Florida International University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Ilmenite Exsolution in Xenolithic Garnets From the Hawaiian Hot Spot: Evidence for the Existance of High-titanium Garnets in the Earth's Mantle
- Interannual variability in seagrass carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, a preliminary study
- Interpreting Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Signals in Lacustrine Carbonates Using Case Studies from Swiss Lakes: A Tribute to Kerry Kelts
- Isotope-Dendrochronological Investigation of Tropical Trees from Brazil: A preliminary analysis
- Isotopic Characteristics of Basalts From the Central Basin Fault, West Philippine Basin
- Modeling of Magmatic Processes at Small Eruptive Centers in the Central SVZ of the Andes: an Evaluation of Subduction, Mantle and Crustal Influences
- New Ages on Old Arc Rocks, Preliminary Results From the Southern IBM Arc
- Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling in Deforested and Pristine Upland (2400m) Forest Catchments in the Peruvian Andes
- Pb Isotopic Ratios in Volcanic Rocks From ODP Leg 195, Site 1201, West Philippine Basin
- The Tectonic Evolution of Caribbean Ophiolites
- Understanding Cellulose-Water Oxygen Isotopic Fractionation in Tropical African Lakes: Implications for Paleoclimatic and Paleohydrologic Reconstruction
- A Proposed Link Between Atmospheric Circulation and Stable Oxygen Isotope Values From Tree-Ring Cellulose, Fayetteville Green Lake, New York.
- Energy Balance and Modeled Evapotranspiration for a wet Tropical Forest in Costa Rica
- Exsolution Times of Hawaiian Garnet Pyroxenites
- Glass Inclusion and Groundmass Glass Compositions in a Boninite
- Isotopic tracers of nutrient and carbon sources in Andean river systems
- Melt Inclusion from Volc n Colima and Popocatépetl: melt generation by combined fractionation and degassing
- New Calibrations of Garnet - Clinopyroxene Thermobarometers
- Teasing Cellulose Isotopic Signals Apart by Chemical Methods
- A Physical Description of the Lithosphere and Seismic Low-Velocity Zone beneath Oahu: Perspectives from Hawaiian Mantle Xenoliths
- Changes in Lava Compositions and With Time From the Eocene Through the Miocene for the Mariana Forearc
- Contrasting Responses of Arctic Tussock Tundra to Early Season Snow Melt: Growth Acceleration Versus Frost Damage
- Everglades Modeling
- How Long Does it Take for the Earth's Magnetic to Reverse?
- Hydrous and anhydrous garnet-bearing mantle xenoliths from Hawaii: Isotopic Heterogeneity?
- Melt Evolution Beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges and Mantle Plumes From a Coupled Thermodynamic and Geodynamic Model
- Ocean Island Lavas: Garnet Clinopyroxenite or CO2-bearing Mantle Lherzolite?
- Volatile-Rich Mineral Phases in the Hawaiian Lithosphere: Phlogopites and Carbonates in 0-age Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths From Salt Lake Crater, (Oahu, Hawaii).
- Wetland ecosystem hydroperiods: long-term variability reconstruction using isotopic signatures from tree rings
- A new Method to Estimate the Representative Elementary Volume (REV) for Porosity in Heterogeneous Karst Aquifers Using Geographic Information Systems
- Age Offsets of the Matuyama-Brunhes Polarity Transition in Records From the Atlantic: Lock-in Depth Variations or Site Dependent Field Behavior?
- Aptian Facies Diversity Around The Tethys Realm: Global Oceanic Factors Vs. Local Physiographic Conditions
- Arc-continent collision on the southern Margin of North America: Cuba and Hispaniola
- Characteristics of the Nitrogen Cycle in Southern Everglades Marshes: 15N Tracer and Natural Abundance Experiments
- Distribution of Carbon Uptake Capacity of Plant Functional Groups Across the Canopy Gradient in Old-Growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica
- Fluid Flow Modeling Through Bed-Confined Fracture Networks in Heterogeneous Layered Rocks
- Goddard Space Flight Center's Partnership with Florida International University
- Interannual Variability in Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopic Signatures of Size-Fractionated POM from the South Florida Coastal Zone
- Lattice Boltzmann Methods and Their Boundary Conditions for Solute Transport
- Understanding the Recent Paleolimnological Record From Lake Monroe, FL
- Web-based Dissemination of TRMM Data via TerraFly
- Density Variations in Subducting Slabs and Surrounding Mantle at the 670 km Discontinuity: Are the Slabs Lighter or Heavier?
- Effective Hydraulic Conductivity Scaling in a 2-Dimensional Geometrical Multifractal Model for Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Enhancing Access to NASA Data via Seamless Integration Into Decision Support Systems: two Examples
- Feature Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Measurements
- GeoSCOPE: A Program to Engage Science Undergraduates in Geoscience Research
- Limits on the Natural Oxygen-18 Abundance of Cellulose: Intra-molecular Patterns
- Magnetic Inclusions in Diamonds
- NCALM: The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping-Past, Present and Future
- Organic matter transport from the Peruvian Andes to the Amazon River
- Plagioclase Crystal Populations in Lavas from Calbuco Volcano, Chile
- Provenance Variability Expressed by Mineralogical Composition of Cenomanian-Turonian Deposits From the Western Tethys (DSDP Site 386)
- Relationship Between the West Philippine Basin and the Early Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc: Arc Initiation and Ancestry
- Spatial Moment Analysis of Reactive Contaminant Transport in Open Channel With Porous bed
- Strategies for Growth in a Young Earth Sciences Department
- Transport in large scale porous media with conduits via lattice Boltzmann models
- An Automated Method for the Optical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Rapidly Suburbanizing Watershed, Southeastern New Hampshire
- An Implementation of Hydrostatic Boundary Conditions for Variable Density Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- Anisotropy of Remanence Carried by Pyrrhotite Inclusions in Diamonds
- Aptian Deposits From the Mexican Versus the Provencal (France)Platform: Paleoenvironmental Implications
- Characterizing the Quality of DOM with Spectroscopic Approaches to Monitor Response to Climate and Landuse Change
- Crystal Zoning in Deccan Giant Plagioclase Basalts: Implications for a Short Duration of Deccan Trap Eruption.
- Development and Calibration of a Variable-Density Numerical Model of a Deep-well Injection Site near the Southeastern Florida Coast
- Fine-variation in CO2 exchange of coastal wet tundra in Alaska in response to hydrological gradients
- Identification of Lightning Gaps in Mangrove Forests Using Airborne LIDAR Measurements
- Intramolecular oxygen isotope ratios of a global stem cellulose sample set: insight into a climate proxy.
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Conduits to Estimate Macroscopic Continuous Time Random Walk Model Parameters
- Low Frequency Variations of Relative Sea Level
- Modeling Flow and Solute Transport in Karst Aquifers with Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- Nitrogen Isotopic Study of Benthic Macroalgae and Seawater in Biscayne Bay, Florida
- The Contribution of Mosses to the Complex Pattern of Diurnal and Seasonal Metabolism the wet Coastal Tundra Ecosystems Near Barrow Alaska.
