Eastern Carolina University, North Carolina
flowchart I[Eastern Carolina University, North Carolina] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (242)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (26)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 160,000-Year Record of Tropical Climate Variability From Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Climatic Significance of Large Lakes on the Altiplano of South America
- Holocene Climate and Landscape Interactions in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru
- Shelf Sediment Export Controlled by Pleistocene Ice Volume Fluctuations From the Cool Water Carbonate Slope of the Great Australian Bight: ODP Site 1130
- A Preliminary Evaluation of ohe Sediment Dynamics in the Albemarle Estuarine System, North Carolina
- Foraminiferal Distributions, Sedimentation Rates and Patterns in the Albemarle Estuarine System, North Carolina
- Neogene Seismic Stratigraphic Framework and Fill History of the Northeastern Albemarle Embayment, North Carolina
- Process-Response, Time-Slice Geomorphic and Ecologic Mapping of Core Banks, Cape Lookout National Seashore \(CLNS\), NC
- Quaternary Sea-level Fluctuations and Environmental Change Indicated by Foraminiferal Assemblages, Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Quaternary Sedimentary and Geomorphic History of River Valleys in the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru and Bolivia
- Role of Geologic Framework, Paleotopography, Sediment Supply, and Human Modification in the Evolutionary Development of the Northeastern North Carolina Barrier Island System
- Shoreline Erosion in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, Northeastern North Carolina
- The Late Holocene Stratigraphy of an Inlet-Dominated Barrier Island, Pea Island, North Carolina.
- The North Carolina Coastal Geology Cooperative-a Model of Federal, State, and Academic Cooperation
- Late Quaternary Paleoclimatic History of Tropical South America From Drilling Lake Titicaca and the Salar de Uyuni
- An Evaluation of Groundwater Contributions along the Continental Shelf of Louisiana, USA
- Development of the Holocene Clinoform in the Gulf of Papua
- Impact of vegetation cover and stand age on scaling carbon fluxes in the upper Midwest: a multiple eddy flux site study
- Nature of Decadal-scale Sediment Accumulation in the Mississippi River Deltaic Region
- The Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Record of the Late Quaternary as Revealed by Drilling Lake Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia
- Defining the Chronostratigraphic and Seismic Stratigraphic Framework of the Albemarle Embayment: A Passive Margin Record of Quaternary Sea Level Changes
- Holocene sea levels and palaeoenvironments, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia: Application of mangrove palynology and the transfer function approach.
- Millennial Climate Variability in Tropical South America
- Multi-Decadal to Millennial Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variation in the Southern Hemisphere Tropics of South America
- Rapid Sea-Level Rise, Outer Banks, North Carolina: A Multiproxy Transfer Function Approach
- Comparison of 1mm and 2m Spatial Remote Sensing Results
- Continental Slope Sediment Delivery and Storage on an Active Margin: The Waipaoa Margin Example
- High resolution reconstruction of relative sea-level on the Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Potential Applications of Satellite Precipitation Products in the Analysis of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events
- Understanding Intraseasonal Variability of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Indo- Pacific Using TRMM Satellite Data
- More than Just Hurricanes: The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Extreme Precipitation over the US and Mexico from August to October
- Radar Observations of West African Monsoon Precipitation: Evolution of the 2006 Monsoon Season
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Groundwater-Based Nitrogen Input to a Stream in an Agricultural Watershed in North Carolina
- Climate-Related Variations in Black Carbon Accumulation in Chesapeake Bay Holocene Sediments
- ENSO's Global Influence on the Seasonal Distribution of Daily Rainfall
- Estimating Regional Water Residence Time Changes in the Colonial Northeast United States
- Geologic Influence on Different Time and Space Scales of Coastal Evolution of the Northern Outer Banks, North Carolina
- Holocene sea-level changes along the North Carolina Coastline and their implications for glacial isostatic adjustment models
- In situ Determination of Physiological States Under Conditions Characteristic of the Subseafloor Microbial Biosphere
- Observations and Models of Coastal Tidal Variations and Sedimentation in Response to Coastal Geomorphic Reorganizations: Northeastern North Carolina Coastal System
- Quaternary Fluvial History of the Lake Qinghai Basin, Northeastern Tibet
