Portland State University, Oregon
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Channel Morphology on Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Development and Application of a Two Dimensional Atmosphere-Ocean Transport Box Model to CCl<SUB>3</SUB>F and CCl<SUB>2</SUB>F<SUB>2</SUB>
- Geometry and Hydraulics of Englacial Conduits, Storglaciaren, Sweden
- Hydrology of Temperate Glaciers: Utility of Steady-State Models of Basal Water Flow and Insights From the Study of Hydraulic Transients
- Localized Glacier Deformation Associated with Filling and Draining of a Glacier-Dammed Lake and Implications for Outburst Flood Hydraulics
- Methods of Measuring Glacier Change
- Microbial Growth of a Denitrifying Bacteria at In-situ Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Biomineralization at Mid-ocean Ridges
- Ozone Modulation/Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry for Analysis of Hydrocarbon Pollutants in Air
- Post-Glacial Ant Generated Desert Pavements in Southeastern Oregon
- Remote Sensing of Englacial Water in a Sub-Arctic Glacier
- Spectroscopy and Kinetics of Organic Peroxy Radicals Measured Using a Laser Photolysis / CW Cavity Ring-down Reactor
- Textural and Compositional Zoning of Plagioclase Phenocrysts of the Current Eruption at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- The Global Distribution and Trends of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide
- Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Chimney Environments: Continuous-Flow Experiments at in situ Temperature and Pressure
- Englacial Water Flow - The Absence of Röthlisberger Conduits
- Explosive break-up of Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica, by a meltwater-triggered iceberg capsize mechanism
- Impact of the Colonization by Paralvinella sulfincola on the Microbial Diversity Associated with a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Sulfide Chimney (Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge)
- Microbial Diversity Associated with High Temperature Sulfide Deposits Along the East Pacific Rise Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents
- New Approaches to Aerosol Optical Extinction Measurement
- Radar Studies of Englacial Water in Storglaciaren, Sweden
- Real-time Hydrologic Observations of Hidden Creek Lake Jökulhlaups, Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- The 2002 Reno Aerosol Optics Study: Overview and Preliminary Results
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Validation Studies of the PSU Cavity Ring-Down Transmissometer
- West Antarctic Ice Stream Discharge Variability: the evidence, a mechanism, and its implications
- Biogeochemical Investigations of Methane Seepage, Hydrate Ridge, OR.
- Borehole Observations of Cracks in a Polythermal Glacier
- Crevasse Patterns and Grounding Line Change Along the Siple and Gould Coasts, West Antarctica
- Deformation of the Hidden Creek Lake ice dam: evidence for faulting through the entire thickness of a glacier
- Enhancing Student Learning in and out of the Classroom with Electronic Teaching and Study Aids Built Around Interactive Groundwater Visualization Software
- Field Experiment to Stimulate Microbial Urease Activity in Groundwater for in situ Calcite Precipitation
- Jökulhlaup triggering: Observations at Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Microbial Biosignatures in High Iron Thermal Springs
- Microbial Diversity at the Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Vents of the Galapagos Rift
- Modeling Streambed Heating in Shallow Streams
- Modeling the Relative Contributions of Sediments and Urban Runoff-Borne Particles to PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) Levels in the Water and Foodchain of an Urbanized Waterway (Columbia Slough, Portland, OR, USA)
- Silicification of Thermophilic Biofilms: Do Aquificales Affect the Mineralisation Process?
- The Boring Volcanic Field of the Portland Basin: Diverse Primitive Mafic Magmas Erupted in a Frontal Arc Setting
- Unraveling Complex Crystal Populations of the Current Eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Key to Understanding 35 Years of Continuous Eruption of Monotonous Basaltic Andesites
- Use of Thermocouple Arrays to Investigate the Environment Within Actively Forming Chimney Deposits, Guaymas Basin
- Characterizing Mass Transfer of a Complex Non-aqueous Phase Liquid
- Estimating Uncertainty and Frequency of High-Velocity Paleotsunami Inundation From Geologic Records in Back Barrier Settings, Test Locality Cannon Beach, Oregon, Central Cascadia Margin, USA
- Factors Affecting Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Rice Fields
- Glacier Shrinkage and Effects on Alpine Hydrology
- Glaciers in Equilibrium - Results from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Historic Glacier Change using a GIS: Progress and problems
- Interannual Variability of Global Biomass Burning Using Atmospheric Measurements of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen
- Investigating Microbial Habitats in Hydrothermal Chimneys using Ti-Thermocouple Arrays: Microbial Diversity
- Support from Mineral and Melt-Inclusion Data for a Flux-controlled Ascent Model to Explain Longevity, Magnitude, and Composition of the Current Arenal Eruption
- The Effect of Temperature and Hydrogen Limited Growth on the Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes by Thermodesulfatator indicus, a Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium
- The Fate of Ammonium in the Endeavour Hydrothermal Plume: Microbial Ammonia Oxidation and Ammonium Assimilation
- Using Tsunami Deposits in a Probabilistic Inundation Study at Seaside, Oregon
- Warming-induced glacial advance in Taylor Valley?
- A Boundary Element Model For Fracture Propagation On The Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- A Long-Term San Francisco Bay Inflow Record Derived From Tides: Defining the Great Flood of 1862
- Bacterial and Archaeal Diversity From the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Characterization of Six Vent Fields Within the Lau Basin
- Chemical Data Assimilation in Support of Air Quality Forecasts
- Daily Energy-Budget and Penman Evaporation From Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Effects of Incorporating a Climate Index into the Upper Klamath Operational Water Supply Forecast: Trans-Nino Index
- Evidence for Magma-Mixing and Disequilibrium in 'Primitive' Basaltic Andesites From Mount Shasta, Northern California
- Exploration of a Subsurface Biosphere in a Volcanic Massive Sulfide: Results of the Mars Analog Rio Tinto Drilling Experiment
- Fracture Patterns and the Reconstruction of Grounding Zone Dynamics on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Hydrogeology of the Groundwater Dominated Williamson River Subbasin, Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon
- Ice streams stop and start: evidence from the Ross Ice Shelf, interpreted using numerical models of ice shelf flow
- Kinetics of Cadmium Release and Aqueous Transport in Fertilizer Amended Agricultural Soils
- Long-Term Trends of Methane Sources
- Paleomagnetic Poles From the Skewness of Marine Magnetic Anomalies
- Pavilion Lake, British Columbia, Canada - An investigation of potentially unique freshwater microbialites, and their application to Mars exploration.
- Plagioclase in Dacites of the Current Mt. St. Helens Eruption: Constraints for Magma Origin and Dynamics
- Post-Rift Deformation of Passive Margins
- Quantitative Evaluation of the Factors Controlling Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Rice Fields in China.
- Quantitative Understanding of Fracture Patterns in Ice Shelves
- Subsurface Geomicrobiology of a Volcanically Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit (VHMS), Near Rio Tinto, Spain
- The Role of Firn Pack in Melt Season Drainage From Temperate Glaciers
- Uncertainty in Glacier Mass Balance Measurements
- Using Teacher-Generated Ecological Models to Assess Knowledge Gained During Teacher Training
- A Physical Model of Deterministic Earthquake Forecasting
- Aersol Optical Property Measurements During TEXAQS II Using Cavity Ring-Down Transmissometer.
