U.S. Naval Academy
flowchart I[U.S. Naval Academy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (298)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Buried Impact Basins as Constraints on the Thickness of Ridged Plains and Northern Lowland Plains on Mars
- Near-Real Time Microwave Sea Ice Products for Operational Sea Ice Analysis
- Erosional/Depositional History of the Pernambuco Seachannel, South Atlantic Ocean
- Long-Term Variations in the Levels of Hydrogen Peroxide, Methylhydroperoxide, and Selected Compounds Over the Pacific Ocean.
- Photoproduction of Peroxides and CDOM Photobleaching in Surface Waters of the Chesapeake Bay
- A Reanalyis of the Contribution of Meteoric Ice, Flooding and Snow Ice Formation to the Mass Balance of Antarctic Sea Ice
- Developing Geosciences Research Partnerships With Colleagues from SOPAC
- Comparison of Model- and Satellite-Derived Arctic Sea Ice Thickness
- OSL Dating of Diatoms: A Potential Application of an Established Chronometric Method
- Role of Heat Flux Through Snow in Antarctic Sea Ice Growth
- An Examination of Photochemistry Based on INTEX-NA Observations
- Intercomparison of Chemically Independent Peroxide Observations During INTEX-NA
- Not a Tsunami, Not a hurricane, Just an Opportunity!
- Atmospheric Formaldehyde Budget over North America During INTEX-NA and Implication for Carbon Isotope Composition
- Integrated Multi-Point Space Plasma Measurements With Four Ionospheric Satellites
- Gas Hydrate Accumulations - Where and how Much? Can Seismic Reflection Intensities Provide the Answers?
- Laboratory Studies of Ammonia-Water Ice--Relevance to Outer Solar system Surfaces
- Observations of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Methylhydroperoxide (CH3OOH) at Mt. Bachelor Observatory During the Spring-Summer 2007
- Consistency Between Measurements and Theory for Sulfur Gases and Oxidants During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Methylhydroperoxide Budgets in the Marine Boundary Layer During the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Modeling HOx/O3 chemistry in the tropical marine boundary during the Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment
- Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment (PASE): An Overview
- Physical and ecological connectivity among restored oyster bars in the Severn River (Maryland, USA)
- Calibrating thermal erosion models along an Arctic coastline
- Deep seafloor arrivals - A new set of arrivals in long-range ocean acoustic propagation
- Faulting of Continental Margin Sediments: A Mechanism to Increase Methane Hydrate Accumulation
- Grain Size and Morphological Variability
- Observations of meridional overturning circulation above and below the ocean surface
- Ocean-Aerosol-Cloud Interactions off the Coast of California (Invited)
- Quantifying Sea-Ice Loss as a Driver of Arctic Coastal Erosion
- Rapid coastal erosion on the Beaufort Sea coast: A triple whammy induced by climate change (Invited)
- The Modulation of the Extratropical Atmosphere in the Pacific Basin in Response to the Madden Julian Oscillation
- Towards development of a Regional Arctic Climate System Model --- Coupling WRF with the Variable Infiltration Capacity land model via a flux coupler
- West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity (2000-2009)
- A new closure approximation for shallow-water wave propagation
- Coherent Turbulent Flow Structures in a Gravel-Bed River
- Constraining the Contribution of Organic Acids and m/z 44 to the Organic Aerosol Budget: On the Importance of Meteorology, Aerosol Hygroscopicity, and Region (Invited)
- Cross-shore Exchange on a Rip-channeled Beach Using Fluorescent Dye
- Estimation of turbulence characteristics of the low-level eyewall and outer-core regions in intense Hurricanes Allen (1980) and Hugo (1989)
- Evaluating Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from High-Resolution Regional Models and Lower Resolution Global Models Using the JPL Grip/predict/ifex Database of Satellite and Airborne Observations during the Period August 15TH - September 30TH 2010
- Modal analysis of rip current cell oscillations
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Multi-scale predictability inferences from mesoscale models - how much can we trust them? (Invited)
- Near-Real Time Monthly Global Temperature and Salinity Gridded Data from New Ocean Exploration by Argo Floats
- The Impact of Sea Ice Loss on Wave Dynamics and Coastal Erosion Along the Arctic Coast
- The Role of Summertime Storms in Thermoabrasion of a Permafrost Coast
- Turbulence Statistics in the Coastal Ocean Bottom Boundary Layer
- Wave damping across the Louisiana shelf
- Challenges in Lagrangian transport and predictability in 3D flows
- Change of Upper Ocean Multifractal Structure due to Internal Soliton Propagation
