University of California, Santa Barbara
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- University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Earth Science
- University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Structure of Southern California from TriNet Surface Wave Data
- A Comparison of Spatial Statistical Techniques for the Development of a Validation Data set for Mesoscale Modeling of Snow Water Equivalence
- A High-Resolution Mg/Ca Sea Surface Temperature Record From the California Margin, ODP Site 1017E
- A Mechanical Model of Repeated Spontaneous Ruptures in a Stress-Interacting Fault Network.
- A Multifractal Approach to Identify Extremes in the Precipitation Regime in South America
- A Paleomagnetic Study of 0-3 Ma Volcanic Rocks from Costa Rica
- Accuracy of the 3D Finite-difference Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion for Real Sites
- Alluviation During Strengthened Asian Monsoons, Central Nepal Himalaya
- An Earth Summit in a Large General Education Oceanography Class
- Antarctic Holocene Climate Change: Stable Isotopic Record from Palmer Deep
- Are UHP Rocks in Norway Allochthonous? A Major Revision of the Tectonostratigraphy.
- Biological Control on Mineral Transformation in Soils ?
- Calculating Magnetic Hysteresis Using Homotopy Theory
- Climate and Population Impacts on Regional Aquifers
- Coevolution of Bedrock Channels and Hillslopes on a Topographically Pre-steady-state, Growing Fold
- Comparisons of SeaWiFS, MODIS, Oceansat, FY1-C, and PHILLS to In Situ Measurements in the Coastal Ocean
- Controls on the Location of Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Northern Santa Barbara Channel Shelf, California: A Geologic Plumbing System.
- Defining groundwater transport times near ASR facilities using geochemical tracers
- Detailed cooling history of the central Nepalese Himalaya (Annapurna region), from apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He analyses
- Developing Online Oceanography at UCSB
- Developing a Stochastic Streamflow Generation Model Based on an Extensive Historical Record in an Altered Fluvial System
- Direct Measurement of the Slip Weakening Distance from Near-Fault Strong Motion Data?
- Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Intersite Comparsion (DONIC)
- Eastern Boundary of the Ross Sea Rift Located in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Effects of Changes in Seawater Carbonate Ion Concentration on the Incorporation of Uranium into Planktonic Foraminiferal Calcite
- Expected Applications of the SRTM Data Within the Amazon Basin
- Fast Vegetational Responses to Late-Glacial Climate Change
- Finite-Fault Modeling of Strong Ground Motions for the 1995, M<SUB>w</SUB> 8, Colima-Jalisco, Mexico, Earthquake
- First-order Leveling and Campaign GPS Reveal Anomalous, Interseismic, Contractile, Transient Strain Across Teton Normal Fault, 1988-2001, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
- Fluvial Transport and Deposition of Sediment Across a Pristine Tropical Forested Floodplain Spanning a Foreland Basin, Northern Bolivia: The Importance of Channel-Floodplain Interaction and Episodic Floodplain Deposition
- Foreland to Hinterland Regional Variation in Pressure-Temperature-Deformation Histories of the Norwegian UHP-HP Terrane
- GPS Measurement of Tectonic Deformation and Isostatic Rebound in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Geochemistry of Sagehen Creek and its seasonal Relationship to Shallow Groundwater
- Geophysical Observations Supporting Significant Variation in ice Thickness of Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Global Distribution of Seismically Induced Potential Energy Change
- Ground Motion Synthetics for Spontaneous Versus Prescribed Rupture on a 45<SUP>o</SUP> Thrust Fault
- HYDROS: The Hydrosphere State Exploratory Mission
- High resolution records of late Quaternary carbon isotopic excursions: Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Hilbert-Huang Analysis of Strong Motion Data From the 1999 Izmit, Turkey and 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquakes
- Holocene Climate and Landscape Interactions in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru
- Implications of Volcanism in Coastal California for the Deformation History of Western North America
- Importance and Parameterization of Longwave Radiative Scattering by Mineral Aerosols
- Interactions Between Dissolved Organic Matter and Microbial Processes and Community Structure at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station.
- Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Subducting Slabs are Linked to Metamorphic Dehydration Reactions
- Inversion of ground motion spectrafor site response at 150 stations of the Yokohama high-density strong motion seismograph network
- Linkage between transient upper ocean physical and biological forcing and deep ocean flux at the Bermuda time-series site
- Local to Landscape-Level Effects of Bioturbation by Pocket Gophers
- Marie Byrd Land Mylonites Record Onset of Continental Extension in West Antarctica
- Mg and Sr Incorporation in Foraminifer Shells: Patterns, Controls and Applications.
- Mg/Ca-Based Temperature Record from Cariaco Basin Reveals SST Changes in Phase with Greenland Ice Core Records
- Morphostratigraphy of Alluvial Fans in East-Central Nevada, USA: Evidence for Climatically Driven Geomorphic Activity in the Central Great Basin During the Latest Pleistocene and Holocene
- Multi-Step High-Resolution Pb/U and Pb/Pb Zircon Age Spectra: Combined Annealing, Partial Dissolution, and TIMS Analysis
- Multispecies Approach to Reconstructing Late Quaternary Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline Hydrography
- Neogene Evolution of the Southern Costa Rica Arc: New Geological and Geochronological Data
- New Efficient Methods to Simulate Free Surface in the 3D 4th-order Staggered-grid Finite-difference Modeling of Earthquake Ground Motion
- Nonlinear Changes in Soil Properties and Their Impact on Ecosystems
- Observations of UV-A Irradiance and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient Spectra in the Sargasso Sea: The Bermuda Bio-Optics Project
- Open-System Magmatic Processes: Energy-Constrained Recharge, Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC)
- PML Absorbing Boundary Method: an Application to 3D 4th-order Velocity-Stress Finite-Difference Schemes
- Pathways to the Gauge: the Diurnal Streamflow Cycle as an Indicator of Snowmelt Rates and Transport
- Plate Tectonic Constraints and Geological Analogs for Southern Californian Crustal Structures
- Precise and accurate determination of silicon isotope ratios by multiple collector ICP-MS.
- Preliminary Report on Cruise NBP01-01, East Antarctic Margin
- Results from a Round-Robin-Comparison of Radiance Calibrations at Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratories
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Western Tropical Atlantic, Ceara Rise, Using Mg/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera
- Silica Synthesis by Sponges: Unanticipated Molecular Mechanism
- Simultaneous Determination of Oceanic and Atmospheric Parameters for Ocean Color Imagery by Spectral Optimization: A Validation
- Soil organic radiocarbon and mineralogy at two coastal California sites
- Solute Balances for High-Altitude Catchments in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Sources and Sinks of Energy in Faulting: Dynamic Modeling of the 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake
- Southern California 2D Wavefield Reconstruction
- Spatial Variability of Surface Ocean Properties in the Sargasso Sea
- Spatially-Averaged Stresses and Velocities Over Three-Dimensional Dunes
- Statistically Equivalent Models of the Heterogeneous Spatial Stress Distribution for the 1992 Landers, California, Earthquake
- Stormflow Nutrient Concentrations in Coastal Streams Tributary to the Santa Barbara Channel, California: A Common Urban Response
- Stress Change Consistent with a Slip Model of the Chi-chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Stress-Breakdown Time and Critical Weakening Slip Inferred from the Source Time Functions on Earthquake Faults
- Subduction Initiation by Extrusion Tectonics? Evidence From the Palawan Ophiolite, Philippines
- Subsidence, Compaction and Gravity-Sliding: Understanding Geodetic Strain Data Across Basin-Bounding Faults in Southern California
- Temperature and Hydrological Changes in the Western Caribbean During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Temporal Variation in Natural Methane Seep Rate Due to Tides, Coal Oil Point Area, California
- Termination of Strike-slip Faults at Convergence Zones Within Continental Transform Boundaries: Examples From the California Continental Borderland
- The Bermuda Testbed Mooring and Emerging Technologies for Interdisciplinary Research
- The Complex Geochemistry of Magma Bodies Undergoing Open-System Processes: Energy-Constrained Recharge, Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC-RAFC)
- The Dume Fault, Northern Santa Monica Bay, California
- The Effect of Anisotropic Bi-directional Reflectance on Imaging Spectroscopy Models for Retrieving Snow Physical Properties
- The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
- The Origin of Bright Seismic Reflectors in Upper Oceanic Crust Formed at the EPR: New Insight from AVO Analysis
- The Role of Hydrodynamics on Transport of Mine-Derived Mercury in Clear Lake, California
- The effect of topography and rock type on soil cation contents and stream solute and phosphorus concentrations of streams in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon basin.
- Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Boron Isotope Ratios in Biogenic Carbonates as Recorders of Seawater pH
- Understanding Island Arc Evolution Through U/Pb and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of the Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska
- Upper Mantle Deformation Beneath Intraoceanic Island Arcs: the Talkeetna arc, South Central Alaska
- Vernal pool hydroperiod: simulations of long-term dynamics
- Which Dynamic Rupture Parameters can be Resolved?
- 3-D Finite-Difference Modeling of Earthquakes in the City of Rome, Italy
- A Diamond Anniversary Perspective on "The Effects of Assimilation": Energy, Mass and Chemical Constraints on Open-System Magmatic Processes
- A New Kinematic Model for the Rotation and Tectonic Development of the Western Transverse Ranges, Southern California.
- A New Supershear Transition Mechanism for Cracks
- A Re-Examination of the Bedout High, Offshore Canning Basin, Western Australia - Possible Impact Site for the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction Event?
- A Spatially-Explicit Snow Model of a Mid-latitude Alpine Basin
- Abrupt Millennial-scale Sea Surface Temperature Changes on the California Margin Through MIS 3 Inferred From Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Annual and Interannual Streamflow Variability for Mountainous Coastal Catchments in a Mediterranean Climate in Relation to Land Use Change and Climate Variability
- Anomalous Fault Scarp Growth Patterns on the Southern East Pacific Rise
- Arc-Parallel Mantle Flow Beneath the Accreted Talkeetna arc, Alaska: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy and Subduction Zone Processes
- Assessing Contaminant Susceptibility Near Artificial Recharge Operations by Imaging Flowpaths and Transport Times With Geochemical Tracers
- Ca. 400 Ma Recrystallization of Norwegian Ultrahigh-pressure Eclogites: an ion Microprobe and Chemical Abrasion Study
- Carbon isotope discrimination of the terrestrial biosphere on multiple temporal and spatial scales
- Characteristics and Origin of Sediment "Blow-Outs" on a Young Abyssal Hill on the EPR Flank Near 9§ 28'N
- Characterizing Diversity of Thermal and Flow Properties in Waters of the Umatilla River, Oregon, and its Floodplain
- Climatic implications of modern and paleo ELA's in the central Nepal Himalaya
- College and University Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century (ESSE 21)
- De-convolving Middle Miocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Expansion from Temperature Change: Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records from the Southern Ocean
- Detection and Monitoring of Jokulhlaup-Induced Topographic Changes Using NASA ATM Lidar Data: Skeidararsandur, Iceland
- Direct Seismic Energy Modeling and Application to the 1979 Imperial Valley Earthqu ake.
- Dynamics of Bedrock Channels: a Field-based Comparison of Channel Characteristics in Response to Variability of Rock Competence and Rock-Uplift
- Evaluating assimilated wind transport of mineral aerosols
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic
- Examining the Evidence for the Influence of Carbonate Saturation State on Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Exhumation and attainment of steady state in the Himalaya: insights from the detrital sediment record
- Far-Field Energy Radiation From a Building Under Harmonic Excitation
- Finite Element Modeling of Earthquake Dynamic Rupture on 2D Nonplanar Dipping Faults
- Geomorphic Evolution of Steady-State in a Glaciated Mountain Range: Kyrgyz Range, Western Tien Shan
- Ground Motion Levels From Deeper Versus Shallower Fault Rupture
- Growth and Evolution of the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska: Solutions to the "Arc Paradox"
- Hydrological and Temperature Changes in the Western Caribbean During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Impact of land-use and climate change on vernal pools in the Central Valley ecoregion of California
- Impacts of Drought Stress on C<SUP>18</SUP>OO Ecosystem Fluxes in an Agricultural Field: Measurements and Modeling
- Importance of Dust Deposition and Fe-oxides to the Geochemistry of Uranium in Soils Along a Hawaiian Chronosequence
- Incorporating Remotely Sensed Snow Surface Grain Size Into Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Modeling
- Interactions between carbon and nitrogen mineralization and soil organic matter chemistry in Arctic tundra soils
- Intermediate waters and abrupt climate change: Ultra-high resolution sediment records from Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Internal Architecture, External Geometry, and Cyclicity of Mass Transport Complexes in the Gulf of Mexico From 3-D Seismic Data
- Large Crater Structures Offshore Southern California
- Life Detection via Terahertz Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
- Looking for iron deposition responses in the ocean: use of model and satellite data
- Magnitude of fluid movement and rates of cementation associated with reverse faults Examples from the Maracaibo basin, Venezuela
- Marine Geology of the San Pedro Continental Shelf and Initial Results from Seismic-Reflection Data Obtained in Santa Barbara Channel
- Membrane Surface Wave Synthetics: Modeling Mode-Mode Scattering
- Microbially-Mediated Mineralization at Hydrothermal Vents: Searching for Nanoscale Biosignatures
- Mid-Infrared Radiation, Electric Charges, and Acoustic Emission During Rock Deformation
- Millennial Scale Temperature and Hydrological Response of Galapagos Surface Waters During Marine Isotope Stage 3
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrogeology and Land Cover Conversion on Runoff Processes and Rates in Rondônia, Brazil
- New Maps of Gravity and Bedrock-Bathymetry of the Ross Sea Sector of Antarctica
- New Techniques for the Remote Sensing of Trichodesmium
- New eclogitization and protolith ages for the Maksyutov Complex (south Ural Mountains) based on U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data
- Nonlinear Wave propagation at sediment layers
- Nutrient Response of the Ventura River to Drought Conditions in Southern California
- Ocean Infragravity Waves and Shaking Earth: Cause of Broad Peak at 0.01 Hz in the Seismic Noise Spectrum
- Off-axis Hydrothermal Activity on the East Pacific Rise near 9 28N, Faulted and Topographic Control of Hydrothermal Discharge?
- On the Effects of Non-Planar Fault Geometry on Strong Ground Motion
- Patterns of Pliocene-Pleistocene Deformation in the Waucobi Embayment, Owens Valley, California
- Post 2 Ma Cooling and Denudation Patterns Along the Marsyandi Drainage in the Central Nepalese Himalaya From Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Analyses
- Post-Miocene Faulting and Folding in the Southwestern Transverse Ranges, Santa Monica Bay, California
- Pressure-Temperature-Time Relationships of Allochthons to Basement, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Radiocarbon in an integrated approach to understanding controls on soil carbon sequestration
- Response of Diatom Biomass and Silica Production to Iron Fertilization during SOFeX
- Sediment Trajectories Through a Semiarid Valley
- Silicon Isotopic Measurements in Desolvated Samples by MC-ICP-MS
- Sources of groundwater in an alpine catchment, Rocky Mountains, USA
- Stochastic Analysis of Sediment Flux in the Context of River Management
- Stochastic Model of Slip Spatial Complexities for the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, Earthquake
- Symmetry in Micromagnetics
- Targets for Earthscope (USArray) in Southern California: Mid-Crustal Decollements Beneath the Transverse Ranges
- Teleseismic surface wave study of S-wave velocity structure in Southern California
- Termination II Climate Records From Santa Barbara Basin, California Support Solar Forcing Mechanism and Milankovitch Theory
- Testing The Feasibility of Estimating Forest Evapotranspiration From Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) Data
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Airborne Remote Sensing Data Collection
- The Cold Land Processes Field Experiment (CLPX): Satellite Measurements
- The Effects of 3-D Velocity Structure on a Finite Fault Inversion of the 1989 M 7.1 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- The SCEC Borehole Instrumentation Program
- The Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks of Western Norway are Allochthonous
- The shear transformation zone approach to the deformation of dense materials: an overview
- Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Geomaterials at Magmatic Temperatures: Review, Theory, and New Experimental Results.
- Two Preliminary SRTM DEMs Within the Amazon Basin
- Using Earth Data in an Introductory Oceanography Course
- Variability of Ocean Radiant Heating in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Variation of thrust-fault displacement and deformation style along segments of the Ostler fault zone, New Zealand.
- Vegetation-Atmosphere Interactions During the Late Quaternary: Current Advances and Future Directions
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 1: Evidence from biotic endemism
- Was Antarctica kept warm by subtropical waters in the Eocene? Part 2: Climate Model results
- Watershed Characteristics Influencing Suspended Sediment Discharge From Rivers of the Western Transverse Range, California.
- What can ice cores tell us about future atmospheric mineral aerosols?
- 230Th/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate
- A Concept-Mapping Strategy for Assessing Conceptual Change in a Student-Directed, Research-Based Geoscience Course
- Abrupt Climatic Transitions: Surface to Intermediate-Water Response From High-Resolution Sediment Records, Santa Barbara, California
- Arrest of Ultrahigh-Pressure Terranes and the Evolution of the Continental Crust
- Biogeochemical Investigations of Methane Seepage, Hydrate Ridge, OR.
- CA (Chemical Abrasion) - TIMS: High-Resolution U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Combining High-Temperature Annealing of Radiation Damage and Multi-Step Partial Dissolution Analyis
- Ca Isotope Fractionation in the Hawaiian Ecosystem
- Caribbean Salinity Variation During the Last Glacial Cycle
- Characterizing Water Erosion Processes for Hillslope Evolution Models
- Chondritic Meteoritic Fragments Associated With the Permian-Triassic (P-T) Boundary in Antarctica: Evidence for an end-Permian Bolide Impact.
- Climatic Controls on Hillslope Angles and Relief in the Himalayas
- Colloidal Acceleration and Dispersion in Saturated Micromodels
- Compositional changes in natural marine bubble plumes: Observations from Shane Seep, Coal Oil Point hydrocarbon seep field, CA
- Constraints on the Use of <SUP>18</SUP>O in CO<SUB>2</SUB> as a Tracer to Partition Gross Carbon Fluxes
- Controls over the fractional stabilization of GPP: key processes and possible geochemical tracers
- Determination of source, path, and site parameters from Yokohama High-concentration Seismograph Network
- Detrital U-Pb Zircon Ages as a Sediment-Mixing Tracer in the Central Nepal Himalaya
- Displacement Gradients on the Eastern Kunlun Fault: Implications for the Kinematics of Deformation in Tibet
- Environmental Controls on Multi-Scale Soil Nutrient Variability in the Tropics: the Importance of Land-Cover Change
- Episodic Mass Transfer During Extreme Floods from a 70,000 km<SUP>2</SUP> Andean River Basin to Amazonian Floodplains
- Equilibrium Tropical Climate Sensitivity Determination from Paleoclimatic Data
- Estimates of Middle Miocene Ice Volume and Temperature Change from Southern Ocean Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O
- Estimates of soluble iron from observations and a global mineral aerosol model
- Estimating the Variations in the Finite-Fault Source Models Determined from Inversion of Ground Motion Data
- Event-Based Sedimentation in a Flood Bypass: Examples From the Sacramento Valley, California
- Examining Mechanism Dependent Seismic Radiation in 3d Spontaneous Rupture Models
- Exhumation of Norwegian Ultrahigh-Pressure Rocks: Zircon Geochronology and Tectonostratigraphy of the Hornelen Region
- Extending a Pacific Warm Pool SST Record From the Ontong Java Plateau to 1.0 Ma
- FORCs, SORCs and Stoner-Wohlfarth Theory
- Facilitating Communication of Geoscientists' Conceptual Mental Imagery at the U.C.S.B. Educational Multimedia Visualization Center
- Fault Permeability Estimated From Rate of Sea Water Recharge Into an Underpressured Hydrocarbon Reservoir
- First Results From Hole 1256D - a New Ocean-Crust Reference Hole Drilled in Fast-Spread Crust During ODP Leg 206
- Formation of Bedrock Plateaus Within the Ross Sea Embayment, Antarctica, by Marine Erosion in Late Tertiary Time
- Geomicrobiology of Archaeal Communities Isolated from an Off-axis Abyssal Hill Fault Scarp on the East Pacific Rise Flank at 9° 27'N
- Glacial-Interglacial Change in Seawater Carbonate Chemistry Inferred From Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Identifying Dust Sources in North Africa and Modeling Patterns of Dust Emissions From These Sources
- Influence of Pedogenic Iron-oxyhydroxides on the Ge/Si Weathering Tracer
- Infrared Mineral Dust Property Retrievals Using AIRS on Aqua
- Integrating spatial watershed and runoff (quantity and quality) data to map and quantify the dominate sources of watershed runoff
- Iron chemistry of Hawaiian rainforest soil solution: Biogeochemical implications of multiple Fe redox cycles
- Jet Stream, Roaring Ocean Waves, and Ringing Earth
- Late Miocene (Proto-Gulf) Extension and Magmatism on the Sonoran Margin
- Millennial and Centennial Variability of the California Current System During the Holocene Recorded in Santa Barbara Basin
- Natural Variations of δ <SUP>30</SUP>Si Values During 4 Million Years of Progressive Basalt Weathering, Hawaii
- Nature of Microseism and its Use for Shallow Structure Study
- Network Disturbance Theory: Spatial and Temporal Organization of Physical Heterogeneity in Rivers
- New Field, Geochronological, and Geochemical Data on the Miocene Lovejoy Basalt and its Source, Northern California
- Nitrogen Dynamics Along the Western Slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Nonlinear Dynamic Rupture Inversion of the 2000 Western Tottori, Japan, Earthquake
- Nutrient Flux from Mediterranean Coastal Streams: Carpinteria Valley, California
- Nutrient Uptake and Cycles of Change: the Ventura River in Southern California
- Oil Seepage in the Upper Ojai Valley, CA
- On the Universality of Power-Law Exponents for Snow Avalanches
- Peperite-Fed Andesitic Debris Flows in the Miocene Mehrten Formation, Kirkwood, California, USA
- Pool Formation in Boulder-Bed Streams: Implications From 1-D and 2-D Numerical Modeling
- Preliminary Measurements of Oxygen-18 and Hydrogen-2 in Water Samples Collected from a Cloud Forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica
- Realistic three-dimensional sensitivity kernels for local tomography
- River Restoration as a Challenge to Hydrological Science
- Rupture Propagation for Stochastic Fault Models
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Data and Metadata Management Issues
- Significant glacial advance during Younger Dryas, Annapurna region, Nepal
- Size Exclusion Effects of Colloid Transport in Saturated Porous Media
- Soil nitrogen dynamics during seasonal transitions: N retention and loss in ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Spatial Patterns of Erosion in the Bolivian Andes Inferred From In Situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Stimulated IR Emission from the Surface of Rocks during Deformation
- Stochastic Model of Complexity in Dendrochronology
- Stochastic Model of Complexity in Earthquake Slip Distributions
- Stratigraphy and Structure of Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Ignimbrite-filled Paleovalleys, Northern Sierra Nevada, California
- Submarine Landslides, Isostasy, and Drastic Reorganizations of Depositional Environments on the Shelf and the Slope
- Teaching General Education Students How to Write Scientific Arguments Using Real Earth Data
- Teaching Introductory Mineralogy With the GeoWall
- Tectonic evolution of the Coulman High and Central Trough along the Ross Ice Shelf, Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Tertiary Paleogeography and Paleotectonic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada in the Carson Pass-Kirkwood Area, California
- Tertiary Volcanic Stratigraphy and Structure of the Sonora Pass Region, Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Testing Three new Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibrations for Arctic, Benthic Foraminifera: A High Resolution Study of the Last two Millennia.
- The Biogeochemical Impact of Global and Local Dust on Hawaiian Ecosystems
- The Biogeochemistry of Silica in Grassland Ecosystems of the North American Great Plains
- The Design, Use and Revision of Scoring Rubrics to Enhance Student Performance in a Multidisciplinary, Student-Directed Course on Global Climate Change
- The East Pacific Rise 8\deg to 11\deg N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- The Effect of Geomorphic Complexity on Water Temperature in a Pacific Northwest Alluvial River
- The Evolution of Silicic Magmatism in the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska: Implications for the Growth of Continents
- Validation of the MODIS Land-Surface Temperature Products with Temperature and Radiance-based Methods
- Variability in the Mean Latitude of the Atlantic ITCZ as Recorded in Cariaco Basin Sediments
- Websim3d: A Web-based System for Generation, Storage and Dissemination of Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations.
- A High-Resolution Mid- to Late-Holocene Sea-Surface Temperature Record from the Subtropics, Baja California, Mexico
- A Model for Developing and Institutionalizing Education and Outreach Projects
- A Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Mass-Wasting on Cosmogenically Determined Erosion Rates
- A Pilot Experiment in Collaborative Science and Engineering
- A Test for Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin
- A comparison of physically based and degree-day representations of snowpack / atmosphere turbulent fluxes in an alpine watershed
- A plate kinematic explanation for the magmatic segmentation of mid-ocean ridges
- A spatially explicit snow model in a mid-latitude alpine basin
- A study of dust radiative forcing based on detailed transport and radiation models
- Activites to Support and Assess Student Understanding of Earth Data
- Ancient Protolith Ages and Scandian Metamorphism Across the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Application of compound-specific hydrogen isotope analyses to study anaerobic processes
- Assemblage of Foreland Mineral Populations: Insights From Basin-Scale Mixing of U-Pb Zircon Ages
- Biodiversity Risks from Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in California
- Characterizing Submesoscale Ocean Color Variability in the Sargasso Sea in the Vicinity of the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Site (BATS): A Geostatistical Approach
- Chemical Alteration of Soils on Earth as a Function of Precipitation: Insights Into Weathering Processes Relevant to Mars
- Climate Change Science Instruction using a Model: Students Asking Quantitative Questions
- Climate and Hydrologic Conditions Over Northernmost South America as Recorded in Cariaco Basin Sediments
- Comparison of Two Watershed Models in Developing a Nutrient Management Plan for the Napa River Watershed
- Constraining the Tectonic History of the Himalaya in Central Nepal With Low-Temperature Thermochronometry and Numerical Modeling
- Coupling Thermal and Chemical Signatures of Crustal Magma Bodies: Energy-Constrained Eruption, Recharge, Assimilation, and Fractional Crystallization (E'RAχFC)
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structures of the High Himalaya
- Deformation of Fluvial Terraces over Active Folds, Tian Shan - Tarim Foreland
- Determining Critical Water Quality Conditions For Inorganic Nitrogen in Dry Semi-urbanized Watersheds
- Direct Observation of Depth Variation in Fault Zone Structure Through and Below the Seismogenic Crust: Preliminary Results From the SEMP Fault System in Austria
- Direct measurements of the dissolution of silica-mica interfaces and its implication for pressure solution mechanisms
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Distributions in the North Atlantic Basin
- Distribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the North Atlantic: Implications for biogeochemistry and tracer studies
- Effects of Watershed Delineation Resolution on Water Quality Model Outputs
- Erosion Rates, Landscape Morphology, and Hillslope Processes in the Upper Beni River Region, Bolivian Andes
- Evidence That Early to Middle Miocene ice Streams From West Antarctica cut Into Southeastern Ross Sea Continental Shelf
- Evidence for Early Crustal Thickening, Poly-phase Oligo-Miocene Extension, and Footwall Rotation at the Sierra Mazatan Metamorphic Core Complex, Sonora, Mexico
- Evidence for Pulsed Hydrothermal Venting from Young Abyssal Hills on the EPR Flank Suggests Frequent Seismic Pumping of Ridge Flank Fluid Flow
- Examining Influence of Fog and Stratus Clouds on Bishop Pine Water Budgets, Channel Islands, CA
- Exhumation of Basement-Cored Uplifts: Example of the Kyrgyz Range Quantified with Apatite Fission-Track Thermochronology
- Exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane
- Exhuming Large UHP Terranes: Insights From an Amphibolite to Ultrahigh-Pressure Transition in Western Norway.
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Quartz by Muscovite Mica Surfaces: Implications for Pressure Solution
- Factors Affecting the Temporal and Spatial Variability and Characteristics of Marine Hydrocarbon Seepage, Coal Oil Point, CA
- Geomorphic controls on chemical weathering rates in the High Himalayas of Nepal
- Germanium-Silicon Fractionation During Weathering of Basalt and Granite: Examples from the Tropics
- Glacial ITCZ Shifts Recorded by Tropical Salinity Reconstructions in the Pacific and Caribbean
- How Big is Bedout?
- Hydrogen-Isotopic Systematics of Lipid Biosynthesis in Hydrogen-Consuming Anaerobes and Aerobes
- Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits From a Young (0.1Ma) Abyssal Hill on the Flank of the Fast-Spreading East Pacific Rise
- Ice shelf drill sites proposed to study Pre-Late Oligocene climate and tectonic history, Coulman High, Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Improved Prediction Method for Time Histories of Near-Field Ground Motions with Application to Southern California
- Influence of Environmental Factors over the Incorporation of U, Cd, and Minor Metals into Foraminiferal Calcite: Results of Summer 2004 Culture Experiments
- Intermittent Filtration of Bacteria and Colloids at Pore and Column Scales
- Laser Raman Spectroscopic Confirmation of Maskelynite in the Bedout Impact Breccia, Offshore, NW Australia.
- Late Cenozoic Conglomerate Progradation in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: Tectonic, Climate or Erosion Control?
- Linking Global Climates Between Hemispheres and Ocean Basins: Millennial-Scale Temperature and Isotopic Variability of Intermediate and Mid-Depth Watermasses of the Equatorial and Southeast Pacific.
- Magmatic Differentiation in the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska
- Marine Snow and Gels: Hot Spots of Biogeochemical Cycling, Biological Activity, and Sedimentation in the Sea
- Mass-Transport and Relative Sea Level Change in a Carboniferous Deglacial Succession: Jejenes Fm, Quebrada las Lajas, San Juan, Argentina
- Mountain Hydrology of the Semi-Arid Western U.S.: Research Needs, Opportunities and Challenges
- Multi-parameter Dynamic Rupture Inversion of the Western Tottori Earthquake, Japan
- New Mineral and Microbial Evidence of High Temperature Hydrothermal Venting Along Off-Axis Abyssal Hill Fault Scarp on the East Pacific Rise Flank at 9° 27'N
- New scaling law for the runout of large rock avalanches: from the laboratory to the field
- Nitrate Storm Flux from Coastal Catchments in Southern California
- Nonlinear Soil Response Induced in Situ by an Active Source at Garner Valley
- Orbitally paced climate change across the middle Miocene climate transition
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Signature of Upper Oceanic Crust Generated by Superfast Seafloor Spreading: Results from ODP Leg 206
- Path Integral Simulations of Hydrogen Melting at High Pressures
- Plan for a Sierra Nevada Hydrologic Observatory: Science Aims, Measurement Priorities, Research Opportunities and Expected Impacts
- Poleward flow events around Pt. Conception, California: An analysis based on HF radar and moored time series
- Preliminary Application of Microseisms into Groundwater Contamination Monitoring
- Range Front Faulting and Ancestral Cascades Arc Magmatism in the Central Sierra Nevada at 10 Ma: Onset of Basin and Range Extension or Sierran Root Delamination?
