Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering
flowchart I[Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Engineering] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (299)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Simulations of Resonant Alfvén Waves and Electron Precipitation Stimulated by Active Ionospheric Feedback
- Alfvén Wave Generation and Dissipation Leading to High-Latitude Aurora
- Global Measurements of Reconnection and its Relationship to Magnetotail Transport
- In the Initiation of Brittle Compressive Failure: Lessons From Ice
- On the Transition From Coulombic to Plastic Shear Faulting in Ice
- Small-scale, Intense Electric Fields Measured Above the Ionosphere as a Result of Electrodynamic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in ULF range.
- The Energy Partition of Substorm Growth--Phase Arcs
- Alfv{é}nic Field Line Resonances in the Nightside Subauroral Zone
- Dusk-sector Pc6 Pulsation Activity Related to Magnetopause Oscillations During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Growth--Phase Auroral Arcs and Ionospheric Currents
- Quasi-Static Alfv{é}n Dynamics and Scale-Dependent Energy Deposition in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Wave Structures Within Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams during the November 6, 2001 magnetic storm
- Discrete time--frequency coupling between the interplanetary magnetic field and the magnetosphere
- Effects of the seasonal asymmetry in magnetospheric thermal density distribution and ionospheric conductance on the rate of energy deposition into auroral ionosphere
- Fabric Measurements of Ice Crystallized Within the Pore Networks of Chalk and Diatomite
- Global Images of a Traveling Convection Vortex Event
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation 3D (IDA3D), SuperDARN, and Magnetometer Analysis of Currents Over Greenland
- Nonlinear 3D Dynamics of Intense Electromagnetic Structures in Low-Altitude Auroral Magnetosphere.
- On Numerical Generation of Structured Adaptive Computational Grids Based on Variable Geomagnetic Field Geometry
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Relationship Between Alfvénic Aurora and Large-Scale Convection and Currents
- Semi-Global SuperDARN--Magnetometer Determinations of the Ionospheric Hall Conductance
- The development of parallel electric fields during substorm growth phases as a result of differential particle mirroring
- The effect of particles on dynamic recrystallization of granular ice during creep
- 2D Modeling of Geomagnetic Induction near Coastal Regions
- A Search for Signatures of Ion Acoustic Shoulders in the SERSIO sounding rocket data set
- Adjoint Data Assimilative Model Study of the Gulf of Maine Coastal Circulation
- Direct Measurement of Ionospheric Flows Associated with a Sudden Impulse Event
- Earth{'}s Polar Magnetosphere and Aurora
- Factors that influence UV actinic flux in and above Arctic snow
- Globally Simulated Poynting Flux Into Earth's Ionosphere as a First Step to Simulating Auroral Ion Outflow
- Reconstruction of flux transfer events from Cluster data
- Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the flank magnetopause and their implications for the formation of the low-latitude boundary layer
- Scarf Award Presentation: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Studies of Dayside High-Latitude Transients
- Simultaneous Geotail and Wind Detections of Reconnection at the Subsolar and Flank Magnetopause
- Survey of oxygen ions and mass density in the dayside near-magnetopause region
- Combined SuperDARN and Ground-based Magnetometer Determinations of the Ionospheric Hall Conductance
- Conversion of Electromagnetic Power to Auroral and Cusp Ion Outflows
- Density Structures Produced by Nonlinear ULF Waves in the Auroral Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: More is Different
- Microstructural Characterization Of Polycrystalline Ice From The East Rongbuk Glacier (Mt. Everest)
- Modeling the Ionospheric Response to Sudden Impulse Events
- New Code for Simulation of Auroral Alfven Waves
- Numerical Modeling of Alfven Waves and Quasistatic Field Structures in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- Variations In The Microstructure Of Polycrystalline Ice From Vostok, Antarctica
- Comparison of LFM Simulated Poynting Flux With SuperDARN-Iridium Observations
- Frequency/Spatial Scale Alfven Wave Component Comparison Between Simultaneous Polar and FAST Observations and Simulations and Evidence for Low Latitude Alfvenic Accelerated Electrons During Major Storms
- Frictional Sliding Along Coulombic Shear Faults in Ice
- Induced Fields from Sudden Impulse Events
- Modeling Sudden Impulse Events in the High Latitude Ionosphere
- Over-Snow Robots for Polar Instrument Networks
- Reconstruction of Solar Wind Structures from Multi-spacecraft Data
- Sea Ice Rheology From In-situ And Remote Sensing Observations: Fracture and Friction
