Princeton University, Department of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 3D Spherical Model of Mantle Convection and Continental Drift
- A local grid refinement approach for the lithosphere and upper mantle in 3-D spherical mantle convection models
- A semi-automatic calibration method for seismic arrays applied to an Alaskan array
- Accuracy of Born and Ray Approximations in Time-Distance Helioseismology
- Correcting High-Precision Earthquake Catalogs for Time-Dependent Station Delays: Examples and Applications to the Study of Rupture Interaction
- Diffraction Tomography of Shear Velocity Heterogeneity in the Lowermost Mantle
- Do anaerobic microsites control soil methane flux?
- Earthquake Interaction: Observations and Simulations
- Elastic constants of fluorite to 9.3 GPa
- Experimental Constraints on Degassing and Permeability in Volcanic Conduit Flow
- Experimental Studies of Crystal Structures and Elasticity in the Deep Mantle
- FEATURED PRESENTATION: Plate Velocities in Hotspot Reference Frame
- First-principles simulations of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> at high pressure and temperature
- Fréchet kernels for body wave amplitudes
- Geomorphic Expressions of Subsurface Structures: A Case Study on Hanging Wall of a Thrust Fault
- Global Time Tomography of Finite Frequency Waves with Optimized Tetrahedral Grids.
- Granularity of the mantle inferred form PKP precursors amplitude and duration.
- Hydrocarbon Gases in Hydrogeologically Isolated Fractures in Au Mines of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: Potential Substrates for Deep Subsurface Microorganisms
- Imaging Active Faults From Earthquakes in the San Gorgonio Pass - San Bernardino Mountains-San Jacinto Region, California and the Deep Continuity of the San Jacinto and San Andreas Faults
- Imaging the Main Detachment under Taiwan: Implications for the Critical-Taper Mechanics and Large-Scale Topography
- Mantle circulation models with variational data assimilation: Inferring past mantle flow and structure from plate motion histories and seismic tomography
- Mapping Organic Composition in Individual Atmospheric Particles
- Microbial Transport Mechanisms in Silty, Sandy Media as Inferred From Short Core Experiments Performed in the Field.
- Modeling 3D Wave Propagation in Global Earth Models Using a Spectral/Mortar Element Method
- Nature and Stability of the Martian Seasonal Water Cycle
- New P--V--T Equation of State of Gold: Application to the Post-spinel Phase Transition and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Noble Gas Study On Deep Mine Waters, South Africa
- P Wave Amplitudes in 3D Earth
- Rapid Climate Change at Siple Dome, Antarctica
- Rapid Generation of Synthetic Seismograms by Reduced Path Integration
- Recent Developments in Computational Seismology Using the Spectral Element Method
- Spectral Element Modeling of the Navier-Stokes Equations in a Rapidly Rotating Reference Frame
- Strength of Stishovite at Lower Mantle Pressures
- The Post-spinel Phase Boundary in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Validation of Born Traveltime Kernels
- 3-D Sensitivity Kernels for Surface Wave Observables
- A Data-Assimilated Model of the Near-Surface Circulation of the Santa Barbara Channel: Comparison with Observations and Dynamical Interpretations
- A Simple Mechanism Of The Decadal Variability Of Global Ocean Heat Content
- A Third Type of Hotspot: Volcanism Produced by Horizontal Flow in the Asthenosphere Combined With a Variation in Lithosphere Thickness
- A simple analytic benchmark for mantle flow: testing a 3-D spherical stokes solver at one per mil numerical accuracy
- Advances in Understanding the Earth's Deep Interior From High-Pressure Experiments at Community-Based Synchrotron Facilities
- Anthropogenic CO2 uptake by the ocean based on the global chlorofluorocarbon dataset
- Bananas, Doughnuts and Seismic Traveltimes
- Cation Disorder and Elasticity in MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Akimotoite
- Chronology of Millennial-Scale Climate Change at Siple Dome, West Antarctica
- Continent-Mantle Interactions in a 3D Spherical Convection Model
- Continuity of the San Andreas Fault at San Gorgonio Pass
- Crustal Profiling in Iceland Using Earthquake Source-Arrays
- Deuterium excess at Siple Dome, West Antarctica: A role for the Pacific in millennial-scale climate change?
- Efficient Synthesis of Seismograms via Path Integration
- Evidence of Source Changes for Nitrate in Precipitation at Bermuda
- External Forcing that Influence the Irregular Shedding of the Loop Current
- Factors Regulating the Seasonal Cycle of Inter-continental Air Pollution Transport between Asia, the United States and Europe
- Global P Wave Tomography: Rays and Waves
- Granularity of the Mantle Inferred From PKP Precursors Amplitude and Duration
- How Large is the Mass Independent O-17 Anomaly in the Atmosphere?
- Hydrocarbon Gas and Microbial Geochemistry in the Deep Subsurface of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- In-situ Microbial Cultivation in a South African Gold Mine
- Linking Diversity and Stable Isotope Fractionation in Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria
- Mantle Circulation Models with variational data assimilation: Inferring past mantle flow and structure from plate motion histories and seismic tomography
- Measurements and Models of the Atmospheric { Ar/N<SUB>2}</SUB> Ratio
- Microbial Diversity of Groundwater from Deep Subsurface Environment
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- Numerical Simulation of Near-Surface Wind over Santa Barbara Channel and Southern California Bight
- Ocean carbon transport and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Retrospective on the PEPP Experience
- Simulation of the Martian Boundary Layer and Dust Devils With the Mars MM5 Mesoscale Atmospheric Model
- Structure and diversity of functional guilds in the microbial nitrogen cycle of estuarine sediments
- Subsurface Geometry of the Sani-Chelungpu Faults and Fold Scarp Formation in the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake
- The Fate of Nitrate During an In-Situ Biostimulation Experiment in a Coastal Plain Aquifer
- The Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Porewater Nitrate from Bering Sea Sediments
- The S discrepancy revisited: traveltime shifts in randomly heterogeneous media
- The Surface Circulation of the Santa Barbara Channel and the Santa Maria Basin Inferred from a Model Simulation (1993-1999) with Data Assimilation
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Triple isotope composition of O<SUB>2</SUB> and the record of global oxygen production
- Using the Mass-Independent Signature of Atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> as a Tracer for Biological Productivity and for Ocean Mixing
- What happened to El Nino during the early Holocene?
- cyclones, tides, and the origin of major dust storms on Mars
- Amplitudes and Traveltimes of Waves in Random Media
- Changes of Methane and Nitrous Oxide in the Atmosphere : new Constraints From Stable Isotope Analyses in Polar Firn and ice.
- EGF Search for Compound Source Time Functions in Microearthquakes
- Finite-Element Modeling of the Thermal Structure in Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments
- Global finite-frequency surface-wave tomography
- High-Pressure Studies of Hydrogen- and Carbon-Bearing Minerals
- Joint inversion of short- and long-period P traveltimes reveals a variety of plumes in the mantle.
- Length and Time Scales in Continental Drift
- Localized Spectral Estimation on a Sphere Using Multiple Orthogonal Data Tapers: Applications for the Inversion of Admittance and Coherence Functions on the Terrestrial Planets
- Mantle Mineralogy and Mineral Physics: Paradigms and Paradoxes
- Meridional Gradients in Atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>.
- Microbial Diversity Associated With Geochemical Changes in a Deep Subsurface Aquifer
- Next-generation marine instruments to join plume debate
- Numerical Models of Stopping Ruptures on a Bimaterial Interface
- Nutrient Utilization During the Last Glacial Maximum, Evidence From a New Diatom-bound N Isotope Method
- Petrology at Princeton
- Resolution Limit of Traveltime Tomography
- Sahel Precipitation Variability and Global Sea Surface Temperature Forcing
- Seasonal Atmospheric Chemistry at Summit, Greenland Based on N and O Isotopes of Nitrate
- The Beaverhead Impact Structure: Discovery and Investigation of an Allocthonous Impact Structure in SW Montana
- The Effect of Iron Content on the High-Pressure Elasticity of Olivine: Implications for Chemical Heterogeneities in the Upper Mantle
- The Green Bar: a 2.8 Ga Ultramafic Exhalative or Impactite?
- The Paleomagnetic Effects of Reheating the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia
- The Potential Importance of Metal-Sulfide Complexes in the Ancient Ocean on Cyanobacterial Metal Requirements
- The Role of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Metal Reduction in an Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifer as Determined by Push-Pull Tests
- The δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of Dissolved O<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for Ocean Respiration and Circulation
- What do we Really Know About the Elastic Properties of Garnets at Upper Mantle Pressures?
- Active Faulting and Pore-Fluid Pressure in the Taiwan Thrust Belt
- Along-strike variations in post-seismic deformation in northern Chile and southern Peru
- An autonomous mid-column float designed to detect earthquakes
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Can a freshwater forcing in high latitudes induce a permanent El Niño in the tropics - an overlooked mechanism for a rapid climate change.
- Constraints on Dynamic Triggering from very Short term Microearthquake Aftershocks at Parkfield
- Controls on the Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Composition (δ <SUP>15</SUP>N, δ <SUP>18</SUP>O, δ <SUP>17</SUP>O) of Atmospheric Nitrate in Princeton, NJ
- Controls on the isotopic composition of reactive nitrogen species
- Coupled Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Nitrate Along the Eastern North Pacific Margin
- Equation of state of iron sulfide at the conditions of Galilean satellite cores
- Evidence From Diatom-Bound d15N for Bering Sea Stratification During the Last Ice Age and a Causal Link to North Pacific Denitrification Changes
- Finite-Frequency Sensitivity Kernels for Boundary Topography Perturbations
- Firn density profile at Megadunes, East Antarctica, calls for an improved densification model for low accumulation sites.
- Flux estimates from tomographic plume images yield evidence for chemical stratification in the mantle.
