New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- <SUP>39</SUP>Ar Recoil Distance and Implantation Efficiency
- A Comparison of Electron Density Profiles Derived from the Low Resolution Airglow and Aurora Spectrograph (LORAAS) Ultraviolet Measurements
- Atmospheric Trace Species at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks: Preliminary Field Measurements From the Western States Visibility Assessment Program, July/August 2001
- Backward Probability Model for Sorbing Solutes in Groundwater
- Biomimetic CO2 Sequestration: Cation Sources
- Characterization of Clay Layers in the Vadose Zone Using Attenuation Tomography via Cross Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar
- Coincident Observations of Lightning by the FORTE Photodiode Detector and the New Mexico Tech Lightning Mapping Array During STEPS 2000
- Comparison of New Mexico Tech VHF Interferometer and Arecibo radar data of lightning
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Pluvial Shorelines in the Western Great Basin
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Colorado Plateau - Rio Grande Rift - Great Plains Transect Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Dating Basalts using the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Method- Improvements Based on Electron Microprobe Evaluation of Samples
- Deformation and In-situ Stress Observations in the Nankai Accretionary Wedge: Results from ODP Leg 196 Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Resistivity Imaging
- Deuterium, Oxygen-18 and Chlorine-37 Stable Isotope Profiles as Clues Into the Recharge Histories of Desert Vadose Zones
- Discrete Element Models of the Micromechanics of Sedimentary Rock: The Role of Organization vs. Friction
- Driving Regional Scale Groundwater Flow in the Deep Michigan Basin: Glacial Loading vs. Variable Density Flow
- Electrical Charge Structure and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Thunderstorms during STEPS.
- Enhanced Perchloroethylene Reduction Using Surfactant-Modified Zeolite/Zero-Valent Iron Pellets
- Experimental Investigation of Decollement Zone Mechanics and Consolidation State
- From Protodecollement to Incipient Plate Boundary - Physical Property Characteristics of Nankai and Barbados Decollement Zones Compared
- Heterogeneity, Scale, and Solute Transport: Quantitative Visualization of Their Relation in a Slab of Cross-Bedded Sandstone
- High Time Resolution Lightning Mapping Lightning Mapping Observations of a Small Thunderstorm during STEPS
- Holocene Volcanic Records in the Siple Dome Ice Cores
- Impact of Soil Moisture Conditions on Interannual Variability of the Water Balance over the North American Monsoon Region
- Influence of Vegetation Anomalies on the predictability of the North American Monsoon System, using Remotely Sensed Data and MM5-OSU LSM coupled model
- Investigating TLE-Producing High Plains Mesoscale Convective Systems with the NLDN and ELF Transients
- Lightning Mapping Observations: What we are learning.
- Lightning as a Detector of Convective Surges in Thunderstorms
- Mantle Seismic Structure beneath the Colorado Plateau, Rio Grande Rift and Great Plains from Seismic Tomography.
- Microbial Abundance and Diversity at 0.8 to 3.6 Kilometers Beneath the Surface in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Microstructural Observations of the San Gregorio Fault, Moss Beach, CA.
- Mixed Boundary Value Problem Solution for the Gas Minipermeameter
- Mode-of-Failure Transitions in High Porosity Sedimentary and Ignimbrite Deposits, and Implications for Fault-Zone Structure and Architecture
- Multiple-Fault Rupture of the M7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Generated by Explosions and Aftershocks
- New Ages on Old Arc Rocks, Preliminary Results From the Southern IBM Arc
- Observations of Hydrometeor Electric Charge in Thunderstorms
- On the Relationship Between Diffusive Mass Transfer and Scale of Experiment in Fractured Media
- Paleoseismic Trenching in the Pajarito Fault System, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Petrophysical Controls on Fault-Zone Deformation in Ash-Flow Tuffs -- Deformation Bands versus Fractures and Implications for Fluid-Fault Interaction
- STEPS 2000: Relationships Between Thunderstorm Charge Structure, Lightning Behavior, and Storm Severity.
- Solute Sources and Budget for the Rio Grande above El Paso, Texas
- The Case for Scientific Drilling of Precambrian Sedimentary Sequences: A Mission to Early Earth
- The Effects of Charge and Electrostatic Potential on Lightning Propagation
- The Effects of Clastic Dikes on Vadose Zone Transport at the Hanford Site, Southcentral Washington
- The Influence of Vegetation Type on the Surface Water and Energy Balance in Semiarid Ecosystems
- The Rise and Fall of Wasatch Range Basement: Thermochronolgy and Tectonic Evolution of the Santaquin Complex, Utah
- The Upper Rio Grande Basin as a Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory - Challenges and Opportunities
- The Use of Permeable Barriers to Inhibit Virus Migration in the Subsurface
- The seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath the northwestern United States
- Thunderstorm Charge Structure and the Spatial Distribution of Radiation Sources Located by LMA
- Toward Explaining Scale-dependent Velocity Structure Across an Exposed Brittle Fault Zone
- Ultra-Long Lightning Continuing Current
- Using the LMA to Study Flash Initiation
- Variation in Near-Surface Soil Water Content and Matric Potential Across a Semiarid Shrub-Grass Ecotone: Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico
- Velocity and Porosity of Nankai Trough Sediments: Effects of Deposition, Diagenesis, and Deformation
- Windows into Basement Structure Exposed in the Footwall of the Wasatch Fault: The Santaquin and Farmington Canyon Complexes
- A Case Study in Forensic Seismology: The 1998 Natural Gas Pipeline Explosion Near Carlsbad, New Mexico
- Actual ET Rates derived by SEBAL in the Middle Rio Grande Valley
- Additional analyses of possibly inverted-polarity electrical structures in thunderstorms during STEPS
- An Empirical Relationship Between Velocity and Porosity for Underthrust Sediments of the Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
- An analysis of the role of fluids in fracture initiation and propagation using direct simulation of the coupled fluid-solid system
- Assessment of Bend Bed Topography Models via Calibration to a Ground-Penetrating Radar Profile and Permeability Data
- Brines as Possible Cation Sources for Biomimetic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- Changing Distributions of Methyl Halides, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons, Alkyl Nitrates, and Dimethyl Sulfide during the SOFeX Iron Fertilization Experiment
- Comparison of evapotranspiration estimates from the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm (SEBAL) and flux tower data, middle Rio Grande Basin
- Conduits to Catchments: Deformation Band Faults in Arid and Semi-Arid Vadose Zone Sands
- Electrical Structure Inferred by 3-D Lightning Mapping Observations During STEPS
- Eocene Adakites Associated With Initiation of Cascade Subduction, Puget Lowlands, WA
- Experimental Results and Simulation of Bench-Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flow and Transport in Geologic Media
- From multi-year observations to millennial inferences: Uncertainties in paleohydrologic reconstructions of deep unsaturated zones in the desert southwest, U.S.A.
- Further Studies of the Electrical Alignment of Ice Crystals in Thunderstorms
- Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in a Depleted Oil Reservoir: A Field Demonstration
- Geologic Sequestration of CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Potential Permeability Changes in Host Formations of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico
- In-situ Microbial Cultivation in a South African Gold Mine
- Joint IRIS/PASSCAL UNAVCO Seismic and GPS Installations, Testing, and Development
- Locations of Electric Charge in Developing Thunderstorms
- Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Rio Grande Rift and Colorado Plateau.
- Mesoscale Convective Mass Fluxes in the Eastern Pacific
- New Mexico Thunder Storms Observed by the Lightning Mapping Array, An Overview of One Season
- Nonideal Transport of Solute and Colloidal Tracers Through Reactive Zeolite/Iron Pellets
- Numerical simulation of permeability upscaling as a function of minipermeameter support
- Petrophysical Controls on Deformation and Fluid-Fault Interaction in the Ignimbrite Sequences at Los Alamos, NM, and Busted Butte, NV
- Post-Seismic Fault Healing on the Rupture Zone of the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine, California Earthquake
- Quantifying Saline Groundwater Discharge to the Rio Grande using <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr and [Ca]/[Sr] Ratios
- Quantifying Salinization of the Upper-Middle Rio Grande Using a Basin-Scale Water and Chloride Mass Balance Model
- Search Parameters for the Remote Detection of Extraterrestrial Life
- Seismic Structure of the Lithosphere in the Southwestern United States Using Receiver Functions
- Sensitivity of Estimation of Snow Surface Direct Beam Spectral Albedo by Reciprocity Approach to Various Sky and Surface Conditions
- Soil Salinity in Arid Riparian Areas
- Spatial and Temporal Mode-Of-Failure Transitions in Faulted Earth Materials: A Link Between Mechanics and Hydrology
- Stress Analysis in the Nankai Accretionary Prism from Borehole Breakouts
- Structure of the Uppermost Mantle Beneath the RISTRA Array From Surface Waves
- Synoptic Sampling of Dissolved Nitrogen Species and Organic Carbon in the Rio Grande Basin
- Synthetic Sediments and Stochastic Groundwater Hydrology
- The Effects of Potential Wells on Low Altitude Lightning
- The Promotion of the use of Seismic Data via the IRIS Education and Outreach Program
- The Relationship Between Lake-Filling Cycles in the Western Great Basin and Pleistocene Epoch Climate Changes
- The Use of Chemical Traps to Determine Metal and Halogen Flux From Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
- The Western States Visibility Assessment Program: Diurnal and Seasonal Measurements of Halocarbons, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Hydrocarbons at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- The Western States Visibility Assessment Program: Diurnal and Seasonal Measurements of TSP, PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, CO, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Thunderstorm Charge Regions Inferred From the Vector Electric Field in Combination With Data From a Lightning Mapping Array in STEPS
- Trace Elements in Aerosol over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- U.S.{/}South African Undergraduate Education and Research Workshops
- VLP-Discriminated Strombolian Event Families and Video Observations at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Variably Saturated Water Flow Across the Soil-Bedrock Interface on Conceptual Hillslopes
- Water Quality of Drinking Water Supplies in Socorro, New Mexico
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Age Constraints on the Timing and Duration of Resurgence of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- A New Quiet GSN Site at the South Pole: Comparison of Seismic Data Between SPA and QSPA.
- A Perturbation Expansion Approach to Solving the Electromagnetic Induction Problem in Three Dimensions
- A Transect of 200 Shallow Shear-Velocity Profiles Across the Los Angeles Basin
- A University Consortium for the Advancement of Hydrologic Research
- Accuracy of the Lightning Mapping Array
- Along strike variations in temperature, sediment diagenesis and dewatering in the Costa Rica subduction zone
- Comparison of simulated spectral bidirectional reflectance function of snow-covered austral summer sea ice with measurements
- Constraining volcano eruption dynamics with infrasound
- Convection Beneath the Rio Grande Rift and Surrounding Regions Deduced From Tomographic Seismic Images
- Cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl dating of the all time limit of glaciation, Del Bonita upland Alberta/Montana border and insights into changing extents and ice-flow patterns in successive continental ice sheets
- Coupled surface-subsurface response to rainfall: Runoff nonlinearity and scale-dependence in a topographically complex catchment
- Coupling catchment hydrology and landscape evolution: Interactive effects on hydrograph and basin shape
- Description and Location of Tremor at Mt. Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Determination of Solute Distributions in the Vadose Zone Using Downhole Electromagnetic Induction
- Ecotonal Control on Vadose-Zone Fluxes in Arid Regions Over Very Long Time Scales
- Evaluation of Tephra Found in the Law Dome Ice Core, East Antarctica
- Experimental Analysis of the Role of Fluid Transport Properties in Fluid-Induced Fracture Initiation and Propagation
- Filtration of Pathogenic Parasites Using Surfactant-Modified Zeolites
- Fine Tuning the IRIS Education and Outreach Program: Choosing an Optimal Balance of Activities
- Finite Element Modeling of Subduction Zone Stresses in the Wake of Bathymetric Feature Subduction Offshore Costa Rica
- Fluid Pressure in the Shallow Plate Interface at the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone
- Halocarbons, alkyl nitrates, and nonmethane hydrocarbons quantified from surface air and water samples in the Gulf of Maine during NEAQS
- Illuminating the Socorro Magma Body from Below using Deep Teleseismic Events
- Implications of Smectite Subduction at the Costa Rican Convergent Margin
- Initial Electrification of Thunderstorms: Evidence for a Connection Between Precipitation and Electrical Charging
- Lightning Initiation Locations as a Remote Sensing Tool of Large Thunderstorm Electric Fields
- Lightning Initiation Locations as a Remote Sensing Tool of Thunderstorm Electrical Evolution
- Lightning Modes in Thunderstorms
- Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Structure of the Rio Grande Rift: Implications for Pure Shear Extension
- Localization and Mechanical Instabilities at Different Crustal Levels
- Megabreccias, Early Lakes, and Duration of Resurgence Recorded in Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Modeling Investigation of Water Partitioning at a Semi-arid Hillslope and its Implication
- New Mexico Tech Lightning Mapping Array: Real-Time System Monitoring and Data Display
- Numerical modeling of laboratory permeability upscaling experiments
- Observations of Runaway Breakdown in Thunderstorms: Where We've Been, Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
- Overview of the Year-One Field Program Phase of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX) 2003
- Phase Structure in a Centrifugal Field: Impact of Capillary Heterogeneity and Angular Velocity
- Pollution Sources Over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- Preliminary Results From SILVVER '03 - Seismic Investigations of the Las Vegas Valley: Evaluating Risk
- Propagation Speeds of Lightning Leaders Throughout an Entire Flash Using 10 μ s Time Resolution 3D Mapping Data.
- Runtime and Inversion Impacts on Estimation of Moisture Retention Relations by Centrifuge
- Seismic Background Noise Characterization at the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer Site
- Shallow Shear Velocity and Seismic Microzonation of the Las Vegas Urban Basin
- Short Duration Discharges Located by NMIMT's Lightning Mapping Array
- Source Mechanism Inversion of Very Long Period Strombolian Eruption Signals at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Stable Isotopes in Snow: Implications for the Design of Precipitation Collectors and Studies of Groundwater Recharge
- The Photochemical Impact of Oceanic Hydrocarbons on the Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer over the Gulf of Maine
- Using Waveform Cross-correlation to Detect and Identify Regional Seismic Phases Based on a Reference Event Set
- Volcano Monitoring with Coda Wave Interferometry at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- 2-D Numerical Modeling of a Fault Zone Leaking Carbon Dioxide in East Central Utah
- A Semiarid Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory at the Continental Scale: The Upper Río Grande Basin
- Analysis of a Monsoon Flood Event Effect on Surface and Groundwater Interactions in a Regional Semiarid Watershed
- Are Advecting Processes in the Vadose Zone of the Albuquerque Basin Altering the Conductive Heat Transfer Signal From Surface Temperature Change ?
- Aspects of Radiation Budget, Subsurface Lateral Moisture Exchange, and Vegetation Function in Areas of Complex Topography.
- Assembly and Comparison of Different Equations of State for Multiphase Carbon Dioxide in the Subsurface
- CANOE: A Broadband Array in Northwestern Canada
- Coupled Fluid-Heat Flow Model Analysis to Explain the Origin and Accumulation of Subsurface Carbon Dioxide: McElmo Dome Case Study
- Depth-Dependent Low-Velocity Structure of the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD Drilling Site at Parkfield from Fault-Zone Seismic Waves
- Development of a Statewide, Interbasin Flux Network to Monitor Evapotranspiration Changes During and Following Riparian Restoration in New Mexico
- Earth Science Research in DUSEL; a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory in the United States
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Effect of Scaling Transfer Between Evapotranpiration Maps Derived from LANDSAT7 and Modis Images
- Effects of Photoirradiation on Natural Organic Matter: Importance for Studies of Stream Hydrobiogeochemistry
- Effects of fluid circulation in subducting crust on temperatures along the plate interface in Nankai margin
- Emerging Applications of the LMA to Meteorology and Nowcasting
- Estimates of Fault Area and Rupture Velocity for Long Duration Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Evaluation of MODIS snow-cover products with constraints from streamflow and SNOTEL data
- Fine-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling of Semiarid River Basins: Preliminary Results from the Upper Rio Grande
- Hydrodynamic interactions of free-flowing fluids and pore-fluids in bedforms
- Implications of Soil Gas Survey Results Over Known Carbon Dioxide Systems for Long-term Monitoring
- Landscape Controls on Monsoon Soil Moisture Distribution in Northern Sonora, Mexico
- Lightning and Electric Field Structure of a Squall Line During TELEX
- Major Holocene Marker Ash Layers on Kamchatka Peninsula, NW Pacific, and Their Implication for Dating Paleoseismic Events
- Manganese and Iron Interactions in Cave and Rock Varnish Communities
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in Arid Riparian Areas of the Southwestern United States Using Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery
- NanTroSEIZE: The Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Drilling Project
- Observed Electric Fields Associated with Lightning Initiation
- On the effects of triangulated terrain resolution on distributed hydrologic model response
- Opal diagenesis and sediment properties in the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Overview of the 2003 and 2004 Field Program Phases of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX)
- Polarimetric Radar and Electric Field Observations of a Multicell Storm
- Poroelastic Parameters of Peru Margin Sediments: Implications for Flow and Transport at Multiple Scales in the Marine Biosphere
- Radioisotopically Dated Climate Record Spanning the Last Interglacial in Ice from Mount Moulton, West Antarctica
- Rapid Transient Deformation From a Shallow Magmatic Source at the Socorro Magma Body, NM, USA?
