University of Reading, Department of Meteorology
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessing impact of stratospheric water vapor on climate
- Public Involvement, Multi-Million Member Ensembles and Systematic Uncertainty Analysis
- Magnitude of Climate Variability During Middle Pliocene Warmth: A Palaeoclimate Modelling Study
- On the Role of the Labrador Sea in Controlling the North Atlantic Oscillation
- A Comparison of "Ice-House" (Modern) and "Hot-House" (Maastrichtian) Drainage Systems: the Implications of Large-Scale Changes in the Surface Hydrological Scheme
- An International Perspective on Post Graduate Education in Physical Oceanography
- Extended-Range Forescasting of the Northern Annualar Mode: Role of Lower Stratospheric Memory
- Feedback of atmospheric chemistry, via CH4, on the Eocene climate
- Oceanic Gateways as Critical Factor to Initiate Icehouse Earth Using Simple GCMs for Pre-Cenozoic World
- The March 1997 Westerly Wind Event and the onset of the 1997-1998 El Nino: Understanding the respective role of the ocean and the atmosphere
- Triggers for Tropical Indian Ocean Variability and Links to ENSO in a Constrained Coupled Climate Model
- Airborne Measurements of Dynamics and Mixing in the Tropopause Region
- Simulated and Observed Climate Signals in Borehole Temperature Profiles
- Simulating the Last Half-Millennium
- A Statistical Approach to Estimating the Contribution of Glaciers to Future Sea-level Rise.
- Describing Climate Numerical Models
- Atlantic Ocean Forcing of Multidecadal Variations in North American and European Summer Climate
- Coupled Model Simulations of Mid-Holocene ENSO With Standard and Perturbed Physics Versions of HadCM3
- Evidence for Long-Range Transport of North American Anthropogenic and Wildfire Emissions to Europe from Airborne and Ground Based Lidar Measurements during European ITOP (IGAC Lagrangian 2K4, ICARTT)
- Exploring the Physical Causes for Inter-Model Differences in predictions of future THC-related climate change under global warming
- Measurements of Peroxy Radicals in Air Masses Undergoing Long Range Transport During ITOP
- PTR-MS Measurements From the BAe-146 Research Aircraft During the ICARTT Campaign
- Processes Influencing Ozone Levels in Forest Fire Plumes During Long-Range Transport Across the North Atlantic
- The Direct Radiative Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols Over the Northern Mediterranean
- An idealized eulerian/lagrangian study of the transient meridional overturning circulation driven by deep-water formation
- Boundary Layer Ventilation Processes During a High Pressure Event
- Case study analysis of convectively-generated gravity waves
- Observations of the smoke plume from the December 2005 explosions and prolonged oil fire at Buncefield oil depot, southern UK and associated atmospheric changes
- Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Results from the IPCC AR4 Simulations.
- Sampling and Variability Issues Related to Anthropogenic Warming of the World Oceans
- The effects of volcanic eruptions on simulated ocean heat content and thermal expansion
- The electrification of volcanic plumes and volcanic lightning
- An Introduction to the UK Polar Network: Education and Outreach
- Analysis of trends in extreme daily precipitation from observation and ERA-40 driven ENSEMBLES RCM simulations over the UK.
- Extreme Rainfall Events Over Southern Africa: Assessment of a Climate Model to Reproduce Daily Extremes
- Near-real-time attribution of extreme weather events
- The CF Conventions: Governance and Community Issues in Establishing Standards for Representing Climate, Forecast, and Observational Data
- Using High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Models to Reduce and Estimate Uncertainty in Flood Forecasting
- Boundary Layer Ventilation by Convection and Coastal Processes
- Cascade: Investigating Multiscale Tropical Convective Organization Using High-Resolution Numerical Simulations Over Large Domains.
- Distinguishing Solar Cycle Effects in Planetary Atmospheres
- Evaluation of a grid-based river flow model using Regional Climate Model output over Europe
- Examining the Interaction of Growing Crops With Local Climate Using a Coupled Crop- Climate Model
- Moisture Feedbacks and Model Resolution
- New statistics for precipitation-water vapor relationships for climate model evaluation
- Respective Forcing Role of the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Warming on the Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation
- Spin-up, adjustment and equilibrium state of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.
