University of Miami, Florida
flowchart I[University of Miami, Florida] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (762)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (245)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of Miami, Department of Physics
- University of Miami, Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics
- University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Chlorine-Enhanced Ozone Formation Observed in Urban Air
- Geophysical Investigations of a Sinkhole in the Amargosa Desert, Nevada
- Sequence Stratigraphic Significance of Uranium Anomalies in Carbonate Rocks, ODP Leg 194
- Simulated excitation of the Arctic Oscillation by orbital forcing
- Use of a Neural Network Approach to Improve Atmospheric Correction of Ocean Color Imagery
- Teasing Cellulose Isotopic Signals Apart by Chemical Methods
- A critical examination of the Emperor and Hawaiian volcanic chains
- Clues to Coral Reef Ecosystem Health: Spectral Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Everglades' hydrology from space
- Free Air Respiratory Carbon Isotope Enrichment Experiment
- N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition
- Submarine Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas Offshore Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau, Hawaii
- TOMS aerosol data and GOCART dust model: Results of a collaborative research
- The Advisory Structure of the Drilling Program Over the Past Forty Years
- The Faithful Record of Synchrony and Amplitude of Neogene Sea Level Variability in Carbonate Depositional Environments From ODP Legs 133, 166, And 194
- Wetland ecosystem hydroperiods: long-term variability reconstruction using isotopic signatures from tree rings
- Constructing Artificial Rock Outcrops as Tools for Fostering Earth and Environmental Science Thinking
- Rapid Transient Deformation From a Shallow Magmatic Source at the Socorro Magma Body, NM, USA?
- The ENSO-fire Dynamic in Insular Southeast Asia
- A Case Study of Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects Computed From Airborne Measurements During the ACE-Asia Campaign
- Carbon Isotopic Composition of Cypress Tress from South Florida and Changing Hydrologic Conditions
- Diffuse Intersesimic Deformation Across the North America-Pacific Plate Boundary: Observations and Modeling Results
- Evaluation of Lightning NOx Treatment in v2 of the GMI Model and its Effect on Upper Tropospheric NOx and O3
- Limits on the Natural Oxygen-18 Abundance of Cellulose: Intra-molecular Patterns
- Magma Chamber Geometry at Mauna Loa Volcano From InSAR and GPS 2002-2004
- New Insights into the Magmatic Systems of Ocean Island Volcanoes from InSAR: Examples from Hawaii and the Galapagos.
- Ozone Depleting Substances: An Update on Fractional Halogen Release Rates and Short Lived Organic Halogens.
- Patterns of Storage, Synthesis and Changing Light Levels Revealed by Carbon Isotope Microsampling within Eocene Metasequoia Tree Rings
- Rapid Assessment of Forest Cover in Indonesia using MODIS Satellite Data: Forest Fragmentation and HCVF Identification
- Towards a Continental Scale Deformation Map of the Western Basin and Range from InSAR
- Analysis of the Relationship Between Physical Environmental Parameters and Beach Water Quality in a Subtropical Setting
- Coastal and Wetlands Applications for an InSAR Mission
- Current Patterns on the West Florida Shelf from Joint Self-Organizing Map Analyses of HF Radar and ADCP Data
- Determination of Urban VOC Emissions Ratios and Comparison with Inventories
- Implications of Subduction Rehydration for Earth's Deep Water Cycle
- Intramolecular oxygen isotope ratios of a global stem cellulose sample set: insight into a climate proxy.
- Measurements and predictions of ground subsidence due to soil consolidation using permanent scatterer InSAR
- Organic Aerosol is Formed in Unexpectedly Large Amounts in Urban Pollution Plumes
- Post-Seismic Stress Transfer in the Central Nevada Seismic Belt, Nevada, USA.
- Satellite Optical and SAR Observations and Marine Radar Measurements of Internal Waves During the Non-Linear Internal Wave Initiative Experiment (NLIWI) in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
- The Earth System Science Education Experience: Personal Vignettes
- Water in Mantle Sources of Oceanic Basalts
- Wetland InSAR
- A Kknematic model for ground deformation at Kilauea volcano during 1992-2005
- Analysis of trends in extreme hourly precipitation events in India
- Atmospheric Cold Fronts Affecting Cold-Water Corals in the Deep Straits of Florida
- Carbon Isotope Records From Wetland Plants, and Implications for Paleohydrological Reconstructions
- High Subsidence and Low Elevation in New Orleans
- Mapping Tropical Cyclone Damage to Mangrove Habitats: An Example from South Florida
- Measurement of OH, HO2, and OH reactivity in Houston 2006
- Nocturnal Vertical Profiles of Nitrogen Oxides, Ozone, Aerosol and VOC From the NOAA P-3 During TexAQS 2006
- On the Lagrangian Dynamics of Atmospheric Zonal Jets and the Permeability of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Ozone Photochemistry in Houston urban and industrial plumes as reflected by ambient measurements of carbonyls and organic nitrates
- Quantification of Ethene Emissions from Petrochemical Industries in Houston, Texas: Large Disagreements with Emission Inventories
- Radiative Forcing at the Surface by Clouds, Aerosols, and Water Vapor Over Tropical Oceans
- Short-lived Organic Compounds in the UTLS
- Statistical Model of Secular Variation and Excursions and Drilling to the Moho
- Vegetation Cover Decreases Evaporative Water Loss in a Wetland Ecosystem
- Volatiles and Trace Elements in Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas from Ni'ihau, Hawai'i: Evidence for Silicate Melt and Carbonatite Metasomatism of the Mantle Surrounding the Hawai'ian Plume
- Water Source Utilization of Hammock and Pine Rockland Plant Communities in the Everglades, USA.
- Water in Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Evidence for a Wet Recycled Crustal Component in the Jan Mayen Plume
- Alternative Explanations for Variations in the Patterns of Carbon Isotopes in Organic and Inorganic Records
- Analysis of spatial patterns in near surface micro climatic conditions within Delhi Metropolitan Region
- Characteristics of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the South China Sea and Mid-Atlantic Bight from Satellite Observations
- Comparison of near-surface and column-integrated atmospheric optical properties at Bermuda
- Cyanobacterial blooms and biomagnification of the neurotoxin BMAA in South Florida coastal waters
- Deep creep: A mechanism explaining the ""interseismic seismicity"" along the San Jacinto Fault, southern California
- Evidence for Multiple Magma Bodies Beneath Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Evolution of Strike-Slip Faults: An Example from the Hunter Mountain-Panamint Valley Fault Zone, Eastern California
- InSAR Observations of the 2007 Tanzania Seismic Swarm Reveals Mixed Fault and Dyke Extension in an Immature Continental Rift.
- Local Perturbations to the Carbon and Oxygen Pools in the Lower Mississippian Madison Limestone, Montana and Wyoming
- Meshfree Finite Element Technique for Geoscience Research: A New Tool for Modeling Earthquake-induced Crustal Deformation
- Noise Making Genes in the Oxygen-18 Climate Signal of Tree-Ring Cellulose
- Space-based Water Level Observation of the Everglades From Dual Polarization InSAR Data
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Analyses of Regional Transport 2008 (START08) Experiment: Scientific Concept and Initial Results
- Survey of Volcanic Activity in Ecuador using L-band SAR.
- Temperature Change and water vapor feedback. A Comprehensive assessment using the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder
- Transport in an idealized three-gyre system with application to the surface flow in the Adriatic Sea.
