William and Mary College, Virginia
flowchart I[William and Mary College, Virginia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (485)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (117)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Does Nutrient Dynamics Determine C3-C4 Plant Abundance in Southern African Ecosystems?
- Effect of Zooplankton Community Structure on Particle Flux and Nutrient Cycling at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) Site
- Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Margin: Response to Sea Level, Sediment Supply and Rapid Climate Change
- Mineralogy of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers: Implications for River Switching and Late Quaternary Climate Change
- Numerical modeling of strath terrace sequence formation in response to climate oscillation
- Preparing Students for Geologic Research with a Junior-level Course
- Reconstructing Chesapeake-Area Nineteenth-Century Climate From Historical Data
- Spectral Estimates of Bed Shear Stress Using Suspended Sediment Concentrations in Wave-Current Boundary Layers
- The Importance of Sediment Gravity Flows and Submarine Slope Failures in the Creation of Glacimarine Strata in Southern Alaska
- Zooplankton and Micronekton Studies at Bermuda: An Historical Perspective.
- A Decade of Research at the Cape Lookout Cuspate Foreland: New Insights Into Longshore Transport, Shoal Evolution, Spit Growth and the Regional Sediment Budget
- A New Approach For Reference Concentration
- Developing Strong Geoscience Programs and Departments
- Distributions and Partitioning of Dissolved Organic C, N and P During the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
- Effects of Human Activities on the Composition of Organic Carbon in Estuaries: Insights Gained Through Lipid Biomarker Studies
- Erosion rates on central Appalachian upland bedrock surfaces deduced from in-situ 10Be: Evidence for increasing relief?
- Evaluating Uplift Versus Glacial Erosion in the Chugach-St. Elias Mountains, South-Central Alaska: Answers from Holocene Marine Strata
- Examining the Historical Discharge Record of the Salinas River
- Fate and Impact of Contaminants in Sediments of the NE United States
- Linking Geologic Framework to Nearshore Processes and Shoreline Change: Results from the Outer Banks of North Carolina
- Phytoplankton Photosynthetic Response During the Southern Ocean Iron Experiment Using Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) Fluorescence
- Predicting Mine Burial at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory
- Primary Productivity and Size-Fraction Shifts During an in situ Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiment (SOFeX).
- Relationship of Hotspots to the Distribution of Surficial Surf-Zone Sediments along the Outer Banks of North Carolina
- Roles of Sea Level and Climate Change in the Development of Holocene Deltaic Sequences in the Yellow Sea
- Stepwise Rise of Post-glacial Sea Level and some Geological Implications
- Teaching Quantitative Skills in a Geoscience Context
- Temporal Variability of δ13C and Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C in Sinking POC at a Deep Time-Series Station in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- The Heterotrophic Bacterial Response During the Meso-scale Southern Ocean Iron Experiment (SOFeX)
- The Influence of Variations in Stratification on the Transport of Sediment in a Partially Mixed Estuary
- The Relationship Between Shoreline Change and Surf Zone Sand Thickness
- The coupling of subaerial weathering and rock erosion in streams
- A Coordinated Approach to Curricular Review and Development in Undergraduate Geoscience Programs: Using a Matrix to Identify and Track Skills and Skill Development
- Determining the Incorporation of NaCl into Ice VII by Raman Spectroscopy
- Dispersal of Sediment in the Western Adriatic during Energetic Wintertime Forcing
- Gravity-Driven Sediment Transport on the Continental Shelf: Implications for Equilibrium Profiles Near River Mouths
- Innovations in Sampling Pore Fluids From Deep-Sea Hydrate Sites
- Knickpoint retreat and landscape disequilibrium on the James River from the Piedmont through the Valley and Ridge, central Virginia, USA
- Lost in Loess: Paleomagnetic investigation into loess and tephra deposits in interior Alaska
- Millennial-Scale Variability of Western Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Thermocline Depth: Evidence From the Early Pliocene
- Natural Observations on the Link Between Syn-eruptive Degassing and Microlite Formation in Rhyolitic Obsidians
- Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Materials --- Random Walks in Slater Determinant Space
- The Bridge: Integrating Ocean Science Data in the Classroom
- The Role of Geoscience Departments in Developing the Earth Science Teacher Workforce: A Workshop Report
- Are There Poincare Waves in The Chesapeake Bay?
- Climate change at 8200 yrs BP: A synthesis of paleoclimate proxy records
- Climate-induced variations in the sourcing and weathering of fluvial sediments: Deltaic records from the monsoon-forced Ganges and Brahmaputra dispersal systems
- Climatic Controls on Western U.S. River Discharge: ENSO, PDO and ???
- Coastal System Interactions on Shackleford Banks, NC
- Control of Estuarine Stratification by Lateral Dynamics
- Correlation of Shore-Oblique Bars and Nearshore Gravel Outcrops With Shoreline Change in North Carolina
- Development of the Holocene Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua
- Dispersal of Fluvial Sediment in the Adriatic Sea, Italy
- Experimental Study of "Dirty" Ice Systems: Implications for Ganymede and Callisto
- Instructional Practices in Introductory Geoscience Courses: Results of a National Faculty Survey
- Isotopic Stage 3 Deposition and Stage 2 Erosion of a Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua: Regional Tectonics Versus Eustatic Sea-Level Change
- Late Quaternary Climate and Provenance Signals of Brahmaputra River Sediments in the Sylhet Basin, Bangladesh
- MAEA Interactive Science Programs: An Innovative Approach to Address the Under-representation of Minorities and Women in Science, Math, and Technological Fields.