- Reach-Scale Adjustments in Alluvial Channel Morphology in Response to Active Folding
- Recent Tomographic Results in Southern California and their Tectonic Implications
- Regional and Global Variations of Microseisms
- Results from the Portable Infrared Aerosol Transmission Experiment (PIRATE) - Caribbean: An examination of the column integrated infrared extinction of Saharan dust and comparisons with data commonly used in models
- Seasonal Variations in Particle Motion of Microseisms and monitoring of water content at shallow depths
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey at Garner Valley Digital Array
- Simulations of Resuspending Gravity Currents Traveling Over Slopes of Varying Angles: Conditions for Self-Sustainment
- Stochastic Analysis Of Water-Oil Phase Flow In Heterogeneous Media By Combining Karhunen-Loeve Expansion And Perturbation Method
- Stocks and Distribution of Carbohydrates and the Bioreactivity of DOC Along Meridional Transects in the North Atlantic Basin
- Structure of the Penultimate Deglaciation Along the California Margin and Implications for Milankovitch Theory
- Students Learning from Model-Produced Graphics in an Undergraduate Climate Change Science Class
- Teaching Geosciences With Visualizations: Challenges for Spatial Thinking and Abilities
- Temporal Shifts in Radiocarbon in Spring Waters: Implications for Decadal Controls on Element Cycling in a Mountain Catchment
- Temporal and Spatial Correlations Between Interplate and Intraplate Subduction Zone Seismicity
- The Coupling of the Random Properties of the Source and the Ground Motion for the 1999 Chi Chi Earthquake
- The East Pacific Rise 8° -11° N Integrated Studies Site (ISS); Update and Opportunities
- The Eastern Lau Basin Integrated Studies Site (ISS): Recent Progress and Future Plans
- The Flooding-drying Cycle in Rain-fed Seasonal Meadows, Central California
- The Influence of Ridge Migration on Magmatic Segmentation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 22-36 deg N and 25-35 deg S
- The Internal Structure and External Morphology of Submarine Landslides: A Causative Link
- The Predictability of Site Response Based on the Data from Yokohama High-Density Strong Motion Array
- The SCEC TeraShake Earthquake Simulation
- The Sierra Nevada Snowpack: Do the Snow Course Data Show Historical Trends?
- The Source Physics of Large Earthquakes - Validating Spontaneous Rupture Methods
- The Thermal Evolution of the Western Equatorial Pacific During the Midde and Early Pleistocene
- The use of ocean microseisms for monitoring time-dependent stress-induced crustal properties changes
- Thio-arsenic species in alkaline, hypersaline, meromictic Mono Lake, California
- Timing of Late Quaternary sea surface temperature change: Evidence from high-resolution Globigerina bulloides Mg/Ca records from the California Margin
- Trace Element Geochemistry of Matrix Glass from the Bedout Impact Structure,Canning Basin NW Australia
- Transport of colloids in unsaturated porous media: Explaining large scale behavior based on pore scale mechanisms
- Triple Whammy: Mid-Holocene Landslide Dam Yields Suspended Load-Bedload Ratio, Regional Erosion Rate, and Bedrock Incision Rate, Central Nepal Himalaya
- Two Dimensional Distributions of Microbial Methane Oxidation in Marine Gas Seeps Interpreted from ä<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Urbanization, Forest Vulnerability and Resource Land Loss in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Using Borehole Vertical Array Data to Determine Local Attenuation and Velocity Structure: A Combined Global-Local Optimization Algorithm for Plane Wave Seismogram Inversion
- Utilizing Tritium and CFC-12 to Determine Groundwater Sources in an Unconfined Aquifer Within the Abalone Cove Landslide, Palos Verdes, California
- Warmer tropics during stage 11 - evidence from the Cariaco Basin
- Zircon U-Pb Discordance and its Relationship to Accumulated Alpha Dose: a Study of Natural and Experimentally Induced Pb Loss Using PDA and CA-TIMS Methods
- A Comparison of Hydrogeologic Models, Tritium/helium-3, and Deliberate Tracer Experiments to Understand Ground Water Residence Time
- A Model for Cretaceous and Tertiary Extension of the Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- A Multi-faceted Investigation of the Effects of Wildfire on a Southern California Watershed
- A New Passive Fog Collector Design for Measuring Fog Water Inputs and Isotopic Composition in Harsh and Remote Environments
- A Stochastic Analysis of Transient Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A max-to-min technique for making projections of NDVI change in semi-arid Africa for food security early warning
- Accuracy and precision in measurements of biomass oxidative ratios
- Active Fault Deformation Along the South Boundary of the Western Transverse Ranges Province, Point Dume to the Northern Channel Islands, Southern California
- Ancestral Cascade Arc volcanism in the North-Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Antarctic Treaty Summit: Washington, DC (2009)
- Biogenic Opal Deposition in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Over the Last 300 Kyrs: Silica Leakage Revisited
- Characteristics of Snow Cover in the Sierra Nevada from MODIS and Landsat
- Comparison Between the Ruptures of the 1966 and 2004 Mw6 Parkfield Earthquakes
- Comparison of Regional Water Flux Patterns Across Disparate Species Located Along a Steep Climatic Transect in the Rio Grande Basin.
- Constraints and Simple Models for Arc and Subduction Geotherms
- Coupling Rainfall Simulation Experiments With Numerical Models to Understand Hillslope-Scale Erosion From Disturbed Landscapes in Southern California
- Coupling a Soil Moisture Model and a Slope Stability Model to Predict Landslides in the Himalayas
- Crown Features Extraction from Low Altitude AVIRIS Data
- Crustal Genesis and Dynamics in the Jurassic Talkeetna Arc
- Differential Strain Rate as a Mechanism for the Formation of Detachment-Fault Corrugations: A Case Study From Western Norway
- Dispersivity of Colloids in Saturated Porous Media is a Function of Colloid Size
- Ecosystem Consequences of Forest Fragmentation in the Pacific Northwest: Biogeochemical Edge Effects within Old-Growth Forest Remnants
- Ecosystem and Societal Consequences of Ocean versus Atmosphere Carbon Storage
- Effects of Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Emplacement on Deep-sea Foraminiferal Assemblages
- Erosion or Channel Flow? What controlls the Development of the Himalayan Orogen?
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Quartz by a Muscovite Mica Surface: Implications for Pressure Solution
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing a More Continuous Composite Section from Overlapping Cores
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing the Predictive 3D Model for Core Site Locations
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Preliminary Results and Implications
- Fatty Acid and Carbon Isotopic Evidence for type I Methanotrophs in Microbial Mats from a Shallow Marine Gas Seep, Coal Oil Point, CA.
- Fault-Zone Deformation and Strain Partitioning at the Brittle-Ductile Transition, SEMP Fault, Austrian Alps.
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a tundra ecosystem.
- Fog and Vegetation on the California Channel Islands: A Tree Ring and Satellite Analysis
- High-Temperature Thermal Diffusivity Measurements of Silicate Glasses
- Hillslope Chromatography in Savannas
- Hydrogen Isotopes From Tree Leaves: Evaluation of Environmental and Phenotypic Controls
- Hydrogen-Isotopic Ratios of Lipids From Hydrogen-Consuming Bacteria
- Identifying the Impact of Natural Hazards on Food Security in Africa: Crop Monitoring Using MODIS NDVI Time-Series
- Interactions Between Temperature and Nutrient Availability in Mediating Microbial Respiration in High Arctic Polar Semi-desert Soils
- Intermediate Water Changes Across the Oxygen Minimum Zone During the Last 50,000 Years, Southern California Margin
- Kinematic Model for the Sierra Nevada Frontal Fault Zone, California: Paleomagnetism of the Eureka Valley Tuff
- LA-ICPMS Trace- and Rare-Earth Element Zoning in (Ultra)high-Pressure Eclogites of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Late Oligocene initiation of shortening in the Southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: Implications for Neogene shortening rate variations
- Long-term denudation rates in the central Himalayas: What can we learn from detrital zircon fission-track dating and specific-stream power modeling?
- MODster: Namespaces and Redirection for Earth Science Data
- Marine Coral and Sediment Records of Intermediate Water History from Decadal to Millennial Timescales on the California Margin
- Melt of subducting sediment and basalt is a component in arc magmas worldwide
- Meteorological Conditions During Extreme Dust Events in North Africa
- Micromodel Study of Transport Issues during TCE Dechlorination by ZVI Colloids
- Middle Miocene Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics, Deep-Sea Temperatures, and Global Carbon Cycling: A Southern Ocean Perspective
- Modeling Site Response with Considering Nonlinearity and Characteristics of Spatial Variation
- Monitoring Southern African Rainfall Season Utilizing Growing Regions
- New Mineral and Microbial Evidence for High Temperature Hydrothermal Habitats Beneath an Abyssal Hill on the East Pacific Rise Flank at 9°27'N
- Nutrient fluxes from coastal California catchments with suburban development
- On the Random Nature of Earthquake Source and Ground Motion: the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Paleoceanography and Beyond: Changing Perspectives over more than four Decades.
- Petroleum Weathering Associated with Hydrocarbon Migration and Seepage, a Case Study From the Santa Barbara Channel, CA.
- Photogeologic Mapping of the 2004-2005 Mount St. Helens Eruption
- Probing the crust by Microseisms
- Rapid Climate Changes In The Eastern Mediterranean Sea During The Holocene And Last Deglaciation Evidenced by Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Reconstructing the Jurassic Talkeetna Intra-oceanic Arc of Alaska Using Thermobarometry
- River restoration in the United States: the challenge of restoring reaches to manage catchments
- Seismotectonics of the Teton Fault From a Revised Earthquake Catalog and Stress-Field Inversion
- Source process and tsunami generation of the December 2004 and March 2005 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- Spatially Distributed Snowmelt and Metamorphism Models: How Well Do They Work?
- Spontaneous Rupture Modeling of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake With Estimates of the Fracture and Radiated Energy
- Techniques for monitoring and predicting water vulnerability with an application in Ethiopia
- Tectonic and Geochemical Evolution of the Accreted Talkeetna Arc, South-Central Alaska: Implications for a Type Section of Intra-oceanic Arc Crust
- The 2004 Parkfield Earthquake and its Relation to the Surrounding Fault-Zone Structure
- The Critical Zone Exploration Network: A Tool For Understanding Earth's Weathering Engine
- The End of the Penultimate Interglacial Recorded in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- The Influence of Light on U, Sr, and Mg Incorporation Into Planktic Foraminifera, and Other Culture Study Results
- The Possible Role of air Pollution in Dust-Fe Mobilization and its Implications to Global Carbon Cycle
- The Relationship Between Soil Type, Water Repellency, and Permeability in the San Bernardino Mountains, California
- The faulting process of outer rise earthquakes
- The use of Ge/Si ratios to quantify Si transformations in grassland ecosystems
- Topographic Distribution of Snow-Covered Area in the Sierra Nevada
- Toward a minimum change model for recent plate motions: Calibrating seafloor spreading rates for outward displacement
- Towards a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Deep Drilling in Hole 1256D
- Transient Landscape Evolution of a Progressively Exhumed Basement-cored Uplift: Kyrgyz Range, Tien Shan
- Understanding Parameter Sensitivity in Complex Watershed-Scale Water Quality Models Using Generalized Sensitivity Analysis
- Unsolved Ultrahigh-Pressure Mysteries
- Using Calibrated Peer Review in a Large General Education Oceanography Class
- Using Satellite Maps and Related Spatial Data Sets to Identify Remaining Wild Areas of the Eastern US
- Vadose Zone Effects on Snowmelt Generated Streamflow
- 14C plateaus and global stratigraphic correlation during Termination IA
- A Decreasing Seasonal Cycle Amplitude of d18O-CO2 as a Metric of High Latitude Temperature Increases
- A New Climate Record from the Cariaco Basin: Marine Isotope Stage 5
- An application of site response functions to ground motion prediction
- Assessment of the Relationship between Andean Ice Core Precipitation Indicators and Amazon River Discharge
- Atrazine and Diuron partitioning within a soil-water-surfactant system
- Biocomplexity in the High Arctic: Linearity's, interactions and hidden secrets in surface processes
- Chemical Weathering Across a Climate by Time Matrix in the Hawaiian Islands
- Chromophoric DOM: Natural Tracer of Circulation and Diagenesis
- Climate change, vegetation change, and the erosion of soil organic carbon
- Cold- and Growing-Season Microbial Substrate Use in Arctic Tundra Soil
- Colluvial Valley Sensitivity to Aspect and Microclimate
- Contrasts Between Short- and Long-Term Erosion Rates in the NW Himalaya: Disequilibrium at 103 to 106-yr Time Scales
- Cosmogenic 3He Dating of Zircon and Apatite from Himalayan Moraines
- Crop Area Estimation Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery and Area Frame Sampling
- Data Integration and Anomaly Detection for Decision Support in Protected Area Management
- Developing an Improved Gridded Standardized Precipitation Index for the United States
- Direct Aerosol Forcing: Calculation from Observables and Sensitivities to Inputs
- Disentangling multiple controls on the response of summer streamflow to climate forcing for the mountainous Western US
- Dynamic Modeling of the 2004 Mw 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Ecohydrologic pattern optimization at the hillslope scale: Implications for ecosystem management and restoration in the Anthropocene
- Effect of Realistic 3D-Velocity Structure on Rupture Dynamics and Ground- Motion
- Evolving Capabilities for Virtual Globes
- Experimental investigation of the dissolution of quartz by a muscovite mica surface: Implications for pressure solution
- Fungal Taxa Target Different Carbon Substrates in Harvard Forest Soils
- Geotechnical Strong Motion Array Monitoring in the United States
- Getting the Message Across: The importance of communicating science to the public
- HOT Faults", Fault Organization, and the Occurrence of the Largest Earthquakes
- Holocene Buildup of CO2 and Likely Impacts in Seawater Salinity
- Hydrologic Effects and Biogeographic Impacts of Coastal Fog, Channel Islands, California
- Hydrothermal Plume Mapping Along the Hotspot-affected Galapagos Spreading Center Finds High-Temperature Vent Sites are Anomalously Scarce
- In Situ Techniques for Life Detection on Mars
- In situ spectrometric and chemical measurements of methane emissions from a natural marine hydrocarbon seep field, Coal Oil Point, California: Validation of methane remote sensing techniques
- Integrating nonlinear site effects in broadband ground motion models: Observations and simulations in the Los Angeles basin
- International Networking and Media Training for Early Career Scientists
- Laser Remote Sensing of Canopy Habitat Heterogeneity as a Predictor of Bird Species Richness
- Learning Science Process Through Data Exploration and Writing
- Lidar and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for the Analysis of Coniferous Biomass Stocks and Fluxes
- Local-Scale Comparison of Mineral Dust Aerosol Optical Depth Multisensor Observations for Two Dust Outbreak Events Over Dakar, Senegal
- Mantle flow under the western United States from shear wave splitting
- Mechanisms Controlling Annual, Interannual, and Decadal Changes in California's Carbon Budget
- Mesoscale Features and Surface Layer Biological and Biogeochemical Properties in the Midlatitude North Atlantic Ocean
- Metadata in the Wild: An Empirical Survey of OPeNDAP-accessible Metadata and its Implications for Discovery
- Methane emissions from northern Amazon savanna wetlands and Balbina Reservoir
- Methane-derived carbonates form at the sediment-bedrock interface in a shallow marine gas seep.
- Microbial Activity in the High Arctic: Will Changes in Climate Exacerbate Soil Carbon Loss?
- Microbial Community Structure in Hydrothermal Plumes of the Galapagos Spreading Center
- Mixing and Transport in the Stockton Deep Water Ship Channel
- Modeling Interannual Variability of δ^1^8O of Atmospheric CO2 and its Dependence on Humidity and Isotope Hydrology
- Modelling the slip of the 17 July, Java earthquake using seismic, GPS, and tide gauge data
- Models and Materials: Bridging Art and Science in the Secondary Curriculum
- Monitoring large-basin low-frequency hydrologic variability in sub-Saharan Africa
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition across a climate-chrono sequence in Hawaii
- Nanogold In Situ Hybridization for Phylogenetic Identification in Geologic Samples Using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Natural Disaster Scenarios in the Food Security Early Warning Contingency Planning Process: The Role of Remotely Sensed Vegetation and Rainfall Data
- Near Real-Time Determination of Earthquake Source Properties and Tsunami Potential Using Long Period Surface Waves
- Near and Far Scale Gas Exchange Associated with Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps
- Nucleation and arrest properties of instabilities in rate-and-state earthquake cycle simulations
- Nutrient Limitations Constrain the Feedback Capacity of Landscapes in the High Arctic: Nonlinearities and Synergism
- Observatory Design in the Mountain West: Scaling Measurements and Modeling in the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada
- Oil, Water and Climate: A cross-cutting global geoscience course
- On the Random Nature of Earthquake Ground Motion Recorded at the Surface and at the Bottom of the Boreholes: The 2003 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake
- Post-Fire Recovery of Eco-Hydrologic Behavior Given Historic and Projected Climate Variability in California Mediterranean Type Environments
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis
- Quantifying the Primary Controls on Silica Storage and Mobilization in Grass Dominated Ecosystems
- Retrieving Subpixel Fire Sizes From MODIS Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Scientists are From Venus, Journalists are From Mars: Bridging the Two Worlds
- Seismic Stratigraphic Evidence From SE Ross Sea for Late Oligocene Glaciers and ice Streams Issuing From Marie Byrd Land
- Slip Distribution of the 2005 Mw 7.8 Tarapaca, Chile Earthquake
- Space-Time Series of MODIS Snow Cover Products
- Spatial Reasoning and 3D Graphics: A Study of GeoWall-Enhanced Astronomy Instruction
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of the Amazon Flood Wave
- Surface-Subsurface Flow Linkage in a Snowmelt Environment
- The Chemistry of Hydrothermal Plumes Along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- The Influence of Roads and Buffer Depth on Habitat Core Areas and Connectivity in the NE USA
- The San Gabriel Mountains: A Natural Seismic Insulator for Los Angeles
- The Western Equatorial Pacific Thermal Evolution During the Onset of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
- The Z/H Rayleigh-wave analysis of broadband seismic data
- The role of microbial stress responses in regulating ecosystem-level responses to episodic pulse weather events
- Using MODIS Data as the Remote Sensing Input to the Fire Potential Index
- Vertical Motion at Strike-Slip Bends Accommodated by Slip on Non-Vertical Faults: Examples From Marmara sea (Turkey) and Southern California (USA)
- b-Values as a Proxy for Stress - Inferences for Dynamic Modeling of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- 3D Fault Geometry and Basin Evolution in the Northern Continental Borderland Offshore Southern California
- A Model for Aperiodicity in Earthquakes
- A New Approach for Combining GPS and Seismic Data in Kinematic Inversions
- A dynamic species modeling approach to assess climate change impacts on California tree species
- Accuracy and Precision in Measurements of Biomass Oxidative Ratio and Carbon Oxidation State
- Analysis of the Sierra Nevada Snowpack in the 21st Century
- Bacterial Interactions with CdSe Quantum Dots
- Chemical Processes and Thresholds in Hawaiin Soils
- Climate and soil-age constraints on nutrient uplift by plants.
- Community-Driven Initiatives to Achieve Interoperability for Ecological and Environmental Data
- D/H Ratios of Terrestrial Lipids from Santa Barbara Basin: A Preliminary Assessment of Paleoclimatic Relevance
- Deforestation and pasture establishment in watersheds: Implications for stream biogeochemistry in the Amazon Basin
- Developing Cropped Area Estimates for Niger From Multi-sensor Satellite Imagery
- Development of High Spatial and Temporal Measures of Snow Thermal Regimes using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Systems
- Dissolved Organic Matter as a Mechanism for Carbon Stabilization at Depth in Wet Tropical Forest Volcanic Soils
- ES3: Automatic capture and reconstruction of science product lineage and metadata
- Earth Observations from Space: The First 50 Years of Scientific Achievements
- Effective Friction Resulting from the Presence of Heterogeneous Strength for Rupture Dynamics
- Estimates of glacial Si and N dynamics in the Glacial Southern Ocean using Isotopic Mass balance
- Examining the potential impact of a warming ocean on food insecure Africa: concerns and mechanisms for abrupt climate change
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Quartz by Muscovite Mica Surfaces: Implications for Pressure Solution
- Historical Analysis of Remotely Sensed Snow Properties' Relation to Streamflow
- How does recycling of sediment components in arc magmatism really work?
- Hydrological and Ecological Sensitivities to Climate Change for Four Western U.S. Mountain Ecosystems.
- Imaging Subduction, Episodic Tremor and Slip in the Pacific Northwest: Cascadia Arrays For Earthscope (CAFE)
- Implications of Seawater Mg/Ca Variability for Plio-Pleistocene Climate reconstruction
- Improving on Inversions for Kinematic Parameters of the Earthquake Source
- Integrating GPS and Seismic Data in Earthquake Source Inversions
- Integrating earth observations and model results provides earlier Famine Early Warning
- Learning Science Process Through Data Exploration and Writing
- MODIS NDVI-Based Crop Production Estimates for Zimbabwe in 2006/07
- Methane Evasion and Carbon Dynamics on the Amazon Floodplain
- Modeling Nonlinear Site Response Uncertainty in Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for the Los Angeles Basin
- Natural Gas - Microbe Interactions in Southern California Bight Seep Environments
- Patterns and Implications of Plant-Soil C and N Isotopic Compositions in African Savanna Ecosystems
- Potential Biases of April 1 Snow Water Equivalent Records
- Predicting Bed Mobility in a Simple River Channel
- Pulsed Episodes of Shortening Within the Tian Shan Foreland: Implications for Deformation Rate Interpretations Throughout Central Asia
- Pyromineralization of soil phosphorus in savanna ecosystems
- Remote Sensing of Giant Kelp Forest Cover and Biomass Using SPOT Multispectral Imagery
- Remote sensing of river channel morphology with passive optical image data
- Resolution Analysis of finite fault inversions: A back-projection approach.
- S-wave Velocity Structure in the Kanto Basin from Inverting the HZ Ratios of Rayleigh Waves
- Shear Strain Localization in Elastodynamic Rupture Simulations
- Size Frequency Distributions for Snow Avalanches
- Soil mineral control on organic matter composition across the long substrate age gradient (LSAG) chronosequence in Hawaii
- Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory: integrating water cycle and biogeochemical processes across the rain-snow transition
- Spatial modeling of coupled hydrologic-biogeochemical processes for the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory
- Spontaneous flow reorientations in turbulent thermal convection
- Study of the Probability Law Governing Ground Motion Metrics Recorded During the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- The 12 September 2007, Mw=7.9 Pagai-Sipora Earthquake, an Impulsive Rupture on the Central Sumatra Megathrust.
- The Fingerprint of Present and Past Rainfall on Soil Geochemistry
- The Interaction of Bedforms and Changing Discharge
- The Late Pliocene Tropical Pacific
- The Source of Volcanic Ash in Late Classic Maya Pottery at El Pilar, Belize
- Towards a core ontology for integrating ecological and environmental ontologies to enable improved data interoperability
- Transport of engineered zeolite and natural nanoparticles in porous media
- Uncertainty Assessment in Watershed-Scale Water Quality Modeling and Management
- Unsteady Climate, Groundwater Recharge, and Human Influence
- Use of Multiple Isotopic Systems to Interpret Ecosystem Processes in Hawaii
- Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis of MODIS Data for Computing the Fire Potential Index in Southern California
- Using Resolution Information to Remove Artifacts from GPS Inversions
- Using Tree-Ring Width Data From 1000 Sites to Predict how American Forests Will Respond to Climate Change
- 21st-Century Sea Level Rise, Economic Growth, and Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers of California
- A Combined Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Analysis of Forest Canopy Variations for Improving Carbon Balance Estimation
- A possible new role for atmospheric 13CO2 in global models
- A silica budget reveals much about how bacteria might regulate the formation of silica stromatolites in YNP Hot Springs
- Accuracy Assessment of Models for Predicting Multi-scale Spatial and Temporal Soil Moisture Using Multiple Methods
- Adjustments to Bedforms and Sediment Transport in Response to Changing Flow
- Air-Water Surface Divergence Patterns and Their Relation to Gas Transfer
- Analysis and Modeling of the Spectrum of the Surface Slip Profile s and Slip Inversions for the 2001 Kokoxili (Tibet) Earthquake
- Automatic run-time provenance capture for scientific dataset generation
- Avalanche Crown-Depth Distributions
- CAFE: a seismic investigation of water percolation in the Cascadia subduction zone
- Carbon Stabilization in Wet Tropical Forest Volcanic Soils
- Carbon in Deep Soil: why does it just sit there?
- Carbonate Dissolution in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Pleistocene: A Preliminary Study From ODP Site 1241
- Chromophoric DOM as a Tracer of North Atlantic Subtropical Mode Water Formation
- Circulation, Water Temperature, and Larval Settlement Over the Inner Continental Shelves of the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Climate Variability and Surface Processes in Tectonically Active Orogens: Insights From the Southern Central Andes and the Northwest Himalaya
- Climate-controlled strath-terrace formation and abandonment during the Late Pleistocene in Southern California
- Comparative Modeling of Floodplain Sedimentation with Static and Spatially Varying Friction: Feather River, California
- Comparing Measures of Subpixel Fire Sizes and Temperatures From ASTER and MODIS
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Glacial Advances in the Himalaya of Western Garhwal and Southern Himachal Pradesh, India (78°E, 31°N)
- Cosmogenically-derived Erosion Rates From the Eastern Tibetan Plateau Between Lhasa, Tibet and the Namche Barwa Massif, Eastern Tibet
- Determining subgrid variability in snow water equivalent surrounding operational snow stations of the Western U.S.
- Differential Usage of Summer Versus Winter Precipitation by Vegetation Growing in Central Colorado
- Dissolved organic matter production and stabilization across pedogenic thresholds
- Distillation of continental crust from above and below
- Ecological effects of overshooting stabilization targets for greenhouse gases for California plant species
- Effects of drought stress on microbial dynamics in seasonally dry California ecosystems
- Estimating Carbon Uptake by Turfgrass With QuickBird Imagery and Flux Measurements in an Urban-Suburban Landscape
- Evaluation of a Modified Priestly-Taylor Model for Actual Evapotranspiration in sub- Saharan Africa
- Experimental Increases in Snow Depth Alters the Seasonality, Structure and Function of Ecosystems in Alaska and Greenland
- Exploring channel initiation thresholds across varying resolutions of topography and DEM creation techniques
- Exploring the impacts of warming on arctic soils: increasing shrub dominance and changing below ground processes
- Forecasting Food Production for Zimbabwe
- Forest Vertical Structure from Discrete Lidar, LVIS, and the Ideal Tree Distribution Model
- High Resolution Multichannel Imaging of Basin Growth Along a Continental Transform: The Marmara Sea Along the North Anatolian Fault in NW Turkey
- HyFlux - Part I: Regional Modeling of Methane Flux From Near-Seafloor Gas Hydrate Deposits on Continental Margins
- HyFlux - Part II: Subsurface sequestration of methane-derived carbon in gas-hydrate- bearing marine sediments
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- Influence of Phenology and Vegetation Type on Urban Biophysical Variables
- Inter-annual variability in snow cover depletion and snow water equivalent in the Sierra Nevada inferred from MODIS data
- Interacting controls on eco-hydrologic responses to warming in mountain ecosystems
- Intergrating Data From NASA Missions Into NOAAs Pacific Region Intergrated Climatology Information Products (PRICIP)
- Interpretation of Anisotropic Structures Derived from SKS-SKKS Splitting and Surface Wave Data: A Case Study of Southern California
- Investigation on the key parameters of slip weakening law in dynamic rupture simulations
- Katz, S L
- Land Cover Change Related to Residential Housing Development in the United States From 1990 to 2000
- Long-term Experimental Networks for Stream Ecosystem Studies: the Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiment (LINX) and the Stream Experimental and Observatory Network (STREON) Component of the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Mapping wildfire susceptibility in Southern California using live and dead fractions of vegetation derived from Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis of MODIS imagery
- Mesoscale and Submesoscale Influence on Variability and Anisotropy Observed in Ocean Color Data Near Bermuda
- Methane Emissions and Warming Potentials of Wetlands of the Great Lakes Region
- North Pacific Deep Water Formation and Carbon Dioxide Rise During the Last Deglaciation
- Patterns and Forcing of Primary Productivity in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA, USA
- Patterns of Re-vegetation on Western Santa Cruz Island, CA in the Post-grazing era
- Preparing Climate Engineering Responses to Climate Emergencies II: Impact Detection/Attribution and Field Testing
- Preserving the Context of Science Data
- Quantification of Microbial Osmolytes in a Drought Impacted California Grassland
- Quantifying Connectivity in the Coastal Ocean
- Quantifying the co-evolution of morphology, hydraulics and spawning habitat in a recently restored gravel-bed river
- Rationale for Proposed ANDRILL Drilling Targets on the Coulman High, Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Regional and temporal patterns of soil moisture during CLASIC using the TMI
- Relations between Root-zone Soil Moisture and MODIS-derived Vegetation Indices in Oak savanna and Open Grassland in California
- Relationships Between Climate and Erosion over Long and Short Time Scales in the High Himalayas
- Relative importance of evapotranspiration variability in a semi-arid urban environment
- Remotely-Sensed Glacial Velocities: Mt. Shasta Advance vs. Sierra Nevada Retreat
- Rupture history of 2008 May 12 Mw 8.0 Wen-Chuan earthquake: Evidence of slip interaction
- SCEC Earthquake System Science Using High Performance Computing
- Seasonal Precipitation and its Impact on Discharge and Hillslopes in the Sutlej Valley, NW Himalaya
- Sediment Transport as a Function of Position over Dunes
- Six months later: Testing the Coulomb stress change model by examining calculations made immediately after the 12 May, 2008 Ms=8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- Snowmelt runoff, remote sensing, and the end of stationarity
- Soil Respiration in a Coastal California Pine Forest: Partitioning Foggy Results
- Source Components and Intensive Parameters of Magma Genesis in the CentAm and North IBM Arcs: Analyses using Arc Basalt Simulator Version 2 Model
- Spatial Interdependency Between Kinematic Source Parameters Derived From Dynamic Rupture Simulations
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Forest Edge Dynamics in South Western Amazonia
- Stochastic analysis of particle trajectories through river valleys
- Tall Volcanic Edifices on MOR Spreading Boundaries-Characteristics and Causes
- The Development of HJ-1C Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm
- The Nitrogen Budget for a Mediterranean Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum L.) Dominated Watershed, Sierra Nevada, CA
- The Ocean Colour MEASURES project
- The Ocean Metaproteome: Where the Rubber Meets the Road
- The Seismic Stratigraphic Record of Quaternary Deformation Across the North Anatolian Fault System in Southern Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Time Correlation between Runoff and Different Snow Products in the Sierra Nevada
- Timescales of sedimentation and erosion of an intermontane basin fill: geomorphic processes in the Quebrada del Toro basin, NW Argentina
- Title: Interannual variability in the temperature-responsiveness of CO2 flux from forest and peatland soils
- Tools for Implementing Science Practice in a Large Introductory Class
- Transitions to Chaos in the Dieterich-Ruina Friction Law
- Upwelling-driven buoyant plume dynamics in northern Monterey Bay
- Using Active Tectonics to Extend the Ultra-High-Resolution Global Climate Record from Santa Barbara Basin Back to ~1.2 Ma
- Validation of Binary, Fractional and Interpolated Snow Maps at Multiple Resolutions
- Validation of Fractional Snow Cover from AVHRR using Landsat TM
- Validation of Tropical CH4 Emission Inventories Using SCIAMACHY Measurements
- Were the world's youngest eclogites (NW D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea) exhumed in rising gneiss domes or by shear on a deep-seated fault?
