Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania
flowchart I[Franklin and Marshall College, Pennsylvania] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (101)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (21)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hybrid Enclaves in Arc Plutons: A Possible Link Between Plutonic Processes and Eruption
- Modeling stochastic floods and erosion thresholds in bedrock rivers: Field data from northern California
- Mineralogical Ground Truth for AVIRIS Hyperspectral Observations of Cinder Cones on the Summit of Mauna Kea Volcano
- Modeling the influence of sea-level fluctuations on fluvial morphology in tectonically active coastal regions
- Northern California LIDAR Data: A Tool for Mapping the San Andreas Fault and Pleistocene Marine Terraces in Heavily Vegetated Terrain
- Bedform Migration and Bed Envelope Statistics
- Construction of the Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA: the Plutonic Record of Evolving Magma Chambers Affected by Multiple Episodes of Replenishment, Rejuvenation, Crystal Accumulation and Eruption
- High Suspended Sediment Yields of the Conestoga River Watershed to the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay are the Result of Ubiquitous Post-Settlement Mill Dams
- Starting Point: Linking Methods and Materials for Introductory Geoscience Courses
- Timescale for Incremental Construction of the Silurian Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Coastal Maine, USA
- The Geology of the Western Margin of the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon
- Cataclastic Flow: A Means for Ensuring Ductility Within the Elastico-Frictional Regime
- Chemical Properties, Decomposition, and Methane Production of Tertiary Relict Plant Litters: Implications for Atmospheric Trace Gas Production in the Early Tertiary
- Morphological Variability and Grain Size From Digital Images
- Quaternary Uplift of Coral Terraces from Active Folding and Thrusting Along the Northern Coast of Timor-Leste
- Changes in Trace Metal Cycling Driven by Sediment Redox Conditions
- Episodic Growth and Solidification of the Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA
- Longevity of the Silurian Vinalhaven Intrusive Complex, Maine, USA
- An Alternative to Channel-Centered Views of the Landscape for Understanding Modern Streams in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont Region, Eastern USA
- Buried Wetlands: The Origin and Evolution of Pre-Settlement Piedmont Valley Bottoms in Pennsylvania and Maryland
- Computer Simulations of Megaripples in the Nearshore
- Grain Size and Morphological Variability
- Grain Size and Morphological Variability
- Magnetic Surveys and Rock Magnetic Properties of Clinkers in the Williston Basin
- Polar methane production, hothouse climates, and climate change
- Magnetic Properties of Obsidians from the Southwestern U.S
- Neogene arctic forests: deep-time analogs of a mild ice-free Arctic (Invited)
- Great Earthquakes and Tsunamis of the Northwestern Aceh Coast, Sumatra
- Hysteresis, thermomagnetic, and low-temperature magnetic properties of Southwestern U.S. obsidians
- Visible and Near-IR Reflectance Spectra of Smectite Acquired Under Dry Conditions for Interpretation of Martian Surface Mineralogy
- Automated Resistivity Monitoring of Free Phase Gas Dynamics in a Northern Peatland
- Changes in the redox state of sediments following the 2010 BP blowout
- Computer Simulations of Self-Organized Bedforms in Tidal Inlets and River Mouths
- Fine-scale Seafloor Topography and Mean Currents in a Tidally Modulated Inlet
- Intermittent ephemeral river-breaching
- Channel and tube flow features associated with the Twin Craters Lava Flow, Zuni-Bandera Volcanic Field, NM: Insights into similar features on Mars
- Climate Change Concepts and POGIL: Using climate change to teach general chemistry
- Magnetic properties of a new obsidian source, west Antelope Creek, Grant County, New Mexico
- Reciprocal Vegetation-Flow Feedbacks Driving Early-Stage Landscape Evolution in a Restored Wet Meadow
- Shatter Complex Formation in the Twin Craters Lava Flow, Zuni-Bandera Field, New Mexico
- Cambrian Magmatism Along the Southern Laurentian Margin: New Petrologic Constraints from Well Cuttings in the Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen (USA)
- Drought as a Determinant of Tropical Montane Forest Line Position
- Identifying Preserved Storm Events on Beaches from Trenches and Cores
- Incorporation of Socio-scientific Content into Active Learning Activities
- Life in the Treetops: Drought Tolerance and Water Balance of Canopy Epiphytes in a Tropical Montane Cloud Forest
- Low Frequency Seiche in a Large Bay
- Observations of fine scale stratigraphy using a digital imaging system
- Preliminary Model Results of Beach Profile Dynamics with Stratigraphy
- Progressive Emergence and Warping of Islands in the Active Banda Arc-Continent Collision As Recorded By Uplifted Coral Terraces: Tectonic and Geohazards Implications
- Rock magnetic evidence of non-random raw material selection criteria in Cerro Toledo Obsidian Artifacts from Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Scalable Climate Forcing Optical Indices: How Effective Are They in Alpine Lakes?
- The Influence of Topographic Obstacles on Basaltic Lava Flow Morphologies
- Water Fluxes from Leaf to Ecosystem Scales in a Seasonal Mexican Cloud Forest: Implications for Climate Change Impacts and Future Research Priorities
- Critical Zone Architecture and the Last Glacial Legacy in Unglaciated North America
- Denudation and topographic responses of coastal drainages near the Mendocino Triple Junction region (MTJ), northern California
- Formation of a Phyllosilicate-, K-feldspar-, and Sulfate-Bearing Hematite Ridge on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, Under Hydrothermal, Acid-Sulfate Conditions: Process and Mineralogical Analog for the Hematite Ridge on Mt. Sharp, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Iron-rich Carbonates as the Potential Source of Evolved CO<SUB>2</SUB> Detected by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument in Gale Crater.