- Methane Hydrates and Fluid Flow Along the Chilean Margin
- Modeling Deposition by Wave-Supported Gravity Flows on the Po River Subaqueous Delta: From Seasonal Floods to Prograding Clinoforms
- Modeling Heat and Fluid Flux of Seafloor Mounds in the Gulf of Mexico
- Nearshore Sediment Budget: Correlating Volume to Shoreline Change, Outer Banks, North Carolina
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program: Workshop and Web Resources for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- On the Cutting Edge Workshop on Effective and Innovative Course Design: A Model for Designing Rigorous Introductory Courses
- Preparing for an Academic Career Workshops: Resources for Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Sediment Flux and Fate of the Yangtze River Sediments Delivered to the East China Sea
- Sediment dispersal and deposition on the Waiapu River Shelf, N.Z., implications for sediment transport mechanisms and event preservation
- Starting Point: Linking Methods and Materials for Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences: Resources for Faculty
- The Growth Rate of Fundulus Heteroclitus: A Comparative Study of two Virginia Salt Marshes.
- The VIMS CBOS Observing System Buoy, an Initial Scientific Analysis
- Water table and overbank flow frequency changes due to suburbanization-induced channel incision, Virginia Coastal Plain, USA
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: A Workshop Report
- Channel Incision Driven by Suburbanization: Impacts to Riparian Groundwater Flow and Overbank Flow Frequency
- Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of Low-Concentration Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures from Natural Gas Hydrate Systems
- Control of Subaqueous Delta Morphology by Wave-Supported Sediment Gravity Flows
- Developing Geoscience Students' Quantitative Skills
- Enhancing your Teaching and Developing New Leadership: Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program
- Geochemical Evaluation of Piston Core Porewater on Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico: Variation in Vertical Methane Gradients
- Helping Educators Find Visualizations and Teaching Materials Just-in-Time
- Hydrothermal Flux of Metamorphic Carbon Dioxide From the Central Nepal Himalaya
- Interdisciplinary Watershed Studies Provide Science-Society Links
- Modeling Fluid Flow in a Low Flux Methane Hydrate Province: A Multifaceted Geophysical Approach
- Promoting Careers and Career Development: What Geoscience Faculty and Departments Can Do
- Retention deficit: Evaluating retention pond effectiveness at controlling suburban stormwater runoff, James City County, Virginia
- A Distributed Laboratory for Event-Driven Coastal Prediction and Hazard Planning
- A Geostatistical Approach to Watershed Sources of Aged Riverine Organic Matter to the Hudson-Mohawk River System
- A Model Study of the Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Turbidity Maximum
- Alternative Sampling Platforms in the Antarctic-The ASPA Workshop
- Bedforms, Substrates, and Beach Change: Investigating Nearshore Response to Storm Forcing
- Characteristics and Preservation of Event Beds on the Continental Shelf off the Waipaoa River, New Zealand
- Contrasting Modes of Sediment Dispersal Off High Discharge Margins
- Examining Relationships Among Several Oyster Pathogens in the Genus Bonamia Using Molecular Data, in Phylogenetic Analyses
- Factors Controlling Tidal Flat Morphology in South San Francisco Bay
- Fine sediment sequestration on an active inner shelf, Waiapu River, New Zealand
- Flood Deposition Analysis of Northern California's Eel River (Flood- DANCER)
- Flood Sediment Dispersal and Deposition on the Waiapu River Shelf, East Cape, New Zealand
- Geomorphologic Controls on the Age of POC Discharged From Small, Active-Margin Rivers
- Gravity Driven Sediment Transport on Continental Shelves: Recent Advances in Understanding
- Late Holocene Shoreline Dynamics and Sediment Partitioning in the Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
- Model studies of sediment transport and bed reworking in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Modeling Coastal Change in Response to Shoreface Irregularities
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization of Gases from IODP Expedition 311: Source and Gas Hydrate Related Controls
- Notification of Detailed Observation and Model Results Using RSS
- Origin and Spatiotemporal Control of Cuspate Forelands
- Perspective of sediment transport within a water quality modeling framework for the Chesapeake Bay
- Plume-Lithosphere Interaction in the Ethiopian CFB Province: Breaking up Gondwana
- Reconstructing Sea-Surface Salinity of the Mid-Atlantic Using Mg/Ca and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of G. ruber
- Sediment Dispersal Within Poverty Bay, Offshore of the Waipaoa River, New Zealand
- Sediment dispersal in modern and mid-Holocene basins: implications for shoreline progradation and sediment bypassing, Poverty Bay, New Zealand
- Seeing beyond the pipeline: MSPHD'S a growing experience
- Shelf Sediment Trapping for a High-Yield, Tectonically-Active Margin: A Modern Sediment Budget off the Waipaoa River, NZ
- The Quantitative Preparation of Future Geoscience Graduate Students
- Uplifting the Cordillera Blanca: Elevation increases during extensional deformation along the crest of the Peruvian Andes
- Alpine Meadows Vegetation Monitoring
- Data and Semantic Interoperability for the Oceans Sensor Web
- Direct measurement of storm hydrographs from wet retention ponds: How effective are they at protecting streams from urbanization?
- Evidence for knickzone propagation and landscape disequilibrium along the James River, central Virginia Piedmont
- Fidelity of δ18Oseawater estimates using foraminiferal shell Mg/Ca and δ18O
- Geochemical Consequences of Lithospheric Delamination in the Eastern Mediterranean: Evidence From Young Turkish Basalts
- Getting Started in Academic Careers: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Impact of urbanization on sediment chemistry in small-scale watersheds, southeast Virginia.
- Learning from One Another: On-line Resources for Geoscience Departments
- Lobe Shifting in the Gulf of Papua: Internal or External Forcing?
- The dynamics of bedrock channel adjustment: Modeling the influence of sediment supply, weathering, and lithology on channel cross-sectional and longitudinal shape
- What Opportunities, When?: A Framework for Student Career Development
- A Model Study of the Variation of the Water Age and Long-term Transport Timescale of the Changjiang Estuary, China
- Application of fallout radionuclides as indicators of eco-geomorphic adjustments to dams
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: Resources and Opportunities
- Detailed Carbon Isotopic Characterization of Aerosol-Derived Organic Carbon Deposited to two Temperate Watersheds
- Effect of Seasonal Variation on Sediment Transport and Deposition on a Collision Margin: the Umpqua River
- Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (ADVs) and Pulse Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP) in Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentration
- Evidence for a Chemoautotrophically Based Food Web at Inactive Hydrothermal Vents (Manus Basin)
- Factors Affecting Trophic Control of Community Structure and Ecosystem Functioning in Experimental Mesocosms of Seagrass (Zostera marina L.)
