University of Waterloo, Canada
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- University of Waterloo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
- University of Waterloo, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis of the Impact of Subsurface Contaminant Plumes on Stream Water Quality Under Natural and Managed Conditions
- Assessment of a Combined SMMR and SSM/I Derived Snow Water Equivalent Time Series for Central Canada, 1978 - 1999
- CRYSYS: Monitoring and Modelling the Cryospheric System in Canada
- Raman spectroscopy for measurements of ambient particulate matter
- Vadose-Zone Geochemistry in a Highly-Cemented Base-Metal Tailings Pile
- Chemical and Physical Characterization of Ambient Particulate Matter by Raman Spectroscopy
- Empirical Models of NAPL Dissolution and Their Applications in Subsurface Contaminant Transport Modeling
- New Methods to Determine the Chemical Compositions and Physical Properties of Atmospheric Aerosols from Infrared Spectroscopic Measurements.
- Numerical Simulations of Road Salt Impact at a Municipal Water Supply
- Quantitative Assessment of Present and Past Hydrological Status of "Spruce Island Lake", Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada, Using Water Isotope Tracers
- Surface Energy Balance and The Mixed Layer at Lake Tanganyika
- Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) Lower Stratospheric Trend Measurements: Approach and Preliminary Results based on Comparisons with ATMOS Midlatitude Observations
- Chemistry and Microphysics of Lower Stratospheric Aerosols Determined by Satellite Remote Sensing
- Climate Effect on Circulation in Lake Tanganyika: Increase of the Anoxic Hypolimnion and Loss of Productivity
- Field Evidence for Abundant Fracture Connectivity in Sedimentary Rocks
- Intercomparison of Simultaneous Laboratory Gas Absorption Measurements With ACE-FTS and MAESTRO
- Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Aquifer Heterogeneity, Reaction Kinetics, and Treatment Solution Strength on Permanganate Remediation Efficiency
- The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE): Mission Overview
- The Toms River Childhood Cancer Cluster: Coupled Groundwater and Water Distribution System Modeling
- The Use of Hydraulic Head and Atmospheric Tritium to Identify Presence of Fractures in Clayey Aquitards: Numerical Analysis
- A Dipole Flow In Situ Reactor: Initial Modeling and Experimental Results
- A New and Efficient Space-time Sub-discretizaton Methodology for Concurrent Multi-scale Groundwater Modeling
- Air Quality in the Central Ontario Region
- An Investigation of Surface Phenomena on Electrical Properties of Aquifer Materials
- ENSO Response to a Change in Thermohaline Circulation Caused by Surface Fresh Water Forcing of the North Atlantic Basin
- GRACE Measurements of the Mackenzie River Basin Water Balance
- Influence of Cemented Layers on Contaminant Transport in Mine Tailings
- Internal Structure in Supercooled Water Aerosols and Their Role in the Formation of Ice Clouds
- The Transient Atmosphere-Ocean Response to Fresh Water Perturbations Applied to the North Atlantic Basin
- Water and Methane in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere Based on ACE-FTS Measurements
- A Study of Stratospheric Chlorine Partitioning in the Winter Polar Vortices Based on New Satellite Measurements and Modeling
- A comparison of resuspension mechanisms due to internal waves from nonhydrostatic numerical simulations
- Comparison of Arctic Ozone Loss Observations during the 2004-2005 Winter
- Design of Zero-Valent Iron Fracture Reactive Barriers for Remediating a TCE Plume in a Chalk Aquifer
- Discoveries on Atmospheric HCl Variations From MLS, and Studies of Data Continuity
- Estimating Groundwater Recharge in Response to Potential Future Climate Change: The Importance of Winter Temperatures
- Field Demonstration of Sequential Iron Reduction and Aerobic Biodegradation of Nitrobenzene and 2,4-Dinitrotoluene
- Heterogeneous Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity in an Aquitard as Determined by Head Profiles and Pumping Tests
- Himalayan-style escape tectonics vs late-orogenic extension in the Variscan Belt of Western Europe
- Identification of the monitoring point density needed to reliably estimate contaminant mass fluxes
- Impact of the Wisconsinian Glaciation on Canadian Continental Groundwater Flow
- Impacts of Climate Change on the Surface and Subsurface Hydrology of the Grand River Watershed
- Measurement of Physical and Hydraulic Properties of Organic Soil Using Computed Tomographic Imagery
- Out-Diffusion Technique for Characterizing Pore Fluids in Crystalline Rocks
- Ozone Measurements from the Canadian Arctic Validation of ACE Campaign: 2004 and 2005
- Seasonal and Nightly Variations of Gravity Wave Energy Density Measured by the Purple Crow Lidar
- Severe Arctic Ozone loss in the Winter 2004-2005 using ACE and Odin Measurements
- Simulating Arctic Freshwater Forcing of the Younger Dryas Cold Reversal
- The OH (v= 0) Altitude Distribution at Sunrise
- Use of Groundwater Lifetime Expectancy for the Performance Assessment of Deep Geologic Radioactive Waste Repositories.
- Using ACE-FTS Measurements to Investigate Partitioning Between the Inorganic Chlorine Reservoirs, HCl and ClONO2, During the 2005 Arctic Winter
- A Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste at the Bruce Nuclear Site, Ontario, Canada
- Arctic Ozone Loss Climatology from Solar Occultation and Microwave Limb Sounding Instruments
- Calibration Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis for Computationally Expensive Water Quality Models in Watersheds and Groundwater
- Changes in annual input water to shallow boreal lakes in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, northern Canada: Results from a coupled water-isotope analysis
- Comparison of Northern Hemisphere snow water equivalent estimates from AMSR-E and SSM/I observations
- Development of Passive Microwave Derived Snow Water Equivalent Datasets for High Latitude Regions
- Examining the Tails of Probability Distributions Created Using Uncertainty Methods: A Case Study
- Global production of nitric oxide by lightning inferred from satellite observations
- Ground-based Solar Absorption Studies for the Carbon Cycle Science by Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (CC-FTS) Mission
- How Does Evaporation Occur From Sphagnum Mosses?
- Identification of Transport Parameters and Pollution Sources for a Physically Based Groundwater Contaminant Transport Model: A Comparison of Algorithms
- Identifying Spatial and Interannual Variability in Spring Flooding in the Slave River Delta, NWT, Using Water Isotope Tracers
- Low-Ozone Pockets in Stratospheric Anticyclones as a Process-oriented Diagnostic of Coupled Chemistry-Climate Models
- Monitoring and Modeling of the Northern Eurasia Permafrost Dynamics
- On the effect of memory in simple models of the thermohaline circulation
- Precipitation Isotope-Climate Relations in the Canadian Arctic
- Recent Results From the NOAA/ESRL GMD Tall Tower Network
- Remediation of trichloroethylene and monochlorobenzene contaminated groundwater by Iron and activated carbon
- Simulating Deglacial Climate Instability: Global Atmosphere-Ocean Teleconnections During Rapid Climate Change
- The Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) Algorithm as a Robust Optimization Tool in Hydrologic Modeling
- The Impact of Permanganate NOD Kinetics on Treatment Efficiency and NAPL Mass Transfer Rates
- The characteristics of gas hydrates recovered from Northern Cascadia margin by IODP Expedition 311
- The interaction of fully nonlinear internal solitary waves with a corrugated bottom
- Topography-driven flow in a stratified sloping aquifer: A general semi-analytical solution
- Tropospheric Measurements From the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)
- Validation Results from the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE)
- Watershed Analysis of Nitrate Transport as a Result of Agricultural Inputs for Varying Land Use/Land Cover and Soil Type
- An Open-source Community Web Site To Support Ground-Water Model Testing
- Chemical Isolation in the Asian Monsoon Anticyclone observed in Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE-FTS) data
- Comparison of CMAM Simulations of Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrous Oxygen (N2O), and Methane (CH4) With Observations From Odin/SMR, ACE-FTS, and AURA MLS
- Coordinate Mapping of Analytical Transport Solutions to Non-Uniform Flow Fields
- Data quality assessment of direct counts of virus-sized microsphere in water samples by epifluorescence microscopy
- Estimating SWE globally using AMSR-E observations: validation and algorithm development
- Evidence for an Extensive Tributary-Type Ice Flow System in the Interior of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Implications for Ice Sheet Stability
- Feasibility of Monitoring CO2 From ACE-FTS Solar Occultation Instrument
- GEM-AQ global simulation of HCN and comparison with ACE satellite observations
- Growth Trend Divergence and Statistical Characterization of Climate-Isotope Relations of White Spruce in the Mackenzie Delta, Northern Canada
- HDO:H2O ratios in the tropical UTLS from the ACE-FTS
- Incorporating Search History into the Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) Optimization Algorithm
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Monitoring Shallow Freeze and Thaw Processes Using High Frequency Surface Ground Penetrating Radar
- RAQMS chemical data assimilation studies of trans-pacific pollution transport during the 2006 INTEX-B field mission
- The Importance of Behavioral Thresholds and Objective Functions in Contaminant Transport Uncertainty Analysis
- Variably-saturated Flow Through Mine Waste Rock in a Permafrost Environment
- A Global Inventory of Stratospheric NOy from ACE-FTS Measurements
- Addressing normal fault stratification in series solutions for multilayer groundwater flow
- An ACE-FTS Climatology of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- An Examination of Potential Causes of the Persistent Capillary Fringe Extension Observed During a Pumping Test in an Unconfined Aquifer
- An Introduction to ACE-FTS Climatological Dataset for the Period 2004 - 2008
- An Investigation of Operator Splitting Errors in Surface Water Models
- Assessing global snow water equivalent estimates from space using AMSR-E satellite- based observations: are we any closer to characterizing northern hemisphere seasonal snow accumulation?