- Geomorphology of the Newly Identified Jid Strike-Slip Fault in the Altay Mountains, Western Mongolia
- Global Upper Mantle Structure from Finite-Frequency Surface-Wave Tomography
- Global and marine paleoproductivity over the last 4 glacial cycles, constrained by the triple isotope composition of atmospheric O2
- Hubbert's Peak: the Impending World oil Shortage
- Measurements and Models of Oceanic O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes
- Modeling Supercontinent Cycles in 3D Spherical Convection Simulations With Multiple Continents
- Near field and surface contributions to shear-wave splitting, waveform and traveltime sensitivity kernels
- New Constraints on the Erosion History of the Andean Plateau Inferred From Detrital Thermochronology Across the Northern Bolivian Thrust Belt
- Nitrogen and oxygen isotope effects associated with nitrate assimilation and denitrification by laboratory cultures of marine plankton.
- Online Method for Oxygen Triple Isotope Analyses of Nitrate
- Plumes or Not? Yes, and Plenty!
- Relationships Between Incremental and Cumulative Fold Growth With Neotectonic Examples From the Southern Tianshan, China
- Repeating earthquakes may indicate a relation between fault healing and proximity to a mainshock asperity
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: an International Program Enhancing Interdisciplinary Learning
- Satellite Observations of Small Ice Crystals and Lightning
- Self-Similar Earthquake Nucleation on Rate-and-State Faults
- Sequential Kinematic Restoration as a Tool for Deciphering Evolving Plate Boundaries: the Western North America-Pacific Plate Boundary System
- Simulated Global Response to a Substantial Weakening of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation
- Simulating the Atmospheric Climate of 3Ma
- Spatiospectral concentration and spectral analysis of potential fields on the sphere
- Synthesis and equation of state of MgGeO<SUB>3</SUB> post-perovskite phase
- Synthesis of post-perovskite phase from a natural orthopyroxene
- Testing Predictions of Along-strike Variations in the Shallow Seismogenic Behavior of Subduction Zones
- The IRIS DMC: 16 Years of Managing Global, National and Regional Seismological Data
- The Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics of the Cariaco Basin
- The Nitrogen Isotopes of Nitrate and Total Nitrogen Between Bermuda and Puerto Rico
- The Pliocene Paradox
- The Seasonal Cycle In North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature And The Glaciation Of North America 2.7 Million Years Ago
- The Sedimentary N Isotope Record From Cariaco Basin - Local and Global Implications
- The Source Physics of Large Earthquakes - Validating Spontaneous Rupture Methods
- Towards Computing Full 3D Seismic Sensitivity: The Axisymmetric Spectral Element Method
- Tropical Atlantic Upwelling and SST Changes associated with the mid-Pliocene onset of glacial cycles
- Tropical-Extratropical Connections in Response to Obliquity Variations
- 3-D Earthquake Nucleation on Rate-and-State Faults
- 3-D Global Seismic Wavefields Computed Using 2-D Spectral-Elements: A Basis for Exact Sensitivity Kernels
- 3D Images of Faults Within the Crafton Hills Fault Zone From the June 16th, 2005, Yucaipa, California, Earthquake: Implications for the Geometry of the San Andreas Fault.
- A Classic Test of the Hubbert-Rubey Weakening Mechanism: M7.6 Thrust-Belt Earthquake Taiwan
- A comparison of plume images in P- and S-wave tomography
- A year-round isotopic survey of aerosol nitrate from a coastal Antarctic station
- AGCM simulated Great Plains Low-level Jet and its mechanisms
- Constraining the EPICA Dome C Chronology Between MIS 9-17 Using the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Trapped Air
- Do Flexural Stresses Explain the Mantle Fault Zone Beneath Kilauea Volcano?
- Elastic Constants of Brucite (Mg(OH)2) and Diaspore (AlO(OH)) to 12 GPa by Brillouin Scattering
- Finite Frequency Tomography of the Patras Area (Gulf of Corinth,Greece)
- Finite-frequency P Wave Amplitudes and Travel Times Measured in the Western U.S.
- Glacial diatom-bound 15N/14N records from the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean
- High-pressure phases transitions in SnO2 to 117 GPa: Implications for silica
- Microbial Adaptations to Biosustainabilitiy in Deep-Subsurface Environments on Earth
- Microbial community composition and respiratory potential of deep, subpermafrost brine in the Canadian Arctic
- O2/N2 ratios in occluded air of the Vostok ice core and the GISP2 ice core and their relations with local summer insolation.
- Pacific dominance of oceanic N2 fixation diagnosed from nutrient distributions
- Plastic deformation of MgGeO3 post-perovskite beyond 100 GPa
- Pore water profiles of dissolved N2 concentrations and δ15N-N2 in the Santa Barbara Basin: Evidence for non-diffusive nitrate flux into the sediment column
- Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in the MgSiO3 - Al2O3 system
- Refining the Thermal History of the Ecstall Pluton, British Columbia: A Test of the Remagnetization Hypothesis
- Seasonal Variation in the Stable Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in the Tropical Montane Forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica
- Shortening Distribution In Accretionary Wedges, Examples From Nankai And Cascadia.
- Single-crystal Elasticity of Zoisite Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) by Brillouin Scattering
- Southern ocean controls on the extent of denitrification in the southeast Pacific (ODP Site 1234)
- Spherical Slepian Functions and the Polar Gap in Geodesy
- The Existence Of Duplex Structure Within Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project By Core Observation And Logging Data
- The Freshening of Surface Waters in High Latitudes: Effects on the Thermohaline and Wind-driven Circulations
- The Hubbert-Rubey Weakening Mechanism in Light of Absolute Fault Strengths
- The causes of excess CO2 at the base of the Siple Dome ice core, Antarctica
- Tropical dendrochemistry: A novel approach for reconstructing seasonally-resolved growth rates from ringless tropical trees
- Variability in Deep Subarctic Pacific Oxygen Concentration Over the Past 150 ka.
- A direct carbon budgeting approach to infer carbon sources and sinks from the NOAA/ESRL Aircraft Network
- A new mechanistically-based method for reducing uncertainty in detection of anthropogenic oceanic DIC using Repeat Hydrography
- Challenges facing missions by drilling into permafrost on Mars
- Comparison of Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar results from two plutons near Prince Rupert, British Columbia
- Deformation of the CaIrO3 Post-Perovskite Phase to 5 GPa and 1300 K in the Multi-Anvil Press
- Diagnostic investigation of the climate system using satellite-observed and model- simulated spectral infrared radiances
- Dispersion Analysis and High-Order Symplectic Time Schemes in Spectral-Element Based Seismic Wave Propagation
- Elasticity of Stishovite and Acoustic Mode Softening Under High Pressure by Brillouin Scattering
- Evolution of Fault Friction Following Large Velocity Jumps
- Finite Element Simulations of the Laser-Heated Diamond Cell: Effect of Experimental Geometry on Thermal Structure
- Finite-Frequency Tomography in a 3D Crustal Environment: Application to the Western Gulf of Corinth.
- Finite-frequency P-Wave Amplitudes and Traveltimes in the Western U.S.
- First-principles study of molten MgSiO3 in Earth's lower mantle
- Geometric, Kinematic, and Erosional history of the Central Andean Plateau, northern Bolivia
- High latitude control on tropical North Pacific thermocline oxygen via deep ocean circulation: implications for atmospheric CO2 and N2O concentrations over TERM1.
- How the Freshening of Surface Waters in High Latitudes Affects the Tropics
- Improvements in mode-based waveform modeling and application to Eurasian velocity structure
- Interpreting GRACE data by spherical multitaper methods: application to the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the Amazon basin
- Just add Salt: Salinity-Induced Hydrate Dissociation as a Possible Source for Atmospheric Methane on Mars
- Late Quaternary variability of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Modeling the disturbance of vegetation by fire in the boreal forest
- North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
- Oligo-Miocene Deposition Along the Eastern Margin of the Altiplano Plateau, Salla, Bolivia
- Oxygen/nitrogen ratios of the GISP2 and Vostok ice cores
- Paleomagnetism of Lonar Crater Impact Glass
- Pliocene-Pleistocene Shifts in Tropical Atlantic Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
- Receiver functions from medium aperture broadband beams and the Moho of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of Ettringite at ambient conditions
- Single-crystal elasticity of hydrous wadsleyite by Brillouin scattering
- Sound velocities of hydrous olivine and the effects of water on the equation of state of nominally anhydrous minerals
- Spectral-element computation of full seismic sensitivity
- The Importance of Temperature and Nitrogen Speciation on Bacterial Diversity in Stream Sediments in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Tomographic inversion using L1-regularization of Wavelet Coefficients
- A future for drifting seismic networks
- A scoring scheme for evaluating magnetofossil identifications
- A two Layer Convecting Mantle With Exchange : A Unified Model Based on Geochemical, Seismic and Heat Flow Observations
- Annually resolved lake and shallow marine sediment records of global climate change of the past 16,000 years
- Arbitrary-resolution global sensitivity kernels
- CO2 Laser Heating System at GSECARS
- Complexation of Inorganic Mercury by Cysteine Promotes Bacterial Methylation of Mercury
- Culture Studies of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Effects Associated with Nitrate Assimilation and Denitrification
- Dilatancy Stabilization of Frictional Sliding as a Mechanism for Slow Slip Events
- Elasticity of Hydrous Olivine Polymorphs: Implications for Seismic Structure of the Transition Zone
- Episodic Slow-Slip Transients and Rate-and-State Friction
- Explaining postseismic and aseismic transient deformation in subduction zones with rate and state friction modeling constrained by lab and geodetic observations
- Global P-wave Tomography Using Finite-Frequency Modeling and Finite-Frequency Data
- Implications of Increasing Vertical Resolution in an Isopycnal Model of an Ice Shelf Cavity
- Improving spatial and spectral estimates of terrestrial mass variations from GRACE data (while unlocking the secrets of the universe)
- Mysterious Moho Beneath the Southern Sierra Nevada, Analyzed with Beam-Formed Receiver Functions
- Phase transitions and equations of state of alkaline earth fluorides CaF2 and SrF2 to 95 GPa
- Preliminary Stratigraphy and Structure of the Lesser Himalayan Portion of the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt, Eastern Bhutan
- Single-crystal elasticity of hydrous wadsleyite to 12 GPa
- Slow-Slip Propagation Speeds
- Static and Dynamic Equations of State: Key Challenges and Solutions
- Surface Wave Tomography for Geodynamically Relevant Anisotropic Models
- Synthesis of Post-perovskite Phases from Almandine-Pyrope Garnets at High Pressure
- Termination of the Batholiths marine seismic experiment: the scientific method loses to hearsay
- Testing the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Magnetofossil Spike Hypothesis
- The Distributed Thermal Perturbation Sensor: A New Tool for In Situ Estimation of Formation Thermal Properties and Geothermal Heat Flux
- The Modern Polar Antarctic Zone: Insight From the Stable Isotopes of Nitrate
- Using Earthquake Data to map Faults in 3-D: Applications and Results
- Using Finite-Frequency SH Wave Traveltimes and Amplitudes to Image Upper Mantle SH Velocity and Attenuation Structure in Western US
- Whole crustal response to Late Tertiary extension near Prince Rupert, British Columbia
- Adjoint Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Japan Subduction Zone
- Adjoint tomography for the Middle East
- An Assessment of Forest Pollutant Exposure Using Back Trajectories, Anthropogenic Emissions, and Ambient Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Measurements
- An in situ bioseismicity experiment 3.6 km beneath the surface at NELSAM
- An objective statistical test for eccentricity forcing of Oligo-Miocene climate
- Analysis of seafloor seismograms of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki earthquake sequence for earthquake early warning
- Automatic 3D Moment tensor inversions for southern California earthquakes
- Bringing Hometown Relevance to Introductory Geology Courses
- Covariation in the carbon isotopes of carbonate and organic carbon across the Neoproterozoic Bitter Springs Stage
- Deccan Volcanism, Climate Change and the KT Mass Extinction across India
- Decreased oxygen concentration in the glacial abyssal subarctic Pacific - evidence for enhanced oceanic carbon sequestration during cold periods?
