University of Louisiana
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Can Seismic Inversion-Comprehensive Numerical Basin Modeling be Used to Predict the State of the Earth in the Presence of Incomplete and Noisy Information?
- A Record of the Philippine Sea Plate Motion Since the Eocene (ODP Site 1201)
- Magnetic Signature of Late Quaternary Sediments From the Kuroshio Current
- Development of Discharge Ratings for Low-Slope Streams Under Tidal Effects Using Non-Parametric and Data-Driven Models
- Environmental magnetism of late Cenozoic sediments from the East Antarctic continental rise (Site 1165, Prydz Bay)
- Measuring Mercury and Other Elemental Components in Tree Rings Using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Results from ODP Leg 195, Site 1202, Okinawa Trough
- Review of PIXE Mercury Detection Research at the Louisiana Accelerator Center
- The Retention of Geologic Misconceptions: Alternative Ideas That Persist After Instruction
- A Study of Informal Geobiology Learning Opportunities at US Fossil Parks
- Holocene relative paleointensity and paleosecular variation from the Southern Okinawa Trough (ODP Hole 1202B)
- Development of a Testate Amoebae Calibration Dataset from a freshwater wetland in a semi-arid environment: Loboi Swamp, Kenya, East Africa.
- Electric Currents in Granite and Gabbro Generated by Impacts Up To 1 km/sec
- Petrographic Analyses of Lonestones from ODP Drill Sites Leg 188 Prydz Bay, Antarctica
- Raindrop Size Distribution Measurements in Tropical Cyclones
- Training Physics Students for Space Careers: Introduction to the Balloon Payload Projects at UL Lafayette
- Water Budget Model for a Remnant of the Historic Northern Everglades
- A Validation Study of the NWS/MPE Precipitation Products Using a Dense Rain Gauge Network in South Louisiana
- On the Propagation of Radar-rainfall Estimation Uncertainties Into the Simulation of Different Rainfall-runoff Processes
- Environmental Magnetism of Late Quaternary Sediments From the Southern Okinawa Trough: Paleoceanographic Implications and History of the Kuroshio Current
- French Guiana Fluidized Muds: Predominant Sulfur Transformation Pathways and Prokaryotic Players in a Coupled System of Carbon-Sulfur-Metal Biogeochemical Cycling.
- Simulation of Radar Rainfall Fields: A Random Error Model
- Stochastically constrained, simplified controlled source electromagnetic modeling for Gulf of Mexico hydrocarbon exploration
- Verification of Multi-sensor Precipitation Reanalysis
- An uncertainty model for radar-based multi-sensor precipitation estimates: A non-Gaussian copula-based approach
- Estimation of Tail Dependence Coefficient in Rainfall Accumulation Fields
- Evaluation of TRMM-TMPA satellite rainfall estimates over arid regions
- How Does Mantle Convection Affect Eustatic Sea Level: Ocean Ridge Volume is Only Part of the Answer
- Magnetostratigraphic and Cyclostratigraphic Records From Eocene-Miocene Sediments Cored in the Paleoequatorial Pacific: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 320
- Results from probability-based, simplified, off-shore Louisiana CSEM hydrocarbon reservoir modeling
- Rock magnetic properties of soils from different environmental settings: Implications for the anthropogenic impact on the environment (Invited)
- Evaluation of High-Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products over the Nile Basin for Climatologic and Hydrologic Applications
- HydroViz: A web-based hydrologic observatory for enhancing hydrology and earth-science education
- Inter-Product Verification of Incremental Complexities in the NWS Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimator Algorithm
- Multi-Instrumental Measurement of Bedload Transport and Turbulent Resuspension over Lateral Sand Bars in the Lower Mississippi River
- Paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic properties of sediments from IODP Site U1333 (Equatorial Pacific)
- A Collaborative, Multidisciplinary Environment for Coastal Science
- Diurnal cycle of precipitation in the Southeast U.S. using high spatial and temporal resolution quantitative precpitation estimates and radar-reflectivity products derived from National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE (NMQ/Q2)
- First Principles Analysis of Convection in the Earth's Mantle, Eustatic Sea Level and Earth Volume
- Long-term Changes of Relative Paleointensity From Sediments: Geomagnetic Field Behavior or Rock Magnetic Artifact?