- Groundwater decline, vegetation change, and surface soil stability in a semi-arid environment
- Modelling water exchange between Baltimore Harbor and Chesapeake Bay using artificial tracers
- Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
- Quantifying Barrier Island Overwash Through Sedimentological, Geophysical, and Geospatial Analyses: Onslow Beach, NC
- Sensitivity of a Sediment transport Model for Lake Michigan
- Storm Observations of Persistent Three-Dimensional Shoreline Morphology and Bathymetry Along a Geologically Influenced Shoreface Using X-Band Radar (BASIR)
- Teaching Introductory Geoscience: A Cutting Edge Workshop Report
- Temperature Dependences for Air-broadened Widths and Shift Coefficients in the 30013 - 00001 and 30012 - 00001 Bands of Carbon Dioxide near 1600 nm
- The use of Fallout 210-Pb to Determine Floodplain Inundation Pattern
- Use of Sediment Core Records to Understand Anthropogenic Impacts on Carbon Delivery to the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, CA
- Chair Talk: Resources to Maximize Administrative Efforts
- Changes in Continental Freshwater Discharge from 1948-2004 (Invited)
- Communicating Emerging Issues in Ocean Hypoxia (or Suffocating in Your Own Home)
- Impacts of Colonial Deforestation on Sediment Organic Carbon Fluxes and Budget Using Black Carbon Chronology: Waiapu Continental Shelf, New Zealand
- Measuring Bathymetry, Runup, and Beach Volume Change during Storms: New Methodology Quantifies Substantial Changes in Cross-Shore Sediment Flux
- Microbes mediate carbon and nitrogen retention in shallow photic sediments
- New Resources on the Building Strong Geoscience Departments Website
- Spatially variable erodability in bedrock channels produced by weathering
- Temperature dependence of 13CH4 line shapes broadened by N2
- The Adsorption of Short Single-Stranded DNA Oligomers on Mineral Surfaces
- The influence of weathering on erosion and cross-channel geometry in bedrock channels
- Using Fallout Radionuclides to Quantify Timescales of Soil Deflation due to Ecological Change in Owens Valley, California
- Development of a 1.65 μm pulsed laser DIAL System to map atmospheric CH4 distributions
- Diel Discharge Cycles as Indicators of Evapotranspiration Rates, with Implications for Groundwater Dynamics
- Launching an Academic Career: On the Cutting Edge Resources for Geoscience Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, and Early Career Faculty
- Marine Ecosystem Response to Rapid Climate Warming on the West Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Organic Biomarkers Along the River-Coastal Ocean Continuum: Human Activities and their Influence on Carbon Delivery (Invited)
- Simulated Changes in Salinity in the York and James River Estuaries, Southeastern Virginia, USA, from Projected Sea-Level Rise in the Chesapeake Bay
- Sources and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams Draining Watersheds with Different Land Uses in the York River Estuary
- The Role of Geoscience Departments in Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals
- A 13000-year, high-resolution multi-proxy record of climate variability with episodes of enhanced atmospheric dust in Western Asia: Evidence from Neor peat complex in NW Iran
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Through the Visiting Workshop Program
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments: Case Studies and Findings from Six Years of Programming
- Constraining Erosion Timescales and Magnitudes with Multiple Fallout Radionuclide Tracers in Owens Valley, CA
- Dissolved Organic Matter Release During Baseflow and Storm Events and its Potential Impact on Riverine and Biogeochemical Cycles
- Ephemeral Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes from Agricultural Runoff on the Virginia Coastal Plain in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Episodic and long-lived river incision along geologically heterogeneous passive margins
- Evaluating the influence of weathering on erodibility and cross-channel geometry in bedrock channels
- Functional connectivity as a possible indicator of desertification in degraded grasslands
- Impact of the On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program on U.S. Geoscience Faculty
- Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in Geoscience Education and Broadening Participation in the Geosciences at Two-year Colleges
- On the Cutting Edge: Face-to-Face and Virtual Professional Development for Current and Future Geoscience Faculty
- Preparing Future Geoscience Professionals: Needs, Strategies, Programs, and Online Resources
- Professional Development Opportunities for Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty: Issues, Opportunities, and Successes
- The Suess Effect and Additional Impacts on the Carbon Isotope Composition of a Belizean Coral
- Toward the resolution of microscopic seasonal variations in slow growing speleothems by ELA-ICP-MS
- Using GIS to Quantify Riparian Buffer Bypassing on Agricultural Fields in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Variability of erodibility in rock-floored channels produced by differential weathering
- Website Resources and Support for Two-Year College Geoscience Educators
- Air-broadened line parameters with temperature dependence for <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O, <SUP>13</SUP>C<SUP>16</SUP>O, and <SUP>12</SUP>C<SUP>18</SUP>O at 2.3 μm
- Assessing the limitations of NASA's Aquarius Sensor using the Amazon Plume
- Climate Change Impacts on the Organic Carbon Cycle at the Land-Ocean Interface
- Developing A Large-Scale, Collaborative, Productive Geoscience Education Network
- Effects of Watershed Land Use on Sources and Diagenetic Status of Particulate Organic Matter in Temperate Headwater Streams
- Equatorial Periglacial Terrains, Lacustrine Environments, and Fluvial Networks at the Hesperian-Amazonian Age Boundary on Mars
- How does a single precipitation event erode a landscape? Clues from meteoric 7Be and 10Be analysis of suspended sediments and soils
- Just passing through --- high Hg deposition to Puerto Rico forest moves quickly off the landscape
- Preparing students in two-year colleges for geoscience degrees and careers: Workshop results
- Resonance of Edge Waves due to a Moving Pressure Disturbance
- SURA-IOOS Coastal Inundation Testbed Inter-Model Evaluation of Tides, Waves, and Hurricane Surge in the Gulf of Mexico
- Variations In Rock Erodibility Across Bedrock-Floored Stream Channels
- A 2400-year record of abrupt climate change from Almalou Crate Lake in NW Iran: Investigating the potential influence of solar variability on the climate of West Asia during late Holocene
- Climatic and Anthropogenic Controls on Correlated Discharge from US West Coast Rivers (Invited)
- Determining the structure of vegetation canopies: an Object-based approach
- Distributions and Transformations of Natural Abundance 14C and 13C in Dissolved and Particulate Lipids in a Major Temperate Estuary
- Expansive Tidal Marshes on the North American Eastern Seaboard: Relics of Colonial Deforestation?