- Simulated Response of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System to Different Forms of Empirically Regulated Ionospheric Outflows
- Solar Contribution to Ionospheric Conductance Derived from Combined SuperDARN and Ground-Based Magnetometer Observations
- Transition in Brittle Failure Mode Under Low Confinement
- Comparison Between Numerical Simulations and Drifter Observations of the Surface Circulation in the Adriatic Sea
- Effects of Ionospheric Heating on Feedback-Unstable Electromagnetic Fields at High Latitudes
- Generation of High-Latitude Pi2 Precursors in Growth-Phase (Downward) Field-Aligned Currents
- Magnetic Shielding of Energetic Ions
- Nonlinear finite-Larmor-radius effects in reduced fluid models
- Numerical Modeling of Alfven Waves and Quasistatic Structures in the Plasmasheet Boundary Layer
- Polar-Region Distributions of Poynting Flux: Global Models Compared With Observations
- Residence time of flux tubes in the auroral oval
- The Relationship Between Convection Velocities in Simultaneous High-Latitude Ionospheres
- Two-dimensional MHD reconstruction for studying magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause
- Arctic Sea Ice Melt in the Summer of 2008
- Effect of Ionospheric Outflow Parameters on Magnetospheric Configuration
- Localized electromagnetic waves and currents observed by Cluster in the magnetosphere -- result of magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions at high latitudes
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Melt Pond Development on Arctic Land-Fast Sea Ice in Relation to Snow and Ice Properties During the Ice Growth Season
- Modelling solar wind entry into the magnetosphere using mult-fluid MHD
- Multi-Resonator Dynamics in Regions of Downward Field-Aligned Current
- November 7-8, 2004 Superstorm: LFM Simulations with Causally Regulated Ionospheric Outflow
- Orientation and Structure of Reconnection Layer from Simulated Spacecraft Data
- Production and Effects of Secondary Electrons in Global Simulations of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction
- The Role of Albedo as a Forcing in the Formation and Development of Melt Ponds on Undeformed First Year Sea Ice
- Albedo and the Mechanisms of Melt Pond Evolution on Seasonal Ice
- Characterize the Microstructural Evolution of Dry Snow using X-Ray Computed Micro-tomography and Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Climatology of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Lyon-Fedder-Mobarry Global Magnetosphere Model
- Combining Analysis Techniques to Understand Brine Channel Morphology and Chemistry in Sea Ice
- Comparison of Faulting Under Moderate and High Confinement: Lessons from Ice
- Firn Properties and Satellite Imagery: Early Results from the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica
- Frictional Sliding of Ice: A Fundamental Process underlying Tectonic Activity within Icy Satellites (Invited)
- Global MHD simulations of the relative effects of solar wind features on cold dense plasma sheet formation during the August 31 2005 storm
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Global-Scale Ionospheric Convection
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of SuperDARN Statistical High-latitude Convection Patterns
- Lattice Boltzmann modeling of air flow through firn from a Megadunes area of East Antarctica
- Microstructural Characterization of Snow and Firn (Invited)
- Modeling seasonal variations of auroral particle precipitation
- Near-bed, aeolian sediment transport under non-uniform flows
- Shallow Firn Properties and Accumulation Rates at Sites in East Antarctica
- System Effects of Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Plasma Redistribution During Storms (Invited)
- The Temporal Evolution of the Albedo of Seasonal Sea Ice
- A Changing Arctic Sea Ice Cover and the Partitioning of Solar Radiation
- Assessing the Potential to Intensify Pastureland Use
- Broadband Electron Precipitation in Global MHD Simulation and its Effect on the Ionosphere
- Characterization of near-bed sediment transport in air and water by high-speed video
- Comparison between the Structural Evolution of Dry Snow under Quasi-isothermal Conditions and in a Temperature Gradient
- Discoveries Within the Ice: Plans of the Ice Coring and Drilling Science Community
- Firn characteristics of megadune accumulation areas and impact on radar return
- High-latitude Velocity Variability from SuperDARN Data
- Implementation of Inductive Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and its Effects on Global MHD Magnetospheric Simulations
- Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Waves
- Ionospheric feedback instability inside density cavities
- Magnetospheric Sawtooth Oscillations Induced by Ionospheric Outflow
- Microstructural variations in the Siple Dome, Antarctica ice core: Evidence of climate change?