- A Decade of Sea-Surface Temperatures from the MODIS on Terra
- Another look at the possible role of OH in nighttime air chemistry (Invited)
- Arctic Eocene isotopic anomaly: unusual temperature/rainfall isotope relationship and a stormy world
- Combining Satellite-Based Precipitation and Vegetation Indices to Achieve a Mid-Summer Agricultural Forecast in Jamaica
- Comparison of Aerosol optical properties derived from column averaged and near surface observations at Bermuda during Spring 2009
- Exploring the History of Time in an Integrated System: the Ramifications for Water
- Faulting, Seismicity and Stress Interaction in the Salton Sea Region of Southern California
- Finding the missing stratospheric Bry: A global modeling study of CHBr3 and CH2Br2
- Hydroperiod affects nutrient accumulation in tree islands of the Florida Everglades: a stable isotope study
- Identification of transport pathways and location of mixing in the extratropical tropopause region using CO-O3 correlations and Lagrangian model simulations
- In-situ Estimation of Poisson’s Ratio in Volcanoes and Active Fault Zones
- InSAR and GPS integration for the study of Strike Slip fault system
- Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of AERONET - a satellite validation tool over the oceans
- Measuring deformation associated with magmatic processes at Cerro Azul Volcano, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador with InSAR
- Micron-scale intra-ring analyses of δ13C in early Eocene Arctic wood from Ellesmere Island
- Morphological response to nearshore wave groups (Invited)
- NRL COAMPS Real-Time Forecast during VOCALS-Regional Experiment
- Nonlinear impacts of small-scale natural events on Nineteenth Century human decision-making
- Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds in Biomass Burning Plumes During POLARCAT/ARCTAS
- Photochemical Analysis of ARCTAS Observations
- Retrieval of cloud microphysical parameters using the NOAA/PSD W-band cloud radar from R/V Ronald H. Brown during the VOCALS-REx field program
- Simulating Forest Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Historic New England Runoff
- A Case-study on Turbulence in a Stratocumulus Topped Marine Boundary Layer Observed during VOCALS-Rex
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- Airborne measurements of volatile organic compounds in the Los Angeles Basin and the Central Valley, California
- Coherent Turbulent Flow Structures in a Gravel-Bed River
- Comparision of aerosol optical properties observed over two AERONET sites of Nepal during pre-to post monsoon season of 2009
- Cross-shore Exchange on a Rip-channeled Beach Using Fluorescent Dye
- Deciduous and Evergreen Trees Rely on Deep Water Throughout the Year in a Subtropical Seasonal Forest
- Decoupling of ENSO and fires in insular Southeast Asia from 2001-2010
- Deriving Algorithms for the Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide Fugacity at the Ocean Surface
- High-resolution Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Models in the Salton Trough, California
- Improving three dimensional velocity model for Puerto Rico - Virgin Islands for rapid earthquake re-locations
- Intercomparison of Nitrous Acid (HONO) Measurement Techniques during SHARP
- Intercomparison of cloud model simulations of Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer stratus: Process interactions, self-maintenance, and rapid transition between states
- Kootenai River Experiment: An overview of river flow observations and modeling (Invited)
- Lessons learned from high-resolution earthquake locations in southern California (Invited)
- Measuring volcanic deformation of the Galapagos Islands with InSAR
- Microbial borehole observatories deployed within the oceanic crust: Design considerations and initial results from long-term colonization experiments (Invited)
- Modal analysis of rip current cell oscillations
- OH and HO2 Measurements in Blodgett Forest, CA during BEARPEX 2009
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Ozone production and emission precursors during SHARP 2009
- Remote sensing analysis of foliar water and nutrient content in subtropical wetland tree islands
- Resolving temporal and spatial variations in seismic velocity using similar event clusters (Invited)
- Satellite Radar Observations of the DeepWater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced from Non-Measured Hydrocarbons Downwind from the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico
- Studying and Improving Human Response to Natural Hazards: Lessons from the Virtual Hurricane Lab
- Testing the Parameterizations of Cloud Base Mass-Flux for Shallow Cumulus Clouds using Cloud Radar Observations
- The January 12, 2010, Mw 7.0 earthquake in Haiti: context and mechanism from an integrated geodetic study
- The ``Adopt A Microbe'' project: Web-based interactive education connected with scientific ocean drilling
- Three-dimensional structure and seasonal cycle of aerosol over Africa, Atlantic, and Americas
- Understanding how the leaf physiology of mangrove plants differs from fresh water plants: a fundamental step to use cellulose as a proxy for sea level rise
- 1997 to Present: Quality and Versatile Access to the Deep Biosphere with Coupled Advanced CORKs and Fluid Pumping Systems
- Addressing Pre-service Teachers Ideas About Global Climate Change
- Aerosol Impacts on Microphysical and Radiative Properties of Stratocumulus Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Annual and Seasonal hydroclimatology of the Athabasca River in the context of major modes of climatic variability
- Assessing Adaptation with Asymmetric Climate Information: evidence from water bargaining field experiments in Northeast Brazil
- Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) 2011: Design and Highlights
- Elliptic Lagrangian Coherent Structures in geophysical flows
- Flow Climatology for Physicochemical Properties of Dichotomous Aerosol over the Western North Atlantic Ocean at Bermuda
- Global to Regional Air Quality Modeling with a Telescoping Icosohedral Model
- High-Spatial-Resolution Simulation of South Florida's Summer Rainfall
- Land Cover Change and Decoupling of ENSO and fires in insular Southeast Asia from 2001-2010
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Model Analysis of Fast Photochemistry Over the Arctic Using In-Situ ARCTAS and TOPSE observations
- On The Use of in situ Chemical Tracer Measurements in Diagnosing Chemistry Climate Models
- Reconstructing sea-surface temperatures and compositions for the tropical Caribbean through LA-ICPMS analysis of Dichocoenia corals
- Ridge-flank crustal microbiology investigated with long-term borehole observatories
- The 3-D aftershock distribution of three recent M5~5.5 earthquakes in the Anza region,California
- The Best Modern Analog for Eocene Arctic Forests is within Today's Korean Peninsula
- The role of stakeholders in developing an international regulatory framework for carbon capture and storage
- Why Don't People Evacuate When Nature Threatens?
- Adjustments in the effective leaf mixing length of the water pathway in pinnate leaves with partially severed veins
- Atlantic ITCZ: A Wall or a Leaky Barrier for African Aerosol?
- CORK-Lite: Bringing Legacy Boreholes Back to Life
- Climate change impacts utilizing regional models for agriculture, hydrology and natural ecosystems
- Discoveries and Conservation Efforts of Extensive Deep-Sea Coral Habitat off the Southeastern U.S.
- Eddy impacts on the Florida Current
- Evaluation of ACTM forward simulations using HIPPO
- Far-Field Effects of Large Earthquakes on South Florida's Confined Aquifer
- Global and regional aerosol trends from 1980 to 2009: Model analysis of long-term observations
- Global anthropogenic dust sources associated with agriculture and hydrology
- High-resolution, regional-scale crop yield simulations for the Southwestern United States
- Impacts of Amazon Deforestation on North American Temperature and Rainfall
- Intermittent ephemeral river-breaching
- Perturbing model processes to linearize non-Gaussian model error in microphysical parameterization
- Root productivity of deciduous and evergreen species identified using a molecular approach
- Seasonal cycle of submesoscale processes and barrier layers in the tropical South Atlantic
- Seismic Investigation of Magmatic Unrest Beneath Mammoth Mountain, California Using Waveform Cross-Correlation
- The 1707 M8.7 Hoei Earthquake Triggered the Largest Historical Eruption of Mt. Fuji
- The ENSO footprint in monthly satellite evaporation over the global ocean
- The Impact of the Saharan Air Layer on Tropical Cyclones and Tropical Climate
- The effect of overwash on tidal exchange in New River Inlet
- Three-dimensional seismic velocity models, high-precision earthquake locations and their implications for seismic, tectonic and magmatic settings in the Coso Geothermal Field, California
- Tidal Wave Characteristics and Water Quality Response at New River Inlet, NC
- Top-Down Constraints on the Emissions of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from a Mega-City
- Tropical Cyclone 10-km Wavelength Wind Stress Curl Patterns Observed in SAR Imagery During ITOP
- Understanding sources of carbon from a coastal mangrove forest: Shark River - Everglades National Park
- A Long-Lived Tracer Perspective on the Origin of Air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during ATTREX
- Absence of dynamic triggering inside the Coso geothermal field following the 1992 Mw7.3 Landers earthquake: an indication of low pore pressure?
- Application and Refinement of a Method to Achieve Uniform Convective Response on Variable-Resolution Meshes
- Behind Waterlust - Bringing marine science, sport and art together
- CCUS Policy: an Argument for the Implementation of the Precautionary Principle
- Cloud and Precipitation Variations Associated with MJO Events Observed from AMIE/DYNAMO and ARM TWP Sites
- Crop Yield Simulations Using Multiple Regional Climate Models in the Southwestern United States
- Day-fo-day Monitoring of the Comparisons Between UHF Scintillation Forecasts and GNSS Observations
- Evaluation of orbital error contribution to the InSAR velocity fields
- Future global and regional climate change: From near-term prediction to long-term projections (Invited)
- Glacial Rebound Due to Present Day Ice Loss on Greenland Ice Sheet and Canadian Arctic Archipelago Observed by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
- Hurricane risk management and climate information gatekeeping in southeast Florida
- Initial Results of A Survey of Bedrock Responses of Ice Mass Loss in the North Atlantic Region Using InSAR
- Integrated data search and access to geophysical data for Geohazards Supersites and Natural Laboratories
- Investigating the Anthropogenic Influence in Trends in Greening and Browning in the Sahel 2001-2010 Using Modis Evi
- Is the semi-direct effect for smoke overlying stratocumulus clouds overrated? Circulation variability and radiative impacts Reconsidered for the southeast Atlantic
- Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances, Their Replacements, and Related Species
- Mapping Depositional Facies on Great Bahama Bank: An Integration of Groundtruthing and Remote Sensing Methods
- Multi-decadal declining trend of dust over the Sahel and tropical North Atlantic: Connection to North Africa dust sources, precipitation, and climate change (Invited)
- On the air motion in continental shallow cumulus clouds: large-eddy simulation versus radar observation
- Rapid Sea-level Changes During Highstands Complicate the Stratigraphic Record of Carbonates (Invited)
- Recent Trends in Satellite Vegetation Index Observations Indicate Decreasing Vegetation Biomass in the Southeastern Saline Everglades Wetlands
- Shallow Cumulus Sensitivity to Aerosol within a Fixed Meteorology Framework (Invited)
- Statistics of Tropical Atmospheric Cold Pool Structure and Occurrence as Sampled by a Scanning Doppler Lidar and In-situ Sensors Aboard the RV Revelle during the Dynamics of the Madden Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) Experiment
- The Annual Cycle of Moist Convection over West Africa
- The Changing Face of Plio-Pleistocene Reef Margins: Results of the Dominican Republic Drilling Project (DRDP)
- The Impact of North-South Shifts in the Sahel on North Atlantic Climate
- The South-East Atlantic aerosol-cloud system: gaps in our understanding of basic properties and physical processes
- Three-dimensional body wave tomography by using an adaptive method and its application to Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
- Three-dimensional compressional wave attenuation tomography for the crust and uppermost mantle of northern and central California
- Tracer Transport in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection and Initiation of MJO during AMIE/DYNAMO
- Volcano Deformation and Modeling in the Andean Volcanic Belt from Insar Time-Series
- 3-D InSAR Phase Unwrapping with Extended Kalman Filter: Applications to interseismic deformation detection across the North Anatolian and San Andreas Fault zones
- A Projection of Maize-Yield Potential in the Southwestern United States
- A Triple Threat: Stable Isotopes of Fluid Inclusions, Clumped Isotopes and Conventional Oxygen Isotopes from Modern and Ancient Caves in the Bahamas
- Absence of Remote Triggering in Geothermal Fields Due to Human Activity
- African Dust Fertilizing the Amazon Rainforest: An Assessment with Seven-year Record of CALIOP Measurements
- Age Spectra and Transport Rates in the UTLS over the Tropics and the North American Monsoon Region
- Airborne Observations of BrO and HOBr by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) during CONTRAST (CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics)
- An Integrated Analysis of Seismic and InSAR data from the June 2012 Koa'e Fault System Earthquake Sequence, Hawai'i
- Anomalous chlorofluorocarbons at the bottom of the eastern subtropical North Pacific Ocean
- Blue Hill Observatory Sunshine - Assessment of Climate Signals in the Longest Continuous Meteorological Record in North America
- Bolus generation by a river plume in coastal Gulf of Mexico
- Boron and diagenesis: Questioning the fidelity of Snowball δ<SUP>11</SUP>B excursions
- Bromine Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS during the 2011, 2013 and 2014 ATTREX Experiments
- Can dust drive abrupt climate change?