- High Resolution Laboratory Spectroscopy of the A-Band of O<SUB>2</SUB> and the 2060 nm Band of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Humans, Tectonics and Climate, Changing S2S Systems over Time: Waipaoa River Margin Example
- Implication of Land Use and Belowground Weather on Nitrous Oxide Soil Depth Profiles and Denitrification Potential
- Overview of Source to Sink (S2S) Concepts and Studies
- Relationships Between Topography and Leaf Area Index in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, CA
- Riddles in the Dark: Imaging Inside Mercury's Permanently Shadowed Craters
- Supporting Geoscience Students at Two-Year Colleges: Career Preparation and Academic Success
- Variability in Nitrate and Ammonium Distributions and Associated Processes at the Groundwater/Surface-water Interface in a Groundwater Flow-through Pond
- Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic) - a NASA field campaign scoping study to examine land-ocean interactions in the Arctic
- Climate forcing of the terrestrial organic carbon cycle during the last deglaciation: the Himalaya-Bengal fan example
- Clinothem Lobe Growth and Possible Ties to Downslope Processes in the Gulf of Papua
- Holocene Abrupt Climate Change Over NW Iran: The Hand That Rocked The Cradle Of Civilization?
- Long-Term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested By a New Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- Marsh Edge Erosion Effects in Coupled Barrier Island-Marsh Systems
- On the Cutting Edge: Workshops, Online Resources, and Community Development
- The Integrate Student Portal: Online Resources to Prepare Students for the Workforce of a Sustainable Future
- Undergraduate Research in Geoscience with Students from Two-year Colleges: SAGE 2YC Resources
- Understanding High Temperature Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Addressing Issues of Broadening Participation Highlighted in the Report on the Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education
- Antibiotics and Manure Effects on Microbial Communities Responsible for Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Grasslands
- Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
- Effects of Human Activities on Submarine Topography in Lingding Bay of the Pearl River Estuary During the Last Decade
- Embracing Non-Stationarity - Hysteresis and Coherence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Source-to-Sink System and Its Imprint on the Stratigraphic Record.
- Fish Lake, Utah - a promising long core site straddling the Great Basin to Colorado Plateau transition zone
- Fish Lake, Utah - shallow seismic investigation of a lake-filled high-altitude graben
- Fluvial and oceanographic controls on clinoform architecture in the Gulf of Papua
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program - An effective model built from years of experience
- Predicting Solar Filament Eruptions with HEK Filament Metadata
- Reach-scale evidence for feedbacks among chemical weathering, rock strength and erosion in bedrock rivers across Kohala Peninsula, Hawai'i
- Supporting Success for All Students
- The Carbon Budget of Coastal Waters of Eastern North America
- The Formation of Fluvial Channels on Alba Mons, Mars
- The Influence of Hillslope Steepness on Sediment Supply Size Distribution along Rivers Draining the Colorado Front Range
- Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty: Providing resources and support for new faculty to succeed
- A new Model for the Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences Workshop
- Alkenone-based reconstructions show four-phase Holocene temperature history for Arctic Svalbard
- An Assessment of the Relationship Between Rock Properties and the Rate of Bare-bedrock Erosion on Ridgeline Outcrops of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia, USA
- Beach and dune building processes: Linking nearshore to backshore and events to decades
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration in a Warmer Climate
- Competition Between Barrier Island Migration and Marsh-Upland Migration Could Determine the Fate of Coastal Lagoons Under Sea Level Rise.
- Connecting climate change to coastal evolution: Impact of sub-millenial- scale precipitation variability on fluvial sediment discharge
- Effect of Vegetation on Sediment Transport across Salt Marshes
- Exploring How Weathering Related Stresses and Subcritical Crack Growth May Influence the Size of Sediment Produced From Different Rock Types.
- From DNS to RANS: A Multi-model workflow to understand the Influence of Hurricanes on Generating Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico
- From stem to crest: Vegetation control on the maximum height, alongshore continuity, number and spacing of coastal foredunes
- How Early Holocene Greening of the Afro-Asian Dust Belt Changed Sources of Mineral Dust in West Asia
- Improved Lg attenuations maps in the central U.S.-Rocky Mountain transition zone: New insight from induced seismicity in Oklahoma, Kansas, and the Raton Basin
- Including Flocculation in a Numerical Sediment Transport Model for a Partially-Mixed Estuary
- Investigating the Influence of Vegetation Type on Modern Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes from a High Latitude Ombrotrophic Bog to Inform Paleoclimate Interpretation
- Modeling storm and sea level rise impacts on marsh transgression
- Plutonium isotopes offer an alternative approach to establishing chronological profiles in coarse sediments
- Post-Glacial Climate Forcing of Surface Processes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle
- Progress on measurement of temperature-dependent H<SUB>2</SUB>-broadening of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>in the near infrared and N<SUB>2</SUB>-N<SUB>2</SUB> collision-induced absorption in the far-infrared.
- Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Modeling the Dynamic Evolution of the Coastal Carbon Sink Across Multiple Landforms
- Rock Erodibility as a Dynamic Variable Driven by the Interplay between Erosion and Weathering in Bedrock Channels: Examples from Great Falls, Virginia, USA
- Sea Level Driven Marsh Expansion in a Coupled Model of Marsh Erosion, Forest Retreat, and Human Impacts
- Spectroscopy for Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases: Recent Advances and Outstanding Issues
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Effect of Resuspension and Deposition on Biogeochemical Cycles in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Numerical Modeling Results
- The Impact of the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill on Phytoplankton as Evidenced Through the Sedimentary Dinoflagellate Cyst Records in Prince William Sound (Alaska, USA).