- Decadal and Centennial Variability of Wet and Dry in China since Medieval Warm Period Detected from High Resolution Speleothem Data
- Integrated Northern Hemisphere Terrestrial Snow Extent Climate Datasets
- Modeling the rate and style of Arctic coastal retreat along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- The Effect of Surface Waves on the Performance Characteristics of a Model Tidal Turbine
- The JPL GRIP Portal: A comprehensive depiction of the 2010 hurricane season with satellite and model Near-Real-Time data
- The land surface climatology of the Variable Infiltration Capacity model coupled within the NCAR Community Climate System Model
- A New Suite of Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Earth System Data Records
- Air-Sea Interaction during active and suppressed phases of the MJO
- An Ocean-Based Potential Intensity Index for Tropical Cyclones
- Analysis Of Tidal Wave Non-Linearity In Elkhorn Slough, Ca
- Characterization of Cloud Water and Drop Residual Particle Properties in Northeastern Pacific Ocean Stratocumulus Clouds: Airborne Measurements during the E-PEACE 2012 Field Campaign
- Drifter Observations Of Wave-Current Evolution Through The San Francisco Bight
- Heat Transfer Near An Ice-Ocean Interface In Supercooled Water
- Land Surface Hydrology and the Land-Ocean Freshwater Flux in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- Relationship between environmental conditions and rates of coastal erosion in Arctic Alaska
- Secondary eyewall formation as a progressive boundary layer response
- Sensitivity of the Regional Arctic System Model surface climate to ice-ocean state
- Surface circulation patterns at the southeastern Bay of Biscay: new observations from HF radar data
- The Kinematics of Tropical Cyclogenesis for Typhoon Nuri as Observed during the Tropical Cyclone Structure 2008 Field Campaign
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- The deep Canary poleward undercurrent
- The impact of spring subsurface soil temperature and snow anomaly in the Western U.S. on Southern U.S. summer precipitation and the Texas drought 2011
- The influence of surface waves on tidal turbine performance characteristics
- Tidal Intrusion Front Observations In A Well-Mixed Estuary - New River Estuary, NC
- United States Naval Academy Polar Science Program's Visual Arctic Observing Buoys; The IceGoat
- Validation of Lagrangian GPS/Accelerometer Wave-Resolving Drifter Measurements
- Variability in the annual cycle of Northern Hemisphere snow extent, using a newly completed climate data record
- Wave-Current Interactions and Wave-Blocking Predictions Using SWASH Model
- Air-Sea Interaction Observed from Aircraft Measurements in DYNAMO
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Coupled Streamflow Routing in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Developments in Marine Current Turbine Research at the United States Naval Academy (Invited)
- Earthquake Rupture Dynamics using Adaptive Mesh Refinement and High-Order Accurate Numerical Methods
- Forthcoming Northern Hemisphere Snow and Ice Earth System Data Records
- Hydrogen peroxide and methylhydroperoxide observations by chemical ionization mass spectrometry on the GV during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Ice-ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near Barrow, AK
- Interannual and Spatial Variability of Global Ocean Heat/Freshwater Content Identified from GTSPP
- Mantle dynamics and seafloor subsidence
- Marine Surface Layer Characteristics Over the Summertime Costal Water Off Virginia Beach
- Mean and Turbulence Structure of the Shallow Cumulus-topped Boundary Layers in the DYNAMO Measurement Domain
- Modeling Arctic Climate with a Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Observations of formic and acetic acid by chemical ionization mass spectrometry in the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment
- Recurving Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones as Precursors to High-Latitude Blocking
- Seawater Dynamic Surface Tension: A case for bubble sorption as a primary mechanism in the formation of particulate marine organic aerosol (Invited)
- Sources of Nitrate in Stratocumulus Cloud Water: Airborne Measurements during the 2011 E-PEACE Study
- The Influence of Surface Gravity Waves on Marine Current Turbine Performance
- The Potential Utility of High Resolution Ensemble Sensitivities During Weak Flow in Complex Terrain
- Time Lapse Photography From Arctic Buoys
- United States Naval Academy Polar Science Program's Visual Arctic Observing Platforms; IceGoat and IceKids
- Using Data Assimilation and State Augmentation to Update a Numerical Weather Prediction Model Parameter in Complex Terrain
- A New High Resolution Wave Modeling System for Renewable Energy Applications in California and the Mediterranean Sea
