Massey University, New Zealand
flowchart I[Massey University, New Zealand] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (114)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (18)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Perception of Lava Flow Hazards and Risk at Mauna Loa and Hualalai Volcanoes, Kona, Hawaii
- Evaluation of Point Process Models for Earthquakes
- The Perception of Volcanic Risk in Kona Communities from Mauna Loa and Hualalai Volcanoes, Hawai`i
- Application of Two-fluid Models to Debris Flows
- Diversity Of Clast Types And Their Implications For Conduit Processes
- Kuwae caldera (Vanuatu) and climate confusion
- Seismic Signals Associated With the 2007 Lahars of Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Submarine Explosive Eruptions at Lo'ihi Seamount Hawai'i- the Result of Perfectly-Closed System Degassing
- A new tool for Quaternary geochronology? Direct dating of fine-grained volcanic products using uranium isotopes
- Clustering and Hazard Estimation in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Geochemical Trends are a Window on the Processes that Generate Volcano Fields
- Identifying sediment sources and delivery mechanisms using background level polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Waiapu River watershed, New Zealand
- Morphological characteristics of glassy pyroclasts from the AD 1913 rift-edge phreatomagmatic eruption on Ambrym, Vanuatu
- Mutual Information Between GPS Measurements and Earthquakes
- Polymagmatic Activity at a Monogenetic Volcanic Centre: Defining the Evolution of a Plumbing System
- “Poseidic” explosive eruptions at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- A New Two-phase Flow Model Applied to the 2007 Crater Lake Break-out Lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Anatomy of a basin break-out flood: The 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar, Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand (Invited)
- Base surge-glacier interactions and unusual snow-dominated lahars at Mt. Ruapehu, 25 September 2007 New Zealand
- Ilchulbong tuff cone, Jeju Island, Korea, revisited: A compound monogenetic volcano involving multiple magma batches, shifting vents, and discrete eruptive phases
- The Influence of Magma Plumbing Complexity on Low-Volume, Intraplate Volcanism
- 2010 Eruptive Events at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Effects of Vesiculation Dynamics on Surge Behavior
- Application of a wide-ranging two-phase Debris Flow Model to the 2007 Crater Lake break-out lahar at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Contrasting andesitic magmatic systems in adjacent North Island volcanoes, New Zealand: implications for predicting eruptions
- Implications Of The 11 March Tohoku Tsunami On Warning Systems And Vertical Evacuation Strategies
- Life-Sized Lahar Measurements Reveal the Entrainment and Stream-Flow Interaction Dynamics that Control the Long-Range Destructiveness of Water-Particle Mass Flows
- The Rise and Fall of a Surtseyan Volcano: 2005 AD Eruption of Ambae (vanuatu, Sw-Pacific
- The role of petrology in defining volcanic hazards and designing monitoring systems
- Transport and Destruction Dynamics of Lethal Pyroclastic Density Currents at Gunung Merapi on 26 Oct and 5 Nov 2010 Generated by Flow Collision and Deflection off Topographic Barriers
- Uranium-series disequilibria in Vanuatu arc volcanic rocks: constraints on pre-eruptive processes in contrasting volcanic systems
- Development and Application of a Message Metric for NOAA NWS Tsunami Warnings and Recommended Guidelines for the NWS TsunamiReady Program
- Geochemical dissection of a monogenetic eruption: Motukorea Volcano, the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- Linking magma composition with volcano size and eruptive style in basaltic monogenetic systems
- Quantification of Process in AN Actively Eroding Gully-Mass Movement Complex, Waipaoa Catchment, New Zealand
- Tracking Magma Degassing and Changes in Magma Rheology Between Major Dome Collapse Events
- Application of a Tsunami Warning Message Metric to refine NOAA NWS Tsunami Warning Messages
- Coupling observable data to the spatio-temporal properties of natural hazards, An application to the volcanic field of Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