- Analysis of Oceanic Internal Tides With PEZ-HAT, a Data-Assimilating Primitive Equations Model
- Assimilation of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent and Satellite Snowcover Products for Semi- arid Mountain Basins in a Hydrologic Model
- Crystallization of An-rich plagioclase in 'dacitic' melt at Arenal volcano: Natural occurrence and experiments
- Development of a Reduced Order Control Strategy in 4D-Var Data Assimilation
- Global Methane Emissions From Terrestrial Plants
- Ice Cliffs and the Terminus Dynamics of Polar Glaciers
- Integrated Regional Assessment of Climate Change for Korean River Basins
- Methane Emissions From Rice Fields
- Role of Iron in the Preservation of Phototrophic Cells: An Example from a Modern Thermophilic Community at Chocolate Pots Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Sources of Phosphorus to a Stream in a Residential Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon
- Sr Isotopic Variation of Plagioclase Crystals in Mount St. Helens, Southern Washington
- Surface Measurements Of Carbon Monoxide And Methane Mixing And Stable Isotopic Ratios From Trans-Pacific Ocean And Continental United States Air Sampling
- The Association Between Equatorial Sea Surface Temperature Gradients and Upper Klamath Seasonal Streamflow: Trans-Niño Index
- The Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Cryoconite Holes in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Evolution Over an Ablation Season
- The Making of Fore-Arc Andesite of the Portland Basin, Oregon
- Vertical-Axis Rotations Within Columbia River Basalt Flows Define a Sharp Eastern Boundary of the Coast Range Block with Potentially Increased Seismic Risk for Portland, Oregon
- A century of glacier change in the American West
- Comparison and Synthesis of Gridded Inventories of Methane Emissions From Rice Agriculture
- Composition of Magmas, Minerals, and Melts of Tuffs and Lavas from the San Luis Caldera Complex, Colorado: Framework for Crystal Recycling and Melt Extraction Processes
- Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layers Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics
- Designing Summer Research Experiences for Teachers and Students That Promote Classroom Science Inquiry Projects and Produce Research Results
- Development of a Portable Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopic Technique for Measuring Stable Isotopes in Atmospheric Methane
- Earthquake forecasting by the time series analyses of earthquake source parameters
- Ensemble Data Assimilation to Sequential Bayesian Multi-model Combination: Tackling the Hydrologic Model Uncertainty
- Factors Affecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Rice Agriculture
- Geologic Carbon Sequestration in a Lightly Explored Basin: the Puget-Willamette Lowland
- Improving Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Using Interdecadal/Interannual Climate Variability
- Measurements of Extensive Aerosol Optical Properties During TexAQS II: Implications for PM Compliance and Planning
- Measurements of Intensive Aerosol Optical Properties During TexAQS II
- Methane Production Pathways and Concentration Profiles in Rice Cultivation
- Modeling Streambed Heating in Shallow Streams
- Parametric Sensitivity Analysis in a New Cloud Resolving Aerosol Model
- Sr Isotope and Compositional Zoning of Plagioclase in the Active Mount St. Helens Lava Dome
- Sulfur-rich Apatites in Silicic, Calc-alkaline Magmas: Inherited or not?
- Visualizing Single Cell Biology: Nanosims Studies of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
- Andesites/Dacites of the Oceanic Narcondam Volcano, Andaman Sea: Modification of Tholeiitic Arc Basalts by Crustal Contamination and Amphibole-Dominated Fractionation
- Comparative Evaluation of NEXRAD and TRMM Satellite based Precipitation Estimates and Rain Gage Measurements
- Crystal Zoning and Populations in 'Mt. Shasta' High-magnesian Andesite (HMA): Key in the Reconstruction of a Petrogenetic History Dominated by Magma Mixing and Contamination
- Evaluating and Intercomparison of Statistical and Probabilistic Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting Procedures - A Western US Case Study
- Geo-Spatial Grid-based Transformations of Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimates
- Geochemical controls on microbial community composition from varied hot spring environments
- Ice Stream Basal Conditions From Block-wise Surface-Data Inversion: Application toBindschadler Ice Stream
- Interaction of Dacitic and Basaltic Magmas Deduced from Evolution of Phenocrysts and Mixing of Crystal Populations during the Kalama Eruptive Period at Mount St. Helens
- Long-Lead Probabilistic Streamflow Forecasting Using Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) and Large-Scale Climate Signals
- Methane Emissions from Deciduous Trees
- Methane emissions estimated from atmospheric observations of methane and its carbon isotopes: MOZART - 2 modeling study
- Patterns of Glacier Change in the American West
- Perspectives On The Global Budget of Methane
- Portable Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer for Methane Isotope Ratio Measurements
- Reconstruction of historical estuarine inflows from tidal records.
- Role of Nurse Logs in Forest Expansion at Timberline
- Sorption/Desorption and Transport of Trichloroethene in Freshly-amended, Synthetically- aged, and Field-contaminated Aquifer Material
- Sub-seafloor Microbial Colonization of Igneous Minerals and Glasses
- The fault width formation of impending large earthquakes: Its observation near the base of the crustal seismogenic zone by the time series analysis of seismicity.
- Understanding changes in the subglacial environment through modeling of internal layers
- Validation of Tropical CH4 Emission Inventories Using SCIAMACHY Measurements
- A New Approach in Multi-Model Hydrologic Forecasting: Merging The Data Assimilation With Bayesian Model Averaging
- A Procedure for Statistical Downscaling of Precipitation with an Objective Method for Predictor Selection
- Ambient Pressure LIF Instrument for Nitrogen Dioxide
- Authentic Research Experiences for Pre- and In-service Teachers: UNH’s Transforming Earth System Science Education (TESSE) Program
- Classroom application of Earth System Science education professional development: Coupling content education with pedagogy and planning for teaching
- Crack tip behavior and arrest in the Ronne Ice Shelf investigated using a numerical model of fracture propagation
- Effect of Climate Change on Hydrologic Ecotones Over the Pacific Northwest River Basin
- Hot VOCs and Tritium Transport — A Conundrum Solved?
- Hydrologic Model Selection and Prediction using a Sequential Bayesian Approach
- Ice Mechanics, Outlet Morphology, and Change Over Time on Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Infusion of Ensemble Data Assimilation in the operational NWS-Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) System
- Intercomparison of Models to Estimate Methane Emissions From Rice Agriculture Using Common Data Sets
- Investigating the response of Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula to the disintegration of the Larsen B ice shelf using a 2-D flowline model
- Measurements of Carbon Dioxide in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Region
- Multi-sensor Assessment of Crane Glacier Drawdown 2002-2009, Larsen B Embayment, Antarctica
- Performance Assessment of Three Types of Rainwater Detention Structures for an Urban Development in Wilsonville, Oregon, USA
- Problems Associated with Declining National Oil Production
- Remotely Sensed Snow Data Assimilation within Distributed Snow 17 Model
- Storm Hydrograph Responses to Conversion to White Pine Forest in the Southern Appalachian Mountains
- Transport of Greenhouse Gases in Trees
- Variations in grounding line position on the Gould and Siple Coasts, West Antarctica, over the last 1000 years
- World-wide association of timberline forest advance with microsite type along a precipitation gradient
- A fracture mechanics view of iceberg calving from large ice shelves
- Advances in Hydrologic State and Parameter Estimation Using Ensemble Filtering and Smoothing (Invited)
- Aerosol Optical Properties at the Ground Sites during the 2010 CARES Field Campaign
- Analysis of Oblique Plate Convergence along the Manila Trench and the Philippine Trench
- Analysis of Streamflow Predictive Uncertainty using Multiple Hydrologic Models in Climate Change Impact Study
- Apatite sulfur systematics and crystal population in the 1991 Pinatubo magmas
- Can surface and basal lakes be twins?
- Coherent structures and near-surface turbulence in a tidal river
- Combined Effect of Uncertain Initial Condition and Atmospheric Forcing in Ensemble Streamflow Prediction: The Value of Data Assimilation and ESP
- Composition and Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds Near a Chemical and Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in an Arid Environment with a Thick Unsaturated Zone
- Evaluating the Use of Microwave Radiance and Snow Water Equivalent Data in Streamflow Prediction
- Hydro-geomorphic Modeling of the Impacts of Dam Removal on Ecosystem Services on the White Salmon River, WA
- Impact of high-resolution tidal forcing on the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Insights into the role of organics in the growth of freshly nucleated particles (Invited)
- Investigating microbial colonization in actively forming hydrothermal deposits using thermocouple arrays
- Investigating temperature effects on methane production and oxidation in the rice ecosystem using stable carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios
- Measurements and model studies of ambient aerosol volatility in Riverside, CA
- Optimizing Reservoir Operation to Adapt to the Climate Change
- Origin of surface undulations at the Kamb Ice Stream grounding line, West Antarctica
- Potential scientific objectives for a 2018 2-rover mission to Mars and implications for the landing site and landed operations
- Responses of mcrA and pmoA Gene Copies and Methane Fluxes to Soil Temperature Changes in Rice Microcosms
- Sensitivity of regional forest carbon budgets to continuous and stochastic climate change pressures
- Strain Behavior in Eastern Tibet Blocks
- The Pacific Northwest GPS Velocity Field (Invited)
- The `Strawberry Volcanic Field' of Northeastern Oregon: Another Piece of the CRB Puzzle?