- Detecting Magnetosomes in Freshwater Lakes and Lake Sediments: A comparison of techniques
- Did Deccan Volcanism or the Chicxulub Impact Cause the K-T Mass Extinction?
- Dilatancy Stabilization vs Thermal Pressurization as a Mechanism for Controlling Slow vs Fast Slip
- Dissolved N2/Ar Ratios in Sedimentary Pore Waters: A New Twist in Marine Nitrogen Cycle
- Early Neoproterozoic Sulfur Isotopes and the Rise (and Fall) of Oxygen
- Effects of Hydration on the Elastic Properties of Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Minerals
- Effects of hydration on the elastic properties of transition zone minerals
- Effects of realistic topography on seismic wave propagation: Large- and small-scale topography effects in northern Taiwan
- Evaluate Climate Models by Using Outgoing Longwave Radiation Spectrum
- Firn processes and N-15 of N2: potential for a gas-phase climate proxy
- Foraminifera-Bound Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Reduced Nitrogen Fixation in the Atlantic Ocean During the Last Ice Age
- Geochemical and hydrological constraints on the deep subsurface terrestrial ecosystems
- High Rates of Microbial Methylation of Mercury Bound to Cysteine
- High-Pressure Strength and Elasticity of a Composite MgO and NaCl Sample in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Ice shelf morphology and the efficiency of basal melting
- Is the KTB Iridium Anomaly a Unique Cosmic Marker?
- Local and Global Sea Level During the Last Interglacial: A Gaussian Process Approach
- Low Net Community Production from Oxygen/Argon Mass Balance during the Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment
- MGCM simulations of the 2001 Mars global dust storm using synthesized MGS dust opacity
- Major Marine Seaway Across India During the K-T Transition: Evidence From Deccan Traps
- Measuring flexural rigidity over individual geological provinces: On the design of optimal windows for spectral data analysis on flat two-dimensional domains
- Mesh Generation for Short-Period Seismic Wave Propagation Based Upon the Spectral- Element Method: Southern California.
- Multiple-Frequency SH-Wave Tomography of the Western U.S. Upper Mantle
- North Atlantic, ITCZ, and Monsoonal Climate Links
- Palinspastic restoration of NAVDat and its implications for the origins of magmatism in western North America
- Parameterizing surface-wave tomographic models with harmonic spherical splines
- Role of Fault Dilatancy in Subduction Zone Aseismic Deformation Transients and Thrust Earthquakes
- Search for Vertical Redox Gradients in the Late Archean Ocean: No Bacterial Magnetofossils
- Self-Similar Slip Pulses During Earthquake Nucleation
- Single-crystal Elasticity of Wadsleyite With 1.7 wt % H 2 O to 11 GPa by Brillouin Scattering
- Slepian-function analysis of gravity perturbations recorded by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE), with applications to the detection of earthquakes from space
- Slow Slip Predictions Based on Gabbro Dehydration and Friction Data Compared to GPS Measurements in Northern Cascadia
- Sound Velocity Crossover of Hydrated Olivine at High Pressures
- Spectral-Element Simulations of Wave Propagation in Porous Media: Finite-Frequency Sensitivity Kernels Based Upon Adjoint Methods
- Spring Bloom Dynamics of the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf as Estimated from Oxygen/Argon Ratios and Triple Oxygen Isotopes
- Stability and Elasticity of High Iron and Aluminum Post-Perovskite Phases and Their Implications for the D" Layer
- Strong Southern California Crustal Heterogeneity Revealed by Adjoint Tomography
- Styles of pluton emplacement during contraction or extension, Coast Mountains, British Columbia
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskites in the Mg3Al2Si3O12- Fe3Al2Si3O12 system
- Tectonostratigraphy of the Lesser Himalaya of Bhutan: Deducing the Paleostratigraphy of the Northern Indian Margin
- Telling time in shallow water carbonates - from the Cambrian of Morocco to the Holocene of the Bahamas
- Testing model estimated decrease in Southern Ocean carbon sink with data over the last 20 years
- The Co-Evolution of Phytoplanton and Trace Element Cycles in the Oceans
- The K-T Transition in Meghalaya, NE India
- The Paro Formation Provenance and its Tectonometamorphic History, Bhutan Himalaya
- The isotopic composition of fixed nitrogen species in precipitation at Bermuda: Implications for the atmosphere and ocean
- The polar ocean and glacial cycles in atmospheric carbon dioxide: Approaching the sawtooth
- The role and implementation of a two-step mechanism for hematite dissolution on aeolian input of soluble iron to the ocean
- Toward a Unified View of Tremor and Slow Slip
- Two-Stage Farallon Subduction History Under North America Inferred From Multi- Frequency P-Wave Tomography
- Uptake and Requirements of Molybdenum and Vanadium in Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria: Implications for the Nitrogen Cycle Now and in the Past.
- Variability in New Shortening Estimates from Southern Peru (12-14S); Implications for Mass Balance of the Andean Plateau.
- X-ray, vibrational and NMR spectroscopic investigations of natural organic molecules and their complexes: Applications & Limitations
- A new Approach to Global Seismic Tomography that Promotes Sparsity with a new Three-Dimensional Wavelet Transform in Spherical Geometry
- A new method fingerprinting magmatic processes using combined U/Pb ID-TIMS geochronology and accessory mineral geochemistry
- Adjoint Tomography of the Southern California Crust (Invited) (Invited)
- An Appalachian Amazon? Magnetofossil evidence for the development of a tropical river-like system in the mid-Atlantic United States during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Characterization of Source Mechanisms in the Middle East: Comparisons between 1D and 3D Methodologies
- Constraints on upper-mantle viscosity inferred from the flow-induced pressure gradient across a continental keel
- Controlled Source 4D Seismic Imaging
- Crustal Shortening in the Himalayan Fold-Thrust Belt, Eastern and Central Bhutan
- DUSEL CO2: A deep underground laboratory for geologic carbon sequestration studies
- Droughts In The Sahara-Sahel Region: Lessons From Dust Records Of The Past 300 Years
- Effects of Fault Gouge Dilatancy on Subduction Zone Earthquakes (Invited)
- Effects of Insect Defoliation and Land-Use Change on Watershed Carbon Budgets
- Effects of abrupt changes in basal conditions on ice-streams: Application to sub-ice-stream lakes
- Effects of hydration on the velocity structure of the Earth’s upper mantle and transition zone (Invited)
- Elastic properties of Fe-bearing wadsleyite at high pressures
- Geomaterials under extreme conditions: Recent advances and implications for modeling deep Earth processes (Invited)
- Global Paleogeographic Uncertainty at the PETM
- Global and Local Geomagnetic Field Modeling from Satellite Data: What we can Learn from Spherical Slepian Functions
- Is slow slip in Cascadia tidally modulated?
- Metamorphic grade of Paro Formation, western Bhutan and its implications
- Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Increases with the Cell-Specific Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction Rate
- Noble gas-derived insights into carbon cycling into the deep biosphere
- Phase Transition and Equation of State of Yttrium Iron Garnet, Y3Fe5O12, at High Pressures
- Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: Draft, Outflow Channels, and Polynyas as Observed via Fieldwork, Modeling, and Spacecraft
- Realistic Topography effects on Seismic-Wave Propagation: An Example from Taiwan (Invited)
- Reconstructing the Mid-Tertiary Southwestern North America Cordilleran Crust: Crustal Anisotropy
- Response of South American Ecosystems to Precipitation Variability
- Rupture directivity of micro-earthquakes along the San Andreas fault
- Spectral-Element Simulations of Seismic Waves Generated by the 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake
- Spectral-element simulations of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration time-lapse monitoring
- Spectral-element simulations of the Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Structure of the U.S. Mantle Constrained by Simultaneous Inversion of Multiple-Frequency SH Waves and Love Waves
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskite with almandine composition (Fe3Al2Si3O12) to 149 GPa
- The PETM in the mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain: A widespread record of unique climate signatures in shallow-shelf Marlboro Clay
- The coupled response to slope-dependent basal melting
- Thermal evolution of magma reservoirs in the shallow crust and incidence on magma differentiation: the St-Jean-du-Doigt layered intrusion (Brittany, France)
- U-Pb Thermochronology of lower crustal xenoliths: creating a temporal record of lithosphere thermal evolution
- Variations in grounding line position on the Gould and Siple Coasts, West Antarctica, over the last 1000 years
- A Maximum-Likelihood Approach to the Characterization of the Elastic Lithosphere from Gravity and Topography Data
- A control-volume model of the compressible Euler equations with vertical Lagrangian Coordinate
- A new 1:500,000-scale geologic map of Bhutan: a detailed view of eastern Himalayan stratigraphy and structural geometry
- Active Arc-Continent Accretion in Timor-Leste: New Structural Mapping and Quantification of Continental Subduction
- Adjoint tomography of Europe
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- Application of Pseudo Salinity Profiles to the Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation System
- Application of U-Pb ID-TIMS dating to the end-Triassic global crisis: testing the limits on precision and accuracy in a multidisciplinary whodunnit (Invited)
- Applying ultra-high resolution Global weather-climate models for hurricane predictions: past progresses and future directions (Invited)
- Assessing changes to South African maize production areas in 2055 using empirical and process-based crop models
- Assessing the Climatic Benefits of Black Carbon Mitigation
- Bias for summer decay of interannual SST anomaly in the northern tropical Atlantic and its link with the Guinea Dome in coupled GCMs
- CO2 Sequestration Crosswell Monitoring
- Can surface and basal lakes be twins?