- New SuperDARN Radar Capabilities for Observing Ionospheric Plasma Convection and ITM Coupling in the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Properties of the Near Surface Firn at NEEM
- Recovery of evolution of Grad-Shafranov equilibria from single-spacecraft data: Benchmarking and application to a flux transfer event
- Statistical Analysis of the Geometric Properties of the Dynamic Polar Cusp Using a Global MHD Simulation
- THEMIS FTE Encounter Between Oppositely Directed Reconnection Jets at the Dayside Subsolar Region on 27 June 2007
- The Fresh Meltwater in the Sea Ice System
- What can seismic anisotropy tell us about ice deformation?
- Analysis of Ice Layers in the NEEM Firn Column
- Characterizing the Icy H<SUB>2</SUB>O-MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> Eutectic System: Preliminary Results on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
- Depositional phasing of volcanic aerosols in the WAIS Divide ice core over the past 2400 years
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- F-region Plasma Drifts at Middle Latitudes Observed by SuperDARN
- Gas Diffusivity of Polar Firn
- Investigation of Micro-mechanical Causes of Density Inversion in Polar Firn
- Large-Scale SuperDARN Observations of a Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream at Mid-Latitudes
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in Geospace Dynamics
- Mid-latitude SuperDARN Measurements of the Extended Local Time Structure and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Plasma Streams
- Near surface and subsurface firn properties of antidunal accumulation regimes and implications for macro-scale processes
- Potential Magnetospheric Effects of High-Power HF Heating
- Production of narrow-scale Alfvén waves by E-region depletion, phase-mixing and feedback instability
- Reconstruction of three-dimensional, magneto-hydrostatic plasma and magnetic field structures from multi-spacecraft data
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Seasonal to centennial-scale variability of microparticle concentration and size distribution in the WAIS Divide ice core over the past 2.4 ka
- Shear Faulting and Adiabatic Heating: Experimental Results from Ice
- Solar Cycle Influence on Ionospheric Outflows and Implications for Geomagnetic Activity
- Statistics of Small-scale Spatial and Temporal Velocity Variability in the High-latitude Ionospheres
- The Scaling of Subsolar Reconnection in LFM Simulations
- Tracking Radioactive Fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident in Arctic Snow
- Autonomous Rovers for Polar Science Campaigns
- Dipole Tilt and Hemispheric Dependencies of the Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in High-Latitude Plasma Convection
- Effects of Proton Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Extended observations of two-dimensional SAPS velocities
- Gas diffusion and physical property investigations for polar firn
- High-Latitude Poynting Flux from SuperDARN and AMPERE
- How Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Differentiates Magnetospheric Convection Modes
- Ionospheric Control of the Distribution of Magnetospheric Reconnection and Convection
- Microstructural Considerations of Transporting Sea Ice Samples from Polar Regions
- Multi-Scale Observations of Plasma Conditions and Features in the Coupled Mid-Latitude Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Observations of Fabric Development in Polycrystalline Ice at Basal Pressures: Methods and Initial Results
- Occurrence and Characteristics of Large-Scale SAPS Over North America
- On the impact of impurities on firnification and gas entrapment in Antarctic firn
- Properties of Outflow Driven Sawtooth Substorms
- Relationship Between NEEM Firn Permeability and Diffusivity
- Snow pit studies from the 2008-9 Norway-US Scientific Traverse of East Antarctica
- The Effects of Overburden on Snow Metamorphism
- The Importance of Microphysical Processes in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Travels with MADGE and MABEL: near-situ and in-situ investigations of firn at Titan Dome, Antarctica
- Unexpected Melt at Summit, Greenland: Its Potential Legacy
- Albedo and Snow Structure Evolution
- Comparisons of DC Electric Field Measurements in the Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Using Measurements from the SuperDARN Radars and the Van Allen Probes EFW Instrument