- 1996-2007 Interannual Spatio-Temporal Variability in Snowmelt in Two Montane Watersheds
- A 25-year Simulation of Snow Deposition and Melt over a Semiarid Mountain Catchment
- A Geohydrologic Modeling Study of Faults and Large-Scale Multiphase Flow and Heat Transport in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- A Method to Estimate Crop Effects in Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrieval Above C-band
- A Web-Based Borehole Strong-motion Data Dissemination Portal
- A new approach to generating research-quality phenology data: The USA National Phenology Monitoring System
- A strong motion investigation of the 2008 Ms 8 Wenchuan earthquake
- A δ13C-based estimate of glacial changes in Pacific Deep Water ventilation
- ANDRILL Targets Coulman High, Ross Sea, Antarctica to Recover History of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- An Optimized Soil Moisture Sampling Design to Represent the Impact of Climate Variability on Soil Moisture and Vegetation Water Use in Snow-Dominated Watersheds
- Application of a Fluorescence-based Aggregation Index to Understanding Summer Diatom Bloom Dynamics in the Central N. Pacific Gyre
- Assessing Metamorphic Ages from Complex Zircons Using Multi-Step Chemical-Abrasion TIMS
- Assessment of the accuracy of current snow cover mapping algorithms for MODIS (Invited)
- Atmospheric Moisture Sources, Snowline Elevations, and Glacial Erosion Potential Across High Asia
- Basins beyond Bends along Continental Transforms in NW Turkey and Southern California: Rapid, Asymmetric, and Time-Transgressive Growth
- Behavior of metal oxide nanoparticles in natural aqueous matrices
- Biomass Accumulation Rates of Amazonian Secondary Forest and Biomass of Old-Growth Forests from Landsat Time Series and GLAS
- Black Carbon in the Eastern Sierra Nevada
- Channel dynamics and habitat complexity in a meandering, gravel-bed river
- Chaos and Localization in Dieterich-Ruina Friction
- Characterization of Water Quality and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities In Angora Creek Following the June 2007 Angora Fire
- Climate Change Responses of Hydrologic Flowpaths in Mountainous and Polar Regions
- Climate and regolith constraints of chemical weathering and mass flux in granitic terrain
- Combining Remote Sensing and Climate Reanalysis Data to Estimate Evapotranspiration in sub-Saharan Africa
- Computational Investigation of Turbidity Currents and River Outflows (Invited)
- DataONE: Enabling Data-Intensive Biological and Environmental Research through Cyberinfrastructure
- Dependency of Supershear Transition and Ground Motion on the Autocorrelation of Initial Stress
- Design and implementation of a snow measurement network using ground-based wireless networks and space-borne measurements in the American River Basin of California
- Driftwood dropstones in mid-Miocene shallow marine strata (Calvert Cliffs, Maryland Coastal Plain): An erratic lithic pebble des not necessarily a cold paleoclimate make
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Dynamics in Protected Areas and Domesticated Landscapes Caused by Climate Change and Anthropogenic Use
- E-W extension in the NW Indian Himalaya - Triggered by Tibetan Plateau Deformation?
- Effects of Agricultural Management Systems on the Turnover of Root Residue Carbon
- Effects of Large Scale Forcing on Thermal Regime of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Alaskan Arctic
- Effects of uncertain topographic input data on two-dimensional modeling of flow hydraulics, habitat suitability, and bed mobility
- Environmental and biological controls of urban tree transpiration in the Upper Midwest
- Ethane and propane emissions to the ocean and atmosphere from 550-1200 m seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating the Coupling of a Snow Cover Energy and Mass Balance (Isnobal) Model to a Fully Integrated Hydrology Model (PIHM) over a Semi-arid Mountain Catchment
- Evolution of temporal and spatial variations in snowpack temperatures in the Sierra Nevada
- Evolution of the Altiplano-Puna Margin in the Central Andes - Construction and Erosion (Invited)
- Exploring the History of Time in an Integrated System: the Ramifications for Water
- Fractal aggregation of ZnO nanoparticles under different aqueous solution chemistries
- Gas, slumps and faulting in the Marmara Sea: new results from TAMAM high-resolution seismic reflection data
- Glacial-Interglacial changes in silicon cycling in the subarctic North Pacific: Insights from diatom δ30Si over Termination 1
- HYFLUX: Satellite Inventory and Sea-Truth for Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate System
- Historical Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Monte Carlo Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Relationships in the 19th century Northeastern U.S
- Hydrologic Change during the Colonial Era of the United States: Beavers and the Energy Cost of Impoundments (Invited)
- Hydrologic Data: We’ve Come Far, We Have a Long Way to Go
- Impact of One Hundred Years of Owens Lake Playa Dust on Nearby Alluvial Soils
- Impacts of biological diversity on sediment transport in streams (Invited)
- Improving Spatial Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada for streamflow modeling
- Influence of Glacial Oscillations on Deformation in the Himalayas of Central Nepal
- Influence of redox fluctuations and rainfall on pedogenic iron alteration and soil magnetic properties (Invited)
- Interacting Effects of Land Management Strategies and Climate Change on the Ecohydrologic Systems of the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed
- Interannual variations in δ18O of Atmospheric CO2 and its correlation to hydrological changes
- Late Cenozoic Deformation in the Western Tarim Basin, NW China
- Late Quaternary Climate Forcing of Rapid Sedimentation and Erosion Processes in the NW Himalaya (Invited)
- Long-period Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy in Southern California
- Long-term Climatic Change and Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management
- Mapping Central Amazon Wetlands Dynamics with Seasonal ALOS PALSAR SCANSAR Imagery
- Moisture Controls on Soil Respiration Sources in a Pine Forest on Santa Cruz Island, CA
- Monitoring Mediterranean Annual Grassland Response to the Changing Soil Moisture Using Digital Webcam Images
- Monitoring and modeling agricultural drought for famine early warning (Invited)
- Multi-scale monitoring of a marine geologic methane source in the Santa Barbara Channel using imaging spectrometry, ARCTAS-CARB in situ sampling and coastal hourly total hydrocarbon measurements
- Neogene Basin and Plate Boundary Development in the Outer Continental Borderland Offshore Southern California
- Nitrogen Fertilization Effects on Long-term Patterns of Litter Decomposition in Two Humid Tropical Forests
- On the Contrasts Between Basin and Range and Cascade Magmatism, & the Timing of Cordilleran Lithosphere Degradation
- Opal-bound N and Si isotopic compositions: proxies of nutrient dynamics in the Southern Ocean
- Orbital- to Sub-Orbital-Scale Cyclicity in Seismic Reflections and Sediment Character in Early to Middle Pleistocene Mudstone, Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Phosphorous in the Sierra Nevada: Forms, mechanisms, and timing of release in high-elevation soils
- Planktonic foraminiferal proxy evidence for Santa Barbara Basin sea surface temperature changes during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Polynesian land use decisions in Hawai`i and Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Invited)
- Polynesian land use decisions in Hawai`i and Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Invited)
- Preferential Flow Paths Allow Deposition of Mobile Organic Carbon Deep into Soil B Horizons
- Relative Importance of Hydraulic Properties of Soils in a Western U.S. Coniferous Forest
- Remediation of hydrophobic, persistent pollutants using a magnetic permanently confined micelle array (Mag-PCMA)
- Response of vegetation to fine scale impervious connectivity in an urban environment
- Seasonal precipitation gradients and their impact on erosion in the Northwest Himalaya
- Sedimentation in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt, Santa Barbara Basin, CA: Spatial and Temporal Evolution from 1.0 Ma to Present
- Simulating Forest Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Historic New England Runoff
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Joint Inverting Seismic, Geodetic, and Geological Observations
- Snowpack heterogeneity in the Sierra Nevada derived from MODIS satellite imagery
- Soil collapse and dilation as modifier of hillslope morphology (Invited)
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Erosion Rates along the Goriganga River, Northern India
- Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Atmospheric CO2 and Ecosystem Respiration in NACP Site Synthesis Study
- Statistical Analysis of the Surface Slip Profiles and Slip Models for the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Stick-slip instabilities and shear strain localization in granular materials
- Stream-channel response to tectonic forcing, Wheeler Ridge, CA
- The Impact of Orographic Rainfall on Discharge and Erosion in the Andes and Himalaya (Invited)
- The Phenology of Plant Invasions: How temporal niches assemble plant communities
- The Time Evolution of Minor Channels on Growing Folds and Their Bearing on Fold Kinematics
- The Waveform Server: A Web-based Interactive Seismic Waveform Interface
- The δ30Si Proxy: Utility, Application and Challenges (Invited)
- Towards a Phenological Assessment of California: Integrating Multiple Data Sources and the Implications for Statewide Analyses
- Towards a shared scientific observation model
- Trends in Sierra Nevada snowmelt based on 10 years of MODIS fractional snow covered area data: the apparent and the missing (Invited)
- Trends in rainy season characteristics and temperature extremes over Mexico
- Using radiosonde data to examine trends in atmospheric stability in the tropical Pacific, Asia, and western Americas
- Using spectral approaches to magnetic field survey analyses to characterize marine sedimentary environments
- Variability of climate, atmospheric deposition and solute fluxes in high elevation catchments and lakes of the Sierra Nevada (California)
- Water Scarcity in the Northeast Corridor During the Nineteenth Century and its Correlation to Infrastructure Development
- Weighted Standardized Precipitation Index for Crop Monitoring in the Greater Horn of Africa
- What did We Learn from the Exercise of the Source Inversion Validation Blind Test I?
- What is the slab surface? Evidence from seismology (Invited)
- ab initio MD simulations of geomaterials with ~1000 atoms
- 1996-2007 Interannual Spatio-Temporal Variability in Snowmelt in Two Montane Watersheds
- A Comparison of the Fractional MODIS and LANDSAT Thematic Mapper with Ground-Based Snow Surveys in the Sierra Nevada
- A New Method Using S-35 for Long-Term Monitoring of Groundwater Recharge in Alpine Basins
- A Phase-Space Model for Pleistocene Ice Volume
- A Top-down soil moisture and sap flux sampling design to capture the effect of inter-annual climate variability on ecohydrology in mountain catchments
- A core observational data model for enhancing the interoperability of ontologically annotated environmental data
- A dynamical system view of rainfall-pulse propagation through biogeochemical cycles (Invited)
- A statistical technique for defining rainfall forecast probabilities in southern Africa
- Ab initio MD simulations of Mg2SiO4 liquid at high pressures and temperatures relevant to the Earth's mantle
- Amazon old-growth forest wind disturbance and the regional carbon balance
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Semi-arid Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey
- Atmospheric Wind Relaxations and the Oceanic Response in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem
- Basin Width Control of Faulting and Structural Style
- Beyond Clutter: Long-Wavelength Topographic Effects on Subsurface Interface Geometries Derived from Orbital Radar Sounding Data
- Bioavailability and Effects of Manufactured TiO2 and Quantum Dot Nanomaterials to Environmental Microorganisms (Invited)
- Broken foreland basins in the India-Eurasia collision zone and in the central Andes: tectonic, geomorphic and sedimentologic similarities (Invited)
- Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds measured in the lower troposphere around the Deep Water Horizon oil spill site (Gulf of Mexico)
- Characterizing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marshland Vegetation, Gulf Coast Louisiana, Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Climate, nitrogen limitation, and nitrate losses from tropical rainforests
- Common Patterns with End-to-end Interoperability for Data Access
- Concept Mapping to Assess Learning and Understanding of Complexity in Courses on Global Climate Change
- Controls on Landscape Denudation Between Lhasa and Namche Barwa, Southeastern Tibet
- Coupled ecosystem-geomorphic controls on the generation and transport of nitrogen through watersheds (Invited)
- Crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of antigorite from the Motagua fault zone, Guatemala: Implications for subduction zone seismic anisotropy
- Development of a 1.65 μm pulsed laser DIAL System to map atmospheric CH4 distributions
- Diagnosing the causes of decadal-scale precipitation variability in northeastern sub-Saharan Africa
- Discovery of Eoarchean rocks in Gaaseland, northeast Greenland
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Distribution, Export and Subsequent Remineralization in the Mesopelagic and Bathypelagic Realms of the North Atlantic Basin
- Dynamic Response of Forest Litter and Mineral Soil to Pulsed Water Additions
- EML, VEGA, ODM, LTER, GLEON - considerations and technologies for building a buoy information system at an LTER site
- Ecological and Historical Controls on Black Carbon Storage in Hawaiian Grassland Soils
- Ecosystem Carbon Storage Along a 100-Year Chronosequence of Suburban Households
- Effect of Speed and Intensity of Freezing on Microbial C and N Cycling in Two Arctic Tundra Soils
- Erosion and voluminous mass movements during episodes of climate variability: landscape evolution in the southern-central Andes and the NW Himalaya. (Invited)
- Erosional response to climate variability in NW Argentina
- Estimating Daily and Monthly Streamflow Using Near Real Time and Retrospective Spatial Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada
- Evidence for millennial-scale oscillations to 735 ka utilizing high-resolution Quaternary climate records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Fates, Budgets, and Health Implications of Macondo Spill Volatile Hydrocarbons in the Ocean and Atmosphere of the Gulf of Mexico
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- Forest responses to increasing aridity and warmth in the southwestern United States
- From the Nearshore and Back Again: Biological Implications of Coastal Mixing
- Heterogeneity of Snow Water Equivalent Derived from MODIS Imagery and the Isnobal Snowmelt Model (Invited)
- Himalayan glacier retreat delayed by debris cover
- How Important is Vegetation Drought Stress Response when Predicting Streamflow within the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- Hydrological and hydrochemical responses of the streams in coastal California to land use, fire and climate
- Improving Agricultural Drought Monitoring in East Africa with Unbiased Rainfall Fields and Detailed Land Surface Physics
- Influence of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill on Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Levels over the Gulf of Mexico
- Instream Attenuation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Non-Point Source Dominated Streams: Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Controls
- Interannual variability of net ecosystem CO2 exchange in a suburban landscape
- Intercomparison of MODIS snow cover retrievals and their utility in hydrologic applications (Invited)
- Investigating tree mortality at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the Bishop pine forest on Santa Cruz Island, California
- It's Not Just About The Snow: Interactions Between Snowpack And Groundwater Dynamics Mediate Streamflow Response To Climate Warming In Mountainous Terrains (Invited)
- Links between Orbital Eccentricity and the 100,000-year Glacial Cycle
- Long-term carbon stabilization through sorption of dissolved aromatic acids to reactive particles (Invited)
- Low Poisson Ratios in Subduction Zones
- Mapping Oil-Water Emulsions from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Mapping methane from marine and terrestrial hydrocarbon seepage using AVIRIS
- MarineMap: Web-Based Technology for Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
- Measuring Spatial and Temporal Gradients in Snowpacks using Fiber-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (Invited)
- Methane Oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Microbial Consumption of Natural Gases Released from the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Modeling Food Delivery Dynamics For Juvenile Salmonids Under Variable Flow Regimes
- Modeling Linkages Between Effective Impervious Surface and Urban Vegetation Productivity in Semi-arid Environments
- Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be? (Invited)
- Modeling the Gas Transfer Coefficient and Gas Fluxes in Stratified Lakes
- Modeling the migration of fluids in subduction zones
- Monitoring Amazon Rain Forest Drought Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data
- Mountain Hydrology, The Fourth Paradigm, and the Color of Snow (Invited)
- New Tools for Viewing Spectrally and Temporally-Rich Remote Sensing Imagery
- Nitrous oxide production and emission in high arctic soils of NW Greenland
- Origin of the Siletz Terrane and its Implications for the 3D Structure of the Cascadia Forearc
- Partial melting a key agent in exhumation of the world's youngest eclogite-facies (and UHP) rocks in the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea
- Phosphorus forms and pools in high-elevation soils of the Sierra Nevada: Sensitivity to climate change
- Predictable variability in the neutral sugar composition of DOM in the North Atlantic and South Pacific Ocean
- Preliminary results of field mapping of methane plumes offshore of Coal Oil Point, California with a RESON 7125 multibeam sonar in water-column mode
- Project REPONS: Offshore Faults, Tectonic Deformation and Turbidite Record in Response to the January 12 2010 Earthquake, Haiti
- Real Time Teleseismic Source Inversion of the Maule Earthquake (Invited)
- Reconstructing the protracted P-T-t-d path of a giant ultrahigh-pressure terrane: Linking in-situ techniques with multiple methods of conventional geochronology (Invited)
- Remotely-sensed phenologies of C3 and C4 grasses in Hawaii using MODIS Vegetation Indices
- Responses of mountain forested watersheds to climate warming: interactions among snowmelt, soil/geology and vegetation water use (Invited)
- Separating Root and Microbial Respiration Responses to Moisture and Moisture Pulses
- Snowpack Estimates Improve Water Resources Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies
- Spatial distribution of methane seepage on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Spatially and temporally distributed re-evaluation of global CO2 outgassing from inland waters: The tropics dominate global fluxes
- Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Actual Evapotranspiration Trends in sub-Saharan Africa
- Spectral Analysis of Pore Pressure Data Recorded from the 2010 Sierra EL Mayor (baja California) Earthquake at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Field Site
- Subgrid variability of snow water equivalent at operational snow stations in the western United States
- The 2010 Ocotillo Swarm: a Site Response Study Using Data Recorded at the NEES@UCSB Wildlife Liquefaction Array
- The Effect of El Niño on Agricultural Water Balances in Guatemala
- The Elastic Energy Balance within Periodic, Chaotic and Localized Slip Pulse Solutions with Dieterich-Ruina Friction
- The Great Geologic Sponge: What Do Storage Dynamics Reveal About Runoff Generation In Young Volcanic Landscapes? (Invited)
- The MoHole: a Crustal Journey and Mantle Quest
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- Thickening and growth of lower crust during continental collision: constraints from geochronology of the Pamir
- Tracking changes in silicon isotopic composition during diatom descent and dissolution in the Cariaco Basin
- Tracking nonpoint nitrogen pollution from urbanizing watersheds (Invited)
- Trade-offs in Analysis of Earthquake Source Parameters from Linear Problem Inversion
- Undersea plumes of oil and dissolved gas and sedimented oil along the seafloor alter the ocean system following the BP oil well blowout. (Invited)
- Velocity anisotropy in Basin and Range lower crust from EBSD
- Web-based access to near real-time and archived high-density time-series data: cyber infrastructure challenges & developments in the open-source Waveform Server
- A Seismo-Tectonic Signal From Offshore Sedimentation: The 2010 Haiti Earthquake and Prior Events
- A systematic investigation of the "Nucleation Phase" of large global earthquakes using broadband teleseismic data
- An early Pleistocene Mg/Ca-δ18O record from the Gulf of Mexico: Evaluating ice sheet size and pacing in the 40-kyr world
- Assessing the Skill of Hydrology Models at Simulating the Water Cycle in the HJ Andrews LTER: Assumptions, Strengths and Weaknesses
- Assessment of methods for mapping snow cover from MODIS
- Automated Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning of Seasonal Snow Accumulation and Ablation
- Calculation of Decision Support Interface Values for FEWS NET Remote Monitoring
- Challenges in Global Land Use/Land Cover Change Modeling
- Change in terrestrial carbon storage from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene estimated by benthic foraminiferal δ<SUP>13</SUP>C records
- Changes in the South American Monsoon System and Impacts on Extreme Precipitation
- Climatic thresholds, base level, and the depth and intensity of chemical weathering
- Comparison of spatially distributed snow water equivalent and precipitation patterns in a mountainous basin
- Coupling Snowpack and Groundwater Dynamics to Interpret Streamflow Trends in the Western United States
- Deepwater Horizon - Estimating surface oil volume distribution in real time
- Detection of trace gas emissions from point sources using shortwave infrared imaging spectrometry
- Distributed Active Folding across the Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Derived from the Combined Analysis of Srtm Topography and Seismic Profiling
- Ebullition-driven fluxes of methane from shallow hot spots suggest significant under-estimation of annual emission from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Effect of Temporally and Spatially Variable Meteorological Forcing on the Stratification Dynamics of Lake Victoria, East Africa
- Effects of evapotranspiration heterogeneity on catchment water balance in the Southern Sierra Nevada of California
- Efficient Automated Inventories and Aggregations for Satellite Data Using OPeNDAP and THREDDS
- Erosion rates along fault scarps and rift-shoulder environments in central and northern Kenya: Insights from new 10Be-derived basin-wide erosion rates
- Falling phytoplankton: altered access to the photic zone over 60 years of warming in Lake Baikal, Siberia
- Gaseous and hydrologic nitrogen fluxes indicate seasonal N saturation in chaparral ecosystems
- Geochemistry and Pb Isotopes from the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the Extinct Aegir Ridge
- Greenhouse Gas Evasion from Amazon Reservoirs and Lakes
- High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Power Plant Carbon Dioxide Plumes Using Imaging Spectrometer Data
- High resolution minor and trace element measurements for mussel shells using LA-ICP-MS
- High-resolution channel widths and erosion along the entire Indus River
- Holocene landscape change, anthropogenic land-use change and arroyo formation on southwestern Santa Cruz Island, California
- How does forest thinning affect short- and long-term water partitioning in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed, and how do these changes compare to unmediated forest responses to climate change?
- Hydrologic and Undernourisment Trends In Food Insecurity Hotspots
- Hydrologic variability elucidates the relative role of in-stream nitrogen removal
- Impacts of uncertainty in modeling a semi-arid, urban catchment: pre- and post-calibration sources and strategies
- In-stream attenuation of nitrogen and phosphorus from major point source in large-scale watershed: mixed source and long-term variation
- Influences of root and microbial respiration on the diel patterns of soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux
- Interactions between atmospheric water vapor, dew and leaf waters in an open-canopy forest using in situ isotopic measurements
- Interactions between drought and soil biogeochemistry: scaling from molecules to meters
- Interannual and seasonal dynamics, and the age, of nonstructural carbohydrate pools in the stemwood of temperate trees across a climatic gradient in New England
- Investigating the Seasonal, Interannual, and Long-term Influence of Clouds on Tropical Forest Phenology
- Land use control of stream nitrate concentrations in mountainous coastal California watersheds
- Large vertical motions and basin evolution in the Outer Continental Borderland off Southern California associated with plate boundary development and continental rifting
- Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration and Fluid Sequestration in Faulted Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins, Southern California
- Late Miocene northward propagation of the NE Pamir thrust system, NW China
- Longitudinal heterogeneity of flow and heat fluxes in a large lowland river: A study of the San Joaquin River, CA, USA during a large-scale flow experiment
- MODIS Land Surface Temperature Anomalies Linked with Amazonian Forest Biomass Declines During Drought
- Mapping wetland species and the impact of oil from the Deep Horizon using the Airborne/Visible Imaging Spectrometer and Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Mercury Lithosphere and Crustal Properties from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Mercury's Gravity Field After The First Months Of MESSENGER'S Orbital Phase
- Metabolic constrains on organic matter turnover within subsurface soils
- Metamorphic devolatilization in subduction zones: thermal, dynamic and thermodynamic modeling
- Methane rising from the Deep: Hydrates, Bubbles, Oil Spills, and Global Warming
- Millennial-scale climate oscillations to 735 ka as recorded in high-resolution marine sediment records from Santa Barbara Basin, CA
- Millennial-scale surface water mass radiocarbon reservoir age changes recorded on the California Margin
- Minimal watering regime impacts on desert adapted green roof plant performance
- Mixing, Assimilation, Storage and Homogenization, Aeolian Islands, Italy: Evidence from In situ Plagioclase Data from Alicudi Island
- Modern rainfall amounts and water stable isotope data from the South Central Andes of NW Argentina: Impacts of orographic barriers and plateau topography
- Monitoring Tectonic Tremors in the San-Jacinto Fault Zone Using Multiple Small-Aperture Seismic Arrays
- New <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar eruption ages for the western Aeolian Arc, Southern Italy
- New Carbon Source From Microbial Degradation of Pre-Production Resin Pellets from the North Pacific Gyre
- New and Improved Remotely Sensed Products and Tools for Agricultural Monitoring Applications in Support of Famine Early Warning
- Newport-Inglewood-Carlsbad-Coronado Bank Fault System Nearshore Southern California: Testing models for Quaternary deformation
- Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection beneath the Aegir Ridge, a Shadow in the Iceland Hotspot
- Over-winter stratification and mixing in Arctic Lakes
- Partitioning components of net ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange (NEE) in a suburban landscape
- Permo-Triassic collisional orogenesis and transition to intraplate sinistral shear in southeastern Mongolia
- Physical Controls on Carbon Flux from a Temperate Lake During Autumn Cooling
- Planktonic foraminiferal shell weight reflects sea surface temperature over the past 150 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Precipitation and erosion gradients within and across the southern central Andes
- Pressure solution - the importance of electrochemical surface potentials
- Quaternary Evolution of Cinarcik Basin, Marmara Sea, Turkey from structural and stratigraphic interpretation of multiple resolutions of seismic reflection data
- Rapid In Situ Identification of Source Water and Leaf Water in a Variety of Plant Species and Functional Types
- Requirements to Sustain Global Ocean Color Observations
- Searching for signs of river capture in Himalayan topography
- Seasonal Changes in Arctic Dissolved Organic Matter
- Seasonal greening of an Arctic ecosystem in response to early snowmelt and climate warming: do plant community responses differ from species responses?
- Seismic anisotropy of the Pelona Schist from electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements of crystal preferred orientations (CPOs)
- Snow Water Equivalent in the Sierra Nevada: Blending Snow Sensor Observations with Snowmelt Model Simulations
- Snowmelt and the geological and ecological filters modulating climate variability and streamflow response
- Source characteristics of major large deep-focus earthquakes based on finite fault inversions
- Spatial patterns of interaction among climate variability and change, soil water deficit and transpiration in small mountain catchments of Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory
- Spatial scaling of deglacial hypoxia in the Santa Barbara Basin: Using rank-abundance curves and kurtosis to understand paleoecological community stress
- Spatially Distributed Snow Water Equivalent to Estimate Streamflow Volumes in Sierra Nevada River basins
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of erosion processes along a steep climatic gradient in the NW Himalaya: Insights from satellite-rainfall data, mass-transport measurements, and surface-exposure dating
- Spatiotemporal links between fire, climate and resource redistribution in chaparral ecosystems
- Species-dependent silicon isotope fractionation in unialgal cultures of marine diatoms
- Steady-state Quaternary Basin Formation Along the North Anatolian Fault System in Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Subduction zone seismic anisotropy from antigorite crystal preferred orientations (CPOs)
- Succession-inducing disturbances and the old-growth forest mosaic of a Central Amazon landscape
- Synchronous glacial response to changing patterns of precipitation across the central Andes during the last glacial termination
- Synergies between Visible/Near-Infrared imaging spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an urban environment: An evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission
- Temperature climatology as a determinant of tropical savanna vegetation distribution in the cerrado biome
- The Changing California Coast: The Effect of a Variable Water Budget on Coastal Vegetation Succession
- The Changing Seasonality of Tundra Nutrient Cycling: Implications for Arctic Ecosystem Function
- The Geophysics of Mercury: Shape, Interior Structure and Thermal Evolution from MESSENGER
- The Lone Ranger Mission: Understanding Synthetic Polymer Microbe Interactions In the Atlantic Ocean
- The Madden-Julian Oscillation and forecasts of precipitation over the contiguous United States
- The Moisture Transport Influence over the Precipitation of Southeast of Brazil
- The effects of long-term warming on tundra soil decomposition dynamics: linking empirical and modeled data
- The shape of Mercury's south-polar region
- The spatial pattern and dominant drivers of woody cover change in Latin America and Caribbean from 2001 to 2010
- Thresholds in vegetation responses to drought: Implications for rainfall-runoff modeling
- Tracking changes in silicon isotopic composition during diatom descent and dissolution in the Cariaco Basin
- Transport of Intrinsic Plutonium Colloids in Saturated Porous Media
- Understanding Initial Aggregation and Equilibrium Size of Stable Suspensions of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media
- Understanding regional beach evolution patterns on an alongshore-dominated littoral cell based on 17 years of single-point sand thickness measurements
- Validating modeled soil moisture with in-situ data for agricultural drought monitoring in West Africa
- Validation of the FEWS NET Satellite Estimated Rainfall Enhancement Process
- Warming experiments under-predict plant phenological responses to climate change
- Watering the Forest for the Trees: An Emerging Priority for Managing Water in Forested Landscapes
- A Large Scale Index to Characterize the Indian Summer Monsoon
- A Multivariate Index for the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone: sensitivity tests to different set of variables
- Active Fault Geometry and Crustal Deformation Along the San Andreas Fault System Through San Gorgonio Pass, California: The View in 3D From Seismicity
- Active shortening and intermontane basin formation in the central Puna Plateau: Salar de Pocitos, NW Argentina (24° 37S, 67° 03W)
- Age and Availability of Nonstructural Carbohydrates in Red Maple
- Agricultural Early Warning Informing Humanitarian Response in East Africa for 2012
- Airborne mapping of methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor plumes using imaging spectrometry
- Analysis of converted S-waves and gravity anomaly along the Aegir Ridge: implications for crustal lithology
- Analysis of the influence of salinity on Mg/Ca ratios of cultured and coretop planktic foraminifers
- Ancient Yedoma carbon loss: primed by ice wedge thaw?