- Temporal Relations of Column Water Vapor and Precipitation
- Tropical Cyclones in a hieararchy of climate models of increasing resolution
- UK-HiGEM: Extratropical Cyclones and Storm Tracks in a High Resolution Coupled Climate Model
- UK-HiGEM: The structure and evolution of extratropical cyclones in a high resolution coupled climate model.
- Airmass characterisation along the 20-degree South parallel during the VOCALS-REx campaign
- Can loss of balance from mesoscale eddies adequately power deep ocean mixing?
- Developing a unified parameterization of diabatic heating for regional climate modeling simulations
- Excursions into the strong precipitation regime; long tails in water vapor and other tracers (Invited)
- Gravity waves as a causal mechanism for transition from closed to open cellular convection in the remote South East Pacific
- Predicting persistent contrails using the ECMWF integrated forecast system
- Quantifying the sensitivity of aerosol optical depths retrieved from MSG SEVIRI to a priori data
- Regional changes in aircraft NOx emissions, impacts on ozone and methane and related radiative forcings
- The Role of Atmosphere Feedbacks During ENSO
- The kinetics of hydroxyl radical oxidation of a stearic acid monolayer as a proxy for a cloud droplet organic film. A neutron reflectivity study
- 11-year Solar Cycle Influences on the Earth's Climate (Invited)
- A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Computation of the Climatic Response to General Forcings
- A discussion on the processes that maintain a cool ocean surface under the stratus decks of the Southeastern Pacific
- A new time-stepping method for regional climate models
- Behavior of zenith radiance in the transition zone between cloudy and cloud-free areas
- Dynamical simulation of tropical cyclones in high-resolution GCMs (Invited)
- Evaluation of the Diurnal Evolution of the Size of Tropical Convective Systems in Large Domain, High Resolution Simulations using Observations of Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- Exploring the role of mesoscale forcing on deep convection
- Investigation of the physical mechanisms responsible for the recent MJO forecast improvements in the ECMWF model during the YoTC period
- Measuring the impact of observations on the predictability of the Kuroshio Extension in a shallow-water model
- Regional modeling studies on the diurnal and semidiurnal cycles of boundary layer off the west coast of South America
- Remote-Sensing Studies of Heliospheric Solar-Wind Structure Around Two Solar Minima
- Stratospheric temperature trends: History of our evolving understanding
- The feedback causing the high climate sensitivity of a version of the HadSM3 climate model: undiscovered or just unrealistic?
- Title: Energetics of PCMDI/CMIP3 Climate Models: Net Energy Balance and Meridional Enthalpy Transport
- Transient simulations of the last Glacial Cycle with an AOGCM
- Tropical Broadening in ERA Climatologies
- Universality of rain event size distributions
- Utilizing climate research to inform the insurance industry: Can we use dynamically simulated storms for risk assessment?