- Carbon Speciation and Anthropogenic Influences in Haitian Rivers and Inland Waters
- Carbon Transport in Small Mountainous Rivers in Southwest Haiti
- Caribbean Reef Response to Plio-Pleistocene Climate Change: Results of the Dominican Republic Drilling Project (DRDP)
- Changes in the relationship in the SST variability between the tropical Pacific and the North Pacific across 1998/99 regime shift
- Characteristics and Seasonality of the Submesoscale Regime in the Gulf Stream Region
- Characterizing seismic and aseismic deformation along the Chaman fault system with InSAR
- Chemical Gradient and Inter-hemispheric Distribution of Selected Organic Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over the Western Pacific
- Chromium isotope composition of reducing and anoxic sediments from the Peru Margin and Cariaco Basin
- Cloud Feedbacks and Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variations
- Cloud Resolving Simulations of Convection during AMIE/DYNAMO: Microphysics and Heat / Moisture Budget
- Clumped Isotopes in Bahamian Dolomites: A Rosetta Stone?
- Clumped Signatures of Shallow Water Corals in Tobago
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Inter-Satellites Calibration and Verification
- Designing Surface Monitoring Meshes for Geologic Carbon Capture and Storage Sites: Accurate Emissions Accounting for an Essential 2°C Mitigation Technology
- Determining the drivers of oxygen and carbon isotope fractionation in a monitored Bahamas cave
- Development of an Advanced Technique to Correct Along-Track InSAR-Derived Surface Current Fields for Contributions of Wave Motions
- Differential responses of the Mg/Ca Ratio in scleractinians to variations in Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> and Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> content of seawater
- Distributions and Correlations of Organic Trace Gases in the Western Pacific Atmosphere
- Drones at the Beach - Surf Zone Monitoring Using Rotary Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Earth's surface loading study using InSAR
- Effects of the Maritime Continent on Large-Scale Convection Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Estimating Mangrove Canopy Height and Above-Ground Biomass in Everglades National Park with Airbone LiDAR and TanDEM-X Data.
- Fifteen Years of Sea-Surface Temperature from MODIS on Terra: a backwards look and a view to the future.
- GEOTRACES Eastern South Pacific: Characterizing Water Mass Properties and Timescales
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of Trans-Atlantic African Dust Based on Radiogenic Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopes and Rare Earth Element Anomalies
- Global trends in mineral dust aerosol: determining causes and attributing uncertainty with the GEOS-Chem model
- Gradients in Strong and Weak Organic Copper-Binding Ligands in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Holocene Abrupt Climate Change Over NW Iran: The Hand That Rocked The Cradle Of Civilization?
- How Do Hydrodynamic Instabilities Affect 3D Transport in Geophysical Vortices?
- Identifying African dust sources that contribute to the seasonal cycles of dust transport to the Caribbean Basin and South America.
- Improving Metadata Compliance for Earth Science Data Records
- InSAR-Detected Tidal Flow in Louisiana's Coastal Wetlands
- Influence of Sea-Level Rise and Storms on Soil Accretion Rates in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park, USA
- Inner Shelf Surface Dispersion in the Florida Panhandle
- Investigations into Ebb Tidal Fronts Using in Situ Acoustic Backscatter and Optical Satellite Imagery
- Is the evolution of the coral-algal symbiosis linked to fluctuations in seawater magnesium concentrations?
- Modeling and Observing the Role of Wind-Waves in Lake-Climate Interactions on Titan using the T104 Flyby of Kraken Mare
- Modeling wave effects on limits of woody vegetation in Catahoula Lake, LA, USA
- Monitoring Volcano Deformation in the Northernmost Andes with ALOS InSAR Time-Series
- Multi-Model Ensemble Prediction during Central and Eastern Pacific El Niño Events
- Multiplatform Observations from DYNAMO and Deployment of a Comprehensive Dataset for Numerical Model Evaluation and other Applications
- Organic Halogen and Hydrocarbon Distributions During SEAC4RS Measured from the ER-2 and DC-8.
- Organic Halogen and Related Trace Gases in the Tropical Atmosphere: Results from Recent Airborne Campaigns Over the Pacific
- Parameterization of Submesoscale Particle Transport in the Gulf of Mexico
- Pore Structure and Petrophysical Characterization of Hamelin Pool Stromatolites, Shark Bay, Western Australia
- Precipitation Structures and Associated Cloud Microphysics in an MJO event during DYNAMO: Cloud-Resolving Modeling and Radar Observations
- Rapid Intensification as Seen in the WRF-JONR Hurricane Nature Runs
- Rapid, Long-term Monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> at CCUS Sites Allows Discrimination of Leakage Patterns from Natural Background Values
- Reconstruction of Pleistocene Paleo-Hydrology and Climate Variations in Western Asia as Recorded in Speleothems from West-Central Iran
- Rip-current Persistent-foam Streaks Outside of the Surf Zone
- Sensing the bed-rock movement due to ice unloading from space using InSAR time-series
- Shallow cloud statistics over Tropical Western Pacific: CAM5 versus ARM Comparison
- Source Variations of Small Magnitude Events in the Downdip Region of the Mexican Subduction Zone.
- Spatial distributions of trace organic species: Results from the TORERO and CONTRAST airborne campaigns with the interpretation aided by the CAM-Chem 3D chemistry climate model
- Stomatal Density Influences Leaf Water and Leaf Wax D/H Values in Arabidopsis
- Stratospheric Injection of Bromine from Very Short Lived (VSL) Sources Inferred from CONTRAST
- Subsidence and associated shallow faulting hazard assessment in central Mexico using InSAR and GPS
- Subsidence hazard and risk assessments for Mexico City: An interdisciplinary analysis of satellite-derived subsidence map (PSInSAR) and census data.
- The Effect of Tidal Exchange on Residence Time
- The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Single Sensor Error Statistics for Sea Surface Temperature: What Do Spaghetti Westerns and Quality Levels Have in Common?
- The Influence of the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Field on the Distributions of Dissolved Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and Cd in the South Pacific
- The Moist Static Energy Budget in CAM5 and SP-CAM Hindcasts during Dynamo
- The Nature of Carbonate and Organic δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Covariance Through Geological Time
- The Onset of Early Season Rainfall and its Mid-Summer Cessation in the Caribbean.
- The Role of Ocean in Model Simulations of Global and Regional Anthropogenic Climate Change
- The highs and lows of cloud radiative feedback: Comparing observational data and CMIP5 models
- The interannual variability of the Brazil Current and links to the large-scale circulation in the South Atlantic
- Toward Improving Predictability of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events: the Use of Multi-scale Climate Modeling in the Northern High Plains
- Transition on the Geometry of the Cocos Plate in Central-Southern Mexico.
- Tuning a climate model using nudging to reanalysis.
- Uncertainty of InSAR velocity fields for measuring long-wavelength displacement
- Using the clumped isotope signature in to constrain diagenetic temperature in oceanic and periplatform sediments
- Utilizing a Lagrangian View of Moisture Dynamics to Study the MJO
- Variability of South Pacific Tropical Water Subduction
- Water Vapor Budget of the MJO over the Maritime Continent in Comparison to Those over the Indian and Pacific Oceans
- Waterlust - An Example of How Online Video Can Help Scientists and Educators
- Wind Stress Variability Directly Measured at a Tidal Inlet from a Mobile Vessel
- Wind-Wave Coupling in a Complex Coastal Environment
- A novel approach to Lagrangian sampling of marine boundary layer cloud and aerosol in the northeast Pacific: case studies from CSET
- Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud Interactions in the South-East Atlantic: Future Suborbital Activities to Address Knowledge Gaps in Satellite and Model Assessments
- Airborne Lidar Measurements of Below-canopy Surface Water Height , Slope and Optical Properties in the Florida Everglades Shark River Slough
- Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 - 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions
- Cloud System Evolution in the Trades—CSET
- Contrasting a non-developing African mesoscale convective system with the precursor to Hurricane Helene (2006)
- Cryogenic brines as a diagenetic fluid: using clumped isotopes to reconstruct the cementation history of sediments in the ANDRILL 2A core
- Determining the accuracies of sea-surface temperatures derived from measurements of MODIS and VIIRS
- Development and Applications of Thallium isotopes: a new proxy tracking the extent of manganese oxide burial
- Diagnosing the roles of vegetation, surface albedo, and presence of lakes and wetlands on dust emission and feedbacks during the mid-Holocene
- Disequilibrium in Clumped Isotopes Caused by Diagenesis in Tertiary Carbonates
- Earthquake Relocations on the Island of Hawaii Using Both Real and Synthetic Data Sets
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Effects of beach morphology and waves on onshore larval transport
- Estimate L-band interferometric phase ramps from dense regional GPS network
- Estimating Digital Terrain Model in forest areas from TanDEM-X and Stereo-photogrammetric technique by means of Random Volume over Ground model
- Evaluation and Application of a Rigorously Validated Ocean OSSE System to Improve Ocean Model Initialization for Coupled Hurricane Prediction
- Evaluation and Applications of the Prediction of Intensity Model Error (PRIME) Model
- Exploring the time and space differences between the sea surface temperature records from multiple satellite based IR and microwave sensors. Do we have a consistent record across scales of 1km to regional and global images?