- Applications of 26Al /10Be burial dating and magnetostratigraphy to active deformation within sedimentary basins: field examples from the western Tarim Basin, NW China
- Bridging the Divide: understanding controls on nitrogen export by scaling from headwater catchments to eastern North America
- CMIP5 Simulations of Low-Level Tropospheric Temperature and Moisture over Tropical Americas
- Can earth system models be used for impact studies?
- Can we estimate precipitation rate during snowfall using a scanning terrestrial LiDAR?
- Changes in La Nina-related precipitation over the United States from 1948 to 2011
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- Climate change in the South American Monsoon System: present climate and CMIP5 projections
- Climatic controls on summer fog and low stratus cloudiness in coastal southern California, USA
- Comparing the Impacts of Forest Thinning and Mortality on Streamflow, Recharge, and Forest Productivity in a Semi-Arid Mountain Watershed
- Controls On Winter Temperatures And Spring Mixing In Arctic Lakes: Implications For Fluxes Of Green House Gases
- Decadal deformation rates from SAR interferometry in the eastern Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone and implication for the growth and erosion of detachment folds
- Desalination as Groundwater Conservation: The Cost of Protecting Cultural and Environmental Resources in Chile's Region II
- Determining Leaf-Angle Distribution of Vineyards in Delano, CA Using Terrestrial LiDAR
- Developing New Rainfall Estimates to Identify the Likelihood of Agricultural Drought in Mesoamerica
- Developing a 30 m Daily Snow Covered Area Time Series for the Sierra Nevada Alpine Using Landsat and MODIS Data
- Eddy-resolving simulation of lofting turbidity currents
- Effects of Faults on Petroleum Fluid Dynamics, Borderland Basins of Southern California
- Emerging landscape degradation trends in the East African Horn
- Evaluating <SUP>10</SUP>B-enriched Boric Acid, Bromide, and Heat as Tracers of Recycled Groundwater Flow near MAR Operations
- Evaluation of CMIP5 models in the context of food security assessments in Sahel and Eastern Africa
- Evaluation of spatially distributed snow models for streamflow forecasting
- Exploring Streamflow's Sensitivity to Linkages Between Forest Biomass, Climate Variability and Soil Moisture Storage in Western Mountain Watersheds
- Exploring the relationship between species discrimination and plant functional types with hyperspectral remote sensing
- Facilitation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by eclogitization-related stresses and H2O
- Fog and its influence on the water relations of adult and sapling trees in a coastal California pine forest
- Frequency-dependent Response of Landscapes to Climatic Forcings
- Further Investigation into the Seismic Nucleation Phase of Large Earthquakes with a Focus on Strike-Slip Events
- Gap-filling of flux measurements over a heterogeneous urban landscape
- Geotechnical Trainspotting: Early Observations From the New Seattle Liquefaction Array
- Global Mapping of Vegetation Composition and Fractional Cover using Mixing Models, Progress, Prospects and Problems
- Gravity and Turbidity Currents Interacting with Submarine Topography
- Hawaii and Beyond: Volcanic Islands as Model Systems for Biogeochemical and Human Ecodynamic Research
- Herbivory-induced mortality increases with radial growth in an invasive riparian phreatophyte
- Holes in the Bathtub: Water Table Dependent Services and Threshold Behavior in an Economic Model of Groundwater Extraction
- Hot 'nough for ya?: Controls and Constraints on modeling flux melting in subduction zones
- Hydraulic interactions between a meandering river channel and its floodplain during an overbank flood
- Identifying surface response to drought and heat with a land surface model and NDVI
- Images of climate change in the news: Visual framing of a global environmental issue
- Impacts of biological diversity on sediment transport in streams
- Improving agricultural drought monitoring in West Africa using root zone soil moisture estimates derived from NDVI
- Interactions between spring temperatures and snow cover alter plant-soil nutrient feedbacks in moist acidic arctic tundra
- Interactive effects of climate, hydrology and fire on nitrogen retention and export in coastal California chaparral
- Landscape heterogeneity and ecohydrologic modeling in semi-arid urban ecosystems: how does impervious surface impact vegetation water use?
- Latest Pleistocene to Holocene Evolution of the Baie de Port au Prince, Haiti
- Linking Mechanistic Microbial Models to the Ecosystem Scale: Modeling Stress
- Linking foraminiferal proxy records to the instrumental temperature record over the last 200 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Mantle Convection beneath the Aegir Ridge, a Shadow in the Iceland Hotspot
- Mantle versus Crustal Contributions to the Cenozoic Sierra Madre Occidental Silicic LIP, Mexico: Insights from ɛHf and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in Zircon
- Mapping age and trace elements using laser ablation split-stream (LASS) ICPMS
- Measuring Glacial Change in the Mt. Tronador Region of the Southern Andes with Remote Sensing Techniques
- Metamorphic dehydration reactions control the location of intermediate-depth seismicity
- Method of spatial temperature estimation influences on ecohydrologic modeling in the Western Oregon Cascades
- Microbial Oxidation of Natural Gas in a Plume Emanating from the Coal Oil Point Seep Field
- Modeling nonstructural carbohydrate reserve dynamics in forest trees
- Monitoring Global Food Security with New Remote Sensing Products and Tools
- Multi-decadal variation in southern California drought during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age (~800AD-~1800AD) - evidence from coeval terrestrial and marine proxies
- Nitrogen dynamics in chaparral ecosystems: Limitations to the use of traditional N saturation indicators
- Observing Poleward Relaxation Flows Along the Central California Coast Using Gliders as Virtual Moorings
- Passive acoustic derived bubble flux and applications to natural gas seepage in the Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada and Coal Oil Point, CA
- Petrochronology of Himalayan UHP eclogite: Implications for the timing of India-Asia collision
- Pronounced changes in carbonate system and temperature history of the Southern California margin from LGM to present
- Quantifying Stream Bed Gravel Mobility from Friction Angle Measurements
- Regional Influence of Indian and North American Monsoons in a Changing Climate
- Remote Sensing and Capacity Building to Improve Food Security
- Reorganization of North Pacific Ocean Circulation at ~1300 AD during the Terminal American SW Drought of the Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Researching Carbon Fluxes from the Land into the River in an Urbanized Watershed Using Model Simulated and Field Measured Data
- Rupture history of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Seasonal Runoff Forecasts Based on the Climate Forecast System Version 2
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Attenuation Matrix in Water Quality Credit Trading Program
- Sensitivity of N-retention and export to temperature and nitrogen deposition forcing for a humid Pacific North West conifer site
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- Sharing Clouds: Showing, Distributing, and Sharing Large Point Datasets
- Similarity scaling of turbulence in a small temperate lake: implications for gas flux
- Simulation of Sediment Wave Generation and Maintenance
- Slip History of Global Major Deep-focus earthquakes
- Soil nutrient processes during spring thaw along a thermokarst recovery chronosequence
- Source Attribution of Methane Emission from Petroleum Production Operations using High-Resolution Airborne Thermal-Infrared Imaging Spectrometry
- South Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature and its Relationship with Precipitation in Brazil During Neutral ENSO Periods
- Spatial interpolation of hourly precipitation and dew point temperature for the identification of precipitation phase and hydrologic response in a mountainous catchment
- Spatial patterns of D/H ratios in meteoric water, leaf waxes from plants, POM and sediments within a large fluvial Himalayan catchment
- Spatial patterns of groundwater-surface water interactions at the meander-bend scale in a gravel-bed lowland river during a large-scale flow experiment
- Spatial variation in microbial controls on soil organic matter turnover relative to preferential flow paths
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of climatic forcing of erosion - examples from the southern Central Andes and the Himalaya
- Strategic sampling of microclimate, soil moisture and sapflux for improving ecohydrological model estimates in the California Sierra
- Stream-water stable isotopes, moisture fluxes, complex topography and isotopic fractionation along the South Central Andes
- Supporting the Management of Data Throughout its Life Cycle
- The Effect of Litter Position on Ultraviolet Photodegradation of Standing Dead Litter
- The geography of forest drought vulnerability: Integrating modeling and measurements
- The probability density function (PDF) of Lagrangian Turbulence
- The trace and Pb isotope chemistry of the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the extinct Aegir Ridge
- Timing and magnitude of equatorial Atlantic surface warming during the last glacial bipolar oscillation
- Transcontinental Surface Validation of Satellite Observations of Enhanced Methane Anomalies Associated with Fossil Fuel Industrial Methane Emissions
- Use of multi-disciplinary mooring data to extend intermittent OA observations from ship surveys
- Validation and application of MODIS-derived clean snow albedo and dust radiative forcing
- Variation in the Annual Progression of Snow Accumulation and Melt in the Sierra Nevada
- Warm, salty surface water incursions and destabilization of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet
- West Pacific Trends and the Walker Circulation
- A framework for improving the predictions of ecohydrologic responses to climate change in Sierra Critical Zone Observatory watersheds
- Agricultural drought analysis and famine early warning with the FEWS NET land data assimilation system
- Antarctic raised beaches as a storm proxy: assessing the link between coastal morphology and climate change throughout the Holocene
- Arctic satellite thermal infrared CH4 data compared to surface in-situ and total column measurements
- Assessing Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) storage and seasonal melting in High Mountain Asia using passive microwave data
- Batura-Glacier - mass balance and 'Karakoram Anomaly' (Upper Hunza, Karakoram)
- Bayesian Methods for Hydrometeorological Modeling and Forecasting (Invited)
- Behavior of Engineered Nanomaterials in Unsaturated Soil: Transport, Effects on pH, and Interactions with Phosphorous
- Biophysical Interactions of Channel Incision Following Wildfire: Empirical Evidence and Conceptual Modeling Framework
- Bubble Plumes above erupting NW Rota-1 submarine volcano, Mariana Arc
- Bubble Shuttle: A newly discovered transport mechanism, which transfers microorganisms from the sediment into the water column
- Building Climate Service Capacities in Eastern Africa with CHIRP and GeoCLIM
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Evasion from Amazonian Rivers and Lakes
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry regulates the magnitude and temporal dynamics of nitrogenous nutrient regeneration in sandy beach pore water
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover And Fog Inundation in the California Channel Islands
- Chasing Nutrients with an Arctic Sedge
- Climate driven thresholds for post-glacial soil development (Invited)
- Climate warming and eco-hydrology of forested watersheds in the California Sierra (Invited)
- Climatic and paleoclimatic forcing of erosion in the southern Central Andes and the northwestern Himalaya (Invited)
- Comparison of Interannual Climate Variability and Soil Moisture Capacity as Controls of Evapotranspiration in Western U.S. Mountain Forests
- Comparison of methods for determining the hydrologic recovery time after forest disturbance
- Constructing a Geology Ontology Using a Relational Database
- Controls over nitrogen cycling in California chaparral
- Coping with drought: A High Resolution Drought Monitoring and Prediction System for the Pacific Northwest
- Coupled ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycling in a High Arctic ecosystem are altered by long-term experimental warming and higher rainfall
- Decadal to millennial deformation in the Pamir - Tian Shan collision zone, NW China and surface expression of active tectonics
- Demonstration of Technologies for Remote and in Situ Sensing of Atmospheric Methane Abundances - a Controlled Release Experiment
- Detecting weathered oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident in the wetlands of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, using a time series of AVIRIS imaging spectrometer data (Invited)
- Determining the structure of vegetation canopies: an Object-based approach
- Earth Observations for Early Detection of Agricultural Drought in Countries at Risk: Contributions of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) (Invited)
- EcoSIS
- Effect of Extracellular Polymeric Substances on CuO Nanoparticle Dissolution and Colloidal Stability
- Effects of Litter Exposure to UV Radiation on Subsequent Microbial Decomposition
- Energy Input is a Primary Controller of Methane Bubbling in Subarctic Lakes (Invited)
- Ensuring the Quality of Data Packages in the LTER Network Provenance Aware Synthesis Tracking Architecture Data Management System and Archive
- Erosion and Channel Incision Analysis with High-Resolution Lidar
- Error Analysis of Multi-Source Data for 3D Geological Modeling Using Entropy-based Weighting
- Evaluating the distributed hydrologic impacts of snow model configurations in a mountainous watershed (Invited)
- Evaluation of the real time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Exploring Western and Eastern Pacific contributions to the 21st century Walker circulation intensification and teleconnected precipitation declines (Invited)
- Fluvial and climate controls on the surface energy balance in a large lowland river
- Food and water security scenarios for East Africa over next 20 years
- Frequency analysis of extreme events based on precipitation station data over southeastern Brazil
- Geochronology and 4+ thermometry of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism in southern Madagascar
- Geomorphic evidence for a major discontinuity in the Main Himalayan Thrust in west Nepal
- Glacial Retreat and Associated Glacial Lake Hazards in the High Tien Shan
- Greenland soil bacteria & biogeochemistry: a vegetation cover proxy for climate warming effects
- High-Frequency Seismic Waves generated by Building-Shaking Experiments and Surface Wave Group Velocity Estimates from the Cross-Correlation of Data
- How do Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability Alter Links between Microbial Growth Efficiency and Soil Carbon Storage?
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- How to make a craton
- Hydrological connectivity drives microbial responses to soil moisture (Invited)
- ISEES: an institute for sustainable software to accelerate environmental science
- Impact of fog-drip versus fog immersion on leaf-level function of Bishop pines
- Implications of a warming Arctic - Methane emissions from submerged permafrost underlying the rapidly warming East Siberian Arctic Sea (Invited)
- Improvements to the MODIS Land Products in Collection Version 6
- In Their Own Words: Researchers' Stories of Challenges and Triumphs in Data Management and Sharing
- Incorporating grazing into an eco-hydrologic model: Simulating coupled human and natural systems in rangelands
- Indo-Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Influences on Failed Consecutive Rainy Seasons over Eastern Africa
- Integrating Economic Models with Biophysical Models in the Willamette Water 2100 Project
- Interactions between climate change impacts on forest productivity and mortality and stream water quality in the US Western Mountains (Invited)
- Investigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Surface, Airborne, and Satellite on Local to Continental-Scale
- Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Through the Synthesis of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Data from the HyspIRI Preparatory Flight Campaign
- Late Pleistocene sea surface warming as a trigger for catastrophic ice sheet wasting in the North Pacific Ocean
- Measuring methane concentrations from anthropogenic and natural sources using airborne imaging spectroscopy
- Microbial Oxidation of Ethane within Seep Sediment at Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara, CA
- Microbial decomposition of dead grassland roots and its influence on the carbon cycle under changing precipitation patterns
- Modeling physiological responses of soil microbes to drought (Invited)
- Modeling the unmeasurable: scaling soil physiology from microns to meters and seconds to centuries (Invited)
- Modelling Soil-Landscapes in Coastal California Hills Using Fine Scale Terrestrial Lidar
- Monitoring the Snowpack in Remote, Ungauged Mountains
- Multi-Annual Variations in Winter Westerly Disturbance Activity Affecting the Himalaya
- Parameterization of Forest Canopies with the PROSAIL Model
- Petrochronologic study of granites in the eastern Nepal Himalaya
- Photodegradation Pathways in Arid Ecosystems
- Plio-Pleistocene cosmogenic erosion rates of the Northwestern Argentine Andes
- Post processing of CO2 flux measurements from an urban landscape
- Precipitation in Santa Barbara, CA on varying timescales and the relationships with the El Niño Southern Oscillation, the Madden-Julian Oscillation, and atmospheric rivers
- Predicting and attributing recent East African Spring droughts with dynamical-statistical climate model ensembles
- Quantifying Urban Forest Structure Using Crown-Level Fusion of Imaging Spectroscopy and LiDAR
- Quantifying phosphorus mobilization in soil using a pedogenic colloid redistribution model
- Quantifying the role of woody debris in providing bioenergetically favorable habitat for juvenile salmon
- Regional benthic δ18O stacks with radiocarbon age models show Termination I onset differences of up to 4,000 years
- Relationships Between Topography and Leaf Area Index in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
- Report of the National Research Council - Landsat and Beyond: Sustaining and Enhancing the Nation's Land Imaging Program
- Resolving Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Behaviour in a High CO2 World: ANDRILL's Integrated Data and Modeling Studies in the Ross Sea Region
- Returning from the deep: Archean atmospheric fingerprints in modern hotspot lavas (Invited)
- Sensitivity analysis and simulation for DOC concentration and flux in the stream in the regional hydro-ecological simulation system (RHESSys)
- Severe Storms and California's Fragile Delta--Historical Impacts and New Monitoring Approaches
- Similarity scaling of turbulence in small temperate lake: implication for gas flux: implication for gas flux
- Simulations of Fluvial Landscapes
- Soil Response to Global Change: Soil Process Domains and Pedogenic Thresholds (Invited)
- Spatial hydrologic heterogeneity within a fluvial catchment reflected in surface water and leaf wax n-alkane δD
- Spatiotemporal variability of rainfall extremes in monsoonal climates - examples from the South American Monsoon and the Indian Monsoon Systems (Invited)
- Synthesis of Methane Emission from Lakes and Ponds Across Climate Sensitive Permafrost Environments
- Text Mining to inform construction of Earth and Environmental Science Ontologies
- The 'Blue-Shift' in midlatitude dynamics in a Changing Climate
- The Climate Hazards group InfraRed Precipitation (CHIRP) with Stations (CHIRPS): Development and Validation
- The Madden-Julian Oscillation and extratropical cyclogenesis
- The effects of climate change on the demand for municipal water for residential landscaping in Southern Nevada
- The elusiveness of measuring nitrite in soils: fast chemical reactions or inadequate extraction methods?
- The role of HFCs in mitigating 21st century climate change
- Tidal Fluctuations in a Deep Fault Extending Under the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Tree species classification in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains based on MASTER and LIDAR imagery
- Turbidity Currents In The Ocean; Are They Stably Stratified?
- Turbulence at the Air-Water Interface in Lakes of Different Latitudes
- Two modes of orogenic collapse of the Pamir plateau recorded by titanite
- USA-France: Confronting two perspectives on shale gas
- Using Very High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery to Estimate Agricultural Production: A comparison of food insecure and secure growing areas in Kenya
- Validation of Remotely-Sensed Rainfall Products and WRF-Model Outputs with Rain-Gauge Data in South-Central California
- Validation of the Crop-Weighted Standardized Precipitation Index as an Indicator of Yield in Malawi
- Visual Browsing of Earth and Environmental Science Topics to Enhance Data Discovery
- Water and Nutrient Export Patterns of Urban Watersheds with Stormwater Control Measures
- What iron minerals contribute to anaerobic respiration in peats differing in maturity on the Arctic Coastal Plain ?
- Which mechanisms dominate the net effects of forest thinning on water yield and forest productivity in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- 3D Thermal Structure of the Alaska-Aleutian Arc with Predictions for the Metamorphic Structure and Seismic Velocities in the Subducting Slab
- A 30 Myr record of retrograde metamorphism and multiple generations of monazite and garnet in western MA revealed by coordinated LASS and EPMA
- A Cross-Hole, Multi-Year Tracer Injection Experiment in the Volcanic Ocean Crust
- A Data-constrained Estimate of the Global Ocean Iron Cycle: Budgets, Timescales, and Iron Limitation
- A Decade of Drought: Southwest Asia during the 2000s
- A Geochemical Transect Across the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume Components
- A Multiscale Model of Shear flow of Granular Materials with Breakable Particles: Role of Force Chain Instabilities and Implications for Strain Localization and Stability of Sliding
- A Novel Airborne Carbon Isotope Analyzer for Methane and Carbon Dioxide Source Fingerprinting
- A study of intraseasonal oscillations through mechanistic experiments in CAM4.0
- Absolute age constraints on rapid, axial progradation of a high-relief clinoform depositional system in the Colville foreland basin, Arctic Alaska
- Activity on the multi-stranded Central Branch of the North Anatolian Fault along the southern shelf of the Marmara Sea, Turkey
- Age constraints on basalt samples from a transect across the Lau Basin: supporting evidence for modification by multiple mantle sources.
- Along-Strike Variations in the Timing of Melt Crystallization and Metamorphism Across Central and Eastern Bhutan: New Insights from LASS Monazite Geochronology and Trace-Element Abundances
- An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>O<SUB>sw</SUB> and Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling
- An Automated System of Knickpoint Definition and Extraction from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM): Implications for Efficient Large-Scale Mapping and Statistical Analyses of Knickpoint Distributions in Fluvial Networks
- An Ecohydrological Approach to Riparian Restoration Planning in the American Southwest
- An Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component in the Ontong Java Plateau Revealed by Major, Trace and Volatile Element Abundances in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
- An Updated Decision Support Interface: A Tool for Remote Monitoring of Crop Growing Conditions
- Analyzing post-fire topography at the hillslope-channel interface with terrestrial LiDAR: contrasting geomorphic responses from the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire of Colorado and the 2013 Springs Fire of California
- Are Maize Yields Robust to Climate Change? An Analysis at Regional and Micro Scales in Kenya
- Assessing the utility of passive microwave data for Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) estimation in the Sutlej River Basin of the northwestern Himalaya
- Assessment of bubble-borne methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf via interpretation of sonar data
- Atmospheric River Development and Effects on Southern California
- Avalanche induced Tsunamie June 21st 2014, in the Askja caldera lake Iceland.
- Building Capacity for Production of Gridded Precipitation Products in the East Africa Community
- Building a Science Software Institute: Synthesizing the Lessons Learned from the ISEES and WSSI Software Institute Conceptualization Efforts
- Changes in High Elevation Lake Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century: Combining Long-term Monitoring with Paleolimnology
- Characterizing real-time forest disturbance in a dynamic land surface model with implications for operational streamflow forecasting using WRF-Hydro
- Climate control on soil age and weathering thresholds in young, post-glacial soils of New Zealand
- Cod Collapse and the Climate in the North Atlantic
- Collapse of eyewall of a hurricane observed by seismic data
- Community Capacity Building as a vital mechanism for enhancing the growth and efficacy of a sustainable scientific software ecosystem: experiences running a real-time bi-coastal "Open Science for Synthesis" Training Institute for young Earth and Environmental scientists
- Comparison of Two Techniques to Calculate Methane Oxidation rates in Samples Obtained From the Hudson Canyon Seep Field in the North Atlantic
- Constraints on Mercury's Core-Mantle Boundary Region
- Constraints on the geometry and recent evolution of the Main Himalayan Thrust in western Nepal from U-Th/He thermochronology
- Constraints on timing and rates of strath terrace formation on actively uplifting anticlines in the foreland of the Chinese Tien Shan.
- Continuous In-situ Measurements of Carbonyl Sulfide to Constrain Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- Decadal Variability in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone and Changes in Precipitation over Southeastern Brazil
- Decay of Hurricanes Tracked by Dense Seismic Array
- Deformation Temperature, Kinematics, and Internal Strain during Emplacement of Greater Himalayan Rocks in North-Central and Northeastern Bhutan
- Deposition and Biodegradation of Submerged Oil from the Deepwater Horizon
- Detrital zircon U-Pb provenance study in Cenozoic strata of the Pamir-Tianshan collision zone
- Discovery and Biogeochemical Investigation of Chlorinated Industrial Waste in the Deep Ocean
- Distinctly different parental magmas for plutons and lavas in the central Aleutian arc
- Dominant modes of variation in the annual progression of snow accumulation and melt in the Sierra Nevada
- EBSD Imaging of Monazite: a Petrochronological Tool?
- Eco-hydrologic Modeling of Rangelands: Evaluating a New Carbon Allocation Approach and Simulating Ecosystem Response to Changing Climate and Management Conditions
- Effect of Wildfire on Sediment Sorting in a Steep Channel
- Effect of an Ellipsoidal Solid Inner Core on Mercury's Obliquity
- Emerging Patterns for Engineered Nanomaterials in the Environment: A Review of Fate and Toxicity Studies
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Evaluating Coupled Human-Hydrologic Systems in High Altitude Regions: A Case Study of the Arun Watershed, Eastern Nepal
- Evaluating Sediment Stability at Offshore Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Facilities
- Evaluation of Growing Season Milestones, Using Eddy Covariance Time-Series of Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Exploring Pacific Climate Variability and Its Impacts on East African Water Resources and Food Security
- Exploring fault geometry uncertainties in finite-slip inversion with multiple moment tensor inversion
- Factors controlling the silicon isotope composition of dissolved silicate and biogenic silica in the Peruvian Upwelling
- Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Contributions to Strengthening Resilience and Sustainability for the East African Community
- Flattening of the Greater Himalayan Zone within the Eastern Himalaya: Insights from Pressure-Temperature-Structural Distance Trends from Central and Eastern Bhutan
- Flood-Derived Sand Lobes on the Shelf of the Northern Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California
- Fog Water Use in Coastal California Shrub Species
- Forest Productivity for Soft Calibration of Soil Parameters in Eco-hydrologic Modeling
- Geochronology of Zircon in Eclogite Reveals Imbrication of the Ultrahigh-Pressure Western Gneiss Region of Norway.
- Global Drought Information System: Influence of Differences in Land Surface Model Dynamics on Drought Monitoring
- High Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of the Tuvalu Seamount Chain: Implications for Hotspot Longevity and Pacific Plate Motion.
- Husbandry Trace Gas Emissions from a Dairy Complex By Mobile in Situ and Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Comex Campaign Focus
- Hydraulic and geomorphic processes in an overbank flood along a gravel-bed, meandering river: implications for chute formation
- Identifying Water Insecurity Hotspots in the Lake Victoria Basin of Eastern Africa
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Improved Rainfall Estimates and Predictions for 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought Early Warning
- Improved Remote Sensing Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) Using Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometer Estimated Water Vapor
- Improving spatial resolution of the moment rate function in regions of high slip determined from finite fault inversions
- Increasing precipitation intensity under a warming climate over Northern Eurasia
- Inferring the oriented elasticity tensor in the crust across the Western US using surface wave data
- Information Requirements for Integrating Spatially Discrete, Feature-Based Earth Observations
- Integrated snow and hydrology modeling for climate change impact assessment in Oregon Cascades
- Integrating pH, substrate, and plant regrowth effects on soil nitrogen cycling after fire
- Intraseasonal-to-interannual variability of the Indian Monsoon: the present climate and future projections of climate change
- Investigating C<SUB>4</SUB> Grass Contributions to N-alkane Based Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Late Pleistocene Sea Level Stack
- Late Quaternary deformation rates in the Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone, NW China
- Life Under the Ice: Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Rates of Water Column and Sediment Respiration in 5 Alaskan Arctic Lakes
- Lignin degradation during plant litter photodegradation
- Linking Physical Dynamics and Biological Productivity in a Coastal Mesoscale Eddy
- Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for a Scalable Agriculture Insurance System for sub-Saharan Africa
- Linking Seasonal Foliar Chemistry to VSWIR-TIR Spectroscopy Across California Ecosystems
- Linking geology, climate and disturbance response in California mountain environments
- Machine Learning on Images: Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent
- Mapping Urban Forest Leaf Area Index Using Lidar: A Comparison of Gap Fraction Inversion and Allometric Methods
- Mapping methane concentrations from a controlled release experiment using the next generation Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRISng)
- Mass balance of Graham Land at present-day and over the past 150 years using GRACE and GNSS station data
- Measuring the Timing, Magnitude, and Rate of Rock uplift of Sierra Madre Mountains with CRN Analysis of Relict Landscapes and Strath Terraces
- Modeling Nitrate Exporting Patterns during Storm Events for a Semi-arid Mountain Watershed
- Molluscan and Foraminiferan Paleoecological Reconstructions of Extreme Post-Glacial Seafloor Environments of the California Borderland
- Monazite trace-element and isotopic signatures of high-pressure metamorphism: examples from the Western Gneiss region, Norway
- Multi-proxy Analysis of Pleistocene Carbonate Fluctuations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- Multi-sensor remote sensing of the extent and persistence of the 2005 Amazon drought
- Near Real-time Waveform Inversion for Finite-source Rupture in 3D Structure
- New Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>o Stacks and Age Models for the Last Glacial Cycle (0-150 kyr ago)
- Oceanic lavas sampling the high 3He/4He mantle reservoir: Primitive, depleted, or re-enriched?
- Orographic barrier development along the eastern flanks of the southern central Andes, Argentina: new insights from stable hydrogen isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass
- Petrologic significance of silicic magmatism in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province: geochemistry and geochronology of the Butcher Ridge Igneous Complex, Antarctica
- Planktonic foraminiferal response to ocean acidification in the Santa Barbara Basin over the last century
- Possible large-volume mafic explosive eruptions in the Izu arc recorded in IODP Site U1436
- Potential Feedbacks Between Tectonics, Climate, and Sediment Accumulation in a Neogene-Quaternary Intermontane Basin on the Margin of the Puna Plateau, Quebrada de Humahuaca, NW Argentina
- Potential effects of tree-to-shrub type conversion on streamflow in California's Sierra Nevada
- Probabilistic Generative Models for the Statistical Inference of Unobserved Paleoceanographic Events: Application to Stratigraphic Alignment for Inference of Ages
- Prospects and Pitfalls in the Coming Wave of High-frequency Environmental Data: What to Look Forward to, and Watch out for
- Provenance Usage in the OceanLink Project
- Quantifying Discharge to a Subalpine Stream Using Physical and Geochemical Methods
- Quantifying Water Budgets in Amazonian Watershed Using a Coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Model
- Radiogenic heating to ultrahigh temperature: Geochronology and 4+ thermometry across southern Madagascar
- Relamination and the Differentiation of Continental Crust
- Remote Monitoring of Giant Kelp Photosynthetic Condition: An Evaluation of the Potential for the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) Mission
- Remote sensing of large scale methane emission sources with the Methane Airborne MAPper (MAMAP) instrument over the Kern River and Kern Front Oil fields and validation through airborne in-situ measurements - Initial results from COMEX
- Reversal Asymmetry after the end of the Cretaceous Superchron
- Revisiting the Last Glacial-Interglacial Productivity Paradox in the Eastern Arabian Sea
- Rupture characterization of the 2014 Napa Valley earthquake from 3 different perspectives
- Scalable Climate Forcing Optical Indices: How Effective Are They in Alpine Lakes?