- Variability and Extreme Variability of the Stratospheric Polar Vortices Using 2D Moments
- Variability in the slow solar wind at solar minimum
- A Methodology for Evaluating Climate Models and Reanalysis Products: Use of Observed Stream Flow to Diagnose Atmospheric and Soil Water Balance
- A hydroclimatological analysis of floods in Britain
- A novel mission concept for upper air water vapour observations: active limb sounding with a constellation of retroreflectors
- Alpbach Summer School - a unique learning experience
- Alpbach Summer School 2010 - proposed missions to understand climate change
- Cloud droplet size retrievals from AERONET cloud mode observations
- European river flow regimes: assessing space-time dynamics and links to large-scale climate
- Quantifying Recent Changes in Earth's Radiation Budget
- Stochastic effects in comprehensive climate models
- The Role of Ascent-Forced Convection in Orographic Precipitation: Results from the DOMEX Field Campaign
- The importance of the representation of deep convection for modeled dust-generating winds over West Africa during summer
- The importance of time-stepping errors in ocean models
- Towards improved crop-climate projections: the role of calibration and weather data
- A model of the refreezing of melt ponds
- A simple method for improving the time-stepping accuracy in atmosphere and ocean models
- A trajectory-based analysis of moisture sources for mid-latitude storms
- An Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System for Data from Multiple Wavelength Domains: Water and Energy Balance Components
- Assessment of UTLS water vapour measurements from limb-sounders within the SPARC Data Initiative
- Atlantic ocean-atmosphere interaction in the context of climate change
- Atmospheric and oceanic drag on sea ice
- Climatic impacts of a stochastic parameterization of air-sea fluxes
- Cloud-enabled Web Applications for Environmental Modelling
- Comparing Solar Wind Velocity Measurements Derived from Sun-grazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) with Solar Wind Models
- Development of warm SST errors in the southern tropical Atlantic in CMIP5 GCMs
- Diabatic modification of potential vorticity in extratropical cyclones
- Diabatic processes in numerical simulations of extratropical cyclones
- Dust emission by a Mesoscale Convective System during the Fennec/LADUNEX field campaign simulated with a Lagrangian dust transport model
- Electrical Properties Of Volcanic Ash Samples From Grímsvötn
- Exploiting multiply scattered lidar signals in retrievals of stratocumulus.
- Identifying human influences on atmospheric temperature: Are results robust to uncertainties?
- Impact of atmospheric forcing on Antarctic continental shelf water masses
- Inner plasma structure of the low latitude reconnection layer
- Issues to address before we can have an open climate modelling ecosystem
- Linking variations in large-scale climatic circulation and groundwater level in southern England
- Measuring Earth Radiation Imbalance from a Massive Constellation of Flux Radiometers
- Meteorological phenomena in Western classical orchestral music
- Multi-scale characterization of linkages between large-scale climate and Seine (France) river flow variability using cross-wavelet multi-resolution analysis
- Nonlinear interaction between sea spray process and dissipative heating process in Super Typhoon Vera (1959)
- Optical properties of Saharan dust aerosol and contribution from the coarse mode
- Parameterization of frazil ice formation in leads
- Past and future changes of moisture transports into the convective areas of the tropical atmospheric circulation
- Possible impacts of a descent into a Grand Solar Minimum on extratropical regional surface climate
- Representation of model error in convective-scale ensembles
- The Asian Summer Monsoon: An Intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 Simulations of the Late 20th Century
- The Effect of an Increased Convective Entrainment Rate on Indian Monsoon Biases in the Met Office Unified Model
- The Relationship of Regional Sea Level Change to Changes in Surface Fluxes
- Use of GOCE MDT and error information in NEMOVAR a variational data assimilation scheme for NEMO
- Web of Pseudostreamer and Streamer Belts and their Interplanetary Signatures
- Weighted Ensemble Square Root Filters for Non-linear, Non-Gaussian, Data Assimilation
- An Cloud Approach to Managing Environmental Information (Invited)
- An Investigation into the Impact of using Various Methods to Estimate Arctic Surface Air Temperature Anomalies
- Analysing Climate Model Biases in the Tropical Pacific Using the Adjustment of Simulations Initialised Close to Observations
- Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE Project
- CLouds, and Aerosols Radiative Impacts and Forcing: Year 2016 (CLARIFY-2016)