- Self-organization in irregular landscapes: Detecting autogenic interactions from field data using descriptive statistics and dynamical systems theory
- Vent 7504 of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), Arizona: Sample Geochemistry and Implications for Cone Formation
- What Controls the Extent of Tropical Forest? An 8-year Experiment to Understand the Response of Savanna-Forest Boundaries to Climate, Soils, and Fire in Central Brazil
- Is Tridymite at Gale Crater Evidence for Silicic Volcanism on Mars?
- Legacy sediment storage in New England river valleys: anthropogenic processes in a postglacial landscape
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Withstanding a record drought: Dry season sap flow and safety margins of canopy epiphytes in three sites along an elevation gradient in a tropical montane cloud forest
- Freeze-thaw processes and intense winter rainfall: The one-two punch for high streambank legacy sediment and nutrient loads from Mid-Atlantic watersheds
- Sediment Budgets and Sources Inform a Novel Valley Bottom Restoration Practice Impacted by Legacy Sediment: The Big Spring Run, PA, Restoration Experiment
- A Controlled Freeze-Thaw Experiment to Model Sediment and Phosphorus Loads from Bank Erosion of Legacy Sediments
- Aerial Photogrammetry and Repeat Lidar as a Method of Quantifying Erosion Rates in Legacy Sediment as an Alternative to Traditional Methodologies
- Historic Reservoir Sediment Storage and Erosion Rates from Lidar and DEM Differencing, Chiques Creek Watershed, Pennsylvania
- Investigation of Mineral Phase Effects (MPEs) caused by sulfur bearing minerals in the Cumberland Simulant, using laboratory equivalents of SAM, APXS, and CheMin Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) instruments.
- Major and trace element analysis of garnet crystals from a hornblendeite block and rind on Santa Catalina Island, CA: Insights into metasomatic processes in subduction mélange
- New Eruptive Ages and New Perspectives on the Eastern Galápagos Archipelago
- Nitrate Decrease in Surface and Groundwater After Legacy Sediment Removal Restoration in a Floodplain Stream, Big Spring Run, PA USA.
- Quantifying Stocks and Fluxes of Historic Sediment Stored in Valley Bottoms with Lidar and Field Mapping, Mid-Atlantic USA
- Soluble reactive phosphorus stream loads decrease following legacy sediment removal in a restored floodplain, Big Spring Run, PA
- An excavation through multiple scientific estates: Recovering and publishing America's archaeomagnetic records
- Arboreal epiphytes: How often are the biggest "buckets" in the canopy empty?
- Bagnold and Leopold on the Colorado
- Changing Views of the River
- Does the past haunt us? Landuse legacy and its consequences for hydrology and water quality
- Influence of groundwater residence time on biogeochemical transformation after legacy sediment removal from a headwater stream in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA
- Land use versus climate controls on erosion at a farmed headwater catchment in central Pennsylvania
- Middle Paleozoic global-ocean redox trends based on uranium isotopes from marine limestones and their relationship to paleobiologic, carbon-cycle, and climatic changes
- The Response of Algae and Herbivores to Acropora Cervicornis Coral Decline: A Case Study in Coral Gardens, Belize
- Understanding the Importance of Cloud-Water Availability in Determining Plant Hydraulic Strategies and Species Distribution Along a Costa Rican Tropical Montane Elevation Gradient
- Vascular epiphytes and canopy soils: critical and dynamic components of the canopy water cycle
- A wet basin during dry times: a new Pliocene lake record from the Afar region, Ethiopia
- Above or Below the Moho? Contentious Southern East African Rift System Earthquakes
- Draining the Landscape: Do milldam removals result in nitrogen leakage from riparian zones?
- Ghosts of landuse past? How have milldams and their legacies influenced riparian zone structure, functions, and processes?
- Late Cenozoic paleotemperatures reconstructed from the lignin-methoxy hydrogen isotope composition of sub-fossil wood in the Canadian Arctic
- Leaf and Wood Decomposition Across Tropical Lowland and Montane Forests: A Pantropical Study Across Climates
- Source-to-sink micronutrient cycling between seawater, sediment, and nodules in the South Pacific.
- Testing morphodynamic theories by comparing and contrasting river deltas
- An ongoing, unintended, 200+ year old anthropogenic soil experiment: How have milldams and their breaching/removal shaped riparian soil evolution and nutrient cycles?
- Dammed for 200 years: Biogeochemical hotspots in riparian zones due to milldams and their evolution following dam removal
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Memories of the soils: Can stable nitrogen isotopes (15N) characterize the influence of milldams on nitrogen processing in riparian soils?
- The Importance of a Null Model for Identifying Change in Alluvial River Channels
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- Building Geoscientists With Hands-On, Place-Based Experience: A Chesapeake Bay Watershed Hydrogeology Field Camp for High School Students in Lancaster And Cumberland Counties, Pennsylvania
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Carl Phillips
- Claire Masteller
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. L. Roth
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Erin K. Peck
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
- Jeffrey Kwang
- K. M. Hill
- Kieran Dunne
- L. S. Sklar
- Lisa Luna
- Louise Slater
- N. M. Gasparini
- R. P. Callahan
- Robert C. Walter
- Robert Mahon
- Shreeram Inamdar
- Simona Francalanci
- Stefano Lanzoni
- Xin Sun