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability During the Past 2000 Years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa Under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies
- Seasonal and multi-year ecohydrologic responses to forest thinning
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schist beneath the Mojave Block, Southern California
- Silicon Isotope Geochemistry of Ocean Island Basalts: Search for Deep Mantle Heterogeneities and Evidence for Recycled Altered Oceanic Crust
- Simulations of Santa Barbara Sundowner Winds
- Single-Shot Laser Ablation Split-Stream (SS-LASS) Analysis Depth Profiling
- Skill Assessment of National Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts for Seasonal Drought Prediction in East Africa
- Spatio-Temporal Variability in Benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>c Across the Last Deglaciation
- Statistical Constraints on the Relative Link Between Eccentricity Forcing and the 100,000-Year Glacial Cycle
- Strong Motion Recording in the United States
- Studying dissolved organic carbon export from the Penobscot Watershed in to Gulf of Maine using Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys)
- Subsurface Flow in Gravel River Bars
- Temperature Trends in Montane Lakes
- The Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) Dataset: Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring and Trend Analysis
- The Climate-Population Nexus in the East African Horn: Emerging Degradation Trends in Rangeland and Pastoral Livelihood Zones
- The Development of Subduction Below the Oman-UAE Ophiolite: Detailed Temporal Constraints from High Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- The Federal Oil Spill Team for Emergency Response Remote Sensing (FOSTERRS)
- The Missing Half of the Subduction Factory: Preliminary Results from the Izu Rear ARC, IODP Expedition 350, Site U1437
- The Quaternary North Channel-Pitas Point Fault System in Northwest Santa Barbara Channel, California.
- The Roles of Iron and Vertical Mixing in Regulating Nitrogen and Silicon Cycling in the Southern Ocean over the Last Glacial Cycle
- The Rupture Process of the 2014 Rat Island Intermediate-Depth Earthquake with Relation to the Geodynamical Context of the Western Aleutian Arc
- The Rurutu Hotspot: Isotopic and Trace Element Evidence of HIMU Hotspot Volcanism in the Tuvalu Islands
- The SCEC 3D Community Fault Model (CFM-v5): An updated and expanded fault set of oblique crustal deformation and complex fault interaction for southern California
- The Use of CHIRPS to Analyze Historical Rainfall in Colombia
- The biogeochemical implications of iron transformations during soil development in Hawaii
- Thermodynamics, Diffusion, and Structure of Liquid NaAlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB> at Elevated Temperature and Pressure from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Time-scales of crustal anatexis in the Himalaya revealed by petrochronology
- Toward the Inference of Deglacial Ocean Dynamics from the Spatial Pattern of LGM-to-Modern d13C and d18O Change
- Towards "open applied" Earth sciences
- Turbulence at the Air-Water Interface in Lakes of Different Sizes: Consequences for Gas Transfer Coefficients
- Underice Circulation and Greenhouse Gas Evasion in Arctic Lakes
- Upscaling a catchment-scale ecohydrology model for regional-scale earth system modeling
- Urbanization reduces fogginess in coastal Southern California, possibly counteracting global-warming induced increases in foggines
- Using Idealized GCM Simulations to Reconstruct and Interpret Past Precipitation Change
- Using Linked Open Data and Semantic Integration to Search Across Geoscience Repositories
- Using shallow seismic tomography to characterize patterns of near-surface weathering and the mobile-immobile regolith transition: Implications for the erodibility and morphology of hillslopes.
- Using δ<SUP>15</SUP> N- and δ<SUP>18</SUP> O-NO to Evaluate Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Production Following the Wetting of Dry Soil
- WRF simulations of extreme snowfall events associated with extratropical cyclones over the Himalayas.
- Water Column Methanotrophy Fueled by Methane from the Hudson Canyon Seep Field, US Atlantic Margin
- Wave energy converter effects on wave propagation: A sensitivity study in Monterey Bay, CA
- Wave-equation Based Earthquake Location
- What Forced Holocene Millennial-Scale Variability? A Tale from the Western Tropical Pacific
- Winter Westerly Disturbance Activity in High Mountain Asia: A Wave Tracking Approach
- 38 kyr record of Asian dust deposition in Hawaii: its links to interglacial/glacial changes
- 3D movies for teaching seafloor bathymetry, plate tectonics, and ocean circulation in large undergraduate classes
- 4-Dimensional Insights into Silicic Magma Reservoir Assembly from Late Miocene Southern Andean Plutons
- A Geomorphic Investigation of the Tectonic Transition between the Santa Barbara and Ventura Fold Belts near Rincon Point, California
- A Physical Model for Extreme Drought over Southwest Asia
- Active Deformation in the Greater Himalayan Zone in Western Nepal from Inversion of New (U-Th)/He Cooling Ages
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans
- Advancing Partnerships Towards an Integrated Approach to Oil Spill Response
- Airborne Trace Gas Mapping During the GOSAT-COMEX Experiment
- An 800-kyr Record of Global Surface Ocean δ<SUP>18</SUP>Oand Implications for Ice Volume-Temperature Coupling
- An Agro-Climatological Early Warning Tool Based on the Google Earth Engine to Support Regional Food Security Analysis
- An Integrated Model for Identifying Linkages Between the Management of Fuel Treatments, Fire and Ecosystem Services
- An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- Application of geochronology/geochemistry of zircon in understanding the construction of the Peninsular Range Batholith
- Bar Morphology in a sinuous bedrock flume
- Bedload sediment transport embedded in seismic signals generated from a mountain stream
- Braided River Response to Eight Decades of Human Disturbance, Toklat River, Denali National Park and Preserve, AK
- Bridging Epidemiology and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Dengue Fever and Land Use and Land Cover Change in Roatán, Honduras
- Building the Andes at 35°S latitude: Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic volcanism and transpressive crustal shortening in the Principal Cordillera, central Chile.
- Captures, Cutoffs, and Autogenic Drainage Basin Reorganization from Bedrock River Meandering in the Oregon Coast Range
- Carbon, Oxygen and Uranium Isotopes in Pedothem Carbonates Reveal Anomalous North American Atmospheric Circulation 70,000 to 55,000 Years Ago
- Carbonate Chemistry Dynamics in an Area of Active Gas Seepage: the Hudson Canyon, US Atlantic Margin
- Climate Change And Hydrologic Instability In Yemen
- Climate Change In The Fertile Crescent And Implications Of The Recent Drought In Syria
- Combining Passive Microwave and Optical Data to Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush
- Combining ground-based measurements and satellite-based spectral vegetation indices to track biomass accumulation in post-fire chaparral
- Comparison of Methane Data Products from the TES and AIRS Infrared Sounders
- Consequences for an Alternative Earth Composition: A Decade of Insight
- Considering the inaccurate Green's functions and the errors of source models during finite fault source inversion
- Constraints from Seamounts on Pacific Plate or Plume Motion Prior to 80 Ma.
- Continental Lower Crust: Wavespeeds, Composition, and Relamination
- Contrasting rainfall declines in northern and southern Tanzania: Potential differential impacts of west Pacific warming and east Pacific cooling
- Crustal Rebound due to Lake Mass Changes Measured by InSAR: Constraints on Lithosphere Rheology
- Dating Historical Sediments in Estuaries: A Multi-Proxy Approach
- Deglacial regional and global benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C stacks
- Delineating Climatic Regions Where Upland Soil Iron Reduction Is Potentially Important At The Ecosystem Scale
- Density Sorting During the Evolution of Continental Crust
- Determining the Uncertainty Range of Coseismic Stress Drop of Large Earthquakes Using Finite Fault Inversion
- Discriminating plant species across California's diverse ecosystems using airborne VSWIR and TIR imagery
- Discrimination Between Clouds and Snow in Landsat 8 Imagery: an Assessment of Current Methods and a New Approach
- Discussion starter: the case for channel flow during the development and emplacements of Himalaya middle crust
- Earth-System Scales of Biodiversity Variability in Shallow Continental Margin Seafloor Ecosystems
- EarthCube GeoLink: Semantics and Linked Data for the Geosciences
- Earthflow yield strength constrained by lateral levee morphology
- Ecosystem Function in Amazon Floodplain Wetlands: Climate Variability, Landscape Dynamics and Carbon Biogeochemistry.
- Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
- Effect of Organic Amendment Application Rate on Greenhouse Gas Emissions at an Organic Farm in Santa Barbara County, California
- Effects of Fine-Scale Landscape Variability on Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature Products Over Sparse Vegetation Canopies
- Effects of Wildfire on Fluvial Sediment Regime through Perturbations in Dry-Ravel
- Effects of climate and fire timing on nitrogen cycling and retention in chaparral watersheds
- Effects of future climate conditions on terrestrial export from coastal southern California
- Effects of soil dissolved organic matter inputs on high-elevation lake metabolism
- Empowering Earth Science Communities to Share Data Through Guided Metadata Improvement
- Enhancing Extreme Heat Health-Related Intervention and Preparedness Activities Using Remote Sensing Analysis of Daily Surface Temperature, Surface Observation Networks and Ecmwf Reanalysis
- Estimating trends of urban residential irrigation extent and rate using satellite imagery in the city of Los Angeles, CA
- Evaluating winter snowfall event distribution in a mountain watershed using differential airborne laser scanning
- Evaluation and inter-comparison of modern day reanalysis datasets over Africa and the Middle East
- Exploring the active role of water vapor in creating more extreme SSTs and climate variations
- Fluid and mass transfer into the cold mantle wedge of subduction zones: budgets and seismic constraints
- Focusing Fluids towards the Arc: the Role of Rehydration Reactions and Rheology
- Fracking in the face of global climate change
- GOSAT CO2 and CH4 validation activity with a portable FTS at Pasadena, Chino, and Railroad Valley
- Garnet: a key to unraveling Earth's dynamic lithosphere
- Geologic evidence of a leaky Antarctic Ice Sheet: Tracking meltwater influence on ice-sheet retreat in the Ross Sea, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Geomorphic Analysis of Boulder Volumes and Surface Roughness Along Talus Slopes in Yosemite Valley, California
- Geomorphic Characteristics of Lofted Turbidity Current Deposits
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Arctic Freshwaters: Approaches for Scaling UP
- Hf Isotopes and Geochemical Evidence Constrain the Nature and Sources of Melting During and After Progressive Accretion of the Wrangellia Composite Terrane to the Southern Alaska Margin
- High resolution WRF simulation of the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation over the Himalaya
- High resolution and comprehensive techniques to analyze aerobic methane oxidation in mesocosm experiments
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- Hinterland-to-foreland structural evolution of the base of the Himalayan metamorphic core, west Nepal
- How do Early Impacts Modulate the Tectonic, Magnetic and Climatic Evolutions of Terrestrial Planets?
- Identifying and Characterizing Atmospheric Rivers Impacting Southern California
- Implications of Heterogeneous Sr-Isotopes in Olivines from Samoan Lavas
- Incorporating Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Seasonal Crop Scenarios over the Greater Horn of Africa to Support National/Regional/Local Decision Makers
- Influence of spatial location on the timing of the snow accumulation and melt in the Sierra Nevada: An analysis with FANOVA.
- Integrated Response of Grassland Biomass Along Co-varying Gradients of Climate and Grazing Management Using an Eco-hydrologic Model
- Internal Waves, Upwelling, Convection: which Facilitates Greenhouse Gas Evasion?
- Inundation and Gas Fluxes from Amazon Lakes and Wetlands
- Investigating the chemical and isotopic kinetics of aerobic methane oxidation in the Northern US Atlantic Margin, Hudson Canyon
- Karnali and Jajarkot Klippen in Western Nepal Himalaya Inconsistent with Tectonic Wedging Model Predictions
- Land Surface Modeling Applications for Famine Early Warning
- Landslides: Geomorphology and Sea Cliff Hazard Potential, Santa Barbara - Isla Vista, California J.F. Klath and E.A. Keller
- Limited Flow of Continental Crust at UHP Depths: Coupled Age and Trace-Element Analyses of Titanite in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer
- Lowering the Barrier to Reproducible Research by Publishing Provenance from Common Analytical Tools
- Mapping fire events in the transition of Amazon and Cerrado biome using remote sensing
- Mapping the Cerrado vegetation classes using Rapid Eye imagery
- Mechanisms Controlling CO<SUB>2</SUB> Pulses upon Rewetting Dry Soils: Effects of Vegetation on Soil C Dynamics
- Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
- Metabolism estimates in small boreal lakes: the importance of accounting for vertical fluxes of oxygen
- Moderately-dipping California Strike-slip Faults With Bends in map View and Cross-section
- Molybdenum isotopes and mass balance during early stages of pedogenesis
- Monazite Growth from the Eocene to the Miocene: New Interpretations of the Metamorphic History of Greater Himalayan Rocks in the Eastern Himalaya
- Monitoring the Impacts of Severe Drought on Plant Species in Southern California Chaparral
- Morphogenetic Role of Rainsplash Transport in Hillslope Evolution in Post-Orogenic Landscapes
- Mutli-temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Analysis for the Identification of Coniferous Forest Mortality Related to Drought Stress in the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- OSL and Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces on the Northeast Pamir Margin, Northwest China
- Obliquity and Precession in the Quaternary: Analyzing Climate Responses Using Single-Forcing GCM Simulations and Bayesian Model-Proxy Comparison
- Observed decadal variability in precipitation and circulation over South America during austral summer
- On the Timing of Glacial Terminations in the Equatorial Pacific
- Os-isotopic Compositions of Peridotite Xenoliths from the Oceanic Mantle: Implications for the Age of Isotopic Domains in the Oceanic Mantle.
- Overcoming uncertainty with carbonyl sulfide-based GPP estimates: observing and modeling soil COS fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
- Overview of innovative remediation of emerging contaminants
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- Pathways of Snowmelt Water into an Ice-Covered Lake
- Preliminary Results from Downhole Osmotic Samplers in a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Probabilistic Stack of 180 Plio-Pleistocene Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Records Constructed Using Profile Hidden Markov Models
- Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon River basin
- Quantifying Forest and Coastal Disturbance from Industrial Mining Using Satellite Time Series Analysis Under Very Cloudy Conditions
- Quantifying the flux and fate of methane into the Hudson Canyon at the edge of methane clathrate hydrate stability
- Quantifying the impact of low flow periods on bed topography and bedload transport rates
- Rare Earth Element Partition Coefficients During High-Grade Metamorphism: Experiments, Realities, And Large Datasets
- Realizing the Living Paper using the ProvONE Model for Reproducible Research
- Recent potentially predictable droughts associated with the west Pacific warming mode and ENSO
- Regional Sensitivity to CO2 forcing: Detection and Attribution Approach to Analyzing CO2 Component of Late Quaternary Climate Variability
- Resilience Through Disturbance: Effects of Wildfire on Vegetation and Water Balance in the Sierra Nevadas
- Resolving arc processes through detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry: a case study from the southern California Mesozoic convergent margin
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Scale-dependent interactions between vegetation, landscape, and climate: How critical zone structure influences ecohydrological reslience in a rapidly changing world
- Seasonal Scale Water Deficit Forecasting in East Africa and the Middle East Region Using the NMME Models Forecasts
- Seasonal variation in Rayleigh-to-Love wave ratio in the secondary microseism
- Sediment Subduction and the Generation of Extreme Geochemical Enrichment in Lavas Erupted at Oceanic Hotspots
- Sediment driven meander migration in the Amazon Basin
- Sensitivity Analysis for the Remote Sensing of Methane using the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)
- Short-term facilitation of microbial litter decomposition by ultraviolet radiation
- Silicon Isotope Geochemistry of Ocean Island Basalts: Mantle Heterogeneities and Contribution of Recycled Oceanic Crust and Lithosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Partial Pressure and Emission of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> in and Amazon Floodplain Lake
- Strontium isotopes provide clues for a process shift in base cation dynamics in young volcanic soils
- Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment.
- Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Ocean Island Basalts: New insights into the composition of the primitive mantle and mantle recycling.
- Sundowner Winds Contributing to Intensifying Dry Conditions in Santa Barbara, California
- Tectonic and Climatic Implications of Late Miocene to Pleistocene (5.8-1.8 Ma) Paleo-Erosion Rates from the Rio Iruya Canyon, Northwest Argentina (23°S)
- Temporal and spatial relationships between hydrologic and carbon budgets in an Amazonian watershed: Application of a coupled Subsurface - Land Surface Process Model
- The Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) v2.0 Dataset: 35 year Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring
- The Differences in Source Dynamics Between Intermediate-Depth and Deep EARTHQUAKES:A Comparative Study Between the 2014 Rat Islands Intermediate-Depth Earthquake and the 2015 Bonin Islands Deep Earthquake
- The Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Mg Incorporation in Planktonic Foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white): Results from a Global Sediment Trap Mg/Ca Database
- The Influence of Tropical Forcing on Westerly Disturbances: Implications for Extreme Precipitation in High Asia
- The Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (mjo) on Extreme Rainfall Over the Central and Southern Peruvian Andes
- The P-T-t History of the Alpine Schist, New Zealand: Constraining Tectonic Processes During the Late Stages of Gondwana Breakup
- The Relative Motion of Pacific Mantle Plumes: Implications for the Viscosity Structure of the Earth's Mantle.
- The Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of High <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He Mantle
- Topographically-determined soil thickening explained spatial variability of soil carbon and nitrogen in Southern California grasslands
- Tropical-Extratropical Interactions and Intrasasonal Oscillations in the Indian Monsoon System in a Warmer Planet
- Updating Hawaii Seismicity Catalogs with Systematic Relocations and Subspace Detectors
- Using HyspIRI Campaign Data for Sub-pixel Classification of the Urban Land Surface
- Using Imaging Spectrometry to Identify Crops in California's Central Valley
- Using the SPEI to Estimate Food Production in East Africa
- Validating SWE reconstruction using Airborne Snow Observatory measurements in the Sierra Nevada
- Value versus Accuracy: application of seasonal forecasts to a hydro-economic optimization model for the Sudanese Blue Nile
- Water Balance Defines a Threshold in Soil Chemistry at a Global Scale
- What Happens During a Minor Flood: Observations of Bedload Transport in a Gravel Bed River using New Methods
- What stress drop do seismic waveforms reveal when the stress distribution on a finite fault is complex?
- Where should fine-resolution spatial heterogeneity be captured within Earth System Models?
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- <SUP>182</SUP>W evidence from flood basalt lavas for the long-term survival of primordial mantle
- <SUP>182</SUP>W in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
- A 35-year dataset of WRF downscaling over High Asia describing precipitation and temperature trends associated with glacier retreat/advance over the Himalaya and Karakoram
- A Late Cenozoic Kinematic Model for Deformation Within the Greater Cascadia Subduction System
- A Moment Rate Function Deduced from Peak Ground Motions from M 3.3-5.3 Earthquakes: Implications for Scaling, Corner Frequency and Stress Drop
- A Simple and Complete Model for Spatially Developing Flow in Flexible Vegetation Canopies
- Acidity and organic matter stimulate abiotic nitric oxide emissions in drying soils
- Advancing Integrated African Early Warning Science and Climate Services
- Ages and geochemical comparison of coeval plutons and volcanics from the central and eastern Aleutian arc
- An Investigation of Alternatives to MUSIC for Direction Finding in Oceanographic HF Radars
- Anomalous Uplift at Pitas Point: Localized Phenomena or Indicator of Tsunamigenic M8 Earthquakes Along Coastal California?
- Antenna Pattern Measurements for Oceanographic Radars Using Small Aerial Drones
- Archival of Amateur Observations in Support to ESA/Rosetta Mission
- Are Sierran Lakes Warming as a Result of Climate Change? The Effects of Climate Warming and Variation in Precipitation on Water Temperature in a Snowmelt-Dominated Lake
- Assessing the Impact of Model Parameter Uncertainty in Simulating Grass Biomass Using a Hybrid Carbon Allocation Strategy
- Assessing the spatial variability of mountain precipitation in California's Sierra Nevada using the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Atmospheric Rivers and floods in Southern California: Climate forcing of extreme weather events.
- Attributing Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Anthropogenic and Natural Sources Using AVIRIS-NG
- Benthic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C stacks: Metrics for deglacial changes in deep ocean carbon storage and the terrestrial biosphere
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Beyond the threshold for motion: river channel geometry and grain size reflect sediment supply
- Bidirectional Response of Runoff to Changes in Snowmelt Rate, Timing, and Amount
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions from Diverse Zones of a California Salt Marsh
- Changes in South American Low-level jet during summer
- Characterizing Drought and Vegetation Response at the Forest Line in Hawai`i
- Characterizing Novel Archaeal Lineages in Salton Sea Sediments
- Characterizing intermediate-depth earthquake rupture in the Northern Mariana Subduction Zone
- Circulation and Respiration in Ice-covered Alaskan Arctic Lakes
- Climate Odyssey: Communicating Coastal Change through Art, Science, and Sail
- Closing the water balance using ParBal, a parallel energy balance snowmelt model: a test case in the Sierra Nevada, USA and an application case in the Hunza Basin, Pakistan
- Coastal hazards along the U.S. West Coast during the 2015-16 El Niño
- Combined Mobile In Situ and Remote Sensing Investigation of the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Leak in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- Combining remote sensing and watershed modeling for regional-scale carbon cycling studies in disturbance-prone systems
- Comparing Column Water Vapor Retrievals from AVIRIS imagery and their Uncertainties over Varying Surfaces
- Comparing Vegetation Response in Southern, Central and Northern California during the 1997-1998 and 2015-2016 El Niño
- Connecting above and below: the impacts of large wildlife loss and pastoralism on savanna carbon dynamics
- Constraining Changes in Ocean Heat Content from 1990-2015 Using a Data Assimilation Ocean Circulation Model
- Controlling Factors of the Surface Energy and Water Balances in cities located in cold climate regions
- Decadal variability of the position and strength of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone and its relationship to precipitation variability and extremes over Southeastern Brazil
- Deep convective events influence ozone variability in southeast South America
- Densified Stream Measurement Network Modeling at Continental and Local Scales
- Developing Cyberinfrastructure Tools and Services for Metadata Quality Evaluation
- Developing Methods for Fraction Cover Estimation Toward Global Mapping of Ecosystem Composition
- Developing a Soil Moisture Index for California Grasslands from Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
- Development of a Model of Nitrogen Cycling in Stormwater Control Measures and Application of the Model at the Watershed Scale
- Differences in Plant Traits among N-fixing Trees in Hawaii Affect Understory Nitrogen Cycling
- Differentiating Metamorphic Events in a Polymetamorphic Terrane using Zr-in-Ttn thermometry and Titanite U-Pb Geochronology
- Do Community Recommendations Improve Metadata?
- Ductile Flow Accompanied by Vertical Thinning and Near-Isothermal Decompression in the Lhagoi Kangri Gneiss Dome, Southern Tibet
- Duration of convergence at the Pacific-Gondwana plate margin: insights from accessory phase petrochronology of the Alpine Schist, New Zealand
- Earth Observations for Early Detection of Agricultural Drought: Contributions of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)
- Ecohydrological Projections of Fire Regimes: Balancing Uncertainty and Complexity to Integrate Cross-disciplinary Simulation Systems
- Effects of Topographic Smoothing on the Simulation of Winter Precipitation in High Asia
- Elevated helium isotope ratios in the northern Lau and north Fiji basins: Intrusion of the Samoan hotspot or another OIB component?
- Environmental Controls on Extracellular Polysaccharide Accumulation in a Seasonally Dry Grassland Soil
- Estimate of Rayleigh-to-Love Wave Energy Ratio based on Array-derived Rotation and Vertical Component Seismograms
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating Urban Gross Primary Productivity at High Spatial Resolution
- Evaluating the Effects of Surface Properties on Methane Detection with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
- Evaluation of Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Land Data Assimilation System (FLDAS) and application in East Africa
- Excitation of seismic waves by a tornado
- Exploring the chemical composition of pelagic tar collected in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Extreme Warming Challenges Sentinel Status of Kelp Forests as Indicators of Climate Change
- Finding Spectral Patterns in Bark Beetle Infestations in the Sierra National Forest Using Landsat and AVIRIS Imagery
- Floods and Fires: Decadal-scale terrestrial data from Santa Barbara Basin during the Common Era
- Flowpath of Snowmelt Water in an Ice-Covered Arctic Lake
- From DNS to RANS: A Multi-model workflow to understand the Influence of Hurricanes on Generating Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico
- Frozen Gaussian approximation for three-dimensional seismic wave propagation
- GHG Emission Source Observations of Western U.S. using the GOSAT Agile Pointing System
- GISpark: A Geospatial Distributed Computing Platform for Spatiotemporal Big Data
- GOSAT field experiments with a new portable mid-IR FTS in the western US
- Generating Southern Africa Precipitation Forecast Using the FEWS Engine, a New Application for the Google Earth Engine
- Geochemical Constraints on Mantle Source and Melting Dynamics of the South China Sea Spreading Center
- HYSPLIT Model Backwards Trajectory Analysis of Southern California Atmospheric Rivers
- High spatial resolution mapping of the Cerrado's land cover and land use types in the priority area for conservation Chapada da Contagem, Brazil.
- How Redox Fluctuation Shapes Microbial Community Structure and Mineral-Organic Matter Relationships in a Humid Tropical Forest Soil
- How Soil Water Storage Moderates Climate Change's Effects on Transpiration Across the Critical Zone Observatories
- How rivers remember: The impacts of prior stress history on grain scale topography and bedload transport
- Hydrologic Modeling for Monitoring Water Availability in Africa
- Hysteresis in both sediment transport and water turbulence contribute to seismic hysteresis in a steep mountain stream
- Identification of a Hawaiian-Emperor Style Bend in the Tuvalu Segment of the Rurutu Hotspot
- Identifying Food Insecurity in Africa Using Remote Sensing Datasets
- Improving seasonal drought prediction in California by combining statistical and dynamical models
- Infrasound signal detection and characterization using ground-coupled airwaves on a single seismo-acoustic sensor pair
- Insights into the Quaternary tectonics of the Yellowstone hotspot from a terrace record along the Hoback and Snake rivers.
- Insights into the formation of wave-dominated deltas from ground-penetrating radar profiles of the Oxnard Plain, California and the Elwha River Delta, Washington
- Integrating Fire Effects into an Ecohydrologic Model for Simulating Fire Regimes
- Interactions Between Urban Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Islands: A Case Study in the Boston Metropolitan Region
- Interoperability Across the Stewardship Spectrum in the DataONE Repository Federation
- Investigating the origins of rhythmic major-element zoning in HP/LT garnets from worldwide subduction mélanges
- Is Managed Wildfire Protecting Yosemite National Park from Drought?
- Key Process Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Dynamics: Comparing Multiple Model Structures and Observational Meta-analysis
- Large-scale restoration of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated, gravel-bedded river
- Latest Pleistocene and Holocene surficial deposits and landforms of Yosemite Valley, California
- Linkages between rainfall regimes and storage-discharge relations under climate variability in coastal California watersheds
- Linking Carbon Flux Dynamics and Soil Structure in Dryland Soils
- Linking User Identities Across the DataONE Federation of Data Repositories
- Lithologic and Environmental Controls on Channel Network Extent and Responce to Change
- MJO-ENSO Influence on Extreme Rainfall over the Peruvian Andes
- Magnitude and Peak Amplitude Relationship for Microseismicity Induced by a Hydraulic Fracture Experiment
- Managing forests, water resources and their interaction in the face of increasing drought frequency and severity in semi-arid regions.
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Melting of the subducted slab and mantle wedge during subduction initiation below the Semail (Oman-UAE) ophiolite
- Melts of the early Earth. An ab initio computational perspective.
- Merging fine and coarse resolution remotely sensed data with household-level survey data to evaluate small-scale vulnerability to climate change in West Africa
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Fluxes in Amazon Floodplains
- Mg/Ca-temperature calibration and flux variability of Globigerinoides ruber based on a bi-weekly resolved sediment trap
- Molybdenum Cycling During Crust Formation and Destruction
- Monitoring and Forecasting Reference Evapotranspiration for Food Security Assessments
- Multidirectional seismo-acoustic wavefield of strombolian explosions at Yasur, Vanuatu using a broadband seismo-acoustic network, infrasound arrays, and infrasonic sensors on tethered balloons
- National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
- Nearly 400 million people are at higher risk of schistosomiasis because dams block the migration of snail-eating river prawns
- Oceanic Forcing of Seasonal to Decadal Western Asia Precipitation During Winter
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons
- Optimal Precipitation Merging to improve Soil Moisture Modeling
- Persistent Identifiers for Improved Accessibility for Linked Data Querying
- Potential Impact of Planned Andean Dams on the Amazon Fluvial Ecosystem
- Primitive helium isotopic compositions associated with Miocene lavas from Northwest Iceland
- Quantifying Urban Vegetation Type Fractions Using Signal Unmixing with Airborne Spectroscopic Imagery
- Quantifying the individual contributions of snow and glaciers in High Mountain Asia River basins: Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra.
- Quantifying the timescales of Archean UHT metamorphism through U-Pb monazite and zircon petrochronology
- Rare earth element evidence for ultra-thick primary crust in the Archean
- Reconciling "Whiffs" of O2 with the Archean MIF S Record: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments
- Reconstruction of Last Glacial Tropical SST Anomalies from Mg/Ca and UK37' to Constrain Climate Sensitivity
- Recycling Revisited: Where did all the Subducted Sediments go?
- Remote-sensing supported monitoring of global biodiversity change
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Reproducible Research in the Geosciences
- Rupture history of the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto earthquake constrained by the local strong motion, teleseismic body and surface waves
- Seismic stratigraphic interpretations suggest that sectors of the central and western Ross Sea were near or above sea level during earliest Oligocene time
- Seismo-acoustic tremor and plume height hysteresis from the March 2016 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska
- Semantic markup of sensor capabilities: how simple it too simple?