- Airborne LIDAR Data Processing and Analysis Tools
- Determination of Event-Dependent Depth of Closure for the South Florida Atlantic Coast Using Airborne Laser Bathymetry
- Extreme differentiation in single samples from the olivine-rich zone of the Palisades Sill, NY and NJ
- Groundwater flow modeling using Lattice Boltzmann models
- Lead Isotope Constraints on the Sources of Ore Metals in SW Mexican Deposits
- New P-V-T equation of state is proposed and tested against experiments on perovskite and epsilon iron
- Paleomagnetic Results From Cretaceous Arc Terranes in Central Hispaniola: Implications for the Paleogeography of the Caribbean Plate
- Pressure Induced Slip-System Transition in Olivine: Laboratory Experiments and Geophysical Implications
- Reflected Light Microscopy, SEM and Rock Magnetic Characterization of Magnetic Minerals Through an Intact Sequence of Oceanic Crust, IODP Hole 1256D
- Sr Isotope Zoning in Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Giant Plagioclase Basalts: Mixing Processes in the Oldest Deccan Formations.
- Sulfides in the Garnet Pyroxenite xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii
- The Relationship of Carbon Dioxide Flux, Methane Flux, Hyperspectral Reflectance Properties, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Albedo Over Multiple Land Cover Types in Beringia
- Validation of Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Multiphase Fluids in Porous Media with Micro-X- ray Tomography Data
- Vegetation Cover Decreases Evaporative Water Loss in a Wetland Ecosystem
- Water Source Utilization of Hammock and Pine Rockland Plant Communities in the Everglades, USA.
- Bringing Experience from the Field into the Classroom with the NOAA Teacher at Sea and PolarTREC Teacher Research Experience Programs
- Delineating the Erosion-Potential of Agricultural Lands Within the Le Sueur Watershed Using Remotely Sensed Data and GIS
- Did Tholeiitic Basalts Erupt First After Initiation of Subduction in the IBM System?
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Flux Using an Open-Path Gas Analyzer
- Equation of state of nanocrystalline forsterite
- Estimation of Ravine Sediment production using MIKE 11 model, in the lower Le Sueur Watershed, Minnesota
- Evaluating the GCM simulated cloud-radiation feedbacks to short-term climate anomalies using satellite observations
- Interactive Effects of Water level and Temperature on Tundra Carbon Flux Components
- Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Flow and Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Domains
- Meshfree Finite Element Technique for Geoscience Research: A New Tool for Modeling Earthquake-induced Crustal Deformation
- Re-Os Isotope Systematics and PGE Abundances in Garnet Pyroxenite xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii: Implications on Melt-Peridotite Reaction in the Oceanic mantle.
- Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Sueur River Watershed, Southern Minnesota: Tile Drain Influence on Sediment Transport
- Simulating density-dependent flows using the lattice Boltzmann method
- Spatial Variability in the 20th Century Record of Sea Level Rise along the US Atlantic Coast
- Spatial and Temporal Inputs of Freshwater to a Subtropical Estuary Using Geochemical Tracers, Biscayne Bay, South Florida.
- Studies of the Southern Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Forearc using Shinkai 6500: Watery Glimpses of an In Situ Forearc Ophiolite
- The Caribbean LIP and OAE2: Further Resolution of Timing and Trace Metal Release
- The Effects of Wildfires on the Magnetic Properties of Soils in the Everglades
- The Relative Timing of Directional and Intensity Changes During Geomagnetic Polarity Transitions: Constraints on Transitional Field Geometries
- Trace Element Geochemistry including the HFSE in Magnetites of Calc-Alkaline Plutons: the Tanzawa Complex of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc and the Ladakh Batholith Complex, NW Himalaya
- Tracer test inversion to determine vegetative flow resistance with Lattice Boltzmann models
- Tracing of Paleoseismic Events in the Eastern Mediterranean: U-series Dating and Stable Isotope Studies of Syntectonic Carbonate Veins
- Volatiles in Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions from Small Eruptive Centers of the Central Southern Volcanic Zone (CSVZ), Chile
- 13C Suess effect in scleractinian corals mirror changes in the anthropogenic CO2 inventory of the surface oceans
- 200 Ma Glass Inclusions in the Palisades Sill, NY and NJ
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentration at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentrations at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Arctic ecosystem responses to changes in water table and surface warming
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Deformation of Wet Polycrystalline Olivine Aggregates at High Confining Pressure
- Discriminating assimilatory and dissimilatory N processing in a large spring-fed river using dual nitrate isotopes
- Effect of water on the slip systems in olivine single crystals at high pressure
- Evaluating Importance of Heat Transport Mechanisms Neglected in Design of Low Temperature Geothermal Systems
- Holocene Decadal to Multidecadal Hydrologic Variability in the Everglades: Climate and Implications for Ecosystem Management
- Hydrological drivers of wetland vegetational biodiversity patterns within Everglades National Park, Florida
- Hydroperiod affects nutrient accumulation in tree islands of the Florida Everglades: a stable isotope study
- Impact of Multiple Environmental Stresses on Wetland Vegetation Dynamics
- Influence of solar radiation on DOM release from resuspended Florida Bay sediments
- Intrusive Rocks from the Southern Mariana Trench: Comparison with Volcanic Sequences of the Early Izu Bonin Mariana Arc
- Melting curve of NaCl determined using synchrotron x-ray radiography
- Modeling of ravine sediment loading and budget in the lower Le Sueur River, Minnesota River Basin
- Pipe Dreams: Turbulence and Non-Darcian Flow in Porous Media
- SWAT model application to quantify water resources availability in Caribbean islands and its prediction uncertainty analysis: A case study in the Rio Grande De Manati River Basin, Puerto Rico
- Seasonal Differences in the CO2 Exchange of a Short-Hydroperiod Florida Everglades Marsh
- Sensitivity Analysis and Validation of SWAT Model for Prediction of Stream Flow and Sediment Yield in the Rio De La Plata Basin, Puerto Rico
- Temperature effect on post-perovskite textures development: Implications for seismic anisotropy of the D” layer
- The Pressure Effect on the Melting Temperature and the Melting Curves of Epsilon Iron and MgSiO3 Perovskite
- Using sediment traps in a shallow eutrophic system, lessons learned at Lake Jesup, Middle St. Johns River basin, Florida
- Wavelet Analyses of Turbulence in the Hurricane Boundary Layer During Landfalls
- A 2002-2008 hydrological budget and phosphorus residence times for Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
- Application of Method of Variation to Analyze and Predict Human Induced Modifications of Water Resource Systems
- Assessing sediment dynamics of the Middle St. Johns River Basin, Lake Jesup, Florida, USA
- Climate Change Experiments in Arctic Ecosystems: Scientific Strategy and Design Criteria
- Climate change trend in the tropical and Caribbean regions and its hydrological impacts