- Magnetic Stratigraphy from IODP Site U1338 between 8.5-10.8 Ma
- Multiproxy Evidence for a Positive Hydrological Budget during the Little Ice Age in the East African Rift, Kenya
- Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study of the IODP Site U1332 sediments - relative paleointensity during Eocene and Oligocene
- Rainfall Estimation over the Nile Basin using an Adapted Version of the SCaMPR Algorithm
- Use Of Radar-Rainfall Data for the Southwest Coastal Louisiana Feasibility Study: Regional Scale Hydrologic and Salinity Modeling and Management Scenario Analysis for Chenier Plain
- Visualization and Interpretation in 3D Virtual Reality of Topographic and Geophysical Data from the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- Hydrological sulfur cycling in the volcanic complex of Valles Caldera - geochemical and astrobiological implications for Mars
- Magnetostratigraphy, environmental magnetism, and cyclicity of Oligocene-Miocene sediments from the equatorial Pacific (IODP Site U1333)
- Outstanding in the Field II: Citizen Science Experiences for Middle Schools in Northeast Louisiana
- Uncertainty Representation and Quantification in NASA's Precipitation Data Records
- Using an autonomous passive acoustic observational system to monitor the environmental impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on deep-diving marine mammals
- Vertical and Temporal Variability of Rainfall Using a K-band Radar
- Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Engineering Hydrology using Data and Model Simulations of Three Regional Hydrologic Systems
- Deterministic chaos in geomagnetic reversals
- Fe and S Isotope Exchange During Pyrite Precipitation and Recrystallization: An Experimental Study Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- High-latitude Paleomagnetic Records of Quaternary Sediments from Baffin Bay, Western Greenland Margin (Invited)
- High-resolution Oxygen Isotope Profiles in Tree-rings and How to Interpret Them
- Investigation of Sediment Diversions in the Lower Mississippi River
- Organization of the tectonic plates in the last 200 Myr (Invited)
- Paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and PIXE Analysis of Oligocene-Miocene sediments (Bennett County, South Dakota)
- Quantitative Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: preliminary results from the IODP Site U1385 (Exp 339), the Shackleton Site
- Rare Suprathermal Heavy Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Reconstruction of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> levels from carbon isotopes in terrestrial organic matter
- Three Dimensional Morphodynamic and Vegetation Modeling of Wax Lake Delta
- A Web Module to Teach Hydrology Using Problem Based Learning in the Context of Designing a Flood Detention Basin
- Acoustic Studies of the Effects of Environmental Stresses on Marine Mammals in Large Ocean Basins
- An Educational Model for Hands-On Hydrology Education
- Contribution of Elasticity in Slab Bending
- Discovery of Suprathermal Fe+ in the Magnetospheres of Earth and Saturn
- Hydraulic response and morphological evolution at a lower Mississippi River channel bar after sand mining
- Interpreting terrestrial organic carbon isotope records across natural and anthropogenic pCO<SUB>2</SUB> change
- Mass transfer of Fe during the serpentinization of olivine by SiO<SUB>2</SUB> rich fluid at 300°C, 500 bars: Perspectives from mineral dissolution/precipitation rates and Fe isotope systematics
- Reconstructing seasonal climate from high-resolution carbon and oxygen isotope measurements across tree rings
- Relative Geomagnetic Paleointensity, Environmental Magnetism, and Cyclicity of Contourites from the West Iberian Margin (IODP Site U1389)
- The Use of Radar-Based Products for Deriving Extreme Rainfall Frequencies Using Regional Frequency Analysis with Application in South Louisiana
- Trench Advance By the Subduction of Buoyant Features - Application to the Izu-Bonin-Marianas Arc
- Uncertainty Analysis of Downscaled CMIP5 Precipitation Data for Louisiana, USA
- Use of External Sources for Calibration and Validation of L-band Missions
- Using Advances in Research on Louisiana Coastal Restoration and Protection to Develop Undergraduate Hydrology Education Experiences Delivered via a Web Interface
- Atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstructed across the Early Eocene Hyperthermals
- Comparison of wet/dry mapping and electrical resistivity sensors to characterize patterns of intermittency
- Errors in Climatological Variation of Mean Areal Precipitation based on Satellite Observations and Implications for Downscaling of Climate Model Outputs
- Fe and Cu isotope fractionation between chalcopyrite and dissolved metal species during hydrothermal recrystallization: An experimental study at 350°C and 500 bars
- High-Resolution Magnetic Properties and Cyclicity of Contourites from IODP Site U1389 (West Iberian Margin)
- HydroViz: A Web-based Climate Teleconnection Module for Undergraduate and Graduate Water Engineering Students
- Magmatic conduit melt-fluid metallogenic system- A new Genetic Model for Xishimen Iron Deposit, Wuan area, Hebei province, China
- Magnetic susceptibility mapping of fly ash in soil samples near a coal-burning power plant in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.