- Slip Distribution of Two Recent Large Earthquakes in the Guerrero Segment of the Mexican Subduction Zone, and Their Relation to Previous Earthquakes, Silent Slip Events and Seismic Gaps
- Soil Rewetting Respiration Dynamics Across a Lithologic Gradient
- Spatial Divergence of Projected Trends in Streamflow Magnitude and Timing in Western United States Coastal Watersheds
- Spatio-temporal patterns of nutrient fluxes as a function of hydrologic variability, land cover and fires in coastal California catchments
- Spectral emissivity features of plants: Prospects for the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) sensor
- Strong ground motion estimation for M 3.3-5.3 earthquakes using a deterministic approach in time domain: Modeling procedure and uncertainties
- Subsurface metagenomes uncover a vast repertoire of hypervariable proteins encoded by genetic elements in uncultivated organisms and viruses
- Telecoupled governance of land use change: Sustainable palm oil conservation benefits limited by preferential certification
- Terrestrial Evidence for Holocene Pluvials in Coastal Southern California
- The Export and Fate of Organic Matter in the Ocean: New Constraints from Combining Satellite and Oceanographic Tracer Observations
- The Hawaii-Emperor Bend: A Seafloor Spreading Perspective
- The NSF Arctic Data Center: Leveraging the DataONE Federation to Build a Sustainable Archive for the NSF Arctic Research Community
- The Pleistocene Eastern Equatorial Pacific: Insights from a New Carnegie Platform Stratigraphic Record
- The Role of Catchment Soil and Geologic Properties in Governing Mountain Streamflow Response to Climate Change
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The South American Low-Level Jet: A New Climatology, Variability, and Changes
- The Uncertainty Range of Co-Seismic Stress Drop of Large Earthquakes and an Energy-Based Smoothing Constraint during Finite Fault Inversions
- The age of IODP Site 1473, Atlantis Bank: Constraints from initial zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry by SIMS
- The effects of redox fluctuation on iron-organic matter interactions in wet tropical soils
- The importance of intracrustal magmatic heat advection in large hot orogens: the Ediacaran-Cambrian ultrahigh-temperature domain of southern Madagascar.
- The initiation and persistence of cracks in Enceladus' ice shell
- The propagation of varied timescale perturbations in landscapes
- The use of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal and spheroidal carbonaceous particles to date the last 250 yr in coastal California
- Thresholds of understanding: Exploring assumptions of scale invariance vs. scale dependence in global biogeochemical models
- Titanium Isotopes Link the High 3He/4He Reservoir to Continent Formation
- Topographic, Pedologic and Land Cover Controls on the Generation of Hillslope Runoff and the Water Balance in Amazonian Lowlands
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- U-Pb Dating of Calcite by LA-ICPMS
- U-Pb zircon geochronology and Zr-in-rutile thermometry of eclogites from the Dulan area, North Qaidam ultra-high pressure (UHP) terrane, western China
- Uncovering the effects of Arundo invasion & forest restoration on riparian soils: Plant controls on microbial processes & trace gas flux in a California watershed
- Urgent and Compelling Need for Coastal and Inland Aquatic Ecosystem Research Using Space-Based Sensors
- Using CHIRPS Rainfall Dataset to detect rainfall trends in West Africa
- Using Google Earth Engine To Apply Spectral Mixture Analysis Over Landsat 5TM Imagery To Map Fire Scars In The Alto Teles Pires River Basin, Mato Grosso State, Brazil.
- Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Changing Distributions of Dominant Species in Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes of Louisiana
- Using Multi-Temporal Imaging Spectroscopy Data to Detect Drought and Bark Beetle Related Conifer Mortality across the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Measure Chl:C in the Santa Barbara Channel
- Using data to inform soil microbial carbon model structure and parameters
- Using multi-scale remote sensing techniques to quantify hillslope channel coupling in bedrock landscapes
- Validation of CHIRP Satellite Rainfall Estimates over Africa
- Variability of ground motion spectra when stress on the fault is heterogeneous
- Water Recycling in Subduction Zones: The Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-arc Mantle
- Waveform Inversions for the Slip Distributions of the April 25, 2015, Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake and Its Large Aftershocks
- What do we really know about Earth's early crust?
- What role does evaporative demand play in driving drought in Africa?
- Why Does Some Subducted Continental Crust Escape Deformation and Transformation?
- Wildfire disturbance, erosion and sedimentation risks following the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado
- `Electrochemical Pressure Solution' -The Importance of Dissimilar Surface Potentials in Dissolution Phenomena
- Weather and climate change drivers of agricultural pesticide use in the US
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion supplemented by infrasound sensors on a tethered weather balloon at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- A Comparison of Global Indexing Schemes to Facilitate Earth Science Data Management
- A Coupled Model for Simulating Future Wildfire Regimes in the Western U.S.
- A Multicomponent Large Ringlaser for Seismology: First Observations
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- A triangular climate-based decision model to forecast crop anomalies in Kenya
- Accessing National Water Model Output for Research and Application: An R package
- Accounting for small scale heterogeneity in ecohydrologic watershed models
- Agricultural response to changes in water availability and temperature in the coterminous U.S.
- An Active Fire Temperature Retrieval Model Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Articles of Data Confederation: DataONE, the KNB, and a multitude of Metacats- scaling interoperable data discovery and preservation from the lab to the Internet
- Assessment of Uncertainties in Recent Changes in the South American Low-Level Jet Based on Various Reanalyses
- Backprojection of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic
- Characterizing Drought Impacted Soils in the San Joaquin Valley of California Using Remote Sensing
- Characterizing the utility of the TMPA real-time product for hydrologic predictions over global river basins across scales
- Climate Odyssey: Resources for Understanding Coastal Change through Art, Science, and Sail
- Communicating why land surface heterogeneity matters
- Comparison of Agricultural Drought Indicators over West Africa
- Comparison of model microbial allocation parameters in soils of varying texture
- Compositional changes in the UCC through time revealed by tungsten isotopes
- Concentration-discharge responses to storm events in coastal California watersheds
- Constraints on the thickness of the long-lived North Qaidam UHP terrane, China: evidence from T-t trends and phase equilibria modelling
- Contemporaneous migmitization and granite emplacement during regional metamorphism: Evidence for mid-crustal contribution to the batholiths of the Arabian-Nubian Shield
- Controls on carbon storage and weathering in volcanic ash soils across a climate gradient on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Credit where credit is due: indexing and exposing data citations in international data repository networks
- DataONE: Gateway to Earth and Environmental Data Repositories
- Design and Implementation of High-Performance GIS Dynamic Objects Rendering Engine
- Distinguishing Southern Africa precipitation response by strength of El Niño events
- Drivers of atmospheric evaporative demand during African droughts
- Drought Effects on Riparian Vegetation in the Santa Clara River Basin Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Drought in West Africa: How CHIRPS and Reference Evapotranspiration can be used for Index Insurance in a Non-Stationary Setting
- Effect of Impingement Angle on landfalling Atmospheric River precipitation efficiency
- Effects of fire suppression under a changing climate in Pacific Northwest mixed-pine forests
- Effects of future climate conditions on streamflow dynamics in coastal southern California watersheds
- Enhancing Famine Early Warning Systems with Improved Forecasts, Satellite Observations and Hydrologic Simulations
- Enhancing access and usage of earth observations to support environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) - A New U.S. DOE Data Archive
- Evaluating Vegetation Type Effects on Land Surface Temperature at the City Scale
- Evaluating sub-seasonal skill in probabilistic forecasts of Atmospheric Rivers and associated extreme events
- Examining the value of global seasonal reference evapotranspiration forecasts tosupport FEWS NET's food insecurity outlooks
- Exploring spectral emissivity features of plants from leaf to canopy levels
- Gas Production Within Stromatolites Across the Archean: Evidence For Ancient Microbial Metabolisms
- Geochronologic evidence for Late Cretaceous and Miocene tectonism in northern New England
- Geophysical Surveys of the Hydrologic Basin Underlying Yosemite Valley, California.
- Gross Primary Productivity and Vegetation Light Use Efficiency of a Large Metropolitan Region based on CO2 Flux Measurements and WorldView-2 Satellite Imagery
- High spatial resolution mapping of land cover types in a priority area for conservation in the Brazilian savanna
- How interactions between top-down and bottom-up controls on carbon cycling affect fluxes within and from lakes
- How soil water storage moderates climate changes effects on transpiration, across the different climates of the Critical Zone Observatories
- Hydrologic modeling for monitoring water availability in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Insights into Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be Dynamics and Climate Stability along the Hawaiian Kohala Climosequence
- Insights into alluvial fan dynamics: Evolution of the Miocene Elephant Trees Formation, Anza Borrego Desert, CA
- Insights into the Fault Geometry and Rupture History of the 2016 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand, Earthquake
- Is deciduousness a key to climate resilience among iconic California savanna oak species? Relating phenological habits to seasonal indicators of tree physiological and water stress across field, hyperspectral, drone (UAS)-based multispectral and thermal image data
- Landsat Sensitivity To Recovery from Burning and Clearcuts in Amazonia
- Let's Make Data Count
- Leveraging Spatial Data to Assess Where Sewers Leak and Impinge on Urban Water Quality
- Local diurnal wind-driven variabiity and upwelling in a small coastal embayment
- Mainstream web standards now support science data too
- Mapping Soil Age at Continental Scales
- Modeling the Effects of Drought Events on Forest Ecosystem Functioning Historically and Under Scenarios of Climate Change
- Modelling the Effects of Sea-level, Climate Change, Geology, and Tectonism on the Morphology of the Amazon River Valley and its Floodplain
- Molybdenum isotopes reveal oxidation of Earth's continental crust during the 2.4 Ga Great Oxidation Event
- Moulin Migration and Development on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Observations of volatile organic compounds over the North Atlantic Ocean: relationships to dominant cyanobacterial populations.
- Organic N cycling in Arctic ecosystems: Quantifying root uptake kinetics and temporal variability of soil amino acids.
- Pairing Quaternary paleoecology and modern ROV exploration to produce novel reconstructions of marine ecosystem responses to millennial-scale climate change
- Predicting Geomorphic and Hydrologic Risks after Wildfire Using Harmonic and Stochastic Analyses
- Predicting Plant-Accessible Water in the Critical Zone: Mountain Ecosystems in a Mediterranean Climate
- Real-time monitoring of smallholder farmer responses to intra-seasonal climate variability in central Kenya
- Relationship between annual precipitation variability and ENSO in Southern California for the Common Era (last 2,000 years)
- Seasonal scale water deficit forecasting in Africa and the Middle East using NASA's Land Information System (LIS)
- Short-term Dynamics of Photopriming Increase Carbon Loss During Litter Decomposition
- Soil and geologic controls on recharge and groundwater flow response to climate perturbation: A case study of the Yakima River Basin
- South American Monsoon System: from the Last Glacial to the Last Millennium
- Spatial and temporal variations of evapotranspiration, groundwater and precipitation in Amazonia
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Sources in the Eastern Himalaya: A case study of the Arun watershed, Nepal
- Spectral Mixture Analysis to map burned areas in Brazil's deforestation arc from 1992 to 2011
- Ten Years of Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery following the 2007 Zaca Fire using Landsat Satellite Imagery
- The Effects of Surface Properties and Albedo on Methane Retrievals with the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)
- The Environmental Data Initiative data repository: Trustworthy practices that foster preservation, fitness, and reuse for environmental and ecological data
- The Environmental Data Initiative: A broad-use data repository for environmental and ecological data that strives to balance data quality and ease of submission
- The Role of Different Agricultural Plant Species in Air Pollution
- Titanite chronology, thermometry, and speedometry of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) calc-silicates from south Madagascar: U-Pb dates, Zr temperatures, and lengthscales of trace-element diffusion
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Tropopause Ozone and Water Vapor Concentrations during the South American Monsoon System with AIRS Satellite Observations and MERRA-2 data
- Using Imaging Spectrometry to Approach Crop Classification from a Water Management Perspective
- Using Satellite Data and Land Surface Models to Monitor and Forecast Drought Conditions in Africa and Middle East
- Using machine learning to predict snow water equivalent in the Sierra Nevada USA and Afghanistan
- Utilizing Landsat 8 to measure kelp physiological health in the Santa Barbara Channel
- Water storage dynamics and streamflow in coastal California watersheds developed in fractured rocks
- West Pacific Forcing of Atmospheric River Events in the North Pacific and the End of California's Recent Drought
- What Happens in the Burn Zone Doesn't Stay in the Burn Zone: How Markets Distribute Disturbances Across the Landscape
- What is the Best Model Specification and Earth Observation Product for Predicting Regional Grain Yields in Food Insecure Countries?
- What's in a Number: How we Measure Community Engagement
- Zircon Zoning, Trace Elements and U-Pb Dates Reveal Crustal Foundering Beneath the Pamir
- 4.1 Ga zircon grains from the Barberton greenstone belt: New constraints on the Hadean crust
- A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Segmenting Smallholder Agriculture
- A Hierarchical, Synoptic, and Dynamic Seascape Framework for Observing and Understanding Pelagic Biodiversity
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Overview of Results from Stage 1 Research
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Accumulation of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Global Surface Ocean: A Data-Based Approach
- Airborne and satellite remote sensing air pollution exposure by fusion with in situ emissions estimation
- Analysis of Rainfall Trends for the Belg Season in Ethiopia
- Atmospheric Rivers Impact on High Asia Mountain Precipitation
- Automated Detection, Association, Location, and Characterization of Volcanic Infrasound Incorporating 3D Ray-Tracing and Empirical Climatologies
- Automating Metadata Evaluation at Research Repositories to Assess Discoverability, Interpretability, and Readiness for Reuse
- CMIP5 representation of the austral summer precipitation variability and frequency over eastern Brazil
- CUAHSI Virtual University: An inter-institutional framework for graduate education applied to the hydrologic sciences
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Challenges and contributions of using high spatial resolution data for biodiversity conservation planning in tropical savannas
- Characterization of microbial communities associated with hydrocarbon seeps
- Climate driven thresholds in reactive mineral retention of soil carbon at the global scale
- Concentration-Discharge Responses to Storm Events in Coastal California Watersheds
- Consistent with recent observations, a climate change meta-ensemble robustly projects 2020-2039 climate hazards associated with El Nino and La-Nina related sea surface temperature extremes
- Constraining physically-based climate modeling with snow spectroscopic measurements from the Surface Biology and Geology concept
- Cretaceous foreland dynamics, eustasy, and climate from continental shelf and distal sections, Arctic Alaska
- Cross-Shelf Redistribution of Coarse Gravel and Fluvial Incision Following Shelf Exposure: Observations from the Dead Sea
- Customizing the National Water Model to meet Regional Needs for Water Prediction
- Data Management Skillbuilding Hub: Community Created Materials for Students and Educators
- Data Submission Tools and Resources to Support Best Metadata Practices, Data Sharing, and Citation in the Arctic Research Community
- Data re-use: Tools for producing and displaying data provenance across DataONE repositories
- DataONE on the web: Using and JSON-LD to enhance data search and access
- Deep Images require Deep Learning: A Pixel-Based Convolutional Neural Network Classifier can Accurately Identify Tree Species Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Density Foundering of Pamir Lithosphere: Geo- and Thermodynamic Constraints
- Detrital Zircon age spectra of Middle and Upper Eocene strata of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Dissecting Sources of Dry Weather Fecal Pollution in Two Urban California Beaches: Role of Bather Shedding
- Disseminating CONUS National Water Model Simulation Data at Watershed Scales to Engage a Broad Community of Water Scientists
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Drivers of diffusive lake CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions on daily to multi-year time scales
- Drought Response of Urban Vegetation using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Drought in Africa: Understanding and Exploiting the Demand Perspective Using a New Evaporative Demand Reanalysis.
- ENSO Variability Influences Lower Stratosphere Ozone in South America
- Early warning of food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring predictors beyond traditionally used seasonal rainfall forecasts
- Earthcasting: Geomorphic Prediction for Society
- Earthquake catalog reconstruction from analog seismograms: Application to the Rangely Experiment microfilms
- Earthquake nucleation and fault slip complexity in the lower crust of central Alaska
- Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in the Inland Northwest
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through web-services, training and development of novel datasets
- Engaging a university community in achieving carbon neutrality
- Engaging the DataONE Community in Sustainability Planning and Execution to Enable Future Evolution and Use of the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure
- Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE): Report on our First 18 Months
- Evaluating NASA's GEOS-5 S2S Versions for Drought Forecasting in Africa
- Evaluation of Alternative Detection Methods for Oceanographic HF Radars
- Examining Grain-scale Sr and Nd Isotopic Heterogeneities in Metasomatized Harzburgite Xenoliths from Savai'i, Western Samoa
- Exhumed Mafic HP Rocks are Warmer than Forearc Oceanic Crust in Modern Subduction Zones Suggesting Preferential Exhumation from Warm Subduction Settings
- Exploring Global Precipitation Extremes with CHIRPS v2.0
- Extreme El Nino Events Over the Last Millennium: A Model/Proxy Synthesis Approach
- Facilitating and Improving Environmental Research Data Repository Interoperability
- Facilitating data discovery on the Internet using and dataset metadata through the Environmental Data Initiative Data Portal
- Faith-based restoration and the conundrum of "restoring" urban watersheds
- Farmer Perception, Recollection, and Remote Sensing in Weather Index Insurance for Agriculture in the Developing World: an Ethiopia Case Study
- Feedbacks between fluvial forces and differing vegetation morphologies moderate riparian seedling losses during experimental floods; implications for restoration using environmental flows
- Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers in Kenya
- Fluctuating pressure and fluid fluxing during subduction: records from rhythmically zoned high pressure/low temperature garnets
- Flume and field investigations link woody riparian vegetation plant traits to morphodynamics across scales
- Forecast for Blue Nile river flow in 2018: evaluation and regional responses
- Forest thinning in dry forests: improving the resilience of forest health and streamflow in the Pacific Northwest
- Fusing Remote Sensing and Demography to Assess which Sub-Saharan African Cities Are Growing the Fastest
- Geochemistry of Mauna Loa Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions with Unusual Trace Element Fingerprints
- Growing an Interoperable Network of Trusted Repositories through DataONE
- High resolution spatial measurement of snow properties in a mountain environment: A multi-instrument snow properties assessment experiment
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Monitoring of Greenland Ice Sheet Supraglacial Hydrologic Features
- Holocene Hydroclimate in Coastal Southern California
- How Index Insurance is impacted by Climate Variability, a West African Example
- Influences of a Mesoscale Convective Complex and Instability on Tropopause Thermodynamic Structure in the La Plata Basin
- Insights into past sea-level, climate, and Earth structure from beach ridges on Joinville Island, Antarctic Peninsula
- Interpreting phytoplankton bloom development using high-frequency radar and satellite ocean color imagery
- Inversion Strategies to Retrieve Snow Albedo and Temperature from Spectrometers and Multispectral Sensors
- Investigating Pollution Tradeoffs of Agricultural Drainage Water Management on the Delmarva Peninsula, USA
- Investigating the Inputs to SPEI and Their Importance in Identifying Agroclimatic Hazards
- Jurassic volcanic glass in the Ferrar Large Igneous Province of Antarctica preserves evidence for hydration by glacial meltwater
- Make Data Count by Shifting the Culture of Data Publication and Citation through Reproducible Data Papers
- Make Data Count: Data as a First-Class Research Output
- Marine Organic Aerosol Variability Associated with Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics over the Remote North Atlantic Ocean
- Measurement Ontologies: The Field of Dreams for Essential Biodiversity Variables
- Mechanisms of Heating in a Hinterland Nappe of Northern Scotland, with Tectonic Implications
- Mechanisms of granulite formation in an archetypal accretion-to-collision orogen: pseudosections and monazite petrochronology from southern Madagascar
- Megadroughts: a series of unfortunate La Nina Events?
- Mixing and entrainment at the interface of lock-release gravity currents
- Modeling urban energy fluxes across Los Angeles
- Modelling riparian forest development to predict floodplain inputs of large wood to meandering rivers
- Modelling the effects of connected impervious surfaces on urban green spaces and nitrate concentrations in a semi-arid environment
- Monitoring the Global Large Earthquakes with 3D SEM Strain Green's Functions, Part II: Multiple Double Couple (MDC) Analysis
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part I: Strain Green's function calculation and validation
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part III: Slip history of 2017 Mexico Mw8.2 and 2018 Alaska Mw7.9 Earthquakes
- Multi-variate evaluation of the NOAA National Water Model
- Nitrogen and light co-limitation of primary production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Ocean Lidar Profile Results during the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study
- Oiling accelerates loss of salt marshes, southeastern Louisiana
- Ontology-Aided Spatialization of Field Station Research
- Patterns of coastal response and recovery from the 2015-16 El Niño
- Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment - Coronagraph (PICTURE-C): A high altitude balloon experiment to directly image and characterize debris disks around nearby stars
- Potential impact of climate change on groundwater storage in Central Valley, California
- Projected Snowpack in the Sierra Nevada, California: 21st-Century Trends, Climate Sensitivity, and Uncertainty
- Prolonged fluid-driven resetting of titanite following ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in southern Madagascar
- Quantifying Connectivity Between the Surface and Subsurface in Numerically Modeled Deltas
- Recent Enhancements to the UCSB Geotechnical Array Data Portal
- Recent Water Availability Trends and Mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Projections in East Africa
- Reimagining high-resolution ecosystem monitoring with low-cost autonomous sensing
- Research is more valuable when its data are published
- Routine Food and Water Security Monitoring using NASA Earth Observations
- Science, containerized: Integrating provenance and compute environments with the Whole Tale
- Seasonal Scale Drought Forecasting in Africa and the Middle East
- Seasonal and diurnal drone and ground-based thermal, multispectral and hyperspectral imaging to quantify responses of California oak woodland productivity and evapotranspiration to extreme climate conditions
- Seasonal patterns and controls of water composition in an Amazon floodplain lake
- Seasonal variability of early and late onset monsoon seasons in the Sahel
- Short- and long-term hydrologic recovery after wildfire in the interior Pacific Northwest
- Sinuosity Evolution Along Incising Channel: New Insights from the Jordan River Response to the Dead Sea Level Fall
- Spatial Soil Moisture Patterns as a Driver of Ecohydrological Processes
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Wind Extremes in Santa Barbara County, California
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Post-Fire Vegetation Regrowth in Los Padres National Forest
- Spectral Mixture Analysis in Google Earth Engine to Model and Delineate Fire Scars from 1985 to 2017 in the Amazon Forest - Cerrado Transition Zone
- Subject-oriented finite fault inversion: a simple way to explore the uncertainty of the inverted source models
- Sundowner Winds and Fire Weather Conditions in Santa Barbara, CA: Observation and Modeling
- Surface Creep Rate of the Southern San Andreas Fault Modulated by Stress Perturbations from Nearby Large Events
- Surface Current Mapping Using a Hybrid Direction Finding Approach for Flexible Antenna Arrays
- Testing ENSO's Role in Driving Southwestern US Megadroughts
- The CHIRPS-GEFS Precipitation Dataset for Improved Food Security Forecasts and Analysis in Africa.
- The Climate Responses to Past and Future Explosive Volcanism in CESM Climate Model Simulations
- The Contribution of Post-Wildfire Rilling to Generation of the 2018 Montecito, CA Debris Flows: Quantification and Interpretation of Rill Geometries and Patterns.Paul Alessio, Thomas Dunne, Kristin Morell
- The Environmental Data Initiative's Approach to Data Publishing Training for Research Teams
- The Fire Climate that Preceded the Largest Fire in California History: A Statistical Anomaly or Wave of the Future?
- The Icelandic Mantle Plume: A 62 Million Year Record of the Deep Mantle
- The Influence of High Nutrient Availability on The Carbon Balance in Restored Marshes: An Example From Poplar Island, MD in Chesapeake Bay
- The Jesusita wildfire in Santa Barbara California: a comparison of three fire spread simulations
- The Life Cycle of a Continental Arc Preserved in the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- The Montecito, California 2018 Debris Flows: Generation, Flow and Transport Properties, Sedimentation, and Fan Modification
- The National Water Model and R: Providing fast discovery, access, and usability of NWM output and earth systems data
- The Sorrells Process, Retrieval of Layered Shallow Structure and Comparison to the Vs30 Model
- The Unseen Canopy: Sensing Lateral Root Overlaps to advance Predictive Modeling of Ecohydrologic Function
- The challenges of accurately modeling and measuring snow albedo: two new contributions to improve our understanding
- The role of land surface feedbacks in drought monitoring and forecasting
- Three decades of variability in California's giant kelp forests from the Landsat satellites
- To What Extent Does High-Resolution Dynamical Downscaling Improve Seasonal Forecasts over the Ethiopian Highlands?
- Topographic controls on spatial patterns of hydrologic processes following mountain pine beetle infestation
- Toward Quantifying the Influence of Hurricanes on Generating Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico: A Multi-model Workflow
- Tracking the spatiotemporal patterns of the high mountain water cycle with isotopic and geochemical data in the Arun watershed, eastern Nepal
- Turbulence-Resolving Simulations of the Plunge Phenomenon in a Stratified Ambient
- Uncovering a regime shift in Ethiopian highland summertime precipitation with implications for seasonal prediction
- Understanding the Dynamical Linkages between the South American Low-Level Jet, Mesoscale Convective Systems, and Large-Scale Circulation
- Unravelling the metabolism of Atribacteria
- Urban Gross Primary Productivity across Diverse Vegetation and Land-Use Types
- Using active learning to quantify how training data errors impact classification accuracy over smallholder-dominated agricultural systems
- Using thermal and hyperspectral imagery to quantify land surface temperature variability and assess crop stress within California orchards
- Variation in Interplate Coupling Between Downgoing and Overriding Plates: Implications for Great Earthquakes in Areas of Flat Slab Subduction from 3-D Geodynamic Models of Alaska
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast?
- What is the Best Earth Observation Product for Predicting Regional Grain Yields in Food Insecure Countries?
- When Can Climate Variability Mitigate Future Megadrought Risk?
- Zircon Geochemistry at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge: Implications for Magmatic Accretion at Slow-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges
- A Community-Centered Approach to Managing Environmental Data in Repositories
- A Fine-Resolution, Global Comparison of Urban Exposure to Extreme Temperatures
- A Framework for Climate Change Adaptation Planning of California's Electricity-Water Nexus
- A Functional Data Analysis Approach to Exploring the Variation in the Annual Progression of Snow Accumulation and Melt in the Sierra Nevada
- A Large, Sustained El Niño-Like Response To Nuclear Conflict
- A New Look at Water Resources: Science and Society
- A Tropically-driven Global Teleconnection Linking the Arctic and Antarctic over the Past Centuries
- A dynamic, global seascape framework for observing and understanding biodiversity patterns in ocean ecosystems
- A new era of anchoring water cycle science and water resource management with paradigm-shifting snow remote sensing
- A new ocean state after nuclear winter
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- Achieving FAIR: Improvement and Guidance using Quantitative Assessment of Datasets in the DataONE Federation
- Advancing Climate-Health Research with Stochastic Weather Generators
- Advancing NASA's seasonal hydrologic forecasting system for improved food insecurity warning in Africa
- Airborne Survey of the 2019 Searles Valley Earthquake Zone and Environs
- An Analysis of Bias-corrected Monthly Forecasts - Potential Perils and Improvements
- An Atmospheric Driver of the Upper Ocean Heat Content in the Arctic
- An Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Framework:Case Study, the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD)
- Analysis of Belg Rainfall Trend over Agropastoral Regions of Ethiopia
- Analyzing data from snow pillows and courses for comparison with the Airborne Snow Observatory and the iSnobal model
- Animal, vegetable, mineral: Identifying the indirect effects of large vertebrate herbivores and land use on carbon cycling in a Kenyan savanna ecosystem
- Application of subseasonal climate forecasts for improving food insecurity early warning in West Africa
- Assessing WRF's Seasonal Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) in California's Sierra Nevada Using the Airborne Snow Observatory
- Assessment of hydrologic impacts of climate change in the Sierra Nevada: comparisons between radiative change and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization
- Atmospheric Rivers and Precipitation in High Mountain Asia
- Automated Detection, Association, and Location, of Volcanic Infrasound Incorporating 3D Ray-Tracing and Empirical Climatologies
- Bayesian inversion of Sp and Ps phases and Rayleigh waves for lithospheric and asthenospheric structure beneath Alaska
- Beyond Bibliographic Citation: Provenance and Dependency Metadata for Complex Research Objects
- CHIP - Continental Hydrologic Intercomparison Project: A Conceptual Evaluation Framework for Large-Scale Hydrology Model Comparisons
- Can remote sensing transform our use of snowmelt resources?
- Carbonaceous Nanomaterial Effects on Dinitrogen-Fixing Soybeans: Insights Gained from Plant-Soil Mesocosm Studies
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Iceland Hotspot Reveals a Temporal Shift in the Composition of the Primordial Component
- Climatology of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara, California, USA
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- Comparing basin-scale avulsion dynamics in three ancient fluvial systems to understand how floodplain sedimentation influences avulsion patterns
- Contaminant transport in deltaic aquifers: The impact of surface-to-subsurface connectivity
- Continental-scale hydraulic gradients
- Could increased summer rains save mountain ecosystems as snow disappears?
- Credit for Data Reuse Is Driven by Making Data FAIR: The PARSEC Project Approach
- Cross-stratification preferentially records bedform disequilibrium dynamics
- Cryo Purge and Trap Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitative Measurement of Organosulfur Compounds Over the Course of a Phytoplankton Bloom
- Designing the ESS-DIVE Data Repository to be Trusted by the Community and FAIR
- Development of watershed-based large-domain modeling to support monitoring, prediction and water management applications
- Disproportionate Impacts of Oil and Gas Extraction on Already "Disadvantaged" California Communities: How State Data Reveals Underlying Environmental Injustice
- Dissolved CH<SUB>4</SUB> Concentrations and Fluxes to the Atmosphere From a Tropical Floodplain Lake
- Distinct P-T histories in a subduction mélange reveal underplating/mixing processes at the plate interface (North Motagua Mélange, Guatemala)
- Don't get too comfy: The postburn return of severe fire risk under climate change
- Drought Projection and Modeling Causal Feedbacks with Earth Observations in East Africa
- Early snowmelt effects on Arctic tundra plants and soils: a summary of findings from a three-year field experiment at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Effects of Extreme Wind Variability on Modeled Wildfire Spread
- Effects of continuous-flow pyrolysis on the structure, sulfur speciation, and stable sulfur isotope composition of inorganic and organic sulfur pools from the Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay Formation
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through capacity building
- Enhanced North American ENSO teleconnection during the Little Ice Age revealed by Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Establishing an Upper Bound for the Power Density of Large Wind Farms
- Estimating urban tree recovery after drought using an eco-hydrologic model parameterized by remote sensing data
- Evaluating Response of Southern California Chaparral Landscapes to Short-interval Fire and Drought (1984-2018)
- Exploring the regional-scale atmospheric fate and transport of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
- Extracting Supraglacial Streams on Greenland Ice Sheet Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Extreme Fire Weather Conditions During the Summer 2018 Sundowner Event
- Fingerprints of internal drivers of Arctic sea ice loss in observations and model simulations
- Flood magnitude and duration control the location of lobe-scale avulsions on deltas: Madagascar
- Fluvial Morphodynamic Hierarchy and Fabric of the Sedimentary Record
- Fluvial controls to the energy balance and temperature in regulated gravel bed rivers
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Forest Restoration, Streamflow, and Stakeholder Engagement: Integrating Forest Owner & Manager Input with Hydro-Ecological Simulations
- Forest density reduction impacts on productivity, water use and drought resilience
- Future Mountain: An interactive visualization of people, fire, water and climate in forested landscapes.