- Coupling and Feedback in the Stormtime Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Interaction (Invited)
- Developing an Ice Volume Estimate of Jarvis Glacier, Alaska, using Ground-Penetrating Radar and High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Distribution and Movement of Chemical Impurities in Snow and the Impacts on Albedo
- Early inventory of black carbon particulate size in accumulated snow and ice
- Examining the Microstructural location of Bromide in Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microfluorescence
- Firn Structure Evolution at WAIS Divide
- Improved Mapping of SuperDARN Observations Using Elevation Angle Measurements
- Nitrate and chloride in Antarctic ice cores - postdepositional effects and the preservation of atmospheric signals (Invited)
- Pathways to thermospheric heating via cusp electron precipitation
- Recovery of an evolving magnetic flux rope in the solar wind: Decomposing spatial and temporal variations from single-spacecraft data
- Seismic anisotropy in ice: numerical modelling, ice core measurements and in-situ observations
- The Effects of Temperature Gradient on the Formation of Depth Hoar Structures in Snow
- The OHMIC Mission
- Assessing the Relative Impact of Distinct Ionospheric Outflow Populations on Geospace Dynamics using Multi-Fluid Global MHD simulations
- Autonomous Observations of the Heat and Mass Balance of Arctic Sea Ice
- Climate change and forest fires synergistically drive widespread melt events of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Comparison of Multi-fluid Lyon Fedder Mobarry global magnetosphere simulations with observations
- Electron Precipitation Models in Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Simulations
- Evolution of the Specific Surface Area of Snow in a High Temperature Gradient Metamorphism
- Investigating the summer evolution of floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- Optical Measurements and Analysis of Sea Ice in the Chukchi Sea during the Onset of 2014 Melt
- Physical and Chemical Properties of Seasonal Snow and the Impacts on Albedo in New Hampshire, USA
- Poynting Flux-Conserving Boundary Conditions for Global MHD Models
- SAGE 2014: Grain size variability across the Sunlight Absorption on the Greenland ice sheet Experiment (SAGE) traverse route
- SAGE 2014: Spatial and Seasonal Variability in the Accumulation of Black Carbon and Soluble Ions in the Snow Pack in Northwest Greenland.
- Seasonal evolution of melt pond characteristics derived from Worldview and Quickbird imagery
- Simulation of gas diffusion through inhomogeneous layered snow and firn
- The Impact of Plasmapheric Mass Loading on Dayside Reconnection
- Adding Drift Kinetics to a Global MHD Code
- Autonomous Rover for Polar GPR Surveys
- Building Transferable Knowledge and Skills through an Interdisciplinary Polar Science Graduate Program
- Crevasse Extent and Lateral Shearing of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica, Using GPR and GPS Observations, and Numerical Modeling
- Crevasses, Fractures and Folds within Firn and Marine Ice of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica interpreted from GPR Profiles acquired with an Unmanned Rover
- From precipitation to ice cores: an isotopic comparison at Summit, Greenland
- Global MHD simulations of plasmaspheric plumes
- Impact of layering and microstructure on gas diffusion through snow
- Impact of weather events on Arctic sea ice albedo evolution
- Impacts of Synoptic Weather Patterns on Snow Albedo at Sites in New England
- Impacts of ionospheric outflow on storm-time <em>F</em>-region thermospheric mass density modeling
- Influence of Causally Regulated Ion Outflow on Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics
- Integrated Food-Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
- Interactions Between Ice Thickness, Bottom Ice Algae, and Transmitted Spectral Irradiance in the Chukchi Sea
- Near-Surface Crevasse Detection in Ice Sheets using Feature-Based Machine Learning
- Neither Dust Nor Black Carbon Causing Apparent Albedo Decline in Greenland's Dry Snow Zone; Uncorrected Sensor Degradation Impacting MODIS C5 Results
- Origins and Closure of the Region 1 Currents of Iijima and Potemra
- Quantifying Snowpack Properties and Snow Impurity Dynamics Over Three Consecutive Winters in New Hampshire