- Chemical and microbial analysis of a talik in western Greenland
- Combining qPCR and functional gene microarrays to directly link changes in the expression of the nirS gene to denitrification rates in aquatic sediment mesocosms
- Compression of Single-Crystal Orthopyroxene to 60GPa
- Decadal Prediction Research at NOAA/GFDL
- Decadal and Multidecadal variability of the Arctic-North Atlantic Climate System: Evidence from Observations and Models (Invited)
- Detecting the Sea-Level Fingerprint of Polar Ice Mass Changes
- Development of a crustal budget for the Bolivian Central Andes through 3-D palinspastic restoration
- Do climate models underestimate the sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere sea ice cover? (Invited)
- Dynamic evapotranspiration in tree-resolving LES - The ED2RAFLES model
- Earthquake Coseismic Deformation from Spaceborne Gravimetry
- Effects of Fe-Enrichment on the Equation of State and Stability of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Quartz to 10 GPa
- Eukaryotes dominate new production in the Sargasso Sea
- Evaluation of Factors Controlling Long-Range Transport of Black Carbon to the Arctic
- Global Warming Pattern Formation: Sea Surface Temperature and Rainfall
- How Ocean Color Influences the Interplay Between Annual and Interannual Tropical Pacific Variability
- How coupled are ocean carbon and heat uptake?
- Impacts of Amazon deforestation on regional weather and climate extremes
- Insights from Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Retrievals into a Mars Global Circulation Model
- Inversion Strategies in Adjoint Tomography (Invited)
- Isotopic analysis of bulk, LMW, and HMW DON d15N indicates recycled nitrogen release from marine DON
- Long-term changes in Arctic surface-based inverions
- Looking for little green bugs and methane in the Canadian high Arctic. (Invited)
- Modeling the effects of climate change and acidification on global coral reefs
- NOAA-GFDL's New Earth System Models: Model Description and Preliminary Results
- NOAA-GFDL's Workflow for CMIP5/IPCC AR5 Experiments
- Nitrate isotope fractionations during biological nitrate reduction: Insights from first principles theoretical modeling
- Nitrogen isotopic composition of planktonic foraminifera from the modern ocean and recent sediments
- Noise Cross-correlation Sensitivity Kernels
- North American isoprene influence on intercontinental ozone pollution
- Observational Evidence for Oceanic Controls on Hurricane Intensity
- On the Elastic Strength (and Its Anisotropy) of the North American Continental Lithosphere (in a Global Perspective)
- Portable multiple laser continuous-flow cavity-ringdown spectrometer for Martian methane Isotopologues
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Inter-annual Variability with 25-km High-resolution Global Model
- Predicting the effect of changing vegetation conditions on aeolian dune landscapes
- Principal Component Tomography in Anisotropic Media (Invited)
- Reconstruction of the oceanic nitrate inventory in the Pliocene Caribbean Sea: Foraminifera-bound δ15N - A new approach
- Regional Sea Level Rise Projections on the Northeast Coast of the United States (Invited)
- Retrospective Evaluation of the Long-Term CSEP-Italy Earthquake Forecasts
- Scientists, Expert Judgment, and Public Policy: What is Our Proper Role? (Invited)
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from aqueous chemistry of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, and glycolaldehyde in atmospheric waters: Chemical insights and kinetic model studies
- Solving or resolving global tomographic models with spherical wavelets, and the scale and sparsity of seismic heterogeneity
- Spectral Properties of the Martian Crustal Magnetic Field
- Spectral-Element Simulations of Seismic Waves and Coseismic Deformations generated by the 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake
- Statistical mechanics explanation for the structure of ocean eddies and currents
- Temperature and water vapor variance scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder, climate models, and aircraft data (Invited)
- The Impacts of Multiscale Land-Cover Heterogeneity on Climate and Weather (Invited)
- The chemical composition of organic nitrogen in marine rainwater and aerosols
- The dynamics of a poleward shift of the westerlies in a heirarchy of GCMs
- The response of grounded ice to ocean temperature forcing in a coupled ice sheet-ice shelf-ocean cavity model
- Tidal Modulation of Simulated Slow Slip Events in a Rate and State Model with a Velocity-Weakening to -Strengthening Transition
- Toward a Unified Representation of Atmospheric Convection in Variable Resolution Climate Models
- Towards Global Adjoint Tomography
- Towards Multi-resolution Adjoint Tomography of the European Crust and Upper Mantle
- Tracking Burial, Displacement and Exhumation in the Lesser Himalayas, Eastern Bhutan
- U-Pb thermochronology of the lower crust: producing a long-term record of craton thermal evolution
- Upper versus Lower Tropospheric Control of the Surface Westerlies
- Validation of 3D Southern California Velocity model CVM-H6.2 Based on Ambient Seismic Noise
- Warmer and wetter climate: More soluble pollutants
- Wavelet Regularization Per Nullspace Shuttle
- 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake Coseismic Deformation Observed and Constrained by Space Geodetic Sensors
- A Convection Superparameterization Method for Variable-Resolution Meshes
- A Transect Across the Greater Himalayan Sequence of Bhutan: Evidence for a Minimum of 10 Ma of Ductile Flow Between the Outer South Tibetan Detachment and the Main Central Thrust
- A probabilistic approach to the automatic recognition of underwater acoustic signals generated by teleseismic P-waves
- A probabilistic-bulk model of shallow convection over land
- A proposal for the international regulation of solar radiation management research
- A robust relation between interannual variations of ice water content and that of large-scale circulation over the tropical Pacific basin
- Adaptive wavelet parameterization for 3d electrical resistivity tomography
- Adjoint tomography of Europe
- Adjoint tomography of the Middle East
- Advances in high-performance spectral-element solvers for seismic tomography
- Anisotropy in the mechanical strength of the lithosphere and its tectonic implications
- Are there preferred numerical approaches to modeling ice flow over an undulated bed?
- Assessing Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on the Agro-ecosystems in California and Southwestern United States
- Assessing the Evaporation-Precipitation Feedback over North America in GFDL's AM2.1 Atmospheric Model
- Bi-Hemispheric Changes in Westerly Winds Helped Drive Plio-Pleistocene Productivity Changes
- COMPRES X-ray beamlines (X17B3 and X17C) for the diamond anvil cell at the National Synchrotron Light Source
- Chloropigment nitrogen isotopes: new insights on export production during oceanic anoxic events
- Complexity of Slow Slip Behind the Rupture Front
- Coupled model simulated global wave climatology during the past 29 years
- Dating and Compositional Analysis of Air from the Oldest Known Ice on Earth
- Decadal ENSO variability as reflected by Local Lyapunov Exponents
- Distribution of relative humidity in the tropics found in HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) campaigns IV & V
- Documenting basin scale, geometry and provenance through detrital geochemical data: lessons from Neoproterozoic to Ordovician strata of Bhutan
- ENSO-driven terrestrial carbon flux variability in a coupled climate-carbon cycle model
- Effects of Proto-Antarctic Circumpolar Current circulation in the middle to late Eocene
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Experimental prediction of severe droughts on seasonal to intra-annual time scales with GFDL High-Resolution Atmosphere Model
- Glacial/interglacial climate controls on east African interannual rainfall variability
- Global In-cloud Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Based on Parameterized and Detailed Aqueous-Phase Chemistry
- Hydrometeorological Scales Interactions in the Andes and their Impact on the Amazon Climate
- Hydrometeorological and Hydroclimatological Insights from the Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon (LBA)
- Impact of Antarctic Circumpolar Current evolution on late middle Eocene to early Oligocene ocean structure
- Impacts of insect disturbance on the structure, composition, and functioning of oak-pine forests
- Importance of Melt Weakening, Rheological Heterogeneity, and Strain Partitioning in Exhumed Sections of Deep Continental Crust
- Intercomparison of Simulated Clouds by Seven SCMs at the ARM SGP Site
- Internally consistent pressure scale for Au, Pt, Mo, MgO, NaCl and Ne to 2.5 Mbar
- Investigation of HOx photochemistry through laboratory and field studies of VOC oxidation
- Iron rich perovskite and post-perovskite: Implications for lower mantle heterogeneities
- Key drivers of methane lifetime from 1860-2100
- L1-norm model constraint for large sparse tomographic system inversion
- Mechanisms for Initiation of Convection in Deforested Regions of the Amazon
- Mg isotopes in pleagic carbonates and associated pore-fluids: insights into diagenesis of low-Mg biogenic carbonates
- Mineral Collections and Modern Technology: Roles in Geosciences Education and Research
- Modulation of Hurricane Activity by the Tropical Intraseasonal Variability over the Eastern Pacific in a High Resolution GCM: Implications for Subseasonal Hurricane Prediction
- New diagnostic for X-ray diffraction measurements at extra-solar planets conditions (Invited)
- Nitrogen isotopes of coral skeleton-bound organic matter and a 20-year record from Central Equatorial Pacific
- Nutrient conditions in the North Atlantic during the last glacial period
- On the Characterization of Noise in GRACE Models and its Effect on Ice Sheet Mass Loss Estimates Using Spherical Slepian Functions
- Organic Carbon from the Deep Subsurface: The Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- P-T data from central Bhutan imply distributed extensional shear at the Black Mountain "klippe"
- Paleomagnetism of King George Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica
- Quasi-isentropic Compression of Iron and Magnesium Oxide to 3 Mbar at the Omega Laser Facility
- Recent decadal shifts in the statistics of tropical land region rainfall: A signature of tropospheric warming?