- Cascade during YOTC: Simulating organized tropical convection using a cloud-system-resolving model over large domains (Invited)
- Change in Urban Albedo in London: A Multi-scale Perspective
- Comparison between predictions of whistler-mode wave spectra and observations: Implications for the distribution of plasma along the magnetic field direction
- Constraining Global Model Estimates of Aerosol Effects on Clouds (Invited)
- Direct Observations of the Evolution of Polar Cap Ionization Patches
- Direct and indirect aerosol effects on the Indian monsoon in the CMIP5 integrations
- Energy exchanges in a Central Business District - Interpretation of Eddy Covariance and radiation flux measurements (London UK)
- Fingerprints of Changes in Annual and Seasonal Precipitation from CMIP5 Models over Land and Ocean
- From petascale to exascale, the future of simulated climate data (Invited)
- Ground-based observations of the fair weather vertical current response to solar disturbances
- High resolution downscaling with WRF: reproducing observed climate in high topography islands
- Holocene land-use change impacts on global and regional climates
- Hot European summers: Present and Future
- Hydrological feedbacks in groundwater dominated systems: approaches, challenges and projections of future change
- Improving predictions of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the Met Office model: The roles of convective entrainment and air-sea interactions
- In-situ spatio-temporal measurements of the detailed substructure of the substorm current wedge and its evolution (Invited)
- Intercomparison Project on Parameterizations of Large-Scale Dynamics for Simulations of Tropical Convection
- Latent heat release in extratropical cyclones in a high resolution climate model, reanalysis and remote sensing data
- Managing Data and Facilitating Science: A spectrum of activities in the Centre for Environmental Data Archival. (Invited)
- Modelling the Lunar Plasma Dust Environment
- Observed and NWP simulated rainfall uncertainty cascading into rainfall-runoff and flood inundation impact models
- Polar cap patch segmentation of the tongue of ionization in the morning convection cell
- Sea Surface Temperature for Climate Applications: A New Dataset from the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative
- Sea ice and the ocean mixed layer over the Antarctic shelf seas
- Solar coupling to clouds through the global electric circuit
- Temporal evolution and electric potential structure of the auroral acceleration region from multispacecraft measurements
- The 'Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation' model evaluation project: Overview and key results (Invited)
- The Influence of Anthropogenic Aerosol on Multi-Decadal Variations of Historical Global and Regional Climate
- The effect of future outdoor air pollution on human health and the contribution of climate change
- The global response to vertical diabatic heating structures associated with the Madden-Julian oscillation derived from TRMM estimates
- The impacts of Unilateral Stratospheric Geoengineering
- The importance of vegetation structure for coupling models of reflectance and productivity
- Trends in Austral Jet Position in Ensembles of - and Low-Top CMIP5 Models
- Will Climate Change Increase Transatlantic Aviation Turbulence?
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Hierarchy of High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Models
- Characterizing sea ice surface morphology using high-resolution IceBridge data
- E-Infrastructure and Data Management for Global Change Research
- Forced vs unforced drivers of Atlantic SST variability - linking forced role to magnitude of aerosol forcing
- Impact of Biomass Burning Aerosols on the Biosphere over Amazonia
- Improved Blocking at 25km Resolution?
- Jet formation at the sea ice edge
- Linking hemispheric radiation budgets, ITCZ shifts, and monsoons
- Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation on an Ice Shelf
- Modelled impacts of Amazonia Biomass Burning Aerosols (BBA) on weather during SAMBBA
- Overview of Operational Forecasts of the South American Regional Smoke Plume During the South American Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) Experiment
- Quantifying the Benefit of Early Climate Change Mitigation in Avoiding Biodiversity Loss
- Stochastic Ocean Eddy Perturbations in a Coupled General Circulation Model.
- The Importance of Model Physics to Simulation of Arctic Sea Ice
- The dependence of vertical cloud profiles from CloudSat-CALIPSO retrievals on the degree of convective aggregation
- The mesoscale precipitation distribution in mid-latitude continental regions: observational uncertainty and evaluation of 25-km global model simulations.
