Williams College
flowchart I[Williams College] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (159)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Potential and limitations of Paleoproxies from Sr/Ca Ratios in Coccolith Carbonate
- Subglacial Environment Inferred from Bedrock-Coating Siltskins, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska
- Coccolith Chemistry as a Paleoceanographic Indicator in Paleogene and Neogene Sediments
- Coccolithophorid Productivity Response to Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Petrology and Evolution of a Monoclinally-folded Paleo-rift Lava Sequence, Vatnsdalsfjall, Northern Iceland
- The Elusive Intrusive: A Petrologic, Structural, and Geochemical Analysis of a Basaltic Body in an Abandoned Rift, Vatnsdalsfjall, Northern Iceland
- Top Down and Bottom up: A Comparison of Coccolith Sr/Ca Ratios and Benthic Foraminiferal Accumulation Rates as Indicators of Paleoproductivity
- Water table and overbank flow frequency changes due to suburbanization-induced channel incision, Virginia Coastal Plain, USA
- Channel Incision Driven by Suburbanization: Impacts to Riparian Groundwater Flow and Overbank Flow Frequency
- Coccolith Chemistry as Proxy of Coccolithophorid Productivity Response to Monsoon Cycles
- Carbonate Ion Effects on Coccolith Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes
- Coccolitophore Productivity Response to Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Seismic velocities of basalts, dikes, and gabbros from an intact section of in situ upper oceanic crust
- Core-log Integration as a Tool for Improving Depth Resolution
- Developing Methods to Test the Influence of Critical Zone Development on Watershed Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- How Sensitive is the Asian Monsoon System to Remote Forcing?: A Perspective from the late Quaternary Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea Regions
- Near surface geophysics and sediment analysis to precise the outbreak of glacial Lake Devlin, Front Range Colorado, USA
- Reproducibility of Raman Spectroscopy Measurements for Carbonaceous Material in Metamorphic Rocks
- Soil Carbon Chronosequences From Post-Agricultural Land in Western New England.
- Surface water saturation state and calcareous nannoplankton production across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Tectonic and Magmatic Modification of Ocean Crustal Bulk Physical Properties: A Global Perspective
- Characteristics and hydrodynamic interpretation of storm-emplaced cliff-top boulder ridges on Inishmore, Aran Islands, Ireland
- Hydrodynamic fractionation of zircon age populations in fluvial transport
- Late Glacial and Early Deglacial Estimates of the Radiocarbon Content of Intermediate and Deep Water from the Southwest Pacific
- Profiles of radiocarbon from the Bolling-Allerod and Last Glacial Maximum from the subarctic Pacific
- Shape and size distribution of chaos areas on Europa
- Soil Carbon Chronosequnces from Post-Agricultural Land in Western New England
- Velocity Structure of Upper Ocean Crust at ODP Site 1256
- A Model for Seamount Formation Based on Observations of a California Ophiolite
- Controls on Seismic Layering in Superfast Spread Crust: IODP Hole 1256D
- In Situ-produced vs. Meteoric 10Be in Hillslope Soils: One Isotope, Two Tracers, Different Stories
- Transient Events and Landscape Response in Boulder Creek, Colorado Front Range (Invited)
- Solution behavior of C-O-H volatiles in silicate melts under upper mantle pressures and temperatures as a function of redox conditions
- Thermobarometry, argon dating and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the Pleistocene Pt. Tebenkof ignimbrite, Makushin Volcano, AK
- Benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen isotope stratigraphies from IODP Sites U1339 and U1345
- Depleted Radiocarbon in Deep Water in the Southwest Pacific and Southern Ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Enhanced Southern Ocean Ventilation Through the Last Deglaciation
- Imaging the architecture of the Critical Zone at Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Rocky Mountains Front Range of Colorado, USA
- Intermediate-depth ventilation in the Bering Sea from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Nutrient Cycling in Piermont Marsh
- Paleo-iron supply to the Western Subarctic Pacific since the last glaciation
- Reconstructing sea-surface temperatures and compositions for the tropical Caribbean through LA-ICPMS analysis of Dichocoenia corals
- Ten years of the high-resolution imaging process of the eclipse white-light corona
- Unexpected Delivery of Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to Critical Zone Soils, Front Range, Colorado
- A Coral Sea Rehearsal for the Eclipse Megamovie
- Deglacial shift in subsurface watermass source in the subtropcal South Pacific North of New Zealand
- Dike intrusion controls on permeability and hydrothermal circulation of oceanic crust at IODP Hole 1256D
- Evidence for elevated methane flux in laminated Bering Sea sediments from the penultimate glaciation
- Evolution of Permeability in the Upper Oceanic Crust Formed From Super-Fast Spreading: IODP Hole 1256D
- Sea Surface Conditions during Marine Isotope Stages 12 to 10 at Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1345)
- Spatial patterns of mobile regolith thickness and meteoric 10Be in the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Front Range, Colorado
- From the Pacific to the Arctic: Paleoclimatic History of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea (Invited)
- Motivation, Classroom Environment, and Learning in Introductory Geology: A Hierarchical Linear Model
- Productivity, ventilation and oxygenation in the north-central Bering Sea during the last deglaciation
- Role of plant-rock interactions in the N cycle of oligotrophic environments
- Spectral Analysis on Solar Flares with an Emission > 300 keV
- Ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean across the Last Glacial Termination
- A 30 Myr record of retrograde metamorphism and multiple generations of monazite and garnet in western MA revealed by coordinated LASS and EPMA
- A Comparison of Oceanic Crustal Permeability at the Outcrop, Hand Sample and Thin Section Scales
- A Salt Marsh Erosion Model: Interplay Between Biotic and Physical Factors at the Seaward Edge
- Coronal Dynamics at Recent Total Solar Eclipses
- Deep-water carbonate ion shifts during the last glacial termination in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
- Did shifting winds drive shallow ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean across the last glacial termination?