- Continuous Ecosystem Stoichiometry (C:N:P) in a Large Spring-fed River Reveals Decoupled N and P Assimilatory Dynamics
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Denitrification in the karstic Floridan Aquifer
- Dissolved organic matter and stream biogeochemistry in watersheds underlain with discontinuous permafrost in subarctic Alaska (Invited)
- Effect of water on high pressure and high temperature deformation of olivine single crystal [110]c and [011]c and quantification of activation volumes
- Experiments in Reconstructing Twentieth-Century Sea Levels
- Forsterite to Wadsleyite Phase Transformation Under Stress: Evidence of Texture Variations Correlated to Water Content
- Hydrometeor Trajectories and Distributions in a Simulation of TC Rapid Intensification (RI)
- Inference of biogeochemical processes in lotic ecosystems from diel variation in nutrient concentrations (Invited)
- Influence of iron on the strength of silicate perovskite at high pressure
- Isotopic Studies of the Guerrero Composite Terrane, West-Central Mexico: Implications for Provenance of Crustal Rocks and Ore Metals
- Lattice Boltzmann Hydrodynamic and Transport Modeling of Everglades Mangrove Estuaries
- Major Ion Chemistry of Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
- Measuring thermal conductivity of materials under high temperature-pressure conditions in a laser heated diamond anvil cell
- Middle Crustal Rocks from the Southern Mariana Trench - Relationship to Boninite and Tholeiitic Magma
- Molecular biogeochemical provinces in the Atlantic Surface Ocean
- Optical properties of natural dissolved organic matter (DOM) in aquatic ecosystems: Applications in ecosystem studies from headwater streams to the deep ocean. (Invited)
- Perturbations in major ion chemistry of Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
- Possible climate change impacts on the hydrological and vegetative character of Everglades National Park, Florida
- Precipitation and groundwater evapotranspiration as hydraulic drivers of nutrient and ion accumulation in Everglades' tree islands, Florida
- Proxy records of climate variability in South Florida over the last 3,500 years
- Relating Plant Carbon Exchange with Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Remote sensing analysis of foliar water and nutrient content in subtropical wetland tree islands
- Seasonal spectral dynamics and carbon fluxes at core EOS sites using EO-1 Hyperion images
- Sources and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams Draining Watersheds with Different Land Uses in the York River Estuary
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter in Florida Coastal Everglades
- Synthesis and mechanical properties of nano-polycrystalline diamond
- Testing the Parameterizations of Cloud Base Mass-Flux for Shallow Cumulus Clouds using Cloud Radar Observations
- Triggering of the 2010 Haiti earthquake by hurricanes and possibly deforestation
- U-Th-Ba elemental fractionation during partial melting of crustal xenoliths and implications for U-series disequilibria in continental arc rocks
- Use of a cable-based system for observing the heterogeneity of vegetation communities in arctic tundra
- Combined land use and climate change impact on Surface and Ground water resources in the Rio Cobre and Great River basin, Jamaica
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Contrasting responses of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux components from coastal and inland tundra in northern Alaskan to long-term passive warming
- Differences in the Photosynthetic Activity of C<SUB>3</SUB> and C<SUB>4</SUB> Graminoids in Short-Hydroperiod Marl Prairies of the Florida Everglades: Responses to Seasonality and Water Management
- Disaster triggers disaster: Earthquake triggering by tropical cyclones
- Effects of hydroxyl concentration and confining pressure on the rheology of polycrystalline olivine at upper mantle pressures
- Equation of state of solid solution Mg<SUB>2.4</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.6</SUB>Al<SUB>2</SUB>Si<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>12</SUB> measured in diamond anvil cell
- Geochemistry, paleoenvironment and timing of Lower Aptian organic rich beds of Paja Formation (Eastern Cordillera, Colombia)
- High Pressure and Temperature Equation of State of NiO up to 8 GPa and 1400K
- How Famine Started in Somalia: A Simple Model of Fresh Water Use
- Impact of climate Change on Groundwater Recharge in the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy) Using Regional Climate model Outputs
- Lattice Boltzmann Inverse Modeling of a Tracer Release in an Everglades Mangrove Estuary
- Monitoring hydrogeochemical interactions in coastal mangroves in Everglades National Park using field spectroscopy and remote sensing
- Multiple scale simulations of stratocumulus clouds
- Numerical Study of the Port of Miami (Importance of Dodge Island) in Storm Surge and Flooding Forecasting in North Biscayne Bay
- Orientation matters: the role of landscape hydraulic geometry on coupled feedbacks between flow, depth, and ecological processes in the Everglades ridge-slough mosaic
- Preliminary Petrologic Comparison of Rocks from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- Seasonality and Disturbance Events in the Carbon Isotope Record of Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) Tree Rings from Big Pine Key, Florida
- Simplified change detection method for flood extent mapping using SAR
- The Cabó section, Sierra de Prada, south central Pyrénnées, NE Spain: relation to Early Aptian oceanic oxygen conditions
- Understanding Sediment Dynamics in a Shallow, Hypereutrophic Lake within the Middle St. Johns River: Lake Jesup, FL
- Application of Scaling for Robust Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen in Streams and Rivers
- Assessment of Climate Change and Hydrological Responses of the Mara River Basin, Kenya/Tanzania
- Australia: Climate-Ecosystem Variability and Impacts on Disease
- Causes and implications of dry season control of tropical wet forest tree growth at very high water levels: direct vs. indirect limitations
- Change In Minimum Temperature As A Response To Land Cover Change In South Florida
- Comparison of TRMM PR and TMI Version 6 and Version 7 rainfall algorithms in Tropical Cyclones relative to the NEXRAD Stage-IV Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimate dataset
- Contribution of tropical cyclones to global deep convection with overshooting tops
- Determination of anisotropic karst features in the Biscayne Aquifer using multi electrical resistivity imaging techniques
- Effect of Water on High Pressure Olivine Slip Systems Activity
- Effects of hydrology on short term plant decomposition and nutrient content in a re-created Everglades wetland
- Experimental Deformation of Enstatite Single Crystals at Mantle Pressure and Temperature
- Fine tune of elasticity and plasticity of olivine by water: a key to reconcile discrepancy between mineral physics and seismology models
- Geochemical and Isotopic Study of a Plutonic Suite and Related Early Volcanic Sequences in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- High-Pressure Deformation of Earth Materials: From Single-Crystal Rheology to the Modeling of Upper-Mantle Plasticity
- Intense convection vs. widespread precipitation: Which is more important for tropical cyclone intensification?