- A Unified Simulation Framework for Megathrust Rupture Dynamics and Tsunamis
- Adaptive, High-Order, and Scalable Software Elements for Dynamic Rupture Simulations in Complex Geometries
- Air-Sea Interaction Measurements from the Controlled Towed Vehicle
- Arctic (and Antarctic) Observing Experiment - an Assessment of Methods to Measure Temperature over Polar Environments
- Arctic Observing Experiment - An Assessment of Instruments Used to Monitor the Polar Environments
- Bolus generation by a river plume in coastal Gulf of Mexico
- Boundary Layer Dynamical Structure During Secondary Eyewall Formation
- Comparison of Floc Growth and Stability in Four Estuarine Clay Simulations
- Development of an Advanced Technique to Correct Along-Track InSAR-Derived Surface Current Fields for Contributions of Wave Motions
- Direct Observations of Heat and Salt Entrainment Fluxes Across the Base of the Ocean Mixing Layer Under Marginal Ice Conditions in the Beaufort Sea
- Drones at the Beach - Surf Zone Monitoring Using Rotary Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Estimation of heat content and variability in the upper Arctic Ocean from the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) and available observations.
- Evolution of Summer Ocean Mixed Layer Heat Content and Ocean/Ice Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean During the Last Decade
- Evolution of the Upper-Ocean Thermal Structure beneath Hurricanes Iselle and Julio (2014)
- Experimental and numerical study of turbulent flow associated with interacting barchan dunes
- Experimental study on the effects of surface gravity waves of different wavelengths on the phase averaged performance characteristics of marine current turbine
- Field Measurements of the Vertical Structure of Rip Currents
- Impact of Freshwater Fluxes on Labrador Sea Dynamics in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Inner Shelf Surface Dispersion in the Florida Panhandle
- Late-Summer Tundra Methane Concentrations and Fluxes on the North Slope of Alaska
- Low Frequency Seiche in a Large Bay
- Maximum Wave Run-up Measured on a Natural Beach Owing to Extreme Waves
- Meteorology Meets Engineering: An Interdisciplinary STEM Module for Middle- and Secondary-School Students
- Near-Inertial Surface Currents and their influence on Surface Dispersion in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico near the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Non-linear feedbacks affecting sea ice deformation in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Numerical Computation of Optical Properties of Internally Mixed Soot in Biomass Burning Constrained by Field and Laboratory Observations
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Poleward Tropical Moisture Transport and its Link to Four Sequential Extreme Weather Events over North America in October 2007
- Quantifying the impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the state of the Arctic
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Advance Understanding and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change at Process Scales
- Representation of the Land Surface in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Rip-current Persistent-foam Streaks Outside of the Surf Zone
- Role of Wet Scavenging of HO<SUB>x</SUB> Precursors in DC3 Oklahoma and Alabama Thunderstorms as Determined Using Aircraft Observations and Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- Self-Organization Maps for Analyzing the Black Sea Bio-Physical Variability and Surface Wind Forcing
- Sensitivity of Arctic climate to spectral nudging in the Regional Arctic System Model
- Simulation of Arctic Climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to Atmospheric Processes
- Single Particle Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosols at the Pico Mountain Observatory over the North Atlantic
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System - a new paradigm for integration of models and observations to enhance the use of remote sensing data for hurricane research and forecast improvements
- The role of ice-ocean inertia in representing the impact of storms on sea ice in fully coupled Earth System Models
- Wave statistics in a coastal focal zone
- A New Ice-sheet / Ocean Interaction Model for Greenland Fjords using High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- Aggregation and Disaggregation of Flocculated Particles with Different Mineralogy
- Assessing Ozone Chemistry Using Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during Summer in Colorado
- Effects of beach morphology and waves on onshore larval transport
- Evaluation of climate model skill in representing upper Arctic Ocean hydrography for its potential effect on sea ice.