- Remote Climate Forcings of Jamaica's Mid-Summer Dry Spell and Vegetative Response
- Synthesizing US Colonial Climate: Available Data and a "Proxy Adjustment" Method
- Timing and magnitude of accelerated relative sea-level rise in North Carolina
- Combining Satellite-Based Precipitation and Vegetation Indices to Achieve a Mid-Summer Agricultural Forecast in Jamaica
- Dealing with Variability: Inter and Intra-annual Climate Variability and its Impacts on Water Availability in the 19th Century Northeastern United States
- Exploring the History of Time in an Integrated System: the Ramifications for Water
- Geomorphic connectivity in a recently burned watershed
- Historical Climate Variability in the Northeast: Characterization of the Pre-Instrumental Climate State and its Influence on a Changing Water Balance
- Historical Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Monte Carlo Simulation of Rainfall-Runoff Relationships in the 19th century Northeastern U.S
- Hydrologic Change during the Colonial Era of the United States: Beavers and the Energy Cost of Impoundments (Invited)
- Investigating the effects of high pressure upon the selective enrichment of bacteria from deep-sea sediments: Results from Loihi Seamount
- Simulating Forest Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Historic New England Runoff
- The impact of major volcanic eruptions on both the climate and dissemination of scientific information within northeastern United States during 1800 - 1920
- Understanding Nearshore Processes Of a Large Arctic Delta Using Combined Seabed Mapping, In Situ Observations, Remote Sensing and Modeling
- Water Scarcity in the Northeast Corridor During the Nineteenth Century and its Correlation to Infrastructure Development
- 20th Century Groundwater in the Northeast United States: A case study quantifying the impact of groundwater policies in New Jersey
- A Multi-Sensor Approach to Access Precipitation Patterns and Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Southeastern United States
- Abundance and Distribution of Diagnostic Carbon Fixation Genes in a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Gradient Ecosystem
- Are expansive North American marshes a relict of historical land use change? (Invited)
- Assessing Future Water Resources: Incorporating the Influence of Climate Change and Land Use Change
- Assessing sediment dynamics of the Middle St. Johns River Basin, Lake Jesup, Florida, USA
- Direct measurements of bed sediment entrainment and basal stress from the headwaters of a natural debris-flow basin
- Evidence of Wave-Induced Sediment-Gravity Flows on the Continental Shelf, East Coast New Zealand
- Examining 20th Century Seasonality Changes in River Hydrology: Attributing Natural and Anthropogenic Change in the Merrimack River
- Humans Transforming the Water Cycle: Implications for Society and Nature over a Multi-Century Timeframe through Synthesis Studies (Invited)
- Life detection at a Mars analogue site of present-day serpentinization in the Tablelands Ophiolite of Newfoundland (Invited)
- Mapping Microbial Populations Relative to Sites of Ongoing Serpentinization: Results from the Tablelands Ophiolite Complex, Canada
- Monitoring debris flow induced channel morphodynamics with terrestrial laser scanning, Chalk Cliffs, CO (Invited)
- Novel insights into methane cycling, lateral gene transfer, and the rare biosphere within carbonate chimneys of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (Invited)
- Present-day serpentinization in the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland: a Mars Analogue Site
- Reasoning About Nature: Graduate students and teachers integrating historic and modern science in high school math and science classes
- Reexamining the late Cenozoic geologic evolution of the Amazon basin
- Relationships between Human Water Use, Groundwater Persistence and Baseflow Contribution in New Jersey
- Spatial and temporal variation of fault slip and distributed off-fault deformation, Santa Cruz Mountains, central California
- Strata Development and Morphologic Evolution of the Waipaoa River Margin: Insights from Sedimentological, Radiochemical and Geophysical Data
- Tracking fabric development with increasing finite strain in a deformed polymictic conglomerate
- Understanding the linkages and feedbacks in human-water systems: development of an integrated systems framework
- Urbanization Effects on Low-Order Riparian Groundwater in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina (Invited)
- What controls the variability of the South American summer monsoon on paleoclimate timescales? (Invited)
- A quantitative comparison of moldic and vuggy porosity structure in karst aquifers using image and geospatial analysis
- A quantitative history of precipitation and hydrologic variability for the last 45 ka: Lake Titicaca, Salar de Coipasa and Salar de Uyuni, Peru and Bolivia
- Advanced Robotics for Mars Sample Handling and Analysis: On Earth! Now!
