University of Ottawa, Canada
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Archean Primary Pyroclastic Flow Erupted and Deposited Underwater, Ontario, Canada
- Adsorption of Ferrous Ions onto Bacillus subtilis Cells.
- Global Mercury Pathways in the Arctic Ecosystem
- An Open Source Implementation of the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) Within the R Computing Environment.
- Late-Quaternary Climate Change Within the Beringian Buckle: Multidisciplinary Results From St. Michael Island
- North American Terrestrial Climate Connection to Solar, Ocean, and Ice Core Records on Millennial-Scales During the Holocene
- Oxidized As (V) in fore-arc mantle serpentinites: Transfer of fluid-soluble elements from slabs to arc magmas
- Past sea ice Variability Inferred From ice Cores: Development of a Transfer Function for the Canadian Arctic
- Platinum-group elements and oxidation condition of Paleozoic sub-continental lithospheric mantle in southernmost South America: Xenolith study in the Pali-Aike Region, Chile
- Precambrian Limestones: Products of Microbial Diagenesis?
- Quantitative Reconstructions of Beringian Climates from Pollen Assemblages
- Temperature Inversions and Permafrost Distribution in a Mountain Valley: Preliminary Results From Wolf Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada
- The Nines Creek Ice and Rock Avalanche: an Example of the Impact of Climate Change on Catastrophic Geomorphic Processes in the Kluane Ranges, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Crustal Deformation and Lower Crustal Delamination During Late Archean Indentation Tectonics in the SE Superior Province, Canada
- Preliminary Investigations Into the Geomicrobiology of Iron-Rich Seafloor Sediments Obtained From the Tonga Ridge
- Reduced fO2 Recorded in the Metasomatized Peridotite Xenoliths From the Sub-Arc Mantle in the Southernmost South America
- Seasonal and spatial variations of microbial sulfate and iron reduction in alkaline Pb-Zn mine tailings (Ontario, Canada)
- The Impact of Biofilms on the Process of Back Diffusion From a Contaminated Rock Matrix
- Climate variability in North America during the past 2,000 years using pollen data
- Holocene climate variability: interactions between orbital and century to millennial-scale climate forcing
- Hydrometric, Chemical, and Multi-Isotope Approaches to Assess the Water Balance and the Sources and Fate of Nitrate and Sulfate in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Canada
- Lead Isotopic Compositions of the Endeavour Sulfides, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Meteorological Snow Chemistry Relationships at Divide Site, St. Elias Mountains, Yukon Territory
- Mountain Permafrost in the Yukon Territory, Canada: Mapping and Modelling
- Observations and Models of Tidally Pulsed Flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Rapid continental-scale vegetation response to the Younger Dryas Cool Episode
- Regional climate change in northern North America during the Holocene
- Submarine Hydrothermal Activity and Gold-Rich Mineralization at Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand
- The Internalization of Iron and Manganese as Discrete Particles During the Bioreduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) by a Dissimilatory Metal-Reducing Bacterium
- Calcium isotope record of Phanerozoic oceans: Implications for chemical evolution of seawater and its causative mechanisms
- Exploring the Effectiveness of Alpine Permafrost Model Transfer Between Mountain Environments in Northwestern Canada
- Formation of Garnet Orthopyroxenites and Mobility of Siderophile and Chalcophile Elements in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle During Metasomatism by Asthenospheric Mantle- derived Melt Below the Southern South America
- Holocene paleoclimates of Canada north of 50°: Comparison with high-resolution multi-proxy records
- Late Holocene Vegetation and Climate Change From the Central and Western Canadian Arctic Inferred From Fossil Pollen Data
- Quantification of Holocene Climates Around Greenland Using Pollen Records
- Seasonal Changes in the Biogeochemistry of Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides in a Groundwater- Supplied Wetland
- Sedimentological and Paleoecological Records From the Central and Western Canadian Arctic in Relation to ice Core Paleoclimatic Data
- Subduction of Subarc Mantle Peridotites: Evidence From the Higashi-akaishi Garnet- peridotites in the Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt, Japan
- Sulfur and Copper in Magmatic Arcs: Sources and Linkages
- Advancing Glaciers and Positive Mass Anomaly in the Karakoram Himalaya, Pakistan
- Calcium Isotope Systematics of Diagenetically Altered Carbonates: Example from the Proterozoic Carbonates of Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
- Contemporary (1951-2001) Evolution of Lakes in the Old Crow Basin, Northern Yukon, Canada: Remote Sensing, Numerical Modeling, and Stable Isotope Analysis
- High-Resolution Paleosalinity Reconstruction From Laguna de la Leche, North Coastal Cuba, Using Sr, O, and C Isotopes
- Late Glacial and Holocene Environments of South-Central Melville Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Modelling the Effects of Temperature and Cloud Cover Change on Mountain Permafrost Distribution, Northwest Canada
- Palaeoenvironmental Evolution of Cenote Aktun Ha (Carwash) on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico and its Response to Holocene Sea-Level Rise
- Evaluation of 3-D flow structure and corresponding scour holes in the vicinity of a submerged wing dike in a large sand bed river
- Intensive aDcp Survey of a Gravel-Bed River Confluence
- The impacts of thawing permafrost on tundra lakes, Mackenzie Delta region, NWT, Canada. (Invited)
- Can Polyphosphate Biochemistry Affect Biological Apatite Saturation?