- Receiver Function Seismic imaging of the Crust and Upper Mantle Using Frequency-Wavenumber Filtering and Regularized Multimode Kirchhoff Migration
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: an International Program Enhancing Interdisciplinary Learning
- Seismicity Along the South American Subduction Zone: Large Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Subduction Zone Complexity
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- 3-D Depth Interval Velocity Model Analysis and Interpretation of the Nankai Trough Margin (Southwest Japan).
- A Monte Carlo Approach to Uncertainty Analysis in Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating
- An Updated Balloon-Borne Electric Field Sensor
- Aquifer Recharge Assessment from Surface Ecohydrological Conditions: A Spatial Analysis along an Ecotonal Gradient in New Mexico
- Archean Ophiolite or Oceanic Plateau? Lithologic and Geochemical Ambiguities
- Combining Lightning Mapping Arrays by Jointly Processing Their Time-of-Arrival Measurements
- Comparison of Chlorine-36 Production Rates Using the Radiocarbon-Age-Constrained Lake Bonneville Shoreline, UT
- Comparison of Regional Water Flux Patterns Across Disparate Species Located Along a Steep Climatic Transect in the Rio Grande Basin.
- Comprehensive Representation of Hydrologic and Geomorphic Process Coupling in Numerical Models: Internal Dynamics and Basin Evolution
- Condensation Processes in Geothermal Systems
- Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science Inc. (CUAHSI) Science Plan: A Community-based Infrastructure Initiative
- Coupling Between Periodic Fluctuations in Stream Water Temperature and Groundwater Elevation, Central New Mexico
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California, the East Pacific Rise to the Jalisco Block
- Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica Decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
- Evaluating Riparian and Agricultural Systems as Sinks for Surface Water Nutrients in the Upper Rio Grande
- Evidence for Terrestrial Sources of Methyl Iodide
- Exhumation Estimates Derived from Sonic Well Log Data in the Colorado Plateau - Southern Rocky Mountain Region
- Exploration of a Basin and Range-Type Geothermal System Using Soil pH Analysis
- Exploring static stress changes along the Costa Rica margin following the March 25, 1990 M w 7.0 Nicoya Gulf earthquake
- Field Testing of a Prototype Filter System for the Removal of the Human Pathogen Giardia intestinales from Ground Water
- Fluid Pressure and Mineralization in Low-Angle Normal Fault Mechanics
- Geological Context of Cosmogenic-Nuclide Sampling Sites for the CRONUS-Earth Project on the Shoreline of Paleo-Lake Bonneville, Utah
- Geophysical Investigations to Assess Geothermal Energy Potential, Socorro Peak, New Mexico
- Gross Moist Stability in the East Pacific
- Gulf of California Rift Structure and Magmatism: Guaymas Basin and Comparison With Southern Basins
- Heat transport near sediment-water interfaces with bedforms
- Hopping Microbot Access to Subsurface (Cave) and Rugged Terrain on Mars and Hazardous Extreme Earth Astrobiology Sites
- Hydrocarbon Measurements at Thompson Farm, NH and Appledore Island, ME: A Comparison of Relative Reactivities
- Ideas on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Colorado Plateau Mantle Based on Geophysical Observations, Mantle Xenoliths, Magmatic Patterns, and Rock Uplift and Exhumation
- Influence of along-strike temperature differences on 3-D fluid flow patterns in the Nicoya margin subduction zone, Costa Rica
- Interhemispheric correlation of glacial terminations using in-situ Be-10
- Investigating the Hydraulic Geometry of Floodplains Using a Hydrogeomorphic Delineation Method
- Investigation of Nuclear Gamma Ray Line Emission Associated with Lightning
- Isoprene and Monoterpene Emissions from Duke Forest: A Comparison of Ambient and Elevated CO2 Environments
- LIDAR Measurements of Fault Roughness
- Land Cover and Evapotranspiration in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
- Large Eddy Simulation of the diurnal cycle of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Lightning Mapping Array Source Powers
- Lightning-Induced Transient Electric Fields and Currents in the Global Electric Circuit
- Low-Angle Normal Faults in the Gulf of California Extensional Province: Constraints on Mechanics
- Measurements of Bromoform and Dibromomethane in the Seacoast Region of NH, 2002-2004
- Modeling methane production by iron-bearing carbonate minerals in hydrothermal systems
- Mountain Front Recharge and the Role of Hillslope Processes above the Mountain Front
- Nighttime Oxidation of VOCs at Appledore Island, ME During ICARTT 2004
- North Pacific Transition Zone Thickness From SS-Precursors
- Numerical simulation of distributed snow processes in complex terrain utilizing triangulated irregular networks (TINs)
- Paired Catchment Modeling Study for a Monsoon Flood Event in Neighboring Semi-Arid Basins, New Mexico
- Parallelization of a Fully-Distributed Hydrologic Model using Sub-basin Partitioning
- Quantification and Characterization of Chloride Sources in the Rio Grande, Southwestern United States
- Quaternary Basalts in Grand Canyon: Correlation of Flows Using Lidar, 40Ar/39Ar Dating, Geochemical Correlation, Neotectonic Studies, and History of Lava Dams
- Rainfall in Semiarid Ecosystems: Coupled Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Affect Nitrogen Cycling
- Recent Developments With the New Mexico Tech Lightning Mapping Array
- Rotation of Plio-Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Seismic Moment Rate Function Inversions from Very Long Period Signals Associated with Strombolian Eruptions at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Seismic Velocity and Porosity Distribution within Underthrust Sediments at the Toe of the Nankai Subduction Zone: Inferences from PreStack Depth Migration Analysis
- Site Reconnaissance for the EarthScope/USArray Transportable Seismic Array
- Slab pull, slab weakening and their influence on great earthquakes, deep earthquakes and surface deformation
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Hydrometeorological Conditions in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico during the North American Monsoon
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Precipitation over Complex Terrain during the North American Monsoon
- Synoptic Sampling of the Rio Grande: A River Basin-Scale View of Hydrologic Processes and Water Quality
- The Branching Pattern of Low-Velocity Structure on the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD Site at Parkfield from Fault-Zone Guided Waves
- The Stratiform Region of an MCS on 19 June in TELEX 2004 Observed With Polarimetric and Doppler Radars, Electric Field Soundings, and a Lightning Mapping Array
- Topographic Influence on Vegetation Distribution: A Distributed Hydrologic Model with Vegetation Dynamics
- Using An Extensive Catalogue of Repeatable Strombolian Eruptions to Monitor Small Medium Changes at Mount Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Using Earthquake Rupture Variations along the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction System to Examine Fault Zone Variations
- Using Multiple Natural Tracers to Investigate Groundwater Recharge and Flow in Mountains
- Validation of ET maps derived from MODIS imagery
- What can we Learn From the December 26, 2004 Sumatra Earthquake to Improve Tsunami Hazard Assessment Models?
- What the LMA can tell us about lightning initialtion processes
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- A review of DEM-based flow direction characterization methods for hydrogeomorphic applications
- Ambient Seismic Signals Observed in Iceberg?Filled Waters of the Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Analysis of Background Seismic Noise Recorded at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica
- Analysis of an extreme monsoon event on the ecohydrologic and geomorphologic conditions in a semiarid basin based on field instrumentation and reconnaissance
- Broadband Electric Field Measurements and Mapping of Lightning Flashes Over Langmuir Laboratory
- CO2 Sequestration in the Permian Basin SACROC Northern Platform, Site of 35 Years of CO2 Injection
- Characteristics of the October 2005 Microearthquake Swarm in the Socorro Region, New Mexico
- Characterizing the Hydrogeology and Surface Waters of a Select Portion of the Permian Basin Using an Arc Hydro Groundwater Database
- Chronostratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, SW Salton Trough: A High-Fidelity Record of Slip on the West Salton Detachment Fault and Subsidence in its Upper Plate
- Colorado Plateau Crust and Upper Mantle Structure: Implications for Uplift Mechanisms
- Constraints on faulting mechanisms found by combining multiscale fault surface geometry measurements with fault internal deformation structure
- Continuous GPS Measurement of Deformation at Erebus Volcano, Antartica
- Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Dating of Shoreline Deposits in Panamint Valley, CA
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Gulf of California and subducting Rivera plate
- Crystallization Processes and Magma Chamber Dynamics at the Mount Erebus Volcano Lava Lake: The Mineralogic Message
- Disseminated Museum Displays and Participation of Students from Underrepresented Populations in Polar Research: Education and Outreach for Joint Projects in GPS and Seismology Solid Earth Science Community
- Do Distributed Hydrologic Models Capture Observed Spatial Scaling Properties of Soil Moisture Fields?
- Ensemble-Based Distributed Hydrologic Modeling with Disaggregated Satellite-Derived Precipitation
- Evaluation and Comparison of Observed and Modeled Precipitation Forcing to a Distributed Hydrological Model to Simulate a Regional Monsoon Flood Event
- Evaluation of ASTER DEM for hydro-geomorphological applications
- Evaluation of Uncertainty in Nested Flood Forecasts by Coupling a Multifractal Precipitation Downscaling Model and a Fully-Distributed Hydrological Model
- Evolution of Above-cloud Electric Fields and Lightning
- Evolution of Rotations in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Evolution of the mouth of the Gulf of California based on rift-related seismic sequences and onshore basins
- Examining Along-Strike Variations within Seismogenic Zones using Source Characteristics of Aleutian Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- First Results From The Washington DC Metropolitan Area Lightning Mapping Demonstration Project
- Fluid Inclusion Gas Analysis Using Weighted Non-linear Least Squares of Error
- Framework stratigraphy and chronology of the Comondu Group from Loreto to La Paz, Baja California Sur: regional correlation for use in across-Gulf of California correlations
- Gamma-ray Emissions from Natural Dart-Leaders
- Global ocean wave intensity changes observed across decadal-scale time intervals using seismic background noise
- How Frequently Can a "Supervolcano" Erupt? Rapid Emplacement of Voluminous Compositionally Diverse Ignimbrites, Central San Juan Calderas, Colorado
- Hydrothermal Circulation Within Subducting Crust: Implications for Subduction Zone Temperature
- Influence of Viscoelastic Relaxation on Triggered Seismicity due to the March 25, 1990 Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Lighting Observations During the Mt. Augustine Volcanic Eruptions With the Portable Lightning Mapping Stations
- Lightning and electrical activity during the eruption of Mt. Augustine
- Mid-Miocene to Early Pliocene Upper Crustal Extension in the Southern Gulf of California
- Minimal Cenozoic Denudation of the Central Tibetan Plateau Revealed by low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Modeling the Contributions of Ungauged Tributaries to the Rio Grande: A System Dynamics Approach
- Multi-Sensor Observations of Lightning in Oklahoma
- Multiphysics modeling of processes along sediment-water interfaces: towards fundamental understanding and mechanistic predictions
- Oligocene Mafic Dikes Within the Southeastern Colorado Plateau: Evidence of Northward Propagation Away From a Coeval Caldera Cluster and Implications to Regional Stress Fields of the Early Rio Grande Rift
- On the topographic imprint of vegetation: Results from field observations and DEM analysis of small semiarid basins
- Petrological And Geochemical Characteristics Of Magmatic Melts At Gorely Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Measurements of the North American Plate Boundary
- Potential Hydrogeomechanical Impacts of Geological CO2 Sequestration
- Predicting Diagenetic Reaction Progress for NanTroSEIZE Subduction Inputs in the Kumano Transect Area
- Probing Deviations From Traditional Colloid Filtration Theory by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Rupture and Energy Characteristics of the July 17, 2006 Tsunami Earthquake near the Java Trench
- Symmetric Rifting of Cold Lithosphere in the Southern Gulf of California
- Tephrochronology of the Western Margin, Gona, Ethiopia
- The Effect of increasing CO2 and Ocean Acidity on Marine Production of DMS and CH2ClI
- The Need for High-Resolution Thermal Imaging in Water Resource Management
- The Power of the Point: Benjamin Franklin, the Lightning Rod and Two Misconceptions That Have Plagued Us to This Day
- The Washington DC Metro Area Lightning Mapping Array
- The West Salton Detachment Fault, Salton Trough, California: a Primary Low-Angle Normal Fault in an Evolving Dextral Wrench Zone
- The effects of forest vegetation on snow accumulation, ablation, and meltwater routing, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM
- The relationship between shape and drag of triangular bedforms: a numerical simulation study
- Thermochronometric Constraints on Long-Term Landscape Evolution in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona.
- Three-Dimensional Fractal Modeling of Intracloud Lightning Discharge in a New Mexico Thunderstorm and Comparison With Lightning Mapping Observations
- Timing of Oldest Steens Basalt Magmatism From Precise Dating of Silicic Volcanic Rocks, McDermitt Caldera and Northwest Nevada Volcanic Field
- Topography-induced changes in ecosystem structure and its implications for response of terrestrial ecosystem to future climate variability and change
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG Lightning
- Unification of NDVI Definitions and Areal Fraction Models in Remote Sensing of Vegetation
- Use of Hypsometric Analysis for a Classification of Basin Hydrological Response: Surface and Groundwater Partitioning
- WATERS Network: An Initiative of the U.S. National Science Foundation Engineering and Geosciences Directorates
- Why do Large Icebergs Fracture at a Specific Location off Cape Adare?
- A Framework to Compare Lumped and Distributed Hydrological Models of Climate-Land Surface-Groundwater Dynamics
- A High-Resolution Seismic Survey Across the State Line fault, NV
- A Potential Reconciliation of Short-Term Geodetic and Long-Term Geological Strain-Rate Estimates Across the Owens Valley
- An Incremental and Interactive Process for Watershed Characterization and Modeling: A Case Study in Southwestern North America
- Analysis of Modern Techniques for Nuclear-test Yield Determination of NTS Events Using Data From the Leo Brady Seismic Network
- Analysis of catchment hydrogeomorphology and vegetation patterns based on a differential GPS survey and interferometric SAR
- Ash plume dynamics at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, from thermal and high resolution video
- Assessment of Well-Constrained Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms in the Andaman- Sumatra-Java Subduction Systems
- Balloon-borne vector electric field measurements
- Bolt-from-the-Blue Lightning Discharges
- Can we Use Satellite-Rainfall to Predict Floods in Small Mountainous Basins?