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Galápagos coral reef persistence after ENSO warming across an acidification gradient
- Geochemical and Textural Comparison of Modern and Ancient Freshwater Microbial Mud: A Direct Calibration in the Florida Everglades
- Impact of Cygnss Data on Hurricane Analyses and Forecasts in a Regional OSSE Framework
- InSAR bias and uncertainty due to the systematic and stochastic tropospheric delay
- Inter-Ocean Exchanges and Regional Sinks of Heat during the Warming Hiatus
- Interhemispheric Changes in Atlantic Ocean Heat Content and Their Link to Global Monsoons
- Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA's Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX
- Isotopic (Re)ordering Signatures of Stratospheric and Tropospheric O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change Events Measured in Stalagmites From a Semi-Arid Cave in Iran Show Pan-Eurasian Climate Signal Matching NGRIP
- Long-range saharan dust observations made in south Florida during the summers of 2014 and 2015
- Low Clouds over the Western Pacific Ocean in ARM Observations and CAM5 Simulations
- Measurements and Modeling of Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB>) from the Lower Troposphere to the Middle Stratosphere and Implications for Use as a Tracer of Large-scale Atmospheric Transport and Stratospheric Residence Times
- Meteorological and Aerosol effects on Marine Cloud Microphysical Properties
- Net removal of dissolved organic carbon in the subsurface Black Sea
- On the Use of Radar Echo from Chaff to Study Entrainment in Stratocumulus Topped Marine Boundary Layers
- Physical Mechanisms of the Precipitation Change in the Subtropics and Extratropics
- Potential precipitation reductions in the northwest U.S. in response to the large-scale deforestation of the Amazon
- Pre-eruptive and co-eruptive deformation of Kirishima volcano, Japan with deep and shallow sources modeling constrained from InSAR and GPS data
- Regional Hydro-Climatic Changes due to Three Decades of Amazonian Deforestation
- Saharan Dust Fertilizing Atlantic Ocean and Amazon Rainforest via Long-range Transport and Deposition: A Perspective from Multiyear Satellite Measurements
- Slope movement and instability in Kanlaon Volcano, Philippines
- Tangent linear super-parameterization: attributable, decomposable moist processes for tropical variability studies
- The Impact of the Ocean Thermal Skin Layer on Air-Sea Interfacial Heat Fluxes
- The Influence of African Dust on Air Quality in the Caribbean Basin: An Integrated Analysis of Satellite Retrievals, Ground Observations, and Model Simulations
- The global hydrological cycle in a climate model hierarchy
- The relationship of boundary layer clouds in the tropical southeast Atlantic to absorbing aerosols, meteorology and climate change
- The role of ENSO in the Tropical Intra-seasonal Oscillation
- Towards Understanding Artifacts in the Clumped Isotope System
- Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
- Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions in a Fully-Coupled High Resolution Earth System Model
- Volcano Deformation Sources at Tungurahua Volcano from Finite Element Methods and Multidisciplinary Data Integration
- Wavenumber Dependence of Short Wave Roughness during Variable Winds
- Weather Driven Renewable Energy Analysis, Modeling New Technologies
- A Multi-Kernel Analysis of Radiative Feedbacks and Forcings on the Hydrological Cycle
- A Tropical Pleistocene Record of Changes in Bottom Water Conditions from The Maldives Inner Sea (IODP Site U1467), Indian Ocean, Based on Benthic Calcareous Microfossils
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: first results from the ORACLES-2016 deployment and plans for future activities
- Analysis of NMHC trends over North America and the Pacific Ocean using 2.5 decades of aircraft data
- Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation
- Aquaplanet hydrologic cycle sensitivities to climate change and model physics, resolution, and configuration
- Assessing Predictability and Model Uncertainty of MJO Convection and Eastward Propagation in ECMWF Stochastic Ensemble Forecasts
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Origins of Tropical Precipitation Variability across Different Timescales
- Biomass Burning Emissions of Black Carbon from African Sources
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Characterizing lake water quality, cyanotoxins, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).
- Coastal Land Air Sea Interaction: "the" beach towers
- Comparison of CAM-Chem with Trace Gas Measurements from Airborne Field Campaigns from 2009-2016.
- Continuity of NASA Infrared Sea Surface Temperature Products at LEVEL2 1KM and l3 Global Scales
- Convective Influence on Short-lived Species in the Tropical Upper Troposphere
- Deglaciation-induced uplift of the Petermann glacier ice margin observed with InSAR
- Diurnal Cycle of Convection and Air-Sea-Land Interaction Associated with MJO over the Maritime Continent
- Dry Air Intrusion and Synoptic Variability in the ECMWF Stochastic Ensemble Forecasts of the MJO Over the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Emissions from a Dairy Farm Waste Lagoon
- Exploration of Alternative Approaches for Estimation of Single Sensor Error Statistics Using the MODIS Aqua Matchup Database
- Field Observations of Coastal Air-Sea Interaction
- Further Studies of Observational Undersampling of the Surface Wind and Pressure Fields in the Hurricane Inner-Core
- Global modeling of CCl<SUB>4</SUB>: Using airborne and ground-based measurements to constrain the emissions and atmospheric losses for CCl<SUB>4</SUB>
- Ground Deformation during the 2015-2016 Eruption of Cotopaxi Volcano from InSAR and GPS
- High Resolution Ecosystem Structure, Biomass and Blue Carbon stocks in Mangrove Ecosystems- Methods and Applications of Lidar, radar Interferometry and High Resolution imagery
- How Early Holocene Greening of the Afro-Asian Dust Belt Changed Sources of Mineral Dust in West Asia
- How Pore-Fluid Pressure due to Heavy Rainfall Influences Volcanic Eruptions, Example of 1998 and 2008 Eruptions of Cerro Azul (Galapagos)
- How closed is the closed system? Rock buffering of isotopes in recrystallizing carbonate systems
- How do Greenhouse Gases Warm the Ocean? Investigation of the Response of the Ocean Thermal Skin Layer to Air-Sea Surface Heat Fluxes.
- Igneous stratigraphy and rock-types from a deep transect of the gabbroic lower crust of the Atlantis Bank core complex (SW Indian Ridge): preliminary results from IODP Expedition 360
- Impact of CYGNSS Data on Tropical Cyclone Analyses and Forecasts in a Regional OSSE Framework
- Insights into Tornadoes and Hurricanes from High-Resolution Numerical Simulations
- Investigating Mesoscale Convective Systems and their Predictability Using Machine Learning
- Large-Scale and Convective Characteristics of the ITCZ and MJO Initiation Over the Indian Ocean
- MODIS Sea-Surface Temperature retrieval by Optimal Estimation
- Millennial Scale Rapid Climate Change Events of the last 60kya as Observed in Multiple Stalagmites from The Bahamas
- Modeling mangrove biomass using remote sensing based age and growth estimates
- Negative carbon isotope excursions caused by marine diagenesis during periods of non-deposition
- ORACLES and LASIC: New observational campaigns to improve understanding of the effects of Southern African Biomass Burning Aerosol on Radiation, Clouds and Climate.
- On the Covariance of Surface Heat Flux and the AMO Surface Temperature
- Operational Ocean Heat Content Variability Estimates From Altimetry: Implications for Weather and Climate Studies
- Overview of the NASA Pacific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and cONvection (POSIDON) Experiment
- Pathfinder Version 5.3 AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Record
- Pre-eruptive and Co-eruptive Deformation due to the 2011 Shimoe-dake, Kirishima eruption in Kyushu, southern Japan
- Reducing the Impact of Sampling Bias in NASA MODIS and VIIRS Level 3 Satellite Derived IR SST Observations over the Arctic
- Regional sea level variability in a high-resolution global coupled climate model
- Rethinking tropical-extratropical interactions in the Atlantic basin
- Revisiting the role of external radiative forcing in driving the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Shear lines facilitate transport of reactive trace gases from East Asia into the deep tropics.
- Stable carbon isotope ratios of archaeal GDGTs in the marine water column and surface sediments
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- The Abrupt Onset of the Modern South Asian Monsoon Winds (iodp Exp. 359)
- The Contribution of Ocean Dynamics to Inter-annual North Atlantic Climate Variability
- The Marine Optical BuoY (MOBY) Technology Refresh and Time Series
- The Meridional Mode in an Idealized Aquaplanet Model: Dependence on the Mean State
- The NASA CYGNSS Satellite Constellation for Tropical Cyclone Observations
- The Science of Inaccurate Temperatures: Explaining How the Bahamas Did Not Form in a Jacuzzi
- The response of tropical-cyclone permitting coupled general circulation models to CO<SUB>2</SUB> doubling: global and large-scale surface climate, and tropical cyclone activity.
