University of Newcastle, Australia
flowchart I[University of Newcastle, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (235)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Conditions Controlling the Degree of Vertical Coupling Between the Upper and Lower Crust of Orogens: Results From Fiordland, New Zealand
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Hydrological Model Calibration: What are they? What is so good about them?
- Pc 3 Pulsations in the Cusp
- The Variability of Geomorphic Descriptors to Change in Aspect Ratio
- Adaptive Reservoir Management Using Insights Into Climate Variability
- Bayesian Total Error Analysis - An Error Sensitive Approach to Model Calibration
- Variability of Flood and Drought Risk on Multi-decadal Timescales
- Watershed Complexity Impacts on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling
- Digital elevation models and the characterisation of catchments over different grid scales
- Spatial organization of soil depths using a landform evolution model.
- Three-Dimensional Hydraulics of Pool-Riffle Sequences in Low-Gradient Streams
- Australian hydro-climatic variability: Causes and Implications
- Bayesian analysis of data and model error in rainfall-runoff hydrological models
- Ecohydraulics and Estuarine Wetland Rehabilitation
- Environmental modeling and the propagation of error
- Identifying Loss Mechanisms Responsible for the Rapid Depletion of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux
- Interactions between Vegetation and Land Surface Evolution in Arid and Semiarid Systems
- Combining Field and Laboratory Experiments in Order to Understand Interactions Between Flow, Sediment, Vegetation And Bank Erosion in Riparian Rehabilitation Works
- Eco-Geomorphology of Arid Regions: Landform- Hydrology-Vegetation Interactions.
- On the need for a solar wind trigger
- Rock Magnetism Of Pyrrhotite in the Stawell Gold Field, Victoria, Australia: Relating Aeromagnetic Anomalies to Mineralizing Fluid Flow
- Trans-polar Transmission of Pc 3-4 ULF Waves: Results from Cluster and Antarctic Observations
- Eco-geomorphological Response of an Estuarine Wetland to Changes in the Hydraulic Regime
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Plasma Plumes in the Magnetosphere: CRRES Results
- Identifying the Cause of Relativistic Electron Flux Depletions in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Linking hillslope and catchment scale processes to soil carbon
- Modeling Complex Interactions between Ecology, Hydrology and Soil Erosion Patterns in Arid regions
- Modelling the distribution of detrital cosmogenic nuclide concentrations: a new tool to study drainage basin evolution.
- UltraMAGNET: A Global Magnetometer Network for Space Physics Research
- Using the Spatial Persistence of Soil Moisture Patterns to Estimate Catchment Soil Moisture in Semi-arid Areas
- A Holocene Record of Monsoon Intensity From Speleothems in Flores, Indonesia
- Accumulation and Migration of Gas Hydrates in Sediments of the Peru Margin Revealed by Rock Magnetism
- Atmospheric Sulphur Archives in Tree Rings: a First Comparison With Speleothems
- Ecohydrologic Response of Vegetation Patterns to Climate Variability in Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems.
- Effect of firn depth and density variations on elevation changes in Antarctica reveals opposing ice sheet mass balance pattern
- Surface Elevation, Carbon Sequestration Potential and Rising sea Levels in Estuarine Wetlands
- Bayesian Spectral Likelihood for Hydrology
- Bayesian total error analysis using expected-likelihood methods for characterizing input and model uncertainty
- Catchment Scale Simulation of Soil Evolution- the mARM Model: From Bedrock to Fully Developed Soils
- Disentangling uncertainties in model inputs and model structure
- Eco-geomorphology of arid regions: effect of vegetation response times.
