University of Reading, UK
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- University of Reading, Department of Meteorology
- University of Reading, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cloud Cover From Linear Transect Measurements: Sampling Issues
- Cloud amount retrieval for a cloud radar.
- GPS Tropospheric Modeling for SAR Interferometry: are~Small~GPS Networks Useful?
- Investigating the Influence of Riparian Zone Geology on Stream Water Chemistry in the Scottish Highlands Using a GIS Framework.
- Magnitude of Climate Variability During Middle Pliocene Warmth: A Palaeoclimate Modelling Study
- Modeling the Interaction of Radiation Between Vegetation and the Seasonal Snowcover
- Sampling Error Characteristics Of Cloud Observations From LiDAR
- The Impact of the Stratospheric Component of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Tropopause Height and Surface Pressure
- Evaluation of Snowcover Characteristics as Simulated by two Physically Based Snow Models
- Dating, definition, and impacts of Holocene short-term climate change episodes: issues and prospects with an Aegean area focus
- Extracting High Resolution Information From Laser Altimetry Data by Analysing the Instrumental Error Budget
- Extreme <SUP>210</SUP>Pb-<SUP>226</SUP>Ra Disequilibria Observed in arc Lavas: Implications for the Time Scales of Magma Degassing
- Reconstruction and Simulation of Stratospheric Ozone Distributions During the 2002 Austral Winter
- Tree Rings and Volcanic Eruptions: Reviewing the Potential of Dendrochemistry for the Absolute Dating of Past Volcanism
- Low Humidity in the Tropical and Subtropical Atmosphere
- MERSEA, the European Gate to Ocean Data
- Ocean Bioturbation
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Stepping Out: Investigating Hominin Dispersals Within a Palaeoclimatic Framework.
- A New, Rapid, Precise and Sensitive Method for Chlorine Stable Isotope Analysis of Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
- Changes in ENSO and Interdecadal Climate Variability in the Holocene Recorded in Fossil Corals
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of Waters in Rio Tinto, Spain, Shows Possible Origin of the Blueberry Haematite Nodules in Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Gas Flow in Volcanic Rocks: Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Porosity-Permeability Relationships
- Vegetation Cover in a Warmer World Simulated using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model for the mid Pliocene
- Assimilating Satellite SST Observations into a Diurnal Cycle Model
- Elevated Marine Deposits in Bermuda Record a Late Quaternary Megatsunami
- Exploring Large Marine Datasets Using an Interactive Website and Google Earth
- Ground-based Mm-radar Imaging of Lava Domes and Flows.
- How complex should a catchment scale phosphorus prediction model be?
- Major Saharan dust storm of March 2006: Microphysical, optical and radiative properties determined from combined surface and satellite data
- Soil Moisture Retrieval Uncertainty From Soil and Vegetation Heterogeneity Over a Topographic Surface
- Timescales of degassing during the 1980-1986 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Using Google Earth in Marine Research and Operational Decision Support
- RADAGAST: Modelling Surface and TOA Fluxes to Estimate Atmospheric Flux Divergence
- Simple and Computationally Efficient Modeling of Surface Wind Speeds Over Heterogeneous Terrain
- Time Series Radar Observations of a Growing Lava Dome
- Using Virtual Globes and a Java web Application to Visualize and Compare Ocean Observations and Model Data
- A Lagrangian Perspective of Extratropical Cyclones in Reanalyses and Climate Models
- A Stratospheric Consensus Ozone Database for Long-Term Climate Simulations
- Attribution of Changes in Extreme Weather Risk: a Study of the European Summer 2003 Heatwave
- Contrasting Precipitation Response in the Ascending and Descending Branches of the Atmospheric Circulation
- Examining the Interaction of Growing Crops With Local Climate Using a Coupled Crop- Climate Model
- Impacts of Changes in the Hydrological Cycle on European Climate during the Summer Season
- Integrating Distributed Physical and Biological Marine data using OGC Web Services
- Limitations and future of global snow observations
- Palaeohydrology of the Fazzan Basin, Libyan Sahara: Evidence for multiple phases of North African humidity.
- Relationships between climate indices and SWE distribution in a GCM
- Scale-Related Effects of Interactions Between Topography, Climate, and Seasonality on Snow Accumulation and Melt
- Tropical Cyclones in a hieararchy of climate models of increasing resolution
- UK-HiGEM: Extratropical Cyclones and Storm Tracks in a High Resolution Coupled Climate Model
- Uptake of Amines on Acidic Particles: Using Laser Raman Tweezers to Monitor Size and Composition
- A Case Study of the Radiative Forcing of Persistent Contrails Evolving into Cirrus
- Analysis of synoptic conditions during VOCALS-REx
- Capturing Wind Speed and Snow Accumulation Gradients across Complex Terrain
- Dependence of Snowmelt Simulations on Scaling of the Forcing Processes (Invited)
- Gas transport through magma near the percolation threshold (Invited)
- MoistureMap: A soil moisture monitoring, prediction and reporting system for sustainable land and water management
- Pyrite oxidation and sulfate-oxygen isotopes - what are the missing pieces?
- Sea-ice Changes in the Sea of Okhotsk: Relationship with Northern Hemisphere Storm Tracks (Invited)
- The use of Standard OGC Web Services in Integrating Distributed Model, Satellite and In-situ Datasets
- A Statistical Mechanical Approach for the Computation of the Climatic Response to General Forcings
- A pilot Virtual Observatory (pVO) for integrated catchment science - Demonstration of national scale modelling of hydrology and biogeochemistry (Invited)
- Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
- Dynamical simulation of tropical cyclones in high-resolution GCMs (Invited)
- Estimating discharge from inundation imagery
- Estimation of the vertical distribution of tree biomass using last significant return laser altimetry returns from Eucalypt trees in New South Wales, Australia
- Evaluation of the Diurnal Evolution of the Size of Tropical Convective Systems in Large Domain, High Resolution Simulations using Observations of Outgoing Longwave Radiation
- Examination of the Earth's Radiation budget using satellite observations and modeling data
- Impact of small-scale microstructure variations on passive microwave brightness temperature
- Paleoclimate of the Neoglacial and Roman Warm Period Reconstructed from Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Limpet Shells (Patella vulgata), Northwest Scotland
- Reconstructing the Growth History of Bubbles in Magma from Preserved Volatile Concentrations in Glass
- Scale Effects in a Physically Based Distributed Snow Model
- Snow Grain Size Retrieval From Ground-based Spectroradiometer Measurements and Model Comparison
- Steady downslope movement on the western flank of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Storm Tracks in a Warmer Climate (Invited)
- The Climate-G Portal: a scientific gateway for climate change
- The Representation of Extra-tropical Cyclones in Recent Re-Analyses: ERA-Interim, NASA-MERRA, NCEP-CFS and JRA25
- The case of polar lows (Invited)
- Utilizing climate research to inform the insurance industry: Can we use dynamically simulated storms for risk assessment?
- Variation in OMI SO2 measurements between extrusive and non-extrusive periods of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat
- A computationally efficient tool for capturing heterogeneous wind-affected snow accumulations from commonly available data
- Composite Study Of Aerosol Long-Range Transport Events From East Asia And North America
- Confronting uncertainty in peatland ecohydrology
- Impact of urban cover fraction on SMOS and SMAP surface soil moisture retrieval
- In Situ Signatures of Interchange Reconnection between Magnetic Clouds and Open Magnetic Fields: A Mechanism for the Erosion of Polar Coronal Holes?