- The chemical composition of nanoparticles formed from the oxidation of real plant emissions
- Time-Dependent Inversion of Geodetic GPS and InSAR Measurements (1992-2010) of Yellowstone Deformation
- Understanding the historical trend in atmospheric methane using its carbon isotopic composition 1978 to 1998
- Urban carbon dioxide in Portland, Oregon
- World-Wide and Regional Examination of Substrates Facilitating Timberline Expansion
- recent changes the in flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica (Invited)
- A 20-year record of the isotopic composition of atmospheric methane from Cape Meares, Oregon
- A Comparative Metroscope Model for Urban Information Flows
- A Kinetics Approach to SOA Growth: Implication From Studies of Alpha-Pinene Oxidation
- Analysis of Climate Change Impact on Extreme Precipitation and Temperature Variability over the Willamette River Basin Using Dynamically Downscaled Climate Scenarios
- Anoxygenic growth of cyanobacteria on Fe(II) and their associated biosignatures: Implications for biotic contributions to Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
- Anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the Portland metropolitan region
- Applying plate tectonics to continents
- Bacterial Oxidation of Iron in Olivine: Implications for the Subsurface Biosphere, Global Chemical Cycles, and Life on Mars
- Behavior of lithium and magnesium isotopes during extreme weathering of the Columbia River Basalt
- Characterization of Nano-scale Aluminum Oxide Transport through Porous Media
- Climate change in the classroom: Reaching out to middle school students through science and math suitcase lessons
- Cold Desert Fluvial Sedimentation and Buried Ice Geology: Garwood Valley (Antarctica) as a Guide to Martian Delta and Gully Geomorphology, Mineralogy, and Biomarker Distribution
- Compositional zoning of the Devine Canyon Tuff, Oregon
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- GPS Investigation of Active Faults in Northwestern Oregon
- Glaciers Change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Beginning of the End?
- Ice Weathering Crust Development and the Contribution of Subsurface Melting to Glacier Ablation and Runoff in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Intercalation of TCE by Sediment-Associated Clay Minerals and Implications for Low-Concentration Elution Tailing and Back Diffusion
- Land-use and climate driven changes in BVOC emissions and their impacts on atmospheric chemistry
- Legacies of Glacio-fluvial Interactions in the Finger Lakes, Central New York
- Linking Spectral Features with Composition, Crystallinity, and Roughness Properties of Silica and Implications for Candidate Hydrothermal Systems on Mars
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Measuring active deformation of the Yakima fold and thrust belt using GPS and InSAR
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Nonideal Sorption-Desorption and Extensive Elution Tailing
- Performance of a Small-scale Treatment Wetland for Treatment of Landscaping Wash Water
- Persistence of virus lipid signatures upon silicification
- Plate Coupling and Transient Events Detection from Geodetic Measurements in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Possible Climate-Induced Runoff Changes and Associated Uncertainty in Five Pacific Northwest Coastal Watersheds
- Radiative Transfer Parameter Estimation for SMOS Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Retention and Detachment Interactions of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Porous Media
- Social and Economic Consequences of Extreme Hydrological Regimes in Relationship to Federal Hydropower Generation on the Missouri River
- Sources and Sinks of Methyl Halides in the Florida Everglades and Coastal Waters
- Spiraling in Urban Streams: A Novel Approach to Link Geomorphic Structure with Ecosystem Function
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Strawberry Rhyolites, Oregon: Northwestern extent of mid-Miocene flood basalt related rhyolites of the Pacific Northwest
- Structural map of flow variability and propagation behavior in the Ross Ice Shelf
- Sulfur evolution of the 1991 Pinatubo magmas based on apatite
- Temporal Variation and Bifurcating Differentiation Trends from Olivine Tholeiite Among Mafic Volcanic Rocks in the Bimodal High Lava Plains, Oregon
- The Dinner Creek Tuff: A Widespread Co-CRBG Ignimbrite Sheet in Eastern Oregon
- The Influence of Dam Removal on Upland Soils
- The Sensitivity of Fourier Components of Simulated Atmospheric Methane to Emission Inventories
- The Water Level and Transport Regimes of the Lower Columbia River
- The global distribution of magnitude 9 earthquakes
- Transport of Methane in Trees
- Urbanization, Climate Change, and Changes to Ecosystem Services in Coastal Areas
- Utilizing Data Assimilation Techniques to Improve the Characterization of Initial Condition for Ensemble Streamflow Prediction
- Volumetric Streamflow Prediction; Comparing Historical Resample vs. Climate Model Forcing Data
- Water Track Control of Active Layer Thermal Properties and Ecosystem Structure in the Lake Hoare Basin, Taylor Valley, Antarctica: Water, Carbon, and the Future of the Dry Valleys
- A New Postprocessing Method for Improved Ensemble Forecasts
- A Probabilistic Procedure to Analyze the Termination of Hydrologic Droughts
- A Strongly Calc-alkaline Suite in the Midst of the Tholeiitic Columbia River Basalt Province: Implications for Generating the Calc-alkaline Trend Without Subduction Processes
- A Unique Laboratory to Explore Soil-Wine Relationships, North Canterbury, New Zealand
- A thirty year record of the isotopic composition of atmospheric methane from North America
- Analysis of the effect of evergreen and deciduous trees on urban nitrogen dioxide levels in the U.S. using land-use regression
- Animations and modeling of the 2012 slow slip event beneath southern Mexico and the accompanying 20 March 2012 Mw=7.4 Ometepec earthquake
- Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors Using Two-Dimensional Gas-Chromatography
- Characterizing the Sources and Sinks of Methyl Halides in the Florida Everglades and Coastal Waters by Isotopic Analysis
- Climate Feedback on Methane Emissions From Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Combining Statistical and Ensemble Streamflow Predictions to Cope with Consensus Forecast
- Deformation Rates in the Snake River Plain and Adjacent Basin and Range Regions Based on GPS Measurements
- Detecting Organic Compounds Released from Iron Oxidizing Bacteria using Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM)-like Instrument Protocols
- Development of a Carbon Number Polarity Grid SOA Model with the use of Generator of Explicit Chemistry and Kinetics of Organics in the Atmosphere
- Englacial matters: the heart of Greenland hydrology
- Epistemology of Ice Sheet Change
- Estimating Soil Thermal Properties from Land Surface Temperature Measurements Using Ant Colony Optimization Approach
- Extreme magnesium isotope fractionation during bauxite formation on the Columbia River Basalts
- Hydrologic Modeling of Urbanizing Oregon Basins for Water-Related Ecosystem Service Assessment using SWAT
- Ice mechanics, basal water and the stagnation of Kamb Ice Stream, Antarctica
- Improving Coastal Tide Forecasts with Data Assimilation
- Limits on great earthquake size at subduction zones
- Methyl Halide Production by Periphyton Mats from the Florida Everglades
- Microbial carbon and nitrogen fixation on the surface of glaciers and ice sheets
- New Constraints on Methane Emissions from 1978 to 1999 Using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δD-CH<SUB>4</SUB> From Cape Meares, Oregon Archived Air
- Nutrient dynamics and primary production in a pristine coastal mangrove ecosystem: Andaman Islands, India
- Potential Air Quality Impacts of Global Bioenergy Crop Cultivation
- Propagation of an active rift in the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Recent laboratory and field observations of the chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles
- Show Me the Mush! - Constraints From Voluminous Rhyolitic Ignimbrites of Bimodal and Calc-alkaline Settings on the Applicability of a Mush Model
- Simulating impacts of Woody Biomass Harvesting on North Temperate Forest Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling and Storage
- Spatial Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Extreme Runoff Events: Implications on Climate Change Studies
- Spatial patterns of runoff ratios and variations in the contiguous U.S.
- Stratigraphic evolution of the Cascade back arc, northern Klamath County, Oregon
- Sustainable or Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Indus River Basin, Pakistan under Uncertainties?