- Effect of Rehabilitation on Carbon Sequestration in Estuarine Wetlands
- Interpolation between Darcy-Weisbach and Darcy for laminar and turbulent flows
- Linkages Between Hillslope and Channel Gully Erosion - Assessment for an Undisturbed Catchment in Northern Australia Subject to Extreme Rainfall Events
- Multi-proxy Evidence of Australian Summer Monsoon Variability During the Holocene: Links to the East-Asian Monsoon and the North Atlantic
- TelluSim: A Python Plug-in Based Computational Framework for Spatially Distributed Environmental and Earth Sciences Modelling
- Towards a Stacked 1 Ma-year Radiometrically Dated Palaeoclimate Record From Italian Speleothems
- U-Th-dated subglacial calcite preserves a record of basal meltwater discharge events of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet spanning the last 340,000 years
- A Continuous Simulation Model of Fluvial Geomorphic and Ecologic Processes
- A Python Plug-in Based Computational Framework for Spatially Distributed Environmental and Earth Sciences Modelling
- Climate change and the impact of increased rainfall variability on sediment transport and catchment scale water quality
- Controls on surface connectivity and vegetation patterns in semiarid areas: The role of evolving soil depth profiles
- EMIC Wave Occurrence During Geomagnetic Storm Events: CRRES Results
- Impact of space-time variability in rainfall on emergent hydrological processes
- Spatial and temporal trends in soil properties in response to Quaternary climate forcing: an assessment using the mARM3D soil evolution model
- The Temporal Dynamics of Spatial Patterns of Observed Soil Moisture Interpreted Using the Hydrus 1-D Model
- 1. Physical properties and age of mid-slope sediments dredged from the Eastern Australian Continental Margin and the implications for continental margin erosion processes
- A Hypothesis-based Approach to Hydrological Model Development: The Case for Flexible Model Structures
- A rill erosion-vegetation threshold analysis approach for the assessment of restoration success in water-limited reclaimed ecosystems
- Assessing ecosystem structure and health using the patch size distribution of vegetation in semiarid Australian landscapes
- Connectivity and degradation in semi-arid systems: patterns, thresholds and feedback effects
- Death and landscape dynamics: The effect of tree throw on sediment transport and landscape evolution
- EMIC Wave Occurrence and Plasmaspheric Density During Geomagnetic Storms
- Impact of Temporal Data Resolution on Parameter Inference and Model Identification in Conceptual Hydrological Modeling: Insights from an Experimental Catchment
- Multipoint Observation of Quarter-Wave Length, Standing Alfvén Modes
- Numerical simulation of geomorphic, climatic and anthropogenic drivers of soil distribution on semi-arid hillslopes
- Resolving the Individual Contributors to Total Modeling Error in Conceptual Hydrology: Data, Structural and Numerical Errors
- Riparian rehabilitation using vegetation patches: field and laboratory investigations linking hydrology, vegetation and geomorphology
- Sediment Characteristics of Submarine Landslides On the Upper East Australian Continental Margin - Preliminary Findings
- Temporal and spatial ULF wave observations by SuperDARN radar
- Co-evolution of Soils and Landforms: Erosion Modelling over Decadal Timescales for Disturbed Lands
- Evaluating Daily Soil Moisture and Water Balances in a Semi-arid Catchment in Southeastern Australia Using the IBIS Land-surface-scheme
- Evidence for Complex Early Holocene Climate Variability in the Northern Mediterranean Region from Stalagmite SV1, Savi Cave (ne Italy)
- Evolution and structural changes of the Tropical Pacific climate network
- High-Resolution Elemental Proxies in Speleothems: what do they Mean?