- The use of GRACE satellite data to validate the global hydrological cycle as simulated by a global climate mode
- Vertical Structure and Physical Processes of the Madden-Julian Oscillation: A Model Evaluation Project
- A multi-scale approach to monitor urban carbon-dioxide emissions in the atmosphere over Vancouver, Canada
- Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
- Evaluating Precipitation, Latent Heat Release and Potential Vorticity in Extratropical Cyclones in a High Resolution Climate Model using Reanalysis and Remote Sensing Data
- Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study
- The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo
- Understanding the Processes Controlling Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer
- Understanding the Transition to Strong Convection in Realistic and Idealised Cloud-Resolving Simulations of Different Aggregation Scenarios
- Assessing SST Feedbacks to the Madden Julian Oscillation in Coupled Climate and Forecast Models
- Climatology of Tibetan Plateau Vortices and Connection to the Upper-level Atmospheric Circulation
- Deconstructing the response of high-impact mid-latitude weather systems to climate change
- Dynamic and Thermodynamic Evolution of Indian Monsoon Onset in the Initialized Coupled Seasonal Forecasting Model of the UK Met Office
- Evolution of Indian Ocean biases in the summer monsoon season hindcasts from the Met Office Global Seasonal Forecasting System GloSea5
- Extreme Drought Event and Shrub Invasion Reduce Oak Trees Functioning and Resilience on Water-Limited Ecosystems
- First highlights of the Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) field campaigns
- Implementation of internal wave drag in the CICE mode
- Improved Climate Simulations through a Stochastic Parameterization of Ocean Eddies
- Interaction of Convective Organization and Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea (INCOMPASS)
- Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf
- Regional Aerosol Forcing over India: Preliminary Results from the South West Asian Aerosol-Monsoon Interactions (SWAAMI) Aircraft Experiment
- Relationships Between Gravity Waves Observed At The Surface And In The Stratosphere Over The Continental United States
- Sensitivity of Aerosol Effective Radiative Forcing to Underlying Physical Model Parameterizations and Aerosol Processes
- Using Music to Communicate Weather and Climate
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Relationship Between Near-Surface Air Temperature and Satellite Land Surface Temperatures Using 17 Years of Data from the ATSR Series
- Basic state lower-tropospheric humidity distribution: key to successful simulation and prediction of the Madden-Julian oscillation
- Can explicit convection improve modeled dust in summertime West Africa?
- Climate ObjectiVes and Feedback Effects on Future Emissions
- Combined application of Sentinel2A data and growth modelling for novel monitoring and prediction of pasture yields
- Cumulus population and microphysical properties retrieved from a synergy of scanning radar and shortwave zenith radiances over Southeast Atlantic
- Developing an Earth system Inverse model for the Earth's energy and water budgets.
- Global Earth Outgoing Radiation From A Constellation Of Satellites: Proof-Of-Concept Study
- Global Sea Surface Temperature: A Harmonized Multi-sensor Time-series from Satellite Observations
- Hermite Polynomials and the Inverse Problem for Collisionless Equilibria
- Instraseasonal Variation in Stratospheric Gravity Waves and Zonal Winds tied to the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Interactions between meteoric smoke particles and the stratospheric aerosol layer
- Investigating a Sulphate-Nitrate Chemical Indirect Effect over Europe from 1980-2010
- Methane mitigation shows significant benefits towards achieving the 1.5 degree target.
- Oceanic sources of predictability for MJO propagation across the Maritime Continent in a subset of S2S forecast models
- Role of Orographic Elevated Large-scale Heating on Asian Summer Monsoon
- Strong constraints on aerosol-cloud interactions from volcanic eruptions
- The CLouds-Aerosol-Radiation Interaction and Forcing: Year 2017 (CLARIFY-2017) programme: deployment, synergies with ORACLES/LASIC/AEROCLO-SA and initial results
- Towards seasonal Arctic shipping route predictions
- Tropical Gravity Waves and Their Relationships to Clouds and Convection
- Upscaling Our Approach to Peatland Carbon Sequestration: Remote Sensing as a Tool for Carbon Flux Estimation.
- Using Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections to Analyze Interannual Precipitation Variability in China
- Using Music to Communicate Weather and Climate
- Using trajectories to explain the moisture budget asymmetry between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- A 60km-resolution GCM for Large-ensemble Climate Simulations in
- A Bayesian framework for causality estimation
- A mapping particle filter for high-dimensional applications
- Assessing the global sea level budget and its uncertainties: progress from ESA's CCI Sea Level Budget Closure project.
