University of Ottawa, Department of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[University of Ottawa, Department of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (97)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Iodine Systematics in the Ground Water of a Natural Setting
- Mineralization of Iron Oxyhydroxides in the Presence and in the Absence of Bacterial Cells
- Nd and Pb isotope geochemistry for Neoarchean alkaline intrusions in the western Superior Province, Canada
- A Melt-Inclusion Study of Trace-Metal Behavior During Degassing of Basaltic Magma at Miyake-Jima Volcano (Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan)
- A "Tail" Of Two Mines: Determining The Sources Of Lead In Mine Waters Using Pb Isotopes
- A new InterRidge Working Group : Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-sea Vents
- Fractionation of Mantle-Derived Melts in the Annieopsquotch Ophiolite, Newfoundland.
- Significance of Elevated Contents of Si<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB> and AlAl<SUB>3</SUB>SiO<SUB>8</SUB> End Members in Black Clouded Plagioclase From Anorthosite: Evidence for Oxidation-Induced Postmagmatic Exsolution of Fe-Ti Oxide Inclusions From Plagioclase
- Carbon Fluxes from Submarine Arc Volcanoes - examples from the Mariana and Kermadec Arcs
- Submarine Volcanoes and High-Temperature Hydrothermal Venting on the Tonga Arc, SW Pacific
- Climate, Water and Carbon Cycles: Records over a Hierarchy of Time Scales
- Folding and the Displacements and Emplacements of Partial Melts in Late Archean Crust
- Exhumation processes in oceanic and continental context
- LA-ICP-MS dating of Archean Metamorphic Zircons From the Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario: Evidence for the Geodynamic Origin and Evolution of the Abitibi-Opatica Terrane
- Late Miocene cooling and extension identified on Serifos, western Cyclades: Development of an Aegean metamorphic core complex
- Temporal patterns of detachment faulting along Cycladic extensional metamorphic domes, Aegean region
- Calibrating a Glaciological Model of the Greenland Ice Sheet From the Last Glacial Maximum to Present-day Using Field Observations of Relative sea Level and ice Extent
- Interpreting Century-To-Decadal Scale Sea-Level Records From Greenland
- Modelling sea-level data from China and Malay-Thai Peninsula to infer Holocene eustatic sea-level change
- Modelling the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment of Greenland on Millennial to Decadal Timescales
- Recent Inflexions in Proxy Records of Sea-Level Change and Their Possible Fingerprint
- A new Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for Antarctica (Invited)
- Century-Scale Relative Sea-Level Changes in West Greenland - Unravelling the Contributions from the Cryosphere and the Ocean
- Constructing mid-ocean ridge flat-topped volcanoes: First evidence from AUV mapping in the Woodlark Basin
- Greenland's Contribution to Early 20th Century Sea-Level Rise Determined by Sea-Level Fingerprinting
- Modeling the growth and constraints of thermophiles and biogeochemical processes in deep-sea hydrothermal environments (Invited)
- Temperature-dependent thermal transport properties of Archean rocks
- Uncertainties in the Holocene evolution of the Greenland ice sheet: Implications for interpreting far-field sea-level records and present-day geodetic observations
- Age, Episodicity and Migration of Hydrothermal Activity within the Axial Valley, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Coastal response to simultaneous mid-Holocene climate and sea-level changes: Lessons from ancient Egypt
- Quantifying late Pleistocene lithospheric flexure and fault movements in the Mississippi Delta
- Thawing of Massive Ground Ice in MEGA Slumps Drives Emergence of a New Fluvial Regime.