- The role of historical forcings in simulating the observed Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- The role of shallow convection and deep convection in the intensity changes of tropical cyclones
- Tidal energy dissipation over long geological timescales
- Trace Gas Distributions and Correlations Observed In The Southern Ocean Atmosphere During the ORCAS Mission
- Uncertainty Propagation in Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupled System: A Stochastic Study on Hurricane Earl (2010)
- Understanding Transitions Toward Sustainable Urban Water Management: Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles
- Validation of Himawari-8 and MTSAT-2 Sea-Surface Temperatures in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean.
- Validation of satellite-derived sea-surface temperatures
- Vertical Distribution of <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Free Troposphere and Stratosphere
- A Carbonate Platform Record of Neogene Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Indian Ocean (Maldives)
- A Framework to Decompose Wind-driven Biases in Climate Models Applied to CCSM/CESM in the Eastern Pacific
- A first summary of the Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC) campaign in the remote southeast Atlantic
- A high-resolution Holocene speleothem record from NE Romania: the nexus of Arctic and North Atlantic atmospheric circulations
- Advanced Corrections for InSAR Using GPS and Numerical Weather Models
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: results from the ORACLES-2016 deployment and a first look at ORACLES-2017 and beyond
- Air-Sea Interaction Processes in Low and High-Resolution Coupled Climate Model Simulations for the Southeast Pacific
- Ambient Aerosols in the Southern Hemisphere on Ascension Island during the LASIC Campaign: Biomass Burning Season versus Near Pristine Background Conditions
- An assessment of surface radiative forcing and response in climate models
- Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupling from Regional to Global Earth System Models for High-Impact Extreme Weather Prediction
- Boundary Layer Adjustments to the Presence of Absorbing Aerosols Inferred from LASIC Field Campaign Observations
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- CYGNSS Surface Wind Validation and Characteristics in the Maritime Continent
- Cement Distribution and Diagenetic Pathway of the Miocene Sediments on Kardiva Platform, Maldives.
- Characteristics of Mid-Level Clouds over the Southeast Atlantic
- Correlating sea level rise still-stands to marine terraces and undiscovered submerged shoreline features in the Channel Islands (USA) using autonomous and remotely operated systems
- Cumulus population and microphysical properties retrieved from a synergy of scanning radar and shortwave zenith radiances over Southeast Atlantic
- Deglaciation-induced uplift and seasonal variations patterns of bedrock displacement in Greenland ice sheet margin observed from GPS, GRACE and InSAR
- Effects of Tropical Islands on the Diurnal Cycle of Convection and its Influence on the MJO Propagation over the Maritime Continent
- Effects of Tropical Islands on the Diurnal Cycle of Convection and its Influence on the MJO Propagation over the Maritime Continent
- Evaluation of Organic Bromine Compound Distributions in CAM-Chem Using Whole Air Sampler Data From Multiple Seasons and Locations
- Explicit Cloud Nucleation from Arbitrary Mixtures of Aerosol Types and Sizes Using an Ultra-Efficient In-Line Aerosol Bin Model in High-Resolution Simulations of Hurricanes
- Exploring the elevated water vapor signal associated with biomass burning aerosol over the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Impact of Convection and Long Range Transport on Short-Lived Trace Gases in the UT/LS
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation of the Gazikoy-Saros segment (Ganos fault) of the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Investigation of the local stress perturbation in Long Valley, California, by coupling seismic analyses and FEM numerical modeling
- Isotopic Evidence for Platform Exposure and Diagenesis in the Miocene: Implications for South-East Asian Platform Evolution.
- Mapping the Extent and Magnitude of Severe Flooding Induced by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria with Sentinel-1 SAR and InSAR Observations
- Model-Observation Comparisons of Biomass Burning Smoke and Clouds Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Monitoring and modeling of sinkhole-related subsidence in west-central Florida mapped from InSAR and surface observations
- New insights into the magma chamber activity under Mauna Loa inferred from SBAS-InSAR and geodetic inversion modelling
- Phase correction and error estimation in InSAR time series analysis
- Quantifying Melt Ponds in the Beaufort MIZ using Linear Support Vector Machines from High Resolution Panchromatic Images
- Regionally dependent summer heat wave response to increased surface temperature in the US
- Soil Structure - A Neglected Component of Land-Surface Models
- Source of humidity in the terrestrial water cycle over the forested monsoon arid of Sahel; changes in the water recycle and atmospheric instability
- Sources of enhanced SO<SUB>2</SUB> in the tropical Western Pacific UT/LS
- Subsidence Modeling of the Over-exploited Granular Aquifer System in Aguascalientes, Mexico
- The Dependence of Cloud-SST Feedback on Circulation Regime and Timescale
- The Impact of Low-Level Cloud Feedback on Persistent Changes in Atmospheric Circulation in the Pacific
- The role of environmental flow interactions in inducing rainbands in tropical cyclones
- Tracking Arctic Sea Ice Buoys With Radar Reflectors
- Tracking the MJO Convection and its Impact on the Diurnal Cycle over the Maritime Continent Using Satellite Observations
- Transatlantic Transport and Deposition of Saharan Dust and its Effects on the Marine Environment
- Transported African Dust to the Amazon: Physiochemical Properties and Associated Nutrients
- Understand your Algorithm: Drill Down to Sample Visualizations in Jupyter Notebooks
- Using InSAR to Observe Sinkhole Activity in Central Florida
- Using Weather Types to Understand and Communicate Weather and Climate Impacts
- Using high-resolution satellite radar to measure lava flow morphology, rheology, effusion rate and subsidence at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador.
- Volcano interactions and coupling: insights from Japan and the Galapagos
- What InSAR time-series methods are best suited for the Ecuadorian volcanoes
- A 2200 year view of human adaptation to climate change at the Lake of the Condors in the Peruvian Andes
- Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic: an overview of results from three years of ORACLES-deployments
- Analyzing sulfur and chlorine behavior in the 2006 eruption of Augustine volcano
- Assessing the Effects of Early Marine Diagenesis on the Lithium Isotopic Composition of Shallow Marine Carbonates
- B/Ca Derived Deep Pacific ΔCO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Characterizing Turbulent Air-Sea Interaction Phenomena in Coastal Environments by Wavelet Analysis of SAR-Derived Wind Fields
- Constraining P deposition to the Amazon Basin from the long-range transport of African dust and biomass burning aerosols based on measurements in the Trade Winds at Cayenne, French Guiana
- Determining burial cementation temperatures and paleo-fluid δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values using clumped isotope analyses of periplatform carbonates.
- Determining ocean tide influences on Antarctic ice shelf circulation using GFDL MOM6
- Earthquake Swarms and Slow Slip on a Sliver Fault in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Estimates of Single Sensor Error Statistics for Global MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Using Machine Learning
- Evaluating Microbial Influence on Marine Carbonate Concretions using Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
- Exploring linkages between below-ground plant hydraulic processes and multi-scale evapotranspiration during the 2015-2016 Amazon dry season
- Fossilized drip-water from a Sierra Nevada Cave reveals variability in precipitation sources and atmospheric dynamics over the last deglaciation
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Ground Deformation associated with the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra volcano and the source mechanism of the initial M5.3 earthquake
- Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay Western Australia: A microbial carbonate factory
- Heterogeneous ice nucleation by mineral dust: from microscope to model
- How Long Will It Take To Identify Trends In Tropical Cyclones?
- Impact of Ocean-Atmospheric Signals on the Net Community Production in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Isotopic Evidence for Bacterial Sulfate Reduction and Recrystallization Within the Sediments and Pore Waters of the Maldives
- Marine X-band Radar Observations of Sea Ice Drift Fields in the Arctic
- Meteotsunamis in the Gulf of Mexico and Eastern United States During Hurricane Seasons 2016-2017
- Methods Towards Creating a "Decision Matrix" for Precipitation Changes in the Florida Everglades
- Mississippi River Plume Dynamics Using Coastal Altimetry Data and Modeling
- New Long-Term Subseafloor Pressure Records from the IODP Expedition 336 CORKs at North Pond, Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Observed diurnal variation of the boundary layer structure in mature hurricanes
- Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Fluid Inclusion Water in Cold-water Coral Skeletons Captures Metabolic Activity?
- Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rate Using Satellite Measurements and Model Simulations
- Process-based MJO evaluation in SubX and S2S hindcasts
- Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions during Thermophilic Composting to Evaluate the Climate Mitigation Potential of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) Systems
- Radiative Forcing and Rapid Adjustments in Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosol Experiments: the PDRMIP Multi-Model Intercomparison and Beyond
- Reactive uptake kinetics of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> and yields of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on saline playa dusts: new insights into inland sources of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Recycling Organic Waste Streams to Improve Soil and Crop Health Using Ecological-Based Sanitation
- Refining the drinking water resilience gap: When is today's resilience rigidity tomorrow?