- Modelling gully development: using a landscape evolution model to examine a transient landscape feature
- Numerical daemons in hydrological modeling: Effects on uncertainty assessment, sensitivity analysis and model predictions
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Scaling of Sediment Dynamics in a Reach-Scale Laboratory Model of a Sand-Bed Stream with Riparian Vegetation
- Sediment and Planform Controls on the Spontaneous Formation and Self Maintenance of Pool-Riffle Sequences
- Storm Time EMIC Waves and Their Relationship to Plasmaspheric Density, Plasma Plumes and Radiation Belt Particle Loss
- Variations in Hydrological Connectivity Indicate Abrupt Changes in Ecosystem Functionality in Australian Semiarid Landscapes
- A History of Tropical Cyclone Events, their Spatial-temporal Distributions and Effects in Bangladesh
- Climate-informed stochastic hydrological modeling: Incorporating decadal-scale variability using paleoclimate data
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty - Bridging the Gap Between End User Needs and Science Capability
- Eco-Hydro-Geomorphic Response of Semiarid Hillslopes to Changing Anthropic and Climatic Conditions
- Global and local signatures of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the growth and expansion phases of a substorm
- Identifying remote paleoclimate proxies with potential for inferring long-term hydroclimatic variability
- Interactions among riparian vegetation, flow and sediment in a sand bed river: Implications for restoration
- Landscape behaviour at storm and millennial time scales: How good are landscape evolution models at prediction?
- Palaeoclimatic significance of Phosphorus variability in Tropical and SubTropical speleothems revealed by high-resolution synchrotron micro XRF mapping
- The co-evolution and spatial organisation of soils, landforms, vegetation, and hydrology
- ULTIMA: Array of ground-based magnetometer arrays for monitoring magnetospheric and ionospheric perturbations on a global scale
- Was the Eemian warmer than the Holocene? Indications from high- and low-altitude speleothems in the Italian Alps
- A sedimentologic and 14C dating study of five eastern Australian upper continental slope submarine landslides
- A spatial scaling relationship for soil moisture in a semiarid landscape, using spatial scaling relationships for pedology
- Determining pre-onset field magnetotail topology from multi-point magnetospheric and ground-based measurements
- Evaluating and improving the representation of heteroscedastic errors in hydrological models
- Geomorphic and climate influences on soil organic carbon concentration at large catchment scales
- Identifying Erosion Time scales from the Hairsine-Rose Soil Erosion Model (Invited)
- Subglacial biochemical weathering and transport drove fertilization in the Southern Ocean during Antarctic temperature maxima and NH Heinrich events
- Understanding links between river topography, flow patterns and sediment transport and sorting
- What can hafnium isotope ratios arrays tell us about orogenic processes? An insight into geodynamic processes operating in the Alpine/Mediterranean region
- A Framework for the Ecogeomorphological Modelling of the Macquarie Marshes, Australia
- A comparison of predictive soil-carbon models across multiple spatio-temporal catchment scales.
- Climate-Informed Multi-Scale Stochastic (CIMSS) Hydrological Modeling: Incorporating Decadal-Scale Variability Using Paleo Data
- Ecohydrologic coevolution in drylands: relative roles of vegetation, soil depth and runoff connectivity on ecosystem shifts.
- Effect of Spatial Density Variation and O+ Concentration on the Growth and Evolution of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Effects of Emic Waves on the Outer Electron Radiation Belt.
- Estimating Ionosphere Conductance on Global Spatial Scales
- Geomorphological Mechanisms for the Formation and Self-maintenance of Pool-riffle Sequences
- Global Geodynamics and Hf isotope arrays: implications for supercontinental cycles and mantle convection patterns
- Global response of M-I coulping revealed by AMPERE
- New Comprehensive System to Construct Speleothem Fabrics Time Series
- No Future in the Past? The role of initial topography on landform evolution model predictions
- Non-stationarity of "Nature's Limit" - Implications for Agriculture in Semi-arid Environments
- Pacific Decadal Variability in the Southern Indian Ocean: A 1 ky Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and Australian Megadrought Reconstruction from Law Dome, East Antarctica.
- Propagation of BBF Driven Pi1/2 Waves to the Inner Magnetosphere and the Ionosphere
- Regional glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE, Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESA-STSE project REGINA).