- Reconciling simulated and observed views of clouds: MODIS, ISCCP, and the limits of instrument simulators in climate models
- Reconstruction of N fixation changes over the last glacial cycle in the Caribbean Sea with foraminifera-bound δ15N
- Relative humidity feedbacks in CMIP3 models
- Scale and Space Dependence of Wave Speed Heterogeneity in Global Seismic Models Seen Through the Lense of Wavelet Sparsity
- Seasonal Variations in Mars Atmospheric Predictability
- Seasonal prediction model for summer tropical cyclone track density over the western North Pacific
- Seismic Streaks and Holes on Creeping Faults: Searching for Evidence of Mechanical Erosion of Locked Patches Loaded by Creep
- Sensitivity of Global Modeling Initiative chemistry and transport model simulations of radionuclide tracers and ozone to input meteorological data
- Short-timescale correlations between slow slip and tremor in Cascadia
- SimLAB: Evaluating Geophysical Proxies for the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Forsterite to 90 GPa
- Southern Ocean overturning, export production and climate variability over the past 1 Myr
- Springtime high surface ozone events over the western United States: Quantifying the role of stratospheric intrusions
- Stratigraphic Cyclicity and Depositional Timescales at the Gale Crater MSL Landing Site
- Stress drops and tidal modulation in a rate and state model with a velocity-weakening to -strengthening transition
- Structural Seismology based on Spectral-Element and Adjoint Methods
- Subarctic Pacific stratification and seasonality changes upon Northern Hemisphere Glaciation - New evidence from diatom-bound nitrogen isotopes
- Surface ozone-temperature relationships in the eastern US: A monthly climatology for evaluating chemistry-climate models
- Teleconnection between ENSO and Atmospheric Circulation over the North Atlantic - Role of Transient Eddies
- The Response of the Walker Circulation to LGM Forcing: Implications for Detection in Proxies
- The Role of Internal Strain in Material Transport at the Bolivian Orocline
- The Topographic Signature of Vegetation Development along a Braided River: Results of a Spatial Analysis of Airborne Lidar Measurements
- The Uptake of Heat and Carbon by the Southern Ocean in the CMIP5 Earth System Models
- The adjoint method applied to time-distance helioseismology
- The regolith hypothesis for the Tonian-Cryogenian transition
- The significance of plant canopy demography for predicting terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change.
- Thermodynamic Considerations of CO2 Injections Deep Subsurface Microbial Ecosystems
- Towards Global Adjoint Tomography
- Uncertainties in terrestrial carbon budget related to spring phenology
- Vector-Valued Localizing Basis Functions on the Sphere for Satellite Geomagnetic Data Analysis
- 3D shear attenuation structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography
- A re-examination of seawater-rock reactions and their role in planetary habitability
- A revised atmospheric δ13C-CO2 record covering the last 1000 years from Law Dome, Antarctica
- A strong linear relationship between equatorial Pacific nutrient utilization and seasonal insolation: a 1 million year history of equatorial upwelling
- Accelerating forward and adjoint simulations of seismic wave propagation on large GPU-clusters
- Aerosol Effects on the Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Aerosol-Driven Surface Solar Dimming Over Asia: Insights from a Model-Observation Intercomparison
- An air-sea coupled mode over the Indo-Northwestern Pacific warm pool in boreal summer
- Analyzing the effects of Brewer-Dobson circulation upwelling and horizontal transport on the TTL composition
- Anthropogenic aerosols, climate forcing and climate change
- Assessing the sensitivity of precipitation to surface heat fluxes : the role of the land and the atmosphere
- Authigenic Carbonate and the History of the Global Carbon Cycle
- Bias in GRACE Estimates of Ice Mass Change due to Accompanying Sea-Level Change
- Carbon Stocks and Sequestration: How much do we know?
- Changes in orographic precipitation patterns caused by a shift from snow to rain
- Characterization of active members in C and N cycles in the subsurface environment of the Witwatersrand Basin
- Cirrus and Water Vapor Transport in the Tropical Tropopause Layer: A Modeling Study
- Climatology of the Planetary Boundary Layer over the Continental United States and Europe
- Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability: Recent Developments and Extensions
- Compound earthquakes on a bimaterial interface and implications for rupture mechanics
- Compound-specific clues to nitrogen cycling in anoxic systems
- Controls of Global Snowfall Under a Changed Climate in the GFDL CM2.5 High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model
- Counterintuitive effect of fall mixed layer deepening on eukaryotic new production in the Sargasso Sea
- Coupling among iron deposition, export production and nutrient utilization in the Subantarctic Atlantic over the last glacial cycle
- Data-based estimates of suboxia and denitrification in the ocean
- Development of Parameterizations of Tidal Mixing Using Numerical Process Studies
- Diagnosis of Regime-dependent Cloud Simulation Errors in CMIP5 Models Using "A-Train" Satellite Observations and Reanalysis Data
- Elastic Properties of Mantle Minerals
- Environmental metabolomics: Elucidating the metabolic reactions that link the "bio" and "geo" in biogeochemistry
- Estimating Effective Elastic Thickness on Venus from Gravity and Topography: Robust Results from Multi-taper and Maximum-Likelihood Analysis
- Evolution and Adaptation of Phytoplankton Photosynthetic Pathways to perturbations of the geological carbon system
- Exploring variations in microbial carbon sources and cycling in the deep terrestrial subsurface using PLFA and δ13C analysis
- Full waveform tomography of the lithosphere and mantle beneath China
- Geographic Variability of the Lithospheric Magnetic Power Spectra on Earth and Mars: Theory, Observation, Interpretation
- Glacial meltdowns and origins of Neoproterozoic 'cap dolostones'
- How predictable were the 20th century land carbon fluxes?
- Identifying spatial and temporal variations in seismicity in eastern Canada
- Imaging Slow Slip Fronts in Cascadia With High-Precision Tremor Locations
- Impacts of Amazon Deforestation on North American Temperature and Rainfall
- Impacts of surface-water lakes and dolines on ice-shelf stability
- Investigating Elastic Anisotropy of the Leech River Complex, Vancouver Island using finite-frequency sensitivity kernels
- Issues to address before we can have an open climate modelling ecosystem
- K-feldspar megacrysts growth and their link to the granitic mush: insight from high precision U-Pb dates (ID-TIMS) and trace elements (TIMS-TEA) on zircon
- Kelvin Wave Climatology and Ray Tracing in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Life in Inner Space: Subsurface Microbiology Investigations in Underground Research Laboratories and Deep Mines
- Localized Inversion of GRACE Level 1B Data Over Greenland Using Slepian Functions
- Mechanical Erosion of the Seismogenic Zone by Creep from below on Rate-State Faults
- Melt channels under ice shelves: what do they tell us about ice-shelf/ocean interactions?
- Mixed-layer eddy diffusivity: effects of surface relaxation and turbulent mixing
- Modeling CH4 emissions from Arctic tundra: Processes behind emissions pulses and the potential for a negative feedback
- Modern Mammals dispersion linked to the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) and early Eocene climatic optimum, new insights from India
- Non-linear iterative inversions for the distribution of noise sources
- Numerical and Analytical Study of Rupture Nucleation on 1D and 2D Faults Under a New State Evolution Law
- Ocean Color and the Equatorial Annual Cycle in the Pacific
- Offsetting features of climate responses to anthropogenic sulfate and black carbon direct radiative forcings
- On the application of adjoint methods to the GIA inverse problem
- On the discrepancies in the δD - H2O tape recorder observations by Envisat/MIPAS and SCISAT/ACE-FTS
- Orbital Variation in South China Sea Nitrogen Fixation over the Past 420,000 yrs
- Partially collapsed cristobalite structure in the non molecular phase V in CO2
- Post-Cotunnite Phases in the AX2 System: Compression of PbF2 to 80 GPa
- Predicting ocean carbon uptake in a warming climate: novel tracers and modeling approaches
- Processing noise records with non-linear operations to select the distribution of noise sources contributing to the correlations.
- Progress integrating ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology with accessory mineral geochemistry: towards better accuracy and higher precision time
- Quantify the impacts of seasonal variability in precipitation on vegetation structure in Africa
- Radical loss in the atmosphere from Cu-Fe redox coupling in aerosols
- Regularity of Baroclinic Waves in the Atmosphere of Mars
- Resolving rock exhumation versus surface uplift during arc-continent accretion on the island of Timor by integrating thermochronology and micropaleontology data
- Sensitivity of the Ocean State to Internal Lee Wave Driven Mixing
- Sensitivity of tropospheric oxidants to wildfires: implications for radiative forcing
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Pyrope Garnet to 84 GPa
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Spectral-Element Simulations of Seismic Waves Generated by 2012 Po Valley Seismic Sequence
- Steady State Growth of Continental Crust?
- Stratospheric radiation, dynamics and trace gases in an idealized GCM
- Structure and Formation of the Mound in Gale Crater, Mars
- The Aerosol Indirect Effect in Climate Models: Where is it? Where should it be? Where should it not be?