- CO2 Profile Retrieval from Limb Viewing Solar Occultation Made by the ACE-FTS Instrument
- Clouds in the Tropical Lowermost Stratosphere Observed by ACE
- Contemporary (1951-2001) Evolution of Lakes in the Old Crow Basin, Northern Yukon, Canada: Remote Sensing, Numerical Modeling, and Stable Isotope Analysis
- Ecohydrological Response to Severe Disturbance by Wildfire and Salvage Logging in Oligotrophic Rocky Mountain Watersheds: Nutrient Loading, Plant Productivity, and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Response.
- Evaluating Near-Surface Soil Water Content and Infiltration using High Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar
- Evidence for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in a Crude-Oil Contaminated Aquifer
- Global Methyl Chloride Distribution from ACE-FTS Solar Occultation Measurements
- Heterogeneity in Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Role on the Macroscale Transport of a Solute Plume from a Landfill: From Measurements to a Practical Application of Stochastic Flow and Transport Theory
- Ice Phenology on Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake, Canada, from AMSR-E: Algorithm Development and Analysis
- Identification of Biodegradation Pathways in a Multi-Process Phytoremediation System (MPPS) Using Natural Abundance 14C Analysis of PLFA
- Integrated pan-Arctic melt onset detection from satellite scatterometer and radiometer measurements
- Interpretation of HALOE, ACE, and MIPAS Water Vapor and Methane Data in the Equatorial Upper Stratosphere
- Inversion of dispersive GPR data recorded across freezing and thawing induced waveguides
- Measurements of stratospheric ClO, HO2, BrO and O3 with a balloon-borne submillimeterwave heterodyne radiometer
- Melt Duration Variability and Sea Ice Conditions within the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: 1979-2007
- Mesospheric Ozone Measurement by Solar Occultation: Effects of Inhomogeneity Along the Line of Sight Caused by Photochemistry.
- Productivity of Canadian Arctic vegetation (1981-2000): Comparison of GIMMS NDVI and GloPEM NPP
- Remote-Controlled Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Concurrent Ground-Penetrating Radar Laboratory
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Groundwater Phosphorus Concentrations in an Agricultural Riparian Zone in Response to Changes in Flow Regime
- The Dipole Flow and Reactive Tracer Test for Aquifer Parameter Estimation
- The Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Nunavut
- The Polar Metadata Catalogue for the IPY Legacy
- The Potential for Solar Occultation Studies of the Atmosphere of Mars
- The influence of vegetation canopy structure on soil frost dynamics within the northern boreal and sub-arctic discontinuous permafrost zones
- Uncertainty Analysis Using Optimization and Direct Parameter Sampling With Correlation for a Physically Based Contaminant Transport Model
- Unravelling the Maggie Hays and Emily Ann nickel sulphide deposits via a multidisciplinary study of the Archaean Lake Johnston Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia.
- Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gas Evolution in Recent Satellite Datasets: Relationships to Stratospheric and Upper Tropospheric Jets
- Upscaling Threshold Nonlinearities in Distributed Surface Water Models
- Using ACE-FTS Measurements to Investigate the Variability of Ozone and Related Constituent Distributions in the Arctic
- Variability in GHG Concentrations and Fluxes: Friend or Foe?
- Wildfire and Salvage Logging Impacts on Stream Water Nitrogen in Southern Alberta's Rocky Mountains
- A Comparative Study of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms for Automatic Calibration
- A simple non-invasive efficiency improvement for hydrologic model calibration
- After the fire’s out: Catchment-scale effects of wildfire on runoff and flow regime in the Canadian Rocky Mountains
- Analysis of the variability of ice phenology on Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake, 2002-2009, from AMSR-E measurements
- Applications of Digital Image Processing in Automatic Mineral Identification and Percentage Determination
- Assessing the use of dual-polarization RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR imagery for operational sea ice monitoring
- Carbon monoxide transport in the Arctic: A joint study using IASI satellite and aircraft data in spring and summer 2008. (Invited)
- CoReH2O - A Satellite Mission Dedicated to the Monitoring of Snow and Ice Properties
- Competition between Methane and Alkylbenzenes for Electron Acceptors during Natural Attenuation of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Concept Study for the Solar Occultation for Atmospheric Research (SOAR) Satellite Mission
- Determination of conceptualization strategy for fracture networks based on ensemble variability of equivalent permeability
- Determining aromatic reaction rates from the photo-oxidation of diesel exhaust using in-situ comprehensive multidimensional chromatography (GC × GC)
- Effects of Non-Gaussian Spatial Dependence of Hydraulic Conductivity on Hydrodynamic Macrodispersion
- Enabling in-situ observation of organic aerosol speciated composition: Advances in TAG instrumentation (Invited)
- Enhancing multi-objective evolutionary algorithm performance with Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Examining the Influence of Pore Size Distribution and Geometry on Flow through Unsaturated Peat using 3D Micro-CT Scanning
- Field-scale evaluation of the co-transport impacts of Bacillus subtilis endospores on other pathogen surrogates
- Interfacing MATLAB and Python Optimizers to Black-Box Environmental Simulation Models
- Natural hazard losses and acceptable risk criteria
- Pan-Arctic trends (1982-2006) in temperature and bioclimatological indicators
- Possible Sources of Error When Applying Traditional Passive Microwave SWE Retrieval Algorithms to Snowpacks on Brackish and Fresh Water Lake Ice
- Response of shallow lakes and ponds to contemporary climate change in the Hudson Bay Lowland near Churchill, Manitoba (Invited)
- Scientific Contributions to GEO Global Earth Observation Priorities
- Solute movement through unsaturated fen peat: Lab and greenhouse experiments for transport study of contaminants from Athabasca oil sands tailing pond water
- The Impact of Natural Hydrologic Variability on the Accuracy of Remote Sensing Pond Surface Area Change Detection Studies Within the Canadian Subarctic
- The Snowtweets Project: communicating snow depth measurements from specialists and non-specialists via mobile communication technologies and social networks
- Trend and Regime Shift Analysis of Lake Baikal Freeze-up and Break-up Dates, and Ice Cover Duration
- Trends in stratospheric water and methane from the ACE-FTS (Invited)
- Using Bacterial Surrogates to Assess Pathogen Transport in the Subsurface: Laboratory and Field Indications of Co-Transport Considerations
- Video monitoring of wood transport in a free-meandering piedmont river
- ACE-FTS Version 3.0 Initial Validation using Correlative Datasets
- Analysis of land and lake surface temperature patterns during the open water and ice growth seasons in the Great Slave Lake region, Canada, from MODIS (2002-2009)
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing for Timely Updates to Emission Inventories and Constraints on Ozone Production (Invited)
- Assessing the role of snow albedo feedback in climate change (Invited)
- Bioherms: the conduits of connection between regional (bedrock) and surface (peatland) aquifers in the James Bay Lowlands: Diamond mining and the fate of peatlands
- Crocodiles count on it: Regulation of discharge to Lake St Lucia Estuary by a South African peatland
- Development of ice thickness retrieval algorithms for large northern lakes from AMSR-E brightness temperature measurements
- ESA's Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O): Overview and Progress (Invited)
- Effects of Multidimensional Description of the Spatial Structure of Hydraulic Conductivity on Solute Transport
- Estimating impacts of snow cover on net ecosystem exchange near Daring Lake, NWT, Canada (65oN, 111oW)
- Factors Influencing Density-Dependent Groundwater Flow in the Michigan Basin
- Identifying the Influence of Variable Ice Types on Passive and Active Microwave Measurements for the Purpose of SWE Retrieval
- Impact of the seasonal evolution of snow properties on microwave emission model performance
- Microwave Radar Retrieval of Snow Water Equivalent
- Pan-Arctic land surface temperature from MODIS and AATSR: Product development and comparison with multi-source data
- Past and Future Climatic Conditions in the Hudson Bay Lowland near Churchill, Manitoba and Implications for the Fate of Shallow Water Bodies
- Pore-scale interfacial dynamics during gas-supersaturated water injection in porous media - on nucleation, growth and advection of disconnected fluid phases (Invited)
- Regime Shift Analysis of Lake Baikal Freeze-up and Break-up Dates, and Ice Cover Duration
- Seasonal and regional variation in UTLS convective water transport from ACE isotopic measurements (Invited)
- Spatial Analysis of Earthquake Fatalities in the Middle East, 1970-2008: First Results
- The role of linear interference in the Annular Mode response to Tropical SST forcing
- Time reversal seismic imaging using laterally reflected surface waves in southern California
- Towards an automated lake ice monitoring system from SAR imagery
- Uncertainties in model derived mixed-layer heights over North America
- Use of water isotope tracers to characterize present and past hydrology of northern boreal freshwater landscapes in Canada (Invited)
- Validating the reported random errors of ACE-FTS measurements through analysis of tropical variability
- Why can't climate models capture the observed connection between seasonal snow cover and the Northern Annular Mode?