- The Island of Amsterdamøya: a key site for studying past climate in the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard
- The vertical signature of gophers on the critical zone in the Colorado Front Range subalpine zone
- Using Structure-from-Motion Data to Calibrate a Model of Coastal Dune Formation
- A Laboratory-Scale Analogue Model to Probe Ice Sheet Grounding Line Dynamics
- A unified model of bedforms in water, Earth and other planetary bodies
- Advanced Geophysical Classification with the Marine Towed Array
- Advancing diversity and inclusion through AGU's mentoring programs
- Assessing saltmarsh resilience to sea-level rise by examining sediment transport trends in the Great Marsh, MA.
- Assessing the efficacy of advancing underrepresented minority groups through AGU's Student Programs
- Beach- ridge internal architecture and use for Holocene sea-level reconstruction: A case study from the Miquelon-Langlade Isthmus (NW Atlantic)
- Beach-ridge sedimentology as an archive of terrestrial climate change: Insights from a geochemical and stratigraphic study of the Tijucas Strandplain, southern Brazil
- Behaviors and transitions along the path to magnetostrophic convection
- Carbon Transformations and Source - Sink Dynamics along a River, Marsh, Estuary, Ocean Continuum
- Centennial-scale human alterations, unintended natural-system responses, and event-driven mitigation within a coupled fluvial-coastal system: Lessons for collective management and long-term coastal change planning
- Chenier Development within a Prograding Strandplain Complex
- Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating Reveals the Age Distribution of Plant-Wax Biomarkers Exported to the Bengal Fan
- Coupled Modeling and Field Approach to Explore Patterns of Barrier Ridge and Swale Development
- Diversifying Geoscience by Preparing Faculty as Workshop Leaders to Promote Inclusive Teaching and Inclusive Geoscience Departments
- Electrification of organic particles explains apparent absence of small-scale bedforms on Titan
- Evaluating confidence in the impact of regulatory nutrient reduction and assessing the competing impact of climate change
- Geoscience Diversity Experiential Simulations (GeoDES) Workshop Report
- Ghost forest creation and the conversion of uplands to wetlands
- Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary leaf wax hydrogen isotopes
- How do subcritical cracking rates and styles influence rock erosion? A test case from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
- Interpreting Precambrian δ<SUP>15</SUP>N: lessons from a new modern analogue, the volcanic crater lake Dziani Dzaha
- Methane Cycling in a Warming Wetland
- Predicting tidal marsh survival or submergence to sea-level rise using Holocene data
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Quantifying and predicting historical and future patterns of carbon fluxes from the North American Continent to Ocean
- Records of Coastal Change within a Progradational, Wave-Dominated Barrier Island: Morphostratigraphic Framework of the Southern Recurved Spit of Assateague Island, VA
- Slow Long-Term Erosion Rates of Banks Peninsula, New Zealand
- Structural evolution of the Semail Ophiolite metamorphic sole, Wadi Hawasina and Northern Jebel Nakhl Culmination, Oman
- The Potential Impact of Mars' Atmospheric Dust on Future Human Exploration of the Red Planet
- The representation of stream water temperature in the dynamic land ecosystem model and its applications to Chesapeake and Delaware Bay Watersheds
- Transport and Fate of Nutrients Along the U.S. East Coast
- Trends in Brackish Marsh Dissolved Organic Carbon in Response to Surface Tidal Flooding
- Watershed-scale drivers of air-water CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchanges in two lagoonal, North Carolina (USA) estuaries
- A 2.5D Seismic Exploration of the Ayeyarwady River Subaqueous Delta in the Andaman Sea
- Antecedent substrate as a millennial- to centennial- scale control on barrier-island migration
- Arctic-COLORS (Arctic-COastal Land Ocean inteRactionS) Field Campaign Scoping Study Update and Plans
- Assessing Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Options in Northeast U. S. Fishing Communities
- Asymmetric Root Distributions in Coastal Forests Retreating With Sea Level Rise
- Beach-ridge sedimentology and geochemistry as archives of coastal response to Holocene climate change
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Brown Carbon Photolysis: Impacts of Organic and Inorganic Components in Cloud Water Proxies
- Catalyzing Inclusive Education Practices in Two-Year College Geoscience Programs and Departments: SAGE 2YC and Faculty Change Agents
- Characterizing the Transport Pathways and Storage of Freshwater in the Western Arctic Ocean Through a HYCOM-Based Drifter Study
- Chlorophyll and Nutrient Dynamics In San Francisco Bay: A Model Study
- Citizen-Science's Role in Flooding Resiliency: Tracing Today's King Tides to Validate a Street-Level Hydrodynamic Model and Responsibly Reduce Risk for the Floods of Tomorrow
- Community-Based Research Teams: Examples from On the Cutting Edge and InTeGrate Projects
- Decoupling between Marsh and Tidal Channel Sediment Supply under Seasonal Variations in Plant Biomass
- Drivers of Bistability in a Rapidly Submerging Marsh
- Effects of Shoreline Erosion and Organic Matter Sinking Rates on Chesapeake Bay Water Clarity
- Estuarine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux from Space: with Application to Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
- Evaluating co-located Pandora systems with an outlook for TEMPO validation
- Export of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon with Dense Shelf Water from the Mertz and Ninnis Polynyas in East Antarctica
- Fates of the Ayeyarwady and Thanlwin River-Derived Sediments to the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Bengal
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Analysis Using Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of Emergency Response and Forecasting
- Gender and the geosciences: An investigation of bachelor's degree graduation rates in the U.S.
