Western Michigan University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Assessment of the Export of O<SUB>3</SUB>\ and Nitrogen Oxides From North America Over the North Atlantic Ocean During Late Summer Through Fall 1997 Using Measurements From the NARE-Cape Pine Study
- Coastal Plain Drilling and the NJ Sea-level Transect: Sea-level change during the Icehouse and Greenhouse Worlds
- Laboratory Studies of Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms
- Atmosphere-Forest Exchange: Important Questions Regarding the Atmosphere's Role in the Delivery of Nutrient Nitrogen and Impacts on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling
- Image Segmentation and Classification Using Local Fractal Dimension and Spatial Autocorrelation
- Measurement of Nitrous Acid (HONO) During PROPHET 2000 Summer Intensive
- Paleomagnetism and ^{40}Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Dating of Folded Sills in the Lombard Thrust Sheet, South Central Montana: Implications for the Timing of Fold and Thrust Deformation and Vertical Axis Rotations Along the Southern Margin of the Helena Salient
- Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen Partitioning and Ozone Production Efficiencies during the PROPHET Summer 2000 and Summer 2001 Measurements Intensives
- Sensitivity of MPAN at the PROPHET Site
- Significant Atmospheric Implications of Nitric Acid Photolysis on Surfaces in Low-NOx Environments
- System for Predicting Pitzer Ion-Interaction Model Parameters
- A Method for the Measurement of Nitrous Acid Flux Using Relaxed Eddy Accumulation
- A Science Plan for Integrated Studies of Coupled Biosphere-Atmosphere Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
- Comparison of Day- and Nighttime Oxidation of Biogenic and Anthropogenic VOCs Along the New England Coast in Summer During NEAQS 2002
- Geoelectrical Evidence of Microbial Degradation of Diesel Contaminated Sediments
- In-situ Measurements of NO<SUB>3</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> During NEAQS 2002
- PAN-Type Compounds and Photochemistry in the NEAQS Environment
- One Million Year Old Groundwater in the Sahara Revealed by Krypton-81 and Chlorine-36
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation In Biotic Vs. Abiotic Anaerobic Conditions
- Introduction to TETHYS - an Interdisciplinary GIS Database for Studying Continental Plate Collisions
- Phanerozoic sea level, ice volume, and carbon dioxide
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Algal Blooms in the Lower Great Lakes
- The relation between 20th century dune migration and wetland formation at Cape Cod National Sea Shore, MA
- Thermal Cooling of Ocean Lithosphere - New Data - New Insights
- A new application of hierarchical cluster analysis to investigate organic peaks in bulk mass spectra obtained with an Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Development of an Automated Precipitation Processing Model and Applications in Hydrologic Investigations
- Investigation of Vertical Redox Stratification and Stable Carbon Isotope Geochemistry in Saltmarsh Sediments and Pore Waters
- Stimulating in situ surfactant production to increase contaminant bioavailability and augment bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons
- What do PANs Tell us about VOC-NOx Photochemistry in the Urban/Rural Interface?
- Attenuated geophysical signatures associated with ongoing remediation efforts at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Oscoda, Michigan
- Global sea-level changes inferred from U.S. margin and deep-sea isotopic records
- Introducing the Importance of Scientific Methods and Tools to Students Using Real Data and Inquiry Based Teaching.