- Investigation of Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone: Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa Volcanic Complex, Southern Chile
- Lithostratigraphic and Geochemical characterization of a semi-enclosed basin (Organyá basin, NE Spain) prior to the occurrence of the early Aptian OAE-1a
- Long-term responses of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux components to passive warming in Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska
- Necessary Conditions for Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification as Derived from 11 Years of TRMM Data
- Observing Arctic Ecology using Networked Infomechanical Systems
- Perspectives for Expanded Ocean Observing on the Southeast Florida Shelf and between Cuba and the Bahamas and the US
- Preliminary Mineral Chemistry from Rocks of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- Relating Multi-Scale Phenology to Arctic Ecosystem Parameters Using Various High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Remote Sensing Techniques
- Responses of Stormwater Runoff to Climate Variability and Urban Land Uses
- Scaling for Robust Assessment and Predictions of Aquatic Ecosystem Health
- Seasonality and Disturbance Events in the Carbon Isotope Record of Pinus elliottii Tree Rings from Big Pine Key, Florida
- Solid Phase Peat and Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Reactivity as a Function of Surface Vegetation in Northern Minnesota Peatlands
- Synchrotron Mössbauer study of Fe-bearing pyrope at high pressures and temperatures
- The Effect of Sea Level Rise on Storm Surge Flooding in South Florida
- The Effect of Sediment Transport and Hydrological Conditions on Wetlands Bed Elevation: A numerical Approach in Loxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA)
- Understanding sources of carbon from a coastal mangrove forest: Shark River - Everglades National Park
- Using the 37 Color Composite PMW for Rapid Intensification Forecasts of Tropical Cyclones
- Water Allocation Modeling of Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
- Water Status of Arctic Tundra Plants During the Winter-Spring Transition
- Water solubility of synthetic pyrope at high temperature and pressure up to 12GPa
- Water withdrawals reduce native fish diversity across the sunbelt of the US
- A remotely-sensed disturbance history and decrease in basal area of coastal forests of the lower Florida Keys, FL, USA
- A thermodynamic database for geophysical applications
- Amount of water in the transition zone constrained by mineral elasticity and seismic velocity
- Capturing Micro-topography of an Arctic Tundra Landscape through Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Acquired from Various Remote Sensing Platforms
- Carbon Isotopes in Pinus elliotti from Big Pine Key, Florida: Indicators of Seasonal Precipitation, ENSO and Disturbance Events
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Climate change and Public health: vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation
- Connecting Florida Bay algal blooms to freshwater nutrient sources
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Ecosystem Respiration Rates of Arctic Tundra Mesocosms in Response to Cold-Season Temperatures
- Empirical Modeling of Stream Water Quality for Complex Coastal-Urban Watersheds
- Exploring Water Management Options with SIWA: A Simple, Coupled Human-Water-Climate Model
- Geochemical and Sedimentological Characteristics of OAE-1A at the Madotz Section Basco-Cantabrian Region, Spain)
- Growing Community Roots for the Geosciences in Miami, Florida, A Program Aimed at High School and Middle School Students to Increase Awareness of Career and Educational Opportunities in the Geosciences
- High-Pressure Studies on Iron Analogs with Application to Planetary Cores
- High-resolution Carbon and Trace Element Geochemistry in Early-Middle Aptian Organic-Rich Sediments of the El Pui section, Cataluña, Spain
- Mismatches in Phenology of Birds and Their Food Due to Climate Change: Big Data, Analytical Challenges, and Scale Sensitivity
- Modeling Experiment for winter circulation in Calcasieu Lake, LA
- Quantitative linking of dominant environmental drivers and fluxes with vertical CO2 fluxes of eight deciduous forests
- Relative linkages of climatic and environmental drivers/fluxes with net ecosystem exchanges of six diverse terrestrial ecosystems
- Simulating Freshwater Availability under Future Climate Conditions
- Synthesis of Seifertite and its Applications to Shocked Meteorites
- The Effect of Coastal Development on Storm Surge Flooding in Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA (Invited)
- The Implication of Water Resources Development and Climate Change on Tropical Lakes and Rivers
- Thermodynamics of the C-H-O fluids: High pressure experiments on dissociation of carbonates and hydrides
- Using Black Carbon as a Tracer of Human Impact in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Whole Rock and Mineral Chemistry from Rocks of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- (Fe, Al)-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- Adapting to Sea Level Rise to the Year 2100 and Beyond in the State of Florida, USA: A Regional Approach Based upon Common Vulnerabilities and the Utility of Shared Resources
- Assessing mining impacts from dust and black carbon on Arctic snow in Svalbard, Norway
- Availability Of Deep Groundwater-Derived CO<SUB>2</SUB> For Plant Uptake In A Costa Rican Rainforest
- Binding interactions of dissolved organic matter with iron and copper: Effects of source and pH
- Carbon Isotopes in Pinus elliotti cellulose from Big Pine Key, Florida: Indicators of Seasonal Precipitation, ENSO and Disturbance Events.
- Ecosystem Productivity Responses to Saltwater Intrusion and P Loading As a Result of Future Sea Level Rise in the Coastal Everglades
- Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): A Long-Term Remote Sensing, Hydrologic, Ecologic, and Socio-Economic Assessment with Management Implications
- Implications of Water Use and Hydroclimatic Anomalies on the Freshwater Sustainability across the US Sunbelt
- Influence of hydroperiod on aquatic primary productivity between short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades marshes
- Inland Water Temperature: An Ideal Indicator for the National Climate Assessment
- Late-Glacial to Holocene Hydroclimatic Change in the Mojave Desert: Silver Lake, CA
- Measuring surface energy and evapotranspiration across Caribbean mangrove forests
- Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter from Subtropical Wetlands: A Comparative Study Through the Analysis of Optical Properties, NMR and FTICR/MS
- Physical drivers of lake evaporation across a gradient of climate and lake types
- Recent Rainfall and Aerosol Chemistry From Bermuda
- Recruiting a Diverse Set of Future Geoscientists through Outreach to Middle and High School Students and Teachers in Miami, Florida
- Robust Modeling of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Fluxes from Coastal Wetland Ecosystems
- Scaling for Robust Empirical Modeling and Predictions of Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) from Diverse Wetland Ecosystems
- Sheetflow Effects and Canal Backfilling on Sediment Source and Transport in Everglades Freshwater Marshes: Analysis of Molecular Organic Biomarkers
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Carbon Dioxide Fluxes at Three Coastal Marshes Along a Salinity Gradient in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: how Susceptible are Coastal Marshes in the Region to Future Wariming?