- Assessing Future Water Resources: The Influence of Climate Change, Population Growth and Land Use Change in the Lower Cape Fear Basin, North Carolina
- Constructing a climatology of precipitation system organization in North Carolina
- Contrasts in Sediment Delivery and Dispersal from River Mouth to Accumulation Zones in High Sediment Load Systems: Fly River, Papua New Guinea and Waipaoa River, New Zealand
- Examination of Knowledge and NOS in a PBL Curriculum: Comparing the Impact on Pre-service Teachers and Science Career Undergraduates
- Investigating the potential for subsurface primary production fueled by serpentinization
- Multi-decadal Black Carbon Variations Reveal Anthropogenic Influences on Fire in the Post-Colonial Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- One-carbon (bio?)geochemistry in subsurface waters of the serpentinizing Coast Range Ophiolite
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Subsurface fracture distribution and influence of fractures on groundwater flow in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge physiographic provinces of North Carolina
- The Serpentinite Subsurface Microbiome
- Tidal regime and morphodynamic changes in estuarine systems as a function of sea-level rise
- A Reach-Scale Characterization of a Second-Order, Tropical, Montane Stream: Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Relate Channel Morphology to the Distribution of Stream Power and Shear Stress
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
- Alkaliphilic Clostridia and the Serpentinite-Hosted Deep Biosphere
- Biogeography of serpentinite-hosted microbial ecosystems
- Climate Change and Migration along the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, North Carolina
- Evaluation of Infiltration Basin Performance in Florida
- Genesis and Evolution of a Mid-shelf, Storm-built Sand Ridge, New Jersey Shelf, USA
- How sea level rise and storm climate impact the looming morpho-economic bubble in coastal property value.
- Identity and Metabolic Potential of the Serpentinite Subsurface Microbiome
- Mineral Controls on Microbial Niche Space in Subsurface Serpentinites of the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California
- Ocean-atmosphere forcing of South American tropical paleoclimate, LGM to present
- The influence of wind and tidal forcing on sediment resuspension and transport in a large, shallow estuarine system
- A 3,000-year quantitative drought record derived from XRF element data from a south Texas playa
- A Case Study in Caribbean Climate Change: Impacts on Crop Suitability and Small Farmer Vulnerability in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica
- A Further Look at Q1 and Q2 from TOGA COARE
- Advanced Regional and Decadal Predictions of Coastal Inundation for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (Invited)
- Antarctic raised beaches as a storm proxy: assessing the link between coastal morphology and climate change throughout the Holocene
- Building a Bridge to Deep Time: Sedimentary Systems Across Timescales
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Evaluation of Heterotrophy in in Serpentinite-Associated Waters from the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, USA and the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Extreme Tolerance to Elevated Pressure in a Thermococcus isolate from the Mid-Cayman Rise
- High-pressure hydrogen respiration in hydrothermal vent samples from the deep biosphere
- Humans, Tectonics and Climate, Changing S2S Systems over Time: Waipaoa River Margin Example
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions in the Southeastern U.S. on Heterogeneous Chemistry of Isoprene-Derived Epoxides Leading to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation (Invited)
- Microbial Metabolic Landscapes Derived from Complementary Mineralogical, Aqueous Geochemical, and Gas Data Associated with High pH, Actively Serpentinizing Springs in the Coast Range Ophiolite (CA,USA) and Zambales and Palawan Ophiolites (Philippines)
- Microbial Metabolism in Serpentinite Fluids
- Microbial carbon cycling in Lost City hydrothermal chimneys and other serpentinite-hosted ecosystems (Invited)
- Microbiology of Ultrabasic Groundwaters of the Coast Range Ophiolite, California
- Overview of Source to Sink (S2S) Concepts and Studies
- Planetary Protection Provisions for the Mars 2020 Mission: Enabling Discovery by Constraining Contamination
- Plenty to eat, nothing to breathe: challenges to life in serpentinite habitats (Invited)
- Potential autotrophic metabolisms in ultra-basic reducing springs associated with present-day continental serpentinization