- Attributing extreme events in China
- Climate Change Negotiations Pack: Simulation a World Climate Change Conference
- Concentric Eyewalls and Tropical Cyclone Vortex-scale Structure Characteristics
- Contrasting impacts of methane from anthropogenic and natural sources in meeting the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Coordinated Global High Resolution Climate Modelling - PRIMAVERA and CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Current State of the global operational aerosol multi-model ensemble: an update from the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP)
- Data Assimilation in the Solar Wind
- Examining the role of aerosol forcing in driving global climate variations using a novel large ensemble of historical simulations
- Exploring Uncertainties in Regional Sea Level Projections for the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century and Beyond
- Fast and Slow Components of the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- Global reconstruction of historical low-frequency ocean heat storage and transport
- Historical time-variation in climate sensitivity related to the nature of the forcing
- Impacts of Permafrost Disturbance on DOC, Total Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in Low Arctic Coastal Catchments
- Improving the Ability and Confidence of UK Secondary Geography Teachers to Teach Weather and Climate
- Large ensembles as a tool to understand changes in climate extremes: variability, trends and emergence of forced changes
- Mechanisms for a remote response to Asian aerosol emissions in boreal winter
- Mechanisms of Meteorological Drought over São Paulo, Brazil
- Microphysically-consistent Volcanic Aerosol Datasets For Agung, El Chichon and Pinatubo Eruptions
- Modelling impacts of extreme Caspian Sea area change on hydroclimatic processes
- North Atlantic post-tropical cyclones in reanalysis datasets
- Observations and Modeling of Asian and Northern Pacific Dust Sources and Transports
- Overview and experimental design for the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- PIDs, Decisions & Open Science for All: What the Scholarly Commons Could do for Us
- Processes shaping the spatial pattern and seasonality of surface air temperature changes in response to the anthropogenic forcing
- Radiative-convective equilibrium across the gray zone
- Re -writing History: the Role of Forcing in Surge and Hiatus Events over the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Relationship of Tropospheric Stability to Climate Sensitivity and Earth's Observed Radiation Budget
- Representation of blocking in a multi-model ensemble of high-resolution coupled global climate models
- Representing the majority and not the minority: the role of poetry in developing dialogue around climate change
- Retrieving Sea Surface Temperature from Early 1970s Satellite Data
- Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to Global Climate Models Resolution
- Simulating Global and Local Land Surface Processes with JULES on the CEDA JASMIN Super-data-cluster
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The Impact of Horizontal Atmospheric Resolution in Modelling Air-sea Fluxes
- The curious connection between ocean feedbacks and mean state moisture for MJO simulation
- The influence of Asian aerosol on the rate of global warming on decadal timescales
- The presence of and effects from meteoric-sulphuric particles within the stratospheric aerosol layer
- The role of the terrestrial biosphere in climate change mitigation
- Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015
- A Particle Flow data-assimilation method for high-dimensional systems
- Ash-sulphuric interactions: Simulating major volcanic aerosol clouds as global dust veils
- Assessment of the pre-industrial to present-day anthropogenic forcing, including apportionment of the methane and halocarbon forcings: First results from UKESM1
- Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Characterising the response of OAP in-situ particle imagers: implications for cirrus observations
- Climate Responses to Changes in European and Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol Since 1980
- Coarse and Giant Particles are Ubiquitous in Saharan Dust Export Regions and are Radiatively Significant over the Sahara
- Decadal Variability of Tropical Cyclones: Natural Variability or Anthropogenic Influence?
- Dipole in Future Anthropogenic Emission Scenarios Across India and China Strongly Influences Spatial Distribution of Monsoon Rainfall Response
- Disentangling the role of local and remote large-scale atmospheric circulation in driving the Asian monsoon
- Evaluating Modelled Arctic Meteorology using Cloudnet
- Examining the Dynamic Sea Level Response to Surface Buoyancy and Momentum Flux Perturbations
- Examining the role of aerosol forcing for multi-decadal Atlantic variability in a model ensemble sampling aerosol forcing uncertainty
- Explicit Thunderstorm Electrification Scheme for the Met Office's Unified Model
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- Global surface energy and water cycle variability 2001-2011 from satellite data.
- Historical variability and life-cycles of North Atlantic post-tropical cyclones
- How Elevated Layers of Moisture and Smoke Impact Radiation and Clouds in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Identifying and constraining the causes of uncertainty in dynamical drivers of Asian Summer Monsoon and extreme winter air pollution responses to aerosol forcing.