- The Riverine Export of Particulate and Dissolved Black Carbon Following a Colorado Wildfire
- Warm-Ring Structures in Intense Hurricanes
- Whole Rock and Mineral Chemistry from the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Mechanistically Informed User-Friendly Model to Predict Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Fluxes and Carbon Storage from Coastal Wetlands
- An Ecological Drill: Biogeomorphic Pattern Evolution in a Low-Relief Carbonate Landscape
- Assessing the Utility of Alternate Digital Image Color Space for Deriving Phenological Dynamics in a High-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Development of Semi-distributed ecohydrological model in the Rio Grande De Manati River Basin, Puerto Rico
- Electromagnetic Surveying in the Mangrove Lakes Region of Everglades National Park
- Establishing sustainable GHG inventory systems in African countries for Agriculture and Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
- Evaluating the influence of fire history on dissolved pyrogenic C exported from coniferous and deciduous forest soils in northern Great Lakes Region
- Expanding the Use of Online Remote Electron Microscopy in the Classroom to Transform Undergraduate Geoscience Education: Successes and Strategies for Increasing Student and Faculty Engagement
- GIS as an Integration Tool for Hydrologic Modeling: Spatial Data Management, Analysis and Visualization
- Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Hf-Nd Isotopes in West Philippine Basin Basalts: Results from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 and Implications for the Early History of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Subduction System
- Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Actual Condition of Coral Reefs Associated with the Guanica and Manati Watersheds in Puerto Rico
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Environment on the Stormwater Runoff in the Kissimmee River Basin, Florida
- Integrated Modeling System for Analysis of Watershed Water Balance: A Case Study in the Tims Branch Watershed, South Carolina
- Linking Pattern Formation and Alternative Stable States: Ecohydrologic Thresholds and Critical Transitions in the Everglades Peatlands
- Mid-to-Late Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the Southeastern Mojave Desert Using Sediments from Ford Lake
- Regional Groundwater Discharge Drives High Carbon Dioxide Emissions from a Lowland Tropical Rainforest Stream
- Simple Aquifer-free Models for Underdamped Slug Tests in High Permeability Aquifers
- Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
- Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
- Temporal Geochemical Variations in Glass and Minerals from Early Oligocene to Miocene Volcanic Sediments, DSDP Site 296, Kyushu Palau Ridge: Is There a Geochemical Signal for Arc Rifting?
- The Contribution of Moss to Plot-Based Spectral Signals in Moist Acidic Low Arctic Tundra
- The Influence of Regional Groundwater on the Dissolved Organic Matter in Costa Rican Streams
- User-Friendly Predictive Modeling of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Fluxes and Carbon Storage in Tidal Wetlands
- Variation in Quantity, Source and Bioreactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Streams Draining Watersheds along a Gradient of Agricultural Land Use
- A Remote Sensing Analysis on the Spatiotemporal Variation of Land Surface Albedo and Emissivity in South Florida: An Implication for Surface-Atmosphere Energy and Water Exchange
- A Systematic Comparison of Vertical GPS Time Series Calculated by Five Processing Centers for Detecting Climatic-Induced Crustal Movements
- A national-scale remote sensing-based methodology for quantifying tidal marsh biomass to support "Blue Carbon" accounting
- Advances in the use of airborne remote sensing to estimate blue carbon stocks and transport
- Automatic Detection of Solar Wind Stream Interfaces and Magnetic Sector Boundaries
- Detection of Sinkhole Activity in Central Florida with High Spatial-Resolution InSAR Time Series Observations
- Dissolved black carbon in Antarctic lakes: chemical signatures of past and present sources
- Extracting the climatic signal from vertical GPS time series
- Geochemical characterization and Redox signals of the uppermost Barremian - lowest Aptian of the Eastern Prada Quarry section, Organyà Basin, south-central Pyrenees, Catalunya, Spain
- Hydraulic Traits of Amazonian Canopy Tree Species: Empirical Parameterizations for Earth System Models
- Hydrogeomorphic and ecological control on carbonate dissolution in a patterned landscape in South Florida
- Inclusion of Coastal Wetlands within the Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
- Integrated In Situ Sensing and Modeling to Assess Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Tropical Wet Forest Soils: The Role of Leaf Cutter Ant Atta Cepholotes
- Late Pleistocene Geochemical Stable Isotope Records from IODP Expedition 346 in the Japan Sea/East Sea and East China Sea
- Leaf Cutter Ant (Atta cephalotes) Soil Modification and In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gas Dynamics in a Neotropical Wet Forest
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Linking hydrologic connectivity and nutrient dynamics in a deltaic island of prograding Wax Lake Delta, coastal Louisiana
- Patterns and Interactions Between Hydrodynamics and the Fate of Nitrate in Newly Emergent Coastal Deltaic Floodplains
- Precipitation Processes and their Modulation by Synoptic Conditions and Complex Terrain Observed during the GPM Ground Validation Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)
- Role of Brine Chemistry and Sorption in Potential Long-Term Storage of Radioactive Waste in Geologic Salt Formations: Experimental Evaluation of Sorption Parameters
- Subsidence Modeling of the Over-exploited Granular Aquifer System in Aguascalientes, Mexico
- The Effect of Drought on the Vulnerability of Leaves to Increasing Temperatures
- The effect of temporal resolution on detection threshold of InSAR time series: Application to Socorro Magma Body
- The role of leaf cutter ants on soil organic carbon dynamics in a wet tropical forest
- Trace Elements and Biomarker results of the El Pujal section, Organyà Basin, Catalunya, NE Spain, in relation to OAE1a
- Trait Variation Along a Forest Successional Gradient in Dry Tropical Forest, Florida Keys
- Tropical rainforest methane consumption during the El Niño of 2015-16
- 2015-16 ENSO Drove Tropical Soil Moisture Dynamics and Methane Fluxes
- A Coupled Community-Level Assessment of Social and Physical Vulnerability to Hurricane Disasters
- Cascading hazards: Understanding triggering relations between wet tropical cyclones, landslides, and earthquakes
- Deglaciation-induced uplift and seasonal variations patterns of bedrock displacement in Greenland ice sheet margin observed from GPS, GRACE and InSAR
- Differential subsidence in Mexico City and implications to its Collective Transport System (Metro).
- Dissolved black carbon in the global cryosphere: concentrations and chemical signatures
- Do Surface Energy Fluxes Reveal Land Use/Land Cover Change in South Florida?: A Remote Sensing Perspective
- Evaluating Changes to Natural Variability in the Ocean on a Warmer Globe in CMIP5 models
- Geophysical Characterization Of Groundwater in the Mangrove Lakes Region of Everglades National Park.
- High-resolution mapping of wetland vegetation biomass and distribution with L-band radar in southeastern coastal Louisiana
- How much swamp are we talking here?: Propagating uncertainty about the area of coastal wetlands into the U.S. greenhouse gas inventory
- InSAR-based detection of McKenzie River Delta Permafrost loss
- Industrious leaf cutter ants and their carbon footprints
- Insights into the Early to Late Oligocene Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc Magmatic History from Volcanic Minerals and Glass within Volcaniclastic Sediments of IODP Site U1438 and DSDP Site 296
- Integrating Disciplines, Sectors, and Societies to Improve the Definition and Implementation of Environmental Flows for Dammed Amazonian Rivers
- Interseismic Strain Accumulation of the Gazikoy-Saros segment (Ganos fault) of the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Late Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the southeast Mojave Desert using sediments from Ford Lake, California
- Local expression of global forcing factors in Lower Cretaceous, Aptian carbon isotope segment C5: El Pujal Section, Organya Basin, Catalunya, Spain.