- Chronostratigraphic constraints on Pliocene warmth and Pleistocene cooling in the ANDRILL-1B drillcore from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Collaborative Modeling in New Mexico's Upper Gila and San Francisco River Basin
- Comparison and Calibration of Sea-Swell with Microseism Observations on Ice-Shelf and Land Based Seismometer Stations
- Comparison of Sprite Locations With Lightning Channel Structure
- Computational Improvements for Deriving a 3-D Shear-Wave Model for the Tarim Basin, China, Using Multiple Geophysical Observations
- Constraints on Chlorine-36 Production Rates Using Beryllium-10 at Lake Bonneville, UT
- Continental Extension in Basin and Range, USA and Western Anatolia Extended Terrane (WAET) in western Turkey: A review
- Developing virtual REU cohorts: Reflections from the IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program
- Distributed Soil Moisture Estimation in a Mountainous Semiarid Basin: Constraining Soil Parameter Uncertainty through Field Studies
- Dome surges, long period earthquake generation, and pyroclastic eruptions at Santiaguito Dome, Guatemala
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Effects of fluid circulation in ocean crust on subduction zone temperature
- Effects of fluid circulation in subducting crust on temperatures along the plate interface in Nankai margin
- Electrical Structure and Preliminary Breakdown of Lightning Flashes in Three New Mexico Thunderstorms
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Optical Scintillometry
- Evaluating Satellite Rainfall Products and their Impacts in hydrologic Model simulations
- Evaluation Of CO2 Injection Into Brine Formations Below Oil Reservoir
- Evaluation of Ensemble Meteorological Forcing in a Distributed Hydrological Model: Decomposing the Nonlinear Basin Response
- Examining Severe Drought-Induced Vegetation Change and its Influence on Water Resources
- Extensional Tectonic Events in the Basin and Range of Western North America
- Forecast uncertainty in semi-arid flash flood modeling using radar rain input
- High-Speed Electric Field Measurements and Lightning Mapping Observations at Langmuir Laboratory
- Impacts of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Dynamics on Ecohydrological Response in a Small Mountainous Watershed
- Investigating the spatial variability of hillslope flow velocities in the Width-Function
- Late Miocene cooling and extension identified on Serifos, western Cyclades: Development of an Aegean metamorphic core complex
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Magmatic Series Evolution at Gorely Volcano (Southern Kamchatka)
- Numerical Model of Large Bubble Bursts at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Observational Evidence for a Rapidly Moving Seismic Source at Mount St. Helens
- Observations of Cyclic Strombolian Eruptive Behavior at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala Reflected in the Seismo-Acoustic Record
- Observations of X-Rays and Electric Field in Thunderstorms: Revisited
- Paleomagnetic Data from Tertiary Mafic Dikes and Pseudotachylites from the Sierra Ladrones, a Spatially Focused, Large-Magnitude Extension Rift-Flank Uplift, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico: Implications for Footwall Exhumation
- Pre-eruptive seismicity associated with explosive events at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala
- Preliminary Pseudo 3-D Imagery of the State Line Fault, Stewart Valley, Nevada Using Seismic Reflection Data
- Radiation Patterns of Lightning
- Relation between Surface Flux Measurements and Hydrologic Conditions in a Subtropical Scrubland during the North American Monsoon
- Remote Sensing of Fire Effects on Tamarisk Water Use and River Restoration
- Search for Thunderstorm Associated Nuclear Gamma Rays
- Seismicity Along the South American Subduction Zone: Large Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Subduction Zone Complexity
- Seismological Evidence for Increasing Oceanic Storm Intensity
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow beneath The Colorado Plateau and the Colorado Plateau-Great Basin Transition
- Significance of Overland Flow in Sustaining Water Resources of Arid and Semi-Arid Rivers - Water Quantity and Quality Implications
- Small, Continual Lightning Activity in the Overshooting Turret of Supercell Storms
- Solving Steady Evaporation-Driven Flow Through a Shallow Aquifer With Piecewise Continuous Forms of Hydraulic Relationships
- Spatial Variability in Apparent Stress for Subduction Zone Earthquakes Along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Synchronous changes in the rift-margin San Jose Island basin and initiation of the Alarcón spreading ridge: implications for rift to drift transition in the Gulf of California
- Temporal patterns of detachment faulting along Cycladic extensional metamorphic domes, Aegean region
- The Dynamics of Explosions at Santiagutio Volcano, Guatemala
- The Dynamics of a Strombolian Bubble Burst Derived From Doppler Radar.
- The Mormon Peak and Tule Springs Detachments of Southern Nevada and Their Role in Interpreting the Subsurface Structure of the Sevier Desert Basin
- The Sills of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Implications for Crustal Melt Distribution and Thermogenic Carbon Flux
- The role of basement relief in the structural evolution of the Naryn intramontane basin, Kyrgyz Tian Shan
- Thermochronology and Cooling Histories of Intrusive Suites: Implications for Incremental Pluton Assembly
- Topographic Analysis of Landscape Morphology and Vegetation Patterns in a Semiarid Basin in Central New Mexico
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG and IC Lightning
- Upward Electrical Discharges From Thunderstorms
- Validation of Sebal Heat Fluxes with Scintillometry
- What is the ability of distributed hydrologic models to reproduce observed spatial soil moisture fields?
- 3-D Seismic Velocity Tomography of Montserrat From the SEA-CALIPSO Offshore/Onshore Experiment.
- 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Minna Bluff, Antarctica: Timing of Mid-Miocene Glacial Erosional Events Within the Ross Embayment
- 40Ar/39Ar chronology of volcanic events in the AND-1B drillcore - implications for age models and glacial history of the Ross Embayment
- A 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Thermochronology Study of Caldera Volcanism and Related Plutonic Processes, Questa Caldera, Northern New Mexico
- A Look at the Future of Controlled-Source Seismology
- A Search for Bremsstrahlung From Preliminary Breakdown Using A Lanthanum Bromide Detector
- A Technique to Measure Energy Partitioning and Absolute Gas Pressures of Strombolian Explosions Using Doppler Radar at Erebus Volcano
- Analysis and Correlation of High-Speed Video and Lightning Mapping Array Results For Two Lightning Flashes Triggered in Electric Fields of Opposite Polarity
- Apparent Stress Variation in Response to Seamount Subduction at Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Characterization of the Basalt of Broken Tank, NM for the 'in situ' Calibration Target for the Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) on the Upcoming Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Rover
- Colorado River System of the Southwestern U.S.: Analysis of the Longitudinal Profile, Differential Incision, and Hypothesis for Dynamic Uplift and Rapid Incision in the Last 6 Ma
- Combining Video Observations with Seismic Waveform Modeling of Santiaguito LP Events
- Comparison of Remote Sensing Energy Balance Models: Sebal V.S. Metric
- Crustal Structure Below the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat Using Seismic Reflection Data
- Decadal-Scale, Time-Varying Lags Between Short Period Strombolian Eruption and Very Long Period Seismic Signals at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Deep Groundwater Contributions as a Primary Control on Stream Chemistry and Apparent Age in a Large Alpine Watershed in the Southern Rocky Mountains of Colorado
- Deep and Ultra-deep Underground Observatory for In Situ Stress, Fluids, and Life
- Do 226Ra-230Th isochrons provide realistic crystallization ages?
- Earthquake Variations Along the Middle America Trench, Central America
- Ecohydrologic Dynamics in Areas of Complex Topography in Semiarid Ecosystems
- Effects of Fluid Circulation in Subducting Crust on Megathrust Temperatures in Nankai Margin
- Episodicity of Orogeny Revisited
- Eruptions of Mount Erebus Volcano Constrained with Infrasound, Video, and Doppler Radar
- Evaluation of Flexible Array Station Performance and Ambient Noise Analysis Using 500 Days of Continuous Recordings
- Evidence for Complex Mixing Processes Controlling the Composition of a Wide Range of Alkaline Volcanic Rocks at Minna Bluff, Antarctica.
- Exploring topographic and climatic controls on vegetation dynamics in the North American Monsoon Region.
- High Resolution Imaging of the Aspen Anomaly - CREST and USArray
- High-Speed Video, Mapping and Broadband Electric Field Recordings of Lightning
- Imaging the Socorro Magma Body Using Free Above-Ground Sources
- Infrasound Observations from Lightning
- Initial Observations of Lightning and Electrical Activity from the 2008 Chaiten Eruption.
- Interannual and Intraseasonal Interactions Between Greening Process and Soil Moisture in the North American Monsoon Region in Northwestern Mexico
- Leveraging Educational, Research and Facility Expertise to Improve Global Seismic Monitoring: Preparing a Guide on Sustainable Networks
- Lightning Mapping Observations of the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Linking International Development Actors to Geophysical Infrastructure: Exploring an IRIS Community Role in Bridging a Communications Gap
- Magnesium Oxide Carbonation Rate Law in Saturated Brines
- Monitoring change in volcanoes
- New Mexico Scintillometer Network in Support of Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- New Mexico Scintillometer Network in Support of Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- Numerical modeling of the formation of the screening charge near the thundercloud boundaries and its impact on the initiation and early stages of development of blue and gigantic jets
- Ocean wave generation by collapsing ice shelves
- Opal Cementation of Hemipelagic Sediment: Influence on Sediment Consolidation
- POLENET Seismic and GPS Network in West Antarctica
- Paleomagnetic Field Properties at High Southern Latitude, Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica
- Petrology of Inclusion-Rich Lavas at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: Implications for Magma Origin, Differentiation and Eruption Dynamics
- Progressive Salinization and Chemical Evolution of the Rio Grande (New Mexico) Driven by Interaction of Deep Brine Leakage with Agricultural Processes
- Reaction of CO2 and brine at the interface between Portland cement and casing steel: Application to CO2 sequestration
- Residence Time Distribution in Dynamically Changing Hydrologic Systems
- Saturn's North Polar Hexagon Numerical Modeling Results
- Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Structure and Magmatism Beneath Montserrat During SEA-CALIPSO
- Sensing turbulent flow and heat transport in a cave conduit
- Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Multiple Geophysical Data Sets and 3D Tomography
- Specification of the Earth's Plasmasphere with Data Assimilation
- Stress Changes and Aftershock Distribution of the Java Tsunami Earthquakes
- Sub-Orbital Measurements of Energetic Radiation Near Thunderstorms: A Review
- The Influence of Satellite-based Estimates of Precipitation on Modeled Land Surface States and Fluxes over the North American Monsoon Region
- The Role of Climatic Variability on Rio Grande Salinity and Water Balances
- The Role of Fluids in Triggering Earthquakes: Observations From Reservoir Induced Earthquakes
- The Temporal and Spatial Association of Faulting and Volcanism in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field - Rio Grande Rift, USA
- The Transformation of a Semiarid Ecosystem Due to Severe Drought and How It Has Influenced the Hydrologic Cycle Across Varying Scales
- The use of Stable Isotopes to Assess Climatic Controls on Groundwater Recharge in the Southern Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
- Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm: Analysis of Some Interesting Flashes
- Using Infrasound to Locate Eruptive Sources at Erebus and Santiaguito Volcanoes
- Vector Electric Field Measurements Near an Intra-Cloud Lightning Channel
- Volcanic and Glacial Geology of the Miocene Minna Bluff Volcanic Complex, Antarctica
- A Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model of the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- Along-Strike Variations in Shallow Earthquake Distribution and Source Parameters Along the Kurile-Kamchatka Arc
- An AOTF-LDTOF Spectrometer Suite for In Situ Organic Detection and Characterization
- Apparent Stress Variations at the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica and the Role of Subducting Topography
- Carbonate dissolution in mixed waters due to ocean acidification
- Characterization of the August 2009 New Mexico earthquake swarm in the central Rio Grande rift
- Comparison of Ambient Noise From Two Station Designs, Evaluating USArray's Transportable and Flexible Arrays in the Pacific Northwest
- Controlled-source seismic investigations of the crustal structure beneath Erebus volcano and Ross Island, Antarctica: Preliminary Results
- Crust and Upper Mantle Shear Wave Structure of Antarctica From Seismic Ambient Noise
- DUSEL and the future of deep terrestrial microbiology (Invited)
- Decoupling of Monsoon Precipitation and Erosion Rates along the Eastern Nepal Himalaya
- Development of the Langmuir Electric Field Array (LEFA)
- Dissection of a composite volcanic earthquake at the silicic dome of Santiaguito (Guatemala) (Invited)
- Dynamic residence time distributions of sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones
- Dynamic uplift of the Colorado Rockies and western Colorado Plateau in the last 6 Ma driven by mantle flow and buoyancy: Evidence from the Colorado River region
- Dynamics of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in Double Diffusion Mixing Zones
- Ecohydrology of Deep Fractured Rocks at Homestake DUSEL
- Effects of topography and atmospheric structure on volcano infrasound
- Erosionally Exhumed Fill and Floor of a Ring-Fault-Bounded Plate-Subsidence Caldera: 33.2-Ma Bonanza, Southwest Colorado
- From Texas to the Northwest Territories: Low temperature history of the North American craton using a radiation damage model for apatite He diffusion
- Geophysical Profiling of the New England Continental Shelf: Insights to Depositional History, Glaciations, and Subseafloor Freshwater
- Green’s function estimates from body-wave autocorrelations of Strombolian eruption coda at Erebus volcano: Evidence for temporally varying shallow magmatic structure
- H2O-CO2 solubility in basanite: Applications to volatile sources and degassing behavior at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (8) A Fluid Inclusion Study of Magmatic Gases at the Krafla Geothermal Field
- Improved Teleseismic Locations of Shallow Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Influence of Phreatic Conduit Floods on Matrix Storage in Unconfined Karst
- Infrasonic Observations from Triggered Lightning
- Investigating Along-Strike Variations of Source Parameters for Relocated Thrust Earthquakes Along the Sumatra-Java Subduction Zone
- Is low-angle normal fault slip aided by local stress rotations?: Assessment of paleostress inversion methods
- Joint inversion of teleseismic body wave residuals and Joint Inversion of Teleseismic Body Wave Residuals and Bouguer Gravity Data to Constrain the Origin of the Colorado Rockies
- Lightning and electrical activity during the 2009 eruptions of Redoubt Volcano
- Lightning and the evolution of electrical activity during the explosions of Mt. Redoubt
- Links Between Geologic Conditions and Lateral Seismicity Variations in Circum-Pacific Subduction Zones (Invited)
- Lithospheric Architecture and Mantle-Supported Topography of the Colorado Plateau Constrained by Receiver Function Imaging
- Long-Term Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Model Constraints on Magnitudes and Driving Forces for Passive Margins
- Microseisms and Globally Widespread Changes in Extreme Storm Frequency (Invited)
- Multi-Scale Transport Properties of Fine-Grained Rocks: A Case Study of the Kirtland Formation, San Juan Basin, USA
- Multi-Tracer Investigation of Groundwater Residence Time in a Karstic Aquifer: Bitter Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA
- Observations of Precursor Breakdown Prior to Intracloud Lightning Discharges
- Observations of the Electrical Activity of the Redoubt Volcano in Alaska
- On the Observed Ecohydrologic Dynamics of a Semiarid Catchment with Topographic Induced Microclimatic Controls
- Photochemical production of CH3Br: Possibly the unknown source
- Predictions in ungauged basins: Potential challenges and development of a one parameter model
- Quantification of the Dedolomitization Rate for Correction of Groundwater 14C Ages in Aquifers of the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Seawater alteration of Arctic mid-ocean ridge basalts
- Seismic Anisotropy of the Antarctic Upper Mantle from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET and AGAP Seismograms
- Small scale convection at the edge of the Colorado Plateau: Implications for topography, magmatism, and evolution of Proterozoic lithosphere
- Source Repeatability of Time-Lapse Offset VSP Surveys for Monitoring CO2 Injection
- Spatial and temporal variations in seismicity and uplift within the Socorro Magma Body region in central New Mexico
- Specifying the Earth's Plasmasphere With Data Assimilation of Ground-Based Field-Line Resonance Measurements
- Temporal Changes in Eruption Dynamics at Tungurahua Volcano Deduced from Infrasonic Measurements, June 2009
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Support in Polar Regions, UNAVCO pilot projects 2008-2009
- Testing competing caldera models using U/Pb geochronology and trace-element modeling in the Questa Caldera, New Mexico
- The Geochronology and Geochemistry of Caldera-related Plutons in the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field: Insight into the Volcanic-plutonic Connection
- The Socorro Geothermal System: A Low Temperature Geothermal Resource
- Then and Now, 25 Years of Progress Using Portable Arrays: The IRIS-PASSCAL Program
- Thermal effects of seamount subduction on the Nankai margin
- Thermal maturation of incrementally assembled plutons
- Time-Correlated High-Speed Video and Lightning Mapping Array Results For Triggered Lightning Flashes
- Time-Varying Lags between Short-Period and Very Long Period Strombolian Eruption Seismic Signals at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Topographic Effects on Ground Motion at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Ultra-long period seismic signals indicate cyclic deflation coincident with eruptions at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala
- Uplift and Exhumation along the Arun River (Eastern Nepal): Implications for the Mechanism of Uplift of the High Himalaya and the Coupling between Erosion and Tectonics (Invited)
- Very Broadband Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion (0.06 - 60 Hz) and Shear-Wave Velocity Structure Under Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site
- Virtual cohorts and face-to-face recruitment: Strategies for cultivating the next generation of the IRIS Community
- Walkaway VSP Monitoring of CO2 Injection at the SACROC Oil Field in Texas
- , Recorded at Ladron Peak, Central New Mexico
- A Low-Power Sensor Network for Long Duration Monitoring in Deep Caves
- A Two-dimensional Magnetoseismic Network in the United States
- Acoustic Manifestations of Natural versus Triggered Lightning
- Analysis of Ground Water Flow and Deformation in the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- Brief Lifespans and Rapid Recurrence of Large Ignimbrite-Caldera Cycles (Super-Eruptions) in the Mid-Tertiary Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field, Colorado-New Mexico
- CRONUS-Earth: The Wrap-Up
- Can we restore global phytoplankton, the westerly winds and other aspects of climate using geoengineering?
- Comparison of earthquake source parameters and interseismic plate coupling variations in global subduction zones (Invited)
- Cosmogenic Chlorine-36 Global Production Rate Parameter Calibration
- Crust and Mantle Structure Beneath the Colorado Plateau (Invited)
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using the AGAP and POLENET Seismic Deployments
- Dynamics of Mineral Precipitation in Diffusion Controlled Mixing Zones
- Effects of Flow Dynamics on Age Distributions
- Evapotranspiration Retrieval through Optical/Thermal Satellite Imagery and Ground Measurements in the Green River Basin, Wyoming
- Evidence for Temporally Varying Shallow Magmatic Structure at Erebus Volcano from Correlations of Repeating Strombolian Eruption Coda
- First Microbial Community Assessment of Borehole Fluids from the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL)
- Fluid flow in ocean crust cools the Cascadia subduction zone
- How Widespread is 2.4-2.2 Ga Continental Crust?