- Seasonal Variations of the Diurnal Cycle and Upper-ocean Response to Wind Stress from the Tropical Atlantic Current Observations Study at 4˚N, 23˚W
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Seismic Parameters During the 2018 Kilauea East Rift Zone and Summit Activity
- Spin-up of Southern Hemisphere Super Gyre
- Testing the role of the ocean in historical simulations of Atlantic multidecadal variability and the North Atlantic warming hole
- The 2018 OUTREACH Expedition as a case study bridging the science-policy boundary to foster international collaborations, identify priorities and enhance pan-Arctic connectivity
- The Influence of Carbonate Platforms on the Global δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Values in Carbonate Sediments During the Miocene
- The Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) community
- The bottom line: measuring public financial investments in, and returns on, research
- The effect of crystal mush on a shallow magma chamber during a dynamic magma injection event
- The influence of isoprene emission on biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to climate from leaves to ecosystems
- The interplay of ocean chemistry, sea-surface temperature, and hydrodynamics on aragonite mud production in the 'Whitings Hotspot' of Great Bahama Bank
- The roles of cloud-circulation feedbacks and ocean heat transport on subtropical sea surface temperature variability
- Toward better simulations of hurricane winds in urban canopies
- Tropical Cyclone Hazard to Mumbai in the Recent Historical Climate
- Update on the US Navy's Earth System Prediction Capability Effort
- Using carbon isotope ratios to verify predictions of a model simulating the interaction between coastal plant communities and their effect on ground water salinity
- Variable external forcing obscures the weak relationship between the NAO and north Atlantic multi-decadal SST variability
- Vertical Variability of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Atlantic and Radiative Impact
- Volcanic Activity Change Detection Using SqueeSAR-InSAR and Backscatter Analysis
- A Unique, Long-Term Measurement Program to Document the Impact of Long-Range Transported Aerosol on Biogeochemical Cycles and Air Quality in South America
- A summary of ORACLES-deployments in 2016-2018 to study aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic
- A thermal tolerance trait distinguishes microclimatic niches of tropical trees
- African biomass burning is a substantial source of soluble phosphorus deposition to the Amazon, Tropical Atlantic Ocean, and Southern Ocean with potential impacts on carbon sequestration
- Assessing Human Dimensions of Infrastructure Resilience
- Atmospheric Surface Layer Response to Oceanic Submesoscale Fronts
- Building a Bridge: AN Example of Linking Global-Scale CO2 Fluxes to High-Resolution Urban CO2 Emissions
- Calibrating the Statistical Identification of Diagenetic Surfaces in the Geological Record Using Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Values of Carbonate Sediments from Enewetak Atoll
- Decomposing observed radiative flux changes during the A-Train satellite era
- Deep-Sea Oil Spills - Investigating Droplet Size Distributions and Oil Fate in Experiments and Modeling
- Diagnosing Energy and Heat Transfer in the North Atlantic Region of Idealized and Realistic Ocean-Atmosphere Models: A Frequency-Domain Approach
- Effective Radiative Forcing and Rapid Adjustments in CMIP6
- Evaluating the roles of tropical North Atlantic SSTs and local and remote dust impacts on North American drought
- Examining the Impact of Cloud Radiative Heating on Tropical Cyclone Genesis and Intensification
- From "valley of the dead" to "vibrant ecosystem" - the evolution of our understanding of life at the edge
- High resolution, transpolar distribution of DOC in the upper and deep Arctic Ocean: high concentrations and strong gradients
- How a deepwater oil spill provided a new perspective on fish egg vertical distribution
- Impacts of Anthropogenic and Natural Disaster on Risks to Coastal Recreational Beach Use
- Interference Between MJO and ENSO Teleconnection Signals Impacts US Rainfall
- Lessons for Managed Retreat from FEMA Property Buyouts and Post-buyout Relocations
- Loss of Organic Carbon Along with Changes in Aerosol Optical Properties in African Biomass Burning Due to Long Range Transport Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean.
- Luangwa Valley Fire Regimes: An Examination of Patterns Through Time
- Model and Observational Response to Biomass-burning Smoke
- Multiscale and Multisensor Mapping of the 2018 Sierra Negra Eruption, Galápagos, Ecuador
- Nearing two decades of sea-surface temperatures from MODIS on Terra.
- New Visions for Oil Spill Preparedness from the Perspective of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout, the Sediment Slumping at Taylor Energy, and Continued Ultra-Deep Oil Exploration and Production in Frontier Region
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- PFAS in Groundwater, Storm Water, Gas Condensates and in Leachates from Landfills
- Playa Dust Mineralogy and its Impact on Atmospheric Reactivity and the Production of Reactive Halogens
- Preliminary Results from High Resolution LIDAR and Photographic Scanning of the Khumbu Glacier and Everest Basecamp
- Progress in the Asian summer monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP)
- Response of a poroviscoelastic mushy magma chamber during magma injection, and implications for interpreting geodetic and petrologic observations
- Revisiting the Relationship between Atlantic Dust and Tropical Cyclone Activity using Aerosol Optical Depth Reanalyses: 2003-2018
- Roles of Convective Eddy Momentum Flux in Global Non-hydrostatic Models
- Simulating Deep Oil Spills Beyond the Gulf of Mexico
- Simulating the weekly cycle of NO<SUB>x</SUB>-VOC-HO<SUB>x</SUB>-O<SUB>3</SUB> photochemical system in the South Coast of California during CalNex-2010 Campaign
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Earthquake Locations and Focal Mechanism Solutions for the Island of Hawai'i Based on 33 Years of Seismic Monitoring from 1986 to 2018
- The D<SUB>48</SUB> Proxy: Calibration and Beyond
- The Evolving Role of Volcanic Forcing in North Atlantic SST Variability
- The Miocene start of modern carbonate platforms
- Tropical Cyclone Resistance to Strong Vertical Wind Shear
- Turbulence structure in the hurricane eyewall region from low-level aircraft observations
- Using Airborne VOC Measurements to Derive a Transit Time Spectrum: Variabilities and Uncertainties
- Volcanic ash production and dispersal at the 14°N segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- "Godzilla" African Dust Event of June 2020: Impacts of Air Quality in the Greater Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Mexico and the United States
- A Dusty Summer- African Dust Concentrations in the Greater Caribbean 2020
- A thermodynamic pathway leading to rapid intensification of tropical cyclones under shear
- Actionable Knowledge for Equitable Adaptation in the Built Environment: Supporting Global-to-Local Resilience
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2 Measurements of Enhanced Depolarization in Marine Aerosols
- Amplified Seasonal Cycle in Low-cloud Fraction over the Remote Southeast Atlantic when Shortwave-absorbing Aerosols are Present
- Animal Occurrence Probability and Power Outage Risk in ISO New England
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Live Fuel Moisture and Wildfire Danger Using a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- Biomass Burning Aerosols from the African Continent Cause Microphysical Changes in Transition Cumulus Clouds in the South Atlantic which are Modulated by Thermodynamic Differences between Oceanic and Continental Airmasses
- Climate as a Risk Factor for Armed Conflict: State of Knowledge and Directions for Research
- Climatic Impact and Feedback of Mesoscale Cellular Convective Clouds
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Coastal Flooding Today, Tomorrow, and the Next Ten Years in East Coast U.S. Cities
- Comparison of dust forecast (GEOS-5 and WRF-Chem), satellite observations and ground-based aerosol measurements in the Caribbean region during the 2020 Summer African dust season
- Comparison of the Transitions of Warm Boundary Layer Clouds between the Four Main Oceanic Basins
- Constraints and enablers for increasing carbon storage in the terrestrial biosphere
- Contribution of Sea Spray in Air-Sea Enthalpy and Momentum Exchange Coefficients in Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones
- Determining the source location of African dust transported to the Amazon and its associated Fe speciation
- Divergent hydraulic responses to dry season water limitation for canopy dominant species in an Eastern Amazon Rainforest
- ENSO dynamics in the GFDL SPEAR_LO climate model
- Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Reactive Gases: A Multimodel Comparison from AerChemMIP Experiments
- Equity-Oriented Adaptation to Extreme Heat in California
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- Evidence of Entrainment of Particles from the Free Troposphere into the Marine Boundary Layer over the Tropical Oceans
- Examining the Impact of Cloud-Radiative Interactions on the Development of Tropical Cyclone
- Frontal convergence and vertical velocities measured by drifters in the Alboran Sea
- Goals and Outcomes of U.S. Voluntary Buyouts: A Systematic Review
- Hydrologic effects of leaf regulation strategies in the Amazonian headwater system
- Impacts of Changing Environmental Conditions on Larval Fish Dispersal and Population Connectivity: A Case Study of the Northeast US Shelf Ecosystem
- In Situ Vp/Vs Ratios from Microearthquakes in Northern and Southern California
- Influence of Surfactants on Sea Spray Generation During Tropical Cyclones
- Investigating Cold Air Outbreaks over the Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Large-eddy Simulations of Marine Boundary-layer Clouds during the ACTIVATE Campaign: Sensitivities to Large-scale Forcings
- Linking Social, Political, and Technical Feedbacks to Model Tipping Points in the Climate-Social System
- Microbial Community Metabolic Responses to Variable Environmental Conditions Measured by the Adenylate Energy System
- Nonlinear dynamics of inertial particles near ocean eddies: From drifters and floats to marine debris and Sargassum
- Observational Evidence of Increasing Global Radiative Forcing
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Oceanic Dissolved Organic Carbon: The World Tour
- Pathways of the Overturning Circulation in the South Atlantic
- Relocation outcomes for participants in U.S. property buyouts: a systematic, nationwide analysis
- Resilience for Whom? A Climate Mobility Framework for Evaluating Equity Outcomes in Climate Change Adaptation
- Soft x-ray imaging telescopes for remote observation of the magnetosphere
- The Impact of African Aerosol Transport on Biogeochemical Cycles
- The Impact of Extratropical Atmospheric Variability on El Niño: Contrasting Thermodynamic versus Dynamic Coupling
- The Impact of Ice Microphysics on Flooding Resulting from Landfalling Hurricanes
- The role of mesoscale ocean currents in the mixed-layer heat budget and air-sea coupling in the Southern Ocean
- Where There's Smoke, There's Humidity: Exploring the Water Vapor Associated with the Free-Tropospheric Biomass Burning Plume over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- A Decade of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME): Research, Application, and Future Directions
- A Framework for Strategic, Managed Retreat with Perspectives from South Florida
- A Multi-Model Investigation of Asian Summer Monsoon UTLS Transport over Western Pacific
- A multi-UAS-platform approach to evaluating lake breeze impact on shoreline ozone during WiscoDISCO-21
- Active Learning Approaches for Operational Sea Ice Mapping
- Aerosol choices influence precipitation changes across future scenarios
- Air-sea heat and momentum fluxes measured by Uncrewed Surface Vehicles during EUREC4A/ATOMIC
- Black Carbon Particle Mixing State Analysis Allows Characterization of Biomass Burn Aerosol Lifecycle
- Carbonate island formation within a Modern ooid shoal, South Joulter Cay, Great Bahama Bank
- Climate Change Interventions in Coastal Texas: Restoration of Seagrass to Strengthen Shoreline Resilience, Sequester Carbon Dioxide, Regenerate Marine Ecosystems and Food Security
- Cloud Drop Number Concentrations over the Western North Atlantic Ocean: Seasonal Cycle, Aerosol Interrelationships, and Other Influential Factors
- Cyclic Mass Change at Sierra Negra Caldera: Geodetic Insights into the 2005 and 2018 Pre and Post Eruptive Magmatic Processes
- Deepening-warming or drizzle-depletion? An LES intercomparison of the subtropical stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition in the presence of smoke
- Dependence of cloud feedbacks on Southern Ocean salinity
- Deriving a Transport Diagnostic for the Convectively Dominated Tropical Western Pacific Upper Troposphere based on Airborne Trace Gas Measurements
- Detection Potential of Urban CO2 Emissions from Space: a Review of Global Megacities
- Earthquake Triggering of Volcanic Unrest in Ecuador at Guagua Pichincha and Chiles-Cerro Negro Constrained by InSAR Data
- Effect of the synergy of coarser size and aspherical shape on dust radiative effect
- Evaluating Goals and Outcomes of Voluntary Buyouts: Benefits and Losses for Whom?