- Mapping the Extent and Magnitude of Severe Flooding Induced by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria with Sentinel-1 SAR and InSAR Observations
- Networks of Interacting Processes: Relationships Between Drivers and Deltaic Variables to Understand Water and Sediment Transport in Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana
- Nitrogen Isotope Analyses in Mollusk Shell: Applications to Environmental Sciences and Archaeology.
- Organic Matter Contents and Paleoproductivity Variation Within Late Pleistocene Japan Sea/East Sea Sediments: Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Red and Far-Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Observations in the Tropical Rain Forest of Costa Rica
- Remotely-triggered Slip in Mexico City Induced by the September 2017 Mw=7.1 Puebla Earthquake.
- Saltwater intrusion coupled with drought accelerates carbon loss from a brackish coastal wetland
- Seasonal Changes in Connectivity and Nitrate Processing in Deltaic Floodplains
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Phenological Varibility is Greatest in Low-Arctic and Wet Sites Across the North Slope of Alaska as Observed from Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
- Spatial and Temporal Climatic Variation in Coastal Tanzania
- Spectral Induced Polarization Response of Biofilm Formation in Hanford Vadose Zone Sediment
- Subsidence Modeling of the Over-exploited Granular Aquifer System in Aguascalientes, Mexico
- TIC/TOC and Redox Sensitive Trace Element (RSTEs) Signals Indicating Redox Conditions of the Lower Part of the Cabo Formation Near Organya (Organya Basin), Catalunya, Spain
- The Impact of Low-Level Cloud Feedback on Persistent Changes in Atmospheric Circulation in the Pacific
- The Occurrence of Ridge-and-Runnel Beach Morphology Associated with Deep-Water Wave Steepness on New York's Ocean Coast
- The Sea Level Rise Tipping Point of Delta Survival
- The Waterviz: The Confluence of Science, Art and Music Illuminates Pattern and Process in Water Cycle Data
- Time series measurements of carbon fluxes from a mangrove-dominated estuary
- Understanding human impacts to tropical coastal ecosystems through integrated hillslope erosion measurements, optical coastal waters characterization, watershed modeling, marine ecosystem assessments, and natural resource valuations in two constrasting watersheds in Puerto Rico.
- Using High-Resolution Imagery to Characterize Disturbance from Hurricane Irma in South Florida Wetlands
- Using InSAR to Observe Sinkhole Activity in Central Florida
- Volcano interactions and coupling: insights from Japan and the Galapagos
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A comprehensive understanding of how inundation changes ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in a coastal freshwater wetland
- Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate
- Balancing conflicting water usages under a changing climate by optimizing a network of reservoirs in the Red River Basin of the South, USA
- Coastal Flooding Risks on the Rise
- Comparison of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-derived subsidence time series with ground-based estimates of sinkhole activity, west-central Florida, USA.
- Creating and Connecting Champions for Diversity in the Geosciences: Hearts of GOLD
- Development and Application of Percentile-Range Indexed Mapping and Evaluation (PRIME) Tool for Long Term Ecological Assessment
- Documenting Microtopographic Change of Tundra Landscapes using Terrestrial LiDAR: A Case Study in a High-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Drivers and Mechanisms of Peat Collapse in Coastal Wetlands
- East Asian Monsoon History and Paleoceanography of the Japan Sea Over the Last 460,000 Years
- Exploration of Sentinel-1 InSAR observations for Monitoring Water Level Changes in Everglades Florida
- Fate of FeOOH in the lower mantle
- Global trends in mangrove canopy height, biomass and carbon stocks
- Groundwater Head Fluctuation of the Biscayne Aquifer in Response to Seasonal Changes and Pumping Stress
- Heterogeneous patterns of mangrove disturbance and recovery from Hurricane Irma
- Horticultural nurseries-based pollution dynamics in canals of South Miami Dade, Florida
- Influence of Vegetation Transitions on Air Temperature
- Influences of land use, wind direction and anthropogenic cycles on urban to rural carbon fluxes in the mid-Atlantic region
- Investigation of a paleolake environment in the Late Miocene, Nebraska.
- Landslide Induced Topographic Changes in Southern Taiwan Revealed from TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X DEM
- Monitoring Surface Stability of Remediated Sinkholes in Western Central Florida using PSInSAR Technique and Sentinel-1 Observations
- Monitoring coastal subsidence in Miami-Dade county, Florida, using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series and GPS observations.
- Object-based Correction and Mapping of LiDAR DEMs Using RTK-GPS Data and Machine Learning Modeling in the Coastal Everglades
- Probing Coulomb Stress Triggering Effects for ML >= 5.5 earthquakes in Taiwan Central Mountain Area
- Regional Aridity Drives Urban Nighttime Vegetation Derived Air Cooling
- Regional Climate Change Adaptation Policy Network in Southeast Florida
- Responses to Rapidly Shifting Waterscapes in the High Tropical Andes of Southern Peru
- Revisiting the Theory of Intraplate Tectonics: Case Study of the South American Plate
- Short-term biogeochemical variability in two subtropical estuaries
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Water Quality Parameters in the St. Lucie Estuary Basins, Florida
- Temperature-induced amorphization in CaCO<SUB>3 at high pressure</SUB>: Implication for recycled CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> in the transition zone
- The Effect of Hurricane Irma Storm Surge on the Freshwater Lens in Big Pine Key, Florida using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- The Mid-Pleistocene Transition and the Resulting Paleoproductivity Cycles Within the Japan Sea.
- The Role of the Ecosystem Engineer, the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes, on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in a Wet Tropical Rainforest
- Triggering relationship between earthquakes and the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in southern Taiwan
- Understanding NO<SUB>3</SUB> Dynamics in the Middle Rio Grande Basin Irrigation Network in the Context of the FEW Nexus
- Will mangrove encroachment mitigate carbon loss with saltwater intrusion in subtropical coastal wetlands?