- Post-Impact Sedimentation of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Local and Regional Effects
- A New Technique for Estimating Erosion Through Comparison of Tectonic Subsidence and Eustasy: Example From the ANDRILL-1B core
- An Assessment of Forest Pollutant Exposure Using Back Trajectories, Anthropogenic Emissions, and Ambient Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Measurements
- Determination of Reactive Nitrogen Species (NOx, NOy-HNO3, Peroxyacetyl Nitrates, Total Organic Nitrates) During the PROPHET Summer 2008 Intensive
- Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Hardwood Forest, Measured by Laser Induced Fluorescence
- HONO Flux Measurement at a Forested Site in Northern Michigan
- Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxy Radical Measurements in a Forested Environment During the PROPHET 2008 and NIFTy Field Campaigns
- In Situ Gas Phase Glyoxal Measurements Above a Forest Canopy at PROPHET 2008
- Inhibition of Gypsum Precipitation for Subsurface Barrier Formation
- Late Cretaceous to Cenozoic Antarctic Ice-Sheet Evolution From Sea-Level and Deep- Sea Isotope Changes
- Measurements of Total Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity in Forested Environments with a Turbulent-Flow Reactor
- Quantitative Analysis of Isomeric Volatile Organic Compounds in a Northern Hardwood Forest by Proton Transfer Reaction Linear Ion Trap (PTR-LIT) Mass Spectrometry
- Aerosol Production from the Great Lakes Surface
- Effects of the Indian Ocean Temperature on Nile River Flow Volumes
- Estimating Last Glacial Maximum Ice Thickness Using Porosity and Depth Relationships: Examples from AND-1B and AND-2A Cores, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Groundwater contamination with arsenic, Selenium and other trace elements in Quetta Valley, Pakistan
- Measurements of Product-Specific VOC Reactivities during the PROPHET 2008 field intensive using proton transfer reaction linear ion trap (PTR-LIT) mass spectrometry
- OH and HO2 Concentrations during PROPHET 2008: Measurement and Theory
- The Study of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from Needles of White Pine (Pinus Strobus) in Northern Michigan
- Above canopy OH and HO2 during PROPHET 2008 and CABINEX 2009: Measurement and theory
- Constraints on the Hydrologic Settings and Recharge of the Freshwater Lenses in Kuwait
- Creation of a Web-Based GIS Server and Custom Geoprocessing Tools for Enhanced Hydrologic Applications
- Estimating Last Glacial Maximum Ice Thickness Using Porosity and Depth Relationships: Examples from AND-1B, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Explaining a Consistent Morning NOx Maximum in the Clean Air Forest Boundary Layer
- Individual Tree Variation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds from Needles of White Pine (Pinus strobus) in Northern Michigan
- Integration of GRACE data, with inferences from traditional datasets for a better understanding of the time-dependent water storage variability in African watersheds
- Investigation of HOx radical chemistry under a forest canopy during CABINEX-2009
- Measurements of HONO Above and Within a Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Modern Recharge of the Nubian Aquifer: Remote Sensing, Geochemical, Geophysical, and Modeling Constraints
- Overview of CABINEX/PROPHET 2009
- Ozone reactivity of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted from the four dominant tree species at PROPHET - CABINEX
- Predicting Adsorption in Natural Systems: Are We There Yet? (Invited)
- Preliminary Tectonic Subsidence Results: Outer Shelf and Upper Slope Sites, Canterbury Basin from IODP Expedition 317
- Student Conceptions of Eutrophication in a Field-Based Undergraduate Course
- The high tide of the warm Pliocene: Implications of ~20 m Peak Eustatic Sea-Levels for Antarctic Deglaciation
- Total Hydroxyl Radical Reactivity Above and Below a Forest Canopy During CABINEX 2009
- Transcurrent Fault Systems in the Mojave Desert, Conduits or Barriers to Groundwater Flow?