- 15 Years of Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor Measurements over Mauna Loa
- A Modelling Study of Saltwater Intrusion and Storm Surge Processes in Coastal Areas under Climate Change
- A comparison of mercury fluxes across a range of Canadian subarctic streams: Implications for climate and land-use change
- An upscaling approach for surface boundary conditions in 2-dimensional surface water/ groundwater models
- Assessing the Atmospheric Circulation Response to Snow Albedo Feedback in Climate Change
- CO2 profile retrievals from limb viewing solar occultation measurements made by the ACE-FTS instrument
- Characterising Volume Scatter in Snow Covered Organic Soils in the Tundra Using Ground-based Scatterometers at Ku- and X-band Frequencies
- Climate-active Trace Gases from ACE Satellite Observations
- Conceptualizing the regional hydrology of a complex low relief terrain: Climate - geology interactions on sink-source dynamics of Western Boreal forests
- Conflicting modes of reasoning in the Assisted Migration debate: a concept mapping analysis
- Coupled Water Flow and Heat Transport in Seasonally Frozen Soils with Snow Accumulation
- Determining the "Why's" of Good and Bad Model Performance: Comparing Hydrological Modelling Decisions with the Raven Framework
- Developing Multi-Lake Regulation Plans for the Great Lakes through Multi-Scenario Optimization
- EO-based lake-ice cover and surface temperature products: Advancing process understanding and modeling capabilities of lake-atmosphere interactions in cold regions
- ESA DUE PERMAFROST: Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Adaption for Models
- ESA DUE Permafrost: Developing uncertainty indices of operational LST products for the modeling community
- ESA DUE Permafrost: Evaluation of remote sensing derived products using ground data from the Global Terrestrial Network of Permafrost (GTN-P)
- Evaluating snow albedo feedback in observations and models
- Event-Based Characterization of Hydrologic Change in Urbanizing Southern Ontario Watersheds via High Resolution Stream Gauge Data
- Evidence For Diffusion Dominant Solute Transport In The Ordovician Sediments Of The Michigan Basin
- Examining Dual Frequency X- and Ku-band Backscatter of Snow on Lake Ice and First-Year Sea Ice in the Sub-Arctic Hudson Bay Lowlands
- Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwater as Part of the Greenland Analogue Project in an Area of Continuous Permafrost Adjacent to the Greenland Ice Sheet, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
- Methane production in sediments of small tundra ponds during winter
- Modeling snow season controls on northern net ecosystem exchange
- Monitoring ice phenology on Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes, Canada, from the synergy of spaceborne microwave and optical measurements
- Multi-Objective Lake Superior Regulation
- Nitric oxide in the polar mesosphere-lower thermosphere: comparisons between OSIRIS, SMR, and ACE-FTS satellite measurements
- Polarimetric analysis of snow-covered and bare lake ice from Ku and X-band scatterometer data
- Quantifying Groundwater and Contaminant Flux in Fractured Rock Systems
- Recent Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS)
- Remote sensing of the mountain cryosphere using texture filters and apparent thermal inertia
- Seasonal field experiments in support of the Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory (CoReH2O) remote sensing mission: state of the art field measurements, what we have learned and what next
- Strategic Investigation of Conflict Dynamics along the Euphrates
- The worldwide status and potential future directions of reference hydrologic networks and their importance in assessing climate driven trends in streamflow
- Thermal regime of shallow water bodies in the coastal tundra zone of the Hudson Bay Lowlands
- Addressing sub-scan variability of tundra snow properties in ground-based Ku- and X-band scatterometer observations
- An Integrated Model of Market-Driven Dynamics of Carbon in Exurban Landscapes
- Climatic Redistribution of Canada's Water Resources (CROCWR): An analysis of spatial and temporal hydrological trends and patterns in western Canada
- Continuous monitoring of deep groundwater at the ice margin, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
- Differential recovery of water quality parameters eight years after severe wildfire and salvage logging in Alberta's southern Rocky Mountains
- Dual Frequency Radar Observations of Snow and Ice Properties: Esa's COREH2O Candidate Satellite Mission
- Due Permafrost: a Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation and Application Case Studies
- Effects of Wildfire and Salvage Logging on Stream Temperature in Front Range Rocky Mountains: A Long Term Perspective
- Efficient Calibration of Computationally Intensive Groundwater Models through Surrogate Modelling with Lower Levels of Fidelity
- Evidence of Environmental Oxygenation before the Great Oxidation Event: A Status Report
- Glacial landscape evolution on Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, since the Last Glacial Maximum: insights into switching glacial dynamics and thermo-mechanical conditions
- Ground-Based Dual Frequency X- (9.6 GHz) and Ku-band (17.2 GHz) Backscatter Evolution of Snow on Lake Ice in the Subarctic Hudson Bay Lowlands
- Historical Data Record of Ice Cover Conditions on Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake, Canada, Derived from SMMR and SSM/I (1979-2011)
- Historical analysis of water quantity and quality in the Elbow River watershed, Alberta, Canada
- Ice, water, fire: Changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000-2011
- Impact of boat generated waves on near-bank flow in rivers
- Incorporating Ecosystem Processes Controlling Carbon Balance Into Models of Coupled Human-Natural Systems
- Lake Ice Cover of Shallow Lakes and Climate Interactions in Arctic Regions (1950-2011): SAR Data Analysis and Numerical Modeling
- Long term legacy of forest harvesting disturbance on sediment-phosphorus dynamics and stream ecology in mountainous headwater streams
- Long-term impact of wildfire on particulate phosphorus forms and phosphorus sorption behavior of suspended river sediment in the Crowsnest River basin, Alberta, Canada
- Modelling Ground Based X- and Ku-Band Observations of Tundra Snow
- On the discrepancies in the δD - H2O tape recorder observations by Envisat/MIPAS and SCISAT/ACE-FTS
- Parameterization & Implementation of a Soil Radar Backscatter Model with applicability to Radar Observations of a Sub-Arctic Environment
- Probing Uncertainty in Aerosol Radiative Forcing: Sensitivity Analysis with a Single Climate Model
- Reducing uncertainty in model estimates of North American polar net ecosystem exchange by including remote sensing observations of snow cover
- Satellite microwave brightness temperature corrections for forest, lake fraction and atmospheric attenuation processes
- Spatial modeling of permafrost distribution using rock glacier inventories, topographic attributes and temperature data in the semiarid Andes, Chile
- Temporal variability of the initial threshold for motion - initial bed conditions and morphological trajectory
- Validation of the ACE-FTS Dataset
- Water Vapor Variations over Mauna Loa and Table Mountain since 2010
- An Integrated 3D Hydrogeological, Geophysical, and Microbiological Investigation of Geochemical Gradients in a Pristine Aquifer Located in Laurentian Hills, ON, Canada
- Anthropogenic Landscape Homogenization: Size-distribution of Wetlands in Mid-western Prairie Landscapes (Invited)
- Climate change and groundwater ecohydrology: Simulating subsurface flow and discharge zones in Covey Hill, Quebec, Canada
- Compound-specific radiocarbon analysis to evaluate the contribution of Peace River floodings to the PAH background in the Peace-Athabasca Delta
- Constraining estimates of methane emissions from Arctic permafrost regions with CARVE
- DUE PERMAFROST: A Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation Case Studies and Intercomparison with Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Derivation of Tropospheric Methane from TCCON CH4 and HF Total Column Observations
- Effects of chemistry on convective and non-convective precipitation over North Eastern North America
- Effects of the shape of the hydrograph and unsteadiness on flow properties and hysteresis in open channel flow
- Gold-standard performance for 2D hydrodynamic modeling
- Historical changes in the annual number of large floods in North America and Europe
- Hydrologic Impacts of Tile Drainage in Iowa: From Field to Catchment Scale
- Monitoring ice break-up on the Mackenzie River, Canada, from MODIS Aqua and Terra observations
- Monsoon Harvests: Assessing the Impact of Rainwater Harvesting Ponds on Subsistence-Level Agriculture in the Gundar Basin, Tamil Nadu, India
- New Retrieval Developments and Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS)
- Numerical Models of Ophiolite Genesis and Obduction
- Numerical Simulations of Shoaling Internal Solitary Waves of Elevation
- Performance of a constructed fen peatland: Reclamation of oil sands landscapes
- Quantifying and Characterizing Evapotranspiration in a Saline Fen within the Western Boreal Plain (WBP) in Fort McMurray, Alberta
- Scaling up carbon storage in human-dominated heterogeneous landscapes in the Great Lakes region
- Series solutions for modeling three-dimensional lake-aquifer interactions
- Snow dynamics and water fluxes within a constructed watershed in Northern Alberta, Canada
- The Formation of Salt Fingers near Bathymetry
- The Nitrogen Legacy: Evidence of Soil Nitrogen Accumulation in Anthropogenic Landscapes
- The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conflict: Strategic Insights for California's Policymakers
- Thermal Remote Sensing and the Thermodynamics of Ecosystem Development
- Turbulent flow characteristics and bedload sediment transport during the rising limb of hydrographs in a gravel-bed river
- Using High Resolution LiDAR Data and a Flux Footprint Parameterization to Scale Evapotranspiration Estimates to Lower Pixel Resolutions
- Validation of ACE-FTS measurements of CFC-11, CFC-12, and HCFC-22 using ground-based FTIR spectrometers
- A Comparison of Electromagnetic Induction and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Techniques for Monitoring of Shallow Soil Moisture Dynamics
- A Continuum of Connectivity: Geographically Isolated Wetlands and the Conservation of Landscape Functions
- A Linear Mixed Effect Model to Estimate Chla Concentration in Lake Erie from Satellite Data
- A New Selection Metric for Multi-Objective Hydrologic Model Calibration
- ACE-FTS, MLS and Mipas Inter-Comparisons of Atmospheric Trace Species
- Application of a fully-integrated groundwater-surface water flow model in municipal asset management
- Applying Physically Representative Watershed Modelling to Assess Peak and Low Flow Response to Timber Harvest: Application for Watershed Assessments
- Assessing Alternative Processes for the Cause of Under-pressures in the Ordovician Sediments at the Eastern Flank of the Michigan Basin
- Assessing Rates of Biological and Morphological Change in Northern Ecosystems Using Remote Sensing Time Series Data, LiDAR, and Gridded Climate Records
- Assessing the Impact of Active Land Management in Mitigating Wildfire Threat to Source Water Supply Quality
- Automatically monitoring driftwood in large rivers: preliminary results
- Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe
- Development of a fully integrated water cycle model: HydroGeoSphere-Weather Research and Forecasting (HGS-WRF)
- Example Applications of A Physically-Based 3D Surface-Subsurface Hydrologic Model Over Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Forearc hyperextension by detachment faulting and ophiolite dismemberment: examples from the Yarlung Tsangpo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet)
- Glacial lake monitoring in the Karakoram Range using historical Landsat Thematic Mapper archive (1982 - 2014)
- Hydraulic Tomography Implementation Considerations at a Recalcitrant Environmental Site
- Impact of satellite-based lake surface observations on the initial state of HIRLAM weather forecasting system
- Impacts of Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting on Stream Nitrogen across Nine Years of Watershed Research
- Impacts of Wildfire on Interception Losses and Net Precipitation in a Sub-Alpine Rocky Mountain Watershed in Alberta, Canada.