- Glider observation of tidal and supertidal oscillations in Mid-Atlantic Bight shelfbreak canyons
- How accessible is machine learning for non-computer scientists? Application of deep learning in physical oceanography and deep sea ecology
- Impact of Future Warming on the Chesapeake Bay Carbonate System: Air-sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange vs. Biogeochemical Processes
- Impact of Hurricane Harvey on the off-shore Currents of Galveston Bay
- Impact of Water Taxes on China's Water Demand and Carbon Emissions: A Provincial General Equilibrium Analysis
- Impacts of Changes in Watershed Nutrient Inputs and Climate on Carbon Cycling in Chesapeake Bay
- Impacts of a Major Hurricane on Salt Marsh Sediment Carbon Storage along the Coast of Texas
- Improved Estimates of Light in Water Impacts Estuarine Biogeochemistry By Intensifying Stratification in the Chesapeake Bay
- In-situ Geotechnical and Sedimentological Investigation of Stratified Sediment in the York River, Virginia
- Increased Dermo Disease in Chesapeake Bay Oysters Caused by Continued Warming and Nutrient Loading
- Influence of Salinity and Vegetation on Tidal Marsh Soil Shear Strength
- Modeling Long-Term Salt Marsh Response to Sea Level Rise and Human Impacts in the Sediment Deficient Plum Island Estuary, MA
- Modeling assessment of climate change impacts on water quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Modeling storm tide and inundation in the Greater New York City during Hurricane Sandy (2012)
- Modeling tidal marsh carbon cycling under sea level rise and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Ocean Circulation Causes Strong Variability in Mid-Atlantic Bight Net Community Production
- Photochemical Processing of Filter Collected α-pinene SOA; Molecular Composition Changes and Absorption Properties
- Photolytic Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles; Evidence for a Significant Photo-Recalcitrant Fraction.
- Prevalence of Isomers in the Atmosphere and Their Impacts on Interpreting Laboratory Data
- REU: Changes in benthic foraminifera assemblage preservation associated with onset of deep AMOC during the last deglaciation
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Sea-level Change and Impacts on Prehistoric Settlements in the Lofoten Islands, Norway
- Role of resuspension events on oxygen and nitrogen dynamics in coastal environments
- Seasonal Variability of Carbonate Chemistry in the Chesapeake Bay
- Sediment Dispersal and Accumulation off the Ayeyarwady River Delta: Tectonic and Oceanographic Controls
- Sediment flux and fate on the Irrawaddy and Martaban continental shelf: results from field observations and a numerical model
- Teaching with Numerical Models in the Earth Surface Processes
- The Changing Nature of Suspended Solids in Chesapeake Bay and Its Relationship to Trends in Water Clarity
- The Importance of Organic Matter Content to Fractal Particle Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters as Constrained by Floc Excess Density, Floc Apparent Density, and Primary Particle Bulk Density: Insights from Video Settling, LISST, and Pump Sampling
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- The role of sea level rise in shaping coastal carbon budgets
- Tidal Marsh Soils Regulate Quality and Quantity of Exportable Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Tidal variability in flocculation dynamics in the secondary turbidity maximum of the York River Estuary, VA: a numerical study
- Toward Quantifying the Influence of Hurricanes on Generating Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico: A Multi-model Workflow
- Triassic and Jurassic Rift Basin Records of Continental Breakup along the Eastern North American Margin, U.S.A.
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using leaf wax δD and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C to reconstruct Holocene and Last Interglacial paleohydrology in the Faroe Islands
- Valuing Blue Carbon in Shrinking Mid-Atlantic Backbarrier Marshes
- Warmer Waters Welcome Increased Nutrient Loading: Linking Effects of Future Climate Change to Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia
- Accelerated turnover of tropical soil carbon in response to post-glacial monsoon strengthening.
- Analysis of Iron Sources in Antarctic Continental Shelf Waters
- Arctic Ocean Warming During Marine Isotope Stage 11 Based on Planktic Foraminifera
- BATAL: Balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
- Chemical Composition of the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere during Asian Summer Monsoon.
- Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of Zooplankton Fecal Pellets: Insights into Dietary and Trophic Processes and Characterization of Fecal Pellets as Organic Matter End-Member
- Continuous records of human-environment interaction in the Lofoten Islands of Arctic Norway based on fecal lipids and alkenone paleothermometry
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> enhances coastal marsh carbon accumulation and resilience to sea level rise
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Warming World: Effects on Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration
- Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Two-Year College Geoscience: Lessons Learned from the SAGE 2YC Project
- Insights in marsh forest boundary transgression in response to storms and sea-level rise from modelling
- Ocean forecast system around Taiwan and upcoming data assimilation development
- Provenance of the Newark and Gettysburg Basins during Progressive Rifting and Continental Breakup along the Eastern North American Margin, U.S.A.
- Recent Contribution of Airborne Gravity Data to the Modern Observation of The Cryosphere
- Response of coastal carbon cycling to sea level rise along rapidly transgressing coasts
- Role of the Eastern Shear Margin in Thwaites Glacier's Dynamics
- Structural history of the Semail Ophiolite metamorphic sole, Oman: a long-lived and complex high-strain zone
- The Lifecycle of Photo-Bleached SOA: Characterization of Multigenerational Aging Processes in Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Towards a Unified Modeling Framework for Coupling Coastal Ocean Models and Inland Hydrology at NOAA's National Ocean Service
- Understanding Tectonic and Oceanographic Influenced Sediment Deposition throughout the Northern Andaman Sea
- Using Novel Machine Learning Algorithms to Improve the Spatiotemporal Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth
- What Feeds the Phytoplankton?: Evaluating the Iron Geochemistry of Terrestrial Aerosol Sources to the Subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Asymmetric Root Distributions Reveal Trade-offs between Storm and Sea Level Rise Vulnerability in Retreating Coastal Forests
- Biophysical controls of marsh soil shear strength along an estuarine salinity gradient
- Climate as a Risk Factor for Armed Conflict: State of Knowledge and Directions for Research
- Composition and Properties of Indoor Organic Films: Cooking, Cleaning, and Long-term Aging.