- Vertical profiles of HOx chemistry within a mixed hardwood forest during the 2009 CABINEX field campaign: Evaluations with a one-dimensional canopy-chemistry model
- A Web-based GIS Approach for the Assessment of Landslides in the Jazan area, Saudi Arabia
- Hydrological Resource Sheds and Great Lakes Applications
- Novice to Expert Cognition During Geologic Bedrock Mapping
- Observations and Modeling of Glyoxal in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest Environment
- One Dimensional Backstripping Results from IODP Expedition 318, Site U1356: Tectonic Implications for the Wilkes Land Margin of Antarctica
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Modern Recharge in the Eastern Desert and Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
- Source of Groundwater Recharge over the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt: Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints
- Teaching the Interior Composition and Rheology of the Earth to Undergraduate Students Using an Inquiry Based Approach
- Use of GRACE data to monitor climate change-induced variations in water storage availability in the African continent
- A Revised Eocene Breakup Age for the Wilkes Land, Antarctica - Australia Conjugate Margins: Backstripping the IODP Expedition 318 Site U1356
- Analysis of TRMM Satellite Data in Varying Climates and Elevation in Morocco
- Assessment of Satellite-based Precipitation Products (TRMM) in Hydrologic Modeling: Case Studies from Northern Morocco
- Developing a Standardized Testing Procedure for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurement Methods
- Estimation of wetland methane emissions in a biogeochemical model integrated in CESM: sensitivity analysis and comparison against surface and atmospheric measurements
- Geophysical and remote sensing applications for a better understanding of the structural (faults/ basement uplifts) controls on groundwater flow in the Lucerne Valley, California
- Impact of Low-Frequency Atmospheric Circulation Patterns (NAOI and EATP) on the Spatial and Temporal Precipitation over North Africa
- Integrated Approach (Geophysics and Remote Sensing) to identify Water-bearing Dyke Swarms and Fractured Basement in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt
- Monitoring climate and man-made induced variations in terrestrial water storage (TWS) across Africa using GRACE data
- Radar Interferometric Applications for a Better Understanding of the Distribution, Controlling Factors, and Precursors of Large Earthquakes in Turkey
- Reconstructing Quaternary pluvial episodes and paleohydrology using travertines from Egypt's Western Desert
- A Remote Sensing Based Approach for the Assessment of Debris Flow Hazards Using Artificial Neural Network and Binary Logistic Regression Modeling
- An integrated approach (remote sensing, geophysics, field) to assess the structural control of groundwater flow in Wadi Feiran basement complex, Sinai, Egypt
- Assessment of TRMM Products and Their Influence on Hydrologic Models within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Building Opportunity Out of Science and Technology (BOOST): Enhancing Capacity for Hydrologic Science in Morocco and Egypt
- Chemical, Isotopic and Remote Sensing Constraints on the Age, Origin, and Groundwater Potentiality in the Rub Al Khali Aquifer System, Arabian Peninsula
- Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Optically Complex Coastal Waters of the Kuwait Bay using Aqua-MODIS data
- Early to Middle Miocene Glacioeustasy Derived from Backstripped New Jersey Shelf and Deep-Sea Oxygen Isotopic and Mg/Ca Records
- Geochemical constraints on the origin of palladium, copper and gold mineralization in the Salt Chuck mafic-ultramafic intrusion in southeastern Alaska
- Groundwater processes and landscape evolution in Saharan Africa: Remote sensing, isotopic and geophysical constraints
- Microspectroscopic Analysis of Anthropogenic- and Biogenic-Influenced Aerosol Particles during the SOAS Field Campaign
- Miocene Relative Sea Level on the New Jersey Shallow Shelf: Preliminary One-Dimensional Backstripping of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 313
- Modeling Runoff and Sediments Yields and their Response to Climate Change: Case Study from the Red Sea Coast of Saudi Arabia
- Monitoring Aquifer Depletion from Space: Case Studies from the Saharan and Arabian Aquifers
- Observations of speciated monoterpenes above a Southeastern United States Forest and comparison with a 0-D model
- Reconstruction of the paleohydrological setting of the Rub Al Khali, Saudi Arabia
- Role of soil moisture persistence and precipitation autocorrelation in summer precipitation variations in East China
- Teaching Climate Change to Future Teachers Using 'Real' Data: Challenges and Opportunities (Invited)
- Using Persistent Scatterers Interferometry to create a subsidence map of the Nile Delta in Egypt
- Using Radar Interferometry (DinSAR) to Evaluate Land Subsidence Caused by Excessive Groundwater Withdrawal in Morocco
- A Warning System for Rainfall-Induced Debris Flows: A Integrated Remote Sensing and Data Mining Approach
- Assessment of the Climate Vulnerabilities of the Arabian Peninsula