- Evaluating Observational Constraints on Intermodel Spread in Cloud, Temperature and Humidity Feedbacks
- Experimental Observations of Hurricanes Using Saildrones
- Exploring the Surface Pathways between the North Brazil Current (2N) and the RAPID Line (26N)
- Exploring the dynamics of how coastal downwelling can lead to landfalling hurricane intensification
- Fish in the Street and Rivers in the Concrete: Resident Perspectives on Climate Mobility in Miami-Dade County, FL, USA
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- Higher internal stem damage in trees in dry compared to wet tropics has implications for forest biomass estimates
- Hurricane glider operations in the Caribbean region for hurricane research and forecasts
- Impact of freshwater on tropical cyclone intensification in the Bay of Bengal
- Improving Gulf of Mexico Predictability by Advancing Skill in the Connectivity with the Caribbean Sea
- Integrating Ocean Observations to Improve Hurricane Intensity Forecasts
- Integrating Resiliency into Decision-making for Sea-Level Rise Adaptation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Intermodel spread in instantaneous radiative forcing across multiple climate drivers
- Investigating Plate Driving Forces in Plate Reconstruction Models using PyGPlates
- Lagrangian assessments of western North Atlantic cold-air outbreak cloud development
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds associated with cold air outbreaks during the ACTIVATE campaign: roles of large-scale forcings
- Modeling slab temperature and dehydration evolution over the lifetime of a subduction zone
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- New insights into global decomposition: Wood decay by termites show high sensitivity to warming
- Observed Links Between Atmospheric Cloud Radiative Effects and Mesoscale Organization of Deep Convection
- Ocean Interaction and the Intensity Evolution of Two High-Impact Super Typhoons: Hagibis (2019) and Haiyan (2013)
- Parametrization of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Properties during EUREC4A
- Reconstruction of the main modes of variability of the North Atlantic in the past 600 years using a collection of paleo proxy data
- Retrieval of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Number Concentration Profiles from Combined Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements: A Case Study from NASA ORACLES Campaign
- Role of Hydroelectric Power on Electricity Price and Storage Capacity for the Independent System Operator in New England
- Saharan Dust Effects on North Atlantic Sea-Surface Skin Temperatures
- Searching for the Oceans Influence in Multidecadal North Atlantic Temperature Variability
- Seismic velocity structure and characteristics of induced seismicity at the Geysers Geothermal Field, eastern California
- Societal Preparedness for the Multisector Impacts of Extreme Heat
- Spatiotemporal Seismic Velocity Variations During the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- State Dependences of Instantaneous Radiative Forcing from CO2 Perturbation
- The Development of a Consensus Machine Learning Model for Hurricane Rapid Intensity (RI) Forecasts with Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast (HWRF) Data
- The Diurnal Evolution of Controls on Trade Wind Mesoscale Morphologies
- The Dynamical Response of the Loop Current to Hurricane Michael
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Role of Sea Surface Salinity in Extreme El Nino Events
- The effects of an evolving subduction thermal structure on dehydration and rheology: coupling geodynamic and thermodynamic models with the experimental and rock records
- The origin and biogeochemical impact of North African dust transported to South America
- The role of authigenic clay in preservation of microbial communities and carbonate precipitation: lessons from the Atacama Desert
- The spread of ocean heat uptake efficiency in CMIP6 models traced to ocean salinity
- Three-dimensionality of Slab Thermal Structure in Dynamic Subduction Models
- Transported African Wildfire Smoke Acts as Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Tropical Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
- Understanding magma propagation and storage in Kilaueas east rift zone from timeseries InSAR and finite element modelling
- Using the Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Warming to Constrain the Climate Sensitivity
- Variations in Radiative Heating of Humid Biomass Burning Aerosols in the Southeast Atlantic from Airborne Observations and Reanalysis
- Wintertime Observations of Tropical Northwest Atlantic Aerosol Properties during ATOMIC: Varying Mixtures of Dust and Biomass Burning
- A National Index of Floodplain Development to Guide Climate-Smart Growth
- A New Theory of Turbulence in Tropical Cyclones and its Implementation for an Analysis of Hurricane Ian (2022)
- A North Atlantic warming hole without ocean circulation
- A Pitot/Static Probe and Autopilot Are Sufficient to Estimate a Lower Bound to Momentum Flux in a Hurricane's Eyewall without a Multi-Port Probe
- A Race to Intensify: Competing Influences From Coastal Downwelling and Vertical Ocean Mixing on Hurricane Intensity in NOAA's Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System
- A Vertically Resolved Analysis of Radiative Feedbacks associated with Tropical Cyclones in a GCM
- A three-dimensional P-wave velocity model for Central America by applying a nested regional-global tomographic technique
- Advancing Complex Systems Approaches Towards Equity, Actionable Knowledge, and Principles for Governance
- African dust research in the Caribbean: Integration of aerosol ground-based measurements, satellite observations, and forecast models during the "Godzilla" dust event
- An Assessment of Climate Mobility Pressures in Response to Dynamic Sea-Level Rise
- Biomass-burning smoke aging and cloud interactions: an intercomparison of WRF-Chem, CESM-Cam-Chem, and E3SM across multiple field campaigns in the southeast Atlantic.
- Certain Plant Traits Mitigate the Risk of Hydraulic Failure Under Future Climate Change in the Tropical Forests of Panama
- Changes in Mississippi River Runoff Significantly Modulate the Interannual Variability of Aragonite Saturation over the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Comparing the impact of African dust, biomass burning, and volcanic ash on marine and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles
- Comparison of Four Methods that Determine Kappa for the LASIC Field Campaign
- Comparison of Nutrient Solubility and Bioavailability in Volcanic Ash and Mineral Dust
- Concurrent surface flux, current and wave measurements by Uncrewed Surface Vehicle Saildrones in Tropical Cyclones
- Dependence of cloud feedback on Southern Ocean salinity
- Dependence of ocean heat uptake efficiency on ocean salinity
- Diagnosing the SST contribution to the intermodel spread of climate feedbacks in CMIP6
- Dipole Response of Millennial Variability in Tropical South American Precipitation and d18Op During the Last Deglaciation
- Evaluating the Modeled Representation of the Asian Summer Monsoon UTLS using Airborne In Situ Observations
- Evaluation of Trade Wind Mesoscale Morphology Evolution and Transitions
- Geodetic Constraints of Strain Accumulation Along a Mexico Sliver Fault
- Halocarbons in the Lower Stratosphere during the North American Summer Monsoon Season
- Harmful Cyanobacterial Aerosolization Dynamics in the Airshed of a Eutrophic Estuary
- Heat Exposure and Resilience Planning in Atlanta, Georgia
- Human-induced changes in the global meridional overturning circulation are emerging from the Southern Ocean
- Hurricane Ida (2021): Coastal Ocean Thermal Structure and Rapid Intensification over the Louisiana Shelf Region
- Impact of freshwater on tropical cyclone intensification during the post-monsoon transition in the Bay of Bengal
- Increase in Subpolar North Atlantic SST Variability between 1950-2017 Largely Driven by Atmospheric Processes.