- The Uptake and Storage of Heat by the Southern Ocean in the GFDL CM2.5 High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model
- The distinct roles of the Antarctic and Subantarctic Zones in ocean productivity and atmospheric CO2 across the Mid-Pleistocene transition
- The impact of cloud microphysical processes in the TTL on the water vapour budget of the stratosphere
- The isotopic composition of ammonium in marine rainwater
- The precipitation intensity distribution in the GFDL 25-km global model
- The relation between atmospheric humidity and temperature trends for stratospheric water
- The role of Deccan volcanism during the K-T mass extinction
- Topographic effects on subglacial water routing beneath ice streams
- Towards Global Adjoint Tomography
- Tropical Atlantic climate simulated in the GFDL CM2.5 high-resolution coupled climate model
- Understanding the effects of intermediate disturbances on evapotranspiration in the upper Midwest
- Unsteady along-strike propagation of slow slip events on a velocity-weakening fault
- Using HIPPO Data for Formal and Informal Science Education
- Using radiocarbon to examine microbial carbon cycling in permafrost
- Variation of ENSO teleconnections
- Vector-valued crustal magnetic field estimation using vector Slepian functions
- Vertically integrated heat content: a new approach for ice stream and shelf thermodynamics
- Volcanism, Impacts and Mass Extinctions: A case study of the Deccan Traps and its global effects
- Water-mass Transformations in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from Observations: Contrasting Effects of Surface Buoyancy Fluxes and Interior Mixing
- multi-scale approaches for full waveform difference inversion and tomographic model analysis
- A computationally efficient Riemann solver based shallow water model on the cubed-sphere
- A framework for evaluating statistical downscaling performance under changing climatic conditions (Invited)
- Accentuation of Subtle Rock-density Differences by Aeolian Erosion
- Adjoint tomography of crust and upper-mantle structure beneath Continental China
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- An Isotope Dilution Method for High-frequency Measurements of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon concentration in the Surface Ocean
- An Update on the Activities of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Analysis of TES FFSM Eddies and MOC Dust Storms, MY 24 - 26
- Analyzing the δ2H of atmospheric CH4 in the field with a NIR-CRDS coupled to a cryogenic pre-concentrator
- Antarctic Mass Loss from GRACE from Space- and Time-Resolved Modeling with Slepian Functions
- Application and Refinement of a Method to Achieve Uniform Convective Response on Variable-Resolution Meshes
- CO2, CH4, and DOC Flux During Long Term Thaw of High Arctic Tundra
- Chain-Reaction Drainage of Supraglacial Lakes Triggered Capsize-Driven Break-Up of Larsen B Ice Self (Invited)
- Chemical Evolution in Upper Tropospheric Convective Outflow: Case Study of a Mesoscale Convective System During DC3 (Invited)
- Cloud and radiative balance changes in response to ENSO in observations and models
- Constraining Deep Earth Structure Using Tidal Tomography
- Continental radiative-convective equilibrium experiments in a single column model (LMDZ5B GCM)
- Contribution of climate and landuse changes to long-term variability of dust concentration at global and regional scales
- Costs and benefits of simulating the hydro-climatological effects of Amazonian deforestation at different resolutions
- Documenting feedbacks between surface processes and structural deformation in East Timor using stream profile and drainage network analysis
- Double-moment Cloud Microphysics Scheme for the Deep Convection Parameterization in the GFDL AM3
- Dynamic and seismic implications of iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O at the CMB: ULVZs and basal low-velocity regions (Invited)
- Earth Structure and the Dynamic Geoid: Beyond One-Dimensional Sensitivity Kernels
- Effects of Assimilation Window Length and Radiatively Active Water Ice Clouds on Martian Thermal Tides and Martian Atmosphere Predictability
- Efficiency and Efficacy of Ocean Heat Uptake (Invited)
- Efficient Numerical Solution of Global Dynamic and Quasistatic Problems Using a Spectral-Element Method Coupled with an Infinite-Element Approach
- Estimation of earthquake source parameters from GRACE observations of changes in Earth's gravitational potential field using normal modes
- Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Stressing-Rate State Evolution in Rate-State Friction Laws
- Footprints of decadal climate variability in ozone at Mauna Loa Observatory
- Forest response and recovery following disturbance (Invited)
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Global Seismic Imaging Based on Adjoint Tomography
- Hydrothermal Monitoring in a Quiescent Volcanic Arc: Cascade Range, Northwestern United States
- Hydroxyl (OH) and hydroperoxyl (HO<SUB>2</SUB>) in and out of clouds during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) experiment
- Impact of Historical Changes in Well-Mixed Greenhouse Gases on Tropospheric Composition
- Impact of Soil Moisture-Atmosphere Interactions on Surface Temperature Distribution
- Impact on irreversible climate change of feedback effects associated with the geographic distribution of ocean heat uptake
- Impacts of topography on aspen and black spruce successional dynamics in the boreal forest
- Influence of stick-slip behavior on long-term ice flow of Whillans Ice Plain, West Antarctica (Invited)
- Influence of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on the Monsoon Rainfall and Carbon Balance
- Laser compression of Iron and Quartz relevant to planetary conditions
- Limitations on Cloud-Resolving Models Posed by Their Sub-Grid Parameterizations (Invited)
- Local gravity field modeling from vectorial satellite data using Slepian functions
- Long-Term Baseline Ozone Changes: Disagreement between 3 ACCMIP/CMIP5 Models and Observations (Invited)
- Mechanical Erosion of the Seismogenic Zone by Creep from below on Rate-and-State Faults
- Mechanisms of forced tropical meridional energy flux change
- Mermaid: evaluation of its capabilities to observe P-delays in the oceans
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- Microbes residing in young organic rich Alaskan soils contain older carbon than those residing in old mineral high Arctic soils
- Millennial-scale variability in dust deposition, marine export production, and nutrient consumption in the glacial subantarctic ocean (Invited)
- Mircobeam X-ray total scattering experiments at the high-pressure beamline X17B3 at the National Synchrotron Light Source
- New diagnostic for X-ray diffraction measurements at extra-solar planets conditions (Invited)
- Non-linear response of springtime vegetation green-up to temperature over northern temperate and boreal forests
- Oceanic emissions of ammonia
- On the Connection Between the Low-level Wind and Amazon Rainfall Bias in GFDL Models
- Parameter Perturbations with the GFDL Model: Smoothness and Uncertainty
- Patterns of deformation, exhumation and uplift across the Island of Timor: insights into the processes that control the early stages of orogenesis (Invited)
- Potassium isotopic compositions of NIST potassium standards and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar mineral standards
- Projected changes in high ozone pollution events over the Eastern United States over the 21st century
- Regional crustal field modeling from regional satellite data with varying altitude using dedicated vector Slepian functions (Invited)
- Scenario Dependence of the Climate Response to Cumulative Carbon Emissions
- Search for the origins of the geodynamo: Paleomagnetic studies of rocks and zircon crystals from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Seasonality of Tropical Dry Forests and its Sensitivity to Climate Change
- Seismic Window Selection and Misfit Measurements for Global Adjoint Tomography
- Seismic structure of the European crust and upper mantle based on adjoint tomography
- Significant Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas wells in Northwest Pennsylvania
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Orthoenstatite to 48 GPa: New High-Pressure Phases with 4-, 5-, and 6-Coordinated Silicon
- Terrain Classification on Venus from Maximum-Likelihood Inversion of Parameterized Models of Topography, Gravity, and their Relation
- The Role of Aerosol Absorption in Solar Dimming over East Asia and Its Implications for Regional Climate
- The Role of Local and Remote Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing on Long-term Variations in the South Asian Monsoon Annual Cycle
- The impact of interdecadal modulations of ENSO amplitude on terrestrial ecosystems
- The impacts of water table depth on ecohydrological processes and their effects on climate at the regional and global scales (Invited)
- The origin of meter-scale upward-shallowing parasequences in carbonate stratigraphy: Comparing the Holocene of northwest Andros Island, Bahamas to the Paleozoic and Precambrian (Invited)
- The spontaneous emergence of coherent vortices and alternating hot-and-cold latitude bands in an idealized GCM
- The triple oxygen isotope composition of leaf waters in Mpala, central Kenya
- Toward real-time regional earthquake simulation of Taiwan earthquakes
- Tracking Crustal Thickness Changes During Central Andean Deformation
- Transport of Mineral Dust Aerosols to the Arctic
- Trapped Air in Glacial Ice from the base of Penny, Agassiz, and Devon Ice Caps, Canada
- Tropical forest carbon sink depends on tree functional diversity and competition
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Why the Sign of Snowfall Change Over the Karakoram and Eastern Himalaya Differ
- δ44/40Ca variations of seawater from Cenozoic and Mesozoic fossil corals
- Accelerated Rates of Nitrogen Cycling and N<SUB>2</SUB>O Production in Salt Marsh Sediments due to Long-Term Fertilization
- Anthropogenic Aerosols in Asia, Radiative Forcing, and Climate Change
- Carbon consequences of a nitrogen fixation feedback
- Earth Structure, Ice Mass Changes, and the Local Dynamic Geoid
- Global Adjoint Tomography: Combining Big Data with HPC Simulations
- High-Pressure Phase Transition in Yttrium Iron Garnet
- New Insights Into the Ocean as a Source of Atmospheric N in the North Atlantic Region
- Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific as Inferred from Isotopic and Isotopomeric Data.
- Nitrous Oxide Production in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Upwelling Zone
- Representing Sub-Plot Canopy Heterogeneity Improves Model Prediction of Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Mixed-Deciduous Forest
- Similarities in the Spatial Pattern of the Surface Flux Response to Present-Day Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols
- Simulating Plant Water Stress and Phenology in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Plant Hydraulics and Trait-Driven Trade-Offs
- 4-Dimensional Insights into Silicic Magma Reservoir Assembly from Late Miocene Southern Andean Plutons
- A Global Record of Surface Earth Oxygenation from Sedimentary V/Sc
- A Physically-based Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Model
- An Experimental Study on What Controls the Ratios of <SUP>18</SUP>O/<SUP>16</SUP>O and <SUP>17</SUP>O/<SUP>16</SUP>O of O<SUB>2</SUB> During Microbial Respiration
- An underestimated methane sink in Arctic mineral soils
- Climatology of extratropical transition for North Atlantic tropical cyclones in the high-resolution GFDL climate model
- Community-based Approaches to Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility in U-Pb and U-Th Geochronology
- Competing Atmospheric and Surface-Driven Impacts of Absorbing Aerosols on the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Constraining Rates of Neoarchean Plate Motion through Magnetostratigraphy and Integrated High-Precision Geochronology of the Fortescue Group, Pilbara, Western Australia
- Early Neoproterozoic Global Change Through the Lens of the Tambien Group, Northern Ethiopia
- Effect of Silicon Alloying on the Structure of Exoplanetary Cores
- Evaluating the construction and evolution of upper crustal reservoirs with coupled U/Pb zircon geochronology and thermal modeling: A case study from the Mt. Capanne pluton (Elba, Italy)
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- Gravity, Topography, Magnetics: Geoscience Data Analysis in Spherical and Planar Geometry
- How to build a mid-crustal intrusive suite: geologic mapping, U-Pb geo-/thermochronology, and thermal modeling of the Bergell Intrusion, Central Alps
- Hydrological niche separation explains seasonal and inter-annual variations of vegetation dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests
- Incomplete Denitrification Causes Rapid Nitrous Oxide Cycling in the Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones
- It's About Time: How Accurate Can Geochronology Become?