- Assessment of the Nature, Distribution and Causes of Land Subsidence in Central and Northern Saudi Arabia
- Controls on Algal Bloom Propagation in the Kuwait Bay Utilizing: An Integrated Remote Sensing and Statistical Approach
- Cultural Meromixis: the Influence of Road Salt Deicers on Two Urban Kettle Lakes
- Did Groundwater Processes Shape the Saharan Landscape during the Previous Wet Periods? a Remote Sensing and Geostatistical Approach
- Management of Egypt's Surface and Groundwater Resources: Present and Future
- Modeling the hydrologicEffects of Spatial Heterogeneity in Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China
- Monitoring natural and anthropogenic induced variations in water availability across Africa
- Quantifying Modern Recharge to the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System: Inferences from GRACE and Land Surface Models
- Recharge Regimes of the Saq Aquifer System, Saudi Arabia: Inferences from Geochemical and Isotopic Compositions
- Role of Peroxyacyl Nitrates (PANs) Species in Tropospheric Chemistry in the Southeastern U.S. during SOAS 2013
- Sructural Control Of Groundwater Flow In The Sinai Peninsula: Integrated Studies
- Study of the impact of organic nitrate production on ozone production in a southeastern mixed forest environment using a 0-D photochemical model
- Understanding the paleohydrological setting of the Arabian Peninsula: An integrated approach
- An Integrated Approach for the Assessment of the Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Land Subsidence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Applications of Radar Interferometric Techniques to Assess Natural Hazards and their Controlling Factors
- Comparing Vesta's Surface Roughness to the Moon Using Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Evidence for Global Biogeochemical Changes During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Fault Zone Hydrogeology of Crystalline and Sedimentary Aquifers in Arid Regions: The Case Sinai Peninsula, Egypt.
- Field Evidence for Magnetite Formation by a Methanogenic Microbial Community
- Forecasting Precipitation over the MENA Region: A Data Mining and Remote Sensing Based Approach
- Geo-Needs: Investigating Models for Improved Access to Geosciences at Two-Year and Minority-Serving Colleges
- Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles
- Integrated Approach for the Assessment of Land Deformation in the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia
- K-Ar dates of Authigenic Illite from the Mississippian Marshall Sandstone, Michigan Basin, USA
- Mentoring Temporal and Spatial Variations in Rainfall across Wadi Ar-Rumah, Saudi Arabia
- Monitoring temporal variations in water resources across the Arabian Peninsula and identification of their controlling factors
- Origin, age, and paleoclimatic setting of the Late Quaternary deposits in Wadi Feiran, Sinai Peninsula: Geomorphologic, geochronologic, and isotopic constraints
- PIXELS: Using field-based learning to investigate students' concepts of pixels and sense of scale
- Self Potential as an indicator of biogeochemical transformations during active hydrocarbon biodegradation processes
- Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest
- The Global Record of the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event: Perspectives from the Eastern Panthalassic Ocean
- Timing and Nature of Wet Climatic Periods in North Africa and in the Arabian Peninsula: Inferences from Isotopic, Chronologic, and Remote sensing data
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Hydrologic Setting of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System: Inferences from Groundwater Flow Models, CL-36 Ages, and GRACE Data
- Use of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry to Assess Land Deformation in the Nile Delta and its Controlling Factors
- Use of the Complex Conductivity Method to Monitor Hydrocarbon Degradation in Brackish Environments
- Variability in wetland methane emissions simulated by CLM4Me¢ and its contribution to atmospheric methane concentration in CAM-chem
- A reassessment of the Quaternary Paleoclimatic data from the Sahara
- A-Train Education Activities: Partnerships to Engage Citizens with Atmospheric Science
- Assessment of the Extent of Land Deformation Associated with Salt Domes within the Jazan City and Surroundings, Saudi Arabia
- Assessment of the hydrologic setting and mass transport within Saharan and Arabian Aquifers using GRACE, geochemical, geophysical and subsurface data
- Determining the Potential Role of Regional Stress on Preferential Flow and Transport at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site
- Developing sustainable management scenarios for Saharan and Arabian aquifer systems using GRACE data
- Development of Early Warning System using Temporal Radar Images for Debris Flows in Jazan Province, Saudi Arabia
- Engaging observers to look at clouds from both sides: connecting NASA mission science with authentic STEM experiences
- High Magnetic Susceptibility in a Highly Saline Sulfate-Rich Aquifer Undergoing Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Results from Sulfate Reduction.
