United Nations
flowchart I[United Nations] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (65)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty Organization, Austria
- Institute for Water Education, Delft
- International Atomic Energy Agency Marine Environment Labs, Monaco
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna
- UN Office for Outer Space Affairs
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Nitrogen Oxide Trace Gas Efflux and Soil N Dynamics in Response to N Inputs in Temperate Forests of the Northeastern U.S.
- Integrating NASA Remote Sensing Products into the Decision Support Systems of the United Nations World Food Programme
- Global Environmental Alert Service
- Using KML for Thematic Mapping
- A Prototype Flood Early Warning SensorWeb System for Namibia
- Coastal Growth Patterns in Northern Sumatra as a Potential Tool in Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Opportunities for Ionospheric Science as Part of the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) (Invited)
- From Pixels to Population Stress: Global Multispectral Remote Sensing for Vulnerable Communities
- MODIS Near real-time (NRT) data for fire applications
- Beach Ridge Patterns in West Aceh, Indonesia - Response to Large Earthquakes along the Northern Sunda Trench
- LiDAR remote sensing observations for forest assessment and recovery responses following disturbance
- Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in 2050 under a Range of Plausible Socioeconomic and Emissions Scenarios
- Ecosystems for Early Warning: Potential Use of Bioindicators
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Environmental, Economic and Social Efficiencies of Irrigated Farming Systems: Using Water Footprint Indicators to Compare Farm Income and Labor Generated per Volume of Water Available in Irrigated Farming Systems in Campania, Italy
- Identifying and Reconciling Risk Across Sectors: The implications of differing views of risk in climate policy, environmental conservation, and the finance sector
- Managing Risks? Early Warning Systems for Climate Change
- Projected Changes in Seasonal Mean Temperature and Rainfall (2011-2040) in Cagayan Valley, Philippines
- Urban Land Use Change Effects on Below and Aboveground Carbon Stocks—a Global Perspective and Future Research Needs
- UNESCO's HOPE Initiative—Providing Free and Open-Source Hydrologic Software for Effective and Sustainable Management of Africa's Water Resources Temporary Title
- Semi-automatic digital image impact assessments of Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) at the leaf, whole plant and plot levels
- A Framework for Effective Assessment of Model-based Projections of Biodiversity to Inform the Next Generation of Global Conservation Targets
- Biodiversity and Climate Modeling Workshop Series: Identifying gaps and needs for improving large-scale biodiversity models
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- A SERVIR FAO Open Source Partnership: Co-development of Open Source Web Technologies using Earth Observation for Land Cover Mapping.
- A cloud based approach to synchronize the advancements in global land cover mapping
- Agricultural Drought Monitoring with Remote Sensing Data over the Greater Horn of Africa; a Case of Somalia
- Collect Earth Online: A user-friendly and systematic reference data collection tool for land cover and land use applications
- Developing Practical Skills for Regional Land Cover Mapping Using a Cloud Computing Platform: An Example of Capacity Building for Service Delivery
- Evaluating the impact of land use/ land cover change on food production using cloud-based dense time series analysis to Support New Mexico's Food-Energy-Water Systems Analysis
- Impacts of climate change on internal migration in South Africa through an inferential network analysis approach
- Linking global-scale and urban-scale integrated assessment tools
- Nutrient management valuation in an agricultural watershed in the Upper Pantanal, Brazil.
- The World Environment Situation Room: Rethinking Environmental Assessment
- The role of globalizing livestock supply chains in the disruption of global nitrogen cycles
- Using SERVIR's Regional Land Cover Monitoring System to improve the integration of forest change data with other land use change at a regional scale
- Adding space-based vegetation structure measurements to a global ecosystem model to simulate tropical forest animal communities and their role in ecosystem function
- Addressing Network Autocorrelation Issue in Environmental Migration Flow Modeling using Eigenvector Spatial Filtering and a Network Model
- Collective Action to Advance Risk Reduction and Resilience
- Global cropland-N<SUB>2</SUB>O emission dataset
- Improved Cropland Burning Emissions Inventory in Ukraine: A Regional Case Study
- Opportunities and Challenges in Flood Monitoring Using GNSS-R
- Strengthening agricultural decisions in countries at risk of food insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning.
- Supporting timely, high-resolution air quality data availability in Africa by fusing satellite observations of aerosol optical depths, PM2.5 model data, and PM2.5 surface-based measurements
- Adding space-based vegetation structure measurements to a global ecosystem model to simulate tropical forest animal communities and their role in ecosystem function
- Collect Earth Online gateway
- Connecting Agriculture Stress Index Systems at the Sub-National Level to the Next Generation of Seasonal Climate Forecasts: A General Approach to Transition from Monitoring to Forecasting.
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Filling the soil data gap
- Leveraging earth observation data at the science-society interface: tools to help countries monitor and mitigate marine pollution
- Making sense of the "firehose" of flood maps during disasters: the TC Amphan success story
- Searching for "Win-Win" Solutions for Food-Water-GHG Emissions Tradeoffs across Irrigation Regimes of Paddy Rice in China
- The Great Green Reset of Global Economies: A Golden Opportunity for Environmental Change and Social Rehabilitation
- The impacts of COVID-19 on trade in food and agriculture - a first assessment
- Adding animal arboreal traits and vegetation structure to a global mechanistic trait based model
- Applying Earth Observation Data to Forest Restoration Decision Making Through Time-Series Analysis in Nepal
- Building a Collaborative Network for Supporting Regional Capacity Development in Harmonizing Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring in West Africa: Initiatives by the West Africa Land Use/land Cover Task Force
- FAO estimates of Soil Nutrient Budgets on Agricultural Land
- Forest Migration Outpaces Tree Species Range Shift Across North America
- Temporal Precision in Land-Use Datasets for Annual Global Carbon Budgets
- Forecasting crop yields to increase food security: a novel biophysical and social integrated systems approach
- Forest types outpace constituent tree species in range shifts under global change
- National Land Cover and Crop Mapping using the Digital Earth Africa Platform and High-resolution Satellite Imagery
- Towards a Flexible Data Fusion Tool for Air Quality Estimation and Forecasting with a Global Scope in Google Earth Engine
- Unravelling the Role of Vegetation Structure in Ecosystem Functioning with LIDAR, Field Studies and Modelling
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Bruno Basso
- Carl Malings
- Christopher E. Doughty
- Crystal Wespestad
- E. A. Cherrington
- Fidel Maureira
- Florian Pappenberger
- George C. Hurtt
- Jasmeet Judge
- Jingjing Liang
- K. Emma Knowland
- L. P. Chini
- Nathan Pavlovic
- Patrick J. Burns
- Raja Ram Aryal
- Randall V. Martin
- Rebekke Muench
- Ritvik Sahajpal
- Scott J. Goetz