- Temperature and Mechanisms of Methane Transport in Trees
- Terroir, the Relationship of Geology, Soils, and Climate to Wine: An Example from the Northern Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA
- The Pursuit of Hydrologic Data Assimilation: Robustness, Effectiveness and Reliability in State and Parameter Estimation
- The Rhyolite Flare-up of the Columbia River Basalt Province and its Bearing on Plume vs. Non-plume Models
- Topographic effects on subglacial water routing beneath ice streams
- Toward Improved Reliability of Seasonal Hydrologic Forecast: Accounting for Initial Condition and State-Parameter Uncertainties
- Tracking Glacier Change
- Variability in microbial communities attached to minerals and glasses incubated in young ocean crust
- Watershed Runoff Model Uncertainty as affected by Spatial Climate Data Resolution for McKenzie River, OR
- World's Tallest Barometer, an Educational Lab Apparatus
- recent changes the in flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, West Antarctica
- A New Model of Present-day Deformation of the Philippine Mobile Belt based on GPS and Seismological Data
- Accelerated thermokarst formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- An Approach for Long-lead Probabilistic Forecast of Droughts
- Changes in the Seasonal Variation of Suspended Sediment Transport to San Francisco Bay in the last 150 years
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- End of the trend: Cold desert ecosystem responses to climate variability
- Fens, seasonal wetlands, and the unconfined pumice aquifer east of the Cascade Range, south-central Oregon
- Flood Frequency Analysis: Multi-distribution Ensemble using Spatial Bayesian Hierarchical Model and Bayesian Model Averaging
- Flow-banded Rhyolite of the Northern Oregon Cascades: Graveyard and Gordon Buttes, Tygh Valley, Oregon
- Geodynamic modeling of the Mid-Continental Rift System: Is a mantle plume required?
- High Resolution Modeling of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Carbon Dioxide Fluxes From the Portland Oregon Metropolitan Area
- Increasing the Physical Basis of Drought Characterization: Examination of a New Drought Index with the Aid of Data Assimilation
- Influence Of Aerosol Water In The Organic Phase On The Mass, Properties And Source Apportionment Of Secondary Organic Aerosol In A Source-Oriented Model
- Micro-tomography and electron microscopy of a shock dike in the Buck Mountains 005 L6 chondrite
- Mid-Miocene Silicic Volcanism of the Three Fingers - Mahogany Mountain Area, SE Oregon - Revisited
- New Insights to the Mid Miocene Calc-alkaline Lavas of the Strawberry Volcanics, NE Oregon Surrounded by the Coeval Tholeiitic Columbia River Basalt Province
- Radiogenic and stable isotopes of mid-Miocene silicic volcanism in eastern Oregon: Evidence for variable and high Sr / low δ<SUP>18</SUP>O domains west of the terrane-cratonic lithosphere transition
- Radon in homes of the Portland, Oregon Area: Radon data from local radon testing companies collected by CRM (Continuous Radon Measurement) machines
- Recent Progress and Emerging Issues in Measuring and Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions
- Representation of Thwaites Glacier Bed Uncertainty for Modeling Experiments
- Scaling up in the face of uncertainty - controls on trace gas fluxes in heterogeneous landscapes (Invited)
- Steady and transient inter-seismic behavior at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand: Uncertainties in long-term locking estimates (Invited)
- Survey of Large, Igneous-Textured Inclusions in Ordinary Chondrites
- Timberline Forest Upward Advance Facilitated by Moisture and Disturbance
- Transferrable Lessons about Non-Point-Source Gas Transport from the Amargosa Desert
- Winds of change: How will windstorms and forest harvesting affect C cycling in northern MN under different climate scenarios?
- A Global Map of Coherent M2 Internal Tide Surface Elevations
- A New Approach in Generating Meteorological Forecasts for Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting using Multivariate Functions
- Aquatic Species Responses to Changes in Streamflow and Stream Temperature in the Willamette River Basin of Oregon
- Are Dynamically Evolving Models the Future of Hydrologic Modelling? A Data Assimilation Approach
- Assessment of Climate Projections Using Ensembles of CMIP5 GCMs and Developing a Probable Future Scenario for Evaluation of Possible Future Changes
- Biomass Burning: Major Uncertainties, Advances, and Opportunities
- Can Tidal Perturbations Associated with Sea Level Variations in the Western Pacific Ocean Be Used to Understand Future Effects of Tidal Evolution?
- Climate Change Impact Assessment in Pacific North West Using Copula based Coupling of Temperature and Precipitation variables
- Constraints on Subduction Zone Coupling along the Philippine and Manila Trenches based on GPS and Seismological Data
- Decadal-Scale Decoupling of the Japan Trench Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Geodetic and Repeating-Earthquake Observations
- Decaying Rate of Volcanic Inflation near Three Sisters, Oregon, Measured with GPS and InSAR
- Denitrification Rates, Nitrous Oxide, and Methane Fluxes Along Soil Moisture Gradients In Stormwater Control Structures.
- Epiphytic Moss as a Biomonitor for Nitrogen Deposition
- Evolving patterns of coupled glacio-hydrology across the Pacific Northwest Region, USA
- Field experiments of nonlocal sediment transport on a steep hillslope
- Force chains as the link between particle and bulk friction angles in granular material
- GPS Constraints on the M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.5 Ometepec Earthquake Sequence, Southern Mexico: Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation
- Heating the Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica - Decadal Trends in Heat Content, Ice Thickness, and Heat Exchange
- How to Generate More Reliable Seasonal Drought Forecasts and Analyze Drought Recovery Under Uncertainties?
- Identification of absorbing organic (brown carbon) aerosols through Sun Photometry: results from AEROCAN / AERONET stations in high Arctic and urban Locations
- Improving Hydrologic Data Assimilation by a Multivariate Particle Filter-Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Isotopic constraints on the decadal trends of global methane emissions favor increasing fossil fuel emissions over recent decades
- Long-term increase in New York Harbor storm tides, 1844-present
- Low HFSE Rhyolites from Oregon: Smoking Gun for an Origin Through Partial Melting of the Crust
- Maximizing Statistical Power When Verifying Probabilistic Forecasts of Hydrometeorological Events
- Modelling uncertainties and possible future trends of precipitation and temperature for 10 sub-basins in Columbia River Basin (CRB)
- Network Level Carbon Dioxide Emissions From On-road Sources in the Portland OR, (USA) Metropolitan Area
- Organic Compounds Complexify Transport in the Amargosa Desert—The Case for Phytotritiation
- Paleomagnetism of Early and Middle Pleistocene Cataclysmic Flood Deposits in the Pacific Northwest
- Parallel goal-oriented adaptive finite element modeling for 3D electromagnetic exploration
- Performance evaluation of the Particle Smoother with Sequential Importance Resampling for soil hydraulic parameter estimation
- Quantifying the Stress Responses of Brassica Rapa Genotypes, With Experimental Drought in Two Nitrogen Treatments
- Searching for hot spots and hot moments of soil denitrification in northern hardwood forests
- Seismogenic Cycles, Quartz Microstructures and Localization at the Frictional to Viscous Transition in an Exhumed, Large-Displacement, Seismogenic Strike-Slip Fault
- Sensitivity of Columbia Basin Runoff to Long-Term Changes in Multi-Model CMIP5 Precipitation Simulations
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Supercontinent Pangea, Mantle Dynamics, and Reference Frame of Global Plate Motions
- Ten Years of Slow Slip Events Observed by cGPS Network in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Testing the Proterozoic GAD Hypothesis with Reconstructed Tomography Dynamo Models
- The Bimaterial Effect on the Earthquake Cycle
- The Isotopic Evolution of Modern Water (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD) Across the Andean Plateau Controlled by Easterly-Derived Precipitation Modified by Surface Water Recycling
- The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems responding to climatic events that enhance hydrologic transport acress the landscape
- The Ray Corner High Strain Zone of the Norumbega Fault System in Maine: A Complex History of Ductile Shear, Brittle Deformation, and Paleoseismicity
- The effect of bed topography on modeled grounding line migration in a conditional simulation of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- The effects of carbon tax on the Oregon economy and state greenhouse gas emissions
- Time-Dependent Variations of Slow Slip Events in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Time-dependent source model of the Lusi mud volcano
- Transdimensional Inversion for Earth's Radial Mantle Viscosity Profile
- Urbanization Impacts on Tree Canopies: The Unexplored Link Between Canopy Epiphytes and Pacific Northwest Forest Biogeochemical Cycles
- Using airborne LIDAR to measure tides and river slope
- Using the NO2/NOx Ratio to Understand the Spatial Heterogeneity of Secondary Pollutant Formation Capacity in Urban Atmospheres
- A novel approach to produce road-level inventories of on-road greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions
- Can Significant Trends in Surface Temperature and Precipitation be Detected over South America?
- Can Viral Videos Help Beaver Restore Streams?