- Modeling Phosphorus Dynamics in Multi-branched River and Lake Systems in the Lake Simcoe Catchment, Ontario, Canada
- Sensitivity analysis of a soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT) model parameterised for a British floodplain meadow
- Synergy between infrasound, lidar and airglow layer observation networks for atmospheric studies: the ARISE project
- The Environmental Virtual Observatory: A New Vision for Catchment Science
- The calibration of flood inundation models using uncertain satellite observed flood extent maps
- Ultra-distal Tephra Deposits from Supereruptions: Examples from Toba and New Zealand
- Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements
- Use of GOCE MDT and error information in Ocean Data Assimilation
- Addressing sub-scan variability of tundra snow properties in ground-based Ku- and X-band scatterometer observations
- An Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System for Data from Multiple Wavelength Domains: Water and Energy Balance Components
- Better interpretation of snow remote sensing data with physics-based models
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Building a Cloud Infrastructure for a Virtual Environmental Observatory
- Characterising DOC, DON and DOP flux in two contrasting lowland UK catchments: impacts of contrasting source character and connectivity on reach scale DOM signature
- Contact probe spectroscopy of snowpits in Finland
- Contributions of Different Cloud Types to Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments in CMIP5
- Dust deposition events in Caucasus Mountains as documented by snow/firn pack at Mt Elbrus
- Effects of Thomson-Scattering Geometry on White-Light Imaging of an Interplanetary Shock: Synthetic Observations from Forward Magnetohydrodynamic Modelling
- Exceeding peatland ecohydrological resilience through compound disturbance: the effect of wildfire and drainage
- Improving National Capability in Biogeochemical Flux Modelling: the UK Environmental Virtual Observatory (EVOp)
- Lower Bound on Earth's Transient and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivities
- Millimetre wave FMCW radar as a tool for 3D Terrain mapping of volcanic topography
- Modelling human decision-making in coupled human and natural systems
- New insights into biogeochemical processing gained from sub-daily river monitoring
- Past and future changes of moisture transports into the convective areas of the tropical atmospheric circulation
- Snow stratigraphic heterogeneity within ground-based passive microwave radiometer footprints: implications for emission modelling
- The impact of fire and abrasion on iron availability in aeolian sediments
- The use of spaceborne X-band radar to measure high spatial and temporal resolution volcanic processes.
- Tools for proactive collection and use of quality metadata in GEOSS
- Understanding and improving mitigation strategies for reducing catchment scale nutrient loads using high resolution observations and uncertainty analysis approaches
- Understanding the main uncertainties in hydrological impact ensembles of Regional Climate Models predictions for large catchments in the UK
- Using GOCE error covariance information to quantify MDT errors and guide diffusive filtering
- Vertical Structure and Diabatic Processes of the MJO: A Global Model Evaluation Project
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- An analysis of the error budget for a GOCE-based estimate of the ocean's mean dynamic topography
- Calculation and use of metrics to estimate Near-term Climate Forcing
- Carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in Swedish headwater streams: Spatial and seasonal patterns
- Cloud microphysical and optical properties from 'cloud-mode' observations during the ARM MAGIC campaign
- Differences between the MEMLS and the multiple-layer HUT model and their comparisons with in-situ snowpack observations
- Dust Deposition Events on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains in the 21st Century Reconstructed from the Shallow Firn and Ice Cores (Invited)
- Emergent structures and understanding from a comparative uncertainty analysis of the FUSE rainfall-runoff modelling platform for >1,100 catchments
- Evaluation of aerosol simulation in multi-models over South Asia during wintertime
- Examining boreal peatland vulnerability to wildfire: a cross-scale perspective (Invited)
- Exploring Key Processes in Representing the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Climate Models
- Farmer responses to multiple stresses in the face of global change: Assessing five case studies to enhance adaptation
- Glacial and Holocene climates of Australia reconstructed by vegetation-model inversion
- Hot European summers: Present and Future
- How has human influence changed global patterns of precipitation?
- How well do Reanalysis represent polar lows?
- Latent heat release in extratropical cyclones in a high resolution climate model, reanalysis and remote sensing data
- Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles in the rhizosphere
- Mid-latitude storm track variability and its influence on atmospheric composition
- Modeling Sphagnum moisture stress in response to 21st century climate change using dynamic peat properties
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- North Atlantic extratropical cyclones in the CMIP5 models: biases and future projections (Invited)
- Observed and NWP simulated rainfall uncertainty cascading into rainfall-runoff and flood inundation impact models
- Observed and simulated precipitation responses in wet and dry regions 1850-2100
- Oceanotron, Scalable Server for Marine Observations
- Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Desert Dust Deposited on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus as Documented in Snow Pit and Shallow Core Records
- Predicting nutrient responses to mitigation at catchment to national scale: the UK research platform (Invited)
- Recent trends in African rainfall using satellite data
- Software & Research Town Hall
- Solving climate uncertainty one tiny satellite at a time: Earth's Radiation Imbalance System
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- The coupled troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere response to Stratospheric Sudden Warmings (Invited)
- The decomposition of vegetation and soil in marginal peat-forming landscapes: climate simulations to quantify gaseous and dissolved carbon fluxes and the effects on peat accumulation and drinking water treatment
- Understanding and projecting sea level change: improvements and uncertainties (Invited)
- Using high-resolution water quality monitoring to investigate hysteretic behaviour of nutrients at catchment scale
- A New Parameterisation of Frazil and Grease Ice Formation in a Climate Sea Ice Model
- A complicated evolution of a newly created Polar Cap Ionization Patch
- Annual land cover change mapping using MODIS time series to improve emissions inventories.
- Assessing the long-term performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in northeastern United States: linking model structure and output
- Assimilating Multiple Data Types in the Community Land Model (CLM) for Deciduous Forests in North America
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Hierarchy of High-Resolution Global Atmospheric Models
- Bringing Together Simulated ~20 Year Variability in Coupled Climate Models
- Challenges in simulation of snow microstructure and implications for remote sensing of snow mass
- Characterising Substorm Auroral Dynamics; A Statistical Analysis of the Morphology and Motion of the Aurora through the Substorm Growth and Early Expansion Phase.
- Climates of the past, lessons for the future: emerging results from the CMIP5 model evaluation exercise
- Climatology Analysis of Global Climate Models from HiGEM Family Over South America.
- Comparison of temperature proxies in tropical stalagmites
- Constraining Centennial-Scale Ecosystem-Climate Interactions with a Pre-colonial Forest Reconstruction across the Upper Midwest and Northeastern United States
- Counteracting the climate effects of volcanic eruptions using short-lived greenhouse gases
- Daytime CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban-Regional Scale Surface Fluxes from Airborne Measurements, Eddy-Covariance Observations and Emissions Inventories in Greater London
- Decreased Monsoon Precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere Due to Anthropogenic Aerosols
- Earth's polar cap ionization patches lead to ion upflow
- Electrification of Ash in Icelandic Volcanic Plumes
- Estimating the Power Characteristics of Clusters of Large Offshore Wind Farms
- Fully nonlinear data-assimilation in climate models
- Global Warming or Global Cooling in the Holocene?