- Inter-Seasonal and Annual Co-Variation of Smallholder Production Portfolios, Volumes and Incomes with Rainfall and Flood Levels in the Amazon Estuary: Implications for Building Livelihood Resilience to Increasing Variability of Hydro-Climatic Regimes
- Many-Criterion Calibration of Hydrologic Models Using Hydrological Signatures
- Mapping Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Heterogeneities in Fractured Granite through Transient Hydraulic Tomography
- Methane Cross-Validation Between Spaceborne Solar Occultation Observations from ACE-FTS, Spaceborne Nadir Sounding from Gosat, and Ground-Based Solar Absorption Measurements, at a High Arctic Site.
- Modelling Lake Ice and the Future of the Arctic Lake Ice Cover
- Nutrient Legacies and Time Lags: Understanding Catchment Biogeochemical Responses in Anthropogenic Landscapes
- Response of Soil Biogeochemistry to Freeze-thaw Cycles: Impacts on Greenhouse Gas Emission and Nutrient Fluxes
- SASKTRANIF- a New Engine for the Radiative Transfer Modeling of Solar Occultation Measurements.
- Seasonal Dynamics in Runoff Generation, Flowpaths and Phosphorus Mobilization From Reduced-till Agricultural Fields in Ontario, Canada
- Should Hydraulic Tomography always rely on the Geostatistics Approach? A Laboratory Sandbox Investigation
- Signatures of Human Impact: Size Distributions and Spatial Organization of Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Landscape
- Water, Energy and Carbon Balance Research: Recovery Trajectories For Oil Sands Reclamation and Disturbed Watersheds in the Western Boreal Forest
- Aerosol Size and Chemical Composition in the Canadian High Arctic<em></em>
- Air quality co-benefits and costs under state, regional, or national cooperation to regulate CO<SUB>2</SUB> from existing power plants
- Atmospheric pseudo-retrievals for averaging kernel and total uncertainty characterization for ACE-FTS level 2 (PRAKTICAL) data
- Beauty and the beast: Some perspectives on efficient model analysis, surrogate models, and the future of modeling
- Biogeochemical Regimes in Intensively Managed Catchments: Confounding Complexity or Emerging Simplicity?
- Changing Flows, Chaning Livelihoods: Long-Term Changes in Hydro-Ecology and Socio-Economy in the Saskatchewan River Delta, Canada
- Constraints on the rheology of the partially molten mantle from numerical models of laboratory experiments
- Coupling DMRT-ML to a Multi-Scale Passive Microwave Data
- Current Validation and New Developments for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Data Set
- DEM-based Modeling at the Hillslope Scale: Recent Results and Future Process Research Needs
- Development and Evaluation of the GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Algorithm
- Dynamic Nutrient Limitation in a Major Tributary to Eastern Lake Erie: The Role of Groundwater Silicon
- Effects of Upstream Human Changes on Nutrient Fluxes to Major Deltas World-Wide
- Evolution of a saline wetland in western boreal Canada: a study based on diatoms, pollen, and non-pollen palynomorphs
- Geomorphometirc Segmentation of Shield Deserts by Self-Organizing Maps
- Global Pattern of Hydrocarbons in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere from ACE-FTS measurements Compared to GEOS-Chem Simulations
- Hinterland-to-foreland structural evolution of the base of the Himalayan metamorphic core, west Nepal
- Historical Response of Ice Cover on Large Lakes of Northern Canada, Derived from Smmr and Ssm/i (1979-2015)
- Hydrology of a Basin Fen Complex in Northeastern Alberta, Canada
- Impact of Freezing and Thawing on Soil Oxygen Dynamics and Nutrient Fluxes
- Impacts of road construction and removal on the hydrologic and geochemical function of a fen peatland
- Integrated Hydrosystem Modeling of the California Basin
- Iron Isotope Fractionation Reveals Structural Change upon Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Nontronite NAu-1
- Longer-term Stream Nitrogen Dynamics after Wildfire and Salvage Harvesting: Implications for Management Concepts based on Trajectories of Post-disturbance Watershed Recovery.
- Mixing and Across-Boundary Layer Transport in Colliding Internal Solitary Waves
- Multi-Frequency Measured and Modeled Microwave Backscatter from a Highly Saline Snow Cover on Smooth First-Year Sea Ice
- Multi-Objective vs. Single Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Either Different Hydrologic Signatures or Complementary Data Sources
- Nitrogen Legacies in Agricultural Landscapes: A 150-year Longitudinal Study of the Susquehanna and Mississippi River Basins
- Parallel and Preemptable Dynamically Dimensioned Search Algorithms for Single and Multi-objective Optimization in Water Resources
- Quantifying Groundwater Recharge During Dynamic Seasonality in Cold Climates
- Quantifying the Skill of CMIP5 Models in Simulating Seasonal Albedo and Snow Cover Evolution
- Rainwater Harvesting in South India: Understanding Water Storage and Release Dynamics at Tank and Catchment Scales
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Stream-subsurface nutrient dynamics in a groundwater-fed stream
- Tectonic and Sedimentary Response of the Huangshan Basin to Paleo-Pacific Subduction undernearth Southeast China
- The Dynamical Influence of Separate Teleconnections from the Pacific and Indian Oceans on the Northern Annular Mode
- The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project (GRIP): Phase II, Lake Ontario
- Using MODIS forest transmissivity estimates to correct passive microwave observations of snow-covered landscapes
- Wastewater contaminant transport and treatment in a nutrient limited ribbed fen
- Water repellency diminishes peatland evaporation after wildfire
- A Laboratory Study on the Impact of Hydrograph Unsteadiness on the Morphodynamics of a Gravel-Bed Channel
- A Legacy of Wildfire-associated Nutrient Releases to Drinking Water Supplies: Treatment Challenges and Adaptations Opportunities
- Automated Lake Ice Classification of Dual Polarization RADARSAT-2 SAR Imagery with the Iterative Region Growing using Semantics Algorithm
- Biogeochemical Hotspots: Role of Small Wetlands in Nutrient Processing at the Watershed Scale
- Catchment-Scale Simulation of Nitrogen Dynamics Using a Modular Hydrological Modelling Framework
- Comparing Models and Methods for the Delineation of Stream Baseflow Contribution Areas
- Comparing climate policy co-benefits in the United States and China
- Convective Influence on Short-lived Species in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Detecting High Ice Water Content Cloud Regions Using Airborne and Satellite Observations
- Does Sub-canopy Longwave Radiation Enhancement Affect Boreal Snowmelt Dynamics?
- Effects of Spontaneous Colonization by Eriophorum vaginatum on Belowground C and N Mobilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Restored Boreal Peatland
- Evolution of agricultural water use in India: a systems approach
- Freeze-Thaw Cycles and Soil Biogeochemistry: Implications for Greenhouse Gas emission
- Get In and Get Out: Assessing Stream Sediment Loading from Short Duration Forest Harvest Operations and Rapid Haul Road Decommissioning.
- Great Lakes Ice Classification Using Dual Polarization Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
- Growing Lots of Food Very Fast Can Hurt our Water for a Long Time, Longer Than You Might Think
- How ISCO Can Interfere in Soil Pore Distribution and Solute Transport
- In-Situ Observations Define the Role of Sulfur Dioxide in Stratospheric Aerosol Formation
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Intelligent Decisions Need Intelligent Choice of Models and Data - a Bayesian Justifiability Analysis for Models with Vastly Different Complexity
- Is Bigger Better? Small Water Bodies Help Clean up Our Water Much Better than Large Ones
- Legacy Sources, Sinks and Time Lags: 200 Years Of Nitrogen Dynamics in the Mississippi and Susquehanna River Basins
- Long-term Hydroclimate and Pacific Salmon Population Linkages Across a Headwater-to-Coast Continuum in Northern British Columbia, Canada: A Perspective From Multiple Tree-Ring Proxy Records
- Monitoring Bedfast Ice in Lakes of the Lena River Delta Using TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Coherence Time Series
- Monsoon Harvests: The Socio-Ecohydrology of Agricultural Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Depletion in India
- Multi-Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Multi-Objective Screening
- Nitrous oxide emissions estimated with the Carbon Tracker Lagrange regional inversion framework suggest the North American source comes predominantly from agricultural regions
- Quantifying co-benefits of source-specific CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis
- Quantifying the uncertainty in historical and future simulations of Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover
- RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric Radar Imaging for Lake Ice Mapping
- Regulation of Post-Logging N Turnover and Mobile N by Solar Insolation in a Steep Rocky Mountain Watershed
- Relationship between snow cover and temperature trends in observational and earth-system model ensembles
- Simulating Pre-Asymptotic, Non-Fickian Transport Although Doing Simple Random Walks - Supported By Empirical Pore-Scale Velocity Distributions and Memory Effects
- Spatial and Temporal Controls on Concentration-Discharge Relationships in Intensively Managed Catchments: An Exploration of High-Resolution Nitrate Data from the U.S. Midwest
- Strategies for assessing wildfire impacts on sediment dynamics and drinking water treatability
- The 2016 Ft. McMurray Wildfire: Déjà vu or re-thinking the scope wildland and urban-wildland interface fires on water supplies?
- The Effects of Aquatic Vegetation Growth on Discharge Calculation in Natural Watercourses: A High-resolution Study Featuring Novel Techniques
- The impact of a large boreal wildfire on boundary-layer conditions and carbon cycling in adjacent unburned areas: case study of the 2011 Utikuma Complex fire, Alberta, Canada
- The impact of subglacial lakes on catchment-scale drainage dynamics in East Antarctica.