- Compound Flooding during Hurricane Florence (2018)
- Controls on Estuarine Sediment Bed Erodibility: Statistical Model Formulation and Validation
- Coupled hydrological-hydrodynamic simulation for compound flooding event during Hurricane Harvey
- Deriving Sediment and Terrestrial Organic Carbon Budgets for the Offshore Ayeyarwady River Delta, Myanmar
- Distribution of Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima) Population Demographic Characteristics Along the Middle Atlantic Bight
- Divergent responses of shrub cover in upland and lowland tundra ecosystems to climate change and fire disturbance
- Factors controlling the transport and distribution of microplastics in a coastal plain estuary: A modeling study of the Chesapeake Bay
- Functional Group Reactivity in Brown Carbon Photolysis in Concentrated Solution from Methylglyoxal with Ammonium Sulfate
- Hidden Levees: Efficacy of Small-scale Barriers to Sea-level Driven Marsh Migration on Rural Coasts
- Human and natural impacts on sedimentation in the Merrimack River Estuary, Massachusetts, USA
- Improving reconstructions of Northern European and Arctic Holocene Relative Sea Level: a data-model synthesis
- Infrared Analysis of Photolytically Aged Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- Interacting effects of warming and CO2 on marsh stability and carbon accumulation
- Microbial diversity-informed modeling of the polar marine ecosystem functions
- Mudflats Should Be Considered a Blue Carbon Ecosystem
- Ocean forecast system around Taiwan and its data assimilation prototype
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Chemical Composition: Off-line AMS Analysis of Filter Samples from the SPARTAN Network
- Quantifying slope across the ecotone as a driver of forest to marsh conversion using geospatial techniques: Application to Chesapeake Bay coastal-plain, USA
- Recent changes in organic carbon and food resources in response to environmental change in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Sedimentary ancient DNA and molecular evidence for pre-Norse occupation of the Faroe Islands
- Sensitivity to Changes in the Winds of Cryosphere Contributions to Micronutrient Supply to the Surface Waters around Antarctica
- Shifting allocations between biomass and soil carbon pools drive net loss of carbon in retreating coastal forests
- Simulating Compound Flooding with an Efficient High-Resolution Sub-Grid Model
- Spatial and Temporal variability of nutrient profiles with depth in a Subterranean Estuary
- The Disjointed Double Channel of Chincoteague Inlet and Implications for Sediment Transport
- The Effect of Marsh Age on Ecosystem Function in a Rapidly Transgressing Marsh
- The Importance of Organic Content to Fractal Floc Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters: Insights from Video, LISST, and Pump Sampling
- Virtual Professional Development for STEM Faculty: Promoting and Modeling Active Learning Strategies
- Western boundary current instability gives rise to extraordinary subsurface diatom blooms in the Middle Atlantic Bight slope sea
- Anti-Racism in Women in Coastal Geoscience and Engineering
- Building the Mississippi River Delta: Harnessing small-scale processes to restore marshes on the large scale
- Centennial-scale coastal landform development associated with longshore transport and headland bypassing: Sao Francisco do Sul Island, Brazil
- Chemical Analysis of Organic Compounds and Transformations in Dew Water
- Coastal Highstand Deposits Archive Late-Pleistocene Regional Sea-Level Variability Along the US Mid-Atlantic Coast
- Compositional Analysis of Cloud Droplet Residuals by High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry: A CAMP2Ex Case Study
- Drivers and impacts of marsh migration in the coastal critical zone
- Ensemble data assimilation in a 3D unstructured grid ocean model with application to typhoon study
- Examination of the Information in the Spectral Curvature of in situ Aerosol Hyperspectral (300-700 nm) Optical Properties Measured from Wildfire Aerosols from a Ground-based Mobile Lab during FIREX-AQ
- Forest retreat rates and soil characteristics along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast
- Geomesh: A Python Framework for Unstructured Mesh Development.
- Human Migration in the North Atlantic: Re-evaluating Timing and Environmental Consequences
- Hurricane deposition can enhance salt marsh resiliency to sea-level rise
- Impacts of a Medium Intensity Storm Surge Event on Groundwater Level and Conductivity along the North Atlantic Coast
- Increased landscape connectivity enhances coastal carbon sink under heightened rates of SLR
- Influence of hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes on beach-ridge morphology and internal architecture along the Virginia (USA) coast
- Landscape-scale Carbon Storage in a Shifting Mosaic of Coastal Ecosystems
- Mechanisms and Rates of Sand Bypassing along a Rapidly Evolving Inlet-Spit System
- Morphostratigraphic Differences Between Natural, Managed, and Constructed Coastal Foredunes
- Recent warming reverses forty-year decline in Catastrophic lake drainage and hastens Gradual lake drainage across northern Alaska
- Regional Marsh Migration Potential Determined by Local Topographic Features Rather Than Anthropogenic Land Use
- Remotely sensed influence of groundwater on forests during drought in Wisconsin
- Seismic stratigraphy and depositional history of a mixed-energy, accommodation-limited flood-tidal delta along the Eastern Shore of Virginia Conceptual model development and implications
- Sensitivity of the Relationship Between Antarctic Ice Shelves and Iron Supply to Projected Changes in Atmospheric Forcing
- Simulating compound flooding in Japan with a cloud-based nation-wide modeling system
- Soil Lead in an Urban Environment: Co-occurrence with Metal(loid)s and Fallout Radionuclides, Isotopic Fingerprint, and in vitro Bioaccessibility
- The Contribution of Inorganic Sediment Inputs to Multi-Decadal Accretion of Backbarrier Saltmarshes in the Southeast USA
- The Importance of Image Thresholding in Computing Permeability of Firn using Micro-CT Images and the Lattice Boltzmann Method
- The Role of Relative Humidity on the Photo-bleaching of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- Towards Correlating Side Scan Sonar Backscatter with In-Situ Geotechnical Properties
- Upland Greening Compensates for Wetland Browning in Aboveground Coastal Carbon Change
- Vegetation mediated the seasonality of Holocene fire activity in the eastern U.S. until Indigenous populations became a dominant influence 3,000 years ago
- Virginia Scientist-Community Interface: A multi-institutional graduate student group dedicated to providing scientific expertise for community-led activism and advocacy
- A Phenology- and Trend-Based Approach for Accurate Mapping of Sea-Level Driven Coastal Forest Retreat
- A Physical-Biogeochemical Model of Delaware Bay for Climate Applications
- A promising high-resolution sedimentary archive of past temperature variability from Peary Land, northern Greenland
- Best practices for drone remote sensing research: A critical perspective
- Biophysical Drivers of the Coastal Treeline Elevation
- Calculating Blue-Carbon Fluxes from Barrier-Island Migration
- Carbon Fluxes From a Rapidly Transgressing Barrier Island Chain
- Chemical Characteristics of Indoor Aerosol Particles and Surface Films
- Columbia River Plume Variability in Summer 2022
- Consumers shape saltmarsh carbon storage and ecosystem resilience
- Development of a Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Modeling System for Sediment Simulation over the Land-Ocean Continuum
- Effects of Oyster Reefs on the Composition and Erodibility of Surrounding Bed Sediment
- Enhancement of the Three-Dimensional Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System for the Atlantic (STOFS-3D-Atlantic)
- Experimental Pub Crawl from Rayleigh-Bénard to Magnetostrophic Convection
- Historic Upland Slope, Edaphic Conditions, and Underlying Topography can Help Explain Variations in Rates of Marsh Migration into Coastal Forests.