- Improved Blocking at 25km Resolution?
- Improving data discovery and usability through commentary and user feedback: the CHARMe project
- Inter-model Diversity in Aerosol Sensitive Regions
- Investigation of the Relationship Between Turbulence and Drizzle Onset and Development in Continental and Marine Stratiform Low-level Clouds Using ARM Observations
- Irreducible uncertainty in regional near-term climate projections
- Magnetic Flux Erosion and Redistribution during CME Propagation
- Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation on an Ice Shelf
- Measurements of Saharan Dust from the Fennec Aircraft Campaign: Giant Particles, Optical Properties and Effects of Transport
- Measuring Cloud Properties from UAVs
- Modeling the Impact of Amazonian Biomass Burning Aerosol on Clouds and Climate
- Ozone and Trace Gas Trends in the UK and Links to Changing Air Mass Pathways
- Paleoclimate diagnostics: robust relationships in past and future simulations
- Physically Consistent Ice-Sheet--Climate Coupling for the UK Met Office Unified Model and UKESM1
- Quantifying Sources of Inter-model Diversity in the Aerosol First Indirect Effect
- Quantifying the relative importance of climate-forced and land-use forced land cover changes in the representative concentration pathways
- September Arctic sea ice minimum predicted by spring melt pond fraction
- Simulating the Effects of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Clouds Using Data from the Sambba Field Experiment and a Large Eddy Model
- Stochastic Ocean Eddy Perturbations in a Coupled General Circulation Model.
- The Effective Vertical Advection-Diffusion Balance
- The Feasibility of Avoiding Future Climate Impacts: Results from the AVOID Programmes
- The Hiccup - A Dynamical Vertical Coupling Process during the Fall Transition of the Northern Hemisphere
- The Impact of Refreezing of Melt Ponds on Arctic Sea Ice Thinning
- The Impact of Salinity Perturbations on the Future Uptake of Heat By the Atlantic Ocean
- The Impacts of Climate Change on Mauritia Felxuosa and Biodiversity in Neotropical Cerrãdo Savanna Ecosystems
- The mesoscale precipitation distribution in mid-latitude continental regions: observational uncertainty and evaluation of 25-km global model simulations.
- Trust Management - Building Trust for International Cross Disciplinary Collaboration on Climate Change
- User-driven Cloud Implementation of environmental models and data for all
- Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft System to Study the Evolution of the Boundary Layer Related to Fog Events
- Using ensemble NWP wind power forecasts to improve national power system management
- Will sea ice thickness initialisation improve Arctic seasonal-to-interannual forecast skill?
- Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
- Allocation changes buffer CO<SUB>2</SUB> effect on tree growth since the last ice age
- An Increase in Aerosol Burden and Radiative Effects in a Warmer World
- Applying the cold plasma dispersion relation to whistler-mode waves
- Are existing snow microwave emission models so different ?
- Assimilating ESA-CCI Soil Moisture into the JULES-EMPIRE Data Assimilation System
- Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling of Volcanic Ash using Data Insertion
- Attributing Human Mortality During Extreme Heat Waves to Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Carbon allocation changes: an adaptive response to variations in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Characterisation of mineral dust emission in the Middle EAST using the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI)
- Characterization of dust sources in Central Asia using Remote Sensing
- Data Citation Concept for CMIP6
- Decadal changes in aerosol absorption across Brazil resulting from changes in biomass burning practices
- Diagnosing Mismatches between Simulations and Observations in Data-Model Comparisons using the CMIP5/PMIP3 Simulations
- Earth System Documentation (ES-DOC) Preparation for CMIP6
- Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations
- Environmental effects of magmatic sulfur emitted by large-scale flood basalt eruptions
- Estimating transient climate response using consistent temperature reconstruction methods in models and observations
- Evaluating Precipitation, Latent Heat Release and Potential Vorticity in Extratropical Cyclones in a High Resolution Climate Model using Reanalysis and Remote Sensing Data
- Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate
- Improved Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Projections Using Bias Corrected CMIP5 Simulations
- Improved Projections of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Trans-Arctic Shipping
- In-situ measurement of the substorm onset instability
- Influence of ocean and atmosphere coupling in a regional climate simulation: case study on typhoons over the CORDEX Southeast Asia domain
- International Development of e-Infrastructures and Data Management Priorities for Global Change Research
- Investigating Model Initial Drift in the Tropics in Seasonal Hindcasts
- Investigating the Feedbacks between Land Surface Cover and North Atlantic Climate Variability in the HadCM3 Coupled Climate Model
- Managing the risk of agricultural drought in Africa
- Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf
- Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Mountains of Central Asia in the warmer world
- Observational Constraints on Atmospheric and Oceanic Cross-Equatorial Heat Transports: Revisiting the Precipitation Asymmetry Problem in Climate Models
- Observational constraints on the response function of Southern Ocean SST to SAM forcing
- On The Observability Of Turbulent Transport Rates By Argo: Supporting Evidence From An Inversion Experiment.
- Past, present and future of Tropical Cyclone climatology over CORDEX South-Asia domain: A coupled regional climate model study
- Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China
- Providing an Analysis Environment with Access to High-Volume Simulation and Observational Data for Climate Science
- Quantifying Human Appropriated Net Primary Productivity (HANPP) in a Ghanaian Cocoa System
- Quantitative analysis of the dynamics and morphology of substorm aurora
- Reanalysis water vapor and ozone intercomparison as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Repeatable and Predictable Dynamics of the Outer Radiation Belt
- Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The Evolution of the Heliosphere Over Decades, Centuries and Millennia
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosol on the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Tropospheric Distributions of Ozone and Carbon Monoxide.