- Comparison of Two Global Sensitivity Analysis Methods for Hydrologic Modeling over the Columbia River Basin
- Deep and shallow sources for the Lusi mud eruption revealed by surface deformation
- Developing a concept of social-ecological-technological systems to characterize resilience of urban areas and infrastructure to extreme events
- Dynamically Evolving Models for Dynamic Catchments: Application of the Locally Linear Dual EnKF to a Catchment with Land Use Change
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Englacial Hydrology of Temperate Glaciers
- Entrainment of Air into Vertical Jets in a Crosswind
- Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Pre and Post Drought Using Remote Sensing Data in the Sierra Nevada Range
- Estuary Turbidity Maxima -- Connections between the Tidal-Fluvial and Estuarine Regimes
- Evaluating the Potential Use of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Data for Agricultural Drought Risk Monitoring
- Evaluation of Northeast United States Winter Storm Impacts in a Suite of High Resolution Downscaled Climate Model Hindcasts
- Formation of Europa's Double Ridges Through Viscoelastoplastic Deformation Above Crystallizing Cryo-Volcanic Intrusions
- Greenland englacial drainage: conditions favoring water transport through a fractured aquifer
- How can geological datasets help us to choose between rheological behaviours suggested by experimental measurements? Examples from the Alpine Fault and the Japan Trench.
- Impact of Urban, Agricultural and Industrial Emissions on the Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen in the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area
- Implications of dynamics underlying temperature and precipitation distributions for changes in extremes
- Improving Coastal Flood Risk Assessments for the Northeastern United States: New York City to Boston
- Influence of Climate Change on Flood Hazard using Climate Informed Bayesian Hierarchical Model in Johnson Creek River
- Investigating the Impact of a Metals Foundry on Neighborhood Air Quality through PM2.5 PMF Analysis and Mobile Environmental Odor Diaries App
- Landslide Hazard Mapping in Rwanda Using Logistic Regression
- Mean Kinetic Energy Budget of Wakes Within Model Wind Farms: Comparison of an Array of Model Wind Turbines and Porous Discs
- Measurements of N<SUB>2</SUB>O and SF<SUB>6 </SUB>mole fraction between 1977 and 1998 in archived air samples from Cape Meares, Oregon
- Multispectral Airborne Mapping LiDAR Observations of the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- New Data on mid-Miocene Rhyolite Volcanism in Eastern Oregon Extend Early, co-CRBG Rhyolite Flare up and Constrain Storage Sites of Grande Ronde Flood Basalts
- New Inferences of Earth's Mantle Viscosity Structure and Implications for Long-wavelength Structure in the Lower Mantle
- New Radar Altimeter Missions are Providing a Dramatically Sharper Image of Global Marine Tectonics
- Optical Properties of Submicron and Coarse Mode Ambient Particulate Matter in Northern California
- Quantifying global melt flux and degassing rate from global mantle convection models with plate motion history
- Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Recent trends in global methane emissions inferred from 30-years of surface CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4 </SUB>measurements
- Recharge of an Unconfined Pumice Aquifer: Winter Rainfall Versus Snow Pack, South-central Oregon
- Reducing Uncertainties of Hydrologic Model Predictions Using a New Ensemble Pre-Processing Approach
- Rotation of the Pacific Northwest and Deformation Across the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt Estimated with GPS
- Silicic Volcanism at the Northern and Western Extent of the Columbia River Basalt Rhyolite Flare-up: Rhyolites of Dooley Mountain and Buchanan, Oregon
- Slow Slip Events and rotation of the Peninsula block in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of a Large, Hotspot-related Rhyolite of the Pacific Northwest: The Littlefield Rhyolite, Eastern Oregon
- The Effects of Plasticity and the Evolution of Damage Zones in Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- The Global Systems Science High School Curriculum
- The Past as a Window to the Future - What Does Long Term Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica Tell Us About the Trajectory of Polar Ecosystems?
- Time Evolution of Thermo-Mechanically and Chemically Coupled Magma Chambers
- Time-dependent Deformation of the South Island, New Zealand, from Inversion of GPS and InSAR Data
- Transport and Application of Heat-Activated Persulfate for In-situ Chemical Oxidation of Residual Trichloroethylene
- USGS GNSS Applications to Volcano Disaster Response and Hazard Mitigation
- Urban Growth Trajectories as a Window into Understanding Hydrologic Changes
- Utilizing Multi-Ensemble of Downscaled CMIP5 GCMs to Investigate Trends and Spatial and Temporal Extent of Drought in Willamette Basin
- A Bayesian hierarchical approach to multivariate nonstationary hydrologic and infrastructure frequency analysis
- A Hybrid Framework for Drought Forecasting using Land Data Assimilation and Multivariate Copula Modeling
- A Near Real-time Probabilistic Drought Forecasting Framework
- A Novel Approach to Measuring Glacier Motion Remotely using Aerial LiDAR
- A morphologic proxy for debris flow erosion with application to the earthquake deformation cycle and beyond
- Accessible, interactive visualizations of climate change data from local to national scale
- Adjoint-Based Forecast Error Sensitivity Diagnostics in Data Assimilation
- An automated, open-source (NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline) workflow for mass production of high-resolution DEMs from commercial stereo satellite imagery: Application to mountain glacies in the contiguous US
- Analyzing Tropospheric Ozone and NOx Emission Levels and Patterns in a Rural Town in Oregon
- Assessing Aridity, Hydrological Drought, and Recovery Using GRACE and GLDAS: a Case Study in Iraq
- Assessing Mechanisms of Climate Change Impact on the Upland Forest Water Balance of the Willamette River Basin
- Assessing the Meteorology Associated with Extreme Dust Storms over the Arabian Peninsula: A statistical and dynamical approach
- Assessing the effects of non-Gaussian tails on increases in temperature exceedances under global warming using climate models
- Bed roughness impedes then accelerates grounding line retreat of Thwaites glacier
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds as Indicators of Change in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert, USA
- Bringing home sustainability and climate change research and developments via on-line virtual reality
- Climate and Biological Drivers of Biodiversity Across the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Climate change and intensified meteorological droughts over the CONUS in the 21st century
- Constraining the Rupture Length and Timing of the Northwest Extension of the Meers Fault, Oklahoma using High Resolution Topographic and Age Data
- Deuterium values from volcanic glass: A paleoelevation proxy for Oregon's Cascade Range
- Development of a 350ppm community carbon budget in Eugene, Oregon
- Do Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Explain Variability and Trends in The Seasonality of Oulu-Hailuoto Ice Road in Northern Finland?
- Downscaling Coarse Scale Microwave Soil Moisture Product using Machine Learning
- Electrochemical Analysis of Heavy Metal Contaminants in Plant Matter
- Enhancing Data Assimilation by Evolutionary Particle Filter and Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Environmental Implications of Maritime Vessel Intensification in Arctic Waters
- Establishing Interconnectivity of Pleistocene Lakes in Southeastern Oregon Using Stable Isotopes of Lacustrine Carbonates
- Estimating the deposition of urban atmospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> to the urban forest in Portland-Vancouver USA
- Evaluating Interpolation Methods for Velocity and Strain Rate in the Western United States
- Evaluating and improving the forecast skill of NMME dataset over the CONUS; introducing an effective post-processing approach
- Evaluation of Historical CMIP5 Temperature and Precipitation Trends for NCA Climate Regions
- Examining Mechanisms of Methane Transport in Populus trichocarpa
- High severity fires, positive fire feedbacks and alternative stable states in Athrotaxis rainforest ecosystems in western Tasmania.