- Hillslope lowering rates and mobile-regolith residence times from in situ and meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be analysis: Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Colorado
- Keck Geology Consortium Lava Project: Undergraduate Research Linking Natural and Experimental Basaltic Lava Flows
- Laurentide: The Crime Fighting Geologist, A Comic-Book Curriculum Tool
- Sustainable Agriculture as a Recruitment Tool for Geoscience Majors
- Tracing Bering Sea Circulation With Benthic Foraminiferal Stable Isotopes During the Pleistocene
- Ground-based Light Curves Two Pluto Days Before the New Horizons Passage
- How concentration of porosity, crack shape, and crack wall asperity control the seismic structure of the upper oceanic crust
- Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences With An Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Evidence for Increased Ventilation of the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
- Tephrochronology as a tool to constrain radiocarbon reservoir age in the deglacial Bering Sea
- A new Model for the Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences Workshop
- Assessing Student Learning about the Earth through the InTeGrate Project
- Climate-driven reduction in soil loss due to the dynamic role of vegetation
- Controls on cutoff formation along a tropical meandering river in the Amazon Basin
- Eclipse Megamovie Citizen Science: The Diamond Ring
- Leveraging Google Geo Tools for Interactive STEM Education: Insights from the GEODE Project
- Marine Terrace Deposits along the Mediterranean Coast on the Southeastern Turkey and Their Implications for Tectonic Uplift and Sea Level Change
- Modeling Non-linear Ocean Wave Amplification in Coastal Settings
- Regional scale classification of landforms and understanding their surface processes using digital elevation model-derived thematic maps in Arctic landscapes
- Enhanced sediment loading facilitates point bar growth and accelerates bank erosion along a modelled meander bend on the Sacramento River, USA
- Evidence for the potential influence of chemocline fluctuations on the Frasnian-Famennian Biotic Crisis in the Illinois and Appalachian Basins
- First 2017-total-eclipse results from the Williams College team
- SUVI Thematic Maps: A new tool for space weather forecasting
- Surface Ocean Radiocarbon Reservoir Ages From Land-Sea Tephra Correlation Constrains Deglacial Chronology and Ocean Circulation in the Southeast Bering Sea
- Testing the fidelity of laminations as a proxy for oxygen concentration in the Bering Sea over millennial to orbital timescales
- Unravelling the Drivers of Chute Cutoff and the Commonality of Oxbow Production
- Using InTeGrate materials to develop interdisciplinary thinking for a sustainable future
- Community-Based Research Teams: Examples from On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate Projects
- Enhancing Resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa through Climate Vulnerability Assessments
- Episodic Validation of Coastal Sea Ice Passive Microwave Retrievals Using Local, Indigenous Observations
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Ice Thickness Survey of Mathes, Llewellyn, and Tulsequah Glaciers on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska and Canada
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Testing ENSO's Role in Driving Southwestern US Megadroughts
- Can we better constrain the timing of GNAIW variability in the Western Equatorial Atlantic and its relationship to high North Atlantic Climate during the last deglaciation?