- The Multi-Scale Response of Water Quality, Biodiversity and Carbon Sequestration to Coupled Macronutrient Cycling from Source to Sea: TURF2SURF
- The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosol in Atmospheric Circulation Changes
- The impact of European measures to reduce air pollutants on air quality, human health and climate
- The impacts of the 2014 eruption of Holuhraun in Iceland: the tropospheric equivalent of Mount Pinatubo
- The two-timescale response of Antarctic sea-surface temperature and sea-ice cover to ozone depletion
- Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS
- Tuyuksu glacier as an indicator of change in the Zailiyskiy-Kungei Alatau glacial system during the last 60 years
- A Systematic Exploration of the Local and Remote Climate Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions from Key Regions
- A combined study of gas geochemistry, petrology, and lava effusion at Bagana, a unique persistently active lava cone in Papua New Guinea
- A comparison between large-scale irregularities and scintillations in the polar ionosphere
- Aerosol properties above clouds over the South East Atlantic Ocean during the fire season: comparison between observations from POLDER/PARASOL and AeroCom models
- Antarctic Last Interglacial Isotope Peak in Response to Sea Ice Retreat not Ice Sheet Collapse
- Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation from Space: Results of the first phase of the URBANFLUXES Project
- CSSP MESETA : Simulation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon with idealized Tibetan Plateau orography
- Climatology of Tibetan Plateau Vortices and Connection to the Upper-level Atmospheric Circulation
- Controlling Factors of the Surface Energy and Water Balances in cities located in cold climate regions
- Determining the Substorm Onset Instability Using Ground and Space-Based Measurements
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- East Asian rainfall in CMIP5 models: Contribution of Tropical Cyclones and Mei-yu front to spatio-temporal rainfall variability
- Exceptional Shift to a Weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at the end of the Little Ice Age
- Force balance and deformation characteristics of anisotropic Arctic sea ice (a high resolution study)
- Implementation of internal wave drag in the CICE mode
- Improved Climate Simulations through a Stochastic Parameterization of Ocean Eddies
- Influence of Lake Stratification Onset on Summer Surface Water Temperature
- Investigating Model Initial Drift in the Tropical Western Pacific in Seasonal Hindcasts
- Local and remote impacts of aerosol species on Indian summer monsoon rainfall in a GCM
- Mapping Magnetic Field Lines between the Sun and Earth
- Mapping the Historical Probability of Increased Flood Hazard During ENSO Events Using a New 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century River Flow Reanalysis
- Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- Observed Top-Of-The-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes Provide No Constraint On Aerosol Effective Radiative Forcing
- On the emergence of unusual, unfamiliar and unknown climates
- Quantifying the Processes controlling Macroscale Dynamics of Outer Radiation Belt
- Regional Differences in Stratospheric Intrusions over the USA Investigated using the NASA MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- River Discharge across Africa under Present-day and Mid-Holocene Conditions
- Sensitivity of Antarctic sea ice to form drag parameterization: model results and remote sensing observations
- Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT): A new model framework to simulate snow-microwave interactions for active and passive remote sensing applications
- The Substorm Onset Arc is Azimuthally Structured
- The effect of under-ice melt ponds on their surroundings in the Arctic
- The role of localised Ultra-Low Frequency waves in energetic electron precipitation
- Towards a unified model for leaf trait and trait-environment relationships
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts
- What is Next? Linking all Samples of Planet Earth.
- A first summary of the Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC) campaign in the remote southeast Atlantic
- A new approach for estimating projected future changes in extreme rainfall over East Asia and its uncertainties including information about model performance on different scales
- Accurate measurements of solar spectral irradiance between 4000-10000 cm<SUP>-1</SUP>
- An Overview of OCTAV-UTLS (Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS), a SPARC Emerging Activity
- Are ship tracks useful analogs for studying the aerosol indirect effect?
- Assessing the Impacts of Mid-latitude Circulation Changes under +1.5ºC and +2ºC Warming
- Assessment of the Hydrological Status of Marshlands in the South of Iraq Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Drought Indices
- Can explicit convection improve modeled dust in summertime West Africa?
- Climate ObjectiVes and Feedback Effects on Future Emissions
- Combined application of Sentinel2A data and growth modelling for novel monitoring and prediction of pasture yields
- Core Certification of Data Repositories: Trustworthiness and Long-Term Stewardship
- Determining magnetospheric ULF wave activity from external drivers using the most influential solar wind parameters
- Developing a Toolkit for Model Evaluation Using Speleothem Isotope Data
- Developing an Earth system Inverse model for the Earth's energy and water budgets.
- Diagnosing observed characteristics of the wet season across Africa to identify deficiencies in climate model simulations
- Estimating Soil and Vegetation Parameters using Synergies between Optical and Microwave Observations
- Evaluating past and future changes in the seasonal characteristics of rainfall across Africa in CMIP5 climate models
- Event attribution: Human influence on the record-breaking cold event in January of 2016 in Eastern China
- Fragmentation and melting of the seasonal sea ice cover
- Ground-penetrating radar evidence of refrozen meltwater in the firn column of Larsen C Ice Shelf
- How Do Atmospheric Rivers Form?
- Importance of the Pre-Industrial Baseline in Determining the Likelihood of Exceeding the Paris Limits
- Improved ice-ocean form drag parameterization in the CICE model
- Methane mitigation shows significant benefits towards achieving the 1.5 degree target.
- Model Uncertainty Quantification Methods For Data Assimilation In Partially Observed Multi-Scale Systems
- Modelling Melt Lake Formation on an Ice Shelf
- New insight from CryoSat-2 sea ice thickness for sea ice modelling
- Origins of the Asian-Australian monsoons related to Cenozoic plate movement and Tibetan Plateau uplift - A modeling study
- Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: challenges and perspectives
- Poleward Energy Transport: Is the Standard Definition Physically Relevant at All Time Scales?
- Response of Antarctic sea surface temperature and sea ice to ozone depletion
- Role of Orographic Elevated Large-scale Heating on Asian Summer Monsoon
- Significantly Increased Extreme Precipitation Expected in Europe and North America from Extratropical Storms
- Solar Geoengineering and the Modulation of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Frequency
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- Stratospheric Intrusion Catalog: A 10-year Compilation of Events Identified By Using an Objective Feature Tracking Model With NASA's MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- Stratospheric water vapor and ozone evaluation in reanalyses as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Strong constraints on aerosol-cloud interactions from volcanic eruptions
- The role of feedbacks in Antarctic sea ice change
- Top-down and Bottom-up aerosol-cloud-closure: towards understanding sources of unvertainty in deriving cloud radiative flux
- Towards seasonal Arctic shipping route predictions
- Trans-Atlantic Dust Transport and Deposition: An Evaluation of GEOS-5 Model with Satellite and Aircraft Observations
- Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
- Under-ice melt ponds and the oceanic mixed layer
- Upscaling Our Approach to Peatland Carbon Sequestration: Remote Sensing as a Tool for Carbon Flux Estimation.
- Using high-resolution satellite radar to measure lava flow morphology, rheology, effusion rate and subsidence at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador.
- Using trajectories to explain the moisture budget asymmetry between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
- Volcanic ash dosage calculator: A proof-of-concept tool to support aviation stakeholders during ash events
- A Strategy for Global Snow Information for Nature and Society
- A deep reservoir in the 21st century: dynamics of water temperature and heat fluxes under climate change
- A methodology for anomaly coupling in numerical s2s forecasts
- A wave-like evolution of polar cap ionization patches associated with wider distributed nightside reconnection
- Aerosol sources, processes and effects on the urban boundary layer: highlights from the Air Pollution and Human health programme
- An Observation-based Estimation of Dust Aerosol Net Direct Radiative Effects over the Tropical Northeast Atlantic and Sahara Desert
- Are storm-time Ultra-Low Frequency waves special?
- Assessing the Role of Substorms on Ring Current Energisation and Decay
- Assessing the global sea level budget and its uncertainties: progress from ESA's CCI Sea Level Budget Closure project.
- Attributing extreme events in China
- Building rich and interactive web applications with CoverageJSON
- Changes in glaciers and glacial systems of transboundary basins in Central Asia over the past 60 years and their impact on runoff and water resources
- Comparative Analysis of Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Vegetation Indices Derived From Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Imageries Under Rainfed Condition
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Contrasting impacts of methane from anthropogenic and natural sources in meeting the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Data Assimilation in the Solar Wind
- Disentangling the Hierarchy of Controls and Responses in Paleoclimatic Variations: A Diagnostic Study of the Mid-Holocene Drought in the Mid-Continent of North America Using Paleohydrological Data Dyntheses and Transient Climate Simulations
- Diverse responses of wildfire burned area to the widespread greening of the Earth
- Enhanced cusp electron precipitations associated with magnetic reconnection in an extreme hot flow anomaly
- Enhancement or Drop-out Drift-Echoes? An Investigation of Magnetospheric Pre-Conditions that Influence the Prompt Radiation Belt Response to IP Shocks, using a 3D MHD Wave Model and Test Particle Simulations.