- Millennial Scale Geomagnetic and Environmental Change in the West Iberian Margin during Late Quaternary
- Nannoplankton Deformation from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence for Deep Photic Zone Undersaturation
- Targeted Acoustic Data Processing for Ocean Ecological Studies
- Vertical Motions in Convective Clouds Over Darwin, Australia
- Wet Winters in the Eastern Siberian Arctic during the Miocene
- A Pythonic Approach for Computational Geosciences and Geo-Data Processing
- A machine learning approach to quantifying geologic similarities between sites of gas hydrate accumulation
- A model of buoyant ridge subduction: effects of ridge width, buoyancy and obliquity
- Atmospheric carbon dioxide persisted at near modern levels before and after the PETM
- Combined and isolated effects of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and soil water content on carbon isotope discrimination during C<SUB>3</SUB> photosynthesis
- Development of a Pilot Learning Module on Water Energy Nexus Using a Data-Analytic and Hypothesis-Driven Approach
- Enhanced characterization of faults and fractures at EGS sites by CO2 injection coupled with active seismic monitoring, pressure-transient testing, and well logging
- Environmental Magnetism and Geochemical Properties of Urban Soils from Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Implications for Anthropogenic Pollution Monitoring
- Gulf of Mexico soundscapes as indicators of ecological stressors
- High-resolution pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstruction across the early Cenozoic greenhouse and late Cenozoic icehouse climates
- Modeling Gas and Gas Hydrate Accumulation in Marine Sediments Using a K-Nearest Neighbor Machine-Learning Technique
- Paleolatitudinal Constraints from Eocene to Recent Sediments Cored in the Equatorial Pacific on IODP Expeditions 320 and 321
- Spartina alterniflora Salt Marsh Elevation Change and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Response to Climate Change: Effects of Altered Hydrology and Increased Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Stream Drying and its Drivers in Four Intermittent Arizona Rivers.
- Student-Centered Modules to Support Active Learning in Hydrology: Development Experiences and Users' Perspectives
- The Megafaunal Communities of Mn-crusted Guyots in the Central and Western Pacific
- Towards Sustainability and Scalability of Educational Innovations in Hydrology:What is the Value and who is the Customer?
- Variation in agricultural CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes during the growing season, collected from more than ten eddy covariance towers in the Mississippi Delta Region
- A Geothermochronologic Investigation of the Coyote Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex (AZ)
- A Multiproxy Approach to Unraveling Climate and Human Demography in the Peruvian Altiplano from a 5000 year Lake Sediment Core
- Broad- and local-scale geologic influences on intermittency in Tennessee streams
- Channel Morphology, Streamflow Patterns, and Sediment Transport of Two Intermittent Rivers Along the Balcones Fault Zone in San Marcos, Texas
- Cloud Structures in the Pacific ITCZ using CloudSat-CALIPSO
- Food Web Response to Habitat Restoration in Various Coastal Wetland Ecosystems
- Geomagnetic Excursions and High-Latitude Paleomagnetic Records of Glaciomarine Sediments from the Western Greenland Margin (Baffin Bay)
- High-Resolution Climate Data Visualization through GIS- and Web-based Data Portals
- High-resolution lake sediment archives of midcontinental atmospheric and hydroclimate variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Identifying Controls on Patterns of Intermittent Streamflow in Three Streams of the American Southwest: A Geospatial Approach
- Impact of Unconventional Energy Development using Hydraulic Fracturing on Louisiana Water Resources Availability.