- Influence of Aitken Aerosol on Mesoscale Marine Low Cloud Morphology Regimes
- Integration of Satellite SAR for LES Modeling of Land-Air- Sea Boundary Layer Physics
- Intentional Creation of Carbon-Rich Dark Earth Soils in the Ancient Amazon
- Isolating the Thermal Effects of Continental Collision using Dynamic Subduction Models
- Leveraging aircraft measurements and natural laboratories to constrain climate model behavior and aerosol forcing
- Microbial Source Tracking of Fecal Bacteria in South Florida Beaches to Investigate Impacts of Changes to Beach Management and Bather Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Middle Miocene Onset of the East Australian Current - Implications for Timing and Magnitude of Mid-Miocene Sea Level Change
- Modeling InSAR Observations of Construction-induced Subsidence in South Florida's Young Limestone
- Modeling the Ocean Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Tracer Transport
- More Frequent and Stronger Blocking Events with the Presence of Latent Heating in Idealized 2-layer Moist QG model.
- New modeling points to a million people at risk of flooding in Los Angeles, vastly more than suggested by FEMA maps. How could that happen?
- No Internal Connections Detected Between Low Frequency Climate Modes in North Atlantic and North Pacific Basins
- Numerically Modelling Along-strike Rheologic Variations in 3D Subduction Zones
- Nutrient Availability in Long-Range Transported Mineral Dust and Smoke Aerosols from Africa
- Observations by Combined Uncrewed Systems during the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season
- On the Analysis of Drag Coefficient with Different Background Waves under Extreme Winds
- On the prevalence of high climate sensitivity models
- Overview of Measurements Collected during NASA's Convective Processes Experiment - Cabo Verde (CPEX-CV) in the East Atlantic in September 2022
- Practitioner Perspectives on Climate Mobility in South Florida
- Quantifying Competition Between Chaparral and Grassland Across a Fire and Climatic Gradient in Southern California, U.S.
- Quantifying Land Subsidence in the Mississippi Delta Region Through Sentinel-1 InSAR Time-Series Analysis.
- Recent Atlantic Multidecadal Climate and Hurricane Activity Driven by External Forcing
- Relationship between tropical cyclone frequency change and tropical cloud feedback
- Safer Playspaces And Community Environments: Collecting Citizen Science Data to Create a Decision-Making Tool for Use of Rubber Products in Community Areas
- Sea Surface and Ocean Temperature Observed from an Array of ASIS Buoys during the CLASI 2021 Field Campaign
- Shapes and Voids of Atlantic Trade Cumulus Clouds
- State-dependence of CO2 Forcing and its Implications for Climate Sensitivity
- Temporal Velocity Variations Associated with the 2020 Eruption of K ̄ılauea Volcano in Hawai'i, Revealed by Ambient Noise Autocorrelation
- The Effect of Stand Structural Diversity on Carbon Storage and Forest Productivity: A Meta-analysis Study
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferences of Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Influence of Radiation on the Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Intensification
- The Influence of Sea Surface Salinity on the Equatorial Pacific Mean State and Extreme ENSO Events
- The Possibility of Bathypelagic Dissolved Organic Carbon Signatures as a Proxy for Modern Carbon Export
- The overlooked side of climate sensitivity
- Toward Global Coral Resilience and Biodiversity Assessments Using NASA NeMO-Net and Fluid Lensing
- Tracking Migration and Mobility of Mammals in Central West Iran in Response to Shifting Climate: A Multi-Isotope Approach
- Understanding the Distribution of VSLS and Their Interhemispheric Transport Based on Global Model Simulation and Measurement Data
- Unraveling links between upper mantle pressure, flow, and dynamic topography using global subduction models
- Weakening of the Tropical Circulations in CMIP6 for Different SST Warming Patterns
- Where, Why, and How Local Policies Have Shaped Development in New Jersey Floodplains
- sUAS Observations of Enthalpy Transfer in the Hurricane Boundary Layer
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. C. Clement
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. M. Fridlind
- A.R. Siders
- Akinori Ito
- Alexander K. Nickerson
- Alexandra Jonko
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew P. Ault
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Arash Sharifi
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Athanasios Nenes
- Behrooz Roozitalab
- Bosong Zhang
- Brendan D. Turley
- Brett F. Sanders
- Brian J. Soden
- Brian K. Haus
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. H. Thurber
- C. S. Bretherton
- C. W. Fairall
- Cailey Condit
- Calvin Howes
- Cassandra J. Gaston
- Chaopeng Shen
- Chelle Gentemann
- Chengfei He
- Chidong Zhang
- Chonggang Xu
- Christiane Voigt
- Christina M. Patricola
- Claudia Acquistapace
- Claudio Faccenna
- César B. Rocha
- D. G. Sibeck
- Daniel McCoy
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- David Noone
- David Painemal
- David S. Nolan
- Dennis A. Hansell
- Donald R. Blake
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Duncan Watson-Parris
- E. C. Apel
- E. J. Hintsa
- E. M. Wilcox
- E. P. Nowottnick
- Elisabeth Andrews
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elliot L. Atlas
- Emily Becker
- Emily D. Lenhardt
- Enrique Antonio Fernández-Torres
- Erica P. Suosaari
- Erin Coughlan de Pérez
- Ernie R. Lewis
- Esteban Gazel
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. Amelung
- F. J. Beron-Vera
- F. S. Porter
- Fabián A. Gómez
- François‐Marie Bréon
- Frida A.‐M. Bender
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- Geet George
- Gijs de Boer
- Gourihar Kulkarni
- Graham Feingold
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guangjie Zheng
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Guoqing Lin
- H. K. Connor
- Hailong Wang
- Haochi Che
- Heng Xiao
- Hervé Giordani
- Hongbin Yu
- Hongyu Liu
- Hossein Dadashazar
- Hugh Coe
- Hui Su
- I. I. Lin
- Iam-Fei Pun
- Igor Kamenkovich
- Ioan Lascu
- Isabel L. McCoy
- J. Chen
- J. David Neelin
- J. Taylor Perron
- Jacqueline Austermann
- James W. Elkins
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jens Redemann
- Jeremy M. Klavans
- Jianhao Zhang
- Jim Thomson
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jin‐Yi Yu
- Jochen E. Schubert
- Johannes Karstensen
- John E. Shilling
- Johnathan Hair
- Joonsuk M. Kang
- Joseph M. Prospero
- Jun A. Zhang
- K. D. Küntz
- K. H. Kilbourne
- Karen J. Heywood
- Karsten Baumann
- Kathryn Lawson
- Kathy Pegion
- Keith P. Shine
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kristina Pistone
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. K. Emmons
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Laura L. Pan
- Leslie R. Lait
- Leticia Barbero
- Lewis J. Gramer
- Linda Pan
- Lionel Renault
- Lisa N. Murphy
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Luna Hiron
- M. A. Fenn
- M. C. Barth
- M. C. Wyant
- M. J. Olascoaga
- M. R. Brudzinski
- M. R. Collier
- Malcolm A. Barnard
- Maofeng Liu
- Mario Ruiz
- Mark A. Cane
- Mark Hoggard
- Marlos Góes
- Mead A. Allison
- Meghan F. Cronin
- Mian Chin
- Michael A. Brunke
- Michael A. Shook
- Michael Diamond
- Michelle L’Heureux
- Milan Curcic
- Molly O. Baringer
- N. M. Mahowald
- Nadir Jeevanjee
- Nan-Hsun Chi
- Ni Dai
- Nicholas R. Nalli
- Nina M. Whitney
- Nkosi Mark Muse
- Noboru Nakamura
- O. L. Mayol-Bracero
- P. Miron
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patricia A. Cleary
- Patricia K. Quinn
- Patricia Mothes
- Paul A. Newman
- Peter J. Minnett
- Peter Landschützer
- Peter M. Shearer
- Peter N. Blossey
- Peter R. Colarco
- Q. Wang
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Richard H. Moore
- Rick Lumpkin
- Robert F. Rogers
- Robert Wood
- Ryan Eastman
- Ryan J. Kramer
- Rémi Laxenaire
- S. A. Montzka
- S. P. Burton
- S. Schauffler
- S. Schmidt
- Sabrina Speich
- Samuel L. Goldberg
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sang Ki Lee
- Sara Mirzaee
- Seethala Chellappan
- Shenfu Dong
- Shuichi Mori
- Simon Kirschler
- Simon P. de Szoeke
- Simone Tilmes
- Sin‐Mei Wu
- Siyuan Wang
- Stephan Howden
- Stephen Yeager
- Steven D. Allison
- Susan Lozier
- Swarup China
- T. B. Onasch
- T. D. Thornberry
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. W. Becker
- Takanobu Yamaguchi
- Taylor Shingler
- Tess Doeffinger
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Travis Miles
- Trude Eidhammer
- Tsang-Yen Hsieh
- Tyler M. Fenske
- Valerio Poggiali
- Vassiliki H. Kourafalou
- Vernon R. Morris
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Wenchang Yang
- Wenfu Tang
- Wenyuan Fan
- Whitney M. Behr
- William I. Gustafson
- William J. Randel
- Xiang Yu Li
- Xiaoli Zhou
- Xiaomin Chen
- Xuanting Hao
- Xubin Zeng
- Yan Feng
- Yongjun Huang
- Yunqian Zhu
- Zezhen Cheng
- Zhengyu Liu
- Zhengzhao Johnny Luo
- Zihua Zhu