- How do volcanoes deform immediately prior to an eruption: Observations of deformation inside a vent and on an active dome
- Hydrogeologic Framework of the Salt Basin, New Mexico and Texas
- Hydrological Alterations Due to Climate-Induced Regional Vegetation Change
- Ice-Sheet Aquifer Interactions within the midcontinent, USA: Implications for CO2 Sequestration (Invited)
- Imaging the atmosphere using volcanic infrasound recorded on a dense local sensor network
- Influence of pedogenic carbonate on hydrologic properties of semi-arid soils
- Investigation of the infrasound produced by geophysical events such as volcanoes, thunder, and avalanches: the case for local infrasound monitoring (Invited)
- Lightning Leader Stepping
- Lightning Magnetic Field Measurements around Langmuir Laboratory
- Lightning Mapping and Electric Field Change Observations of a Stationary New Mexico Storm
- Lightning Observations with the Upgraded Lanmguir Lab Lightning Mapping Array
- Linking Glaciation and Groundwater on Greenland: Implications for Subsurface Porefluid Chemistry and Sea-Level Rise
- Low Cost Stochastic Estimation of Optimal Regularization Parameter and Model Resolution Matrix Diagonal in Large Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Mantle Lithosphere Support of Colorado Rocky Mountain Elevation: 3D Tomography from CREST
- Miocene West Directed Back Thrusting in the Southeast Pamir, China
- Modeling Field Line Resonances in the Inner Plasmasphere with the Field Line Interhemispheric Plasma Model
- Monitoring the Environment in a Lava Tube with a Wireless Sensor Network
- Nature and Origin of Volcanogenic Salts Deposits around the Crater of Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- New constraints on inner core anisotropy structure from data recorded at newly deployed seismic stations in Antarctic
- Observations of the Behavior of Multiple Channel Branches in Triggered Lightning
- Observations of volcanic Lightning (Invited)
- Onset of oblique extension in south-central Tibet by 15 Ma: implications for diachronous extension of the Tibetan Plateau
- Paleostress analyses in the uppermost footwalls of the Whipple detachment and the West Salton detachment faults, southern California
- Photographic and LMA observations of a blue starter over a New Mexico thunderstorm
- Photographic and Lightning Mapping Observations of the 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull
- Plasmaspheric Data Assimilation using LANL Satellite Plasmapause Crossings
- Post- Cretaceous stability and lithospheric architecture of the Colorado Plateau (CP): multiple working hypotheses for complex Moho structure. (Invited)
- Prototype of a low cost multiparameter probe
- Receiver functions on ice: crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Reconstructing western Grand Canyon's lava dams and their failure mechanisms: new insights from geochemical correlation and 40Ar/39Ar dating
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using conjugate magnetometer chains SAMBA, MEASURE, and McMAC
- Seasonality of Shallow Icequakes at Mount Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Stable isotope, cation chemistry and petrographic evidence of multiple water sources influencing the alteration of Antarctic hyaloclastites
- Strain rate field for Arizona and the Colorado Plateau estimated using campaign and continuous GPS velocities
- Streamflow Generation Processes and Structured Trends in Streamflow Chemistry in a Large, Alpine Watershed: Is Groundwater the Connection?
- Subducted bathymetric features linked to variations in earthquake apparent stress along the northern Japan Trench
- Supporting Ice Seismology
- Temporal evolution of hyporheic dissolved organic carbon
- The Antarctic POLENET Project: Status, Initial Results, Future Challenges
- The Suitability of Conductive and Convective Geothermal Resources in New Mexico for EGS Systems
- The effect of topography driven groundwater flow on deep subsurface temperatures in the Roer Valley Graben (southern Netherlands)
- The life cycle of Redoubt's volcanic lightning storms
- Thermal legacy of near-ridge hydrothermal circulation reduces estimates of ridge flank advective heat loss
- Timing of Expansions of the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, and Implications for Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rate Calibration
- Two-dimensional Tomographic Inversion Model of Ross Island, Antarctica
- Understanding Interplanetary Shock Dynamics in the Inner Heliosphere with New Observations and Modeling Techniques
- Vent geometry detected from infrasound observation on Villaricca volcano, Chile
- What does the 2003 SouthWest USA vegetation dieback event tell us about vegetation resilience to climate change? Results from a high-resolution land surface modeling exercise
- 2011 Exploratory Lightning Field Studies
- 3-D reflectivity model of shallow magmatic structure using body wave seismic interferometry applied to Strombolian eruption coda for Erebus volcano
- A Maturing Tephra Record in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A New Look at an Old Proxy: Spring Chemistry as an Indicator of the Solute Weathering Release from Deep Groundwater Systems
- A new method of tree xylem water extraction for isotopic analysis
- Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic Characterization of Jurassic Navajo Formation Deformation During Axisymmetric Compression Testing
- Acoustic Network Localization and Interpretation of Infrasonic Pulses from Lightning
- Agent-based modeling of hyporheic dissolved organic carbon transport and transformation
- Along-Strike Variations of Source Parameters for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes
- Analyzing the Possibility of Dynamic Earthquake Triggering in Socorro, New Mexico
- Ar-Ar Phlogopite Geochronology of the Navajo Volcanic Field and the Ship Rock Diatreme of Northwest New Mexico Define a 1.4 Ma Pulse of Potassic Magmatism
- Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model
- CME Parameter Input to ENLIL: LASCO halo cone versus STEREO measurements
- Characteristics of VLF and ELF sferics associated with TLEs observed in a combined aircraft and ground-based campaign in 2011
- Characterizing and Predicting Surface Melt in Antarctica
- Combined VHF Broadband Interferometer and Lightning Mapping Array Observations of Lightning Discharge Processes
- Combined current measurements and LMA observations of rocket-triggered lightning at Langmuir Lab
- Complementary Methods for Volcanic Seismic Source Discrimination
- Crustal structure beneath Eastern Greenland
- Deciphering Past and Present Tectonics of the Rio Grande Rift in New Mexico Utilizing Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology, Geochronology, Quaternary Faulting, and Cross-Section Restoration
- Deciphering the history and causes of the cryptic rise and fall of continental interiors using low temperature thermochronology
- Depositional phasing of volcanic aerosols in the WAIS Divide ice core over the past 2400 years
- Design of a Miniaturized Langmuir Plasma Probe for the QuadSat/PnP
- Detection of Seismic Sources Associated with Ice Movement in Antarctica using POLENET Seismic Array, AGAP Seismic Array, and GSN Seismic Stations
- Determining trustworthy boundaries for 4D watershed models
- Development of an automated in situ analyzer based on ferrozine colorimetry and flow injection analysis to analyze iron in freshwater systems
- Differential exhumation rates in the High Himalaya perpendicular to the orogenic convergence: from Mt. Everest to the Arun River gorge
- Does Late Miocene Exhumation Along the Western Slope of the Colorado Rockies Reflect Differential Rock Uplift?
- Dynamic topography of the western Great Plains: landscape evidence for mantle-driven uplift associated with the Jemez lineament of NE New Mexico and SE Colorado
- Energy and Power Spectra of Thunder in the Magdalena Mountains, Central New Mexico
- Experimental constraints on the crystallization and evolution of primitive magmas from Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Field Line Resonance Measurements in the Inner Magnetosphere During Large Storms: Implications for Convection and Depletion
- First results of the Ebro Delta Lightning Mapping Array
- Flow dynamics and connectivity of meandering streams and shallow aquifers: an observational study in northern New Mexico
- Geologic Map of the Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
- Geologic Mapping in Nogal Peak Quadrangle: Geochemistry, Intrusive Relations and Mineralization in the Sierra Blanca Igneous Complex, New Mexico
- Geothermal Exploration of the Winston Graben, Central New Mexico, USA
- High-Resolution 3-D Upper Mantle Seismic and Density Imaging beneath the Southern Rocky Mountains from Simultaneous Inversion of Body Waves, Bouguer Gravity, and Surface Waves
- High-Speed Camera and High-Vision Camera Observations of TLEs from Jet Aircraft in Winter Japan and in Summer US
- High-resolution 3-D P-wave tomographic imaging of the shallow magmatic system of Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Hydrothermal Circulation Effects Provide New Constraints on Subduction Zone Temperatures in the Seismogenic Zone: Chile and Alaska
- Imaging thunder
- Implementation and evaluation of an inexpensive low-power low-noise infrasound sensor and its use in a dense sensor network around an active volcanic vent
- Intense monotonic infrasound at Volcan Villarrica: Insights from an Integrated Seismo-acousto-optico-thermo-UV imager field approach
- Introducing the ARGUS VI mass spectrometer to geo and thermochronology
- Investigation of spatial variations in earthquake source and frictional characteristics in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan earthquake rupture zone
- Layered Fault Rocks Below the West Salton Detachment Fault (WSDF), CA Record Multiple Seismogenic? Slip Events and Transfer of Material to a Fault Core
- Location of acoustic radiators and inversion for energy density using radio-frequency sources and thunder recordings
- MDD Analysis of Microtexturally Characterized K-Feldspar Fragments
- Mantle flow deduced from geochemical variations in alkaline magmas of HIMU affinity from continent to ocean, northwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Mixing Zones and Mineral Precipitation Dynamics in Porous Media
- Multi-Layer, Sharp-Interface Models of Pore Pressure Buildup within the Illinois Basin due to Basin-Wide CO2 Injection
- Observations of High-altitude Negative Lightning Leaders
- Observations of a Naturally-Triggered Upward-Initiated Positive CG Lightning Flash
- Organic Carbon from the Deep Subsurface: The Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Permeability, Fracture Clusters, and Stress State:Implications for Mine-based Studies of EcoHydrology
- Petrogenesis of alkaline magmas at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: evidence for multi-stage differentiation and complex mixing processes
- Physico-Chemical Processes Associated with Low-Angle Normal Fault Initiation at the Brittle-Plastic Transition
- Properties Affecting Karst Conduit Hyporheic Flow
- Properties of Repetitive Long-Period Seismicity at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Quelccaya Ice Cap extents during the last glacial-interglacial transition: evidence for rapid climate changes in the southern tropics during Younger Dryas time
- Receiver functions from west Antarctica; crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Relationship between structures of sprite streamers and inhomogeneity of preceding halos captured by high-speed camera during a combined aircraft and ground-based campaign
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using ground magnetometers and the FLIP model
- Role of Faults in Controlling Hydrothermal Fluid Flow, Salinity, Helium, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Transport along the Rio Grande Rift
- Search for along-strike variations in earthquake source parameters for seismicity within the February 27, 2010 Mw=8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture zone
- Seasonal to centennial-scale variability of microparticle concentration and size distribution in the WAIS Divide ice core over the past 2.4 ka
- Seismic Noise Levels Across Antarctica
- Soil Unit Delineation in Semi-Arid Regions Using Remotely Sensed Data
- Statistical algorithms for tracking and characterizing low contrast targets in simulated MABEL data
- Stereo observations of sprites in support of NHK project: The Cosmic Shore
- Synoptic scale atmospheric forcings on surface melt occurrence on West Antarctic ice shelves
- Temporal and spatial stress-field reorientation in the footwall of two low-angle normal faults (lanf's): Implications for fault weakening and earthquake stress drops
- The August and October, 2008 earthquake swarms on the Explorer/Pacific plate boundary
- There's more than one way to build a caldera magma chamber: Evidence from volcanic-plutonic relationships at three faulted Rio-Grande-rift calderas
- Thermal Studies at the Middle America Trench Offshore Costa Rica and Nankai Trough, Japan
- Tracking the Effect of Sea Ice Cover on Microseismic Noise Using Two Seismic Arrays in Antarctica
- Two-stage growth of the Late Miocene Minna Bluff Volcanic Complex, Ross Embayment, Antarctica: implications for ice-sheet and volcanic histories
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath West Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of POLENET/ANET Data
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Whitmore Mountains, West Antarctic Rift System, and Marie Byrd Land from Body-Wave Tomography
- Using VHF Lightning Observations to Monitor Explosive Volcanic Activity
- Variations of glass composition in the Holocene tephra of Shiveluch volcano (Kamchatka): applications for magmatic history and tephrochronology
- Was the September 3 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand Earthquake Triggered by the 2009 July 15 MW 7.8 Dusky Sound, New Zealand Earthquake, 500 km Away?
- "Rocket-and-wire Triggered Lightning in 2012 Tropical Storm Debby in the Absence of Natural Lightning"
- A Re-evaluation of Global Microseism Intensity and Extremal Statistics
- A petrographic, geochemical and isotopic (O, H, C and Sr) investigation of secondary minerals in volcaniclastic rocks at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: Petrogenesis of alteration and implications for paleoenvironmental conditions
- An Overview of Peach, the Atmospheric Electricity Component of Hymex
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Analysis of Electric Field Change, Interferometric, and Lightning Mapping Data to Study Intra-Cloud Lightning
- Analysis of and results from the GPS component of the Plate Boundary Observatory
- Antarctic Tephrochronology: A Maturing Record of Visible Layers and Cryptotephra
- Bonanza, an "Extreme" Resurgent Ignimbrite-Caldera Cycle in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Characterization of active members in C and N cycles in the subsurface environment of the Witwatersrand Basin
- Charge Structure and Charging Mechanisms in the Plume of Eyjafjallajökull
- Chlorine-36 Production Rate Calibration by the CRONUS-Earth Project
- Configuring The REU Experience To Maximize Student Collaboration
- Correlating Ground-Based Lightning Measurements with Ash Cloud Satellite Data from the 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull Volcano, Iceland
- Crust Structure across the Longmen Shan Thrust Belt from Seismic Refraction and Wide-angle Reflection Experiment of Sinoprobe02
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Antarctica from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Crustal Thickness across West Antarctica from Polenet
- Cyclic Dome Deformation During Vigorous Lava Effusion at Santiaguito Volcano
- Deep Groundwater Contributions to Surface Water in a Mountainous Watershed
- Detailed Ar-Ar Geochronology of Volcanism at Minna Bluff, Antarctica: Two-Phased Growth and Influence on Ross Ice Shelf
- Determination of the plasmapause boundary using ground magnetometer field line resonances, satellite observations, and modeling
- Dynamics of sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones: the effects of hydraulic and biogeochemical timescales
- Effects of Horizontal Resolution on Cumulus Cloud Simulations
- Eruptive history and magmatic stability of Erebus volcano, Antarctica: Insights from englacial tephra
- Estimates of Crustal Structure in Antarctica from S-Wave Receiver Functions
- Estimating the rate and elevation dependence of net accretion in a freshwater tidal marsh using DEM-registered surveys
- Evaluating Mantle-to-Surface Hydrologic Connections in the Rio Grande Rift using Mathematical Modeling
- Evaluating mechanical models for weak fault slip using two low-angle normal faults that slipped at high to moderate angles to the maximum compressive stress
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- Fluid Overpressure Distribution and Permeability Structure in the Cascadia Subduction Zone Under Southern Vancouver Island
- Fractal-based lightning channel length estimation from convex hulls of VHF sources
- Glacially Generated Overpressure Offshore Massachusetts, USA: Integration of Full Seismic Waveform Inversion and Overpressure Modeling
- Glacier seismology in a coastal temperate rainforest
- Global Analysis of Seismogenic Zone Temperatures at Convergent Margins
- Hardware and Software Interfacing at New Mexico Geochronology Research Laboratory: Distributed Control Using Pychron and RemoteControlServer.cs
- Higher Precision: Opening A New 40Ar/39Ar Can Of Worms
- Horizontal Deformation Rates Measured by Ten Years of GPS Observations on the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, USA
- Horizontal and Vertical Velocities across the Rio Grande Rift and Southern Rocky Mountains
- How Trees Interact with Their Hydrologic Environment: a Stable Isotope Study
- Hydrodynamic Entrapment of Petroleum within the Llanos Basin, Colombia
- Hyporheic Exchange Flows and Biogeochemical Patterns near a Meandering Stream: East Fork of the Jemez River, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
- Improved phase arrival estimate and location for local earthquakes in South Korea
- Infra-sound Signature of Lightning
- Infrasound characterization of some Yellowstone geysers' eruptions
- Integrated video and infrasound observations at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Inversion of Acoustic and Electromagnetic Recordings for Mapping Current Flow in Lightning Strikes
- Investigating Geological Controls on the Seismogenic Behavior of Asian Subduction Faults
- Is Hazardous Waste Injection into Basal Aquifers a Good Idea?