- Spatial Extent of Wave-Supported Fluid Mud on the Waipaoa Continental Margin
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Relative Contributions of Recirculated Seawater and Subsurface Glacial Freshwater
- Tell ';Em Early and Often: Communicating About Mars Sample Return Containment and Biohazard Testing
- Time-series Measurements of Geochemical Tracers and Electrical Resistivity to Evaluate Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions on Anvers Island, Antarctica
- Transport of terrestrially-derived nutrients across the continental shelf of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Anvers Island
- Assessment of Debris Flow Hazards, North Mountain, Phoenix, AZ
- Impact of Precipitation Organization on River Discharge Across North Carolina
- Implications of Special Regions to Conducting Human Activities on Mars
- Integration of 3 Consecutive Years of Aqueous Geochemistry Monitoring Serpentinization at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO), Northern California, USA
- Marsh Equilibrium Theory: A Paleo Perspective
- Meltwaters in Antarctica: Delineating and Quantifying Sources of Freshwater along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Precipitation Organization in a Warmer Climate
- Updating our understanding of "Special Regions" on Mars: The second MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (SR-SAG2)
- You wouldn't go into the field with dirty sampling gear, would you?
- An end-to-end analysis of drought from smallholder farms in southwest Jamaica
- High frequency seismic noise generated from breaking swallow water ocean waves and the link to time-variable sea states
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation to Assess Uncertainty in Models of Naturally Deformed Rock
- Salinization of Freshwater-Dependent Coastal Ecosystems: Understanding Landscapes in Transition Along the Leading Edge of Climate Change
- Seasonal Variation in the Quality of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Matter Exchanged Between a Salt Marsh and Its Adjacent Estuary
- Soil and groundwater attenuation factors for nitrogen from septic systems in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL
- Astronomy Education Research Observations from the iSTAR international Study of Astronomical Reasoning Database
- Construction of the iSTAR international Study of Astronomical Reasoning Database
- Data to Decisions: Valuing the Societal Benefit of Geospatial Information
- Establishing Reliability and Validity of the Criterion Referenced Exam of GeoloGy Standards EGGS
- Geophysical Characterization of in situ Serpentinization Processes at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
- Novel Fe-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria floating in the Chesapeake: kinetics and genomic insights into microbial Fe cycling in a stratified marine water column
- Offshore Sand Resource Needs, Data Availability and Revaluation, and Beach Nourishment Projects in North Carolina
- On the Development of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plumes in Extratropical Convection
- Paleohydrology Reconstruction of the Tropical South America for the Past 1.6 Million Years.
- Production and Composition of Dissolved Black Carbon from Various Biochars and Environmentally-aged Charcoals
- Reducing Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms: Projection and Adoption of Management Plans
- The Importance of Accurate Dating and Multiproxy Analyses in Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions: A Case Study from Cocha Cashu, Peru
- The molecular characteristics of pyrogenic organic materials and their aqueous leachates
- Using Paleocurrents for Basin-Scale Hydrological Analysis: an Example from the Amazon Basin
- Major Risks, Uncertain Outcomes: Making Ensemble Forecasts Work for Multiple Audiences
- Orbital Forcing driving climate variability on Tropical South Atlantic
- Photodegradation of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter (Biochar Leachates)
- The Identification and Quantification of Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dissolved Black Carbon (Biochar Leachate)
- Using Watershed Models and Human Behavioral Analyses to identify Management Options to Reduce Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms
- Vegetation change and pollen geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the last Millennium
- A Hydroclimatological Analysis of Monsoon Precipitation Within the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin
- Blowout development and expansion and the implications for coastal bio-geomorphic change
- Communicating Uncertain Outcomes: Can Ensemble Forecasts Work for Multiple Audiences?
