensional Collapse? Character and Significance of Pre-Extensional Volcanic Activity in the Whipple Mountains Region, Lower Colorado River Extensional Corridor
- Petrologic significance of silicic magmatism in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province: geochemistry and geochronology of the Butcher Ridge Igneous Complex, Antarctica
- Record of Earliest West Antarctic Ice Sheet Beneath Ross Sea?
- The Quaternary North Channel-Pitas Point Fault System in Northwest Santa Barbara Channel, California.
- The nitrogen cycle in the aftermath of the mid-Cryogenian snowball Earth glaciation.
- Using shallow seismic tomography to characterize patterns of near-surface weathering and the mobile-immobile regolith transition: Implications for the erodibility and morphology of hillslopes.
- Active Deformation in the Greater Himalayan Zone in Western Nepal from Inversion of New (U-Th)/He Cooling Ages
- Building the Andes at 35°S latitude: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic volcanism and transpressive crustal shortening in the Principal Cordillera, central Chile.
- Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
- Distinguishing snow and glacier ice melt in High Asia using MODIS
- Microclimate controls on weathering: Insights into deep critical zone evolution from seismic refraction surveys in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Middle Miocene rifting and volcanic history of the Berufjordor- Breiddalur region, eastern Iceland revealed by 40Ar/39Ar geochronology
- Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section
- Neogene Development of the Terror Rift, western Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005
- Validating SWE reconstruction using Airborne Snow Observatory measurements in the Sierra Nevada
- Anomalous Uplift at Pitas Point: Localized Phenomena or Indicator of Tsunamigenic M8 Earthquakes Along Coastal California?
- Constraints on Fault Permeability from Helium and Heat Flow in the Los Angeles Basin
- Contrasting ENSO types with novel satellite derived ocean phytoplankton biomass
- Dike emplacement, footwall rotation, and evolving styles of crustal extension in the Whipple Mountains metamorphic core complex, southeastern California
- Effects of observed variations in barform morphology on infiltration and hyporheic exchange in gravel bed rivers
- Exploring the link between crustal melting and extensional collapse; field, geochemical, and Sr-Nd isotopic evidence from pre-, syn-, and post- extensional lavas of the Whipple Mountains region, lower Colorado River extensional corridor, CA and AZ
- Global and regional volcanic infrasound from the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco, Chile
- High seismic attenuation at a mid-ocean ridge reveals the distribution of deep melt
- High-precision Temporal Calibration of the Early Cambrian Biotic and Paleoenvironmental Records: New U-Pb Geochronology from Eastern Yunnan, China.
- Incorporating the effects of age uncertainty derived from benthic d18O alignment into paleoceanographic data compilations
- Insight to Marine Isotope Stage 13 using Late Pleistocene relaxation models of ice volume and carbon cycle change
- Large-scale restoration of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated, gravel-bedded river
- Latest Quaternary structural and stratigraphic controls on continental shelf morphology along a transpressive transform margin, Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Seismic stratigraphic interpretations suggest that sectors of the central and western Ross Sea were near or above sea level during earliest Oligocene time
- Site Response During And After Nonlinear Soil Behavior Has Occurred
- Tectonic activity and stratigraphic history over the last 130-540 ka on the Southern Shelf of the Sea of Marmara, western North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Using exhumation histories to constrain Main Himalayan Thrust geometry and seismic hazard in the western Nepal Himalaya
- `Electrochemical Pressure Solution' -The Importance of Dissimilar Surface Potentials in Dissolution Phenomena
- A Petrogenetic Evaluation of Clinopyroxene-hosted Melt Inclusions from an Enriched Submarine Lava of the Samoan Hotspot Track: A Phase Equilibria and Diffusion Modeling Study
- Characteristics of Large Earthquakes Occurring on the Shallowest Portion of the Mexican Subduction Megathrust
- Comparing Four Age Model Techniques using Nine Sediment Cores from the Iberian Margin