- Identify and Discover Antarctica: a virtual framework to bolster taxonomic and polar literacy
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Investigating the Effect of Water on the Modulus and Yield Strength of Quartz via Nanoindentation
- Microtopographic Variation as an Early Indicator of Decreased Ecosystem Resilience and Ecosystem State Change
- Multiplatform Automated On-demand Modeling System for Coastal Storm Surge Including Inland Hydrology Extremes
- NOAA's Implementation of the Three-Dimensional Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System for the Atlantic (STOFS-3D-Atlantic) into An Operational Nowcast/Forecast System (OFS)
- On the Relative Importance of Offshelf/Onshelf Drivers of Variability in mCDW Inventory on the Amundsen Shelf, Antarctica
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Phytoplankton Growth-in-Motion and Runaway Uptake in a Great Plains River
- Pre-operational ensemble assimilation forecast experiments for the ocean around Taiwan
- Quantification of Geomorphic Evolution Timescales in Microtidal Salt Marshes: Estimating Lifespan Using Numerical Models and Remote Sensing
- Quantifying Errors Within Data-Assimilative Global Ocean Models Using Glider Data From The Mid-Atlantic Bight Slope Sea
- Reconstructing Temperature Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Over the Last 150 Years Using Clam Shell Oxygen Isotopes and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Response of Thermokarst Formation and Shrub Cover Change to Fire Disturbance in The Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Sea Ice, Fast Ice, and Icebergs as Modulators of Ocean-Ice Shelf Interactions
- Sensitivity analysis of the coastal ocean forecasts to bathymetry conditions
- Sensitivity of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia to Physical Forcings: A Regional Earth System Modeling Perspective
- The Delivery of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) May Affect the Distribution and Intensity of Hypoxia in Coastal Oceans
- Thwaites Glacier's Data-Driven Dynamics
- Triassic to Mid-Jurassic Magmatism during Progressive Rifting along the Eastern North American Margin, U.S.A.
- Understanding the Mechanisms of conifer tree mortality from seawater exposure using ELM(FATES-Hydro)
- Using Quantitative Metatranscriptomics to Link Microbial Genes with Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Rates in an Arctic Lagoon
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Soja
- A. L. Kurapov
- Adam J. Mathews
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Alexander López
- Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta
- Anand Gnanadesikan
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew D. Corso
- Angelia L. Seyfferth
- Anthony R. Cummings
- Arthur C. Trembanis
- Avner Vengosh
- B. R. Parizek
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Byron C. Crump
- C. D. Cappa
- C. R. Esposito
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Carolyn E. Jordan
- Carsten Lemmen
- Celso F. Castro‐Bolinaga
- Christine McCarthy
- Christopher J. Hein
- Christopher Y. Lim
- D. L. Goldsby
- D. M. Peteet
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- David S. Johnson
- Debra A. Willard
- Dominick M. Ciruzzi
- Donglai Gong
- Duncan M. FitzGerald
- E. J. Wallace
- Eileen E. Hofmann
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Evan B. Goldstein
- Ewan Crosbie
- Fei Ye
- Feyera A. Hirpa
- Francesca Gallo
- François Lapointe
- G. S. Diskin
- Giovanna Nordio
- Holly A. Michael
- Ioannis Y. Georgiou
- J. A. Carr
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jackson H. Kaspari
- Jesse H. Kroll
- John C. Warner
- John Wilkin
- Jonathan Cheng
- Julia Guimond
- Junyan Ding
- K. J. Mayer
- Kaitlin M. Keegan
- Katherine Anarde
- Kaushlendra Singh
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kevin R. Arrigo
- Lars Nerger
- Laura J. Moore
- Linnea Saby
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. E. French
- Madeline R. Foster‐Martinez
- Marie-Aude Pradal
- Marina E. Vance
- Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs
- Mark J. Lara
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Matěj Peč
- Megan Gillen
- Michael S. Dinniman
- Miriam C. Jones
- N. Badt
- Nicholas Cohn
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nina M. Whitney
- Nina Stark
- Parker MacCready
- Piero L. F. Mazzini
- Pierre Francus
- Pierre St‐Laurent
- Rachel E. O’Brien
- Raymond G. Najjar
- Raymond S. Bradley
- Richard B. Alley
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard S. Vachula
- Robert Evans
- S. Anandakrishnan
- S. Rogers
- Saeed Moghimi
- Sergio Fagherazzi
- Serina Sebilian Wittyngham
- Sharon Stammerjohn
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Steven P. Loheide
- T. L. Weiglein
- Taylor Shingler
- Tobias Schneider
- Vanessa Bailey
- Wenzhi Wang
- Yaping Chen
- Yilin Fang
- Yufan Xu
- Zafer Defne
- Zhuo Liu