- Investigating The Relationship Between Structural Geology and Wetland Loss Near Golden Meadow, Louisiana By Utilizing 3D Seismic Reflection and Well Log Data
- Modeling of time-lapse multi-scale seismic monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injected into a fault zone to enhance the characterization of permeability in enhanced geothermal systems
- Multiple-resolution Modeling of flood processes in urban catchments using WRF-Hydro: A Case Study in south Louisiana.
- Petrologic Constraints on the Exhumation of the Sierra Blanca Metamorphic Core Complex (AZ)
- Plant community dynamics and restoring Louisiana's wetland ecosystems
- Possible Links Among Iron Reduction, Silicate Weathering, and Arsenic Mobility in the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer in Louisiana
- Seasonal Climate Profiles of an Ice-free Arctic Based on Intra-ring Analyses of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Value in Fossil Wood
- Seismic Characterization of the Terrebonne Mini-basin, a Hydrate Rich Depositional System in the Gulf of Mexico
- Stress and Strain Rates from Faults Reconstructed by Earthquakes Relocalization
- The Interrelationship of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, Soil Moisture Content, and Biomass Fertilization Expressed in the Carbon Isotope Signature of C<SUB>3</SUB> Plant Tissue
- Using Long-Term Passive Acoustic Observations to Identify Ecological Stresses: A Gulf of Mexico Sperm Whale Case Study
- A Comparison of Atmospheric Profilers and Environmental Soundings in Complex Terrain during the 2017 VORTEX-SE Field Campaign
- A study of beaked whale's regional habitat use near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill site through passive acoustics
- Citizen Scientists Document Long-Term Streamflow Declines in Intermittent Rivers of the Desert Southwest, USA
- Diverse springtime variability in ice nucleating particle properties and sources in an Alaskan Arctic oil-field location
- Estimate of the Earth-system sensitivity across the early Eocene hyperthermals
- Examining the utility of carbon isotopes in cellulose and whole wood as a proxy for environmental change
- Fecal Sterols as Indicators of Camelid Domestication in Peru
- Focal mechanism of a Triassic large magnitude earthquake along the Longmen Shan thrust belt
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- HydroLearn: A online platform for developing and sharing of active learning resources in hydrology and water resources engineering
- Identification of the Asian Monsoon during the Oligocene Using High-Resolution Isotopic Analysis of Fossil Wood
- Isolating the Conditions of Drainage Reorganization and its Impacts on Species Evolution using Numerical Models
- Jurassic paleosols of the Paradox Basin, Colorado and paleoclimatic implications: insights from geochemistry and rock magnetism
- Machine Learning on Infrared Images of Strombolian Eruptions atop Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Magnetic Susceptibility and XRF Analysis of Urban Top Soils as Indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Monthly temperature reconstruction for a 3,000 year-old Arctic site using fossil wood
- Multilayer bimineralic models for Southern Highlands magnetic anomalies on Mars:Insights from peridotitic laterites in New Caledonia
- Pythonic Parallel Implementation of 3D Lattice Boltzmann Method for Geophysical and Geological Applications
- Reconstruction of Fault Geometry Through Hypocenter Clustering for Coulomb Stress Analysis During the L'Aquila Earthquake Swarm.
