International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
flowchart I[International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (30)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hydrogen Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in C3 and C4 Grasses Record Meteoric Water and Aridity Signatures
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Stable Isotopes In Precipitation: An Analysis Of GNIP Data And The Roles Of Temperature And Moisture Source In Isotope Distribution
- Laser spectroscopic analysis of stable isotopes in natural waters: a low-cost, robust technique for the use of environmental isotopes in hydrological and climate studies
- US scientific contributions to the water resources program of the International Atomic Energy Agency
- An Isotope Survey of the Danube
- Increasing the Accuracy in the Measurement of the Minor Isotopes of Uranium: Care in Selection of Reference Materials, Baselines and Detector Calibration
- Recent IAEA Initiatives in Groundwater Dating And Their Role in Improving Water Resources Assessment and Availability
- Use of Advanced Tsunami Hazard Assessment Techniques and Tsunami Source Characterizations in U.S. and International Nuclear Regulatory Activities
- A 200 year coral paleoclimate record of West Pacific Warm Pool variability and ENSO behavior from the Republic of Palau
- Calcium Isotope Analysis by Mass Spectrometry
- Using isotopes to understand linked hydrological, biological, and biogeochemical processes (Invited)
- Laser Based Stable Isotope Analysers: Some Basics and Some New Applications
- A 'regionalized' approach based on climate zones for improved Interpolation of global precipitation δ18O
- Krypton-81, Helium-4 and Carbon-14 based estimation of groundwater ages in the Guarani Aquifer System: implications for the He-4 geochronometer
- Using stable isotopes to infer changes in the intensity and character of precipitation under a warmer climate
- Effective groundwater modeling of the data-poor Nubian Aquifer System (Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan) - use of parsimony and 81Kr-based groundwater ages (Invited)
- Using <SUP>81</SUP>Kr-age of groundwater in the Guarani Aquifer, Brazil, to constrain estimates of continental degassing flux of <SUP>4</SUP>He
- Rapid and fundamental paleolimnological changes in Lake Iznik (NW Turkey) during the Holocene/Pleistocene transition: a multiproxy - multisite approach.
- What governs the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation? - A case for varying proportions of isotopically-distinct, convective and stratiform rain fractions
- How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
- Mobile Soil Moisture Sensing in High Elevations: Applications of the Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensor Technique in Heterogeneous Terrain
- Should Variations of d<SUP>2</SUP>H, d<SUP>18</SUP>O and d<SUP>17</SUP>O in Precipitation be Considered 'Settled Science' or a 'New Frontier' For Understanding Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics?
- The impact of MIS-3 climate events at the transition from Neanderthals to modern humans in Europe
- Tracing groundwater over the past one million years in deep aquifers of Argentina using noble gases and krypton-81
- What to expect from HITRAN2020
- HITRAN2020: Important takeaways
- Spatial characterization of reactive N flows in the agro-food system of a semiarid Mediterranean region
- AquaCrop v7.0 Coupled within the NASA Land Information System for Regional Modelling and Data Assimilation over Agricultural Areas
- Investigating the Effect of Soil Chemistry and Climate on GDGT Climate Proxies (MBT'5ME, TEX86), Using 6 Globally distributed Altitudinal Gradients.