- Integration of satellite gravity data with ground-based geophysical data for a better understanding of the structural control of groundwater flow in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
- Investigating the Origin of Natural and Anthropogenic Deformation across the Nile Delta Using Radar Interferometry, GRACE, Modeling, and Field data
- Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Study
- Long Term Precipitation Patterns Assessment and Prediction over the Mediterranean Basin
- Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for the hydrobiogeochemical cycling of iron within the water table fluctuation zone at hydrocarbon contaminated sites
- Multi-Year Analysis of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microbial Communities at the Petroleum-Contaminated site in Bemidji, Minn.
- Nature, timing, and origin of wet climatic periods in Arabia from geochemical (stable isotopes, noble gas thermometry, geochronology) an geomorphological data
- One-dimensional canopy modeling of biogenic VOC during the 2016 PROPHET AMOS campaign
- Pliocene Tectonics Suggest an End to Passive Margin Subsidence: A Fresh Look at the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Post Rendez-vous Dielectric 3D Modelling of Comet 67P/CG Using the Rosetta's CONSERT and VIRTIS Instruments Observations
- Quantifying Temporal Variations in Water Resources of the Saq Transboundary Aquifer System and Identification of their Controlling Factors
- Spatial Thinking in Atmospheric Science Education
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Land Deformation in Northern Saudi Arabia: Inferences from Radar Interferometric Applications
- Temporal Changes in Magnetic Susceptibility Induced by Microbial Manipulation of Iron Minerals
- The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous Forest
- The Relationship Between Anthropogenic Climate Change Acceptance and Agreement with Authentic Dissenter Messages
- Understanding Volatile Occurrence on Vesta Using Bistatic Radar and GRaND Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Unusual Atmospheric Processes: Implications for the Unusual Isotope Effect in Precipitation
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Variations in TWS and GWS in Michigan's Lower Peninsula and Identification of the Controlling Factors
- Australian Northwest Shelf: a Late Neogene Reversible Tectonic Event
- Climate Variability and Siliciclastic Deposition on a Carbonate Margin - Neogene of the Northwest Shelf of Australia
- Constraining the Dynamical Formation and the Size of the Primordial Building Blocks for Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the CONSERT Observations
- Developing Predictive Models for Algal Bloom Occurrence and Identifying Factors Controlling their Occurrence in the Charlotte County and Surroundings
- Development of a Novel Method for Temporal Analysis of Airborne Microbial Communities
- Evidence for ground-ice occurrence on asteroid Vesta using Dawn bistatic radar observations
- Extending the application of deuterium excess as a tracer in surface and groundwaters
- Groundwater-related Land Deformation over the Mega Aquifer System in Saudi Arabia: Inferences from InSAR, GRACE, Earthquake records, Field, and Spatial Data Analysis.
- Holocene Flexural Deformation over the Nile Delta: Evidence from Radar Interferometry
- Investigating A Unique Open Ocean Geochemical Record Of the End Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
- Microbial Communities in the Vertical Atmosphere: Effects of Urbanization and the Natural Environment in Four North American Ecosystems
- Passive Margin geometry with Active Margin tectonic subsidence history: backstripping the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Pleistocene Arid and Wet Climatic Variability: Imprint of Glacial Climate, Tectonics and Oceanographic Events in the Sediments of the se Indian Ocean, Western Australia
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Shoreline Erosion and Slope Failure Detection over Southwest Lakeshore Michigan using Temporal Radar and Digital Elevation Model
- Spatial patterns of drought persistence in East China
- Structural Control and Groundwater Flow in the Nubian Aquifer
- Temporal Analysis of Multi-sensor Data to Identify and Monitor Natural Groundwater Discharge in Arid Environments
- The Role Of Orbital Forcing On Polar Ice Volume And Global Sea-Level During The Late Pliocene (3.3-.2.6 Ma)
- The impact of road salt runoff on methanogens and other lacustrine prokaryotes
- Tracking Early Jurassic marine (de)oxygenation
- Understanding Preferential Flow and Storage Mechanisms in Boreal Catchments
- Using Total Peroxy Radicals to Evaluate Ozone Production in Northern Michigan and San Antonio
- Application of Electrical Resistivity Monitoring to Determine the Occurrence of Preferential Flow in Unsaturated Soil.