- Characteristics and change of the Milne Ice Shelf, Nunavut, Canada, over the last 50 yrs
- Fluid Flow complexity in a Rough Fracture Using a Complex Aperture Network
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Responses to Fire and Thermokarst Formation in Arctic Alaska
- Ice shelf losses in the Canadian High Arctic, 2005-2010
- Regional Permafrost Probability Modelling in the northwestern Cordillera, 59°N - 61°N, Canada
- Soil responses to rapid warming events inside and outside of thermokarst features during the snow season in arctic Alaska
- The role of winter temperatures and polar amplification during peak Interglacial warming
- Transport of Bacteria and Virus-Sized Particles and Bacteriophage from Ground Surface to Depth in a Bedrock Aquifer - A Field Experiment
- Use of DC Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Thermokarst Features, Toolik Lake area, Alaska, USA
- Biological Apatite Formed from Polyphosphate and Alkaline Phosphatase May Exchange Oxygen Isotopes from Water through Carbonate
- Controls on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Thawed Layer in and around Thermokarst Features
- Dynamics and Historical Changes of the Petersen Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island
- Effect of Shallow Ponding on Warming and Thawing of Permafrost in Mineral-cored Palsas, Wolf Creek, Yukon, Canada
- Flow dynamics of the Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon
- Ice Cap Dynamics in the Canadian High Arctic determined using a Speckle Tracking Method
- Lattice Boltzmann Modelling of Stellate Plagioclase, Western Layered Series Isle of Rum, Scotland
- Mapping the depth to ice-cemented ground in the high elevation Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Modeling seasonal velocity variability and assessing the influence of glacial hydrology and sea-ice buttressing at the Belcher Glacier, Arctic Canada
- Permafrost Changes along the Alaska Highway Corridor, Southern Yukon, from Ground Temperature Measurements and DC Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Recent volume and mass changes of Penny Ice Cap (Baffin Island, Nunavut) determined from repeat airborne laser altimetry
- Seasonal cycling in electrical resistivities at thin permafrost sites, southern Yukon and northern British Columbia
- Thawing of Massive Ground Ice in MEGA Slumps Drives Emergence of a New Fluvial Regime.