- Holocene history of deep-seated landsliding in the North Fork Stillaguamish River valley (Washington, USA) in the context of climate change from surface roughness analysis, radiocarbon dating, and numerical landscape evolution modeling
- Improving Forecasts Through Realistic Uncertainty Estimates: A Novel Data Driven Method for Model Uncertainty Quantification in Data Assimilation
- Inverse Modeling of Surface CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4 </SUB>Measurements to Understand Recent Trends in Global Methane Emissions
- Investigating Drought Onset, Termination and Recovery According to Water Quality Indicators
- Investigating the Sources of Decadal-Scale Property Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southeast Indian Ocean (80-90°E)
- Large-Scale Controls and Characteristics of Fire Activity in Central Chile, 2001-2015
- Mantle mixing and thermal evolution during Pangaea assembly and breakup
- Melting in the Mantle Wedge: Quantifying the Effects of Crustal Thickening and Viscous Decoupling on Melt Production with Application to the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Miocene Basaltic Lava Flows and Dikes of the Intervening Area Between Picture Gorge and Steens Basalt of the CRBG, Eastern Oregon
- Mobile Monitoring of Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure within Five Urban Microenvironments, Portland, OR
- Multi-scale temporal and spatial data-assimilative modeling for improving bathymetry information
- Outburst fan deposit from pyroclastic flows, Williamson River canyon, south-central Oregon
- Paleolandscape Modeling of Climatic vs Anthropogenic Fires Regimes in the southern Sierra Nevada, California using LANDIS-II
- Predicting the state of the nearshore ocean using satellite-based SAR observations
- Rapid Field Response to the 3 September 2016 M5.8 Earthquake Near Pawnee, Oklahoma: Summary of Structural Damage and Liquefaction Observations
- Slow Slip in the Alaska Subduction Zone and the Long-term Slip Budget on the Megathrust
- Spatial Variation of <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in Meteoric Water Across Oregon
- Testing different scenarios of emissions from global fossil fuel production using a multi-decadal record of simulated and observed ethane data
- Textures of Pyroclasts From Explosive Basaltic Eruptions at Soputan Volcano, Indonesia
- The Role of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns in Climatological Drought Dynamics in Finland during 1962-2011
- The initiation and persistence of cracks in Enceladus' ice shell
- Towards a Unified Framework in Hydroclimate Extremes Prediction in Changing Climate
- Towards an Event Based Indicator for Monitoring Change in Extreme Precipitation in Support of the US National Climate Assessment
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and the influence of city parks within the urban environment.
- Using Passive Sampling to Asses Ozone Formation in Sparsely Monitored Areas
- Zoning Characteristics of the Devine Canyon Tuff, an Extremely Widespread High-silica Rhyolite Ash-flow Tuff: Constraints for Rhyolite Evolution Models
- A place-based model for assessing the coherence of the flash floods and socio-economic vulnerability across the Contiguous United States (CONUS)
- Accuracy of entrainment coefficients in one-dimensional volcanic plume models
- An online tool for Operational Probabilistic Drought Forecasting System (OPDFS): a Statistical-Dynamical Framework
- Assessment of Observational Uncertainty in Extreme Precipitation Events over the Continental United States
- Characterizing Temperature Variability and Associated Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Across South America
- Comprehensive Analysis of Drought Persistence, Hazard, and Recovery across the CONUS
- Deuterium Values from Hydrated Volcanic Glass: A Paleoelevation Proxy for Oregon's Cascade Range
- Downscaling SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture over the CONUS using Soil-Climate Information and Ensemble Learning
- Efficacy of Moss as a Bioindicator of Heavy Metals When Controlling for Microbial Variables
- Evaluating the fidelity of CMIP5 models in producing large-scale meteorological patterns over the Northwestern United States
- Evaluation of CMIP5 Ability to Reproduce 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Regional Trends in Surface Air Temperature and Precipitation over CONUS
- Extreme Temperature Exceedances Change more Rapidly Under Future Warming in Regions of non-Gaussian Short Temperature Distribution Tails
- Future Wildfire and Managed Fire Interactions in the Lake Tahoe Basin
- Global Inverse Modeling of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4 </SUB>Measurements to Understand Recent Trends in Methane Emissions
- Impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality risk across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
- Landscape Change and Microbial Response in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Preliminary Results
- Large-scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Precipitation Events over Portland, OR
- Measurements of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Mole Fractionand δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in Archived Air Samples from Cape Meares, Oregon (USA) 1977 - 1998
- Measuring changes in surface elevation and velocity using GPS on Taku Glacier, Alaska
- Model Uncertainty Quantification Methods In Data Assimilation
- Organic aerosol evaporation and formation in biomass-burning plumes: The competition between dilution and chemistry
- Plate rotations, fault slip rates, fault locking, and distributed deformation in northern Central America from 1999-2017 GPS observations
- Relative Sea Level, Tidal Range, and Extreme Water Levels in Boston Harbor from 1825 to 2016
- Sensitivity of Global Methane Bayesian Inversion to Surface Observation Data Sets and Chemical-Transport Model Resolution
- Small ponds play big role in greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters
- Spatial and temporal trends from an air quality sensor network near a heavily trafficked intersection
- Speciated Chemical Composition of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Various Fuels during FIREX
- Summer in the City - Assessing and Communicating the Richmond, VA Urban Heat Island to the Public and Policymakers
- The 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Challenges and the Food-Energy-Water-Security (FEWS) Nexus in the Middle East Region
- The Effect of Tree Spacing and Size in Urban Areas: Strategies for Mitigating High Temperature in Urban Heat Islands
- The use of remote sensing and GIS data in the NW Forest Plan aquatic assessment
- Using UAVSAR Interferometry to Quantify the Geometry and Sediment Flux of Slow-moving Landslides in the Eel River Catchment, Northern California
- Utilizing Lidar Data for Detection of Channel Migration: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Winter Storm Jupiter of January 2017: Meteorological Drivers, Synoptic Evolution, and Climate Change Considerations in Portland, Oregon
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A multi-method exploration of landslides and their contribution to landscape evolution
- Assessing the influence of hydroclimatic variables on flash flood occurrence over the CONUS using D-Vine Copula
- BREATHE OREGON: Improving Urban Air Quality through Community Engagement and University Research
- Characterizing the Meteorological Conditions Associated with Lightning Outbreaks in the Western United States
- Climatic impacts on channel geomorphologic change on a valley-wide scale in a hyper-arid polar desert region: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Cluster Analysis of Daily Snow Water Equivalent Across the Pacific Northwest
- Comparing Post-Harvest Soil Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling and Content in Tall Fescue Fields Under Conventional and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilization
- Decadal Topographic Change in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Thermokarst Subsidence and Glacier Thinning Indicate Transfer of Water Storage from the Cryosphere to the Hydrosphere in the Terrestrial Antarctic
- Diesel Emissions Profile for Railyards in Portland, Oregon
- Don't shoot (your) messenger: Counteracting climate change polarization through partisan identity alignment
- Drivers of spatial resilience under climate change
- Drought and Food-Energy-Water-Security Nexus: A Bayesian framework assessment of food insecurity in Middle East
- Drought recovery in terrestrial and riverine ecosystems of the CONUS: Considering vegetation productivity and water quality
- Ecosystem Model Comparison at Multiple Scales and Sites
- Empirical Teleconnections: A Data-Driven Approach for Improving Seasonal Forecasting
- Enhanced National Water Model predictions based on ensemble data assimilation and high performance computing
- Flow driven fracture: controls on the location, timing, and rate of ice shelf rift propagation
- Growth Factors and Optical Hygroscopicity of Organic Aerosols Determined from Multi-Wavelength Humidity-Controlled Extinction Measurements
- Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc
- Investigating the Ice Nucleation Activity of Arizona Test Dust
- Megathrust Earthquakes and Coseismic Landslides in Cascadia: Insights from a New Inventory of Thousands of Landslides Dated Using Calibrated Surface Roughness
- Mixing of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers across Sauvie Island, Oregon based on stable isotopes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δD) of surface water
- New perspectives on nitrogen gas fluxes in northern hardwood forests
- Nighttime aircraft intercepts of biomass burning plumes: observations and box model analysis
- Observed changes in temperature extremes and their relation to non-Gaussian warm-side tails
- Onset Time of Possibly-Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas
- Recent Paleoseismic and Tectonic Geomorphic Studies of the Meers Fault, Oklahoma Reveal Longer Rupture Lengths and More Surface Deforming Earthquakes in the Last 6,000 years
- Recent trends, drivers, and projections of carbon cycle processes in forests of North America
- RiverEye Bathymetry Retrievals (REBaR): A Remote Sensing Approach to Bathymetry and Discharge Estimation in Rivers
- Seismic source characterization of faults in the Portland and Tualatin Basins and a paleoseismic study of the Gales Creek Fault, OR
- Separability of hurricane surge and sea level rise adaptation
- Shallow Fault Slip and Near-fault Deformation on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Small amplitude waves in flowing, stratified, bubbly magma
- Spatially-varying Non-Stationarity in Estuarine Extreme Sea Levels
- Spatiotemporal Trends in Annual High Water Extremes in the Gulf of Maine
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Immense Complexity of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., as it Pertains to CH4 and the Oil & Gas Industry (OG): Rationale for States to Disconnect from Federal Guidance
- The Unfortunate Global Environmental Consequences Initiated by the Emergence of the Solar PV Industry
- The impact of vapor pressure deficit in the development of droughts over South America
- Using Model Simulation to Understand the Seasonal Cycle and Trend of Sulfur Hexafluoride at Cape Meares, Oregon from 1978 to 1997.