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Explosion localization and characterization via infrasound using numerical modeling
- Insights into the Fault Geometry and Rupture History of the 2016 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand, Earthquake
- Kinematic source inversion of the 2017 Puebla-Morelos, Mexico earthquake (2017/09/19, Mw.7.1)
- Mantle plumes and hotspot geochemistry
- Multiple geophysical observations indicate possible splay fault activation during the 2006 Java Tsunami earthquake
- New evidence for Oligocene to Recent slip along the San Juan fault, a terrane-bounding structure within the Cascadia forearc of southern British Columbia, Canada
- North American Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Imaged Using an Adaptive Bayesian Inversion
- Petrochronology of high-grade blocks of the Franciscan subduction-accretion complex
- Quantifying mantle structure and dynamics using plume tracing in seismic tomography
- Seismicity preliminary results in a geothermal and volcano activity area: study case Liquiñe-Ofqui fault system in Southern Andes, Chile
- The 2017/09/08 Mw 8.2 Tehuantepec, Mexico Earthquake: A Large but Compact Dip-Slip Faulting Event Severing the Slab
- The Mantle Isotopic Array: A Tale of Two FOZOs
- The importance of grain size to mantle dynamics and seismological observations
- Transpressional Tectonics across the N. American-Caribbean Plate Boundary: Preliminary Results of a Multichannel Seismic Survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti.
- A Marine Perspective on Marine Isotope Stage 4
- A global picture on correlating primordial mantle signatures in Ocean Island basalts
- An early diagenetic deglacial origin for basal Ediacaran "cap dolostones"
- An inter-comparison of five snow water equivalent estimation methods in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Automated Detection, Association, Location, and Characterization of Volcanic Infrasound Incorporating 3D Ray-Tracing and Empirical Climatologies
- Characterizing primordial S-isotope compositions in Ocean Island Basalts using µ<SUP>182</SUP>W and <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He relationships
- Constraining the Onset of the Marinoan Glaciation in the Kalahari Desert
- Determining Relative Mantle Plume Motion Using Hotspot Track Geometry, Geochronology and Geochemistry.
- Directly Dating High-Temperature Deformation: Dynamic Recrystallization and U-Pb resetting of Titanite
- Earth's climate state is set by the presence or absence of arc-continent collisions in the tropics
- Eocene to Recent permanent forearc deformation in Northern Cascadia, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Examining Grain-scale Sr and Nd Isotopic Heterogeneities in Metasomatized Harzburgite Xenoliths from Savai'i, Western Samoa
- Geochemistry of Large, Low Shear-Wave Velocity Provinces in the Lower Mantle Inferred from Nd and Pb Isotopes in Oceanic Hotspots
- Geochemistry of Mauna Loa Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions with Unusual Trace Element Fingerprints
- Geologic Mapping Plays Critical Role in Revealing the Volcanic, Structural, and Landscape Evolution of a Synextensional Miocene Volcanic Province, Western Whipple Mountains and Eastern Mopah Range, CA.
- Hawaii Island Seismicity High-Precision Relocation 1986-2017
- Historical and real-time snow product suite for the Indus River basin
- Hot Surface, Dry Land, and Slow Freshwater Mixing After the Melting of a Hard Snowball Earth
- Isotopic effects of dolomitization on Cryogenian strata in the Panamint Range, California
- Jurassic volcanic glass in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province of Antarctica preserves evidence for hydration by glacial meltwater
- Lahar detection using infrasound: Pilot experiment at Mount Adams, WA
- Late Quaternary Fault-Related Folding, Uplifted Paleoshoreline, and Liquefaction Structures: Clues About Transpressional Activity Along the North America-Caribbean Plate Boundary From a Comprehensive Seismic Reflection Survey of Lake Azuei, Haiti
- Measuring Atlantic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Lag Times
- Neogene to present changes in CO2 sources and sinks due to the growth and tectonic evolution of Indonesia
- Recent Enhancements to the UCSB Geotechnical Array Data Portal
- Remote monitoring of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array.