- The equable climate problem during Interglacial warming
- pm 1°C Scenario-based Climate Change Modelling for a Regional Permafrost Probability Model of the Southern Yukon and Northern British Columbia, Canada
- A lower Antarctic sea level contribution estimated from GRACE using a new glacial isostatic adjustment model
- Bedrock versus alluvial channel geometry
- Longitudinal Variation of River Hydrodynamics in a Semi-Alluvial River
- Structure of Flow in a Bedrock Canyon
- The International Permafrost Association: new structure and initiatives for cryospheric research
- The Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Atlantic: Excess volcanism and ridge relocations close to Jan Mayen
- Depositional models of sandy debrites and turbidites of Palaeogene reservoir sands in deep-lacustrine environments, South China
- Effect of Porosity Fluctuations on the Diffusive Transport of a Reactive Species in Porous Media
- Flow Structure in a Bedrock Canyon (Invited)
- Influence of bedrock on river hydrodynamics and channel geometry
- Monitoring suspended sediment transport in an ice-affected river using acoustic Doppler current profilers
- New observations on relative sea-level change since the late Glacial from the British and Irish continental shelf and their implications for understanding earth-ice-ocean interactions
- Past fluctuations and current status of the Gangotri Glacier
- Radiocarbon dating of marine material: mollusc versus foraminifera ages
- Seismic Structure and Anisotropy of the Crust Around Major Fault Zones in Northern California from the Harmonic Decomposition of Receiver Functions
- Sulfur, halogens and helium in vesicles and glass of MORB; global fluxes of volatiles from ridges
- Towards an Improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model for Fennoscandia
- Uncertainty in Greenland glacial isostatic adjustment (Invited)
- Understanding sea level rise along the Mississippi sector of the US Gulf Coast
- A new method for characterization of porewater chemistry in low-permeability sedimentary rocks
- A watershed approach to quantify the impacts of permafrost disturbances on the hydrogeochemistry of streams in the Richardson Mountains and Peel Plateau region, northwestern Canada.
- Biases in the instrumental temperature record: the policy and communications context
- Climate Inferences from Geothermal Measurements in South America
- Controls on the abruptness of gravel-sand transitions
- Cryosat Delivers Monthly and Inter-Annual Height Change for Some Arctic Ice Caps.
- Glacier-derived permafrost ground ice, Bylot Island, Nunavut
- Ground warming and continental energy storage in the Northern Hemisphere during the Common Era: Impact of borehole depth.
- Impact of Land Use Change over North America as simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model
- Impact of the Last Glacial Cycle on Common-Era temperature and energy reconstructions from terrestrial borehole temperatures in North America
- Insights into Magmatic-Hydrothermal Processes in the Newly-Discovered Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits of the New Hebrides Arc-Backarc System, SW Pacific
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Basal Temperatures at the Last Glacial Cycle As Inferred from Borehole Temperature Data
- Low Temperature Paleogene Thermal Evolution of the British Mountains using Apatite U-Th/He Dating, Northern Yukon, Canada
- Magnitude, Rates and Sources of Sea-level Rise Associated with Past Polar Ice-sheet Retreat
- Mid- to Late Holocene Sea-Level Record in French Polynesia, South-Central Pacific
- Modelling the Relation between Gravity and Vertical Displacement Change Rates in Formerly Glaciated Areas
- New Insights from 10-Be on the Deglaciation of Greenland: Comparison of a Continent-Wide Database with Climatic Forcings and Model Results
- Salt Marshes as Monitors of Late Holocene Outlet Glacier Retreat
- Streamflow Data Assimilation in SWAT Model Using Extended Kalman Filter
- Subsurface Signal of Deforestation from a Climate Model Experiment: Implications for Borehole Temperature Reconstructions of the Common Era
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Climate and Glacial Inception in North America
- Uplift and seismicity driven by groundwater depletion in central California
- Use of Natural Tracers for Understanding Porewater Residence Time and Solute Transport: Challenges Encountered in Paleozoic Rocks of the Michigan Basin
- A Portable, Field-Deployable Analyzer for Isotopic Water Measurements
- Body-Wave Scattering from Seismic Interferometry: Preliminary Results from the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California
- Fugitive Emissions from Conventional and Hydraulically Fractured Natural Gas Developments in Western Canada
- Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland
- Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned plate motion reference frame in light of seismic anisotropy and global trench migration
- Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
- NIDWat: A Water Balance Model for the Niger Inland Delta (NID) Floodplain in Mali
- North American Ground Surface Temperature Histories: A Contribution to the PAGES2k North American Project