- Examining the role of aerosol forcing in driving global climate variations using a novel large ensemble of historical simulations
- Exploring the impact of the rise of Greenland-Scotland Ridge on ocean circulation and climate
- Fast and Slow Components of the Extratropical Atmospheric Circulation Response to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- Flood Seasonality in Africa: the Timing of Floods Changes with Large-Scale Climate Variability
- Forecasting severe space weather: Looking beyond coronagraphs to characterise coronal mass ejections
- Improving the Ability and Confidence of UK Secondary Geography Teachers to Teach Weather and Climate
- Large ensembles as a tool to understand changes in climate extremes: variability, trends and emergence of forced changes
- Mechanisms for a remote response to Asian aerosol emissions in boreal winter
- Mechanisms of Meteorological Drought over São Paulo, Brazil
- Model study showing the impact of floe size distribution on seasonal fragmentation and melt of Arctic sea ice
- Modelling assessment of the impact of under ice melt ponds on sea ice and the upper ocean
- Modelling the Fate of Surface Melt on the Larsen C Ice Shelf
- New climate model representation of the refreezing of melt ponds
- North Atlantic post-tropical cyclones in reanalysis datasets
- Observational evidence of European summer weather patterns predictable from spring
- Processes shaping the spatial pattern and seasonality of surface air temperature changes in response to the anthropogenic forcing
- PsychroLib: software library for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of gas-vapor mixtures
- Radiative-convective equilibrium across the gray zone
- Re -writing History: the Role of Forcing in Surge and Hiatus Events over the 20th and 21st Centuries
- Recent decadal changes in heat waves over China: drivers and mechanisms
- Retrieving Sea Surface Temperature from Early 1970s Satellite Data
- Sea Ice - Ocean Feedbacks in the Antarctic Shelf Seas
- Seasonal Forecast Skill of Tropical Cyclone Landfalls in the United States: Influence of Enhanced Ocean and Atmosphere Resolution
- Sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to Global Climate Models Resolution
- Simulated inter-hemispheric phasing for an abrupt Northern Hemisphere warming
- Simulating Global and Local Land Surface Processes with JULES on the CEDA JASMIN Super-data-cluster
- Smoke Long range transport: monitoring with the new European automatic Lidar and ceilometer network: E-PROFILE
- SnowEx 2019 - A time series airborne and field experiment in multiple snow climates
- The EUSTACE project: delivering global, daily information on surface air temperature
- The Present and Future of Western Disturbances and Winter Precipitation over South Asia
- The distribution of solar energy under ponded sea ice
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The impact on Arctic sea ice of increased ice-ocean drag caused by ocean internal waves
- The influence of Asian aerosol on the rate of global warming on decadal timescales
- The response of Southern Ocean sea surface temperature to ozone depletion: Comparison of linear and nonlinear response functions
- The role of Stochastic Physics and model resolution for the simulation of Tropical Cyclones in AGCMs
- The role of the terrestrial biosphere in climate change mitigation
- Using CryoSat-2 Sea Ice Thickness to Improve Sea Ice Evolution in the Ocean - Sea Ice Model NEMO-CICE
- Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015
- 2019 CF Conventions for netCDF Workshop
- A Dynamical Perspective on Atmospheric Temperature Variability Changes
- A large deviation theory-based analysis of heat waves and cold spells in a simplified model of the general circulation of the atmosphere
- Asserting the climate benefits of the coal-to-gas shift across temporal and spatial scales: reinforcing the support for coal phase-out
- Assessment of CMIP6 Climate Model Simulations of Recent Changes in Earth's Radiation Budget Using CERES Observations
- Assessment of the pre-industrial to present-day anthropogenic forcing, including apportionment of the methane and halocarbon forcings: First results from UKESM1
- Bounding aerosol radiative forcing of climate change
- Can We Predict "Climate Migrations"? The 2018 Guatemalan Case
- Characterising the response of OAP in-situ particle imagers: implications for cirrus observations
- Characterizing Convective Schemes by Their Linearized Responses
- Coarse and Giant Particles are Ubiquitous in Saharan Dust Export Regions and are Radiatively Significant over the Sahara
- Concentrations and Fluxes of Black Carbon in Beijing and Old Delhi Using Single Particle Soot Photometry Measurements.
- Decadal Variability of Tropical Cyclones: Natural Variability or Anthropogenic Influence?
- Dipole in Future Anthropogenic Emission Scenarios Across India and China Strongly Influences Spatial Distribution of Monsoon Rainfall Response
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- Effects of Variability of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients in Outer Radiation Belt
- Enhanced Water Vapor in the Dusty Saharan Air Layer: Radiative Impacts
- Explicit Thunderstorm Electrification Scheme for the Met Office's Unified Model
- Fine Root and Mycorrhizal Trait Adjustments to the Environment
- Global Multi-Model Estimates of Fire-induced Tree Cover Reduction and Acceleration of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- Global surface energy and water cycle variability 2001-2011 from satellite data.
- Heat-related health risk in Europe: a human-biometeorology assessment via the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI)
- Historical variability and life-cycles of North Atlantic post-tropical cyclones
- How Elevated Layers of Moisture and Smoke Impact Radiation and Clouds in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Hydro-JULES: Next Generation Land-surface and Hydrological Predictions
- Impact of atmospheric models' horizontal resolution on water budgets in HighResMip.
- Impact of the Arctic sea ice initial conditions on the (intra-)seasonal prediction skill in the Arctic and mid-latitude regions
- Impact of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution on the Seasonal Evolution and Inter-annual Variability of Arctic Sea Ice.
- Inner-Heliosphere Observations of Sunward Strahl Electrons on Magnetic Switchbacks
- Intensification Variability of Tropical Cyclones in Directional Shear Flows: Vortex Tilt-Convection Coupling
- Interaction of Convective Organisation with Monsoon Precipitation, Atmosphere, Surface and Sea: the 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India
- Interhemispheric transport of metallic plasma layers in Earth's ionosphere
- Investigating possible flux tube substructure within the solar wind
- Land-atmosphere coupling sensitivity to GCMs resolution: A multi-model analysis of the Sahel "hot spot"
- Linking Soft Traits with the Environment: Trait Syndromes and Plant Adaptation Strategies
- Modelling the Acceleration, Transport and Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons with the Rad-Sat Project
- Novel approaches to geospace particle transfer in the digital age: Progress through data science
- Overview of Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum PMIP4 entry card results
- Predictability of Leaf Traits with Climate and Elevation: A Case Study in Gongga Mountain, China.
- Pro-L* - A Probabilistic L* Mapping Tool for Ground Observations to the Magnetic Equator
- Spatial radiative feedbacks from internal variability using multiple regression
- Synthesizing Diverse Data Sources to Quantify Net Historical Emissions From Mangrove Loss
- The ESA Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative (WV_cci)
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The Ionospheric response over the UK to major bombing raids during World War II
- The Role of Oceanic and Atmospheric Heat Transports as Drivers of Sea-Ice Extent
- The Shock-ICME Complex Structure observed by Wind and Venus Express
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The Visual Complexity of Coronal Mass Ejections over a Solar Cycle
- The future of Tropical Cyclones in AGCM simulations: the role of Stochastic Physics and model resolution.