- Seismo-acoustic measurements of an outdoor, field-scale, explosive "volcano"
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Wind Extremes in Santa Barbara County, California
- Spectral Distortion of Volcano Infrasound at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, by Topographic Diffraction and Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation
- Stress-Drop Estimates for Seismicity on Hawai'i Island from P-wave Spectral Analysis
- Sundowner Winds and Fire Weather Conditions in Santa Barbara, CA: Observation and Modeling
- The Contribution of Post-Wildfire Rilling to Generation of the 2018 Montecito, CA Debris Flows: Quantification and Interpretation of Rill Geometries and Patterns.Paul Alessio, Thomas Dunne, Kristin Morell
- The Icelandic Mantle Plume: A 62 Million Year Record of the Deep Mantle
- The Jesusita wildfire in Santa Barbara California: a comparison of three fire spread simulations
- The Kaigas fault-controlled fan delta: No evidence for Tonian glaciation
- The Life Cycle of a Continental Arc Preserved in the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- The Montecito, California 2018 Debris Flows: Generation, Flow and Transport Properties, Sedimentation, and Fan Modification
- The Sorrells Process, Retrieval of Layered Shallow Structure and Comparison to the Vs30 Model
- The Structure of the Upper Plate Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Alaska from Inversion of Scattered Body Wave Phases and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- The deep structure of North American lithosphere illuminated by complementary seismic data types
- The tectonic history of the Arequipa Terrane informed by bedrock mapping of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian sediments in southern Peru
- Upper plate deformation in northern Cascadia and active bending of the Olympic orocline
- Using an Earth system model to quantify the changes in carbon storage and ocean circulation encoded in benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C patterns across the deglaciation
- Volcanic Explosion Backazimuth from Near-Surface Seismo-Acoustic Coupling Minimization
- A Dual Proxy Gaussian Process Stack: Integrating Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Radiocarbon Proxies for Inferring Ages on Ocean Sediment Cores
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- A Tale of Two Very Large Avalanches: Probing the Limits of Seismoacoustic Avalanche Characterization on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska
- A framework for improved infrasound back-projection on local and regional scales
- Assessing environmental change at high-elevation in the Sierra Nevada of California: over 35 years of hydrological and limnological study from the Tokopah and Emerald Lake watersheds
- Assessing the Value of Integrating Remote-Sensing-Based Snow Products into the NOAA National Water Model for Seasonal Water Supply Prediction in the Western U.S.
- Automated Detection of Air-Ground Coupled Waves at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Automated Detection, Association, and Location, of Volcanic Infrasound Incorporating 3D Ray-Tracing and Empirical Climatologies
- Basalt weathering response to variations in physical erosion during rock uplift on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Iceland Hotspot Reveals a Temporal Shift in the Composition of the Primordial Component
- Climatology of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara, California, USA
- Community-based forest monitoring with academic and nonprofit partners illuminates conservation priorities and economic opportunities in the Chinantla Rainforest, Oaxaca, Mexico
- Comparing Age Model Techniques: A Case Study of Nine Iberian Margin Sediment Cores
- Comprehensive high-precision relocation of seismicity on the Island of Hawai`i 1986-2018
- Concave-outboard convergent margin geometry and modern oroclinal bending
- Earthquake lubrication and healing caused by amorphous silica powder - experimental wear products compared to natural fault rocks
- Effects of Extreme Wind Variability on Modeled Wildfire Spread
- Extreme Fire Weather Conditions During the Summer 2018 Sundowner Event
- Flood magnitude and duration control the location of lobe-scale avulsions on deltas: Madagascar
- Identifying Worst-Case-Scenario Extreme Wind Events for Advances in Fire Weather and Wildfire Modeling
- Imaging and monitoring temporal changes of shallow seismic velocities at the Garner Valley near Anza, California, followingthe M7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Imaging the Northern East African Rift System using a Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
- Infrasonic Characterization of Multi-Year Eruptive Activity at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador 2006-2013
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Internally-driven, transient incision from river capture: Sutlej River, western Himalaya
- Investigating the Effect of Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation on Infrasound-Based Volume Flux Estimates at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- Isotopic Analysis of Sub-Nanogram Nd Samples Using New ATONA Amplifiers
- Long-term Hydrological Response of Snow-influenced Upland Watersheds across California's Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains Under a Changing Climate
- Mechanisms for the Atmosphere-generated Seismic Noise from millihertz to 0.05 Hz
- Methane Fluxes from Waters within Amazon Flooded Forests
- Model-data comparison of Atlantic delta <SUP>18</SUP>O of seawater gradient changes between the LGM and Holocene
- Monitoring dryland riparian vegetation water use and stress via ECOSTRESS
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-platform, multi-sensor snow surface properties for energy balance and model validation
- Multichannel Seismic Survey of Lake Azuei (Haiti) Documents a Complex System of Active Transpressional Structures Across the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary
- North Atlantic benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O data from OC3 compilation reveal importance of H1 meltwater for deglacial deepwater stratification changes
- On the diurnal development of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara, CA
- One-third of the ocean island basalt Sr-Nd isotopic "mantle array" preserved in magmatic clinopyroxenes within a single Samoan hotspot lava.