- Pleistocene Permafrost Thawing History of Alaska, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories from U-Th Dating of Cave Speleothems
- Radiocarbon Dating the Anthropocene
- Rapid Response of Volcanism to Deglaciation in Southeast Alaska and Evidence for Attendant Climate Impacts
- Rayleigh-wave Tomography Study of Northwestern Canada
- Resolving the tectonic transition between ancestral North America and the northern Cordillera
- Robust Comparison of Climate Models with Observations Using Blended Land Air and Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves
- Seismic and Thermal Structure of the Arctic Lithosphere, From Waveform Tomography and Thermodynamic Modelling
- Stability of Barnes Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada
- Stress Monitoring Potential of Ambient Noise Interferometry in Deep Mine Environments
- Towards High-Resolution Waveform Tomography of the North Atlantic Region
- A Preliminary Teleseismic Investigation of the Crust and Mantle Lithosphere Obtained from BISN in the Western Canadian Arctic
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A novel seismic source detection and location algorithm implemented to improve the construction of seismic Green's functions from ambient noise in mines
- Architecture of the North American lithospheric mantle and its relationship to ultramafic magmatism
- Building Archean Cratons From Hadean Crust
- Changes in mineral-associated soil organic carbon pools across a harvested temperate forest chronosequence
- Crustal evolution of the Eoarchean Saglek-Hebron Complex, Northern Labrador
- Degrading Discontinuous Permafrost Detected by Repeated Electrical Resistivity Tomography Surveys, Northwest Canada
- Eastward routing of glacial Lake Agassiz runoff caused the Younger Dryas cold event
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Along the Pacific Coast of Central North America
- Hydrothermal Plume Surveys of the Mariana Backarc (12.7°-18.3°N) by Surface-Ship and AUV Find an Unexpectedly High Spatial Frequency of Vent Sites
- Impact of the Canadian Shield-Cordillera tectonic transition on controlling deformation within western Canada
- Interactions of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organochlorine Pesticides with Sedimentary Organic Matter of Retrogressive Thaw Slump-Affected Lakes in the Tundra Uplands Adjacent to the Mackenzie Delta, NT, Canada
- Isostasy and Sea-Level Rise in the Mississippi Delta Region
- Joint tomographic inversion of surface wave and body wave data: shear wavespeed and Vp/Vs ratios in the mantle beneath the Continental US
- Molecular and isotopic evaluation of the paleo-coupling between methanogenesis and oil biodegradation in Ordovician rocks (Michigan Basin).
- New Constraints on Relative Sea-Level Change in Northern Greenland from Marine Bivalves; Implications for Ice History and GIA Models
- Radially and Azimuthally Anisotropic Global Waveform Inversion
- Reconstructing Mid- to Late Holocene sea-level change from coral microatolls, French Polynesia
- Source and Magma Evolution of the tuff of Elevenmile Canyon, Stillwater Range/ Clan Alpine and northern Desatoya Mountains, western Nevada.
- Storage and stability of mineral-associated soil organic matter pools in genetic horizons of harvested coniferous forest soils
- Structure and deformation of the northern Canadian Cordillera: A broadband seismic reconnaissance study
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Projections of Sea Level Change Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model Output: Sensitivity to Seismic Model Input
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Glacial Inception in North America
- The Legacy of Arsenic Contamination from Giant Mine, Northern Canada: An Assessment of Impacts Based on Lake Water and Lake Sediment Core Analysis
- The Role of Chloride Complexation on Anaerobic and Aerobic Mercury Bioavailability
- The effect of flow stage on velocity inversions in actively incising bedrock canyons
- The long-term rotational stability of terrestrial planets with viscoelastic lithospheres: A new theory with application to Mars
- Waveform Tomography of the South Atlantic Region
- A Relative Sea-Level Record from the Mississippi Delta, 7.7-10.7 ka
- A river (used to) run through it: piracy in the Yukon
- Broad-scale lake expansion and flooding inundates essential wood bison habitat in northwestern Canada.
- Classifying seismic noise and sources from OBS data using unsupervised machine learning
- Development and Application of a Cohesive Sediment Transport Model in Coastal Louisiana
- Evaluating the Sensitivity of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to a Hydrous Melt at 410 km Depth
- Formative flow in bedrock canyons
- Impact of Increased Thermokarst Activity on Polycyclic Aromatic Compound (PAC) Accumulation in Sediment of Lakes in the Hydrocarbon-Rich Uplands Adjacent to the Mackenzie Delta, NT, Canada
- Impacts of 1, 1.5, and 2 Degree Warming on Arctic Terrestrial Snow and Sea Ice
- Interactions between Shrubs and Permafrost in the Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador, Canada
- Investigating Margin and Grounding Line Dynamics with a Coupled Ice and Sea Level Model
- Is ozone, rather than PM2.5, actually the largest contributor to premature deaths associated with trans-continental transport of air pollution?