- A 1D Lagrangian Dispersive Shallow Water Model for Tsunami Run-up
- An accidental seep on the Gulf of Mexico continental shelf
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Classifying Hydrologic Regimes of the Amazon
- Drought Monitoring in East Africa using Integrated Satellite Passive Microwave Drought Indices
- Excess oxygen in ferric oxide and unexpected chemistry of mantle oxygen
- Exploring the use of low cost technologies to quantify variability of tropical rivers
- Extreme events and C dynamics across the Florida Everglades
- High spatial resolution 2D wetland surface water flow modeling in the Everglades, Florida, constrained by Interferometric SAR observations
- Incorporation of Coastal Wetlands into the United States National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- Integrating imaging spectrometer and synthetic aperture radar data for estimating wetland vegetation aboveground biomass in coastal Louisiana
- Interpreting the late Oligocene Izu-Bonin arc from DSDP Site 296 and IODP Site 1438 Sediments
- Modeling of Peat Soil Carbon Balance and Surface Elevation Change in Response to Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion
- Multivariate Analysis of Vertical GPS Time Series Calculated by Seven Processing Centers Used to Characterize Vertical Crustal Movements
- Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Triggering Due to Erosion Unloading in Central Taiwan
- Observing Changes in the Mangrove Forests of the South Florida Everglades following Hurricane Irma using Remote Sensing Measurements
- Potential triggering relationship between the 2009 Typhoon Morakot and earthquakes in Taiwan
- Preliminary Roof Runoff Water Quality Results for the Miami Portion of the "Off the Roof" Citizen Science Project
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Relationships between InSAR-detected Subsidence Points in West-Central Florida and Geomorphological features (such as wetlands, ponds and swallets) of Sinkhole-related activity
- Sea-level rise and storms alter soil carbon dynamics of southwest Florida mangrove forests
- Soil Phosphorus Influences Foliar Stoichiometry in a Diverse Lowland Tropical Forest
- Space-based monitoring of wetland surface water levels using Sentinel-1 SAR backscattering observations
- Storm Surge Component of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model
- Study of High-pressure Behavior of Goethite up to 30 GPa using X-ray Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy and Electrical Impedance
- The Urban Flood Pulse Concept: Defining Spatiotemporal Periodicity and Synchrony of Flood Pulse Dynamics in Urban Ecosystems
- Urban Stormwater Signatures Across the United States: A Machine Learning Approach
- Vadose Zone Hydrology and Subsidence in the Everglades - A Coupled Numerical Model Approach
- Analysis of Freshwater Inputs from Lake vs. Basin Drainage Canals Into a Subtropical Estuary Using a 20-year Continuous Dataset
- Carbon Uptake Efficiency Across Wetland Ecosystems in the Florida Everglades
- Coasting Into 2020: a Decade of Discoveries for Blue Carbon Ecosystems
- Complex relationships between surface deformation, surface topography, and top-of-limestone surface in the covered karst Sandhill Reservation, West-central Florida.
- Coordination Between Compound-Specific Chemistry and Morphology in Plant Roots Aligns with Ancestral Mycorrhizal Affinity in Temperate Angiosperms
- Direct and indirect wind impacts on coastal sea level along the US Atlantic and Gulf shorelines
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluating Peatland Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion using Coupled Simulations of Coastal Transport and Soil-Plant Mechanistic Models in the Florida Coastal Everglades
- Geochemical and Redox Sensitive Trace Elements of the Lower Aptian Sediments in the La Frontera Section, Subbetic Basin, Southern Spain, Implications Concerning OM Preservation Associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a.
- Identifying Decadal Time-scale Patterns and Controls of Tundra Land Surface Stability Across the North Slope of Alaska using Repeat Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging (T-LiDAR)
- Identifying relationships between urban stormwater signatures and watershed characteristics using interpretable machine learning
- Institutional adaptive capacity to floods: Bridging the gaps between observed and perceived flooding risks and climate change actions in North American cities
- Integrating Compound Flood Conditions Through 2D Hydraulic Modeling for Simulating Flood Risk Processes in Coastal Cities
- Investigating triggering relations among typhoon, landslides and earthquakes in Central Taiwan
- Kinetics study of dehydrogenation of pyrite-FeO<SUB>2</SUB>H above 1 Mbar using laser heating and time-resolved synchrotron x-ray diffraction
- Mapping Wetland Hydrological Connectivity in the Wax Lake Delta Using Rapid Repeat SAR Images
- Microbial respiration and temperature effects shape the in situ belowground CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux of the root-soil microbiome of 8 temperate hardwood tree species.
- Minecraft Geology Field Camp: Results from an inclusive and surprisingly realistic field camp experience during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Modelling runoff-erosion processes under post-fire conditions
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Resilience for Whom? A Climate Mobility Framework for Evaluating Equity Outcomes in Climate Change Adaptation
- Resilience of the Mangrove Coast: Understanding Links between Degradation, Recovery, and Community Benefits at the National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) of Jobos Bay (SE Puerto Rico) and Rookery Bay (SW Florida) - A NERR System Science Collaborative Program
- Space-based monitoring of water depth and soil salinity over collapsing peat marshes using Sentinel-1 SAR amplitude observations
- Study of inland flooding caused by tropical cyclones using TELEMAC at South Florida
- Understanding and Predicting Groundwater Contamination at Nuclear Waste Sites Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Using Critical Reflexivity to Build Relational Accountability in the Geosciences
- Using fine-scale variation in ecosystem state parameters to evaluate alternate stable states within a salinizing peat marsh in the Florida Coastal Everglades
- What I Wish I Would Have Known: Lessons I've Learned as a First-Time Teaching Assistant in our "New Normal"
- pyLEnM: Machine learning and analytics toolkit for long term water quality monitoring using a remote sensing network
- 30-Year Particle Tracking Simulation from Septic Returns in Miami-Dade County, Based on the Urban Miami-Dade Groundwater Model
- A Cell Size Sensitivity Study on the Accuracy of Wetland Delineation by Using Deterministic Topographic Wetland Index
- A Comparison of Methane Fluxes in Short- Versus Long-hydroperiod Freshwater Marsh in the Florida Everglades
- A Framework for Strategic, Managed Retreat with Perspectives from South Florida
- A multi-sensor monitoring system of surface water level changes in wetlands
- Adsorption of glyphosate, a widespread herbicide, to magnetic nanoparticles coated with humic acid: a robust, highly effective sorbent
- Advanced Long-term Environmental Monitoring Systems (ALTEMIS) for Sustainable Remediation
- Assessment of Soil, Water Contamination and Land Cover Changes in the Sims Bayou Watershed of Houston, Texas
- Calibration of a Landscape-scale Hydrodynamic and Solute Transport Model for Florida Everglades Freshwater Restoration
- Carbon dioxide Uptake Fluxes in Coastal Salt Marshes Reveal Ecological Similitudes and Environmental Regimes
- Complex multichannel reaction dynamics of the radical-radical reaction: propargyl + NH2, probed using uniform-flow millimeterwave spectroscopy.
- Delta-X: Resolving Hydrological and Ecological Processes in the Mississippi River Delta
- Direct measurements of thermal conductivity of ferropericlase up to 100 GPa at high temperatures using flash laser heating method with Pockels cell
- Effect of Hydrological Processes on Dwarf Mangroves, Study area: L31 E Canal, Miami, Florida
- Enhanced Paleoproductivity during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at IODP Site U1407, Southeast Newfoundland Ridge
- Environmental contamination and Land cover Changes in the Buffalo and Brays Bayou watersheds of Houston, Texas.
- Fish in the Street and Rivers in the Concrete: Resident Perspectives on Climate Mobility in Miami-Dade County, FL, USA
- Geochemical and Biomarker Characterization of Aptian Sediments Containing Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a with the La Frontera Section Subbetic Basin, S. Spain
- Hydrologic Properties of Mangrove and Sawgrass Peat Under Varying Salinity Conditions in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida
- Is a Distributed Graduate Seminar a Successful Way to Share Information Management Expertise with Students?