- Onset and Propagation of the 2012-2016 Drought in Southern California
- Organic Sulfur Isotopes as Records of Paleoenvironmental Change
- Overview of Reventador infrasound activity: from January 2015 to June 2019
- Partial summit collapse at El Reventador volcano (Ecuador) and its subsequent activity observed in thermal imaging, seismo-acoustic signals and SO<SUB>2</SUB> degasification
- Phase-equilibria constrained isotopic modeling of an assimilation contribution to mafic recharge magmas at Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Quantifying Differences in the Timing of Deglacial δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Change to Improve Ocean Circulation Reconstructions
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Remote Detection and Location of Explosive Volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array.
- Remote Hydroacoustic and Infrasonic Characterization of the 2018 Eruption of Anak Krakatau, Indonesia
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the California Margin During the Common Era
- Structural Control of Bedrock Canyon Alignment and Morphology along the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada
- The Entiat Experimental Forest: Evaluating Short and Long-term Impacts of Wildfire on Water Quality and Quantity and Forest Ecology
- The Link Between Ontong-Java and Louisville Revealed in the West Pacific
- The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: The Inevitable Result of Long-term Evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet?
- The Role of the Marine Boundary Layer in the cycle of downslope winds in Coastal Santa Barbara.
- Turbulence and Gas Transfer Velocities in Sheltered Flooded Forests of the Amazon Basin
- Upper Mantle Temperature of Hotspots and Ridges and Correlation with Geochemical Signals
- Validation of modeled snow properties in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan
- A Nonparametric Hierarchical Stack Construction Algorithm for Benthic Oxygen Isotope Ratios based on the Gaussian Process Regression
- A Synthetic Study to Determine Adequate Infrasound Network Configurations for Resolving Source Directionality
- An Improved Age Model for Late Pleistocene Benthic δ18O and Analysis of the Orbital Phases of Glacial Terminations
- An Investigation of Oxygen Fugacity in Ocean Island Basalts
- Are hotspots hotter than ridges?
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from a small Arctic Pond
- Characterizing sulfurization in Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve: A potential mechanism for enhanced carbon storage in salt marshes in Southern California
- Climate Change Impacts on Mountains in Coastal Santa Barbara Based on 30 Years of High Resolution Downscaling
- Compilation of Geologic and Seismic Velocity Characteristics at Advanced National Seismic System Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites
- Detailed Seismic Imaging of the Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone from Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Detailed traveltime tomography and seismicity around the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquake using dense rapid-response seismic data
- Evaluating triggers for river capture along the Sutlej River, western Himalaya
- Evaluation of Connectivity Between Ridgecrest Faults and the Garlock Fault Using PGV of Guided Waves
- Fault Complexity of The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence As Inferred From PGV of Guided Waves
- Forest Restoration in Seasonally Dry Forests: Stakeholder Perspectives and Simulations of Impacts on Streamflow in the Pacific Northwest
- Frequency Dependent quasi-Love Wave Scattering Along the Eastern North American Margin
- Fusion of high spatial and high temporal snow surface properties from satellite observations for estimating snow water equivalent
- Future Directions in Volcano Seismology
- How sensitive are relative sea-level records across the Antarctic Peninsula to late-Holocene glacial fluctuations?