- The impact of melt pond refreezing on Arctic sea ice
- The impact of the 'dead water' effect on Arctic sea ice
- The occurrence and distribution of discrete and broadband ULF wave power
- The role of convective moistening in communicating ocean feedbacks to mean state column water vapor
- The water budget of Tropical Cyclones in climate models and the role of model resolution.
- Towards the Objective Classification of Coronal Hole and Streamer Belt Solar Wind
- Transient aggregation of convection: Observed behavior and underlying processes
- Trends and variability in Arctic sea ice and sea ice export into the North Atlantic from an historical ensemble from the UK CMIP6 Earth System Model
- Tropospheric ozone distribution and variability from satellite sounding at multiple wavelengths
- Uncertainty in Aerosol Radiative Forcing Impacts the Global Monsoon in the 20th Century
- Understanding and predicting the controlling factors of Ultra-Low Frequency wave penetration during geomagnetic storms
- Understanding the Synoptic and Climatic Factors that Lead to the 2018 Kerala Floods
- Using Driven Particle-In-Cell Simulations to Examine Electron Diffusion by Whistler-Mode Waves
- Using earth observation data to assess the performance of a global flood forecasting model in an ungauged catchment in Uganda
- Variability in the Global Energy Budget and Transports 1985-2017
- Weak Average Response of Liquid Cloud Water to Anthropogenic Aerosols
- What causes the spread of model projections of sea level change in response to greenhouse gas forcing?
- Why do Atmospheric Rivers cause Different Floods?
- Wildfire and heat stress risk: mapping as a tool to improve evidence-based decision making for concurrent hazards
- A Machine learning assisted Cloud Population Model as a Parameterization of Cumulus Convection
- A Microwave Closure Experiment: Testing the Physical Consistency of Microwave Scattering Models.
- A long-lasting auroral bright spot around magnetic north pole: Is it the evidence of stable lobe magnetic reconnection?
- A typology of compound weather and climate events
- Advances in understanding large-scale responses of the water cycle to climate change
- Aerosol-forced AMOC changes in CMIP6 historical simulations.
- An Adaptive Prediction System for Specifying Solar Wind Conditions Near the Sun
- Arctic MIZ Sensitivity to Atmospheric Forcing and Feedbacks
- Assessing the Representation of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution Within Arctic Sea Ice Models
- Automated Microphysical Cloud Properties from ARM Cimel Sunphotometer Cloud Mode Datasets
- Climate Sensitivity Increases Under Higher CO<SUB>2</SUB> Levels Due to Feedback Temperature Dependence
- Climate feedbacks through chemistry and aerosols in CMIP6 Earth system models
- Cloud futures for CMIP data - evaluating object storage models and re-evaluating federation for data distribution
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Convection in future winter storms over northern Europe.
- Detecting Drivers of Heavy Precipitation in the Himalayan Region
- Determining new representations of "Geoeffectiveness" using deep learning
- Does high-resolution HadGEM3 overestimate precipitation over land?
- Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Reactive Gases: A Multimodel Comparison from AerChemMIP Experiments
- Effects of Anthropogenic Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Changes on West African and Indian Monsoon Precipitation.
- Effects of Misspecified Time-correlated Model Error in the (Ensemble) Kalman Smoother
- Ensemble CME modelling constrained by heliospheric imager observations
- Evaluating the Performance of a Convective Scale Coupled NWP Model for Atmospheric and Oceanic Hazards Associated with Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal
- Exploring the role of particulate matter as a carrier of SARS-CoV-2 in USA cities
- Extratropical transition of tropical cyclones in global climate models
- Formation and decay of sea ice pressure ridges: How to enable a GCM sea ice model to represent CyroSat-2 estimates
- Handling the complexity of the space weather system: Novel approaches through particle precipitation and ion outflow
- Heat Stress Across the African Continent
- High sensitivity of tropical precipitation to local sea-surface temperature
- How can flood data be more useful?
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- Improving Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Processes in Earth System Models with NASA ABoVE Data
- Improving the Global Modeling of Soils in JULES and the Unified Model: Updating from UM/HWSD to SoilGrids Soil Properties and from the Brooks & Corey to the Van Genuchten Soil-hydraulics Model
- In-Situ Multi-Spacecraft and Remote Imaging Observations of the First CME Detected by Solar Orbiter
- Influence of Model Resolution on Bomb Cyclones Revealed by HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA Simulations
- Inter-comparison and radiative closure assessment of cloud, aerosol and precipitation retrievals from the synergy of radar, lidar and radiometers in the A-Train
- Large-scale drivers of extratropical storm track biases in CMIP6 historical simulations
- Multi-point magnetic flux rope analysis for the 2020 April 19 CME observed in situ by Solar Orbiter and Wind
- Multiple transpolar auroral arcs reveal insight about coupling processes in the Earth's magnetotail
- Non-Stationarity of Wintertime Atmospheric Circulation Regimes in the Euro-Atlantic Sector
- Observed winter Arctic sea ice volume budget decomposition over the Cryosat-2 period
- Predicting future climate extremes in China using causality driven statistical models based on scenario model simulations
- Projected changes in future tropical cyclone precipitation in the HighResMIP ensemble
- Quantifying the Importance of Vegetation Characteristics and Fuel Build Up for Fire Seasonality
- Quasilinear and Nonlinear Electron Interactions with Whistler-Mode Waves
- Realistic representation of vertical melt pond thermodynamics in the CICE sea ice model
- Relationships between Upper Tropospheric Jet and Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone Variability and Trends: Links to natural Modes of Variability
- Relative Impact of GHG Forcing and Ozone Depletion/Recovery in Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation and Regional Precipitation Changes.
- SST air-sea Heat Flux Feedback over mesoscale eddies
- Sea ice and atmospheric predictability: preliminary results using HadGEM3 and EC-Earth
- Seasonal Differences in Changing Wet and Dry Spell Characteristics under Future Climate Change
- Seasonal Progression of the East Asian Summer Monsoon: Air-Mass Analysis and Tropical-Extratropical Drivers in ERA5
- Seasonality of Phytoplankton in two satellite products and novel CMIP6 climate models
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Precipitation Variability and their Relation to MJO Representation in CMIP6 Models
- The Antarctic stratospheric warming and its impacts in 2019
- The Effect of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupling on the Sensitivity of the ITCZ to Convective Mixing
- The future slow-down of Northern Hemisphere summer weather
- The global electric circuit and climate processes
- The impact of assimilating sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution derived from Cryosat-2 observations into a stand-alone sea ice model
- The nature of the variability of wave particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere and consequences for diffusion models
- The role of Arctic Sea Ice Loss in Projected Polar Vortex Changes
- Understanding the higher order temperature variability changes
- Using Causal Effect Networking to determine the pathway of the ENSO-Indian Summer Monsoon teleconnection
- Using Model Nudging to Isolate Rapid Adjustment Mechanisms Caused by Anthropogenic Short-lived Pollutants
- Water vapour in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS): A new vertically resolved dataset from limb and nadir satellite observations
- Wave-driven shoreline changes along the Beaufort and Chukchi coasts
- A Combined Assessment of the Global Energy and Sea Level Budgets 1971-2018
- A Next Generation Space Weather Particle Precipitation Model: Mature machine learning approaches, multiscale mesoscale prediction, and an open science framework for machine learning
- A proposed model intercomparison study to evaluate the role of SST variability on MJO eastward propagation in climate models
- Aerosols and Chemistry in the CMIP6 models new science from AerChemMIP
- An Implementation of the Particle Flow Filter (PFF) in the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
- Assessing multi-sector near-term transition and longer-term physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways
- Assessing the Effects of Non-photochemical Quenching and Structural Effects on the Seasonal Cycle of Solar-induced Fluorescence in a Coniferous Forest with a Land Surface Model
- Atmospheric drivers of surface melting on the Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula
- Biomass Burning Aerosols in Most Climate Models Are Too Absorbing
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Can Climate Models Successfully Diagnose Clear-Air Turbulence and its Response to Climate Change?