- Impact of atmospheric models' horizontal resolution on water budgets in HighResMip.
- Impact of the Arctic sea ice initial conditions on the (intra-)seasonal prediction skill in the Arctic and mid-latitude regions
- Impact of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution on the Seasonal Evolution and Inter-annual Variability of Arctic Sea Ice.
- Impacts and associated predictability of a persistent NAO forcing
- Improving reconstructions of historical extreme weather events in 20CRv3 by rescuing undigitized observations with citizen scientists
- Increased Shear in the North Atlantic Upper-Level Jet Stream over the Past Four Decades
- Indian Monsoon and its Onset Forecast Skill in the ECMWF Seasonal Forecasting System 5 (SEAS5)
- Kinetic models of current sheets in the solar wind
- Land-atmosphere coupling sensitivity to GCMs resolution: A multi-model analysis of the Sahel "hot spot"
- Linking Momentum and Scalar Roughness Lengths of Urban Surfaces at the Macro and Micro-scales
- Ocean Heat Uptake Efficiency, Ocean Stratification and Transient Climate Change
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Results of the ISMIP6 Standalone Greenland Ice Sheet Projections
- Spatial radiative feedbacks from internal variability using multiple regression
- Stratospheric Orographic Gravity Waves from Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula: Observations, Model Validation and Inter-Comparison
- The Arctic Boundary Layer during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Tropical Pacific as Assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C Idealized Simulations
- The role of diffuse radiation on the terrestrial carbon cycle and 'carbon budget imbalance'
- The water budget of Tropical Cyclones in climate models and the role of model resolution.
- Transient aggregation of convection: Observed behavior and underlying processes
- Uncertainty budgets for surface temperature climate data records
- Uncertainty in Aerosol Radiative Forcing Impacts the Global Monsoon in the 20th Century
- Understanding Southern Hemisphere Circulation and Rainfall Trends: the Role of Ssts
- Understanding complex nonlinear systems: a new causal discovery framework
- Understanding the Synoptic and Climatic Factors that Lead to the 2018 Kerala Floods
- Using Driven Particle-In-Cell Simulations to Examine Electron Diffusion by Whistler-Mode Waves
- Variability, persistence and re-emergence of sea surface temperature anomalies between 1982-2018
- Weak Average Response of Liquid Cloud Water to Anthropogenic Aerosols
- What causes the spread of model projections of sea level change in response to greenhouse gas forcing?
- Wind Power Ramp Characteristics over Northern Mexico
- A Microwave Closure Experiment: Testing the Physical Consistency of Microwave Scattering Models.
- A New Causal Discovery Framework Accounting for Nonlinear Emergent Physics, Applied to Convective Initiation and Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification
- A New Implicit Equal-Weights Particle Filter for High Dimensional Non-linear Data Assimilation
- Aerosol-forced AMOC changes in CMIP6 historical simulations.
- Arctic MIZ Sensitivity to Atmospheric Forcing and Feedbacks
- Assessing the Representation of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution Within Arctic Sea Ice Models
- Assessing the influence of COVID-19 on Earth's radiative balance
- Bayesian Inference to infer causal structures
- Does high-resolution HadGEM3 overestimate precipitation over land?
- Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Changes on West African and Indian Monsoon Precipitation.
- Effects of Misspecified Time-correlated Model Error in the (Ensemble) Kalman Smoother
- Energy Budget Constraints on the Time History of Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in Beijing
- Evaluation of Asian summer precipitation in different configurations of a high-resolution GCM at a range of decision-relevant spatial scales
- Extratropical transition of tropical cyclones in global climate models
- High-impact weather events and their links to mesoscale convective systems over Southeast Asia
- Impact of COVID-19 Global Shutdown on Earth's Radiation Budget
- Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on United Kingdom mortality
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Isoprene secondary organic aerosol in summertime Beijing: the effect of anthropogenic emissions on organosulfate and nitrooxy organosulfate formation
- Large Scale Industrial Cloud Perturbations Confirm Bidirectional Cloud Water Responses to Anthropogenic Aerosols
- Model-observation comparison of sea ice floe size distribution in the Arctic
- Polluted cloud tracks across spatial and temporal scales
- Quantifying the role of aerosol forcing for historical Pacific multi-decadal variability
- Reducing biases in dynamical features of Asian monsoons to improve model skill at simulating aerosol-monsoon interactions and regional aerosol forcing over East Asia.