- Constraints on incremental assembly of upper crustal igneous intrusions, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Controls of Alongshore Variable Beach Morphology on Foredune Growth
- Does What Happens Here Stay Here? Benzene Remediation in Iron-Oxidizing Bacterial Mats
- Fate and Transport of Uranium in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Plant Exudates and Hydrological Processes
- Geometry and Construction of Upper Crustal Igneous Intrusions, Sawtooth Ridge, Henry Mountains, Southern Utah
- Groundwater watch - Public participation in groundwater resources research
- Harnessing hydrologic management to manipulate nutrient dynamics at the terrestrial-aquatic interface
- Life Attached: Microbial Biofilms on Steel Structures and their Role in Metal and Nutrient Cycling
- Object-based Correction and Mapping of LiDAR DEMs Using RTK-GPS Data and Machine Learning Modeling in the Coastal Everglades
- Photochemistry After Fire: A Study of Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon from Chars Produced over a Thermal Gradient
- Photodegradation of laboratory-produced pyrogenic dissolved organic matter (pyDOM)
- Priors, Posteriors, and Approximations: Perspectives on Massively Parallel Cloud Computing as a Road Forward for Hydrogeophysical Inverse Problems
- Simulating the Fate and Transport of Salts in Artificial Channels and Groundwater during Wind Tide Events in a Coastal Wetland System
- Suitable Suspects: Moving Past Hydrologic Conditions to Create More Equitable Groundwater Management Strategies
- The inception of the Anthropocene as revealed by proxy sea-level records
- Crowdsourcing science: Synthesizing global perspectives with the help of social media
- Development of terrain modeling and GIS in relation to earth and space science
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Photo- and Biolability of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter from a Thermal Series of Laboratory-Prepared Chars
- Photochemistry After Fire: Application of Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Two-dimensional NMR to the study of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter
- The Inception of Modern Rates of Sea-Level Rise as Revealed by a Global Database of Sea-Level Records
- The Role of South Atlantic Ocean in the Tropical South America Hydrological Cycle Over Past 1.7ka.
- A framework to support the classification of virtual reality experiences in environmental education
- Acute morphodynamic responses of the Ganges-Brahmaputra tidal deltaplain to natural and anthropogenic perturbations
- Capping a swine farm wastewater lagoon: preliminary evaluation of water quality impacts in eastern North Carolina
- Coastal ecosystem restoration as an adaptation strategy: perspectives from the local to the global
- Common Era Sea-level Budgets along the U.S. Atlantic Coast
- Environmental change from the human perspective: Thoughts after a chemical spill in Wilmington, North Carolina
- Evaluating the ability of dual domain models to capture the water content evolution observed in the macropore and matrix regions of a soil by x-ray CT imaging during an infiltration experiment
- Evaluating the ability of several commercially available UASs to capture topographic complexity typical of estuarine bluff shorelines in North Carolina
- How sensitive are relative sea-level records across the Antarctic Peninsula to late-Holocene glacial fluctuations?