- Infrasonic backprojection with the EarthScope Transportable Array in Alaska: Improving detection and localization of explosive volcanism via noise reduction.
- Inversion for Shallow Elastic Structure using Wind, Pressure and Seismic Data
- Investigation into the Localization of Rifting within the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift using Rayleigh Waves and Receiver Functions
- Lakes and Watersheds in the Sierra Nevada (California): Responses to Environmental Change
- Mantle structure and dynamics at the Eastern North American passive margin inferred from anisotropic S-wave tomography
- Mapping Atlantic Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Lags During Termination 1
- Modeling the Influence of Past Ocean Circulation Change on the Lags between Atlantic Benthic Oxygen-isotope Records
- Nonlinear acoustic propagation single-point spectral indicator: Comparative performance analyses for Sakurajima, Yasur, Popocatépetl, Augustine, Nabro, Reventador, Tungurahua, Villarrica, Cotopaxi, and Calbuco explosion waveforms
- OLI-DRFS: Retrievals of Dust Radiative in Snow from Landsat-8
- Remotely-sensed observational constraints on snow-covered area and snowpack albedo improve snowpack and streamflow simulations in the NOAA National Water Model
- Results and Recommendations of the Infrasound Propagation Working Group
- The seismic structure of the Alaskan crust and upper mantle
- Updates to the U.S. Geological Survey National Strong Motion Project Acquisition, Processing, and Review System
- Using Tree Density Mapping to Assess Rockfall Hazards at Whitney Portal, California after the June 24, 2020 Lone Pine Earthquake
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- A Headwaters-to-Groundwater Analysis of the Climate Sensitivity of the Mt Shasta River Basin: Integrating Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing, Particle Tracking, and Isotopic Tracers
- Early to middle Miocene ice-sheet dynamics in the Ross Sea: west to east regional correlations
- Late Pleistocene glacial termination age estimates and methods for comprehensive uncertainty analysis of event ages in ocean sediment cores
- Precession Pacing of Late Pleistocene Glacial Terminations
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- A Late Pleistocene Planktonic δ18O Stack of the West Pacific Warm Pool
- Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments and Interactions with the Continental and Marine Boundary Layers: Lessons Learn from the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX-2022), Santa Barbara, CA
- Evaluating Probabilistic Age Models and Stacks for Different Proxy Types on the Iberian Margin
- Experiments on Multiblast Craters: Probing Transient Crater Depths in Multi-Explosion Events
- Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Lava Fountain Jet Noise during the Eruption of Fissure 8, Kīlauea Volcano
- Revisiting Pleistocene Benthic δ18O Stacks with BIGMACS
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Visser
- C. S. Siddoway
- Cenlin He
- Charles Jones
- Cheng Dang
- Colleen Mortimer
- David Fee
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Edward H. Bair
- Einat Lev
- G. P. Waite
- Geoffrey Gebbie
- Gert‐Jan Duine
- Greg A. Valentine
- H. E. Dahlke
- H. R. Dietterich
- Hailong Wang
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Huilin Huang
- Ingo Sonder
- J. J. Lyons
- Jacopo Taddeucci
- Jeff Dozier
- Julia E. Gestrich
- Kenneth S. Befus
- L. E. Lisiecki
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lara F. Pérez
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Leila M. V. Carvalho
- Loren D. White
- R. H. Levy
- Robert D Larter
- Robert McKay
- Robin S. Matoza
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. H. Painter
- Tao Che
- Thomas Nägler
- Timbo Stillinger
- Yu Gu
- Yun Qian
- Yuxin Zhou