- LEISA: CubeSat for Ionospheric Characterization
- Late Cenozoic Colorado River Incision and Implications for Neogene Uplift of the Colorado Rockies
- Life in Inner Space: Subsurface Microbiology Investigations in Underground Research Laboratories and Deep Mines
- Lightning Mapping Observations During DC3 in Northern Colorado
- Lightning in Colorado forest fire smoke plumes during summer 2012
- Monitoring of the Geospace Environment by Ground-based McMAC and Falcon Magnetometers
- Multi-stage uplift of the Colorado Plateau and the age of Grand Canyon and precursor canyons
- New Mexico Tech Satellite Design and Progress
- New mineral chemistry and oxygen isotopes from alkaline basalts in the northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: insights on magma genesis across rifted continental and oceanic lithosphere
- Observation of Lightning Processes Using Upgraded Continuous VHF Broadband Interferometer
- On the Non-redevelopment of Post Tropical Storm Gaston (2010)
- On the meteorology of sprite-producing storms
- Reconnaissance seismology at nine volcanoes of the central Andes
- Sediment-pore water interactions controlling cementation in the NanTroSEIZE drilling transects
- Seismic and Acoustic Array Monitoring of Signal from Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
- Seismic behavior and geodetic locking in areas of rough seafloor subduction
- Simulation of carbon dioxide injection scenarios in the Illinois Basin, USA
- Simulations of the Jovian Stratosphere with diabatic heating and mechanical forcing terms
- Single cell genomics of subsurface microorganisms
- Specific differential phase observations of multicell convection during natural and triggered lightning strikes at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing
- Sprite-producing Convective Storms within the Colorado Lightning Mapping Array
- Subglacial volcanic seismicity in Marie Byrd Land detected by the POLENET/ANET seismic deployment
- The Colorado Lightning Mapping Array
- The High Rock caldera complex, NW Nevada: Geologic mapping, volcanology, geochemistry, and ultra-high precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of early Yellowstone hotspot magmatism
- The Impact of Increasing Westerly Winds on Dimethyl Sulfide Flux over the Southern Ocean: a Possible Positive Climate Feedback
- The McDermitt Caldera, NV-OR, USA: Geologic mapping, volcanology, mineralization, and high precision 40Ar/39Ar dating of early Yellowstone hotspot magmatism
- The New Mexico EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program: Climate Change and Water in New Mexico
- The petrology and source composition of alkaline basalts from the northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica inferred from Re-Os isotope systematics
- Thermochronology of mid-Cretaceous dioritic granulites adjacent "Big Bend" in Australia-Pacific plate boundary, northern South Island, New Zealand
- Thermomechanical Characteristics of the YNP/SRP Region
- Tracking the waning stages of caldera magmatism using exposed subcaldera plutons
- Triangulations of sprites relative to parent lighting near the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array
- UNAVCO Enhanced data products for the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, COCONet, and other regional networks
- Untangling the eco-hydro-geomorphic knot: Insights from an experiment seeking to explain patterns, processes, and feedbacks at the catchment scale
- Volcano geodesy at Santiaguito using ground-based cameras and particle image velocimetry
- Weak middle crust beneath central Tibet: constraints from shoreline deformation around Siling Co
- West Antarctic Surface Melt: Recent Context, Future Directions
- 2-D magnetotelluric investigation of fluid controls involved in ETS in the Cascadia subduction zone
- A mobile water analysis laboratory for the study of stream nutrient and DOC dynamics
- A new Holocene eruptive history of Erebus volcano, Antarctica using cosmogenic 3He and 36Cl
- Acoustic Location of Lightning Using Interferometric Techniques
- Acoustic vs VHF Lightning Location Systems
- Analysis of small earthquake source parameters along the Nicoya Peninsula: Probing changes following the 2012 Mw=7.6 earthquake and within slow slip and tremor zones
- Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath West Antarctica using P-wave receiver functions
- Ancient and modern sites of natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage: Geochemistry and geochronology of Quaternary and modern travertine deposits on the Colorado Plateau, USA, and implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Anomalously High Geothermal Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Are models, uncertainty, and dispute resolution compatible?
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, UT Part I: Inorganic carbon dynamics and constraints on nutrient fluxes in a warm, salty, sulfidic spring
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, Utah. Part II: Microbial Diversity and Photo- and Chemo-Autotrophic Growth Rates in a Layered Microbial Mat
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Deep Groundwater from the Witwatersrand Basin
- Climatology of the types of mesoscale cellular convection, their microphysical properties and radiative impacts
- Comprehensive Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle within East and West Antarctica Based on S-wave Receiver Functions
- Continental subsurface waters support unique but diverse C-acquisition strategies
- Could Fluid Seeps Originate from the Seismogenic Zone? Evidence from Southern Costa Rica
- Crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy beneath the incipient segments of the East African Rift System: Preliminary results from the ongoing SAFARI
- Current Technology of the Lightning Mapping Array
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Evidence for a Nascent Rift in South Sudan: Westward Extension of the East African Rift System?
- Evidence for post-100 Ma deposition, erosion and vertical motion of North American interior regions lacking preserved Cretaceous cover (Invited)
- Evolving dominant charge structures during upscale storm growth in West Texas on 4 June 2012
- Explicit modeling of marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition, and cloud impacts
- Fluid Transport Driven by Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt
- Gas discharges in fumarolic ice caves of Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Global Trends in Ocean Wave State and Extremal Storm Events Examined with Microseism Analysis
- High lake levels at Siling Co, central Tibet, during MIS 5e - 6
- High-frequency Seismic Signals in Antarctica Triggered by the 2010 Mw8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- Hydrologic Modeling of the White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Hydrologic Windows and the Formation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Anomalies along the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Improvements in the chronology, geochemistry and correlation techniques of tephra in Antarctic ice
- Inter-station coda wavefield studies using a novel icequake database on Erebus volcano
- Interferometric Observations of a Bolt from the Blue
- Investigation of Polarimetric and Electrical Characteristics of Natural and Triggered Lightning Strikes
- Is There a Relationship Between Basal Reservoir Injection and Induced Seismicity? (Invited)
- Karst conduit sinuosity as a driver of karst hyporheic exchange
- Lightning Mapping Observations of Volume-Filling Small Discharges in Thunderstorms
- Lightning characterization through acoustic and electromagnetic measurements recorded during the HyMeX SOP1 and simulation of the acoustic nonlinear propagation in realistic thunderstorm meteorological conditions
- Lightning mapping and dual-polarization radar observations of electrified storms at Langmuir Laboratory
- Lithospheric mantle heterogeneity across the continental-oceanic transition, northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica: new evidence from oxygen isotopes
- Magma formation in hot-slab subduction zones: Insights from hydrogen isotopes in Cascade Arc melt inclusions
- Mechanistic Generation of Atmospheric Oscillations in Gas Giant Planets
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- Multiphase Tertiary erosion history and elevation gain of the High Plains of New Mexico and Texas: A signal of widespread mid-Tertiary lithospheric modification?
- New constraints on Neogene uplift of the northern Colorado Plateau
- New perspectives on the evolution of narrow, modest extension continental rifts: Embryonic core complexes and localized, rapid Quaternary extension in the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico
- Parameter estimation for grounding-line transition
- Recovering Seismic Green's Functions Using Icequake Coda Interferometry at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Remarkably Consistent Thermal State of the south Central Chile Subduction Zone from 36°S to 45°S
- Sensor Emplacement Techniques and Seismic Noise Analysis for USArray Transportable Array Seismic Stations
- Source Of Hydrogen Sulfide To Sulfidic Spring And Watershed Ecosystems In Northern Sierra De Chiapas, Mexico Based On Sulfur And Carbon Isotopes
- Stress and Strength of Seismogenic and Creeping Subduction Faults (Invited)
- Temperature Estimates for the Slow Slip Region on the Decollement Underlying the South Flank of Kilauea
- Tephra Deposits in Lake Mead Miocene Sediments: Characteristics, Chronology, and Sources
- The Near-Earth Flyby of Asteroid 2012 DA14 (Invited)
- The New IRIS DMC Noise Toolkit
- The New Mexico EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program: A Successful Summer Research Program for Community College and PUI College Students
- The Relationship Between Continuing Current and Positive Breakdown
- The Significance of Deep Groundwater Contributions to Streamflow in a Crystalline Bedrock Mountain Watershed
- The dominating impact of small-scale streambed structural heterogeneity on hyporheic exchange and biogeochemical hotspots in lowland rivers
- The dynamics of the plasmasphere boundary layer as determined by ground magnetometers, satellite observations, and modeling
- The interpolar CH<SUB>4</SUB> gradient associated with DO#7
- The relationship between streamflow in the El Rito watershed, New Mexico, and recharge variability, residence times, and springflow
- The use of subsurface thermal data, isotopic tracers and earthquake hypocenter locations to unravel deep regional flow systems within the crystalline basement beneath the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico. (Invited)
- Three Surface Melt Mechanisms in West Antarctica Elucidated by Self-Organizing Maps
- Three dimensional crust and upper mantle velocity structure of Antarctica from seismic noise correlation (Invited)
- Thunderstorm lifecycle and morphological influences on lightning channel distributions (Invited)
- Time and length scales of active deformation in weakly and strongly magmatic rift zones in East Africa (Invited)
- Time and space correlation between sprites and lightning flash events for a storm case during HyMeX campaign
- Tomographic evidence for recent extension in the Bentley Subglacial Trench and a hotspot beneath Marie Byrd Land
- Triggered Upward Negative Lightning Leaders
- Using Cross Correlation and Subspace Detection Methods to Identify Earthquakes Recorded by the Cascadia Initiative Seismic Dataset
- Using Quaternary fluvial terraces as structural indicators of magma body-related uplift, Socorro, NM
- Using Transportable Array and CREST data to define seismicity in the Rio Grande Rift
- Using Volcanic Lightning Measurements to Discern Variations in Explosive Volcanic Activity
- Using melt inclusions to track the evolution of primitive alkalic magmas from Ross Island, Antarctica
- Utilizing Yagi antennas in Lightning Mapping Array to detect low-power VHF signals
- Will A Warmer West Antarctic Also Bring A Wetter Ice Sheet?
- a Comparative Study of Sequences of Pulses Occuring Prior to the First Stroke of a Lightning Flash
- A Comparison of Sprite Locations to Flash Structure
- A Study of Regional Wave Source Time Functions of Central Asian Earthquakes
- Acoustic Location of Lightning with Dense Arrays
- An Overview of Ozone Variability during SEAC4RS from the Seacions Ozonesonde Network
- Antarctic Tephra Database (AntT)
- Application of HydroGeoSphere to model the response to anthropogenic climate change of three-dimensional hydrological processes in the geologically, geothermally, and topographically complex Valles Caldera super volcano, New Mexico: Preliminary results
- Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe
- Bayesian state-space model estimation of canopy height with next-generation space-borne LiDAR
- Boulder Ozone Sonde Data Analyses for Multiple Tropopause Origins
- Bringing Together Co-located Geological, Geophysical and Hydrogeologic Observations of Cemented Fault-Zone Permeability
- Cassini ISS Update on Seasonally Evolving Northern Hemisphere, and a new Hexagon Model
- Cohesive model applied to fracture propagation in Indiana Limestone
- Comparing Geodetic Data Quality from PBO and non-PBO GPS Stations at Decadal and Continental Scales
- Comparison of Remotely Sensed Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Products for a Statewide Water Assessment of New Mexico
- Connecting Wastewater Injection and Seismicity through Pore Pressure
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Continental Shelf Freshwater Water Resources and Enhanced Oil Recovery By Low Salinity Water Flooding
- Corner Frequency Variation in the Southeastern Region of the 1992 Nicaragua Tsunami Earthquake
- Counter-intuitive Behavior of Subduction Zones: Weak Faults Rupture, Strong Faults Creep
- Deep Groundwater Circulation within Crystalline Basement Rocks and the Role of Hydrologic Windows in the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Low-Temperature Geothermal System
- Deformation Along the Rio Grande Rift: Investigating the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Strain Using GPS
- Determining Sorption Properties of Pyrogenic Black Carbon for Some Heavy Metals
- Development of the Next Generation of Seismological Instrumentation for Polar Environments
- Distribution, Transport, and Accumulation of Pyrogenic Black Carbon in Post-Wildfire Watersheds
- Evidence From Adakitic Rocks For Lithosphere Recycling At The U.S. East Coast Volcanic Rifted Margin
- Evidence for Long-Time Scale ( > 10<SUP>3</SUP> years) Changes in Hydrothermal Activity Induced By Seismic Events
- Extensive CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage From Extinct and Modern CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoirs in New Mexico and Arizona: Evaluating the Role of Seal Bypass and Large-Volume Travertine Deposition With Implications For CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration
- Fluid-Control of the Crustal Brittle-Plastic Transition (BPT) During Extension: Permanent Embrittlement at High Temperatures
- GPS data analysis and results from the Geodesy Advancing Geosciences and EarthScope (GAGE) project
- Hydrogen and Carbon Stable Isotopic Compositions and Concentrations of Methane in Cave Air of Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico
- Impacts of Organic Macromolecules, Chlorophyll and Soot on Arctic Sea Ice
- Incorporating Watershed-Scale Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions to Better Understand How ENSO/PDO Teleconnections Affect Streamflow Variability in Geologically Complex, Semiarid, Snow-Dominated Mountainous Watersheds
- Interaction Between Magmatism and Continental Extension, Insight From an Extensional Terrain in the Iranian Plateau
- Interactions Between Riparian Evapotranspiration and Streambed Infiltration As Expressed in Shallow Alluvial Aquifer Levels
- Interferometric Observations of Lightning Initiation
- Is Plate Tectonics Speeding up with Time?
- Local Sources for the "Megadust" Events at the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model
- Modeled Temperatures and Fluid Source Distributions for the Mexico Subduction Zone: Effects of Hydrothermal Cooling and Implications for Plate Boundary Seismic Processes
- Multi-scale Hydrologic Modeling of the White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Observations of fast VHF-bright positive breakdown
- Patterns in Polar Climate Change: How Well Do GCMs Capture Melt-Season Variability?
- Phreatomagmatic eruptions under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: potential hazard for ice sheet stability
- Quasi-Static Electric Field Signatures of Intra-Cloud Stepped Leaders
- Reactive transport modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in the Farnsworth, Texas hydrocarbon field
- Recalibration of Coupled Optical/Thermal MODIS Infrared Surface Melt Magnitude Retrieval During the Spatially-Extensive 2012 Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Event
- Relative Importance of Karst-Conduit Hyporheic Zones Co-occuring at Different Spatial Scales
- Remote Sensing of Soil Water Storage Capacity Using the Landsat and MODIS Image Archives
- Revised Earthquake Catalog and Relocated Hypocenters Near Fluid Injection Wells and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Southeastern New Mexico
- Source Parameters of Large Magnitude Subduction Zone Earthquakes Along Oaxaca, Mexico
- Source Variations of Small Magnitude Events in the Downdip Region of the Mexican Subduction Zone.
- Spatial Patterns of Plant Litter and Sedimentation in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh and Implications for Marsh Persistence
- Successes and Challenges in the SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience) REU Program
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Earthquake Source Parameters within the 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.6 Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Testing a community water supply well located near a stream for susceptibility to stream contamination and low-flows.
- The 2014 Mw 6.0 Napa Earthquake, California: Observations from Real-time GPS-enhanced Earthquake Early Warning
- The Effect of Near-Trench Fluid Circulation on Slab Dehydration Depth in the Chile Subduction Zone
- The Puzzle of Septarian Concretions
- The Role of Structure and Stratigraphy on Surface-Water Interactions in a Gaining Reach of the EL Rito Watershed
- Thirty Years Supporting Portable Arrays: The IRIS Passcal Instrument Center
- Thunderstorm Charge Structures in South Dakota, Colorado, and New Mexico
- Timing and driving mechanisms for multi-stage uplift of the Southern Rocky Mountains: Evidence from thermochronology and detrital zircon analysis
- Understanding High Temperature Gradients in the Buckman Well Field, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Understanding connectivity of meandering streams and shallow aquifers: Lessons learned from an observational study in northern New Mexico
- Unique Thermal Histories from Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Data
- Using Satellite-based Evapotranspiration Estimation to Characterize Agricultural Irrigation Water Use
- Using high-precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology to understand volcanic hazards within the Rio Grande rift and along the Jemez lineament, New Mexico
- VHF Lightning Mapping Observations of Screening Charge Flashes at Thunderstorm Tops
- What Formed the Basement Ridges on the Indian Plate?
- Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Interlaboratory Calibration into the Holocene.
- A 3-D view of field-scale fault-zone cementation from geologically ground-truthed electrical resistivity
- A Conceptual Model to Link Anomalously High Temperature Gradients in the Cerros del Rio Volcanic Field to Regional Flow in the Espanola Basin, New Mexico
- A Long Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from Stoneman Lake, Arizona
- A Multi-scale Approach for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites
- A Thermochronometric Approach to Understanding Exhumation in the Southern Colorado Rockies
- A new model for the initiation, crustal architecture, and extinction of pull-apart basins
- Acoustic vs Interferometric Measurements of Lightning
- Age of Carving the Westernmost Grand Canyon: Conflicts and Potential Resolutions that Reconcile Geologic and Thermochronologic Data
- An Update to the EARTHTIME Argon Intercalibration Pipette System (APIS): Smoking from the Same Pipe
- Are Springs Important in the Post-fire Revegetation of Semiarid, Snow-dominated, Mountainous Watersheds?