- The Influence of Land Uplift on the Isotopic Temperature Record from the Agassiz ice cap: Implications for the Holocene Thinning of the Greenland ice Sheet
- Understanding the Impact of 3-D Earth Structure on the Interpretation of Relative sea Level Change at the Time of Meltwater Pulse IA
- A billion years of crustal evolution recorded in the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt: Pb-Hf evidence for Eoarchean TTGs produced from melting of Hadean mafic crust
- Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Ice Sheet Mass Balance using GRACE: A Report from the Ice-sheet Mass Balance Exercise (IMBIE)
- Carbon Isotope Tracking of the Fluvial Carbon Cycles in two Southeast Asian Watersheds
- Effects of sediment transport and deposition on crustal loading, Earth's gravitational field, and sea level
- Structural and hydrologic controls of subduction zone seismogenic behavior along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Variation in Peak Growing Season Net Ecosystem Production Across the Canadian Arctic
- Building early Archean cratons from recycled Hadean crust
- Chemical Differentiation of Earth Before and After Earth Formation (Invited)
- Constraining the Source Distribution of MWP-1A using Near- and Far-Field Data and Modelling Constraints
- Contemporary vertical uplift and modulation of seismicity due to groundwater removal in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California
- Late Holocene Sea-Level Changes in French Polynesia, South-Central Pacific
- Low-frequency earthquakes in central and southern Cascadia
- Mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Little Ice Age, implications on sea level
- Microbial and Mineral Descriptions of the Interior Habitable Zones of Active Hydrothermal Chimneys from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Past and Future Changes of Sea-level Along the East Coast of the United States of America
- Sea-level changes over the past 6,000 years in the Society and Tuamotu Islands, French Polynesia
- Trapped Air in Glacial Ice from the base of Penny, Agassiz, and Devon Ice Caps, Canada
- A Physical Inversion Approach for Determining True Temperature Sensitivity of Respiration from High-frequency Soil CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Datasets
- Explaining High Frequency CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluctuations Observed in Snowpacks
- Understanding the Relationship Between Soil Processes and Atmospheric Methane Concentrations
- Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
- Stress Monitoring Potential of Ambient Noise Interferometry in Deep Mine Environments
- A novel seismic source detection and location algorithm implemented to improve the construction of seismic Green's functions from ambient noise in mines
- Virtual Vents: A Microbathymetrical Survey of the Niua South Hydrothermal Field, NE Lau Basin, Tonga
- A Surface Wave's View of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Classifying seismic noise and sources from OBS data using unsupervised machine learning
- Cordilleran Longevity, Elevation and Heat Driven by Lithospheric Mantle Removal
- Imaging near surface mineral targets with ambient seismic noise
- Imaging the lithosphere and underlying mantle of the South Atlantic, South America and Africa using waveform tomography with massive datasets
- New Constraints on Upper Mantle Structure Underlying the Diamondiferous Central Slave Craton, Canada, from Teleseismic Body Wave Tomography
- Resolving plate structure across the seismogenic zone in Cascadia from onshore-offshore receiver function imaging
- Role of the Yakutat collision and upper mantle dynamics in the present-day tectonics of the North America Northern Cordillera
- Sedimentological and Micropaleontological Characteristics of the 2015 Hurricane Joaquin Deposit and their Implications for Long-Term Records of Storms and Tsunamis Impacting the Caribbean
- Seismic evidence for mantle suture and a collisional origin for the Canadian Cordillera
- Seismic tomography of the Arctic region: inferences for the thermal structure and evolution of the lithosphere and its influence on intraplate volcanism
- Seismic velocity structure of the forearc in northern Cascadia from Bayesian inversion of teleseismic data
- Structure of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Imaged Using Surface Wave Tomography
- Curie depth estimation from magnetic anomaly data: A re-assessment using multitaper spectral analysis and Bayesian inference
- Detecting Offshore Seismicity in Cascadia Using Logistic Regression Applied to Sub-Arrays of Ocean-Bottom Seismographs
- Direct Bayesian inversion for 2D/3D velocity structure in surface-wave tomography
- Mantle dynamics and seismic structure at the boundary between the southern Canadian Cordillera and North America Craton
- New Images of upper mantle structure beneath western Canada from teleseismic body-wave tomography
- New constraints on crust and mantle structure surrounding the Beaufort Sea, western Canadian Arctic, from a new broadband seismic array
- Recovery of Body-wave Reflections from Ambient Seismic Noise with Application to Mineral Exploration
- Uncovering the physical controls of episodic tremor and slip events using machine learning
- Coupling <SUP>13</SUP>C, <SUP>15</SUP>N, and <SUP>14</SUP>C information potential of individual AA: prospecting for unique signatures of bacterial and protist sources and cycling in oceanic dissolved organic matter.
- Onshore-offshore 3-D seismic velocity structure in western Canada from surface-wave tomography
- Seismic Evidence for Craton Chiseling and Displacement of Lithospheric Mantle by the Tintina Fault in the Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Seismic Reflectivity as a Proxy for Megathrust Pore-fluid Pressures: Mapping Megathrust Pore Fluids in Space and Time with Ambient Seismic Noise
- Seismic evidence for megathrust fault-valve behavior during episodic tremor and slip
- The Cordilleran lithosphere of northwestern Canada: nature and state from a geophysical synthesis
- The exhumation history of the Caledonian high-pressure metamorphic complex at Motalafjella, Svalbard: tectonic links with Scandinavia and the High Arctic
- The geodynamics of Cordilleran mantle in northern Canada
- Train traffic as a powerful noise source for imaging the shallow crust with seismic interferometry
- <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr in Canadian tap waters: Implications for water provenance and water quality vulnerability
- A U-Net for Weak Earthquake Detection
- Glacial outburst floods sustain microbial ecosystem in Lake Untersee, Antarctica
- Humming trains as an opportunistic source for imaging the shallow crust
- Stable Isotopes As Tracer Of Water Cycling From Precipitation To Tap Water Across Canada
- Stable-Conservative Behavior Of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon?
- Surface-wave tomography of the northern Canadian Cordillera using earthquake Rayleigh-wave group velocity measurements
- Tectonics of the Beaufort Sea margin, western Canadian Arctic and Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Tracing weathering intensity across a permafrost gradient in the Yukon River