- Fake ballistics and real explosions: field-scale experiments on the ejection and emplacement of volcanic bombs during vent-clearing explosive activity
- Geochemical and Textural Evidence for Transitions in Degassing Regimes at Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia
- Improving scaling methods to estimate eruption energies from volcanic crater structures using blast experiments
- Integrated observations of processes and products of large scale cratering experiments
- Late Holocene lava flow morphotypes of the northern Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: implications for the description of continental lava fields
- Monogenetic volcanic fields and their geoheritage values of western Saudi Arabia and their implication to holistic geoeducation projects locally and globally (Invited)
- Paleoseismic evidence for long-term segmentation of a major range-bounding reverse fault, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Plutonic xenoliths from Raoul Volcano, Kermadec Arc, south-west Pacific: a window on sub-arc processes
- Rapid post-glacial erosion by earthflows in the Mangataikapua catchment, Waipaoa River, New Zealand
- Realizing life-scalable experimental pyroclastic density currents
- Reconstructing level changes and assessing evidence for tectonic and glacial-rebound induced tilting of the Lake Wakatipu basin, New Zealand using novel techniques for correlating and dating paleoshorelines
- Silicic Arc Magmas And Silicic Slab Melts: The Melt-Rock Reaction Link
- The perfect ash-storm: large-scale Pyroclastic Density Current experiments reveal highly mobile, self-fluidising and air-cushioned flow transport regime
- Using Interdisciplinary Research Methods to Revise and Strengthen the NWS TsunamiReadyTM Community Recognition Program
- 3D Reconstruction of a Fluvial Sediment Slug from Source to Sink: reach-scale modeling of the Dart River, NZ
- Anthropogenic impacts on continental margins: New frontiers and engagement arena for global sustainability research and action
- Aspects of Decision-Making for Risk Reduction during the Prolonged Earthquake Sequence in Canterbury, New Zealand
- Experimental Constraints on the Ejection of Ballistics During the 6 August 2012 Hydrothermal Eruption of Upper Te Maari (Tongariro), New Zealand.
- Insights into Proximal-Medial Pyroclastic Density Current Deposits at a High-Risk Glaciated Volcano: Mt Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Rangitoto Volcano Drilling Project: Life of a Small 'Monogenetic' Basaltic Shield in the Auckland Volcanic Field
- Rapid Ascent of Aphyric Mantle Melts through the Overriding Crust in Subduction Zones: Evidence from Variable Uranium-Series Disequilibria, Amorphous Hydrous Alteration Microtextures in Crystal Rims, and Two-Pyroxene Pseudo-Decompression Paths
- Variations in Pyroclast Porosity: The 2010 Gunung Merapi Eruption
- Viewing inside Pyroclastic Flows - Large-scale Experiments on hot pyroclast-gas mixture flows
- Dynamics of the 13 October 2012 Te Maari, New Zealand Dam Breakout Lahar Determined from Multi-Parameter Data and its Implications for Monitoring
- Estimating the Likelihood of Volcanic Eruptions with Incomplete Eruption Records
- Glass Composition-Dependent Silicate Absorption Peaks in FTIR Spectroscopy: Implications for Measuring Sample Thickness and Molecular H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- How pyroclastic flows attain high velocities- new insights from large-scale experiments
- International Database of Volcanic Ash Impacts
- Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website - a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance.
- Scientists' Perceptions of Communicating During Crises
- Strategic crisis and risk communication during a prolonged natural hazard event: lessons learned from the Canterbury earthquake sequence
- Sustained Water Quality Impacts in Marine Environments Due to Mechanical Milling of Volcanic Deposits
- The Canterbury Tales: Lessons from the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence to Inform Better Public Communication Models
- An Integrative Approach for Defining Plinian and Sub-Plinian Eruptive Scenarios at Andesitic Volcanoes: Event-Lithostratigraphy, Eruptive Parameters and Pyroclast Textural Variations of the Largest Late-Holocene Eruptions of Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand.