- Lagging Response of Belowground Functional Traits to Environmental Cues in a Mature Amazonian Tropical Rainforest
- Localized coastal subsidence in Miami Beach and Surfside, Florida
- Post-Fire Recovery in the Everglades Fire-Adapted Freshwater Wetland Ecosystems
- Postseismic deformation following the 2010 and 2021 Haiti earthquakes: A comparative analysis
- Potential CO2 Removal by Enhanced Weathering of Olivine in the Tropics
- Satellite-derived bathymetry at shallow coastal region of Bahamas using Sentinel-2 data
- Sentinel-1 InSAR nationwide ground deformation mapping over Mexico
- Simulating the Flood Mitigation Efficiencies of Low Impact Development Features in the Little River Watershed (C-7), Miami, Florida
- Sorbent-Based Technology for Mercury Remediation in a Freshwater Aquatic System
- Space-based mapping of mangrove canopy height with multi-sensor observations fusion by machine learning technique
- Statewide Extreme Rainfall Projections for Florida Using Downscaled Climate Model Data
- Understanding Urban Water Sustainability Transitions to One Water Using Science-based Expert Interviews
- Understanding compound flood extremes from a probabilistic and 2D hydraulic modeling perspective. The case study of the Arch Creek Basin in North Miami, Florida (US)
- Urban Geoscience: An Imperative in Education and Research
- Urban Geosciences
- Use of Remote Sensing to Determine Damage and Recovery of Mangrove Forests in the Everglades Following Hurricane Disturbances.
- Water and carbon cycles are tightly coupled in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantations along the coastal plains of southeastern U.S.
- A Self-Assessment Framework for One Water Cities: A Roadmap to Support One Water Futures and Guide Management Actions
- A Soil Moisture Water Balance Approach for Tracing Green and Blue Evapotranspiration using Open Access Satellite Dataset
- Actionable Steps to Improve Inclusivity and Diversity in the Geosciences in Higher Education
- Aerosol Trace Element Concentrations and Fractional Solubility During Legs 2 and 3 of the MOSAiC Campaign
- An Assessment of Climate Mobility Pressures in Response to Dynamic Sea-Level Rise
- Basin-wide Planning of Amazon Hydropower can Reduce Adverse Impacts on Ecosystem Services
- Beyond Inclusion - The Inclusive Classroom as Preparation for a Socially Just Society
- Challenges in Development of Future Precipitation Scenarios for South Florida Based on Downscaled Climate Model Output
- Coastal Subsidence along Florida's West Coast with an Emphasis on the Fort Myers and Tampa
- Coastal Wetland Disturbance and Recovery From Hurricanes in Coastal Louisiana
- Delta-X, SWOT and NISAR to Revolutionize our Understanding of Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Derive seamless topographic and bathymetric data around Caribbean Sea countries
- Detecting vegetation to open water transitions in a subtropical wetland landscape from historical panchromatic aerial photography and multi-spectral satellite imagery
- Effect of Vermicompost and Vermicompost Tea on Sweetcorn Physiology and Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera Frugiperda) Infestation
- Effects of Fire Regime on Detection of Wetland Vegetation Change Using Bi-Season Spectral Data
- Evaluation and Comparison of the New Generation of Spaceborne Laser Altimeters for Surface Water Level Measurements in Wetlands
- Evaluation of High Tunnel Systems on Dragon Fruit Production in South Florida
- Evaluation of Land cover changes on the soil and water quality in the Cypress creek, Dickinson and Mustang bayou watersheds of Houston, Texas.
- Geochemical and Biomarker Analysis of the Lower Aptian Succession of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain, Implications for Organic Matter Sources During OAE 1a
- Hydrogeodesy: A technological platform to evaluate the status of global water resources and stability of the Earth system, and to answer unsolved hydrological questions
- Integrated Flood Risk and Social Equity Assessment for the Prioritization of Bridge Rehabilitation Activities Using Spatial, Data-driven, Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
- Investigating the Inundation Effect on Carbon Balance of an Everglades Freshwater Wetland: A Combination of Field Observations and Mesocosm Experiments
- Monitoring Coastal Subsidence in Southeast Florida Using Sentinel-1 InSAR Time Series Observations
- Net Ecosystem Production Inferred from Monthly Water Quality Surveys in Tampa Bay, Florida, United States
- Physics-informed surrogate modeling for supporting climate resilience at groundwater contamination sites
- Practitioner Perspectives on Climate Mobility in South Florida
- Sea level rise impacts on wetland forest hydrologic and carbon fluxes in North Carolina, USA
- Simulating the Performance of Unbound Pavement Layers Under Moisture and Water Table Fluctuations Using Unsaturated Flow Modeling.
- Simultaneous Pressure-Temperature Induced Phase Transition of Goethite (α-FeOOH to ɛ-FeOOH) investigated by Raman spectroscopy
- Spatio-temporal Variation in Biomass of Herbaceous Wetlands across Distinct Hydrogeomorphic Zones in the Atchafalaya and Terrebonne Basins, LA, USA
- Spatiotemporal variations of wetland backscatter: The role of water depth and vegetation characteristics in Sentinel-1 dual-polarization SAR observations
- Strategic protection of landslide vulnerable mountains for biodiversity conservation under land-cover and climate change impacts
- Towards consistent imaging spectroscopy-based global aboveground biomass retrievals in coastal wetlands across atmospheric states
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A.R. Siders
- Alexander Johs
- Anahita Esmaeilian
- Andrea C. Encalada
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Asko Noormets
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Bhaskar Mitra
- Brett F. Sanders
- Brittany Harris
- Bruce R. Forsberg
- Caitlyn Hall
- Carolina Maran
- Chris M. Marsay
- Clifton S. Buck
- Cédric G. Fichot
- Daniel Jensen
- Darryl Reano
- David Lagomasino
- David R. Thompson
- Edward Castañeda‐Moya
- Eric M. Pierce
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Florian Hofhansl
- Francisco Peña
- G. R. Miller
- Ge Sun
- Gregory Starr
- H. C. Watson
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Hilary R. Martens
- Irina Chuvashova
- Ivan Oyege
- Jayantha Obeysekera
- Jed Redwine
- Jennifer H. Richards
- Jochen E. Schubert
- Junbin Zhao
- K. S. Ishtiaq
- Kyle Wright
- Linqing Yang
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Luca Cortese
- Lukas Lamb-Wotton
- M. Higgins
- Mara Freilich
- Marc Simard
- Marin Govorčin
- Mark Stephens
- Mathew Koll Roxy
- Michael Eyob Kiflai
- Omar I. Abdul‐Aziz
- Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes
- Paola Passalacqua
- Raymond G. Najjar
- Rodolfo Souza
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- S. Uhlemann
- S. Wdowinski
- Salvatore Calabrese
- Sam Illingworth
- Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
- Selena Chavez
- Sergey S. Lobanov
- Solmaz Mohadjer
- Sparkle L. Malone
- Sungeon Hong
- T. Pavelsky
- Takuya Kurihana
- William M. Landing
- Xiaohe Zhang
- Yunjun Zhang
- Zexuan Xu