- Application of InSAR techniques for monitoring landslide and bluff recession along Lake Michigan's coastal bluff
- Assessment of the Distribution and the Factors Controlling the Rise in Groundwater Levels in Mecca Region, Saudi Arabia
- Characterizing Planetary Surface Roughness and Potential Volatile Presence Using Opportunistic Orbital Bistatic Radar Observations
- Comparison of GRACE Response (RL06 versus RL05) over Fossil Aquifers in NE Africa
- Delineating Subsurface Salt Diapirs along the Southern Red Sea Coastline, Saudi Arabia using Geophysical and Remote Sensing Techniques
- Detecting Sinkhole and Land Deformation Hazards Related to Carbonate Dissolution in Qatar using Geodetic Methods
- Detecting and monitoring ground deformation using InSAR time series in arid environments; Doha City and its surroundings, Qatar
- Determination of Well Capture Zones in Fractured Rock Systems Using Discrete Fracture Network Modeling Approach
- Dust impact detection by Cassini's Langmuir Probe
- Examination of Technetium Transport Through Soils Under Contrasting Redox Conditions
- Fast Aquifer Response: GRACE, Geophysical, and Geochemical Evidence
- Fate and Transport of Uranium in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Plant Exudates and Hydrological Processes
- Forecasting harmful algal blooms over the coastal water, Charlotte County, Florida
- Gap-Filling Between GRACE and GRACE-FO Missions Over Africa
- Global Sea-level during the Mid- to Late Pliocene ( 3.3-2.6 Ma) and Implications for Polar Ice Sheet Variability
- Impact of Changing Atmospheric Dynamics on d excess in Precipitation in the Great Lakes Region of the United States
- Isotopic Investigation of Cold Surface Condensation: A Laboratory Based Study
- Long Term Prediction of Drought Events in Southwestern US
- Microbial Community Dynamics at an Aged Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site
- Passive Margin Geometry and Epeirogenic Uplift: Geodynamics of the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Placer Gold Deposits in Ordovician Glacial Diamictites, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
- Polar Vortex Dynamics on Gas and Ice Giant Planets
- Satellite Scatterometer Estimation of Urban Built-up Volume:Validation with Airborne Lidar Data
- Statistical Down-scaling of GRACE Data Using Multivariate Regression Models and Artificial Neural Networks
- Using remote sensing and GIS technologies to map progressive urbanization and to identify hazardous areas related to sinkholes in Riyadh city and surroundings, Saudi Arabia
- Visualizing Macropore Flow Mechanisms using 4D X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging within a Heterogeneous Porous Medium
- Wintertime urban ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> observations in Michigan
- A Community of Practice Model Suggests Practical Implications for Teaching Geologic Mapping in the Field
- An extended PlioSeaNZ continuous shallow marine record of sea-level change (3.3-1.7 Ma)
- Analyzing InSAR time series: Case study on salt diapir intrusions and sabkhas in Southwestern Saudi Arabia
- Benthic Macroinvertebrates Reflect Water Quality Along Portage Creek, Michigan, USA
- Bridging gravity field observations across GRACE and GRACE-FO missions over Africa
- Conceptual and Statistical Models to Map the Distribution of Near-surface Groundwater Occurrences in Al Qunfudah Province, Saudi Arabia
- Continuous monitoring of ground deformation in Qatar, using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series
- Creeping Before the Fall: Glacial Bluff Landslides, Lake Michigan
- Delineating Ground Deformation over Mega-Oil Fields in Kuwait Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Technique
- Effects of Reactant Surface Area and Mineralogy on Dolomite Stoichiometry
- Epeirogenic Uplift of the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Investigating groundwater seepage control on bluff failure along Michigan coastline using UAVs
- JunoCam Images of Castellanus Clouds on Jupiter
- K-8 Water Science Campers Learn NGSS Practices Through Authentic Research and Inquiry-Driven Activities
- Late Ordovician ice stream in NE Africa and Arabia and its implication
- Magnetic susceptibility as a proxy for the redox cycling of iron: An integrated microbial and magnetic mineral study -Invited Paper 544523
- Misconceptions about Climate Change and Ozone Depletion: Textbooks, Instructors and Media Influence on Ghanaian Pre-Service Teachers
- Monitoring recent land subsidence in the Nile Delta of Egypt using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series
- Pathways to Science Teaching Immerses Preservice Teachers in Field-based Earth Science Research and K-8 Teaching
- Preferential flow mechanisms and implications for carbon transport and cycling in permafrost systems
- Reaction Rate as the Fundamental Control on Calcite Microcrystal Size
- Stable isotopes as potential tracers in fluid transport through micropores
- Use of GRACE solutions for a better understanding of aquifer recharge sources, connectivity, groundwater flow, sustainability, and response to climate variability
- Use of GRACE<SUB>TWS</SUB> to identify the nature and timing of recharge sources and groundwater flow directions and velocities in aquifers
- Use of Sentinel-1 and GRACE Data to Assess the Distribution, Nature, and Factors Causing Land Deformation in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
- Visualizing and Monitoring Bluff Retreat Using Sentinel 1 Radar Interferometry and UAV Imagery.