- Records of Lake Level Change from Three Ponds in SE Alabama
- Regionally Consistent Western North America Paleomagnetic Directions from 15-35 ka: Assessing Chronology and Uncertainty with Paleosecular Variation (PSV) Stratigraphy
- Seismic rupture kinematics along the crust-mantle boundary of a subducted slab: insights from ultramafic pseudotachylytes in Corsica
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Transfer of Legacy Metal Contamination to Agricultural Soils During Basin Sediment Delivery
- Understanding Human Settlements in the Yunnan Province from a 1500-year Lake Sediment Core
- 3D Lattice Boltzmann Models of Scaling in thermal convection
- A Model of the Success of Mangrove Colonization at its Northeastern Boundary in Florida (USA) and Persistence in the Face of Rising Sea Level
- A Predictive Framework for Detecting Surface-Generated Infrasound by Balloon-Borne Sensors in Venus's Upper Troposphere
- Assessment of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) in Addressing Water Management and Flood Mitigation Needs: A Case Study from Southwest Louisiana
- Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Strombolian Eruptions at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Elemental Analysis of Lake Sediment Archives from Lakes Qilu and Yilong, Yunnan Province, China
- Focal mechanism of an ancient large magnitude earthquake along the Longmen Shan fault belt, eastern Tibet: constraints from pseudotachylyte and AMS
- Growth Responses of Avicennia germinans (Black Mangrove) to Soil Warming at the Marsh-Mangrove Ecotone: A Mesocosm Approach
- How does laboratory earthquake prediction transfer to real earthquakes?
- HydroLearn: An online platform for collaborative development and sharing of active-learning resources in hydrology education
- Identification of Forecast Biases to Improve Fire Danger Forecasts in Colorado
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Viscous Fingering: Effect of Wetting
- Linking life and landscapes with new modeling tools
- Magnetotactic Bacteria preservation in coastal upwelling cells
- Multichannel block sparse Bayesian learning reflectivity inversion with l<SUB>p</SUB>-norm criterion-based Q estimation
- Neogene Magnetostratigraphy, Relative Paleointensity, and High-Resolution Magnetic Record of IODP Site U1514 (Mentelle Basin, Australia)
- Orbitally paced variability of Mediterranean outflow water on the West Iberian margin through the Late Pleistocene
- Seismic rupture in the upper mantle: wet or dry?
- Strombolian Eruption Detection Using an Onsite-Ready Convolutional Neural Network on Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- The formation, and evolution of Archean cratons
- The long alteration history of peridotites in the New Caledonia ophiolite:from ocean ridge to obduction and beyond
- Understanding the Impact of the 2010 Oil Spill on Deep Diving Marine Mammals
- Using C<SUB>3</SUB> Plant Remains to Quantify Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Fossil Record
- Using Tree Rings to Quantify 100 Years of Photorespiration Decline
- 3D Transient Superstructures in Mantle Convection using Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Assessing distance learning in the hydrologic sciences: key takeaways from student and instructor surveys during and after the transition to online teaching.
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Assessment of the Role of Tributaries on Flood Dynamics in Low-Gradient Coastal Rivers
- Characterizing the Carbon Fluxes of a Bottomland Hardwood Forest
- Eruption Type Classification from IR Image Sequences at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Evaluation of Radar and Satellite Characteristics Associated Events
- Faunal characteristics of the Nyegga/Storegga cold-seep, NE-Atlantic
- Intelligent Earth: Diffusion of Geoscience Research and Cyberinfrastructure innovations with authentic data and computational tasks
- Investigating Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Sabine Uplift of Louisiana-Texas with Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Loktak Lake Highstand in NE India During a Wet LIA Following Megadrought conditions
- Low Oxygen Isotope Values of Fosill Cellulose Indicate AN Intense Monsoon in Southeast China during the Late Oligocene
- Methane Diffusion and Ebullition From Ecohydrological Patches in a Freshwater Estuarine Marsh: Underscoring the Spatial Heterogeneity of Methane Fluxes Within Wetland Ecosystems
- Modeling the Ultrafast Photochemistry of Criegee Intermediates
- Placing late Oligocene paleoclimate estimates for southern China into a modern climate framework
- Quantification of methane emissions from different land-cover patches in a heterogeneous wetland
- Real-Time Detection of Strombolian Eruptions through Convolution Neural Network Identification in Infrared Images
- Results from Virtual Hackathon for Co-development and Sharing of Authentic Learning Modules in Hydrology and Water Resources
- Simulation of Viscous Fingering with the Lattice Boltzmann Method - Wetting Characteristics and Post-Breakthrough Evolution