- Using the Iron-Titanium Oxide Thermobarometer to Distinguish Silicic Magma Types
- Volume Change Estimates for Glaciers in the American West Using GLISTIN Radar
- <SUB>Evaluating Springtime Atmospheric Ridging Over the Pacific Northwest in the HadAM3p Large Ensemble</SUB>
- A Climatology of Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation for the Seven US National Climate Assessment Regions
- A Climatology of Large-scale Meteorological Conditions Associated with Lightning Days in the Western United States
- A global view of the interaction of sea-level rise and tidal flooding
- A study of urban-scale anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions in Portland, OR using high resolution emissions inventories and meteorological modeling
- Assessing the Space and Time Correlation Between Co-CRBG Rhyolites and Rhyolites of the High Lava Plains Trend in Eastern Oregon
- Characteristics of Springtime Atmospheric Ridging Over the Pacific Northwest
- Coarse wood inhibits debris flow runout in forested southeast Alaska
- Constraining spread of uncertainty in future climate projections with Bayesian Model Averaging
- Drivers of fine-scale carbon/biomass distribution in landslide systems - Disturbances, soil, or slope?
- Energy and water balances in boreal forest with discontinuous permafrost: Implementation of a physically-based hydrological model at sites with varying disturbance histories
- Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizer: Potential Impacts on Crop Yield and Groundwater in Tall Fescue Fields of the Southern Willamette Groundwater Management Area, Oregon, USA.
- Estimating Amount and Fate of Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Mobilized by Mass-wasting Events in SE Alaska
- Estimating greenhouse gas emission offsets with nitrogen fertilizer reductions in grass seed crops in the Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
- Evaluating Non-Gaussian Temperature Distribution Tails in CMIP6 Models
- Evaluation of CMIP5 model fidelity at capturing wet season large-scale meteorological patterns over the Pacific Northwest using self-organizing maps
- Experimental Study of Particle Aggregation in Jets Using Particle Image Velocimetry
- Fine-Scale Spatial Variability in Seasonal Snowpack Trends
- Forest responses to climate change are predicted by acclimation of xylem hydraulics to urban heat islands.
- Formation of Terrain Trapped Airflows in Northern California during Atmospheric Rivers and its impact on Precipitation: A Case Study using Measurements and Model
- Four-fold Increase in Solar Forcing on Snow in Western U.S. Burned Forests since 1999
- Generation of A-type rhyolite from melting of S-/I-type sources during hybridization processes with tholeiitic magmas
- Glacier Change in the Olympic Mountains, WA over the past and future 100 years
- Green infrastructure implementation and performance: Lessons learned from nine US and Latin American cities in the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN)
- HF Leaching of Volcanic Groundmass in an Effort to Reduce 39Ar Recoil in 40Ar/39Ar Dating
- Inferring the thickness of non-catastrophic deep-seated landslides from airborne synthetic aperture radar interferometry
- Modeling Post-fire Successional Trajectories Under Climate Change in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska
- Nested Scales of Urban Thermal Anomalies: A Study of Heat Relations to Land Cover and an Urban Growth Boundary, and Consequences for Urban Heat Index (Re-)Definition
- Oregon Sunstones: major element and copper variability between Cu-bearing labradorite and basaltic groundmass
- Overlapping and interacting fires, a double whammy: Short-interval burns are becoming more frequent across the US West but pace suggests negative feedbacks and spatial patterning
- Participatory Research Collaboratories and Urban Heat Islands: Informing Equity-centered Climate Action
- RLeafAngle: An R package to estimate, plot and evaluate leaf angle distribution functions
- Relationship between hydrological drought and water quality in the Han River Basin, Korea
- Significance of Upper-Mantle Geochemical Signals of the Picture Gorge Basalt (PGM) Member in Light of an Extended Distribution and New Age Data Placing PGB at Onset of Columbia River Basalt Group Eruptions
- Simulating soil carbon pools and fluxes in the boreal forests of Alaska using a new hybrid model of LANDIS-II and DAMM-MCNiPP
- Southern Westerlies and interannual climate variability as drivers of regional vegetation and fire history in southern South America (35-55°S)
- Spatial variability of lateral stream channel migration over a valley-wide scale: Taylor Valley, Antarctica
- Structural Fabrics of Flowing Ice Shelves: Ross Sea, Antarctica
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- Understanding Drivers of Mountain Lake Phytoplankton Across Space and Time
- Using the WRF Model to Evaluate the Meteorological Conditions of Portland, OR: A Study to Model Urban CO2 Emissions
- What can we learn from machine learning models developed for short-term forecasting of PM2.5?
- A Submersible Digital Holographic Microscope for In Situ Microbial Imaging
- A diagnostic to evaluate CMIP6 model fidelity at simulating non-Gaussian temperature distribution tails
- Achieving Bipartisanship in a Polarized World: Eliminating the Ideological Divide with Rationalism
- An Assessment of the Contribution of Non-Orographic Lifting in Atmospheric River Precipitation
- Assessing GLISTIN-A to Map Alpine Glacier Surfaces to Estimate Glacier Volume Change
- Assessing the relationship between urban structure and the urban heat island: Improving local climate zone mapping and estimating zone and site-scale effects on air temperature
- Avenues for Increased Engagement in the International Climate Process in the Midst of Uncertain Times
- Black Carbon from Burned Forests Dominated Radiative Forcing of Recent Western U.S. Snowpack
- Breaking Better: modelling rifts of the Ross Ice Shelf using extended finite elements
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Decrease from the Onroad Sector During COVID-19 in the City of Portland, OR
- Characterizing entrainment through diffusion methods on a turbulent water jet
- Climate Model Evaluation of Atmospheric Rivers over the Continental United States
- Comparing Field Data with Satellite Imagery to Improve Management of Toxin-Producing Cyanobacteria Blooms in Lakes
- Deep sea hydrothermal vents as oases of virus-driven biogeochemical cycling
- Diagnosing non-Gaussian temperature distribution tails using a back-trajectory analysis
- Ecohydrologic modeling in a boreal deciduous forest: model evaluation for application in non-stationary climates
- Evaluation of a Meteorological Model For Use in Urban-Scale Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Portland, OR
- Forest fires decrease the volume of snow-water storage and advance the timing of snowmelt across the western U.S.
- Geological Thermal Energy Storage for Urban Centers
- Glacier Change in the Olympic Mountains, WA over the past and future 100 years
- How Meteorology can Determine Ambient Air Pollution Impact on Population of Concerns
- Increasing Risk of Concurrent Heatwaves in the Northern Hemisphere Mid- to High-Latitudes
- Institutional adaptive capacity to floods: Bridging the gaps between observed and perceived flooding risks and climate change actions in North American cities
- Long term changes to US Estuaries: A survey
- Measuring the Effect of Forest Fires on Daily Snow Albedo Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Using MODIS Data
- Meteorology Associated with Cool Season PM2.5 Pollution Episodes in Portland, Oregon
- Microbial biogeochemistry and nutrient limitations in cryoconite hole sediments across the Taylor Dry Valley, Antarctica
- Momentum Transport in Heterogeneous Forest Canopies
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Projections of Future Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns, Temperature, and Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest
- Quantifying the Health Impact of "Shelter in Place" Policies from NO2 Emissions: An Empirical Assessments of the West Coast of the United States
- RegionGrow3D: A Deterministic Analysis for Characterizing Discrete Three-Dimensional Coseismic or Precipitation-Induced Landsliding on a Regional Scale
- Separating the Signal from the Noise: Identifying and Preparing for More Cascading Disasters Involving Volcanic Eruptions in the 2020s
- Snow Albedo in Forested Regions
- Spatial Heterogeneity as a Bridge Between Canopy Turbulence and Numerical Weather Prediction
- The Geography of Rock Glaciers in the American West
- The effects of tidal changes on nuisance flooding along the U.S. coastline
- Understanding Gene Transfer Between DNA and RNA viruses Through the Lens of Crucivirus Evolution.