- The importance of media roughness considerations for describing particle deposition in porous media
- Time Lags in Watershed-Scale Nutrient Transport: An Exploration of Dominant Controls
- Time-varying Concurrent Risk of Extreme Droughts and Heatwaves in California
- Towards Improved Agreement Between Measurements of UTLS Water Vapor from Balloons, Aircraft and Satellites
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts
- Validation and Drift Analysis for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Trace Gas Data Set
- A statistical data assimilation method for seasonal streamflow forecasting to optimize hydropower reservoir management in data-scarce regions
- An improved model calibration framework by incorporating data uncertainty
- An open, object-based modeling approach for simulating subsurface heterogeneity
- Automatic Feature Selection and Weighting for the Formation of Homogeneous Groups for Regional Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curve Estimation
- Bayesian Model Selection under Time Constraints
- Changing Waters: Are Climate-Driven Changes in Discharge Regimes Increasing Eutrophication Risk in the Great Lakes Basin?
- Comparison of automatic procedures in the selection of peaks over threshold in flood frequency analysis: A Canadian case study in the context of climate change
- Concentrations of trace elements in accessory mineral chronometers: insights from forward modeling of migmatites
- Depth dependent microbial carbon use efficiency in the capillary fringe as affected by water table fluctuations in a column incubation experiment
- Design, construction and performance of an experimental watershed to support a fen peatland for mine landscape reclamation
- Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on greenhouse gas fluxes from peat soils
- Estimations of natural variability between satellite measurements of trace species concentrations
- Evaluating Snow on Sea Ice Observations from Airborne and Ground Based Measurements
- Exploring drivers of wetland hydrologic fluxes across parameters and space
- Filling the gap: using non-invasive geophysical methods to monitor the processes leading to enhanced carbon turnover induced by periodic water table fluctuations
- GHGSat-D: Greenhouse gas plume imaging and quantification from space using a Fabry-Perot imaging spectrometer
- Hermite Polynomials and the Inverse Problem for Collisionless Equilibria
- Hydraulic tomography for characterizing the heterogeneity of pump-and-treat sites
- Ice Penetrating Radar Reveals Spatially Variable Features in Basal Channel under the Nansen Ice Shelf, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
- Impacts of 1, 1.5, and 2 Degree Warming on Arctic Terrestrial Snow and Sea Ice
- Impacts of Irrigation Practices on Groundwater Recharge in Mississippi Delta Using coupled SWAT-MODFLOW Model
- Influence of anisotropy, anion sorption, and degree of decomposition on solute transport in peat
- Interactions between Shrubs and Permafrost in the Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador, Canada
- Legacies of Human Impact: Long-Term Nitrogen Dynamics, from the Mississippi to the Mekong
- Legacy nutrient dynamics and patterns of catchment response under changing land use and management
- MIPAS ESA v7 carbon tetrachloride data: distribution, trend and atmospheric lifetime estimation
- Method-independent, Computationally Frugal Convergence Testing for Sensitivity Analysis Techniques
- Quantifying Industrial Methane Emissions from Space with the GHGSat-D Satellite
- Quantifying spatial variability of depth of peat burn in wetlands in relation to antecedent characteristics using field data, multi-temporal and multi-spectral LiDAR
- Regional-scale impact of storm surges on groundwaters of Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico after 2017 hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria
- Simulation of Longwave Enhancement beneath Montane and Boreal Forests in CLM4.5
- Spatial variations in drainage efficiency in a boreal wetland environment as a function of lidar and radar-derived deviations from the regional hydraulic gradient
- Stable Cl isotope composition of the Changjiang River water
- Structure of peat soils and implications for biogeochemical processes and hydrological flow
- Subglacial efficiency and storage modified by the temporal pattern of high-elevation meltwater input
- The AGU Hydrology Student Subcommittee (H3S) - fostering the Fall Meeting experience for young hydrologists
- The AMSR2 Satellite-based Microwave Snow Algorithm (SMSA) to estimate regional to global snow depth and snow water equivalent
- The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE): Status and Latest Results
- The CAnadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modelling in Canada and Globally
- The Contribution of Oil Sands Industry Related Atmospheric THg and MeHg Deposition to Rivers of the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of Canada
- The Role of Basal Channels in Ice Shelf Calving.
- The behavior of the microwave emission of a conifer canopy during the fall-winter in Sodankylä, Finland
- Timescales of subsurface water storage and release- Multiple models of transit time distribution tested against tracers
- UTLS Drift Analysis for the ACE-FTS and MIPAS CFC-11 and CFC-12 Data Products
- UWScat observations of snow on Grand Mesa, Colorado - Backscatter and polarimetric response of snow in a canopy and snow on the ground
- Uncertainty Quantification and Regional Sensitivity Analysis of Snow-related Parameters in the Canadian LAnd Surface Scheme (CLASS)
- Wet Snow Mapping in Southern Ontario with Sentinel-1A Observations
- A Framework for Pooled Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curve Estimation in Canada
- A Numerical Case Study of the 1998 Rondeau Park Downburst
- A Race against Time: Modelling Time Lags in Watershed Response
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A modelling framework for flow and cohesive sediment transport in wildfire impacted watersheds: Implications for reservoir management
- An Explanation for the Nitrous Oxide Layer Observed in the Mesopause Region
- Back to the Future: Impact of Current Versus Historical Land Use on Water Quality Trends Across the Contiguous US
- Beyond the Mass Balance: Modeling Legacy Phosphorus Dynamics in a Great Lakes Watershed
- Beyond the Water Cooler: Networking Lessons Learned by the Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee (H3S)
- Big data mining for predicting stochastic variables in food supply chains at different scales
- Biogeochemical Asynchrony: Ecosystem Drivers of Seasonal Concentration Regimes across the Great Lakes Basin
- Bioretention Cells Under Cold Climate Conditions
- Carbon and Water Dynamics During the Early Development of a Reclaimed, Post-Oilsands Landscape in Northern Alberta, Canada
- Changing Waters: Role of Climate-Driven Changes in Discharge Regimes in Increasing Eutrophication Risk in the Great Lakes Basin
- Characteristic relaxation time and chargeability of polarizing subsurface microbes: in situ estimation of microbial abundance and inferences on metabolic state
- Checkered Landscapes: Spatial Targeting of Watershed Management Practices to Minimize Time Lags
- Chesapeake Legacies: Implications of Groundwater N Accumulation for Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
- Current Validation Results for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) on SCISAT
- Degradation of Dinitroxylene and Dinitrotoluene by Granular Iron
- Direct Quantification of Groundwater Exports From Headwaters to Higher-Order Streams
- Geomorphic Versus Land Use Controls on the Source/Sink Behavior of the Riparian Zone
- Geomorphological Controls on Subsurface Mean Travel Times (MTT): Multi-Watershed Performance Assessment of an Analytical MTT Model
- High-Resolution CH4 Enhancement Observations near Industrial Sites using the GHGSat-D Demonstration Satellite
- How to Clean up water fast from the past that lasts you ask? Do the right work in the right place!
- Impact of Contemporary Forest Harvesting Strategies on Sediment Production in Alberta's Rocky Mountains: New Insights on an Old Story?
- Impact of a Temporally-Displaced Mississippi River Spring Flood on Nutrient and Aquatic Ecosystem Responses in Estuarine Waters: A Hydrologic Harbinger of a Shifting Climatic Future Affecting Coastal Food Webs
- Impact of wildfire on methane emissions and dissolved organic carbon at a boreal fen, Alberta, Canada
- Impacts of Frost on Phosphorus Mobilization and Transport in Agricultural Landscapes with Temperate Climates
- Impacts of access road on the hydrological connections of forested boreal peatlands
- Improvements to storage management models using explicit probabilistic contraints
- Influence of lake ice formation and break-up on ASCAT backscatter
- Intercomparison of Snowfall Rates From CloudSat and Reanalysis Products Over the Arctic Ocean
- Knowledge mobilization in Canada's multi-institutional Global Water Futures research collaboration
- Machine Learning Approach for Improved Water Pipe Leak Detection and Isolation Towards Sustainable Water Management
- Managing the Financial Risks From Flooding in a Future Climate
- Modeling the Fate of Sediments and Attached PAHs in a Base-Flow-Dominated River
- Nevertheless they persisted: Can hyporheic zones increase the persistence of estrogenic hormones in agricultural streams?
- Nonstationary index-flood models for threshold-Based methods: from threshold modeling to nonstationary return period
- Phosphorus losses from agricultural fields in Ontario, Canada: Implications for land management efficacy in cold regions
- Predicting Bedload Sediment Transport in Urban Rivers
- Recoupling the Livestock Nutrient Economy: A Path forward for Water Quality Improvement
- Satellite observations of atmospheric HCFC-142b and the recent decline in its rate of increase
- Save the Lake! Floating Solar Photovoltaic to Avoid Algae Blooms?