- The Vernal Window Flow Path: a Cascade of Ecological Transitions Delineated at Scales from Points to Pixels
- A Comparison of the SNICAR Radiative Transfer Model to In Situ Snow Characterization Measurements at Sites in New England, USA
- A systematic approach to community resilience that reduces the federal fiscal exposure to climate change
- Autonomous Ice Mass Balance Observations for Changing Arctic Sea Ice Conditions
- Bio-Optical Observations of Light Attenuation through Sea Ice During Melt Onset
- Coupled Mechanical and Thermal Modeling of Frictional Melt Injection to Constrain Physical Conditions of the Earthquake Source Region
- Dynamics of SAPS/SAID During Non-Storm Conditions
- Effects of Auroral Potential Drops on Field-Aligned Currents and Nightside Reconnection Dynamos
- Effects of mass loading on dayside solar wind-magnetosphere interactions
- Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) Analysis of Storm-Time GPS Total Electron Content Variations
- IMF control of small-scale Alfvén wave activity in the magnetosphere-ionosphere transition region: FAST observations
- Layering Effects on Gas Diffusivity of Firn
- Making Sense of High-latitude Geospace Observations Through Bayesian State Estimation for Gaussian Processes
- Modeling of Occurrence and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- New understanding of three-dimensional Ionospheric conductivities and application to global analysis of magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling
- Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream Observations During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- The Annual Cycle of the Mass Balance of Arctic Sea Ice
- The impact of short-term heat storage on the ice-albedo feedback loop
- Tool for simplifying the complex interactions within resilient communities
- Arctic sea-ice syntheses: Charting across scope, scale, and knowledge systems
- Assessing attainable intensification of global pasture systems at the 5 min x 5 min scale
- Autonomous Ice Mass Balance Buoys for Seasonal Sea Ice
- Dynamics of ionospheric convection during disturbed periods observed by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars in the premidnight and postmidnight sector
- Evaluating the Aggregate-Scale Thermal Conductivity of Arctic Sea Ice Snowcover
- Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign
- Field Observations and Modeling Results of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica: Implications on Shear Margin Dynamics and Long- Term Viability of the South Pole Traverse
- Grassland Production Change Due Comparison of NPP Estimates by Theoretical Model and Satellite Data from MODIS
- Hydrologic controls of methane dynamics in a karst subterranean estuary
- Ice911 Research: A Reversible Localized Geo-Engineering Technique to Mitigate Climate Change Effects: Field Testing, Instrumentation and Climate Modeling Results
- Improving the Ionospheric Auroral Conductance in a Global Ring Current Model and the Effects on the Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Interaction of Technology Adoption Constraints and Multi-level Policy Coherence at the Energy-Food Nexus
- Local Variability in Firn Layering and Compaction Rates Using GPR Data, Depth-Density Profiles, and In-Situ Reflectors in the Dry Snow Zone Near Summit Station, Greenland
- Marine Ice Crevassing Imaged with Side-looking GPR: Implications for Stability within the McMurdo Shear Zone
- Near Surface Thermal Stratification during Summer at Summit, Greenland, and its Impact on MODIS-derived Surface Temperatures
- Penetrating Shortwave Radiation and Sea Ice Algae feedbacks using the Community Earth System Model
- Robot Towed Shortwave Infrared Camera for Specific Surface Area Retrieval of Surface Snow
- School of Ice: US Ice Drilling Program Made Accessible to Faculty at Minority-Serving Institutions
- Statistical Patterns of Ionospheric Convection Derived From Mid-Latitude, High-Latitude, and Polar SuperDARN HF Radar Observations
- Summertime heat and Arctic ice retreat: the role of solar heat on bottom melting of Arctic sea ice
- SuperDARN elevation angle calibration using HAARP-induced backscatter
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- A New Robotic Platform for Ground Based Measurements in the Polar Regions
- Alfvénic Heating in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Bulk Diffusivity of Polar Firn Derived from In-Situ Temperature Propagation at 15 Sites