- Long term mass changes and interannual variability in the Canadian Archipelago and Gulf of Alaska from GRACE
- Modeling forest development after fire disturbance: Climate, soil organic layer, and nitrogen jointly affect forest canopy species and long-term ecosystem carbon accumulation in the North American boreal forest
- Modeling multiple resource limitation in tropical dry forests
- Monitoring South-West Greenland's ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise
- Newly Discovered Exposures of Neoproterozoic Diamictite within the Samre Fold-Thrust Belt of Northern Ethiopia
- Observational analyses of heavy spring rainfall during the IFloodS campaign
- Potential precipitation reductions in the northwest U.S. in response to the large-scale deforestation of the Amazon
- Regional Hydro-Climatic Changes due to Three Decades of Amazonian Deforestation
- SEIS-PROV: Practical Provenance for Seismological Data
- Shock Melting of Forsterite by In-Situ X-Ray Diffraction
- The global hydrological cycle in a climate model hierarchy
- The hydrometeorological implications of zoning laws: Can land use regulations of urban density and sprawl improve a city's resilience?
- Thermal and Temporal Constraints on the Development of Dome and Keel Structures in the Eastern Pilbara Craton Using U-Pb Thermochronology
- Towards Exascale Seismic Imaging and Inversion
- U-Pb Geochronology: Taking or Creating the Pulse of Magmatic Systems?
- Urban Modification of Rainfall: St. Louis Revisited
- 3D radially anisotropic structure of the North American upper mantle based on adjoint tomography and the USArray
- A New Microscopic Model of the Rate- and State- Friction Evolution
- Advances in Global Adjoint Tomography - Data Assimilation and Inversion Strategy
- Apparent Temperature-Redox Trends in the Bishop Tuff: A Result of Rapid Growth of Fe-Ti Oxides Under Constant Temperature/Redox State Conditions
- Astronomically Forced Hydrology of the Late Cretaceous Sub-Tropical Potosí Basin
- Automation of Global Adjoint Tomography Based on ASDF and Workflow Management Tools
- Climatic and biotic drivers of tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis: integrating field, eddy flux, remote sensing and modelling
- Continental basalt geochemistry reveals ongoing subduction since the earliest Archean
- Crystal structure of MgO along the shock Hugoniot
- Evaluating the mush extraction + multiple magma batch model for the Lake City magmatic system (Colorado, USA) using zircon U/Pb TIMS-TEA
- Forward and Inverse Modelling of Post-Seismic and Post-Glacial Deformation
- Four Forms of the Fourier Transform - for Freshmen, using Matlab
- From leaf longevity to canopy seasonality: a carbon optimality phenology model for tropical evergreen forests
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Global Seismology by Autonomous Mid-Column Oceanic Floats: A Quality Assessment of Four Years of MERMAID Data
- High-Pressure Behavior of Difluorides: The Case of SrF<SUB>2</SUB>
- High-precision Temporal Calibration of the Early Cambrian Biotic and Paleoenvironmental Records: New U-Pb Geochronology from Eastern Yunnan, China.
- Imaging the Italian Lithosphere based on Adjoint Tomography
- In Situ Observation of High-Pressure Phase Transitions in SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Under Shock Loading Using Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction
- Intelligent earthquake data processing for global adjoint tomography
- Investigating the Importance of 3D Structure in Seismic Deformation Modeling
- Iron availability influences <SUP>15</SUP>N-isotope fractionation during nitrogen fixation by aerobic chemoheterotroph Azotobacter vinelandii
- Lithospheric foundering and underthrusting imaged beneath Tibet
- Next-Generation Global Adjoint Tomography Models
- Observed effects of an exceptional drought on tree mortality in a tropical dry forest
- Probing magnetic transitions in (Mg,Fe)GeO<SUB>3</SUB>-perovskite with Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Progress in constraining episodes of both rift(?) and post-rift magmatism on the Eastern North American Margin from high-resolution zircon U-Pb geochronology
- SPaMOB eat atmospheric methane in Antarctica
- Shock Melting of Iron Silicide as Determined by In Situ X-ray Diffraction.
- Single-crystal elastic constants of spinel (MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>) to 11.1 GPa by Brillouin scattering
- Synthesis and Equation of State of Perovskites and Post-Perovskites in the (Mg,Fe)GeO<SUB>3 </SUB>System
- The Age of the Moon
- The Meridional Mode in an Idealized Aquaplanet Model: Dependence on the Mean State
- The Onset of the Sturtian Snowball Earth: New Geochronology and Chemostratigraphy from the Tambien Group of Ethiopia
- The role of nitrogen fixation in neotropical dry forests: insights from ecosystem modeling and field data
- Theoretical Study of the High-Pressure Isosymmetric Phase Transition in Lead Fluoride, PbF<SUB>2</SUB>
- Thermal erosion of cratonic lithosphere as a potential trigger for mass-extinction
- Tidal Tomography: New Insights into Long Wavelength Deep Mantle Buoyancy Structure
- Tidal energy dissipation over long geological timescales
- Towards a Moment Tensor Catalog for Italian Earthquakes based on IMAGINE_IT 3D Crustal Model
- Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in GFDL fvGFS
- U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Columbia River Basalt
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Rise in Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on a Remote Coral Reef
- Assessing Causes and Consequences of Columbia River Basalt Volcanism with Zircon Geochronology
- Assessing the High Temperature, High Pressure Subsurface for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
- Assessing the effect of marginal water use efficiency on water use of loblolly pine and sweetgum in ambient and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> conditions
- Astronomically Forced Hydrology of the Late Cretaceous Sub-tropical Potosí Basin, Bolivia
- Attribution of Extreme Rainfall from Landfalling Tropical Cyclones to Climate Change for the Eastern United States
- Decadal Detectability of Anthropogenic Hydroclimate Changes over North America
- Determination of <SUP>14</SUP>C age of inorganic and organic carbon in ancient Siberian permafrost
- Diversity and survivability of microbial community in ancient permafrost sediment of northeast Siberia
- Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models
- Estimating Arrival Times and Their Associated Uncertainties in the MERMAID Catalog
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Experimental and Theoretical Equation of State of GeO<SUB>2 </SUB>to 1.2 Mbars
- Exploring the Tectonic Evolution of the Seafloor using Roughness, Covariance, and Anisotropy in Bathymetry and Marine Gravity
- Forecasting Western U.S. Snowpack
- High Affinity Methanotrophy is an Important but Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Budget
- High-Affinity Methanotrophy Informed by Genome-Wide Analysis of Upland Soil Cluster Alpha (USCα) from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic
- Imaging of the Galapagos Plume Using a Network of Mermaids
- Interactions between urban heat island effects and heat waves
- Litter decomposition, N<SUB>2</SUB>-fixer abundance, and microbial dynamics govern tropical dry forest recovery to land use change
- Metabolic potential of a Novel Gram-Negative, Spore-forming, and Putatively Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium in the Continental Subsurface
- Origins and ages of fracture fluids in the South African Crust
- Precipitation variability as a strong determinant on tree cover across global tropics
- Process-Oriented Diagnostics of Tropical Cyclones in Global Climate Models
- Revision of global carbon fluxes based on ocean heat constraints
- Revisiting drought impact on tropical forest photosynthesis: a novel multi-scale integrated approach reveals new insights
- Seamless Modeling for Research & Predictability of Severe Tropical Storms from Weather-to-Climate Timescales
- Seismology with Mermaids: Statistics from the Galapagos Experiment
- Species biogeography predicts drought responses in a seasonally dry tropical forest
- Temporal Compounding of Heat Waves in the Present and Projected Future
- The DSeis Project: Drilling into Seismogenic zones of M2.0 to M5.5 earthquakes in South African gold mines
- Unraveling the Origin of the Bermuda Rise Using Receiver Functions: Insights from Mantle Discontinuity Structure
- Using U-Pb apatite thermochronology to track the structural evolution of granitoid-orthogneiss domes from the Archean Pilbara craton
- A Putatively Denitrifying Anaerobic Methanotroph from South Africa's Deep Biosphere Belonging to Candidate Phylum Bathyarchaeota
- A Review of The Continental Subsurface Biomass and Biodiversity: Implications for Exploring a Potential Martian Subsurface Biosphere
- A new Southern Ocean carbon flux estimate from merged ship and float observations
- Alteration of the a-70 "gatekeeping" residue of the Mo-nitrogenase active site increases cellular scale nitrogen isotope fractionation during biological nitrogen fixation
- An early diagenetic deglacial origin for basal Ediacaran "cap dolostones"
- An independent quantification of global ocean heat uptake from changes in atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- An ultra- high-resolution sampling of the penultimate deglaciation and the last interglacial from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area (BIA), Antarctica
- Assessing Correlation of Columbia River Flood Basalt Volcanism with the Mid-Miocene Cilmate Optimum through Zircon Geochronology
- Assessing the Effects of Early Marine Diagenesis on the Lithium Isotopic Composition of Shallow Marine Carbonates
- Atmospheric nitrous oxide in the pre-800 ka atmosphere from ice cores from the Alan Hills, Antarctica
- Deciphering (An)aerobic Nitrite Oxidation in Oxygen Minimum Zones
- Deep Advection of Young Waters Through the Maldives Carbonate Edifice
- Differential diversity and function of microbial communities along a salinity gradient in ancient Siberian permafrost
- Discovery of Seven New Encapsulin Nanocompartments Including Two from Anammox Bacteria
- Exploring the Limits of Life in a South African Deep Subsurface Brine
- Global Survey of the High-Affinity Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria in Published Microbial Communities
- High affinity methanotrophs are an important overlooked methane sink in the pan-Arctic and global methane budget
- Isotopic effects of dolomitization on Cryogenian strata in the Panamint Range, California
- Lake sediment Hydroclimate proxies from the Tropical South Pacific reveal large scale changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone over the Holocene
- Large carbon isotopic variability at the micron-scale in "Shuram" excursion carbonates from South Australia
- Mixed marine and meteoric early diagenetic alteration of shallow water carbonate sediments: insights from paired δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca and δ<SUP>26</SUP>Mg values
- Modern Ocean Ground-truthing of Planktic Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Multichronometer studies of terrestrial impact sites inform best practices for extraterrestrial studies
- On the Angola Low interannual variability and its role for modulating ENSO effects in southern Africa
- Phase Transitions in NaMgF<SUB>3</SUB> at High Pressures: Beyond Post Perovskite
- Physiological Implications of Alternative Nitrogen Fixation
- Preliminary results of the FV3-based dust/pollution predicting system
- Progress in Unified Global-to-Regional Modeling at GFDL: Convective-Scale Model Development
- Pycnocline recipe revisited using the nitrate isotopes: New estimates for the overturning ratio and low-latitude nutrient supply
- Redox Transitions Enhance Methane Production in Peat Systems
- Revisiting the Evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean Dynamo
- The Fixed Nitrogen Sensitivity of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in the Sulfate-Reducing Diazotroph, Desulfovibrio vulgaris.