- Unfolding the Link between Forest Canopy Structure and Flow Morphology
- Value of flow forecast for power system analytics
- A Global Characterization of Adaptations Addressing Vulnerabilities Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- An exploration of the discrepancy between observations and atmospheric ethane emission inventories: underestimations in key source emission categories
- Analysis of Rediscovered Measurements of Atmospheric Ethane Made During the Early 1980s Along the Pacific Rim
- Analysis of virtual water trade in California during recent drought.
- Assessment of Projected Climate Change Effects on Atmospheric Rivers and Associated Precipitation in CMIP6 Models for the Seven US National Climate Assessment Regions
- Assessment of Temporal Clustering of Heat Wave Events Over the Contiguous United States
- Canopy Heterogeneity and the unresolved Momentum Deficit in Numerical Weather Prediction models: a Dispersive Flux Representation
- ClearWater Water Quality Modules
- Compositionally variable and distinct rhyolites during the 300 kyr prolific, explosive and effusive volcanism at the Mahogany Mountain Three Fingers rhyolite field, eastern Oregon.
- Cyclic Magma Chamber Pressurization in an Inhomogeneous, Thermoviscoelastic Halfspace Subject to Remote Loading
- Dynamic interactions between groundwater level and discharge by phreatophytes
- Eelgrass Sediment Characteristics in the South Slough Estuary, OR
- Elevation-Dependent Projections of Extreme Heat Stress Changes in the Contiguous United States
- Epiphytic moss as a bioindicator of air pollution: an analysis of changes in cadmium and lead concentrations in moss near a glass manufacturer five years after the installation of a bag house
- Evaluating CMIP6 Model Fidelity at Simulating Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation over the Pacific Northwest
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture and Shear Strength Uncertainty on Rainfall-Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Susceptibility Framework
- Evaluation of low-cost NDIR sensors for measurements of ambient CO2 in urban atmospheres
- Examination of near-exit particle dynamics for analogue volcanic jets
- Exploring How Antecedent Precipitation Amount Affects Storm Runoff Water Quality Along Urban Gradients.
- Exploring regional and within center compositional variability of widespread Cenozoic rhyolites of Oregon
- Forest fires increase peak SWE and could be used to mitigate climate change in the western Oregon Cascacdes
- From Knowledge to Power - A Comprehensive New Handbook on Climate Science, Policy, Politics and Advocacy for Layperson Advocates
- Geospatial analysis of relationship between urban flood risk and green infrastructure: implications for environmental justice
- Implications of Non-Gaussian Wet-Bulb Temperature Distribution Tails Under Projections of Future Warming
- Integrating Water Quality Objectives into Reservoir Operations Simulations
- Interpreting the history of Blood Falls and the terminus of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica through photographs and field observations
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- Modeling Watershed Scale Forest Fire Effects on Snow Hydrology in the Triple Divide Region of Western Wyoming
- Next-generation Sub-Bottom Profiler (SBP 29) Has Arrived, and Represents a Step-change in Data Quality and Quantity for the Marine Geoscience Community: Imaging Marine Sediments at Decimeter-scales, >100m Penetration, Without Diffractions, All While Surveying at 10+ Knots
- Onboard Autonomous Summarization and Prioritization of Digital Holographic Microscopy Data for the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Pre-eruptive magma configurations and petrogenetic relationships of the Rattlesnake Tuff, Oregon - Insights from spectacularly banded high-silica rhyolite pumices
- Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies over the Pacific Northwest using CMIP6 Models
- Putting the Atmospheric Conditions Associated with the 2020 Oregon Labor Day Fires into Climatological Context
- Quantifying changes in tree canopy and ecosystem services in a metropolitan region in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.
- Sensitivity of Simulated Urban CO2 Concentrations to Meteorological Transport and Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions Inventories for Portland, OR
- Short interval fires increasing in the boreal forest over multi-decadal time periods, especially in drier coniferous forest landscapes.
- Social, ecological, and technological characteristics of vulnerability to flooding at parcel and census block group scales
- Spatial Analysis of Landscape Characteristics, Anthropogenic Factors, and Seasonality Effects on Water Quality in Portland, Oregon
- Spatial Variability in Stable Isotopes of Snow and Ice from Perennial Snowfields in the Pacific Northwest
- Spatial configuration and time of day impacts the magnitude of urban tree canopy cooling
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Deep-Seated Landslides in the Puget Lowland, Washington
- Surface to Air: Using Land Cover to Predict Air Temperatures from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature in Urban Environments
- The Legacy of Redlining: A Geo-Spatiotemporal Analysis of Environmental Injustice in Portland, Oregon
- Understanding evolution of urban flood risk management using socio-ecological-technological systems lens
- Using Isotope Tracers of Meteoric Water to Investigate the Effects of Hydraulic Restoration on Water Flux Across a Large River Island
- Variability of Forest Fire Effects on Snow-Water Storage and Snowmelt
- Water Quality Models for Reservoir and Riverine TMDL Development and Implementation
- 2023 SnowEx field campaign in Alaska, U.S.
- A social-ecological-technological systems approach to understanding microplastic pollution at the river basin scale
- Comparison of Inventories Measuring Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuel Use in Multnomah County, OR
- Consequences for assuming leaf vapor pressure saturation under drought conditions
- Continued Short-Interval Reburning changes Carbon Storage and Future Fire Behavior of Boreal Forests regardless of Forest Resilience
- Evaluating LiDAR-based Elevation-derived Hydrography in Low-lying Agricultural Landscapes
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture on Seismically Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Landslide Initiation Framework
- Field sampling procedures to quantify riverine plastic pollution in the U.S.
- How dry is "dry" lightning? A multi-dataset assessment of precipitation amounts associated with lightning-caused wildfire ignition across the western United States.
- Impacts of a Geoscience Research Experience for Undergraduates Program on Broadening Participation in Scientific Research and Increasing Retention in STEM.
- Investigating methane concentrations and fugitive anthropogenic sources in urban atmospheres
- Meteorological Drivers and Local Impacts of the Exceptional 2020 Labor Day Weather Event over Western North America
- Modeling Postfire Effects on Snow Albedo and Forest Recovery over a Chronosequence of Burned Forests in the Triple Divide Region of the Rocky Mountains
- Multivariate Analysis for Identification of Homogeneous Regions in Relation to Precipitation and Temperature Over South America
- Optimizing vegetation choice for green roof runoff management
- Post-fire Forest Structure Effects on Snow-water Storage Using Airborne Structure-from-motion Photogrammetry
- Projected Changes in Atmospheric Ridges Over the Pacific-North American Region Using CMIP6 Models
- Projections of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Associated Temperature and Precipitation Over the Pacific Northwest Using CMIP6 Models
- Quantifying suspended sediment load across the surf zone
- The Limits of Control
- Time Varying, Whole Building Emission Rates of Monoterpenes and Isoprene from an Occupied School
- Trends in isotopic composition of N2O between 1978 and 1997 in archived air samples from Cape Meares, Oregon (USA)
- Water Temperature Module development in the Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model
- Who Matters and Why: Identifying Hotspots of Vulnerability and Resilience to Cascading and Consecutive Disasters in Portland, Oregon
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. W. Nolin
- Adam M. Booth
- Adam Thomas Devlin
- Adrienne Wootten
- Alison R. Duvall
- Amilcare Porporato
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrew B. Gray
- Ben Leshchinsky
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Benjamín Idini
- Brian Buma
- C. Carr
- Chad A. Greene
- Christina L. Hulbe
- Christina M. Aragon
- Colin Raymond
- Deepti Singh
- Duane E. Waliser
- Elias Massoud
- Erin C. Pettit
- G. Wilson
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Heejun Chang
- Huikyo Lee
- Idowu Ajibade
- J. David Neelin
- J. R. McConnell
- Jake Lee
- James M. Done
- Jan Adamowski
- Janice Brahney
- Jason P. Dworkin
- John T. Abatzoglou
- Jordyn M. Wolfand
- Josep Peñuelas
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Katherine Hayes
- L. Karlstrom
- Mae Saslaw
- Melissa Haeffner
- Michael Durand
- Nancy B. Grimm
- Nathan Chellman
- Nicola Ulibarri
- Nicolas Mathews
- Paul C. Loikith
- Ramin Familkhalili
- Robert Mulvaney
- Ruopu Li
- Ruth Branch
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Saket Pande
- Sarah A. Torhan
- Sean Richard LaHusen
- Stephen A. Solovitz
- Svetlana Stuefer
- Tirthankar Roy
- Todd Steissberg
- Xue Feng
- Yeowon Kim
- Zhaoqing Yang