- Climate Effects on Firn Microstructure are Preserved within the Firn Column
- Ensemble Alfvén Wave Model for CHAMP Small-Scale Field-Aligned Currents
- Improving the interpretation of line-of-sight data in SuperDARN convection maps
- Multi-instrument Observations of Meso-Scale Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (MS-SAPS)
- Process-based ecosystem modeling to estimate the relative climate mitigation value of carbon-negative bioenergy systems
- Remote Sensing of Arctic Sea Ice Using the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
- Sunlight and seasonal sea ice during melt
- The Continuing Impact of ANDRILL ARISE on Educators and Scientists: Survey Results
- A Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Activity Index
- A new set of standardized boundaries for the application of adaptive, high-latitude coordinates
- Accommodating strain by fracture growth versus fracture opening: Experimental evidence for mechanical controls on strain-induced changes in fractured rock permeability
- Bankfull Channel Adjustments to Episodic and Long-Term Changes in Sediment Supply
- Bistatic SuperDARN Measurements: First-results
- Flexural Strengthening of Ice
- Impacts of Alfvén Energy Deposition in the Cusp Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Improved classification and geolocation of SuperDARN ground scatter
- Improvements to SuperDARN convection analysis and observation techniques
- Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during storms as seen by SuperDARN-Van Allen Probes-Arase conjunctions
- Polar Educators International: Creative Ways to Connect Field Research to Global Audiences from Classrooms to the General Public
- Quantifying the dipole tilt influence on reverse convection cells during northward IMF using spherical elementary functions
- SuperDARN echo occurrence during "Steve" events
- Temporal and spatial variations in watershed connectivity dictate suspended sediment source and fate
- Thermospheric Density Enhancements due to Alfvénic Heating in NCAR's CMIT Model
- Transient Ionospheric Convection Associated with Negative Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulse
- What is Fluvial Geomorphic Equilibrium?: Evaluating Morphological and Sedimentological Understandings of Channel Equilibrium following Dam Removal in a Small Upland Catchment
- A 3-D Sedimentary Model of Frozen Terrain in Taylor Valley, Antarctica from Ground Penetrating Radar: Implications for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Deglaciation and the Physical Properties of Sediment in the Ross Sea Region
- A Mechanistic Understanding of Channel Evolution Following Dam Removal
- Beam Theory Applied to Slab Avalanche Release
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Creep of Polar Firn
- Disentangling the radiative versus biogeochemical effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the land water balance
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- High Resolution Visualization of Snow and Ice via Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar Techniques
- In Situ Measurements of Plasma Convection with FAST TEAMS
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Microstructures in a glacial shear margin
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observing Lagrangian Time Series of Arctic Sea Ice Through High Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery
- Platelet Ice under Arctic Pack Ice in Winter
- Propagation Analysis of SuperDARN Bistatic Measurements
- Snow Accumulation and Redistribution Patterns in the Central Arctic
- Structure of Arctic Cyclones During MOSAiC and Their Surface Impacts
- SuperDARN Bistatic Measurements: Signals of Opportunity for Ionospheric Sounding
- Systematic experimental investigation of strain-induced changes in the anisotropy of fractured rock percolation and permeability
- The deposition and disposition of solar heat in summer Arctic leads
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Two-Dimensional Strain in Landfast and Drifting Sea Ice Using Space- and Ground-Based Radar Interferometry
- ULF Modulation of Energetic Electron Precipitations Observed by VLF/LF Transmitter Signals
- Warm air intrusions and surface melt over sea ice from MOSAiC during spring 2020
- Working towards a reliable snowfall estimate on Central Arctic sea ice