- Can We Build Useful Statistical Model for Extreme Mei-yu Rainfall Prediction Based on the Causal Relations with Known Large-scale Modes?
- Chapter 1: Framing, context, and methods
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Chapter 8: Droughts, floods, and monsoons: Not Your Parents' Water Cycle
- Classifying climate nonlinearities
- Climate change's influence on the 2009 extreme rainfall event : Past, Present and the Future
- Climate impacts of stabilisation at various global warming levels
- Constraining aerosol forcing uncertainty and retuning models using satellite data and perturbed parameter ensembles
- Disentangling Effects of Anthropogenic Emission Reductions and Meteorology on Air Pollution Changes and Associated Health Risks during the COVID-19 Lockdown in China
- Does ENSO Affect Global Clear-Air Turbulence?
- Estimating Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity in Response to Realistic Changes in Radiative Forcing
- Examining the diverse values of remotely sensed observations for assisting flood disaster management : the 2021 European floods example
- Extreme Heat and Stunted Growth in Children across Africa
- Fingerprinting Heatwaves and Cold Spells Using Large Deviation Theory
- Forecasting Heatwave Health Hazards
- Forecasting and Causal Inference Analysis of Satellite-based Rainfall Estimates and Soil Moisture for Drought and Flood Early Warning Systems (EWS)
- Global Size-Resolved Dust Direct Radiative Effect Efficiency in Both Shortwave and Longwave Derived from Satellite Observations
- Ground magnetic field perturbation forecasting based on deep learning on spherical harmonics decomposition
- HI-based CME Modeling and the Influence of the Drag-force on the CME Frontal Shape
- How DC and FDEM methods can help reconstruct the 90-year history of occupation of an urban area in Campos do Jordao, Sao Paulo Brazil and their applications in mass movement studies
- How Sensitive is Ocean Heat Uptake to Aerosol Forcing?
- How interactions between tropical depressions and western disturbances affect extreme precipitation in South Asia
- How sea ice growth, melt and dynamics change as Arctic sea ice becomes increasingly marginal
- IPCC AR6 WGI Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment
- Idealized cloud resolving simulations tend to overestimate the effect of aerosol on the thermodynamic environment and convective clouds
- Impact of Heat Storage on Remote-Sensing Based Quantification of Anthropogenic Heat in Urban Environments
- Impacts of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the Tropical Pacific: a multi-model study
- Improved Arctic sea ice forecasting by combining ensemble Kalman filter with a Lagrangian sea ice model
- Improving Land Surface Model Predictions and Forecasts by using Satellite Observations
- Improving solar wind forecasts using data assimilation
- Increased Importance of Earth System Model Emulators in the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1
- Inferring the instability of a dynamical system from the skill of data assimilation exercises
- Intermodel spread in instantaneous radiative forcing across multiple climate drivers
- Introducing the new CF Lossy Compression by Coordinate Subsampling
- Meridional Energy Transport Extremes and Dominant Modes of Mid-latitudinal Weather Variability in the Northern Hemisphere
- Model-observation comparison of sea ice floe size distribution in the Arctic
- Modelling the dependence of energy droughts from variable renewable energies over Europe
- Monitoring Relative Surface Soil Moisture Changes Across the Thames Basin using Sentinel-1
- Natural flood management in lowland catchments: testing the consistency of a semi-distributed modelling framework to provide evidence of effectiveness
- NetCDF Climate and Forecast Aggregation (CFA) Conventions
- Northern Hemisphere blocking simulation in current climate models: evaluating progress from CMIP5 to CMIP6 and sensitivity to resolution
- Parameterization for the emission of super coarse desert dust
- Physical Climate Changes at Global Warming Thresholds as seen in the UK Earth System Model
- Radiative impact of water vapour in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) from a new merged satellite data
- Role of Ocean Heat Transport in Projected Future Sea Ice Decline
- Stratospheric water vapour trends - an update from the ESA Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative
- Surface Melt and Runoff on Antarctic Ice Shelves at 1.5C, 2C, and 4C of Future Warming
- Systematic Earth Observations Supporting the Global Stocktake
- The Earths energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
- The Polar Vortex Winter of 2013/14
- The Role of Aerosol Process Representation in Uncertainty in the North Atlantic Region in CMIP6
- The Urban Influence on Extreme Temperatures in the UK Climate Projections (UKCP18)
- The Utility of Semi-Quantitative Flood Impact Information in Verifying Flood Events in Uganda
- The impact of assimilating a sub-grid scale sea ice thickness distribution in a new Arctic sea ice reanalysis system
- The largest spectroscopic uncertainty in climate science?
- The representation of soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks across the Tibetan Plateau in CMIP6
- The role of ocean coupling on MJO simulation in the CMIP6 models
- The role of ocean heat transport from the Atlantic into the Arctic Ocean on sea ice variability
- The role of sea ice floe size in pan-Arctic and local ice mass evolution
- Tropical Cyclones in Future HighResMIP Experiments : Explaining and Reconciling Projections
- Understanding the Recent Global Increase in the Proportion of Tropical Cyclones Undergoing Rapid Intensification
- Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred from Observed Evapotranspiration Recession
- Using River Discharge Observations to Understand Precipitation Biases in CMIP6-HighResMIP Simulations
- Utilizing the Spectral Structure of Reflected Solar Radiation to Understand the Underlying Properties and Processes Controlling the Albedo of Earth
- What Governs the Interannual Variability of Recurving North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones?
- What Has CMIP6 Added to our Understanding of Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosols?