- Evaluation of the utility of static and adaptive mesh refinement for idealized tropical cyclone problems in a spectral element shallow water model
- External forcing modulates Pine Island Glacier flow
- Formic and Acetic Acid Observations over Colorado by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Organic Acids' Role in Air Quality
- GPU Accelerated Spectral Element Methods: 3D Euler equations
- Inter-comparison of isotropic and anisotropic sea ice rheology in a fully coupled model
- Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Quantifying the role of mitigation hills in reducing tsunami runup
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- The Hurricane Problem - The Three Faces of the Big Data Challenges
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Impacts of Numerical Schemes on Asymmetric Hurricane Intensification
- Towards Exascale Computing with NUMA: an Element-based Galerkin Nonhydrostatic Global and Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling
- A Satellite Emulator for Evaluating Sea Ice Volume in Coupled Earth System Models
- A Study of Variations in Atmospheric Turbulence Kinetic Energy on a Sandy Beach
- A tropical cyclone dynamic initialization technique using high temporal and spatial density atmospheric motion vectors and airborne field campaign data
- Acceleration of a Semi Implicit Non-hydrostatic Atmospheric Model on Many Core Architecture
- An Observational and Numerical Study of Marginal Ice Zone Atmospheric Jets
- Application of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Absorbance and Excitation-Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectra (EEMS) to Investigate Clay-Organic Matter Flocculation Processes in Riverine-Estuarine Systems
- Assessing STEM content learning: using the Arctic's changing climate to develop 21<SUP>st</SUP> century learner
- Characteristics of propagating Madden-Julian and Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillations
- Characterizing and predicting along-coast and diurnal marine stratus variability on the U.S. West Coast
- Coastal Land Air Sea Interaction: "the" beach towers
- Comparing the Accuracy of AMSRE, AMSR2, SSMI and SSMIS Satellite Radiometer Ice Concentration Products with One-Meter Resolution Visible Imagery in the Arctic
- Coupling NWP Physics to a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model for NWP: Idealized Simulations on the Sphere
- Evaluation and Sensitivity of Climate Model Representation of Upper Arctic Hydrography
- Evaluation of Atmosphere-Land-Sea Ice-Ocean Interface Processes in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM1.0)
- Importance of and Challenges in Modeling the Oceanic Exchanges Across the Main Arctic Gateways for Climate Change Studies
- Influence of topography and land-sea contrast on MJO propagation in the Maritime Continent
- Internal Tide Generation, Propagation and Transformation north of Pt. Conception, CA: Observations and Model Simulations
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Modeling coastal upwelling around a small-scale coastline promontory
- Momentum Deposition by Acoustic Gravity Waves at Thermospheric Altitudes over Wallops Island, VA Measured by Dynasonde Techniques
- Prediction of Seasonal Arctic Sea Ice Extent Using the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) - Modeling Approach and Bias Analysis
- Quantifying Seasonal Skill in Coupled Sea Ice Models using Freeboard Measurements from Spaceborne Laser Altimeters
- Resonance Vibrations of the Ross Ice Shelf and Observations of Persistent Atmospheric Waves
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Energy Fluxes During Autumn Ice Advance: Observations and Model Validation
- Statistics of Internal Tide Bores and Internal Solitary Waves on the Inner Continental Shelf North of Pt. Conception CA
- Straddling Interdisciplinary Seams: Working Safely in the Field, Living Dangerously With a Model
- The NUMA/NUMO Model for Nonhydrostatic Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics
- The Under-ice Soundscape of the Southern Beaufort Sea Observed During ICEX-16
- The development of the Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO), validation and a roadmap to high-resolution simulations of Sermilik Fjord
- The role of declining summer sea ice extent in increasing Arctic winter precipitation
- Tracking the Surface Circulation in Coastal Upwelling off Central and Northern California over Long Times and Large Areas.
- Tropical Cyclone Center Positions from Sequences of HDSS Sondes Deployed along High-Altitude Overpasses of Hurricane Joaquin in 2015, during the ONR Tropical Cyclone Intensity field program.