- Soil moisture Modeling and Forecasting using Spatiotemporal Machine Learning Based Models
- The Verwey Transition Temperature in Magnetite:Towards a New Geobarometer for Deep-seated Pseudotachylytes
- The tale of a microbial community and its infective agents: Microbial and viral interactions fuel carbon and nitrogen cycling in the hyporheic zone of the Columbia River
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Using high-resolution intra-ring oxygen isotope measurements across fossil wood to reconstruct seasonal temperature in northeastern Siberia during the late Miocene
- Weaker lithospheric dripduction into Archean TTG crust formation
- Wetland water level projected to control 21<SUP>st</SUP> century carbon and warming source/sink behavior at a temperate wetland
- 3D Transient Superstructures in Mantle Convection using Lattice Boltzmann Method
- A Deep, Diverse Reservoir of Methane-Cycling Microorganisms Resists Hydrologic Perturbation to Sustain Metabolic Activity in Freshwater Wetland Soils
- An Integrated Approach to the Characterization of Natural Fractures in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale
- Characterizing Enhanced Oil Recovery from Lattice Boltzmann Simulations on Artificially Generated Porous Media Samples
- Characterizing Lava Lake Processes by Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine to Detect Strombolian Eruptions in Infrared Images at Mount Erebus, Antarctica
- Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Terrestrial Analogs to Calcium Sulfate Veins on Gale Crater, Mars
- Classification of IR Images of Small Eruptions at the Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Coastal Aquifer Research and Management Analytics (CARMA): A semi-automated platform for reproducible watershed-based water budget analysis
- Coupling Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods to Simulate Grain Comminution in Wet Ring Shear Experiments
- Do Archean cratons impact the initiation of subduction?
- Does Discharge of Treated Municipal Wastewater Increase Methane Fluxes? A Study Case in Broussard, LA.
- Elucidating the ecological dynamics of microbial systems in freshwater wetlands with an integrative omics approach across time and space
- Friction-driven thermal decomposition of carbonates: how hot does it really get?
- High-velocity viscous deformation of frictional melts:insights from landslide pseudotachylytes
- How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands
- Inverse Modelling of Tsunami Deposits Using a Deep Learning Neural Network: Application to the 1929 Grand Banks Tsunami Deposits.
- Late Oligocene Seasonal Precipitation Based on 13C Profiles in Fossil Wood: A Proxy System Model Case Study with Monte Carlo Uncertainty
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of convection-diffusion to model viscous fingering with polymer additives
- Leaky salt: the history of cross-evaporite fluid escape as recorded in pipe trails, Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean
- Measuring the Effects of Acute Saltwater Intrusion on Methane and CO2 Fluxes from Freshwater Wetland Vegetation: An Experimental Ecosystem-Scale Approach.
- Morphologic Evolution and Sediment Transport of Offshore Sandy Dredge Pits
- New Analyses Reveal a High Variability of Methane Release Over the Last 50 kys at Woolsey Mound (Gulf of Mexico).
- Seasonal hydroclimate recorded in high resolution, intra-ring 18O profiles from longleaf pines growing in a coastal savanna of southwest Louisiana, USA
- Separating the effects of CO2 and water stress on carbon isotope discrimination in C3 land plants
- Snapshots of Late Pleistocene Climatic and Ecologic Variability in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Using Isotopic Analysis of Sediment and Wood
- Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Operation under Uncertainty
- Trees and Knees: Quantifying Methane Flux from Woody Vegetation in a Louisiana Swamp
- Understanding heavy metal concentration and distribution in soil aggregates of green infrastructure.
- Understanding hydrological and ecological controls on methane flux in Lake Erie estuarine mineral-soil marsh
- A synergy of traditional teaching methods with novel online applications in Natural Sciences Education
- Active faulting suppresses bedform development on a (supercritical) deep-water fan
- Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Capacity of Louisiana Highways' Right-Of-Way Lands
- Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Modeling Wetland Management as a Nature-based Climate Solution.
- Comparing the Unusual Photodissociation Dynamics of Isoprene-Derived Criegee Intermediates
- Efficacy of Tropical Cyclones Acoustic Reconnaissance
- Empowering Hydrology and Water Resources Educators to Collaboratively Develop Open-Access, Open-Source Authentic Learning Modules
- Evaluating Patterns in Patch and Leaf-Level Methane Flux from Louisiana Coastal Wetlands
- Evaluating Performance of Hydrologic Model for Purposes of Soil Moisture Prediction in Long Term Gauged Watersheds
- Evaluation of Streamflow Generation Using Different Formulations of Conceptual Functional Equivalent Model for Semi Arid Region.