- Widespread thermal acclimation of canopy photosynthesis
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- AMIP-style global soil simulations with JULES and the Unified Model: The role of soil hydraulics model, pedotransfer function, and basic soil property map
- An improved plant hydraulics model for the land component of the CliMA Earth System Model
- Assessment of plausible changes in Climate Impact-drivers relevant for the viticulture sector: a storyline approach with a climate service perspective
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Consistent Trends in Dry Spell Length in Recent Observations and Future Projections
- Definition of a comprehensive succession of major transitions that shaped the Earth climate during the past 66 Myr
- Development of debris flows forecasting system for the mountains of Central Asia by application of ecPoint Rainfall product
- Early Results from the MJO-SST Sensitivity Model Intercomparison Project (MSMIP)
- Eco-evolutionary Optimality in the Context of Vegetation Modelling
- Effects of Volcanic Aerosols on the Genesis and Intensity Change of Tropical Cyclones: Wukong (2018) and Cody (2022)
- Evaluation of Native Earth System Model Output with ESMValTool
- Future summer drying of south-western Maritime Continent is linked with Equatorial Pacific Ocean warming
- Hourly Historical and Near-Future Weather and Climate Variables for Energy System Modelling
- Impacts of foliage clumping on global photosynthesis
- Inconsistencies in Ocean Temperature Monitoring for Coral Reef Applications
- Information Flow in complex geophysical systems
- Modelling Extreme Mei-yu Rainfall Over China Using Causal-Physical Drivers
- Multi-scale interactions in a High Impact Weather event over Peninsular Malaysia and Southern Thailand: observation and forecast evaluation
- Observational estimate of stratocumulus susceptibility across timescales
- Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling
- Physical climate storylines: key methodological approaches
- Quantifying the relationship between co-occurring flood and wind damage over North-West Europe, in a present and future climate.
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Regional Climate Change at Various Global Warming Levels: Role of Warming Rate and Scenario Differences
- Sensitivity Analysis and Machine Learning of a Sea Ice Melt Pond Parametrisation
- Sensitivity of Model Estimates of CME Propagation and Arrival Time to Inner Boundary Conditions when Constrained by Spacecraft Data.
- Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX "soil-cloud cascade"
- Structure, light and photosynthesis in vegetation canopies.
- Tempered Particle Filter in a Real World Experiment.
- The Green's Function Model Intercomparison Project (GFMIP) Protocol
- The Performance of Filtered Leapfrog Schemes in Benchmark Simulations
- The Relationship between Sea Surface Temperature and North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Precipitation over Ocean and Land.
- The climatology and long-term trend of the atmospheric energetics using a local available potential energy framework
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond
- Why Sensitivity Auditing Matters for the Socio-hydrological Perspective in Water Resources Modelling
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Shepherd
- Aaron S. Donahue
- Adam Bateson
- Adrian J. Matthews
- Aimée B. A. Slangen
- Akinori Ito
- Alek Petty
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexander J. Baker
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Ali Aydoğdu
- Andrea J. Dittus
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Andrew G. Turner
- Andrew Williams
- Anne‐Marie Tréguier
- Arlan Dirkson
- Asti Bhatt
- B. H. Samset
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Benjamin G. M. Webber
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Bosong Zhang
- Brian Medeiros
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Byongjun Hwang
- C. J. Henney
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carly L. Reddington
- Caroline M. Wainwright
- Carsten Montzka
- Cassiano Antônio Bortolozo
- Catherine E. Scott
- Catia M. Domingues
- Charlotte A. DeMott
- Christian Franzke
- Christian Möstl
- Christiane Jablonowski
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher J. Merchant
- Christopher J. Smith
- Christopher M. Taylor
- Claire L. Ryder
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Daehyun Kim
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- David Barriopedro
- David Crisp
- David Ferreira
- David Hassell
- David Painemal
- David Paynter
- Denis‐Didier Rousseau
- Dimitry Sein
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Doug Smith
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Eiko Nemitz
- Ella Gilbert
- Elliott Michael Sainsbury
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Emma Boland
- Emma J. Barton
- Enrico Camporeale
- Ewan Pinnington
- Fiona M. O’Connor
- Florian Pappenberger
- Francesca Pianosi
- François Massonnet
- Frédéric Castruccio
- Fuzhen Shen
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Gabriele Messori
- Graham Feingold
- Gregor C. Leckebusch
- Guy Schumann
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- Hannah Bloomfield
- Hao Ye
- Harro Jongen
- Hongbin Yu
- Hua Zhang
- Hui Wan
- I. Zouganelis
- J. Christine Chiu
- J. E. Kay
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jake Aylmer
- Jake J. Gristey
- James Harle
- James Keeble
- James Renwick
- Jason C. Furtado
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jiangong Liu
- Jianyu Zheng
- Jinlun Zhang
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- Joeri Rogelj
- John K. Hillier
- Jonah Bloch‐Johnson
- Jonathan M. Gregory
- Joshua Talib
- Judah Cohen
- Julie K. Lundquist
- Julien Brajard
- Jun Meng
- K. S. Carslaw
- Karin van der Wiel
- Keith P. Shine
- Kelvin S. Ng
- Kieran M. R. Hunt
- Kieran T. Bhatia
- Kim M. Cobb
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Kyle C. Armour
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura Wilcox
- Laurent Bertino
- Lawrence C. Hamilton
- Leandro Ponsoni
- Lee T. Murray
- Leighton A. Regayre
- Leon Hermanson
- Li He
- Lisa Bock
- Luke Barnard
- M. J. Owens
- Maisa Rojas
- Malcolm Roberts
- Manuel Schlund
- Manuela Temmer
- Marc J. Alessi
- Maria Rugenstein
- Marika M. Holland
- Marina Baldissera Pacchetti
- Marlene Kretschmer
- Martin A. Reiss
- Martin Wild
- Martina Klose
- Masahiro Watanabe
- Matthew Collins
- Matthew Lang
- Michael Craig
- Michael Steele
- Michaela I. Hegglin
- Michel Tsamados
- Min Chen
- Min Huang
- Ming Zhao
- Mitchell Bushuk
- Mohammad Ghoreishi
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nathan P. Gillett
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Noelia Otero
- Olaf Morgenstern
- P. G. van Zyl
- P. H. Lauritzen
- Panos Athanasiadis
- Paola A. Arias
- Patrick C. McGuire
- Paul Bates
- Paul D. Williams
- Paul J. Durack
- Paul T. Griffiths
- Pauline Rivoire
- Paul‐Arthur Monerie
- Peter Jan van Leeuwen
- Philip J. Rasch
- Philip Stier
- Pier Luigi Vidale
- Pierre Gentine
- Qing Zhu
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Razi Sheikholeslami
- Renato K. Braghiere
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard Neale
- Robert Kopp
- Rohit Ghosh
- Rosie Eade
- Ross Herbert
- Ryan J. Kramer
- Ryan McGranaghan
- Rémi Tailleux
- Sadie L. Bartholomew
- Samantha Hallam
- Samuele Lo Piano
- Sandy P. Harrison
- Sarah M. Kang
- Sebastian Milinski
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Shayne McGregor
- Simon C. Peatman
- Sophie Szopa
- Spencer Hatch
- Steven J. Woolnough
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Syed Muhammad Zaigham Abbas Naqvi
- T. Karl
- Tamaki Suematsu
- Tea Thum
- Tero Mielonen
- Theodore G. Shepherd
- Thian Yew Gan
- Thomas R. Knutson
- Tristan Quaife
- Trude Storelvmo
- Uma S. Bhatt
- Ute Amerstorfer
- V. H. F. Neo
- V. Ramaswamy
- Vaishali Naik
- Valeria Barra
- Valerio Lembo
- Valerio Lucarini
- Veronika Eyring
- Vishal Upendran
- Vivien Matthias
- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- William Collins
- William J. Riley
- William Merryfield
- Xianan Jiang
- Xiaodong Tang
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xiaojun Yuan
- Xiaoli Zhou
- Yanyun Liu
- Yongjun Huang
- Yumeng Chen
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zebedee Nicholls
- Zhibo Zhang