- Assessment of Signal Leakage on GRACE-Derived Seasonal Variations in Dakhla Subbasin, Egypt
- Crustal structure of the Nile Delta: Interpretation of seismic-constrained gravity inversion
- Developing a Radar based Landslide Monitoring System (LMS) Along the Eastern Lake Michigan Bluffs
- Focus questions for Ice Giant atmospheric studies in the next decade
- Fractional-Derivative Models for Non-Fickian Transport in a Single Fracture, Parallel Fractures, and Discrete Fracture Networks
- Getting to impact at scale: A community-based model to guide propagation of systems thinking and simulation-based learning about climate change in higher education
- Investigating Spreading Properties of the 4<SUP>th</SUP> Rank Gaussian Dispersivity Tensor Under Anisotropic Geometrical Symmetries
- Key Indicators of Epeirogenic Uplift of the Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Late Ordovician Arabian ice stream: The largest known terrestrial ice stream
- Microbial Role in Environmental Magnetism
- Monitoring of Salt Diapir-Related Land Deformation in an Urban Setting
- Prevalence of Fracture Spatial Clustering and Implications for Solute Transport
- Recent Science Results on Jupiter's Atmosphere from the JunoCam Instrument
- Remote sensing & Statistical learning approach to Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Using MODIS Ocean colour parameters
- Sub-seismic reef characterization using machine learning and multi-attribute analysis
- The Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX): A New NSF Supported CubeSat Project
- Use of machine learning algorithms and remote sensing data to identify shallow groundwater occurrences in the Western Desert of Egypt
- A machine learning approach for Harmful Algal Bloom (red tide) Forecasting Using MODIS level 3 Ocean colour products from Google Earth Engine.
- Assessment of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Nile Basin and their Impact on Downstream Countries
- Assessment of the impacts of climate variability on highly engineered watersheds: A case study from the Tigris Euphrates watershed
- Carbon accounting of ponderosa pine forests across the interior western U. S. based on tree-ring and forest inventory data
- Continuous monitoring of Eastern Lake Michigan bluffs using Sentinel -1 and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) data
- Continuous monitoring of ground motion using Sentinel-1 InSAR time series: A case study from Doha, Qatar
- Elevated risk of tropical cyclone precipitation and pluvial flood in Houston under global warming
- Essential Teamwork Skills: Perspectives of Environmental Geoscience Employers
- Examining Urban Built-up Volume using High Spatial Resolution SAR and Lidar Data: A Case Study in Detroit, Michigan, USA
- Exploring the Effects of Tree Roots on Infiltration Process
- Insights into Dolomite Cation Ordering Using XRD Full Width Half Maximum Data
- Internal Structure and Circulation of Giant Planet Atmospheric Vortices
- Iodine Incorporation into Dolomite: Insights from Dolomitization Experiments and Implications for the Iodine Redox Proxy
- Preservation of Passive Margin Geometry Thru Epierogenic Uplift, Canterbury Basin, South Island, New Zealand
- Rapid assessment of Surfside condo collapse using InSAR time series analysis and geospatial technologies
- Salt Diapir Hazard Monitoring in the Southwestern Arabian Peninsula
- Stable isotope link between tap water, local precipitation and ground water in Urban locality
- The Role of Fluid:Solid Ratio in Dictating the Diagenetic Pathway of Carbonate Metastable Sediments
- Understanding the causes of non-climatic lake surface area expansions: insights from the perspective of volcano-tectonic processes
- Use of Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning to Locate Shallow Groundwater in the Western Desert of Egypt
- Watching the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance from a Distance
- A Geophysical Test Study to Image Water Uptake by Tree Roots
- A Process-based Approach to Carbonate Diagenesis: Back to Basics
- An Automated Anomaly Detection Study to Map Cemetery Lot Using GPR
- An Integrated Remote Sensing, Geophysical and Stable Isotope Approach for Groundwater Assessment in the northern area of the Western Desert, Egypt.