- Atmospheric Processing of Iron-Containing Mineral Dust Aerosol: A Major Source of Bioavailable Iron to Ocean Life
- Biogenic Carbon on Mars: A Subsurface Chauvinistic Viewpoint
- Birth and evolution of the Rio Grande-Rio Chama fluvial system: The influence of magma-driven dynamic topography on fluvial systems over the last 8 Ma
- Changing El Niño Patterns and the Possible Impact on DMS and Climate
- Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data
- Combining Interferometer, LMA, and ΔE measurements on positive cloud-to-ground flashes over Langmuir Laboratory
- Configuration and Correlation of Fluvial Terrace Deposits In the Lower Rio Salado Valley: A Record of Magmatic Uplift and Active Normal Faulting in the Rio Grande Rift
- Coupling Magnetotellurics and Hydrothermal Modeling to Further Understand Geothermal Resources
- Crustal Velocity Structure of the Rio Grande Rift and Rocky Mountains from Local Earthquakes and Blasts Recorded by USArray and CREST
- Detection and location of earthquakes along the west coast of Chile: Examining seismicity in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule and 2014 M 8.1 Iquique earthquake rupture zones.
- Downhole Microseismic Monitoring at a Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Site, Farnsworth Unit, Ochiltree County, Texas
- Effects of Clay Mineral Provenance and Clay Diagenesis on the Hanging Wall of a Megasplay Fault: Results from Riser Drilling, Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment
- Event Detection and Location of Earthquakes Using the Cascadia Initiative Dataset
- Evidence of Failure on Low-Angle Normal Faults from Thermochronology and Paleomagnetism: A Case Study from South Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, Arizona
- Experimental serpentinization of dunite cores at 150-200ºC and 150 bar: Importance of open system dynamics for hydrogen generation and stabilization of ferric-rich serpentine
- Extending the Record of Greenland Ice Sheet Subsurface Meltwater: Exploring New Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing Data
- Feldspars Detected by ChemCam in Gale Crater with Implications for Future Martian Exploration
- Field Testing GEOICE: A Next-Generation Polar Seismometer
- Fluid Substitution Modeling to Determine Sensitivity of 3D Vertical Seismic Profile Data to Injected CO<SUB>2</SUB> at an active Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Project, Farnsworth field, TX.
- Formation of Continental Fragments: The Tamayo Bank, Gulf of California
- Frequency and Size of Strombolian Eruptions from the Phonolitic Lava Lake at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica: Insights from Infrasound and Seismic Observations on Bubble Formation and Ascent
- From mountains to the ocean: quantifying connectivity along the river corridor
- GPS measurements of deformation near the Rio Grande rift: Evidence for variations in the rate of extension
- Hydromechanical Failure Analysis Associated with Laurentide Ice Sheet Glaciations
- Ice nucleating particles from biomass combustion: emission rates and the role of refractory black carbon
- Ice shelf structure from dispersion curve analysis of passive-source seismic data, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Influence of the spatial distribution of cementation on the permeability and mechanical attributes of sedimentary and fault rocks
- Investigations on Real-time GPS for Earthquake Early Warning
- Lessons Learned From Large-Scale Evapotranspiration and Root Zone Soil Moisture Mapping Using Ground Measurements (meteorological, LAS, EC) and Remote Sensing (METRIC)
- Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice - Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll
- Lightning During the Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Linking the Antarctic tephra record across the continent and beyond
- Magma mixing and degassing processes in the magma chamber of Gorely volcano (Kamchatka): evidence from whole-rock and olivine chemistry.
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Multiscale Multiphysics Caprock Seal Analysis: A Case Study of the Farnsworth Unit, Texas, USA
- New Data on mid-Miocene Rhyolite Volcanism in Eastern Oregon Extend Early, co-CRBG Rhyolite Flare up and Constrain Storage Sites of Grande Ronde Flood Basalts
- Observations of High Peak Current 'lull' Lightning Flashes
- Observations of electrical discharges during eruptions of Sakurajima volcano
- Permeability Evolution During Reactive Flow Experiments on Cores Under CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Conditions and Development of Fully Coupled Reactive Flow Simulations at the Reservoir Scale
- Pore pressure evolution and induced seismicity within the Permian Basin, Southeast New Mexico USA
- Preliminary Results from the 2015 NMT Interferometer Campaign in Colorado
- Quantifying the Effect of Thinning Vegetation on Evapotranspiration in a Mountainous Watershed through Remote Sensing: Improving Water Balance Estimates for Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in a commerical-scale EOR Site
- Signal Detection and Earthquake Catalogue Development Using a Short-term, Over 800-station, Mixed-mode Seismic Array Deployed Above the Socorro Magma Body, NM
- Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
- Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of a Large, Hotspot-related Rhyolite of the Pacific Northwest: The Littlefield Rhyolite, Eastern Oregon
- Structural analysis characterization of permeability pathways across reservoir-seal interface - South-Eastern Utah; Results from integrated sedimentological, structural, and geochemical studies.
- Subsurface Characterization and Seismic Monitoring for the Southwest Partnerships Phase III Demonstration Project at Farnsworth Field, TX
- Teleseismic Earthquake Signals Observed on an Ice Shelf
- Testing simple methodologies to estimate at-a-station hydraulic geometry in large river networks with limited observations
- The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull and 2011 Grimsvötn ash plumes as seen by GPS
- The dynamics of stream-aquifer connectivity: an observational study in northern New Mexico
- The stability of lithospheric steps: The Cordillera-craton transition in western North America
- Toward Improvements in Inter-laboratory Calibration of Argon Isotope Measurements
- U-series Dating of Syntectonic Calcite Veins Constrains the Time Scales of the Elements of the Seismic Cycle in an Intraplate Normal Fault
- Using Seismic Noise Generated by Ocean Waves to Monitor Seasonal and Secular Changes in Antarctic Sea Ice
- When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
- Whole-Rock <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Step-heating Analyses, Problems and Potential
- Why Does the Convolution Integral Method Provide Systematically Biased Estimates of Watershed Residence Times?
- Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
- <p>Interferometer study of Narrow Bipolar Events (NBEs) in Florida
- 2D Petroleum System Modeling in Support of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage in the Northeast Texas Panhandle
- A Comparison of Resistivity Imaging Techniques Using 1D, 2D and 3D MT Inversions in the Middle Rio Grande Rift, NM
- A New Approach to Interpret Time-domain Induced Polarization Tomography
- A Progress Report to the EARTHTIME Argon Inter-Calibration Pipette System (APSI): Still Smoking from the Same Pipe
- A multi-parametric approach to studying volcanic lightning utilizing LMA observations, ash characteristics, plume dynamics, seismic, and infrasound data at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Active Fault Monitoring Using Portable Seismograph Arrays in Washington State
- Allan Hills Pleistocene Ice Project (PIP)
- An Investigation of Non-Gravity Wave Ozone Laminae: Sources and Transport Pathways
- Automated Sensor Tuning for Seismic Event Detection at a Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Site, Farnsworth Unit, Ochiltree County, Texas
- Behind the Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Patricia, the Strongest Recorded Hurricane in History
- Benchmarking Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in the South Central US
- Biomass Burning Emissions of Black Carbon from African Sources
- Cascadia Seismicity Related to Seamount Subduction as detected by the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Data
- Chacterization of Teleseismic Earthquakes Observed on an Ice Shelf
- Connectivity along the river corridor: new insights, needs, and future avenues
- Coupled RipCAS-DFLOW (CoRD) Software and Data Management System for Reproducible Floodplain Vegetation Succession Modeling
- Coupling Flow & Transport Modeling with Electromagnetic Geophysics to Better Understand Crustal Permeability
- Cryptic flows: using multiple tracers to relate dissolved oxygen to hyporheic and groundwater flowpaths in intermittent salmonid streams
- Detection and Classification of Ozone Laminae Using Vertical Profiles of Ozone and Potential Temperature
- Evaluation of Cementation of the Loma Blanca Fault Zone Utilizing Electrical Resistivity
- Evaluation of Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Potential of the Morrow B Sandstone in the Farnsworth, Texas Hydrocarbon Field using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Examining seismicity patterns in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule rupture zone.
- Experiments on Adaptive Self-Tuning of Seismic Signal Detector Parameters
- Fast Positive Breakdown, NBEs, and Lightning Initiation
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Global Seismic Cross-Correlation Results: Characterizing Repeating Seismic Events
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Ground-Based Observations of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center: Advancing Portable Seismology
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Gaining and Losing Conditions
- Impacts of Freshets on Hyporheic Exchange Flow under Neutral Conditions
- Interpreting the GNSS Vertical Coordinate Variations:
- Joint inversion of time-lapse VSP data for monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at the Farnsworth EOR field in Texas
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Lithofacies and Diagenetic Controls on Formation-scale Mechanical, Transport, and Sealing Behavior of Caprocks: A Case Study of the Morrow shale and Thirteen Finger Limestone, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Madden-Julian Oscillation: Western Pacific and Indian Ocean
- Multiscale Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Mancos Shale: Evaluation of REV and Scale Separation
- On the Phenomenology of Negative Polarity Energetic In-Cloud Lightning Events during Thunderstorms
- Patterns of current and failed rifting in Africa from full wave long-period ambient noise tomography
- Polar Processing During the 2015/2016 Arctic Winter in a GEOS Analysis with Stratospheric Chemistry
- Pore Structure and Diagenetic Controls on Relative Permeability: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage
- Pushing the Limits of Geochemical Tephra Analysis from Ice Core Samples
- Remote Monitoring of the Plasma Mass Density in the Inner Magnetosphere using Field Line Resonances detected at the European Magnetometer Network EMMA
- Rhyolitic tephra record of the Gona region, southern Afar Rift, Ethiopia: Characteristics correlation and chronology
- Rifting an Archaean Craton: Insights from Seismic Anisotropy Patterns in E. Africa
- Rio Grande Rift: History of Tectonic Opening and Magmatism
- Seismic Signals Recorded During Artificial and Natural Karst Recharge Events
- Sorghum production under future climate in the Southwestern USA: model projections of yield, greenhouse gas emissions and soil C fluxes
- Subtleties of Estimating Scale Changes in Regional GPS Networks and Their Impact on Height Estimates.
- The Distribution of Slab Dehydration in the Cascadia Subduction Zone beneath Mt. Rainier
- The Geomorphometrics of the Rio Grande Rift: The role of tectonics, climate, and erosional processes in forming the Rio Grande river
- The Long Pleistocene Paleoclimate Record from Stoneman Lake, Arizona: an Update
- The Significance of Zircon Age Peaks: Crustal Production or Selective Preservation
- The Use of Traditional Hydrologic Field Techniques as a Means of Quantifying Mine-Related Contamination Impacts on a Surface Water Body, Norrbotten County, Sweden
- The tephrostratigraphy of Mt. Berlin volcano, Antarctica: Integrating blue ice tephra and ice core tephra records
- Timescales of Processes Related to the Socorro Magma Body (SMB)
- Toxicological Impacts of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products on Water Quality: Environmental Fate, Transformation and Health Effects
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part I: Overview and Characteristics of Continuous RF
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part II: Continuous RF Discharge Mechanisms
- Variation in river-floodplain connectivity along hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic gradients at the continental scale
- Water Uptake and Optical Properties of Biomass Smoke from Southwestern US Fuels: Predicting Properties and Their Variability
- A Continental-scale River Corridor Model to Synthesize Understanding and Prioritize Management of Water Purification Functions and Ecological Services in Large Basins
- A Synthesis of Paleo-Present Stress and Structural Evolution in the Western Anadarko Basin
- Abiotic Degradation and Toxicological Impacts of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in Surface Waters: Roles of Mineral Sediments and Solar Radiation
- An Overview of OCTAV-UTLS (Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS), a SPARC Emerging Activity
- Boundary Detection in Three Dimensions With Application to the SMILE mission
- Broadband Interferometry Analysis of Geostationary Lightning Mapper Events
- Broadband VHF Interferometer Observations of an Energetic In-cloud Pulse (EIP)
- Bulldozing of Basal Continental Mantle Lithosphere During Flat-Slab Subduction
- CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I : Seismic Characterization of the Navajo Reservoir, Buzzard Bench, Utah
- Comparisons of GLM and LMA Observations
- Continental breakup by oblique extension: the Gulf of California
- Contrasting sodic and mildly potassic magma differentiation lineages at The Pleaides volcanic complex, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Decadal GPS Time Series and Velocity Fields Spanning the North American Continent and Beyond: New Data Products, Cyberinfrastructure and Case Studies from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) and Other Regional Networks
- Detection of Repeating Earthquakes within the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using 2013-2014 Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Network Data
- Effect of Mineralogy on Dissolution and Speciation of Iron Containing Mineral Oxides in Atmospheric Aerosol Dust
- Effects of Low-Permeability Layers in the Hyporheic Zone on Oxygen Consumption Under Losing and Gaining Groundwater Flow Conditions
- Exhumation of the Black Mountains in Death Valley, California, with new thermochronometric data from the Badwater Turtleback
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Loadings in Major River Basins Across the United States
- Fast Breakdown as Coronal/Ionization Waves?
- Floodplain Vegetation Dynamics Modeling Using Coupled RiPCAS-DFLOW (CoRD): Jemez Canyon, Jemez River, New Mexico
- Geodetic Finite-Fault-based Earthquake Early Warning Performance for Great Earthquakes Worldwide
- Ground-Based Observations of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes Associated with Downward-Directed Lightning Leaders
- HF and VHF Spectra of Fast Breakdown Processes
- Heat flow evidence for hydrothermal circulation in the volcanic basement of subducting plates
- Hydrogeologic investigations of the southern Española Basin, NM
- Hydrostratigraphic and structural controls on streamflow generation in the Chuska Mountains, Navajo Nation, AZ/NM
- Hyporheic Zone Residence Time Distributions in Regulated River Corridors
- Imaging the Magmatic System of Erebus Volcano, Antarctica using the Magnetotelluric Method
- Insuring Water Sustainability for Resource Extraction in the New Mexico Permian Basin
- Integrated Reservoir Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR Performance and Storage Potential in the Farnsworth Field Unit, Texas.
- Karst aquifer characterization using geophysical remote sensing of dynamic recharge events
- Laboratory Studies of Water Uptake by Biomass Burning Smoke: Role of Fuel Inorganic Content, Combustion Phase and Aging
- Lightning Step Leader and Return Stroke Spectra at 100,000 fps
- Lightning-channel conditioning
- Margin-Wide Earthquake Subspace Scanning Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Dataset
- Mechanical changes caused by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-driven cement dissolution in the Morrow B Sandstone at reservoir conditions: Experimental observations
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions at Cement-Geomaterial Interfaces in Repository and Borehole Scenarios
- Melt Origin Across a Rifted Continental Margin: A Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, Northwest Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Metabolic potential of a Novel Gram-Negative, Spore-forming, and Putatively Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium in the Continental Subsurface
- Mode-I Fracture Toughness Testing and Coupled Cohesive Zone Modeling at In Situ P, T, and Chemical (H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaCl) Conditions
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning - Using a lightning mapping array, seismic and infrasound array, and visual plume analysis
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- New Geologic Map and Structural Cross Sections of the Death Valley Extended Terrain (southern Sierra Nevada, California to Spring Mountains, Nevada): Toward 3D Kinematic Reconstructions
- Origins and ages of fracture fluids in the South African Crust
- PASSCAL Instrument Center Support for Cryoseismology: Methodologies, Challenges, Development and Instrumentation
- Post-Explosion Tracer Gas Study in Fractured Granite
- Post-eruptive Deformation following the 2014 Holuhraun Rift, Iceland.