- The importance of the equatorial current system for variability in the oxygen minimum zones
- Using Geochemical and Textural Evidence to Assess Crystal-Liquid Separation in a Fossil Large, Silicic Magma Chamber
- Zircon U-Pb age constraints on purported Cretaceous hotspot magmatism in northern New England and Quebec
- A Major Shift in the Southern Ocean Climate System and the Role of Sea Ice
- Abiotic (Prebiotic?) Organic Chemistry in a Potentially Ancient Hypersaline Brine: New Insights on the Limits of Microbial Life Inhabiting 3.1 km Deep Fracture Fluid in South Africa
- Assessing Eruptive Tempo of the Columbia River Basalt Group and Recalibrating Miocene Climate Records with Zircon Geochronology
- Can Higher Mode Surface-Wave Dispersion Discriminate Between Different Mars Mantle Models?
- Carbon mineralization accompanying serpentinization in the Oman ophiolite: A magnesium isotope perspective
- Carbonate-bound phosphate and Ca isotope range as measures of cation availability and relative alkalinity
- Constraining Mars Crust and Mantle Structure From Multi-mode Surface Wave Measurements: Blind Test Results
- Deep subsurface, Precambrian hypersaline environments as training sites for exploration of the Martian subsurface
- Detecting Signatures of Ancient Life on Mars: Analysis of SHERLOC with microbes and organics in Martian soil matrix
- Development of the Arabian-Nubian shield and the tectonic boundary conditions of the first Cryogenian snowball Earth
- Emerging Views of Earth's Core - an E' Layer at the Top of the Outer Core?
- Extreme wet-bulb temperature constrained by mean surface warming in the tropics
- Facilitating Sharing and Reuse of Geologic Samples: Recommendations from the National Academies
- Follow the Methane: Pushing Methanogens to the Extreme to Understand the Limits of Biological Methanogenesis Under Simulated Martian Subsurface Conditions
- Frontiers for Biogeophysics: How to Look for Life in Earth's Subsurface and Possible Subsurface Habitats on Mars
- Geochemical constraints on the Shuram carbon isotope excursion across a shelf-slope transect in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, Canada
- Global Adjoint Tomography - Model GLAD-M25
- High-Affinity Trace Gas Consumption by Soil Microbial Communities Around Hot Springs in the Andean Altiplano with Implications for Early Mars
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- How does El Nino warm the free troposphere?
- Impact of Inter-Hemispherically Asymmetric Volcanic Aerosol Forcing on Sahelian Rainfall
- Influence of Urbanization on Precipitation and Flooding Caused by Landfalling Hurricanes along the U.S. Coast
- Inge Lehmann: Observational Seismologist and Discoverer of a World Within a World
- Intermediate- and small-scale topography of mantle discontinuities and implications for mantle convection
- Memory effects of extreme hydroclimatic events
- Metagenomic Exploration of the Mono Lake Water Column: How Microbes Thrive despite High Salt and Arsenic Concentrations
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Mobile Earthquake Recording in Marine Areas by Independent Divers:New features-and Results from SPPIM, its First Big Deployment in the South Pacific
- Model sensitivity to observed sea surface temperature boundary conditions
- Multitimescale variations of modeled stratospheric water vapor derived from three modern reanalysis products
- On the Causal Relationship between Moist Diabatic Circulation and Cloud Rapid Adjustment to Increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- On the Meridional Gradient in Clear-Sky CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- One Year, Fifteen Hundred MERMAID Seismograms from the South Pacific
- Potential borehole observatory in the aftershock zone at about 3.5 km depth of a 2014 M5.5 sinistral earthquake that the ICDP DSeis project has probed
- Re-evaluating how well tropical cyclone activity can be predicted over the 20th century from sea-surface temperatures
- Reconstruction of metagenome-assembled genomes from past and extant microbial populations in ancient Siberian permafrost
- Responses of Venus and Mars to an Extreme Carrington-Type Space Weather Event: Atmospheric Loss and Core-Induced Magnetic Signature
- Searching for Extant Life on Mars: What's Next?
- Single Station Receiver Function Analysis of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Bermuda
- Small-scale topography of the 660-km discontinuity unveiled by back-scattering seismic waves
- Stepwise chemical abrasion ID-TIMS-TEA of Hadean Jack Hills Zircon fragments
- The Buffer Zone of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation: Formation and Variability
- The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Marine Isotope Budgets
- The Spatial Relationship Between Contemporaneous Tremor Detections in Relatively Low and High Frequency Bands
- The decadal behavior of Westerly Wind Events through a Moist Static Energy framework
- The modern analogue of a Cretaceous coral with a calcite skeleton
- The role of microbial dynamics of methanogens and high affinity methanotrophs in current and future net land methane emissions in the Arctic
- The role of the solid earth in regulating atmospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> levels
- The water-vapor continuum and the breakdown of steady RCE at high temperatures
- Tropical cyclone sensitivity to global forcing: seeds and probability
- U-Pb TIMS Geochronology Using ATONA Amplifiers
- A Database of Global Centroid Moment Tensors using 3D Green's Functions in Model GLAD-M25
- A New Look at the Lujiatun: Dinosaur Attrition in Burrows, not a Cretaceous Pompeii and not a Shoreline to the Jianshangou Lake
- Assessing Eruptive Tempo of the Columbia River Basalt Group and Recalibrating Miocene Climate Records with Zircon Geochronology
- Assessing the Timescale of the Miocene Climate Optimum with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the North Pacific Ocean
- Attribution of the Impacts of the 2008 Flooding in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) to Anthropogenic Forcing
- Climate-Driven Landscape Evolution Encoded in Stream Network Geometry
- Combining Storytelling and Critical Thinking to Improve Information Flow between Geoscience Experts and Local Decision-makers
- Controlling Factors of Global Heat-Humidity Extremes
- Corals are what they eat: Insights on the robustness of the coral skeleton-bound organic matter δ<SUP>15</SUP>N proxy from a feeding and light experiment
- Cumulate Melting and the Evolution of Igneous Rocks
- Do periplatformal slopes and basins in the Bahamas preserve shallow carbonate geochemistry?
- Earth-like Habitable Environments in the Subsurface of Mars
- Foraminifera-bound nitrogen isotopes over the past 25 million years
- Global Distribution of High-Affinity Trace Gas Metabolisms in Oligotrophic Environments: A Potential Metabolic Survival Strategy and Gas Sink
- Going with the Flow? Flow-dependent Multi-timescale Model Diagnostics
- GuyotPhysics: Princeton University Campus as an Observatory for Seismic Background Noise
- High-Affinity Trace Gas Oxidation by Soil Microbes Reflected in Gene Distributions Around Chilean Hot Springs in the Andean Altiplano
- Higher education teaching resources on imperialism and scientific racism in the geosciences, from past to present
- Intermodel compensation between cloud feedback and aerosol indirect effect in CMIP6
- Investigating Ediacaran-Cambrian carbon isotope variability from the Zuun-Arts Formation in southwestern Mongolia
- Linearity of outgoing longwave radiation: From an atmospheric column to global climate models
- Linkages between hydrological cycle, ocean heat uptake and climate sensitivity
- Natural variability can explain model-satellite differences in tropical tropospheric warming
- Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Modern and Plio-Pleistocene Fossil Shells from the Two Sides of the Isthmus of Panama
- Novel Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Siberian Marine Sediment Expand the Diversity of Candidatus Coatesbacteria Phylum
- Novel Radiogenic Noble Gas Signatures in the Crust: The Krypton Factor
- PIRE and Ice - Multiscale Modeling of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Recent temperature change on the Juneau Icefield, Alaska.
- Reconstruction of metagenome-assembled genomes involved in methane cycling from ancient Siberian permafrost sediments
- Sea level and climate control the Arctic Ocean halocline over the last 35,000 years
- Seismic Sampling of the Mantle Under the South Pacific With a Drifting Array of Autonomous MERMAID Floats
- Southern Ocean upwelling, Earth's obliquity and glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> change
- Spatial variations in the structure of oceanic lithosphere and their links to geodynamic processes
- Teaching First-Year College Students Research Skills using MATLAB: Examples from Remote Sensing and Meteorology
- The Impact of High Salinity on Radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> Yield and the Evolution of Subsurface Brine
- The Role of Radiative Interactions in Tropical Cyclone Development under Realistic Boundary Conditions
- The vertical transport of helium, hydrogen and methane within the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Three Regimes of Temperature Distribution Change over Dry and Wet Surfaces
- Towards Unified Weather-to-Seasonal Prediction Modeling with GFDL SHiELD
- Trends in Mo-, V- and Fe-only-based Biological Nitrogen Fixation across a Temperature Gradient in the Alphaproteobacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris
- Using Plumes as Indicators for Mantle Flow in the South America Subduction Zone
- Using Soil Trace Gas Flux as a Signature for Life: A Terrestrial Case Study in Martian Life Detection
- Volcanic drivers of the stratospheric sulfur cycle in GFDL ESM4
- What Controls the Annual Cycle of the North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Frequency?
- What Controls the Frequency of Tropical Cyclones and Seeds
- Zircon LA-ICP-MS ages constrain possible Jurassic true polar wander event, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, NW China