- Characterizing Sea Ice Modulations of Seismic Noise using the Alaska Transportable Array
- Evidence for Seafloor Hydrothermal Alteration in Delaminated MOR-Type Metabasalts of the Chrystalls Beach Complex, South Island, New Zealand
- Impact of the length of the sea ice-free summer season on Alaskan Arctic coastal erosion rates
- Inter-Annual Variability in the Timing of Arctic Sea Ice Freeze-Up Depends on Summer and Fall Arctic Storm Activity
- Invisible Floods on the Mississippi River Floodplain: Causes and Consequences of an Urban River Avulsion in Centreville, Illinois
- Observed relationship between freeze-up and melt timing supports inter-annual feedbacks in first-year Arctic sea ice volume
- Reconstructing Surface Reservoir Age with Aleutian tephrochronology
- Supporting and Assessing Systems Thinking Skills Development in Undergraduates
- The Arctic Observing Summit:Continued Progress towards an Integrated, Multipurpose, International Arctic Observing System
- Travel support requirements for internationally diverse early career participation in polar science workshops
- Using seismology to track the timing of sea ice ridging events and shorefast ice stabilization in coastal Alaska
- Using trace metal ratios in volcanic glass for Aleutian tephrochronology
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- Correlating Aleutian Tephra Layers Using Trace Element Ratios
- Evaluating global and regional observing frameworks for use in a coordinated Arctic observing system
- Evaluation of Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletions Near Salt Lake City
- Filling in the Gap in Coastal Sea Ice Records with Community-Based Observations of Shore and Pack Ice Dynamics
- Multi-Disciplinary Collectives in the Fight for Environmental Justice: How Scientific Activism, Legal Advocacy, and Community Organizing Address Environmental Inequities in Centreville, Illinois
- Nutrient utilization and the efficiency of the biological pump during late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles in the subarctic Pacific
- Opportunities for Observations in Support of Indigenous Food Systems in the Coastal Alaskan Walrus Ecosystem
- Rocky coast erosion, from microchips to megagravel
- Rubber ducks and double labs: teaching debugging strategies in a geoscience class
- Seismic detection of ridging and ice deformation in coastal sea ice near Utqiagvik, Alaska
- Survey on Early Career Travel Support Highlights Inequalities in Access to Polar Science Events Across Geographic, Career Stage, and Indigenous Status
- The Arctic Observing Summit as a mechanism to develop and link observing capacity from the local to the global scale
- The relationship between oxygenation, productivity and circulation in the Bering Sea during late Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles
- A Community-Centered Approach to Assessing Environmental Injustices in the American Bottom
- A Network of Networks: Analyzing the Relationships Between Organizations Coordinating Arctic Observations
- Along-strike Variation in Lithospheric Structure beneath the Appalachians Imaged with Dense Seismic Arrays
- An URGEnt Vision
- Building computational skills within a non-linear liberal arts Geosciences major
- Coastal Boulder Deposits as a Record of Extreme Inundation: the Inundation Signatures on Rocky Coastlines (ISROC) Research Coordination Network
- Combining ICESat-2 and Sentinel-1 Data to Monitor Coastal Sea Ice Ridges Over the Winter Season
- Community-Based Hydrological Modeling for Flood Mitigation in Centerville, IL
- Designing and Developing the Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) Curriculum
- Environmental Injustice in Southwest Florida: a Validation of Passive Sampling as a Means for Assessing Community Risk to Trichloroethylene
- Geospatial and Statistical Analyses of Groundwater Contaminants in the San Joaquin River Valley During Drought and Non-Drought Periods
- Impacts of Industrial Expansion on Urban Heat Stress in Southwest Florida
- Impacts of Salinity Encroachment on Coastal Marshes in Southern Louisiana
- Invisible Floods on the Mississippi River Floodplain: Assessing the Controls on Urban Flooding in Centreville, Illinois
- Microbial community response to changing groundwater chemistry in the San Joaquin Valley
- Mobilization of Trace Elements from Sediments into Groundwater in Californias Central Valley
- Quantifying the Role of Channel Dynamics and Bar Building in Stream Temperature Regulation on the Umatilla River, Oregon
- Structure of the Crust in the Northern Appalachian Mountains: Detailing the Abrupt Change in Crustal Thickness in North-Western Massachusetts
- The Integrated Impacts of Land Use and Extreme Hydrological Events on a New England Catchment
- The legacy of valley entrenchment on the floodplain and tributary basins of the Central Mississippi River
- Tropospheric Mid-Latitude Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletion Observed from an Industrial Source over the Great Salt Lake
- 206 year-old meteorological record shows climactic impacts in New England of major volcanic events
- A Comparison of Bolides Detected by GLM and USG Sensors
- An Automated Detection Pipeline and Statistical Analysis of Meteors Detected by GOES GLM
- Bedload transport dynamics in supply-limited versus supply-excess channels in a small upland catchment
- Bedrock valley morphology and tributary basin organization records signatures of lithology and transience across the Upper Mississippi River Valley
- Compound Specific Carbon Isotope Analysis of the Lower Kellwasser Event in the Appalachian Basin
- Cyanotypes as co-creation: Increasing connection and understanding of ice cores on the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Estimating Crustal Properties and Thickness Across Appalachian Terrane Boundaries
- Lithospheric structure above the Northern Appalachian Anomaly
- Marsh Biomass Allocation as a Control on Tidal Channel Dynamics
- New insights into crustal and mantle structure beneath the New England Appalachians from temporary broadband seismic deployments and integration with geological constraints
- Sub-seasonal Coastal Erosion Rates Calculated from PlanetScope Imagery in Arctic Alaska
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Middlebrook
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alice Bradley
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew Kennedy
- Benjamin T. Uveges
- Caroline C. Womack
- Claire Masteller
- D. M. Peteet
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Eric J. Steig
- Erin E. McDuffie
- Hossein Hosseiny
- J. R. Bourke
- Jeffrey C. Smith
- Joel A. Thornton
- John C. Lin
- Jordan Fields
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Kasey Aderhold
- L. E. Webb
- Marshall Borrus
- Maureen D. Long
- Michael Person
- Onjalé Scott Price
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Rónadh Cox
- S. R. Hemming
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Vadim Levin
- Yantao Luo
- Yvette D. Kuiper