- Grain-resolving simulations of cohesive sediment transport
- Greater than the sum of the parts: collaboration in and beyond the U.S. LTER Network
- Ground-based and Automobile GHG Measurements in the GOSAT and OCO Western US Campaign
- Growth of the broader Indonesia archipelago as a driver of Neogene cooling
- Hadean detrital zircons record crustal diversity but no evidence for Phanerozoic-type continental crust
- Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Denitrification in Agricultural Landscapes
- How do different anthropogenic activities drive variability and trends in California wildfires?
- How much can managed aquifer recharge mitigate the Central Valley groundwater overdraft?
- Hydrologic Monitoring in Afghanistan to Support Food and Water Security Decision Making
- Identifying Key Traits that Drive Optimal Leaf Investment
- Identifying Worst-Case-Scenario Extreme Wind Events for Advances in Fire Weather and Wildfire Modeling
- Identifying disturbed watersheds using 20 years of MODIS data and Google Earth Engine
- Imaging the Northern East African Rift System using a Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
- Impact of Indian Ocean SST Gradient Reversal on Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation
- Impact of Seasonal Runoff Forecast Uncertainty on Water Management Decisions in California
- Implementation and evaluation of channel infiltration in the NOAA National Water Model for semi-arid environments
- Improved Forecast of End-of-Season Crop Water Deficits
- Improved assessment of dryland riparian vegetation water use at leaf- to landscape-scales using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based thermal remote sensing
- Improving Access to Continental-Scale Hydrology Models for Research and Education - A Subsetting Adventure
- Improving maps of smallholder-dominated croplands through tight integration of human and machine intelligence
- Increasing Efficiency in Data Publication using Semi-Automated Workflow
- Integrating land conservation and low-carbon energy is needed to meet climate goals
- Is Forest Code legislation protecting Neotropical savanna habitats in agricultural landscapes? A high-resolution Gap analysis of the Brazilian Cerrado
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Isotopic Fingerprints of Last Millennium Volcanic Eruptions
- Latest Climate Hazards Center (CHC) products for drought and agro-climatological monitoring and forecasting: AGMERG, CHIRPS v2.1 and CHIRPS-GEFS
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Linkages between water, vegetation, and livelihoods in Sub-Saharan drylands
- Linking large-scale atmospheric circulation variability with cloud changes during the Arctic sea ice melt season
- Long-term Hydrological Response of Snow-influenced Upland Watersheds across California's Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains Under a Changing Climate
- Magma reservoir failure and the onset of caldera collapse at Kīlauea Volcano in 2018
- Make Data Count and PARSEC: Two efforts Towards Data Usage Metrics Standardization
- Mapping Near-Surface Rigidity Structure using Co-located Pressure and Seismic Stations from the EarthScope Transportable Array
- Measuring drought impacts on the cooling effect of urban vegetation in greater Los Angeles with high spatial and temporal resolution imagery
- Measuring the properties of the Alaskan lithosphere and asthenosphere with Bayesian inversion of body and surface waves
- Mechanisms for the Atmosphere-generated Seismic Noise from millihertz to 0.05 Hz
- Mendocino Fracture Zone - Not So Simple!
- Methane Fluxes from Waters within Amazon Flooded Forests
- Model-data comparison of Atlantic delta <SUP>18</SUP>O of seawater gradient changes between the LGM and Holocene
- Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Arc Settings: Implications for the Distribution of Mo in the Continental Crust
- Monitoring dryland riparian vegetation water use and stress via ECOSTRESS
- Multiscale Routing - Integrating the Tree-scale Effects of Disturbance into a Watershed Ecohydrologic Model
- New insights into spatial and temporal dynamics of the global water cycle from the Iso2k database
- New progress in building Pacific Array: an international collaboration to image mantle dynamic processes across the Pacific basin
- New satellite-enhanced daily air temperature estimates indicate rapidly increasing exposure to extremes in Africa, Asia and South America
- North Atlantic blocking regulates cold season air temperature variability over Greenland coastal and ice sheet ablation areas
- Objective Categorization of South American Low-Level Jet Events by Synoptic-Scale Conditions
- On the diurnal development of Sundowner winds in coastal Santa Barbara, CA
- One-third of the ocean island basalt Sr-Nd isotopic "mantle array" preserved in magmatic clinopyroxenes within a single Samoan hotspot lava.
- Onset and Propagation of the 2012-2016 Drought in Southern California
- Partitioning sources of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission after soil wet up using high-resolution observations and a simple model
- People Move, Populations Grow, and Cities Expand: Understanding Dynamics of Urban Expansion in 200 Capital Cities to Inform the 2030 Urban Development Agenda
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Phase-equilibria constrained isotopic modeling of an assimilation contribution to mafic recharge magmas at Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Photonic Integrated Circuit TUned for Reconnaissance and Exploration (PICTURE)
- Physical controls on salmon redd site selection in restored reaches of a gravel-bed river
- Point Source Methane Mapping with Future Satellite Imaging Spectrometers
- Quality control of multi-source in situ precipitation measurements: Filtering and processing techniques used in CHIRPS
- Quantifying changes in condition of urban tree species and turfgrass during a multi-year drought using airborne imaging spectroscopy
- Quantifying the adaptive water management decision in the San Juan River Basin under climate change
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Regional-Scale Controls on Snow Accumulation in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Remote Sensing Analysis of the Montecito Debris Flows
- Remote sensing of plant-groundwater relations in riparian forests during the 2011-2017 California drought
- Representing Urban Infiltration in the National Water Model
- Restoring a Natural Fire Regime Alters Streamflow, Snowpack, and Storage in a Sierra Nevada Catchment
- STARE for scalable unification of diverse data within Earth, Space, and Planetary Science
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability on the California Margin During the Common Era
- Semantic Approaches to Enhancing Data Findability and Interoperability in the NSF DataONE and Arctic Data Center Data Repositories
- Sensitivity of Mountain Lake Thermal Regimes to Changing Snow-packs Mediated by Lake and Catchment Features
- Setting targets and evaluating strategies for meeting India's renewable energy goals
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Small-scale laboratory experiments on tsunami waves generated by gravity driven granular collapse.
- Snowpack and Drought Monitoring on the Navajo Nation Using NASA Earth Observations
- Sources of predictive skill, and how to use them to support effective drought early warning
- Spatial and temporal patterns of summer vegetative water stress resulting from snow drought
- Spatiotemporal patterns and environmental controls on increasing wildfires in Sierra Nevada, California
- Standardizing Metadata Quality Review for an Environmental Data Repository
- Status Update and Regional Performance Evaluation of the National Water Model
- Study of Global S-wave Microseisms by Using An Array in South China
- Supporting Ecologists in Data Management Best Practices: Lessons from DataONE and NCEAS
- Surface Deposition in a Sulfate Geoengineering Scenario: Risks and Vulnerabilities for Soils and Human Health
- The Effect of Geometry and Layout on Maximizing Air Exchange in Direct Air Carbon Capture Arrays
- The Environmental Data Initiative's approach to data curation and publishing
- The Environmental Data Initiative's pipeline to establishing data curation and publication practices in the ecological research community
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The Role of the Marine Boundary Layer in the cycle of downslope winds in Coastal Santa Barbara.
- The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) - an ongoing research effort to standardize sea-level proxy data from the Last Interglacial
- The greening and browning of the Arizona desert in response to climate-controlled water availability
- The growth of new crust: tracing the chemical and textural evolution of magma through multiple stages of magmatism, Chelan Migmatite Complex, North Cascades, Washingtion
- The hunt for a universal friction law: a bristle-based rate and state dependent constitutive relation simulates high velocity rupture experiments, connecting fault friction across loading conditions
- The impact of dynamic Coulomb stress perturbation during co-seismic rupture: preliminary analyses of 2019 Mw 6.4 Searles Valley and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- The role of sub-surface storage capacities in drought morality patterns along a hillslope in the Sierra Nevada, California
- The spatiotemporal scales of drought and its impacts on field-scale agricultural yields
- Thematic harmonization of environmental data: Facilitating interoperability of data within and among repositories in support of data reuse and scientific synthesis
- To What Extent Does Climate Variability Explain Farmers' Planting Decisions in Central Kenya?
- Tropical Pacific sea surface cooling contribution to accelerated Arctic sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing
- Tropical and Midlatitude Impact on Seasonal Polar Predictability in the Community Earth System Model
- Turbulence and Gas Transfer Velocities in Sheltered Flooded Forests of the Amazon Basin
- Understanding Tree Acclimation Strategies in a Changing Climate through Photosynthetic and Hydraulic Traits Coordination
- Understanding debris flow initiation by examining the granular origins of complex rheology: An example from the 2018 Montecito mudslides
- Understory Mikania micrantha mapping with field and remotely sensed data in Chitwan, Nepal
- Using Land Surface Temperature to Quantify Fuel Moisture in Complex Terrain
- Using triple oxygen isotopes to test Cretaceous/Cenozoic LIP activity as a driver of the marine sulfur cycle
- Validation of a New Quasi-Global Very High-Resolution Daily Temperature Dataset
- Volcanic controls on seawater sulfate over the past 120 million years
- Water Solubility of Grass Litter Carbon is Influenced by Photodegradation
- What Are the Relative Roles of Future Climate Change and Fire Suppression in Changing Wildfire Regime in Central Idaho?
- What drove partial melting of Earth's youngest exposed migmatites? Insights from monazite petrochronology of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis
- What is the Relationship between Late Start of Season and Grain Prices in African Countries?
- Why burning so often? Three decades of anthropogenic fire activity in a Neotropical agricultural frontier.
- Widespread deeper groundwater well drilling only a short term 'solution' to water scarcity
- Zircon Microstructures and Element Mobility: Insight into Multistage Deformation Within Shear Zones of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- 10+ Years of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Noise: Fresh Insights and Persistent Questions
- 10Be in the South Pole Ice Core - A Late Holocene Solar Variability Record
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Multiscale Machine Learning Approach to Study Extreme Fire-weather Regimes in Santa Barbara, California, USA
- A One-box Ocean Chamber Model Explores the Differences in Ocean Pumping During the Last Glacial Maximum and the modern/Holocene using a Delta-O-18 Tracer
- A Tale of Two Algorithms: Analysis of PHYDOTax vs. MESMA in the San Francisco Bay Area
- A fireside chat: large wildfires are a looming threat to US lakes
- A new ocean state after abrupt cooling events
- ADOPT, a socio-hydrologic, agent-based drought adaptation model to evaluate drought risk reduction strategies for smallholder farmers in semi-arid Kenya
- Abrupt Increase in the Mid-Holocene Flood Magnitudes Recorded in the Grain Size of Alluvial Fan Surfaces: Death Valley, CA
- An Objective Method for Fog Classification: An Isotope Approach.
- An entrainment-based model for annular wakes, with applications to airborne wind energy
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Aquatic Ecosystems are the Most Uncertain but Potentially Largest Source of Methane on Earth
- Arctic Data Center: Archiving Arctic Data for Preservation and Re-use
- Are plot-scale spatial soil moisture patterns universal?
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Live Fuel Moisture and Wildfire Danger Using a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Attributing landscape-scale land surface flux partitioning in a complex terrain, snow-dominated basin in the southern Rocky Mountains
- Automatic Extraction of Supraglacial Rivers and Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet from High-Resolution Worldview Imagery Using a Deep Learning Approach
- Brune's Spectral Model: Its Impact on Ground Motion Modeling and Interpretation of the Seismic Source
- Building Earth Observation Based Systems for Grain forecasting and Agricultural Outlooks in Eastern and Southern Africa
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from a small Arctic Pond
- COVID-19 Societal Response Captured by Seismic Noise in China and Italy
- COVID-19 Transmission by Small Droplets
- COVID-19 impacts on snow albedo in the Indus River Basin
- Challenges in Assessing Data Citation and Reuse in Arctic Research Repositories
- Changes in the Rate of Ocean Crust Production over the Past 20 Myr
- Climate Change Impacts on Mountains in Coastal Santa Barbara Based on 30 Years of High Resolution Downscaling
- Coevolution of Snowpack and Tree Growth in a Mediterranean Montane Forest
- Coherent, Millennial-Scale Trends in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O: A Fingerprint of Pacific Walker Circulation Changes?
- Combing Remotely Sensed Data and Health Surveys to Investigate Food Insecurity and Women's Reproductive Health in West Africa
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Connections to Tidal Marsh and Restored Salt Ponds Drive Seasonal and Spatial Variability in Ecosystem Metabolic Rates in Lower South San Francisco Bay
- Consequences of variable rainfall on farming outcomes for dryland maize farmers
- Corner Frequency vs Finite-Source Stress Drop Estimates
- Coupled whole-tree optimality and xylem-hydraulics explain carbon allocation under drought
- Cutting to the core: measuring variable drought sensitivity in tree species across their climatic niche
- Daily rainfall frequency distributions and their impacts on simulated hydrological fields in land-surface models
- Deep Learning for Moderate Spatial Resolution Satellites: A Snow/Cloud Discrimination Example from MODIS
- Designing sustainable energy futures for Myanmar
- Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
- Detecting riparian vegetation responses to groundwater changes using Sentinel satellite imagery and cloud-based computing
- Determining granular and cohesion controls on debris flow rheology
- Environmental Data Initiative: Repository and Curation Services
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Estimation of V<SUB>S30</SUB> at Transportable Array Stations by Inversion of Low-Frequency Seismic Noise
- Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Electricity and Water Systems in the Western US with a Cross-Sectoral Energy-Water Nexus Modeling Approach
- Evaluating Ophiolite Exhumation in New Guinea as a Trigger for Miocene to Present Global Climate Cooling
- Evaluating how climate-induced changes in wildfire regimes affect forest hydrology in the Sierra Nevada
- Examining Trends in Fire-Weather Conditions across California
- Existing data suggest that UVA radiation could be the principal contributor to sunlight inactivation of SARS-COV-2
- Exploring the feedback mechanisms between water and energy sectors in hydropower systems
- Exploring the vulnerability to environmental tobacco product exposure: evidence from an urban California Reserve
- Extreme fire weather hotspots and vulnerable electric powerlines identified through California climatology analysis
- FLUVIAL-EB: Developing a spectral physically-based energy balance model to predict river temperatures
- Fingerprinting the Pacific Walker Circulation Using Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Forest Restoration in Seasonally Dry Forests: Stakeholder Perspectives and Simulations of Impacts on Streamflow in the Pacific Northwest
- Forest hydraulic trait composition regulates regional scale terrestrial carbon cycling
- Forest management and climate change effects on Wildfire in a Western Washington Watershed
- From Frog to Forest Conservation: Identifying Climate-Refugia for At-Risk Species in the Southern Sierra Nevada Forest
- From Straight to Deeply Incised Meandering Channels: Slope Impact on Sinuosity of Confined Streams
- Fusion of high spatial and high temporal snow surface properties from satellite observations for estimating snow water equivalent
- Future changes to north Pacific mean-state and the connections to the western US precipitation extremes from multiple GCM large-ensembles
- Global Temperature Trends Since 20 Ma Driven by Tectonic Degassing of Carbon Dioxide
- Global Urban Population Exposure to Extreme Heat
- Going beyond the spreadsheet - developing Best Practices in `long-tail' environmental data curation and publishing
- Greenland ice sheet meltwater export from a land terminating glacier 2008-2019
- High-resolution Hydrodynamic Measurements and Simulations of an Amazon Floodplain Lake
- How changing forest structure and species composition can influence the hydrologic impacts of climate change
- How do bark beetle outbreaks drive fire regimes in semi-arid systems?
- How sensitive are relative sea-level records across the Antarctic Peninsula to late-Holocene glacial fluctuations?
- Imaging central Pacific upper mantle using P-wave tomography and receiver functions
- Imaging spectroscopy of snow physical properties: Scientific and measurement requirements coupled with regional to global climate modeling for addressing uncertainties in melt controls in Earth's cryosphere
- Impact of mid-latitude/polar winds on Antarctic sea ice and tropical climate
- Improving drought monitoring and crop yield prediction with field-scale soil moisture
- Increasing visibility of historical datasets through modern repository practices
- Influence of Climate Change on 21st Century Fire Regime in the City of Portland Oregon's Source Watershed
- Integrating Data Stewardship into the Research Lifecycle: A PARSEC Approach
- Intra-Storm Instantaneous Detachment, Longshore Transport, and Sorting of Smart Boulders Under High-Resolution Wave Forcing
- Introducing and evaluating two new satellite-gauge gridded precipitation products: CHIRPS3.0 and AgMERG
- Inundation, mixing and vegetation influences carbon dioxide concentrations in Amazon floodplains
- Inversion for Shallow Elastic Structure using Wind, Pressure and Seismic Data
- Lakes and Watersheds in the Sierra Nevada (California): Responses to Environmental Change
- Large scale field demonstrations to test the carbon sequestration potential of enhanced weathering in working lands
- Laser Desorption/Ablation Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for the Exploration of Astrobiology Targets in the Next Decade
- Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in Models
- Low-flow driven temperature variation in headwater streams: insights from spatial and long-term temporal data in the Sierra Nevada
- MEDEA, Spy Satellites, and Global Fiducials
- Mapping Heterogeneous Fuel Characteristics and Fuel Consumption Using AVIRIS, LiDAR, and Field Data for Fire Emissions Modeling
- Marine wild-capture fisheries after nuclear war
- Mean Streak: Best Practices for Replacing Missing Data for Index Insurance Design
- Mechanisms Controlling Nitrogen Losses in Dryland Ecosystems
- Merging Regional Climate Models and Remote Sensing Observations to Better Estimate Snow Water Equivalent in the Tuolumne River Watershed
- Mountain Wave Interactions Between the Santa Ynez Mountains and the San Rafael Mountains During Eastern Sundowner Winds in Santa Barbara, CA
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- NASA's seasonal hydrologic forecasting system for food insecurity warning in Africa
- Nonlinear acoustic propagation single-point spectral indicator: Comparative performance analyses for Sakurajima, Yasur, Popocatépetl, Augustine, Nabro, Reventador, Tungurahua, Villarrica, Cotopaxi, and Calbuco explosion waveforms
- OLI-DRFS: Retrievals of Dust Radiative in Snow from Landsat-8
- Observing the Isotopic Expression of Weak vs. Strong El Niño: A Palmyra Atoll Case Study
- Optimal large-scale wind patterns favoring strong sea ice melting and ice-albedo feedback in the absence of anthropogenic forcing
- Optimizing the Efficiency of Metadata Curation in Large Scale Data Repositories
- Oxygen isotopic signatures of major climate modes and implications for their detectability in speleothems
- Persistent Coastal Eddy Drives Phytoplankton Hot Spot in Southern California
- Post-Drought Crop Changes in the Central Valley and Relationships to Ground Subsidence
- Potential Avenues for Collaborative Research on Climate Modeling
- Predicting Land Usage, Optimal Design and Performance of Large-Scale Deployments of Direct Air Capture Devices
- Publishing to the DataONE Network of Repositories for Improved Discovery, Assessment, and Interoperability
- Quantifying and Assessing Protected Area's Carbon Sequestration Potential and Ecological Values at Regional-scale
- Quantifying bankfull flow widths of single-threaded rivers from preserved bar clinoforms
- Quantifying diurnal variability of urban surface temperatures over the Los Angeles Basin using two years of composited ECOSTRESS thermal imagery.
- Quantifying river recharge rates based on tritium-helium groundwater ages
- Quantifying the ocean carbon sink for 1994-2007: Combined evidence from multiple methods
- Recent Upper Arctic Ocean Warming Expedited by a Summertime Internal Atmospheric Process
- Redesigning an Intensive, Interactive Data Science Training for Remote Participation
- Resolving sources of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) via novel sulfur isotope analyses
- Response of southern African growing hydropower systems to climate change and penetration of solar and wind
- Retrieval of the Particle Size Distribution Using Coated Spheres and Two Particle Populations Mie Modeling
- STAREPandas - a dataframe based STARE interface
- Seasonal Vegetation-Hydrological Coupling across Land Covers in East Africa
- Seasonal and Interannual Dynamics of Drought Response in Urban Trees and Grasses using Landsat and AVIRIS Time Series
- Snow Property Inversion from Remote Sensing (SPIReS): a Generalized Multispectral Unmixing Approach with Examples from MODIS and Landsat 8
- Snowpack Monitoring on the Navajo Nation
- Spatial Patterns of Resilience and Mortality in Semi-arid Riparian Woodlands During Extreme Drought
- Spatial and Temporal downscaling of TRMM Precipitation with Novel Algorithms
- Subseasonal scale climate variability and food insecurity in West Africa
- Sulfur-Oxidizing Microbial Mats Affect Sulfur and Nitrogen Cycling in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Temporally compounding extreme fire weather and extreme precipitation risk over the western United States
- Testing an Implementation of WRF-Hydro for the Chena River (AK) watershed
- The Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System Version 5.2 Updates & New Community Focused Testbed
- The ESS-DIVE repository and next steps toward a usable, trusted, and FAIR repository
- The Effect of Floc Strength in a Size Class-Based Flocculation Model
- The Effect of Strong Volcanic Eruptions on ENSO
- The Effects of Wind Speed, Flux Rate, and Spatial Resolution on Methane Point Source Mapping with Imaging Spectrometers
- The Greater Mekong's Climate-Water-Energy Nexus: How Regional Droughts Affect Electricity Trading, Production Costs, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- The Influence of Climate Change on River Temperatures in the San Joaquin River Using Regional Climate Model Data
- The Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) - A data repository for ecology and environmental science data
- The PACE-MAPP Algorithm: Coupled Ocean/Aerosol Products
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The impacts of Extra-tropical ENSO Precursors on Tropical Pacific Decadal-scale Variability
- The summertime low clouds: bridging large-scale circulation and sea ice variations over the Arctic
- Toward Improving Parameter Regionalization for the National Water Model Using the CAMELS Dataset
- Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Towards more Accurate Riverine Flood Forecasting over the Lower Mekong Basin: Assessment of the Rainfall Forecast CHIRPS-GEFS for the Mekong River Commission
- Towards rigorous, non-stationary permanence risk maps from climate-sensitive disturbances to guide forest planning
- Training synthesis science teams in virtual collaboration to support the switch to distributed research
- Turbulence and Gas Transfer Velocities Under Light Winds in a Small Boreal Lake and a Large Tropical Reservoir
- Two empirical double-corner frequency source spectra and their physical implications
- UCSB Broadband Simulation Method of Broadband Ground Motion for Kinematic Earthquake Sources
- Understanding particle suspension by a single water droplet impacting an immersed granular bed
- Up or Down? Vertical Hydraulic Gradients Across Layered American Aquifer Systems
- Using Data Repositories to Transform Undergraduate Learning
- Using Statistical and Machine Learning Models with Remotely Sensed Data to Estimate PM2.5 in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Value Metrics for Data Repositories in Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Variable Physical Drivers of Near-Surface Turbulence in a Regulated River
- Weathering of moraines in the Central Andes is recorded by Landsat-8 imagery
- Winter Snowpack Responses to Near-Freezing Storms in the Sierra Nevada, USA
- Winter and Spring Atmospheric Rivers in High Mountain Asia: Climatology, Dynamics and Variability
- Winter limnology: how do hydrodynamics and carbon biogeochemistry shape unique ecosystems under ice?
- Would power grid interconnections protect the Mekong's wetlands?
- A Gaussian process and state space model approach for sea level reconstruction using planktonic oxygen isotope records
- A Headwaters-to-Groundwater Analysis of the Climate Sensitivity of the Mt Shasta River Basin: Integrating Hydrogeology, Remote Sensing, Particle Tracking, and Isotopic Tracers
- A novel UAV-based approach for estimating evapotranspiration from thermal imagery at multiple scales
- A tale of two snowpacks: Active versus passive responses to rain-on-snow
- Achieving real-time, continental, building level, inundation forecasts using the National Water Model and Open Geospatial Data
- An operational crop yield forecasting system for Sub-Saharan Africa using earth observation and machine learning
- An overlooked impact of groundwater depletion: groundwater wells running dry
- Analysis of a floc size class-based model reveals the importance of floc yield strength
- Application of subseasonal scale climate forecasts in supporting food-insecurity early warning
- Automatic Detection of Seismic Signals Associated with Infrasound Airwaves in Broadband Seismic Records from Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Automatic Extraction of Supraglacial Rivers on the Greenland Ice Sheet from High-Resolution Worldview Imagery Using a Deep Learning Approach
- Average static stress drop of shallow crustal earthquakes inferred from earthquake source spectra
- Beneath the bark: assessing woody stem water and carbon fluxes and its prevalence across climates and the woody plant phylogeny
- Branching Out: Variations in Within-Canopy Leaf/Sapwood Area in Oaks
- Building a Spectral Library to aid Hyperspectral Data Simulation for Boreal Alaska
- Burning Up: Modeling Fire Temperature Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Changes in Future Wildfire Frequency and Size in the Bull Run Watershed in Response to Different Climate Storylines
- Characterization of infrasound source directionality from explosive volcanic eruptions
- Characterizing and forecasting drought over Eastern East Africa for the OND season
- Characterizing the Wildland Fire Environment for Smoke Modeling and Air Quality Mapping
- Climate and hydraulic traits interact to set thresholds for liana viability
- Climate change increases risk of extreme rainfall following wildfire in western United States
- Climatology and driving atmospheric patterns of dry lightning outbreaks in central and northern California during 1987-2020
- Combined Sun Glint and Vegetation BRDF Correction over Heterogeneous Wetland Land Cover
- Comparing Radiocarbon Age Modeling Routines for Ocean Sediment Cores: Bacon, Undatable, and BIGMACS
- Conservation, climate change, and optimal energy pathways in southern Africas low carbon energy transition
- Contributing Mechanisms to Skillful Seasonal Forecasts of Spring Carbon Uptake
- Contribution of large-scale internal variability to changes in high latitude carbon fluxes in CESM wind nudging experiments
- Coupled Vegetation-Hydroclimatic Dynamics Across East Africa, Drivers of Prediction Skill in Cropland Regions, and Implications for Drought Early Warning
- Decrease in Volcano Jet Noise Peak Frequency as Crater Expands
- Deformation structure and peak-metamorphic conditions in the Kodiak accretionary complex, Alaska
- Detecting Trends in Dry Season Rainfall from the Satellite Precipitation Estimates and a Dense Rain Gauge Network over the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon
- Detecting and characterizing long period seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California, using waveform cross-correlation and network covariance
- Determining sources and mechanisms of N2O emissions in dryland ecosystems under elevated nitrogen deposition
- Distributed acoustic sensing of seismic noise on the western Mediterranean bottom
- Divergence of apparent and intrinsic snow albedo over a season at a montane site with implications for remote sensing
- Do People Change Evacuation Behavior After Major Disaster? A Closer Look into the 2018 Debris Flows in Montecito, CA
- Drivers of Solute Concentration Across the Continental United States
- Drought Responsiveness of Evapotranspiration in Dryland Riparian Vegetation
- ECOSTRESS detects a 20% increase in evapotranspiration over agricultural lands in California
- Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions Driven by Magma Solitons
- Effects of Introduced Trout on Benthic Algae Across a Climate Gradient
- Effects of PFT and Environmental Filtering Parameterization Approaches on Global NBE Prediction Errors
- Effects of a multi-year drought in Los Angeles on urban tree, turfgrass, and senesced vegetation cover
- Enhanced jet stream waviness induced by suppressed tropical Pacific convection during boreal summer
- Evaluating and Exploring Extreme Precipitation in CHIRPS3, CHIMES, and the Climate Hazards Station Database
- Evaluating dynamical and statistical model seasonal precipitation forecasts for East Africa
- Evaluating urban tree resilience to drought and extreme heat in Santa Barbara, CA
- Evaluation of NMME based Hydrologic Drought Forecasts over Africa
- Evaluation of Subseasonal Drought Forecast Skill over the Coastal Western U.S.
- Evidence of Bedform Disequilibrium Dynamics in Preserved Fluvial Cross Strata: A Record of Flood Variability or Morphodynamic Hierarchy?
- Evidence of a low-to-no snow future and its impacts on water resources in the western United States
- Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Solid Particles on Volcano Acoustics
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning methods for water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Exploring a new set of global vapor pressure deficit observations and projections, accompanied by regional NDVI impact assessments in the southwest U.S. and sub-Saharan Africa
- Exploring the Predictability of Connected Extremes
- Explosion-source classification on a large, labeled collection of volcanic infrasound waveforms using machine learning
- Extreme Seasonal Changes in Shallow Shear-Modulus of the Earth
- FAIR-TRUST-CARE Principles for Environmental Data Repositories
- Federated global data discovery via the open DataONE network using
- Fire risk to carbon sequestration potential of United States forests
- Flow Permanence Along Ephemeral Streams in the Huachuca Sky Island, Arizona and its Consequences for Vegetation Distribution
- Flow dynamics during upwelling events in rotationally influenced lakes: A numerical study
- Fluvial Sediment Supply Controls Reach-Scale Migration Rates for Meandering Rivers Globally
- Forests Under Pressure: the Physiology Underlying Semi-arid Forest Responses to Ongoing Climate Change
- Fostering Growth in the ESS-DIVE Data Repository
- Gendered Perceptions of Food Security among Senegalese Groundnut Farmers
- Geochemical and Geophysical implications for the source of Ocean Island Basalts
- Global Contrasts Between Oceanic Cycling of Cadmium and Phosphate
- Harmonizing with STARE-PODS to enable best-resolution Analysis-ready data
- Heterogeneous Mantle Flow and Deviations from Half-Space Cooling Observed Beneath the Central Pacific
- How Much Does Ocean Initial State Contribute to Ensemble Spread? Insights from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1 Large Ensemble
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- How a priori forest adaptations affect drought resilience to the 2012-2015 California drought
- Human-driven greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions cause distinct regional impacts on extreme fire weather
- Hydroclimatic Controls on Phenology for Functional Plant Types in Drylands of the Southwest USA
- Imaging the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath Alaska with a Bayesian inversion of Sp and Ps phases and Rayleigh waves
- Impact of climate change and climate variability on fire season onset in California
- Implementing and Integrating Earth Observation Based Systems for Grain forecasting in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Improving equity outcomes in the low-carbon transition of Californias oil extraction and refining
- Increasing Retention of Minoritized Genders in the Cryospheric Sciences
- Insights into Landsat, MODIS, and VIIRS Snow Cover Mapping Algorithm Performance as Validated by Airborne Lidar Datasets
- Integrating plant physiology and community ecology across scales through trait-based models to predict drought mortality
- Intensified Pacific Decadal Variability by Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in CMIP6 models
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- Investigation of rill initiation using high-resolution topography after 2017 Thomas Fire, CA
- Isotopic evidence of multiple recycled sulfur sources erupted at Samoa
- Kinematic rupture history of the 2021 M7.3 Madoi earthquake in Qinghai
- Large Area Validation of an Open-Source Cellular Automata-based 2D Surface Flood Model
- Late Pleistocene glacial termination age estimates and methods for comprehensive uncertainty analysis of event ages in ocean sediment cores
- Latest Neoproterozoic Hafnium Isotope Excursion Records the Assembly of Gondwana
- Leveraging High-resolution Gridded Datasets and AquaCrop to Improve Remote Sensing-based Estimates of Smallholder Maize Yields
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in CESM
- Long Term Flocculation of Clay in the Absence of Gravity
- Machine Learning Predictions to Support Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations
- Mantle structure and flow across the continent-ocean transition of the eastern North American Margin Revealed by Anisotropic tomography
- Methane Emissions from Aquatic Environments in the Amazon
- Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from flooded forests and open water on the R. Negro, Brazil
- Microfossil fingerprints of glacial stability: Using diatoms and foraminifera to reconstruct the history of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Millennial-scale events in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during Termination 1: Insights from a new northern Borneo stalagmite record
- Modeling Near-surface Turbulence in an Amazon Floodplain Lake
- Modelling Watershed Sensitivity to Drought: Application of Authentic Online Learning on the HydroLearn Platform
- Modern groundwater across the United States
- Monitoring Water Stress of Southern California Plant Species During the 2013 2015 Drought Using Hyperspectral and Thermal Airborne Imagery
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke, Kuril Islands, and Ulawun ,Papua New Guinea, volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-method multi-proxy reconstructions of the Pacific Walker Circulation through the last millennium
- Multi-model application in electricity sector transition in southern Africa
- Multiple Metamorphic Events in the Ruby-East Humboldt Metamorphic Core Complex: Insight from Monazite, Titanite and Allanite Petrochronology
- NASA Earthdata Access in the Cloud Using Open-source Libraries
- Nappe stacking in the lower continental crust. An example from the Proterozoic Snowbird tectonic zone, Northern Saskatchewan.