- Environmental Factors and Internal Processes Contributing to Interrupted Rapid Decay of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)
- Forecasting Extreme Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015): Comparison of COAMPS-TC Initial Conditions with TCI-15 Observations
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Intraseasonal variability of upper-ocean currents and photosynthetic primary production along the U.S. west coast associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Role of Topography on the MJO in the Maritime Continent: A Numerical Case Study
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Summer Precipitation in Mexico under the Influence of the MJO, with Emphasis on the Bimodal Pattern
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Northwest U.S. and later Spring-Summer Droughts/Floods over Southern Plains and Adjacent Areas
- Spring Soil Temperature Anomalies over Tibetan Plateau and Summer Droughts/Floods in East Asia
- Time-lagged response of the Antarctic atmosphere to tropical MJO convection
- Toward Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Arctic Sea Ice Forecasting Using the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Toward a new non-hydrostatic ice-sheet/ocean interaction model (NUMO) for Greenland fjords.
- Variational Ridging in Sea Ice Models
- A Laboratory Flume Investigation of the Estimation of Wave-induced Fluid Mud Thickness
- Characterization of Marine and Wildfire Environments with the Naval Postgraduate School's Twin Otter Aircraft
- Characterizing coastal nuisance flooding in Annapolis, MD
- Cloud Adiabaticity and its Relationship to Marine Stratocumulus Characteristics over the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Effects of Oceanic Surface Waves on the Temperature and Moisture Vertical Profiles in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Evaluation of Under-ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Fully-coupled, High-resolution Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Examining the Role of the Air-Sea Interaction for the Observed Variability Evaporation Duct Height during CASPER
- Field observations of internal waves and bottom boundary layer processes along the California inner shelf
- High-Resolution Airborne Turbulence Measurements in the Marine Surface Layer Under Different Ducting Conditions
- Hydrodynamic performance and near wake characterization of axial flow hydrokinetic turbine
- Improving Arctic Climate Projections Using Regional Arctic System Model for Dynamical Downscaling
- In-Situ Measurements of Optical Turbulence in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Measuring the impact of high-tide floods on local economic activity
- NUMO - a new non-hydrostatic ice-sheet/ocean interaction model for Greenland fjords.
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Performance Analysis of the Refractivity from Radio Technique
- Recent Changes in the Physical Oceanography of the Seasonal Ice Zone
- Regional Simulations of Arctic Boundary Layer during Fall Refreezing
- Some Overlooked Land-Atmosphere Interaction Processes during ISO Propagation Across the Maritime Continent
- Spatial heterogeneity of offshore internal boundary layer growth under different stability conditions
- Study of Ducted EM Propagation over the Gulf Stream from Measured Data and Numerical Simulations
- Testing and Modeling Ballast Configurations for AUV Mission Planning in Dynamic Coastal Environments
- The "thermal chain" as a basic element of moist convective updraft structure
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Effects of Unsteady Flow Conditions on the Performance of a Cross Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine
- The Fate of Upper Ocean Heat Storage Under Variable Late Summer Winds in the Western Arctic
- The Influence of Surface Gravity Waves on the Near-Wake of an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine.
- X-Band Radar Observations of Shoaling Nonlinear Internal Waves in Coastal California
- A New Method for Identifying Kolmogorov's Inertial Subrange and Analyzing the Variability of the -5/3 Power Law Using Observations from FLIP
- Assessment of 2019 Sub-seasonal to Intra-annual Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts
- Assessment of Arctic Sea Ice Conditions in CMIP6 and Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) Simulations
- Boundary-Layer Thermodynamic Characteristics Linked to Fog Life Cycle from the Measurements Made at Ferryland Supersite.
- Characteristics of Coastal Fog and Optical Transmission Through Fog
- Computing Refractive-Index Structure Parameter Cn<SUP>2</SUP> Using COAMPS
- Connecting Antarctica to the tropics: understanding and predicting intraseasonal bridges to the Southern Hemisphere atmosphere and cryosphere
- Development of a Ground-to-Thermosphere General Circulation Model Based on NEPTUNE: Idealized Test Cases
- Evaluating the effective inflow layer and supercell updraft intensity in a variety of realistic environments
- Fog prediction by COAMPS during C-FOG field experiment
- Importance of Sea Ice Deformations to Understanding, Modeling and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change
- Modeling Ice-Ocean Interactions with Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO).