- Mapping Curie depth in western Canada from a wavelet analysis of magnetic anomaly data
- New Constraints on Upper Mantle Structure Underlying the Diamondiferous Central Slave Craton, Canada, from Teleseismic Body Wave Tomography
- Reconstructing Mid- to Late Holocene Sea-Level Change from Coral Microatolls, French Polynesia
- Sub-annual North Pacific hydroclimate variability since 1450AD from updated St. Elias ice core isotope and accumulation rate records
- The Effect of Element Substitution on Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometry in Volcanic Zircons from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
- The Influence of Sediment Isostatic Adjustment on Sea-Level Change and Land Motion along the US Gulf Coast
- The contribution of glacial isostatic adjustment to projections of sea-level change along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
- Thermokarst transformation of permafrost preserved glaciated landscapes.
- Widespread Permafrost Thaw During Marine Isotope Stage 11 from Arctic Speleothems
- A GRACE View of the Great Lakes using Watershed Based Mascons: Clear Lake Level Variations and Detection of a Large-Scale Groundwater Signal
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacterial Mercury Uptake Driven by Phytoplankton Organic Matter Composition and Molecular Weight
- Calibrating Ice Core, Weather Station, and NASA MODIS Ice-Surface Temperature Records to Analyze Atmospheric Variability in the St. Elias, Yukon, Canada
- Cold magmas and explosive eruptions: The story of zircon from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
- Cooled magma reservoir conditions between explosive eruptions at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
- Curie depth estimation from magnetic anomaly data: A re-assessment using multitaper spectral analysis and Bayesian inference
- Detecting Offshore Seismicity in Cascadia Using Logistic Regression Applied to Sub-Arrays of Ocean-Bottom Seismographs
- New Images of upper mantle structure beneath western Canada from teleseismic body-wave tomography
- New constraints on crust and mantle structure surrounding the Beaufort Sea, western Canadian Arctic, from a new broadband seismic array
- On the verge of a surge; Kongsvegen, northwestern Svalbard.
- Open-source Telemetry Instrumentation for Networked and Real-time Glacier Monitoring
- Origin, Burial and Preservation of Late Pleistocene-age Glacier Ice in Arctic Permafrost (Bylot Island, NU, Canada).
- Refining the Record of Precambrian Redox Conditions Using the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Proxy in Marine Carbonates.
- Reflections on an international and interdisciplinary network through the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
- Surging of Donjek Glacier, Yukon, Canada from 1935 to Present: Terminus Position, Ice Velocity, and Elevation Change
- Towards realistic models using finite-element based magnetotelluric inversion on unstructured meshes
- Uncovering the physical controls of episodic tremor and slip events using machine learning
- What controlled Sediment Transport across the Shelf Edge during the Last Glacial Maximum? A Case Study from the Southern African Continental Margin
- Assessing Baseline Stream Metal Concentrations in the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program for Hydrocarbon Extraction by Hydraulic Fracturing of the Canol Shale Play, Central Mackenzie Valley, NT, Canada
- Assessing the Impacts of Emissions from Oil and Gas Extraction on Urban Ozone and Associated Health Risks
- Data assimilation of CrIS and TROPOMI satellite carbon monoxide concentrations and its potential for constraining global OH concentrations
- Flow Resistance and Shear Stress in Bedrock Canyons
- Identifying Iceberg Characteristics and Drift Patterns in Canadian Waters
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Plunging Flow in Alluvial and Bedrock Rivers
- Remote Detection of Sodium Signatures as an Indicator of Liquid Carry-Over into Flare Flames in the Bakken Oil Production Region
- Rethinking the definitions of modes of decadal climate variability
- Sedimentomics: A systematic paleolimnological biomarker discovery method
- Seismic evidence for megathrust fault-valve behavior during episodic tremor and slip
- Small glacier changes over the past 60+ years on Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut, Canada, using Structure from Motion
- Surge of Little Kluane Glacier in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada, from 2017-2018
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferring Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Influence of Microbial Siderophores and Anthropogenic Thiols on Mercury Transport
- The Influence of Solid Earth Properties on the Deglacial Evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The influence of bark beetle outbreaks on burn severity for sub-boreal forests in British Columbia
- The influence of deep water cycling on plate tectonic transitions and the thermal histories of the Earth and rocky planets
- Towards Explaining the Causes of GPS-derived Crustal Uplift Rates in Greenland
- Towards Refining Ammonia Emissions with CrIS Observations through Python-based Four-dimensional Variational Assimilation and CMAQ
- Tracking seabird population histories using fecal biomarkers in lake sediment cores
- Upper ocean redox reconstructions of the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) positive carbon isotope excursion: potential linkages to glaciation and mass extinction
- What Allows Multi-Plane Detachment Systems to Take Off?