- Quantifying the history of hydrothermal activity using low-temperature thermochronology and numerical models
- Reconciling Conflicting Geologic and Thermochronologic Interpretations Via Multiple Apatite Thermochronometers (AHe, AFT, and 4He/3He): 6 Ma Incision of the Westernmost Grand Canyon
- Regional-scale comparison of the effects of lakes and reservoirs versus streams on water quality
- Relaxation time distribution determined from the simultaneous inversion of sequential time-domain induced polarization data
- Response of hyporheic zones to transient forcing
- Seasonal Dynamics of River Corridor Exchange Across the Continental United States
- Serpentinization as a reactive transport process: The brucite silicification reaction
- Shallow velocity structure above the Socorro Magma Body from ambient noise tomography using the large-N Sevilleta array, central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Statewide Groundwater Recharge Modeling in New Mexico
- Stratospheric water vapor and ozone evaluation in reanalyses as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Studying Legacy Uranium Contamination On Navajo, Laguna, and Isleta Lands In Collaboration With Native American Undergraduate Researchers
- Tectonic Mechanism for the Mid-Cretaceous - Early Paleogene Intraplate Magmatism from the Gulf of Mexico to Northwestern Canada
- Terrestrial gamma ray flashes observed by Fermi, lightning mapping arrays and distant ground based radio sensors
- Testing seasonality of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway with stable isotope analysis of ammonites (Baculites)
- The DSeis Project: Drilling into Seismogenic zones of M2.0 to M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines
- The Importance of Capturing Topographic Features for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Transport in Mountainous Watersheds
- The Origin of Basalt and Cause of Melting Beneath East Antarctica as Revealed by the Southernmost Volcanoes on Earth
- Uncertainty in Earth System Models: Benchmarks for Ocean Model Performance and Validation
- Understanding the Relative Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Flow in Ice-Wedge Polygon Landscapes Using Tracers
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Using Earthquake Location and Coda Attenuation Analysis to Explore Shallow Structures Above the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico
- Virtual source reflection imaging of the Socorro Magma Body, New Mexico, using a dense seismic array
- Wildfire disturbance impacts on streamflow from western USA watersheds
- A Field-scale Examination of Fault Controls on Subsurface Fluid Flow
- A Novel Humidity-Controlled Integrated Extinctiometer and Nephelometer to Quantify the Effects of Water on Light Absorption by Black and Brown Carbon
- A Review of The Continental Subsurface Biomass and Biodiversity: Implications for Exploring a Potential Martian Subsurface Biosphere
- Analysis and Extensions of the Griffiths and Phelps Lightning Initiation Model
- Assessing spatial and temporal variations in an aquifer system using repeat temperature-depth measurements: an example from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Emission Factor Correlation with Aerosol Angstrom Exponent
- Bulldozing of Continental Mantle Lithosphere by Flat-Slab Subduction: Implications for Upper Plate Deformation and Arc Magmatism
- Characterizing Wind Noise and Spatial Variability on Near-Surface Broadband Seismometers
- Comparison of seven different bedload monitoring technologies in a flood-driven ephemeral channel
- Diagenetic Capillary Heterogeneity Influences Multiphase Flow, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in a Depleted Brownfield Reservoir
- Earthquake Stress Drop Estimates for Shallow Earthquakes Along the Central Oregon Segment of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Episodic denudation of the southern Colorado Plateau during the Cenozoic and the formation of the Grand Staircase via integrated apatite thermochronology and geologic constraints
- Evaluating Uncertainties in Marine Biogeochemical Models: Benchmarking Aerosol Precursors
- Evolution of the IRIS Portable Facility: New tools for Wavefield Imaging, Rapid Response, and Magnetotellurics
- Exploring the Limits of Life in a South African Deep Subsurface Brine
- Fast Spectroscopy and Interferometry of a Lightning Flash
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Focused Recharge Modeling using Statistical Stochastic Approaches
- Gas Migration Experiments and Hydrologic Effects of Explosions in Fractured Granite
- Ground Motion Estimates in Earthquake Early Warning: Performance with Global Seismic and Geodetic Data Set
- Ground-Level Detection of Gamma Ray Flashes from Downward Lightning Leaders
- Hydromorphic Classification of the Hanford Reach through Integration of Field Observations and Hydrodynamic Models
- Identifying dominant barometric frequencies driving gas transport in fractured rock
- Inferring compressible fluid dynamics from vent discharges during volcanic eruption
- Integrating thermochronometric and geologic data to develop a new structural model for large-magnitude extension in central Death Valley, CA
- Interactions Among Wildfire, Water Table Elevation, and Diorhabda (Tamarisk Beetle) Influence Riverine Forest Regrowth And Evapotranspiration Recovery
- Jupiter's Turbulent Power Spectra from Hubble Space Telescope
- Land Surface Rebound and Groundwater Temperature Fluctuations During AquiferRecovery at The Buckman Municipal Wellfield, Santa Fe New Mexico (USA)
- Lightning Interferometry Using RAPID
- Lithostratigraphy of the Hikurangi Subduction Inputs: Results of Coring During IODP Expedition 375
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Mechanisms of deformation at Erebus volcano, Antarctica using 20 years of GPS Observations
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions at Cement-Geomaterial Interfaces in Repository and Borehole Scenarios
- Merging Process Understanding with Numerical Models across Scales to Predict River Corridor and Watershed Function
- Microseismic event detection and location at the Farnsworth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR field: Preliminary results
- Mid-Cretaceous epeirogenic uplift of the Iranian Plateau revealed by white mica <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar thermochronology
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning: A statistical investigation into volcanic electrification and seismic/infrasound signals
- Multi-Phenomenology Explosion Experiment in New Hampshire
- New developments in evaluation of record of global volcanism from polar ice cores
- New insight into an EIP event from detailed interferometric imaging
- Newly Detected, Small Earthquakes to Delineate Fault Heterogeneities in the Cascadia Seismogenic Zone
- Observations, GCMs and Regional Models: Predicting Future Greenland Surface Melting in High and Low Warming Scenarios
- On the Accuracy of Magnetopause and Bow Shock Shape Determination from X-ray Imaging Data
- On the Use of Empirical Mode Decomposition for Analyzing Lightning Waveforms
- Properties of Shallow Subduction Megathrust Earthquakes: A Multi-Decade Review
- Pseudotachylyte records earthquakes >M6.0 on low-angle normal faults
- Recording magma ascent: punctuated crystallization during a crustal journey preserved in the Atascosa Lookout lava flow, Atascosa Mountains, Southern Arizona, USA
- Seismic Monitoring of Artificial and Natural Recharge Events in Karst Aquifers
- Sprite streamer response to multi-stroke lightning flash
- Tectonic and climatic controls on endorheic-exorheic transitions in narrow continental rifts
- The (in)stability of bedform geometry: observations of bedload transport patterns on the sub-bedform scale
- The Effect of Topography and Geology on the Amount and Spaciotemporal Scales of Baseflow Generation during Prolonged Droughts
- The Effects of Plate-Bending-Related Thickening of the Oceanic Crustal Aquifer on Subduction Zone Temperatures
- The effect of soil microbial communities on variation in physiological responses to drought in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seedlings
- Thin-reservoir CO<SUB>2</SUB>-plume detection in Farnsworth Field, Texas, using fluid-substitution models
- Three-Phase Compositional Simulation Modeling Coupled with Reactive Transport: Application to Farnsworth Field CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR and Storage Project
- Timing Is Everything: A Test Case to Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Sorghum by Shifting Biogeochemical Control Points with Alternative Irrigation and Nitrogen Application
- Timing of Cenozoic Extension in the Southern Rio Grande Rift and Southeastern Basin and Range as Determined Using Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Towards a better understanding of the lightning nonlinear plasma resistance and channel cutoff
- Tracking regional sediment dispersal in the late Paleozoic Ancestral Rocky Mountain system using detrital zircon
- Transcontinental Tephra: Linking the East and West Antarctica volcanic record through SPICEcore
- Transient recharge as a driver of water table and baseflow dynamics: Reconciling the Hubbert-Toth conceptual models
- Using Cross-Correlation Methods to Characterize Earthquakes Associated with the Socorro Magma Body
- Using Heat as a Tracer to Estimate Deep Saline Groundwater Inputs to the Rio Grande in the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico, USA
- Using Machine Learning to Classify Lightning for Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN)
- VHF Broadband Interferometer Observations in Oklahoma
- Volcanology and Petrology of Earth's Southernmost Volcanoes
- What Tectonic Record Does the Passage of a Weak Plume Leave in a Rift?
- 3D Lightning Interferometry With Two Interferometers
- 3D characterisation of an offshore freshened groundwater system in a passive siliciclastic margin: Canterbury Bight, New Zealand
- A Bayesian inversion of InSAR derived post-rifting viscoelastic relaxation following the 2014 Holuhraun fissure eruption
- A New Type of Crust Marks the Continent-Ocean Transition in the Northern Gulf of California and Salton Trough
- A Space-based Geofluids Observatory for New Mexico
- Abiotic (Prebiotic?) Organic Chemistry in a Potentially Ancient Hypersaline Brine: New Insights on the Limits of Microbial Life Inhabiting 3.1 km Deep Fracture Fluid in South Africa
- Antarctic Accumulation-Temperature Sensitivity on centennial to multi-millennial timescales
- Application of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) in lightning low frequency electric field signal analysis
- Assessing the Space and Time Correlation Between Co-CRBG Rhyolites and Rhyolites of the High Lava Plains Trend in Eastern Oregon
- Assessment of the Deep Plumbing of the Truth or Consequences Geothermal System using Magnetotelluric Surveys, Groundwater Residence Time Tracers, and Hydrologic Modeling.
- Autonomous Detection and Mapping of Methane Cold Seeps: Ground-Truth Observations from the Costa Rican Active Margin
- Baseline Characterization for Change Detection with Joint Inversion of ERT and Campaign Seismic Data
- Broadband Radio Interferometer Observations of Initial Breakdown Pulses
- Building a Geophysical Earth Observatory for Ice-Covered Environments (GEOICE)
- Capillary Pressure Derived Relative Permeability Relationships
- Changing Volatile Contents Just Prior to Super-Eruptions: Evidence from the Upper Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Characterization of Environmental Seismic Noise near a Karst Aquifer in Florida
- Characterization of Sprites and Their Parent Lightning Flashes Occurring in and Around Florida
- Characterizing shallow subsurface seismic attenuation at the Arroyo de los Piños bedload monitoring site, central New Mexico
- Chemical attribution of enhanced absorption by aged wildfire aerosol in smoke plumes from the Woodbury Fire, Arizona
- Comparing Sprite Currents with High-Speed Video Measurements
- Constraining dynamic topography in deep ocean basins
- Crustal-scale mechanical heterogeneity along a low-angle normal fault: Funeral Mountains, California
- Daniel E. Karig: The Holistic Approach to Investigations of Subduction Systems
- Deep subsurface, Precambrian hypersaline environments as training sites for exploration of the Martian subsurface
- Determining low-Earth-orbit satellite orbits with software-defined radio phased-array observations.
- Discharge Processes During Downward TGFs at the Telescope Array in Utah
- Early Detection of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Using VHF Radiation from Vent Discharges
- Engaging Geophysics Students in the Field — the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Enhancing the earthquake catalog in the Socorro Magma Body region using phase picks produced by a dynamic correlation processor
- Evaluating key uncertainties in ocean carbon cycle processes within CMIP6 models using the International Ocean Model Benchmarking package (IOMB)
- Evaluation of the GOES 16 and 17 Geostationary Lightning Mappers (GLM) using Ground Based Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) Observations
- Expanding Environmental Seismology to Karst Aquifer Systems: Correlating Seismic Power to Discharge from a Conduit Network
- Exploring the Role of Land Surface Topography on the Structure and Scaling of Multiscale Groundwater Flow Systems
- First Survey of Lightning Effects in the Lower Ionosphere Over Arecibo, Puerto Rico
- Flexible Radio Array for Ionospheric and Atmospheric research (FRAIA)
- Focussed Degassing of Stored Continental Deep Carbon
- Geant4 Monoenergetic Electron Beam Simulations of Runaway Electrons in Streamer Discharges
- Geophysical Investigation of the Northwestern Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Heat flow observations seaward of the Cascadia deformation front offshore Grays Harbor, WA, reveal ongoing hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust and its impact on the thermal regime of the megathrust
- High-rate tilt observations at a karst conduit system
- History of the Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- How sand travels - first field measurements from a sand-rich gravel bedded ephemeral channel
- Interpreting the Plumbing of the Rincon Geothermal System using Electromagentic Surveys and Hydrothermal Models
- Investigating the Source of Springs in Arequipa, Peru
- Investigation of Drop-offs in Detection Efficiency of GOES-16 Geostationary Lightning Mapper Data as Compared to Lightning Mapping Array Data
- Landscape evolution modeling of endorheic-exorheic transitions in active continental rifts
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Living on the edge: The geodynamic evolution of craton margins
- Machine learning to probe the physical mechanism of fast breakdown in lightning
- Mantle contributions to magma and strain localization in rift zones
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions within Engineered Barrier-Geomaterial Interfaces
- Modeling the Long-term Deformation Field at Erebus volcano, Antarctica using 20 years of GPS Observations
- Near-surface Hydrologic Investigations of Pleistocene lakes within the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- New Insights into Geomorphic Processes along the Continental Shelf and Slope of Western Costa Rica
- New Mexico Tech Student Satellite (NMTSat)
- Observation of the Origin of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes in Initial Breakdown Pulses
- Observations and models of crustal deformation transients following the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
- Ocean Acidification Variability in the California Current
- Origin and Diagenetic Priming of a Potential Slow-slip Trigger Zone in Volcaniclastic Deposits Flanking a Seamount on the Subducting Plate, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- PRISM Precipitation Data Related to Stream Runoff in Northern New Mexico in an Effort to Improve Focused Recharge Estimates within PyRANA.
- Parameterizing the Root Zone Soil Water Holding Capacity for a Soil Water Balance Model in Water-Limited Ecosystems of New Mexico.
- Potential borehole observatory in the aftershock zone at about 3.5 km depth of a 2014 M5.5 sinistral earthquake that the ICDP DSeis project has probed
- Quantification of Paragenetic Controls on Chemomechanical Sensitivity of the Morrow B Sandstone During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Rainfall-runoff relationships at the Arroyo de los Piños, Socorro, New Mexico
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Reconciling shallow and deep fault slip associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Relocation of the 2009 Earthquake Swarm Above the Socorro Magma Body, Central New Mexico, USA
- Resolving Resurgence: A Reassessment of Resurgence Timescales using High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology at the Valles Caldera, northern New Mexico, USA
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- Shallow Gas Diffusion Experiments through a Phreatic Fractured Aquifer
- Small Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes and Their Ties to Seismogenic Zone Heterogeneities
- Sprite Streamer Interactions at 100,000 Frames per Second
- THE DYNAMIC FLOOR OF YELLOWSTONE LAKE: A Geologic Record Over the Past 14 ka of Hydrothermal Explosions, Doming, and Faulting
- Techniques for the Study of Downward Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at the Telescope Array Observatory
- Tectonic controls on the magmatic system of Erebus volcano, Antarctica, the role of the Discovery accommodation zone and termination of the Terror Rift
- Tectonic-Landscape Evolution Model of the Anadarko Basin
- Testing global and local models for cosmogenic nuclide production rates using high-precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar-dated lava flows at Mt Erebus, Antarctica.
- The Effects of Fault-Zone Cementation on Groundwater Flow at the Field Scale
- The contrasting behavior of positive and negative upward lightning leaders evidenced by simultaneous current and VHF location measurements
- The late Quaternary formation and evolution of river terraces along the Yulin River: Implication for the northwest outward of the Altyn Tagh fault, on the northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China
- Time-lapse monitoring for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at Farnsworth EOR field using 3D double-difference elastic-waveform inversion
- Time-temperature paths from intragrain oxygen isotope zoning
- Transient Injection Well Deformation Observed by InSAR and Explained with Poroelastic Modeling
- U-Th dating reveals the dynamic nature of fluid flow and fracture healing in a seismogenic normal fault
- Understanding variations in tectonic degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> during continental rifting
- Using Local Seismicity Recorded on Large-N Array to Identify Reflections off the Mid-Crustal Socorro Magma Body in the Rio Grande Rift
- VHF Broadband Interferometer Observations of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes in 2019
- Well Testing with Dipping Faults with Seals and Juxtaposition
- 20 years of GPS observations of deformation at Erebus volcano, Ross Island, Antarctica
- 3D VSP anisotropic inversion for the Farnsworth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR field
- <SUP>How Does a Tropical Cyclone Intensify?</SUP>
- A Four-Year Catalog of Cascadia Earthquakes Using the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Array and Subspace Detection Algorithms
- A High Peak Current, Negative Polarity Lightning Process Possibly Associated with TGFs
- A Quantitative Paleoclimatic History of the Southern Great Basin Since the Middle Miocene
- A Theoretical Study of the Tomographic Reconstruction of the Magnetosheath X-ray Emissions
- Algebraic electron beam operations for reconstructing runaway electron energy spectrum
- An InSAR-derived Statewide Deformation Map for New Mexico, USA
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Detector Schemes in Seismic Event Detection and the Avoidance of Non-Target Signals
- Assessing the Impact of Baseflow on Fluvial Geomorphic Processes with a Coupled Modeling Approach
- Black carbon aerosol mixing state in fresh and aged wildfire smoke: Harmonizing Instruments, Laboratory and Field Studies
- Can We Detect Regional to Local Groundwater Flow systems using Electromagnetic Methods?
- Changing rift physiography across blocks of laterally variable crustal strength - Insights from 3D numerical modelling
- Characterizing Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in East Antarctica with Full-Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography.