- On the importance of Arctic pelagic phytoplankton blooms beneath a thinning sea ice regime
- Predicting Wildfire Favorable Conditions in California at Subseasonal to Seasonal Lead Times Using Remote Predictors
- Seafloor Mapping for Marine Heritage: Potential Submarine UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the High Seas
- Sensitivity of Sea Ice States to Varying Parameter Space in Forced and Fully Coupled Regional Arctic System Model Configurations.
- Terrain Influences on Upscale Convective Growth of Orographic Supercells into Mesoscale Convective Systems.
- The Active MJO of 2019: Propagation from the Indian Ocean to the Western Pacific and Consequences for Subseasonal Prediction of Mid-latitude Extreme Weather Events
- The Antarctic Slope Front and cross-shelf hydrography in a E3SMv1 high-resolution coupled simulation
- The C-FOG Project: Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System: A Wealth of Data for Quickly Advancing the Physical Understanding and Forecasting of Hurricanes.
- The influences of large scale forcing on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over Darwin: observations and modelling.
- Turbulence Adjustment and Scaling in an Offshore Convective Internal Boundary Layer: A CASPER Case Study
- Turbulence structure in the hurricane eyewall region from low-level aircraft observations
- Understanding Arctic blocking representation in climate models under a unique framework
- Vibration and yield in sheared angular granular materials
- What gives supercells the most intense updrafts of all modes of convection?
- What is the basic structural unit of cumulus convection, and why does it matter?
- A library of large-eddy simulations with ClimateMachine.jl
- An Evaluation of the CMIP6 Historical Simulations of the Arctic Sea Ice
- Analysis of a coastal marine fog episode during C-FOG field campaign
- COAMPS processes leading to a false positive fog forecast during C-FOG IOP12
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups
- Emulating Tropical Marine Radar Reflectivity by Applying a Convolutional Neural Network to Geostationary Satellite Radiances
- Environmental Buoyancy and Rainfall Variability Linkages to Adiabatic Vertical Motions over the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Extreme Greenland Blocking and Moisture Transport: Historical and Future Perspectives
- Heterogeneity and photoreactivity of organic carbon from yedoma permafrost and thermokarst influenced aquatic systems in interior Alaska.
- Improving dynamical assumptions in deep convective parameterizations
- Intraseasonal variability of Antarctic sea ice: a regional approach.
- Is the MJO Linearly Damped, Neutral, or Unstable? An Assessment of some Simple Models
- Mass Fluxes through Small River Systems on the Alaskan North Slope in Response to Spatial and Temporal Thermodynamic Variations
- Microphysics and Optical Attenuation in Coastal Fog
- Observations of Turbidity Maximum Zones in a Microtidal Environment
- On the variability of the Bering Sea cold pool and implications for the biophysical environment
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Regional Modeling and Prediction of the Arctic Climate System
- Surface Water Biogeochemistry In and Material Fluxes Through Small Rivers on the North Slope of Alaska During the Open Water Season from Spring-to-Fall
- Systematic Patterns in Land Precipitation over the Maritime Continent due to Land-Sea Contrast during MJO Propagation
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The influence of spatially variable resolution in fully coupled E3SM simulations
- Wildfire Favorable Wind Events in California: Global Scale Climate Teleconnections to Extreme Weather and Potential S2S Predictability
- Intraseasonal Variability of Antarctic Sea Ice: A Regional Approach
- Photo-enhancement of the degradation of two current-use pesticides in simulated sunlight by Arctic dissolved organic matter
- Quantifying the impact of moisture transport during extreme blocking events in the North Atlantic as represented in the CMIP6 model suite
- Using Geophysics to Understand Seasonal Controls on Metal Transport in Arctic Watersheds
- Comparisons Among SIZRS Hydrography, and ICESat-2 ATL19 and ATL21 Dynamic Ocean Topography
- Iron Speciation and Mobility at the Permafrost-Active Layer Transition Zone
- Surface Wave Field Observations During the Passage of Hurricanes Teddy (2020) and Ida (2021)