- 10+ Years of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Noise: Fresh Insights and Persistent Questions
- 2020 Dickinson Hackweek: Evidence for Terminus Advance from a Piedmont-type Glacier along the Southeastern Edge of Sydkap Ice Cap, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sidkap Hackweek: Glacier changes near Canada's most northern community, Grise Fiord, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Ice loss in Southwestern Ellesmere and Northwestern Devon Islands since 1959, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Sixty year record of ice area loss from the marine terminating Sydkap Glacier, southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- 2020 Dickinson Sydkap Hackweek: Using a U-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Glaciers on Southern Ellesmere and Western Devon Islands, Canada
- A continental scale spatial investigation of sediment organic matter for ecological classification
- Abrupt climate change, hurricanes, and the rise and fall of a Taíno village
- Examining Sources of a Wintertime Cold Bias in Remote Sensing Temperatures from the St. Elias Range
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment of the Pacific Coast of North America: The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure
- Glacial outburst floods sustain microbial ecosystem in Lake Untersee, Antarctica
- Global Incised Valley Filling During the Holocene Sea-Level Highstand - Implications for Carbon Burial
- Impacts of 1⁰C, 2⁰C, and 4⁰C of Warming on Ship Navigability in Arctic Canada
- Microbial transformations of mercury species in rice paddy soils: methylation, demethylation and reduction
- Revised Chronology of Northwest Laurentide Ice-Sheet Deglaciation from Beryllium-10 Exposure-Dated Erratics on the Western Canadian Shield
- Studying Past Human-Environment Interactions using Radiocarbon Databases
- The timing of Cordilleran-Laurentide ice-sheet separation and meltwater pulse 1A
- Tracing weathering intensity across a permafrost gradient in the Yukon River
- A comprehensive model of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of Western Canada
- A method for identifying weak and transient circulation cells in river bends, and application to LES simulation data
- Amplification of plunging flows in bedrock canyons
- Are the enigmatic "rolls" on the Ellesmere Ice Shelf initiated as viscous buckling from sea-ice pressure?
- Bed and Bank Stress Partitioning in Bedrock Rivers
- Burial Dynamics and Abrupt Climate Change at the Archaeological Site of Canimar Abajo, Matanzas, Cuba
- Combining geodetic and geologic observations to identify and solve geophysical problems
- Constraints on crust and upper mantle structure of the northern Canadian Cordillera from a compilation of recent broadband seismic studies
- Covariation in Width and Depth in Bedrock Rivers
- Earth's Earliest Hydrosphere as is seen by 4.3-3.8 Ga hydrothermally-altered oceanic crust: triple oxygen and hydrogen isotope investigation of the Nuvvuagittuq belt, Canada
- Estimating the amount of hydration of the subducting oceanic mantle using receiver function data
- Geology of the Latmikaik and Xcacau Coronae, Venus
- Gftt: an open-source tool for evaluating remotely sensed glacier velocity products
- Inference of the 3D Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Greenland and Eastern Canada Using a Joint Inversion of Regional Datasets
- Investigating the Bioavailability of Terrestrial Carbon to Marine Microorganisms Using Stable and Radiocarbon Isotopes
- Large Lithospheric Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Modelling the tectonic fabric along the Haida Gwaii Margin from receiver function analysis
- Monitoring Velocity Changes Beneath Mount St. Helens During Slow Slip With Receiver Functions
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Partitioning early Holocene North American v. Antarctic ice melt from high-resolution reconstructions of sea-level rise and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling
- Percolation of Surface Melt at Eclipse Icefield, Yukon, Canada
- Postglacial Relative Sea-Level Changes in the Gulf of Maine, USA: A Challenge for GIA Models.