- Evolution of a Protoplanetary Magma Ocean Through Multiple Impact Events
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Long-Term Nutrient Sequestration in a Temperate Lake-Coastal Wetland Are Determined by Long- and Short-Term Hydrological Changes and Vegetation Patch Types
- How Communities Understand Flood Risk and Potential Solutions: Sharing Insights from a Flood-Prone Community in South Louisiana, USA
- Improving wetland model realism: Activating and parametrizing sub-grid level wetland land-unit in the E3SM land model (ELM)
- Increasing Nitrate Loads Reduces Carbon Sequestration, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Accumulation on a Freshwater, Estuarine Marsh
- Individual Benthic Foraminifera Analysis and its Use in Reconstructing Methane Seepage: the Case of Woolsey Mound, Gulf of Mexico
- Large Pockmark fields point to extensive past fluid expulsion in the Gippsland Basin (SE Australia)
- Late Quaternary (0-200 ka) Environmental Magnetic Record of Mediterranean Overflow Water from IODP Site U1389 (Gulf of Cadiz)
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Of Plastic Rheologies: Phase Space Study Of The Emergence Of Plate Tectonics
- Machine Learning Techniques and hydrological Modeling for Flood Susceptibility and Inundation Mapping: Case study VGTB River Basin, Vietnam
- Once a Swamp, Always a Swamp: A Multiproxy Investigation Reveals the Persistence of Baldcypress Swamp Environments Since the Last Ice Age
- Quantifying the Influence of Water Stress on the Use of Plant Isotopes to Estimate Paleo-CO2
- Salt Tectonics Affects Organic Matter Quality and Quantity of a Coastal Wetland in Southwest Louisiana
- Sediment loading triggered gas and fluid expulsions during the last 130 ka: Evidence from Gulf of Mexico continental slope
- Species Abundance and Individual Foraminiferal Analyses During the Younger Dryas in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Tectonic Significance of a Major Detachment Zone at the Crust-Mantle Boundary of an Ophiolite: Cima di Gratera, Corsica
- The Effects of a Simulated Saltwater Intrusion Event on CO2 Leaf Fluxes and Porewater Concentrations from Typha domingensis Vegetation Patches in a Freshwater Environment.
- The Gulf of Mexico Soundscapes During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Tree Nut Mystery: Investigating the Use of Methyl Bromide during the Winter in Merced County
- Volatiles Release from Metal-Silicate Interactions in Magma Oceans During Planetary Accretion
- Voyage to the Ridge: NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and 2022 Contributions to the Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration
- Warm Winters and Cool Summers in the Arctic During the Early Eocene Determined From Isotopes in Cellulose Extracted from Fossil Wood
- What is Magnetic in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Island Arcs?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Andrea R. Biedermann
- Anna Paltseva
- Arash Modaresi Rad
- Ashley M. Matheny
- Benjamin M. Sleeter
- Brian A. Schubert
- Bridget B McGivern
- C. M. Gough
- Camille L. Stagg
- Chuang Xuan
- David G. Tarboton
- Davide Oppo
- Donald R. Blake
- E.C. Ferré
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Eric J. Ward
- Fabio A. Capitanio
- Feng Dong
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- Gabriele Morra
- Gift Okunbor
- Gil Bohrer
- Hilary McMillan
- J. W. Geissman
- Jacob Pate Warner
- Jacqueline E. Reber
- Jorge A. Villa
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Julie N. Richey
- Justine Missik
- Kaustubh Thirumalai
- Kehui Xu
- Ken W. Krauss
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Paraskevi Io Ioannidi
- Peter A. Cawood
- Prasanna Mahesh Gunawardana
- Péter Móra
- Qing Zhu
- Rubén Juanes
- Scott C. Neubauer
- T. A. Morrow
- Theresia Yazbeck
- Timothy H. Morin
- William E. Lukens
- William J. Riley
- Zhiliang Zhu