University of Newcastle, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
flowchart I[University of Newcastle, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (82)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Wave Energy Propagation in the Magnetosphere: Dynamic Poynting Spectra Results
- LT and MLT Dependencies of Pc 4 Amplitudes at CPMN Conjugate Stations
- Mapping the Location and Structure of the Plasmapause Using Geomagnetic Field Line Resonances
- Stormtime Pc5 Hydromagnetic Waves in the Middle Magnetosphere: Modulation of Pc1 Ion Cyclotron Waves and the Role of Medium Energy Ions
- An instrument for elemental and isotopic abundance characterization of extra-terrestrial materials
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Enhanced Plasma Regions or Plumes in the Middle Magnetosphere: CRRES Results
- Remote Sensing Plasma Dynamics of the Inner Magnetosphere Using ULF Waves
- The Generation and Propagation of Pc 3--4 ULF Waves at High Latitudes
- Determination of the Altitude of Cosmic Noise Absorption at Cusp Latitudes Using the Vertical Parallax Technique
- Effects of the seasonal asymmetry in magnetospheric thermal density distribution and ionospheric conductance on the rate of energy deposition into auroral ionosphere
- Estimation of field aligned currents from combined Iridium, DMSP, Oersted and CHAMP Data.
- In-Situ and Ground-Based Intercalibration Measurements of Plasma Density at L=2.5
- Investigating the Properties of Field-Line Resonances in the Inner Magnetosphere Using Independent Techniques
- Moving Beyond IGY: An Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY) Concept
- Observation of daytime Pc3-4 ULF waves near the plasmapause using SuperDARN TIGER radar
- Pitch-Angle Scattering of Relativistic Electrons by Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Characterization of Intense ULF Wave Power Spectra During the ``Halloween'' 2003 Geomagnetic Storm
- Co-ordinated IMAGE satellite and ground-magnetometer observations of a cross-phase reversal at a steep plasmapause.
- Mass Density at L=2.5 During a Magnetic Storm: a Case Study
- Simultaneous Observations of ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and on the Ground
- ULF Waves penetrating into the slot region during the october 2003 "Halloween" Storms
- Using Radars in Place of Magnetometers: Detection and Properties of Pc3-5 Wave Fields in HF Radar Data
- Comparison of Global Electromagnetic and Particle Energy Flux Distributions in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- IMF Control of High Latitude Electromagnetic Energy Flux
- Intercomparison of Cold Ion Density Measurements in the Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere
- Plasmaspheric mass and electron densities during a prolonged disturbed interval
- The Use of Ground Distributed Magnetometer Arrays in ULF and EMIC Wave Studies
- ULF wave fields measured in the low latitude ionosphere
- A Satellite-Ground Study of Low-Latitude Pi2 Pulsations
- Global Measurement of Birkeland Currents with Iridium: How it Works and Future Prospects
- HF Radar Observations of High-Wavenumber ULF Waves in the Ionosphere
- Heliosphere Impact on Geospace - Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research During the IPY Years
- Large-Scale Ionospheric Conductance from Combined Satellite and Ground-Based Electromagnetic Data
- Plasmaspheric Mass Density Variation During a Moderate Magnetic Storm
- Cross-Phase Investigation of a Field Line Resonance and a Discrete Continuous Oscillation in the Solar Wind
- Geomagnetic Storms and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Plasmaspheric Ion Refilling Rates
- The Annual Variation in Plasmaspheric Mass Density
- An examination of the origin of substorm periodicities in CIR- and CME-driven storms
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves, Plasma Drainage Plumes and Geomagnetic Storms
- Multipoint observations of Pc1-2 waves associated with a cold plasma density enhancement
- Observation of the Plasmaspheric Depletion and Refilling: Comparison Between ULF Waves and IMAGE-EUV Measurements
- Poloidal Mode Field Line Oscillations in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Statistical Dependence of the Large-Scale Birkeland Currents on Solar Wind Parameters
- The Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE): A new facility for real-time magnetosphere-ionosphere monitoring
- The effects of geomagnetic field line geometry on resonant frequencies near the open- closed boundary.
- Modulation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves by Mixed Mode Pc5 ULF Waves: Generation and Propagation Mechanisms
- Multi-element RIMS Analysis of Genesis Solar Wind Collectors
- Propagation Properties of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves near the Plasmaspause
- Propagation of Kinetic Alfvén Waves at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Simultaneous Comparison of Birkeland Currents from the Northern and Southern Hemispheres using the Iridium Constellation
- Travelling Waves and Resonances: Pc3 Sources at High Latitudes
- A Statistical Study of EMIC Waves at Geosynchronous Orbit
- AMPERE Science Data Reduction and Processing
- AMPERE: Project Implementation Overview and Initial Results (Invited)
- Night-time Transient Birkeland Currents Observed by AMPERE
- A Case Study in Leveraging Major Science at Low Cost: Development of Large Scale Birkeland Currents Determined from AMPERE
- A multi-point and multi-instrument characterisation of the formation and evolution of the substorm current wedge
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves near the Plasmapause: A CLUSTER Case Study
- Modeling the Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator in a Dipole Geometry with a Distributed Ionosphere
- The June 8, 2000 ULF wave activity: a case study
- A daytime Pi3 wave event observed by Cluster and ground stations
- A multi-point and multi-instrument characterisation of the night-side field-aligned current topology associated with the substorm growth and expansion phases
- Pc2 EMIC waves generated high off the equator in the dayside outer magnetosphere
- Propagation of Pi2 Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Storm Time EMIC Waves and Their Relationship to Plasmaspheric Density, Plasma Plumes and Radiation Belt Loss
- Changes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and FACs Associated with Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Multi-satellite studies of ULF wave phase characteristics in the outer magnetosphere
- Observations of Pc2 waves by Cluster and ground stations in Antarctica
- Causes of HF Backscatter Loss During Large Geomagnetic Storms: Comparisons between Northern and Southern Hemisphere SuperDARN Radars
- Study of 2 mHz, Long Wave-Train Pc5 Waves on the Dayside at AN Equatorial Station
- High latitude convection dynamics during Magnetospheric Multiscale magnetopause encounters and magnetic reconnection observations
- Inter-Hemispheric Differences Due to Ionospheric Asymmetries
- Nightside storm-time Birkeland currents: quasi-steady state, onsets, and dual R1/2 sense pairs
- Solar Wind Direct-driven Pc5 Waves Observed At An Equatorial Location
- Temporal and Spatial Development of Birkeland and Electrojet Currents
- Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves
- The relationship between EMIC waves, long period ULF waves and wave generation processes in the middle magnetosphere
- Utilizing modified forensic fingerprint analysis software for the extraction of dune field parameters on Earth and Mars
- Finally! AMPERE-NEXT - it's about TIME (Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Electrodynamics)
- Impact of Solar Wind High Speed Streams and the Effect of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Ionospheric Current System and Field-Aligned Currents
- Studying the relationship between substorm-onset related Pi1Bs and IPDP-type EMIC waves