- Natural Oil Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico: Distribution, Magnitude, and Variability
- Near-surface Turbulence in Tropical Inland Waters under Light Winds: Implications for Gas Fluxes
- New IMS Broadband Bulletin Products for Atmospheric Studies and Civilian Applications
- Northern Midlatitude Warming Pattern Tied to Pacific and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- Nudging observed winds in the Arctic to quantify the role of internal variability in contributing to observed Arctic Amplification over the past decades
- Old and slow - using geomorphic landforms to predict deep storage of soil organic carbon in ancient deeply weathered landslides
- Open Project Design: Lessons from the NASA Openscapes Framework (Invited Paper 895264)
- Opportunities and challenges in remote sensing-based critical zone ecohydrology
- Orbital Forcing Strongly Influences Trend in the Spring Himalayan Jet Latitude over the Past Millennium
- Origin and age of the Cross-Hosgri slope: implications for sedimentation on the central California shelf
- Paleo Isotopic Dynamics with a Global Model (PIDGM)
- Particle-bed interactions in a wind tunnel using Particle Tracking and Imaging Velocimetry
- Persistent, Long-term Uplift Above the Seismogenic Zone at the Central Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Phenological Classification and Atmospheric Drought Response of Riparian Vegetation in Drylands of the Southwestern United States
- Plants alter oceanic clouds: the land wake and its intensification by CO2-induced stomatal closure
- Precession Pacing of Late Pleistocene Glacial Terminations
- Preparing the PmP Dataset in Southern California Using PmPNet
- Present and future global lake methane emissions are lower than expected
- Principle informed infrastructure: Implementation at DataONE and through MetacatUI
- Quantification of transient incision resulting from large-scale drainage capture, Sutlej River, Northwest Himalaya
- Quantifying the depositional products of braided river evolution in a physical experiment
- Quantifying the influence of transport stage on the geometry of preserved fluvial cross strata
- Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Receives Far Less Continental Dust than Hawaii Producing Profound Differences in Mineralogical and Biogeochemical Soil Properties
- Relamination and Crustal Refining
- Remote Sensing of Lineage Functional Types for Modeling and Monitoring Biodiversity
- Rock weathering controls the potential for soil carbon storage at a continental scale
- Salinity information from hydro-sensitive, biogenic marine carbonate 18O records
- Secular Rb/Sr Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust as Constrained Through Radiogenic Sr Isotopes in Glacial Diamictites.
- Seismic Imaging of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone From Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Seismic and infrasound characterization of the ongoing eruption of Semisopochnoi volcano, Alaska
- Sharing and Reproducibility: Working in Collaborative, Cross-Discipline Teams that Inform the Culture Change of an Ecosystem
- Simulating and evaluating hazardous atmospheric river-related precipitation in High Mountain Asia
- Snow Today at the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Snow water equivalent and partitioned snow and glacier melt in basins of High Mountain Asia, a record for climate modelers
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- Spectroscopic Retrieval of Snow Properties in the Mountain Environment: Fractional Snow, Effective Grain Size, and Albedo Degradation by Light Absorbing Particles
- Surface-Wave Anisotropy of 125-Ma Oceanic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in the Southwest Pacific
- Taming the complex rheology of debris flows: insights from the physics of dense suspensions
- Testing Kinematic Controls on the Geometry of Preserved Fluvial Cross Strata: Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
- Testing Relationships Between Co-Existing Lawsonite Eclogite and Blueschist Using Zircon Petrochronology: A Case Study from the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey
- The Environmental Data Initiative - How Rich Science Metadata is Key to a Successful Data Repository
- The Influence of Vegetation Type on Colloidal Organic Matter Cycling in South Florida Treatment Wetlands
- The PACE-MAPP algorithm: coupled ocean/aerosol products
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Updated CHIRPS-GEFS Precipitation Data Set Description, Assessment, and Usage in Food-Security Analysis
- The generation and evolution of infrasound during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall fissure eruption, Iceland
- Thermochronology and Thermokinematic Modeling of the New Guinea Central Range to Understand Potential Interactions Between Arc-Continent Collisions and Climate
- Timing of Global Change
- Titanite Petrochronology Reveals Autometamorphism and Meltamorphism within the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, California
- Titans Ultraviolet Airglow Variability with Solar Cycle and Saturn Local Time
- Tomographic evidence for small scale asthenospheric convection beneath the central Pacific Ocean
- Tools from data-centered community of practice in soils
- Toward modeling flocculation in turbulence-resolving simulations for cohesive sediment transport
- Tungsten Abundance and Isotope Composition of the Upper Mantle
- Two Methods for Estimating Oil Flux from Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- UPb Dates From Dynamically Recrystallized Titanite Directly Constrain Timing of Crystal-Plastic Deformation
- UPb dating constraints on dolomite formation environments
- Using Isotopic Fingerprints to Investigate Changes in the Pacific Walker Circulation Over the Last Millennium
- Water Stress in Riparian Woodlands from Groundwater Decline and Climate Change Ecosystem Indicators at Multiple Scales
- What does within-canopy heterogeneity in plant traits that determine water supply and demand tell us about ecosystem function?
- When and Where Does Storage Matter for Vegetation? Untangling the Non-linear Relationship Between Climate, Storage, and Actual Evapotranspiration
- Where do rivers jump course?
- Will Riparian Refugia be Destabilized by Snow Drought?
- Winter Limnology: How do Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemistry Shape Ecosystems Under Ice?
- A 1000 years of decadal-scale Southern California vegetation and sediment responses to fire regimes
- A FAIR Guided and Community-Oriented Approach to Improving Metadata Quality in a Large Scale Data Repository
- A Global Precipitation Perspective on the Need for Speed
- A Late Pleistocene Planktonic δ18O Stack of the West Pacific Warm Pool
- A Python Package to Search and Access NASA Earth Science Data.
- A Recurrent, Unusually Wide Double Chain in the Rurutu-Arago Hotspot Track
- A Review of Mid-Miocene Oxygen Isotope Stratigraphy in Deep-Sea Cores
- A new paleogeographic model for the Neoproterozoic Adamastor and Khomas oceans and the tectonic context for Snowball Earth
- AUV-Based Measurements of Wave-Driven Turbulence in the Oceanic Surface Boundary Layer
- Adapting Permafrost Science Use Cases as a Continuous Pipeline with the Clowder Framework
- Advances in imaging spectrometer atmospheric correction with the open source ISOFIT codebase
- Advancing domestic and international water management capabilities with a global daily snow cover and albedo product
- An Updated Attribution of Western United States Forest Fire Trends to Anthropogenic Climate Change: 1984-2022
- An increase in marine heatwaves despite no significant changes in surface ocean temperature variability
- Anoxic Marine Storage of Terrestrial Biomass: Mechanisms and Monitoring Approaches as Informed by the Geologic Record
- Applying CARE: Documenting Ethical Research Practices and Sensitive Data at the Arctic Data Center
- Are dynamic vegetation models the best way to predict ecosystem change under climate stress?
- Artes Con-ciencias: Science and Artivism Against Eco-Capitalism
- Artesian Conditions Disappear Over the Last Century in the United States
- Atmospheric-Solid Earth Coupling Excites Global Vibrations from the Upper Crust to the Upper Mantle Following the 2022 Hunga Eruption, Tonga.
- Augmenting forest inventory field data collection with consumer grade cameras
- Autogenic, Not Orbital, Forcing of Snowball Glaciomarine Sedimentation
- Automated Detection of West Antarctic Persistent Polynas using Physics-Featurized Neural Networks
- Automated Mapping of Riparian Woodlands Across Dryland Regions of the Southwestern United States
- Avoiding the Potential Pitfalls of Clean Energy Transition in Myanmar
- Barium Isotopes in Ocean Island Basalts as Tracers of Mantle Processes
- Big Imagery in Action: The First Pan-Arctic Ice-wedge Polygon Map
- Biogeochemical Origins and Timing of Laminations in Mono Lake Sediments
- CARDAMOM 3.0: A versatile data assimilation framework to infer carbon, water, and energy cycling using diverse Earth observations
- Canopy-scale sensitivity of riparian woodlands to fluctuating water availability and demand: implications for ecosystem resilience
- Changes in climate, aboveground net primary productivity, and their relationship on the US Great Plains over the last 40 years
- Climate change may increase both plant drought stress and productivity
- Controls on spatial variation in porewater methane concentration across U.S. tidal wetlands
- Critical Wind Speed controls Threshold-like Behavior between Burned Area and Live Fuel Moisture in Southern California Chaparral.
- Curating information to guide NASA Earthdata users into the cloud
- Detailed P-T-t-d Exhumation History Recorded by Shear Zone-Hosted Titanite, Rutile, and Quartz from the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Downslope Windstorms in Coastal Environments and Interactions with the Continental and Marine Boundary Layers: Lessons Learn from the Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX-2022), Santa Barbara, CA
- Duration and dynamic stress drop during the initial rupture "breakaway" stage of crustal earthquakes
- ENSO teleconnections over North America are non-stationary during the Common Era: Insights from data assimilation and reconstructions
- Ecohydrological Impacts of Riparian and Upslope Fuel Treatments
- Emplacement of the Franklin large igneous province and initiation of the Sturtian Snowball Earth
- Emulation of Volcano Deformation Sources Using Machine Learning Models: a Gaussian Process-Based Approach
- Enabling wildfire situational awareness using Near-Data Computing for on-board real-time remote-sensing data registration
- Episodic magma hammer forces causing the recent cataclysmic Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Estimating agricultural water consumption and irrigation efficiency in California using machine learning and remote sensing
- Evaluating Probabilistic Age Models and Stacks for Different Proxy Types on the Iberian Margin
- Evaluating the potential of remote sensing-based fire fuel mapping methods across multiple fires for emissions modeling
- Evaporative Cooling Regulates Leaf Temperature and Respiration in Riparian and Upland Mesquite Trees
- Exploring Spatiotemporal Variability in Denudation in the Dhauladhar Range, Northwest Himalaya
- Exploring carbonate-based ocean alkalinity enhancement through laboratory and mesocosm experiments with a focus on carbon fixers
- Extending Earth's paleogeographic and geodynamic records into the Archean
- FEWS NET Agroclimatology Training and Learning Management System to Build Capable Users of EO Data Products
- Facilitating the Integration of U.S. Climate and Human Population Data
- Finding the Baseline: Forest Carbon Storage in the Western United States Across Climatic Gradients and Fire Legacies
- Forecasting Landsat Reflectance Features with Weather Data in Climate Sensitive Land Cover Types
- Forest and Oceanic Dry Season Moisture Sources in the Brazilian Amazon
- Fossil groundwater prevalence and access analyzed via the new US Aquifer Database
- Gauge-enhanced Satellite Precipitation Estimates - Challenges and Opportunities
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- Grazing herbivores reduce fire activity via fuel reductions across broad-scale savanna gradients
- Health benefits and employment impacts of decarbonization in China's electric power system
- Hemispheric geochemical dichotomy of the mantle is a legacy of austral supercontinent assembly and onset of deep continental crust subduction
- Holocene Paleoseismicity in the Northern Cascadia Forearc: Non-steady Slip on the Right-lateral Oblique Beaufort Range Fault, Vancouver Island, Canada
- Hydrothermal systems as recorders of the early geomagnetic field
- Icepyx as an Icebreaker: Starting Conversations and Building Competencies in Open Science
- Identifying Rural African Humid Heat Exposure Hotspots using High-Resolution Observations and 2030/2050 CMIP6-based projections
- Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- In-season Operational Forecasts of Subnational Grain Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Increasing nocturnal downslope winds over the Sierra Nevada Mountains and implications for wildfires activity
- Influences of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change on Dangerous Humid Heat across the African Continent
- Infrasound observations of the 2018 Sierra Negra eruption in the Galápagos Islands
- Intercomparison of Earth Observation based Crop Yield Forecasting Models in Kenya
- Introducing a building level, continental scale, flood risk forecast system
- Is There Hope for Accurate Carbon Flux Estimates Based on UVP Images?
- Labor Disutility in a Warmer World: The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Workforce
- Linking Biogeochemical and Hydrodynamic Processes to Model Methane Fluxes in Tropical Floodplain Lakes
- Linking remote sensing metrics for water stress with in situ measurements over a 4 month period
- Linking remotely sensed ecosystem resilience with forest mortality across continental U.S.
- Locating the precise sources of high-frequency microseisms using distributed acoustic sensing
- Mapping Eucalyptus Mortality Using Hyperspectral Imagery in Ellwood Mesa, Santa Barbara
- Mapping Major Plant Functional Types using AVIRIS-NG Image at Various Spatial Scales to Aid Wildfire Management in Boreal Alaska.
- Minimizing conservation impacts of net zero energy systems in the western United States
- Modeling Drivers of Internal Displacement from Climate in East Africa
- Modeling Fuel Treatment Effects on Streamflow in California Watersheds.
- Modeling the Migrations of the Capelin, an Indicator Species for Climate Change
- NASA Openscapes: Lessons Learned supporting Cross-DAAC User Services to migrate to the Cloud
- Near-bed fluid-particle interactions during aeolian saltation
- Near-surface Turbulence in Arctic, Temperate, and Tropical Inland Waters: Implications for Gas Fluxes
- Operationalizing an integrative socio-ecological framework in support of global efforts to achieve land degradation neutrality
- Organic Sulfur Cycling in the Archean: Insights from Lake Superior Sedimentary Lipids
- Paleolake Lipid Biomarker Records of Environmental Conditions during Mid-Neolithic Human Habitation (Dalmatia Coast, Croatia)
- Parameter Recovery Using Remotely Sensed Variables: Problems and Solutions
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Perspectives on Flood Risk, Vulnerability, and Early Warnings in Peru
- Petrochronologic Constraints on the Timing and Duration of Sill and Dike Emplacement and Associated Contact Metamorphism of Hornfels in the Alta Aureole, Utah, from Zircon and Monazite LA(SS)-ICP-MS
- Predicting deep storage of soil organic carbon in the Oregon Coast Range using a landslide chronosequence
- Predicting the Timing of Global Change
- Proterozoic Point Bars: Geological Evidence for 1.2 Ga Deep, Meandering Rivers, Clachtoll Formation, Stoer Group, NW Scotland
- Quantification of Zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration via Ocean Color Retrievals of the Particle Size Distribution
- Quantifying Uncertainty in an Obliquity World: A Bayesian Framework for Plio-Pleistocene Ice Sheet Evolution
- Quantifying all the snow and ice melt across High Mountain Asia
- Quantifying the Impact of Time-Dependent VSWIR Spectroscopy: Early Analyses from the SBG High-Frequency Time Series
- Quantifying the optimal erosion rate for weathering pathways that facilitate soil organic carbon storage
- Quantifying the uncertainty and error retrievals between field methods for deriving fractional ground cover in arid lands
- Regional Precipitation Southern Mexico and Central America: Community-informed Science
- Regional To Global Hydroclimate Responses To Forced Temperature Changes During The Past 2,000 Years
- Regional-scale impacts of fuels management protocols on forest structure and fire cycle in California's Sierra Nevada mountains
- Relationships Between Snowpack, Low Flows, and Stream Temperature in Maritime Western U.S. Mountains
- Replaying the Tape of Academia: Alternative Systems for Earth Science
- Restoring California's Native Coastal Scrublands: Understanding limitations to the growth and distribution of Artemisia californica
- Revisiting Pleistocene Benthic δ18O Stacks with BIGMACS
- SHIFTing into an imaging spectroscopy future: SBG High-Frequency Time Series Campaign Overview
- Searching for Elusive Arctic Dataset Citations
- Shallow Mantle Enrichment Beneath the Midcontinental Rift from Seismo-petrological Interpretation
- Significant Variability in 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr in Saprolites: Implications for Timing of Weathering and Secondary Mineral formation
- Snow and Forest in the Western US - Does ecophysiology matter? 1089369
- Solving the Lawsonite Paradox Using a Combined U-Pb Geochronologic, Trace Element, and O- and Hf-isotopic Study of Zircon
- Southern Africa's Future Low-carbon Electricity System under a Changing Climate
- Spatial Variation in Anisotropic Structure and Phase Velocity of Old Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere in the Southwest Pacific
- Spatial distribution and geochemical characterization of Icelandic mantle end-members: implications for plume geometry and melting processes
- Spectral Unmixing in the Middle- and Thermal-Infrared Can Retrieve Separate Temperatures of Vegetation and Soil or Snow in Mixed Pixels
- Stagg: An R Package for Spatiotemporal Aggregation of ERA5 Climate Data
- Sulfurization and pyritization as pathways of carbon preservation in Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve, CA
- Super-resolution of Land Surface Temperature Using Deep Learning
- Supersonic Ascent in the Hunga Tonga Hunga H'Apai Eruption to Account for Traversal of the Stratosphere
- Supporting open science as a daily practice - stories from the Openscapes community
- Termination of Snowball states: Constraining the Climate Forcing of Stochastic Events
- Testing the Spatial Out-of-Sample Area of Influence for Survey Based Forecasting Models
- The Generation of Landslides After Wildfire: A Case Study of 286 Occurrences After a Rainstorm in January 2019 in the San Gabriel Mountains, Southern California
- The Role of ENSO on Tropical South American Precipitation During the Mid-Holocene.
- The Role of Marine Group II Archaea in the Degradation of Cyanobacteria Derived Alkanes
- The Search for Long-lived Deep-Rooted Mantle Plumes in the Pacific
- The South America Low-level jet: Form, Variability and Subseasonal Forcings
- The South American Low-Level Jet Evolution in Two Episodes of Mesoscale Convective Systems
- The South Atlantic Convergence Zone and the 2022 Extreme Precipitation Events in Petropolis, Brazil
- The Welfare Economics of a Data Driven Social Cost of Carbon
- The benthic δ18O lag between the Eastern Equatorial Pacific and the Iberian Margin
- The future of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: Using large ensembles to illuminate time-varying responses and inter-model differences
- Tidal and River Discharge Seasonality Controls on Sediment Transport in Delta Islands: Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana
- Tilt problem in Sorrell's method
- Timescales of Subduction Initiation and Evolution of Thermal Regimes (the Oman Metamorphic Sole Record)
- Transformations and Potential Storage of Terrestrial Biomass Under a Range of Oxic and Sulfidic Marine Redox Conditions.
- Tropical Peatland Mapping using Earth Observation
- Uncovering Hidden Eruptive Activity from Mount Michael Volcano, South Sandwich Islands with Long-Range Multi-Year Infrasound Detection
- Unique signals of cropped area in conflict zones: a case study in Tigray, Ethiopia
- Using cyclic voltammetry to better characterize sulfur cycling as a pathway for enhanced carbon preservation in mangrove habitats
- Using subseasonal climate variability at the community-level to advance place-based early warning systems in West Africa
- Vertical profiling of atmospheric hydrocarbons using uncrewed aerial systems to quantify emissions from natural oil seeps.
- Volcanoes 1, Humans 0: New Reconstruction Elucidates Forced Response of the Pacific Walker Circulation over the Past 800 Years
- Warm pool atmospheric heating amplifies the Walker Circulation, providing opportunities for successful long-lead drought predictions
- Water status and ecosystem function of California native oaks vary with topography and microclimate
- When Do Different Scenarios of Future Electricity Demand Start to Meaningfully Diverge?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Arciniega-Ceballos
- A. J. Chadwick
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. P. Barrett
- A. Park Williams
- A. Visser
- A. W. Nolin
- A. Wech
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adrian A. Harpold
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alberto Malinverno
- Alex Hall
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Alexander H. Krichels
- Alexander Norton
- Alexander R. Simms
- Alexandra A. Phillips
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexandra M. Iezzi
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Alexis Le Pichon
- Alicia J. Hotovec‐Ellis
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Alison Specht
- Allison T. Karp
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amber E. Budden
- Anamika Shreevastava
- Andrea Burke
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew J. Manning
- Andrew T. Hudak
- Andrew V. Zuza
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Aneesh Subramanian
- Anna Perttu
- Anna T. Trugman
- Annette Hilton
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Antonietta Capotondi
- Antonio José Pérez Cortés
- Augusto Getirana
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. L. Konecky
- B. Shiro
- B. Williams
- Baojian Fan
- Barra A. Peak
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Beatriz Gaite
- Belén Martrat
- Benjamin J. Hatchett
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benoît Dubacq
- Björn Birnir
- Bradford J. Foley
- Bryn Morgan
- C. A. Dalton
- C. Briois
- C. Carr
- C. M. Oaida
- C. S. Siddoway
- Caroline A. Famiglietti
- Caroline Owens
- Casey D. Burleyson
- Cassandra Nickles
- Cenlin He
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles Jones
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Chen Ji
- Cheng Dang
- Chloë Bonamici
- Christian Teyssier
- Christiane Schmullius
- Christina Tague
- Christine F. Waigl
- Christine Regalla
- Christoph K. Thomas
- Christopher Erdmann
- Christopher L. Kibler
- Christy Swann
- Cody S. Sheik
- Colleen Mortimer
- Cédric G. Fichot
- D. Agarwal
- D. Feldman
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. L. Roth
- D. M. Thompson
- D. Medvigy
- D. P. Sarmiento
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Daniel L. Swain
- Daniel R. Parsons
- Danielle Touma
- Danny Cullenward
- Danton Diego Ferreira
- Dar A. Roberts
- David A. Siegel
- David C. Wilson
- David Fee
- David R. Griffith
- David R. Thompson
- David Rounce
- Deanna Nash
- Deepti Singh
- Denis Macharia
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Derek C. Roberts
- Diana C. Roman
- Donald B. Dingwell
- Donald M. Fisher
- Donghoon Lee
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- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Doyeon Kim
- Dustin Carroll
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Mazarico
- E. Natasha Stavros
- Earle Williams
- Eckart Meiburg
- Edward H. Bair
- Edward Park
- Edwin Nissen
- Elena Ceballos-Romero
- Elias Massoud
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Elizabeth Hajek
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
- Emerson M. Lynch
- Emily Robles
- Eric Anderson
- Eric Slessarev
- Erika Koontz
- Erin Antognoli
- Erin B. Wetherley
- Erin Robinson
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eunjee Lee
- F. J. Crary
- F. O. Nitsche
- Facundo Sapienza
- Fernando Garcia–Menendez
- Fianna O’Brien
- Flavio Lehner
- Francis A. Macdonald
- Francisco Ochoa
- Fukai Liu
- G. A. Catania
- G. Antunes Daldegan
- G. J. Husak
- G. Ricker
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabrielle Boisramé
- Gavin D. Madakumbura
- Gen K. Li
- Geoffrey Gebbie
- George J. Huffman
- Georgina Falster
- Gerard Salter
- Gerardo Mendo‐Pérez
- Gert‐Jan Duine
- Glynn Hulley
- Grace C. Wu
- Gregory R. Quetin
- Gregory S. Okin
- Guido Grosse
- Guillaume Bonnet
- Göran Ekström
- H. E. Dahlke
- H. R. Barnard
- H. R. Dietterich
- H. Tollerud
- Hailong Wang
- Han Xiao
- Haozhe Yang
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Hongrui Qiu
- Huilin Huang
- I. Gama
- I. L. Hendy
- Ian Bolliger
- J. B. Gaherty
- J. C. Adam
- J. G. Konter
- J. J. Lyons
- J. M. Ajello
- J. Michael Johnson
- J. Patrick Megonigal
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- J. T. Reager
- J. W. Partin
- Jacopo Taddeucci
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- James R. Holmquist
- James Rising
- James W. B. Rae
- James W. Dottin
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Jeff Dozier
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- Jelle Assink
- Jennifer S. Powers
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- Jeremy G. Venditti
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- Jessica Scheick
- Jesslyn F. Brown
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jian Lu
- Jingye Ren
- Jiong Wang
- Joachim Jansen
- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
- Joanna Joiner
- John C. Stella
- John L. Largier
- John T. Abatzoglou
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonathan M. Lees
- Joshua J. Roering
- Joshua Russell
- Julia E. Gestrich
- Julia Szinai
- Julian D. Olden
- Julie Loisel
- Justin Nghiem
- K. M. Fischer
- K. M. Schreiner
- K. N. Musselman
- K. R. Anderson
- Karen A. McKinnon
- Kassandra M Costa
- Kate Leary
- Katherine B. Lininger
- Katherine Todd-Brown
- Kathleen McKee
- Keehoon Kim
- Keir Soderberg
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Kelly Luis
- Kelsey Bisson
- Ken O. Buesseler
- Kerry Cawse‐Nicholson
- Khaled Ghannam
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberley Miner
- Kristi Chadwick
- Kristin L. Jaeger
- Kristin Morell
- Kristin Poinar
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Kyle P. Larson
- Kyle T. Mandli
- Kyle Wright
- Kyotaek Hwang
- L. A. Parsons
- L. A. Stearns
- L. A. Ward
- L. E. Lisiecki
- L. Harrison
- L. M. Flesch
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. W. Esposito
- Larry G. Mastin
- Lars Ceranna
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Laurence G. Miller
- Laurence Mabile
- Laurie S. Huning
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Leila M. V. Carvalho
- Lesley Wyborn
- Liam Toney
- Liangyi Yue
- Lilit Yeghiazarian
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Liuwei Xu
- Loren D. White
- Loïc Viens
- Lucas C. R. Silva
- Lucinda J. Leonard
- Lukas Jonkers
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. J. Brodzik
- M. J. Garay
- M. Jellinek
- M. L. Rilee
- M. Midhun
- M. Ralph
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. Skiles
- Madeleine Pascolini‐Campbell
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Manuela Irene Brunner
- Marc Simard
- Marcos Longo
- Margaret O’Brien
- Maria Magdalena Warter
- Mark Wahl
- Marysa M. Laguë
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew G. Jackson
- Matthew M. Haney
- Matthew Newman
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Maxim D. Ballmer
- Megan Konar
- Melissa Scruggs
- Menaka Revel
- Merhawi GebreEgziabher
- Michael A. Alexander
- Michael Bliss Singer
- Michael J. Behrenfeld
- Michal Ben‐Israel
- Molly A. Crotteau
- Nadine Igonin
- Nancy H. F. French
- Narcisa G. Pricope
- Nathan J. Steiger
- Nicholas L. Swanson‐Hysell
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicola Maher
- Nicolas Piette-Lauzière
- Niklas Griessbaum
- Nina Brooks
- Noemi Vergopolan
- O. Chegwidden
- Oliver A. Chadwick
- Oliver D. Lamb
- Otto Hasekamp
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- Paola Passalacqua
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- Patrick Hupe
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- Paul A. Levine
- Pedro M. Barbosa
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- Peter Slaughter
- Philip G. Brodrick
- Philippe Lognonné
- Phillip B. Dawson
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Preston C. Kemeny
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qinghua Ding
- Qiqi Cao
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. C. Aster
- R. D. Catchings
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- Rachel Kayla Green
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- Ramakrishna R. Nemani
- Randal D. Koster
- Randi R. Jandt
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- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
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- Ritvik Sahajpal
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- Robert Crystal‐Ornelas
- Robert D Larter
- Robert E. Anthony
- Robert Green
- Robert Holder
- Robert Kopp
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- Robert Zinke
- Robin S. Matoza
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Rodrigo de Negri Leiva
- Rolf H. Reichle
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- Romy Sabathier
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- S. A. Carn
- S. B. Malevich
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- S.K.V. Hines
- Sam Brooke
- Samantha Stevenson
- Samuel S. P. Shen
- Samuel Y. Johnson
- Santosh K. Panda
- Sara C. Sanchez
- Scott Bennett
- Scott Jasechko
- Sean Richard LaHusen
- Sebastian A. Krogh
- Sebastian Milinski
- Sergio A. Valbuena.
- Sharon E. Nicholson
- Shelley Stall
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shiqi Fang
- Shuang Ma
- Siddharth Saksena
- Simon Matthews
- Sloan Coats
- Sly Wongchuig
- Stefano Galelli
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- Stephen R. Meyers
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Susan E. Trumbore
- Sylvia Dee
- T. H. Painter
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- Taiyi Xu
- Tamma Carleton
- Tao Che
- Thanh Duc Dang
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- Thomas Nägler
- Thomas S. Bianchi
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- Vincent Famin
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- W. Tyler Brandt
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- Whyjay Zheng
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- William E. Chapman
- William J. Shinevar
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- William R. Gray
- Xiangfeng Wang
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- Z. Eilon
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- Émilie Pauline Dassié
- О. В. Калашникова