- Application of a High-Resolution Diagenetic Characterization to Investigate Dolomitization in the Upper Ordovician (Richmondian) Saluda Formation, Madison, Indiana
- Best practices for drone remote sensing research: A critical perspective
- Control of Sequent Crustal Collisions on the Distribution of Orogenic Gold Mineralization in the Arabian Nubian Shield
- Determining the Origin of Deep-Water Dolomite in the Permian (Leonardian) Spraberry Formation of the Midland Basin
- Did the late Miocene witness the failure of the Suez rift and the cessation of extension?
- Dolomite as a Paleoclimate Proxy: The Relationship between Cation Order and Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Experimental Dolomites
- Evaluating Variations in Tropical Cyclone Precipitation using Machine Learning Techniques
- InSAR, Geophysical, and Field Investigations to Assess and Monitor Deformation Associated with a Rising Salt Diapir, Jazan City and Surroundings, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Inter-annual variability of lake-effect snowfall and its relationship with regional environmental variables and teleconnections in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan
- Non-Structural Carbohydrate Dynamics Regulate Soil Respiration Following Phloem-Girdling
- Observationally Constrained 1-Dimensional Modeling of Wintertime Inland ClNO2 Over Urban Snowpack
- Probing Permafrost Hydrology and Thaw across a Ground Ice Content Gradient in Alaska
- Remote Sensing Applications for Assessment of Seepage from Artificial Reservoir: Case Studies from the Nile Basin, Africa
- Remote Sensing Applications for Landslide Detection and Monitoring along Lake Michigan Eastern Coastline, Miami Park, MICHIGAN
- Scanning, Framing, and Slicing: Key Spatial Thinking Skills for Hydrogeology
- Simple Experiments can Shape our Understanding of Complex Processes
- Sinkhole formation in relation to nearby wastewater storage in abandoned quarries, southeastern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Sources and sinks of HONO in a rural forest environment
- Structural control on the inception and evolution of the Saharan depressions
- The Effects of Disturbance Severity on Ground Dwelling Arthropod Diversity, Composition, and Abundance in a Northern Michigan Forest
- The Impact of Extreme Precipitation Events on The Terrestrial Water Storage in The Arabian Peninsula
- The role dams could play in modulating the impacts of climate change in shared river systems: insights from the Tigris Euphrates watershed
- Towards the Development of a Hydrogeology Concept Inventory: Item Development and Analysis
- Use of GRACE and GRACE-FO to Monitor the Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on Arabia's Hydrologic Systems
- Volatile or non-volatile: does climate change affect the defensive chemical production of white pines?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bergstrom
- Abdullah T. Mohammad
- Adam J. Mathews
- Anthony R. Cummings
- Brian A. Ebel
- C. M. Gough
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Daun Jeong
- Donald M. Reeves
- E. Heggy
- Esayas Gebremichael
- Heather L. Petcovic
- Himanshu Save
- Joshua C. Koch
- Karem Abdelmohsen
- Kaushlendra Singh
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Laiyin Zhu
- M. K. Emil
- M. Sultan
- Michael C. Dietze
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Monica Palaseanu‐Lovejoy
- Nicole LaDue
- P. B. Shepson
- P. S. Stevens
- R. H. Becker
- R. Toohey
- S. Gozi
- S. Rogers
- S. V. Nghiem
- Samuel Cornelius Nyarko
- Shawn Brueshaber
- Siegfried Eggl
- Siyuan Wang