- Indubitable and Dubious Climate Induced Migrations: An examination of the narratives, and key historical determinants
- Internal Displacement, International Migration, and Environmental Change
- Livelihoods, Mobility, and Flood Infrastructure in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Multi-sensor data fusion for mapping coastal habitats: Toward an integrated analysis from land to sea
- Sediment Infilling of Tidal Channels and Repurposing Potential of Dredge Spoils for Reducing Flood Risk in the Poldered Landscape of Bangladesh
- Spatial distribution of artisanal goldmining in Ghana: Using machine learning and Google Earth Engine to quantify conversion of vegetation to gold mines
- The Effect of Channel Dimension on Overwash Sediment Transport
- The Vida Decision Support System: an integrated modeling framework to inform and monitor regional COVID-19 responses
- Thirty Year Record of Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery in Mangrove Forests Across the Caribbean Basin
- Uncertainty Analyses of Future Rainfall and Temperature Conditions Over Ghara Sou River Basin in Iran
- Understanding Global Salt Marsh Change with Earth Observation
- Using ICESat-2 to characterize coastal ecosystems
- Agricultural Community Adaptive Capacity in Kansas
- Drivers of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Mangroves Recovery After Tropical Cyclone Disturbance
- Effects of United States Internal Migration on Coastal Communities
- Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology (EVDT): A Framework for Integrated Environmental & Socioeconomic Analysis using Biodiversity Knowledge to Inform Policy Decisions
- Environmental Change and Migration: Common themes and livelihood constellations in Somalia
- Increasing cyclone disturbances affect Caribbean mangrove forest resilience and structure
- International Collaboration Aimed at Identifying Relevant Social, Policy, and Environmental Factors in the Progression of SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 in Six Metropolitan Areas
- Mangrove expansion exceeds loss across South Florida despite major storm damage in the last 38 years
- Quantifying mangrove forest canopy regrowth after a major hurricane with multiple, large-scale repeat G-LiHT airborne Lidar surveys
- Quantifying the push and pull factors of Somalias internally displaced persons through a minimalistic model
- Recent Trends in Land Cover and Climate Across Ghana
- Shoreline Mapping in the Neuse River Estuary, NC using Object-Based Ensemble Analysis, Aerial Imagery, and LiDAR
- Spaceborne Cloud-Native Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) mapping with ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2
- Use of Remote Sensing to Determine Damage and Recovery of Mangrove Forests in the Everglades Following Hurricane Disturbances.
- An Analysis of Mangrove Resistance and Resilience in the Philippines Following Super Typhoon Odette
- Applications of the Environment-Vulnerability-Decision-Technology (EVDT) Integrated Analysis Framework to support Biodiversity Management in West Africa
- Can downward preferential flow in macropores enhance the upward transport of solutes in soils?
- Connecting communities with the coastal zone, from land to sea
- Development of a Socio-Hydrological Model for a Coastal Watershed: Using Stakeholders' Perceptions
- Disparities in Foreign Aid to East Africa migrants due to war in Ukraine
- Drought Affects Mangrove Recovery Patterns Following Tropical Cyclones
- IN-CORE - Computational Platform for Community Resilience Planning
- Investigation of Storm Surge Versus Saltwater Intrusion on Coastal Aquifer Salinization in Hyde County, North Carolina
- Mapping 30 years of mangrove forest height in South Florida by fusion of ICESat-2, GEDI, and Landsat data with machine learning techniques
- Migration, Identity Manipulation, and the Parsing of Human Mobility in an Age of Environmental Change
- Quantifying the fragility of the coral reefs in the Florida Keys to hurricane impacts
- The Relative Value of Coastal Septic Health versus the Recreational Assets of Rental Properties as Viewed through the Eyes of Beach Vacationers
- Uncovering Relationships Between Conflict, Resilience, and Socioeconomic and Political factors
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Benjamin Poulter
- Carl C. Trettin
- Catherine Mitchell
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- Danielle Wood
- David Lagomasino
- Dimosthenis Traganos
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- J. P. Walsh
- James R. Holmquist
- Jenny Suckale
- Joaquim I. Goés
- Katherine S. Nelson
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Marc Simard
- Nathan Thomas
- Paulina Concha Larrauri
- Rachata Muneepeerakul
- S. Wdowinski
- Selena Chavez
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Thanh-Nhan-Duc Tran
- Upmanu Lall
- V. Lakshmi