- Statistical Testing of Dynamically Downscaled Rainfall Data for the East Coast of Australia
- Stochastic Simulation of Daily Solar Radiation from Sunshine Duration
- Stochastic Simulation of Rainfall Data Using a Markov Chain Model Calibrated to Dynamically Downscaled Climate Data
- Testing the robustness, to changes in process, of a scaling relationship between soil grading and geomorphology using a pedogenesis model
- Using Dynamically Downscaled Rainfall Data to Examine the Impact of Climate Change on the Combined Probability of Extreme Rainfall and Antecedent Soil Moisture
- Wave processes on coral reef flats during storm and modal conditions: Implications for coral reef sediment dynamics
- A Physically Based Coupled Chemical and Physical Weathering Model for Simulating Soilscape Evolution
- Causes of HF Backscatter Loss During Large Geomagnetic Storms: Comparisons between Northern and Southern Hemisphere SuperDARN Radars
- Coupling Landform Evolution and Soil Pedogenesis - Initial Results From the SSSPAM5D Model
- Electrodynamic Context of Magnetotail and Magnetopause Dynamics Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscal
- Evolution of Field-Aligned Currents by Alfvén Wave Propagation
- Incorporating Infrastructure and Vegetation Effects on Sea Level Rise Predictions in Low-Gradient Coastal Landscapes
- Investigating Ecohydrology and Connectivity Thresholds along a Precipitation Gradient in Australia
- Large Catchment Scale Sediment Transport Modelling of SOC Using Environmental Tracers and Remote Sensing
- Local Three-dimensional Flow and Sediment Patterns as an Evidence of Pool-riffle Self-maintenance
- Long-term predictions - can we make predictions about landscape form and function?
- Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth - Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions
- Multifrequency Compressional Magnetic Field Oscillations and Their Relation to Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfvén Waves
- Observing Dynamics in Large-Scale Birkeland Currents with the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE)
- Postseismic gravity changes caused by persistent viscoelastic relaxation after a series of great earthquakes since 2004
- Relationships between Geomagnetic Induced Currents and Field Aligned Currents
- Storm-time Large-Scale Birkeland Currents: Salient Dynamics in Grand Challenge Events
- Study of 2 mHz, Long Wave-Train Pc5 Waves on the Dayside at AN Equatorial Station
- The Changing Nature of Drought Risk in South-east Australia Over the Past Two Millennia
- The Ecohydrologic Role of Coexistence and Competition in Semiarid Hillslopes
- ULF waves: the main periodicities and their relationships with solar wind structures and magnetospheric electron flux
- "Cryptic" Diagenesis in Speleothems and Implications for U-series Dating
- Centennial time scale impacts using stochastically generated rainfall - assessing sediment output from a post-mining catchment
- Composite δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and petrographic 195-355 ka record from Frasassi cave (central Italy) stalagmites: investigating drivers of speleothem calcite carbon isotope signals.
- Correlation of Breastmilk Arsenic With Maternal, Infant Urinary Arsenic and Drinking Water Arsenic in an Arsenic Affected Area of Bangladesh
- Eco-geomorphic feedbacks in drylands: investigating triggers for degradation thresholds along a precipitation gradient in Australia
- Ecohydro-geomorphic implications of orographic precipitation on landform evolution using a landscape evolution model
- Evaluation of Stochastic Rainfall Models in Capturing Climate Variability for Future Drought and Flood Risk Assessment
- Inter-Hemispheric Differences Due to Ionospheric Asymmetries
- Laboratory Studies of Sea-Ice-Wave Interactions
- Modelling the tsunami threat to Sydney Harbour, Australia, with comparisons to historical events.