- Soil biogeochemical processes controlling subsurface carbon and nutrient fluxes under variable winter conditions
- Sorption and Biodegradation of Benzene and Naphthalene in (Semi)-Arid Coastal Soil Environments as a Function of Temperature and Salinity
- Surging of Donjek Glacier, Yukon, Canada from 1935 to Present: Terminus Position, Ice Velocity, and Elevation Change
- Targeting Phosphorus Legacies in the Laurentian Great Lakes Watersheds
- The Great Lakes Runoff Inter-comparison Project for Lake Erie (GRIP-E)
- The Groundwater Recovery Paradox in South India
- The Influence of Surface Coal Mining on Runoff Processes and Water Ages in the Elk Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- The bathymetric and subglacial hydrological context for basal melting of the West Ice Shelf in East Antarctica
- The climate geoengineering and global income inequality paradox
- The story of boy fish turning to girl fish (and the other way around): When bad stuff gets stuck in the ground under the moving water and stays there for a long time but comes back later, even when we don't want it
- Towards Automatic Model Structure Identification for Conceptual Hydrologic Models
- Trends and Global Distributions of Halogenated Gases from ACE Satellite Measurements
- Uncertainty in integrated projections of climate change impacts on air quality, public health, and policy benefits
- Using Geochemistry to Inform Hydraulic Properties of Fractured Crystalline Rock Settings
- Why Is This Still Green? Where and Why Have Changes from People with Power Not Made the Water Great Again
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- A Random Forest in the Great Lakes: Exploring Nutrient Water Quality Signatures in the Laurentian Great Lakes Watersheds
- A Transport Rate Limited Model for Simulating Cell Growth and Biodegradation Rates in Porous Soil and Rock
- A proposed roadmap for upscaling approaches in biogeochemistry: insights from conceptual carbon modeling to estimate soil respiration at regional scales
- Accounting for spatial heterogeneity of freeze/thaw cycles in surface state retrieval for permafrost landscapes
- Advances in simulating multiphase flow in fractured porous media - a modeling study of DNAPL invasion and fate
- Assimilation of L-band Brightness Temperatures into a Global Land Surface Model to Improve Groundwater Table Estimates in Northern Peatlands
- Bedload transport dynamics in rivers conditioned by urbanization and stormwater management
- Beyond the Mass Balance: Watershed phosphorus legacies and the evolution of the current water quality policy challenge
- Can GCMs produce credible projections of changes in extreme precipitation?
- Carbon loss from boreal peatland wildfires greater than purported: insights from high resolution lidar and field data
- Conceptual Equifinality in Reactive Transient-Storage Modeling
- Data Rescue: No Pain, No Gain - Rescuing Historical USSR Meteorological Data
- Delineating the hydrostratigraphy of a buried bedrock valley through airborne and surface geophysical measurements
- Direct and indirect impacts of basal channels on ice-shelf stability
- Discretization strategies for distributed models of mountainous watersheds
- Does Spatially Variable Melting Seasonal Ground Ice Lead to Spatially Variable Potential Evapotranspiration? Implications for a Boreal Peatland
- East Greenland firn aquifer water extends the efficiency of the subglacial hydrological system beyond the melt season
- Examining the influence of frost on carbon and nitrogen cycling in cold region organic soils under current and future climates
- Forest Stand Complexity Controls Ecosystem-Scale Evapotranspiration Dynamics: Implications for Landscape Flux Simulations
- Fully 3D Data-Driven Global MHD Model for Predicting Multiple CME Initiation, Propagation, and Evolution
- Future Snow Water Equivalent Satellite Mission Considerations
- Generation and Comparison of Upper Troposphere - Lower Stratosphere O<SUB>3</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O Climatologies
- Geostatistical Inverse Modeling for the Characterization of Aquitard Heterogeneity Using Long-term Multi-Extensometer Data
- Glacier Geometry Changes on the Volcanic Island of Jan Mayen in Relation to Climate, Sea Surface Temperature, and Sea Ice
- Global Water Futures Data Management: Learning How to Steer a Big Ship With a Small Paddle.
- Graph-Based Methods for Lagrangian Charcaterization of Mixing in Shallow Flows
- Groundwater Assessment and Vulnerability Mapping of Vindhyan-Ganga Sedimentary formations around Mirzapur District in India
- Heterogeneous basal melt rates under George VI ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula
- Identifying Iceberg Characteristics and Drift Patterns in Canadian Waters
- Impact of Winter Soil Processes on Fertilizer Application Efficacy and Nutrient Leaching in Cold Region Agroecosystems
- Increasing the Fraction of Cloud-free CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Observations from Space: The Advantage of Intelligent Pointing
- Interaction of Mangrove Surface Coverage and Groundwater Input in the Yucatan Aquifer: Observations and Modelling
- Lake Ice Mapping using Machine Learning Techniques from Multispectral Optical Remote Sensing Data
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Plunging Flow in Alluvial and Bedrock Rivers
- Linking Soil Moisture and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes: Exploration of Metabolic Processes and Driving Factors
- Long-term Sediment-Phosphorus Dynamics in Wildfire Affected Mountain Streams in Southwestern Alberta, Canada
- Machine Learning for Streamflow Prediction: Current Status and Future Prospects
- Managed retreat in a north-south context: from resistance to acceptance in coastal riskscapes
- Methanogenic Potential in a Semi-Arid Coastal Soil: Implications for Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Missed Opportunities: Decoupling of wetlands from nutrient source areas limits denitrification potential across the United States
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Performance of a fen peatland constructed on post-oil sands mined landscape: 2013-2018
- Phosphorus Legacies in Lake Erie Watersheds: Data Analysis and Model Development
- Phosphorus cycling within stormwater management infrastructure in extreme climates: insights from data analysis and reactive transport modeling of stormwater ponds
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Feedbacks from CMIP5 to CMIP6
- Quantifying localized anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> sources from space: Current capabilities and requirements for a policy-relevant monitoring system
- Rating Curve Modelling for Unsteady Open-Channel Flows in Urban and Rural Watersheds
- Recoupling the Livestock Nutrient Economy across the Continental US
- Reflecting regional variation in the U.S. public health burden of air pollution under climate change
- Retrieval of ice/water observations and uncertainty information in Lake Erie using a convolutional neural network
- Scale-dependency of nitrate concentration-discharge relationships in the Upper Mississippi
- Seasonality of streamflow response during the decade following wildfire in Canadian Rocky Mountain watersheds
- Shifting Hotspots and Dominant Controls: Typologies of Nitrogen Surplus across Conterminous U.S.
- Soil phosphorus management for food and water security in cold agricultural regions
- Stream Power Index for Networks (SPIN) Tool for Erosion Risk Assessment
- Surge of Little Kluane Glacier in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada, from 2017-2018
- Survivor bias and the groundwater recovery paradox in South India
- The Canadian Southern Rockies Watershed Project Observatory; Natural Disturbance and Land Management Effects on Watersheds from "Source to Tap"
- The Cuizinart: Slice and Dice Your Environmental Datasets
- The Influence of Plant Establishment on Nutrient Cycling in a Reclaimed, Post-Oil Sands Landscape.
- The Method of Moments: Using statistical moments of solute mass to bridge the gap between local-scale heterogeneous fracture systems and the regional-scale transport processes that control capture zones in fractured rock aquifers
- The Potential to Retrieve Lake Ice Thickness Through SAR Interferometry: Case Study in Utqiagvik, Alaska
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The Significance of Incised Valleys: Using Airborne Geophysics to Understand the Role of Buried Bedrock Valleys in Regional Groundwater Flow Systems
- The role of basal channels and fractures in the stability of ice bodies in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica
- Transdisciplinary Knowledge Mobilization for Effective Solutions to Changing Water Futures in Canada and other Cold Regions of the World
- Uncertainty characterization of ACE-FTS data products
- Using CloudSat-CPR retrievals to estimate snow accumulation in the Canadian Arctic
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS thermal data to monitor and evaluate ecosystem restoration progress: A case study comparing temperature change over years since restoration, diurnal temperature change, and field-sampled ecological data of 31 fields undergoing restoration to oak-woodland over 12 years in Southern Ontario.
- Validation of the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Version 4.0 Data Set
- Water Futures: Legacy Nitrogen and Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Water Isotope Tracers in a Multi-Year Landscape-Scale Assessment of Hydrological Processes Controlling Lake Water Balances
- Water research beyond academia: Maximizing intellectual, cultural, social, environmental and economic impact
- Watershed nutrient legacy and hydrological extremes as drivers of lake water quality trends and synchrony
- What the Flux? Carbon and Water Dynamics During the Development of a Reclaimed, Post-Oilsands Landscape in Northern Alberta, Canada
- Zombie soil carbon: Revival of aged soil carbon into the contemporary carbon cycle of disturbed peatlands
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- An eighteen-year record of satellite passive microwave SWE estimates from AMSR-E and AMSR2 using the Satellite-based Microwave Snow Algorithm
- Application of GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry for the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness
- Assessing Current Tank Storage State from Multi-mission Satellite Observations to Support Water Management in Southern India
- Assessing distance learning in the hydrologic sciences: key takeaways from student and instructor surveys during and after the transition to online teaching.
- Assessing intraspecific Sphagnum trait variation across ecological scales
- Assessing prior emergent constraints on surface albedo feedback in CMIP6
- Assessing the geometry of buried valleys from MHVSR data: Application to seismic microzonation mapping of Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada.
- Biogeochemical Asynchrony: Land-Use Drivers of Seasonal Nutrient Concentration Regimes across the Great Lakes Basin
- Ca. 1.18-1.14 Ga A-type granites in the SW Yangtze Block, South China: New evidence for late Mesoproterozoic continental rifting
- Chesapeake Legacies: Implications of Legacy N Accumulation for Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
- Cloud Feedbacks from CanESM2 to CanESM5 and their Influence on Climate Sensitivity
- Comparing total inorganic chlorine climatologies from CMAM39 and ACE-FTS
- Cutoffs induce cutoffs on meandering rivers through persistent nonlocal effects
- Drinking Water Source Quality and Treatability Impacts of Severe Wildfire at the Large Basin Scale: The Legacy of the 2016 Horse River Wildfire in Fort McMurray, Canada
- Estimating Emission Ratios of Nitrogen Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide using Satellite Observations
- Evaluating Soil and Plant Controls on the Contribution of Ebullition to Methane Emission from Fens
- Evaluating the effects of plant biodiversity on surface temperature in forest restoration projects using UAV, Landsat, and ECOSTRESS data
- Evaluation of gridded snow products using CloudSat snowfall estimates
- Examining the uncertainty estimation properties of LSTM based rainfall-runoff models
- First order control of alluvial cover morphology by channel sinuosity and sediment supply rate
- Global Accounting of River Cutoffs Indicate Chute Channels are Associated with Non-forested Land Cover
- Hydrogeological aspects of petroleum hydrocarbon spills management in peatlands
- Impact of peatland seismic line restoration on CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes
- Incorporating Peatland Surface Resistance into Evapotranspiration Models using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM).