- Jumping over the hurdles to effectively communicate the Operational Earthquake Forecast
- Tracking Adjustments in Fan and Floodplain Storage in a Braided Channel following Major Sedimentary Disturbance, East Cape, NZ
- Trials, tribulations, and triumphs of insider researchers
- A statistical model for earthquake and/or rainfall triggered landslides
- Building a Model of Collapse and Debris Flow Hazards at Mt. Ruapehu with Remote Sensing
- Communicating model uncertainty: developing decision-relevant science information for the natural hazards
- Correlation of Sub-decadal River Channel Profile Behaviors with Geologic Structure and Gravel Extraction
- Dependence on bulk density of the Relative Sensitivity Factor (RSF) of deuterium in spinel-structured oxides
- Magma transfer processes in the NE Japan arc: insights from volcanic eruption records combined with crustal ambient noise tomography
- Microlites Size Distributions and P-T-t-X(H<SUB>2</SUB>O) Constraints of Central Plateau Tephras, New Zealand: Implications for Magma Ascent Processes of Explosive Eruptions
- Quantifying Magma Generation Mechanisms of Large-Volume, Heterogeneous Silicic Eruptions in Afro-Arabian Flood Volcanics, Yemen
- Turbulent pyroclastic density currents - a numerical and large-scale experimental investigation
- Complex and dynamic magmatic processes captured in plagioclase and their implications for petrogenesis of Taupo Volcanic Zone rhyolites
- Factors controlling the dynamics of volcanic granular mass flows: insights from experimental measurements of the basal forces of granular flows in an inclined channel
- Insights into the earliest slab inputs from the lithium systematics of Izu-Bonin forearc volcanic rocks recovered during IODP Expedition 352
- Internally pushed to their hazard boundary: How the flow front kinematics of pyroclastic surges differ from traditional aqueous gravity current analogues
- Mapping waiata koroua (traditional prose) and pūrākau (stories) of volcanic unrest of the Tarawera Eruption, 1886; and its relevance to contemporary natural hazards preparedness and response.
- Mesoscale turbulence inside coherent structures controls stratification and turbulence generation of pyroclastic surges
- Rapid Ocean Assessment Methodology Workshops — A Future Earth Coast Program tool to better understand coastal futures contributing to national security and sustainable coastal development through thorough and rapid assessment
- The interaction between permafrost, frost cracking and paraglacial processes and their link to rockfalls
- Volatiles in nominally anhydrous mantle olivine from the Auckland Volcanic Field.
- Complexity in major and trace element crystal stratigraphies of Taranaki lavas, New Zealand
- Correlating physical and mechanical rock properties with reflectance spectroscopy: towards regional-scale mapping and modeling of volcanic environments and beyond
- Detection of H in spinel-structured oxides via SCAPS isotopography
- Mafic magmatism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: insights into the birth and death of very large volume rhyolitic systems
- MushPEC: A novel approach for post-entrapment corrections of melt inclusions hosted in olivine antecrysts
- SIMS sensitivity factors of <SUP>2</SUP>H and <SUP>16</SUP>O<SUP>2</SUP>H relative to <SUP>18</SUP>O in spinel-structured oxides
- The basal friction coefficient of granular flows with and without excess pore pressure: implications for pyroclastic density currents, debris flows, rock and submarine avalanches.
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Wet vs. Dry the Impact of Water on Infrasound Eruption Signals in Crater Lake Volcanoes: April 2020 Anak Krakatau Case Study
- Connecting the Dots among Land Use Change, Unsustainable Food Systems, and the Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Epidemics.
- Exploring Intrusive Processes Through the Crystal Cargo of Volcanic Rocks: A Study of Taranaki Volcano Lavas, New Zealand
- Forecasting Eruption Probabilities at Youthful Volcanoes Without Known Holocene Eruptions
- How Frost Weathering Drives Erosion in High Alpine Environments
- Hydrogen Concentrations of Orthopyroxenes Sourced from Izu-Bonin-Mariana Proto-arc Boninites Quantified Via Ion Microprobe
- Morphometric Evolution Through Erosion of Composite Volcanoes of the Sunda Arc, Indonesia.
- Operationalizing InSAR and Pixel Offset Time Series Methodologies for Landslide Monitoring
- The Maturity and Properties of Silica Sinters in Active Hydrothermal Systems VS. The Degree of Structural Disorder in Opaline-Ct
- Trace and volatile element variations in slab liquids across the northern Japan arcs
- Understanding Perceptions and Attitudes in Washington, Oregon and California about ShakeAlert, the Earthquake Early Warning System for the United States of America
- Where the Fault Meets the Road: Structure, Deformation and Rheology of the Urban Hayward Fault
- Analyzing Behavioral Responses Captured on Video to the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai Eruption, Atmospheric shockwaves, and Tsunami
- The Contributions of Soft-Rock Landslides to Riverine Sediment Budgets via an InSAR and sPOT Analysis