- Multiple Speleothem Record of Orbital to Millennial-scale Climate Variability During MIS 21 to MIS 26
- Short-term response of the solid Earth to cryosphere fluctuations and the earthquake cycle in south-central Alaska
- Simulation of fan development using a coupled soilscape-landscape evolution model
- Soil organic carbon - a large scale paired catchment assessment
- The February 2008 Methoni earthquake sequence, Greece: subduction earthquakes, afterslip and deformation in the overriding plate
- Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Images to Investigate Hydrologic Connectivity and Degradation Thresholds along a Precipitation Gradient in Semiarid Australia
- Woody-Herbaceous Species Coexistence in Mulga Hillslopes: Modelling Structure and Function
- Aspect-related Vegetation Differences Amplify Soil Moisture Variability in Semiarid Landscapes
- Characterizing hydrological activities over Yangtze River basin using the new HUST-Grace2016 model, MODIS, and NCEP/NCAR data
- Drive by Soil Moisture Measurement: A Citizen Science Project
- Ecohydrology and tipping points in semiarid australian rangelands
- Estimating Soil Moisture at High Spatial Resolution with Three Radiometric Satellite Products: A Study from a South-Eastern Australian Catchment
- Experiments on Pool-riffle Sequences with Multi-fractional Sediment Bed During Floods
- Floodplain Hydrodynamics and Ecosystem Function in a Dryland Wetland
- Global Earth Outgoing Radiation From A Constellation Of Satellites: Proof-Of-Concept Study
- Global Hillslope Asymmetry Analysis in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Improving groundwater storage and soil moisture estimates by assimilating GRACE, SMOS, and SMAP data into CABLE using ensemble Kalman batch smoother and particle batch smoother frameworks
- Multi-Proxy Evidence for Decoupled Monsoon Intensity and Southeast Asian Precipitation on Orbital and Millennial Timescales
- Preparing for Sea-level Rise: Conflicts and Opportunities in Coastal Wetlands Coexisting with Infrastructure
- Recovery of surface mass redistribution from a joint inversion of GPS and GRACE data - A methodology and results from the Australian and other continents
- Coupled Wave-Ice Interactions in the Marginal Ice Zone in Simulations with a Floe-Size Distribution
- Deglacial and Holocene Hydrologic Shifts in Southeast Asia Inferred from Speleothem Trace Elements and <SUP>14</SUP>C
- Disturbance Hydro-eco-geomorphology: How do the Watershed Systems Respond to Disturbances?
- Downscaling satellite soil moisture products based on the soil thermal inertia: A comparison between in-situ data and land surface model based algorithms
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Hydroclimatic Variability in Southeast Asia over the Past Two Millennia
- Identifying and Monitoring Drought and Drought Resilience in a Large, Agricultural Catchment in Eastern Australia
- Implications of Dynamic Vegetation as an Erosional Response to Climate Change in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Inversion of GPS and GRACE data to determine regional surface mass changes
- Is soil organic carbon responsive to storm events? An assessment across two large catchments
- Local gravitational field modelling through spectral combination of satellite higher-order radial derivatives of the disturbing gravitational potential and a global gravitational model
- Modelling Eco-hydro-geomorphology changes induced by human activities in Australian rangelands
- Resilience of the Macquarie Marshes to one of the worst droughts on record: observations and modelling results
- Sea level rise in the Samoan islands escalated by viscoelastic relaxation after the 2009 Samoa-Tonga earthquake
- Soil Moisture Variations in Semiarid Aspect-Controlled Ecosystems
- The estimation of water storage change and land subsidence induced by the Bakun Dam, Malaysia, using GRACE, Landsat, and GPS data
- The relative benefits of using radiometric satellite soil moisture products to improve a catchment modelling in a semiarid region
- Using an Eco-geomorphological Model to Predict Blue Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Wetlands under Sea-level Rise and Human Pressures
- Vegetation Dynamics Control Hillslope Asymmetry In Semiarid Ecosystems
- Advancing Understanding of Solid Earth Processes with Future Acquisitions of Gravimetric Data
- Analysis of climate and vegetation variability on erosion using a coupled dynamic vegetation and landform evolution model
- Connectivity as a Useful Framework for the Identification of Early Warning Indicators of Degradation in Drylands
- Contributions of tidal and upstream catchment sediments to coastal wetland morphodynamics in the pacific Islands under current and future scenarios.
- Deformation of Circular Inclusions in a Ductile Elasto-Plastic Strain-Softening Analogue Material: Pure and Simple
- Development of earthquake correction models for GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity data time series
- Dryland wetland are extremely resilient to drought-flood pulses, but will they survive the combined effects of climate variability and change?