- Coevolution of Baseflow and Multiscale Groundwater Flow during Prolonged Droughts
- Compilation and evaluation of bedload transport rates made in ephemeral dryland channels around the world
- Data-constrained simulations of the return stroke plasma properties
- Discharge Processes Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) and Lightning Flashes in General
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups
- Effect of Spherical Wavefront on VHF Lightning Interferometer Observations
- Electrostatic Conditions Favoring Fast Breakdown Initiation in Thunderclouds
- Exploring Properties of Volcanic Lightning using Electric Field Change Measurements and 3D Lightning Mapping Data
- Heterogenous sediment input along the Nankai Trough subduction zone
- Initial Results from a 2nd-generation Broadband VHF Interferometer Imaging System
- Initial results from precision spark resistance measurements
- Investigation of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Was slip in the earthquake contained within the interseismically locked region?
- Lightning observations with the Long Wavelength Array in Sevilleta, New Mexico (LWA-SV)
- Magma Storage System and Hidden Hotspot Track of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province and its Impact on the Unusual Timing of the Capitanian Mass Extinction
- Microbial community composition influences pyrrhotite dissolution rates: Insights from paired mineral magnetic and genomics studies.
- Microseismic Monitoring Using a Borehole Geophone Array at Farnsworth CO2-EOR Field
- Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA) multi-band network performance.
- Mid-crustal magma storage in a continental rift: insights from an actively forming sill complex
- Molecular Foundations of Humidity Dependent Absorption Enhancements by Brown Carbon Surrogates: Laboratory Observations and Mixing Rules
- Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Changes in Seismic Velocity of the Florida Karst Aquifer System with Phase Cross-Correlation and Wavelet Cross-Spectral Analysis
- Novel Radiogenic Noble Gas Signatures in the Crust: The Krypton Factor
- Observing the Origin of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes at the Telescope Array
- Quantifying Chemomechanical Reservoir Sensitivity to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection Using Paragenesis, Flow-Through Experiments, and Strength Testing at In Situ Conditions, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a New Generation of Continental-Scale Water Quality Models
- Relationships between Upper Tropospheric Jet and Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Variability and Trends: Links to natural Modes of Variability
- Residence time of basinal fluids and paleo flow system in the Paradox Basin using radio-krypton isotopes
- Secular Changes in Mantle Composition as Recorded by Tholeiitic Basalts
- Seismic Observations of Possible Overpressurized Air Pocket Release in a Karst Aquifer
- Seismic Responses to the Rate-of-Change of Surface- and Groundwater Level Within a Karst Aquifer System, Santa Fe River Sink-Rise, North-Central Florida
- Seventy years of drought impacts on resilience and groundwater storage across New Mexico, USA
- Study of scale controlling factors of of marine boundary layer mesoscale cells observed from AMSR-E using wavelet analysis
- Temporal, Spatial, and Geochemical Variations in Eocene-Oligocene Ignimbrite Flare-Up Volcanism in Southern New Mexico
- The Carbon Utilization and Storage Partnership of the Western United States
- The Impact of High Salinity on Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> Yield and the Evolution of Subsurface Brine
- The influence of extreme events on basin-scale erosion rates
- Transitions in the mesoscale cellular organization of closed cell marine stratiform clouds
- Trends in Trace Elements from Biogenic and Abiogenic Manganese Oxides
- Using Publish-Subscribe Methodology to Improve Water Data Sharing
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Vorticity and Thermodynamics in a Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric River
- A Method for Discriminating Types of Volcanic Electrical Activity
- A rebounding-wave model for secondary Fast Breakdown in Narrow Bipolar Events
- Acoustic sensors for lightning detection
- An improved method for analyzing broadband VHF interferometer lightning observations
- Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility and Rock Magnetism of the Oligocene Welded Palisades Tuff, a Highly-Welded Ignimbrite, Sierra Blanca, New Mexico
- Assessing the impact of baseflow on fluvial geomorphic processes using a coupled modeling approach
- Autonomous Detection of Groundwater Level Variations in InSAR Time Series Using Deep Learning
- Changes in sediment dispersal and basin geometry driven by flat slab modification of the upper plate during the Laramide orogeny
- Channel Transformation and Plasma Decay During the Lightning Return Stroke
- Combined multi-year seismic, sedimentological, and hydrologic data collection and analysis from a state-of-the art sediment research station in an ephemeral tributary of Rio Grande, central New Mexico, USA
- Combined repeat microgravity and flow discharge estimates to understand focused recharge dynamics along a flooding ephemeral wash, Arroyo de los Pinos, Socorro Couny, NM
- Compositionally variable and distinct rhyolites during the 300 kyr prolific, explosive and effusive volcanism at the Mahogany Mountain Three Fingers rhyolite field, eastern Oregon.
- Coupled Chemomechanical Feedbacks from Experimental CO2-Rich Fluid-Rock Interaction in Uncemented Lithofacies of Morrow B Sandstone
- Decompression rates of South Sister (Oregon, USA) obsidians from numerical modeling of plagioclase nucleation and growth
- Documenting Fulgurite Formation During Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Ecohydrological Controls on Flow Conveyance Losses of the Middle Rio Grande
- Effects of shutter speed and exposure time on the inferred properties of laboratory streamers
- Emplacement of a Mid-Crustal Sill in an Active Continental Rift: the Socorro Magma Body, Rio Grande Rift
- Evaluating methods for remote measurement of stream flow velocity in ephemeral flash flood environments
- Evaluation of the CMIP models with the International Ocean Model Benchmark tool: Rates of contemporary ocean carbon uptake linked with vertical temperature gradients and transport to the ocean interior
- Exploring the link between petrographic characteristics and chemically enhanced creep deformation in carbon sequestration reservoir conditions: An experimental study
- Finite Element Modeling of Poroelastic Response to Karst Conduit Pressurization and Subsequent Change in Groundwater Storage: Toward the Use of High Precision Tiltmeters in Karst Aquifer Monitoring Applications
- Flow Connectivity and Sediment Transport Modeling in Flashy Ephemeral Channel Networks
- From sea level to summit: Evidence of altitude dependence for the production rate of cosmogenic nuclides 3He and 36Cl in lava flows on Mount Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- GrowClust and HypoDD Relocation and Characterization of the 2009 Earthquake Swarm Above the Socorro Magma Body, Central New Mexico, USA
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust: Types, Amounts, Sizes, Occurrences, and their Effects on the Earth System
- Krypton Isotopes Constrain Timing of Regional Meteoric Circulation Enhanced by Rapid Denudation
- Lightning Mapping Array and space-based optical observations of Narrow Bipolar Events
- Mixed detrital provenance in the Late Paleozoic Ancestral Rocky Mountains region, USA: a case study in grain size analysis of detrital zircon datasets
- Modeling Tomographic Reconstruction of the Magnetosheath X-ray Emissions Using Simultaneous Images From Multiple Spacecraft
- Modeling the Effects of Initial Continental Rift Structure on the Symmetry and Vergence of Collisional Orogens Formed by Rift Inversion
- Observations and Simulations of the Origin of Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Patterns of fluid and sediment motion over two-dimension fluvial and aeolian ripples.
- Reconstructing Paleo-Dynamic Topography of the Ocean Basins: a Somali Basin Case Study
- Risk Reduction Optical Experiment (RROE) Lightning Campaign and Early On-Orbit Results
- Sanidine-Liquid Equilibrium: Phase Diagrams and Two Sanidine Hygrometers for Alkaline and Calc-Alkaline Liquids.
- Seismic monitoring of bedload in monsoon floods in gravel bed arroyos in central New Mexico
- Solid Earth uplift due to contemporary ice melting above low-viscosity regions of Greenlands upper mantle
- Streamwise and Cross-Stream Sediment Dynamics Over Fixed, Three-Dimensional Bedforms
- Taming Lightning: The Method of Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Testing Kinematic Controls on the Geometry of Preserved Fluvial Cross Strata: Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park
- The Nature and Cause of Initial Breakdown Pulses and the Implications for Streamer to Leader and Negative Stepping Processes
- The Permian Emeishan large igneous province: Magma storage system, hidden hotspot track, and mass extinction
- The Petrology and Pre-Eruptive Conditions of the Valles Caldera Resurgent Domes
- The origin of high speeds in fast breakdown
- Towards Just, All-Of-Society Climate Action: An Inventory of Federal Climate Workforce Development, Education, Training, and Engagement Programs
- Two-stage bedload transport framework informed by thalweg-bar morphosedimentary character in gravel-bed rivers
- Understanding Temperature Overturns near the East Rincon Hills Fault Zone, New Mexico using Hydrothermal Modeling and Magnetotelluric Data
- Using Integrated Magnetic and Crystallographic Techniques to Examine the Pyrrhotite Lambda Transition in Natural Samples
- Wastewater Disposal in the Raton Basin Reactivates Networks of Short Basement Faults
- Wind, rain, and the transition from closed to open mesoscale cellular convection
- 3D Modeling of Dynamics in the Hikurangi-Kermadec Subduction System
- 4D Data-driven Deep Waveform Learning: a Case Study at CCUS Site, San Juan NM
- A Comparison of Optical, Microphysical, and Precipitation Characteristics Associated with Mesoscale Cloud Morphology Classifications
- A Revision of East African Rift System Kinematics from GPS Observations and Block Modeling
- Airborne Measurements of Biogenic and Thermogenic Methane Fluxes at High Spatial Resolution
- An Electromagnetic Survey for Imaging Large-Scale Groundwater Systems in Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bangladesh
- Analysis of Narrow Bipolar Events Using Mode Decomposition Methods
- Assessing ecohydrologic connectivity metrics during long-term morphological changes in river basins: a case study
- Assessing the feasibility of a spaceborne 3D lightning observing concept
- Bringing Scientific Field Campaigns Into The Classroom Through Teacher Guides
- Building the New Mexico Water Data Initiative and Tools for Data-Informed Decisions
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Correlation of Lightning Location Network Data with Internet-Collected Ball Lightning Case Studies
- Cross-Correlation of Hydrologic Data to Assess Water Exchange between Conduits and the Surrounding Rock Matrix in Karst Aquifers
- Does Theory Support Measurement? Determining the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface at a Cenote (Sinkhole) in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Fault zone evolution along complex plate boundaries: A case study from the Eastern California shear zone
- First time-resolved lightning leader spectra associated with the TGFs productions at the Telescope Array Detector
- From CCS to CCUS and back again (2003 - 2022): CO2 storage in the southwestern USA
- Geochemistry and Petrology of Alkaline Magmas from Mt. Waesche, Antarctica
- Geochronology of Ardipithecus Ramidus Fossil Sites at Gona, Afar Depression, Ethiopia
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Greenhouse Gas Flux, Soil Microbiome Diversity, and Dominant Vegetation in an Area of Cyclical Surface Water Loss on the Middle Rio Grande Riparian Corridor
- High Frequency Ambient Noise Seismic Data Processing and Quality Control Toward Monitoring Changes in Spatiotemporal Seismic Velocities
- Hubble Space Telescope Coverage of the Life Cycle of Neptune's Dark Spot NDS-2018
- Improving Subsurface Stress Characterization for CO2 Storage projects by Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques
- Indus and Bengal Fan Loading of the Indian Plate Explains Intraplate Deformation Patterns
- Initial Results from a Wide Area Deployment of a 150+ MHz Bandwidth VHF Interferometer System
- Interactive Museum Exhibit Illustrating Seismic Responses During Flow Through Karst Conduits
- Investigating K-change Leaders and Their Preceding Breakdown Activity with 3-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP-3D) Observations
- Lateral Fractures Identified as Communication Pathways for the Movement of Gases and Condensates Across the Hogback Monocline
- Lightning Radiometry in Visible and Infrared Bands
- Modeling Methods for 3D Lightning Mapping from Space
- New Observations of Intermediate-Duration Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Noise Characteristics of an Ocean-bottom Seismic Network
- Observations of Multiple TGF-producing Storms at the Telescope Array in Utah
- Plane Strain Analytical Models of InSAR-Observed Enhanced Oil Recovery Injection Wellsite Deformation NM, USA
- Plasmasphere Data Assimilation and Comparison With In-Situ Observations
- Post Depositional Alteration of Rock Properties/Surfaces and Implications for Rock-Carbon Dioxide Interactions in the San Juan Basin and Adjacent Areas
- Pre and Post-Impact Observations of Didymos in Support of NASA's DART Mission
- Preliminary Results of the Summer 2022 Langmuir Energetic Radiation Campaign
- Production of runaway electrons and X-rays during the streamer inception phase
- Progressive flat-slab coupling as a driving mechanism for the Laramide orogeny
- Quantifying seasonal and spatial variability of groundwater contributions to the Rio Grande in the Southern Albuquerque Basin
- Re-Evaluating the Emplacement History and Tectonics of the Cornudas Mountains, Southern New Mexico
- Relating Seasonal Hypoxia and Nitrogen Fluxes in Hood Canal, WA.
- Relocation of 2002-2009 Seismicity Above the Socorro Magma Body, Central New Mexico, USA
- Repeatability of ground penetrating radar measurements of sedimentary layers in dry streambeds
- Sensors for Low Frequency Lightning Instrumentation
- Shapes and Voids of Atlantic Trade Cumulus Clouds
- Site Characterization and Seismic Noise Correlation with Hydrologic Data Using a Dense Nodal Seismic Array Deployed Within the Santa Fe Sink-Rise, FL, USA Karst Aquifer System
- Streamwise and Cross-Stream Sediment Dynamics Over Fixed, Three-Dimensional Bedforms
- The Optical Counterpart of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observations at the Telescope Array Detector.
- The Seismic Signature of Small Flash Flood Events in a Sand-rich Gravel-bed Arroyo
- Three-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP-3D) Technical Development and Detailed Observations of Lightning Discharge Processes
- Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Characterization in a Karst Aquifer Using Cross-Correlation Analysis of Water Level Data
- Towards Physics-Based Modeling of Upward Leaders in Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Transport Mechanisms of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen in Hood Canal
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. A. Velasco
- A. M. Jorgensen
- A. S. Rivkin
- Aibing Li
- Alejandro Luque
- Alex Rinehart
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alfredo Del Corpo
- B. Heilig
- B. J. Andrews
- Bertrand Rouet‐Leduc
- Brian McPherson
- C. A. Rowe
- C. A. Thomas
- C. Kreemer
- Caitano L. da Silva
- Chi Wang
- Clinton P. Conrad
- D. S. Stamps
- Daniel González-Duque
- Daniel J. Peppe
- Daniel Jensen
- Daniel W. Zietlow
- David Noone
- Diana Swanson
- Dongshuai Li
- Donna Eberhart‐Phillips
- Dylan A. Vasey
- E. Emry
- E. Kiser
- Eric Cowgill
- F. J. Gordillo‐Vázquez
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- François Primeau
- Fred M. Phillips
- Gary J. Axen
- Gayan Rubasinghege
- Gordon Moore
- Grant Ferguson
- H. B. Woo
- H. E. Edens
- Imke de Pater
- Isabel L. McCoy
- Isabel Morris
- J. A. Gochenour
- J. Navarro‐González
- J. W. Geissman
- J. de León
- James T. Randerson
- Jeffrey R. Kennedy
- Jennifer C. McIntosh
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Jesús A. López
- Ji‐Hyun Kim
- Joan Montanyà
- Joel E. Saylor
- John Naliboff
- Jonathan B. Laronne
- Jonathan B. Martin
- Jorge Adrián Perera-Burgos
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- K. L. Pankow
- Kate Leary
- Kathryn Hobart
- Kerry Key
- Kimberly Genareau
- Kurt C. Solander
- Kyungdoe Han
- Liang Liu
- Luis Contreras-Vidal
- M. A. Stanley
- M. D. Covington
- M. E. Glasgow
- M. R. Collier
- M. Vellante
- Marcelo M. F. Saba
- Mark Person
- Miao Zhang
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael Person
- Michael S. Steckler
- Nadine Igonin
- Naomi E. Levin
- Nathan Collier
- Noah Hobbs
- Oscar A. van der Velde
- P. R. Krehbiel
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patrick Gatlin
- Paul A. Bedrosian
- Peter N. Blossey
- Phillip M. Bitzer
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- R. Hueso
- R. Sonnenfeld
- Rasha Abbasi
- Rebecca Tyne
- Rebekka Steffen
- Richard L. Reynolds
- Robert Wood
- Romain Jolivet
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Rui Fernandes
- Ryan Eastman
- S. L. Bilek
- S. W. Hsieh
- Sarah M. Stough
- Shihang Feng
- Simon P. de Szoeke
- Sonja A. Behnke
- Steven J. Goodman
- T. Woods
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Timothy J. Lang
- Torsten Neubert
- Víctor Reglero
- W. Rison
- Wei Jiang
- Weiwei Fu
- Xiangpeng Fan
- Xuan‐Min Shao
- Yiduo Liu
- Youzuo Lin
- Zheng‐Tian Lu
- Zhigang Peng
- Željka Fuchs‐Stone