- Influence of Individual mechanisms and remediation concerns involved in the enhanced attenuation of toluene in a shallow fractured dolostone bedrock
- Initial Investigations into the Application of SMRT for Lake Ice Forward Modelling
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- LSTM-Based Rainfall-Runoff Modeling at Arbitrary Time Scales
- Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Reveals Complex Two-Dimensional Structure of Flow at a Stream Confluence
- Long Enough? Uncertainty-driven Metrics for Modeling Air Quality Health Impacts under Climate Change
- Modelling Evolution of Discontinuous Permafrost Landscapes and Hydrology
- Modelling resuspension of fine bottom reservoir sediments to manage risks to drinking water treatability in a changing climate
- Modelling the Seasonal Evolution of Supraglacial Hydrology with Natural Stream Development and Dynamic Topography
- Optimal climate policy in three dimensions.
- Parameterizing crystalline rock settings: A Canadian perspective
- Particulate Phosphorus Characterization along the River Continuum Indicates the Importance of Fine Sediment Management to Drinking Water Treatability
- Permafrost Thaw Mechanisms and Talik Function in Discontinuous Permafrost Peatlands
- Plot Scale Evapotranspiration from Restored and Unrestored Extracted Peatlands
- Quantifying Power Plant CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions with OCO-3
- Regression Downscaling of Coarse Resolution Globsnow Snow Water Equivalent Estimates in the Red River Basin
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Runoff and Climate Change at the Field-Scale: Comparing Projections and Observations Across Regions
- Sensitivity Analysis and Identification of Noninformative Parameters of the Land Surface Model HTESSEL
- Sensitivity of Backscatter and Brightness Temperature Measurements from Satellite Radar Altimetry Missions to Lake Ice Thickness
- Simultaneous calibration of hydrologic model structure and parameters: a model intercomparison study using MOPEX catchments
- Stage-related changes in flow structure at three small confluences: implications for process-form interactions
- Statistical Quantification of COVID-19 Lockdown Effect on Air Quality From Ground-Based Measurements in Ontario, Canada
- Strategies for Sustainability Transformations in Self-Reinforcing Social Systems
- The Exergy Destruction Principle as a Theory to Detect Crop Stress Using Thermal Remote Sensing
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The Risk of "One-Size Fits All" Conservation Recommendations to Improve Agricultural Water Quality
- Towards a new Antarctica-wide basal melt rate product
- Typologies of Nitrogen Surplus Trajectories using the new TREND-nitrogen dataset: Shifting Hotspots and Dominant Controls
- Uncertainty budgets for ACE-FTS temperature, ozone, and water vapour profiles
- Upscaling Fill-and-Spill Hydrological Process in Cascading Wetland Networks
- Upscaling hillslope-scale subsurface flow to inform a catchment-scale storage-discharge relationship
- Using easily accessible digital photography to monitor phenology of boreal peatland vegetation impacted by linear disturbances
- Validation Comparisons for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) Version 4.1 Data Products
- Validation of ACE-FTS v4.1 O<SUB>3</SUB> with ozonesonde and lidar data
- Vulnerable waters confer watershed resilience
- What Is the Fate of Excess Nitrogen in Germany's Largest National River Basin?
- Wildfire Effects on Water Quality at Continental and Global Scales: A Meta-analysis
- A Global Characterization of Adaptations Addressing Vulnerabilities Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- A new ice shelf melt model that accounts for freshwater discharge and application to Denman Glacier, East Antarctica
- ACE-FTS uncertainty budgets for temperature, ozone, and other baseline species
- An unconditionally stable semi-analytical Lagrangian stream temperature model
- Are land management parameters influential to watershed model calibration? Results from a global sensitivity analysis of the HYPE model and detailed land manager survey.
- Calibration of Model Structure and Exploration of Model Space Using a Blended Hydrologic Model
- Characterization and modeling of phosphorus cycling in an urban bioretention cell
- Chesapeake legacies: the importance of legacy nitrogen to improving Chesapeake Bay water quality
- Climate change's influence on the 2009 extreme rainfall event : Past, Present and the Future
- Constraining subglacial melt rates and hydrology in the Amery Ice Shelf catchment using modelling and satellite observations
- Dams, Reservoirs, and Nutrients in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Past trajectories and Future Horizons
- Developing Strategies to Strengthen Stewardship and Sharing of Water Science Data in Canada
- Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on methanogenic toluene biodegradation in cold regions soils
- Elucidating the effects of gravity when simulating drainage in porous media via an image-based porosimetry method
- Evaluation of LiDAR-derived Snow Depth Estimates from Consumer Smartphones
- Fast, friendly, flexible, and fun ocean modeling on CPUs and GPUs in Julia with Oceananigans.jl
- Forward vs. Inverse Methods for Using Near-Real-Time Streamflow Observation Data in Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Gallium Isotope Fractionation During Adsorption on Clay and Oxide Minerals
- Granulites to granitoids: A multifaceted investigation into the origin of TTGs in the Kapuskasing Uplift, Canada
- Hot rocks and Hotspots: How Fine-Scale Geothermal Heat Flow Anomalies Influence East Antarctic Subglacial Melt
- Hydrology Research Articles Are Becoming More Interdisciplinary
- Ice-shelf basal channels and their interactions with transverse fractures
- Impact of measured and simulated tundra snowpack properties on heat transfer
- Implementation of Meta(data) Management Best Practices for Environmental Microplastics Data
- Improving Water-Balance of a Coupled Vegetation-Hydrological Model through Bayesian Calibration to Satellite-Based Leaf Area Index
- Influences of extreme climate events on Lake Winnipeg nutrient loading: Case study of Red River phosphorus, nitrogen and organic carbon loadings
- Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Water Education Programmes: Evaluating Success and Risk Factors
- Investigating a subglacial hydrological transition near the grounding zone of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Investigation of Basal Carbon Pools and Microbial Communities Associated with a High Arctic Glacier
- Legacy Phosphorus and Eutrophication in the Lake Erie Basin
- Lessons learned from the NSERC Canadian FloodNet on improving flood forecasting systems and management capacity
- Machine Learning as a Means to Understanding Emergent Scaling Behaviours in Snowpack Evolution
- Managing Nitrogen Legacies to Accelerate Water Quality Improvement
- Modeling the Dynamics of Supraglacial Rivers and Distributed Meltwater Flow on the Greenland Ice Sheet With the Subaerial Drainage System (SaDS) Model
- Monitoring Lake Ice Phenology from GNSS Reflectometry: An Analysis of CYGNSS Data from Qinghai Lake, China
- Multi-objective hydrologic model calibration using global-scale gridded soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff datasets
- Multinomial simulation of land cover evolution in discontinuous permafrost zones of Northwest Territories.
- Nitrate Memoryscape: Point and Non-Point Source Controls on Stream Nitrogen Export
- Phosphorus Legacies: A Continental US Scale Estimate of Phosphorus Accumulation Over the Last 88 Years
- Phosphorus export from urban catchments
- Physical drivers of increased interannual variability of precipitation in the Multi Model Large Ensemble Archive
- Practical guidance on split sample decision-making in hydrological model calibration and validation based on a large-sample study of 463 CAMELS catchments
- Quantifying Power Plant CO2 Emissions with OCO-2 and OCO-3
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Recent Validation Comparisons for the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS)
- Seasonal acceleration of Petermann Glacier modeled from subglacial hydrology
- Semantic segmentation of Isolated wetland in discontinuous permafrost regions of the Northwest Territories using deep convolutional neural networks
- Simulating the Upscaled Hydrologic Response of Wetland Cascades in Prairie Regions
- Simultaneous Calibration of Hydrologic Model Structure and Parameters Using a Blended Model
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- Submesoscale eddy-driven mixing and heat transport observed beneath the calving edge of the Nansen Ice Shelf
- Temperature sensitivity and moisture optimum for CO2 production in northern peatland soils measured by laboratory incubation experiments
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The State of Climate Adaptation in Latin America
- The emissions and radiative forcing of peatland extraction and restoration compared to that of undisturbed Canadian peatlands
- Tossing the COIN: A Simple Framework for Thinking about Resource Allocation and Climate Change
- Toward 4D automated change detection in cryospheric systems: A multi-resolution approach to point cloud registration without control points
- Transferring Sensitivity Analysis Information for a Land Surface Model
- Transport and Retention of Particulate Organic Matter in Riverbed Sediments: Lab Experiments and Modelling
- Upscaling hillslope-scale subsurface flow to inform a catchment-scale storage-discharge relationship
- Urbanization modifies phosphorus cycling and drives eutrophication in Lake Wilcox, a kettle lake in the Toronto metropolitan area
- Using CloudSat-derived snow accumulation estimates to constrain gridded snow water equivalent products
- Wetlandscape Management: Maximizing US Nitrate Removal Through Wetland Protection and Restoration
- Wildfire Effects on Water Quality at Continental and Global Scales: A Meta-analysis
- A Computer Vision-based Wetland Classification and Runoff Delineation Approach for Discontinuous Permafrost Landscapes of Northern Canada
- A Holistic Approach to Monitoring Abrupt Environmental Shifts in the Kluane Lake Region through Knowledge Co-Production
- An Assessment of Data Requirements and Statistical Power When Detecting Changes in Water Quality Using Statistical Models
- An Intercomparison Between the Surge Propagation of the Sít' Kusá (Turner) and Nàłùdäy (Lowell) Glaciers Using Optical Imagery from PlanetScope Satellites
- An evaluation of GHGSat for methane emissions monitoring over Canada
- Are We on the Same Page? What COP26 Taught Us About Sectoral Alignment in the Global Water-Climate Policy Space
- Assessing the efficacy of bioretention cells for phosphorus and nitrogen load reduction in stormwater runoff: Interrogating the International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database
- Can hydrologists improve model performance by calibrating their models to discontinuous data?