- Higher-order Gradients of the Gravitational Potential: Theory and Applications
- Modelling the influence of orographic precipitation on the co-evolution of semi-arid landscapes
- Predicting carbon sequestration capacity of Australian coastal wetlands under sea level rise and human pressures.
- Soil carbon response to climate variability (or lack thereof) in Eastern Australia over the past 100 years
- The occurrence and magnitude of floods recorded in Lake Suigestu sediment and its relationship with flood activity records in East Asia region during the last 8000 years
- The relationship between EMIC waves, long period ULF waves and wave generation processes in the middle magnetosphere
- Understanding the Global Hillslope Asymmetry in Semiarid Ecosystems
- A new long-range island scale tropical cyclone outlook for southwest Pacific nations and territories
- Analysis of GRACE Follow-On laser ranging interferometer measurements for time-variable (sub-monthly) and static gravity signals
- Assessing habitat services in semiarid floodplain wetlands during droughts
- Classifying southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Tracks by their Orientation and Shape
- Coastal wetland response to sea-level rise: migration and flow attenuation affect their accretion capacity.
- Computer based landscape evolution models: practical applications and issues with functionality and evaluation
- Does stochastic modelling using instrumental data capture pre-instrumental variability? A validation study using ice core data
- How Effectively do Drought Indices Capture Health Outcomes? An Investigation from Rural Australia
- New insights into the relationship between drought and mental health: Empirical evidence from the Australian Rural Mental Health Study
- Regional collaboration for nighttime cloud detection using a digital camera
- The Impacts of Climate Variability on New South Wales Australia Tidal Anomalies: Spatial Trends
- Understanding the effects of the asynchronous variability of biomass pools on erosion using a modelling approach
- Using tree-rings to inform the reliability of hydropower generation for Australia
- Application of Coupled Soilscape-landform Evolution Models in Post Mining Rehabilitation.
- Coastal land change due to tectonic processes and implications for relative sea-Level rise in the Samoan Islands
- Does maximum wetland area translate to maximum carbon burial under accelerated sea-level rise?
- Field-Aligned and Ionospheric Equivalent Currents from AMPERE and SuperMAG During ICME Driven Geomagnetic Storms
- Novel along-track processing of GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements found abrupt water storage increase and land subsidence during the 2021 March Australian flooding
- Observing transient, rapid mass changes in the Earth system with GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements
- Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite
- Rapid analysis of gravity changes after the Mw 8.2 Chignik earthquake from GRACE Follow-On intersatellite laser ranging measurements
- Sediment contribution from catchments to coastal wetlands: current and future trends in the Pacific Islands
- Storm-time effects on interhemispheric asymmetries in the Birkeland currents
- DEA Land Cover: Continental-scale Land Cover Mapping of Australia for Monitoring Landscape Change
- Expanding capabilities of AMPERE global inversions: Progress in advancing our understanding of M-ITM coupling
- How effectively do heatwave definitions capture mental health outcomes? A population-based longitudinal investigation from rural Australia
- Transformation Pathways to Future Landscapes.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Abiyot Workayehu
- Amir Salaree
- Andy Baker
- Anthony S. Kiem
- B. J. Anderson
- Belle Tissott
- D. Fischer
- D. N. Wiese
- Daniel Clewley
- E. J. Fielding
- Eunjee Lee
- Gabrielle Hunt
- Giuseppe Romeo
- Graciela Metternicht
- Heikki Vanhamäki
- Henryk Dobslaw
- J. F. Rodríguez
- J. W. Gjerloev
- Jeanne Sauber
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- M. Shirzaei
- Marcus Pedersen
- Norman Mueller
- Peter Bunting
- Rebecca K. Schmidt
- S. K. Vines
- Sean Chua
- Shin‐Chan Han
- Steven G. Sandi
- Susanna Werth
- V. G. Merkin
- W. D. D. P. Welivitiya