- QuakeLabeler A Python Toolbox for Building Seismic Dataset
- Rare evidence for an early enriched mantle recorded by Paleoarchean mafic amphibolites from NE Brazil.
- Short-lived radiogenic isotopic probes of mantle dynamics
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Past and Contemporary Relative Sea Level Rise along the Atlantic coast of Europe
- The Mantle Seismic Structure below Canada and Alaska Constrained by a New Absolute P-wavespeed Tomographic Model
- The Origin of Neoarchean (2.7 Ga) NE Superior Craton Fe-Rich Mantle-Derived Rocks Through 142Nd and 182W Isotopes
- The influence of geothermal heat flux on simulating past Greenland Ice Sheet evolution
- The surface expressions of lithospheric delamination below the Northern Canadian Cordillera
- Time-Varying Mantle Viscosity as an Explanation for the High Modern Crustal Uplift Rates in Greenland
- Utilizing ArcGIS Pro for the Analysis of Source-to-Sink Sediment Flux during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Venusian Coronae in the Context of Large Igneous Provinces: Key Parameters for Investigating Their Magmatic Plumbing Systems
- An Intercomparison Between the Surge Propagation of the Sít' Kusá (Turner) and Nàłùdäy (Lowell) Glaciers Using Optical Imagery from PlanetScope Satellites
- An examination of near-surface permafrost modelling techniques for boreal wetland environments, Whatì, NT, Canada
- Anisotropy of the Mantle Lid of the Subducting Juan de Fuca Plate (Cascadia) Inferred from Receiver Functions: A Proxy for Slab Hydration?
- Assessing Holocene Fault Movement along the Hinagu Fault Zone using Paleo-Sea Level Extents at Kawata Machinishi, Kumamoto, Japan
- Blockly Earthquake Transformer: A Python Toolbox for Customizing Seismic Phase Pickers
- Combined Geophysical Techniques Constrain the Devon Ice Cap, Canadian High Arctic, Subglacial Environment
- Erratic Noise Suppression in Receiver Function Imaging
- Holocene terrestrial ice mass loss precedes floating ice tongue collapse in NW Greenland - Insights from revised high-precision relative sea level curves and cosmogenic exposure ages
- Is Hydrothermal Venting at the Seafloor Episodic or Continuous?
- Large Lithospheric Seismic Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Least-squares migration imaging of receiver functions
- PyRaysum: Modeling of Ray-Theoretical Plane Body Wave Propagation in Dipping Anisotropic Media for Receiver Functions and Shear Wave Splitting
- Pyseistr: a python package for structural processing of array seismic data
- Spatial and temporal variability in twenty-first century sea-level changes
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferences of Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Toward a 3D Amphibious Shear-Wave Velocity Model of New Zealand's Lithosphere from a Two-Station Surface-Wave Analysis
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Boyce
- Alan C Mix
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alison F. Banwell
- Alison S. Criscitiello
- Anja Rutishauser
- B. E. Rosenheim
- Chiara Civiero
- Christine F. Dow
- Clément Estève
- Colin R. Meyer
- D. Schutt
- David Shean
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Douglas R. MacAyeal
- E. Bethell
- E. J. Wallace
- E. R. Ivins
- Elizabeth G. Ceperley
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- F. A. Darbyshire
- Fangxue Zhang
- Gabriela Fernández‐Viejo
- H. J. Gilbert
- Holly Kyeore Han
- I. D. Bastow
- Ilya N. Bindeman
- J. Gosselin
- J. T. Freymueller
- Jacqueline Austermann
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- John Jamieson
- K. J. Kreutz
- Konstantinos Soukis
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Linda Pan
- M. G. Bostock
- M. Reusche
- Mark Hoggard
- Martyn Unsworth
- Maryam Yousefi
- Michael Church
- O. V. Sergienko
- Pascal Audet
- Peter A. Nelson
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- R. C. Aster
- R. W. Porritt
- Richard E. Ernst
- Samuel L. Goldberg
- Sanne Cottaar
- Sergei Lebedev
- Shaun A. Marcott
- Shawn M. Chartrand
- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Simon L. Pendleton
- Stephen Pugh
- Surendra Adhikari
- Taylor A Tracey Kyryliuk
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- W. Frank
- Wasja Bloch
- Whyjay Zheng
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yunfeng Chen
- Yūsuke Yokoyama