- Representation of the Scandinavia-Greenland Pattern and its Relationship with the Polar Vortex in S2S Models
- Results from the COORDE Project: A Model Comparison of Resolved and Parametrized Orographic Drag
- Retrieving Cloud Ice Number Concentration From Polarimetric Radar
- Sea ice and atmospheric predictability: preliminary results using HadGEM3 and EC-Earth
- Seasonal Forecasts of the Exceptional Northern Hemisphere Winter of 2020
- Seasonal Progression of the East Asian Summer Monsoon: Air-Mass Analysis and Tropical-Extratropical Drivers in ERA5
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Precipitation Variability and their Relation to MJO Representation in CMIP6 Models
- The Effect of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling on the Sensitivity of the ITCZ to Convective Mixing
- The Influence of Cities on Boundary-Layer Clouds
- The Remarkably Strong Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex of Winter 2020: Links to Record-Breaking Arctic Oscillation and Ozone Loss
- The impact of assimilating sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution derived from Cryosat-2 observations into a stand-alone sea ice model
- The prevalence of meteoric-sulphuric particles within the stratospheric aerosol layer
- Understanding Ocean Feedbacks to the MJO through the Lens of Convection-Moisture Coupling
- Understanding the prediction and structure of Indian monsoon low-pressure systems in the Subseasonal-to-Seasonal prediction project
- Using Causal Effect Networking to determine the pathway of the ENSO-Indian Summer Monsoon teleconnection
- Using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to compute the Single-Scattering Properties of Ice Crystals in the microwave and sub-millimetre range
- Chapter 10: Linking global to regional climate change
- Classifying climate nonlinearities
- How interactions between tropical depressions and western disturbances affect extreme precipitation in South Asia
- NetCDF Climate and Forecast Aggregation (CFA) Conventions
- The Uneven Propagation of Drought: Modeling Heterogeneous Interactions Between Water and Society
- The role of ocean coupling on MJO simulation in the CMIP6 models
- Understanding the Recent Global Increase in the Proportion of Tropical Cyclones Undergoing Rapid Intensification
- Using River Discharge Observations to Understand Precipitation Biases in CMIP6-HighResMIP Simulations
- What Governs the Interannual Variability of Recurving North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones?
- Emergent Constraints on Climate Sensitivity Based on Recent Warming are Biased Low by Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effects
- Energy budget diagnosis of changing climate feedback
- Exploring the Physical Mechanisms of Winter Precipitation Extremes over India's High Mountain Region
- Influence of El Niño- Southern Oscillation on Winter Precipitation over North-West Indian Himalaya
- Monitoring coastal subsidence using InSAR and airborne LiDAR around Eagle Point, Texas
- The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexander J. Baker
- Andrew G. Turner
- Andrew Williams
- B. B. Cael
- Bosong Zhang
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Christopher J. Smith
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Elisa Savelli
- Elliott Michael Sainsbury
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Ivan Mitevski
- Jie Chen
- Jonah Bloch‐Johnson
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Kieran M. R. Hunt
- Kieran T. Bhatia
- Kyle C. Armour
- Leandro Ponsoni
- Lily Hahn
- Malte F. Stuecker
- Marc J. Alessi
- Maria Rugenstein
- Ming Zhao
- Patrick C. McGuire
- Philip Goodwin
- Philippe Tissot
- Pier Luigi Vidale
- Pranab Deb
- Raju Attada
- Reindert J. Haarsma
- Richard G. Williams
- Robert C. J. Wills
- Sadie L. Bartholomew
- Sarah M. Kang
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Steven J. Woolnough
- T. Neukirch
- Thomas R. Knutson
- William J. Gutowski