- Changes in Lake Phosphorus Loading and Cycling Associated with the Transition of Agricultural to Urban Land Use in a Watershed of the Greater Toronto Area
- Changing Rates of Greenhouse Gas Production from Subarctic Peatland Soils Under Nutrient Enrichment
- Characterizing multimodality in effective particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter in a gravel bed river
- Colloidal Activated Carbon: Colloidal Properties and Mechanisms
- Combined Geophysical Techniques Constrain the Devon Ice Cap, Canadian High Arctic, Subglacial Environment
- Comparison of Thallium with the Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Paleoredox Proxies: A Case Study from the Upper Devonian Kettle Point Formation, Ontario, Canada
- Considering trade-offs and co-benefits in boreal peatland restoration
- Dams, nutrients, and water quality: A study of time-explicit reservoir ecological functions in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Developing A Machine Learning-Based Web Tool for Monitoring Eutrophication and Water Quantity Indices: A Case Study of Javeh Reservoir
- Does Spectral Emissivity Change with Crop Stress: Observations from a Greenhouse Case Study
- Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Naphthalene Biodegradation
- Effect of natural variability in mediating short term adaptation to air pollution
- Estimating Seasonal and Annual Export Concentrations for Urban Phosphorus Export Loads Calculation
- Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Processors and Semi-Empirical Algorithms for Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations from Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery over Western Lake Ontario
- Event-Scale Variability in the Fractional Composition of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Two Boreal Shield Headwater Catchments
- Fire, Flooding, and Forestry in a Warmer Rocky Mountain Region: Impacts of Single and Compound Natural and Anthropogenic Land Disturbances on Watershed Sediment Production.
- Fugitive Emissions of Organic Acids from a Tailings Pond and Major Facilities in the Canadian Oil Sands Region
- Fully-coupled modeling of ice flow and subglacial hydrology applied to the future projections for a northern Greenlandic glacier
- Ghost of Phosphorus Past: Decades of Legacy Phosphorus Impacts Water Quality in the Transboundary Lake Erie Basin
- Global energy budget decomposition for hydrological cycle intensification
- Hydrologic conditions and substrate quality control carbon emissions from peatlands under active extraction
- Hydrology Predominates over Harvesting and Physiography to Control Water Quality and Treatability in Forested Watersheds on Canada's Pacific Coast
- Impact of Wildfire on Particulate Phosphorus Forms in Gravel Bed Rivers at Large Basin Scales
- Impacts of Water Table Fluctuations on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation
- Improved Blended Model Configuration Tested Across the Continental United States
- Indigenous Ocean Justice
- Influence of Landscape, Climate and Disturbances on the Chemical Composition of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter across Canada's Forested Ecozones
- Inter-Comparison of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Edge Estimation with Operational Ice Charts in Baffin Bay, 2013-2021
- Learning from Hydrologic Model Failure: a Case from Phase 1 OF the NELSON-MiP Project
- Legacy Impacts of Clear Cut Harvesting on End Member Contributions to Stream Flow and Phosphorus Concentrations at Turkey Lakes Watershed
- Long Term Anthropogenic Phosphorus Sinks and Sources Across the Continental US
- Maximizing Nitrate Removal through Wetland Protection and Restoration
- Memory and Management: Competing Controls on Long-Term Nitrate Trajectories in U.S. Rivers
- Microplastics Research Data: Evaluating the Current State of Findability and Accessibility and Recommendations for Improving Data Sharing
- Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Water and Food Futures
- Overview of the 39 years of the Regional Surface and Precipitation Reanalysis System
- Phosphorus retention in a bioretention cell: Insights from process-based reaction-transport modelling
- Point Bar and Cutbank Morphodynamics on a Rapidly Meandering River Revealed by More Than Twenty Drone-based Lidar Scans.
- Potential dissolved phosphorus release and retention from streambed sediments with changing stream pH at multiple temporal scales
- Projecting Climate-Driven Changes in Extreme Ozone Pollution under Natural Variability and Uncertain Climate Sensitivity
- Pushing the Boundaries of BACI: Effects of the 2017 Kenow Mtn. Wildfire on Flow Regime of Cameron Creek, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada.
- Quantifying Facility-Scale CO2 Emissions using OCO-2 and OCO-3
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Hydrological Simulations and Forecasts using Bayesian and Sparse Bayesian Extreme Learning Machine Models
- Quantile-Based Encoder-Decoder Deep Learning Models for Multi-Step Ahead Hydrological Forecasting
- Recommendations for the Application of Near-Surface Geophysical Methods to Characterise the Subsurface around Glacier Margins
- Reconstruction of Long-term Trajectories of Soil Nitrogen Surplus Across Europe
- Relating Soil Nitrous Oxide Production to Surface Flux under Freeze-Thaw Cycles as Impacted by Winter Warming and Cover Crops.
- Reorganization of subglacial drainage processes during rapid melting of former ice sheets
- Response of Thwaites Glacier's Shear Margins to Ice Sheet Thinning and Surface-Slope Steepening
- Road Salt: A Growing Threat to Cold Climate Urban Lakes
- Simulating Soil Respiration Under Seasonal Snow Cover at an Arctic Tundra Site
- Statistical prediction of phosphorus export and speciation in urban catchments: model development and potential applications for stormwater management
- Strategic wetland restoration for reducing phosphorus loading to Lake Erie
- The APECS Polar Earth Observation Database
- The Effects of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption on Water Vapour Trends in the Stratosphere and Predictions for Future Effects on Atmospheric Temperatures
- The Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project Phase 4: the Great Lakes (GRIP-GL)
- The Importance of Explicitly Simulating Natural Lakes in Hydrological Models of Lake-dominated Watersheds
- The Sensitivity of Simulated Streamflow to Individual Hydrologic Processes Across North America
- The human factor in seasonal streamflows across natural and managed watersheds of North America
- Using Isothermal Microcalorimetry to Assess the Degradability of Soil Organic Matter in Wetlands
- Vulnerable Waters - Headwater Streams and Non-Floodplain Wetlands - are Essential to Watershed Resilience
- Wildfire alters stream nutrient concentration-discharge relationships
- Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks of South China: Their Separate Positions in Gondwana and Late Early Paleozoic Juxtaposition
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Eldering
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam G. Yates
- Adam Hepburn
- Alex Hall
- Ali Reza Shahvaran
- Alison S. Criscitiello
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Anja Rutishauser
- Anna E. Hogg
- Anya M. Reading
- Brent E. Sleep
- C. E. Robinson
- C. W. Elsworth
- Chad W. Thackeray
- Charles R. Lane
- Chris A. McLinden
- Chris Derksen
- Chris Hill
- Chris O’Dell
- Christine F. Dow
- Christopher G. Fletcher
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Claude R. Duguay
- Claudia Wagner-Riddle
- Colleen Mortimer
- Craig L. Stevens
- D. Byrnes
- D. D. Blankenship
- David Crisp
- Debora Griffin
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Edward H. Bair
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Emily A. Ury
- Eric Rignot
- Erin Coughlan de Pérez
- Erwan Monier
- Eunji Byun
- F. Y. Cheng
- Fanny Sarrazin
- Felicity McCormack
- François Anctil
- Fraser King
- Gavin D. Madakumbura
- Genevieve Ali
- Gregory J. McDermid
- Gregory LeClaire Wagner
- Hardiljeet K. Boparai
- Heather E. Golden
- Hervé Awoye
- Howard W. Reeves
- Irena F. Creed
- Isabel Jorgensen
- James East
- James R. Craig
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jason A. Leach
- Jeff Dozier
- Jenny Suckale
- Jeremy J. B. Wentzell
- Jillian M. Deines
- John C. Hammond
- John W. Pomeroy
- Jonathan Price
- Josep Peñuelas
- Juliane Mai
- Justin Murfitt
- K. J. Devito
- K. J. Van Meter
- Kaley A. Walker
- Karen E. Alley
- Kathryn C. Conlon
- Ken Caldeira
- Lauren M. Fry
- Lauren Thompson
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lei Duan
- Mahkameh Taheri
- Mahyar Shafii
- Mansoor Ahmed
- Maria Strack
- Mark S. Johnson
- Martin Wearing
- Martyn Unsworth
- Mary Hingst
- Masooma Batool
- Mathieu Morlighem
- Megan Lickley
- Melody Sandells
- Muntasir Raihan Rahman
- Nandita B. Basu
- Nick Rutter
- Nicola Ulibarri
- Noël Gourmelen
- Paulin Coulibaly
- Philip Marsh
- Qian Zhang
- Quinn W. Lewis
- R.J. Arsenault
- Rajtantra Lilhare
- Ray Nassar
- Richard B. Alley
- Robert Chlumsky
- Robert R. Nelson
- Rohini Kumar
- Salli Dymond
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Sarah A. Torhan
- Sarah Hartman
- Scott G. Leibowitz
- Seung-Tae Yoon
- Shao-Meng Li
- Shivani Ehrenfeucht
- Shreeram Inamdar
- Siddharth Shankar
- Simon G.M. Lin
- Sodiq Solagbade Oguntade
- Stephanie Slowinski
- Steven P. Loheide
- Sylvie A. Quideau
- T. H. Painter
- T. Neukirch
- T. P. Covino
- Tao Che
- Tessa Maurer
- Thomas Nägler
- Tim R. Moore
- Timbo Stillinger
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tobias K. D. Weber
- Tobias Stål
- Tricia A. Stadnyk
- Tyler Hampton
- Valentin Churavy
- Vincent Fortin
- Vincent Vionnet
- Wei Ji Leong
- William D. Harcourt
- William Farmer
- William L. Quinton
- Won Sang Lee
- Yiwen Mei